THE SCB ANTON TEIBTnTEFBIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 189.5. Neu)s Luce Bros. Best Flour, per barrel $3.95 Feed, Meal and Corn, per 100 .90 30-lb. Pail Jelly .75 Choice Hams, per lb. 09 ' Choice Light Bacon, per lb 07 Pure Maple Syrup, per gal 80 Luce Bros. NEW STORE. WEST SIDE EVENTS. llcnry U. Victor Wed at Time Uo tt'M Informed la a Dreum lie Would fie Called from Earth. Henry C. Victor, a young; man 2S years of axe. dhil yesterday at his hme Bt 13S South Kwrott nvi-nue from ty phoid fever. A curious case of pre aentiwnt before dt-ath 'is connected with the youtur man's last hours. Ills fathef illd twine time iiro and the young; man, upon awakening laU Wed nesday from 4i atupor, stated that he Jiad aeen the elder Victor in a dream. Moreover, the father 'had told him that on the following Thursday he would meet him in the graet beyond. The young man's dream lasted one week, he having lierome unconscious on Wednesday the lfith, and awakimed the day before he died. The fact that death (tuna at the time 'he had stated presents a remarkable presentment nd adds Interest to the caso. Funeral .Mention. The late lira. Bridget Grey will bj burled this morning at 9M o'clock from her late residence at lift" Lafayette etreet. A solemn hlirh-mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. lHitriok'n church and Interment will be made in Qfyde Park Catholic cemetery. J The funeral of the late Mrs. Pat rick fieilly occurred yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock from the family resi dence on Jackson street. Internum was made in Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery, fne pall-bearrs wen-: ilivrge Herrmans. Godfrey Mlehol, M. J. Heil ly. Patrick Heilly, IMr. Kelly and Pat rick Lavclle. The remains of the late Richard Nor ton, who was killed Tuesday In the Hyde Park mine, were Interred yes terday in the Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. The pall-bearers were: John T.Mulle. WalteH Higgerty. Mi -hiel Thobali, Italia Gnethe. Thomas Cileu on and Matthey Knight. The Republic It n Success. Ajufcessful literary session waa con ducted by. St. Brendan council last eve nlnir. at their handsome South Main avenue apartments. H. C. Gallagher presided, llr. Hurst gave an essay on "Literary Worli", The effort was thoughtful and Instructive. Patrick Duffy gave a select reading, which pleased his auditors. T. L. I.irkln re cited "Spaftacus to the Gladiators at Capua.;; in true dramatic style. The feature of the grogramme was a de bate. "Resolved. That the American Republic is a Success." The alllrma tlve side won by alx points. The par ticipants were: Affirmative, Purkln, Canavan and Gllroy; m-tratlve, Carrol. Conway and Cooper. Utv. F. P. .Me J"ally acted as critic. Thi mMlrnr Well attended, and a decided Intereat was taken throughout. Indoor Hose Hall. - The first came in the Indoor Tiiso Ball league series will be played Wednesday evening at St. IaV!d hail, between the West Side and South Side teams. Among tlte well-known play era, who -are erpeeted to participate In the opening; game aro: Harry Peck, Harry Decker. Kd. Thayer, Gordon Noakea. Fred Peters, Iavld Davis. K. V. Owen, Will Hugh.-s, Walter Til son, Hurt Harrington. G.-orge Grif fiths, Bernard 'Haggerty. An Invita tion has been extended to Hugh Jen nings and Third ISaseman Mo'lranv, of the champion Baltimore professional team, to umpire the opening game, and U t probable that they will accept and thu add' Interest to the event. The first practice game of the West Side club will be held this evening In Kvan's hall, on Washburn street, and ail those desiring to try for a place on the team are requested to meet at that place at 7.30 o'clock. ',' Iir. Roberts Serenaded. The Lyirle Glee club' complimented Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Huberts last eve ning with a delightful aerenade at his Couth (Main avenue home. Shortly af ter 9 o'clock the singers gathered, and from that hour until midnight music tole from out the handsome dwelling In beautiful at rains. Speeches Inter posed the songs by the club and re freshments and cigars were aerved. Mews Nuggels and Personal!). ' John Smith, of Bromley avenue, a A 1 S Uric Acid A) cv IT Poison. I rv The Kidneys ire supposed to' r& filter the uric acid out of the blood. When they are Uck theyforfct t. CV J Uric acid is the cause of Rheu- Aj msrtism.G ut.KWnejrTroubles CV .. ) and other dangerous diseases. Aj C The only way to cure these fv ) diseases is to cure the Kidneys. cv nRiivu. CV 5 CY V ' cava the tCbfaevaaed bale mm V r f I te flltetariaaca eisfolUe rJ ' All draaritta, or mail ed prepaid for aba. per 9 1 ' WrmforwmmaUd. MOM'S MtOlCiNI CO.. of fb? well-known and popular young man, and Miss Mary Richards, of Fllmore avenue, were married Wednesday eve ning by Rev. John Griffiths, now ot the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church. The young couple will enter Into housekeeping In a new and well furnished house on this aide. Mr. and Mrs. J. Archie Jones, of South Rebecca avenue, entertained Wednesday night. A prettily decorat-, ed house and obliging entertainers made the time a very enjoyable one for the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Benson and daughter, Ida, of IPrlee- wtreet, Ihave returned from a visit to friends at Dalton. Kate Flnnegan, the factory girl who was struck on the head by a bottle, from the hands of Lizzie Powell, of MaVisIc, has settled the case. Walter Williams, of Oludtown. was perhaps fatally injured by a fall of top ooal Wednesday morning, while at work in Pine shaft. iHe may die from the effects. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes loft yesterday for Brooklyn. Many friends of the late John M. Williams, of Wilkes-Barre, who died last Monday of typhoid fever, attended the funeral yesterday afternoon. Judge H. iM. Kdwards will deliver his lecture on his trip to Wales at Taylor on Nov. 8. , John R. WSlfloms. of Twenty-second street. Is visiting at Plymouth. Attorney W. R. Lewla has returned from Mauch Chunk. . 1 Miss Jennie Lewis, of the firm of Lewis. Rellly and Pavls, was In Wilkes-Barre Wednesday evening, having been called by the death of a relative. Hallowe'en parties and balls are be ing prepared. The -following of our young people enjoyed a card party given last eve ning by t.Mlss Jennie Brown, of the cen tral city: Gertrude Powell, Jessie Jilistol. Louise Davis. Carrie Decker, Gertrude Dawkins. Miss Marshall. .Miss Richards and Charles Boldry, O. Chase, Verl Chase, Will Hutson. Will Retterly, Bert Fellows and George Staples. An important meeting of Robert Morris lodge waa held last evening. West Side Business Directory. TAILOR Suits made to order. $1S 00 and up; overcoats. IK! and up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repair work a specialty. Frank Ollhertl, 1lS W. Lackawanna avenue, near Main avenue. GET THK MAJK8TIC OIL PTOVH. Grand Parlor, .Mystic, Easter and Iock ash Itangas. 2u per cent, saved. R. J. Hughes, agent, 124 South Main avenue. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws flled, keys ftttd, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback. dealer In Guns. Fishing Tackle, under West Side Bank. rHOT M'tU A I'll E R Cabinet Photos, 1140 per dozen. Tiioy are Just lovery. Con vlnce yourtiilf by calling at Starner's Photo Parlors. 101 and 103 South Main avenue. BARRER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a tlrst-rlass manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Fatrchlld's Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Jva Coffee Is unexcelled. Th leading cnnVe of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, 1U South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FPRNlTCRE-CASlt for anything you have to sell. Furni ture. Stoves. Tools, etc. Cull and se the stock of J. C. King, 1K4 and WJ4 Jarkson street. PLl.WIJING William D- fri(nth. 1U North Main avenue, does flrst-clasi Plumbing. Steam Best and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. SOUTH 51 DE NEWS. Joseph Mormon Wants to (ict Hack the Watch lie Gave , Miss rorkel When They Were I'ricnds. Aid rman C. C. Donovan, of the Twelfth ward, will stlt in judgment In a jwculiar case to-morrow afternoon. The hearing will begin at 1 o'clock. J.jser'h LMormon Is plaintiff and Mksf) IKira May Frk1 th? defendant. Thn! yung l cople n long ago were cm gl terms ar.d Mormon presented a gold watch to tlw young woman. The gift. Instead of solidifying the bond of friendship, caused an estrangement. He now alleges that the watch was given to heron condition that she would In future prvwide over his household. One day -there came a quarrel and r.iey parted; he deman'ld the watch and she refused to give it to him. The magis trate of the Twelfth ward now has the matter n hand and his division will be expectantly awaited. Two Indei lingers Amputated. Miss Rushl" Mhepley, of Petersburg, sun, red the Iofs of the Index finger of e.'i-j;i hand yesterday afternoon nt her rk at the lyackawanna KnlttlnK M..11.1. A machine for sawing boards Is In operation on the itop llKr of the mills, where the boxee in which the products are shlpix-d are manufactured. In simi' mann-r Miss Mhcpley thrust her hands under tire bla'les of the ma chine, tier fingers were caught nnd cut almost off, so thnt amputatkm had to be perfirmed by Dr. J. A. Alanlcy, who waa called to attend the case. Greenwood row's .Mishap ' Moitormnn Tom Gallnpher's car ran Into a oow at Greenwood yest-rday, but the fenoVr picked herup. The car waa bounding along, when suddenly the animal turned ono the track. It va Imposslblo to lesen the speed of the ear. The fender worked well and the cow was nowise Injured. Shorter Paragraphs of News. Th debate on t'h proposition, "Re solved, That the mind of a laboring man Is more trrtented than that of a mil lionaire," that took place at the meet ingof Kt. Akywhia Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society last evening was won I John J..' Gordon, who maintain ed the affirmative Bide against Will Daniels. Mrs. J. A. .Manley, of PIHson avenue, to recovering from Jier recent lllneaa. . NORTH END. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Baker, of Carbondnle, spent yesterday with .Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Benedict, of North Main avenue. Dr. W. E. Lloyd has the first story of his new drug store on the corner of Parker street and North Main avenue completed. Mrs. K. g. Kirkheff and children are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steele, of Belmont Terrace. A large force of men are at work on the aewer on West Market street, and by to day it will be about completed aa far aa Wayne avenue. George W. Green Is excavating on Mead street for the purpose of erecting a new house. The funeral of James Depew, of North Main avenue, took place yesterday. Don't forget the oyster supper which will be served In the Providence Presby terian church this evening. The tables will be ready at 6 o'clock. Menu: Fried oysters, cold meat, cream, potatoes, aalad, cottage cheese, hot biscuits, pickles. Jelly, fruit, coffee, cake. There "will also be room devoted to the sale of Ice cream. . Mr. and Mrs. Martin Burns, of Mar garet avenue, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a son. Mlsa Katie Sultry, of West Market street, Is visiting friends In Pittston. A bridge la badly needed over the Lackawanna river at where la now the end of Amelia avenue. This would save a long walk and would be greatly appreciat ed by people living In that vlnlnlty to get to Green Ridge, who now have to go up through town and over the Market street bridge or around by the Driving park bridges' .-..'.., ' An entertainment of a very high order will be given this evening In the North Main Avenue Baptist church, the principal feature being a lecture by A. C. BJsson on the suMect. "Across the Continent and Return." Mr. Blsson has traveled consid erable, and la an Intelligent observer. He JUDUPDS also alnga to the delight ot all who bear him. Next to taking a trip to the Golden Gate la to hear Mr. Slsson speak about It. There will be a nominal admission fee. I. J. Wint, of East Market street, bas returned from a two weeks' vacation. William Bright, of Breaker street, is putting steam In his house. L. C. Coon, of East Market street, who has been seriously sick for some time, has sufficiently recovered to be out again. DUNMOKE H. W. Bony, editor of the Avoca Argus, was calling on friends In town yesterday. Ylo Beemer, of tho tlrm of Bremer A Wilde, has returned from a hunting ex pedition to Sullivan county. N. 1'., bring ing with him a line large deer. .Mrs. E. U. Wert, of North Blakely street, was calling on friends in Olyphani yesterday. James Moffatt, assistant passenger agent of the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad company, has returned from his vacation. Jacob Smith, of Lake Ariel, a former resident of this place, was calling on friends yesterduy. Charles Robertson, who is attending La fayette college, is spending a few duys with ills parents on Clay avenue. Oscar Ludwig Is moving his fumily from their former residence on illakely street Into the house recently occupied by Dr. B. C. Hopkins. An operetta entitled "Diamonds and Toads" will lie given III Mauley's hall on Thursday evening. Oct. 31, for the benellt of the Guild of St. Agnes, of St. Mark's mission. The play Is founded on a fa miliar nursery legend, and with the quaint costumes and bright music cannot fall to delight those who attend. The east i! characters comprises the following, all of whom are well-known: Prince Clover, Anna Oliver; Boy lllue, Minnie Saxton; Damn Bustle, Anna Young; l.llla and Fllrta, her daughters, Florence 1'rban and Muy Hughes; Little Bo Peep, Nettle Pin neli; Dew Drop Fairy, Grace I'rbnn; hunt ers. Florence Weber and Carmen Alte in I re. John Wert has returned from an extend ed trlu through Lackawanna and Wayne counties. Mrs. T. P. Letchworth entertained a number of her friends at a five o'clock tei party veslerday. Miss Edith Wert, of North Illakely street, has returned from a visit with friends nnd relatives at Wllkes-Harre. The Pioneer hns changed hands, and F. P. Woodward, Its former editor ami pro prietor, who is well-known in newspuper circles, has aualn assumed control He will be ablv assisted hy H. V. Deny, edi tor of the Avoca Armis. II. P. Woodward, who has run the Pioneer for some time past, will condnet the Green RldK Moni tor, In connection with which he will also run a Job office. The new proprietors ex peet to make several changes in the paper and give the people a llrst-lass weekly. - - GA1KTY CO.MIUNY AT DAVIS'. Thcv Gavo i:n'crtalnlng Performances Yesterday Afternoon and livening. Pretty girls who nan sing and dance and clever acrobats nnd comedlana amused nnd entertained two large4 au diences at D.ivls' theater yesterday. It was the first appearance of the the Gaiety Theater Rurl-euue company In this city, and St made a very favorable Impression. Among Its members Is James Kelly, of Providence, who. with one of the original Farnum brothers, tigurea on the programme as the "Itrothers Spa Hiding" ami "Farnum and La bell." They did some marvel ous acrobatic work. The performance opened with a skit called "The New Woman's Sclul." and closed with a farce. "The llar-m." both of which were well dune. Tldy 81m mmids and Mr. Wllllnms are the life of the farce. Between the fore nnd after parts a numb'-r of Rood special ties are Introduced by Miss Anna Lloyd. Williams and Beltnnt, Steward and Hodge and others. The company can be seen nt Davis' this and tomorrow afternoons and evenings. .Ml NOOK A. Manager G. T. Davis, of the South Side store. Is In New York on a business trip. Mrs. Robert Muckluw, of Greenwood, Is 111. The Rushers Foot Bull club of Mlnooka for a game on Sunil.iy on Mim.ox grounds. Answer In Tribune. P. J. Lowry, nisnaifer. James Jeffers Is slightly Indisposed, Con Fallon challenges Thomas Murray or Michael Powell for n shouting match any time for any amount of money.. PI'T VDl'lt LITTI.IT CEN'T-A-WOltD ADrf WIIK-Ri: THEY WILL HE RKAD. UKi I Ol'K HOl'TK. The I'opular Line to the Atlanta Kxrosition. Trains leave lluffalo 6 W . m. dally for Columbus, Springfield. 1 'nylon . and Cin cinnati; a. rn. or Indianapolis, Peoria anl St. Louis. Southwestern Limited finest train in America leives Buffalo at 11. bi p. m. dully with combination cufe and library car, eleitant Wagner sleeping esrs nnd day conc hes on all trains, which make clone connection In I'nion depots at Cincinnati and St. Iul. fur all points west, south a ml southwest. For further Information call on local agents or address C. H. Illack man, general cistern ngent, No. 40 Ex change St., Buffalo. N. Y. Cyticura the great SKIN CURE Instantly Relieves TORTURING Skin Diseases And the most distressing forms of Itchlnjr, burning, bleeding, and irjly skin, scalp, and blood humours, mid points to a tpeetlvcure when all other reuiediea and (be beat iiiivai cians fad. hi-kkimt Crne TngTrvr. - Warm bathi, with I'TKTR SoaI', gentle applications of CitTIiaiH (i.lntinenn.and mild doses of Cth ticlua ItiaoLv e.t (the now blood purifier). 0otd thtmihnat tS worM. HHttati gstw. w v. iry os i, Kinf K.iwirrt-.t, Ixmim. 1'utraa THE NEW Contain! all that baa nude Hammond Work famous, and JBW, NOVEL and l'HUFC im provementaj "Hammond Work the Criterion of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Bales the Criterion of Hammond Popularity." Ham nond Ke, C "The rVrfest Typewriter. K amine It end be conviooea. Phtiadolpkla branch ot To Hammond Typewriter Co., lit 8, Sixth Street. F. A. & A. J. BllANDA, 414 tanaM H, ttwaioa laismalaaVifc HAr.lMOHD TYPEWRITER NO, 2, Nausea, ' ft Sea-Sickness. ' "Both cjue to an unnatifral con. ditioni of the vital organs, caused by unwonted surroundings or excesses, either ah unnecessary generation of the gastric juices or a partial suspension of the natural functions of the life generating parts, in other Words a state of nial-nutrition with its ever, accompanying unpleasant sensations. For such a sickness get nourishment, take - Bovinine the weakest stomach retains it. It's a concentration into the least possible bulk of the vital elements of lean beef, it nourishes and starts every organ of the body on its normal duty with no apparent effort; this done, bad feelings vanish. Mr. J. A. Black man, 123 E. 88th St., N. Y., writes : " Sailing from here last Augustt for Kurope, tried every antidote for sea sickness, and I found yours the only successful one. On my return also used it when I suffered no ill effects at all" AMUSEMENTS.. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 28 loin nil with i ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AT Y. M. C. A. HALL, Br Mrs. Emma Shaw Coij i.eiuii. of Trorl. dene?, K. L A CADKMY OK MUSIC, One Night. Monday, Oct 28. THE WOULD-FAMED BROS. BYRNE In 'i heir huccessf id spectacular 1'rmluction i f the NEW8BELLS A Number ot Startling Noxl'lci. The Acrobatic Ousjrllle. CrC THE W NDf RFUl REVOLVING SNIP. OLu THE AMUSING ClRNIACE RIDE. Reen'ar prlcte Sale uf teats opons Friday rn rnt'itf. THE PROTfllNGHAM, tVogncr A Kcls, l easees and Managers. FRIDAY. OCT. 25. ROLAND REED AND H1H COMPANY. IN THE UKEAT bt'CCKSB, The Politician Th Twentieth Century Olrl. The Reallstle Co jvontloii Srene. hale of seats uiwns'lDta dil . dec. COMING! Thl Lalett Nte York Lluehisa Suceoil, 10 Mch'iil Ho,t'i Thisttr, THE FOUNDLING With the tlreat ami only CI5SY CISSY lU. fitzgerald; In Ilsr Inlmlttils Dciie. Ths Fssblona bl Hre in New York Last Meaaua. Management of Charles Frobman. DAVIS' THEATRE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct 24, 23 and 26. THE GiltTY THEsTRI Mm wiii PEOPLE-40. Olrtrt from the "HOME OF BURLESQUE," BreiSM) ana Taenti-Nlntk SI., N. V. Music, Coatumes, Scenery, Features. lission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Br We Do Sot Advertise In the Elmlra Telegram. WHY SUFFER When yoa ean hare roar' ayes anteatlfloajly Tested Free by the new method. (VThere .re hondreds of people if taay new thla, would go nllsa to hiye Unit EYES axamlned. DONT WAIT. tsVWhen yon get lent, or (laaaea, d many people call theaa, Get the Beat, aa they won't' eoat you any more than poorer oaee. Do not truat your valuable tight to pad dlers. ThaACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will corraot the vlelen and atop ell pain in the head. rliccd Id the Flout Solid Cold Fnms for 9 . Th ae Leuee are aold only by . Do WITT,. EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Opposite Bcrantoa Boom, SOS Laokawanna Are., . SCR ANTON, PA, !.v u Borjaa DAHjT: ' ltona.m,ltolandTtolp.av NEW Adm VELSBACII LIGHT Specltllj Adapted .or Beading ud Sewiog. I UUP id ten Coniumei three (8) feet of gas pet hour and givea an efficiency uf sixty (60) candles. Havintf at least S3) per cent orer the ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. T 5 CONNELl CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. rUnufacturer' Agents. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Maoafttared at the Wapwallopm Mllla, L aerne county. Pa., and at Wil mlnirtoii. Uolavare, HENRY BE LIN, Jr. General Afent for the Wyomini Diatriet, 118 WYOMING AVE Scrarrton, Pa, Third Nationil Bank Building. Aoasnaai THOB. r0RU.Htt.ton, Pa. JOHN B. HUITH KOS. Plymouth. Pa R. W. MDI.1.IMAN. Wilkea ttarro. Pa. Afenta Tor tne itrpaono coemlciU a uasa aaiuiauvea. BtrriB 1101 CO., Ine'p. CaptULtl AMJtmk BBirr trim in the woiu.0 "A deUmr eaMii it a driitr Mnwd." . TMetatellM' MM Preneh Doeola Kid Bat- I oauferaa in anywrnm ib ut u.s..oi raeai pi 01 uasa, aoaae uaoar, or I'uatal Nate ter aiJO. tqnala mrf war the boota aold la all ratall ateraa la $i.60. M aiato UU baa ouraartea, Ibemtore we yaae anu ua ju, mu mma aar. and If any one (a aot anar1a we win raiana law iinty 'aanaanoiiMrpair. pata ;u or L'oaitaoa tteaaa, wMcha C, f, K, Ka kaliaa 1 to k aad baM Snii umt Mmf till JU Mm. llluairatad Oata. inirae rncs Cotir Shoe Co, FEDERAL ST- I noarox. facial ttrmt la Vwltn. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFTIOE AND WAREHOUSE. Ml TO IS I MERIDIAN STREET M. w. c old N3. ryrgv. Stocks, Bonds and Grain l!uni;lit ami sold on New York Excli.iniic aud Chicago Hoard of Trade, either for cash or on margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & CO., 412 Spruce Street ICC. STOCKS I SPECULTr. Telephone 5002. AYLESWORTH'S I MEAT MARKET The Finest in the Cltj. The latent Improved furnish ing and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ava. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY and fORTY-FIRST ST.. NEW YORK CITY. A Modern Fireproof Hotel containing 300 rooms, 200 with bath and toilet attached. EUROPEAN PLAN. Good Rooms, f I fit.': l.nrifn Ho ims, J. and with private bath ll&Uand upward p,-r dsy. RESTAURANT. CUISINE ANO SERVICE UNEXCELLED, la oloe. proximity to the principal tha.Urea and iheaboppinr district. Fire minnt from Ursud Ceutral and 't shore Ui'pots LOUIS l TODD. J. H. FIFF Uwuer. iiiauat(vr. Vnaraatee Care rap att.n.Ci51fliS-?ti ftuiilall nfiwliutT ftHmrnt both of tuuiibT aVnrl mklrtr. n 1 ffod and wonra, Tl Bakanllfl Af tNWtmamaft. V H HOTt.1. tirmlilnii araaakr. rnt, NRirout Dibillty, Klfhlly Eniiavnoi.t, Cuomimption, niMiiltj, KxbtuirtJQS dr&lBiandloMof power of Ut Oeii- raUTvOryaiituoflitlnr onsforttudy, bulnaiand tnar tUfviUquIrkljcuml bylr. I4rtpiaaMaUli Nr ra (aralM. TtarolyniraM starting mly ctirafti I NKIIV rtn back lug Um ri il.oo ir b mm. mix ara a vtm. nr-iit k aviiiu ai nd HMDS 1itk and rratoiii and rMtoiiua Ute riltl OV V Ptltnt By mall, I m aaaraatca ta l.ftlt par boa or for with writ rur or rrhmd the . atnok For ral by JOHN H. PHELPS, Druf fflit. Wyoming ave. and fipniea ntrott French Injection Compound Cwraa poaltlTrir, qnlrklf. (not marelf ehackt.) tinanntoed or oiooct rafundxJ. Af old daiiaarou. ranadia. PricaattetapwlHiUI. aia Mvillaa (will cura aavemt caw) wut pranaM, awure Iroia abaarratloo. with only aclaatlllcauf auda arrtaia, toaujaddraaalorfl.ifo. DR. LOBB'5 BOOK FREE To all .nlforar. of ERRORS l .nlforar. of FURORS OF YOU1H, VIQQK aai DISEASES Of MEM AND EN. M pana; cloth bwMi aeaiiralT aad jai M Iraa. Traatfaaat by awil LOST S3 atrictly aaD&dastlal, aa4 a poalaWa antcfe car tna at4. ho matlar bow loa ataadlaa, I iUnlUTirsarar9iu?Wrltoroiur. 11 I fl ' . U PHla.. Pa. Id U J J Vtan' wdaaow raoUoa. lUM.oiA.m AT i- , -m. ' w - 'W-JBK l 1 llafl 1 n H43 The MILLINERY. MILLINERY. FIXE MILLINERY is what you want if you wish the best in quality at lowest possible prices, with the additional adranlago of having the largest line in the city to select from, you will not be dis appointed by calling at THE FASHION. Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. V ' THIS IS THE HOUSE And 40-foot lot on Race street, near the Driving Park, eee FOR $900.00. Walks are now laid, water in, sewer connected, electric lights, grates, furnaces, and only a few lots left unsold on this street. House will be open for inspection Monday and Tuesday afternoons, Oct. 2S and 29. This will be the last time you will have au opportunity to make the best trade of your life. E ID SEE II. COSTS YOU Any inquiries previous to answered by H. B. Reynolds, KrT D J I LB WHITE For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER GO 22 Commonwealth Bldg,, Scranton, Pa. Telephoni 422. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Boft Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers. Ri ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEIBEIIE SCRANTON. PA. Guns and Ammunition Foot Bill Goods, Sportsflion't Sullies, Hand-Leaded S!t!s a Spsclattf Gun 8r.d Locksslif ' . ; . Typexriters Repital a. 17. jUr ISC ii. Fashion BIG VALUES IN Jackets, Capes and Fur Garments. They're tits , Magnet. We sell gotd Cio iks.tbe best that expert skill can make or money can bny. ASK TO SEE OUR lioucle Jacket, nicely made, the latest style, worth f 10.00. $7.98 Special $7.9S Our Wool Beaver Cape, 80-in. long, trimmed with braid and fur, worth 7.00. $,J8 Special $4.98 A 30-in. French Coney Cape, bair up, full sweep.extra heavy satin lining, cheap for JH.0O. $9.99 Special $9.99 ONLY $200.00 10 SECURE II. the above dates cheerfully or Green Ridge Lumber Co. T THE GREAT LADY DOCTOR Now In Charge of the Chicago Madi eal and Surgical Inalllutt, No. 412 Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. Comal highlr ra-onirnanded by all the laad ing uootora ol tba world, aad malm a avaia y of and will treat oolv woman aod ofaildraa and all anta and ehroilo diaaaai pocollar to tha famala aaz. Her apacuiltlaa la which ah baa arhlrTfd so too. h .raat anectaa and honor ara Parnate Complalnta. Blond Polaoa. Khoa. nuttUtn, Chronic Narooa Diaaaaaa. Tnmora, Canoara, Ooltrea. Crlpplea, Daformltiaa, Bt. Vltna Dhnee and talleatle Flta All who eal within twenty day will raeaifw advtoa aai aarrloa free, includlnc medicine for three raeotha. for tlu EtaalnaUoa and ad rise free. Thla taMtttoa haa no e etteetkM with Dr. Reeve. Tab elerator la a tore below, tit .treat. Offlee hoar free a. aa. bmH t v. avt Saadar iron 8 to le'eloak a. aa. 00 JU 1 MR