a THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 25, 1895. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION. - i . : ' : t ' , --': GBN&R'AL KLTJCTIOX PROCLAM'A tlon. Pursuant 4o an act of the Gen eral Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relat ing to elections," approved the aecond day of July, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and also the acta approved the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and the amended con stitution. It is made he duty of the sheriff of every county In the common wealth to give notice of the time of holding the general election, and In each case to enumerate: First The officers to be elected. - Second Designating the place at which the elections are to be held; therefore. I. PRANK H. CLEMONS. High Sher iff of Lackawanna county. comon wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors aforesaid that an election will be held In the said county of Lackawanna on TUESDAY. NOVEXCTTER 6. 1895. For seven persons to fill the offices of Judges of the Superior Court of the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania. For one person to till the office of State Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For one person to fill the office of County Coroner for Lackawanna County. For one person to fill the office of County Surveyor for Lackawanna county. And I hereby make known and give notice 'that rhe following Is the official list of all candidates with parties, or policies repitsenU-.l, whore certificates of -nomination and nomination papers have been filed a. provided In Section 6 of the art of June in. A. D. 1SS3. and who ere to be voted for in the Couuty of Hjackawwrrxi at the enduing election to be held November 5. 1S93. K.tPtTBLJCAN'. Flute- Treasurer, Benjamin Haywood. Judges of the Superior Court, Junes A Braver, I-Mward N. Will-ard. John J. Wlckh.im, Charles E. Rice. , Howard J. Heeder, George B. Orlady. County Coroner. Samuel P. IyOtigstreet. County Surveyor, Fdmund A. Bart!. DEMOCRATIC. State Treasurer, Ben.faml-n V. Meyers. Judge of -1j. Superior Court. Harnian Yerkes. James S Moorhend. Charles Henry Noyes, Peter P. Smith, Oliver P. Bechtel. Christopher 'Mntree County Coroner, John A. Kel'ey. County Surveyor, Abram B. Dunning. PROHIBITION. State Treasurer, William H. Berry. Judsres of the Superior Court Edwaf! Campbell. William W. Lathrop, David Sterrett, lewl D. Vail. F. Harry Hotter. Adie A. Stevens. ounty coroner. ( Tohn C. Ratesin. County Surveyor, Milton P. .Mitchell. PEOPLES. Slate Treasurer, 3rnrs W. Dawson. Judges of the Superior Court, fohn H. Stevenson, t. O. Couchlln. A'llllam C. Rhtem. SOCIALIST LAiTlOR. , State Treasurer. George 'Anton And I hereby make known and give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid general elections In the sev eral cities, boroughs, townships and districts within the county of Lacka wanna are as follows, to wit: Archbald Borough Districts. First ward. First district At the hotel of A. Miles, In said Uistrlct. First ward. Second district At the hotel of Abram lliwells, on Ridge ave nue; in said district. Second ward, at the house of John J. Swift. In said ward. Third ward At the borough council rooms, in said ward. Benton Township District. At the house of D. L. Potter. In sail township. lilakely Borough Districts. First ward At the office of S. W. Ar nold, in said ward. Second ward At the store building of he Lackawarna Coal Company, on the rrr vldence and Carbondals turnpike, in raid ward. Third ward-.t the Wough council rooms, cn il!lnk ly street. In said warl. CarNinrtale Township Districts. Northwest dlKrlct At the Powderly school building. In raid district. NoKheast dtr!ct -Vt No. -4 public school house. In said district. Carbondale City. First ward. First district At the Jiouso of B. W. Tlx. In said First ward. First wail. Third district At a porta Me, building near -the the D. & H Canal Company's depot In front of Glllen's fcot-1, In said First ward. Kccond ward. Fir district At a por able building near Boland's store, at the corner of Seventh end Terace streets, In fald fi-cond ward. Second ward. Secortl district At Rob ert Maxwell's hotel. No. 3 Main street, Vn said Second ward. Second ward. Third district At the house of Thomas Hcott, in said Second ward. Third ward. First dlstrfct At the house of John H. Thomas, formerly known as the Flynn hotel, In saM Third ward. Thirl ward. Second district At a portable building on Mouth 'Main street, rear Klnback's furniture store. In said Third ward. Third ward. Third district At the house of M. Larkln, In said Third wariJ. Third ward, Fourth district At Yr rlngton Hill school house, in said dls trlrt. IliYiilrtti vrtkrA TTI r t ,1ltA . . - ...... uir-tnti rti 1 ii r tiouBe of Michael Connors, on Pike afreet. In said Fourth ward. Fourth ward. Second district At ithe house of A. Battle, In said Fourth waiil. Fourth ward. Third district At the house of Peter Dougherty, In said Fourth ward. Fifth ward. First dtatrlot At the offloeof L. L, Bunnell, corner of Bel mont and Caanan streets, In said Fifth ward. Fifth ward, Second district At the house of Thomaa P. itcNulty, in said Fifth ward. Sixth ward, First district At the ttore of N. C. Purdy, on the East side of Bellmont street In said district. diiii ra, Becona district me premises of Thomas Hrtt 200 Dundaff treet, In aatd district. Clifton Township District. At the Fayette school bouse, in said township. ,' - Covington Township' District. At the Dalevllle town house, in said township. Dalton Borough District. At the office of F. M. Francis, In said torough. Dickson City Borough District. rim wmu iai ine Duiiuina; uccupieu as a barber shop by William E. Moses, in cold ward. Second ward At the house of J. A. Barron, corner of 'Lincoln and Jack son street In said ward. -Third ward -At the store of Michael Matelavtts hi said ward. , t '' Dunmore Borough Districts. First "wafrd, First district Ait the ttouse of the Neptune Hose Co., on Drlntef street. In said district. - First ward; Second dlstrlctAt the hotel of Martin Gibbons, on Drinker turnpike. In said district. Second ward. First district (At the house of John J. Scott, In said ward.. -. Second ward. Second district At the house of M. D. Freer, In said ward. ; Third ward. First- district At the house of Mrs. A. - Burschell, In "said ward. - Third ward, Second district At the outbuilding of James McAndrew. near the corner of Sixth and Mill streets, in said ward. . Third ward. Third district At the house of August Wahler, In said ward. Fom-th ward At the house of J. J. Bttrke. on the Dunnings turnpike, In said ward. Fifth ward At the house of P. Tim lin In said ward. Sixth ward; FJrrtt (district At the hotel of Jacob Smith, In said ward. Sixth ward. Second district At the public school bxniEe, In said ward. Elmhurst Borough District. At the publlo school In said borough. Fell Township Districts. First District At the Coal Brook school house, In said township. Second district At 'the Simpson school house. In said township Third district At the Clinton school house. In fald township. , Glenhurn Boroush District. At the Hall school house, in said bor ough. Gouldsboio Borough District. At the school house. In said borough. Greenfield Township District. At the Greenfield town house. In said township. Jefferson Township District. At the school house known as lie Red Oak school house. In said town ship. Jermyn Boroush Districts. First ward At the house of peter Dltmore, on North iMaln street. In said borough. Second ward At the borough build ing on Second avenue, in said bor ough. Third ward At the house of James Tl-mlln. corner of A and First streets, In said borough. 'Lackawanna Township Districts. South District At the Father Mat hew Hall. In said South District. West district At the Lofttw Central hotel, near the Delaware & Hunson Railroad station. In said West District. K'ast district At the office of the Slosn breaker. Northeast dir'crlct At the house of Christian Jinnee, in said district. Southwest district At a portable building at the corner of Main and Blade streets in said Southwest dis trict. LaPlume Borough District. At the school house, In said Borough. Lehigh Township District. At the Pine Grove school house, in said townshln. .Madison Township District. At the store house of Charles Noack, In said township. Matield Borough District. 'At the house of E. F. Edmunds, In said Boroush. Newton Township District. At the Van Sickle house, In said township. North Ablngton Township District. At the house of Giles Roberts. In said township. Old Force Township D'strlots. First district At a portable building erected on the southwest comer of school house lot on the easterly side of main road from Scranton to Pittston, In said district. Second district At the house of J. G. Kehr. In said township. Fourth district At the store of John A. Wood. In said district. Ol.rphant Borough Districts. First wnrd At the building of Pat rick Jordan. In said First ward. Second war-l At the hotel of Wm. Mnhnn. In said Second ward. Third ward At the-public hnus- of Patrick H. Martin. In sail Third ward. Ransom Township District. At the hall of the estate of Thomas Johnson. In Mllwatikle. Roaring Brook Township District. At th school house in said township. Scott Township District. At the hotel of Wlliam L. Smith, In said township. Scranfnn City Districts. Flrt ward, First district At -the Bristol House In said First word. First ward. Second district At Brom age's shoe store, 425 E. Market Btrc-t, in said ward. First ward. Third district At n port aide building near the corner of North Main avenue and Parker street, In said ward. Secon'l ward. First district At the armory building of Company H, on North Main avenue. In s.ild ward. Second ward. Second district At the houe of John -llnwkes. In s-ild ward. S cond ward. Third dlstrlrt U a portable building on Emt Ma: ket street, near the corner of Dickson avenue, in said ward. Second ward, Fourth 'district At the house of John Timlin, on the southerly corner of Brick avenue and Green street, In said war-l. Second ward. Fifth district At a portable building at or near the public school house on Perry avenue, In said ward. Third wart. First district At the house of J.J. Flynn. In said Third ward. Third ward. Second district At a portable building near Cuslck's hotel, In said ward. Four ward, First district At a port able building. North Main avenue and Jackson street. Fourth ward. Second district At a portable building on North Main ave nue. near the corner of Swetland street, In sail ward. Fourth ward. Third district At a portable building at the corner of Gar field avenue and- Price street, In said ward. Fourth ward, Fourth district At the store of N. C. Mayo, No. .171 North Lin coln avenue. Is said ward. Fifth wnrd, Flrt district At the of fice of Alderman Blair. In said district. Flf'th wnrd, Second district At a ikipI able building at the corner of Main avenue and Washburn street, in suld war-l. Fifth ward, Third district At the hotel of George W. Evans, No. lfilO Washburn Mreet, in said ward. Fifth ward. Fourth Oistrlct At a portable building at the Intersection of Fourteenth and Academy streets, In said ward. 81x-th -ward. (First district At the house of P. Golden, in said ward. Sixth ward, Second district At the house of Mrs.- Margaret McDonough, In raid ward. Sixth ward, TWrd district At Ave nue D, No. IJj, lot of John Williams. Seventh wurd, First district At the house tit John R. Kelly, on the east erly side of Capouse avenue. In said ward. Seventh ward, Second Istrlct At the house of John O'Donnell, on Mineral street. In said ward. Seventh ward, Third district At the house of E, V. Winters. Southerly cor ner of Capouse avenue and New street, street. In said ward. Flighth ward,' First distrlct-At A. R. Raub's building, Spruce street. Eighth ward. Second district At the building known as 226 Spruce street, street, in said ward. INInth ward, First district At a port able building on the westerly side of Adams avenue, In said district. INInth wardj, Second district AUIalport able building on. the easterly side of Adams avenue, "-near the corner of Olive street, In said ward. Nllnth ward, Third district Vacant lot Madison '-avenue, Owen Eltat, be tween Olive and Pine streets. Tenth ward At the house of William Stem, In eald ward. ' Eleventh ward. First district At the hotel of Petar (Hoffman, -In said ward. Eleventh ward, Second district At the office of Alderman Peter Robling, In saild ward. Eleventh ward. Third district At the house of Jacob .Muus. In said ward. Twelfth ward, First district At the house of Martin Lavelle, In said ward. Twelfth ward, 'Second district At the house of Robert Atkinson, In eald ward. Thirteenth ward, First district At the building of the Bcranton Iron Fence company, on the northwest side of Ctappuse avenue, between Larch and New York streets. In eald ward, .- , j Thirteenth ward. Second district At the house of Wlllam Weber, INo. 1423 Penn avenue, in said district. Thirteenth ward. Third - district At a portable building on Dickson ave nue, near the corner of Green Ridge street. In said ward. Fourteenth ward. First district At a portable building on Price street, near the corner of North Main avenue, in said ward. Fourteenth ward, -Second district At the hotel of Philip Schnell, on Lacka wanna avenue, in said ward. Fifteenth ward. First district At a portable building near the corner of South Main avenue and Eynon street, in said ward. Fifteenth ward. Second district At the Fellows' 'Building, corner of South Main and 'Luserne 'streets, In aatd ward. Sixteenth ward; First' district Ait the Eagle Hotel, In said ward. Sixteenth ward. Second district At thehotel of William H. Whyte, Nos. 500 and 502 Wyoming avenue, on easterly corner of said avenue and Vine street. In said district. " - Seventeenth ward, First district At a portable building on 'Spruce street near corner of Jefferson avenue, In said district. Seventeenth ward, 'Second district At a portable building at or near the corner of Madison avenue and Mul berry street, In said ward. Eighteenth ward At a portable bullying on Railroad avenue, near Sev enth street, In said ward. Nineteenth ward. First district At the house of John C. Dlppre, In said wa rd. 'Nlnteenth ward, Second district At the house of Nicholas Sossong, 1028 Prospect avenue, In said ward. (Nineteenth ward. Third district At the house of August Neuls, at the southerly corner of Irving avenue and Willow street. In said ward. I i.Mnteentn ward, i-ourtn district Vt the house of James MoOulnness, east i erly corner of Crown avenue and Beech i street, in said wurd. Twentleh ward, First district At the house of P. Corcoran. In said ward. Twentieth ward. Second district At the house of Frank Moeller, In said ward. Twentieth ward. Third district At the house of H. J. Gallery, on the upper side of Blrney avenue, in said ward. Twenty-first ward, First district At the ofllce of James Mears. corner of North Main avenue and Ridge street, in said ward. Twenty-llrs-t ward, Second district Ae the house of Ann Y. Jones, in said ward. South Ablngton Township District. At the otllee of Dr. Evans, in the village of Clurk's Grenn. In Bald town ship. j Spring Brook Township District. At the Scott school house. In said j township. I Taylor borough. First ward North Main Mreet In I said borough at the office of John E. Davis. ( Second ward At the portable build i Ing. vacant lot, southwest corner of I Main and Railroad streets, In eald bor ouvii. ! Third ward At Weber's rink, in said j brrough. il-'ourth ward Portable building va cant lot of William P. Grltnths, Wash- ! InKton street, in said borough. 1 iKIfth ward Building on land of D.. L. & W. R. R. Co.. westerly side of Main road, opposite property ol Ira ! Atherton, In aid borough. Throop Borough. j - At new borough building In said bor- 1 outth. i Waverly Borough District. ; At the Waverly band building, on I Church street, in said Imrough, West Ablngton District. ; At a building on premises of H. E. lapve:i. m said township, j Wlntoti Borough Districts. I Flint d'.-trlot At public school house No. 1. In said borough. I Second district At the hotel of j Thomas Keddington, on Main strtt-t. In suld district. I I also make known and give notice, as i in and by the thirteenth section of the ' act of July 2. 1WJ, 1 am directed: "That j every person, except Justices of the peace, who shall hold any ollice or ap i poln-tmen-t of profit or trust under the I government of the l.'nlted Rates, or this state, or In any city or Incorporated dls I trlct. wh ther a commissioned officer or cttit rwise.a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall be employed under the legislative. Judiciary or executive le partTiifnts of this i-tate or the United Stuteff. or nnv citv or incorfMirntJl Hta. I trlct, and uls-i that every memlier of i ongri-ssand the-ISate LeRinlature. and of the Select and Common Councils of any city, commissioner of any Incorpor ated district is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the otllee or appointment of JuiIkc. In spector or cli rk of uny election of this commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or any otflcer of such elec tion, shall be eligible to any otllee then to bp voted for, except .that of an election officer." Abo. that In the fourth section of the Act of the Assembly, entitled "An act relating to elections and for other pur poses," apptoved April 16, 1S74, It Is en acted that the thirteenth section "shall not be so construed as to prevent any mllltury officer or borough officer from serving ns Judge, Inspector or clerk, at any aem-tal or spt-clul election in this Commonwealth." Also, that In the fifth section of the act of January 30. 187. It Is enacted that every general and special election shall tie open at seven o'clock In the fore noon, and shall continue without Inter ruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. ' Also, that when a Judge by sickness or unavoidable accident Is unable to at tend such meetings of Judges, then the certificate or re-turn aforesaid shall be taken charge of by the Inspectors or clerks of election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties required by raid Judge unable to attend. Also, that In caw the court has since the last election made changes In the poll Ing places not mentioned In this proclamation, then the correct polling place will be In the place designated by the court. Given under my hand, at my office at Scranton, this twenty-fourth day of October, In the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-flve, In the one hundred and twentieth year of the Independence of the United States. God save the Commonwealth. FH AiXK H. CLEMONS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllve, Scranton, Pa., Oct. U, 1895. Charter Application. NOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN THAT AN sfiplicntlon will Ik uisdt tutlis Mnvemor of ths :ie of Pennsylvania on M' ndy. Nor. 11, ISM, by John A. Steers, John T, Hiihtrds, Andrew Von W' nonfliis. Atthnr H, Lee, Al Iwrt (i. Zenk-, un-1 -r tb Act of Asstmbly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ntitled "An Act to provide fur the Incorporation and regulation of eertnln coaporatlonH," apiirorad April 29. 1NT4, and the supplements tbnreto, for the chnrtnr of an Intended corporation to be called the "Von Wultenflus Air Brake Fil ter Company," the character and object cf wlilcb Is the manufacture of Iron or steel, or both, or of aity other metal, or of any article of commerce from metal or wood, or both, and to do all thin necessary or inelden:al nd pertaining thereto, and for these pur p sen to have and pnaes and enjoy all the ngnta, benofl s "nd privileges of the ssld Act of Assembly and Its aupBleuienta, DA VI Ed EDWARDS, Solicitors. Executors' Rot ei. INSTATE OF CATHARINE WINTON, J duceawd, late of the olty of Bcranton. Pa, Letters testamentary upon tas above named estate biviug been granted to the nnder algned. all persona having claims or demands agslaat the said estate will present them for puruient, and tnes indebted thereto are required to make Immediate paiment to . , WALTER W, WINTO..,, -' B. M. WINTi N, , xeiiters, 0 All KICK U. HAEDINU, Attorney, JHEBIFF'8 BALE OF Valuable Real Estate ON 8ATURDAY, NOV. 9, 1895. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Expon as, Issued out of the court of common pleas of Lackawanna county, to me di rected, I will expose to publlo sale by ven due or outcry, to the highest and best bid ders, for cash, at the court house. In the city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, on SATURDAY, the NINTH DAY OF NO VEMBER, A D. 1895, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. all the right, title and interest of the defendants In and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, vis: No. 1. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Charles F. Avery, In and to all that certain lot of land with the Im provements thereon situate In the city of Carbortllale, county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, bounded easterly by Belmont street, southerly by lands of Catherine Avary. and westerly and north erly lands formerly of Alfred Darte. Hehig twenty-five feet and nine inches (25 9-12) wide In front on Belmont street, about thir ty (HO) feet In rear and one hundred and fif ty (I'M) feet In depth, being same preml tes conveyed by Catherine Avary to, Charles F. Avary by deed dated Sept. 14, 1817, re corded at Scranton In Deed Book No. 97, page 1. All improved with a one and one half story frame dwelling house and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of Henry Sahms vs. Chorles V. Avary. Debt. WOO.tW Judgment No. 8i, Novem ber T, 1S95, fl. fa. to November T. 1M5. JOHN F. REYNOLDS, Atty. ALSO No. 2. All the rlaht, title and Interest of the defendant, John A. Walker, In and to all the following piece of land situate In the Ninth ward, city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsyl vania, hounded and described as follows: Being the southwesterly portion of lot IS. In block 07, as designated upon Lacka wanna Iron and Coal company's plot of Scranton Intended to bo duly recorded, commencing at a point on the westerly side of a public alley called Lee alley, forty-eight and one-half (4SW feet from the southeasterly corner of said lot; thence running In a southwesterly direc tion along line of said alley forty-elxht and one-half (4S4) feet to a corner; thence In a northwesterly direction along line of a public alley twenty-flve (2Ti) feet wide thirty-four (34) feet to a corner of lot 13, In said block 67, thence along line of said lot 13 In a northeasterly direction forty-eight and one-half (4S't) feet to a corner, thence thirty-four (34) feet to the filace of beginning. Being a part of tho and conveyed to John A. Walker, the defendant herein, from the Lackawanna Iron and Coal compuny by deed dated 24th March, 1880, and duly recorded In Deed Hook 32. at page 567. etc. Coal and minerals reserved to the leaal owners thereof by sufficient terms In the law. All Improved wifh a two story frame dwell Inv house and blacksmith shop thereon. Slzel and taken In execution at the suit of J. F. Taylor, assigned to John Kim ball vs. John A. Walker. Debt, llftiuo. Judgement. No. 4"l January T. 1S92, fl. fa. to November T, 1M'3. WOODRUFF. Atty. ALSO No. S All the rlK-ht. title and Interest of the defendant. John T. Gibbons, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the First ward, city of Scran ton, I-ackawmirm county, Pa., and bound ed and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning In the northeasterly line of Belmont Terrace, at a point distant 334 1-10 feet on a course of north 62 decrees and 30 minutes west from the northerly dine of Holllster avenue, thence by said line of Dolmont Terrace north S3 desrees . min utes, west 50 feet to a corner, thence at right angles to Belmont Terrace along the southerly line of Karvlew place north 17 degrees and 3D minutes, east 135 feet to on alley 12 feet In width, thence along sold alley pnrallel wlih Be'mnnt Terrace south S2 degrees and 30 minutes, east M feet to a corner and thence nt right angles to Bel mont Terrace, south 37 degrees and 30 minutes, west 135 feet to the place of be ginning, being fin feet in width front and rear and 135 feet In depth and containing 0.750 square feet of land, together with the appurtenances, all Improve. l with a two story and attic frame dwelling house, with two outbuildings used for rooking and washing purposes situate thereon. Seised and taken In execution at ths suit of C. B. Weston vs. John T Gibbons. Debt. I7ii0. Judgment, No. 993. May T, lev. fa. to November T, TORREY, Atty. AI.SO No. 4 -All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Michael Hock, In and to all that certain lot of lund, with the Improve ments thereon, situate In the borough of Idckson City, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bcunded easterly I and southeasterly by the public road bad ) lug from Prlcehutg to Brown Hollow, westerly by tho old turnpike road norlh I erly or northwesterly by lands of the William Miles estnte. All Improved with I one two story frame dwelling house with i brick and atone basement, one frame I barn and other outbuildings. I Seised and taken In execution nt the suit I of assigned to Goodman and Weiss vs. Michael Hock. Petit, S5 50. Judgment No. March T. ISM, n. fa. to Novem ber T. 1W5. SCHAOU, Atty. ALSO No. 6. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Margaret J. Thomaa, In and to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate In the township of Old Forge, Iackawanna county, Penn sylvania, butted, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Being lots Nos. 20, 21 and 22. on draft of upper lots of estate of Thomaa Smith, deseased, and being nt a corner on Orace street, at a corner of lot No. 11, sold to Patrick Fallon, and by said Grace, street to I-uwrcnce street and by aald Iiwrence street to land of- the Pennsylvania Coal company, and by auld reserved lund to corner of lot No. t, and by said lot No. 9, 10 and 11 to corner, place of heitlmitng, containing 24.3U0 aquure feet of land more or less. All Improved with one two-story frame dwelling and hotel building, about 35 feet by 45 feet; one single one-story frame dwelling house, about 18 feet by 12 feet; one other single one-story frame dwelling house; one single one-story frame barn; one large frame closet and outhouse; one coal house and other outbuildings. Seised and taken In execution at the suit of Safety Investment and loan company, of Syracuse, New York, vs. Margaret J Thomas. Debt, $1,957.18. Judgment, No. 13S1, September T. 1KU3. lev. fa. to Novem ber T, 1895. Also at the suit of Lar.arus Moyer vs. Margaret J. Thomas. Debt, 1108.31. Judgment, No. 29. January Term, 1896, vend. ex. to November T. 18. GEORGE D. TAYLOR, Atty. ALSO No. (.all the right, title and Interest of the defendnnt William Blake, administra tor, and William Hlake, term tenant. In and to all that certain lot of land .situate In the First ward of the city of Carbondale, county of Lackawanna, Pa., and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Being In Murket's addition to the city of Carbon dale Pa and being 00 feet in front on street No. 37, as designated on map of lots of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, and M feet In rear, and 135 feet In depth. Bounded on tho east by lands of Joseph Burket, on the west by lands of William 8. Boyd and estate of M. Godding, and on the north by other lands of said Burket, and on the south by said street No. 37, containing 17.600 - square feet of land, all Improved with a two story frame dwelling house and outbuild ings thereon. Seised and taken In execution at the suit of Daniel Scurry vs. William Blake, ad ministrator, and William Blake terra ten ant. Debt, $1,275 00. Judgment, No. 1.203, September T, 1895, lev. fa. to November T, 1995. BUTLER, Atty. . ALSO No. T.-All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Augustus Seamon and Sophia Seamon, In and to all that lot, piece or parcel of land In the ally of Scranton, in the county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania. Being part of lot No. thirty (30) In William Swetland's plot of lots as laid out In said city. Beginning at a point' eighty-two and ono-half( 921) feet north west from tho westerly corner of the In tersection of Hyde Park avenue with Swetland street (late North street) in the southwest line of said Swetland street, thence along said Swetland street eighty two and one-half U2W feet, be the same more or less, to alley, thence In a south westerly direction along aald alley sixty six (86) feet, be the same more or less, to the corner of line of lot thirty-one' (31) on SCRANTON- 150 Sizes and Styles OF CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles f OF STEEL RANGES THE SCRANTON STOVE have arranged with the following firms to sell their STOVES AT FOUNDRY PRICES: STltOXU'S FURNISHING HOUSE, 320-322 Teim Avenue. W. 0. DOUI) & CO., 509 Lackawanna Avenue. F00TE & SHEAR CO., 1 10 X. Washington Ave. R. J. HUGHES, IU South Main Avenue. Swetland's plot, thence In a southwesterly direction along lot number thirty-one (31) eighty-two and one-half (42',) feet, he the wme more or i-s, to a corner, thence nt riiiht angles with mild lust Mm- In a north easterly direction sixty-six (AO) feet, be the same more or lejix, to the place of beRln nlng. It being the rear half of ssld lot number thirty (3u on wtld Shetland's plot of lots. All coal and mineral reserved. Helng the same premises conveyed to Sophia Si-nmon, one of the panic of the llrst part hereto. frm Wllltuni llet xelroth, by deed dated the fourteenth day of November, A. I). 1SK3, and recorded in the office for m-nrltUK of deeds etc.. In Mini fur the county of l.a ku waniiu, in Ieed Hook No. St, pae 4M, etc., which by reference thereto will more fully and ot large appear. All Improved with two two. HUiry frume dwelling houses and outbuild. Intrs, fruit trein, etc., thereon. felted and taken In execution nt the suit of the West Hide ttiilldlng and l-oan Ao. elation vs. Auitnstus .Seamon und gophlit Hcntnnn. Iebt. fci'rfl 41. Juditment. No. 37;l. November T, Istt. (I. fu. ti November T. IMI.'j. Also at the suit of West Side HulKl Ing and Ixan association vs. Aukus'us Heamun and Sophia Seamon. Debt, IfH.IS. Judxmciit, No. U74. November T, IsM, n. fa. to November T. IK. I'JTCHElt. Atty. ALSO No. 8 All the Hunt, title and Interest of the defendant, Charles Katilnxi-r, In an. I to all that certain piece or lot of land situ ate In that wrt of the city of Wcrunton, l ksnanna county, I'a . known as A. K. Hllkman's kddltlon, as shown on ihe city atlas, and In the Tenth ward, It beinx part of a larger tract conveyed by V. Albert Handt, trustee, to Klizaheth tfllkm.m by deed dated January 31, 1SS7, and recorded In the recorder's otllee of 1-noki wanna county, I'a., In Deed Itook No. 43. pag Sa3. etc.. It being In tilock Three and bounded aa follows: Commencing nt a corner and stake In line of the l'nmyl vunin t'oal coinj-any's land, at a point tw- hundred, nineteen and elKht-leiiths (-19 8-101 feet north, forty-nine (4!) decrees, nfty D) minutes west from Third street, thenco north forty-nine (4!U degrees tlfty (ftv) minutes, west along said company's line about one hundred and seventy (17c) feet, more or less to within twenty-live CH feet of the Pennsylvania t'oal company's railroad, about eighty-eight (S) feet to a stuke and corner of James II. Masters, near a chestnut tree, and recently pur chased of Mrs. I.a Krants, thence south forty-nine (Wl di-nrees, tlfty tm minutes east, about one hundred and flftyOiO) feet, more or less to a stake corner that Is In right angle to the first named point, thenco north forty (tl degrees, ten (10) minutes east, about eighty-six (W) feet, more or less to the place of beginning. Coal and other minerals reserved, and being the same piece of land conveyed by Maryarth Schoren to Charles Katxinger, Improved with a story tenement house, also u two story single dwelling and outhouses. Belted and taken In execution at the suit of German Ilulldlng Association No. 6. vs. Charles Katxlmter. Debt, $4K. Judgment. No. S21. January T., 1S&, II. fa. to November T., 1895. HAUMANN. Atfy. . ALSO. No. . All the following described lot or parcel of land situate In the city of Bcranton, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, as follows, vis: Beginning on the easterly side of Prospect avenue at a point ninety (90) feet norther ly from Willow t treet building line, and running thencs north forty-seven degrees and forty-live minutes, east thirty (3'1) feet, thence south forty-two degrees and fifteen minutes, east one hundred and thlrty-flvo 135 feet, to a sixteen feet wide alley for public use, thence south forty seven degrees and forty-live minutes, west thirty (30) feet, thence north forty-two degrees and fifteen minutes, one hundred and thirty-five (135) feet to the place of be ginning. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, frame barn and out buildings thereon. Belted and taken In execution at the suit of Louise Rpruks. assignee to Bpruks Brothers, vs. Earnest Schmidt and Caro line Schmidt, administrators of Kmll Bchmldt. deceased. Debt, 2,2,V).0O. Judg ment, No. m, September T., 1895, fl. fa. to November T., 1895. . . BAUJKANN, Atfy. ALSO No. 10. Alt the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Thomas Maloney, In and to all that certain lot of land, with the im- firovements thereon, situate, lying and be ng In the Twentieth ward of the city of Bcranton, Lackawanna county, Pennsyl vania, and bounded and described as fol lows, to wit:. Being lot No, 31, in square or block No. St, and situate upon street called and known as corner of Vale (now called Irving avenue) and Cherry streets, upon the town plot of the city of Bcran ton, Intended to be duly registered and recorded, aald lot being 40 feet in front and rear and 140 feet In depth, with the privilege of using 10 feet In front of said lot additional on Vale street, and 10 feet on the slda of aald tot on Cherry street, for ARE THE BEST Sit ! yard, vault, porch, piazza and bay win dow, but for no other purpose. Coal and minerals reserved. Seiz-'-l and taken In execution at the suit of Isabella C. Fisher, executrix of the estate of George Fisher, deceased, vs. Thomas Maloney. rebt. J474 l'i. Judg ment, No. 3XS, November T., 1SH1, fl. fa. to November T., Is9.". COMECSYS. Atfy. AI.SO No. 11. All the rlirht. title and Interest of the defendant. Klb-n M. Morion. In and to nil that cerlaln lot or piece of ground situ ate In the Thirteenth ward of the city of Scranton. In the county of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania and describe,! according to a survey- maile thereof by -A. H. I Minnliig. surveyor, as beginning at point on the southeasterly si ie of Va?h inpton avenue, at the distance of three hundred nnd twenty CSMt feet south westerly from the. southwesterly side of New York street, containing In front or breadth on the said Washington avenue forty (Oi feet nnd extending In length or depth southesterly two hundred and one (LKI) feet and slxt.-elght one hundredths C'.S-ldOl of a foot; the measurement of the depth beginning ten (10) feet In front of the sld-wulk with the rluht to enclose ten (1 leet In front of said lot for cellar way, porch, steps, vault or shnthliery but nottherlsht to erect nny t-ilkllng thereon. Being lot number one (II In square or block numlH-r three hundred an I twelve (312) upon the p'ot of Meylerfs addition to the said city of Scranton. Being the same premises which Charles H. Wells and wife et al. hy deed bearing date the ltlth day of March. A. 1. lv". recorded in the otllee for recording Seeds In and for said county of Lackawanna, In Deri Book No. 2S. page hi'), etc.. irranted nnd conveyed unto the snl-l K.Hen It. Morton in fee. Coal nnd mineral" beneath the surface of said lot excepted and reserved same as In above recited deed. Improved with one frame store and double dwelling over said store, said double dwelllmt part being two stories and with a French toof; one frame one story and basement dwelling : one two story double frame dwelling, with French roof and double brick basement this building Is almost f-ompleted: one two story frame double dwelling, and one frame barn on rear of said lot, together with nutbulldlnits, etc. Seised and taken In execution nt the suit of Megargel Connell vs. Fllen R. Morton. Debt. 1 157. S3. Judgment No. W-). Sept. Term.. 1W2. II. fn. to Nov. Term. 1UI5. WATSON & DIF.IIU Atiyt for 1'lffs. ALSO No. 12. All the following described piece or parcel of land, sltunte in Lacka wanna township, Iickawannu county, State of Pennsylvania, known as lot No. s. In block No. I, upon the map of the Penn sylvnnla. Anthracite Coal Company's lots, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stak? In the western line of Vlpond avenue and distant eighty-live feet from the corner of Phln ney street and running thence north forty three degrees and twelve minutes west, two hundred and ninety-one and three tenths feet or therenbouts. to the line of lands now or formerly between Abram Nesblt et al., trustees, etc., and William Connell and company; thence north seventy degrees forty-two minutes east, or along the line of land of William Con nell and others, sixty feet to a corner; thence south forty-three degrees twelve minutes east, two hundred sixty-six and soven-tcnths feet or thereahouts, to a cor ner upon Vlpond avenue, and thence south forty-six degrees and forty-elRht minutes west, fifty-live feet to the place of begin ning. Containing fifteen thousand, three hundred nnd forty-livo square feet of land. Being same premises Abram Nesblt ct al., trustees, etc., by deed dated the 5th day of December, A. D. 1SSS, recorded In tho ofTico for recording deeds, etc., In Lackawanna county. In Deed Book No. 57, page 401, etc., granted nnd conveyed unto Michael Harrison. Excepting and reserving from and out of said premises Bill coal and minerals beneath the sur face with the sole right to mine and re move same, as set forth In the deed Im mediately above recited. l"pon said prem ises are a frame dwelling house, with out buildings and other Improvements. Seized and tnken In execution at the suit of S. W. Beemer vs. Michael Harrison. Debt, $125.72. Judgment No. 062, March Term, 1894, 11. fa. to Nov. Term. 1S95. THACT, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK H. CLEMONS, Bheriff. Sheriff's office, Bcranton, Pa., Oct. 17. 18S5. eaerttat a mi S. Patten Ucrad .Imtmi. in.ir.iMi. Spot lebw. OM Son taJkwHjIf- STOVES 100 Sizes and Styles OF PARLOR STOVES 50 Sizes and Styles OF HEATING STOVES ?en4 i Mnli ne rnnln nirliiB.. ; Faultless Chamical Company. Baitl- mora, Md. Atlantic Refining Co Mannfactarors and Dtalere ks ram OIIsS Linseed Oil, Napthas and Oaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease. Pinion Grease and Colliery Cora, pound; also a large line ot Pag a Bine Wax Candles. Wa also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil In the market. Win. Mason, Manager. Office: Coal Exchagne, Wyoming Ava, Works at Pine Brook. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man UttDay.If ofMe THf Off (AT aotb FxuiK'oa xumraxyv prvdeeee tke shore resmlu la'SO aaye. II act pow.rf ollT aaa quickly. Cone win all etksn tall Voaat aaea will naia their lost SMabooa.aasel nsa will leeorcr their roalktol vtsor tf aslnt 11KTITO. II enlckly nd aural radons mrou aess. Us TlUlltr, Imsotcasr, Mlf htly BaiUaloaa, Lrwrer. Falling Mrmorr, Wastlaa Plana .aaa all easets ot self-abas or siosssf ladtsereUos, salsa m. on tor wady. fcnelsaas or larrtus. It sot oalr earee by sunim Ike mt t tons. l UsstmI ! aoa Moo katldor, Mar Irs 1 bask the alak alow ta na4 cheeks aaa l ttorlag the Br at yoatk. ft wards ff restaur ana Osaaaaapttoa. Insist ea basis- REVIVO, a ohr. It eaa be carrud la t socket. aV sull, 1 4M bar paesas. or sis tor M-, with a ml I writtaa gvaraataa ta oar m iwfasal th anar- Onmlarfr. asanas ! MEtfCINt CO.. IS Rlvor St. CNICAM. IU. fer attnevtBr Plt4lsl WORKS i$. .0.0 v J , sal . . KI 1st Da. bar. Vl,