THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 23, 1895. 3 NORTON'S ;kew wall decorations. : Autumn Styles Being Received. We Invite Attention to Our Beautiful New Designs and Colorings For Fall and Winter Use. Now Is an Excellent Time To Decorate Your Rooms And Get the Benefit of Use During Cold Weather Season. We Have the Finest Stock Made In This Country At Half New York City Prices. Onr Patterns Cannot Be Found . Elsewhere in This City. The Fine Work in Large Cities Is Done in the Fall We Furnish Good Decorators. M. NORTON, 322LICXAWM1HIVE. A Fob to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE Snoi'jMe FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY Tho Weston Mill Go. PKKSOXAL. E. B. S'.urges was In New York yester day. James Sloeum, of Plttston, was here yesterday. W. A. Brandamore, Jr.. and W. Branda tnore are attending a Young Men's Chris tlan association conference In Erie. Attorney E. H. House Is on a three weeks' tour througat the south, the At lanta exposition wing his objective point. Isaac Post. L. T. Mattes. John F. 8ny der and W. J. Hand have been elected to nil elders' vacancies In the First Presby terian church. Mrs. Emma L. Tweed and daughter. Helen, of Sanderson avenue, have re turned from an extended visit In Philadel phia and Mlllvllle. X. J. Assistant District Attorney John M. Harris has returned from Philadelphia. Miss Mabel Howard, of Hackettstown, N". J., Is the guest of Miss Tvssie McHale, of Dunmore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sllllman, jr., yester lay returned from Montreal, where Mr. Bllllman was in attendance upon the an 'jl national convention of the American Street Railway association. Hugh Jennings, the champion shortstop, took a rutr up from Moolc yesterday to see his many Scranton friends and ad mirers. He will leave for St. Donaven ture's college, Allegheny, .'. Y., on Nov. 6. Three Things Yon Ought to Know. That our M. & H. kid gloves at II; cor sets of different styles at tl; ladles' regu lar made hose at Stic, are the best value for the money. Mears & ilagtn. WHITE I.ILY TEMPLE. That Is the Name of a Ladies' Society Organized Last Night. At Ancient Order of United Work men's hall, on Lackawanna avenue, a women's temple of the Knights of the Golden Eagle was organized last night und'-r the name of White Lily Temple, No. 26. The officers will be Installed on Wednesday evening, Nov. 6. The nomination and election of of ficers took place last evening and re culted as follows: Past temple. Mary Gray; noble temple, Clara Terwilllger; vice temple, Gwennle J. Davis; proph etess, Fannie Gallagher; priestess, Emma Lance; matshal of ceremonies, Klcla Foster; guardian of music, Irene Sllney; guardian of Inner portal, Annie Tlce; guardian of outer portal, Laura Dreher; guardian of record, Emma Schuier; guardian of Exchequer, Lucretla Arnold; trustees, John H. Gray, Obadlah Arnold and A. E. Ter willlger. WOULD SELL HIS PANTS. Rut Conld Not Secure a Purchaser Although Ilia Figures Wero Low. Joseph Glenn, of Providence, wound up a long: debauch -In police court yes terday morning when- he paid 13.50 and made a. protnls to Alderman Millar that he would drink no more. Glenn was picked up by Lieutenant Bpellman, to whom comptadnt was maVle that he was going- about trying 'to sell his clothing to luy drink. To the opera tor at the On'larl and Western station Glenn offered to sell his pants for SO oents. Aa tt was a rather chilly night for a mam to be golnx around In Highland costume, tffie unselfish operator refrain ed from taking advantage of the bar gain. Fin watches at Turnquest's. . English Capital for American Invest ments. ' Important to Americana seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of ZGO successful promoters who have placed ver 100,000,000 sterling In foreign Invest ments within the last six years, and over 118,000,003 for the seven months of IMG. Price B or 125, payable by postal order to the London and Universal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London E C Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction to any f these successful promoters. - This list Is first class In every respect, and every man or Arm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found in valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Bale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. ROSS. HON. WALTER C. PEPY8. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFK. T Copyright. Soli'' 14k. ladles' gold watch, guaranteed perfect timekeeper, only $16.25, at Turn quest's, 206 Wash, aye. Blank books and stationery below cost. Pratt's Book Store, . , Silverware at Turnquest's. , Wall paper at your own price. Pratt's Book Store. . Have youi watch repaired by Turnquest. a uai action guarantees, sue wasn avs. " TOR Tl Providence People Ready for Another v Toll-GateTUt. CITY TO GIVE CP THE TURNPIKE That I too Purport of Mr. Crier's Or dinance Introduced in Common Coun cil Last Mcht-Discusslon Over the Exoneration of Firemen' Taxes. The city has a chip on Its shoulder and is around lookinn for more trouble with the) Providence and Ablngton Turnpike company. The chip In uuvs tlon Is an ordinunee. Introduced by Mr. Grler, in common council, last nlRht. repealing the ordinance adopted In 188. which provides for the accept ance and maintenance of that portion of West Market s-treet, between Leg gett's crtek and the square, which Is a lart of the old turnpike' and owned by thf company. The aiveinent entetvd Into at that lime by the Turnpike company and the cMy was that in consideration of the company moving: Its toll grate without the city limits, the city would keep the road In repair. The city failed to. religiously, live up to Its pairt of the compact and Uvat var the company got a verdict of about $2,000 from tlw city for damages rcsultunt from the city's negUct. It Is to prevent a repetition of such an expensive law suit, Mr. Urler mated, that he desires to annul the contract. He believes that In case 'his measure passes. Mild the Turnpike company gees lit to again move lis toll gate to the square, there will be little or no In cvMiveiiiem'? experienced by the people of the North I'.tnl as they can use Mar ket street by way of any of the cross streets. The ordinance was favorably re ceived and rvferred for printing. KnvoreJ llomj Contractor. The sewers and dr&lns committee re ported that they were in a quandary us to what they Fhould do with the similar proposals submitted by How Icy Hros., of this city, and Hart Gib oons, of Wllkes-Harre, for the construc tion of the proiwisrd lateral sewer on North Washington avenue), between iLarch and New York streets. Each bidder proposed to do the work for $161 per lineal foot. The committee dl 1 not wish to make a recommendation, so decided to submit a resolution award ing the ontract to Howley Hros. In or der to bring the matter before the councils. Mr. Z.eldler made a little speeh In favor of patronizing home in dustry and Howley Bros, got the work by an unanimous vote. The tire department committee ap proved of the rtsoluttons providing for the erection of a tire engine house n the city lot at the corner of Franklin avenue and Vase court and council ac cepted the committee's views. Property holders on Amelia, Grace and Meade avenues complained some time ago of water which collected In their neighborhood and formed stag nant, disease-breeding pools, all of which they alleged resulted from the water which was caused to flow from Main avenue. Throop und Parker streets by reason of grading which has been done by the city. Street Com mUdloner Kinsley was aslted by the sewcis and drains committee to look Into the iratter and his finding was that the city was not responsible for the nuisance and recommended thai the property holder.? be advised to construct sewer, which recommenda tion was adopted y the committee aiid In turn by councils. illJs for f urnishing Coal. Bids for furnishing coal for city build ings were received as follows: Con sumer's Company, chestnut, stove ar.-l egg, ?2"; pea coal. 11.60; James Flynn, buckwheat, ll.L'J. pea coal. IJ.tio. chestnut, ti'.T.'i. stow and egg, $2.s5. The prIio.-als werv referred to the public buildings committer. Mr. Oliver Introduced a resolution di recting that the n-ame of Davies street be changed to its old name Hock street, as per petition of all the property hold ers on 'he mrvet with two exceptions. The petition was signed by T. Fellows Mason, S. Elizabeth .Mason, John p Acker, Wagner, jr.. It. P. Aswellj Morri Williams. A. H. 'Moure. Mrs. Maggie McLfc-rm'rtt. The resolution passed without comment or opposition. A resolution exonerating fiom city occupation lax all flre-men. except paid rri, who have vlone three years' ser vice wais Inlro-duoed by Mr. JioMn-wm, and raised after Mr. Oliver had made a futile effort to Iwlufle public urticers and other city officials, members of the fire department. In the same category with the paid firemen. Later In the. evening Mr. Oliver secured a reconsid eration of tbe measure and It was re ferred to committee. An effort will be made Kit ptrllte out the -clntise excluding pal-'l firemen on the grounds that they are as much entitled to exoneration as pollcemnn. Mr. Noone Introduced a resolution di recting the city clerk to Hie with the City Solicitor cwptes of all ordinance submitted for consideration of councils and that the Solicitor be Instructed to pass upon the legality of same when occasion requires, the opinion in thrae cases ti by advisory. The resolution was adopted. Some Ksaoluiinus I'nsscd. 'Mr. Rob'nson Introduced a resolution directing the street commissioner, to open the alley west of tho block bound ed on the south by Ce-dnr avenue, on the wKh Ity AliW street and on the west by Willow street. It paawd. Anotlwr resolution Introduced by Mr. Noone and ad :ted by coum-ll dlrerts the City Solicitor to ascertain and re port whether or not there are assess ments still flue on Loe alley sewer, which wan conwtrwted by John Camp bell, and as to whether or not such as-F-eKFmenits, If there are any, can be col lected. Mr. Morris dntToduceU an ordinance for three electric lights In the Second ward and Mr. Ztlpler asked for one to shed light In "Darkest Raymond Schank's hapely hoes. THE Newest Shoe JUST RECEIVED. s CHUNK KQEHLER 410 Sprues Stnst court." An ordinance for the grading of all streets in Dodgvtown not now graded was introduced by Mr. Noone. All three ordinances were referred for printing. The following ordinances passed first and second reading: For grading of Wyoming avenue between Green Ridge and Delaware streets; for a lateral pewer on Monsey avenue between Marion and Green Hldge streets; for flagstone sidewalks on New street. Ordinances passed on third reading were: For a lateral twer on Capouso avenue and Tirh street; approprlatlnir $1,500 for improving Robinson and Ninth streets; for flagstone sidewalks on Lafayette etreet between Main and Fllmore avenues; establishing grade of Prescott avenue from Mulberry to Olive street. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Shows That Arc Hilled to Appear In Play house of the City. The popular comedian. Roland Reed, and his admirable company will pre sent at the Frolhlnghain this evening his latest success. "The Politician, or the Woman's Plank," which has proved one of the best hits he has ever had. The characters are all cleverly con structed. One In particular, portrayed by Miss Isadore Kuli, a twentieth cen tury girl, bus created a sensation from the novel characterization and dress ing cf the role. Mr. Heed's company includes M'.fs Isadore Rush, Miss Rose llrahum, Mr. .Mary .Myers, William Uernard, ReeJ, James IKmg less. Charles Wyngate, John 11. Uunny and Sheridan Tuper. Tho Hustler rn-to-Dnte. A play that abounds In enjoyable music and phasing specialties Is rea sonably sure of liberal patronage In this city, and the approaching engage ment of "The Hustler" on Saturday next at the Academy, inny therefore be put down anions the popular events of the season. There Is something of a plot, however, to "The Hustler," und If the story is subordinated to the more exhilarating quantity it is be cause the (public prefers the latter. "The Hustler" exunpuny embraces twenty-five ladles and gentlemen, whose comedy talent Is admittedly of u very superior order. Ilvrne llrotheiH Mond-iy Night. The novelty of a steamship turning completely over In mldocean und the passengers still remaining rlght-sldo up, Is certainly a very laughable con- rei1:. The Hyrne Jtrothers, who appear at the Academy of Music Monday eve ning in "Klght Hells" ure doubtless aware of this feature as a fun-niaker when they embodied It In their curious spectacular production of that name. The Byrnes have als;i retained all the best features of the old skit which was funny. These Include the ship scene, the boarding school action, and the comical horse, and the stage coach horse-play. There Is a good variety of songs and dances In the new ver sion, with pretty music and prettier girls, A NEW INDUSTRY. Trvlna to Interest Scruntoniuns in tho Manufacture of Culm Co'il. A gtntlemun has for several days been In rVranton endeavoring to Inter est capitalists and coal men in a pro- ; cess for manufacturing culm Into a I material d'slg-nated ws "culn-coal." ; He has met with poor success, as it Is believed that the manufacture of the product mlsht Injure the coal trade. The gentleman is from Philadelphia : and represents u company of that city which proposes to manufacture the ; culm product. It is culm mixed with : chemicals and pressed into flattened 1 pieces about the size of chestnut coal. Due ton of It will last, It is claimed, I twice as long as two tons of coal and will furnish .more heaij ilt can be I manufactured to sell at about $J per j tn. I The comrany's representative has several barrels of the "culm-coal" In ; Scranton and Is distributing It to Inter I ested parties who will burn It, thus se I curing a practical test. The opinion i has been created that the new pro duct will create a more ravorahle no tice and could be manufactured to bet- ter advantage away from the coal re ; gions. TURNED AWAY FROM JAIL. A Fat D.'sirobto in Some Cases but Not in This. An aged Hungarian, named Andrew Vioss, was went to the county Jail yesterday by Alderman Millar fur va grancy. The ja;l authorities, however, refused to receive him, alleging that he was unfit on account of his Infirm. I ltles to be an inmate of any place, but a hospital. He was taken back to the station house, and the case reported to the poor authorities. j I.KT'ILRS 1RO.M MIL I'LOPLE. (Under this (lending short letters of In ttiest will be published when accompa nied, for pnl.licetloli. by the writer, name, 'i'hn Trillium will not b Imirt r.. sponsible for opinion here expressed.) H.tSE HAM. IX M HAXiOX. CI- t V.'.,.. I... .1- r. . ( uo jii iiriiiti nun ino oernnion I TiuHe Mttll imnoi miiiin proposes to nell the franchise of thin rlty to Full Itlver. I I think Ibis act will reflect no credit on ! the association, if a ntnall town like If l !!,.... 1,.. . . iiiiniK-iiiic tun nu,,iiii n ipitin in mo Kb .tern league, Serimton can hIho. Scranton Is one of the best towns for base ball In the suite If a winning team , ,,tt ,,', i . 1 1 uui lie. Hci'iiiiipnsiieii If thi-y keep players like K. Clarke Instead I of selling all the uuw players to New i York and other large clubs. Now, let the 1 iiMHoriHtlnn sell the franchise to men In inr e-njr ui ni-infltoil, Hull, am pOMIIIVH 1 1 they get any kind of a club that will kep near the top It will he a big thing for the managers, but If we go back In the fltnte league, base ball will be killed In Scran ton. Yours respectfully, ileorge L, I'ercks. Hcranton, Oct. :t. Annual I'nll F.iciirslon. All arrangements have leen competed for the annual fall excursion of the New York, Ontario and We.tern Hallway com pany to New York, on Oct. 2s. It has been so arranged that excursion trains will have the right nf way over all other trains so as to avoid sny ilelavs. It Is ex pected that this exeuilon "will ccllpso any of their former efforts. Last year over one thousand ppnp'p were rarrled to the great metropolis on the fall excursion. The exceedingly low rate of pasnago, one fare for the round trip, and the reclining chair cars run on all trains, are great drawing cards. Oorham's sterling silverware, at Turn quest's, 2ili Wash. ave. .. Fine writing paper 15n. per lb. Pratt's Hook Store. Alarm clocks, only Tile. Turnquest's. Plllsbury's flour mills have a capacity of n.WO barrels a day. . . Personal attention paid to watch re pairing. Turnquest, 205 Wash. ave. Inks !F.c. per qt., 20e. per ptnl, writing paper, envelopes and tabids at half price for a few days. Pratt's Book Store. The very latest designs In silver novel ties at Turnquesl's.iiiii Wash. avs. R-day clocks, only I2.S9, at Turnquest's. Taylor'o Now Indox Map of Scranton and Dunmore For sale at Taylor's Directory ofllce, 11 Tribune building, or given w th an order for the Scranton Directory 1SS6. Clocks, at TurnqupBt'B, 205 Wash. ave. Plumbers' Attention. Both the theory and practice of plumb Ing will be taught at the John Raymond institute. Young Men's Christian associa tion building, beginning Krlday evening, Oct. 25. Terms for membership and tui tion, $10. The Institute provides tools and materials. Have your watch repaired by Turnquest, UK Wash. ave. REPORT OFJHE VIEWERS Subject of Able Arguments Made to the Court Yesterday. GOT BACK AT ATTOKXEY BURNS Ha Paid Costs Before Taking aa Appeal by Means of Cheek and Hs Is Called to Task for So Doing. lArprument. was, heard yesterday morning on the exceptions to the report of Viewers K. J. McNully. Ii-jhert Hagg and August SehlmpiT. of tne Seventeenth sewer -district. Major Ev erett Warren represented the Lacka wanna Iron and Coal company and the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company, and City Solicitor J. H. Torrcy argued to sustain the report. The Iron und Coal company excepts because, as alleped, the assessment levied by the viewers is for property owned by the company In the Twelfth and Nineteenth wards, where the pro posed sewer will not abut. This Is the reason given by the Steel company, supplemented with copy of the or dinance creatiiiK the sewer district. The both companies, as 'Major Warren argued, maintain that only property that nbllts on the sewer should be as sessed. The Supreme court so con strued the act of lS'.'l. under which the viewers were appointed. The argu ment specified that the land of the companies affected 4y the assessment consists of fourteen acres of farm and mountain land, that lit no way can be helped by the sewer, or any branches of It. Decision Will Ho of Importance. Mr. Torrey argued that the decision of the court will be one of vital Impor tance to the city. He said that the or dlmmce creating the district was draft ed under the act of 18t!, which pro vides that all property In the district Is subject to the sewer assessment. A good deal of amusement was en Joyed ait the expense of Attorney I. H. Hums. The case of 'Hopkins & Roberts agulnst Arthur Krothlngham. rule to restore re-cords, came up for argu ment. The plaintiffs were represented by Attorneys Hums and Prank T. Okell. Attorney M. W. Lowry repre sented Mr. Krothlngham. Hopkins & Roberts -brought a suit against Mr. Krothlngham for a large amount of money. It was heard before arbitra tors and the award was against the plaintiffs. Hint on the last day of the twenty days allowed by law In which an appeal can lie taken, Mr. Okell went to the office of-Prothonotary Pryor and paid the costs by oheck, and took out a rule for an appeal. Along with other argument. Mr. Lowry contended that the plaintiffs were not entitled to be heard on the ap peal as the costs had not been paid In cash, but by check, and Mr. Lowry di rected the attention of the court to the fact that Mr. Hums, of plaintiffs' coun sel, has a case against Attorney Cor nelius Smith in which the costs were paid by check. 'Mr. Hums' perennial smile was not disturbed by the Jests of his brethren at the bar. Talking About the Fashions. The argument for a new trial In the case of the Universal Fashion com pany, of New York, apalnst John 'H. Ladwlg, proprietor of the Four-Cent store, was made by Attorney C. W. Hawson. The Jury found a verdict of $1 for the Fashion company, although the suit was 'brought for J5t)0, and Judge Ounster Instructed the Jury to find for the full amount of the claim in case they found at all for the plaintiff. Mr. Dawson arpued for a new tr'nl and Attorney C. If. 3oper opposed the granting: of a rehearing of the case. The objections of '.Mr Super were that the fashion patterns furnished by the company to iMr. Ladwlg were of the style of revolutionary days and not up to date as per agreement. lie did nit think that It would le fair If a person ordered a horse to get a mule or If one ordered a race horse to get an old "plug." The rule to set aside traverses In the case of the commonwealth against Henjamln S. Ca.rk was argued and made absolute. RAILROAD NOTES. Railroad men will await with Interest tho outcome of the dmnn1 made upon the olticials of tho Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg by a discharged con ductor for either an honorable d!s charge or the refunding of the money he has tild Into the relief fund of tho company In the past five years. This man, along with two other conductors, wns summarily dismissed upon re ports of "spotters. In addition to ask Ing for tho refunding; of his money this conductor will sue tho company for his interest in a car accidentally damaged some years ago and for which he paid the company J10 as his share of the as sessment for damages. He considers that his Interest In the total earnings of that car sln-e that time has reached quite a neat sum. The claim for the sum Invested in the employes' relief fund Is said to be a new point In law. that looks very plausible, although It has neverr been tried before. The attorneys claim that a man who Invests his money In the relief fund has or ought t have the same right that a man holding a policy In any other Insurance company Is possessed of, and that the law will not Justify any In surance company discarding a bona flde policy holder from the rights and privileges as defined in the contract We Have Them In Great Variety, TARTAN CLAN or HIGHLAND PLAIDS Your Attention Is Invited to Our Immense Stock of Black Dress Goods of German Manufacture They Are the Best Ooods Obtain able; Our Prices Are Not High. MEARS & HAGEN, .- 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. attached to his policy, neither will K permit the railroad company to retain the money iId In by a member of the relief after he has been cut out from the right to receive benefits. President Wilbur and the other offi cials of the iLehlfh Valley railroad, who went to Buffalo last Thursday and returned home Friday morning were treated to a fast ride sifter their de parture from the latter city. The spe cial train consisting of two private cars, weighing 100 tons, left Buffalo at 9.30 a. m. as a second section of train No. 4. It was drawn by engine No. 602, with Engineer Moddy at the throt tle, iKochester Junction was reached at 10.48, making seventy-four minutes for the distance of sixty-nine miles. Deducting twelve minutes for deten tions the actual time was sixty-two minutes. The run from Buffalo to Manchester, eighty-nine miles, was made In one hour and forty-eight min utes, including twenty-four minutes delay at IKochester Junction caused by the omclultt stopping to look over the property there. iNo. 652 is one1 of the Lehigh Valley's light high-speed en gines. It has CD-inch driving wheels and was recently built under the su pervision of Master Mechanic John Campbell, for :hlgh speed. Its perform ance on this occasion E'hows how well his work has been done. While some mechanics Insist that hard coal Is not adapted for high speed, anthracite coal waa used in making Friday's big run. Tea spoons at Tuinquest's. 1SI7 Itoeer Bros, knives and fnrlra nnlv J1.9S for ti, Turnquest's, 2Uo Wash. ave. nl,.r. Wnkln. - v with or without frames, half price. Pratt's xiuoH store. liny Roger Bros, knives and forks from Turnquest; "lfH7" brand only JI.9S for 6. 205 Wash. ave. Soup ladles at Turnquest's. Ladles' carters at Turnquest's. REXFORD'S. Success Every inch of this store; work men putting new front; uther improvements eoming. Vint tore bu grown sol Takes four times e on help to wrni you now than It did a ywu- acv Only buy rigai; sou riUb Clocks Ansonia. the best milts. Buy ing by the hnndredt gives us su advantage. Al.rm flock, ncru rnto ttnie and gets you up on til miuute 75c Decorativo Porcelain Drokdeo style Clock $1.90 Onyx, gold ornamented, a M 40fl Clock; wa sy , $akU Opera Glasses Only by ehanca conld we of?T such Might bring uh more Christmas week; wewou't wait. Prices on them in rus out front. Wo msntlon these: Black Morocco Trimmed, C1 7R good glas, worth Beautiful Pearl, s irtn ). If lilU Beautiful Pearl, rold trimmsd, Q Pfl double aohroinatir, (7 quality.. r..PdidV Morocco, doubl tra strong leusi Morocco, double achromatic, ox- f0 Of) (la.iUW Come Today. REXFORD'S. 213 Lackawanna Avenue. TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DORF, Elmira, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MEGARQEL & CONNELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pt Including the Most Desir able Silk Mixtures. P R E S E N T S w E D D I N Q Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Lamps. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 wvowicivauE. Walk in and look around. Kl. P. M'CANN Is Now at Ilia New Store with a FULL LINE OF HATS -AND Sole Agent for Knox Hats. Come und bee Mc. 205 WYOMING IVEIUL I NO OF SCRANTON. CfiPlIKl. )I Special Itte&tlos Giiea to taii&eu tnd Penosal kwmk. INTEREST PAID 01 THE PfirMlTS, gW ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are laeated the Afleat fiehlaf aas hoatiag grouads in tbe werll. DsssritsMee books aa application. Tickets t all patato fas Maine, Caoada and Maritime) rroviftoaa, Mlaoeaaolav It Pant. Caaadiaa aad UnHs4 Slates Serrb wests, Vanosaver, Seattle, Taostua, Portland. Ore., San t'rancisea. First-Class Sleeping and Dinlni Can attached to all through t raise. Tsarist ears fully fitted with bedding, ear tains and ap o tally adapted to wants of famlttes Buy be hd with serond claas tickets. Rates always leas than rta other lines, Per foil inforautlea, time tables, etc., on appUcatkta to EI. V. SKINNER, aE.A. 353 BROiDWAY. HEW YOU. THE RECEIVERS lEN'S IMIIPC ruiioniiiuoi 1 MARTIN & DELANY'S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to 5o per cent, below cost. These Goods Must Be Sold And if you want bargains come and get them at once. DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso elated staff of Kncllsh and Gsrmaa physicians, ar now perma nently located at Old Port office Building, Corner Pane Avenue and Spruce Street Th doctor Is a graduate of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of phy!olo-y and surgery at tho Medico-Chirurvical college of Philadel phia. His spec. allies are Chronic, Nerv ous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Tne symptoms of are d. nines, lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising tn iliroat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on on subject, startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them fur performing the actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, d. strewing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodltiKH. cowardice, fear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire eusy of company, feeling ae tired In the morning as when retiring, la'k of enerry, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, consti pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us Immediately) and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy slclan call upon the doctor and be exam ined. Ho cures the worst cases of Nerv ous, Liability, Scrofula, Old Sores, Catarrh, P.les, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Ieafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours dally from I a. m. to p. m. Sunday, to 2. Knclose Ave 2-cenl stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In ?ol to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS OR FITS. DR. E. GREWER. Old Post Office Building, corner Penal avenue and Spruce street, SCRANTON. PA, N. A.HULBERT'S WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEMWir t SON BECKER BROTHERS I RANCH t BACK STULTZ ( BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS BU5ICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC. ETC. Ws Will See What Etcyclss We Have on Hand At a price which will save fht) buyer moaer. Y Ictoriae. Gmdrou, Relays, In Men's Wheel. Victorias and Gendro&s tit Ladles' Wheels. We have same sccontMiaiitl Wheels at your own price. Baby Carriages at bargain. J. D. WILLIALTS 5 BRO. 314 LACK! AVE., SCRAOT1, PL TAKE CARE and oor eyes trill take ears ef you. If OF YOUR EYES SS pVRG'S end here y.ur ogres examined free, we Bare reduced prises aad are the Immt in tbe city. N loael spectacles (rem f 1 to tl; gold from 14 to M. 305 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. OF i 11 1 RECEIVERS, Wyoming" lit.