The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1895, Image 1

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    ... (
Is Mere at the Store
. In such invulnerable force as to
make the cold hearted. Icy breasted
monarch of frost and snow almost
melt at its appearance.
Our Blanket
Is (rran d beyond description. It
embraces about every good thing
manufacturers ever thought of
nvaklng. At 50c, we offer a wonderful
amount of solid comfort In an hon
est White Cotton Blanket of good
else and weight, and from that
figure, prices advance by almost
imperceptible steps, till a great
fathomless wealth of luxurious
warmth i reached on our superb
Blankets at 18.60. This week every
number iln our endless stock ta
opened up and conveniently ar
ranged for your Inspection.
As to Values
it's only natural we should take
first place. We buy most and sell
most, and when we say that the
prices we quote this year, are more
favorable to your interest than we
have ever submitted, you can guess
the rest.
Goto Blankets
The best that ever came from
looms, colored or white, fancy bor
ders, 50c. to $1.25
50 Per Cent
Wool EbB&rts
Grays or whitethe best wearing
Blankets on the market and in
many respaots as good as all wool.
Th values are extra special.
Gray Blankets, $2.00 and $2.50
White Blankets, $2.25 to $4.00
Wei Billets
Scarlet or white best standard
makes only, and every thread of
them purest wool.
Scarlet Blankets, $3.25 to $4.S0
White Blankets, $3.73 to $8.50
Made from the purest undyed
wools; soft, fleecy and very heavy.
Prices $3.75 and $4.50
We carry a complete line of these
Justly celebrated Blankets. For
durability tey are matchless, and
they are not lacking In any of the
essential features of a .xid Blan-
Assortment unlimited fillings and
coverings the very best. The high
er figures are for Elder Downs.
Prices, 85c. to $4.50
Breaking of an Axle In Car of an Cast
bound Train the Cause.
Engineer and Fireman Mot with a Horri
ble Poath-The Knglno of the Mail
Troln Toppled Over Into the Canal.
Postal Clerk Lucky Escape.
Newport. Pa., Oct. 24. The breaking
of an axle of a car nf an east bound
freight train on the Pennsylvania rail
road at Trimmer's Rock, about two
miles east of 'here, shortly after 2
o'clock this morning; threw several
cars of the freight directly across the
passenger track and wrecked the west
hound mail train from Philadelphia
for Pittsburg that was speeding by at
the time, causing the death of two men
and the injury of nine others.
The liond.
Daniel Wolfkill. Altoona. engineer; and
Joseph V. Haines, Altoonn, ilreinan,
both of the mall train.
The Injured.
C. A. Chamberlain, of Harrlsburg, arm
broken and wrist fraetured.
K. L. Colvllle, Pittsburg, wound above
rlirht ear and arm sprained.
K. I. Brand, of Harrlsburg. back of head
contused, sllifht cut over none, wrist
snralned and arm Injured.
A. R. Woodruir, of Lewiatown, leg and
back snralned.
8. (iron, of Mt. Joy, contused abrasion of
A. T. Rowan, of Trenton. N. J., slight In
jury to shoulder and leg.
George Ollmore, contusion of shoulder.
J. J. Campbell, of Oallltsln, abrasion of
scalp and sprain of knee.
Joseph Donald, of Mifflin, freight brake
man, sprain of lumbar muscles and
sprain of left ankle.
(With the exception of Donald, all the
Injured are postal clerks. They were
taken to the city hospital, at Harrls
burg, where none of those Inlured were
pronounced In a serious condition.
A Cor Axle Hroke.
The mall train wrecked left Phila
delphia at 10.53 p. m. last night. He
side the passenger, sleeping and day
coaches, there were six mall cars di
rectly behind the engine. The train
had already entered the block and was
going at a high rate of speed, when the
axl? of a car on an east bound freight
broke and threw several cars on t'he
track directly in front of the rnnldly
approaching mall. Engineer WolfkTil
had hardly time to reverse his lever,
when his engine struck the freight cars
and turning completely around, toppled
over a high embankment into the canal.
In the mail cars the postal clerks
were busy distributing the mail and
how many of them escaped Instant
death was remarkable. When the
crash came four of the mall cars w?re
smashed together In an unextricahlo
mas and hustled from the tracks, the
end of one ear landing in the canal.
The injured clerks crawled from the
broken cars and escaped the dreaful
death of cremation, for the wreck soon
took flre and began to blase fiercely.
Help was telegra phed for to Harris
burg will JITfRTnTown.' The Harrlsburg
fire department and the staff of the
City hospital were hurried to the scene
on a special train. In the meanwhile
a wrecking crew bad arrived and the
two maill cars, that had not been
broken, and the rest of the train were
pulled sway from the burlng wreck.
When the relief train from Harrlsburg
arrived the firemen had hut little to do.
as the four mail cars and their contents
were nearly consumed, hut the physi
cians were kept busv attending to the
Injured who were hurriedly sent to
Engineer and Fiicmnn Dead In the Canal.
The wrecking crews at once started
to clear the track and within a few
hours trains were again running as
usual past the scene of the wreck.
Down In th canal the bodies of Kngl
neer Wolfkill and Fireman Haines were
burled beneath the weight of the mas
sive: engine. The wrecking crews
worked unceasingly and flnallv came
upon the body of Wolfkill. The un
fortunate engineer was found standing
erect under the tender of the engine.
The body was only slightly bruised,
and the man had evidently drowned
like a rat In a trap. It was not until
5. HI this evening that the body of
Fireman Haines was found. He had
evidently Jumped when the wreck came
and had been caught beneath one nf
the mall cars, for he was found under
a truck of one of the cars. One let?
was cut off and the bodv was othrr
wlse badly mutilated. Both men were
married and leave a widow and two
children each. Wolfkill was one of the
oldest engineers In the employ nf the
railroad, while Haines was but' 27 years
old. ,
With the exception of a few sacks
directed to Louisville, St. Louis. Ore
gon and one or two other points, the
mall In the wrecked cars were de
stroyed. The sacks were in the end of
the ear that fell Into the canal, but
the letters In them are badly damaged
from water.
Wreck nn the Now York, New llavcn and
Hartford Hnllrnnd.
Hyde Park, Mass., Oct. 24.-A tall end
collision by which two persons were
fatally hurt, three or four seriously in
jured, and some twenty others more or
less bruised, occurred directly In front
of the Hyde Park statilon of ttai Provi
dence division of the New York, New
Haven and Hartford Railroad about
6:80 p. m. to-day. The passenger train
which leaves Sharon for Boston at 5:18
was a trifle late ,nd was standing at
V?e 2y'1! p"Tk takni taking on and
discharging passengers, being directly
on the time of the passenger train which
left Providence for Boston at 4:13. The
latter train came steaming down the
line and crashed into the srtatlmiary
train. The engine of the Providence
train was forced through nearly half
the length of the rear car, which was
well filled with passengers and practic
ally all the injured were occupant of
that car. Two persons, one a brake
maji on the -Sharon train, the other a
woman, were found to be probably fa
tally hurt, being terribly injured about
the 1iead and body. Their names are
at present unknown. The passengers
were mostly men and their Injuries for
the most part were In the nature of con
tusions or bruises.
The signals are said to have been set
against the Providence train, but as the
track on th1 section of the road is per
fectly straight for a distance of nearly
seven rnHea, it Is difficult to understand
with tthe Information already at hand,
why the engineer of tfhe latter could
not 'have seen the train standing at the
station in Mime to have prevented the
It to believed that the recent change
In runwlng trains on the right track in
stead of on the left, may have had
something to do with the accident.
One Mad Was Crushed . to Death and
Another Was Scalded.
Miffllntown, Pa., Oct. 24. The upset
ting of an engine on the Tuacoror Val
ley railroad at 'Baet Waterford to-day
resulted In the death of Machinist Jer
ome Noble, of 'the m-ad, who was crush
ed and the serious scolding of William
I'unnebaker, nn engineer.
The letter's life Is despaired of.
Fugitive Trclglit Car Telescoped by o
Passenger Trn in
Vtneennes, Ind.. Oct. 24. A tihrough
freight on the iHaltlmoTe and Ohio
Southwestern parted last night nt
Frlchton. A passenger train close be
hind ran Into the rear of the freight,
wrecking the passenger engine and
telescoping the caboose.
The caboose and throe freight cars
were burned. Several pnsveneers were
shaken up but no one was killed.
President and Pnrtv Return to Washing
ton from Atlanta
Washington. iPa.. Oct. 24. Pesldent
Cleveland and -party returned tonight
from the Atlanta exposition, arriving
here at 8.12 p. m.. eighteen minutes
ahead of schedule time. The tr'n was
made without the slightest nedd-nt or
delay, and Postmaster General Wilson
said they were proofed most cordially
In Atlanta, and had a delightful time.
Large and enthusiastic crwds met
the president at Charlotte. Salisbury.
Greensboro. Danville anil Lynchburg.
F.very member of the president's party
was delighted with the trip.
As the train arrived ahead of time
the crowd at the depot consisted only
of those nwaltlng to take trains out
of the city, and the numerous polk-"
In citizens clothes and uniforms had
little trouble In clearing a passageway
for the presidential party, which passed
through the station almost unrecog
nized. . BLOOD SIMILE!) IX fOl'RT.
Charge of I'ntriithfnlncvi Caused a Fight
in n St l.nuls Court Room.
St. Louis. iMo.. Oct. 24. Circuit court
rjom No. 2 wns the scene of n rough
and tumble fl-tht between ex-Congressman
Ous-tavus A. Flnkelnberir and At
torney .limes Lewis, shortly after
Judge Woods opened rmrt this morn
ing. The light occurred over the hear
ing of motions In t"ie now celebrated
Pulitzer-.! ones controversy for the con
trol of the Post-Despatch.
In his argument Mr. Finkelnhere,
who represents Mr. iPuHtrer's Interests,
made a statement which General
Lewis, attorney for Mr. Jones, char
acterized as n lie.
Mr. Finkelnberg Immediately ftruok
General Lewis a severe blow In the
face. The men clinched and fought for
some time, spilling considerable blood
before they wire separated by court
The episode created great excitement
In the crowded court room.
I F. W. Pcnrsnll, of This City. Presided
j Over the (,)nlct Hour.
Krle. Pa.. Oct. 24. The Young Men's
Christian asroclation of Pennsylvania
Is holding Its twenty-eighth annual
convention In fhlsrttyi-Delegates W
In number were received and welcomed
this afternoon bv L. M. Little, presi
dent of the Krle branch.
Thomas C. Gillespie, of . Pittphurg.
presided at rhe opening of the session
and turned th? convention over to ,11.
P. Sullivan, of I-'r!e, the temporary
chairman. The Pennsylvania nss.irU
tlon has 2fi noo members. A hanquct
was tendered the drlerites this even
ing by the ladles' auxiliary nr.d aftr
"quiet hour" presided over by F. W.
P-arall, of Scrantnn. Professor White,
of Chicago, lectured on Biblical litera
ture. - v
Argument to the Jtirr in the Durnnt Cn-o
Has Iteriin.
San Francisco, Oct. 21. Miss Cun
ningham was recalled this morning In
the Ditrant case, and teptmod that she
had not communicated any of the In
formation she had received from Du
rant to -the Chronicle, and she had
first reported the matter to Assistant
District Attorney Petxoto, In the pres
ence of Cantaln Lees.
At the conclusion of Miss Cunning
ham's testimony both sides an
nounced that they rested, and after
General Dickinson had presented a
list nf Instructions to Judge Murphy
which he wished read to the Jury, Mr.
Pclxoto commenced the delivery of hla
ad-lress to the jury.
I.oiilsvillo I enf Tnhiicco Warehouses Arc
in the .Market.
Iniilsvllle, Ky., Oct. 2i. Henry
Glover, of the firm nf Glover & Dur
ret. Is In New York for the purpose of
delivering to a syndicate options nn
the eighteen leaf tobacco warehouses
of Louisville. If the figures are not
too high, It Is the Plan of the syndi
cate to buy out all the warehouses
and thus control the leaf tobacco mar
ket of the world, Louisville being by
far the greatest center.
Three million dollars will be required.
Three Thousand Laborers Havo lleen
Employed In Pnnnmn.
Colon, Oct. 24 It Is stated that early
next spring work on en extensive scale
will be again commenced In the Pan
ama canal.
Alrrady 3.000 laborers hnve been en
gaged to work on the excavation at
Culehra and to construct extensive
wharves here.
Fatally Injured hr a Font pad.
Bradford, Fa., Oct. 21. As George Pot
ter was crossing the bridge over the
Clarion river he was commanded to stand
urd deliver his val'iuhles Jiy a strange
man. Instead of complying. Potter grap
pled with the highwayman, and during
the struggle was shot through the body by
tho footpad. Potter la thought to be fatal
ly wounded.
I.. V. Smith Gets the Appointment.
Hazletnn, Pa., Oct. 21. L. P. Smith, of
the New York anil New Kni-lnnd rHllroad,
has been selected to succeed the late Da
niel Coxn as superintendent of th Dela
ware, Susquehanna and fl-huvlklll rail
road. The official announcement has not
yet been made, but Is expected dally, Hs
will assume charge Nov. 1.
Killed nt a Crossing.
Wllken-Barre, Pa., Oct. 24. George A.
Lncoand John Oay, of Auburn, Pa while
attempting to .cross the Lehigh Valley
railroad at Black Walnut, near Tunkhan
nock, this afternoon In a wagon, were
struck by a west bound freight train.
Luce and his horse were Instantly killed,
and Gay was fatally injured,
Shot and Kl'led Ills Rival.
Danville. III., Oct. 24,-John W. Kitchen,
17 years of age, shot and killed William
Coates last night. Both were rivals for
the affection of Miss Ma Meeker. Coats
was 20 years old. Kitchen says Coates
menaced him with a knife. He Is In Jail.
Postnfflce nt rtrockwavvllle Rifled.
Broekwayvllle, Pa., Oct. M.-The post
office wa broken Vito early this morning
and the safe broken open and $700 worth
of stamps stolen. There Is m clue to the
Koyul School of Naval Architecture
Rescinds a Privilege.
It Is Said iho American Studonts Were
Monopolizing the Prises - At All
Events, They Can No Longer Play
In John Hull's Hack Yard.
Washington, Oct. 24. Lieutenant
Commander Cowles, the naval attache
of the United States embassy of Lon
don, has Informed the navy depart
ment that the Hoyal School of Naval
Architecture, at Greenwich, will, here
after, decline to receive any construc
tors of the United States navy.
No reason for this action is assigned.
Post graduate courses for American
constructors are still open at Glas
gow and nt Paris Cn-M univer
sity has recently added a similar course
to Its curriculum. T.i- ;.-.., , .... d
Is a 'private Institution, and several
members fur the construction corps nf
the United States navy received ad
vance training In naval architecture
At the navy department several rea
sons are ascrlhi-J for the action of the
tireenwlch establishment, which Is a
government affair, it Is bellved by
some officials that the real cause of
the declination to receive any more
constructors of our navy Is a .desire
on the part of the British government
to prevent the United States from ob
taining knowledge of Kngllsh ship
building plans. Another suppositious
reason Is that Great Britain believes
that the United States government has
advanced so far In the construction of
warships that there Is no necessity for
a further extension of the courtesy ox
tended our young constructors when
they can receive equally good training
at home, but u far more Interesting
supposition Is that the British naval
authorities have hecome nettled over
the success of the American construc
tors at Greenwich In taking prizes over
the heads of the British students.
Nearly every year a member f the
naval construction corps of the United
States has taken either first or sec
ond prizes, and some times both these
prizes hnve been secured by the young
Citizens of llarrl-iburg Givo a linn Jit
Knuuh Greeting.
Harrlsburg. Neb.. Oct. 24. A masked
man entered the 'Banner County Bank
this afternoon an!J pointing a big re
volver t Cashlur 'Carlisle demanded
money and 'the keys to t'he vault. Car
llfle, not being armed, dropped behind
the counter, ran on all fours to,the side
door, ten feet away, and then rushed
Into his residence next door unharmed.
Running to the lack gate he found the.
robber's horse, mounted it ar.'J sounded
the alarm.
A sor-re or more of cit'sens took thr!r
firearms and snrhn'drif "the" b5iik
When the robber appeared at the donr
a battle began In whch the bandit, as
he ran. emptied two revolvers at b'.s
pursuers. He hrt r.rtbody. but was
wounded In -the leg und fell. He bad
stolen but $1.67. which Was recovere-d.
A large sum of money wis within easy
reach, but he overlooked It.
Groom Will He In St. Cloud and tho llridc
In Oshkntdi.
Oshko'h. Wis., Oct. 24. On next Mon
day. unltw present plans fa U. n novel
wr :id;ng wMI take pace at the North
western depot In this city and nt St.
Cloud. The bride will be Miss Llddlo
Kbith. of Oshkoyh. and the groom Dun
can Kdwas-ds, agent of the road nt f-'t.
Clcji, They will be made one while
miles apart by tt1?raph. The usual
Questions will be iskd the gentleman
i over the wire and his nn wer. made be
fore witnesses, will tie returned.
The bride wi.ll. of course, reply to. Ihe
minister In person. Fhe will thin tnke
a wedd'eg t"ur to her husband's homo
by hurelf. The rcn ion for such an un
usual proceeding !s owing to the fact
that there Is no Prote-tant minister at
Ft. Cl.wl and the groom cannot come
to Oshkoih. '
Koads Leading to Johannesburg. Mont.,
Crowded with !rnprctors.
Grct Falls. Mont., Orlt. 24. A stam
pede Is being made for new fields on
Harley 'Creek, and the 'hlila are teem
ing with prospectors who hnve staked
out every foot of ground In the vicinity
of the first claims and are out with a
brand new town christened Johannes
burg, es a token of the future of the
Over half the population of Nelhert
has gone to Uhe new grounds. The rock
Is of dull terra eota color that crushes
easily between the fingers and bears
gold In large quant Hied. Johannes
burg Is In the Jlelt mountains and easy
of access.
Benth of n Mulnoy Woman, Aged 100,
Itnstcncd h the Use of Cigarettes.
Gnlnry, III., Out. 24. Mrs. Susan Cook
died here today, while quietly celebrat
ing her 106th birthday. She came her.
fmm Klsberry. Mo., about a year ago
and made her home .with a grand
daughter. Her advanced age was
known and well authenticated.
She was in reasonably good health
until recently, when she took to smok
ing cigarettes and ntrong cigars, and
these ore supposed to "have hastened
her demise.
Flames Started by a Thrashing Mnehlno
Iln Greet Damage.
Forman, N. D., Oct. 24. A prairie fare
started by William Llnse's thrashing
rig did almost Inestimable damage In
the reservation southeast of here yes
terday. 'A terrific wind made the Are
uncontrollable and hundreds of tons of
hay and a large quaitntlty of grain In
the dlack were destroyed.
'Reports are meager, 'but sufficient Is
known to warrant the statement that
It it the worst Are of recent years In
t'hls section.
Septuagenarian Who Kept
Her Cash In
tier House Is Kohbed of
Nashville, III., Oct. 24.
Frohrran, aged 70, living
west of here on her farm,
of $1,500 by a tnaeked man.
She always cherished a
-Mrs. Mary
eight miles
Was robbed
hatred for
her house.
banks and kept her cash In
Standing on Stop of Paris Hotel, blows
Ills lira Ins Oat.
Paris, Oct. 14 Francis H in ton, a well
known and wealthy iron man ot Mil
waukee, has oomraltted suicide here In
dramatic manner. Hie tot If attrib
uted to mental depression. He was
standing on the steps of the hotel at
whldh he was sojourning when he sud
delnly drew a revolver from his hip
locket and without saying a word fired
a bullet into his brain.
For a time the horrified spectators
were unable to do anything. When
the police and a physician reached the
scene the latter pronunced Mr. Illn
ton dead and the body was taken to the
police office. A bundle of bank notes
was found In one of the pockets of the
deceased's coat.
Ignatx Iincidopf Wedded to Miss Amelia
llurger bv Mcv. I. C. Christ.
With a nuptial mass the marriage of
Ignata Imeldopf and IMlss Amelia
Burger was solemnized at St. Mary's
German Catholic church. South Side,
at 8.:w yesterday morning. The pastor.
Rev. Peter C. Christ, outdated. Louis
H. Honker, of The Tribune, and Adam
Imeldopf, brother of the groom, were
groomshicn, and the bridesmaids were
Miss Ada Burger, sister of the bride,
and iMIss Annie 'Klein. The church
contained the many relations and
friends of the couple.
The bride wore a white silk crepon
gown and a veil of tulle, and carried
bridal rosea. The bridesmaids wore
pink silk gowns. A wedding breakfast
wbb served at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter 1 tooling, Jr., on Cedar ave
nue. Mrs. Rubling and Blrs. Imeldopf
are sisters.
The newly married couple were con
gratulated by their friends, and at 3.30
in the afternoon they left on a wedding
tour. Their home will be at 602 Wyo
ming avenue. Mr. Imeldopf has charge
of affairs at Lnhmann's restaurant,
and has the respect and esteem of all
who know him. His bride is a refined
and handsome young lady, possessed of
all the attractive feminine charms and
graces. They will be absent on their
honeymoon ten days.
Recommended to Succeed Professor
Howell at tho High School.
John U. Wagner, of the Colliery En
gineer School of Mines, received the
endorsement of the High School Com
mittee last night for the innitlon of as
sistant principal mnde vacant by Prof.
George Howell's election to the super
Intemlency. His appointment will be
submitted for confirmation to the Board
of Control at next Monday night's meet
ing. Seven names In all were considered
by the committee. They were John IT.
Wagner, II. L Morgan, principal of No.
32; Janus It. Hughes, principal of No.
23; J. A. Stewart, of Hollldaysburg;
Hugh C. Ijiughlin.of Harrlsburg; Allen
Norton, of Kingston.
A salary of tl.2'10 gos with the office.
Mr. Wagner, the appointee. Is a gradu
ate of the High School and Hucknell
University. He has divided his time
since graduation among various em
ployment. He did work for
a time, served as deputy clerk of the
courts during W. O. Daniels's Incum
bency and th'-n began the profession of
teaching. He Is a popsjr young man
and In every way carobb- of filling the
position. At prerent he Is enjny-ing his
honeymcon. having latt week taken
unto himself a wife.
It Is tho llcllcf That Ho Committed a Mur.
dcrnt ItonnoKe. Vn.
It Is believed that P.Txtuale Perretto,
the Jessup murderer who was recent
ly convicted in the second degree, is
guilty of a previous murder in Roanoke,
This belief Is based upon admissions
mad ti 'District Attorney Jones by
Italian acquaintances f th- murderer,
among them Mr. and Mrs. Ang.-lo Car
m.'to, with whom Perretto boarded.
They say Perretto told them of the
11 -smoke crime previous to his arrest
for the murder of Michael Demnrko in
Jessup and that he came north to es
cape arrest. lWretto's Roanoke vic
tim Is .said to have been a negro who
was killed with the same revolver that
was used In the flrht which resulted In
the deai'h nf Demnrko.
District Attorney Ji nes "has eommun
Imted with Roanoke officials nr 1 will
try to get evidence of the murder In
that city. It has been Incorrectly re
ported that Perretto himself confe&scd
the Roanoke murder.
Admitted That Ho .MnJcnnd Passed Coun
terfeit Mnntv.
The Scrantnn party which went to
Pittsburg IMonday to attend United
States court returned last night at 9.13
having left Bill Kent behind to the
tender mercies of the Judges, who will
sentence him tomorrow.
Kent pleaded guilty of making and
possessing counterfeit coin, but denied
the third count of the Indictment, that
of passing the money. B. Sllverstlne
was put on the stand, and, after his
testimony had been heard, the Jury,
without leaving the box, adjudged him
guilty. At 2 o'clock Wednesdny after
noon Kent was before the grand Jury,
at 4 o'clock the petit Jury had rendered
Its verdict In his case.
Iliilldlng Committee nf the Doard of Con
trol as Auctioneers.
The building oommlttee of the board
of control kist night passed on the of
fers for the old buildings standing on
the new iNo. 16 school plot on Chestnut
street for $.100. One of the buildings
on Falrvlew avenue side went to C.
R. Acker for I!50. and the old Farr
building adjoining was awarded to A.
L. Brlggs for ttie princely consideration
of $10. Many bids were received,
these being the highest.
The committee also discussed the
additional work to be done on the
proposed new school and received an
estimate of Its cost from the contrac
tor, Peter Stlpp, which will be report
ed on at Monday night's meeting.
She t'psct a Pot of Boiling Water Upon
Mrs. Rachel Brown, of lot South
Washington avenue, was very seriously
scalded about the face and neck yester
day morning. he was taken to the
Iickawanna hospital and attended
to. The report from there late last
night was that her recovery is looked
The misfortune befell her as she was
engaged about the housework. An
epileptic, fit overtook her and she upset
a pot of boiling water from the stove
on herself. She is a widow 36 years of
Loreas Zlodlcr, sr., of Franklin Avenue,
Attacked Yesterday,
Encouraging reports came late last
night from the bedside of Lorenx Zeid
ler, sr., of Frankllnavenuue, who was
stricken with paralysis yesterday
morning and whose condition was re
ported to be very serious.
. He rallied well during the afternoon
and evening and at midnight was mucti
better. He Is the father of Councilman
Lorent p. Zeldler, of . the Sixteenth
ward. .
If Agent Colquitt's Report Doesn't
Suit, Will Appeal to Carlisle.
Intelligence from Washington la to the
Effect That the Musle In tho Col
Icclorahip Case Has Not
Yst Wholly Ceased.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Washington, Oct. 24. The report of
Agent Colquitt, who was delegated to
take testimony in charges preferred
against Collector of Internal Revenue
Herring by 'William J. Burke, has not
yet been made. IMr. Colquitt is now
In Alabama on official business, but
Is expected to return the latter part
of this or the first of next week. The
treasury officials decline to discuss
the -matter until Agent Colquitt makes
his report.
It .Is believed here that Mr. Burke,
If he does not succeed In making a case
against Collector Herring before the
commissioner will take the matter he
fore Secretary Carlisle. The secretary
hus no great amount of love for Her
ring, as he was appointed by the pres
ident at the earnest solicitation of
National Chairman Harrlty, and
against the protest of the secretary.
It Is understood that Mr. Burke has
not filed all of his charges yet. nor
will he with Commissioner Jliller,
whom he suspects of showing partial
ity toward OoGlector (Herring. The
charges of Immorality nre only a side
bsue In the case. Falsifying reports
by Collector Herring are the serious
offenses he Is charged with. These
charges, as far as can be learned, have
not been filed by Mr. iBurke. but will
be at the proper time. If Mr. Burke
can prove one-half of his charges
against Herring there should be no
question about his removal.
W. P.. Bell.
Mayor Conncll Taiies No Action on tho
Kesolutiun Permitting tho Hoard of
Appenls to Loot tho Assessors' Office.
The measures sent down from the
City Clerk's office last week for the
Mayor's consideration all came back ep
proved, yesterday, with the exception
of one, the resolution permitting the
appeal board to loot the city assessors'
office. It was expected that it would
bob up In Common Council last night
accompanied -by a vto, but those who
are curl.n; to know how the Mayor will
act In this matter were again disap
pointed. Whiie It is generally beMeveJ, and the
Mayor has es mu?h as intimated, that
he is opposed t .- the resolution, It is a
matter of much conjecture as to wha:
he intends to -do with it. As there is no
mee;1ng of either brar.oh' of councils for
two weeks tho resolution will become
operative without hi. signature unle.-s
he calls a special .meeting b?fore the ex
piration of the fifteen days limit allow
ed him to dispose of a measure.
If It does become a law the board of
apptois will take all the furniture an'i
maps from the city assessors' office and
have them virtually without a home.
Thus Is f'r.e object of the board of ap
peals, as they claim that the assosF--rs
have no need of jn office no-.v that their
olllce WTk has bf n taken from them
by the creation of the appea's board.
Four contrads. one ordinance and a
large number of resolutions were the
measures which received His Honor's
official endorsement.
The contracts were with Peter Stipp
for 'the construction of the aproaehes u
Roaring Brook bridge; Hart & Gibbons
for a ki'te-ra! newer on Caiouso avenue
between Marlon p.r.1 Green Ridge
ftrets. and another on Irving avenue
lfw 'Mulberry street: Barber Asphalt
tVcn; fr paving Oi"ve rtreet be
tween iVad!5ii and Monroe avenues.
The c-dirance which received the
Mayor's approval ierm!!.s the Valley
liKsengcr Railway 'Company to extend
their Lire along Ash istret and Harrl-F-m
avenue 'to connect with the tracks
already laM in Petersburg.
The resolutions called for plans and
estimates for flagstone sidewalks on
New yitrret, b.ltweeen Carouse and
Wafhinn'on avenues: two sewer basins.
In the Fvnrter.'i!h ward. nr-J lateral
sjwerson Coif tx and Wheel -r avenues.
Another resolution made operative di
rects the Street Commlrs!-ncr to con
struct the approaches to Welles street
bridge over Iggitt's Creek and an
r';:her awards to M. A. Donahe-;- the con
tract f-T grading Filmore avenue, be
tween' Washburn and Division street.
In lloth Cases Women Wero Applicants
for Separation.
Court granted two divorces yester
day. Mary E. French was freed from
the bonds of wedlock formed with
Ueorge R French. F.lecta N. Phllo
was granted release from her husband.
Ward Phtlo.
Oeorge 1-1. French and Mary Kllen,
daughter of iMr. and Mrs. John Hamp
lett. vit mukson borough, were mar
ried on July 20. 1S90. French labored In
the mines, and July 9, 1S91. a year after
his marriage, he -went to the coal com
pany's office, drew all the money due
him. and left for some unknown clime.
Mrs. Phllo, before she met the man
from whom the law has separated her,
was IMIss Electa N. Ferris, of La
Plume. She was wedded to him at
Overfleld, Wyoming county, on Aug.
25, 1SS85. by Rev. Thomas Harroun,
pastor of the Factoryvllle Methodist
Kplscopal church. Five months after
the ceremony, Phllo confessed that he
had another wife living and Bhe Imme
diately left him.
Phllo's first wife was 'M.Iss Martha E.
Clark, of Mivywood Benton county,
Missouri. They were married by Jus
tice of the Peace Donsmore Campbell,
of that town, on June 1, 1S73, and lived
together until March, 1S73, when Phllo
came east and left her to paddle her
own canoe,
Pleasant Social fivont at Ponn Avonuo
Dnptist Church.
Under the auspices of the women of
the Penn Avenue Baptist church a
birthday par1;' was held last evening.
Invitations sent out to all members
of the congregation were printed on
blue tinted paper, and requested each
one to enclose In a small silk purse aa
many pennies aa the donor was years
old. A faithful promise was made -that
there would be no disclosures.
The tables were spread and refresh
menta. greatly enjoyed. A quartette
consisting of Walter Klple. Will Allen,
Will Stanton and Charles Doersam,
rendered several selections in a charm
ing manner.
Wontd Protect Ills Mothor.
Chicago, Oct. 24. Walter Dobbins, 18
years old, colored, called at his mother's
house, j. Lincoln street,' this morning to
get some money, and seeing Joseph MP
ler, a roomer, abusing his mother, shot
and killed him Instantly. Dobbins as-
Laies' Underskirts
In Fast Black, SatJne,
Alpaca, Mohair, Mo
reen, Brilllantlne,
Black Silk and
Changeable Effects.
Fast Black Batlno Vndersklrt,
trimmed with three narrow shirred
ruffles of same material lined with
striped Flannel. Price HSo
Fast Black Satlne Underskirt, um
brella shaped, trimmed with corded
shirred flounce, lined and has French
yoke band, price, $1.19; same skirt,
with deep embroidered ruffle $1.73
Moreen Underskirt, trimmed with
five-Inch rultie of same material,
French yoke band, price $1.09; same
skirt, with twelve-Inch flounce. Price. $1.9$
Moreen Underskirt (extra size), um
brella shaped, deep Spanish flounce,
bound with velvet and faced at bot
tom, price $2.4;; same skirt, with
twelve rows of cords. Prlcj $2.9
Quilted Fast Black satine Underskirt
lined wUh Flannel, prlc- 51.43 and $2.00
QuilteJ Underskirts In'Mihalr and
Brllliantine, price J2.00. 2.43 and 12 S3
Full line of Siik Skirts, Black and
Colored; and cail particular attention
to those at $2.93, $3.43 and i&J.
510 and 512
Dry and Wet Weather
FHOE3 that den't let In wet: hnilt to kejp
feet dry when it rslns: a coinfortuble, eer
Ticeable flioj fur winter near. Hnve a pair.
Wholesale and Retail.
able for Wedding Pres
ents, Birthday Presents,
Eye Glasses, Opera
Glasses and Spectacles a
W. J. Wetehel
408 Spruce it., Near Dime Bank.
Died In the Polico Station.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 24. Last night An.
drew McNulty and his wife were drunk
Rnd disorderly on Koss street. They were
arrested ami at 6 o'clock this morning,
when the prisoners were awakened, It waa
discovered that McNulty was dead 0(B
eer Swam had much trouble with Mc
Nulty before he got him to the police sta
tion. Fourth Class Posting iters Named.
Washington, Oct. 24. The following
fourth class postmasters were today ap-
Solnted: Pennsylvania, N. B. Wagoner,
llshop; Jesse Norconk, Ctimlskey: Will
iam McDonald, Ollversville; Wilson
Marsh, Blbleysvllle; 8. A. Carpenter,
Booth of Ex-Scnator Van Wyck.
Washington, Oct. 24. Ex-Senator Van
Wyck, of Nebraska, died this afternoon.
For Eastern Pennsylvania, fair, slight
ly warmer; southwesterly winds. For
Western Pennsylvania, fair, sligtbr Warm
er; westerly winds.
V :
i .1