The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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"I have used that most excellent med
icine. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Itemedy. for upward of fifteen years."
w rites .Mrs. J. il. Lacy, of Dryden. N. Y.
"I first commenced taking It for til
llousness; would vomit until I was so
exhausted and weak I could not stand.
cured me of this trouble, and in every
way has been a preut 'help to me. I
puve It to a friend who suffered with
dizzy sick spills, and it helped him at
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy cures
all diseases brousht about by an im
pure condition of the blood, such as
eczema, scrofula, rheumatism, urinary
troubles, ilyspepsia. constipation, kid
ney and liver complaints. All drugr
glsts, $1 a bottle.
Two Young .Men Hurt (,)ulto Badly Near
Crystal l.nkc.
Two younir men, Will Felts and
George tkrcely. who reside near Crys
tal Lake had a narrow vwape from
serious Injury while on their way to
They were near the falls when the
liorse iK'caine frisrhtencd at something
find bolted d.iwn the. road. They came
iown at a Bivat speed, and rounding
waon upset, sending both irun rlytnK
through the air. Koth were Injured
quite ha lly. Felts having a bad jmkIi
on the rl-'ht'temple. his no?e broken ln
Flde several other bad cut. Cireely
was more lucky, only sustaining a few
cuts which are not serious. With the
help of the neighbors. Kelts was taken
to Gardner's hotel neat by and Dr.
Nlles sent for. lie was soon on the spot
and at once set about making the
young man comfortable. The cuts were
sewed up. but the doctor fears that the
young men's skull has been fractured
by the fall.
- - . .
PF.V--Vi-ad The Tribune early In .No
vember. .
Will Present the Chimes of NormnnJy
for tl c llcncflt of l.mereenev llr-t.-.l.
A ntw opera company has Wen or
pur.lzed in t r, city, ami will at once
Ou-Rln i'Mc:Ielng for the prhictln of
t.".e "L'. lnies of N. i n-.indy." which will
lie giv.n 1 r t'.ve hen. 'lit f Kmergency
CMsrVal. T'.-.e cm will rake eleven
Jiet jo;;.. while tluy will be gupivrte-l
1-y a chorus of ab u: llf.y volets. Th
jt-h arfaii will com nunc.- as so. n as
j .i; -ihe!'-":s nu eting tonight
in the iHarke bu:Mi;r,-.
1; will be three months before the
play run be g:3-l. That f: will be ft
euee.-fs no one doubts, for the foruvr
ho wings of the company have been
ex.'.Mh r.':. The choruses will be ,
j'ecially tin?, nr.d will be under the di
rection i f W. !. Kvans.
The officers el.'-te.l by the organ'.z.i
"t! n are as f.l.v.vs: Pros-Hen;. W. 15.
Orilman: treasurer. IT II. Whe-ler;
murfrnl dtrtctor. W. P. Kvans; dra
ir fic diiv-otor. Klebard I.ind.-ay;
lvtary, A. It. .lone; business manager,
Julius Mof-es.
A Wagon Hit with Terrible Force nnd tho
Morses Hurt.
A farmer who was In this city dispos
ing of his stock was driving across
f'hureh street with his team, when the
wagon was struck and serious results
Were most narrowly avoided.
At the corner of Lincoln avenue the
farmrr met a buggy acl one of tho
wheels became pocketed In the tracks.
He attempted .to remove It by driving
acroF the track and while doing so
was struck bv the car. wh'rh was com
ing at a gi od rate of speed. The shock
was s great that one of the horses
was thrown to the ground with great
force and nearly earr'ed off Its feet.
The farmer eseapi l without an in
jury, but with the horses It was quite
d'fffr'nt. Kith were bleeding badlv
from nui"oroii oit and It was with
much difficulty tint they could stand
on their feet. After them for
some time the farmer drove off, well
j.'leaseJ to escape so easily.
- - - - -
'nlqtie I entertainment tn lie Given by
Ynnns l.nJy Uorkcrs.
The younT lady workers of the MeVh
o;!''i; Kpl?rvpal tchitr.-h have tissued
Inv itair-irs f r a l iirihd.iy reception
flt the Mutliodifit Episcopal church on
"WednepHay evening, Oct. 21, t
o'clock. The follow ing verse Is formed
"-n the Invitation:
This birthday party we ask you to
7 another good time In store for you:
Th-re'll b song and diversion, delightful
In kind.
With 'he hearty welcome you're sure to
Nov, If you look well, an envelope smfill
Mill he found here enclosed; we ask you
To open It wide nnd there enfold
A many cents as years you are old.
T-'iW if this party you cannot attend,
Your rlft will be welcome If sent by a
f KA" Read The Tribune early In No
vember. Wreck on the Uric.
A rr-nr end rollls-Sn occurred at the
ck oit on. the "J.-ff" Monday fter
Tn, Khmnily after 2 o'clock, In which
two men were Injured, and a caboose
end engine wrecked. Conductor Fay's
train was g'rlng nort'h and was followed
ty Conductor Dolan's itraln, which was
!hak-d by tifrlne 6."."1. In charge of En
gineer Kane. Kane failed to Fay's
train tn time to stop, and dashed Into
It. The caboose was badly wrecked,
and the pilot of the engine broken off.
John Keenan, who was lMlng in the
caboose, llvad Mb nose broken and
Kdward OTMalley was quite badly cut
n the head and received several
bruises on the hip and ghoulder.
Clllgnllon-C.aHCT Nuptials.
A pretty wedding took place yester
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at St.
Rose church. Rev. T. F. Coffey offi
ciating. The parties most deeply In-
v. TEMH-Strlt'ly COSH During Thlt giK.
leuma, DraperlcH, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
. . We hmye decldod on Bweepln(t Redac
tion rather than cover op onr goods dur
ing onr extensive improvnments, and
have marked down everything In the
, ; . store at oust and tees. Bee our Window
Display, which will substantiate what we
Inqnbl Carpel from ISc. lo 50c. Worth 2Bc to 76e.
Brunels Corpots, 40c. lo 60e Worth tOe. to BOo
WiH Pafort, Be , Wortk 10c,
And everything else la proportion.
terested were iMIss Maggie Casey,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Casey, of Forty-seoonl street,- and
Charles Oilgallon, of the West Side.
The bride was dressed In a brown silk
gown handsomely trimmed with rib
lon. The bride was attended by Kate
Rurmtngham, of No. 4, and Matthef
Kearney, of the We-st Side, was the
groom's best man. After the ceremony
the young couple returned to the home
of the bride, where a reception was
given to the relatives and a few Inti
mate friends. At. 10.50 they took the
train for New York.
There Arc 1.175 Rnllrond Men.
The committee appointed Sunday af
ternoon to Ascertain the number of
men employed by the dllTere-nt railroad
companies In this place have given
their report to "the general committee.
The committee consisted of F. C.
Whltelock. H. . Major and William
Blake. They said they had visited the
iheaJnuartii of the companies and
found the number of transportation
and Etop employes of the Detaware and
Hudson to b: about S00: of the Ontario
and WV.fltern. ailotit Va. and of tho
Erie, 125. making u of 1.175 rail
road men living In this city. These
llgures will be f-evardcd to Mr. Pear
rail, of the Hall road Men's Youtij?
iMen's Chnistlan osstwlatlon. at Scran
tim. who will then forwent them t.J the
state secretary, who will probably send
ome one 'here to make an appeal to
the companies for aid.
I'liomnx W alsh. Sr.. Hurled.
The funeral of Thomas "Walsh, sr..
who died at his home, on I'owderly
strert. Sunday morning, took place yesterday-
morning. A solemn high mass
of requiem w is celebrated at St. liose
(iurch by Itev. W. A. Xealon, wh
alto preachil the serm n. A large
number of people followed the remains
to tht lr ,i --it reMng place, s-howing the
1 :ih estii-m In which .Mr. Walsh was
held. Ta-e following gentlemen were
pall-biarers: Thomas Cummlngs. Wil
liam MoDon Migh. Martin Murray,
Dudl-y VJ,rd n, John Nolan, l'eter
S-i't idan, William Moran and 'Patrick
M ltK'ild, of Providence. Interment
was made In St. Rose cemetery.
Funeral of Mrs. Owen rianncllv.
The last rid rites over the remains
of Mrs. Owen Flannelly, who died at
her home en Fnllbm k stcet Satur
d ly. were performed yesterday morn
ing. A requiem mass was celebrated
by the Rev. James Ma! me. He also
dilivered the sermon. The flonl offer
ings were very biiutiTul. and were car
ried by John Sullivan utid P.-ter Hrown.
After the sirvl'e the remains '"ii
conveyed to St. It se cemetery, where
the iiueimient was mile. The pall
bearers were: Patrick Connor, Wil
liam Kilgallon, Matthew Flannelly,
Janus Purer!!, Patrick Nertvonib and
Patrick Covlyjon.
hnrch Stiect pavement Settled l or.
Hat': & Dunn, the contractors for the
Ciiirch t tt .',; ,.ivetni n:. 'tiave been
laid the ivrn.ilr.'l r of the money due
.in m. Mayor Iiandr:. Is.-ued the last
bet:d of $.iH0 yesterday. Tile foil vwi'ig
l ords have been red cmed by City
Trea-uir, r (Irani -r: ne DumlafT fi:r- et
paving bond. J."ei); one Church stret'C
paving bond, J.'.'JO; five l.incol avenue
InipMvement binds. Jluii each; one
Parke st re, i r.eiver b m l. $!0u; or.e Sec
ond di.-!;r -t sewer txuid, $"e0; three
Sev.n'ih avenue imirovenient bonds,
$:!". J
l ire Vestcrdiiv Aftornoon.
Tlie tire alarm yiftcrday afternoon
wa) oecu.-ioii d by the burning of a
to 'k hou. In the rear of a re.-' lenre
vni-d by Patri.k Rreuirau, on Wel. h
Hill. The property is occupied by
Frank Minnlck. The "H,k house was
destroyed, Imt the tire companies ar
rived in time to prevent the Haines
from spreaJin to the house.
Patrick iAtkiiisen. of Cottage str' t.
Is very ill with cliiotile dysentery. Mis
condition is critical and his friends fear
that his death may occur at any time.
Wam n Plenum, of 'Lincoln avenue. Is
putf. ring from Injuries r-oeived by fall
ing from a scaffold while at work.
Janitor Sola, of the city building,
found a portion of a J-io bill yesterday.
In size It was about one-eighth of the
original bill.
The Rev. E. J. H'a'.-by Is In Hones
dale In attendance at the nrehdeaeonry.
Michael Mot risen has be.-n ;ivanled
the contract for carrying the mail be
tween t'ae n ist"tllee and the Ontario
nnd Western station, p. . Walker
will con'lnue to convey the mails to the
1'nlon station.
James Shannon ard Edwin Peters,
two employes In th" Delaware and
Hudson Oravlty blackmiih shops., re
signed their rosltlons .Monday and left
for Philadelphia, where they expect to
secure better situations.
sa Yarns, residing with his daugh
ter. i.MJ-s. Rurrows, nt the Lackawanna.
House, received a painful Injury to his
side by falling.
Mrs. T. A. Swlni'.le fell down some
steps at her home Sunday and was se
verely btuls. d.
The many friends of Dr. avl Mrs. M
J. Shields, of Jcrmyn. will be paln-d
to hear that their two little children.
Henry and Kloise. ni'e seriously III nnd
their symptoms point to diphtheric
croup. drs. Hiirnett, of Scranton;
Manly. f Jermyn. and Wheeler end
Shields, of this city, have been called
In In consultation.
11. A. Purple sp. nt yesterday In For
est City.
Mrs. Mllo flardner and son. who have
b-en visiting friends ill Clifford, re
turnf 1 home Monday.
iMrs. Frnnk Craton, of Oneonta. Is the
guest of Mrs. Joseph Reardon, of Ca
naan street.
Mrs. N. M. Klbrecht, dealer In hoots
ard shoes, has made an nsslgnment.
E. J. Shannon lias resigned his po
sition as clerk In P. A. Carroll's store
ard has accepted a similar one with
Shnnnon Elmer.
Dan Fnrrell, of Oneonta, Is visiting
friends In this city.
iMIss Mary Copi I! , of I'lttston, ami
Mips Flocum. of Mont Rehrr, Vt.. are
visiting iMiss Maria Cirady. of Pllce
Mr. and Mrs. J. 3, Retry, of Canaan
street, have Is-md Invitations to the
twenly-'lftli anniversary of their mar
riage on Monday, Oct. 2S, nt 7. ."ft p. m.
'Miss Nan Hrown, of Hoiiesdale. Is vis
iting Miss Anna Moon, of Terrace
The Misses Ollla iMoon, Ina P.arh
and Lizzie Newton stunt Saturday in
Jermyn ns guets of Miss Mary Sivlck.
The Misses ft. Fee and Kat flolden
1 ft today for week's visit with Scran
ton friends.
lltnger Williams, of Williams avenue,
Is nulte 111 with typhoid fever.
ThelMIse Rrldgetnd Annie Dart, of
Brooklyn street, expect to leave In a
few days for a vlst with their sister,
Mr. John Lamb, of Rrnltlyn, N. Y.
Mr. and iMrs. John iRoth, of Terrace
Street, have tieen called to Renton by
the death of a relative.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rose, of Wy
oming street, are visiting friends In
Our new school houss was dedicated
yesterdayi M Conway,- of fieranton,
made the opening address. The Pa
triot: Order Rons of America hoisted the
flag. Rev. Mr. Vanwert and Rev. Mr.
Adam made some most excellent re
marks. .School orlenn today.
iSteve Jenkins received the sad news
of the death of his 'brother In Meslmp
pen yesterday. "
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hall, of Wllkes
Harre, were the guests of i.Mr. and Mrs.,
C. H. WHltams over Sunday.
'Miss May Day. of Plymouth, who has
been visiting Miss Flora Tiffany, re
turned home yesterday.
Dr. 13- 8. Wheeler cent In his resigna
tion as a school director at the lait
meeting of the board.
The Pittston office of the Scranton
Tribune is located at No. 5 William street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and Items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Oflleo open from
8 a. m. to 10 p. m.
James Tig-he. of Cork l,ane. who was
j-.tnbtuxl In a. drunken row at Cork Lane
Mondjy was removed to the hospital
yesterday. He was stabbed Jn ihalf a
dozen part of ithe body. All the
wounds, excerit one, are slight, but 'the
wound in the cbdomen Js very danger
ous. rvYClMani. Mkioiiey. who did the
stabbing, Is still at large.
The trial of Thomas Marley, of this, on a charge of as-saull, whlrh
was set down for trial at Wllkes-Rarre
tills week, ihns been put over untH the
p-ext term of court.
Mra. Mary Krntligan, an aged rcsl
dcivt of Sebasiopol, died very suddenly
early jesterday mornlmt;. She was 65
yva:r old. The funeral Torvloe Will
lake place Thursday afternoon at 'i
A 'large number of sf.vts have been
Fold for the oomeert to be riven by
Sadie Kaiser, un.b r :he auspices of the
.Mn's Guild, of Trinity Episcopal
ci urrii, ii; Mus.e hall tomorrow eve
ning. Tiie PJttsiton foot ball 'team goes to
Tunk'.iannoek Saturday to conttrt with
the club t ieie.
A. I!. Hrown and Hiitrh McDonald,
n ine inspector, left yesterday on a
bu.-inesd trip to West Virginia.
Mr. and IMrs. Paul Rohan returned
home from a vi.Mt to Atlantic Ci'ty last
At a meeting of the sell ct council
Monday evmlng the city solicitor was
Instructed to draught an ordlniince to
pay Health otllci r James Tlr.he's uhree
moiKhs' salary.
I'itiston Itiisiness Ulrcctorv.
on Wright .. !" Sooth .Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
heeoiiil-hand household goods, bought or
It cost The Tribune, in conjunction
with a number of other papers, 3!l 1-3
cents a word to I uy the manuscript of
Rudyurd Kipling's stirring story, which
will he- printol complete In next Sat
urday's Tribune. Hut when you shall
have read it you will agree with us
that It's well worth It .
The wind bloweth where It llsteth,
nnd it Inis.les a good deal of dust ulong
with it these days.
The ugly patches where the cement
was mended on the exterior of the court
house are not very attractive. It Is
to he hoped that some one will find time
to cover them with paint before court
cotivem s,
Judse Dunham was here yesterday
to listen to the arguments ill the Mack
Mill r audit case. There is iUite a
Imnp of money to be iiuarreied over by
the credit, rs, ni. 1 the litigation now
going on Is not likely to Increase It.
It is not unlikely that the case will end
in one of the higher courts.
Professor !". H Jarvis, principal of
the Mesi,e,H.n graded schools, has
formally unnouncej b's candidacy for
the olliee of county superintendent. He
Is a man of undoubted ability nnd ex
cellent reputation, and the directors of
the county will d i well to consider his
merits in choosing a man to till the
The wi ;k of putting In the electric
dyramo at the spool works will begin
at once.
The county commissioners are receiv
ing b! !s from the pt inters for the work
of printing the balljts for the Novem
ber election.
The "knight's" d gree will be con
ferred uii.m Candida lis at the Castle
ball of Tutikhannock lodge. Knights of
P:h!as. Friday evening next. full
attendance of the members is desired.
A warrant f -r the arrest of Harry
Kepner. a pa'nter. was Issued yester
day up in complaint of .1 lyeph ftoliln
i in. at who-e lioiue Kepner wns paint
ing. Mrs. Robinson mli-si d a p i; ki t
book containing a sum f money, and
et once Jum! i-1 to the conclusion that
Kepner whs the thief. A little search,
however, revealed the money tucked
In an out-of-the-way place, nnd the
matter wa thtia endol. A little fore
thought a"d tcor careful s. aieh In the
beginning wuild have saved n reputa
bly honest young man from an unjust
The I'pivorth league Is contemplating
hte adoption of a r,adlng cours"1.
John ll.irdlngand family, of Phllllps
burg. Mont., arrived In town yester
day nnd will" probably make their fu
ture home here. i.Mr. Harding Is a na
tive of this county, but has been In the
west a good port ion of his ltf".
Attorney D. C. ReU'itt. of Tlwnnda.
was here yent c lay to take a hand in
the Mack & (Miller audit case.
James L. Vote and Ceorge Orr, In
surance men. ore In attendance at lh
regular meeting it t (Rent It'nd of the
board of underwriters for Susipn hanna
and Wyoming reunites.
Mrs C. M. IMwariis. who has been
spending some time with Mrs. O. C.
Mill-r. returned to her home, nt Ash
bourn. Montgomery county, yoi'erdav.
W. K. Little Is taking a trip through
the soul h. touching at Knoxvllle, Tenn..
and Atlanta. !a. lie wl!!f be gone a
couple of weeks, or more,
Dogs have hi en making game of some
of the higli-prici 1 mutton over in "Mon
roe. One farmer lost a couple of regis
tered sheep thait were the pride rf his
flock and entirely too choice (atlng for
pleblan dogs.
The stori building of tVebber & Os
burn, at H auniont, which was recnt
ly destroytd by fire. In being rebuilt,
nr l the business will herenfter h con
ducted by 'Mr. Webber, his partner re
tiring from the firm.
The friends of .Mr. and Mrs. N'nlhan
Shnpp made them a surprise visit nt
thir residence, on Turnpike street.
Monday evening. It being the occasion
of Mr. Shupp's twenty-first hlrthdiv.
The diagram for the Sadie Kalrcr
eon-erf Indicates a large attendance
fonlrht, but tbrre nte ill n number
of desirable puts that have been h id
for late-comers. The success of the en
tertainment, If It finill prove , success
ful Is to be attributed to the lipetrlng
efforts of W. A. Klttredge. who con
ceived the plan of cringing Mls Kaiser
hi re and has workr 1 unceasingly, to
make the receipts cover the expenses.
Those who have the pleasure of henrlntr
Ihe singer should accord b!m the praise
for his part In the matter.
If tho Itiihv Is Cutting Teeth.
Xtr. Win.low' SootVnR 8yrii. hns bfon
lixcd for over Fifty Yenrx hy t'li:oii of
Mo'hern for thnlr (rtillilren wh'li, TVrdhtni?.
with T'rrfict Snrrend. It BoolhHS th
ClilM, SuftrriH the fliinm. Allnys all PhIh;
rnrr-i W1ml Corr", nnd the host rr-meilv
for DIsrrhoea. Hnlil hy Dnisclstii !n vrry
pnrt of tho world. lie sure nml k for
"Mrs. Wlnfllow's Soothing Syrup," snrl
tokn no other kind. Twenty-five cent a
old forge:.
M'!ra Btrrlha Santlec, of Wyoming
Kcmirary, was the gupt of ipr-ijncle,
Itev. K. L. Snntce, ovr Sunday.
The Ladlc'V AIJ roohly wllPmcot
at the imrsonaBe this afternoon. Tho
ladles will serve nupper In he after
norm an J ever. Intr. , . , -
Thrfe t.til:nrwa young mpti robbed a,
TrtrkliMh Vfddlcr nt Oarbon IMll on
Tut'Jay. Sr-Vfral prnuns taw them,
brit ilhey ewoaperl.
iMtaa J. Hay airai'ihoacl, of ftfrouda
burg No-rnral vcliool, spent . Sunday
w'j.'ti her paren'ts. . ,
Quite an exeit'nsr runaway owurred
at Rcnditam on .Monday noon. W;r
nvan' laundry wairim, tt Scranton,
was rtandLnR tn iihe -jroi'l ' whva
horse wilth . tin pall lied to his tail ran
putt The laundry horse beciime fright-
ened and ran and collided wfth a tele
phone pole. The front wheels carao.
loose from the wagon and the' horse
ran 'towards Lackawanna. 'No serious
damage done.
T. J. Stewart spent Sunday in New
York state. . -
iMlrs Louise Barnes, of Scranton, and
eubetltuite tn our borough schools, has
resigned to accept a position as teacher
in Scranton.
The fintertalnment held at Fadden's
hall, on M.mdiay evening, was both
tocially and 'financially a success. The
special fea'.urea cf the evening were
the reciting of Ml.vs Cora Grlflin and
the slack rope walking, Blngling and
evincing of the Harrington Brothers,
this is the first annual entcuialnment
of the FVtrresters.
The 'meeting of the counoll to be held
at Fadden's 'hotel Monday afternoon
was pjtpomed oinit'll -this afternoon.
John Ivgan. of ithe Houlevard, and
Mins Nellie Judge, of Green Ridge, will
he married on Out. SO.
M!a KFi;le of Olyphant, Is
vis-itlng Miss Kfkle Judge.
The new National Automatic or
chestra, recently placed tn Fadden's
hotel, plays ia!l the popular airs of the
Thomas Meciian vXlod friends In
Carbondale last evrci'lne.
lnst 'tutc next wc"k. All the eohoola
In ithe boru?rh will be closed.
NUdt 'school will begun In this bor
ough on Nov. 4. and will conitlnue for
three months If tho attendance war
rants It.
I, W-llil lam Thorpe, do hereby chal
lenge John Rlc oby to a game c.f quoits,
nnd concede 'aim ten points start In a
R.'.me of sixty-one points up. Or I will
lake five points tlUrf of Thomas Reed
In a game of Ixty-on points up. I
will cot.'.'i le ,iipiien Mackendl, of
C'a-ssy Island, ten points start In a
game of jixty-or:e points up. Or I will
play any other man In America an
even up game sixty-one polntii up,
Thomas Do ids preferred. I will play
any of the above games at the Palen
tlne hotel, Providence. Answer through
The Tribune. Signed, William Thorpe,
and not William Kennedy.
The employes of the silk mill had
their photographs taken last week.
The Curtis i.Medlcltie company's goods
vtett.. sold at auction on Saturday by
the constable.
The iMrectors of the silk mill met tit
Seeanton on Monday. James T. Du-l'.i-ls
whs In attendance.
The cottage meeting on Friday even
ing will be held at the home of J. A.
Wish), on Williams street.
A report of the Sunday school con
vention ht HI at Wllllamsport was read
by the delegates. Mrs. J. K. Millard
and 'Mrs. Frank Knapp, on Sunday In
lh- Prcslivt. rian church.
A (ieballtiA e'ui, was organized on
Sr.! unlay ivrnlng In the Railroad
According to announcement alreadj' made, we com
mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our
two large stores. The goods have all been marked down to
first c.ost, man' goods even below cost.
If you have any present or prospective need of relia
ble goods be sure you come while this sale lasts. But
the earlier you come the better for you. Wc mention
below but a very few of the
The stock is entirely new and includes the latest
i ideas in design, texture and manufacture in the line of
I Carpets, Rags, Mattings, Linoleums,
I Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades and
Upholstery Goods of Every Description.
liflf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our
Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the
lowest prices ever quoted in Scranton.
Wti In 1niHt wl"it to
K"'iCvff2ii'SJ 4 '3f'flS ttii i"ill. Ifnn Khr
evn; J; drtr "i ffUc
tAU M im 'mi ( ti..
For salo by JOHN H. PHELPS
Spruce Sire a;, Scranton Pa.
That Has a Full and Complete Una of Underwear Is tha EMPIRE
DRY GOODS COMPANY, 516 Lackawanna Avenue.
Und rwcnr lor Men, Women and Children, any price and dllTtrent
(.'Olden. You can Und with u Niitiuul Urnyit, Camel 'h Hulr, Fleeced
Liucd lied, Clrey Meiino. They are hoiiKtit for wpot cttMli nt times when
ptHidH were ut tho lowest fiiire.n. This wan' In April, 1H!)5. and the only
huyor in Underwear that understand quality is Mr. Henry Good man
. . Manager of the Cut l'rlce Stoi c,
In Underwear, Jersey Overshlrts In different Btylcs. We will not quota
any prices, Imt wo ore willing to take oll'ij per cent, straight than usual
priifs el.-ewhero.
We Are Also Direct A'j;cirts
For the Superior II) plena Underwear Ccinpany
'on slirlnknble, the best fur health. We guarantee thcru to be equal to
the one yon pay 85.00. Onr prltw on them, for Shirts $1.50, or ?'!50 for
the Suit. Come and see them. Largest assortment of Wool Hosiery,
HwcateM, Cardigan Jackets.
Yountt Men's Chtiatlan 'Association hall
jjn 4 tho fallowing officers were e.ected:
T'resineni, .t. si. Simmons; vice-president,,
tleorgo Millott; parliamentarian,
Profetsor C K. Soxley; secretary, E. J.
Gorton. The subject for the debate was
Resolved, that capital punishment
should be abolished." 'Kach side han
dled their part excellently, but the
judges decided In favor of the allirma
tlve. The subject for the debate next
Saturday evening Is "Resolved, that
lawyers aro more useful than doctors."
The funeral of Mrs. Asa Bennet was
held In th Presbyterian church Sunduy
afternoon nnd was largely attended.
Master Harold Hays is visiting his
brother, MniUarid, at the Bloomsburg
State Normal scliool.
The Herald has been enlarged to an
8-pnge paper.
The Gospel meeting next Saturday
afternoon will be addressed by Rev. Dr.
Taylor, of iBinghamton.
The Presbyterian Younff People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor are con
templating holding an entertainment
In th.t near future.
iB. F. Bernstein and 'Hon. James T.
DuBoies were in lUlnghamton Satur
day. The Historical society will meet In the
Water company's ofllce on Monday
evening, Oct. 23
Jesse Oatheney Is'to attend school
at Windsor this winter.
Geoige Glcnson, of Carbondale, Is
now employed by the Hallstead Herald
us the manager.
Hip Disease
Results from a scrofulous and lmpnra
condition of .no blood, and it is cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the great blood pu
rillcr. The father
of a Fliiladulphia
girl writes this:
" We gave Hood's
Parsaparilla to our
little girl, who had
Bymptotns of hip
disease, fiho could
not put her foot
down on the floor
when we com
menced giving her the medicine, but in a
short time she was able to get off the
couch and to reach her playthings. Since
then i ho has steadily improved, thanks to
Hood's Barsaparllln, and her general
health is all that could be desired.
When any of the other children are not
well we give them
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and weearnestly recommend It toothers."
E. Berry, 203 Richmond 1st., Philadelphia.
II o J Dili eTtniiiY.eTtoUke
nOOQ S rlllS e, in tBucl, ttcouu.
ur f,r Nr-ou IVhlltty, !. of 5ritit Fvwr (In lihr
ftml lull vivi.r ieirrl. If nfitertr J,
a Ierl (fiiimiit ti) mra ir reluti.l th money, AtldrcM
ti-vcun t. i Mho.
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenu" and
TO our
Wasliburn-Crnshy Co. wish to nssnro their many pat
rons tjiiit they will this year hr.M to their usual custom
pf inillinK S1KH.1LY OLD WHKAT until the new crop
1h fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, anj
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers nre
of the opinion that it is already cur :d, and in proper
condition for milling. Washhurn.Crosby Co. will tuka
no risks, und will allow the new wheat fully three)
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling haa
placed Wishburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Moosic Pcydar Co
Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtli Bld'g,
DALE worths.
I.amin & Rand Powder Co.
Orange GunPowdei?
Electric HnttorlpR, Ftiao fop explod
ing blasts, Safety lAine nnd
Eepaano Chemical Co.'s HlghEiplosha
Coal cf the best rjuullty for dometle
h, anii of all slz3, Hlvlivered in &uj
(art of tli "Uy nt lowoxi prico.
Orders Jpft nt mv tnli'-a
P.ear room, i. tl.xr, Tlnrrl Nation, or sent hy nmil or tt), photir to Uw
nine, will rprpivo prompt uUirmon.
ftlwl.M oontmots iil ! nmii.' for Um
Mi as4 delivery of Uurkwheat Coal.
LocomoiGS, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Olliee: 5CRANT0N, PA.
lJedroom Suit, Spring nnd Mat
treasi, i-utiro outfit, $IS.
llnrdwood Itt'tl, Spr'1112 nnd Mit
tie!3, complete for $4,00.
4 Cane High luck Chairs and one
Kofk. r to match, all cmbossetl
hack, 5 pieces, if l.'i.l.
Six picco Toilet Set, nicely deco
rated, $1.US.
A JOO picco Dinner Set, beautiful
ly desigued and decorated. JS7.K)
Lace Curtains, l(5-in. wide, 3 1-2
yavds long, per pair, $1.35.
Velvet Carpet, per yard 87c
Mcquette Carpet, per yard 95c.
KERSEY FALL OVERCOAT, best make, $14.
CHEVIOT SUIT, blue, black or brown, $10.
im CLOTnlRIfS, Y. m.
Hoofing Go,,
' S26 Mington Arenas,
Scranton, Pi
TELEFH3.'!E 533.
v Ebonite Yarnisb,
PrftTfAl D A A n n i4
All kit of roc fn? work dens. All kinds ot
gravel or -lr rwfs mide.
All done awny with by th use of HART
MAN S PATUNT PAINT, which consult
of Ingredients well-known to all. It con b
applied to ttn, cahan.ied tin, aheet Iron
roo(R, alpo to brick dwellng. which will
prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
In or breaking of tlie brick. It will out
Uul tlnnlnit of any kind by many years,
and It's rost does not exceed one-nftn that
of the cost of tlnninR. Is Fold by the )o
or tionnd. Contracts taken by
A.NIUMU HAHTilAJ' X. Ul Birch (.
We Pay
The Freight
On Out-of-Town
v. . iBotfcgldMbi
a n - - t
Wyominj Ave. y