THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 23, 1891. Neu)s Luce Best Flour, per barrel $3.95 Feed, M and Corn, per 100 .90 30-lb. Pail Jelly , Choice Hams, per lb .75 .09 Choice Light Bacon, per lb 07) Pure Maple Syrup, per gal 80 NEW STORE. WEST 5IDE EVENTS. Klehord Norton Killed by a l oll of Hoof in Price's Mlne-l'ersonuls on J Ncns Notes. Richard Norton, a minor, was killed by a fall of rock In Trice's mino yostor iluy morning ut about S o'clock. Nor ton had tiivd two blasts and was r tuinlng to his chanilvr after tli shots. While in the act of lioritiR the hwiw coal from the tiile, a large piece of rock fell from the roof, hittiiiK Norton on the head and iroslnir his face lnt.i the coal on the bottom. He died Instantly. He wan taken to his home, at Jackson street. Mr. Norton Is survied by a wife ami eisht ch.ll.lrvn. one of whom, Mell aril, Jr., is now in California. A mes sage was sent to him telling of the totality, anJ the funeral arrangements will not be made until word it received In return. News NiisRets otid Personal-!. Professor David Ower.s. of No. 14. hag been appointed night teacher at the John Raymond lnftitu'.e. A c.'trysant'iemum social will he held In Beer's hall on All HaHowe'cn night, under the direction of a number of AWst S:Je young ladies. The remains of the late Mrs. Mary P. Carey, who died at West Nicholson. Saturday, were .brought to this side yfsteMay ar.d Interred In Washburn Street cemetery. A meeting of St. Krer.dan council. Young Men's Institute, will be held this evening. Jarr.t-s Fi. James, of North Hyde Park av?nue. is about after an Hints. Th Oriole ilanclng ciass, a new or ganization, lanod last evening at M .nrs' hall. I; was a successful open ing. Stanley Evans, of Forest City, la vis Itins Htrt Meyers. West Side tiusineo I'lrectory. TAILOR Stilts mnJe to oHer. $18 no and up: overcoats. JH! and up. gati'fnctlon guaranteed. H'jialr work a specially. Krank Gllbertl, luli W. Lackawanna avenue, near Main nvenue. GET TTIR MAJK8TIC OIL 8TOVH. Grand Parlor, .Mystic, Knster and rock nh Ranges. 2) per ei nt. raved. H. J. Hughes, agent, V2i Houih Main avenue. BICYOl.F.S repaired, sc'ssors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, kfys fitted, machines repaired by W. I.. S:eonhflk. dealer In Guns. Fishing Tackle, under West Side Rank. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, J1.41 per dozen. Tiiey are Jtisi lovely. Con vince yourrelf by calling at Btarner's Photo Pariors, lul and 10 8outh Main nvinie. 8ARDKR. IJalr witting and shav'jig dono In a flrst-elass manner at John H. Rey nold's Rarber Shop, at Fairchild s Hotel. OrtOCERi"E3 Revere Standard Java Coffee is unexcelled. The leadlr.g eofTe of the cloy. For sale only at F. V. Ma son & Co. Fins Groceries. 113 South Main avenue. BECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you havo to sell. Furni ture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Cll and res .the stock of J. C. King, 1024 aid 1M Jackson street. PLUM RING William f. Griffiths. Ill North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting;. (Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. S0UTH 51DE. NEWS. Colonel K. II. Hippie's Lecture at the Cedar Avenue M. II. Church Last Kvening-l'ersonul .Mention. Those present at the lecture given Toy Colonel K. H. Ripple ut the Cedar Avenue Methodist Kpiseopal church last evening, and the sacred edillee could hot peat any more, were treated to a graphic, Instructive and highly en tetlalnlng presentation of 1he woeful experiences undergone ly the union prisoners of war In' Southern bastlles during the rebellion. Thomas J. Moore was the presiding officer of the evening. After an over tuie had been rendered by an orchs tra, Mr. 'Moore Introduced Colonel Rip ple. The speaker explained the rav ages mode upon the lives of the pris oners, superinduced by the unsanitary condition of the prisons nml the wretched food offered, by making this comparison; that If disease or sickness were to overtake the population of flcranton and Hunmore combined, with mien a blighting mortality rate as to wipe out the entire people In one year, that would correctly represent the In roads that death made upon the ranks of the union prisoners of war. The speaker believed that If Unnte could have seen the sufferings of the prisoners, he would have observed that the tribulations of the Inhabitants of Ir.fefno would pale Into Insignificance. Colonel Hippie and many fellow-soldiers, whose names he mentioned, were first thrown Into Andersonvlllo and Ititar were removed to Florence prison. On the way from one place to the other they were crowded together In box cars. The prisoners were promiscuously thrown together In all stages of sick ness and health; and the angel of death was very "busy along the trip. Hard tack wis distributed as food. Having arrived at the Florence prison, they were liuddled together In narrow walls. A furrow, called the deadline, waa dus around the prison and the prisoner who crossed it was killed If caught. A harrowing tale of the privations nd excruciating sufferings of the pris oners, their escapes and recaptures, and the Inhuman drudgery to which they were subjected by the guards, was un folded. The speaker clad his story In attractive language and related many anecdotes of occurences that were hu morous notwithstanding the gruesome subject dealt with. The rebel guards wro continually at work holding out allurements to the prisoners to tempt 'them to forsake the union cause. Col oneLJRipple enlisted when he was 17 years of age and was only 20 years old -..en ... eAyenenceS or veins; a prisoner of war. '. 1. . ' ' ' - . ' ' mtnnr nrairiipni ot aiwi. Valentin lmmon, of the Twentieth Bros of lb? Stiblirbs. ward, and Miss Katie Graf, of Willow street, were united In marriage at St. Mary's German Catholic church yes terday morning. The annual ball of the Scranton Ath letic club will be held on Thanksgiving eve at Germanla hall. George Tolemle, of Cedar avenue, was married on Monday to Miss iiertlia Curtis, of Patterson, N. J. Miss Kate Shea and Morris Tobln will be married at St. John's Catholic church by Kev. Father Melley this afternoon at 4 o'clock. NOKT1I END. An Indoor base ball club has been organized in. the (North .Knd. The club practices In Company 11 armory twice a week nnd expects to play Its Jlrst game on Nov. 4. Mrs. Thomas (Morgan, of Church ave nue, and Mrs. George K. Guild, of North Main avenue, left ysterday for Wllkes-Rarre, where they will attend the convention, of the Indies' Home .Missionary society of the Lackawan na presbytery and the synod. Miss Mary Oakley, of Oak ptreet. Is vistlng friends at Wyoming, and will also visit friends at W'llkes-Barre be fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Iawronce. of West Market street, spent Sunday wltli friends at Clark's Summit. Special revival meetings are being conducted In the Providence Methodist church every evening of this week, except Saturday. The young daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. Richard Morgan, who has been visiting her uncle In Schuylkill county, was taken sick and died. She was con veyed to Scranton on the dVla ware and Hudson railroad, whence she was taken to her home, in the North Knd, on Mon day. Mrs. Frank Sllkman, on.1 daughter, Miss Florence Sllkman, who have been spending the last week In New York city, have returned to tholr home, on North Main avenue. Mrs. R. It. Atherton. (Mrs. George Wil der. Mrs. J. it. Peck and Mrs. Theodore Von Storch will leave today for Wilkes Harre. Judge Lewis, of Kdna avenue, is con fined to his house by sickness. Janus H. IVpue died yesterday nt he residence of his son, on North Main ivenue. Deceased was fti yens of age. The funeral announcement will be pub lished later. DUNMOKE 'Mrs. Hongland, who has been spend ing the past few months with Mr. and Mis. S. H. P.ulkley. of Cherry street, has returnel to her home in Connecti cut. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tlsdell, of Hronk !yn. N. V., are the guests of Mr. and Mi A. 11. Hakcr, at their home, on Mill Ftreet The I,nyal legion Intends to give n series of entertainments) during the w inter. The'lirst one Is now under way nnd will be presented in the near fu ture. Rev. Mr. Rice is the guest of his cou sin. C. L. Rice, of Green Illdge street, whom he has not seen for twenty-one years. Miss Con my, of Peckville, Is the Timst of h.r sister. Mrs. William Red ding of Pinll. y street. The ent'-rtalnment to be given lv the Ladies' Aid society rf the M-thndist church In Manley's ha! tonight, will ! one of the be?t of the frasvn. The ad mission Is orly cents and a large crowd shoul 1 be present. JEXX1XGS CAME HOME. f amous Raltiniore Shortstop Gets a Hous ing Reception In Avocn, the Homo of Ills llovhood - He HnJ to Mnkc a Speech. Special to the Scranton Trlhuni. 'Avoca, Pa., Oct. 21'. 'Hughey Jen nings, the famous shortstop of the Hal titr.tre National league base ball club, re-turned home last night and re ceived a reception which he will long remember. Accompanied by his old father and two brothers, who had gone to Lchlyhton to m-( t him. Jennings reached here on the 7.40 p. m. Jer sey Central Itrai-e fTlie depot plat form would not hold the crowd which contained all the rFldcnts of all aires who could leave t!i Ir homes and parti cipate In the ovation. As soon as ti e train stopped, the re. cptlon commit! -e nnd some of Ji n nlniri' old friends entered the car anil carried him bodily to one of the open carriages In waiting. The crowd went wild with on t Irishism. The 'Liberty band ld"d the proomion. which marohfd ami drove to o'Malley's hall. Resides th shortstop and his fath'T and brothers, the carriages contained the reception committee, John J. Ooran. Charles T. Dough. riy.Mlchael Garvey, Luke Nolan, William Camp bell and' Frank Clark. Within a ft-iv moments the large hall was packed to Its utmost capacity. Scores of persons were standing and It was Iniporfll.le finally to get another spectator Inside the doorway. n the platform w ere seated James 'McCarthy, who prcidd: Attorney W. II. Gilles pie, of I'ittstoii. who made the address of welcome; 'Michael Corcoran, of Dnr yea, another speaker: John Mulbrki y. the pitcher of the Washington club, who is wintering in Hcranti:i. nnd sev eral others. Including the modest ond sancly-lmlred young hall flayer, on whose account ull the fuss was made, and his father. .Unnings haa never been accused of being a fabricator, but he told n big, yellow lie last night. It was after the programme of addresses, songs, recita tions, 'band music nnd the like. The chairman announced that the recep tion had ended, but the gathering called loudly for Jennings to make n speech. It was then that lie told the lie. He walked to the edg" of the stage and ald he didn't know how to make a speech, but he cleared his throat and In a quiet, simple manner acknowledged In appropriate language the reception, told of his love and ven eration for the town of his boyhood, re marked In a modest way upon the sue. cesses of the Raltimore cluh and In dicated what the club hoped to accom plish In ISM.. Hundreds waited to shake hands with him nfter the meeting. A ball In the hall and a supper, attended by only a few of the shortstop's friends, at Luke O'Rrlen's, concluded the recfptlon function. On Nov. 6 Jennings will leave to pur sue his second year of study in St. IVmaventuie college. 7Tc will study there with Third Tlaseman MKlraw, of the Baltimore olnh, who Is expected to arrive in Avoca Thursday. BIG FOUR KQUTE. The Popular Lino to the Atlanta Exposition. Trains leave Ifuffnlo 6.40 a. tn. dally for Columbus. Sprlnglleld, Dayton and Cin cinnati; 9.4 a. m. or Indianapolis, Peoria and St. Louis. Southwestern Limited finest trnln In America leaves' Iluffa Id at 11.50 p. m. dally with combination cafe and library car, elegant .Wagner sleeping cars anil day coaches on all trains, which make close connection In Union depots at Cincinnati and St. Louis, for all points west, south and southwest: For further Information call on local agents or address C. S. Hlack man, general eastern agent, No. 40 Kx change St., Buffalo, N. Y. l.lbfcr Prison at tho Academy. "Llbby Prison" was produced by th Clifton and Middleton company before a large audience at the Academy of Music last night and was greatly enjoyed. It is an excellent drama, and It received a tine Interpretation from Joseph D. Clifton, Miss Agnott and the other members of the company. . "Myrtle Ferns" will be pro duced tonight E OF THE ELECT Kev. George J. Lucas, D. D., Preaches That the Many Will 15c Saved. COD WISHES ALL TO 1SR SAVED Sermon Was Preached Last Evening at tho Forty Hours' Devotion in St. Paul's Churcli.Urcen Kldgc I nbap tiled Infants Will Not Suffer. Rev. George J. Lucas, D. D., of Arch ball, preached the closing permon of the Forty Hours' devotion In St. Paul's church, Green ll'.dge. last evening. It was on that most abstruse subject of homiletk's, "The Large Number of tho Fleet," and was 'bused on the text. "God wishes all men to bo saved," I Tim.. II, 4. "It Is man's duty," said Dr. Lucas, "to work out his salvation with fear and trembling and to take no risks In the matter of eternal life. Wtill It Is also meet that he should look with eyes of blight and Joyous hope on tho piospcctsof winning tho Immortal king dom. It has been the custom with many to teach that few shall be saved, and It can be read that an eminent French preacher spoke from a re nown? J pulpit on this theme and madt such an Impression on his hearers that the church was tilled with the solis and tenrs of the vast congregation, and now though (10 years have passed by, t'ao sounds of his voice seem yet to echo in the ears of many and pie roe their henrts with melancholy and sadness. It Is preferable with the sweet St. Frncls de Wales and other distinguished authorities to avert from this despond ing picture, and to tlnd bnlm In tho hope that 'not .the few but the many shall be happy." The reverend speaker 4n dissertating on the words, "Many are called, but few are chosen," snid that to the super ficial observe this sentence clearly speaks thi minority of the saved, the plurality of the lost, but tho parables to which the words are annexed Import Into them n wholly -different meaning. Thev occur twtse. first In the parable of tlie La t Hirers of the Vineyard, sec ondly. In that of the royal marriage feast. In the first parable, all are ad mitted to labor In tho vineyard: all re ceive the same wages, each man a pen ny, the last as well as tho tlrst. The master of the vineyard Is God, the wages eternal life. Those who toil the whole day repre sent the generality of men who receive the wages of salvation, but In an or dinary manner; they are the rank and file of eternal life. They are like Paul, vessels of election, the picked princes of the people of God. Many are called, but few are ehos.n. that Is. many are callel to the ordinary gifts, few are chosen to the privileged Inheri tances. Tlioso Who Know Not the Gospel Taking up the question. What shall become of the Immense multitudes of pagans, on whom the light of the (ina pt 1 never 'beamed? lie said that every man who foilo-.vs his natural lights and practices Justice, Is on the way to the accomplishment of the raving ordi nance. He who 'is licit bnptlxed In water. If he believes, shall find Infused Into his soul the grace of baptism of desire. "A great stumbling Mock to many." he said, "Is the future fate of the un haptized children. Still this stumbling b! irk is more In appearance than In reality, at Is true they are deprived of the gift of heaven, of the vidon of God face to face. l!ut they suffer no positive punishment, no prison surrounds ithem, no .pain distresses them, no sorrow shadows the bright ness of their pleasures. They enjoy all the natural felicity of which man Is capable; they Fliail be a thousand times happier than the happiest on thla earth. The fact that they shall not see the face of God simply plnees them In a low r'-ate cf J y. but still a state of unending, unfloii led Id'ss. Thin happy rocll.! Is not simply, not an evidence of cruelty, i'. N a ine act of divine condt'Hcens! m." In ciiM'lu.'.j'M I v. I.neas r.poUt n fol lows: "Her some one might say all this Is ihe ry. !! It , It Is not more the try than the pinion which could build a small narrow heaven, nnd ns small 'and nai :uv a number of Ir.Vihlt Ing saints, and would allow nothing wnnthy of fi id's attention, except this miserable llt'ile earih of ours. Iet lis rather ex.iCt -file divide ll!. r.' llty. ! t in see the s':rean:s i f His goodness wntt.rlng and glad li ilng the whole of this mighty universe: let us behold Him proving .Ulmst If In wondrous kindness to .ill His peoples, wh im to ri lef m He did r. 'L he'tlt'siV to nV I HM l.lood on the InfanioiK gibbet of tho cross. Vet while these consullng Thought.1! gladden us .Ti l strf n -then us we must bear -In mind also that alas! r.-wne shall be li c.t. Must Work Out Our Salntiou. "Cut "lie nurrier down as yvu may; suppose the d rinn d I ? In the ratio of one 't ten, It his. ut .i ns to v. ink or; our FL'lv i.lm In f and trembling, les't porck'.iroc we 1 the Iuc!;b-ss one. Our life mu.'t be n.n Iin!ntetruitfe1 stnim of im .ice ond Joy; joy In the Holy Ghou't, despit" 'the-Vh.i'lws on I crosses of this -world, bu; H must bo also u life of .fear, vigilance, precau tion, levt I'lie covotrd prize pllp nut of our hands. With this Joy and h lpp and love, moderated by this v.'trilanco, prcc.iu-ti-on, love, wo rhall not be mirprlsed asleep When the bridegroom oimieth, but we shall be prepared to meot lllai. w?th (trimmed and burning lamps, and to enter Into tho mart-; ice-feast of the Lanv'j and perennial IiIIfs." TOOT HAI.L MOTES. The advisory committee of tho Scranton ttlcycle Chili Foot Hall team mot at the bicycle club rooms last evening nnd re vised the schedule for the team. W. V. Johnson, manager of I ho Wyoming Semin ary team, was present, nnd the udvlnnry commute made arrangement Willi him to play three games with Hie mmilnnry train, two In 8c run toll nnd ono In Kings ton. The ilrst game will be played In Kingston on Oct. 8o; (he second in H'l'an ton on Nov. ID, ond the third In Hornnton on Thanksgiving Dny. The schedule, us revised, Is ns follows: Oct. 2d. Wllkes Harre, at Wllkes-Harre; Oct. 30, Seminary, at Kingston; Nov. 2, Lehigh, ut Scranton; Nov. 8, Wllkes-Harre, at H-rnnton: Nov. 13, Colgate, at Scranton; Nov. 10. Semin ary, nt .Semnton; Nov. 20, Klmira, at Scranton; Nov. 23, Hhamokln, t Scrnntnn; Nov. K8, Seminary, at Scranton. From tho above schedule It will be seen that Scran ton is very fortunate In having their last seven games at homo with some very strong teams, and there Is no. doubt some very exciting gamps will be played at the Ilare Ball park before the close of the season, Scranton has measured Its strength with one of these teams, Elmlrn, nnd succeed ed In playing them to a standstill In their own city, therefore they feel confident of defeating them when they play here. The Seminary Is stronger than last year, while Wilkes-Harre, It Is reported, Is not quite ns strong. Hhamokln will certainly make a strong fight, as will also Colgate. The Hlcycle team and tho School of the 1ackawanna team will (play a game on Thursday of this week at the liana Hall park. This will give Scranton an oppor tunity to ee how their new Interference will work, and will also give Lackawanna good practice In breaking Interference and tackling. The School of the Lackawanna has a very good team this year, in fact, one of the best the school has ever had. thanks to the coaahlng of John I. Murphy, late of Georgetown university. Tho men slsa up well and play with a snap, and they should have won Saturday, but for the ill luck which followed them through- t e lareesr Diece, or Good ever sold AMUSEMENTS. mm EVENING, OCT. 28. I! ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AT T. M. C. . HALL, By Mits. Emma Shaw Coirt.scoii, of Provl-done.-, it. I. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 4 N'ghti, Commencing Monday, Oct 21. CLIFTON & MIDDLETON S if Company, Hrans Band atld urchitr. MnXDAY RANCH KING TUESDAY LIBBY PRISON WFDN LsIiaY MYRTLE FERNS POPULAR PRICES. Gallsry 10c Entira Balcony 20c Orchestra Circle and Orcliostra . 30c Parlor Chnlrs 60o Ruin of oca's nrons I'rlday, DAVIS' THEATRE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct 24, 23 and 26. THEGAI-TY'tHEATR: 17 U PEOPLE -40. Direct Irom lh "HOME fF BURLESQUE," BroidwarinsTwinlf Ninth St., N. V. Music, Costumss, Scenery, . Features. Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. FsTWc Do Not Advertise In the Klmira Telegram. BLANK BOOKS Or all kinds, manufactured at short notice, at TIic Tribune Office. out the same. True, thy wre rather weak on the defensive, but that la ac counted for by the fact that they have not lined up against a aufllclently strong scrub. Tha Scranton Traotlon company elec trician! have formed a foot ball team and are anxious to 'meet the electricians of Carbondale or Wilkea-Barre, The Scran ton team la as follows: Full baok, Rob ert E. Long; half backs, John P, Durkln, P. J. Riebery; quartet back, A. J. Hattle; ends, J. r. Newhouse, D. P. MeTltus; Euardt, T. Bryden. D. Clsaryj' tackles, A. avslle, M. Hannon; center, F. T. liaise i substitute, t, D. Cleary. "The 1 I Devil I ; and mr; . the TVtWTTVW I il I DeeP Sea." I 40' IE! tobacco for 10 cents' AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTfllNGHflM, Wugncr A Kei. l.csscci and Mnnogor. FRIDAY, OCT. 25. ROLAND REED AND 1118 COMPANY, IN THE UitEAT BLTCKSS, The Politician The Twentieth Century tlirl. Tho Realistic Convention Hrum-. Hale or tHBtl upena Tus d.ij , Ocl. Ol, 9 . tn. COMING! Tha Latott New York Laughing Success, 10 flight! at Hoyl'l Thialcr, THE FOUNDLING With thn tiroat and only CISSY see cissr WINK. FITZGERALD, In Ur Ininiltnhlo ila ice. T!i- Faahlona bio Uagu m Now York l.aat Svaaon. Management of Cbarles Frohman. WHY When yon oiin hare yonr ryon nclsntlfloally Toted I'reo hy tho new method. tf-'lhr ra iiundrnla of If tbsy know this, would go milrs to hays tnalr xatnfnrd. DONT WAIT. tWWhn yon get lonsta, or t'assa. as many people call them, Oct the Asst. as they won't cost yon any more t nan poorer one. Do not trust your valuable sight to ped dlera. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the vision and stop all pain in the head. Plawf Id tba Finest Solid Gold Fran for 9 Tot so Lenses are sold only by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Oppralts Bcranton House, 203 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Hoi; as Daily: 1 toUam.,ltolaiidrtolp.m. SUFFER The MILLINERY. MILLINERY. FIXE MILLINERY is what you want if you wish the best iu quality at lowest possible prices, with the additional advantage of having the largest line in the city to select from, you will not be dis appointed by calling at THE FASHION. Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa, UP TO MuiiuiiiiiiiuHmuuiiiiuiiiimiuuiiuililllUi Established 1866. the Genuine PIANOS At a time when many manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements regardingthenieritsanddurability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. ti 1 EL C. RICKER General Dealer in Northeast ern Pennsylvania. New Telephone Exchange Building, 115 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. mmi..uiiiiiimiiiuiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..i OLD WHITE PINE TIMBER For Heavy Structural Work, ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY PEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Telephona 422. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, RI ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use iu stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, IITTENBEIDER SCRANTON. PA. Guns and Ammunition Foot Ball Goods, ' Sportsman's Supplies, Hand-Loaded Shells 8 Specialty Gun and Locksmith. Typswritorx A. IV. TBI. I S C II, Fashion BIG VALUES IN Jackets, Capes and Inr Garments. They're the Magnet We Bell gotd Cloaks, the best that expei t skill can make or momy can buy. ASK TO SEE OUR Boucle Jacket, nicely made, the latest style, worth f 10.00. $7.98 Special $7.98 Our Wool Beaver Cape, ' "0-in. long, trimmed with braid and fur, worth $7.00. $4.98 Spcclul $.98 A 30-in French Coney Cape, hair up, full swecp.extra heavy satin lining, cheap for $14.00. $9.9!) Special.-. $9.99 DATE. Over 16,000 in Use. 4 t i THE GREAT LADY DOCTOR Now In Charge of tha Chicago Medi cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Domes highly re-ommendod by all tbs lead Ins tioetors of the world, and makes a speeis ty of aad will treat only women a" '. Ildrea and all arnte and chrouio dlaeasei'yeeaiiar so the female sex. Her specialties in which she has achieved to macb p reet snocess and honor re Female CompUlats. Blnod Poison. Rhen matitm, C'hroute Nervous Diaeasee, Tnmors, Ckneera Ooitrm. Cripple. Deforailtiaa, St. Vitas' Dance and Epueptle Pita All who cad within twenty days will receive ad rice ao4 servlea free, Ineladlas medlclM tar three oaths, for tut Kismtnatlaa aai advto free. This iastitntioB kaa ao e nneotlon with Dr. Besvea. e elevator ta store be!. l tprnoe street, Otflee hoars from ta a naaa s. Sj j Baadar freas 3 le e'etoek Sa. I 0ia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers