-if. TIIB SCBANTON THIBtlNE WEDNESDAY itOBKnfg. OCTOBER 23. 18'JS. i BABYfl HUMOURS Instantly Relieved And Speedily Cured by imm WHEN ALL ELSD FAILS A warm bath with CUTICUR A SOAP ' and a single aprliiition of CUTICUSA, ! (ointment), will iiivtd instant r-Mie:, per mit rest and steep, and point to a spidy, permanent cure of the most distressing of ltchin? and burning sk in and scalp diseases, after nil other inctaods taiL Pc!d throughout Pit Wfwlil. C.itlth darrti V. KlWBiot ,8.1X9,1, Kin: Edward-.!., Lon- dm. l"UTTBiDi'O0Clim. THE WORLD OF STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York. Oct. 22. Only 120.M0 shares of storks were traded in nt the Flock cxcliawro today. .The chnmres not varvinc as much as a point durlnK th- session. .Speculation tv'H U nn.l about tlrm ill tone. Net oh an pes a rule show trains of V'-V per cent The run Re of today' prices for the ac .. ,f the New York stock mar V t are idr-m below. The Muomtions are furnished The Tribune by il .In I' .,,i..k ,,i-..r fur Wi nil l.tnn. Allen At Co.. ' stock' brokers, 412 etpnictf street, Scranton. Op n liur. Hlh est. .. IM' j ps -'I', lit .. isn. ; be S';l, Low- Clo est. WR- Am. Tobacco Co.. Am. Swtar ite'e t A. eh.. To. & S. 1'. Can. South Cbes Ohio CMea'.-o tlas CHe. N. V . si' ,1 '. 1i7 2',T, 1!', ims'. l'.l W ptl' ...l"-'-: Chic. 15. & Q C. C. C. & St. I.... lit"; Chic, fhie. r- l. I'M. . i;l. St. 1 . P. 1. I C; Hudson. c. i' K'-.-ctr'.e in ,: lev- ::.', v;:i :t7'.. l.-.x? (.it.. ph-, Lake Shjre l,oul. Xah... M. K. Tex a... Manhattan Hie... .Mo. Pat-ilie Vet Cordage Nat Lial ...'.'! ... '-.i'h ... ...lint t!t, Hi's lei llii1 i ::t i""V 14 12' 3 :f, 1st; Pi', 2'1 12 4 IN, '. It it a;-, l"l''H 12 122' 3 ::i--4 i't 1" 2!K l'S'.j 12 4."., !', 31 v-- V.. II .... l'.M-- N. V. iVa!"Jl.... N. Y. t.. 1" N. Y.. 3. W.. pk, I2'a r, i vl, IT", 2." 12 IP. S. W.. IT... "Ci Nor. 'nt. ra. Phil. Pa i-MIi' & We IT.. Ii1: si.. H 2 1st , 12 4- Mat! A H-i-t.. n It. 11. Tcun ft 1.. Tf. Pecltle frion l'aeltle 14 i:;1 i:i-. Wabash. Pr 22'-, 22'i W-s. I ninn W. 1 14-, 1.-. T. S. I.-:itiier i:t 1", 14'- vv.. Li V. S. T.eiher. Pr.... ?J T, '; cnir.n UD.vr.n of tp if. puipfi. HiKll- 1W W11F T. P'-cembtr Mnv OAT?. T" -embtr Miy f P.X. I'ecentber Mav l.AUO. January .. '.M s v pop.K. January .. May 111-.-. et. ')!'.. i;r,' is rt. i; i .;p, ii Irir. r,.w 1 frt 9.7 9 12 9.37 9.10 9.37 Scranton Board of Trade ttitions-All (Imitations of 100. N.-me. O-een Reiie t.'imbfrPo.. I ichnmo Olio llnscd on Pur Pid Ask"! 119 I lime Iip. & lls. Bank P'-'-anton I.af Cur. Co Nnt. llorlmr & nrillliiK Co F rt Nnt onal 1!ank Thoron Cnnl I.an'l Co Pernnton Jar Stopper Co.... St.ititoii 31as Co J.nrkawanna Lumber Co B; r:nK P.r.-ok Water Co K'.mhurst Hoilev.ird Co R Tar. ton Axle Works liuO '10 V) so Third Nn'.'onal Pnnk 3M I.neka. Trot n'l Sife D. ep. Co fi-rar.ton 1'ai k'.nc Co.. Seranton SavlnKs Hank Scranton Traction Co Laeka. Iron Si St"r Co Weston Mill Co Traders' National Har k P.ONP3. Franton Glass Co F. -otiomy Steam Heat & Power Co '."1 10 ) 120 1(X 100 S'-ranton Pass. Hallway mortRnne. dn 1!1 P-ranlon Traction Co people's Street Ua'lway, mortvaice, dup IMS F ran'.on P rtston T a people's 8'reit Hniivay, ond mortirane. rlue lWi. I.aeka. Valley Trae. Co., first 110 first 110 :. Co. Sco- no fir)t nior:jrRe, duo )Ki Tielfoii .Manufacturing Co.... jt'R Townshi.j P-hoo! .W... City of S'.tanion Htrwt imp 6'!J PI P") li,2 1W New crk ProUiica Market. New York. Oct. 22 Flour Steady. Wheat Firmer; No. 2 red More and eleva tor, tt'ic.; ntloat, Tie.-.; f. o. b., tKi'le.; N'i I northern. '17c; options steady; .March, 7"'.: M"iy, 7'P,e.; Oeloher. Mr.; .November, 4;si.,c. ; liecemb' T, H7e. Corn J'ii"i. easier; Zio. I, 3''2e.; elevator, Sti'-c; allo.it; ontlons ipiiet, steady; Ortobt r, 'V'tf-.i Nov niber, 27'!',".; Ieeimliir. av.e. ; .May, 3.Vc fiats rft' a'ly: options doil. steady; iietotier, Novi mb'T ani l ei-mber, 2:tr,Ne.: No. 2 'while, October Hi'l H'Cimher. 2r-4e. : spot prices. -No. 2. ''.. No. 2 white, ilV-l.c; No; i Chlcaeo. -I'..i .; No. 3. 2 .; No. white. Zi' .r.; mixed western, 2la2.',e.; whltn ilo. and white sta'e. Z.VZIr. Lard Hull, firm, unchain."1 1. fiuti'T Quiet, steaOv; elate, dairy, 12a21c; do. creamery, f."i ti'!' ;'v ulern 'lairy. 1''al.',c,; do. creamery. Ilii2!c. ; do. Jure, p;.i2lc.; do. factory, KK a' i.-.; Klxins, Jle.; Imitation creamery. 12 17l Cheese Firmer, steady, unchanired. Ki?KS fiulet, eai'y; state and . Pennsylva nia, 20il iy.; oe house, P;.il7c. ; do. per rase, l?,ni.2'; western fresh, ISa20c.; do. pir case, 2a4; limed, Ymihw. Toledo fin I i Mnrkot. Toledo, O., Oct. 22. Wheat Hereipts, ' Ift.WKi bushels; shipments, fi.iwn busheis; market nulet; No. 2 red, cash. 7'Lc. ; lie lumber, BUc: May, u&V.; No. 3 red, cash, Clc. Corn Receipts, 47,IU bushels; ship ments, 40.000 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed, cash. 32'4e.; No. do., SI 'A'-.: No. 2 yellow, XPjc.; No. 2 do., 3::e. Onts Ke- relpta, 4.000 bushels; shipments, 4'w bush els: nominal. Kye Dull; No. 2, cash. 42'4C Cloverseed llecelpts, 900 bushels; rhlpments, IK bushels; market easy; Oc tober, 14.20; March, tj.30. Bnffalo Live Stoek. Buffalo, Oet. 22. Cattle Receipts, 175 head; on sale, 40 head; market steady; Kood steers, 3.90H4.4O; Rood to fair, $1.71, ond fair to gOod fat cows, $2.GOa3.50; veni, dull and 25 to M cents lower; choice to prime, $.7&a6.2!; fair to Rood, llao.W; heavy fat calves, J2.50.i3 25; urassers. K2 a2."i0. Hogs Receipts, 2,700 head; on sale, .40O head; market opened fairly active for Forkers, but a shade weaker for York ers; Yorkers, good to choice, Jlal.10; light Yorkers, $4a4.15; heavy choice corn fed, $ia4.15; heavy, tt3.90a3.B3; pigs, la4.1fi; roughs, S3a3.5n; stags, t2.ii0u3 25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,000 head; on sale, 4.400 head; market closed steady; fair to Rood lambs, $3.50a4; extra, f4.20a4.30; light ' lots. S3.25a3.40; culls, $; Canada lambs, fi.2a4.30; culls, $3.5na3.75; mixed sheep, fcood to choice, $2a2.25; choice wethers, t2.50a2.7u; culls, $lal.D0; export sheep, a4.00. , Chicago Live Stock' t Chlcan-o, Oct. 22.-Cattle Receipts, g,&00 head; market barely, steady; common to extra steers. $.40a5.40; stockers and feed ers,. $1.7ria3.x,'i; cows and bulls, $1.25a3.76; calves, $2.B0a; Texans, $1.75s3.6i; western rangers, $2. 44.15. Hogs Receipts, 25,000 tiead; heavy packing; and shipping lots, t3.50a3.K5: common to choice mixed. 13.40a 3.90; choice, aborted. $3.70a3.85; light, $3.40 03.85: pigs. $1.7&a3.70. Sheep Receipts, 14,000 bend: market steady; Inrerlor to choice, fl.25a3.25; lambs, S2.ioa4.60. I Philadslphla Tallow Market. . t' Philadelphia. Oct. II Tallow Demand Ja llifht, bat thee la do ehang Is prices. CHI aW Va. We quote as follows: city. prime. hhils, 4c: eouniry, prime, in u, 1o. dark. In od!, 4c; eauei, vau.i t,"-. Oil .Market. IHtshure. Pa.. Oct. 22.-Tho oil market here closej at Jl.23t-i. the only .luotutton. Oil t'ltv.'Pa.. Oct. 22.-Tbe oil market opencil unU lowest. J1.2a: highest anil low est I1.23U. NEWS OF Ol'K lXnl'STUlES. Happenings of lt teres t to tna siap-i Trades and Particularly to tlio Trado iu lion. Mccl and Anthracite Coal. Another advance In the price of an ih ,-.,!. al will be made on Oot. ii. rrhio ,.),.,,-.. will milv only to tiilewater points, but In all pronamuiy a"ii- u.lvance will r made to the elly and line trade on Nov. 1. There is hardly anv doubt t.ut that the coal dealers are Bt'tiiiK anxious in resartl ti their atocK of coal, and besides, as the price Is rapltllv going up. they at' doing nil they can to secure a larpe amount be fore another a'Jrancc is made. lHiriiiK the Btinv.ner months, when anthracite cial was selllnK at a low (inure there was considerable coal laid in by the dealers, 'but dttrintr the last few weeks the demund has been so preat that the stock has been used up and they are InrportunliK the coal companies to de liver coal to them as speedily as pos sible. Hesble this there is n snoring In domestic prepared si;;es. and the coal cinipnnies cannot lieu In to fill their or ders for stove and o;is of coal. The Heading conmany has 'boon short of ths? two sizi's for some time, and not wllhsta'vilnu this company has in creased its totuinse there is not enotich of these sires on hand 1 1 meet all the requirement. -At iN'ew York there lias been a blr demand for ecu; and stove for a number of weeks, but owitm to the scarcity the demand could not be necomnii lated.'The new circular whb h is sit to ko into effect Oct. 21 Is as fol lows: Uroken. fX": eps. J2,.t0: stove. $4.1." anil chesMiut. tX9'i. There prices apply to New Yrk tidewater points, t. o. b. Jit the same time there will also be Issued a circular relative to cal nt tide In IVilbtiloipma. I :ie nrnn u will be cents a ton les than the roal Is sold for In N'ew York. n Nov. 1. In u'l nrol abilUy. there will be another advance In t!u ur.leo of anthracite coal to the c'ty an 1 line trade. The nnv prices will be as follows; broken. $2 2'; eire S2 stove. J2.Sr, at! 1 chestnut. J2 .'0. These prices are for coal t the i mlees. to which tne rretunt must "e added, which Is SI Til on oo.il from the Schuvlkll end 1 . 7 r. from the Lehigh rei'lons. There Is a flrst-i l iss scare In Chicniro and the dealers there are as short of coal as they are in the east. From Oot. 1 t Oct. 10 the receipts ft arthiaclte coal at Chicago were as fol lows: Oct 1 to Oet 1. :, !m. c..:-vi Anthracite bv hike... Anthracite by rail... Total p;.;;j :',.'.-j2 ... S.'.SIK 111. VI- Jar. 1 to o.'t la. 1VC. P'l. .. ceil O! 7v:i"l .. 3i-..r.i :i7"-i ... m.;v Svi 4sn . .i,r. i ;t i.Ji'.is. Anthracite 1V hike. Anthracite by rail., rttoek on hand Total .. KAll.KOAIi SOT I S. T'cki t brokers of the American asso ciation Kn-e foi T'jliv de bin 1 off th.-lr lmvcott anuinst the Milwaukee and St. Paul p'aii. In InlnK so they have ae kliowbdued defeat. Central Tratlio a'.-ocIatbn roads are falkln? seriously of advaneiui: east bound srain rates. The present rate Is 20 cents ier Pi'i busli-ls. Tiny would like -to advance to 25" cents, but rail road officials admit a 25-cent rate Is more than traffic can bear at this time, when farmers Ret sratcely anything for their products. The Inter-Ocean says: "Hy Jan. 1 every Important railroad line- between the Atlantic coast and the Missouri rivt r will be worklmr tinder an inoi d i I poi.llnc onntiact In direct vlolati-'ti nf the Interstate cumtrure- law. AM fr. li.-ht traf'ic will bepo.iled nr. 1 divided Rccoiding to awed percentaves. Lari-e anwiunts of penalty money will be de posited by each road and competitors will be practically thmttb'd." A meehanlcnl enslneer. In tpeiklr.p of the apparent disire or Americans for faster trains, says. that th- fierce com jM titlon between p.iral'el lines will con st.ihtly bi'lrc new. features Into the field. The type 'f iith emrines an.l cars Is likely to und-nto some chans". It will Hut the aim of railroad managers to make rolling stock ns solid and dura ble as consistent with hijih spiel d trains; still, lightness will be one of the considerations. The man who believes, lie says, that the system of travel by steam power has seen Its frrenfe-tt de velopment will likely fir I that he has b, en badly d-eelved. He added that If the use of electricity Is till In Its In fancy, so fan It be said that travel on steam mads Is still capame or improve ment. Thevhiengo HrnU says: "As far as astern lines are concerned tne nam times have ended. For a year nt least, and very prohably for two or more, earnings will be up to the high water mark. There Is not a particle of doii''. In the min i of th- eastern oHleial that earnlncs of his road for the year bc- plntilni; Peliy will be larger than th of nny year Jn I'.;- history. Not one eastern road has an excess of cars. Tills does no! mean there is n general ''ar famine, for every ea'-t-bound read has so 'far been able to tnk" ca'e of all th" "business offereil It from the west. It do. -s "mean, hdwever. that If the de. mauds for cars In tooth directions were fully sti t iled there would not be an Idle car lo the east." VANDLING, J-'.-.n P.arreM. in employe of (he Del aware ai.rl Hii-l'on mine at thit plaec wv.4 quite Fiif."j.ly Injiind on Mo d.iy inorr.-'-nu. A piece of -top col f-T and riiruck t'm n the hf id. He w.n kniKked down and Jino'ther larrre piec, o'.ruck hlrn on Ohe fide, bn-iklnp r v eral tit 4. Mr. Hnrrlt ts a rcflden: of C.V;bi-"nditle, and f.ither of a hire fimlly. This Ht h second time ths he'has been F'lTlunly hurt, while worfc- t ,t. fl-AH.f.1K.1'.A't.AtK.9JitK 'i For all "p Diseases Vie Mb k of thp Kidneys 6 and Blood, take C Jjl' ftV'i Pai3SLs I Ivj Kir A few doses VI wil) relieve. A few boxes will cure. 6 AtslldrnmHsUforWe.rsW J,, box. or mailed postpaid on leoeiptof prion. J. Itr&tfot pamphlet. , ' HOBB'S MiOlClNC CO.. t UluiV lat FrancttM. t, J". J'. - - j. M: j: -. . SW Wwr "- "-' yiv M -'A. c-tr.ra:ii. m aTal aTTtTi K mK tU. dk Ing In the VandHns mines wlfhln the lc three yeas. Kddle Madifan, eon of John Wadi gan, mut wt:h an aocMcnt In the Clin ton .mines .Momday.- while performlnB h:a dutUfd as driver boy. Ilia foot cauRht In a fvog and before he had :lme to release it a srowly'movlnj car parsed ovtr 3:, crush-Ins three of h'J tots quite seriously. While he wound ks veiy painful it is no-t tihought th.vt anipu'.atl:a is nccatrary. An oyi:tr supper wa s plven by t ao Ijidiva' A!:l soaeiy of the Canj?rfsa-ti-.inal church cn Munduy evenkis. at which qui':? a wum was added to the fund for decreasing the IndebteJacss of the church. "Labor and Christianity" will be the fiubject of Hon. T. V. I'owderly's lec- nire iii ttie c-ontriecationai cnuien, m 'ii'.ufs!ay evei.inc r.e;it. All Kvwe de- i V.nir :. atiend fhould now secure their Kcki03, aa there will be only 3S0 for f.aie. T-ie price of diie tlckma Is 23 and iJ5 vents. HOIMESDALE. Cbarks AV. Spencer died at his home yesterday at 3 p. in., a.-jed 71 yiai-U and 9 inonths. I.lr. iSpenoer, who for many years was foreman of the Delaware and liudson machine shops at llones diile, has been a sufferer for a Ions lime. For over a montn past lie nas l eer coittlned to his bed and the end came sudd r.Jy yesieiUay. Althoni.h his many friends knew of his suffer his death came as a surprise and shock. He is survhed by his wife, daughter r.owena, -and sons, Kred and I'har'.es. The time of the funeral will be announced later. i'.. i:. lit dance for Julius Krslns at I.iideikrmz hall tonight. ,Admls--lon i,0 cell IS. Ml.-s Anna r.rown Is vlsiline friends at v'ai bondale. Tile annual se?-'!on of the Archdeac onry of Scranton was opened in 5 race rhuivh 'Monday evitiliw at 7. 2D o'clock with ever.InK prayer. Two udilresses were then Kien, the first by UeVt C. A. Ilowells, rector of St. James' church. .Iiin yn. op "The l'rivib we and Power oT I'll aehlnK." 'He FKike only on the "Piivil ae -jf rreachliiB," as one of (iivl s Kre.altst blesslties. die said that I the hands of the cl .ri;ynmn was not upheld i'. they rhoiihl be. but that wa.4 mere liable to be found fault with. ; Kev. K. A. Warner, of Montrose, spoke ' on "The Tendeiicy Toward Keclesias I tielsm in the '(".lurch, and What It i Meant." 'lb' deprecated nearly every 1 iKiib. which he said hil l been added i,y loan. Forms and postures in wor- hln. titles as private, right reveren.i. venerable, arobdeaeon, reverend. D. I.. IjI.. !., and other bymbolic names and pleaded for the simple and pure wor ship of Mud. ' DALTON, A nifetlng of the Keyston union, com prlsini; -Christian Ktideavor socleiics of 'N Vliidsoii lFaetoryvllle, Waverly and the sotli lies of this place, will be In Id in the Methodist Kplscopal church Friday, Oct. 25, afternoon and e en-tug- 'It -v. . H. Stirldi'.eblne will de l.v. r the address In the evening. The Ladles' Aid soclciy of the llap tisi; chinch will meet on Wednesday at Mis. O. W. Mason's. The .Methodist Kplscopal church was Ihroi'.ed la.-1 Thurs liy evening to wit-iie.-s the ceremony of uniting together as man and wife Samuel Miller 'and Miss Kitty Wall. The two youns peo- I pie have many friends lure who wi;n tli -m happine.-s in 'ine new roiaiioiitiiup. t!S. K. Phillips, who has been on 'the siek li:-t. Is again aide to be about. .1 lines II' -irdman's new bouse on the flat bi low tin.- mill will su Hi be enclosed. Tilt' youtis p"ople of the H.ipllst tiiuuh held a pie social at the church parbus on Saturday ei'enlnR. An en joable lime was had. -M'-s. W. C. Purdy Is ill. Miss Clara Smith, If Vine street, Is vls'tlnn lit r sister. -Mrs. A. Hall. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. I'.rown contem plaie spending a mrtlon of the winter in Scranton. Pr. .1. C. Mil'-s and dauirbter, Carrie, will spend the wine In Washington, I. C. Miss Huth Hall Is vlsl'iinB friends in Scranton. i No matter how violent cr excruciating the pain, the Rheumatic. Ilpdrldden, In lirin. Crippled. Nervous. Neuralgic, or prostrated with diseases may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will AllorJ Instant laisc. Fur heada -he (whether sb-k or nervousl. t lothache. MMiiiilL-l.i. rheiiniatlxui, bim !.r;o. altis a lei weakness In th twek. : pine or ki.lmys, pains nround the liver, i i- uiisv, swelling of the ioltils und pains of nil kinds, the application of Railway's .i a ly Relief will afford Immediate r ise, ar.d Its continued use fur a few duys effect a permanent cure. ! tanlly slops the most excruciating naois. nllsvs IrHemmatlon and cures c"'i-i-ey;uas. whether of the Lungs, Blomach, dowels or other glanJs or mucous mem branes. lta(hvn.Ys Kcady Kcllcl CI UI S AM) TRI VI XTS okls, Couphs, Sore Throat, Influen za, Croncbitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Mcuralpio, Headache, Tocthache, Asthma, Dif fictdt t'reething. ci liF.H TMH Wt'iRST PAINS In from ine to lenty minute. Not one hour iftnr readleg ihl a-lvertlseinent need nny ,iie SCI'FFIt W ITH PAIN. INTF.RN'A LLV A half to a feaspoonful I., i.- tr u tuiTihler of water will In a few 'e-itvi cure Cramps, Spa-nis. Suur '--Tih, N.i'i'fii. Vonilllng. Heartburn, I i'.-,- liehe. lUarthoea, Cullc. Flntu .. . v n ri . I nil Internal pnlns. ADWiY'S READY RELIEF. Pries, 50c. per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hi HI 11 OF SCRANTON, mm ratiis, Special Attention Given to Baslnci. and Personal Accounts. 1HTEEEST PAID OS TIME DEPOSIT?, A permanent relief to lian sufferlm womtnt spoelflo fo- si female wenknessesl on. of 'n.i tare's own roaied Irs; Is not lie jarions to th mot t delicat. coi. stliatloo. Why suTirt Prk, 1 1 p.r bottle. Fsr Sal k JOHN M lestOTla Sompoand IKEkDi Stubborn Ulcers due to disease, or an impov erished condition of the blood, are a source of annoyance to the medical fraternity. While con tinually growing deeper, and larger the circle of diseased flesh surrounding thorn is all the time extending, closing up the ducts through which replenishment of tissue should come. Tor such troubles physicians everywhere arc praising the results obtained by the use of In the first place the system needs re-invigorating, new flesh tissue should be formed, new and pure blood created, in fact, a new and well nourished body where room for disease does not exist. I'ood is the thing, and Uovinine, that greatest concen tration of the vitalizing elements of lean beef, is the most fitting nourishment of all for speedy results. Then applied externally it nourishes by absorption, where the disease is most appai ent, thus striking the enemy on all sides. Ask any Druggist. Our Stock In Trade Mainly ronslsts or Watches, Clocks, Fins Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Silverware, Sterling Silver FoYelties, Silver Plate! Ware, Fine Cat Class, Art Porcelains, Fine Leather Goods, Banquet Lamps. We csrry the largest, variety In all of th'i pne. No coin em uearei tUmi the great cities i-a.i show such a variety. Our word is our bund. Nearly tlnity yean of successful bud u in should Is) proof vnouifh that our imli anil price are right, ud always haT beeu ri.lit. IE 307 HCKsWaNIHVE. CN THE LINE OF THE sro Incited the finest Ashing nnl hutit nr gro nils In the world. Uescrn live look'-ti i pplieatinn. Tickets to all po.nts In Maine. 1 nud-i and Munt.mii Provinces. Jl.nu.ap il t. St I'sul. Can.1 li.m a-id I'nitud Statf. North nehta. Vancouver, Seattle, lacotut, Portl.vi.l. ore , an I'raiieisC . First-Class Sleeping and Dininj C3rs studied to id! tl roaitli t rlu. Toarist ciri fu'ly lltteil with bidding-, curtains nn l sp r i;d.v ad.ptel to wauta of tsttiilli-i may lm Ii -d with e -out! el.- tickets. Hatui k1wuv.1"i thsn via otiior lius, For f u'l information, tsmo tables, etc., on apphcal.on to E. V. SKINNER, C3. E. A, 353 EROiOWaY. NEW Y3U VVELSBACH LIGHT Spcc.alljf idapitd ior Ktadiog aud ScWiOg. Consume three (S) feet of jran per hour anil uives an cflicieiicy of sixty (0dl CBIIllll'S. Having nt least 81) per ceut. oror the orilinarv Tip Huriurs. , Call unJ Scii It. ill & CQNNELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. rUnttfaoturcrV Agents. JOHN L HkNGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP 3II l.nck. Av. aud Mcwuri's Art Store. Paolo Engraving (or Circulars, Sods, Cu logius, H Wepipira. Half-Tones and Una Work. - "rmn unot co.. twp. rapiui. i ,oo.4 jBEarr si.no mioK in rut woiau. -A dollar inttd it a dollar nmud." , TMsIMllos' Hal Id I- reach lxx.l H Id Hist lom soat UllTrMl I mm anyhnm Is Ut. U.S., a. lwaiitoit;wii, sran urm, or PuMaI Not isr AtJe. Kqnal. 919TJ was taat boot Kiiil la all retail stares tor iJ.K). We nak. this bad ouraelT., thenCors w. far antt ihU,ttfU anal arear, and If any one w not mutttti will ninaa taa bki aaadsooilMirtwIr. Oana M or voainoB ruaaa, width. J, Ii K, at KK. 1 to aa Baa til Jit am. IlIuatniM 1 kw tnm Shoe Go. 3 FEDERAL ST.. f BOSTON. Sjmmtil tow (a Xlaa. tar., frencti Injection Ccmponiid ritros posUtmy, qulrkty. foul marely eheekr.) Uatrantara tw owner rarunded. Avoid daneeris. ratnnlM. Frk. as eet. per bottle. Mia: aBwiiln Iwlli mm imwmI Ma! Int nrBali a. aecur. crun ODMrrauao. w. wniy -a. MBWHtr t. say aaaraai lor aj. ajrnngn i. ,a. lllWM I GQNNELL CANADIAN PACIFIC CT ft 111 XI s$m mi in ttlffiitil. lll.4li:fi. s f7 14 , O ATb K nm ART II a IYP II are: th 150 Sizes and Styles jj OF 'CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles j OF STEEL RANGES I .w mm ; fm Kill 1 mm 1 VCTrrJ" I the liiiSlM'wiK Lave arranged with' the following firms to sell their STOVES AT FOUNDRY PRICES". STK0NU S FUKN1SI11X; HOUSE, :i2-322 lVim Avenue. . V. (J. D0UI) CO., ."() Liukawanua Avenue. F00TE k S1IKAIS CO., W.) '. Wais'.iington Ave. K. J. HltiUES, 124 South 3lain Avenue. w a s n i 9m I1UWIIIUUII V VUIIV LAGER BREWERY. Uannfai'tnrars of th. C.loLmloi I PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPAC ITV I loo.ooo Barrels per Annum HOTEL VI EROADWAY and FORTY-FIr? iT., NEW YOr.K CITY. A MoJorn l irerroor lloici coiitainin .: rtiom, -OH unit b ull and loilcl , nttaoheJ. EUROHtAN PLAN, lined Ho 'in.. SI .s.'t l.src" l o'ii.s. ?.' " With p- irve b ull $.' .'ill nnd llixv.ird ter i. RESTAURANT. CUISIN'i ANJ SCRVICE UNEXCCLLEU. In cIhmiJ pro.tunity lo tne principo l'u ti Mini 'he shoppuu d s.r c'.. . , -Flto niinules from tirnr.il i e .tul d e-t h.irj Depots LOUIS U TODO. J H. FIFE. Wa are lieaibpi irt tj fur CysLert n: ' are bumlil ti- tile IclchratcJ Duck 11 1 vert, i.ynn llavcn.-t. Key purt., lill I'tnuls; itlso lllos nry, Ktukaways, .lliiu.ic vlvcr Coves, Western lmrcH anJ liltu l iiiiits. (sr-Weniskn a Sp.-ci.vlty of dilivrin Idus Points on bull nlitil in carrier CALL UP 3632. aofflioiViiMatci !: CO. OILS, a- mm VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPPIOE AND WAREHOUSB, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STRBBT M. W. COLLINS, M'tfr. )R. LOBB'S BOOK FREE . .11 . ..DnnP Vf)f I II. (ST VltiOK and IHSC.AStS OV Itkl ' OMrlf, JOB n.M: clotu oonoa. .11 .-J -T i rr...tmaat bVBIftll l-ktly oonflLntlaU and a .lUe in'ck cur e n aatetsl. matter haw lost staadiua. I ll ssslUTsly sura you. neita ar eat! I . .... a. Dhllada.. Pa EST. I'l, Z-3-t. -J-7tl. 11.1 THI! m m VITNu3 THAT II. 1). SVi'AKlZ & CO. Arc !h Leadira Vliol AR-'ats in D RIFLES. PiEVOLV HEADQUARTERS ms. I. v. Miit'.ii's ai:;l Kcr.'iiUion i Cur.s ln' VlWA and : 'K-K-phone JTJd. I'pen r.vcnin t. ' j i-prue- 6:reet. b. -fteea Tiun aa 1 Wyn- ! mil A Av.'i'.wi DUFONT'S riKias. cla3T?;;3 asd sporting tanufm-tnrel at tho Wapwalloren l.lia, Lo , tei be eniinty, Ps-. iunl t.1 V d-qili-Kt'-iu I'e an are, HENRY BELIW, Jr. (.leueral Agent for the Wyoming Diftriot. .13 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pav Third NaJonul Rank Daddiuj. aoksiies: TITOS. FORI!, I tttilon. Pa. Ji UN" H SXITH HON, Plymouth. V E. W. JtULl.it! AN. ilkos-r.arre. Pa. agents for the Kepaiuio C'lianiical ttoi puj illUli WpUaia, CniraaleriM tir IVr LOST MANHOOO rlVaitt .i..i nir allm-uf.l tilh r.f younu and lualillo- :. ..j..,i.. it, owf .it. ISect-nf it-rllKt :fc lleTluof trcjlrociit. F.!!HOI;u. prouunn ae. Norvvns Pi billty, Nl-ht' v Enn.'lar.a,l'tiSiJlimi U'-n. IiiKinil'.Kihatrt na (traiiiKaiiillotiutrowia-orilii'Um-rratirn'On-titisunaitlnguiiur -irrtil-lr. otwlne an Kpi lu-U rlaatitsqiiirl-lycurpiUi lir. l:olli?",,, t,.-a;. Hi- jniiter.lyeiiro by starting at Uiaaent of iltJ; -on.!, but araarrr.-.t NPIIVI WW ::ll).l'Ht, hrlniring ha.k the rli'k.a'yel "?!. .".rk. ardn-tturl-fc-lho fl IIE W VOCTII to th. vll.iit. l--r mall, ai.nu per bus erS for SSwIth trrlt. r'a,,ll mrv r refund lri anaitc.. rwiot: -. raalbrrrt-i -.'-Ci,..lieel.N.ir'''' For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Urua gist. Wyoming ave. and Spruce street. Smok GUMS. IMawJII. tOaatltal Patientamraa atswi atatswawa 100 Sizes and Styles OP . PARLOR STOVES 50 Sizes and Styles OF HEATING STOVES crnd 5 rntsi foe s-molff package. Faultless Chemical Company ba.ii mori, Md, Ailantic Refining Co Manufacturers and Dasl.rs i Linseed Oil, Napthas and Caso llnes of all grades. Alio Grease, linlon Orcuse and Colliery Com pound: alro a large line of Pat afllne Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL. the only family safety burning oil In tho market. Wni. Mason, Manager: Ofllce: Coat Exchafme, Works at Pine Urook. Wyoming Ave. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made Well Man 1st Day. IStb Day of Me. THI ORCAT SOtb bs. prodaeea the above rmnlts la SO days, It1 powertullr sad quickly. Cures b.a all othafi i fall. Vonntai.awlUrtala their lest iaaahood.aaaala man will neater thrtr yautbdu visor bf salsa KBTI VO. It oolcalr ana surelr natom "r' neas. IiOat TlUlltr. IsspotMar, Mslktljr Mlanoas, LoslFowsr.Faillna Meuerr, Wutlna DtsoafM-eaa all affneta at saU-abUM or aioaMaaS IndlKrallon, bloh antta oaa for atndy. bualsaai or marrlaft. 1J aotoolr mtnm by sUrtlac st taa art ot a'aaaa., ! la a (mat at-i-v. toolo sail bipo4 milder, brlaffi leg back ths pink glow to hIi cayeebaara f I.Hat th. nr. of yoath. It wards off Inaviltr and OaatumrtloB. lutiat aa bavtai RKVIvO, as ether. It can be oarrld la seat socket. awil, a 1.00 aer paciua, or six tor U.OO, wltk a BosP Ma writtaa gnarantso aa sawo oar taranal thaaaoaey. Ctnulaifraa. Adansa 9YU MEDICINE CO.. S KWer ., CNICMO. ILL Taa aate ht atth.wsBroe Vimih4 i2. . M . v x - a, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers