The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue.
Regularly in nil parts of tbe city. Have
iv u missed you? Drop a postal.
308 I'cnn Ave. A. II. WAIi.MAN.
When Looking
Do Fot Fdil to See
Our Fall Styles.
27 WYCRi:N3 avenue.
'. K.-Prices (iuurantccd.
The flnam-e committee of the poor board
met last night.
Lieutenant John Pnvls la ai-tlntr chief
of police during Chief Simpson ubsenc
at Ptttsbur.
There will bo a birthday social nt the
IVnn Avenue Haptlst church parlors to
morrow evening.
The wlil of Minnie May Spencer. hue of
the cl!y of Oarbondale, was yesterday ad
mitted to probate.
The ladles who will have charge of the
booths at the Phil Sheridan fair meet this
evening In the beard of trade rojins.
Mrs. William Kobb denies the puh'lshe.l
repoit that she ha 1 d:-..ont;.if 1 her di
vorce proce? Jln;;s atramst htr huslianl.
The Scranton Reddinc company has
been clvtn the contract for supplyinc th"
mattresses and pillows for the new lljtid
The work of sradinK Olive street be.
tween Madison and Munroe avenues pre
paratory to paving witi ojphalt. was be
Bun yesterday.
An evidence of the worth of the Itesoue
mission Is shown the s-enero'is respond"
to the recent appeal for funds male by
the miE.-don'a executive coraniiu-e.
Itoputr T'nltel Sttnt-s ?farhi! Kra-ifc
Ttobllne. aei-onipanleifs:y rbb-f .if l'uli , e
Simpson, and havlitz In custody riiil K-nt.
th counterfeiter, left yesterday for Pltls
bure. The Scranton Clerks' association will
hoid a special meftim; thi evening nt S
o'clock. A full attendance of the clerks
Is urifed. as business of Importance de
mands attention.
Marrlae" licenses were granted y(.tr
"ay to John Jordan and Annie Loftns.
Scranton; William Koops end Catherine
Hnmnlous. Throop; Hurt V. Vounht and
Cella darrlty. Scranton.
Th funeral of Katie, daughter nf Mr.
and Mrs. John linrke. of 1111 Houth Wn'h
Inirton avenue, will tak place Thurxilav
mornlnat at 9 o'clock. Interment In Hyde
Park Catholic cemetery.
A regular monthly meeting of th-
Scranton public library trus'ees was in
have been hld yesterd.iy. but there was
no oiiorum nn 1 an adjournment was made
to Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Emrn Shnw Cnlelenith will lecture
at Younir M.-n's Christian Asso"lntionhHll
Monday nlht und-r the nuspbes of the
MI'c soele'y. of St. Luke's church, on
-Throii-.'h Haw ni rh a Kod'ik. '
The condition of Mrs. Charles C.reen. of
TVaverly. who was ar.-loVnl.-illy shot Sat
urday by Huirh Arehhnld, Is slightly Im
proved. She continues to rest easily, onj
the hopes of h'-r recovery are brighter.
The funeral of Mrs. Miles c.ibhons, who
died sudenly on Kundav. will take iplaco
from her residence, n:r. Summit nvenu.
Wednesday, at 1 a. m. A requiem mass
"will bo celebrated In Holy Koary church.
. Attorney Cornelius Smith yesterday se
cured a rule to take depositions on the
rule to strike off the appeal from the
award of arbitrators in the ease In which
I. H. Hurns secured a verdict of !.".(si
damares against Mr. Smith and John (i,
The usual Tuesdsy evenlnir entertain
ment In the Younir Woman's Christian as
sociation rooms wa held last nlttht. It
wan a muslcnle and was In change of Mls
Mayer, Miss Itlce nnd Miss Hippie. The
programme Included violin solos by Miss
Julia Allen, piano solos by Mis IPack
man. and soprano soloa by Mrs. W. J.
Hand. These entertainments are free nnd
are onen to all youn women whether
members of the association or not.
The desl with Mrs. Hrldcet Kearney for
the additional land necessary for the
opening- of Wyoming avenue was consum
mated yesterday, consideration S'-'O. The
strip which Mrs. Kearney deeded to the
cltv Is 170 by 10 feet. J. K. Swift's lot,
J4i by to feet, wleh wis purchased some
time ago, cost K.(m. The balance of the
13110 appropriated for this Improvement
will be spent In opening th street nnd
putting It In n passable condition. Work
1 already under way.
Tomorrow wll bo the nnnual donation
osv fit the Home for the Friendless.
' Without the assistance received nt this
time the largo family of old ladles nnd
friendless little children would srnrcely be
provided for with any decree of oomfo-t
during the long winter. It Is .from the
gifts received on donation day that the
main support of the family Is derived
through the year, and now that the funds
are so low, on account of the new build
ing, It Is particularly necessary that tho
Home shall be well remembered.
Attorney John n. Kdwards yesterday
applied for writs nt hnHn en,,,. ..
bearing to secure the release nf Michael
Alix, Joseph Rzee and Willlnm Kzee from
the eountv Jail, where thev were Impris
oned last Sunday by Constable Max Koeh
ler of Prlcebtirg, charged with assault
and battery, obstructing a legal process
and Interfering with a ipohllc ofllcer In the
. Jlschargo of his duty. The prisoners nro
Hungarian residents of the nidge. They
were committed to the county lall In de
fault of bnll by Justine, of the Peace Mnn
ley. of Arehhnld. The petition for the
habeas cortnis nllnres that the defendants
were Jailed without having been given a
bearing, and for something thev are cn
, tlrely Innocent of. Judge Archhald grant-
' f a F2. . r.a """"I" tomorrow morn
ing at 9 o clock.
It May Interest Yon.
We offer ten pieces Keotch Chlvolt and
Wool Plaids at io cents, worth 60; eight
p ecea jo-lncb all wool serge In navy and
. black, for 3 centa, worth 50.
. Meara & Hagen,
'" Bnjr th Webar.
and get tha beat At Guernsey Broa.
fur opening, Tueaday and WednoiMlay,
Oct. 12 and 23, by one of the leading New
York fur house, at F, I CraneV 324
' Lackawanna avenue
Holiday books In sets and single vol-
Ill PSPtt
IKE BlfflS 01
Work Described at Annual Meeting of
Florence Crittenden Mission.
Somo Interesting Fasts KcvcalcJ In Re
ports by President and Matron.
Tho Mission elected Officers
for tho Issuing Year.
At the second annual mcettnff of the
Florence Crlttenbm mission yesterday
afternoon In the Yotins Men's Christian
association rooms otllcers were elected
for the ensuing year, reports were made
Ty M. Bookstaver:
the treasurer. Mrs. W. U. Taylor, and
the matron. Mrs. A. E. Snxton, und
other 'business was transacted.
iMrs. Hookstaver said In her report:
Our socletv, though still In its childhood.
Is rapidly growing, anil we feel now that
the mission Is nn assured fact aixl has
come to stav. Numbers of homeless wo
men have been cared for during the past
vear, and some who have needed protec
tion from their own families, have found
a shelter with us.
luiring the greater part of the year our
home has been full, and sometimes un
comfortably so. We have felt for months
pest that our quarters were getting too
strait for us. and the need of a larger
home, In a better part of the city, where
the surrounding would be more healthy
with regard to the moral atmosphere, nnd
where wo call have some grounds where
the girls can have more fresh air ami
something lu the way of a garden to Inter
est them. This Is exceedingly Imtmrtnnt.
as It Is hard to be shut up during the
warm summer months und no space even
to exercise. We feel that this larger
home l very much needed. We need nlso
one or two rooms for a receiving station
and n place to hold nightly meetings right
In the slums.
MajoritT Aro Saved.
We do not expect that nil wfio come to
us will be rescued from lives of shsme.
but we do believe the greater part of the
women who come tn the mission will
eventually be saved, for they are all earn
estly tnken to the throne of grace, nnd
we believe that we shall receive what we
ask for. It Is not In the girls we nut our
trust, but In c,o l, who has .promised to
answer the believing prayer.
Wo would like to thank all those who
have In any way befriended th" cause bv
!her gifts, rlther o' money, clothing, food,
fuel or omforts of any kind, nnd It will
surely rive them pleasure to know that
their glf's have not been wasted or unap
preciated. Two of our gl-ls who have given their
hearts to the Savior have entered the
House of Mercy. In Whtncton. l. '.,
where they will be educated for Christian
or mission work; another has gone to New
York city to go Into training there for
Wlslon. work, and another It has seeme.l
h.'st to sen, t, a home In Philadelphia,
that she mny be separated from bud fnml
lv Influences. These all go of course wl'h
their own consent, as we keep prict'onliv
nn op. n-door mission. Oul' a number of
'he Kills are living out In Christian fami
lies. We would earnestly bespesk the active
Interest nnd consideration of ;he peonle
of 8 'ranton to onrry on this work In the
cnnilnir We bnve received nun'ber.
lrs fvvorH, we rnl'rht almost say, from
all k" Is and conditions of men. and es
pecially from the m rcbriflts.
This mis-don Is scm' thlng that omrht to
onn,- vcrv nenr to the hearts of nil the
mothers nvl fathers pi town, nn I from the
surrounding communities ab-o. for llv n
metes 'o no! a'l ooioe tv.-m the cltv nf
P -ranton, nnd thev nre from nil walks of
Tho treasurer's reoort win road In
detail and shout '. n smnll balance on
The Matron's
Tho reoort of Mr. Snxton, the mat
ron. v.MS as follows;
In reviewing the wo-k of the vear past
W'1 rea!'- t"'t ve h:!ve had some hftrl
exiit rlence. but Ood. who Is alwavs pear
al hand to h-'.T In time of nerd, has nolrd
u And we h-'ve rt;iclv to i.ral-e Him f.,r
t"'ny. f.-r II 1 pas been with us at every
turn. The ruit of our year's work we
I, with Him.
We have received Into the hom fortv
four girl1' In the twelve month. We have
seen where mnnv have been he'e 1
throiit'h the reaiiintr of Hod's word. The
I anriain fnnoi teacning. lunie renninKs
et pome an-' tn' enurcn, nu or wpn n rav
been souri'e.s nf he'o to the ulrls. som1 of
whom hsve neve- had teaching or heard
the word of Ci 1 preached before. A
younir tdrl wo came to the heme over a
vear af'o referm"d pn'l wa converted.
Sh" united with the Second Presbyterian
rhitre. We have pent this elr to s home
nt Washington. P. C. Annther girl of 1"
has been wdth us tea month. She. too Is
converted, and has taken a firm stand for
Christ, She. too. (s golne to Wasblnirton
where she will stav until she Is ?t years
old. nnd will t educated and fitted for
work for the Ma-ter. H t ambition Is to
go and wo'k In th" vlpeynrd amnnir the
Ftray lambs who like herself. Inst their
way and ere wandering In darkners.
A mldte-aired woman came to us ten
months niro, rendered lielrdess bv n broken
limb whleh he got In a drunken brawl In
a house of Ill-repute; she gladly arcepted
We have had a Hlble lesson bv O I,.
Field every week th past year. We have
one now on Wednesday afternoon, taught
by Hev. Mr. VoArthiir. nnd Friday even
ing by .1. C, MeA-kle. These are produc
tive of good, as the glf's prove by their
We are glad to report the ease of a plrl
of this cltv whose taarcnts were thorough
ly discouraged t-vlng to lead hr rleht.
Ve took her reluctantly, nnd the f'rst
few months had many misgivings. Tint
she became submissive nnd learned to do
her work well, and at the nd of eight
months she showed such nn Improvement
t'net her parent" took her home. We ended
thorn a month later and found her doing
Sample of Deprnvltv.
We have at the home now a girl of la
vear. who Is almost wholly depraved.
The woman she calls mother Is not wor
thy the sacred name of mother. Sh has
taught the child to swear, to drink, to
chew tobacco and every nthc vice that is
known among bad neoplo. This woman,
herself. Is living with a colored man. and
has encouraged the little girl to share her
own shame. The child was tnkon away
from ber bv the authorities nnd brought
here. We find her wil'lng to be taught
nnd naturally perceptive. She hns been
here now only one month, and has lenrned
her letters nnd has learned to read tho
flrt chnpterof John. We ask. dear friends,
what would this girl become In a few
venrs later on was there not a door of
hor.e opened to her?
We acknowledge with thnnkfulness the
kindness of resident physicians who come
whenever their services are required, free
of charge. We thnnk all of our frlnds
Who have klmllv remembered us with food.
An Interesting renort of the work
done by the jn II nnd rescue band was
presented by the president.
Officer were chosen as follows: Mrs.
F. n. Swan, president; Mrs. II. If.
Hookntnver, first vice-president: Mrs.
V. S. Dlehl. second vice-president: Mrs.
C. II. Von "Stnreh, speretarv; Mrs. W. If.
Taylor, treasurer; iMIss Jennie Reyn
olds, assistant treasurer; directors for
one vear. Mrs. W. S. nichl. Mrs. Thom
as Dickson, Mrs. It. 0. Brooks; dlrec
tors fop two years. Mrs. V.. O. Coursen
Mrs. F. W. Mason. Miss A. H. Sander
son: directors for three years, Mrs. O
R. iDenn. Mrs. A. H. Christy, Mrs. W
fl. Sadler, dv!ory board, Tlev. T)r.
.Tames MoTod. irr. O. F rean. Colonel
H. M. Hoe. E. (i. Ooursen nnd J. fl.
McAskle. Mrs. Haxtnn was rc-apnolnt-ed
matron and Miss Johnston assistant
The meeting- closed with the singing
of the doxology.
Lectures at Y. M. C. A.
Two Interesting lectures will be given
Thursday and Friday evenings at the
Young Men's Christian association audi
torium by Profesor J. T. Weart, Jr., nn
"Phrenology and Matrimony." Illustrated
by the stereoptlcon. Admission free. Re.
served seals, 10 cents. Examination made
dally at Hotel Terrace. .
M0 Feot Higher
than Scranton Is Bchelhel's hotel at the
end of tha new Elmhursl boulevard road.
You can get tha best of meals at all hours,
also refreshments of all kinds.
. The Ladles' Social tTnlon of Penn Ave
nue Baptist church will hold a birthday
social in their church parlors Thursday
evening, Oct 24.
Faets Tell Why a Popular Shoo Firm
' ' . IWservcs Its Sucschs.
Scranton 'boasts of many up-to-date
retail stores -whose stocks and method
of doing business compare fuvorubly.
with the establishments found In large
cities This comment sugRests the shoe
store of Schank and Koehler, nt 410
Spruce street. The uprlfrht business
character of the two members of the
firm, their modern and well-appointed
store Interior, their complete stock nnd
the corps of elllclent clerks Is a combi
nation which desrves tribute.
"New," "good." "stylish" and "sat
isfaction" nre four ordinary words
which mean a good deaf to Schank &
Koehler. but which nre more Important
to this popular firm's customers. Old
poods they do not keep. The stock Is
always fresh nnd embodies nil the best
nnd latest kinks known to shoe manu
facturers. This is one point of consid
erable Importance to rSchank & Koehler
as It has met with the aproval of per
sons who know how ti dress their
feet nnd hns helped to buli'.I the store's
trade up to Its present large propor
tions. Every sensible person knows that the
quality and style of a shoe depends on
the manufacturer Instead of the dealer,
fehnnk & Koehler know this, nnd 'have
confined their buylnpr of men'B shoes
almost exclusively to K. II. Stetson nnd
N. Curtis & Co. This policy of buying
large quantities from only a few manu
facturers redounds to the advantage of
the buyer, ns the producer 1st more anx
ious to please the dealer nnrl In the end
the consumer ns well as the 'dealer Is
benefited. That Is a plain and simple
The Indies' shoes nre mnilo specially
to the order of the firm. This policy se
cures the best results ns the goods pro
cured are what nre suitable and want
ed by the Scranton women. Just now
the "new woman's" shoes nre In de
mand and of this article the store Is
supplied with a pleaslnir and varied
variety. This comment plvos merely
h suggestion of how the store keeps in
touch with the demands of Its patrons,
Tbt clerks have Instructions not to Im
portune visitors to buy, which Is n poli
cy to In- appreciated by customers who
wish "Ij look around" before pur
('uses That Occupied tha Attention of the
.1 ud scs Yesterday.
(Major Everett Warren made the ar
gument for th defendant yesterday
morning In the case of J. It. (lunster,
assignee, against the Scranton Ilium
inatiing ijleat imd 'Power) convpauy.
Hie argued to sustain the report of
Koferee W. W. I.athrope ami cited au
thorities and d 'c'eslon bearing on all
I'hases of the case.
The noteworthy ItituncHon case of
Alderman J. H. Wright, of the Ninth
ward, against Alderman W. S. Millar,
f the Flghth ward, to restrain the
latter from redding police court at the
municipal building, cameun before the
three Judge. City Solicitor Torrey ap
peared for the defendant, ttr. l Attorney
C. Comegys for the petitioner. Moth
attorneys had prepared exhaustive
briefs, and these, with the papers in
th case, were taken bv the -ourt.
The case of Thomas F. Wells, trustee,
against the West Side Coal company,
limited; exceptions to reptirt of audi
tor, was fli-gucd from 4 to 4. .10. V. II.
Super was attorney for the exceptants
; and Attorney J. Alton TVivIs for the
i ei al company. It Is a matter whera
j alsmt $snO t the amount In ilispute. In
! reference to a lease of coal land in Jcr
, myn borough. K'ourt took the pap. rs.
' On motion of City Sul'cltor Torrey
the trespass yttit of the Morris and Es
sex Mutual Coal company nsalnst the
leaware. Lackawanna and Western
Con I company will be con-tlnued from
; tin next term of common pleas court
' and will head the list of the secmd
' week's ca-scs of th- January, WC, t.-i m.
j - - - -
! .Miss Nellie O'Donncll Vt edded to Thomas
J. Ilannvrv.
A marriage ceremony that united
; Thomas ,1. Flapnery and Miss Nellie
1 o'lMnnell, daughter of Mrs. Catherine
O'I'onnell, of Cibson tilreet. took place
at 10.30 yesterday morning at St.
1'eler's ra'heilral. Kev. .1. A. O'ktellly.
the rector. Hid tho nuptial knot In the
i presence of many friends of the promi
nent young couple,
i Attorney M. J. 'iMnahoe was gnmms
' man. und the bridesmaid was Miss
, Nellie O'ifarn. Tho bride wore a
I cream silk wedding gown, and pn setvt
J ed a charming ai'pearint-e. As th"
I ti'Mal party marched down the center
jn'.sle to the sanctuary rail, where
j Father O'Hellly was waltinsr. l'rofes-or
I W. P. Schilling, the oliureh organist,
I played 'Mendelssohn's wedding mireh.
I At 11 o'clock n wedding1 ft-ast was
partaken nt the residence of the bride's
mother. It was n'. tended by only the
Immediate relatives ami friends of the
two families. 'At noon Mr. nnd Mrs.
Flannery, the recepletits of well wlsh-s
for happlneM anil prosperity, left on a
honeymoon which will occupy the next
ten days. Wh-n they return they will
reside at the Arlington hotel, of which
Mr. Flannery is one of the proprie
tors. IPis bride had 'hn.rfre of the
editorial department of the Archhald
Citizen and Is a gifted younjr woman.
- -
They Will llnlld the Proposed Ncscrvnlr
nt Horned Itrldgo.
Hurke Bros., the Scranton enrftrao
tftrs, have 'been awarded the contract
for building the proposed big reser
voir for the Scranton lasi and Wa
ter company at Kurncd bridge.
The details of the contract cannot be
Found Lying on tho Knllmnd.
As the Delaware and Hudson trnlns were
passing each other near Carbon street yes.
terday afternoon at 2, mi o'clock, one of tho
employes on the north bound train asplcd
n man lying prostrnto between the tracks.
The train was stopped and backed up to
tho spot where the man was lying, lie
was found to be Insensible, but no In
juries were apparent. The man was car
ried aboard the train to Oreen Itidge and
deposited nt the station, where a Lacka
wanna hospital ambulance was summoned
to convey him to tho hnnpltal. The hos
pltnl staff found that tho man had been
struck with nothing more serious than
Jersey lightning, nnd as the fellow could
not be roused from his drunken stupor,
tho hospital authorities had him taken to
the station house In tho patrol wagon.
He partly recovered his senses about 9
o'clock Inst night, but could not be made
to understand or answer questions. A
pass-book found on his persun containing
the names of Ilarnle White and Jonathan
l'arry. It was made out by tho Natalie
Store company, of Natalie, Pa. Later In
the night ho acted as If he was In great
agony. .
Pnsh Cnrt Peddler (Joes to Jail.
Joe Domond, an Italian banana vender,
who does business from a push-cart on
Lackawanna avenue, was sent to the
county Jail for ten days by Alderman Mil
lar yesterday for falling to keep on the
move, as required by the city ordinances.
The committment was made on tho testi
mony of Constable Joseph Woelkers, but
in Justice to Alderman Millar It should be
stated that he administered the prescribed
penalty with reluctance. The alderman
remitted the usual fine, but ordered the
prisoner to pay the costs, which amounted
to 2.M, In default of which he sent him to
the county Jail. The constable receives fl
from the costs paid In each of these cases.
Took th Oath of Office.
Professor George Howell, superintendent-elect
of the Scranton public schools,
took the oath of otlice yesterday and sub
scribed to It In court before President
Judge R. W. Archhald. The document
the regular constitutional oath. Profes
sor Howell will enter upon the auperln
tendency of schools on Friday, Nov. i, tha
date on which Superintendent Phillip re
tires. Everything In the store will be greatly
sacrificed until Oct. IS on account of re
moval to William building, Linden street
and Washington avenue. .Pratt's BooX
gtor ,
Evanflclic'al Lutheran Clergymen of
Kiikcs-liarrc Synod io Session.
Officer Elected at the Morning Session.
Kcv. L. l.lndcrstruth, of Maueh
Chunk, Chosen President -Subjects
That Camo Vp for Illscusslon.
AsFcmbted In fifth annual conference
the Evangelical Lutheran clergymen
of the Wilkes-llarre synod con
vened at Ohrl.ot Evangelical church,
Cedar avenue and Heech k-treet.
yenierday morning. The reverend
genMcmen present are as fol
lows: P. H. Zlzleman, Scranton; !H.
A. Ilrunnlng, White Haven; J. 'H.
Smith, Frceland: W. II. Strauss, Lo
'hlKhton; L. Llnde rstruth, ,Mauch
Chunk; J. ill. Ki nterk, Whlghton; J.
AV. Saul, Wilkes-llarre; E. 1.. Miller.
Scranton; A. C AVIchtcr, Oilberts; J.
t). Schlenker, Har.leton; II. A. llritting,
llomnns; (1. M. Scheldy, Serantoti; I.
O. Oerberlih, Wealherly, Pa.; J. W
'Randolph, fcYranton; (. L. Ettweln,
Plttston; W. O. Lelghy, Sayre; J. 'II.
Iingacre, Welpport ; E. L. Hitter, West
lluzlotim; A. L. Kumer, Scranton; F.
R-ysher, Hobble, und J. J. Hunts, of
The morning session had to do most
ly with election of officers and the fol
lowing wire chosen: President, Itev.
L. Linderstruth, Maurli Chunk: Eng
lish secretary and treasurer. Hev. J. .,.
Schlenker, Ilazh'lon: lerman secre
tary, itev. F. ill. Hiller. Scrunton.
The afternoon session opened at 2
o 'ni ck, Kev. Mr. Linderstruth In the
chair, tllev. Mr. licysher, of Hobble,
conducted the devotional exercises.
Hev. J. J. Kuntx was appointed con
ference reporter and fullllled his duties
admirably. It was resolved that the
Luther league of the conference be re
quested to frame semi-annual reKjTts.
Money for tho Mission.
A resolution parsed recommend
ing 'that iidl less th'an JiloO per annum
be rui--d for 'the N.rth Wilkes-llarre
nilsc'.on under the vartopil care of Itev.
Mr. Sent ki r; tdch minister pledged a
certain annmit, I lya.'.'V by Jan. 1,
h'l'T. The Aliit'iown conference has
offered'.'ltin.iry aid. At Lansford,
Carbon uniy, a handsome new
church 1-.:m bei-n e.v.i.i-d at a great
expence and the congregation wa com
mend -d f. r lis eff i Is.
The Wot PiKston congregdllon was
advl.vd t c. alcrce wfl-h the PittfMn
chin vh, on the settlement of a pastor
at Plttston, which charge Is now va
r by t ie roslen'.Klon of Hev. Mr.
tY-.ra I. The otllocis of the conference
will supply 'the pulp!1: with a pastor
until the congregation chooses one. A
church will j am be huiH In the North.
End of this city, and Hev. iMr. S;sndt,
volunteered to collect money In the
Allontown conference for it ho stabllsh
munt of churches at Notvb. Wilkes
llarre and North Serin ton.
The congregation at Lansford. form
erly served by the pastor of Summit
Illil. was declared a separate charge,
and leave given to chvse a pastor. A
piif'timi! association will be formetl In
the northc-rn part of the conference,
there being one among the ministers of
the soirthern pan:. The commit tee ti
form a new charge at Quakuke was
Pastor VceJcd for I nch
Tlev. Mr. lllttr, of West Hazleton.
5ike rarnewly aleMit the neoef!ty of
dlvld'.ng W't llasltton nd Auden
ricd. fi as to give en h congregation
a pacior. The c- ngreg t'lion ut I'
M iuch CJiunk wl'l have milted wllh M
one or two contiguous congregations
t as to f. inn a chnige.
f'aibjects tj)at were dhvussed were:
"The Sphere f Woman nnd'Ita Llmit
ac.lons," "The Sphere of Youth and Its
Limitation." Hev. IMr. Kudt-r read
the reiMrt of the Sun lay school con
venthm, which was hf4d at Lililfrhton.
Sept. 17 anil IS. It was suggested that
a Women's Firelgn Missionary society
be organized w'uhin the conference.
A't the evening res , Jon Hev. 'A. C
Wuehtir vj;.du.'.'ed the allar service;
Hev. Mr. Hitter fjrake on, "The Spirit
nnd Life f the LuthtTan Church;"
Hev. Mr. Linderstruth spoke on the
"Mission of tOie Church;" ami Itev. T.
L. Selp, 1). P., choe ns this subject,
"Ways and Means." The hour Imme
diilely after the own!ng of conference
thi.i morning will be devted 'to the dis
cussion of mission needs. The confer
ence will conclude this evening.
Had Ilccn a Sufferer for Some Tlmo from
Heart Trouble.
Mrs. Mary Norton died at an early
hour yesterday morning nt her home.
Dir. Penn avenue, of an affection of the
he'irt. She had boon a sufferer for
some time, but her denth yesterday
morning was not oxpwtod anil was a
sad shock to tier relatives and fr'cnds.
She was one of the old residents of the
Pine Prook portion of the city, having
for a quarter of a century lived there
and was universally beloved and re
spected by friends and neighbors.
Iieceased Is survive ! by her husband,
Anthony Norton, and the following
chl'dren: John. Thomos, Mis Mary
p.nd Miss '11. Norton. The latter Is a
teacher In No. 2.1 school. On Friday
morning the funeral will take place
with a tje'emn high mnss of requiem at
St. 'Peter' rnthedral at 9.30 o'clock.
It llroko l.onso from tho linglno and
Unshed lnwn the tirade.
At .45 Inst night one cf :he small
locomotives at 'the Noi'.'h works was
hauling two cars J.ided wllh red hot
Ingots of steel up the grade near the
blaist furnace. It was on the track
tha; runs between the upper and lower
steel mills. The cars were af'tcr the
eng-lne. The coupling of tjiie last car
snapped and the car started alone
down the grade toward the South
The runaway Jumped 'the track near
tho sandpit and danger waa past.
Kcloascd on Hail.
Thomas Kane, of Carbondalc, charged
wllh burglary, was released on $l.m) hail
yesterday. 8. P. Hhluehold and Thomas
Kane, sr.. became his bondsmen; tleorge
Noon, charged with assault and battery,
was released on WKI ball, Domini, k Pnd
den became his bondsman: Andrew Ro
man, charged with felonious wounding,
was released on K00 ball. John Mernack.
Joseph Konesny and John Zeok quallllrd
ns bondsmen. Tho three defendants had
been In the county Jail.
A Peenllnr Aceldont.
While Rented In Dr. Haggerty'a carriage,
which was standing on Spruce street, be
tween Wyoming nnd Washington ave
nues, yesterdny afternoon. William Cun
ningham, the doctor's driver, haddils kn-e
cap put out of joint by a kick from the
horse. The animal became frightened ut
a flying piece of paper, and began to kirk
furiously, smashing the pole nnd front
part of the buggy and kicking tho driver
in the knee, with the above result.
Solvl Is Out nn Ball.
Alderman O. P.. Wright accepted Thos.
Minehello, of Old Forge, as surety In the
sum of $1,000 for the appearance of Joseph
Balvt as a witness In the Merelo murder
cane when It will com up for trial. Balvl
was committed to jail because he eould
not furnish that amount IMonday, and tie
wa yesterday released.
Threatened Her Life.
Francis Kearney, of Archibald, charged
with threatening the life of Mrs. Mary
Gebhardt, could not furnish ball and was
last evening jailed, 'Squire Munley was
the committing magistrate. -
Photo album, Bible and Testaments
below cost. Pratt' Book Store.
Monsoon Tea batter tea than you
have vr known and very economical
Scranton' I astern League Franchise to
Ilo Sold to Fall Hiver.
At a meeting of the Scranton Base
Hall association -directors last night It
was decided to sell .the Scranton East
ern league franchbe to fall Hlver par
ties, who, bid S'-VXaO. 'Newark offered
Jjt'.SOO. The Fall Hlver people will today
be otllclally notified of the acceptance
of their offer.
These facts were told a Tribune re
porter In an Interview with President
Hetts last night. He said Scranton will
be represented 1n the State league
next year, but that the players on the
reserve list nre Included In the pur
chase of the Eastern franchise.
A few weeks ago Scranton parties of
fered $i!.C00 for the franchise. The of
fer was refused, as the present owners
are unwilling to sell to local buyers for
less than from $r.000 to $3,000, on the
ground that If the Eastern franchise
changed hands In this city It would pre
vent the present ownera from conduct
ing aetnte league club. There Is a pos
sibility that tenlay the association will
be paid Its price by Scranton parties
who will be lrifluonocd more by their
opposition to Stnte league base ball
than by their anxiety to become mag
na tos In. tho Eastern league.
They Will Ilo Taken from Parent Who
Neglect Them.
Hard and cruel as It may seem at
the first thought the board of nstoo!at
ed kvt n'giht decided to take
Hepa to have fourteen children taken
from their m--thics, and Inder'tured
in appropriate homti. Mrs. Patrick
Murray, of Washington avenue flats,
has seven little on s all under fourteen
yi-ars of age, who being shamefully
misused. Her hf.l and Is a uhlf.icss,
good-for-r.c.;iilng, who has earned tho
sobrliiui't of "Kie laziest man In S;ran
ton' The children arcent curt to beg.
Mr. C.lbl.'jns said that he hail offered
Murray work, but he wanted a Job as
Mrs. Michael Fallon, of .the South
Side, Is the mother of seven o'htr neg
lected children, from whom ehe will
be parted If the courts will assent to
the board having charge of them.
These ti'i'.T tren ore all of tender years.
XI its. Fallon has ofun .been asked to
give over her ihlldnn t' the (are of
the bovrd, 'but oul.l not be Induced to
part wl 'l any of i'iiem, excepting the
youpgeK 'hoy, who. was bcrn a cripple.
Jle Is n-nv In the foundling home.
Af:er hearing ''.he r id di'iails of both
rami's the I. card decided to refer the
matter to the child raving committee,
wii'.h Cn-atmr Mons to pn eerd at law to
lave the children taken from their par
er.'is a r. I Ir. lei.'Uire I to suitable homes,
v li lv.-li the board will provide.
Comidilnt wa.i entered against
Thoma.4 Scahlll, of Irving avenue, for
-".bluing M-year-ol I Ixiy. Since Oct.
X. the r.;':e of -the l ast meeting, Mrs.
Iuggan Investigated chip-.y-slx cases,
of which twr.:y-'x we:-e f tund worthy
arnl provKb 1 with 'relief. Kmioty
mer..: wa four. I for fix, tnnsiortn
;!on for eis'ia;, lodging and meals for
live nnd homes for tight. Of the last
three were set;.', 'to St. Patrick's or
phanage, one to Flop-nee miss", in. twi
to t'lie .H-juse of th- Cood Shepherd,
anil two to the Hillside Home.
Mr. Cohen r, popied .that the commit
tee on entertalrme nt w is arra.tiKl.ig for
a benell't, 'to be given by some first
class company at one of the theaters.
Says Hint an Iffoit Is lie leg Via Jo to
I rlc.bicu Mim Off.
W. J. Hurke Says that the special dis
patch with u Washington date line,
which appeartd In yesterday's Times,
was. In his opinion. Incorrect. The
concluding -l.ui"e particularly galls
Mr. Hurke. "It Is believed that Colonel
Colquitt's rejxirt will entirely t-xoncr-ate
Collector Herring from all blame."
This, he avers, was printed with the
purpose of discouraging him. "I can't
be frightened on by any such fishy
fake as that," raid Mr. Hurke to a
Tribune man last evening. "This In
vestigation will lie continued and,
what's more, Stenographer Ta.or's
notes of the testimony which Colonel
Colquitt did not take along will be
present! d to Commissioner Miller by
myself, folqult, no doub!. by this
time, has reported to Commissioner
Miller that there Is nothing In the
charges. I expect, howvver. to convince
the department that there Is something
In these allegations. If I can't do that,
I will give the v. hole matter to the pub
lic nnd let the people Judge for them
selves who isi rlsbt In this matter."
Kcsoltitfoni of Itcspcct.
At a regular meeting of Division II.
Ancient ii.b r of Hllieriil.ans. of Dickson
City, held on O. I. ", the following pre
amble nnd resolutions were unanimously
Whereas. It has pleased the divine will
of an all-wise (lod to remove from our
midst by death our esteemed and beloved
brother member. James Mi-Hole; and
Whereas. While bowing in humble sub
mission to the will of lllm who doeth nil
things well, we deplore the fact that our
division has lost one of Its most faithful
and devoted members, his parents a lov
ing and affectionate son. the community
a peaceful, uto-lwht nnd honorable cltijten.
H "solved. That we, the members of Di
vision 11, Ancient cnler of Hibernian",
extend to the aftll.le.l parents and
brothers of our member our sin
cere and henrtfelt sympathy In this their
hour of sorrow ami nllllctlon.
Itesolved, Thnt ns n mark of respect to
the memory nf our deceased brother our
division charter be drn;iei In mourning
for the space nf thirty days.
Kesolve.l. That' these resolutions lie re
corded on the minutes of our division nnd
a copy forwarded to the following papers
for publication: The Scranton Republi
can, the Scranton Truth, the S'-rnnton
Times. The Tribune, l'rlceburg Recorder
und Olyphnnt tlasette,
T. D. Hayes,
P. K. Klley.
P. Corr.
Ladles and ticntlemcn.
For the latest styles and lowest prices
In Pne shoes try the Commonwealth shoo
store, Washington avenue.
PBA" Read The Tribune early in No
v em ber.
Mrs. Fenton, Clairvoyant and Phrenol
ogist, Arnnut House, O Lackawanna ave
nue, this week only.
Cold and fountain pens We. to $3. Pratt's
Hook Store. ,
Children's Rob Roys - 17c.
Ladies' Untrimmed Flats, - 75c
Black Jetted Wings, - 29c.
Black Velvet Trimmed Hats, $2.75
324 Itiszza hi
A Way of Home Dyeing ThoP la Simple,
Easy and Economical-Diamond Dyes
Maka Good Color and Do Not Fade,
Crock, or Wash Out-How to Color
Gowns, Suits, and Wrapa with Little
In a letter written last month by
Qeorgia Jlook, i'alntersville, tlreen
county, O., she says; "I colored an old
tan dress last fall that I had worn
nil summer, and had a nice, black dress.
My girl friends went nearly wild over
it, and they were so astonished when I
told them It was my old tan dress
colored with Diamond Dye. Several of
them tried the dyes on their White cash
men a and all of them had nice looking
blnck gowns.
"I have used a great many Diamond
Dyes for cotton, wool and silk, and
have met with unvarying success. Last
week I used a dozen packages In color
ing cotton for rugs, and m'ade two
beautiful rugs. I have tried other pack
age dyes, but never with the success
that 1 have had with the Diamond. I
have never failed once with Diamond
Dyes, and I do not think any one could,
If they pay attention to the directions
thnt come with each package."
Diamond Dyes are especially prepared
for home use, and are guaranteed to
bo the strongest, fastest and easiest
to use of all dyea. To get the best col
ors, It Is necessary to use different dyes
! for wotd and for cotton, and Diamond
Dyes are especially prepared for each.
Insist on having Diamond Dyes, and
you win always have colors that will
not fade.
A besik of directions and forty samples
of colored clo'h will be mailed free.
! Wells. Itkhardaon & Co., Hurlington,
.Miss MacDoiinld. of Lackawanna Hos
pital, Will lie Wed Jed.
Miss Helen MaoDonal'J. for nearly
. 'three years superintendent of the Luck-
nwnnna hospital, Is to he married, and
i In anticipation of the event she some
time ago tendered her resignation,
which took effect yesterday. The
groom-elect Is a New Yorker.
l.Miss ManDonald has been an efll-
dent attache of the hospital and leaves
, the Institution after having won the
; approbation of its officers and the re
i rpect of nurses and surgeons. One of
1 her best works has been performed as
the head of the training school for
The acting superintendent and chief
nurse until Jan. 1 will be Miss Heckler.
I Miss Kramer, of Washington, will
I eventually succeed Miss 'MacDonald.
This fld
vertisement tells you
where to find original
novelties in Sterling Sil
ver, moderate in price,
extensive in variety.
417 Lackawanna Ave.
Malcolm Lova.
Clongh & Warren,
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Prices.
It is nowadays not the per
son, but the goods and prices,
that talk; and just there lies
our strength.
We make it a point to care
fully study the wishes of the
public and shall bring betpre
them only the "up-to-date"
Experience in New York
has becu a good teacher.
Headquarters in China, Glass
ware, Etc.,
Inelodlnir th alnlea eztracttac at
mim tij an sauraf WWW
S. C SNYDER, D. D. S.,
We Will
Offer for the
Three Days
All tbe Newest J f
Styles, for - P T'V
Babv Caps, in A tZrr
Silk for l-OC.
138 Wyoming Avanua.
Winter Will
Soon B? H?r?
And to be prepared to meet th eold
wether rou want a seasonable bait or
su Overcoat or bu'.h
406 Lackawanna Ave.
The lark-eat stock to sele.-t from. Trim
ming. Always of the Ua.t, Latest Styles
in Cutting, aud made np oc tbe premises
ly Expert Workmen.
Nothing allowed to leave the estab
lishment ualfts satisfactory to ttie cus
tomer, and the lowest price consistent
witb Uood Merchant Tailoring.
ft-i4te- SPRUCE
nave bean purchased by and ased
Purine the past twelve years.
And vicinity during the past few ye ,
show their immonse popularity. Thar
Is no doubt about their d1d( Tha Baal
Piano forth Mono In th Mar
ket Today.
We Will Be Pleased
To show you our large stock ot the and
other flrst-claas instrument and give
price and term to all Intending par
226-228-230 Wyoming An
Ma u
tie at Praasat th Meat Vak a rnlml k
UUla Arias
warwoorast Oppasitt Cehunkns snunMat,
I 1
ver M ii