THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 23, 1895. 3 NORTON'S NEW WALL DECORATIONS. Autumn Styles Being' Received. We Invite Attention to Our Beautiful New Designs and Colorings For Fall and Winter Is;. Now Is an Excellent Time To Decorate Your Room And Oct the Benefit of Use During Cold Weather Season. We Have the Finest Stock Made in This Country At Half New York City Prices. Our Patterns Cannot Be Fouud Elsewhere in This City. The Fine Work in Larue Cities Is Done in the Fall. We Furnish Oood Decorators. M. NORTON, 322 LxCMWAIIM AVE. AFcstoDyspepsial i GOOD BREAD USE THE B 9 BE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mo. Ti-KSONAL. Miss Anna I.ovcrlntf, of Greenwood, la lit. M-. nr. 1 Airs. F. S. Godfrey are In phll-i- H. H. Voris, of P.!oomburj, was here yesterday. P. S. Hurrr.on. of niuornsturg, was a Scrantoii vi.ttor .vetrr.t.i . V. .!. Kiinn and P. I.. Sylvester are home from the Atlanta exposition. Mis licrtha ttreakstom- Is home from visit amonK f-i-ii'l.i in ihe west. Minor K. Word.-n. (J. N. Peck anil Clar ence Klorey wire hunting at Nicholson yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Boiand and daughter. Ruth, of U'iikcs-ltarre. were here yesterday an the (tuesc of their relative. C U. Ifoland. 8. O. an.l A. N. K"r: are In Philadelphia attending the weddlria of Captain '. K. Waj:nr. of illrardvtlle, and Miss Timer, of Philadelphia. J. A. Lansing an 1 l. fl. Atherton. of the P.esece mission executive committee, left yesterday afternoon for New York cl'v. where they will witness the departure for Africa of Jecph Phlpp. a e.inv, rt of the misylon. He Is a nei-ro r.nd for near, ly three yrar tins b.-en preparing himself for missionary work. Three I'.urgnin Misses' rerrulnr made wool hose. 13 cents; Ladles' HalbrlKiran vests, 2 cents; r:-nts' Xntural Wool underwear, 75 cent We do not believe these articles can be dun. bated for the pri.fy. .Mears & Ua?n. there may be i.n igation. Inspection mil for Linden Street llrijge Material tome p isnln. If the Kd4 Moor P.rldsie company re fuses to euhmlt to the deduction of JStO.'S. the bill for in.'pection, from their final fstlm-ito for Linden wtreet brldjre. there will be h law suit. The Pity doe not Intend to pay th.' brhlife company until the latter acree to set tie the bill for inspfctl-m of iron ag pro vided In 'the specifications. The bill was received frfm the Amer ican Knirinotrinfr and In-tp'-cilon com pany, of Albany, who deemed the rlty their debtor Inasmuch as they were engaged to do the work by th city en Kineer. The siipec!''.i'ii;!i.r of the con tract provided that the engineer should ensaire a competent man to In spect the Iron as t' wiis majc In the company m:". at Wilmington, but it also provided the cost c-f the inspection nhnuld be borre by th br!d:re com pany, t'pon receiving th. hill City Contritler Wllniayer f..-: hivl h' for warded it to th K l7e M 'ir company at the same time calllnrr their attention to the provision of the contract rev ering this point. The company re turn -d the bill with a hLnt to the effect that they could ::ot be held accountable- at l-iv for the wmre of a man em ployed by the city of Scranton. City Solicitor Torrey rendered an opinion on the matter holding that the provis ions of tho contract would stand at Jaw. 'With these faclst before them the auditing comiritti-e refused to approve of the company' claim for tr.t .320.10, the final estimate on the brldrre, and decided to refer the matter to coun c'ls. It In likely that the bridge company w!!l b offered the amount of their claim minus the Inspection bill and If thy don't want to take it they can ite for the whole amount of their claim. Tne same provision In made In the Roaring brook ibrldce contract and If the Kdire Moor company should wrig ITle out of paying th! debt the Phoenix pet pie doubtlessly would also try It. Plnmhers' Attention. ?oU!.,tl3e tnry nd practice of plumb ing will be taught at the John Raymond ...... ....i,. . mens innsttnn associa- tlon building, beginning Friday evening. ' ..W T!!m7 for m"mbershlp ami tui tion. 10. The instltuto provides tools and materials. niank books and atatlonTry below cost, rratt Book Store. English Capital for American Invest- mcnts. Important to American seeking Eng lish capital for new entorprlses. A llt containing the names and addresses of 2M uccessrul promoters who have Dlnced over 100 000 000 sterrtng In fo?e"Kn Invest- n.HlTnE t '.k9 ,"i,t "lx ern- am' over I1SOOO,OM for the seven months of IMS. Price 5 or $3, payable by postal order to the' London and Universal Hureau of Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London, B. O. Bubscilbers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters of introduction' to any of these successful promoters. This Hat Is first class In every respect and every man or nrm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found In valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial. Commercial ana Financial Concerns Mortgage loons. Bale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Director SIR EDWARD C. ROSfl. , HON. WALTRR C. PKPT8. - CAPT. ARTHUR 8TIFFB. . - .. Copyright Wall paper at Tour own prlco. Pratt's Book Store. THOSE IASDIEY ROTES Argument Heard on the Ku!c to De termine Their Validity. SOME VERY SPICY DEPOSITIONS They Throw I.lRht on tlio Business Methods of the Wyoming Muntifiic turinc Cuinpuny-Coiirt Toole All tho Papers In the Cnsc. ArRiiment was heard by tho court yesterday ufteinoon on the rule ob tained by William Schull, of Jiireh street, this city, uiTHlnst (lie execu tors of tho osi.ito of ex-Juile John llandUy. i. siiow cause wuy i.-i.siie should not bo fjrauteil to dctcrmlue tne validity of three judsiiu'tils hold by the executors iiKalnst the Wyomiiii, IMunu filclurinK coMipany. The judKiiu'iils nttKreuato $,"i,noO and on them 1 sedi tions w. iv issued dirii'tod UKatnst u72 acres of coal l:i Ulaltely borouull owned by tho manufacturing com pany. Sipt. 1 was the '.late llxed f ir the sale, und that mornlni; Mr. Schiill's n.ttoini'y. J. J. it. Itaniilton, succeeded In ravinp tho sale Mnyed ami the rule above mentioned K'-tintid. The name of (!. I'U ll. Dimmick has cliu-o been Joined with of .Mr. Schu'll In, the rule. At the argument yesterday Attorneys Hamilton and S. 'IS. Price appeared for tho tub' and Attorneys I.imitel A mer man and H. W. Palmer for tlio estate. Mr. Handlcy's business nu-thods were most severely condinincl by the attor ney for the rule, who arrlsrtied the dead Juilp almost ns bitterly as did Attorney Super In his famous address to the Jury during the first trial of the case of Hosenairlo asaiust Hamllcy. Ht fore 'the case was called up for argument yesterday afternoon Attor ney Soner Informed the court that In one of tho drawers of his desk during tho morning he had found the notes on which tho exeout! ins iifiulnst the Wyoming M.itiufactuilns company were Issued, lie said ho was unable to account for their presence In his d. sk as he never had occasion to use tlietn. The disappearance of these notes from tho tiles In the prothonotary's otllce bid caused much xe"ula'lon nr. I their ab sence was brought to the attention of the court In the petition of Mr. Schull a si; it-for the rule which was uistu-d yesterday. Injunction Not fonIJcrcJ. Attorney 'Hamilton prefaced hl re marks by asking for an Injunction to r strain the Wy.nrtliitr Miiniif.ieturiiig company fum encumberitiir or convey ing the r.72 ai'l'.'S of lard In iue:':lon. ba:'lrc his fi (iut on the bdl In eu ilty printed In y sterciiv's Tribune, vh:cli n!-.i S"U?'it to ctiipel the Mnuufactur ltn coup. my to deed the acres of 1 back to Willi. im S -hull. Jn.ltto tvlil-altl th-uiaht they ha 1 1-tt.r tax-' up one thing at a time ar t said they wmil I thin hear argu ments 011 the rule and cmisliler the mat ter of an Injunction at an oher time. Attorney Hami'ton th n outlined the manrer In which the company was 01 -.rariir-d. savl.-i; It c-nt:tin.-.l th" r-nallest numb'-r of rtocl'hnblcrs and the lowest HIiMtint 1 f stork a' lowed by the act of 17:5 under wh! h It was lncorpor.-'. 1. lie then dwelt at ! 'rcth on depi!t!ons taken before ". S P! !!. comm!.--Inner, on -t. 1" a" 1 14. wbich was subeouentl' liard-'d to the judge. for examination as a pop tion of the petitioners' case, tlmony In part Is ns follows: 'Mr. F -htill you are t'ie r Tills te et:t:."ic thi ret-'.::. t ton the e- eC'lt. m vue I by Jen If o.ll. v's -xe tit.r tie-ilrst te M-inuf.iottirlr g cotpt'.my ar the lat term of cuirt?" "Vs, ulr." "Were yon owner of 'he lands tiTT'nst which the eX"CUtion ha-1 ls-su-1-' "V- s. sir." "IVd you transfer fiese l und to the Wyoming Mamif.i 'turing company?" "Yes. sir." "S;'.ir th oordlt'oesi ard torn's un der which i;h!s tri"-f r w.r mile?" "I wis to h.iv.' j.'o.i.iiii of ?.'.-v' 1n th Wy-rr'ne Manufacturing company, of Scrarton." ' ve yon ree.-'.ved In consid er 1". -! of th"S-. lfti'ds?" "N-itiyng a', all." "Pld -"U evir mini of the co-n-pinv or Its olVicers your cr.nsid. -ration ?" Tlicv Vl'cre In Mimdlev' Sofc. "Yrs, 'r; -f-v-r.iI time I n-k' 1 my 4'cr'!tlr.i:es of stock, and tin-s-.ver wis Eiven 1 v I'.ir I! V f'nt for had tin m In his ' could k. ' p fiT. I't.T tr.iu I c "ill in IVe of lire, and be ni ver hm.ld over to mo finytbing of y:o?k or .my'ilnp '.-" " "Who w.i 1 ho ri'o-Motit if the Wvo. ir'nc Maniifii -tur'n r company at that time?" "J hn ll'e lley." "Vr. Schull. utidir what condition iV.: J 'n Handoy. s pr-ddent of the orninny, .!'!( ymi to ni'ilie th" trans fer of the l iro'--- y .u" 1 Lids?" "Af."r I hp) ti'ir land re- sent for me, and toi l m I bad b"tti r put the land In the Wyoming Jlniiif.icturlri'r rornji'iny. 'I am afrnid you are triln;; to have a law suit nl"i the r'-lavviro end Jliit'on company,' he ,iM, '.ml by pu: i It In our ci;apmy. a I am a l iv ve:- and P -mob.-ll ' n laivv r, we can tight this !.:- tbrur'l b oer tiv'iri yu cm " ' o:e.' T'l a 1 s-ii'ib d i-i'd cave Km a d 1 to -tne Wyoinl'ig Tir'it''acli':nr cempjiy '",, Mr. Hardliy asked mc to give him Jl'i.'ico fto.-k In that bind nrd ho 'o C-impbell. 'Whi iti!Tl:t you to have." Why. fn b". 'I t have the rime.' 'Thif II IT.ind'ey, 'too much. fy f'.'iO.' They put It down tiem.elv, but I d m't know who ii r thrv no; I:, or r it. I w;ui ta'h'ive $"o0. frnn of tock. which F pevnr n , Iced. I lskcfl Hinilley from time 1 1 iMtne for my cpr''s and h raid they were In his vault li the safe, that he could kiip ithim bettrr thai I could, and I hnve been n"kirg from time to time and fever qr of any niit isact on. In January, 1 s;t. when that lawsuit w.m letwcn If.indby nr.d that wo man (Mr.i. Itosenagle he sent for me ard a!l: 'William, we have put to go up rm the mountain to laok at ifhat land In order to keep our title ri.i.d.' Tb'-n lie sk"d me nlHiut the Jirry on his c9e, what such n man wiuld dn nil this kind. I told him I did not know what other people-wre doing ! didn't glvp tilm nny satiVirarrilnn. nnd lie F.ild. 'WBHntn, you keep quiet, nnd you and me will come out all right.' That Is the last I ever saw Handley. That was In 189!." On cirrtss-examlma'tton he was asked by Mr. Am.?rmnn this question: Never l s?J n Dollar. "Now, you riWi't know, then, that the Wyoming Manufacturing company d'idin't owe John Handley tlv amoun-ts of money for n-Wrii Che Judgments In thce car? were plvcm?" , . "I don't know'Mg about It. At 1ihp time I was director, w-e never had occasion to use n dollar. We had not done anything only tried to get rome ore land In New Jersey, owl It fell through and they nrad me pay J75, and ithey tiever did tiling; never rold a pound of rre. That Is all the money I ever pa'idrthe company." "You did not know that the directors authorized the revival of these Judy men t'."?" "I know nothiln aliom It." "Dom't you know this company was engaged 1n a coal operation tn West Vlnrhitar "I did not know anyWilnif about ft until 1S84. They iay they operated a coal mlm." We funrher irtated that he Tld not know ne Wyoming t-Jfanu-faciturltiiB; company wen leingaged In bUF(ms al Hawlley. W. Va., until K884, wflien he parsed through that placx?. TO aim knowledge th Wyo- milnjj enmra-ny was never Indebted to John Hindley, but he admitted that he .no cr;i-!a knowtcdao alwut buslnws ffa!ia of ithe company after 70' h. ' t On re-d'r.-ot examination he rsld be did r.o: rec:'Ive notlc of a meeting of the ecockholdi'i'H or liliectora of t!io Cffmpany aftiM- J SS0. Thotr.iais Jifklns was sworn nnd said he was a stockholder of the Wyoming M'j-riuinctui'init: com;.any. Had nt: been a director, but could not say that lie Is nt pr. .s.-nt. lid not renu nihcr rcoeivlnir a call to any inei'ilng of the directors or stockholders of tlw Wyo ming Al-jnufai'lui ins cornpany for tin; purpose of uutaor'Hing an amicable r vlvaj of -the Judgment entered uguln-'t tha't company In favor of Judge Hund ley. Ko far as. 'he know the compa ly never trat:f u ti .1 any business la this state. About 'Hint Ucsnliitiun. O.I he said that i ll a mcetilng if 't'10 dii-i otoi-s, consisting of J. II. t'.iuipbi'll, ptesidctu, aid Thomas and J i:iu J 1'1'kln.s, a majority of the louid. a n solution was r.iswd auil'ifizi ir tlie' puslden'i t ' i-xes ute Jinl;:iin ot notes of tin; iinipany 1.1 John Hundley for moiii-yi advanced and paid out by him ptnsoii.illy from time no 'time for the (ompatiy's debts, iiiiese Juilg tiu at notes to .any Interest fMin tla'o and Inten.-it t i be ad.l.'d to the sums of nioiK-y f paid by I1I111. I.Mr. Jllldns mid that II ml ley liibl the expenses of the Clint .iay dui'iii 'the last year of tiio busii: . s tians-uctlKiiLS, ami also 1 .::ld tile t 1x1 s. On re-diiei't examination by Mr. Har.'ltoii he w.s nsln 1 If J.ihn lland li j' n is tint a: nil tliiu s priiidi-nt of the Wyoming Munul'.u luring company t.iv- In .;iie ls". wh.n the three in Mes were tiivi ii, wliich Heine In tho pit son: p.o.vediiiK J. und he replied that 'lii- was. "H ive you ever boon treasurer?" "No, sir. I iieVii- ttaw any money to be -treasurer of, only what I paid It." "To i iioni did you pay your money?" "I p.uld It to .Indue Handley." " iimtuys do you know (flat Jud;;o HiiiitlUy paid out for tills com pa ny?" "Will. I cannot remcmbi r all. but 1 oca remember th- $7..r"U he paid 'the nilrd bank." "i. 1 y 111 Know i ,,.e. this was for?" "It w.n i ild .nit f ir money to go down to Vt Virginia to pay the debts of the Wyoming M jiiufacturiug iv. 101 any." "V"ii know onl-- by ht irsay?" "Vis. .t-li. I c.uii' it say I saw the iii'iin v 1 i! I. I nover mir Handley ( ay .".py n ' iiey out." "Si.uce, if you know, winlhei- Jude Handley vi-r paid any money into the Cone, - ? "I don't know." 'li.l he ever pay for his Hlock In the romp my?" "I don't litiow." The St-cictoi v nnd Tiennrer. II. H, Cinipi'i-ll, .1 Hoekholder and sM-ntary of Hit Wyoming Manufac turing company slnc-o l-o7. was c.illeil. In INvt occuiie l the last iii 't iinii of di rector or stoekhol lei s of the com pany ai.. I he hi .!;! "f ni aie.-tlug call' in 1vi". to i.-l- o the Ju.lL-ni. Iits of John dla-.dley a:: tile Wyoininii 'Manufacturing c. mpiiny. "Who w;is tr.a-oi;-r of the Wyoming M .1 nii r . 1 1 ; 1 1 1 lug coMi'iir.y from lks"t to t.e1 pr. i--at time, tho la--t ten yi-ars?" "Why, '.c. 01 li.nt: to the ii.inut. s I W.." t' sti-nMry ai d tr.-jsiuvr." "1'ln re lias bet 11 no okcte a siat o time?" "No, sir." "Whr.t fur.d.i In thnt time have cuiu.. li,' your i.-i.-sc.---.on .'" ' "Nolle." "I1.1 vou know of r.nv debts that Judge l!a. .i!ey paid in behalf or the Wyoming Manuf u-turing ooippany''" "I do not know. 1 a:n not positive, only by hearsay." lilo lld not know vvbi-ther .ludco Handley paid for bis rt", k. but tlie wltii"! s 11 as sure b n.'V- 1 p il l out any money w hile tn-a.- u.-er. m vi - n-celvt ! any. an.l lover bad any nio.o y of the company in his po--. "'ion. i,is not aw. ire that tlie Wyoming Man'u-fi'-tiii;iig cnnipiti-y -v. r ill ! anv lor;i-n.-ss In l'eiin.- Ivani 1. .lub.e il.irdli y t 'Id him ' uipany .nv.-l him (11. in li" l 111.0. y and li was the opin ion of til,' W ill. .'HS th It 'Hllldley riiii -t havt :.fd;i .1 Tbot'i 1 ..'.': . s to ln 1 -. mIu' e I be : 1 .-00: ' ;on siv ml' ; iv.' 1 ' re si ll -nt I iiW-T to Pl ll.e li.ittS 1-1 favor of Jiulge 'llaiob -V to- this ir. Ii oti d:o s. If I'. in. II' .. h .d pot ask' .1 1' th. n -"l t l!i !) wocl 1 iv. t have pii'-'d. p.-r-s uniUy the wit-.'ss ami r... knovb le' that tii" c'-mpiiny "'.v. .1 -I Handley iinythl'ii; lie bid the J11 l,;e's st.i'e-m.-nt f.-r I', nothing more. Wllilf.m -"-In 11 v.-:i l o ' ill' l end f t'd tl-e enpit il so k of t!o- was Ir.'T' iv.ihoiit bis kr."ledi:e or consent. II. A Knii'ti. v is a lie stud- nl In tbr oil;.-'.' of .1 .011 Mat " y a: the time tli-t Wyoi.r. 1 in :i: ' r 1 .n 1 iy -,v is ... .: i:t!r.e 1. Ho te-'!-fi. .1 tl'.j ! b.- .s 1 t.- III. . - I. 'ovy ai'. I t r- sur.-r of th" letiiiirmy ii-id s'r:-- 1 -.m nc-oimt .is ti.eisuv. r of li.. W. iiilii: M-inuf ie:iil Ing ciiispany .01 A u.r. ft, s7:t. In tiio M Mr.:.-' and M hi-nlcs' lei r.k. ii ld d.'peiitid J'"'i. .-' fir in' be knows that Is the i.nly ir. -.. y ..f tie Wy miing M.I tlllfa-tlll-ilt:; e.'tl, ;. I I' V lll.i came Into his bids ;is tti'.isiii-. r. He w is i.ot ti: -.. tit at ttv ; :;.i :.!.. 1 1 ion of th" company. A r;: 11 mc n ! s for lb Ttilc. 11 nr; nit. . 0:1 il l- t e' tin.' :iy A t tor Pi Il.'ir.ilie:i s-,1.1 tii it In I'-l. IJ'Jiin l '-a:;, 1 i:-;e l.-sn.'f .' .i-lt v. -T- mad.' by t'i" cotrp.'.iv. 1111:1:1 of which was soli by .! 1 1 ' I ; 1 f . 5 . i 1 y. yet no recrd can be f .und tb'.wiiiir that this money wis pall It. to 'li.' 1i.-'i-iiiy. The total amoiiiit of stock of which they have loiin 1 11 record Is abotit $14 1 ml tho greater p.i-t i f tbl i was Iss nd iluilng the thr"c yi irs in -iitiotied about. The stock wa:i of tin par value of ?P)i which would make about 1 -ten shares l-.ed. Of these 3-li iv."- 1- 1 by Judge Hand ley nnd X2 by the llo'ilty Improvement company, of wbi"'i be wis president. Till -t .iJof f vlt Mr. Hamilton held was Illegal becnu.-o ilon. without t!-e knowledie or con. ent of his cllenl, who w as the largest stockholder of the com pnny. It was n friud upon him. He declared Hint Hindley nt v -r paid n cent for the ?! k he o'llalned and that he was president of the Wyoming Manufaclui-ln:' comnany at nil tlm -s stive In 1X7, v.-ben bo steped down for a year and hid bis law partner tlect t J. On Oct. 3 of that year three notes were driwn In h's favor. One for !Wfi"l: another, JI.nC7.7l. nnd n third. $H.!7.''.7fi. Th se notes bear Interest and are the ones In question In the present proceedings. Mr. Hamilton was followed by Attor ney Price, who argued the Jegal aspect of the carte onlv an 1 rlU'd several ni thorltlo to show that the Issue of stock above S20.0HA and the notes to Judge Hnndlev wcr. llleral and a fraud on the other stockholders. .irenmenls for the lttet". 'Mr. A merman made the first argu ment for the erlabi nnd said that at the time the new Issue of stock was made and also at -the time the notes were given Mr. Schull was not a di rector of the company and did not know what was being done In regard to Its management. 'Tie produced a reso lution of the board of directors author izing the 'Increase of the capital stock from $20,000 to $1,10.000. iHe said an ef fort had been made to "befog the Issue by crying fraud and making allega tions not one of which could be sus tained by competent testimony auch as H wculd be necepsary to produce on the trial of a case before a Jury In court. Attorney Palmer in his argument said there had not been -one sufficient, substantial reason advanced why the courts should Interfere with these Jmlgmenis. William iSchull. he said, was an Interested party and would be Incompetent to testify If the matter camn up for -trial. They hi d objected to the testimony taken oefore the commissioner, In fact it waa all plaa- 1 tcred over with oblectlons, and If the I case had teen heard In court thla testd- many would have been ruled out. He I mid It was easy for ghouls and vam pires to attack a dead man a reputa tion; that the living ass could kick the. dend Hon. Handley had paid for all of the Mock he obtained In the Wyoming; Manufacturing company. If not In cash, then in something else of valin?. The argument was answered brielly by Mr. Price after which court took the papers. t'OMIXU ATTKACTI0XS. Nome of the Piny That Aro Hilled to Appear ill iiy Theater. Friday nlfi'hit nt the Frothinghnm, Unkind i;."ed will present Ills Interest ing and ani'isiti;; comedy, "The Poll '. ic' in," which 'i eis been one of tho best hiii"i'i 'el, the popular actor hilts ever bail. Tlio character are novel and well drawn. T he role of ! J.-la!i Limb"!' In (he .bunds of Mr. Keed Is a creation that is destined to bt .- me a nation il mharpiHcr. The comedian has rare opportunities as a "..-homing political wire puller who runs coavcut.oiis, jugits with platforms and empties 1jrr.l.s. Another char acter -that 'n -f only Inter. Kls the men. biK women also, of the audience is tde.ipati i Sturgi n, a ".twentieth cen tury w ir.aa," pop; rayed by Miss Is-a-d ni' ltu. h. The suit the wears In tilt? ilirferiui acts are extremely fotchiiiK, and have, caused considt ruble discus sion. 'I I10 Hustler lit the eiiJcmv. Pavl.'l t'i Keogh's; orimediiirri'i. who hive lajoyeil a ivroar'tahle dts-gree of pri spei'.'iy t'lio l.a -t (our sia-sons in their'on of thnt 1 ililckln. cxhl'li laiing musli il fanv, "The Hus tler," reappear in tho city next (-'a'.ur-diiy at thi- Acad -my of Music. Since last seen here, "Tlie Hustler" Is sabl to lave been brli-litened in dlalogu... T.lielu'iied in nioveiui nt and frehenotl with new songs, dances, medleys nnd Liitr material. Viiiu-iv no I tin-Icsq 110 nl Dnvls'. A new tleparluro In the line of a.ttrac tlr ivHl be Inaugurated at I lav its' on Tliuisduy when Alfred II. Aaron's 0. 11ety Theater :urlesitie coiiipuny will coiiinien.-e a three rights' eng:irt ment. The Uro;hi'is Spaul ling, forin etly of this city, are memhars of this company, and will im.louble.lly rt' -. Ivo an ovnt: m from ; n-ii- many friends. ".I.iey Williams, formerly of ,i(.f At Wlll'.itis. and now .r WIllli ins & is a'- 1 a very w.-ll-U .ovvi ar l-.'t who wiH be h. ivtllv n vived. 'tails tkf the c.isf ire the K's:f 11.1 iniint, I'ngli.-h dm t 't and il'i .i-'ers; Anrlo l.loy.l. s.-t-l ) c.:n!r; a:.d I. a lb-ll, tlrotesnue lior.t-b.-.;.; t-'itt ivrt and Modae, the funny Ibitchnien; Teddy S nion j, Irish mint -dVin; fl.iri Simon, the Siatuey'Hi" beauty; M.lelo A:ihr-y, the come-dii-ine; the D.tVivigln family, eic. This orj-'at 15.'. t Ion number. over thirty pe -pie, hut 111 advance will be made In the tirlc 1 s. A li'tintv l oot. I'ertairilv 'a dainty foot and sllken clad ankle in ver a, pear to bi tter ud vat'i.iito than win 11 pi -ping out a of luce. Wliy, tail's more Him half t ie charm of Sissy KitRge! .lid's il l 'illiT t fleeing re Vi.:lipei:t of f. i' atol I .11b aL:i'nst a swirl "f l:t"o Ml-s i-'itzreiabl will lie set n In "T ie F uindlin." a: the l-'iotli-iiigliam lux; we.k. I. AST .SPAN 1 ACi:. How the WuiU N Pro-'tc-sinc on the New Koarinr, llniok liritlitc. The last spin of the Hearing I'.ionk brid'.re w is swung Into place yesterday i'.fti rnooii at I o'clock. Tin- pavitig atol 1 ;l,er fnlsbieg ton In s such 11s t'i 1 iiiel lulls and palrtirg the iron work will be coiiini. net d this iv.,-. k and all that will remain to l.o done will be tlio lon.-trucilon of the a. roacli.-s. This will be in:.! r way next IV. .'ii, it is eXpe. ted. ('..ll'i lCtor Peter .-' Ipp is now waiting for C' y '.i:itrol- . r V.'i lu. 1 ver t r fy to his contra-'f. I'.i .1 y; hir.-.; Is rt ady for tile coainieriO' inent rf tlie cork and it would be fairly start etl by this tim but for the-dclay ill .' ttiilri; the eontfa -t. This d. lay wr.s o.-oas'. ne.l by Vn troll r S eiiiiiiyer's lnal'ili:y to eeoure ctrta.n :.t t. -an tits from the city etigi-r.'.-r's depiriiiiont. Th-se statem. tits, bow-over, were completed yesterday an.l are now mi the contr dler's ib'sk await ing bis poriis'il. I!.- is at pr.-siiit in New V. i k, but w ill tie bin k in a day r s 1. ioltlg Htl. The mh'i.'c lili t-n l.y Hor.iee rtrei lr v so mitny yiii:s 111:11. t.; im west i being f"l I te-l iitoy d:ty I v iin pl.-reil-'-lnrTly la-are miirb. r 01' re. 01 fuel wo:n.-n. Some it.i to stay, to buPd np new bioneti. for .'.i asiire. sttil o-li.-rs :o 10 lo ik alter gr.-at t.iismi-s. It o r. o.-. bat they l'.i. and tli.-v on.- ::;i'l nil w i--h to r by .1 route which 1 tentnec-', s.-ife'e. s,nel and com enjen.-o In t-iiM-ihiir. TM-i Is .he re:oriii why so many eh'io.f the Nieki-l I'lite It'ond. I'r.en ItatT. 'o to Cbieivo itu i;-e lift ai Itee't lit H:raht lis 11 a wrrow. an ! lul.-r-eet-"l at o ie,i frcirient int. ;v;ils by con 111. -ting loads that tin- tun 1 lutilis . If :!o. rnnd shou d be nJtnie.l "Thrnlle-h l.lile to l-'o. ri-where." More tVtn thirty eiinile.' Iliilv. lit'.- lilvetl. ri a.'bllll.' felt 111 cvrry dl- 1. vt!ea. Ti-.en. too. rnj.r.y travel."- i mind it eertiiln'.t of luxury nhn truvi-l-er. nnd c-irs b-'twt-en New Yotk. Iiosnin, I tun 1 1 It rtnd t'hlcai'o. the uni formed co'or.-d po:t'-rs In 1 IniiTe of doy corn-lie nnd the cn-iin. lifted .lining ear s'l .'vt-'.. supnly ihi-i. A.-.'-ininneliitlon ni.i v P.. S'-'iiri' I !.i ii.lviiiii'.- to- . t. re f 1.' Vtmre. '.:! tCxcbaitc slr.-t I, It i rTo l. N. V. He .'.111 give det-llls MS to rilt 'S. eoniiei'- tions mid .1!! nec-irv e rr ane:iv-litB, l.ifh en d and west of I'hb-ngo. Fin" wrplrg jmpcr l'c. jwr lb. PraP's rtook Store. - - . Pll'slniry's flour mills have a capacity of 17.r.00 barrels a day. Tailor'nNow Index Mup of Scrnnron nnj iMinrrttra For sale at Taylor's Directory office, 12 Tribune bu'ld ng, o- Klii-n w th un order for the 8.-1. int. in Dlrtrtory -- - Inks r.'e. per rt., 20c. per pinl. writing piper, envelopes nnd labl.-tn nt half price for a few days. Pratt's Itook Store. Sc hank's hapely hoes. THE Newest Shoe JUST RECEIVED. BE 410 S;rja StrcA El TK1MLESS HOUR Huw a Glud Vneation Was Followed by Bitter Fain. A TKEACHEKOUS ENEMY. A Common Experience ondtbo Lesson It Coiituing for l'coplo I on J of Living Out of Doors. A young man in Philadelphia was fatally Injured not Inn ng i by so inno cent a thing as a cuff button. lie fell in such a manner that the buttin was driven into the flesh of his wrist. The Wound tlioiiirn painful, was not consid ered dangerous and no great precaution was considered m-oossary until sl.'ns of lockjaw appeared. Xlien, of course, all treatment was useless. This is one example of the power for mischief of little things. Here i.s an other li-ss-dramatli', but more common and, therefore, more impressive. Peo ple who went from town to country In tile beautiful (--iimruc-r of lS'.l't, UelightcJ to spend most of their time out of doors. They even lay on the soft grass at night, watching the stars and enjoying the cool breeze. If, upon risir-f, a man found his back stiff he oaul. "1 must have been In one pot-ltlon too long." If the stiffness perslsiti-d until the next dav he sabl. "1 ruohs 1 must have taken a little cold." ' I'.ut now vacations are over and the autumn Is well advanced. That sore ness and weakness In the lower part of the buck con il other disorders. Shivering nnT fever alternate, inert; is un unconniierable feeling of lassitude t times, tlio urine Is opaque and sonit-tlrnf s bloody, the skin Is paliblnnd tho face bloated Just beneath tin; eyes. Ingestion Is poor and appetite almost K"rie. Let us look the matter In tho face without flinching. Thtmls more than a little cold, although In the beginning It wa only n sudden checking action of the skin end kliln-ys. V dreaded 'tghts disease, a foe to life finite as diva-led a consumption. Com mon sense w in Id db-t at.' that no time be lost In vain regrets that more prudence was tint exorcised In the country. Let us find a remedy If wo can. We fin- fortunate In know that Wer ner's H.-if" Cure w ill bring "l ack health and energy, and tho tn.rui!'! action of the kldiiefs. It is tho function of the kidneys to expel from the system broken down tissues In the form of urea an I uric a. id. Portlier w ith certain salts that have dune their work. No other oi-gun than tho kidnt y.s can rid the body of this ib-Hth laden matter. Congested. InllameJ kidneys act as a drain to keep pi Ison In the system. What makes Warner's Safe Cure the wonder nnd admiral Inn ' f the tnodlcal profession. Is Its mw -r to soothe the' I. ni In the kidneys at-d to al lay the coiiei stioti sn that tho urine, on"e more htalthy In volar arid consist ency, carries uw.-iy the waste freely un.1 promptly. One does not necessarily die soon of Hright's discrise. Ho may bad a mis erable uncertain invalid life fur years. Iin; what w.a.'y ilra ruing yours tiny are! Let tho suffer, r uliake off bis bur den of sickness in d r iisp.-ns... II,- will tin.! hope and health In Warner's Safe Cure. -. - Writer color, i-tching and photographs, with n1 w ithout flames, half pri. -e. Pratt's REXFORD'S. PIXINQ UP I Our entire front will he torn out next I nesilav. V. e are busy, but Rot to Iu it. We want our store in letter shape, for you and us, too. These are house cleanin't days. Just the lime to think of new pic tures. Iion't hnno the rusty ones. eeenil hundred Framed Eiiitruv inns, Ftcliiiios., etc., in the carpen teis' way. We price them ti rush llicm nut. ETCHINGS About fifty. Kx.ii, signed Midl ines, in polished oak frames, .lt'.! old price, Wot window. A WATCH BARGAIN A discontinued style of case. The makers cave us a chance t vc ou s-utile in one). Solid Rold, rooiI niovciucnt, war ranted, $16. REXFORD, 213 Lackawanna Atg. Stocks, Bonds and Grain lloiioht and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, cither for cash or on margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & CO., 412 Spruce Street LCC STOCKS K SPECIALTY. Telephone 5002. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improvetl furnish' logs and apparatus for keeplof eat, butter and eggs. - S23 Wyoming Ave. ' ''. 5'i7.Vi IterW TO HANDLE THE STATE AID. Proposition to llav tho Volunteer Asso ciation Take Charge of the Matter. A meeting of the presidents of the several tire companies In the Scranton lire department was held -in Durr's hall last evening for ithe purpose of formu lating a plan for receiving the money which will be paid to the city treasurer on Jan. 1, lSufi, for the relief of dis abled firemen. Kvery company was repeucnted ex cepting Niagara and Ttellcf. Arter a lengthy Informal discussion a commit tee consisting of Senator J. C. Vaughn, and Counrilrpen Fred lurr and P. J. Jilckey .was appointed to confer with the mayor and chief engineer as to the advisability of having the Volunteer Kirenien's association take entire charge of the same. Wlih slleht changes In the constitu tion and by-laws tii" present associa tion can readily handle the business to be t-ansncte-l according to the law as recently passed. This committee will report to a meellng of the presidents on Tuesday, Oct. UU, at the sumo time and place as last evening. wTica Ikiby wan clck, wn jjt her Cutorttk, When -.he wus a Child, tlie cried for C'&storia. "A'hrji she became Mt-B, ihi clinic to Castorla, H'licu aha bad Cluld--iin,aaa gave mora Castarhv P R E S E N T S w E D D I N G Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, I Lamps China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 124 W.0KIU2 IVENUL AValk in atiJ look urounj. THE TRADERS tilioco! Bank of Scrantci 0R0ANIZED 18CO. CAPITAL 250,000 ; SUKFLOS, $10,000 CAMTTlt inNTS, rreMrtu v. w. WATStiN, vi.-PrBi3ent. A. B. WILLIAMS. Caahiar. PIRKCTOR8. Pnmnel nines, James M. Frerhiirt. Ir" Ing A. Finch, lier.e U. Flniey. Jonvpn J. Jermyn. M. S. Kenierw. Ctiirle P. UaU Uwws. John T. Porter. W. W. Wsuoa. asd LIBERAL. TTnla hnk Invites the psrreewx of eu. waa Bit, a and firms ranoraly. TAR QUM ("tires Coldn, Lays Out LuGrippe, Curi.-4 Incipient Cuiuuiuptioii. Munutuctured by G. ELMEN. DOKF, Elmiru. N. Y and for sale by the trudc generally. MEGARGEL '& CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pl THE RECEIVERS MARTIN & DELAfJY'S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to 5o per cent, below cost. These Goods Must Be Sold And if you want bargains come and get them at once. ARTlNft'DEUNY DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciate.! sniff of Kiigl'sh an.l German physicians, an: now perma nently located at Old Pcstofflce Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street The doctor is a graduate of tho L'nlver. sity of t'eiilirylvuina, formerly demon strator of physiology ami surgery at Ui9 Me.Jlco-C'hirurgical college of Philadel phia. Ills speclup. es aro Chronic, Nerv ous. Skin, Heart, Womb and PlooJ lil.i-ei-es. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM i no of wnich are d.xz.ness, lack of contldince, nexual weakness in men and noin-n, ball rmlng In throat, spot lloatlng before the eyes, loss of memory, unabie to cuiieeiitrute the m rid on on subject, eas'ly startled when suddenly spuken to, un 1 dull, d'tre:ied mind, whlih, unfit them tor pi rformirig the actual flu tes of life, muk.rig happiness impoaslble, d iitreys ior the malon of the heart, caus ing lla.-h of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings. eo-Aur.lce, feur, dreams, mel ancholy. Him easy of compariy, feeling as tired In the as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousnetis, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, consti par ori. weakness of ihe bnib, etc. Tho-isi so afft-fded shotild consult us immediately and be res'ored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. WmkiifKi of Youiij Men Cured, If you have been given up by your phy sloiun call upon the doctor and be exam ined. He ciires the worst cases of Nerv ous, l'.-blllly. Scrofula, Ull Bores, Cuisrrh. P lea, Feniaie Weakness, Atte. tlons of the Eyi; Kar, Nose and Throat, Athma., Tumors. Cancers ani C'ripple-t of every 'lescnpiion. Consultations free and s'rictly sacrel nnd eor.fiderit at. Offl"fs hours tlally from t a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday, S to 2. live i-. ent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Lift;." I w.ll pay one thmifand dollars ,n irr'1't to aryone whom I cannot cure of EPfc LKPTIi: CUNVU.SK "NS 'A KITS. rR. K. ORKU'EK. Old Post Office Build. ng. corner Pen? avenue and-Spruce street. SCRANTON, PA, N, A. HURTS I! II S WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STElltWIlY t SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANiCH ft BACK STULTZ ft BAUER and Oiijiirs PIANOS Also a large stock ot first-class ORGANS U5ICAL nERCHANDLJB. MUSIC. ETC. We Will Ss9 What Bicycles We Have on Hand At a price v hich will save th buyer money. Victorias. (icnJrons, Kelayr3 in Men's AN'liccls. VictorUs and Gcndrons It) Ladies' Wheels. We have sonic stcond.hana WhccU at your own price. Baby Carriages at a bargain J 1 ui iiiuuinmu u uuui 314 L1CK1. AVE., SCRMTON, PI TAKE CARE and your eyes will take care of yen. It OF YOUR EYES you are trenbled wltftj headache or nerTon. nmi vo to DR. SHIM HI HQ'S aud have your eyes examined free. We have reduced prices and are the Invest in the city. N ickei epectaclee froen f 1 to 91; (old from ti to tu, 305 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pe. OF RECEIVERS, Vyosls! ill.