THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 22, 1895. ,,. NORTON'S ;kew pi decorations, Autumn Stjles Being Receded. We Invite Attention to Our Beautiful New Designs and Colorings For Fall and Winter Use. Now Is an Excellent Time To Decorate Your Rooms And Get the Benefit of I'se During Cold Weather Season. We Have the Finest Stock Made in This Country At Half New York City Prices. Onr Patterns Cannot Be Found Elsewhere in This City. The Fine Work in Large Cities Is Done in the Fall. We Furnish Good Decorators. M. NORTON, 322 UCMWMM AVE. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD use THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go, I'EltSONAL. Miss Kalrn. of Haslacher'g, Is In New York cliy. Alderman F. L. Fuller spent yesterday In Montrose. Mrs, F. H. Coyne Is steadily Improving from an lll!ie of several weeks' Uurallon. Dr. Mk-hael O'Hara, of Philadelphia. ! the guest of his brother, IU. Rev. Bishop O'Hara. Jerome Lord, of Tunkhannock. 1 the guest of Mrs. Rush Writtht, of Capoue avenue. Poitma:er F. M. Vanlling return?:! yesterday morning from the Atlanta ex position. V. J. Hand and ex-Jui!e Jessup are in Phlla-Mphia attending the I'ntteJ States circuit court. Court Stenographer Willis P. Cpston Is professionally enagtU in the Sullivan county court. Rev. George J. Dixon, of Avoca. recent ly admitted to the priesthood, has be?n asrlgned to teach in St. Thomas' college. Attorneys P. A. O'Uoyle and J. S. lie Groarty. cf Wllkes-Barre. were engagvd fn the Lackawanna county courts yester day. Dr. D. B. Hand, who has been 111 fir some time past with typhoid malaria. ro !o out yesterday for the first time slnie his Illness. The doctor is gaining strength rapidly, and his friends will he pleased to know that he will soon be able to atte-n I to his professional duties again as usual. (OMIXG ATTRACTION'S. Some of the Plays That Arc Hilled to Appear In t'liv Theaters. Roland Keed has sailed triumphantly Into the affections of the thtater-goers with his new play. "The Politician." which he will presen-t at the Froth ingham next Friday niffht. Iaugli'.cr reigns supreme. The play -Is an ex ceedingly clever satire upon the modrn politician and his methods and the dif ferent scenes depict with life-like real ity the many phases of machine poll tics. The role of General Joplah Limber -in the hands of illr. Ueped is a creation hat Is destined to become a national character. Another character that not only Interests the men but the women Also of the audience Is Cleopatra Stur iren, a "twentieth century woman, por ' trayed by Miss Isadore Rush. The Hustler nt the Acndcmv. "The Hustler," a farce comedy, whloh takes rank with the best of this style of plays, comes to this city on Saturday next at the Academy, and brings to theater-goers that m.-ver-falllng; source of profitable recreation, a fund of nov tlty. (Mirth and melody form a ctrni W nation hard to beat and In these two elements "The Hustler" is claimed to particularly excel. Unadulterated wit if a rare commodity In so-called farce comedies, but as the author of "Th? Hustler" claims for hl work only a killfully constructed vehicle for the marketing of a pleasing; article of amusement, doubtless the result will show an Improvement over the stock parcelled out by the less modest pur Teyor. The Foundling. The farce which Manager Charles Frohman will present at the Frothlng ham next week Is "The Foundling," by William Lestocq. who wrote "Jane" and E. M. Robson. The story of the comedy puts a young man to laughable experiences In his search of his un known mother, whom he muftt find be fore his prospective mother-in-law will permit him to marry Into her family. The fun that Is In the play should be made to reach the audience by such farcical experts as Thomas Burns, 8. MHler Kent, Chairlea W. Butler, Oeorfte Sohaeffer. E. Soldene Powell, Frances Elevens, Stella Zanonl, (Maggie Hallo way Fisher, Clara Baker Rust, Maggie Fielding and Jane Stetson, and Cissy ritrnerald. who danced with her feet end eyes In "A Gaiety Girl" in London and Hew Tork. This celebrated en trancer 'has the role of a concert hall teauty to enact besides dancing. "The Man Upstairs," a one-act play, by Au gustus Thomas, will be the curtain raiser. . Kaglish Capital for American Invest ments. Important to Americana seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of ir-0 uccessrui promoters who have placed over 100.000.000 sterling In forelirn Invest- ments within the last six years, and over 118.000,000 for the seven months of 1895. Price 15 or 125, payable by postal order o the London and Universal Bureau of nvestors, 20, Cheapslde, London, E. C. sjubecribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction to any Or mm uiTWHim promoters. This list Is first class In everv reenooL and every man or firm whoso name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing me iuiiuwiiik ii win oe round in valuable Bonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial rnnMrnt Mortgage loans. Bale of Lands, Patents or plrectors-SIR EDWARD C. ROflfl. v HON. WALTER C. PEPY8. . CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyright Wall paper at your own price. Pratt's Snoraiis TO ADVERTISE SIMON Scheme Made Knows at Last Night's Board of Trade Meeting. INDIVIDUALS TO PAY FOR . IT Will Cost $1,000 and Is to Appear in Cassler'a Macaxlne- Committee Named to Investigate the Public Mor - ket Project-Other Business. Several matters of Importance were considered last nicht by a fairly well attended meeting of the board of trade. A committee was appointed to investi gate the public market project: the pub lication committee's rtiort snowing a larRe advertising contract with Cas ter' magazine was approved, as was a report of the manufacturer's commit tee. The publication committee's report was of especial Interest to the coal trade and was as follows: To the President and Members of the Scranton Hoard of Trade: Uentlemen: The publication committee desire to report that some weeks ago we wre approached by A. 1. Chandler, vlco prcsident and manager of fussier' Maga zine, who had been attracted to the i-he-ui fin I resources of Scranton by our adver tisement In Power. On Investigation of our advantages he became convinced that an Issue of bis magazine, exploiting the advantages of using low-priced fuels such as we pos sess for the generation of steam power, would be acceptable to manufacturers and engineers at this time. He made a propo sition to us to publish. In connection with 111 tides on the generation of steam from culm and other cht up fuels, twenty pages of illustrated matter, one-half of which was to lie prepared by Nelson W. Perry, a well-known authority on the subject, and the other half to be prepared by some person selected by the publication com mittee, and all to be submitted to Hi" publication committee for correction uud amendment before publication. The ex pense of this publication he placed nt $100 per page, or IJ.OOO for the twenty pages. $'2,000 Wa Ton nig n Price. Your committee, while reullxlng that It would be of great value to the city and a strong factor In assisting the board l.i making known our advantages, could not see how the Com) could be raised, as It was out of the question to expect the board to make an appropriation of thai amount. Several prominent members of the board who were spoken to on the sub ject realized the value such a publication would be to us, and agreed to contribute personally to defray the expense of the publication. After canvassing the Held It became evident thut to raise was, out of the question, and Mr. Perry's report, prepared ul Hie expense of the magazine publishers, was of such a nature that Mr. Chandler decided to Incorporate It in the body of the magazine. This, then, made it necessarv for us to raise but II. "00 ti pay for the insertion of the article focus ing the power articles of the magazine on the city. Mr. Chandler then made a proposition to us that If we paid for tne ten pases re quired for the article specially devoted to this city, the muter could be satisfac torily arranged. The question of the board appropriating 11.000 for this purpose was broached and found to be Impossible ow ing to the nature of the financial condi tion of the board and the probable ex pense It would be required to meet In furnishing our new rooms. Thereupon, at the suggestion of a prominent member of the board, an effort was made to raise the amount required by subscription uniting the members of the bo:ird having culm f jr sale, who would, in a measure, be benefited by the article Your secretatv. together with members of the publication committer, at various times call-d with Mr. Chandler on a num ber of gentlemen In the city and succeed ed In securing liberal contribution.' from William Connell, C. I". Simpson. . T. Smith, the (Jreennood Coal company, the Kavmond Cual company, O. S. Jnhiiii, K. H. Sturges and W. H. HI hinin I. The amounts iiberlbd were so close to $l.i"i that, without any legal obilgiitlon belu iimed hv votir commltte., Mr. Chand ler derided to g on with the work, as it was necessary to rush things. a b renin, ti e November number of Cas-der's Magazine will contain Illustrated Trtl'-les by several prominent specialists ba--lng on the subj-'ct. and wl'l also con tain an article by Mr. Perry that refers dl--fctly to Scranton which, on account of Its local characte r, the editor of the mniM zine decided would have to ni.-oiiiimny our own article In the back part of the magazine Imnv-'UMy following the 01 dlnarv news. Till" Is practically as good .1 position as In the body of the maga zine. Miss Dickinson's Article. Following Mr. Perry's a-tl:-!e will be an i!lus-rHt-d artl 'ie by Mis - Su.-an K. Dick inson, wno. at the iigg.stlon i.f the chair man of the publication committee, was en gaged bv Mr. Chandler to writ" an artl -le on the "Industrial and Social propositions of Scranton." Miss Dickinson has written an excellent article. In a popular vein, which, while it gives In a general way the Industrial advantages of He union, also speaks of the social, religions and educ.i Moral points of the city. T'.ieso points your committee thinks are of equal Im portance with the question of cheap fuel, 9s It shows the desirable features of the ety os a place of residence for manufac turers and thlr families. Summarizing the whole mutter, your committee would report that the Novem ber issue of Cassler's Magazine will con tain the best matter that has cv-r been published regarding the advantages of our cheap fuel, abundant water supply and. the dtslrulilllty of the city as a locu tion for factories and manufacturers" homes. It clearly contrasts the advan tages we possess with our cheap fuel over Niagara Kails. In fart. It contrasts the two locations in a manner decidedly fa vorable to Scranton. The fact that none of the articles have been written by mem bers of tho board, that the ftoard has only been represented In tho preparation of the articles so fur as revising them and correcting a few minor errors are con cerned, makes this number of Cassler's Magazine a mass of "ex parte" testimony on the advantages of our city. While the board Is under no leeu! obli gation to make up the difference of about 1230 so ss to cover the eot of the ten pages given us, yet your committee feels that morally we should he willing to mak in nart. If not all. of the difference from the board's treasury, and would there fore suggest that If necessary, an nppro printlnn sufficient to cover the difference lie made for this purpose. We would fur th r state that the six pages of Mr. perry's article are contributed by the Ca-isler Magazine company on the ground thut thi v at first made a promise to Incorpor ated In the body of the magazine free of expense to us, and afterward found It was of too local a character for that pur pose, and they give us the advantages of these six sddltlonn' paces of advertising. In view of the publication of this matter In the columns of the mugnzlne, the com mittee would reTiectfnlly suggest that no annual report other thnn a folder "bow ing the flnunelnl condition of the board, with other statistics, he Issued for this year, and only enough of such be printed to supply our own membership. Kespectftilly submitted, Rnfus J. Foster. R. O. Kerr. O. II. Cobb. Mr. Lansing's Motion. The report seemed to meet with em phatic approval, and. A. J. Lansing's motion was unanimously carried pro viding for Its adoption, that the defi ciency of $2fi0 be paid from the treas ury and that a vote of thanks be ten dered the committee. Following Is an excerpt from the re port of the manufacturer's committee, which was adopted: ; Relative to the Acetylene Gas company, reference to which was made In our last report; contrary to the direct statement mode by one of their roprcsentutlves while here that no financial aid was re quired, they now Insist that in order to secure the industry, our citizens must pur chase tS of their 5 per cent, bonds, and a a bonus 10 per cent, of stock would be given free with the bonds. Your commit tee promptly Informed them that this board could not promise them anv finan cial assistance under such conditions. On .tho evening of Oct. 18 we met with the proprietors of a car manufacturing company relative to tho removal of their extensive car shops and foundry to this city. Opinions as to ways and means were exchanged and thoroughly discussed. A detailed statement as do the financial con dition of their business will be forwarded to us within a few days, when further steps will be taken to brln about. the de sired result. We hope lo be able to re port the success of our efforts at the No- We are considering several other desir able applications from manufacturers, but have nothing ck Unite to report concerning them at this litno Respectfully submitted. Luther Keller, chairman. . ' Pablie Mnrkct Discussed. A discussion of the public market pro ject followed Secretary Atherton's re ntal ks upon the subject. He said: "It la believed by a great many members of the board of tiade, and by citizens Rt-tierally, tha: a public market place in this city would be of Inestimable value, and my attention has been repeatedly called lo the subject, and the opinion exprcfsel Is :hut this organization should take the matter up thut the im portance of it may be intelligently dis cussed and nctcd upon. Therefore in order that the subject may be brought regularly .before you, I offer the follow inir lesolitlUm: ' 'Resolved. That a committee of five members toe appointed to be known as a 'Public Market Committee. with In struction to Investigate the feasibility and wisdom cf establishing a public market In the city of Scranton, and to present a writ Pen report at the Novem ber meeting of Mils board.' " John M. Kenimeivr, R. J. Foster, Sec retary Athorlon, H. K. Payne and J. A. Lansing discussed the matter at some length. There was no consensus of opinion us to whether the city or indi viduals should own the market. The remarks Indicated the need of a mar ket and the resolution was unanlniouvly adopted. According to Its provisions President May announced the following public mnrkct committee: Walter Kenwood. J. T. Foster. II. Moses, C. It. Kinsley and Secretary Atherton. Sonic other lliislucss. H. C. SluiM- was elected a menv'oer, mid the following applications were re ceived ancle iii'cordlii'g tj rule, Ja'.d over for one mouth: A. 1. Preston, S. At. Nash. I.lebcek Corln and Fred J. Wldmuyer, of the Luckuwumia Stone company. A letter from the 4?un Francisco 1 chamber of commerce asking the board to urge the passage of it Nlcaraugim canal hill during the next session of congress received favorable considera tion. A motion that the reiiucst be compiled with was carrii l. Some minor business was transacted before adjournment. IT IS A STKON( DRAMA. Tho MiJnigbt Spcclul llcclns an Engage ment at the Puvis. An exciting railroad nielo-drum.-i culled "The .Midnight Special" opened tit Davis' thciitc-r yesterday before a large audience. The play contains good sentiment; litis the usual deep dyed vil lain, and several pairs of lovers. In the end the villain Is brought to Justice, the lovers decide to marry, and all Is serene. William Curtis Is a good, luitutul ucior and an unknown ns nn Irish policeman does good comedy work. Tho souhrette Is 11 poor uctrc.-s. but tdngs several pop ular songs In a pleasing way. Miss Lillian Longvllle is sutlf factory as Eleanor Lynn, daughter of the mur dered banker. Another unknown, whose name Is not given on the programme, did line work as a tramp arpl has an unusually good baritone voice. The performance will be repeated today and tomorrow after noons and evenings. . WILL Vl.l.(.()Mi: JI'.NNINGS. Our Own Hughcy to Ho TcnJcrcd nil Ovation in Avocn Tonight. j Hugliey Jcnnlngn, round-shouldered j with the burden "f honors that he has win on the diamond during the season Just closed, will be further honored t i- 1 night with a reception to be tendered1 him by his friends In Mooslc and Avoca. The affair will be held in the latter place. Just what shape It will assume Is not known as the projectors refuse to announce the programme. Intending to give Hughcy a surprise. lining Wed. The advice given by Horace Oreeley so many years ago, to go west. Is being fol lowed every day by an Increasingly larcc number of men and woni-n. H.inic go to stay, to bulid up new home-', others for pleasure. Mill (.'hers go 1 1 look ufter great business Interests, but t.-.ey go, nnd they one and ail wish to go by a route which combines, safety. s.;ied and convenience In travcllm:. This y the reason why so many eho .'e th NP-k I Plate It'oad. From !::iff'i!o to Chicag.. (m line lien al most as vtraluht a-i an 1 rrow. and Inter-scct'-d at such frequent 'ntervals by con n. etlng roads that the n ip looks as If the toad should be named "Through I lae to Ev ywhere." .V e than thirty eonrec. Hons are given, reaching out In e very II ret tlon. Then, too, many trnvelers iiernHn l a certain amount of luxury uhen travel ing, nnd Wa.tner cars te tw.eit New Vork. I'.o:ton. Huffalo and Chi ik-o. the uni formed filored ported (ri c-harce of day roaches nnd tb un-urp.'ih--M.) dining ca service supply thK Accnmodatlons may Ite Feeured In adv. 'Hue hv addressing K. .1. Moore. 13 Kxchance trei 1, Huffalo. N. V He can give detalle as to rates, connec tions and all h""e irv urrang. men's, both east and west o; Chicago. Fine writing piper lac. per lb. Pratt's Hook Store. Plllsbury's fl uir mills have a capacity of n.cOO barrels a day. Water rc.lors. etchings and photographs, with or wl'hoiit frames, half price. Pratt's Hook Store. 1 Tat lor'n New Index Map of Sermiton nnd IMinmnre For sale at Taylor's Directory ofllce. 1! Tribune bii'ld ng, or g.vrn w th an order for the Scrantnn Directory 18!j. Inks lie. per qt., 2oc. xr ptnl, writing paper, envelopes and t ablets at half price for a few days. Pratt's Iiook Store. c'.liea was sick, we gave her Castorta, ' iracr. 'io was a Child, she cried for CAslorU, TTljt t t.'a-i became Miss, she clung to Castnris, Then die had Chiloren, she gave Uern Csstorte Schank's hapely hoes. THE Newest Shoe JUST RECEIVED. HUNK KOEHLER 410 Sprues tet DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIF. DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DF.VIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND CASES IX ARftil'MEXT (01 RT. Argument Heard on Important Matters by the .Indites Vemerdny. October urgumcnt court, the session to c infinite during the week, began yes terday.Judges Archbald, tlunster and Edwards on the bench. An Important case was opened for argument in the af ternoon. The title of It Is: J. H. Uun Kter, assignee, versus The Scranton Il luminating, Heat and Power company; exceptions to the report of referee. At torneys Charles H. Welles and Edward Merriileld appeared for the plaintiff, and Major .Everett Wirren and Cdty Sillcllor J. H. Torrey are attorneys for the defendant. Attorney V. W. Lathrope was refers In the case, and It Involves $ti.0isl. Vhn tlooige A. Jessiip was vice president of the defunct Scranton City hank, he was also chosen treasurer of the heat and power company, nnd a check of $tt.ii- drawn by him In his relation with tho company as Its treasurer, was endorsed by him as vice president of the bank. This amount was paid In cash to him on two drafts, of H.noc and 12.000 re spectively, by a ban I; In New York city. Tlu assignee of the bank, J. 31. (liin ster, brought suit ngalust the company for the amount of the drafts, and It came up before a re feree, W. W. La thrope, whose decision was against the assignee. The argument of .the plain tiff's attorneys was heard yesterday, and of the defendant's attorneys will be heard this morning, otlu-r cases arirue.l were: .1 ieph Ansley Son vs. K. M. Teivksbury; C. C. iStecre vs. 1 1. K. Oakley; .lei-e It. Hunt, as signed to J. It. Lesh, vs Jesse Hunt. Cases ontiniied nnd titled The m st -Important case settled was the one that concerned the (Jrcek Cath olic chiit'.-it. of old Forg,'. Injunction Ppk editi'is had le.-e-n Instituted peti tioning to restrain Host Rusln and others from locking the church and pro venting trie pastor from celi-in-ating mass. The case was marked off the list. Cases continued are as follows: Charles Robinson, sheriff, vs. J 1! L-sh and othi rs; rule to open Judgment; Collins V-: h.-rly vs C. L. Roll; exceptions to report of n-f. ree; Gilmore & Duffy vs. Henry W. Coyle; rule for judgment; Joseph Fendrlck vs. Male It astilgla: rule to open Judgment; I'.ixler it Correl vs. J. H. I-rsli; title to open Judgment ; Florence Lilly, vs. William Leonard; cerilnail: N. A. Herb-rt vs. Watkln Jones; rule to nn.n Judgment; In r-: assignment of John Walters; rule to vacate. Cases settled and off list wee: C,corge Chylack vs. Joseph Fendrlck: certior ari: Mary It d.b vs. W. J. Itobb: rule for '1 rree 'In divorce; David w Unit hers) vs. IM. SehwartKkopf: rule to dissolve attachment. Mrs dtobb has withdrawn her p tlflmi for adlvorce from her hus I'sn I. Tile case of M. A. McCarthy vs. !!'n Scanl.m; rule to open judgment, and the case of Ambrose Mulley vs. c.eorge H. Shnemiik.r; rule for a new trial, were alro continued. He fused Mr. Smith's Kconct. Attorney Cornelius Smith moved for a continuance of the argument nn the rule to strike off his appeal from the award of arbitrators, and of the argu ment on the rule to show cause why the Judgment against him should not be opened. The court refused to grant the continuance and fixed Saturday as the time of hearing the argument. There was no objection to .the continu ance of the argument on a charge of venue to some other c.uirt in the case of John O. Jennings against the Le high Vnlb-y Railroad company, and It went over until the next term of argu .iient court. Attorney A. II. IM0C11I lum. of Montrose, Is counsel for Mr. Smith. The equity su't of Alderman O. H. Wright against Alydcrman W. S. Mil lar to rcs'ialn tin- latter from holding police court because the municipal building Is In the former's bailiwick, is expected tn be heard today. C. Comegys !s attorney for the plaintiff, and City Solicitor J. II. Torrey for the defendant. We Have Them In Great Variety, "THE "THE THE "THE THE "THE "THE "Til & "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "THE "Till: "THE TARTAN CLAN or HIGHLAND PLAIDS Your Attention Is Invited to Our Immense Stock of Black Dress Goods of German Manufacture They Are the Best Goods Obtain able. Our Prices Are Not High. M EARS & HAGEN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE THE THE THE DEEP SKA." DEEP SEA." DEEP SKA." DEEP SEA." DEEP HEA." DEEP HEA." DEHP SEA." DEEP SKA." DEEP SK-V." DEEP PEA." DEEP SKA." DEEP SEA." DEEP SKA." DEEP SKA." DEEP SEA." DEEP SEA." DFt-'P PRA." THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE TH E THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE DEEP PEA." DEEP SKA." DEEP SEA." DEEP PEA." DEEP PEA." DEEP SPA." DEEP SEA." DEEP SEA." It cost The Tribune, In conjunction with a number of other papers, 33 1-3 cents a word to buy the manuscript of Rudyard Kipling's stirring story, which will bo printed complete In next Sat urday's Tribune. Hut when you shall have read It you will ugree with us that It's well worth if. . REX FORD'S. FIXING UP Our entire front will be torn out next Tticsduy. We arc busy, but Rut to do it. We want onr 'store in better shape, for you and us, too. These arc house cleaning days. Just the time to think of new pic tures. Don't hung the rusty ones. Several hundred Framed Unu.av ins, LtchingH, etc., in the carpen ters' way. We price them to rush them out ETCHINGS About fifty, id.v.50, sinned Etch ings, in polit-hcd oak frames, 4.")C.; old price, West window. A WATCH BARGAIN A discontinued stylo of case. The makers gave us a chance to save you so Boncy. Solid gold, good movement, war rati ted, $16. REXFQRD, 213 Lichwinna Ave, AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish' lng and apparatus for kecpiog meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ava I Including the Most Desir able Silk Mixtures. jSsJ) Iptiff www Crr,s,d- S'jr P R E S E N T 5 w E D D I N Q Dinner, lea and Toilet Sets, Lamps. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, (34 WYOIINS MEIUE. Wulk in and look around. We Will Sea What Bicycles We Have on Hand At ti price which will save the bitver money. Victorias, (iendrons, Relays, in Men's Wheels. Victorias und Getidrons in LticJics' Wheels. We have some second-hand Wheels at your own price. Hahy Carriages ut u bargain. J Ut II lUUIIIllIU U LMIUI 314 LACK&. AVE., SCRAflTOH, P. WELSBACH LIGHT Spccallj Aiiap.ed or Reading tad Swing. Conanmet thr (S) fret of gas per hour anil Kivea an efficiency ul sixty (60 1 candles. Having nt least 33 J per cent over the ordinary Tip Burner. Call ana See It. HUNT & CONNELL CO., 434 LICKIWMNl IVEHUL Manufacturers' Agents. TAR CUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DORF, Elmira. N. Y. and for sals by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CONNELL, ' Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pl THE RECEIVERS Jjj I Pore While -p-3 Oil Kill If Mitt MARTIN & DELANY'S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to 5o per cent, below cost. These Goods Must Be Sold And if you want bargains come and get them at once. IARTIN ft iEUif DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and hie aiao clatetl ma IT of Kngllnh and German phyilciuna, are now perma nently located at Old Poatofflce Building, Corner Pann Avenua and Sprue Street The doctor Ii a graduate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-Chiruiglcul college-- of Philudel phla. Hi t-peclallles are Chronic, Kerv ous, Skin, He-art, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dustiness, laulc of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women, ball rising in throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on ona subject, easily startled when suddenl spoken to, and dull, distressed mln.l, which unlit them fur performing the actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible distressing the action of the heart, caus ing Muxh of ht-at, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire euny of company, feeling a tired In the morning as when retiring, Inc-k of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, consti pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so BtTected should consult us Immediately; and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy lclan call upon the doctor and be exam Ined. He cures the worst cases of Nerv ous, Dblllty, Scrofula, Old Sorei, Catarrh, IMes, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throtet, Asthma, Iw-afness, Tumors. Cancer and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacre-1 and confidential, t'lflce hour dally from a, m. to p. m. Sunday, to 2. Km lose five 2-"ent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In t"'l to snvone whom I cannot cure of EPI L.EPT1C CONVULSIONS r'K FITH. DR. E. G HEWER. Old Pot Office Building, corner Pcr.U avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'S IT STEIHWIT & SOU DECKER BROTHERS KRINICH ft BUCK Other STULTZ i BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS BU5ICAL nERCHANDLSBt MUSIC. ETC 1 OF SCRANTON. Ml 210,009 ram profiis, woo Special mention Ghen to Buines) cd Personal lecouti INTEREST PUD 01 TUB DEPOSITS. Ot'R CLASSIFIED SMALL AIV VERTISINll. AT A CENT A WORD, CASH WITH ORIfJR, 13 THE KINIJ OP OHilAP PUBLICITY THAT PATS. TAKE CARE and your eye ' take or of jr" , you are tronoica wa flC VftllD CVtJ be-ul-u-h or ncrTou. Ur I WWII UW neruUR.!HI.H. ni'RU'S and hve your eye examined freo. We here reduued prion and re tha loweit in too city. Nickel epectacloa from (1 to ti, fold from to Sfl. 305 Spruce Street Scranton, Pa. OF RECEIVERS, Wjomlni lie. ill 11 II ! WYOMING AVE, SCRANTQNL IU I book etore. , r vember meeting.
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