THE KCRANTON TRIBTTl'fE TUESDAY MORNINGK OCTOBER 2J, 1893. 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Will Place on Sale the Following Special Hargains : HER MAJESTY CORSETS. So. 200, Jler Majesty Corsets, former price &i.7o, Leiulcr'w prh-e $1.1!) So. f).-, Her Majesty Corwt., former price Jl.lM, Lender's price $2.19 W.1V Corsets in white and drab, all a.zes, Leader's price -T7c. W.H. Corsets in whiliMUid drab, nil sizes, Leader's price "Sc. Y.H. Corsets in white ami drab, all sizes, Leader's price $1.0l W. 15. Corsets in white and black, all sizes, Leader's price $1.-5 CHILDREN'S FERRIS WAISTS. Mtehtly soiled, size lit, 20, So, . 27, 2S mid SO, former price '75c, Loader's price tf'Jc. Children's Canton Flmnel Underwear. 1 lot of Children's Unbleached Cnntou Flannel Drawers, dlged with lace, all sizes, Leader's price 25c. lot of Children's Unbleached Canton Flannel Drawers. ed;e'l with embrol.iery, all size, Leader's price- 35c. 1 lot of Children's Unbleached Canton KlaniH I Niuht l);-uw-i is, all sizes, Leader's price ;Wc. 1 lot or Children's Unbleaelied Canton Flannel NLrlil Draw ers, till Bies, Leader's price -lllc. KID CLOYES. Boys' LI ued Kbl Gloves, Lead er's price Uovs' Lined Kid Cloves, fnr trimmed. Leader's price . Ladies' Lined Kid Mittens, Leader's price Ladies' Lined Kid Mittens, fur trimmed, Leader's price Men's Lined Kid Gloves, Lead er's price Men's Lined Kid Gloves, fur trimmed, Leader's price rsc. ic. IS.. 9Sc. 75c. IkSc. S-fAIl mail orders receive trompt attention. All oods pur. based, from 5.K) and upward, .vill he shipped free of express charges. ebeck a CORIN JERMYN, Daniel jl Hue. rnjf;ner at the Itich Tnondale breaker, moved hts family to C: r'uondale yesterday. '.V. P.. iMfly.m la aln fin duty at the Delaware and 'Hut!3 in station after a V( tk's RoSIIICl'. M'.fs Belle Gardner. C. L. Hell ami C. F. Barker are on the pronramme? to take part In the Kpworth li-ague con vention at H.mesdalo this week. A deed has been Riven by 8. K. Adams to Arthur Day for the houre and lot on J street. 'Consideration, Jl,l."o. Frank "VVin'ter. of Wyoming seminary, eir.'t .Sunday with his arent.s here. 'Dr. A. J. Maker, of Duryea. circulated amonif Jermyn friends yesterday. Owing to an accident to the machin ery at the electric liftht works the Ftree-ts were In total darkness Sunday nlirht. ifrofeosor Crowell. of Carbondal-. and Editor Mour.ady, of the Jermyn Press, are very successful In 1he musical and literary entertainments beinjt Klven by them. The zither on which Professor Orowell Is an expert and tiie original articles In Kditor Boundy's rrost humorous vein cannot fall to please. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Taylor, of Tompklnsvllle, were Jermyn visitors yesterday. F. A. ISryant, at one time encinwr at the works of the Moonta Powder company, 'but recently the proprietor of Hryant's school for stammerers, has recently praduated from 'Itellevueu col leiti!, and la now a full fledged medical doctor. His address is West Four teenth street, where his friends will find him from 9 to 11 a. m. and from 4 to 6 p. m. 'Mrs. A. C. Howells and children left yesterday for a visit with friends in New York Pit v. William Hell, of Third street, Is seri ously 111. Tickets Tor the lecture by Chaplain MoCabe Dot. 29 are selling rapidly. Tho diagram for reserved seats is now open art Winter & Co.'s store and choice seats can still 'be secured. 'All the old sol diers are anxious to hear about "The Crlftht Side of 'Life in Lrbhy I'rlBon." when told 'by one who was 'there. He member the date, Get. 29. At the annual meeting of the Jermyn Cemetery association George Cudlipp and Eugene Avery were elected direc tors. The affairs of the association arc in a flourishing condition. Mrs. 8. U. Davis Is In Valley Falls, N. Y., the Kuest of iMrs. T. C. Church. IMark Daniels, who Is now In Africa, writes plowing amounts of the newly discovered Rnlrl fields In Witwaters rand. Home Idea of the richness or ttie field may :be had when we know of the large Increase in the product which In 1887 was 23,155 ounces. Over 2,024, Kl minces were mined during 1X94, this being the first year after the Wltwa tersrand fields were discovered. Shares are selling at an increase of from 2,000 to 2,700 per cent, and every one Is mak ing money. Alonzo Ellis, of Vandllnpr, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles ravies, of Cemetery street. Mrs. Cook and daughter, Miss Fan cier, who have been the guests of Mrs. Raymond, at the residence of J. D. I'-tocker, returned to their home In New York State yesterday. Daniel Mehnn, of the East Side, who has been 11 with typhoid fever is con valescent. (Dr. Manley is in attend ance. Fred Hartnoll and Ambrose Byrne, of 'Dunmore, were Jermyn vloitors yes terday. Olev. A. C. Howells is In Wonesdale at. tending a convocation of the diocese of the Episcopal church. RHEUMATISM Is caused by lactic acid In the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neu tralises this acid and completely and per manently mires rheumatism. Be sure to get only Mood's. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head ache. Indigestion, biliousness. Bold by all druggists. WILKES-BARRE. INSTITUTE OPENS. Tbo Anunal Gathering of tlio County Teachers in Wilkes Havre. The annual county teachers' institute opened yesterday afternoon at the Grand opera house and early in the morning the teachers began to arrive. The week of institute is always in the nature of a vacation to the teachers. They learn much that Us new about their work, but it ls taught to them In piich a way that it Is a pleasure to be so Instructed. The peoole of Vllkes I'.nrre are always glad to see the teach ers assemble fur their annual institute, and the welcome given 'by the mayor well expresses the feelint; of the citi zens. All yesterday morning was given to the enrollment of the teachers at the Grand opera house. The enrollment committee lis composed of D. .M. Hr.l.bes. of Arhle-y; David Gildea. of Kingston township: Joseph H. Finn, of Sugar Notch, and J. O. Herman, of Kd wardsvllle. The executive officers and the mem bers of the other committees are as fol lows: Executive officer Torrence I!. Har rison, county superintendent, of schools: Joseph Gabrio, superintendent of schools, Foster township: David A. Hannuu, supeilntindent if -ehool!, MazL'tnii; John J. Mulliall. superinten dent of schools, Nantlcoke: James A. Dowry, superintendent of schools, New po t township. Committee on iI5eor6 J. V. Lord. Jlughcstown: Asa Calletnler. Dorrance. Committee on Organization Fra-nk J. f teller, -West l'ittston; K. F. Cooke, Narticoke; T. J. '.Manley. Jenkins; J. .1. F.I wood. Hu7.le; A. W. Marvin, Salem; G. V, Curry, 'Plains; Jesse Alden, Fos ter: F. ii. Ihish, Tlyinouf.i township; .Mary Oarr. iXewport: Mary M'uleahy, l'ittston township; Mary Lewis, Wyo ming; Tlllie Dintlyay, Fntdanil. KAmimittee on Uisolu.lons .1, M. S.'human. Forty Fort; Charles T. llo Avoca: -Harry C. Mcltrld . Conviigham: K. .1. KKiod, Hanover; M. L. Laubach. 1'alrmouiit; Fled .SutlliT, Shlckshlnny. The lii: session of the Institute proper began yesterday afternoon at '."i with singing, led by Thomas L. iiibbon-", after which the invoeatlon was offered up 1y liev. Dr. J. Ulehards I'l'Vle. pastor of the Fist (Methodist Episcopal eiiuivli. Oiunty Superintendent 'Harrisui then introduced Mayor Xlehols, who made a hearty address of w leome. In which he cave the teachers the freedom i f ii.eeity and said that Wilkes-Marre ov-ns-ider it un honor lo entertain th. in for even a few days each year. Tit.- mayor's address was full of bright sa lints and its trite delivery pleased tl.e teachers very much. lAfter the mayor had concluded, the committee on organization submitted lis jeport. which was accepted. Super intendent HarrNon then gave a fhort talk to the teachers concerning the evening lectures and reserved seats. H'. announced that 'Miss Mathllle E. C'dlln. of Detroit, whose name was on tl-e programme, could not be present owini: to illness. M!s Landis. of Mil leisvil'e. .nnil Dr. Phillips, of Wee Ches ter, will lo here shortly and wiil give s nie Instruction In primary work. i-v:' s sor Gibbons then conducted the mus'e lesion, after which Dr. J. P. Walsh, of the I'doom-Mmr.; State Normal school, gave a talk en "I.i tier Writing," which was listened to with the h i-pest Interest. It was one of the l est talks of the day and was heartily e:i.1oyed. At Its conclusion Ihe !m;!tute ad Warred until this morning. -THE DFV1T, AND THE DfP SEA" Itcad Tiie Tribune early In No vember. THE SYNODICAL SOCIETY. The ItoJy Will lieu In lis Deliberation in Wilkes Carre ToJuv. The S r.odloal society of Women's Home Missions, Including all the Pres byterian (."cletles of Pennsylvania and West Vi-ginla, will, for the tir.-t time, hi I I Us annual meeting In Wllkes Marre this week, becln.iing today. The Meetings will le held In the chapel of th First Pr. byteri;.n church. This evening th annual nupion of nil the 1 les-byterial src'-tie? will be held In t'.ie ehur.'li ri' fr r.nd the puldi-' Is In vited to attend. At this mi-etlng there will be addresses from two remarkable persons, viz: Edward (Mars len. a full blooded Alaskan of the Metlakatla tribe, who Is a college graduate an I Is now pursuing his theological studies at Lane seminary. The other is Miss Lucy I.aney, of the Freedman's depart ment of the Woman's Hoard of Mome Missions, a young colored woman of most unusual talent. The other meet ings, while devoted more strictly to the business of th society will be very Interesting and all friends of mission work In our country will be cordially welcomed. On Wednesday at 12.M a luncheon will be served by the ladles of the First church, to which all the delegates and ladies from other churches are Invited. Killed a Pole. On Sunday night about 10 o'clock, car No. 112 of the Plymouth line, In care of Conductor Itoberts, struck an unknown man, presumably a J'olander, and killed lilm instantly. The wheels ran com:letely over the body, and crushed In his rkull, besides Inflicting other fatal Injuries. The accident oc curred near John Condon's house. The n mains were jdaerd on board the car and taken to A. E. Williams under taking estnVdlshment and prepared for burial. The body has not been Identi fied as yet. 'Squire Williams notified the coroner and empanelled the follow ing Jury to hold an Inquest on Thursday at 2 p. tn.: Alfred Martin, E. It. lllch ards, J. E. Maloney, it. F. Itoberts, C. C. Eberly and J. D. Williams As far ns can be ascertained the accident was unavoidable. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SKA" Read The Tribune early in No vember. , Illancliiird Hurled. The funeral of the late Hubert Mlanch ard, the last of the victims of the ter rible IKirrance mining disaster, took place yesterday la'fternoon from the home of his parents, David and Mrs. Planchnrd, at Parsons. At Abbott Methodist Episcopal church servlcs were conducted by the pastor, liev. Will If. Hlll'-r, assisted by Key. Dr. Hodge, Wllkes-Mnrre; Itev. Dr. rt'nrke, Plttston, and Kev. Henry E. Spayde, Plains. The pall-'bearers were: Itlchnrd Mltchel, Otis Stevens. Chester Ide. William Itob erts, Fred Colvln and Wilson Smith. FACIAL HUMOURS Prevented by Cuticura Soap ASHAflCD TO BU SEEN bccauBO of disflg urlng facial humours Is the condition of thousands who livo in ignorance of tlio fact that in Cuticura Soap it to bo found ttio purest, sweetest, and inoit effect! ro skin purl tier and beautlner in the world. For pimples, blackheads, red snd oily skin, red, ronph hands with shapelcsa nIU, dry, thin, nd tail ing hair, It is wonderful. old thrmirtiont IM tnrtil. Brillik drpott T. Kt Miir a Hung. I. King E4ar4-l. Inilim. PottiS Sane axd LyftM. Cor, fait Frapt, law, 0. S. A. r y 5. n r Jl H , . .v(J 7 I There were many floral tributes. Among those in attendance were members of the Lehigh Valley engineer corps. DRIEF NOTES. On Friday evening. Nov. 1, the Puri tan Literary and Musical society will resume the monthly entertainments that were so popular last year. The second annual ball and reception of the Young Men's Jlebrew Social club will be given -this evening in Lioomls haH. The Epworth league of the Central Methodist Episcopal church will Klve a reception to ltev. Dr. Mogg tomorrow evening, in it-he lecture room of the church. Dr. D. J. Stafford, of Washington. I). C. will deliver a lecture on "Charles DIcklns," some time next month. The rescent and -Harry Hill man Academy foot hall -teams will play at Athletic Park today at 3.30 p. m. It co3t The Tribune, in conjunction with a. number of other papers. 33 1-8 cents a word to buy the manuscript of Kudyard Kipling's stirring story, which will be printed complete In next Sat urday's Tnlbune. .Hut when you shall have read it you will agree with us that It's well worth It . The funeral of the late John Ander son took place yesterday afternoon and was very largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. John (lardner and fam ily Kpent Sunday with friends In Scran ton. Miss Mary McCawley, of Carbondale, returned home today, niter spending a few ilays with Miss 'Ella Cumin. Division No. 9, Ancient Order of Hi bernians. Hoard of America, held a very Important meeting Sunday nt their rooms In the Curry building. iA Inrie attendance was present and eight new nieinbero were initiated. Sunday was ohserve-rt ns old people's day In the Methodist Fplsonpal church. The church was prettily decora-ted in autumn leaves and ninny other differ ent varieties of the harvest produce hung in gay festoons along the wall. The proprainme, which was previously printed In the columns of The Trib une, was carried out. Kev. J. It. Wag ner pleached un able nnd eloiiuent ser mon which touched the hearts of his hearers. A large congregation was I -resent at all of the services. The Ladies' 'Aid society will meet nt the house of .Mrs. X. '10. llosklns on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 2:1. Mrs. T. A. Heit.lriek and family re turned to their home, lu Jermyn, yes terday, after a few days' visit with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs.iSwnln. of 'Summit. N. J., returned home on Monday, after a pleasant visit at the Webber residence, on Main street. Patrick Itoylan. Patrick McNulty, John tiuckley and William Dickson rep resented the temperance societies of this place nt the quarterly convention held in Wllkes-dtarre on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Conaboy visited friends In Mlnooka Sunday. - "THE DEVIL AND THE TEEP SEA" Head The Tribune early In No vember. ----- -MOOSC. Abel Storms has returned from Phlla- i delphln. where he has been with his wr.e, who is undergoing; an operation at one of the hospitals. The Mooslc 'Powder company will re-sti-iie ojeratlons on i.Monday, after a shut 'down of about one month. In spite of the cold weuther on Sun day the Traction companw did an enormous -business on their line to this place. It is a bonanza for them and a great accommodation to the Inhabi tants of this vicinity. John IHessler and two sons. Hert and i Willlain, of Wilkes-Karre, spent Sun- uay in town among: friends. George Htssler and wire, of (Ireen nidge, were visiting among friends In town on Sunday. The Honta Plate Glass works are shut down nt present to aHow the plates in ovens to cool. It Is plainly evident that this town has struck n great boom. First the lionta Plate Glass works located here; then J. Dymon 1. Jr.. located hero and purchased the old Knapp property, ha I It surveyed and cut Into lots, ptar't ed selling them, nnd numerous houses have loomed up. Now- he Is bulldlnc a large three-story building r.OxTO f,..t. containing two stores on ground floor, a large ball room in the second, nnd magnificent lodg" rooms on the third. Then the 'Mooslc Knlttlnir mills located In liutler's building nnd will commence operations on Nov. 1, together with the building of the Spring Hrook breaker being constructed by the Florence Coal rompany. The Indications nre that this town Is on the upward boom and that prosperity for Its Inhabitants Is not far off. I.'clief In Sli Hours. Distressing Kidney nnd Itlndder dlsensos rel-eved In six hours by th" "New Booth American K'dney Cure. This new rem edy Is a grent surprise on ncnunt of Its exceeding promptness In relieving piiin In th bladder, kidneys, back, nnd every pnrt of the urinary passnges. In male or fe mnle. It relieves retention of water and pain In pnsslng it nlmost Immediately. If yon want quick relief nnd cure this is your remedy. Rnld by C M. Ilnrrls. Drug gist, lj Pciin avenue, Kcrantun, Pa. OLYPHANT. 'Mr. Mulrtiead, of Pittston, was In town yesterday. Thomas P. Jones has returned from n trip to Mahanoy City. IMIss 'Llzstle Owens, of Taylor. Is vis iting friends In town. IMIss Annie Lynch, of New Yirk city, who has been the guest of Miss May Ph-U Ids for the past month, will return home today. The funeral of James Mt'Hale, who met with such an untimely death on Thursday last, took place Saturday nf ternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment wns made In St. Patrick's Catholic ceme tery. 'Mrs. Mounon, of Scranton. spent Sun day with her son, J. M. Mounan, of this place, IE. S. Jones has returned from At lanta, Ga. Joe McDirmott nnd J. Phllbln. of Scranton, were callers In town yester day. IMrs. I L. Kerry and daughter, Mar lon, nre spending this week at Car bondale. lAmclla Wallnco has resigned her po sition et Itonn's Jewelry ftore. Charles -Walklns, or Mooslc, has ac cepted a position with Druggist Wat kins, of Lackawanna street. Misses Clara Jones and Minnie Da vis, of Hyde 'Park, spent Sunday with Mls Annie Morgan, of .Susquehanna street. A Faggot social will be held in the Susquehanna Street Iinptlat church this evening. GLENBURN, Frank Williams, while crosslnp n board walk In front of his home fell and d'lsilocatcd his shoulder last week. lOontracilor and Lumber Dealer E. W. Osterhout and family, of Dunmore, spent Sunday at. J. W. Moore's. Hert Orlffen and John llnrtman re turned Saturday from 'Pane's lake, Sus quehanna county, with a fine bit of plokerel. IMmws Andrews ha closed his sum mer home and returned to Scranton tor the winter. lest I OST-BETWEEN QUINCV AND WYO J mlng arsnuoa, a porketbook mn'sining a tS hill; flndor return to 111 Qnlncy vena, or Sll Wyomlnf mniM, Young Mart ts Let. AOSNTLE YOUNO MARB'.'O LET FOB bar keep until first of Mar tr later. An swer, TTliBB, 12a Electric are., Dan mora. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID Foil IN AD VANCE. WHKN A HOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHAHGE WILL HE LESS THAN 2r, CENTS. THIS HULK AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATION'S AND HKLP WANTED, WHICH AUK 1NSRHTEU FP.EK. Under date of Oct. 5, a woman living in Avoca writes to The Tribune: "Please omit my adver tisement of 'Situation Wanted as Housekeeper,' and accept my sin cere thanks for vour kindness and for the nice home I have secured through tli-.- advertisement you ho kindly published for inc." The original of this letter may be seen at The Tribune business office. Tribune adlets pay. Try 'em. Help Wanted Male. HOY WANTED AT WB CAPOUBE AVE- U'ANTKD-A liKIUHT IKlY, ABOUT 14 to I'-iirn vrliitinif trude. Call ilJt Penii nvontic, Scra-it u. pi'.KT HANCK TO I.HAHN HAKDKH 1) trade; eidv two mrllth reiplive'l: ettt'l lojfiie fr. e, PIIII.APIILPIIIA PA UHKUCOL l.VMK s: Cherry ii-.-et, Pliil-idelphin. U'AXTr.D-A lUITCHEU WHO 11 AS II Al) experience tit the business; must como well rccuimuoudtid. AddrefS T. U. 11., Trill ium ntllre. "U K X T H MiTn WAN TE' , AI.KRA I Y J traveli'ii;. to carrv lulri ntiiiK oIInhss side line MANUl ACTL"lIl-:i!S' OIL Co., CluvelHiid, O 'A N T ED - WEI LdCNoWN MAN IX " every town to lolli-lt stock milwriii tion; a tiionni'iily; bit; money lor Hgenrs; no capital K.I) W A HU C. t'iHll CO., liurdeu liloek, I liioauo. HI. s ' AI.rsMEN - Itl-slDKNT SAI.KSMEN n:irlv driiLr HTiri ifrorrr tra il', t Im-idle nur line of 1)111 ijximI' ritrarn. A'1'lrcan, uivint; Mf.'Hiir. M, .1. K1WAKL A CO.. Hi Helo Wanted Females. 11PANTK1 A NEAT. COMPETENT 8EU vant. f(ir suntll f tniilv; htjtie-tt wnir- n: only tin st who tmvo liv(l in tiieo f:itnlliiH uml run tf'v pol rff"rnr n.Md a'mwnr. Apply t lUtt irtli Slum nvfMino (c r. Court ntrteti W i'i1nMlav or '1 hurmttty. 'ANTK1 IMMKUIATl'liY-TWO KNKK tretio nali'Hwotni'n to ropn nt n. UuaratitoiNl Entity without ItiV rfHrii.f witli othov tltitifH. Ht n'ithf nl (MiMip;itimi. Vrito for parUtil;irn, mfln-iiiic; Htutnp. Mntiijo 'ln'm rn ''ninpnny. No. 7 J .lolin Htvot, New York. Agents Wanted. (JENTH WANTED KVERY WHERK-TO j'V rnnvan for our Xcw HoMdMy .Iu H'lo lliviks, four i'hristniaH It;uitiH: U at aitrht; HlMral truis. AM' ks hl'KClALTY, .Sub Mali n Na 2. Mitim!' Iphia, I a, AGENTS WANTED -TO SELh ClOAlTs! fT. por month Hilary nnd txionH paid. AddreRH, with twonnut atmnp, FIUAKO Cl OAK CO.. Cnicaira nrVTsTii nfci.i." "tH'R I'liAr'TICAl unlil, 8ilvr, iiii'ki-l mid roriw-r pli-rtn. jilrtora: irii-o from i'-i itpward; .alarv nud i'X-im-dii'S lvi d: onillt lrie. .ilt:fts, witli Htaiui. SlIl'llliiAN' Ml'll CU.. ( lilcaun mid roriwr pli-rtru t I E N T S Tl I KF. I . I. U A IW TO PK A I.E B S ! .'V Si.'i iM-klv nud iixpeiiMi-n; t'Xiii-rifiH'o iin iwiwHary. I UN'S'il.iliATKD JII'G. C.I., 41 Vnn Huron t.. rhit-an. CALF.8MAN Til CARRY HIDE LINE: l! O n-r i oat. roinmistion; HKniplu book mailed fro. Aililnim U N. CO.. htatiou 1, New York. AT oNCE-AiiENTS APl'olNTFI) TO i SPll I1I1W luilltllillS "llilli tllliln olntll.nilH- iiiitonul lionxellv liqniil nt lu r-r-nts nnd .'.I renin Ixi' tlx. Smiijil" fre?. BOI.GIANO M F'UCo., Itnltlmoro, Slil. OENTM-HlSnFH PATENT V NIVKlT i'V Ml Hair t'urli-ra nml vr"ra cii-d with out hnati, nnd "1'yr l'oiutd"Huir I'im. l.ih. ural roininiiion. l-'ri-o ninpln and full par ticular. Aildrwn P. u. Box New York. U'ANT "iV - AIT1VF." SALESMEN TO handli. our lino, nn pitillin. Sn'arr, fT.-i per month and rxp.m paid to oil. Hoodn entirely ni.-w. Al'ply yuii kly. V. o. liox, kkW, llintnn, M.i -a. for Rent. I 'OK KKNT-STEVKNSON FIU'IT FARM, lliirk u ijrii-r, for a trm of ynara. Ap ply to tlK.nKOK II. DA VlliKUN, Attorney, i!2 Sprue- Htrct. 'I'll LET-DESK ItiidM ON - (HloU ' D I fl sir. n liicrk, I..icknwauna ayi'inm Aildr- fi.. Htfitinff httmm-4 ati'l i.rico willing to pay. EX'l KKIoi!, Trihuno ulllin. rpWO OFFICES t i.OsKT. STEAM IIEATi 1 running water, ilrcorntinn.. front, con plriinn; tli'. W. UIllrtON JoNKS. aiiypruiD atriiil. I.MNI'ST " BACHELOR APAHTMKNTs" IN J citv; at -sni lu-at; lianilnom miitp; all ciiiiif"r'B nnd chunrfnl: n -rnra it nulf k. W. (HHSuN .loNKS, ail Spru.-r atrpi-t. tJt'PKMOB. II U SE T' LET MADISON i an niu. l'.i-suroto not in!a a-inrf tlili lit-fnri lon'inir. Alan bonno on .IpfTi'mnn. W. ttlBsoN .los'KS. :ill .-priicoBiivet, I-iOK KENT-ONE HALF llol'SE, NO. 'Ml, Nor h Main avp-iim: 1 1 i-iimhh, uas. wator, fnrnn-o and l-utli room nnd hnrn. lniiiiro at Andi-rNou-fl Nowa Komna. Providpncp r-fjiinr-. j.OR KK.NT-FI R ISI1KD HOO.M, WITH I or witlioii' hoard, aiulahlu lor two por lon. M2 Adiiins avy, VOR RENT-SIX P.OOJl HOCKE ON WEST I Lncknwanna nvpiiiin. A'hlrim TIl'iMAS E. F.VANt-, arar IW'J l.tilornc. Hydn Park. I.'OR liF.NT-NKi l.Y VrKNIt-IIKD II A1.7. V ultahln for lolir" TiNims. JOHN .IEi( MYN. I 111 Wyoml-irf ovnnuo. For Sale lOR SAI.K- A (KIOI) VIOLIN. 117SOUTI1 I llydo l ark nvi-un ?. OKA I.l'f- FA U M. HT( K A Nil ALL I farminic uti'iils. Iniiniro ot J. M. SHEF., "II Snraiiio-i niri-ol. Mcrnn'o'i Pa. Money to Loan. lIIOMP! LOANS ON HKALFST TE E 1 curlty. 11. VV. CliU.Si:i:. lit I Lackawan na a von hp. Business Opportunities. HOW tH MADE J.VW IN at DAYH A mall Inv Htmnut now may lirlinf a fo. tiinc: writ") ua for ndvlc.; NEWTON. PEN MN'II'ION A en. Lnukora nnd Brokura, I? Proailwav. Nw York. Nursing and Massage. rssEv7r1irTfo Inn and umanaio treatment. Nil Jlaiil- M aon aviuup. Stockholders Meeting 'PUR AN UAL S1RP.T1NM OK STOCK 1 hcl'lrra of Tli Scranton I'ackintr Com any will ha hrtd at tlio ofll eof tho rompany. ilkl vVyoininir xvi-niio. orranton. Pa., od Tuna, day, Cel. 2-t, IMJTi at ilo'clooa p. In. J. L. Ci N ELL, Fwrotary. Special Kotlcca. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I wl 1 make a monthly tour nt thp follow ing plarra Kirluit frre ui n air tdyrrtininir ex hiliitlont wl h the trreopilcon: Taylorrllln, Hyde I'ark, Proridnnco, Dlckion Oly pliant. Pi-ekTillu, Arrhbald, Jc-rtnyn. Exhilntiom Riyen on Wodma.1ay nml Friday of eacb week during the month, the ratea for adver tla nt are lo per month. Adii;-eaa K. H. Cull. Tribune office, city. riiUE MOI.D1ERIN OUR CIVIL WAR." J. Yon want thin relio. Contains all of Frank Lenllea (amouaold War 1'lctuna.iiliow Inn the forces n actual liattln. akethd on the pot Two volumea, 2.0U0 picturen, Hold nn eaay monthly payu)ent. Delivered by ex- Iireas complete, all oharirca prepaid. Addrena . O. MOODY, Kill Adama Are., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA ainea, etc, sound or re bound at Ths TRiauas ofUoa. Julclt work, prices c onnolly SEVEN LUCKY NUMBERS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY : BLACK HMI3TTA, 4 inches wide, regular $x quality for SOC. ONE CASE TEAZLE DOWN flOTIHG FLANNELS. 7c; former price, 12. TEN DOZEN FEATHER MS, 36 inches long, were 65c. each; this week 25c. CHILDREN'S WHITE MERINO UNDERWEAR, VESTS AND PANTS, sizes 6 to 24, lSc each. 26 to 34, 25c. each. Worth twice the price we ask. A LARGE LOT DF LADIES' APRONS, good full size and pretty design, 17c. each; were 25c UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASK, 56-in. wide, regular 30c. quality, at 20c. a yard. Cloak Department 100 Ladies' Reefer Jackets, latest cut, all of our $6.50 numbers. This week at $4.50. CONNOLLY & Situations Wanted. VllUATlON WANTED MY A Yol'KU i' Indy an "fflcn ulrl or i-ltrU; li hitil omit knmvlc-ik'H of lujkoeplng. Ad J rots L. M., 'J'riliutiuuitii. rOUNO I.AI1Y Wdl l.D I.IKE POSITIC) J asutr-iio rrnpli-T unit I yi--writ)r: eUo to sist lu l.nokUn.'imin; Inn Iml cxperionen uml run iflvu llin liit, nf rltvnot. AdilroMV I KliSd.N Al., Link II'. x IM. city. UrAN I ED-liisiTI'iN AH lKiUSKKEKP er In Hiniill f tuiil, ors iinrin. Aililrens MKS. J. H. 'I.I.I VMS, liJ Allllluvuillli. C1TUATUIX VANTKI-A YOU.VO (I' H i mini man. Ritiiilo, wmilil likn wnrk nf any kind. Ad IriMl K. il.. (illt Klui ntreHt. W'ASTlll-A I' lSITIdN I1Y A MIDDI.K-aifi-tl ulil iHiuntry iri-ntlpiiifin :it uny tlilnir Hli'-rn ho crin hn ui-eTul ami find a home. AU'lri-iw Jlr.M., Triuuno oilleu. OlTl'ATIliN V, NTKII-'ro uo'cUT BY r tlio lUy wnsliiui:; wnihinu tiilton Ihhiih, nlsn. ('nil or mlilrosH L. 11., .N. buinnur uvemio. llydn I'.irl;. ClTt'ATIOS WANTED - AS A HIIOE I? cli-rk. or wlllinu 1 1 do any kind of work; nKudt; lms liml nxtu'i'l ikd. J. T. C i TI'AT IO .V W A nti;diiy A OIRI. 1 i y.ira old, to do lijlit huiisowork or trik raro i.f child. Addn-w MKS. Til IE I., ltfi) V. I.arkawBiina avi-nut'. (JlTi:ATMN" WA ST EliBY AN E.PT T 17 ciii-nd lurt ' iid"r: city or p-nmty: must liavn work: kiithI ri'fi'rotii'o. AUdresa NV. 11., Tribunnollioi. UitT'Tik in wanteii hy a vorxu i5 man tiRi d IK. oi-n hniaii with i rlvot fuinilv: UMdi-r.i'iin'U nil alfiut th faro lini axi: willinu a id nliliKii it un.l not nlraitl of work; wnrfi-H no-ilijiTt; i-au rorne w -U rccom uifiulo.l. AdilifM I. T , Trillium olllfo. SlTl'ATKiH WANTED BY A HOOD IMP. I, hit lina i-xpei'iciicc: w.iiild linn a plni-u I lu a aniall fmuily. Aiidr'Mi 11., Trilmni-oMi'-e. T ANTED--POSITION AS HOL'SKKEP- or In Kiniill (ainily. Address MliS. J. S. WILLIAMS, .".' Adiiiniiavcnni'. ClTUATUtN WANTPH OKriCi: wokkT O l.iM.k -l.i'i'l itik-. rnll-'CtliiK o." iilci;m.'.u: . vesrs' i'xncrii'ucii in lainincM; pood refcreuco. Addrcm M. A.. TrIMinn offli-o. ClTt'ATION WANTED -TO tlO Ol'T BY 0 tli" day wnjliimt: waalilnirH t"kin homo for ladii and tciitluiii only. Call or aildreaa L. B 'M N. .luniner uvenua. Hyd Park. 1)OSlTION WANTED- HY AN EXPEUI- 1 cinml tlnnr: rOsi icnt of this city. Ail dri'He till atnt, city. CITl'ATION WANTED AS SHOE CLE It K ii or wllllnir to dnauvklnd of work. Ad drcan J. T., euro Trihuno ofllc. S ITl-ATKlN WANTED-A MlnliLfi Aoki ri-fiiiKil Ami-ricsii widow would likn situa tion ns inatiajin hoii.ckiopr or coinpaiiioii ; no oliji'i.'t oii to travcllntf: can Rivn lt of ref i-ri'iicu. W. W. VEKNON, lloncral Oolivi-ry. city. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. lilt. WILLIAM A. TAl-'T. l'l lUCKI.Al N. Hrldcc nnd Crown work. Olllce, S.3 Wn.HhlnKloii BM-mic. c. r. LAriiAcii. 8rit(ii;uN iucntlst. No. U.'i Wyominit avi-niio. TT. MT "HTltATTON. OFFICE COAL EX chunRp. riiysicians anil Surncons. Wl. C. KlKlAll DP.AN HAS HKMOVED tn ('.Hi Stirui'C Ktrci-t, Si'T'anton, l:i. (.lint opposite Court Mouse Sn'iuro.) bit. KAY, 21 PKXN AVK ; 1 tn 3 P. M. : mil 2i'.2. Ids. of women, obstrctrii-8 unil nml nil dls. nf chll. 1)11. V. K. ALLEN, 512 Norlh Wa?liliii;ton nvpiiuc. . lilt, C. L. FltKY. PltACTIi-E LIMITED, illii-asca of tho Eye, Ear, Nose ami Throat: nlll'-e. 22 WyotnliiK nve. Hefi ilenee, tC) Vino Ktreet. lilt. L. M. OATHS. ir. WASHINOTiiN nvoniip. Ollli e hours. 8 to 9 h. m.. l.:ti to 3 ami 7 to S p. in. Resilience 31 M:i'll Hon nvciiue. II II. J. C. HATESON, RELIABLE SKIN'. Tumor nnd Cancer Specialist. Tue.!;ivi nnd FrMiiys. nt ".or. Linden atreet. Of fice liniira i to 4 p. in. Lawyers. WARREN' KNAPP. ATTORNICYS nnd Cminaidlor nt Law. tuilMlnir, ashltiKton nveniie. Si-r.m-ton. I'll. . JESSITK HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Coiiinollnra nt Lnw. C.iinmoiiweiilt h tiulldlliK. Wnshlnirton avenue. W. H. JESSI P, HORACE E HAND. V. II. JESSl-P. J It. PATTERSON e ' WILCOX. ATTOIt neyx nml Cnunsellora nt Lnw; oftlces li nnd S Llhritrv InilhlliiK. Scranton. Pa. RiiSEWEI.I. H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM .1. 1IAXD. Atturneya and Comiaoilora, Common wealth bulldlntr. Rooins ID, 20 nnd 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room t, Con I F-.xehnime, Pcrnn ton. Pn. . JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORVE Y- nt-Lnw, rnomi tfi CI nnd Ki, Common- wenlth liiiildlnc;. HA MIT EI. W. EDO Alt, ATTORN EY-A T l.nw. Offlee, 3I7 Pprueo Hi., Scranton, l'. I." A. WATERS. ATTOHNF.T-AT-l.AW. 423 Ixickiiwnnnn nve., Scranton, Pa. r n i E rovrs s e n d, "a tto n n e y - a t- Law, Dime Hank Piillillnir, Scranton, Money to loan In Ini'Ke suma at 6 per cent, c! It. PITCHER. ATTOHNEY-AT-Inw, Commonwealth biilldliiK, Bcrunton, Pn. II. C. SMYTH K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMEOYS. 321 BI'HHCR BTHEKT. Tl.i. REPLOOLE. ATTORNEY-LOAN a neKOtliiled on renl estate aeeurlty. 4lS Spruce atreet. i iT F. KIT. LAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyomlna: nve., Sernnton. Pn. JA9. J. It- HAMILTON, ATTORN EY-AT law. 45 Cummonweallh bld'K. Hernnton. J. M. C. BANCK, 136 WYOMINO AVK. Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT 516 Meridian Street, Park Hill. Wire Srcens. JOS. KUKTTEL, REAR 611 ICKA. wanns avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. & WALLACE, TRY U5. 602-604 LICKS. AVE., COR. ADAMS. Schools. SCHOOL OF TIIE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepana boys and nirla for 1-ollenn or bualnupe; thorounhly traliiB youni,' chlldi-t-n. Catalogue ut re qucat. OpeiiK September 9. KEV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER 11. 1UELU .MlSSWORCESTEffS KINDERGARTEN ii'ul School, 412 Adams avenue, opens S.-pt:9.Kl!idegartpn$in perjlerm. Architects. EDWARD IT. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Rooms 24. 2.'i nnd 26, Commonwealth. Iiulblinc. Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of M WuehinRion avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 43J Sprm-e t., cor. Wash, nve., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price liiilldlnK. l-'i WttJihiim'lon uvc-nue, Scranton. Loans. THE KE1M-HLIC SAVINGS AND lAun AMHoclatlon will loan you mony on -n.ler terms anil pay you better on Investment than nny other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank bullilliiir. Seeds. 0. It. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen: Ktore 146 Woahlnirlon ave nue; Kre. n house, l&m North Main ave nue; loit- telephone 7S2. .Miscellaneous. PACER'S OUCHESTRA MCStr FOR balls, picnics, parties, rec.pilons, wod illnirs un.l concert work fuTllshed. For term" address It. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 WynmhiK uvenue, over Hulbert'a store. MICOAltOEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washlniiton ave., Scran ton. I'u. FRANK 1". HROWN At CO. WHOLE sale dealers In WoolwHre. Cordace nnl Oil Cloth. 7M West Laekjtwanna ave. THOMAS Al-IlItEY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Dooms IS and i Williams IliilMlnn. opposite postorllce. Ai?ent for the Ilex Fire Exltnfrulher. Hotels and Kestatirants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 ami 127 FRANK lln 11 venue. Hales reasonable. P. ZEIOLEK. rroTirle-mr. SClLNTOX HOl'SE, NEAR D.. L. V. pasencer depot. Concluded on the European plan. VICTOR Ku'H, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL: Cor. Sixteenth Si. uml IrvltiR Pla, New York. Rates, M.'hI wr day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). K. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (I.ehiirh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusive.'. Inaur Iiib cleanliness nnd iumfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT Jl'NE !. ISC. Trains leave Sernnton fur Plttston, Wllltes-Httrre. etc.. at 8.2H. 9.15. 11.30 a.m.. 1.23. a.iK". 3.tifi. 5.0(1. 7.10 p. 111. Sunday 9.W a. m., i.iai, z.1.1. 1.11' p. 111. For Atlnntii.' city. 20 a. m. For New York, Newark ami Ellraboth, 8.2H (express) a. ill.. 1.23 (express with Buf fet parlor car). S.oR (cxim-ss) p. m. 81111 dny, 2.1a p. in.- Train leavInK 1.2.1 p. m. arrives at 1hlladelplila, Itea.tiiiK Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York R.l.'i p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Hethle hetn, Kanton nnd I'hllndelirfiln. .2i a. m., 1.23, S.OS, ft.'X) iexceit Philadelphia) p. 111. Sunday, 2.16 p.'m. For 1.0111; Branch, Oceun Orove, etc., at 8.2ii a.m.. 1.23 P. ni. For UiMidlnit. Lebanon and Hnrrlsburif, via Allentown, a. 20 a. nt 1.23. fi.OO p. m. Sunday , 2. 1." p. m. For I'ottsville. .2i) a. m., 1.23 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib ertv uln-el, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10. I SO. 4.9) (express with Buffet parlor can p. in. Sundny. -1.30 n. m. Iave Philadelphia. Ittsnllnu Terminal. 9.00 a, m.. 2.00 ami 4.30 p. 111. Sunday C.27 a. m. Throuch tli-keta to all points at lowest rnte 11m v be had 011 application In ad vace to the ticket nuent at the station. H. P. HALDWIN. Oen. l'ass. Aent. J. II. OLHAl'SEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUD3IVS RAIL no AD. Commencing Monday, July 30, all trnlns will nrrlvo nt new Lacka wanna uvenue atatlon as follow: Trnlns will leave Sernn ton station for Cnrbondalo and Interme diate points nt 2.20, 0.45, 7.00, H.25 anil 10.10 a. m 12.00, 1.20. 3.53, B.IB, 6.15. 7.25. 9.10 and 11.20 p. m. ...',, For Ftirvlew, Waymart nnd Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.30 and 5. IS l- m- ...... For Albany, Ramtoira. the Adirondack and Montreal a.t 6.45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wilke-Barre and Intermediate r Bint a nt 7.45, 45, 9.38 and 10.45 a. m.,12.Uu, 20, 2.S8. 4.IW. 6.10. 6.05, 9.15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Bcranton atatlon from Carbondale and Intermediate point at 7.40. 8.40. 9.34 and 10.40 a .m., 12.00, 1.17, t.34. 8.40, 4.64. 6.65. 7.45. 9.11 nnd 1LS3 p. m. From Honeaihtle, Waymart and .Far view at 9.14 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 1.40, 6.55 and 7.46 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.64 and 11.83 p. m. . , From Wllkes-Barre and irrtermedlato rdnu mi 1.16, 8.04, 10 05 and 11.66 a. m.. l.ltt, 14, 1.39. 6.10, (.08. 7.20. 9.03 and ll.K . m. Wallace Sizes $g&5r UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets - RenoYate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs. Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12. 1895. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. H. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1 20. 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D , L. i- W. It. R., C.iM b.os. U.2u a. m., and 1.34 p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre, via D.. L. & W. It. H.. 6.0U, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 3.5". c.07. P. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha zleton, I'ottsville and all point on tha Beaver Meadow and Potlsvllle branches, via E. & W. V. R. R., 6.40 a. m.. via D. & H. It. It. at 7.45 a. m., 12 1.20, 2 3S, 4.09 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. P.. 6.00, 8 0S, 11.20 a. m . 1.41. 3 50 p. m. Leav Scranton for Bethlehem. Eastor, Reading. Harrisburc and all Intermediate; points, via D. H. R. R 7:45 a. m., 12 (n, I. 20. 2.3"i. 4.') 11.34 p. m., via D.. L. & W. It. It., S.Oi. 4 (o. 11.20 a. m 1.30 p. m. Irave Scranton for Tunkhannock, Tn wanda. Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. & H. R. It.. 8.45 a. in., !2"5 an I 11. 35 p. m.. via D., L. & W. R. R S.11S. S 55 a. m.. I.S-i p. m. Leave S ranton for Roche.iter. Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit. Chlcairo and (ill points west via D. H. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05. 9.15. 11.38 p. m.. via D.. L. & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, S.0S, 9 55 a. m., l.tti, 8..-p. m.. via E. W. V. R. K.. 3.41 p. m. For Elmtra and the west via Salamanca, vl i D. A H. P.. R f,.r, a.m. 12.05. 6.03 p.m., via D.. L. & W. R. R.. S.uS, 9.55 a. m., 1.S3, an l li.'i? p. m. Puliman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair oar on all trains between L. A R. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Pl-iludclphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN It. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE. 0n. Pass. AKi..Phlla..Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. A:. Oen. Tass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Mmday. June 24. WSK. Trains have Scranton as follows: Ex-pr-ss for New York and all points East, l.l'i, 2.o. 5.15, S.W and H.55 a, m. ; 12.55 anil 3.34 p. m. Expre-is for Eas'.on, Trenton. Philadel phia an ) the South, 5.15. $.u0 and 9.55 a. m., 12.U and S 34 p. 111. Washlnition and way stations. S.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation. 6. 10 p. m. Express for ltlt'irhamton. Osweiro. E'. mira. Cornlnc. Hath. Dansville. Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10. 2.35 a. m.. ant 1.21 p. 111., making close connection at Buffalo to nil points In the West, North west and Southwest. Hth accommodation. 9 a. m. Hlnuhnniton ami way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. an J 6.10 p. m. Ilinshnmton and Elmlra Express, 6.03 p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse. OswegJ 1'tlca nnd Richfield Spring, 2.35 a .m. an 1.24 p. m. Ithaca. 2 35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Wilkes Barn'. Plymouth. Hloonisburjr and Dan ville, making close connections at North umlisrland for Wllllamsport. Harrlsburs, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland nnd Intermediate sta tions, 6 IM. 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.0S nnd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.40 and S.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and leepinir coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., npply to M- L. Smith, city ticket oftlce. 32S Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Kiic and Wyoiiiin Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New fork and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Horesdale. Hawley nnd local points at 7.00. 9.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. ni. . All the above are through train to and 'Twin's0 leave'for Wllkes-Barre at 6.S9 a. m. nnd 3. 45 p. m. KCH T05I DIVISIOIV. In t'.fferl Ncptember iWnd, 181)3 Mnrih Nmind. Meiim Mnaad, :803 0l7 0 t'4 Btitloni !? w (Trains Dally, Ex Ij r. I cept eunday.) 1 in u'Arrlve Iave v a Arrlve UtTei 7 as. Y. Kranlclln 8: 7 10; West 4nd street 7 iw wethawken p 11 Arrive Learcl 1 l.vUaucock Junctloni 1 014 Hancock IS ta Btarllgbt. ifj rrestuu Park t!l4u como lass Poyntell . iy Hi Belmont IS IS Pleasant Mt. ( Pnlondals r h: IHffl ForsetCltr 6 Mil 31 Carbondale TA 40 nioi White Krldio 6 48.... Mayfleia 6 41111 83 Jermyn e.v,llinl Archibald SJfllHl Wlntmi Willi PeckTille ii;ll 07 ODrhsut mil 10;, Dickson 618:110) Throop 6 it ill 01 . Pmvidenoe 6 I4KI0(.7 Park Place 10 low rcranton p m a aUavo Arrive AU trains run dally except funday. f slgnlne that trains stop on algiioi for pat Rnxers. secure rates via Ontario a Western beforf xirohaslnff tickets and stra nonay. Day aac SUigt Epretoth west J O. A ndcrson, flen. Pass Agt. T. riitcrott, Dlv. pan, Agt. Mraaton, Pa.