The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 19, 1895, Page 5, Image 5
THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE SATTJBDAY MOBNINO, OCTOBER 19, 1895.. ' Pure and US BAKING flfflVDER Biscuit, cake, pot pies and buns, Dumplings, puddings, Sally Luns, Muffins, waffles, griddle cakes, The very best it always makes. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST AT THK COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. OUR WAGONS CALL Res-ulsrly to ill part of the city. HT we uuwa y oar urop a (hmuu, ACKAWANNA THE LAUNDRY, 308 Pesn Ave. A. U. WAR MAX. When Looking mi PAPER. i Do lot Fail to See Our Fall Styles. us a I27 WYOMING AVENUE. X. B.-Prlccs Guaranteed. CITY AOTES. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA The city treasurer office paid out ovr mow yesterJay to the school teacher IX- in tne nours or i ana s. The Initial number of the OH Fori? Sentinel has made Its appearance. It la - WIK..I I,,.. I ..... 1 H.. I Bnft is altogether a most readable paper. Rev. J. W. Haduen will apeak at the Rescue minion this evening. Mr. Had- oen was the nrst aecrertary or the iiall road Yourn; Men's Christian association In this city. The contract for the Roarlne broolt bridge approach has not been certified to as yet by Controller vVMmayer, owing to a delay in securing- certain figures from tn city engineers department. At the Instance of the Third National fcsnk, of. this city, an execution of tl7,Sw ws yesteroay Died against the Providence Coal company, and one of 2.0jO against tne same company was nicd by J. 8. ilc Anulty. The manufactures committee of the board of trade met last night and con sidered the proposition of a large manu. factoring concern which wants to locate in tnia city. A report will be made at Monday night's meeting of the board. A reception wa given last night by lira. J. S. Loomls. of Hyde hark avenue, for Mrs. Anna M. Wilbur, Mate president of the Women's Relief corps. Mrs. Wil bur on Thursday night attended the meet ing of Relief corps No. CO and inspected the ritual work. Judge F. W. Gunster and Maryar?t Simon, eiecutors of the estate of Fred erick Simon, through their attorney, c. Comegys, yesterday brought an aetlo.i In ejectment against Philip Schneider and Brlgeda Schneider, his wife, for two lots of land In the Twentieth ward. Marriage licenses were yesterday grant ed to John Myssoxowskl and Annie Kla pacs, Olyphant; Andrew Karbanlch and Route Chamhard. Old Forge; flrnjamln Jakes, of 8 ranton, and Mary Wooll-y, of Throop; Michael McNultv, of Old Forgo, and Margaret Conaboy, of Minooka. The will of L-tJtla Williams, late of the West Side, was yesterday probated and letters testamentary granted to William J. Williams.- The will of Rachel Griffiths, late of Jermyn. was probated and letters granted to Thomas E. Griffiths. In the - mis di ijwrice n. nrum, iMie or uunmore, letters cf administration were granted to Busanrm Brust. The second annual meeting of the Flor ence Crlttenton mission will take place on Tueaday, Oct. S, at 3.10 p, m., at the Young Women's Christian enunciation room on Washington avenue. The mana ger extend a cordial Invitation to the pub ' lie at large and the numerous friends of the mission to attend this meeting. Inter esting papers will be read. In the case against "Bill" Kent, who Is charged with having counterfeit money In bin possession. Deputy United Htatns Marshal Robling yesterday subpoenaed Chief of Police Hlmpson, Captflin Ed ward, Detective V. P. Roche, officer Jo seph Block, Officer M. J. Walsh, H .SIN verstone and flamuel Illoch for th United Slates court at Pittsburg next week. Rev. J. H. Malce, the blind evangelist, will give a lecture on the "Dark nnd Bright Hide of Washington, I. C," la the t'nlted Evangelical church, espouse "vi nue, on Thursday evening. Oct, 31. This lecture consists first, of a bird's eye view of- the many beautiful points of Interest In and about the city of Washington; see ond, . word painting of the wickedness In high places and the .corruption of some of our lawmaker! and would-be states men. Retards? Bargains. We offer the best value In Ladles' Kid Gloves at 11.00; Ladles' Corsets at Mo. and fl.OO; Ladles' Hose at 25c., Hie. and SOc. Ladles Handkerchiefs at all iprlces. MEAR8 A HAG EN. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA." The Nickel Plate Road Is the Low Rate, BIt,Se.rvlce Bhort 1,1 n between Buffalo and Chicago. e 830 Feet Higher than Scranlon Is Bchelbel's hotel at tha and of the new Elm hurst boulevard road. You can get the beat of meals at all hours, also refreshments of all kinds. LaJs lorgnette chains tin. Turn quest, JOS Washington avenue. Miss Gsnsvlev Romnatl theory at her studio. No. M Washington - avenue, Tuesday, Wednesday. Friday and Saturday of each week. Entrance through f. w. Oasrnsey s muslo store. . r ' ? ' Bey the Weber. ; and gat the beat At Quernsey Bros, -, Ladles' sterling ' silver chains tl.aS. TurnuuesL SQa Waahlnaton avenue. Vonsoon-the new king of Tea.'.' Ooes t arutar. Magnlflcent Savor and body. FOR Sure." COST OF ASSESSMENTS. Entirely Too High and Soma Move Will Be Made to Cut It Down. City officials are waking up to the fact that unlesa some move Is aoon made to cut down expenses this city will be called upon to iay a compara tively enormous price for making the annual asstwsmpnts. This year coun cils appropriated 17,650 to meet the ex pense of making the assessment. The new law which creates the board of re vision unJ appeals makes no provisions by way of retrenchment to pay th ad ditional cost of theso five new otilccrs and as a result a double expenditure will result. The members of .the board of aiHH'uls are only human, und as the law awards them S3 a day with discre tionary power as to number of days they Khali set. It Is not to be expected that they will lose many duys in these hard times. Suppose the board should sit 275 days during the year, -which Is not at all un likely, the corn of Its maintenance would amount to St.l'JS. not countltiK the salary of the board's clerk, which hns not been fixed as yet. This addi tional expense would run the total cost of making the assessment up to about 112,000, at the lowvst estimate. t'ostof the Assessment l High. 8pendlnK12.000to assess $:u:..000 taxi's Is considered sllKhtiy exhorbltant and doubtlessly will not be permitted. Just where the cut will be made has not been definitely considered, but ithere has been talk of viol nit away with the as sistant city assessors in years other than the trkMiiilnJ year, when an en tirely new assessment Is made. Soran ton is the only city of the third class In Pennsylvania which employe as sistant assessor In years other thnn the triennial year. Councils virtually amenJed the legislative enactment when they directed the appointment of assistant assessors every year. The act of 1SS9 spectfU-ally states that assistant assessors shall be employed every third year to make the triennial assessment, but does not empower their appointment In the Intervening years. Mayor Oonnell and City Clerk I-avelle both declared yesterday to a Tribune reporter that councils' action is con trary to law and the present assistant city assessors are not legally em ployed: nor have any assistant assess ors, except In the two triennial assess ments since 1S9. been leaally author ised to make assessments or draw pay for so doing. ' Assistants Coma High. The expense of these assistants Is the heaviest Item In the appropriation for the assessors' department. The sum of $3,400 was set aside for them in the 1S95 appropriation. The board of as sessors receive 11.000 apiece, H.Orto In all, Clerk hire . and incidentals make the total reach $7,550. This, in Itself, the majority of the councils holds to be exhorbltant: in fact alleging that it la nearly twice as large as it ought to be. But when the addi tion of over $4,000 tor the salary and expenses of the new board of appeals Is taken Into consideration, the conten tion, which these complainants make, that assessment expenses ore enor mous. Is. they claim, fairly and unmis takably, pome out. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA.' FOR A WEST SIDE APPROACH. City Officials and Property Holders Confer with Regard to Xeedcd Land. Pursuant to a resolution of councils instructing (Mayor Connell. City Solici tor Torrey and City Controller Wld mayer to secure option) on the prop erty needed for the opening of Ninth and Robinson streets, a meeting was belt yesterday In the mayor's office, at which these officials and the Interested property owners were present. Nothing definite was done. Martin Ourrell and Geonre Davidson, the lat ter representing the J. W. Peck estate. offered to sell to the city as much of their land as was needed for $ per square foot. Another meeting will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon on the ground. The Tribune, next Saturday, will con tain a stirring, complete story by Hud yard Kipling, entitled "Qulquern." It Is written In this master novelist's best vein. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. ' The following correspondence explains iseir; PHtshur. Oct. 18. ISftS. J. W. Bonta, Bonta Glass Works, Scran- ton, ra ,i Eight parties here desire to visit your worm ami see uncoin's war cabln-t rolled. Object, Investment. When will It be convenient for you 7 Answr. D. V. Edwards. The Reply. flcranton, Oct. 18, J8V3. D. D. Edwards, Pittsburg, Pa.; I will notify you Monday afternoon next. Parties from Itoston and New York wish to attend same rolling. Plates now In ovens must be saved. J, W, liontu. The rlcranton Miialnsse College. New students enroll nearly every day. The second lot of tables ordered this year will lie received In a few days. The partition has been removed nnd the two large class rooms thrown Inin one. The room now seats comfortably some vwtj rarge classes. Peopln continue to wondor at the phe nomenal suocess that attends the Insti tution. Said success, however. Is neither tne result of accident nor of any ei.erlal combination of circumstances, but rather in result or long, hard and conscientious work on the part of Messrs. Duck Whll more. The very large enrollment at this school today Is due to the recommenda tions of the many hundreds of students taught lv thine gentlemen during the past nine years. Huccess Is the reward of true merit. Ladles' fob chains with pendant, guar nnteed for i years $l.Si. Turnquest, 2 Washington avenue. The New Walking Shoo. We have these shoes mado up In kid and calf skin for fall trade In the best shape toes, and are sold at prices which enables every one to buy. In our window you can sen all styles of this shoe. Be hank srKoehler, Hhoemen. Meals and Cold Latteries. Meals and cold lunches served at all hours at Lohmann's, Spruce street, (tegu lar ainner w cents, imported and domes tic wines, cigars and liquors. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA." Tifltts' li-W t irnlrl .mm -I n .1 ir m.. . quest, 206 Washington avenue. Ladles ond Gentlemea. Por tha latest styles and lowest prices la fine shoes try the Commonwealth anna tore, Washington avenue. The finest line of wines, cigars, malt and ether llauors In the city at Lohmann's. Spruce street E. Robinson's, Milwaukee and Felgenspan-s peers on draught. C. B. Derman. teacher of voles nullriin. guitar, harmony and sight reading. Studio 234 Franklin avenue. - e, - r r . t Ladles' 14-kt gdld gem rlno-s.' sat with sapphires, emeralds or diamonds, eta., itf. Turnquest, 206 Washington avenue. . The Nickel Plata Road In the Una far tha masses. THOUSANDS WILL BE HERE Grand Commandery of Kaights Tem plar la Scraatoa Next Nay. HOTELS ALREADY ENGAGED Estimated That from Foar to Six Thou . sand Strangers Will lis Here Eaett Day for Three Iays-Exccat!ve Committee Is at Work.. flcranton Knights Templar are al ready at work arranging for the enter tainment of the thousands of &lr Knights with their wives and families who -will be here to attend the forty third annual conclave of the grand com mandery of Pennsylvania, beginning Tuesday, "May 26, and continuing for three days. The grand commandery Is composed of the officers and past offi cers of local commnndcries and bus a membership of over 1,200, but Its annual conclave Is an event which nlways at tracts from 2,000 to 4. 00 additional Kir Knights and their families, and It Is to this vast concourse that Hcrnnton will be called upon to extend a welcome dur ing three days of next sprlnK. No state gathering of a similar order brliiKS together a more respectable nnd representative gathering thnn docs tin Knights IVmplur annual conclave, ami with their magnificent parade, grund banguet and ball, and independent re ceptions nnd functions the city seems hound to be thrown Into a greater fes tive whirl than ever 'before In Its his tory on u similar occasion. 'Previous conclaves of the grand commandery were held In SVranton In lsrtx, issl nnd lSStS. Ixist year's conclave was held In Heading, and no sooner was Scranlon selected for the 1N1M gathering thnn the telegraph wires were "Hde warm with UCcgranix engaging quarters for entire commanderle and for Individuals. I.ater by mull all the hotel ppuco In the city was engugeiL nnd today even the big Hotel Jtrmyn, which will not be opened until nlumt April 1. has this early been engaged from cellar to gar ret. Gcuerul Committee in Charge The Soranlon communderles have ap pointed a general executive committee which has charge of all arrangements and which Is now at work, assisted by various sub-committees. The executive committee Is composed of Eminent Sirs T. Frank IVnman, chairman; K. H. Ripple. K. I'. Kingsbury, V. L. Oon nell. K. J., lluck, A. J. Colborn, Jr.. R. A. Zimmerman and F. L, Hrown. and Sirs K. C llrownlng. II. 'II. Archer, Conrad Sohroed.-r, ,ArJa Williams, A. It. Holmes and Otorge H. Jermyn. In making Its arrangements this commit tee proposes to act In such a manner that Scranton und Its advnntagos -will be Impressed upon th? thousands of substantial strangers who will come Into the cltjr from every nook In the state. The secret sessions will be held In Masonic hall, at the corner of I'enn avenue and Linden street. The Instal lation of tli? newly elected officers will be public, and will be held In one of the two large theaters. Admission to the ceremony will be by Invitation only, ex cepting Sir Knights and ladies accom panying them. The banquet and ball, which Is Inevi table to the grand commandery con clave, has always been distinguished for Its elegance and enjoyablllty, and the one to be given in iScranton will be no exception to the rule; In fact, this function will be given on a scale never before attempted In Poranton and sel dom excelled in Philadelphia and Pitts burg, the two Meccas for Templar gatherings. The place for holding the banquet and ball hns not been an nounced, but It will probably be In the Frothlngham theater. Three Thousand Will lie In Line. In the parade will be seen command erles and bands whose total member ship will number about 3.000. It will include the famous Corinthian Chas seurs, the Philadelphia mounted com mandery, to which ('.rami Commander Edward B. Hpencer belongs. Following Is a list of the grand com mandery officers: Grand commander, Edward B. -Spencer, of Philadelphia; deputy grand commander, Hamuel S. Yohe. of TJaston: grand generalissimo, Henry 'M. Van Zandt, of liarrlshurg; grand captain general. Henry M. Kuhn, if Johnstown: grand senior warden, James B. Voungson, of Pittsburg; grand Junior warden, Adam H. Sehmehl. cf Heading: grand treasurer, Isaac Albertson, of Philadelphia: grand recorder, i.Iont II. Smith, of Philadel phia; grand prelate, dtev. Charles T. Morgan, of Philadelphia; grand stand ard Nearer. Charles Cory, of Phllndel prla; grand sword bearer. Ezra H. Hart lett, of Philadelphia; grand warder. Robert 1. Mercer, of Chester; grand captain of the guard. John A. Vander slice, of Phoonlxvllle; grand marshal, Harvey A. McKllllp. of Kloomsbtirg; herald, Theodore Williamson, of Ches ter. The Tribune, next Saturday, will con tain a stirring, complete story by Hud yard Kipling, entitled "CJu I itcrn." It la written in this master novelist's best vein. AN INTERESTING LECTURE. Delivered by Hey. I. j MsGoldrlck In College llnll lad Mght. The second of the series of lectures on national history 'by Uv. I. J. Mac Ooldrlck, of 'Ht. Thomas' college, under the auspices of llrnnch 35, Catholic Mutual Benefit association, was given last evening in the college hnll before an audience of fully $00 persons. Of la subject was "How the Earth and the Hens were Formed." ilte first gave a 'brli-f resume of his first lecture in which he described the manner In which the earth was formed, then taking the molten glulmlar mass he skillfully and plainly, with word ex planations as his tools, worked It Into th shape and form In which we now know it. 'Knowing the relative position of the earth and the ,iun and describ ing the rotary motion, he explained that the earth must have necessarily bulged nut at the eountor first. The reverend leoturer -went Into de tails on the more Interesting points and lucidly explained the things which were hardest for the ordinary person to un derstand. For about an hour he held the rapt attention of his audience. In concluding, he said that he had merely attempted to suggest lines for study and research, hoping that he might encourage the seckl.ig of knowl edge along these lines, that becoming Interested In the effect one would seek the cause and then the primal cause, which is God. "THE DEVIL AND THE. PEEP SEA." Retiring from Buslnoss. v The great retiring sale held by the Boranton Clothing House still continues to attract the crowd to their store at MS Lackawanna avenue. The entire slock Is being sold at any price; nothing will be reserved, as the -store Is leased and fix tures sold. Don't wait until this ele gant assortment of clothing for men, boys and children Is gone and then go and Day BO per cent, more somewhere else. . Danelng Class. Mrs. Elisabeth Lewis, of Pittsburg, will open dancing classes in Excelilor hall, 225 and 227 Wyoming avenue, as follows: Adult class, Tuesday evening, Oct 22. at I o'clock. Tuition for ladles, tS; gentle men, $7. for 13 lessons. Children's class Saturday afternoon, Oet It. at 3 o'clock; tuition $7 for 13 lessons. Tuition In both classes payable one-half In advance. Tie Nickel Plats Road runs along the shore of Lake Erie . and through Brie, Cleveland, FostQrla yd Fort Wayne. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA." Holiday books In sets ar.d alnsla vol umes at half price. Pratt's Book store. JAGGING HADIT MOT A VICE Simply Nervous Voakness Use Paine's Celery Compound. Nagging is a disease, says an cmlner.! physician In the last North American Kevlew. "It Is often," says Dr. Kdstm, "the result of a diseased condition or of strains on the strength." It Is the nervous men and women who most readily fall Into that unfortunate class, und anything Jhat dues away with nervous weakness will cure the depression. Irritability and the nngglng habit that so often accompanies a run down nervous condition. Persons who lead an active life need something to Invigorate their nerves and to give them fresh, ruddy bl.iod. It Is the rebellious nerves overtaxed by domesMc duties, added to the constant living In the vitiated atmosphere of In dors that reduces the nervous strength of so many women. Prof. I-MnarU K. Phelps, M. 'P., LT,. D., presented to his profession the re sults of accurate Investigations In the medical laboratory. Ills formula for recruiting worn-out nervous tissues and building up the nerve-centers when ex hausted, 'this remarkable formula now known the world over as Paine's celery THE CITY HALL WAGS. Rubbing It In' on the Much-Abused City Assessors. The city assessors these days are given no ease or peace. Their asso ciates In the city hall are continually putting up rigs on them, and In divers ways remind them of their recent un successful tilt with the revision and ap peals hoard. Vertf rday they received the most un klndest ;ut of all. When the wags of the building read In the morning papers that a resolution had been passed In council ordering a removal of the city assessors' furniture they got together and had printed a slgn bearing the legend: "This office to let. Inquire of Horatio Fellows, chairman of the hoard of re vision and appeals." which they tacked to the assessors' door. It was not no ticed by the assessors until a crowd gathered about their door, nnd com menced reading It aloud. Tney did not pay any attention to the Jibes of their tormenters, and did not remove the sign unt'U the crowd (went away. The Tribune, next Saturday, will con tain a stirring, complete story by Rud yard Kipling, entitle! "Cjulquern." It Is written In this master novelist's liest vein. "TUB DEVIL AND THE DEEP 8EA." The Great .Snls Continues, The creditors of Mnrtln AV Delnny sale Are still offering such bargains In Cloth ing the likes were never offered In Scran ton before. Hulls of clothing that briiimht heretofore $10. $U, $16. $l, t:M. nnd f:i0 for lust one-hair price, sr,, v. rj.Mi. w, n. $18 60 and IIS. Overcoats and 1 'latere for hovs' and men's wear la cents off on every dollar s worth purchased. To make good elections It is sdvlsnble to corns early, ns some of the better bargains are going very fast. Wo have Just opened up one hun dred black and blue cheviot nulls, which were purchased for this fall's trade, which are knrwn throughout the country as the workiugman's friend; they were to be sold at tin, but to realise the money for thai creditors In shorter time we have placed them on sale at Id. which will give every workingmsn n chance to buy a stilt way lielow cost. Come early for thcie bar gains. Ladles' diamond earrings, 14-kt gold, $1!, Turnquesl, 206 Washington avenue, .... . The Poaono Cigars Connterfelied. Dealers in cigars are hereby notified that a counterfeit brand of "Pocnnn" cigars hsa been sold In this cltv during the last ten days by ono Louis K, Wclxs, of 117 Wyoming avenue, ihti cigars being made by Jacob K. Kaufman, at factory No. 2001), Ninth district, Pennsylvania. We have served legal notice upon the manufacturer nnd his agent to discontinue the placing upon the market cigars under the title or brand "I'ocono," claiming tho same ns our exclusive property, and thnt we will prosecute to the full extent of the law any and all persons selling or offering for sale cigars under the bra rid (,f "I'ocono" except those manufactured ,y us. Oarney, Urown Co. Ladies' ti-kt gold necklaces $2.W. Turn quest, 200 Washington avenue. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA." Globe Hotel. rietween the Academy of Music and the Frothlngham. Hpeclal rates made to the atrical people and Jurors. Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Bird Plannghan, Props., 229 Wyoming ave, Scranlon, Pa, Everything In the store will be greatly sacrificed until Oct. 16 on account of re moval to Williams building, Linden street and Washington avenue. Pratt's Book Btore. Ladles' sterling silver bracelets $2.73, Turnquest, 205 Wsshlngton avenue. , When you think of the Nickel Plate Road It brings i to mind that delicious meal you had In the Dining Car, and the Arte service and Low Rates, and you won der why people will travel any other way. "THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA." The Tribune, next Saturday, will con tain stirring-, complete story by Rud yard Kipling, entitled "Qulquem." It la written in this master novelist's beat vein. . .- , ' Blank books and stationery below cost. Pratt's Book Store, compound, has become familiar to ev ery medical practitioner and family physician. "Ilreak-down and nervous prostration come." say these physlcluns, "unless the Kreat nerve centers are promptly fed upon nutritive material." Paine's celery compond Is the one great nerve-feeder anil nerve restora tive. My Its means all the functions of the body receive a fresh supply of nerve food. It encouraucs the body to manu facture on abundant supply of this in dispensable vital force, without which there can be no health, strength nor happiness In living. From the lack of nerve force men and women are driven to despondency, melancholia, Insanity and suicide. Thousands of letters like the follow Jng from vMrs. Lizzie Arnott, of ftians tleld, Ohio, are received by the proprle toiii of Paine's celery compound every month In the year: "I have used two' iKittles of Paine's celery compound for nervousness, and have found great relief from its use. It Is truly a wonderful remedy. I am better and am uslnij no more medicine NEW CI ASSl fi AT THE JOHN KAVMOND - IXSTITf TE. V. M, C. A. lit I! PING. Young, ladles and Gentlemen Are In vitcd to. Enter tho Close In Tree Hand Drawing, Taught by H. A. Lyons, of L'Acadcmie Julica, Purls, and a Member of the Students' Art Leaguo of .New York City. Plumbers and plumbers' apprentices are Invited to examine the course of theoretical and practical Instruction In plumbing, taught by Thomas Thomp son, formerly Instructor In the College of .Science and Technology. Edinburgh, Scotland, now instructor of plumbing and drainage In the International Cor respondence schools. Slnchlnlts will get great help from the Instruction of .Mechanical Engineer John Hvenson. In the mechanical draw ing class, Tuesday and Friday even ings. Jt Is not yet too late to enter. "THK DEVIL AND THE DEP SKA." Saved. A large number of people have beon saved a grcut many dollars by buvlng their clothing nt the retiring sale held by the ttcrnnton Clothing House, at .W3 l.nck awanna nvenue. where every suit, over coat and pants must be sold at nny price, ns they lire going out of business, (io and see for yourself. New IliiilJIng and loan I nlnn. The Hecurlty Hull. ling and Loan union, of Hi niiilnn. Pa., organised a local branch of this union at lnltoii with the following gentlemen Interested as otllcers and direc tors: J. W, Dershlmer, president; H W Decker, vice president; C. D. Finn, treas urer; F. L. Thompson, secretary; David W. Urown. attorney; J. j. I'arkton. Jo seph T. Homers nnd E. H. Flske, apprais ers; M. .. Charles, William Austin, H, v C. H. Newlng. F. II, Wall. Dr. C. Maekey, W. H. Hlsco. Irn Kresge. John Joliacr. L. F. June, James Snyder, Charles S. Miller, M. I. Smith and John Gardner as directors. For Indigestion I'se Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield. Mass.. says: "I value It as an excellent pre vcntlve of Indigestion, and a pleasant acidulated drink when properly diluted with water, and sweetened." ..l:?,1lSr' ,4'ht f,,b '""'n with pendant $1.05. Turnquest, 20.-, Wash. ave. - - Photo albums, Bibles nnd Testaments below cost. Prnlt's Hook Store. The Nickel Plate Ilond Is tha shortest line between Buffalo and Chicago, Gold nnd fountain pons SOc. to $3. Pratt's Book Store. The Nickel Plnlo Road controls the Dining Stations on lis lines and they re ceive unstinted praise. TRIMMED MILLINERY. We are showing in oar Trimmed Milliaery Department an exquisite collection of Im ported Id the latest autumn colors and trimming Also many choice dosigns by oar own artists at If odertt) prices. Ladies', Hisses' and Children's INTBIMMED HATS. Choioe variety of shapes and colors at 're tractive prior. HASLAGHER'S MILLINERY . H. UI6FELD, SUCCESSOR. 324 Ud::r.i Afi, Tbisfld vertisement tells you where to find original novelties in Sterling Sil ver, moderate in price, extensive in variety. 111. GIFTS. Y. THE JEWELER 417 Lackawanna Ave. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Love. Clongh & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE. 303 SPRUCE STREET. AT The present time we are naming the lowest prices in the city on strictly First-Class Fresh Meats, as below: Porterhouse Steak, best cuts ..1 5c Round Steak 10c Rib Roast 12c Chuck Roast 9c Breast of Mutton 8c Leg of Mutton 124c Pork Roast 12;c Pork Chops 12c Pork Sauiage, home-made 10c Spring Chickens....-....- 14c Boiling Meat... 4c Frankfurters 10c Fresh Bologna 8c White Rose Lard 10c Compound Lard 7c Sugar Cured Hams 10d Tin Tag Hams 12Kc Breakfast Bacon 12c Green Bacon 8c California Hams 8c The above goods are as fine quality as there is to be Lad. THE F. P. PRICE, Agent. Winter Will Soon Here And to be prepared to meet tha cold weather yon want a seasons bio Hult or an Overcoat or both IND THE BEST PUCE' TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING GOOD III MERCHANT TAILORING IS 406 Lackawanna Ave. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to select from. Trim mings Always of the Best, Latest Btyles in Catting, and made ap on the premises by Expert Workmen. MfNothlDg allowed to lea re tha estab lishment unless satisfactory to the ess tomer, and the lowest prices consistent with Good Merchant Tailoring. BEST SETS Of lElR 8.C3 laoluding the painless iilinMrag teeth by aa entirely new (tessam S. C SNYDER, D. D. 5., SCRAM CASH STORE 616 SALE In Millinery We Will Offer for the Next Three Days Ladies' Trimmed Hats, All the Newest A fl Styles, for - 4 1 .4y Baby Caps, in C Silk for - 40C J. BOLZ, 133 Wyoming Avenue. NEXT TO THE DIME BANK. 10 us I) I) Just arrived and now on ex hibition the most handsome line of the latest decorated and newest shaped CARLSBAD CHINA, DINNER AND TEA SETS. NEARLY ALL STOCK PATTERNS. INSPECTION WILL CONVINCE LOUIS RUPPRECHT Successor to Zugtne Eleb:rg. 231 PENN AVE., 0PP. BAPTIST CHURCH, 191. Bare been pnrchaoed by and used IN THE NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MISIC Purine the past twelre years. 500 SOLO IN SCRANTON And vicinity during tbe put few years, show their immrnne popularity. There it no donbt about their being The Beat Piano forth Money In the Mar ket Today. We Will Be Pleased To show you our Urge stock of these and other flrstc!ass instruments and gire prices and terms to all intending pur chasers. L. B. POWELL & CO., 226-228-230 Wyoming Ave TNI CI.IBstATI PIAUOO tss at Mssat tha, ,f Wirerisl hf onWaelrrtrtonA Bl HATS AT Dunn's lplp mm