The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Mostbutresglnf; of 5kln Diseases
InsUntly Relieved by
A warm bath with Cutlcura
Soap, and a single application of
Cuticura (ointment), the great Skin
Cure, followed by mild doses of
Cuticura Resolvent (blood puri
fier), will afford instant relief, per
mit rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy, permanent, and economi
cal cure when all other methods fail.
oUlhmnlMulllit warM. nrltlih drpotl P. Ktr-
tr,r a KOH I. Kinj Maaid-il, I'otTt
luttia cut. Cuar.. koto I'ioi, Uj.Ioo. V. . A.
New York, Oct. 17. A tittle Irregular
ity characterised the openliiK trading
at the Stork Exchanse. but this Kin
pave way to si Ilrmer tone, especially
In the Oranirers. which Improved 1 to
An advance In lasted rates of ex
change diimpened the bullish ardor and
stopped a moderate st'llins movement
r J the saln led to a decline of UaU..
Susnr, P-iritio iMall and Chicago Oua
n-ere the greatest sufferers. Altogether
the speculation In the usually promi
nent stcK'ks was a train d retiiil char
acter. Total fair were only 104.500
shares. The market ol'Wii weak with
prices to T below yesterday's Una!
li pu res.
The ranire of today' prices for the ac
tive stock of the New York stock mar
ket nre Klven below. The quotations are
furnished The Tribune by . du H. Plm-ml.-k,
nuinatter for William l.lnn. Allen &
Co.. stock brokers. 41 Spruce street,
Scranton, ,
Op'n- lllch- Low- Clos
iin:. et. est. Inc.
Am. Tobacco Co M K"
Am. Sucar Key Ci.107a ltW'i l''.7s li7
Atch.. To. & S. Fe... IM -2 SI'S.
Can. South " w '")- 51A,
"hes. & Ohio 1" lSi '9'
rhleaao ". tW' su
Chlc. & N. W bV. 107 1; W
Ohio., B. Q Stf "'TH N
C. t C. St. L 44', 44j 44 41'i
Chio., Mil. & St. r... 77 77', i "Kh
CM,-.. R. I. I 7S 7' 7S
Delaware Hud lKi VU l;w 1
rist. & c. f p
Oen. Electric 37. S7i S7 37
Louie & Nash ' 2 ni
M. K. & Texas 17 17 17 17
Manhattan Ele 11'i lHi W'i 110
Mich. Central W l' 1" 1'")
Mo. Pacific 3;:"i 37'i 3Si ii7.
Nat. Cordaue S' S'i S, S
X. J. Cent-al 112 112 112 112
X. T. Cen'ral 10rti Wt
X. T., T.. E. ft W 11. H1! I'1. H
X. T.. S. W., Pr... si .T! I"!, S.'1.
Ont. West 1 1 '.
Pacific Mall v, l?'1-
PMI. ft n-ad 2! " ?' 2"S
S iijfiern R. R 12, 12 12 12'i
Tnn.. C. 1 42 42- 4:4
Tt. P-lflc r 10", in-,
1'nion Pacific 15S l'i4 ltt 1"
Wash 9 9 !
'Vaha. Pr; I2"i !", -ni
V.-s. Union 92 2i R! H
W. L 15H 15'i IS IS
T S. leather 14 U n v.
T. 8. Leather. Pr.... 77i 77U 7'i T-Pi
Open- Hiffh- Lnw- CIos-
WHEAT. In?. et. est. Ine.
ri-ember fiN
May et 'i 4H 7
rvmbr li 1i 1i
May P :C'i 20H
r?mbcr 2T; ! r"i
M-.y 294 20H
January .1.72 5 72 5.70 8.79
Mav 5.S7 5.W 3.S7 5.S7
January .4S 9.45 9.W 9W
May 9.67 S.T7 9.65 9.63
Scranton Board of Trade F.xchangs Ono
tKtlons-AII Qnotationa Based on Par
of 100.
Nam. Bid. Aakel.
Cr?en R:d? Lumber Co 110
TMm Dr. & int. Bank 130-
eTanton Lace Cur. Co M
Xat. Bor'.nr Drlllln? Co !
V rst National Bank &J0
Thuron Coal Land Co l"
Suranton Jar & Stopper Co.... ... 25
firanton GIai Co 63
Lackawanna Lumber Co HO
Piring Brook Water Co SO
Kimhurst Boulevard Co W
STanton Axle Works 80
Third National Bank 23J
Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... 110
Scranton Parking Co Ii5
Horanton Savin Bnnk W
Scranton Traction Co 10
ljwka. Iron ft Steel Co IS)
Westnn Mill Co-. 2.W
Traders' National Bank 120
Scranton Glass Co 100
Economy Steam Hfat &
Power Co 100
Bcranton Pass. Railway first
mort?ae. due 191 110
Scranton Traction Co M
People's Street Railway, first
mortsrace, due 1918 110
Scranton A Plttston Trac. Co. ... SO
People's Street Railway, Sec
ond mortifaife, due 1920 110
Lflcka. Valley Trno. Co., first
mortgage, due 1925 Pfl
Tkson Manufar-tur'.nif Co ino
Lacka. Township SchojI f, 102
City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102
New York Produce Market.
New York. Oct. 17 Flour Quiet, stendy.
Wheat Steady; No. 2 red store and ele
vator, 6jO.; afloat, fiU'jc.; f. o. b.. 70c.; No.
1 northern, Cl"tc; options closed steady;
March. 70'ic ; May, 70c; October, .;
liecjt-mber, 7'ic Corn Strong; No. 2,
28ie. eleva-tor; W,:. afloat; options
ftronjer; OY-wher. 37fe ; November,
JO'ic; December, SPit:.; May, KTic Mts
tjulet. easier; options dull, easier; Octo
ber, H",i,c; December, 'iVMv.; May, 2rrV,c;
spot prices, No. 2, 2&a24'i(!. ; No. 2 white,
2.V4C; No. 2 Chicago, 2r.'4e.; No. 3, 2n'c;
No. 3 white, 24c; mixed western, 2-(23c;
white western, fia.'ic. Provisions
Stendy , quiet, unchanged. Lard jidet,
lo-wer; western steam, VI; city, $5.75: re
fined, slow; continent. JM'.; South Am-r-Ica,
d.; comiound, 4n:.:. Ilutter
Steady; state dairy, 12a21c. ; do. creamery,
'226aZ)c.: western dairy. 10n14n.; do. cream
ery, 14a23c.; do. June, 16o2lc; do. factory,
10',4al.'H6c : .Ellflns, 23c; Imitation cream
ery, llalOc. Cheese ju!et, nteady but
firm. E(ffs Quiet, steady; state and
Pennsylvania, 20a2H4c; western fresh, lsa
20c; limed, 16alCt4c.
- Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo, O., Oct. 17. Wheat Receipts,
2.400 bushels; shipments, 7,000 bushels;
market firmer; No. 2 red, cash, Sl'bc; De
cember, 6S'4c; May, S914C.; No. 3 red, cash,
4'4c Corn Receipts, 39,009 bushels; ship
ments, 3S,O09 bushels; market dull; No. 3
fallow, cash, B2c. Oats Receipts, 2,000
bushels; market nominal; nothing dnlnir.
Clover Reed Receipts, 150 bags; ship
ments, ISO bans; market steady; prime
rnsh. October and December, 11.17;
March, 34.30
: Chlcaito Live Stock.
Chlcsw, Oct. 17.-Cattle-Recelpts, 1.1,000
nead; market weak; common to extra
steers, 33.40a5.CO; (dockers and feeders, 32.25
a4; cows and bulls, 31.40a3.75; calves, 32.5ua
(.25; Texans, $l.75aj.60; western rangers,
32.35a4.30. Hogs Receipts, 40,000 head;
market weak and 6al0c. lower; heavy
packing and shipping lots, I3.60a3.9f; com
mon to choice mixed, 33.i5a4; choice as
sorted, 13.8T.h3.9G; light, 33.40a3.9f; pigs, $1.75
3.35. Sheef) Receipts, 14,000 head; market
steady; Inferior to choice, $1.25a3.40; lambs,
92.7Sa4.2S. ' ' '
! Buffalo Live Stook.
"Buffalo, Oct. 17. Cattle Receipts, 1,600
head; on sale, 35 head; market steady.
Arm; prime steers. 33.a4; Michigan stock
Irs, 2.7Da3; bulls', I2.20a2.75. Hogs Re
ceipts, 3,400 head; on sale, 4,500 'head; mar
ket easy; Yorkers, 34.15a4.20; light do.,
14.15; mixed packers, 34.20a4.2S; mediums.
94.20a4.2ii: good heavy, 34.16a4.20; pigs, 94.10
V4.15; roughs, 33.2'a3.60; stags, 2.75a3.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; nn
vale, 8.000 head; market dull and weak;
prime iambs, 34.10a4.2O; good to choice, 83.75
4; light to fair, 33.25a3.65H culls and com
mon, 82.25a3; mixed sheep, fair to rood,
$2.263.65; choice, $2.75aJ; culls and com
mon, $la2; export sheep, 33.50u3.90; ex
tra, $l.
Oil Market.
Pittsburg, Oct 17 Oil closeil without bids
proffer, no market at uu fiiy.
D)hllafllnlila TalluMr Ktarkat.
Philadelphia. Oct. 17. Tallow Is flrmand
in moueraie remanu. w n"i
t i v. v. . i . . ii . . . n . i , .. .. nrims Ir
pruiiv. III iiiiiib, -41., vvuii"j, f
bbls, 4 V.; jo. dark, in bbls, 4c; cakes.
Ilappcniogs of Interest to the Stapol
Trade and Particularly to the Trad
in Iron, Meel and Anthracite Coal.
fHV. . D,.nnu,.litanln T? 1 1 1 eOTtlltnnV
has given un order for 2.000 large Bon-
uoia irenfrnt cars, wnicn nic w n-
structed us raat as posauue.
The IlendlnB Railroad company I
hiriiiK additional trainmen ami yard
men to handle the largely Increased
truttlo over it many branches. Tine
now hands re exuerlenced raliroaU'
era, many of them convlnn; frm t'he
New York Central and the western
bran ant a of the 1'onnsylvania.
Judire Han ford has refused to accept
the resignation of the receivers of the
Norrhern J'aclllc nnd has removed
them because of failure to comply with
his order directing them to lve an ac
counting of their nast acts nnd to an
swer th ch.trpes of I'rayton lvee. An
drew V. RiirlelRh was npiolnti'U re
ceiver for the lilies In usjhlngton.
I'hil.tde'phla "Press: Tlie anthracite
c.ial trade has improved. Tlie ueinanu
for coal 'Is very kimhI In this city and
iilons: the line, and there are evidence
of Improvement in the inquiry for coal
at tide. The trade In the domestic sizes
4s heavy, as 4s usual nt this .time of the
year, and eonie sixes are scarce. Prices
are well maintained with an upward
tendency. It ls not unlikely that the
$4 basts for tove in New York will be
leached next month. A great lal of
coal yet remains for delivery at lower
prices, but In the opinion of good Judces
tdiis va-111 be out of t'he way .t the close
of this montih. The production or coal
Is heavy. Reading .shipped 340.000 tons
last week and It is not unlikely that the
total tonnage this month will be 5.000.000
tons, which Is equivalent to the max
imum output In any month. The jtoml
times are likely to last six or eight
A meeting of the various represents
tlves of the anthracite coal companies
was held In New York on Tuesday, and1
the situation was thoroughly gone over.
It was shown that the demand of the
present time Is far greater than t has
been, and that the stock in hand is m
adequate to meet all their wants. There
to some talk about advancing prices.
but nothing definite was done, but it Is
understood that before the end of the
mcnt'h the prices to tidewater points
will be advanced and made uniform. A
meeting will be held by the city and
l'im trade asents of tht anthracite coal
companies shortly to take action on
making o further advance in prices to
these points. At the present time the
coal is selling on o basis or ? a ton
for domestic prepared sized at the
mines, whkih. with $1.70 for freight,
brings the price up to $4.20. This Is con
sidered far too low. and In ll probabil
ity there will be an advance on Nov. 1
of from 25 to 50 cents a ton. the lirst
being for stove and the latter for chest
nut, as It s thought the present price
of chestnut ! rot In proper proportion
with those of the other sizes. There Is
a scarcity of coal all around, particu
larly In egg and stove sizes, although It
Is not as great as It has been. The
P.eadlng company is very short of thee
sizes, and the orders are greater now
than they have been for several
months. At the presn time the Read
ing has a little over 52.000 tons of egg.
either on the road or at the yards; S2.000
tons of stove, and 200.000 tons of chest
nut. At fhe same time last year It had
over 90.000 tons of egg, 1S0.000 tons of
stove, and 313000 tons of chestnut.
There Is a bitter demand for coal by
retail dealers, and as the companies
cannot supply them they are some
what In a quandary. It Is thought,
however, that within ofew weeks the
situation win clear up and prompt ship
ments can be made. At the meeting
of the New York sales agents to con
sider the further advance of 2 cents
a ton In prices of coal It was decided to
postpone action pending a canvass of
tihe subject. It was understood that by
Oct. 24 the advance would be In opera
tion, nnd that It would place the prices
at about $4 a ton, -free on board, tide
water for chestnut and stove sizes.
The Johnson No. 1 colliery, that start
ed operations here on Oct. 8. has been
shut down again for an indefinite pe
riod. Miss Be-He "Ifllg, of Peckvflle, visit
ed 'her rister. Mrs. J. D. Sampson, on
Tuesday evening.
Postmaster OrifTln has secured the
services of '.Miss Annie Hogan as post
mint ress.
Attorney Charfeg Hoover, of Scran
ton. visited friends here yesterday.
Michael McCormaek and Miss Alice
Mullen were married yesterday.
Thomas Revels, of Upper Main street,
moved into the Rosebank cottage yes
terday. Professor Wagnfrr, of No. 1 school, Is
off on his wedding tour and will be
gone a week. Miss Iynilse Karnes, bor
oiight ubtltute. Is In charge of his
M:ss ,Mag?l Krokiiskl. of Ashlev, is
the guest of i.Mlf g Tillle Smith, of 'Main
street. ,
The Prlceburg Recorder will makers
first appearance on next Monday.
John Oricr. our popular young towns
man and member of the St. Thomns
college foot ball team, played In the
game at Factoryvllle yesterday. Wallace Simms. of Cnrmalt
street, returned yestcrdnv after a
month's visit In Philadelphia.
The boroiitfri council met Tuesday
evening, but no business of Importance
was transacted.
Jacob PflefTer, manager of Johnson's
company ttore, has Just returned after
a few days' stay In New York in the
Interest of his employers.
About 5 oclock yesterday morning a
stray horse was struck and Instantly
killed by a Delaware and Hudson coal
train, near the depot.
Morlle Hawk 'attended the opera In
Scranton last evening.
Relief' In Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Rladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New South
Amerlran Kidney Cure. This new rem
edy Is a great surprise on acount of its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain In
tho bladder, kidneys, hack, and every part
of the urinary passages, In male or fe
male. It relieves retention of water and
pain In passing It almost Immediately. If
you want quick relief nnd cure this Is
your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harrln, Drug
gist, 126 Penn avenue, Scranton, I'a.
Now in Charg of the Chicago Medi
cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Comet highly reomroendod by all the lead
ing "oc tors of the world, and makes a special
ty of nnd will treat pair women and children
and all acute and enronio dlHeases peculiar to
the female sex. Her specialties hi which she
baa achieved so niu -h xrvst success and honur
are Female Coapltlnts. Blood Poison. Khou
tnatiim. Chronic Nervous Diaensoa, Tumors.
Cancer. Uuitrss. Cripples, DaformitleV Ht
Vitus' Dance aud Epileptic Pita All who call
within twenty days will receive advice and
service free. Including medicine for three
months, for $10 Examination and advice
free. This Institution bos no o nneation with
Dr. Reeve. Take elevator in store below. 412
Sprue street. Office hours from 9 a. in, until
t p. a.) Suadar from i to 6 o'clock p. m.
Valuable Real Estate
SATURDAY. NOV. 9, 1895.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cIuh. Levari Facias and Venditioni Kxpan
as, Issued out of the court of common
plena of Lackuwunna county, to mo di
rected, I will exKHe to publiu sale by ven
due ur outcry, to the hlKhest and best bid
ders, fur cash, at the court house. In the
city of Scranton, Lnckawaniia county, on
VKMUKIt, A. 1. 1N95, at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon of said day, all the rigid,
title and Interest of the defendants In und
to the following described lots, pieces or
parcels of land, via:
No. I. All the right, title and Interest of
the dcfeuiliiul, Charles F Avery, In and to
till that certain lot of lilnd with the Im
provements then on situate In the city
of Carhqndale, county of Lackawanna,
state of Pennsylvania, bounded easterly
l.y llelmont street, southerly by lands of
Catherine Avury. and westerly and north
erly lands formerly of Alfred Darin. Hi lng
twenty-live feet and nine Inches (25 3-12)
wide In front on Itclmnntstrect, about thir
ty CU feet in reur and one hundred and II f
ty tl.'OI feet in depth, being same premlxc
conveyed by Catherine Avary to iMinrles
F. Avary by deed, dated Sept. 14, 1N.17. re
corded ut Scranton In Ievd Hook No. H7,
page 1. All Improved with a one and onc
hulf Ntnry flume dwelling house uud out
buildings therton.
Sctzrd nnd taken III execution at the
suit of Henry Salmis vs. Charles F. Avary.
Debt. Jmmoii Judgment No. Siiii, Novem
ber T, Isi'j, II. fa. to November T, ISM.
No. 2.-AII the right, title and Interest
or (he defendant, John A. Walker, In and
to all the fellow Inn piece of land situate
In the Ninth ward, city of Scruiv.on,
county of Lackuwanna. state of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described a follows:
lieiug the south westerly portion of lot 15,
In block ti7, in designated upon Lacka
wanna. Iron and Coal company's plot of
Scranton Intended to be duly recorded,
commencing at a point on the westerly
side of a public alley called Lee alley,
forty-eight mid one-half ((S'k) feet from
the southeasterly comer of said lot;
thence running in a southwesterly direc
tion along line of said alley forty-eight
uud one-half 4S's) feet to n corner; thence
in a northwesterly direction along line of
a public alley twenty-live 25) feet wide
thirty-four (;tl) feet to a corner of lot 13,
In said block 07, thence ulong line of
said lot 1:1 In a northeasterly direction
forty-eight und one-half W-j) feet to a
corner, thence thirty-four (at) feet to the
place of beginning. Relng a part of the
land conveyed to John A. Walker, tho
defendant herein, from the Lackawanna
Iron and Coal company by deed dated
21th March, 1SSH, and duly recorded in
Deed Hook .12, at page 5i!7. etc. Coal and
minerals reerved to the legal owners
thereof by sutHcient terms in the law. All
Improved with a two story frame dwell
ing house and b'aekmlth shop (hereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution at the
suit of J. F. Taylor, asslpned to John Klin
ball vs. Jjhn A. Walker. Debt. Slim.oo.
Judgement. No. MA January T, 1SH2, II. ra.
to November T, KX.
No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant. John T. ('ribbons, In -and
to all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate In the First ward, city of Scran
ton, Lackawanna county. Pa., and bound
ed and described as follows, to-wlt; Begin
ning In the northeasterly line of Helmont
Terrace, at a point distant 1M5-10 feet
on a course of north &2 degrees nnd 80
minutes west from the northerly line of
Holllster avenue, thence by said line of
Belmont Terrace north 52 degrees 30 min
utes, west SO feet to a corner, thence at
right angles to Belmont Terrace ulong
the southerly line of Farvlew place north
37 degrees and 3D minutes, east 111 feet to
nn alley 12 feet In width, then-e along said
alley parallel with Belmon: Terrace south
!i2 degrees? and 30 minutes, east 50 feet to
a corner and thence at right angles to Rel
mont Terrace, south 37 derc3 and 30
minutes, west 125 feet to the place of be
ginning, being 50 feet In width front and
renr and 135 feet In depth and containing
B.7.VI square feet of land, together with the
appurtenances, all Improved with a two
story and nttle frame dwelling house, with
two ouihuildings used for cooking and
washing purposes situate thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of C. S. Wcsion vs. John T. Olhbons.
Debt. $700,110. Judgment, No. 903, May T,
lev. fa. to November T, 1S05.
No. 4. All the right, title nnd Interest of
the defendant, Michael Rock. In and to all
that certain lot of land, with the Improve
ments thereon, allunte In the borough of
Dickson City, county of Lackawanna nnd
state of Pennsylvania, bounded easterly
and southeasterly by the public road lend
ing from Prleeburg to Itrown Hollow,
westerly by the old turnpike road north
erly or northwesterly by lands of the
WlHlain Miles estate. All Improved with
one two story frame dwelling house with
brick und stone basement, ono frame
barn and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of assigned to (loudman nnd Weiss vs.
Michael Ro'-k. Debt. 15.50. Judgment
No. ill"), March T, 1M(4, fl. fa. to Novem
ber T, IMC SC'RAOO, Atty.
No. R.-All the right, title nnd interest of
tho defendant, Margaret J. Thomas, In
nnd to nil those certain lots, places or
parcels of land situate In the township
of Old Forge, Lackawanna county, Penn
sylvania, butted, bounded nnd described
as follows, to-wlt: Ketng lots Not. 20, 21
and 22, on draft of upper lots of estate of
Thomas Smith, deseased, and being at
a corner on Ornce street, at a corner of
lot No. 11, sold to Patrick Fallon, and by
said Orace, street to Lawrence street anil
by raid Lawrence street to land of the
Pennsylvania Coal company, nnd by snld
reserved land to corner of lot No. 0,
and by paid lot No. 9, 10 and II to corner,
place of beginning, containing 21, 3"0 square
feet of land more or less.
All Improved with one two-story frame
dwelling and hotel building, about 35 feet
by 45 feet; one single one-story frame
dwelling hoilHe.,u bout III feet bv 12 feet:
ono other single onvstory frame dwelling
house; one single one-story frame barn;
one large frame closet nnd outhouse; one
coal house and other outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution at tho suit
of Safely Investment and Loan company,
of Syracuse, New York, vs. Margaret j.
Thomas. Debt, $t,V7.IS, Judgment, No.
l:WI, September T, 1HH5, lev. fa. to Novem
ber T, 1C Also at the suit or Lazarus
Moyer vs. Margaret J. Thomas. Debt.
$1011.31. Judgment, No. 29, January Term,
jowj, ven'i. ex. io iovemiier 1, ltwo,
illiORUE I). TAYLOR, Atty.
No. fl. nil the right, title and Interest of
the defendant William Illuke, administra
tor, nnd William I'.lake. term tenant. In
and to all that certain lot of land situate
In the Flrstward of the city of Carbolidale,
county of Lackawanna, Pa., and bounded
and descrllied s follows, to-wit: Helnil
In Uui kefs addition to the city of Carbon
dale Pa., and being 50 feet In front on
street No. 37, as designated on map of
lots of the Deln'Tare nnd Hudson Canal
company, and 50 feet In rear, and 135 feet
In depth. Rounded on the east by lands
of Joseph Kurket, on the west hv lands
of William S. Hnyd and estnte of M.
clodding, and on the north by other lands
of said llurknt, and on tho south by said
street No. .'17, contulnglng 67.5CO square
feet of land, all Improved with a two
story frame dwelling house and outbuild
ings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of Daniel Scurry vs. William Rlake, ad
ministrator, and William lllake terre ten
ant. Debt, $1,275.00. Judgment, No. 1.204,
September T, lHWi, lev. fa. to November
T, 1890. BUTLER, Atty.
No. T.-All the right, title and Interest of
the defendants, Augustus Scamon and
Sophia Seumon, In and to all that lot.
Piece or parcel of land In the cliv of
Bcranton, In the county of Lackawanna,
and state of Pennsylvania. -
neing part or lot No. thirty ($0) In
William Swetlnnd'a clot of lota as laid
out In said city. Beginning at a point
eighty-two and one-half( n2Vt) feet north
west rrom me westerly corner or the in
tersection of Hyde Park .avenue with
Swetland street (late 'North street) In the
southwest line of said Swetland street,
thence along said Swetland street eighty
two and one-half (824) f1. be the same
more or less, to alloy, thence In a south
westerly direction along said .alley sixty
six (06) feet, be the same more or less, to
the corner of line of lo' thirty-one (HI) or J
nwvutiiiu m piui, .inrni-e 111 vuuinwusieriy
direction along lot number thlrty-ene ($1)
eighty-two and one-tialf () feet, be the
mhiii more or leas, to a corner, thence at
right angles with said last line In a north
easterly direction sixty-six 0ti feet, be the
suiiie more or less, to the place of begin
ning. It being the rear half of said lot
number thirty (30) on said Bwetland'a plot
of lots. All coal and mineral reserved. -Being
tho same premises conveyed to
Sophlu Scamon, one of the parties of
the tirst part hereto, from William Het
selroth, by deed dated the fourteenth day
of November, A. D. 1883, and recorded in
the otllce for recording of deeds etc., In
and for the county of Lackawanna, in
Deed Hook No. bo, ,,uko 428, etc., which by
reference thereto will more fully and at
large appear. All Improved with two two
etory frame dwelling houses and outbuild
ings, fruit trees, etc., thereon.
Selxed and taken In execution at the suit
of the West Side liulldlng and Loan Asso
ciation vs. Augustus Meamon and Sophia
Heamon. lVbt. SiA. Judgment, No. 37:1.
Novemlier T, 18, II. fa. tu November T,
1S05. Also at the suit of West Side Build
ing and Lonn association vs. Augustus
Seumon and Sophia Seumon. Debt, 1373.39.
Judgment. No. 374, November T, 1895, II.
fa. to November T. 181.
No. 8. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Charles Katsinger, in and
to all that certain piece or lot of land situ
ate In that part of the city of Serunluii,
Lackawanna county, Pa., known as A. li.
rtilkmuii'sj addition, as shown on the city
atlas, und In the Tenth ward, It being part
of u larger truct conveyed by C. Albert
Hanitt, trustee, to Elizabeth Milkman by
deed dated Januuiy 31, 1887, and recorded
in the recorder's otllce of lickawunna
county, I'a., in Deed Book No. 43, page
X'J, etc., li being in Block Three und
bounded as follows: Commencing ut a
coiner und stake In line of the Pennsyl
vania Coui company's land, nt a point two
hundred, nineteen and eight-tenths (219
8-1(0 feet north, forty-nine (49) degrees,
lifty (50) mltiules west from Third street,
thence north forty-nine (49) degrees lifty
(5i) minutes, west along said company's
line about one hundred and seventy (17)
feet, more or less to within twenty-live (25)
feet or the Pennsylvania Coal company's
railroad, ubout tdghty-elg'ht (88) feet to a
Htuko und corner of James II. Mastera,
neur a chestnut tree, und recently pur
chased of Mrs, La Fronts, thence south
forty-nine (49) degrees, lifty (5u) minutes
eust, about one hundred and lifty (150) feet,
more or less to u stake corner that Is In
right angle to the lirst named point, thence
north forty ( lot degrees, ten (10) minutes
east, about eighty-six (HiJ) feet, more or
less tu the place of beginning. Coal and
other minerals reserved, and being the
same piece of land conveyed by Marynrlh
Sclioren to Charles Katzlngur, Improved
with a story tenement house, also a two
story single dwelling and outhouses.
Seized nnd taken in execution at the
suit of (icrinnn Building Association No.
ti. vs. Charles Kntzingcr. Debt, $400.
Judgment, No. 321. January T., 1895, fl. fa.
to November T., 1893.
No. 9. All the following described lot
or pavcel of land situate In the city of
Scranton, county of Ijickuwanna, and
eluto of Pennsylvania, as follows, vlx:
Beginning on the easterly aide of Prospect
avenue ut a point ninety (Wo feet norther
ly from Willow street building line, und
running thence north forty-seven degrees
and forty-live minutes, east thirty (3u)
feet, thence south forty-two degrees and
tifteen minutes, vast one hundred and
thirty-live (135) feet, to a slxteeir feet wide
alley for public uso, thence south forty
seven degrees and forty-live minutes, west
thirty (:)) feet, thence north forty-two
degrees nnd tifteen minutes, one hundred
and thirty-live (135) feet to the place of be
ginning. Improved with a two-story
frame dwelling house, frame barn and out
buildings thereon.
Seized und taken In execution nt the
suit of Louise Spruks, assignee to Spruks
Brothers, vs. Earnest Schmidt and Caro
line Schmidt, administrators of Kmll
Schmidt, deceased. Debt. $2,250.00. Judg
ment, No. si. September T., 1895, fl. fa. to
November T., 1895.
No. 10. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Thomas Maloney, in und to
all that certain lot of land, with the im
provements thereon, situate, lying and be
ing In tho Twentieth ward of the city of
Scranton, Lackawanna county, Pennsyl
vania, and hounded und described as fol
lows, to wit: Being lot No. 31, In square
or block No. 39. and situate upon street
called and known us corner of Vale (now
-ailed Irving avenue) anil Cherry streets,
upon the town plot of the citv of Scran
ton, Intended to be duly registered anl
recorded, suld lot being 40 feet In front
and rear nnd 110 feet In depth, with the
privilege of using 10 feet In front of said
let additional on Vain street, and 10 feet
on the side of snld lot on Cherry street, for
yard, vault, porch, piazza and bay win
dow, hut for no other purpose. Coal and
minerals reserved.
Seized nnd taken In execution at the
suit of Isabella C. Fisher, executrix of
the estate of (Seorge Fisher, deceased, vs.
Thomas Maloney, Debt, 1474.10. Judg
ment. No. 3t, November T., 1895,. fl. fa. to
November T., 1895.
No. 11. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant, Kllen R. Morton, in nnd to
aH that certain lot orideceof ground situ
ate In the Thirteenth ward of the city of
Scranton, In the county of Lackawannn.
and State of Pennsylvania and described
according to a survey made thereof by A.
B. Dunning, surveyor, as beginning nt a
point on the southeasterly side of Wash
ington avenue, at the distance of three
hundred and twenty (220) feet south
westerly from the southwesterly side of
New York street, containing In front or
breadth on the said Washington avenue
forty (40) feet and extending In length or
diioth southeasterly two hundred and one
(201) feet and sixty-eight one hundredths
(08-KI0) of a foot; the measurement of the
depth beginning ten (10) feet In front of
tho sidewalk with the right to enclose
ten (101 feet In front of said lot for cellar
way, porcih, steps, vault or shrubbery but
not to erect any building thereon.
Being lot number one (1) In square or
block number three hundred and twelve
(312) upon the plot of Meylert's addition to
the said city of Scranton. Being the same
premises which Charles H. Wells and wife
ft nl. by deed beaming date the 12th day of
March. A. D. IKVi, recorded In the otllce
for recording deeds In and for said county
of Lackawanna, In Deed Br-k No, 2.H,
page 100, etc., granted nnd ro c eyed unto
the snld Ellen R. Morton In fee. Conl nnd
minerals beneath the surface of said lot
excepted and reserved same as In above
recited deed. Improved with ono frame
store nnd double dwelling over said store,
said double dwelling part being two stories
nnd with a French roof; one frame one
story and basement dwelling ; one two
story double frame dwelling, with French
roof nnd double brick basement this
building Is almost completed; one two
story frame double dwelling, and one
frame barn on rear of said lot, together
with outbuildings, etc.
Seized and .taken in execution nt the
suit of Megnrgel A Council vs. Ellen R.
Morton. Debt, $457.25. Judgment No. looo.
Sept. Term., 1892, fi. fa. to Nov. Term, 1X93.
WATSON ft DIKHL, Altys for FIITs.
No. 12. All the following described
piece or parcel of land, situate In lacka
wannn townnhlp, Lackawanna county,
State of Pennsylvania, known as lot No. 8,
in block Nn, 1, upon the map of the Pnnn
pytvanla Anthracite Coal Company's lots,
nnd being more particularly described as
follows: Beginning nt a stake. In the
western line of Vlpond avenue and distant
eighty-live feet from the corner of Phln
ney street and running thence north forty
three degrees and twelve minutes west,
two 'hundred and ninety-one and three
tenths feet or thereabouts, to the line of
In nils now or formerly between A brum
Neshlt et al trustees, etc., and William
Connoll nnd company; thence north
seventy degrees forty-two minutes enRt,
or along the line of land of William Con
nell and others, sixty feet to a corner;
thence south forty-three degrees twelve
minutes east, two hundred sixty-six and
seven-tenths fret or thereabouts, to a cor
ner upon Vlpond avenue, and thence south
forty-six degrees and forty-eight minutes
west, fifty-live feet to the tdace of begin
ning. Containing fifteen thousand, three
hundred nnd forty-live square feet of
Innd. Being same premises A lira m Neshlt
et al trustees, etc., by deed dated the 6th
day of December, A. D. 18HS, recorded In
the office for recording deeds, etc., In
Lackawanna county. In Deed Book No.
G7, page 401, etc., granted and conveyed
unto Michael Harrison. Excepting and
reserving from and out of said premises
Rill conl and minerals beneath the sur
face with the sole right to mine and re
move same, as set forth In the deed im
mediately above recited. Upon said prem
ises nre a frame dwel'lng house, with out
buildings and other improvements.
Seised and taken In execution at the
suit of S. W. Beemer vs. Michael Harrison.
Debt. 1125.73. Judgment No. 862. March
Term, 1894, fl.' fa. to Nov. Term, 1895.
TRACY, Atty.
All of which will be told for cash only.
BherlfTs office, Bcranton, Pa,,
Oct. 17, 195. t . , '
Sizes and Styles
Sizes and Styles
have arranged with the following firms to sell their
STKOXU'S FUKXISIllXti HOUSE, 320-322 Penn Avenue.
W. . DOUD & CO., 509 Lackawanna Avenue.
F00TE & SHEAR CO., 119 N. Washington Ave.
1!. J. HUGHES, 121 South Main Avenue.
Send S cents for sample package.
Faultlees Chemical Company. Balti
more, Md.
CALL UP 3882.
Moe on i uiinmiis
M. W. COLLINS, M'sfr.
M1- re I.I it 0
Made a
Well Man
UtVmT.AMf 0f Me.
TMI .MAT soth bay.
vxixraxoxx xizaivxasxsir
prods the abeTeroealrta'30 day. ItacO
Kwarfullyandaalcilr. Our.i whaa all otarn tell
Mgaieswillniua their Inil miabood.aadold
dm will rwor.r youthful ruor kr aln
KBTITO. II quickly toil .uralr rMlorn N.rrcu.
sea, Lett TIUTIlr. Impottnor. Nil litly trulMlont,
l(0row, ruilof Memory. Wutltur Mmum. and
ell eftot of ealf-aaw or ncwiul Indiac ration,
whiok saou on. for t ady. ktniaen or marrlag.. II
not sa It earn by lUrtlne at th. ml of eiMOM. but
great servateale ami bloed builder, briar
log seek tb pish glow to pal. cheek and re
tortag the Are of youth. It ward og Iwumltr
ad Oestta piles. lunl.t os h.rlnf RKVIVO. no
ether. It en be etrrlod la tnI noukrl. By Bell. WIwciMe. or .li tor SS.OO, with a po.1
ties writtaa gsaraatas to rare refund
theaaeney. aroulortre. Adam.
fcy atatthew Bree. SlinM
araataa . Fa.
AT itlf rttt.a
Cnnratr.d'ar tr
urn i nvv
of yonmr end mluul.
anxl nni ana women. The
""n" wi .tpiaa. r.KKUHS. proawnn w
""WU'r. NlfhtlJ Emlaion, Coniumrtluo,
"? frhBug dnluwidlonof power of the Ora.
eratln Otmnaouflaing on for Mody, bwlnow od mar.
ylaenfcklyeurrdbrBr. Vadrtra.aa.aaUh Ka e
'raiaa. Tbsr notour cure by itatTlng atlha aat of die
ttft J "KHVe IONIC and II LOOS
patent. By nu, atTVo p.r box ore for with writ.
"ra! l ear r rafand tie w.a. SoX
owiaiaan ! Cn., Box is, 1 aw Vara.
For eale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Dru
(1st, Wyoming ave. and Spruce .treat
rNuvr.flrr both
am aw -I? - BBnii
j r. l
Established 186S.
At a time when many manu
facturers and dealers are making
the most astounding statements
regardingthe merits and durability
of inferior Pinos, intending pur
chasers should not fail to make
critical examination of the above
General Dealer in Northeast
ii i t
VI II I W1I11SJ OUIllrt.
New Telephone Exchange Building, 115
Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bldg., Scranton, Pa. -Telephona 422.
ChMarterw Eacllaa Dlaaaad Draad.
v fiwinill mm wsyu wt-bi wiiian
Art, .- rrtlabu. tita ttk
itwM. cM with Wnt ribfcofi. Tukm
HSVtat "tStl "SW jaWBOwW.
rivrsa mnm mnmnvrtm. n iiaiiir wars wa
In MMM (bt MUtMift, t-wtiMMlat. MhJ
ti If v A
Sizes and Styles
Sizes and Styles
Over 26,000 In 1st.
(VJrtiifU: (TTlillli)l
sk sBahSMdkalW CtStsWI