The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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On Man May Loaa IIU Sight-Vndar
Fall of Coal.
The Delaware and iHudson Wilson
Ovek mines was the scene of two very
dl8tresln accidents yesterday. The
most serious' accident occurred to
George and William T. Dennis, who
were working In a heading together,
and engaged In blasting a breast of
rock. They had drilled a hole In the
rock preparatory to putting In a stick
of gifent powder. The hole proved to
be too small, however, and they tried
to force it In. employing a Jumper and
aledge. At the first blow of the sledge
the powder exploded and the rock was
blown fnto small Wts. The force of
the explosion sent both men backward
With great force. Neither man could
see after -the explosion, their lights
being put out. and they were also par
tially blinded .by the flame. They both
tarted to crawl out rs best they could.
George reached the next chamber.where
he informed the men working there.
When they reached the scene William
oould not be found, but on reaching the
mouth of the mine he was there, having
met some men who helped out.
The company's ambulance was sum
moned and the unfortunate men
brought to this city. George, -who was
the lets seriously hurt, was taken to his
home, and William to the hospital. At
the hospital Dr. F. E. Jenkins attended
to William. Mis injuries were very
serious. The jumper hit him In the el
tiow at the explosion and badly
mashed It. It Is feared that the
arm may have to come off. Everything
possible, however, to save the arm is
bring- done. At his hcie. In Battle's
alley. Dr. A. iF. KVillis dressed the
wounds of Ueorge. His face was alxo
badly mangled by the pieces of rook.
His eyes are not hurt, while William
may lose Ms sight.
William Walsh Injured.
In the afternoon another accident oc
eured in the same mine, William Walsh,
a roLner, fired a blast in his chamber
and soon afterward returned. He had
hardly entered than a huge mass of
coal fell from the roof upon him. The
coal had been loosened by the blast,
and without any warning fell, crushing
Mr. Walsh to the ground.
The mass of coal which had fallen was
very great, and It was with much ditll
oulty that the unfortunate man was
loosened by his companions. He was
badly hurt about the hip. and, after
bolivg carried to the surface, was taken
to his home ami a physician sum
moned. Dr. Glllts rescinded and made
him as comfortable as possible. It Is
feared that he may be hurt internally.
Agent at the llospitul.
One of the cases at the hospital is that
of a clothes wringer agent, who 'had
the misfortune to break his leg the oth
er night. The agent was on Fallbrook
street, where, with a companion, he
was delivering wringers. In turning
around the wagon ran up a steep bank
and was overturned. As it went over
the man's right leg was caught Just
above the ankle and both the bones
Passes Away at the Home of Her Parents
At the home of her parents, Mr. and
iMrs. Morgan W. (Morgan, of South Wy
oming street, the soul of Mrs. George
Smith passed Into the great beyond.
Mrs. Smith was a former resident of
this city, being born here in the year
1S54. About twelve years ago she was
united to her husband, who survives
her, and soon afterward moved to For
est City, where Mr. Smith was em
ployed. Some time ago 'Mrs. Smith caught a
heavy cold. Everything possible was
done to break It, but it was of no avail
and developed Into lung trouble. From
mat lime nertftirengm rapiuiy gaveou'i
until the end.
About six weeks ago Mrs. Smith was
brought to this city and taken to the
home of her parents. The change,
however, did no good, and H was seen
that she could not live much longer.
Throughout her sickness the deceased
bore her sufferings with a Christian
fortkude, making no complaint of her
lot. She was a lady of peculiar win
ning disposition and many are the
friends who mourn her loss.
Those who are left to mourn the loss,
of a devoted wife and mother are her
husband and three small children, two
sons and one daughter, the oldest being
but 12 years of age. and the youngest
8. She Is also surrounded by her par
eats and seven brothers, namely. Wal
ter, of Kingston: William, of Scranton;
David, of Minneapolis; Thomas, Oscar,
Edward and Frankall of this city.
Two Popular Young People Married at
the Methodist Parsonage.
At the Methodist church parsonage at
8 o'clock Tuesday evening a ceremony
was performed which united two well
known young people of Belmont In holy
matrimony. The contracting parties
were Miss Ella iDllts, daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. A. E. Dllts, of 80 Belmont
f treet, and Frank Price, who is em
ployed at the Delaware and Hudson
coal pockets. The bride has many
friends, who wish her all possible hap
piness, and the groom is a young man
who Is equally popular. The bride wore
a dress made of bottle green material
and look, as all brides do, charming.
The couple were attended by Miss Jen
nie SIteby and Ellsha Dllts. a brother
of the bride. The bridesmaid wore a
dress of material similar to that worn
by the bride.
After (the ceremony a reception was
held at the 'home of the bride's parents,
to which about fifty relatives and In
timate friends had been Invited. The
crowning feature of the evening after
cupper, which was merrymaking, con
tinued 1o a late hour, when the com
pany dispersed to their homes. Mr.
and IMrs. Price dispensed with the cus
tomary wedding tour, and for the pres
ent will reside with the bride's parents.
They received many valuable and hand
some gifts from their friends.
Red. White and Bins Snpper.
' last evening at Mrs. George Dlm
ock's the Woman's Relief corps held a
"red, white' and blue" supper from 6
until 10 o'clock. The rooms had been
decorated with flags and bunting; even
the table and cake bore the national
colors. Much credit Ir due the ladles
wfho had charge of the supper. Miss
Mamie Daley rendered a few fine selec
tions on the organ, and Robert Maxwell
added much to the pleasure of the
guests by several selections on his ac-
TEHMS trictly CH Purine, This Stle.
)eum. Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
We bate decided oa a Sweeping Hedno.
tkra rather than cover up our goods dnr
i log our extensive improvement and
have marked down everything In the
store at eoet and Ira. Bee oar Window
1 Display, which will substantiate what we
" aayf ,
hurtle Ciraets hem ISe. e 80s.. Wertti JSc. to 75s.
Brussels Car', 40c to 50c, worth 80s. to 80s.
waH Papers, 8c, Werlk I0e.,
And everything else In proportion.
cordion. TheWoman'e Relief corps
will realise about 120 from their supper,
which la to be given as their Christmas
present to BrookvllleiMemorla! Home.
Enter the Premises of P. F. Carroll and Do
Mack Damage.
Notwithstanding all that has been
said In regard to the number of cattle
which roam at large about our princi
pal streets, owners of the animals take
no pains to keep them shut up, and the
damage done by them la considerable.
One of the latest victims to this lack
of care Is P. F. Carroll, of 8cott street.
When Mr. Carroll ai-ose yesterday
morning he found several stray cows on
his premises, who seemed to be enjoying
themselves on his young fruit trees.
Mr. Carroll was very angry at the oc
currence and at once set out for the
pound and soon had a cow and heifer
within its portals. He wanted IMr.
Wills to collect damages to the amount
of $10 from the owners when they came
to release their property. This is some
thing that Mr. Wills has no power to
do and he told Mr. Carroll, Raying if he
wanted damages he would have to
bring suit against the owners. There
was some talk In regard to the rlRht of
'Mr. Carroll to Impound the animals, as
they were not in the limits defined by
the ordinance. He would have been
right had the cows been taken from the
public streets, but as they were caught
on his property he was Justified in tak
ing them. The limits set down by Uhe
ordinance are: The city limits on the
north and east, 'Klitht avenue on the
south and the Delaware and Hudson on
the west . , . a
The City's Water Is to tie kept Pure at All
The Crystal Lake Water company are
making determined efforts to have the
water supplied to this city as pure a.i
possible. The water supply, though
still adequate for all use, has become
lower than usual during the drought.
To keep the bottom free from any sub
stance which might contaminate the
water by its collecting corrupt matter
about it, the water company have had
a force of men at work dredging the
The rapid increase of typhoid fever
in this city during the last few days Is
laid to the lowness of the water In No.
4 reservoir by several of the local phy
sicians. We have been unusually free
from typhoid fever and Its Increase Is
looked at with much dread by the In
habitants. The lowness of the water
might cause it to ptagnate and hence
polluted. Everything possible to keep
the water good will be done by the
Dissolution of Partnership.
The latert Is the dissolution of the
firm of 3. Purdy & Son. The change
has been contemplated for some time,
and yesterday D. G. Purdy and son.
Kelsey. withdrew from the llrm, whose
business will be continued as before
they went In.
W. W. Fletcher, M. D., of Susquehan
na, one of the first graduates of Pleas
ant Mount academy, and a former prin
cipal of the Union academy, at Damas
cus, will settle In this city Nov. 1. where
he will give especial attention to the
treatment of the eye, ear, nose and
Air. and Mrs. Hanford, who have been.
In this city for the past couple of
months, left yesterday for Wllkes
Barre, where they will remain for sev
eral weeks. Mr. Hanford Is Inspector
for the Prudential Insurance company.
Frank Stoutlnger, of Washington
rtreet, went to New York city yester
day, where he will remain for a few
days on business.
Mrs. F. E. Jenkins and Miss Belle
ant-.en. of Church street, spent yester
day In Scranton.
George Coogan has been admitted to
the hospital. He Is suffering with ty
phoid fever.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Meineyer. of Lincoln avenue, is ill with
typhoid fever.
Mrs. J. H' Cook, of Washa, In., who
has been visiting her parents, iMr. and
Mrs. Mlc'hael Bell, of Spring street, for
the past two months, returned to her
home yesterday.
B. N. Peck and wife, of Darte avenue,
attended the funeral of the former's
uncle. J. Wilson Peck, of Scranton, yes
terday. tMIss Myrtle Blackwell. of Wllkes
Barre, who has been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene 'Wonnoeott, on Darte
avenue, returned to her home yester
day. The Manvllle family have removed
from Fan-lew to their home In the city.
Mrs. Wilson, of Blnghamton, who
has been the guest of her daughter,
'Mrs. J. W. Lever, has returned home.
'.Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mohrs and
daughter, Annie, and Air. and Mrs.
Homer Hutching, attended the silver
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. INoth, of Hyde
Park, last evening.
'Mrs. Horace H. Daley, of Salem ave
nue, left Tuesday for a two weekj'
visit with friends and relatives in Phila
delphia. Revs. Marshall, of Forest City, and
Rallentine, of Green iltldge. were
guests at Trinity rectory Tuesday
"Max White, of the Boston Variety
store, lain New York city on business.
Raymond ilfockenberry, of this city,
who Is a student at Dickinson college,
has been chosen a member of the Dick
inson Glee club and also of the Dick
inson foot ball eleven.
(Mrs. Boyd Case, of Dnrte avenue, ac
companied by her daughter 'Mabel,
spent yesterday with friends In Scran
ton. (E. S. HIsted and wife, of Darte ave
nue, were at Aldenvllle. Tursday. at
tending the funeral of the latter's
niece, Henrietta Crago.
'Mr. and Mrs. Theophllus Pierce, of
Park street, have gone to Wllkes-Barre
for a few. days. While there they will
attend the wedding of a young lady
Rev. T. McArthur, of Scranton,
preached last evening at the Mission
hall, 22 Salem avenue. He had with
him Rev. M. Michaels, a singing evan
gelist. A new steam and hot water hrater
will be placed in the St. 'Rose academy
this week. The academy Is now one of
the best equipped parochial schools In
the state.
E. L. Webster and O. D. Mines, of
Syracuse, are In the city trying to or
ganize a local branch of the Industrial
Savings and .Loan company, of that
Charles Hagcn and the Misses Pule
and Mary Hagen are spending the week
in the metropolis.
Miss Lizzie R. Scott, of the West
Side, leaves tomorrow for Now York
city, where she will be the guest of her
aunt. -Mrs. iM. Nllan.
Fabian Shumpf, of (Highland avenue,
Is quite III with Inflammation of the
bowels, and his family are alarmed at
his condition.
'Reese Price, of South Spring street,
Is confined tp his home suffering wllth
an abscess.
Claude R. Smit'h. ticket a cent nt the
union station, left yesterday for Scran
ton, where he will do duty during the
absence of Agent Robert White, who is
away on a two weeks' vacation. E. S.
HIsted, of 'Seventh Avenue station. In
In Mr. Smith's place, and Emmet Lowty
Is filling 'Mr. Hlsted's place. .
The muslcale for the benefit of Trin
ity church building fund took place last
evening at ttie home of Mrs. Ed Isgar,
on River street. The best local talent
had been secured and a very dllghtful
programme arranged. A large number
were present, and a nice sum was real
ised for the fund. . .
Plttston lltislaoas Direct or v. '
on Wright A Co., 7 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
' second-hand household gocds, bought or
sold. .
..... f , . .. ,, ,, . y . -
R. E. Phillips is on the sick list.
" Alonxo-" Acker, connected with the
Wagner Palace Car company, of New
York, spent Sunday In town, the guest
of 'Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rice.
Our schools re-opened on Tuesday.
James 'P. Dickson Is In New York
Mrs. Pardee 'has resumed her millin
ery business at S. E. Finn A Co.'s store,
where she may be found on Wednesday
of each week.
Miss Libliie Wademan Is about to
open dressmaking parlors In W. A.
Dean's building.
Mr. and Mis.' Edward Pnlen, of New
York state, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Nlles.
Rev. C. H. Newing has returned from
a visit to New Jersey.
William Austin has nearly complet
ed the work of putting steam pipes
through the whole of his building. The
three store rooms and the Young Men's
Christian Association hall will be heat
ed In this manner.
Mrs. A. J. Waklen 'has closed her
boarding house for the Reason and re
turned to Scranton. Mrs. Walden has
been very successful lit her manage
ment of her home and will have no
trouble next sousnn in securing all the
boarders she can accommoda te.
The Young Men's Christian Aseocla
tlon hall is now open every ailernoon
and evening. The reading room Is sup
plied with abundant reading matter In
the shupa of all the current maguslues,
dully papers, etc. Through the kind
ness and forethought ot Secretary Pear
tall, f the railroad branch, a tine get
of Dickens' works has been secured, the
gift of H. C. iMable. of East Orange.
N. J.
A pretty marriage ceremony was per
formed yesterday afternoon in the
Calvary Haptlst church. The contract
ing purMes were (Miss Christie Powell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Powell,
and Thomas Griffiths, of drove street.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
H. H. Harris, pastor of the church.
Miss Nuomle Harris acted as brides
maid, and Utth Griffiths, a brother of
the groom, was best man. Roth bride
and maid were neatly attired, and car
ried bouquets. Immediately after the
ceremony was over and congratulations
extended, the numerous invited guests
returned to the home of 'the bride's
parents, where a supper was served.
The bridal party enjoyed a drive
through the neighboring towns. Both
are well-known, and held In high es
teem, and have the best wishes of a host
of friends In their wedded life.
Madame Celeste, the warbler and elo
cutionist, had a very large audience at
Taylor hall last evening.
Misses Oordan and Welsenlluh, of
Hyde Park, were callers In town last
Job? Reynolds, of West Side, visited
frl.ds here yesterday.
A mosit Interesting and successful
meeting of the Literary, Debating and
Musical society was hold In the bae
ment of the church Tuesday night. Tho
following programme was rendered:
Instrumental, Charles; Melville and
Thomas Johns; reading, "Tribute to
Mother." George S. Young: roprano
solo, "When the Swallows Homeward
Fly," Mrs. H. Carter; recitation. Manter
Willie Jones: song, William Forrest;
recitation, LyKa (Madden; tenor solo,
"That Is Love," Richard Roberts: read
ing, "Mutual Improvement," William
Bryden: rong. William Painter, Jr.;
song. Thomas Johns; duet, Instrument
al, Charles iMelvllle and Thomas Johns.
Mrs. Michael Kelly died at 'her home,
on Main street, (Monday morning at 5
o'clock, from the effects of pneumonia.
She Is survived by a husband and three
small children.
Card of Thanks. We hereby wlfh to
extend to our friends and neighbors
who so kindly assisted us In our re
cent bereavement our sincere gratitude.
Mr. and (Mrs. It. Simpson and family.
The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society
wer entertained by 'Mrs. H. H. Lewis,
and more than sixty guests partook of
her hospitality.
Mrs. Campbell, of Scranton. has been
spending two weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Lyons.
John Tinker and William Norton have
exchanged properties the house by the
depot for a farm on Lyon street.
Charles Smith has returned from
'Rev. D. D. Jenkins left today to snend
a few days with friends In Wllkes
Barre. He was Invited by the Owllym
Gwent monument committee to read an
original poem at the unveiling of the
Miss Agnes Tinker took first prize In
oil painting and first and second prizes
on crayon sketches at 'Harford fair.
Elijah Carpenter spent last week In
Wlillamsport and 'Muncy.
Mrs. C. 'R. Brady and Miss Josephine
Durland attended the wedding of Miss
Anna Sharp, at Port Jervls. yesterday.
Ira L. AniFt li ft here for Nev York
yesterday, where he will enter the em
ploy of Curtis & illlake, contractors and
(Mrs. Belle Erlgett and daughter, Ora,
left yesterday for a few days' visit
with fKends at Carbondali.
The annual ball of the Ifonegdale
V'.re department will be held at the
Armory Friday evening. Tickets. $1.
The employes of the canal depai tment
of the Delaware and Hudson Canal
company were paid Tuesday by Pay
master H. B. Snyder, of Rondjut.
'Miss Lizzie Dorfilnger, of WhiteKUs,
was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. II. A,
Plum wt'ik.
.M'ca Schmnn ultor, of Port Jervis. U
the t,ucrit of Miss A. A. Wells, at tha
Mb Anr.le Watderron. of Hemlock
H vliow, was In town I.Vlonday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Palmer left tow i
rally yes'errfiy morning for o drive M
Elmlra, Blnsrhamton a-. Wawrly, N.
Y. Tr?y will be gore two wks.
The Frle sn 1 Wyoming paid tfcvlr em
fCoycs E'lturday.
Harry F. H ?ers. of Ki''c dale, spent
Sunday in town with hli father.
Et is aC&iovvsi
By Its Cores
It Is not what we say, but what
Hood's Sarsapatllla docs, t'.ut tells the
story of Its merit.
The thousands of poopb whom It tai
raised from disease nud iluipairto liappi
nejs and health, are the stronges; a::d
best advertisement Jtyood'i Ea:snaril'a
has. No other preparation In existence
has such a record of wonderful euros.
This Is why Hood's Baronro.illa has the
largest sale, and requires lor Its produc
tion the largest laboratory In the world.
Now If you need a ipjd medicine, why
not try that which, his doae others to
much food. Remember
Hooei's GarsapariiSa
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
i ..... i
Prominently in the public eye. f 1 ; six f orf 5
TMi ot .harmoniously writ
aWU a llW Uu'ai&'KKtfUIa, 8M
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
It will doubtless be some time be
fore the matter on Plttston avenue In
regard to damage, etc., will be settled.
A short time ago viewers were appoint
ed by court to appraise the amount of
damage done 'to the properties by rea
son of the grading and guttering, they
k'!t" appraised the Improvement to the
propei tk 3 which were r.ot damaged,
and accordingly the Improved ones ate
obliged to pay for those that damaged,
many of them being assessed from $4
to J17. This they think Is an Injui'.lce
and Inter..1, to tight aga'ae-: paying any
ayscFjmer.: at all.
Mrs. Reed and 'Mis. Oettls. of Peck
vllle, were In town on Tuesday In at
tendance 8 t the funeral of the lute Mrs.
Ciarlt'-te 'Morse.
Mrs. Hattle fiell. of Lincoln Hill, Is
confined to her home with a severe ut
tack of la grippe.
M:j. May 'McDonald, of Dlttston. is
the giic t of her cousin, 'Mit s Carrie 51c
D. r aid.
Ueorge Shales, of Lincoln Hill, Is con
va'.eec'rtit after a severe attack of
A special train on the Lehigh Valley
la'Jroad will convey Avoca Hose com
pany and the .Albion band to Plttston
today. Train leaves at 1 o'clock. All
members are to be a.t the hose house
at 12 ni. sharp.
Mrs. James I-aikln, of the Soutih
Side, tpent yesterday with friends In
An Infant child of .Mr. and Mrs. Nace
Osborn. of the West Side, died last
evening of cholera infantum. Funeral
cnnooineement later.
, Mrs. John WidcHe, of the North End,
Is a sufferer from diphtheria. Her son,
Arthur, who has also been a victim of
the drer.d disease. Is Improving.
'Mr. Shaw, of uhe firm of Ahley &
Shaw, of llackettstown, N. J., is a
visitor in town.
John (Monroe, of Main street, Barber
town, Is en the sick list.
It appears that the Lehigh Valley
Railroad company has discontinued
running Its passenger cars from Pitts
ton to Sibley and Austin Heights.
John Hewlt, of the Sibley, contem
plates going to England next week.
The following persons from the Sib
ley were in Scranton yesterday: George
According to announcement already made, we com
mence Oct, 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our
two large stores. The goods have all been marked down to
first cost, many goods even below cost.
If you have any present or prospective need of relia
ble goods be sure 3'ou come while this sale lasts. But
the earlier you come the better for you. We mention
below but a very few of the
RD IB ill!
The stock is entirely new and includes the latest
ideas in design, texture and manufacture in the line of
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, .
Oil Clotbs, Draperies, Window Shades and
Upholstery Goods of Every Description.
l&lf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our
Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the
lowest prices ever quoted in Scranton.
I a Tolltblt, oethlr, retnlktlDf medlolne. Only hvnlen sad
the iuroit drugs ikovld be ute4. If you want the bett, gel
Or. Feal's PennyroaB Pills
The are t-rnnpt, nle srd certain In re:ult. The rnmlne (Or. Feel's) Of Tor dlasp.
rii.t. Sri't.DTwIioro, Sl.00. Aidieu PCAt &!ca!CU3 Co., CicTeUnd, O.
Fora:a by JOHN H. PHEtPS.
That Has a Full and Co;n;!std LI.13 of Underwear Is the EMPIRE
DRY GODDS COMPANY, 51 G Lapkawanna Avenue.
Uii'l i wmr fr Mm. N'tviu n nncl CliiMrrn, uny price m il dlfcivnl
priiil)'. Yon mi llii'l wit.i us Nut u nil (ircys, C'am H.ilr. Klin-ml
J.liieil K il, (Iri-y Mi'tlmi. THoy aiv IioukIii l- r pot i;ah at Unit' when
(iihkIh wrn nt lliu Imvem f) !iri. 'J hit was in April, ISM.1. mid tho only
l iifr in Umlorwi nr Unit mi liTftftiida quulily is Mr. Henry Goodman
fll:nii.j;cr of the Cut 1'ricc Store,
In Uit'lfrwt'iir. Jorwy OvvMlilrtx lii ilittVrcut ntyles. We will not quoto
any priivs, bin we are willing to tuke oil':;! per ceut. straight than luuul
" inlet elsewiier.'. f '. 1
We Are Also Direct Ascnh
For Uie Superior Hygiena Uuderrcir Company
Noil slirjnkiibte, tho !st for health. We guarantee thorn to be equal to
the nnH you pJy &1.00. Our Kkrt them, for Shirts $1.50, or $15U for
the Suit. C'ouie ami see them. Largest assortment of Wool hosiery,
Hwt a tew, Cardigan Jackets. '
Heydon, E. RIvenburge, David Price,
William Riddle. Samuiil Heydon, Mrs.
C. B. Carry. ,Mrs. Kehr, Miss Emma
Weed and WIfs Stella Weed.
IMrs. Thomas K. William, of Rend
ham. who has been confined to her home
through sickness, is uuuiclently recov
ered to be around again.
Theson of Henry Plowright, of Rend
ham, he.d the .top of one of h!s tlngt'i J
cut off yesterday at Dun No. 1 mines.
Miss Yettle Scherer, of Taylor, waa
vhtlng her brother, WlllUm Seheror. of
Mountain Valley, during the past week.
Mrs. K. RIvenburge. of the Sibley, at
tended the wedding of her niece. M3
Susie Cuilln. of the South Side, Scran
ton., yesterday.
Hon. James T. Du Rols, of Washing
ton, D. C, is in town.
The Debating club has .changed Its
subject for the debate on Saturday eve
ning. It is "Resolved, That Capital
Punishment Should be Abolished."
Those who paid money for the erec
tion of a hand pagoda are to receive
It back, as 'the band have been refused
the use cf the river bank for that pur
pose. The gang r,f men In a covered wagon
who were arrested In Blnghamton last
week ou suspicion of being desperate
burglars, passed through this place Fri
day. The gang separated here, pact
going towards Blnghamton and the re
mainder toward Susquehanna.
Master Maitland Hayes and Miss
Myrtle Swartz, who are attending
school at Bloomsburg, were visiting
their parents the first of the week.
(M.-J. Colligan, of Scranton, is visit
ing In town.
S. F. Parmer, of Hawley. called on
J. J. Compton yesterday.
Miss Kittle Hopkins, of Scranton, who
has been visiting here, has returned
If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over Fifty Yenrs by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain
Cures Wind Colic, ami Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every
part of the world. He sure and ask for
'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a
Flwrmaciit, cor. Wyoming AveniM and
U'llttllKli.n.rMi:1ii, fA ...2.1. A. .. .
. 7,.'., IO assure ineir many paw
rons that they w IT this i year hold to their usual custom
of milling S1RIC1 LY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
i fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market. anS
owiim to the excessively dry weather many millers arc
of the opinion that It is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
iThl!i CwcIk! utte"tio" to ev.eri dcta milling haa
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other
brands. . .
Wholesale Agents.
Moosic Powder Co,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commow ealtn Bid's,
Lafflln & Rand Powder Co."l
Orange Gun Powder
Electrio Batteries, Fusee for explod
ing bluatB, 8afety Fuse and
Repanno Chemical Co.'s Higb Exploslva
Coal of the bent quality for domestli
ese, and of all sizes, delivered in mxa
.art of the city at loweut price.
Orders lert at my Offloe
Rear room, lust door. Third National
Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will be made for the
UUA abd delivery or Buckwheat Coal.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Ocoeral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Until you've read the list "DEPARTMENT
HINTS" we are offering yours for credit
as always that's our creed everything or
anything under the roofs of either of our
stores is yours for the promise to pay 1 Now,
why should you do without ?
In Bedroom Suits
You're fortunate in our possession
Price is low enough for you to pos
sess one of 'em. !
Dress rs, top 20 inches deep, 42 Inches
lo itf. 13-vol UlsHS SJx'JS inc hes, height 77
Inelies. i! dmwera; red, 4 feet H inches,
.1st, f.-et 2 inches lnnu, 711 inches bljtli
aohatnuri Coinbitintiim Cuphoerd.apUs.
her back, ill In. -hex lonir - high filos. Un
ish, antfiiuooitk.prioS13.OJ.
Yonrs while advertised.
In Parlor Suits
Have theui 34 5 6 or 7 pieces
what's your choice? Ono we show, 6
pieces, silk or crush plush, mahogany
finished, frame hisjhlv polished the
price, 28.50, Yours lor credit if you
want it.
In Dining Room Furniture
Your perceptive qualities were well
exercised last week. The way yon
availed yourself of those $n Dining
Konm Sirts was even more than we
expected hut it's understood when
the "Economy" says 'it's there!" it's
there an 1 there are more even a
little improvement on the last
An Antinne Solid Oak Hideboard neiirly
four f. et long, with hirce Hovel Piute
Mirror is ueio also for I WW. ;
Roofing Co.,
326 Washington A.enne,
Scranton, Pa,
Ebonite Varnish,
Gravel Roofing,
Pipe Conering,
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers.
All of roofing work done. All klnda of
Brarel or eleg roofs made.
AH done awav with bv tha tm f mm,
MAN'S PATENT PAiNT, which eoaalat
. of Infrredlenu well-known to ail It can b
applied to tin, galvanized tin. aheot Iron
roofe, also to brick dwellnga, which will
firevent absolutely any crumbllag. crack
n or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many yaara,
and It's coat does not exceed one-fifth that
. of the cost of tinning. Is sold by tho joe)
I or pound. Contracts taken by
Banquet Lamps and
Silk Shades
An assortment larger than the com
bined stocks of all who sell them la
the city and at prices that make
them no louger an article of luxury,
tt'e oner
A beautiful "Cupid" Lamp. 38 inched
high, gold itnd silrer fluisb. silk shade of
dainty colors, a 'SunkUht'1 burner, 1V.M
Floor Coverings
To your liking your best require
ments supplied by us That 87-ceot
Velvet has placed itself in many hornet
our recommendation goes with It
We have Carpets we can't recommend
one we're offering this week
A scroll designed ingrain, heavy of feel
hut considerable cotton wo say little of
its woolly relation, bat the price 21 cents
In Reply to That Letter
From Mrs. Outoft Ownpurchasen
We deliver goods free everywhere
pack same carefully at our expense
Our mail order department is an im
portant one as important as any
M.C. A. Building )
7 Wyoming Avtif "?"-