THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 17, 1895. DISTRESSING DISEASES OFTHB SKIN Instantly Relieved sad Speedily Cured bv ticiiira yr ana bath wHhOurirm Boip, nntl appli cation of ('UTicl'm (olnlmrnt), anil mild dnee ( Cimcua Kmolvimt (th aaw bluod unrUlcr) ' fold IhrmutMal Mi wt. nriHih 4'M F. iw. MI a Sons. I. Kh'C E4warl.. lwdim. roil;. llaUU a Cacu. Cuik, Soli Prop.. Pmtdr, II. M- A. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS ASP BOXDS. New York. Oct. 16. The stock market till retains Its professional character. In the opening ikuliiiRS the 'tendency of prices was upward. The upward tend ency, however, was checked soon after the opening hy advance In the posted rates of sterllnR exchange. Industrials, the Grangers, Louisville ond Nashville ami other leadlus stocks were sold and this started moderate liquidations for the long accounts. Prices receded anywhere- from 4 to 1 per cent. Sugar fell 1 to 107; iJurlinKton and Qulncy 1H to tW. St. Haul to ock iKlund 1 to 78. Deneral Klectrlc " to S7. Tennessee Coal Hi to I--'1: Chicago lias sold down i to CS and later rose to 694a4. The recovery In Chicago Gas hi the closing dealings steadied the general market and a fractional recov ery was noted. Net changes show de clines of St to 1H per cent., the latter In American Sugar. The runge of today's prlcas for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du U. Dlm- inlck, munuger fur Hllutn Alien sc Co.. stock brokers. 412 Spruce street, Bcrantou. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. nig. Am. Tobacco Co Wi W i-s 3 Am. Cot. Oil a Si Am. Sugar lte'g Co.IUHi lus'i 13 21". Atch., To. & a. Fe... s; 21 H Can. South.. 55 1, "hea. & Ohio W Chicago Gas Hi Chic. & N. W 107' Chic. U. & Q 87' C. C. C. & St. L 4.V4 Chic. Jill. & St. P... 77' 1S 107 S7 WH 0nV4 45' , .- 76, 45 7 Chic. K. 1. & P. 73 7S4 iviaware & Hud Vi2 l;t!i 1&!3 132',, D.. L. & V. liiS Dlst. & C. F Ucn. Klectrlc Lake Shore Louis. & Nash... .. 24 .. sv, ..151 24-'i 3$-"a l.M K2 23 23 37: S'1 151 151 t.2 7-'i M. K. & Texas... .. 17-S, IT-1 IT iMnrhattan Ele lim4 lliM, lloi4 uoi, Mich. Central W I'M W H llo. Pacific 374 37 37 371 Nat. Cordage S'i 8'j 8'i N. Y. Central N. Y. & N. E N. Y., L. E. & W.... .101 101 100H 100 , 53i 53'4 53 53', , 12', 12' 12 12 12- Vl' 12'i 12-i 36 30 36V4 i 4 4 4 4 , IS 19 19 19 ISH Ws 18 18 3 30 30', 3iH 21 21 20 ?o 12 12 12 12 43 4:) 42 42 10 10 10 11 16 1S 15 15 9 9, 9 9 23 23'4 22 22 S3 93 92 92 15 15 13 15 14 14' 14 14 79 79 77 77 Nor. Pacific Nor. Pacific, Pr... Ont. & West , Pacific Mall Phil. & Rea.l Uouthern R. R , Tenn.. C. I Tex. Pacific 1" l nion pacific. Wabash 9'4 Wabash. Pr 23' west. Lnlon... W. I I. S. Leather 14'i u. a. Lieatner. rr.... 7 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Ooen- Hlsh- Low- Clos- WHNAT. December May , OATS. Tieoember May CORN. December .... May LARD. lng. est. est. Ing. 61 61 60 60 65 65 61 64 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 27 28 27 27 29 29 29 29 5.77 5.77 6.72 6.72 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.94 9.52 9 52 9.45 9.47 9.75 9.75 9.70 9.72 May .... PORK. January May .... Scranton Board of Trado Exehanga Olio tatlons-AII Quotations Based on Par of 1 00. Name. Bid. Askd Green Ridge Lumber Co 110 Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 130 Scranton Lace Cur. Co 50 Nat. Boring & Drilling Co 90 First National Bank 600 Thuron Coal Land Co 90 Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 23 Scranton Glass Co 65 Lackawanna Lumber Co 310 Spring Brook Water Co 90 Elmhurst Boulevard Co loo Scranton Axle Works to Third National Bank 3J.) Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... VA Scranton Packing Co 115 Scranton Havings Bank 200 Scranton Traction Co 10 Lacka, Iron & Steel Co 150 Weston Mill Co 250 Traders' National Bank 120 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co 100 Scranton Pass. Railway flrst mortgag. due 1918 110 Scranton Traction Co t.i peoples mreet Hallway, first mortgage, dus 1918 110 Scranton A Plttston Trac. Co. ... 90 reopie s mreet Railway, Sec- . , ond mortgage, due 1920 110 Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage, due 1923 100 picksop Manufacturing Co 100 LAcKa.-Townsnip School 5 102 City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102 Naw York Produce Market. New York, Oct 16. Flour Dull, un changed, steady. Wheat yulet, easier; No. 2 red store and elevator, 67a6Hc; afloat, 68c; f. o. b., 69c; No. 1 northern, 7a7c.; options dull and firm, closed steady at ac. below yesterday; Janu ary, 68c; March. 70c; May, 70c; Oc tober, 66c. ; December, 6714C. Corn Firm, quiet; No. 2, 38c. elevator; 39c. afloat; op ber, 37c; November, 36c; December, tlons closed at ac. advance; Octo 36c; May, . 36'4,c. Oatn-Bpots steady, fairly active; options quiet, steady; Octo ber, 24c. J November, 23c; December, 24c; May, 25c; No. 2 white, November, 25c; pot prices. No. 2, 24c.j No. 2 white, 25c; No. 2 Chicago, 25c; No. 3, 23c; No. 3 white, 24c. j mixed western, 25a26c; white do., 25a30c; white slate, 25a30c. Provision Unchanged. Lard Quiet, weak; western steam closed at $6.05; city, 35.76; October, 36.06, nominal; refined, dull; continent, 36.46; South America, 36.80; com pound, 4a5c. Pork-Quiet, steady; mess, $9.7610. Butter Moderate demand, un changed. Cheese Firm, fair demand; state Jwrge. 6a9c; do. fancy, 9'4c; do. mall, 7al0c; part skims, 3a7c; full kirns, 2a3c. Eggs Steady, moderately active; state and Pennsylvania. 20a21c.; toe house, 16al7c; western fresh, '!U2oc.; (Jo. per case, $2a3. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, .O., Oct 1. Wheat Receipts, 3,111 bushels; shipments, 9,100 bushels; market quiet; No. 3 red, cash, 67c; De cember, 67c; May, 6c; No. 3 red, cash, 5c. Corn Receipts, 48.145 bushels; ship ments, 44,900 bushels; market steady; No. 1 mixed, caeh, 22c.;. No. 3 do., 31c; No. 3 yrllO'W, 33c; No. 3 do.. 32c. Oats Receipts, 1,200 bushels; shipments, none; no trading. Clover Seed Receipts, 1,287 bags; ship ments, 176 bags; market dull; cash and Oc tober, 34.16; December, 14.22; March, 34.25; prime alilke, 34.15. Chicago Live stock. Chicago, Oct. 16. Cattle Receipts. 19,000 head; market for good steady, others W,R t Mimmnn tA kvlra tm)M S3 iltaS Ril stoukers and feeders, 32.40s4; cows and bulls. $1.40a3.70; calves, 32.60a6.26; Texans, S.75a3.(0; western rangers, 32.50a4.5O. ogs Receipts, 40,000 bead; market weak and 6al0c. lower; heavy packlna; and ship ping; lots, $S.65a4.10; common to choice mixed, $3.60a4.10; choice assorted, 34a4.10; light, 33.60B4.oJt pigs, 31.754. Sheep-i4e- celpts, 18.000 head: market firm for choice, others weak: interior to cnoice, lambs,. $3a4. 40. (. . . Baffalo Live Stock- Buffalo, Oct. 16. Cattle Receipts, t.596 head; on sale, 20 head; market opened with prices unchanged, closed weak; good fat cows, r-'.IaJ; llgnt to gooa stocaeni, ii.-m 2.75. Hogs Receipts, 7,840 head; on sale, $.680 head; marked opened active but at 10al5c. decline and weakened fully We. more 'before noon, market closed very dull and fully 10c. lower than the first decline; W loads left over; early quotations, good Yorkers. $4.30a4.35; light Yorkers. $4.2Sa 4.30; mixed packers, $4.304.45; heavy, good to choice. 34.3.0a4.35: pigs. $4.20a4.30; roughs. 33.23a3.65; stags, I2.75a3.25: the bulk of late sales of Yorkers and good weight hogs were at $1.20, and of pigs, $4.15. Sheep and Lamba Receipts. 9.000 head; on sale. 8.530 head; market opened very dull and 10a 2ile. Jower for all kinds, closed very dull with 12 loads of natives unsold and four loads of Canada lambs held over; mlved sheep, good to choice, $2.15a2.65; extra, $2.i;i 3; culls to fair. $1; export sheep, $3.5a 3.75; extra. $3.SOa4: prime lambs. $la4.30: gooil to oliolce, $3.73a3.90; fair to good, $3.10 a3.Ua; llgnt 101s, 9Ja.4.u; cuhb bum mon. $2.25a3: 15 loads of Canada lambs sold late, mainly at $4a4.25; a few fancy go ing at $4.35. ' (111 Market. Pittsburg. Oct. 16. The oil market here today closed at 122, the only quotation. . .... to nw 3 1 . . ...I.. ...1 iirlou nf JU V 11 , Ul. iO. i lir" DIUlluuiu f oil, 125. PhllnJalnhla Tall nw Market. Philadelphia. Oct. 10. Tullow Is quiet and unchanged. We quote: uiy, prMiii in ihhds. 4c; country, prime, in bbls. H'c; uo. uara. in UOIS, tc, mwi -r grease, 3a3c. NEWS OF OIK 1NDISTRIES. Happenings of Interest to the Stapel Trades and Particularly to the Trade in Iron. Mcel and Anthracite Coal.- The Lehigh Valley Railroad company Is about to place orders ior z,ww new box cars. The Pennsylvania Railroad company has ordvred from the Pullman company S30 freight cars, each to have a capacity of 80,000 poundl. Cxal dealers are now buying coal at tiruvia llinir ratvi. as thev luvdlct all- other rise In the price In the very near ruiture. Pivhlint Wllhur and the directors of Hie . a 1 11-J .taiiiuni ..... - today on an inspection of the lines and terrnunais ot tne ro-au. The nominul price of steel rails Is $2S, bi:.t .as the mills are all sold up, $2W Is usked for smnll orders for quick deliv ery, and no large lots can be obtained at less than 330 per ton. Tha .Ti,a. Uavdn hna nu'tirdil cnfl tracts for 1.500 new freight cars, most of them to be used In the through ser vice. The awards were made largely to New England manufacturers, so as to rage manuracturing wunin in company's territory. There Is a scarcity of freight cars on all the principal railroads In this state, nnd many shippers who were holding off for lower freight rato3 are now or fering a premium for cars. The Iron lr.dustr es are clamoring: for better pvr vlee. and the Pennsylvania Railroad company has Just placed an order for 1.000 gondola freight cars. The amount of coal shipped over the Reading line? for the week ended Oct. 12 was KI6.S79 tons, comparea witn 2u. 439 tons the corresponding week last year, an Increase of 56.439 tons. The to. tal amount shipped to that date was 373,077 tons, compared with 10.349.533 tens the like period last year, an in crease of 1.023.541 tons.- The scarcity of stove and egg sizes of anthracite cmal at .New York will soon be over, as. the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western and the Susquehanna and Western coropanles are now moving coal more freely. The Reading com pany Is, however, short of these sizes of coal, and it cannot nil all Its orders. There are Inquiries from all over the country for coal, and It looks as If the dealers have very little stock on hand. as they are desirous of having their or ders filled at once. R Al LROAI)NOTES. The statement Is made that the road, beds and equipment of the New Eng land roads during the recent depres sion were not kept up to the standard and it will now be necessary to spend a considerable sum of money In Improv ing them. The Texas railroad commission has established a rate, fixing the density of cotton for railroad transportation at twenty-two and one-half pounds per cuolc foot, and authorizing railroads to haul cotton past compresses where the compress owners will not guarantee the standard density established by the commission, and take the cotton to some other press that will make the guarantee. The Pennsylvania company has 41.1I71 cais of its own and 40,644 belonging to Individuals and companies doing busi ness over Its lines, and, had the com pany as- many more, often could not meet the requirements for cars. To day they are many thousand cars short of filling dilly orders, and are obliged to select the shippers who should be first favored' For mine months the agreement as regards immigrant-traffic has been well lived up to bv t'he eastern and western roads, the traffic being dividrd between the several western lines through the Immigrant clearing house In New York. Now It is raid unit f-r me of the lines are uneasy arid this agreement Is likely to be abrogated; ' NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND the bad habits and early vices of young men and their dis astrous consequen ces. Young men and old men, those who suffer from nervous debility and exhaustion, the wasting away of the vital strength and power from hidden drains or intemper ate habits can readi ly find relief for body and mind by writing the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y. They employ a full staff of physicians and Specialists, who treat at a distance by correspondence or at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, all this class of diseases. Those who suffer from low spirits, irritable temper, a "broken-down" nervous sys tem, and such distressing symptoms as backache,- dizxihess, shooting pains in head or chest and indigestion, sexual excesses or abuses, all the result of exhausting dis eases or drains upon the system, will find a permanent cure after taking the special prescriptions sent them from the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. This associa tion of medical men have prepared a book written in plain but chaste language, treat ing of the nature, symptoms and curability, by home treatment, or such diseases. The World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on re ceipt of this notice, with 10 cents (in stamps for postage) nuti), sealed in plain envelope, a copy of this nseful book. It should be read by every young man, patent aud guar dian in the land. The Key to the Situation if you suffer from Sick or Bil ious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, or any derangement of the stomach, liver and bowels is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Mildly and tly, but thoroughly and ef ivelv. Uiev cleanse, renovate I and and regulate the entire svstetn. 9 One little " Pellet " for a gentle laxative three for a cathartic. They're purely vege table and perfectly harmless : these tiny, gar-coated granules of Dr. Pierce. . ...-r .:. WHAT ABOUT OUR KIDNEYS? SOME FACTS ABOUT THEIR PAINS AND DISEASES. Th Symptoms of Sick Kidney and the Dictates That Sick Kidneys Will Cause. A Sure Cure for , the Kidneys end for These Diseases. There are a great many people who don't know that the kidneys are simply filters. All the bood made by the food we eat passes through our kidneys. The kidneys separate whait Is had from what Is good, -what Is unhealthy from what Is healthy, throw out the bad and let the good pass on to nourish our body. And this la going on every minute of our lives. ' Some folks overwork their kidneys. They have to suffer the consequences. Hut the consequences would not be go bad if they would take 'Dr. H abb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. The kidneys get overworked from worry, hard work of the body or mind, excesses, overeating, etc. Worry Is probably the most commoon of these causes. Overwork of the kidneys makes them sick, and they make us sick. When the kidneys are sick the blood suffers. It gets poor, thin, unhealthy, poisonous. When our kidneys are Hick we may have Krlght's Disease, Diabetes, Nephritis and other dangerous kidney troubles. Or we may have Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia , General Muscular Weak ness, etc.; or Anaemia, Pale and Sallow complexion. Chlorosis or Green Sick ness, Dizziness, etc.; or Skin Diseases, Plmpk'3, Blotches, Erirptions, etc. It may seem wonderful that one medi cine should .be able to cure all these dls tases. but when we remember that they are all caused by Impure blood, and that the Impure blood Is caused by the kidneys, It becomes a question of simple common sense. The kidneys make pure blood. Pure blood means health. Therefore, when you have diseases of Impure 'blood, cure your kidneys with Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. This will make you well and strong and he-arty. Dr.'s Sparagus Kidney Pills contain. In concentrated form, special vegetable druss which cure and renew the kidneys. The combination from which they are made Is found In no other medicine or prescription. It was first used by Dr. Hobb In his private practice many years ago, and was so unfailingly suc cessful that his original prescription was finally made up Into Dr. Hnbb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. The concen trated extract of Aparagus, which Is the iprlnclpal Ingredient, Is prepared exclusively by the Hobb's Medicine company, under a special process. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will cure you when you are nick. They will put new Mood and new life Into you. They will give you new ambi tion, new looks and new (brightness of eyes and skin. A few doses will relieve. A rew boxes will cure. Of all druggists, or mailed prepaid to any address 50 cents a box. Write for Interesting pamphlet on the subject, free on application, to .Hobb's Medicine company, Chicago or Ban Francisco. FOREST CITV. 'M:ss Stone, of Plttstrm, and Cora XIavbee. of Narrowsburg. N. Y., are guests at the Methodist Episcopal par sonage. f.MIss Amelia Jarmyn. of Clark's sum mit, returned to her home In that place Monday, after a week's visit with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ellas B. 'Edwards. Miss Anna Reed, of Providence, Vis ited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Fred Soby. of Jermyn, spent Sunday with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John 'MoLaughlln. Mattie Walters, of 'Hernice, SuIIIva.n county, Is visiting friends and relatives in Forest City and Vandllng. The large building at Vandllng owned by Morgan & Westgate was burned to the ground Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. It was occupied on the ground floor by 'Morgan & Westgate as a butcher rhop, and by T. D. Bryden as a general store. Three families occu pied the remainder of the building as living rooms, namely. Frank Westgate, John Scully and Thomas Morgan. Nothing was saved. The Are originat ed In the butcher shop. The Hillside and Enterprise Hose companies of For est City responded to the alarm, and In the order named had streams plavlng on the burning building In about fifteen minutes after the alarm was sounded. The building by that time, 'however, was a mass of flames and could not he saved. The building and Mr. Westgate's goods were Insured for 13,000. All the other tenants had noma insurance, but not enough to cover the toss. There will be no school next week, as county Institute convenes at Montrose on Monday, and our teachers will at tend. Professor B. F. Maxey. of Forest City, who is employed as a teacher In the Jermyn high school, has been hired by the school board of that place to conduct a night school. The Hillside company paid Its em ployes Saturday. 'Lizzie and Eva McLaughlin will open a dressmaking establishment In the Os good building. F. J. Osgood and u .H. iMay made a report of last week's Epworth league oonvention at Wllkes-Uarre on Sunday evening in the 'Methodist Episcopal church. PRICEBURQ, , At A rpfFlllnr tnt nf thn inhnnl board, held at No. 1 school In at evenlnjr. tht fnllnial n cr K 1 1 I n r ansa terna xa nonyiln.l . "ri unniiii.r-0 vadT iiaiiruvir'ii. The salaries of the teachers for the month of 'September were ordered paid. The agreement .between ' the Throop schorl board and ours -was accepted, rt requires the Throop school district to pay the Dickson district $874.86.. The maner or tne nivtsion or me borough Inln Iwn ri!lfrl.t a.a aim k,ni,hl .... and fHamuiaori TVi t I n ... , U n .it scholars residing south" of Storrs avenue Hiiaii go io o. i scnnoi, ana an north of said street go to No. I school, and that all scholars having attained the plehth ffrarlp H u tl err. r. nmfUM, 1T-...1 at No. I school for instructions. The people of -the lower end of the borough do not favor this action, claiming for a reason mat it is too rar to walk, es pecially in tne winter: but the board will stand bv their unllnn .haos,an k... think they are working to equalise th'o uenuance, ana 10 graae the schools. This matter being settled and orders drawn for witness fees In the late case with Throon. the ' mtin journed. Mrs. P. J. OTVinnnr nt T.lnnnln w... Is visiting her eon, John, in Mamar-on-evk, N. T. The need of a cross-walk at the Junc tion of Main st rent irw1 9hvL. A. ......... was shown when the funeral procession nau 10 waia in tne mud on Monday, Relief In Six Hour. r' t raal n.'Viln.a mm A m.JJ.. m. rel.'evad In six hours by the "New 8outh IniiSnlfl fT'rillAV P.ip- fphl. ..... ... . ------ -.w. . ,,, i.e. rvm- MV ' m m nul . I m I -. mm a..... -. .. exceeding promptness In relieving pa.'n In the bladder, k'.dneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages. In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately, if you want quick relief and cure th' your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris; Drug gist, US Pena avsnut, staranton, Pa. ALWAYS "'TWHfcCOr Tha tlMfc WAtno mnat attrllal, anrl the greatest value of any a.00 Men's Shoes on the continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid leather soles, with all the popular toes, lasts and fastenings, and Lewis Cork Filled Soles. Each pair contains a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for 9100, good for DO days. Wear Le wis'Accident Insurance Shoes once and you will never change. The insurance goes for "full measure, Talk with your dealer who sells Lowla Shoes. FOR SALE AT Globe Shoe Store 227 UCK1 AVE., SCRANTON, Pi EVANS ft POWELL, Prop'n EVA M. HETZEL'S, Superior Face Bleach, PvSltltalj Btmnes All Facial Blemlsbis. No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Black fieads, Liver Spots, Pimples and Sallow Complexions If ladles will use my Su perior Face Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but a medicine which acts directly on the skin, removing all dlscoloratlons, an one of the greatest purifying agents for the complex ion In existence. A perfectly clear and spotless complexion can be obtained in very Instance by Its use. Price, 11.00 per bottle. For sale at E. M. Hetzel's Hair dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack awanna ave. Mall orders tilled promptly. THE GREAT LADY DOCTOR Now in Charge of the Chicago Medi cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Comes highly re-ommended by nil the lead ing ''octors of ths world, and makes it ty of and will treat only woinon and children and all m ute and chronic diseases peculiar to the female sex. Her specialties in which she lias achieved so nnu-h great success and honor are Female Complaints, Blond Poison. Rhou matiiiu, Chronic Nervous Diseases, Tumors, Cancers. Goitres. Cripples, DetormitliM, St. Vitas' Dance and Epileptic Fita All who call within twenty days will reoeive advicoand service free, including medicine fur three months, for tl Examination and advioa free. This institution has no e nnection with Dr. Reeves. Take elevator in store below, 4li Hpraca street. Office hours from 8 a. m. uutil p. m.; Sunday from 2 to 5 o'clock p. ui. Complexion Pressm. DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM fivTkMMfllseKh Sanborn ana Tan, and ra store the skla to its origi nal freshness, producing a clear and healthy com nlnxian. BuDerior to all tana preparations and .perfectly CPusslJta, or milled iur SOcU. harmless. At all nam cueuia. VIOLA SKIN SOAP ! H-Hr taseami e KrtMss U UMakl ftr IM MM, H4 wttknls Mi. AtiranMi, Prlee li Cm Q. C. BITTNER 4 CO.,Tols:do,0, .or sale by Matthews Bros, and Jena Ha Pheloe. Uses sv vms Mmhist Msdmsi Someeinie i SnEHTHOL NHAIEB JTTA DBLf ,THMvLrinnrT HttDACHEM IxaALm sill ear yon. A wonderful boon to uferan from Cl4a. Mara TIm.I. InSnensa. prnehltfe, immtdutlrtltif. AnenVolent Mmrf Mi.HlMl In mm Is sosknt, lead to m on Srst Indication of eols. reatlnaee ITta Kfsete faraaaant Cera. Uifeunaraiiteeaorniane7rerandeS. Prt-a. eta Trial free n Drmstsia, BesiMerad mall, ft) earn. LI. CUSIliJ, luT; tint ln auk, u. a. 4, OT7SJKS4tA.XVSB HtNTHOL TSj Mrjns ana eaf ,H renedr faf r-- - - - iiiiinuiieMMkji itAh i. old Sorea. Sums. Cnta. Wm4mAiI hb. snr for FI Lite. Frtea. SS ate. at Hnr- D a I SS Hals or by mall prepaid. Adaraee aeaboTe. DW L m ..For sale by Matthews Bros, and Jehs H. Pheloe. VIGOR ' r.iEti Easily, QuIoMy, Pennuently Rsstorsd. Weaknesse Nervonsa, Deklllty, and all toe train or evin irom eariy errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sIckneM, worry. etc.. Full strength, davek opmentand tons liven to (every organ and portion of the body. Simple, nat ural methodi. Immedi ate imurovemeat seen. Failure Impossible. x,000 references. Book, sxplanaUon and proofs mailed (saaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. ON THE LINE OF THE , CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located ths finest Ashing and hunting groi ads In thn world. Descriptive books on application. Ticket to all points ta llaine. Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, ht raol, Canadian and United States North west, Vanoonver. Seattle, Taeoms, Portland, Or., baa Kraneiao , - First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throngs, trains. Toorlsl oars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and sp e tally adapted to wants of familial may be and with second cluas ticket. Ratal always lost than via other linns, fto full Information, time table, etc, on application to K. V. 8KI.MNER, Q. EC. A. ' 253 BnOlDWaYt REeV' ' eT xw r. s --r SCRANTON- ARE THE 150 Sizes and Styles Or CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles OF STEEL RANGES 0 THE SCRANTON STOVE have arranged with the following STOVES STllOXU'S FUKNISIILNG HOUSE, 320-322 Fcnn Avenue. W. G. D0UD & CO., 500 Lackawanna Avenue. F00TE & SHEAR CO., 110 X. Washington Ave. 11. J. HUGHES, 124 South Main Avenue. m . - - ar Send S rnnli tnr mi. k.n. Faultless Chemical r.,.i. mora, Md. CALL UP 3632. HI OIL M KlflMl CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPFIOE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 181 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLUIN3, M'flfr. "ssrzr REVIVO RE8T0RES VITALITY. 1 Made a wftar. I JA tiiWell Man llthDar.JfEtft of Me. TMI WHAT soth WSJ r a w " - ' In SO lis ja. Itscti Kwrf ally sad qulcklf. cum wh.n all otbr tell aas na will rngaia io maukood.aadold Baa will reoovar their routhfnl visor or naluf BETI VO. It qulcklr sod .urelr raatore Merrou Bess, Uat Tltalltr, banotener. Nlfhtlr SniMlon. Lo rower. Tail! nf Mtmoir, Wulln Oli-aaea. and II BVts ol eelr-abun or .iKiMand Indlacretlon, whlek naSte en for itodr, bnalnen or marries.. It Bo only ear, by Martins at the aaat of dleanae. but Issarnst ar tonle and liluod bnllder. brinr Ins each tb pink glow to pal. hak nnd r terlas b fir. of youth, ft warda off Inaanltr and OasanaiptloD. loalit oa bavins ethar. It can b. earMad ta veet pocket. By snail. 1.00 pw paokaan, or all for M.OO, with a pwl Mv wrlttaa anarant. to car aa rsriusd the money. Circular In.. Addraa 0rL MEDICINE CO.. 83 Rlvar tt, CHICaOO. ILL sal hr aMhws Bras. Otaswlst Sarnntaa . Fa A I'Mltlte Written I1iiim.1i,J Cum fti. ' LOST MAN! anil all attindln' both of yuuuz am airo.l tnen and woo HOOD ailment! and luldill. airo.t ucn and women. ?h nnr.irm!tanf VOUTI1F1I. Remit of treatment. Gliltoits. nrodncinc weak hay. Maa, Menou Dobllitr.Hkjthtly Eralaalol:a,C'imanmitl.n. Inaanltjr, Exhaoatlna dralnaand Ion of power of the Qvar rtantaankly Bie roratudy, nnamoaa ana mar. r. liedrlrneanaaalah Merv. 1. ineyi aneaoaioi writ. wraia. in- nu tun turo dt Kanintr ai uin aoai 01 ui aaae.Jbnt aran jmal KEnVKl-ONlU aadbl.OliD tlllLUKIt, brinclnf hack tf sink rlaw t yal. ekeaka and rmtofliiatSr flltE VV TUIITIt to to natumt. Br mall, nor boa or a for aa with Ira naraatea ft rare r refund t ranarr. Book tnwSyanlaa Mar Urali- Co., ll.a au. New Vara. ror aie py uhn h. phki.i's, urus flat, Wyoming ave. and Sprue street. . .. MADE STOVES BEST. firms to sell their AT FOUNDRY PRICES. UP TO IffMHTWWnWWWWniTWTfffTffTnWfTntTTTHTfnWi UUUIIiluuilumimiaiimiiiiuiuumiuuilil Established 1866. t: t: f3 b--a ta ts II ' :a :3 E3 :a t3 3 S3 m ta fea ga C3 tl rP ta ts t3 t3 t3 t3 ta C3 t3 S3 n4 t3 S3 t3 ta I ta the Genuine PIANOS At a time when mauy manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements regarding the merits and durability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. EL. C. RICKER Gcncrul Dealer in Northeast, cm Pennsylvania. New Telephone Exchange Building, 113 Adama Ave., Scranton, Pa. wirnrrffnTTTTHwnniinwTfrnTwwTrffffftwrff atialUiUitUUUUUaaUUUUUUIlllalUUUUiiUi OLD WHITE PI TIMBER For toy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bids, Scranton, Pa, Telephons 422. .. Prhk-heater Englbh TMajaond Ttraa. ' ENflYROYAL PILLS VaTTlV s. rtiislaiiaoiBiiiiliir. vminm sst uiMaKiri wnm .'ia mamZ mramd I Hatal saatl U wataUta' kiH. mM ,m bino rihiwti. Take HT in vunipt Rfn.ll. " 'ffltilsiti si ! - 100 Sizes and Styles OF. PARLOR STOVES 50 Sizes and Styles OF HEATjNG STOVES WORKS DATE. Ovtr 26,000 in Use. t4 pat M 1 31 m von Bora Tb maa. Pimnlaa. ronpef'OOtOroo Spot, Acfcea, old Bona, Cloen In Mouin, Hair Wllng? Writ. CMkBenaedyCSer Ma aaaalaT.aniierChlet8aJiMor proof, of sans. Capital asaaSpSee. PsUtntacnrad nln inn arnna ana 1 ana wall, i