The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Antnnn Styles Being Received.
We Invite Attention to Our
Beautiful New Designs and Colorings
For Fall and )'inter I'si.
Now Is an Excellent Time
To Decorate Your Rooms
And Get the Benefit of Use
During Cold Weather Season.
We Have the Finest Stock
Made in This Country
At Half New York City Prices.
Onr Patterns Cannot Be Found
Elsewhere in This City.
The Fine Work in Large Cities
Is Done in the FalL
We Furnish Good Decorators.
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Go.
Judge R. W. Arohbakl is at LaPorte.
James C. Noll was yesterday admitted
to practice In the courts of this county.
Mrs. John Brown, of North park, has
been called sui'lenly to Wllkes-Harre ow
ing to the Illness of her mother, Mrs. Coet
lett. ilrs. Charles F. Wagner, wife of Mr.
Wagner, of the county commissioners' of
fice, is very dangerously 111 of typhoid
At Elk Lake, Near .Montrose, the Pot
Hunter Is I'nknown.
There is one clas of local sportsmen
who 'have tired of the gunning and fish
ing to be found In the woods and re
eorts within a radius of twelve or fif
teen miles of Scran ton; they have tired
of the territory In this vicinity chiefly
because it Is largely frequented by "pot
hunters" apd "pot-ftehnrmen" or. In
other words, men who are professionals
and hunt or fish only for gain. The
Tribune can vouch for a region in Sus
quehanna county In 'the vicinity of
Montrose where the "pot" man is com
paratively unknown, but where game
and fish abound hi all manner of va
riety. .
E'ik Lake township, six miles from
Montrose, which villlge cari be reached
direct in two hours by the Lackawanna
road. Is a sportsman'! paradise, and
from now until Jan. 1 Is the time of
the year when the season Is at Its best.
Liming this month and into next month
the bass and pickerel fishing in the two
Elk lakes known aa the "big" and the
"little" lake, Is beter than at any time
of 'the year. For miles around In that
township partridges, quail and gray
squirrels are being killed in abundance
and within a few weeks the season for
foxes and rabbits will open. The rab
bits Include the common brown rabbit
r.d the big "Jacks." called "white rab
bits," In Susquehanna county. All the
game mentioned la very plentiful In
that region, nd the man must Indeed
be a novice who, with any kind of a
dog and gun, cannot kill a reasonable
quantity In one day's hunt.
The large and pleasantly situated
farm house of Bruce Brush overlook
ing the "big" and "little" Elk Lakes
la a favorite headquarters, rummer and
winter, and can be reached by livery
from Montrose or by Mage from that
village at 1.30 o'clock. One mile from
the farm notice is located the postofflrv.
Only .the better and more respectable
class of sportsmen are wanter or housed
by Mr. Bruh, who Is well-to-do and
does not from necessity entertain
guests. H4s terms are very reasonable.
A number of well-known young busi
ness and professional men of Scranton
have for several years known of the Elk
Lake region and have been keeping Its
attractions quiet, spending, however,
much of their time there hunting and
flEhlng. The two lakes have not been
defiled by the summer cottager, nor do
the woods rewound with the bangs of
guns In ofher hands than those of the
farmer or other true sportsman. Sum
mer and winter offer equal inducements
for a visit to Elk Lake.
Rarantnn'a Volunteer Association Trying
,j to Incrcnuo Its Membership.
hew a well attended meeting last eve
ning at tneir rooms, in Dunr's hall.
Seven new members were elected. .
From present indications It Is expect
ed the membership list will number 200
before Jan. 1, 1896. The executive com
mittee Will Ollll. o ,. .11 .1..
ln houses beginning next week, and
uin.nuuie me. souvernir by-laws
books and certificates of membership
to the, several members.
i . silks.
Tfl niW fllllr HttrtanmAn . ....
r ---. .. .n ML wr Hit pnowi.iK
mL ry nlcf" 'yle In Fancy Tsffetns
i trimming, we are
ele anents for Haskell's Black Silks.
Which are guaranteed.
i. j. e
English Capital for American Invest
ments. Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish capital for new enterprises. A llt
containing the names and addresses of Hi)
successful promoters who have placed
over U00 000 000 sterling In foreign Invejt-
Price IG or 125, payable by postal order
to the London and Universal Bureau of 9ll PhoBnaljI. T J
Ai.lwi,.li.M Will .tlll.J ... ' '
. .l li """"""i or arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
yvi aviim. .v..b u ifiiruauction to any
f these sucoessful promoters.
This list Is first class In every respect
nd every man or Orm whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. For
placing the following It will be found In
valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial,
Coram' -ila! and Financial Concerns,
Vortgav . Sale of Lands, Patents or
Mines. 4 . ' '
Dirctort-IR EDWARD c. ROS8. '
' v- '. Copyrjrot :
7-1 ....
Commonwealth's, Side of Nlsbiiskl
Mirder Cast Closed Yesterday.
lie Corrected Himself Regarding What
Uo Testified to Tuesday-Attorney Mo.
Ginley Opened for Ilefondant-Siild
Killing Was in Self liefenss.
Even greater Interest was taken In
the Vishntekl murder case yesterday
than on the dav before. The crowds
of curiosity aeekers blocked both en
trance to the coui t room, i nere -'
fewer anxious young maidens, how
ever, present than on Tuesday. ,
Mrs. Jankowikl, the defendants sis
ter, and her husband were at the de
fendant's tabic all day. She had a
2-year-old daughter In her arms, and
the Infant busted Itself a good dt-al
climbing around her unfortunate uncle,
pulling his hair and uroustng mandlln
sympathy. , .
The commonwealth vloswl Its case at
2 o'clock. One of the commonwealth a
witnesses admitted that DavliUak. the
murdered man. waa In company wltn
others who were bent on light. 'The
lins along which the defense vxpi'cts
to proceed are that the defendant
did 'the killing In self-defense.
Ch'ef of Police Simpson was the first
witness called ytsterday morning, lie
went to Buffalo with renulstion papers
to fetch Vishniskl back. The defendant
told him coming hre on the train that
he bore no love Mr Davldzak, und tul
niit'ted that he killed him. The chief
was asked by District Attoaney Jones
to explain the meaning of the story
told by Theodore Swantac Tuesday af
ternoon. Chief Contradicted Swnmuc.
iSwintac swore on cirossrexamlna
tlon that he told the story as he had
been prompted to dj by Chief Simpson.
Tha chief denied that he arranged a
story for Swantac to tell. The chief ad
mitted that he DaJd swaivtacs rare
from Chicago to this city, and lodged
him at Jordan's hotel, on Wyoming
avenue. Swantac said he was afraid
to go to -the South Side. He has two
brothers there. The chief did these
things because Swantac was an Im
portant witness In the case.
On cross-examlr.a'iloii Chief Simpson
was subjected to some sharp interroga
tories by Mr. McOinley. The attorney
for the defendant asked the chief If he
did not refuse to admit him to see Vlsh
nlskl, although knowing that he (Mc
Oinley) was the defendant's attorney.
The chief acknowledged that he ex
cluded Mr. McUluley from that priv
ilege. . ,
Mark Semlnlskl swore that he saw
Vl'jhnlskl In Koslolak's saloon before
the murder. Vlshnlskl had an open
knife and was quarrelsome. The de
fense endeavored to discredit the wit
nesses' testimony by extorting from
him the admissions that he Is a profes
sional gambler and makes a living by
fleecing less Intelligent Polandeirs than
Only Asked Him to Tell the Truth.
Theodore Swantac was the last wit
ness of the commonwealth. He was re
called to explain what he meant by the
story he told the day before in rela--tlon
to bcln-? prompted In his testimony
by Cnlef Simpson. He said he misun
derstood the question, and that the
chief only told him to tell the whole
truth. Mr. McOinley asked the court
to direct District Attorney Jones to call
Alex Jankowskl. the defendant's brother-in-law.
to the stand for the common
wealth, as he was an eye-witness of the
affair. Court refused to compel the
district attorney to do this.
Attorney tMcOinley opened for the de
fense at 2 o'clock, he occupied about
thirty minutes. His plea was that
Vlthniskl fired the shot in self-defense,
and having proved that to the satis
faction of the Jury, he hoped that the
verdict should and ought not fail to be
one that would restore to the defendant
his liberty.
County Surveyor A. B. Dunning, Jr.,
was called to identify the map of the
street. Albert Ludka, of Remington
avenue, was the second witness. He
was put on the stand for the purpose
of contradicting the evidence of John
Barkovltz, one of the witnesses of the
commonwealth. liarkovltx swore that
he was at very close range to Vlshnitikl
and Davldzak when the former flVed
the shot that ended the latter'sy1lfe.
Ludka swore that Barkovltz told him
he was too far away to be able yo tell
for a certainty who fired the fatM shot,
though he thought Vlshnlskl llred it.
yet he would not be certain.
Important Witnes for Defense.
Julius Dhrabant was ' an Ifnportant
"witness for the defense. He was em
ployed as assistant In a butlcher shop
on South Washington avennie Feb. 9
last, the date of the murkier. J. H.
'Bailey owned the shop. It was In the
next building to Peter Kziolak'8 sa
loon. John Barkavltz, Felix Davldzak
and Theodore Swantac wre out on the
sidewalk In front of the butcher shop.
It was about 9 o'clock tot night. The
three men were considerably under the
Influence of liquor. Dnvldzak was In
the wora't condition, ano he was cursing
and shouting. The wktmrs swore that
Davldzak was uttering vile oaths, and
threatening to kill some one.
Mr. McOinley asked him whether
or not Davldzak had a big knife In his
hand. The witness.' denied this. The
attorney for the defense said he was
surprised at the w lines, and asked the
privilege of asking 'him a specific ques
tion. The request was not allowed.
Alex Jankowskl who now lives In
the Twentieth wand, lived on the comer
of South Washington avenue and
Maple street the time of the-murder.
About 9.30 on thd night of the shooting
John Vlshnlskl, tfhe defendant, ran Into
his house. 'Blotd waa flowing down
Vlshnl'.-fkl's face! and there was a larye
cut over his eye He remained ten mln-uU-3,
then left jhnd went to hlH sister's
hou3 where !he boarded. The wlt
nrss did not luar any shots, nor did not
see any revolver In the defendant's pos
sesion. ' f
Wiped Away tho lllnnd
Vlshnlskl Uxik out his handkerchief
and wiped off! the blood but It flowed out
again as fasjr as It was wiped away.
The waninsj watched the defendant
after he left the hou.te, and saw that
he went dlttctly home. He did not
hear VlRhnlfki say-that' he had killed
a man and vfrould fly to Buffalo to avoid
arrest. )
Court adfjourned at 4 o'clock. Mr.
McOinley iirumhud that the. defend
ant's side would close Its testimony to
day. .
Olyphant Stone-Throwing Case on Trial
in CoMrt Room No. 1 - Other Cases.
Owens, of Olyphant, was put
Judge Huvldiie In court room
on befora
No. 2 yesterday afternoon, for murder
ously assaulting 'Thomas Murphy with
a cobbli f tone. Inflicting a wound on the
back of the head so serious that for a
time MVirphy'e life was hanging on a
mere tlifread. Attorney Joseph O'Brien
represented the commonwealth and At-
35548 3WE
5AGLE Brand
Ettas No Equal
torney El C. Newcomb the defendant.
The evidence of the prosecution was.
not all In at adjournment.
Murphy and a companion dropped
Into he saloon run by the defendant's
brother. ; This was on tarch -3 last.
Trouble arose and .Murphy was eject ?d.
When he got outside, Owens struck him
with a stone.
John Langan was returned not guilty
of larceny by bailee. 'Martin Botosjack
was found guilty of assault and battery
upon the person of Andrew Starlak. A
verdict of not guilty .was taken In the
case of John Hindley, charged with as
sault and battery and Intent, to kill.
Paul lit rgood was the prosecutor.
Thcv Went In (ioniisiiv.
Simon Christ and iMIchael Jerkman
were called to stand trial for assault
and battery upon IVter Vergan. They
skipped to Oermany. Their ball was
forfeited. Thomas Koland was de
clared net guilty of assault and bat
tery upon the person of his wife.
Michael Coggins, an 18-year-old Bellc
vue you.ih, Uad guilty to stealing 100
IHiunds of brass from the Delaware,
l.uckawantin and Western Katlroad
company. Hi? has been In Jail for some
time. Attorney Charles K. olver Inter
ceded for him. and the sentence of the
court iniponed by Judge Ourwiter was a
fine of Jl and two days in the county
Michael Krotkey was acquitted of the
charge of ft Unions wounding. He llred
a load of buckshit into the body of
Peter Koxnlak. This was the affray at
lllazlng Stump. The Jury was con
vinced that kozniak was out on a
chicketi-slea!!ng expedition.
Verdicts of Not Utility.
Verdicts of not guilty were taken In
thi casis of the commonwealth against
John Cuwley, attempt at rape; Kate
Kellly, prosecutrix; commonwealth lioiniiiick Kellly, entering with
felonious Intent; commonwealth against
same defendant, carrying concealed
weapons; John Cawley, prosecutor, to
pay the costs because he did not appenr
to prosecute.
Louis Marino was acquitted of rob
bing lir!uget liodick. Mathew Cole
man was acquitted of wuntonly and
cruelly abusing Thomas O'Donnell's
horse and the prosecutor was directed
to pay the costs.
James Dean was found guilty of ag
gravated assault and battery, but ac
quitted of Intent to kill for striking Kd
dle Davis with a base ball bat.
Somo of tho Plays That Will lis Seen In
. tho Theaters of the City.
At the Academy of MumIc this even
ing Stuart iKobson will present his new
play, "Government Acceptance." Hla
company Is one of unusual excellence,
having ben selected with great care
with a view to their 'fitness for the char
acters In the story. .As the scene ol" the
play Is laid in Washington, there are
many clever facsimiles of life and char
acters to be found In that political
focus. The scenic artists have repro
duced several historic spots, notably
a view of Washington from Arlington
Heights, with the setting sun turning
the waters of the Potomac into a
stream of pure gold. The drama truth
fully pictures the doings of senatorial
committees and there Is some polite sa
tire at the expense of the politicians
who allow themselves to be Interested
but never Influenced. Mr. Robson as
Robert Gordon has a character thor
oughly In keeping with his Jovial na
ture, a nature through which runs a
stream of comedy and sentiment, blend
ing as harmoniously as the tints of the
sunset of the scenic artists.
Creston Clarke's Leading Lady.
Miss Adelaide Prince, the beautiful
and gifted actress that will support
Creston Clarke this -,fason, comes from
the Lone Star state and all Texans are
proud of her as the daughter of the
state. She won fame under Augustln
Daly's management In London, Parts
and New York. The London Telegraph
said that her Cella in "As You Like It"
was the best performance of that part
they had ever seen. Her greatest suc
cess In New York was In 'L'Enfant
Prodlgue" creating a favorable im
pression with the public and critics.
At the' Academy Friday evening.
Faust at the I'rothlngham.
On Friday night a new star in the
theatrical firmament will appear at
the 'Frothingham In the person of Jo
seph Callahan, a iPhlladedphlan, pre
senting "Faust" as the play with which
to Illustrate his talents as an actor
worthy a position In the upper ranks
of the profession. IMr. Callahan madeo
wise selection. He has become thor
ougly familiar with the requirements
of the difficult role of Mephisto through
years of study and the experience
gained as understudy to Lewis Morri
son. Mr. Callahan's conception of the
character of the wily demon Is In every
respect a credit and Is never overdrawn
or strained for effect.
Zero at the Academy,
The pretty new American spectacu
lar phantasy that will be seen at the
Academy of IMusic Saturday, Oct. 19,
promises to be a departure from other
attraction, combining, as It does, all
the best features of comedy, refined
vaudeville and spectacular attractions.
"Zero" relates to the adventures of a
North Pole discoverer who endeavors to
reach the Pole, and by so d lng gain
fame, fortune and a bride. While en
route to the Pole, a concert Is given
on the ship and this serves to Introduce
the refined specialty artists with the
company. In the third act the spec
tacular features are Introduced, con
cluding with the beautiful setting, "The
Home of Dlavolo," electric ballet, etc.
Rice and Barton's Comedians.
Rice and Itarton's clever company of
comedians will present thir funny
farce-comedy, 'WfcDoodle and Poodle,"
at Davis' theater on Thursday. Friday
and Saturday of this week. Thp com
edy Is very funny, and Is filled with
catchy music and Interesting special
ties, which are Indulged In by the vari
ous members of the clever company,
among whom are Rice and Kartnn, Miss
Franlile Haines. J. K. .Mullln. Miss An
nie Dunn, Jay Qulgley, Charles J. Nor
ton, Whitney Brothers, and many oth
ers. Last st'iin this aggregation gave
unbounded satisfaction.
l ort llllss at l-'rnthlnehum.
"At (Fort Illlss" Is the name of an ex
ceptionally strong drama to be present
ed for the first time In this city at dhe
Frothlnghnm next Saturday. This play
Is replete with bright, original comedy,
w.dl-drawn characlers and contains an
In'.ense ronnl'tant story that wins It
self to the hrarts of the theater-goer
Although dealing with military life, "At
Fort HIIps" Ik not a war piny, but a
diamr.'.lc picture of army life as it ex
ists today, and Is llhp lint seml-soclal
drama written by ,an American author
depicting events at a froiwler
"Mow to Cure All Skin Discncs."
Simply apply "flwnynn's O'ntment "
No Internnl mcMlicino required. Cuies te't-
ier. erzenia, urn, an eruptions on tho fi-o
hnnila nnu citr lnuv'ntr u . ' '
."r1 W. hh.ii near,
white nnd honlthy. Its great healing and
curative powers are possessed by no other
remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's
VAiiiiuviii. ;
Fine writing paper lGc. per lb. Pratt's
Tlnnk Htnri.
30 Feet Higher
than Scranton Is Bchelbel's hotel at the
end or ine new r.nnnursi nouievard road
You can set the bent of menls at all hours,
also reirroiuiieiiiH vi uii Kinus.
Wall paper at your own price. Pratt's
tsooK more.
Taylor's New Index Map of Seranton nnd
For sale at Taylor's Directory oftloe, 12
Tribune building, or given with an order
ror the acranton Directory ittss.
Inks 85c. per qt 20c. per ptnl, writing
paper, envelopes and tablets at half price
for a few days. Pratt's book Store.
Mrs. Fenton, Clairvoyant and Phrenol'
oglst, Arnout House, 428 Lackawanna, ave
nue, this week only.
Plllsbury'i flour mill have a capacity
Kcvenue Collector Paces His Accuser,
i W.J. Burke. ; ;? r
Colonel Colquitt, tho Government Com
missioner, Places n Chines Wall of
Scerecyx Around the Proceedings.
Names of Witnesses Examined.
Colonel Colquitt, the commissioner
sent on from Washington to sift the
charges preferred against Collector
Grant Herring by his former employe.
William J. Hurke, began the taking ol
testimony yesterday.
The hearing was conducted in tne
marshal's office, In the federal building.
and the greatest privacy Is being main
tained. 'Nobody Is allowed to be pres
ent except the principles, the commis
sioner and the stenographer, John Tay
lor. Kveryibody, including the wit
nesses, were sworn to secrecy, and It
was next to Impossible to get at the
proceed-lna-a. A Tribune ireiiorter pre
sented himself at the hearing yesterday
afternoon but was politely Invited to
Mr. Herring was questioning the wit
ness when he espied the reporter, and,
raining his hand, to command silence,
notified Colonel Colquitt that there was
a reporter present. Tne august com
missioner then requested the reporter to
withdraw, stating that the hearing was
strictly private. The reporter, it Is
needless to say. withdrew, and sought
other sources for the desired details of
the case.
Wltncssos Heard Yesterday.
The charges In Reneral are neglect of
duty. Incompetency and gross Immor
ality. Yesterday was g'lven up princi
pally to the consideration of the first
named allegation. Three witnesses were
heard. They were James C. Noll, former
distilling clerk, who was yesterday ad
mitted to the Lackawanna bar; S. P.
Fauahold, the present chief deputy, and
John White, night watchman at the
fi'overnment building. All these wit
nesses were summoned at the Instiga
tion of Mr. Rurke.
All admitted that Collector Herring
was In the habit of spending much of
his time away from the office, and one
or them, Mr. Noll, testified that two
days a week was about the average
time that Mr. Herring devoted to the
Today It is expected that William
Craig will be called upon to tell what
he knows about iMr. Herring's conduct.
He could not be found last evening, and
some of his acquaintances said that he
went over to Maplewood yesterday to
spend a couple of days with ex-Sheriff
Robinson, who -Is on a fishing expedi
tion there.
Mr. Burko was Interviewed last night,
or rather visited, for he refused to be
interviewed. He maintained a silence
that would put a clam to shame.
Mr- Hurke Not Well Pleased.
It Is sai'.d, however, that Mr. Burke
confided to an Intimate friend that he
Is not altogether pleased with Colonel
Colquitt's demeanor In conducting the
case. He evidences a tendency to be
little Mr. Uurke's charges, so the latter
Intimates, and also seems to take side
with the defense Instead of merely sit
ting as an impartial magistrate.
Like everybody else connected with
the case. Colonel Colquitt maintains the
deepest kind of silence regarding the
proceedings. He umbosomed himself
long enough, however, to say that he
was conducting a rigid examination,
and if the evidence will warrant it will
have Collector Herring arraigned be
fore the proper authorities In Wash
ington on the charge of malfeasence in
office. The hearing may be continued
several days.
Long Established Company Wants to
Locate In the City.
Overtures have been made to the
board of trade for the locating In Scran
ton of one of the largest manufacturing
comcerns In this section of the state.
The company has (been In business for
several years and Is thriving now, but
It wants a location where greater con
veniences exist for shipping, banking,
fuel and labor.
For obvious reasons detailed Inform
ation will not be divulged at the board
of trade rooms, but it is known that
the opportunity is one mutually ad
vantageous to the company and this
city, and the farmer's high commercial
standing warrants the opinion that the
board of trade will make an extra en
deavor to locate the company here.
Representatives of the company will
meet with the manufactures commit
tee of the board tomorrow night at 8
Board of Trade Will Act In the Matter
Monday Night.
Since was first given publicity to the
board of trade's Intention of trying to
bring the public market scheme to a
definite Issue, several advantageous
sites for the market have been offered
for sale to the board.
At next Monday night's meeting of
the board a committee of five members
will be appointed to Investigate and re
port upon the matter to the November
Scranton' Weil-Known Lumber Mer
chant Burled In Pcckvllle Yesterday.
The funeral of J. W. Peck, one of the
best known wholesale and retail lumber
dealers In this section of the state, was
held at 1.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon
at the family residence, corner of Mon
roe avenue and Olive street.
The services were conducted by Rev.
Charles K. Robinson, of the Second
Presbyterian church, and vocal selec
tions were rendered by a quartette com-
In Lace and Button and in tbc
1 13 EVER Mi
1 IK' II
posed of Mrs. Jay no. Miss Black, E. O. ,'
Coursen and Mr. Uevan.
The pall-bearers were Smith R. Mott.
S. B. Price. H. C. Shaffer. A. D. Dean,
I. V. Megargel and C. D. Jones. In- ,
terment was made In the J'cckvllle
City Controller Certifying to Ih'e Con
tracts for the Work.
City Controller W'ldmayer yesterday
certified the contract of King & Cleary
for grading the approaches to Linden
street bridge. The amount of it la JIS,
044.54. Today the city controller will certify
the contract of Peter Stlpp fur grading
the approaches to the Roaring Hrook
bridge. The amount of It is $13,400.
The city controller has found sufficient
money for the payment of both of the
Mayor Connell will have to sign tho
contracts before they become opera
tive. The contractors will begin work
as soon as the contracts are signed by
the mayor.
Ho Gave Himself I'p Yesterday and Is
Now in the County Jail.
Charles Wardo, who was one of the
Italians concerned In the murderous
fight at Jessup, where Michael lemarko
was murdered by Pasquela Perretto,
and who escaped after shooting Nicho
las Demarko, a brother of the murdered
man, came to court yesterday after
noon and surrendeied himself to Coun
ty Detective Leyshnn.
Wardo was wanted as a witness In
the Perretto cae. but he could not be
found. Wardo vatd yesterday that
Perretto did the stabbing. Perretto,
after he came -downstairs and had the
revolver and stllletto In his possession,
called Wardo out to the shanty In the
rear of the hout-e and asked him if he
didn't want to take a hand in the fight,
at the same time passing the revolver
to Wardo.
Wardo went to Yerkely, N. Y., nnd
worked In a sewer trench. The con
tract was finished a short time ago;
that tihrew him out of work and he de
termined toconie back to the coal fields.
When he called at the house of James
Washburn, of Wlnton, where he board
ed before he skipped out, Washburn ad
vised him to surrender to the authori
ties. County Detective Leyshon had
Tardo pretty well rounded up. anyhow,
so Wardo was easily persuaded.
He admitted he shot Nicholas De
marko. Alderman .Millar fixed bail in
the sum of S0O. Wardo could not fur
nish It and was sent to Jail to Join
Angelo Camerota. Nicholas Demarko,
Michael Rich, Dominlck Demaio, Jo
seph Lnrouse, in l John Corello, who
are held for rioting.
Fell Dead tho Other Day at tho Age of
Pat O'Conner, for years one of the
most famous trotters In this vicinity,
fell dead In one of the stables on ths
Tripp estate the other day. It was the
favorite horse of the late Colonel Ira
Tripp, and since the latter's death has
never been driven by any one.
The animal was 37 years of age, and
In Its prime had a mark of 2.32, which,
at that time, was considered quite fast.
Water colors, etchings and photograph,
with or without frames, half price Pratt's
Book Store.
Our entire front will be torn out
nest Tuesday. We are busy, but
got to do it We want onr store in
better shape, for you and us, too.
These are bouse cleaning days.
Just the time to think of new pic
tures. Don't hani the rusty ones.
Several hundred Framed Engrav
ings, Etchings, etc., in the carpen
ters' way. We price them to rush
them out
About fifty, 16x30, signed Etch
ings, In polished oak frames, 75c.$
old price, $2, West window.
A discontinued style of case. The
makers gave, us a chance to save
you some money.
Solid gold, good movement, war
ranted, $16.
Lackawanna Ave.
We are Headquarters for Oyster and
re handling the .
Celebrated Duck Rivers,
I.yiui Havens, Kcyports,
Mill Ponds a I no Shrews
bury, Rockawuys, .Maurice
River Ctivcs, Western,
Shores and Blue Points.
rr-Wo make a Kpoclslty of delivering
Blue Points on half nholl in carriers.
The Finest In the Cltj.
The latest improrexl furnish'
logs sad apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
123 Wyoming At.
Silw-Platid Tops.
ii!e They Last
We Are Headquarters.
China Hall
Walk in and look around.
Cooling drinka are ne''tsry. They are the
universal antidote for exceielve warmth.
N' thing la no popular with the fair ex in
Hcrautun as our aoda served in all the vanoui
flavor and with rream for only a nickel a
glmta. To have their attentions well received
young nien should treat their sweethearts
coolly, and by Inviting them to enjoy our aoda,
which is really the coolest and most delightful
siimtnar drink in the city, wnolosome, health
ful and invigorating. Soda heads the list of
summer beverages, and the foaming stream
from onr fountain heads the list of all sodas.
J J.
Speclallj Adapted for Reading aid Sewing.
Consumes three (8) feet of gu pet
hour and gives an efficiency of sixty
(60) candles.
Having at least 83 pet osnt. vrtr ths
ordinary Tip Burners.
Call and See It.
Manufacturers' Agents.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELMEN
DORF, Elmira, N. Y and for sale
by the trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Ft,
tfl I
JJ1 I Pi lie
j- wen
9 ti
Are still offering the large stock ot goods from
25 to 5o per cent, below cost.
These Goods Must Be Sold
And if you want bargains come and get them
at once.
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his ass,
elated stuff of English and German
physicians, are now perma
nently located at
Old Postofflce Building, Cornr Panes
Avenue and Spruce Street
The doctor is a graduate of the Unlver.
sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
Ktrator of physiology and surgery at th
Medico-L'hlrurglcal college of PhlludeU
phla. His apeclalties are Chronic, Nerv
ous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood tils
The symptoms or which are dlssiness, lack
of confidence, sexual weakness in mea
and women, ball rising in throat, spots
floating before the eyes, Iuhs of memory,
unable to concentrate the m!nd on on
subject, easily startled when suddenly
spoken to, und dull, dlsiressed mind, which
unfits them for performing the actual '1 ti
tles of life, mak'.ng happiness Impossible,
distressing the a'tlon of the heart, caus
ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil
forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel
ancholy, lire easy of company, feeling as
tired In the morning as when retiring,
lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, consti
pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Tho!
so affected should consult us Immediately
and be restored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your phy
Blclun call upon the doctor and be exam
ined. He cures the worst cases of Nerv
ous, Iieblllty, Scrofula, Old Sores,
Catarrh, FJes, Female Weakness, Affec
tions of the II ye, Kar, Xuee and Throat,
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and
Cripples of every description.
Consultations freo and strictly sacred
and confidential. Office hours dally fromj
9 a. in. to 9 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 2.
Knclosu five 2-cent stumps for symptom
blanks and my book called "New Life."
I will pay one thousand dollars In ri'd
to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
Old Pot Office Hulldlng, corner Pena
avenue and Spruce street.
Alio a large stock of Arstlass
I Nil 1
Special Attention Given to Bnsliest
and Personal Accounts.
and rur eyes will
take care of you. It
you are troaoiea wun
lit V 111 IH tVHC headache or n.rrnus.
ni'RO'S and have your syr examined free.
We have rednced prices and are the lowest In
the olty. Nickel spectacles from i to V; sold
from 4 to W.
305 Spruce Street, Seranton, Pa.
Wjeslsj iia.
, 410 Sprsa StrsA
oi ii,mjv Darren m uj. - -