8 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MOHNING. OCTOBER 10, 1893. CMBOMDALE. HIS DEATH ACCIDENTAL. Mra. Frit Desired an Inquest lo Peter mine Cause of Her Husband's Death. An Inquest was held yesterday mora ItiK over the remains of Michael Fits, who was nmothred to death In a culm rhute. Mrs. Flta. the wife of the un fortunate man, thought that hlH d-cath was auspicious and It was at her re quest that the Inquest was held. Cotvmer Kidley arrived in the morn ing and at once empaneled the follow ing Jury to dwltU whether death was fipcldpfilul or otherwise: U. K. Blair, Irving 'Pavls. Thomas Ievison. Joel CJould. ill. B. Madigan und. Marlon Hd all. The jury took the street car to the dead man's house and there viewed 'the remains. Several witnesses of the ac cident were summoned, who irave their account of the accident. Their testi mony did not plve much llcht on the mystery, however. Foreman. Shipman was one of the witnesses. Mr. Shipmnn had been work In ir In the chute with Frlta a short time before the accident. iTtoth men got out of the chute ami FMrman went to the of! house to nil a lamp which they Intended to use in the chute after dark. The work was to have been csrried on Saturday nlfrht. Sunday and Sunday nlfrht in order to Bet it finished as soon as possible, as It was needed very much. This was the last Shipman saw of Fitx alive. Fits belrp found dead by a Hungarian who was searching for the obstruction In the chute. After deliberating upon the testimony offered by the witnesses the Jury came ti the conclusion that death was acci dental, and that no blame could be at Urbeid to any individual or to the cor poration. Kports were circulated that Jlr. Flti had b.-en offee'ed with heart trouble, but these are false, and Mr. Fita's death was accidental and un avoidable. VERY NARROW ESCAPE. The Headman at No. I Plane Badly Injured. Henry Gilbert, a headman at No. t plane, had a very narrow escape from Instant d"Rth yesterday morning, but very luckily he escaped with Injuries which are not serious but very painful. Mr. Gilbert's duty is to unhvk the cars from the wire rope to which they are fastened with a heavy Iron sllncr. The man who does this has to 1'imp upon the cars while In motion. The rain was fal'.in? heavily and this rendered the bumpers of the cars very slippery, so when Gilbert stepped upon them he slipped and foil. Those who nw him fall were horror sitruck. as they thought that he would be crushed to death under 'the wheels. However, he did not fall directly across the track or he would have Instantly been mangled. As he fell his head struck on one of the rails and cut a deep gash in the forehead. He lay at the side of the track, so near that the wheels of the parsing cars grazed his scalp. His comrades hurried to his assistance and picked him up. .After he had recovered somewhat he was U'ken to Dr. N"iles" nflice, wher he had his wound dresstJ. Several stitches were necessary to close rhe gash. . . DEATH OF .MRS. MILES. An Estimable l.ody Passed Away Yester day Mornin?. The home of John O. Miles, of Darte avenue, was made sad yesterday morn ing when death entered and took his be loved wife. Mrs. Miles, whose maiden name wa3 Josephine T.ester. was born in Greenfield thirty-six years ago. In September. 1ST", she married John O. I'.les. who survives hr. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services will lie held at the house. Rev. T. E. Jep son. of the Baptist church, officiating. Interment will be made In Maplewood cemetery. . - - AT THE SILK MILL. The Machinery Will He Put In at Once. All people of Carbondale will be In lerested to know that the silk mill will soon begin its operations. Prepara tions are now being hurried so that th machinery can be erected as soon as possible. The men of B. F. Sturtevant company are at present putting in the large Mower pipes. The blower Itself, engine and steam luatlng coils have been shipped ftom Boston. The Trustees Meet. Mr. P.rennan has secured a position at the North West breaker under Fore man Boyle, and will assume his new duties in about a week. At a meeting of the 'trustees of the Alumni Athletic association several representatives of the Oarrlck iJ'ia matlc club were present to consult with them in reference to giving "Iindon Assurance" for the benefit of the asso ciation. The trustees were willing that the club should use their name in present- Scrofula in the Eyes t will as in every other form, is perma acntly cured by Hood'i Barsaparilla. "I had scroi'ul.-, in my eyet and tried several phy Siclana but found no cure. My wife persuaded me to try Hood's Barsa parilla. I bad a choking aen ac tion, wss troubled with night sweats, and bad dyspep sia in very severs form. After tak ing Hood's Barsa- parilla two weeks the choking spells and dyspepsia troubled me less. I have now taken several bottles of Hood's Sarnapa rilla and find that I am entirely cured." William L, Payne, Berryvllle, Virginia, Hood's Sarsaparilla b the only True Blood purifier Promi nently in the public eyo. fl ; six for 5. Prepared only by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. Hood's Pills wiui HwupwiUa. TEHMS-Slrlc'ly COSH Daring This Sale. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. LINO, leuim, Draperies, Window Shades, and Wall Paper, 4f9 Lackawanna ivenue. great Alteration sale We have decided on a Sweeping; Redac tion rather than cover tip our goods dar ing oar extensive improvement, and have marked down everything in thn store at cost and less, floe our Window Display, which will substantiate what ws say:' lesrsla Carpels Irem ISc. ta 80c. World 26c. ta 75c. rel Csrpsts, 40e. to 80c., Worth 80s. ta 93c wsD Psssrs, sc., Worts lOe., And everything else In proportion. J. SCOTT INGLIS , CARPETS AID WALL PAPERS, 43 UCMWMXI IVENUE. - Ing the piece, and which will probably be given between Nov.15 and Nov. 20. "- . A Thorousb Teat. Chief of the Fire 'Department aioflltt made a teat of the new hose of the Col lege Hose company nt the Hendricks 'Manufacturing works, on Dundaff street, and found It satisfactory In all points. A presruro of 400 pounds was subjected to It and no bad results fol lowed. This additional protection against tire will make the new company more elllclent than they have heretofore been, although their work In the past has always been faithfully done. Olvsotvcd Partnership. The popular firm of Brennan & Sny der, who have kept the livery stable on Main street, hnve dissolved parnership. 1. U Snvder bought up the whole busi ness and will conduct It at the samo place in his own name. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Miss Joanna Murphy left yesterday for Kast troudsburg, where she will take a course of study in the State Nor mal school. Mrs. Job Hawkins, of Sand street, U very 111 with asthma bronchitis. Ralph Samls. of Hawley, l'a.. Is vis iting his cousin, Llzsie t'olwell. Roger Williams, of Williams avenue. Is seriously ill. i.Mrs. Kdward Lewsley and son, of Seventh uvenue and High street, are visiting In I'lttston. O. F. Swlgart, one of our popular commercial traveling men. was re-elected one of t'he board of managers of the Commercial Travelers' Home associa tion. Announcement has been made of the marriage of two of the city's most pop ular young people, Thomas Murphy, "f I'owderly road, und Miss Kai'e Jtat of Powdcrly. The ceremony will take place In St. Rose church on Wednes day, Oct. 23. after which there will be a reception at the home of the bride. The young lady workers of the Meth odist church are preparing for a birth day party, to be given In the near fu ture. This Is one of the fads of the day. each contributing a penny for each year of his age. H. W. Sk'els. who has been 111 at his home, on Cemetery street, for some time, Is Improving. leorge Moon reported for duty again Monday fter his recent injuries re ceived by being thrown from his wagon. Mr. and Mrs. James Farnil, of South Wyoming street, gave a party Monday evening In honor of their guests. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawks and Miss Mar cella Powderly, of Brooklyn. X. Y., who were about to leave for their homes. The party was one of the pleasantest social events of the season, the evening passing only too quickly, as nil Joined in the games and dancing. The Cres cent quartette were present and ren dered several selections In their usual good manner. Refreshments were served at 12 o'clock, after which all dispersed to their homes. Han. George R. Ressigue. of South Gibson, was a caller in town yester day. Messrs. Edwin Moon. Alva Paley and M. F. Gllmartln, of the Carbondale poor board, left yesterday morning for Phil adelphia, where they will attend the stite convention of the poor directors. Mr. and 'Mrs. Rohert Hawks nndM!ss Marcella PAwderlv, who have hen the gucts of Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell, of South Wyoming street, returned to the'r home. In Brooklyn, N. Y., yester dov morning. Hon. S. S. Jones spent yesterday In Serarton. Andrew O'Connell. of Seventh ave nue, has accented the agency of the Ir-n City dish washer. D. W. Hall, a representative of the Viasara Cotton Batting company, of T.nckport. X. Y.. called on the trade in th's city yesterday. here will he a reception at the Meth odist parsonage this afternoon from 3 to 7 o'clock. All ladies of the church mrl roreregation will be most heartily welcomed. This evening at S.15 the marriage of fl"s Stella tee. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roseoe I.eo. of Darte avenue, and .Tame Cnmnbell the sin of Mr. nnd fr. lame' Camnbell. of ii7nnann street, will t.iVe nlnce it St. Rose church. Rev. T. F. Cof ev wMI net-form the ceremony nn'tlng the vnung coiinle. The bride will be Attended bv Ml iry TViteh crty, of Pllte street, and Marcus Bren nan will act as groomsman. AVOCA, The funeral of the late Mrs. Charlotte More .tool; nlfice yesterday afternoein at the M'thodlst Episcopal church, wherp an Impressive sermon was preached by Rev. J. B. Wagner. After services the cortege moved to Marcy cemetery, where Interment was made. The pall-bearers were F.lwarrt 1ilrd, W. J. Rennlman, William Brown, Mark Bosly, Chris Bruffner and John Mitchell. K. C. Kellum was flower bearer. Miss Arne Mitchell, of Wet Avoca, Is entertaining iMtss Agn-es Walsh, of Jermyn. .Tohn Anderson, of the West Side, Is lying dangerously 111. having suffered a relapse of his former Illness. The Infant class of the Methodist Fp'sconal church, conducted by Miss Kate Campbell, wilt entertain their friends In the church on Friday even ing. The little, workers have been col- 1fMng small sum In senlfd bores, which will be opened and presented to the pastor to psnM In dnfnylng the ex penses of the flagstone walk recently placed In front of the church property. 'rorge Ouppy. 'of the Weft Side, Is sufvi IntT from tynhoid foyer. Mrs. 'Mlehnel Quecney. of the West Side, . lying dangerously 111. M'ss Nellie Boylan Is visiting friends In Plains.. The dath of Mrs. M. A. Connor, of West Avoch. tfik place on Monday evening at ft o'clock at her late rest d"nce on McAlplne street. roonarted was one of the most respected ladles of the town, and her dfath has cast a gloom throughout the neighborhood In which she lived. She Is survived by hf-r father and two slcters. Margaret nnd Mrs. Peter Harding, of this place. Fu neral will 'take place on Thursday, with a requiem mass at St. 'Mary's church. Infrmont will Ije made In Plttston cemetery. The strike at th Hcld.dhurg rolMrrv Xo. 2, of the Lehigh Valley company has bren settled. Ahnti't half the me"n went to work tHIs morning t the old price. It Is expected that nil the em ployes will report for duty today. THROOP, The fumrnl of !?enry Pllger was largely attended at. his home on Mon day afternoon. The services were con ducted by Rev. Mr. Rendolf, pastor of the Petersburg Lutheran church, whose remsTks were wry Impressive and p proprl'at. Interment was made In Petersburg ccmotf ry. The pall-benrers were fl. J. iMcDonald, Thomas Evans, Oliver Simpson, Ouy Stanton. John Wallace and George Richardson. The floral offerings were very fine. Including an anchor nd cross with the words "Our Son," Inscribed In pold. JVeeiisi1 was IB years old and was respected by all who knew him. We loved film: w loved him; but angels loved him more; And they have sweetly called him to yon der shining shore. The goMen gates were opened a gentle voice snld "Come," And with fnrewelli unapoken he calmly entered homo.. Rejief ui SI Honrs. tMstressIng Kidpey and Bladder diseases rel'eved in six hours by the "New 8ottth American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy is a great surprise on acnunt of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages. In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, 126 Penn avenue, Bcranton, Pa. PITTSTON. The Plttston omce of tho Seranton Tribune Is located at No. & W.lllam street, where all advi-rtlKemetits, orders for Jul) work and items for publication w.ll ri ce.ve prumpt attention. OflU-e open from H u. in. to 10 p. m.J CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. Closo of tho M. P. Conferenct Monday Kvonlng. The M. P. conference, which has been In session here the past week, closed Monday evening. The following appointments were read: President, Rev. S. K. Spnhr; Kast port and Manor, T. K. 1avls; Cos Cobb, D. K. Day; Silver .Mines, . K. Davis; Vista nnd Kastwoods. J. H. Brown; Brooklyn, N. Y.. 8. K. Spahr; Franklln ton, C. II. Day; Tarrytown. R. T. Ty son; Roselund, Alex. Patton; Jones' Poln't, to be supplied; Tompkln's Cove, H. S. Applegate; Cannrsle. H. S. Hull; Aqulduct. W. II. Bliindy; Hamilton uvenue. Pattrson, N. J., J. H. Robin son; iMaln street, Pntenson, X. J.. J. H. llolden: Canterbury, A. II. Purdy; Rockvllle Omt.-r. G. A. Ogg: South CMmian, J. Cody: Palevllle. .1. F. Oir ratt; Itulwlns, S. Tamblyn; PitlLston, it. S. llul.init; Inwootl, D. W. D, Forest: Ccnterport. to be suppllbd; Risers a:id Mir. Cobb, v. A. Smith: Supernumerary, J. J. Smith, 1. D.. llenel , Vaults V. D .1. S. Serene, 'H. V. Wnrdell and Anna II. Shaw. THE STRIKE SETTLED. Miners at Heidelberg Colliery io Hack to Work nt ths UI Rute. The miners at Heidelberg colliery of tho Lehigh. Valley Coal company, whj struck last week for an increase In wages, and a rate of dockage not great er than live per cent, returned to work yesterday at the old rate. The strike was not so much the re sult of any real grievance on the part of the workmen as interference by a few cunnilng and plotting for eign rum dealers, who are kings of their respective countrymen, and who sought In this way to cause trouble for the foremen. Charges have been made, It Is alleged, by these same whiskey dealers that tho bosses exacted a feeffom every for eign wou-knian under " them. . These charges were laid before the oQinpnuy, when the bosses courted a full investi gation, and tendered their reslgnaiMn, pending an Investigation, but their res ignations were refused. A KICK ON CROOKED POLES. Scotch Hill tlitens A:nln I'p in Arms Against tho Traction (tompnnv. The Plttston an.l Scranton Suburban Street Railway company a few days ago distributed electric poles along Broad. William and Fulton streets, and the residents of those thoroughfares have not since had a good night's rest. The poles are as -crooked as a ram's horn; and after looking at them no wonder the residents aforesaid ore troubled in their sleep with horrible nightmares of the gods of cliff dwellers and devi'l fishes, sea serpents, etc. There Is a big howl against the com pany erecting these poles and the city councils will be called upon to stop them. If this Is not done un Injunction will be applied to restrain the com pany ftom erecting them. BREVITIES AND PERSONALS. As the night 'train on the Lehigh Val ley railroad rounded the curve at the paper mill night before last, the en glner saw a man on the track, at the rear of the Kagle hotel, and' quickly reversed the engine and applied the air brake, bringing the train to a . stop within a few feet of the fellow, who proved to be a well-known West Side man about towu. How he came to be on the track at that place was a mys tery. ( Mrs. Harriett Hatfield has gone on a v'.slt to friends at Lake Wlnola. There will be a special meeting of the common counoil at city hall this eve ning at 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of acting on the bonds of the members of the board of appeals, who are John P. Kearney and James Langan, of the se lect council, and M. T. Lynott, J. Cou ncil and P. Doran. The proposition to build a sewer In the vicinity of Galland brothers' building will also be consid ered. A call has been Issued for a meet ing of Democratic city campaign cam mlttee, rtccntly organized here, at the city hall this evening at 8 o'cl ock. The committee Is composed of live from each voting precinct of the city, ond a chair man, secretary and other officers will be ehospn. Miss Ina Hltchner. of the West Side, has returned to Mie Neff School, of Oratory, at Philadelphia,, Contractor Lindsay expebts. to begin work on the sewer outlets tomurrow morning. The Amphycton society of Wyomlnf; semlr.ary will give a concert at Music hall Thanksgiving evertng, assisted by Wlllard Howe, elocutionist. ifiichael Aeliuek. a foreigner, working nt Exeter shaft, had tooth 'legs and an arm cut off yesterday morning. He v.-.is taken t the hnspMal. where he lbs 1n a precarious condit! in. The Eagle Hose company will have a grand time at their rooms tomorrow, firemen's day. They huve made ar rangements to entertain the Wilkes arre firemen, who will be their guests, on an iaborte scale... Judrre Wood ward Is evpected to be among the dis tinguished guests present. ,An alarm of fire Wd3 turned In from box No. f.8 yesterday afternoon. A small house on Wharf street, occupied by ii man named -Patrick Flynn. took fire from a defective flue, but the ftanica were extinguished before the fire com panies arrived. Thomas T. Hush, who returned a week aeo from a five months' visit to his native home. In England, nnd who was confine! to his home for a few days, Is able to be out again. At a mefl.lng of the Young Men's Christian association Inst night W. L fc.M"l.in. I. L. Bevan and B. F. Arm strong were elected di Icrratcs to the state nnventlon, to be held at Erie Oct 24 to 27. James McCnlvey, of Avoca, who has been. In the county jail the p'tst scv eral tveers on a charge of stoning a street car at Duryen, wan released-on n habeas corpus hcarlns- hrbl i,.,f,- Judge Lynch yesterday. A large number of people from thin nlac went to Wilkes-Ha rr last even ing to witness Marie Wqlnwrlrht In "The Love Chase," at the Grand Opera House. Plttston diKiness IMrcctorv. FOR FIRST-CLASS PUJMBTXG CALL on Wright At Co., 07 South Mnln street. A new rcmge for sale or exchnnge; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. OLD rORQC, CSeorge Drake, Jr.. left on Tuesday for a hunting expedition In Illinois. Miss Musette Edsall spent Sunday with Mi'is Fitch, of Plttston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atherton, of Paw Paw. III., returned to their home on Tuesday, after an extended visit with friends In this place and v-lclnlty. iRev. R. L. Snntre was a visitor to Scranton on Monday. If the Haby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures W'nd Colic, and Is the best remerty for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs.. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottlt. .. J v . - r-r Nsily B5CAU5B E L.r . vr-v 15 THE LARGEST PIECE OF yoODloBACGO Sold For dissolotiKale According to announcement already made, we com mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our two large stores. The goods have all been marked down to first cost, many goods even below cost. fl IP 11 If you have any present or prospective need of relia ble goods be sure you come while this sale lasts. But the earlier you come the better for you. We mention below but a very few of the 1 1 The stock is entirely new and includes the latest ideas in desigu, texture and manufacture in the line of Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linolenms, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades and Upholstery Goods of Every Description, r tlIf you intend to buy, now is the time. Our Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the lowest prices ever quoted in Scranton. BCERR , SIEBECKER & GO. 406 AKO 403 LACKAWANNA AVENUE EVERY WOMAN StmsHme netJs a rellsblt, aiontbiy, rejnlstlnjt msdlotne. Only Ktrmlets U4 the puioitdrufi abeulii be and. If jreu wsat ths bast, get Dr. FoaS's Pennyroyal PHIs Thus are arntnpt, l in'l oertala In ranlt. Ths rsnslne (Dr. Fast's! never diup. 1 nuiut. tiBturwhre. ll.tO. AddreufCAbMssiaaa Co.. ClovsUnd.O. Foraola by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyomlna Avonu" and Sprub b.rjjt, bcranton P. THE ONLY HOUSE IN SCRANTON That Has a Full and Complete Lino of Underwear Is the EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, 51 6 Lackawanna Avenue. WE HAVE- Und rwpar for Men, Women and Chllilivu, anv prion and different LTudca. You pan" Mnd with us Natural Greys, Camel's Hair, Fleeced Lined Hed, (Iroy Merino. They are boiiRlit for spot rash at times when goods were nt tho lowest fictirei. This was In April, IbM. and the only Niyer In Underwenr Hint umUiMtands quality is Mr. Henry Goodman Manager of the Cut l'rjce Store, LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEXT WEEK'S SALE In Underwear, Jersey Overshirts in different 'styles. We will not quote any prices, but we are willing to take off 25 per cent, straight than usual prices elsewhere. , We Are Also Direct Agent For the Superior Ilyglena Underwear Company Non shrlnkable, the best for health. We guarantee them to be equal to the ones you pay $5.09. Our price on them, for Shirts $1.50, or $2.50 for the Suit Come and see them. Largest assortment of Wool Hosiery, Sweaters, Cardigan Jacket. HEHRY C00DL1AN, T.1AHAGER;516 LACKfl. AVE II. (ACTION - TO our M ashhurn-Croshy Co. wish to assure thefr many p rona that they will thl , year ' hold to their usual custom p! milling SIKK.ILYOl.lJ WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. cw wheat in now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers ar of the opinion that it Is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. WashburnsCrosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thrc months to mature before grinding. Th!i rnr(ful f, 1 1 - , t ti,ri tn .., .1n ,1 m .. ...... -- -.... ...... w . j uimi ui iuiiuuk nam ilaccd W ashburn-Croshv Co. 'a flmir ta- h.a u'unds. MBGARGBL Wholesale Agents. VeoqsIo Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 CommowealUi Bld'i, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER U ADB AT MOOSIC AND RUSH UALE WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.l Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and (tepanno Chemical Co.'s HighExplosiYB nT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the bent quality for domestli Sse, and of all sizes., delivered in any art of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, ttibl floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the time, will receive prompt attention. flpeclal contracts will be made for tkf Mm and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA,, Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ocncral Office: SCRANTON, PA DON'T PUT THE I Until you've read the list "DEPARTMENT HINTS" we are offering yours for credit as always that's our creed everything or anything under the roofs of either of our stores is yours for the promise to pay 1 Now, why should you do without ? '') In Bedroom Suits You're fm tunatc In our possession rrice is low enough for you to pos sess one of 'em. Urns rs, top !M liifhos denp, 42 Inchon loif, 11,'VOI Ulas '.".'xis Inrlies. hoipbtT? tiH'liot. 11 drawer: rtrd. 4 feet U incnos, sUt. d f.-et 2 luetic loiitf. 7tl Inches luph SHlistnnd CinlinHtlin rlihnrd. mln. bnr bsck, :tl inches lonff-high gloss Ha lh, RMliuon.ik. prio JUOO. Yours while advertise J. In Parlor Suits Have them 3 4 5 6 or 7 pieces what's your choice? One we show, 0 pieces, silk or crush plush, mahogany linished, frame highl? polished the price, ,128.50, Yours tor credit If you want it. In Dining Room Furniture Your perceptive qualilics were well exercised last week. The way yon nvailed yourself of those $n Dining Koom 8u:ts was even more than wc expected hut it's understood when the "Economy" says 'it's there !" it's there and there arc more even a little improvement on the last An Antique Bolid Oak Hidohonrd niar1y four f't't long, with lurcn Vtevol Ftate Mirror It hum also tor fill 30. ILUiniUKS. , ""' HOMt FURNISHERS, 328 - patrons: CONNELL THE. Pennsylvania Roofing Co,, 326 Washington Arenas. scranton, Fa. TELEPHONE 55S Ebonite Yarnisli, Gravel Roofing, Pipe CoYering, Building Felts, Sheathing Papers. i i i i All kicds of roofiDK work done. All kinds of gravel or slag roofs made. ROOF TNMIIIG MO SOLDERIRE An done away with by tho use of HAMW MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which eonniit of Ingredient well-known to all. It can ba applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwelina, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Joe) or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HARTUAKN. SO Birch St. PAPER DOWN Banquet Lamps and Silk Shades An assortment larger than the com bined stocks of all who sell them in . I. . J n riiA ttl!lt mntiA inc khj unu ui ,, them no longer an article ot luxury. We offer ft.:-.. U allrP ninaii. HllK DbhjB 0 Floor Coverings in Villi I IIHIUU iVUI IIVO Ma mAHM viinn ii'ii v us inai ovtc our rccoiunivuuaiiiiu kws Wc have tarpcis WC can rccummcou one we re oflenng tnis wees 11 jImiJ i.m.Ih tuftvs nf Im1. DUl nilllJUBrw iw,wiu 1 It woolly relation, but ths prlc 2) cantaf . . - 1 i.l. . . .... v 1 i. , I B tiT in Kcpiy W uai ixiicr From Mrs. Outoft Ownpurchase Wc deliver eoods free everywhere 1 pack same carefully at our expense J Our mail order department is an lmj portant one as important as enV other mm 4 DiJUtsa . . t ' i-HalliSldaa. 7 Wyoming Ave.