TIIE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE--WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1893. &l NiOs Luce Best Four, per barrel.. $3.95 Feed, Meal and Corn, per 100 .90 30-lb. Pail Jelly 75 Choice Hams, per lb 09; Choice Light Bacon, per lb-.... .07: Pure Maple Syrup, per gal 80 Luce NEW STORE. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Party Given by .Miss Murlha P.vuns in Honor of Miss Mabel Hetiel, of Italton-Uthcr News Notes. I At the home of Miss Martha Evans, Of North Oartleld avenue, last tveiilitK. a. iiurtv was hehl in honor of Miss Mabel HeMt'l. of Dalton. who iR visit ing here. It was a happy (fathering. n,i nn eniovaibltf time was spent. Dane-ins and other amusements were he numbers on tne amusement gramme. At midnight refreshments Thnw who attended were: Misses Tmilse Corliss. Ella Cobb, Ella Boyles, Minnie Hoyee, Daisy Boyce. Lettie Evans. Lizzie Hu.ches, Jennie Law renee, Esther Thomas, Cora Williams, Lizzie Hatt. Etta Staff, Rosa Wilson, Jennie Jones, Johanna Davis, Maine Kromer, Sarah Davis, iKose Stetter, Kena Kellow, Jennie Watklns, C. H, Derby, W. A. Prive, .Shraeder. Decker, Miiin-t Itossur. Tonkins. Swerers, Ituta. Court wrlirht. Boyce. Wilson. John Blume. Georee Rowlands, Gausihan, staff. Thomas. Brown. Tralnor. Sher man, Alexander, Cornelius Ruddy and M. R. Williams, of Elmira. Will Dunjiict und Talk, On Thursday evening the popular Chi Tpsilon society of the Washburn street Presbyterian church will hold a banauet in their room. This is the fourth in the history of the society and an efforp is being made to make the event a leader amonir the four. The toasts will be responded to by speakers of repute, as the following programme will show: Toast, "uur uuesis, innm as Patten; comic recitation, Turby Breese: toast. "Southern Sunbeams, C. C. Battenburg; toast, "E Plurlbus Pnum." C. H. Hall: toast. "Phiz." Art Morse: toast. "Our Country," C. J. Helmes; toast, "Public Opinion," Her bert Yost; selection. Chi Upsllon Guitar club; toast. "Blue Pencil Marks." C. H. Derby: oration, "Wallace Oloser; toast, "Shavings," 'Hugh Howell; select read ing, Alex. Bender; toast. "As I aee Things," Will D. Griffiths; toast, "Snap Shots." Theodore "Meyer3; vocal solo, "Nature, Frank Thornton. Mrs. Williams' Death. Mrs. John IM. Williams died at fi.30 o'clock yesterday morning at her home. fn Lafayette street. Deceased was 52 years of are, and had many friends The funeral will occur Thursday, at 3 p. m. Interment will be made In Wash burn Street cemetery. Heart disease was the cause of death. A prayer meet ing will be held this evening at the home and Rev. D. P. Jones, of the Tab ernacle church, will lead the services. Officer Fleeted. The Woman s Home Missionary so ciety of the Simpson .Methodist church have elected the following officers: President. Mrs. J. Paff ; first vlce-pres.. dent, Mrs. O. Moser; second vice-president, Mrs. W. V. Davis; recording sec retary, Mrs. 'H. (M. Bass; corresponding secretary. Miss (Helen Peck; treasurer. Mrs. Laura Cook; superintendent of Mothers' Jewels, iMrs. Josle Knaups secretary local work, Mrs. M. M. W111 sey; treasurer local work, Mrs. Krank Peck; advisory committee. Mrs. M. W, Tone and Mrs. It. J. Hughes, agent for ''Home Missions, iMlss Helen Peek, Rev. Mr. Moffat Accepts. "Rev. WI K. 'Moffat has accepted the call of -the Washburn Street Presby terian cnurcn to Rssume Its pastorate, The Invitation was extended several weeks ago. Mr. Moffat will take con trol of his new charge In the second week. of November. The reverend orrn tleman has the reputation of an able preacher and a scholar. News Nucscts and Personal h. Charios illume Is chestnuttlng at Wy- f oming ror a rettr aays. I Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Warren have re I turned from their European trip, and are now at -their Lincoln avenue home, Most of the large cttles and other points of Interest In England and Wales were visited. A pleasant time was spent among irienus on tne otner suae. Mrs. Margaret Prosaer, of South Main avenue. Is 111. v fi lthy, ere, Yniir b m VU1 Blood Filters keep you healthy if you keep them healthy. You can do it with A few doses will relieve. A few boxes W will cure. i x by mall prepaid oaf'' ,-': receipt of ptice So e. i -. , box.'"-'' - t Writ for Pamphltt. - HOIM MKOICINI CO., , 1 CNtsat'- ' . an Franeiiee. Bros Bros I -Mrs. B. J. Neville, of FalrvJew a hue, Is visiting Miss Minnie 8har of Allentown, who recently visited h 1 The Ladies' Aid society of the Scran fln Street Baptist church will conduct of the supper and butterfly social tomorrow evening at the church; supper, la cents. The supper will be served at 6 o'clock nd the social begins at . .Mrs. M. Bluir, of .North MeDecca ave nue, is 111. The Rev. J. S. Race, pastor or tne ce- ar Avenue -Methodist r:piscopai church, will preach -in the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church this evening, assisting the pastor in revival work. IM. R. Williams, of Elmira. manager of DeGraffs' minstrels, leaves today after a visit to West Klde friends. Miss tAnna Coons, of Washburn street. Is visiting at Rochester. Miss Julia May. f Lafayette street. Is vlsiitlng at Brooklyn. Dr. IYinbtr, of the Star Drug store. was In olyphant last evening. Margaret, an infant child or Mr. ana Mrs. .M. V. Mullen, of Ixmergan court. was burled yesterday afternoon at the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The West -Side was largely represent d at last evening's concert of the Welsh choir. The majority of the ladles In the company are being entertained by West Side people. West sua Iinsincss Directory. TAILOR SuMs made to order, JIS.OO and up; overcoats, ?li ami up. satisfaction guaranteed. Repair work a specialty. Krank Gilbert!, IMS W. Lackawanna avenue, near Main nvenue. OKT THE MAJESTIC OIL STOVH. (Iran. I rurlor. Mystic, Knster and PoeK neli KuiiKes. per cent, saved. K. J. Hughes, agent, l:M South Main avenue. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground. tools sharpened, saws filed. Keys nuen, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback, dealer In Guns. Fishing Tackle, under West Stile Bank. niOTOaRAPHER-Cablnet Photos, St.40 per dozen. They are ;ust lovety. i.on vlnre vourtelf bv railing at Starner's Photo Parlors. 101 and 103 8outh Main avnuc. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a first-class mnnnrr at John H. itey nold's Uarber Shop, at Falrehlld's Hotel. GRtX'ERiES Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading cone of the dav. For sale only at F. W. Ma son ft Co. Fine Groceries, 113 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE-CASH for anything you nuve w mii, Purnl- turo, stoves, roois, etc. the stock of J. C. King, Call and see 1024 and MSi Jackson street: PI I'MIIIvn William I. Griffiths. Ill North Main avenue, aoes nrsi-iTi Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction la strictly guaranteed. SOUTlTsiDE NEWS. Kcv, August I.ange Admitted to the l.vnn- gellcal Synod of New Jersey-Church Entertainment-Short Poraeraphs. Since Bev. August Lance terminated his pastoral relations with the Hickory Street Presbvterlan church and or ganized the congregation known as the Free Evangelical churcn or i-eace, about 103 adults have Joined him, so that he is now at the head of a large bndv of worshipers. He returned a few days ago from New Jersey, where he had gone to make application lor ati mitoilon into the Evangelical Synod of that state. His case was passed upon and without any ceremony whatever he became a member of that Fynod, having been dulv installed before returning. The Ladies' Aid society of the cnurcn of Peace numbers In the neighborhood of six-tv members, and the Young Peo ple' society as many more. A lot of ground has been .purchased on rrospeci avenue, not far from tne eoince or t Paul's Lutheran congregation, and It is the Intention to begin the erection of a church next spring. Aieanwnue ser vices are held in St. Paul s church. The congregation of -the Church of Peace pays the trustees of S?t. Paul's church a rental for the use or tne eciince lor services. Announcement of Classes. The rooms of the South Side Young Women's Christian -association, which have been entirely renovated during the last two weeks, are now completed and are greatly admired by all for their bright and homolike appearance. The houie Is open every week day until 7.30 p. m., and the work of the year will pro ceed at once. The following Is the schedule for the coming months: Mon day evening at 7.30, iP.lble training class, conducted by Professor Derman: Tues day evening, preparatory and advanced classes In arithmetic, grammar and writing: Tuesday afternoon. Junior sew lng class: Wednesday evening, Bible. clauses: Wednesday afternoon, sewing and reading circle, to which those of the members having leisure during the day. are Invited; Thursday evening, Physiology and geography; Hlble s-tudy In the life of Christ; Friday, social and recreation evening: Friday afternoon, Junior Bible f tudy In the life of Christ; Saturday afternoon, Chautauqua circle, Classes In chart eut'tlng and millinery will also be held, -the 'ttme of meeting will ie announced In a few days. A cVa"s in German will be organized upon sufficient demand. The Gospel meeting held at the rooms every Bunday after noon at 3.4a Is open to all friends of the association. It Is hoped that very many young women of the South Side will avail themselves of the opportuni ties offered by the association. Let us see- to It that the time which God en trusts to us be well and profitably em ployed. fCntcrtninmcnt This Evening. The Young People's society of the German Evangelical Church of Peace will hold an entertainment In St. Paul's church, corner Prospect avenue and Beach street, this evening at 8 o'clock. All preparatory arrangements are made. The following programme will be rendered: Organ Voluntary. ...By Prfff. John Lentes Introduction Song. By tho Young People's 8-irlety Prayer , Itcv. A. Lsnge Hymmis Churoh Choir Leclama'tlon, "ler Peter In der Frclndo" Hy Itelnho'hl Snar pSolo P.y Llna Lentes Selection Zither Club Comical Speech In tho "Hnndsrupcker Tongue" Uv John Lentes Hanjo iniet, Hy Robert Sr-holl and Petnr Rosar Declamation, "Ilo Aii"wanderer," By Miss Dora Forkfll Address Hy Itev Edward Lang Duot, for Zither and Violin, Hy Profs. Hnlwirstroh snd Brunner Duet p.y Itev. nnd Mrs. E. Lang Dialogue, "About Our Young I'oople's Society," by 'Miss Yetta Melster and Miss Emma. Forkel. Hymnua Churoh Choir Declamation, "Der Saengerof Goe-the," r.y Miss Ina Ehrhnrdt Wnlenme Address Hy Hev. A. Langn Srfectlon Zither Club Closing Song Young People's Society After the programme Is finished a supper will be served in the basement of the church. Repnlrlns tho street far Trncks. A thorough overhauling has been given the rtreet railway -tracks- on the South Side line an far as Ureck street. Broken stone and gravel are unloaded between tho rails and tightly packed. Tails will prevent the trncks from be coming rtumbledown when the winter frosts appear. At all street Intersec tion within the city limits the rails have .been planked. With seven cars on theiRouth Side line and the roadbed olid and even, the patrons ore accom modated with a service that the In creasing travel ehowa Is appreciated. .'J ' Shorter Paragraphs.-''- ' ' ! In another column will be found res olutions which the Teachers' associa tion, adopted on the death of the late Jessie D. Connell, who was one of the corps of teacher of No. II school, 'Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce anc? dauffhter, Sliblirbs. Mary, of Mlnooka, who has been visit ing In New Straltavllle. O., for six weeks, returned home yesterday after noon at 3.30. At the meeting of the South Side Wheelmen's club last evening at Uer- mania haw. it was decided to meet hereafter on the llrst Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be on the evening of 'Nov. 5. Undertaker and Mr Thomas V. Jlc- Donough will move into their new resi dence, at the corner of Plttslonu ave nue and Fig street, next week. The funeral of Louis Sauer, Jr.. took place from the home of his parents yes terday afternoon. Interment was made Jn the German cemetery at Mlnooka. The William Conne41 Hose company will go to I'lttston tomorrow night as the guests of the lllack Diamond Hook and Ladder company, of that place. NORTH END. The funeral of the late 'Mrs. William iNlchols, of I'-PM) North -Main avenue, who died on Saturday, took pluce yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment was nuide In the Forest Hill cemetery. The Electric Chatauqua circle nail a large and interesting meeting last evening at the residence of Mrs. W. O. Breck, on East Parker ptreet. iMrs. C. V. Crossman and Mrs. M. J. Wheeler left yesterday for Aldenvllle. Wayne county, where they will visit friends for the next week. IMrs. G. W. Lloyd, of Dickson City, received on Monday $2,090 Insurance from Hhe Heptasophs on the life of ner husband, who died about 'two weens ago. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metn odist Episcopal church will serve an autumn supper this evening In the par lors of the church. The suppers, wmen are 2.1 cents each, will be served from 5 o'clock on through the evening. The funeral of the late Mrs. J. Lewis of 3HS Wayne avenue, took place yes terday afternoon. Miss Florence Sllkman, of North Main avenue, accompanied her mother, Mrs. F. B. Silkman, to New York city yesterday. Byron Wlnton Is laying a large ston? walk In front of his residence on North Main nvenue, which Improves his prop erty very much and will probably be greatly appreciated by the public. DUNMORE James iHoUlen, who formerly lived on Grove street, has moved his family to Virginia. Ml s Lizzie fRut'terman Is quite 111 at hf r home, on Ash street. Mrs. Case and daughter. Irene, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge Englert, are visiting friends at Georgetown. Thomas Sly's house, on Cherry street, Is being completely renovated and en larged. The Banner House 1s receiving a new coat of Daltit. Mrs. Daniel Towell is quite 111 at her home, on South TOakely street. The congregation of St. Mark's Epis copal Mission tendered Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Urban a reception at the rectory on Monday evening. A large crowd was In a-rtendance. and enjoyed the oc casion. Refreshments were served by a commii'tteo of young ladles, and many words of praise were heard of the ele gantly furnlfhed and convenient home, which has been erected for the rector. The funeral of John 'Riley, who died at his home, on Potter street, Sun day night. wHl take iplace this after noon at 2.30. The Young -Ladles' Mission circle will assist In the services at the Presby terian church tomlght at 7.30. James Moffat, general passenger agent of the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad company, left yesterday for Pittsburg, where he will pend his va cation. The "Poverty part" given by the Young People's Society ol Christian Endeavor, of the Dudley -Street Bap tist church, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hughes, on South Blakely street, last nlsht, caused much amuse ment as well a replenishing the treas ury of the society. MINOOKA. Miss Annie 'Burke, of Main street, re turned home yesterday from a few weeks' visit In Sayre. Pa. A foot ball craze has struck town. C. W. Oallaghcr, K. J, Cuslck, W. II. MoDonougli and IM. J. Carroll will rep resent the O'Connell council, Young .Men's Institute, iNo. 184. at the district council, which .will convene at Jermyn tonight. Miss IMary Hennlgan returned yes terday from a visit with Forest City friends. The township roads are In a miserable consldltion. COAL LANDS PURCHASED. Scrnntonians Have Purchased a Largo Tract nt Plymouth. . A large lease of extens-lve coal lands was made on Saturday between IMijia beth B. Reynolds, James P. Dickson, I,aura R. Dlckvon, Jennie Keynolds, Harry 13. Reynolds, Mabel I Keynolds and Clara Reynolds, -all of Iackawan r a. county, 'and John C. Haddock, of tho Haddock Coal company, ror a large tract of coal landa in Plymouth town ship. Mr. Haddock has been in po8"Mon of the ground under -lease and been mining coal thereforrn. but as his prcs-t-nt leasfs expires In 1898, the new lease was formed to give him privilege to re move all the coal, it to remain in force until all the coal under the land Is removed. The property covers seventy three acres, and 'the surface land of sixteen ceres, with breaker and other mining Improvements Is also leased at nn annual rental of (125, and a royalty ADVAY'S PBLLS, i Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD BUT EFFECTIVE. Pnroly vnRotablo. art without pain, elegant ly mated, tantelois, small and Htiy to take. Kadway's I Ilia sni-t nature, stlinnlKtlnv to hoiiltbtnl activity tht livur. buwe- and other d ge.tivo organi, liHVinn tho lx.i ' in n nat ui al condition without any bud aiysr effect. Cure Sick Headache, ' Biliousness,. Constipation, Piles . All Liver Disorders. ', RaDWAV'l PILL ai mW veaetahl '. mild and reliable. .Cause perfect Dil ation, com plete absorption ana oaaitntui regularity. 5 eta. a box. At Drug ilata, or by mall "Book of Advise' free by pall. " . A RADWAY 4 C6., P.O. Box HO, New York. ARE YOU SAFE? An Important Question for Any Han or WHOPRIZES HAPPINESS A Correct Report of a Conversation Between Some Prominent Men in a New York Club. "What la to become of the American people?" It was not a politician, but a clear minded, level-headed bank president who made this remark yesterday. t rinA nf the leading clubs of New York. The subject of dlcuss4on had been the enormous number of sudden deaths from heart disease, and a number of prominent gentlemen were discussing It. Among the company was a doctor, a railroad superintendent, and a min ister of the Gospel. "I tell you, it Is enough to make any man or woman shudder. Joseph C. Wilson, the receiver of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, died at the Holland house, New York, before he had a chance to, bid his wife and daughters farewell. George F. Root, the sweet singer and composer, passes away In a similar munner. Indeed, we none of us can tell what moment we many be called, nnd It ought to make anyone stop and think." The company all looked at the doctor. He said: "Your remarks are well timed. The strains, the pressure, the competition In business, professional and social life, often tend to shorten life and bring It to a quick close, but no man ever died suddenly who Ud not have warnings danger signals. If you please In ad vance. If he did not have pains around the heart, which Is quite probable, he had pains In other parts of the body, especially -In the muscles, Joints and front or base or tne Drain, in many cases he or she has had a swelling of the wrists, ankles, or about the waist. Indi cating bloaUIng with dropsy tendency. Suehj people have uric acid In the blood, and a weakened action of the heart, and they know, If they stop to think, that the breaking down entirely of the heant is liable at any time." The banker, who had first spoken, and appeared greatly Interested, said: "Hut. doctor, what can one do? Re frain entirely from the pleasures, the duties and the activities or lire" "Not at all," replied the eminent physician; "regulate the life use care and some good regulating, life-prolonging remedy, and there need be but little doubt of good old age. I know of one -thins: which, for many years, has shown Itself able to accomplish thl and there are thousands of people who prolong their lives and preserve their health by its use. "I think I know to what you refer," said the minister. "What it is?" asked the doctor. "If I am not mUtaken. It Is AVarner's Safe Cure, of whlcih I have seen mucn, and to whose influence I owe a great deal." "You are correct." replied the doctor, "and there are many other advanced people who realize Its great value as vou' do. It Is. perhaps, the misfortune of this age that people will shorten their lives, but I believe that heart disease aDODlexy. heart failure and all the manv troubles wnicn so suddenly re move men and women might be avoid ed If the warnings which nature gives were heeded and the right remedy used in time." There oan be no question as to the soundness of the views expressed by these gentlemen, nor of their value to those who desire to take advantage of them.. Certain It Is. that sudden death need not be feared If proper pre caution and care are used. of fifty cents a ton on all coal mined. Wllkea-Harre Times. A RICH VEIN FOUND. Probably 500,000 Tone of Coal on the New Buffalo Tract. There la no hannliT man In this eec Hon toilny thnn la auperlntemlent R. U .WHllnms. of thB Ontario anJ' AVest ern. Mr. Williams lately ecured the lease of a tract of land In Fell township and It promises to be very productive in Its ylnld of coal. The lease was of the tract lately held hy Richmond & JJndsay. of Scranton. They madt? an opening of what Is known as the New lluffalo colliery. Then business disagreements ensued and the project was abandoned. Under (Mr. 'Williams' control operations ara again being; pushed rapidly at the point. Tracks are beinir laid from the main lino of the Ontario and Western and It Is expected the branch will be finished next woek. Mr. William has tieen an almost dally visitor at the work since he ob tained the lease of the tract and yes terday was present when miners opened a new chamber, disclosing an 8-foot vein of excellent coal. He In very en thusiastic over the outlook and be lieves he will be able to mine 500.000 tons from his new possessions. Car bondale trader. FLAMES LICK UP $20,000. , Gersbachcr's Hotel Property at Clifton Is Totally Destroyed. , Cersbac'heT'u hotel and ImrtiS at Clif ton, seven miles from Oouldsboro, were totally destroyed by. lire Saturday nlpht. The damage was $0,000; Insur ance Is unknown. The barns and outbuildings had been stocked for the winter with a large quantity of hay, straw and grain and vegetables, Which Included 2.'.0 bushels of potatoes. The cause of t he blaze Is unknown, bin it in supposed to be the work of an Incendiary. IR. Gersbacher. until his death nearly a year bro, conducted the place, which was a favorite resort ror fishermen and huntsmen.. When Bal7 was slct, we pave her Conorta. When Bho was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became MIm, she clung to Caetorla. Vben she bad Children, he gave them Caatorlav Guns and Ammunition Foot Ball Goods, . .Sportsmen's Supplies; .V . . . Hand-loaded Shafts a Specialty ' Gun and Locksmith. TjfpawiitersRopalrei A;- A. w. jTo Iscii, 43S SPRUCE STREET. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Wednesday. Oct 16- WainwrighT Pint Time jHure, in KherliUn Knowloa' Most frauuuua Comply, THE LOVE CHASE Onrgeuualy Continued in the Style of ( hai ls II. The Brilliant Company lii-..il-ii by N ttieuiel Hart wig, Barton Hill sud Huttie ltu Mll. Regular price. Sale of soata opens Moa day, Oct- U. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THURSDAY, OCT. 17. Stuart Robson, Directum of WAI. K. HAYDKN. M igiilfleeiit Production or Blr. Kel son a uroat rt hucet-KK, GOVERNMENT : ACCEPTANCE, B) DANIEL I. HART. Robert Qordon, a Young Inventor, Mr, Robson. Act L -Itesldonc of Tuna Kinitaloy, Wash ington, D. O. : ili Young Inventi.r. Act II. Uordou's Cottage, Uu.irgetuwn Hoi.liti; a Senator's Influunw. Act Ill.-Tu Inventor s Wurkuhop: the Mod.l Boat . Act IV.-Kim-. ilenee of Senator l'roi-tor on Capitol lllll; OoTiirninont Acceptance. Hale of Mat op -im I uilny morning at o'clock. i'riretSl.ni, Tl.uo, iwc. kuu s-w. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Friday Evening, Oct 18 Crest on Clarke And i Strong Company, In Direct from Hli Philadelphia Run, Roirular nrirna. Sale of soata opeua Wednes day Moruinjf, Oct. 111. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, I W nam lt W W I o ie THE SPECTACULAR PHANTASY, ZERO OR A TRIP TO THE POLE. Hosts of Pretty Girls. Tons of Special Scenery. Dazillng Electrical Displays Bale of seats opens Thursday. No advance la prices. THE FROTHINGflflM, Wognori Rets, Lessees and Managers. FRIDAY, OCT. 18. ESPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF With a First-Class Company of Players in tho GREAT, GRAND, GUI AN TIC, ELEC TRICAL AND SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION FAUST Fernery a (Carload) And Approjiriatn Costumes, htortlluif hlcctriial Effects. CoMiugov r lULiimi Will be cuni il ii.tact Two Quartottet ompoanl nf y.au nnd Female Boloisti 8weet-Vwieed Floren.iue Choir siugure. A Triumph In Stage Mochnnism. A Sceuo of Weird Urand- iiuvor equalled. THE BROCKEN Bale of seats opens V o'lneeday, Oct. 10. 0 a, m. DAVIS' THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct 17J3 and 19. RICE & BARTON'S COMEDIANS IN V Fun with the Sparkle of i June Horning. Music with tbe Charm or Tune. Song with the Edge or Wit. Diners with the Grace of Youth. Produced by the Vest Talrntcd of the 1'ari-e Comedy t-tiKo. Tho Kunuirst of All Fum y Hhows, Intorspriivd with Heliuod Spociultiea. Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. We bo Not Advertise in the Elmira Telegram. BREWERY. Haonfacturers of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY t lootooo Barrels per Annum HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY and FORTY-FIRST ST.. NEW YORK CITY. A Modern Fireproof lloiol containing 300 rooms, 'iOO with bath and toilet attached. EUROPEAN PLAN, (food Rooms, fl 80: Large Hoams, 9, and With private bath 1110 and upward per day. RESTAURANT. CUISINE AND SERVICE UNEXCELLED. In elose proumity to the priuolpal theatre and i ha shopping district. PIt mlnutM from Grand Ceatral aid Want Hhora Danota. - LOUIS L. TODD. J. H. .FIFE. Uwnen ftfORIl DOODLE ID POODLE L Ill'S B LAGER BEER lh? rashion Intense Interest Centers in our Black Dress Goods section, because we are now offering better values in new goods on a rising market than any other house in the trade. SPECIALS FOR An Immense Line of 75c. Novelties, 45-Inch Serge, a Beauty, value 75c, An Elegant 45-inch Fine Henrietta, value 45-inch Henrietta or Serge, value $1.00, Mohair Luster, the Latest Novelty, value MILLINERY. Specialties will be offered importance to warrant their inspection by every one inter ested in High Class Millinery. We do not quote prices for the reason that the values m each and every instance will speak for themselves, and tellingly. Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rfo ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Suj plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bow3, etc, TTE1BE1I SCRANTON, PA. WHY SUFFER When you can bare your eye scientifically i Tested Free bv the new method. tTbere are hundreds at people if tney knew thia, would go miles to have tceir samltied. DONT WAIT. tlTWhen yon get lenses, or g'aiees. as many people call them. Get the Rest, as they won't coat vou any more tnan poorer ones. Do not trust your valuable sight to ped dlera. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the vision and stop sll pain in the head. Placed In the Fluest Solid Gold Framn for JS Tbse Lenses are sold only by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Opposite Scranton House, 203 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA, Hot-as Daii.t: to 11 a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. DU POINT'S MINING. BLASTING 1ND SPORTING . POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopcn Mills, La terse conniy, ra.. onn at wu- mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE, Scranton, P Third National Bonk Building. Aocactca : J H08. FOBIXItttaton. Pa. UHN B. SMITH A SON, Plymouth, P E. W. WUI.I JAN, Wilkea Barre, Pa. Agents for the Bepanno Chemical Uoaa (aay's High EaploelTca. Stocks, Bonds and Grain Hought and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, cither for cash or on margiu. WM. LINN ALLEN & CO., 412 Spruce Street. LOCK. STOCKS A SPECIALTY. Telephone S002. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y ara looated tba finest flsulnf and honting grounds In the world. Desorliitlre hooka on application. Tickote to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, bt Paul, Canadian and United States North, wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Taconia, Portland, Ore., San Pranclaoo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all thronah tra'ns. Tourist oars fully fitted with beddlnc, ourtalna and sp 0 hilly adapted to wants of famllaw may ha ktd with seooad-elaaa tickets. Hates always lest than via other lines, Fur full Information, time tables, ate,, on application to C V. SKINNCR, Q, K. A. 353 eaOlDWftY, KCWYCU. A FEW DAYS: 49c 49c 9Uc. Special. 69c Special, 75c Special, 98c $1.25, MILLINERY. in this department of sufficient THIS WITNESS THAT II. D. SWAKTZ & CO. Are tho Leading Wholesale Agents In Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. HEADQUARTERS FOR , L C. Smith's and Remington Guns, (lay Pigeons and Pigeon Traps. Telephone 2723. open Evenings. S13H Spruce Street, between Penn and Wyo ming Avenues. THE TRADERS I&tional Bank of Scranton. OROANIZED 189 CAPITAL 250,000 SUMUS, $10,000 BAMTTETj HTNES. President. . W. W. WATSON. Vice-President, A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Hlnes, James M. ETtrhart IlT Pinch. Pierce B. Kin ley . Joseph J. I thews. John T. Porter, W. W. WaUon. PfflPl. IB, Kill and LIBERAL. rata bank Invites the patron aja erf tola toeaa men and firms ceneraly. -J 4ollor land it dollar earrf." . TktolMtoe' MM FVencb. Deuel KM JMrt. deUrerea irae anywam ib m u.t I live anywanv in m im teeetptof Caaa, lioaey Older, or Poetal Meie ler tlAO. Kqnala every way the beeM sold la all retail stone tot 2.60. We auks this keot oaraehna, thkrelera we unlet the JB, tyU u4 wear, and If any one b net astlaflad we will refnnd tne aeaef reenaanouierpeir. upan Tee or Oqpueoe Basse. wwtM v, P. B, sa. ne 1 to aaa aaal aea. BmtftwMmt lUustrats leitaa Fit EC JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND 8HOF 811 Laek. Ay. and stewart'a Art Mora. Pheta EintIb twr Clrcolin, Books, CiU- Malf-TonM Ml Unf Wwrtk & CO.. BOO I LSI