The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Autumn Styles Being Received.
We Invite Attention to Our
beautiful New Designs and Colorings
For Fall and Winter Use.
Now Is an Excellent Time
To Decorate Your Rooms
And Get the Benefit of Use
' During Cold Weather Season.
We Have the Finest Stock
Made in This Country
At Half New York City Prices.
Onr Patterns Cannot Be Found
Elsewhere n This City.
The Fine Work in Large Cities
Is Done in the Fall.
We Furnish Good Decorators.
322 LftCMW&NM AVE.
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
C. H. Reynolds, of Kingston, was In the
chy yesterday.
William Coyne, of Adams avenue, was
In Philadelphia yesterday.
Captain B. K. .Morris has been added to
the staff of the Scranton Truth.
Miss Genevieve McOann left on Monday
to enter Kenwood academy, near Albany,
K. V.
Martin Bird and Hiss Mary Forrester
will be married this afternoon at St.
Peter's cathedral.
Secretary F. H. Pearsall. of the Railroad
Young Men's Christian association, was in
Aew iork yesterMay.
Mrs. Louis Goerlltz and Mrs. Oeorire
Farber have returned from a visit with
friends In New lork city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown and chlMren
are home from Sag Harbor, Long Island,
where they spent the summer.
Congressman and Mrs. J. A. Scranton
are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. 6. JI.
Thompson of Birmingham, Eng.
W. J. Northup, late receiving teller of
the Third National bank, will sail for
France on the steamship St. Louis today.
Mr. Korthup will be absent from this
country about one year, during which time
he will travel through Europe.
Fred Kenyon Jones, musical director for
the Noss Jollity company, now playing ut
liavis' theater, was a resident of this city
twervty-flve years ago. At that time he
was associated severally with N. A. Hul
bert and L. B. Powtll, two of our lead
ing dealers In musical supplies. He left
Scranton on March 13. 187u, and returned
on Oct. 13, 1895. Since Professor Jones was
in this city last he has traveled exten
sively and is now tilling a good position
with the Jollity company. He marvels at
the change that has taken place here dur
ing a quarter of a century. During his
short stay Professor Jones hns been busy
railing on the friends of his younger days.
He Is the composer of the Incidental music
for "The Kodak." which is pleasing many
patrons at the Davis. Professor Jones Is
Mill a young man and he Is aiming for
Usher achievements In his chosen pro
fession. Mrs. Frances B. Swan, of Scranton, who
is a member of the Lackawanna county
delegation to the convention of directors
of the poor, enjoys the distinction of be
ing the only worrun poor director In the
1'nlted P'.ates, outside of Massachusetts,
ppolnted by the courts. Her first an
polntment was by Judge Archbald six
years ago, and It came a a well-merited
recognition of her Indefatlmhle efforts In
varlou lines of phrantrophy. The wl
dom of the ainolntment has been time and
again Justified, when Mrs. Swan hn ag
gressively fougKt for what "he believed
right, and hat invarlnhly triumphed. In
.npearwee she Is eredlnely striking,
of wtately pre"nce snd verv charming
countenance. Her abundant hair, which
Is pirre wite. snd hat heer- o lne hr
youth, crm'rnrts markedly with the fresb.
Te and hesttfulrs of be" comnte.
Ion. In every hrar"h o' noefnl pnb'le.
work Vn Scranton Mes. Swan bi long
en the acknowledged leader. Philadel
phia Inquirer.
At Msars 4 Union's
Tou wl" And
The Rc3t Feather Pillows,
Live Oeese Feathers,
' Down Quilts and Comfortable.
Blankets with Plain and Jaquanl Borders.
AH at the lowest possible prices.
Oa the Icnth of Mrs. Jcsslo 1). Cnnncll.
At a regular meeting of the Teachers'
Mutual Benefit association, of the city of
ftcranton, the following resolutions were
unanlmlously passed:
Whereas, The angel of death has called
upon and taken flight with the spirit of
one of our most esteemed and talented
members. Mrs. Jessie D. Connell, a lady
possessed of rare, Innate ami acquired
'cblllties. a zealous teacher and lover of
her kind, a lady In all that the word Im
plies, of fixed principles evolved from
thought formed from deep researches In
the mysteries of the learned and occult
sciences and correspondingly kind in word
nd manner.
Resolved. That her death has left a void
In our organization that cannot easily be
Resolved, That the face no more seen
nd the voice no more heard shall be re
membBwd by us. ard that her noble life
te constant reminder of lofty purposes
nd an example worthy of close Imitation.
We therefore mourn her loss and extend
o her sorrowing relatives, friends and
fiuplls our heartfelt sympathy, commend
ng them to His rare .who hath said,
messed are they that mourn, for they
hall be comforted. Josle T). Lees.
O. W. Tlowells,
, John E. O'Malley,
' Committee,
Eagllsh Capital for American Invest.
' ' ments.
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish capital for new enterprises. A II t
containing the names and addresses of 250
uccessful promoters who have placed
over 100,000,000 sterling in foreign invest
ments witbln the last six years,. and over
18,000,000 for the seven months of 1895.
Price-or $28, payable by postal order
o the London and l'nlversal Bureau of
Investors, 20. Chcapslde, London, B. C.
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of Introduction to any
of these successful promoters,
This list Is first class in every respect,
nd every man or firm whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. For
placing the following It will be found In-
. valuable Bonds or Shares of Industrial,
Commercial and Financial Concerns,
Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or
Mines. '
Getting the Evidence on the Tart
of the Commonwealth. ' '
Was Given with Much Kcluctanao atfd
Diatrist Attorney Jonea Soya It
Differs front tho Story Told
at tho Inquest. ' '
There Is something strange In the
rreat fa semis. Lion that surrounds a per
son who stands chanted with a grave
crime. The trial of John Vlshniskl, the
20-year-old Polish defendant, tor ne
murder of Felix Davldiak on the South
Washington avenue flat. Feb. 9 Inst,
which la now on In the main court room
te bnlnclng an assemblage to the court
auditorium that the upstairs
busy maintaining order. Quite a num
ber of Kushlng: young girls find their
way well to the front to catch a glance
at the handsome defendant.
Alex Jankowskl and his wife, who is
a sister of VlfhnlskU fat beside the de
fendant all day. lie demean l himsyir
very much as though he does not realize
the ominnus Mutation wherein he Is
plaoed. Joseph Tcrreshevitz, who was
on the wltntss stnrd when court ad
JourrtfJ Monday afternoon, was cross
exnmined ost-rdny. There wan a
oprrl'fle haze enveloping his memory.
John Davldrak. a brother of the mur
dered man. was the next witness.
described the shooting, s.ild he saw the
defendant point the revolver and fl-v
Into Felix's left breast. He Identified
the vest which Felix wore that night;
tht re was a bullet hole 1n It. The rar-
n erf vus ottered In evidence. 1 nomas
Pavldzak was one of thope who mlTht
throw some light on the tragedy. The
commonwealth suspects that he has
been spirited away to avoid telling any
thing derogatory to the defendant.
A It'ond'thlmtv Witness.
Tetaseo Pufdeavltch Is not much old
er than the defendant. He is a Potan
d.T. but speaks English well. He testi
fied on first story that. he. arrived at
the scene of the murder a few minutes
after It happened, and he went on nnd
described what he saw. Pavldzak was
d.nd. there was no doubt of that. The
witness answered the district attorney
that he was not far away when the
shot was flivd. that he was standing cm
the porch where ho lived. Attorney
AIoGinley, by dexterous cross-examination,
pot the witness to make exceed
ingly contradictory statements, which
went far to nullify his testimony in
chief. Purdoavitch unhesitatingly ad
mitted that he bears no love for Vlsh
nfekl and would be delighted to see him
Theodore Swantae was sworn. Tie
was an eye-witness of the shooting.
He was with John Pavldzak and the
murdered man when It happened. There
was little or no provocation, according,
to his story, when Vlrhnlskl drew the
Pistol and suit a human soul to etern
ity. Tlie witness on cross-examination
said that Chief of Police Simpson Is
paying his beard now; has promised
to ray him for his services.
Detective John Laseheskl. of RtifTaW,
through whose Instrumentality the de
fendant wis captured, was put tinnn
the wltr-ess stand nfter dinner. Wlim
he arrested VIshrHUi and told him that
It was for murdering a man in Scran
ton, the prisoner answered that he
knew It.
Defendant's Sister on the Stand.
Mrs. Alexander Jankowskl, sister of
the defndant. was caHed tj the stand
by th: commonwealth. iShe was sit
ting with hw husband at the defend-
nt's t:ile alongside her brother, and
when District Attorney Jones called out drawings of the model and submits a
her name she cast a wistful gaze upon similarly designed boat to the commit
hlm and seemed reluctant to go upon tve. The complications arising ore dra-
the witness stand. Her answers were
given with reluctance.
She was asked about tne movements
of her brother the night of the mur
der, before It happened and afterward.
Viahnlskl boarded with her. He came
in about 9 o'clock, went to his rooom,
and left in a few minutes with her
husband. They walked leisurely out of
the house. 'Her .brother was the first
to pome back; she doesn't remember
what time her ihusband returned. She
denied that she charged him with shoot
ing Felix Davidzak. The district at
torney had the stenographic notes of
the testimony taken at the coroner's
inquest. He Inquired if she had not
sworn at the Inquest (hat s'he charged
her brother directly with shootlnir
Davidzak. She denied that she ever
said these words. S'he did not. she said,
advise hi-m to hide under the hed, away
from the poJice officers, but she admit
ted that site gave him some money to
go away. Attorney MeOlnley objected
to tho manner In which she. was ex
amined and asked the district attorney
to let her go on and tell the story ac
cording to the best of her recollection.
Mr. McGInley dharged Mr. Jones with
endeavoring to entrap the witness by
asking a list of catch questions.
Story on Cross Examination.
The story told on cross-examination
was that her husband came home from
work that afternoon between 6 and fi 50
o'clock. They retired to bed about 8.30.
A few minutes thereafter John, the
defendant, came to tho bedroom door
and persuaded Yankowskl, her hus
band, to get tup and go out. John was
the first to return. She iheard no shots
while they were cone, and When John
returned to 'the house, he came In
through the hack door. She was stand
ing In the kitchen. His face was cov
ered with blood and he had a revol
ver In 'his hands. :She took the revolver
from 'him, went out to the closet and
threw the weapon In the vault. Her
brother was In his bedroom when sh
rime ha;k. The police arrested her
husband and took 'him to Jail. Her
hrithrr was in the house while the
officers were searohlng for the murder
er, but thev did not take him. She
gave him $10 with which to get. awny.
She advised him to go away, because
her husband had been arrested, and she
thought that her brother might be ar
rested, ton.
. In re-direct examination District At
torney Jones made an ofer and pro
posed to rtrove that the witness hnd
been tampered with. That Fhe swore
differently at the coroner's Inouest, and
that rhe made pertain admissions to
Officer Steven Dyer, whleh were In dl
rept contradiction to 'her present testi
mony. Mr. McCllnlev objected on the
ground that the district attorney can
not contradict his own witness, that
the offer did not show In what lan
guage Mrs. Jankowskl made the adm',
sions to Officer Dyer, she being unable
to talk Knglish. and that the matter
of tampering with the witness has ex
istence in the minds of only the district
attorney and Chief Simpson. The ob
jection was sustained.
Bonnet Saw the Wonnded "dan.
Fred Bennett, who lives diagonally
across the street from where the mur
der was) commuted, heard pistol shots
the night of the affray, came out on his
porch and raw a man leaning against
the fence, apparently In great agony.
At least four men in a group came out
and ait first assisted, later carried this
man way. He saw another man run
ning. Mr. Bennett could not recognize
any of the men. .He pointed out on the
map of the street, where the murder
was done, and the direction he saw the
man running.
Anthony Hebak was the last witness
heard yesterday. The only bit of In
formation gleaned from his testimony
wan that he is now conducting the place
t-hat Peter Kozloleck ran the time of the
murder, and In which liquor was sold
without a license. Kozloleck its now un
der Indictment for keeping a tippling
house. Bebak said lie does not sell in
toxicating drinks there, dispenses, noth
ing more ardent than glngerale.
There arc several witnesses on the
part of the commonwealth to be heard.
The evidence, however, of the prosecu
tion will be 11 nl.-hed today.
. ..
Biasing Stump Shooting Affray Tried Be
fore J lid c Kdwurds.
In No. 3 court room the case of feloni
ous wounding against iMIehael Krotky,
of 'Blazing Stump, a locality above
RIchmondale. was tried before Judge
Edwards. Peter Koznlak was riddled
with buckshot one moonlight evening
laFt spring by the defendant, and for a
time it was doubtful whether he would
live or not. Krotky was lodged In Jail,
and when his human target got out of
danger ihe was released on H.000 hall.
The defendant did not deny that he shot
Koznlak, but he alleged that Koznlak
was In close range with his chicken
coop, and believing that some one was
purloining the fowls, he shouldered his
musket and went out to look for the
thief. The. case went to the Jury late
in the afternoon and a verdict was
renohed, which will be handed into
court this morning.
James Dean was tried In No. 2 court
room before Judre Savidge, of Sun
bury, for murderously assaulting Fd
dle Davis, son of Henry P. 'Davis, of the
West Side, with a base ball bat on
Sept. 3 last. Attorney C. Comcgys
represented the commonwealth and At
torney T. V. Powderly the defendant.
Mrs. Jacob Plont, for the defense, swore
that she saw IVan strike young Davis,
but before that there was a howling
mob of young chaps about the defend
ant, and they were clamoring that they
could lick him. She 'heard Dean nsk
them to put away their sticks and
stones and he assured them If they did
he could lick the entire crowd of them
They had him surrounded; young Da
vis was up on Dean's back. Dean ran
across the street with his load of hu
man freight and tried as he ran to dis
engage himself from the boy. He suc
ceeded, but was followed by the rest oi
the boys, hooting and shouting that
they could lick him. A soon as D;-an
shook off 'Davis the saw him wrench a
bat from some boy near him and strike
young Davis with it. The Jury went
ou at 4 o'clock to find a verdict.
Jrseph (Irzywlnski was convicted of
selling liquor without a license. Rev.
'Richard A. Aust. pastor of St. Mary's
Polish church, of t'ne South Side, com
plained hat the phwc wns conducted
flagrantly, nnd that Clrzy wlnskl made a
specialty of enticing men from mass on
Sunday. He was sentenced to pay a
fine of $"00 nnd spend three months in
the county Jail.
Plays That Are Killed to Appear in Scran
ton Theaters.
Miss Marie Walnwright will be the
star nt the Academy on Wednesday,
Oct. 16, when she will be seen for the
first time In this city as Constance in
Sherldin Knowle's famous comedy,
"The Love-Chase." This play is uni
versally known as one of the best and
most amusing of all the standard com
edies. It is gorgeously costumed in the
style of Charles II. The supporting
company is the best Miss Walnwright
has ever had. being headed by Na
tharJel Hartwlg, 'Barton Hill-and Hat
tle Hussell.
hrnicl I.. Hnrfs New Pluv.
Electricity Is the them? of the new
play which Stuart Ribson will present
this season, but notwithstanding the
theme, the play will be in no way sen
sational, as Its backsround is Washing
ton society. A young man when sent
to Y-ale takes up the study of electric
ity as a fad, and whtn his fortune is
swert away Is obliged to depend upon
his labor in that branch of physics for
a livelihood. He secures 'a position as
an electrician In the ravy yard, at
Washington, and works hard to win the
$100 000 prize which has been offered by
the government. A rival steals his
rr.atlc. and the exhibition of the model
of a beautiful man-of-war is a striking
stage picture. It .is said that the "den"
of the inventor, la the third art. will be
an 'Identical reproduction of Edison's
mysterious workroom. At the Acad
emy of iMusle on Thursday evening.
The pray was written by Caniel L.
Hart, of Wllkes-Earre.
Cnllnhnn ns Mrihisto.
Friday evening Joseph Callahan will
be reen at the Frrothingham In a spec
tacular production of "Faust." 'Mr.
Callahan will be seen hete as his Sa
tanic 'Majesty, a role In which he 'has
gained praise from every one who has
sten him. IVfr. Callahan has wisely
modeled his elaborate spectacular play
on Sir Henry li ving's masterpiece, ac
knowledged, when produced, as one of
the very best presentations of all that
is weird and fantastic on the stage.
Crcstnn Clnrko a the Aendcmv
The cane used by Creston Clarke In
the "Fool's Pcventri?" was once the
property of Edmund Keane, and used
by him on the old Driiry Lane stay?
when he appeared as Shylock. It'waa
given to Mr. Clarke by Ms father, the
famous comedian. John Sleeper Clarke,
who received It from John Ryder, to
whom It had heen presented by Mao
readv. Mr. Clarke will be seen at the
Academy of .Music Friday night.
Spectacular Production of Zero.
A rrettv new spectacular production,
entitled "Zero." will be the attraction
trit will be seen at the Acndr-mv of
Music Saturday. Oct. "Zero" Is a
production that Is raid to combine all
the best features of comedy, vnidevlllo
and spectacular. Sn-fral well-known
artists are with the company, nnd
"Zero" numbers some fifty petiole. A
scene taken from the street life of
N?w York, with the Ttall.ia hand organ
playing nd the street urchins singing
and dancing 'to Its music. Is one of the
effective "bits" of thecomedy of "Zero."
Rice nnd Bnrtoi's (tomninv.
The patrons of Davis' theater can
look forward to a genuine- treat on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday next.
Tllce and 'Partnn's clever company of
mirth makers will present the laugh
able farc-romedy, "MriDnndle ard
Poodle." The leadlhg role- are In the
h inds of iOeorgp W. Tllce and Charles
Rarton, twi comedians of unusunl
mfirit. ably supported by MI'.--s Frankle
Haines., who Is very clever In the role
of Ju'Ift lrro. the actrfss. The piece
Is fairly alive with lnup-hable situa
tions. lnterTicrsed with beautiful
musis and pleasing s.pec'nltks. Last
season this excellent company gave
great satisfaction to iM'annger Davis'
patrons, being ready onr cf the very
bert attractions of the fx ason.
UT'KrVATISM Is enured bv Inetlc scld
In the Wood. Hoot's Sarsnnnrllln neu
tralizes thin p-dd end eoniot,,!., n,i
mnnor'ly citrus rheumatism. Tie sure to
get only Hood's.
HOOD'S PIT,T,S en-e nau-iea, l- k head
ache, Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all
Fine writing paper 15c. per lb. Pratt's
Book Store.
A.IO Feet Higher
than Scranton Is Sehelhel's hotol at Iho
end of the new Rlmhnrst boulevard road.
You can get the best of meals at all hours,
also refreshments of all kinds.
Wall paper at your own price. Pratt's
Hook Store.
Taylor'o New Index Map of Scranton and
For sale at Taylor's Directory ofllce, 12
Tribune building, or given w'th an order
for the Scranton Directory 18.
Inks Sic. per qt., JOc. per ptnl, writing
paper, eovekupes and tablets at half price
for a few days. Pratt's Book Store.
Mrs. Fenton, Clairvoyant and Phrenol
ogist, Arnout House, 428 Lackawanna ave
nue, this week only.
Plllsbury's flour mills have
of 17,600 barrels -a day.
Water colors, etchings and photographs,
with or without frames, half price, Pratt's
Book Store. t
Proposes Piping Lchltjh
Water to This City.'
Lehigh Coal Navigation Company
Claims to Own the River-Two
Wilkea-Barra Water Companies
Arc Also Anxious for Fight.
In connection with a new plan of the
Scranton (las and Water company for
increasing its present large water sup
ply and storage, there seems to be a
ttlff legnl fight in prospect, which may
Involve the Scranton company, the Le
high Coal and Navigation company and
the Citizens' Water company and tho
Crystal Water company, of Wilkes
Burre. The issue is destined to be of
espeeial Importance to Wilkes-Barreans
and Scrantonlans for many reasons.
The Scranton company has for sev
eral years been following a policy of
Increasing -its water storage capacity
away beyond the present needs or de
mands of this city. This policy 'has
met with the commendation of Scran
ton people Kenerally, and tts wisdom
was I'hown as recently as a few weeks
ago, when, during the severe drought,
this city bad a biff reserve supply
of water when cities andtowns through
out the state were suffering for want,
of the same article. During last sum
mer the company conceived the idea of
tapping the 'headwaters of the Lehigh
river In the vicinity of C.ouldsboro and
piping the water a few miles into the
Stafford tXleadmv brook or Into a reser
voir to be bullii upon tt.
Hosiers on the Lehigh.
The plans of the Scranton company
have, however, been disturbed from
three different sources: First, the Le
high Coal and Navigation company
claims It hns a right by special act of
the legislature to the Lehigh river,
which is the main source of supply to
the company's canal Which runs along
the line of the Lehigh Valley railroad;
second, the Citizens' Water company,
of Wilkes-iBarre, as long ago as Inst
December had designs on the same
headwaters of the Lehigh and made
surveys preliminary to constructing a
dam across tho river or piping water
from It. and, urged alon- by the re
cent drought and Wilkes-Barre's foul
water supply, a fews days ago began
preparation for damming the stream
at Waeonhursit's; thir l, the Crystal Wa
ter company, of Wilkes-Barre, has
been preparing to get water from the
same river at a point further south.
The positions held by all tho corpora
tlons in the four-cornered fight are va
rlous, the Crystal N ater company
seeming to have a less established post
tlon than the other three companies
Involved, that company being apparent
ly content to be In the melee and tako
whatever faills to Its lot. Notwlth
standing the 'Coal and Navigation com
pany's assertion that 'ft owns the water-
Tight of the entire Lehigh river, the
Citizens' company claims the Navi
ration Tieoiile have the right to only
that part of the river below what Is
known as diig Falls, near Stoddarts-
Will Top the Klvcr Above.
The opinions of the Scranton com
pany cannot be learned as tts ofllcers
and attorney refuse to be Interviewed,
but Ha movements Indicate that It pro
poses to tap the liver near Gouldsboro,
above the CKIzens' objective point,
stand or fall with the legal ouleome of
the case, and meanwhile let the Naviga
tion, Citizens' and Crystal companies
Kverytody In Scranton connected
with the Oas -and Water company are
silent when approached for any kind of
'information on the matter, further than
to say they have no Intention to con
struct a reservoir at Wagonhurst's
Thus far they seemingly have the best
of the fight. The Trtbune was In
formed last night that the company had
men on the scene and had distributed
pipe In a direction indicating that the
water would be piped to the bed of
Stafford Meadow brook. This Informa
tion was divulged to the Citizens' com
pany ofliclals In Wilkes-Barre Monday
and they were disposed to take by force
If necessary the Scranton company's
selected reservoir site In the river, and
from which It Is the evident intention
to pipe the water. Tt was ascertained
later, however, that the Scranton com
pany's site 'Was above that vf the
Wiilkes-Barre company, and no immed
iate action was taken.
They Aro Anxious nt tVilkcs llarre.
Meanwhile the Wilkes-Barre public
is suffering from bad water; 11 Is bound
to have good water and much of It, and
consequently the Citizens' company Is
being roasted, prodded urged and co
erced to prevent the Scranton company
from building Its new line and reser
voir. A point which may cut some figure
In the story is the settlement on Mon
day of the fase of W.IIIInm Dagen
against the 'Meadow Brook Water com
pany, which is an offshoot of the more
extensive gas and water company. Da
gen's land In Itoaring Brook township
was valued at 119,000 by viewers, pre
liminary to the company's possession of
It for reservoir purposes. Dagen Insti
tuted proceedings but settled last week
for !1,3,f00. It Is rumored as a possibil
ity that the Lehigh water will be piped
to a reservoir on the Dagen land for
the erection of which bids have been
HOOSB HtTOHRS. By the Rev. A. F.
Chnffes, on Oct. IS, 1SH3, et the residence
of K. D. Hughes,' on Dickson aven'ie,
Charles S. I loose, D. D. S., of Erie, Pa.,
to Miss Klizabfth 8. Hughes.
WILLIAMS. In Scranton, Oct, 11, lSfCi, lit
her home on l-afayette street. Sin. M. J.
Williams. Funeral Thursday nt Xo'r'nck,
Interment in Washburn Street cemetery.
in Lace and Button and in llv!
1 IB'
imiK &
. 410 Spo Strel
(Under this heading short letters ot In
terest will be published when accompa
nied, lor publication, by the writer's
name. Tho Tribune will not be held re
sponsible tor opinions bere expressed,)
Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: It is not often that your columns
contain an item which presents such a
combination of bad taste, cheap smart
ness and brutal violation of all the cunous
of civilized comment us the lorul in tho
laaue of Tuesday, headed "Gallows for
Lackawanna." Here are some choice
specimens of tho modern method of de
scribing the most solemn function of our
law: "Hezek is booked for ilepai ture from
this world Nov. 6," "Ho'chlno was put in
the kuIIows column yesterday," "the big
original was a pretty thing as gallows go
nnd hns a rapacity of swinging fivo
souls out of os many -bodies at one clip, '
"tit the murder market of Lackawanna
county," "tho bodies will drop until with
In a foot or so of the ti'rour.i nnd naturo
will do tho ref t." while the whole is char
acterized as Scruaton's "legal hangln;
1 a:n no advocate of the abolition of cap
ital punishment .no sentimentalist, no up
holder of brlgandn'te; iiut muat protest In
the name of decency, civilization und
Christianity oaaln.-t the publication of
such ribald and Inhuman articles. Wo
complain that the rising generation Is los
ing till respect or reverence for authority,
law or religion; will such lucubrations ai
tho one In question tend to stimulate such
Journalism Is a potent factor in mod
ern society bow potent, few perhaps,
realize. If It Is to abandon its high of
fice as an Intelligent Instructor and ex
alted leader of the people, nnd descend to
the level of a flippant retailer of degrading
gossip, then Indeed Is its mission ended.
Newsiinner enternrlso demands spirited
local and general comment, but coarse
and repulsive detail Is not a reqms-ne.
The tone of The Tribune is usually
high, hence its faults become more con
spicuous nnd Invite censure. Very re
spectfully, Charles E. Bradbury.
Scranton, Oct. lu.
Editor of Tho Tribune.
Sir: A telegram on my de?k this morn
Itiif informed me of the death of Hon.
William Klwell. of IJloomyburg. and 1 feel
it but right to contribute my expression
of respect uixl reverence for nis memory,
About tho last of the old line jurists
judges who Impressed their individuality
upon tne bars or our siaie to raise oy
their examnles or honor, uniiity ana cour
t-y nil standards he leaves an honored
and respected name. Judge Klwell was
reared In a stern school, and his Ideas of
his profession were high. Strictly hon
oralile. In every practice, unbending In In
tegrllv. bv nature a Judge, he advanced
his high position on the bench and the
reports of onr state benr the Impress of
his ability. Commencing at the bottom
round of the ladder, he climbed round ly
round, and when he was cai'Ied from his
home In Townnda to wear the ermine few
were better tltted.
As a boy, horn close to 'his residence, I
recollect hlin as a man hea.l and shoulders
above others who commenced as he did
and a continual and fe-long acnualnt
ance and Intimacy with his family daily
added to my respect and admiration. The
weaknesses of advancing years compelled
him to leave the bench for private lire,
To those who had the privilege of listen
li:g to him In the family circle the remin
iscences nf the pat were a
charm. The rtnrles of the c!d circuits
over mountain and dale, of the backwoods
attorneys, of cur oils and amus ng eases,
kept one entertained continually. Judso
Llwell was one of those unbending old
line Democrats we rend about and re
flect. He lived and practiced with David
Wllmot und others whose memories live
and who-e deeds eland rut In the histor
ical and legal annals of our Mate and
country. Now he is a memory with them
A very long life, honorable, able, up
right, he hns been gathered to his fathers
ami leaves to his posterity a name to be
cherished. (joorge Sanderson.
Scranton. Oct. 1".
Heavy buy in',' and the goods marked
close is what is tilling our store
Willi buyers every day. (Wad to sec
you who look, and obliging sales
people to armwer questions. A dray
man has been unloading case alter
case in the back door. New things
ready today.
Perhaps better value has been
oflcrcd. We don't believe it Heal
alligator, seal, some with metal cor
nets, books and purses, well made,
25 cents.
Seal books, mounted with ster
ling silver, a gotfJ book, 50 cents.
Handsome books, in beautiful
new finishes, best leathers, silver
mounted, value inside and out, $1.
Look in the west window today.
Rogers and Pairpoint arc two re
liable makers, none better. By buy
ing by the gross instead of the dozen
Is ouc reason why we save you this
way. At J2.00 twelve triple-plate
Knives and forks. At Si six Tea
spoons, triple-plate, and several new
patterns; wear years, we promise.
A lady's watch, or daughter,
cither, solid silver, hand engraved
good time, too, with long solid sil
vcr chain, warrantod, about a dozen
4.50. Cientteman's watch, Ameri
can works, case plain nickel, but
durable for all that, $2.50.
Selling hundreds. At 65c about 25
more of those real etchings, i8x.?o,in
white and gold frames. To those
who were disappointod last time we
say come soon.
Lackawanna Ave.
We are Headquart-rs for Oystors and
aro handling the
Celebrated Duck River.,
Lynn Ilaven.s, Keyports,
Mill Ponds; 11 1 so Shrews
bury, Kockawnys, Muuricc
Klver Coves, Western
Shores and Blue Points.
tWWa miiko a Hpecislty of dollverlng
Blue Points on bait "lioll iu carriers.
The Finest In the City.
The latest tnprored furnish
tag and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
823 Wyoming Air.
Silver-Platad Tops.
While They Last
Wdig - Pui
We Are Headquarters.
China Hall
Walk in and look around.
Cooling drinks sro ue essary. They r tin
universal autiduto (or exud'sive warmth.
N tiling is so popular with fair exin
Scrantuu as our sod t servvd Id all the various
flavors nnd witu cream for only a nickel a
glass. To Lavo their attuntions well receivod
young men bhonld treat their sweethearts
coolly, ana by inviting tu.-m to enjoy our soda,
wiiii h is really the coolest and most delightful
summer rtriuk in the city, wholesome, lieolt'J
ful nnd invigorating, bud a heads the list of
summer beverugus, and the foaming utreain
from our fountain beads the lis: of all sodas.
Specialty Adapied ,or Reading and Sewing.
Consumes three (3) feet of gas per
hour ami Rives au efficiency of sixty
(00) candles.
Hnving at least 33 pci cent, over tho
ordinary Tip Burners.
Call and Sec It.
rUrtufacturera' Agents.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELMEN
DORF, Lltnira, N. Y., and for sale
by the trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa.
4MaB ond Very
IT EGGnomiCQl.
Are still offering the large stock of goods from
25 to So per cent, below cost.
These Goods Must Be Sold
And if you want bargains come and get them
at once. . ' .
r 11 1 1 vi 1 1
I k VP J
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his ass,
elated HtatV of English and German
physicians, are now perma
nently located at
Old Pottoffice Building, Cornar Perm
Avenue and Spruce Street
The doctor is a graduate of the Unlver.
sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
strator of physloloKy and surKery at the
Medico-t'hlruiultal college of Phlladel.
phla. His specialties are Chronic, Nerv
ous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood Q.s
The symptoms of which are d.zziness, luck
of conlldtnce, sexual weakness in men
and women, ball rising In throat, spots
floating before the eyes, loss of memory,
unable to concentrate the mind on on
subject, easily ?turtl;d when suddenly
spoken to, ami dull, distressed m.mi, which
unnts them for performing the actual du
ties of life, maklns happiness impossible,
distressing the act'on of the heart, caus
ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil
forebodings, cowardice, feur, dreams, mel
ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as
tired In the morning as when retiring,
luck of enerry, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, consti
pation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those
so affected should consult us Immediately
and be restored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your phy
slclan call upon the doctor and be exam
ined. Ho cures the worst cases uf Nerv
ouu. Debility. Scrofulu, did Sores,
Catarrh, P.los, Female Weakness, Affoc
tions of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throut,
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and
Cripples of every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacred
and confidential, fiinoe hours daily from
9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 2.
Enclose five li-cent stamps for symptom
blanks and my book called "New Life."
I will pay one thousand dollars 'n i"'(l
to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
Old Post Ofllce Building, corner Pent!
avenue and Spruce street.
1 11 lit
STEmwar t son
Also large stock of first-class
1 Hill IK
id n
Special Attention Given to Business
and Fersocal Account
A you r troubled wltu
f)F YflllR EYES he.l.che or nervmi
Ur lUUll LIU) iiimii go to IK, SHIM
111 KG'S and have your ey examined free.
We liava reduced prices and are tin Invert in
t'.e city. Ntcnel apoctacloa from l to ti; geld
from U to H
305 Spruce Street Scranton, Pa.
Wyoming; lit. .