The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1895, Image 1

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' 1 e
Thla should be good news for ev
ry Dress Goods buyer within 10
niles of the store.
The fall season has just been
jshered In on us and right with It,
we offer five of the most remarkable
Dress Goods values that It has ever
been our fortune to place before the
public. With one exception they
represent this season's choicest pro
ductions, and the exception noted
represents a staple weave, In styles
that will never grow old. Below we
submit the figure
"n this exceptional announcement,
believing this will prove the most
welcome piece of store news that
will appear this season.
AT 25c.
75 pieces 36-Inch All
Wool Suitings In the
following fancy mix
tures and solid color
ings: Mixtures in
Blues, Grays, Browns
and Heather: plain
shades, Tan. Gold. Seal,
dark and light Navy,
Reseda, Myrtle, Plum,
Cardinal, Garnet and
Thla Is an excellent
cloth and at 20c. It is a
marvel in value.
75 .
AT 39c.
45 pieces 50-inch Fine
All "Wool French Serge
In the following desir
able fall shades: Cardi
nal, Garnet. Wine. Seal,
Nut. Wood and Gold,
Browns, light and dark
Navy, Slateand Myrtle.
An unparalleled bar
gain at 39c.
AT 59c.
55 pieces 40-Inch Silk
and Wool Novelties, a
beautiful and stylish
fabric, with charming
color effects on the fol
lowing grounds: Navy,
Garnet, Brown, Cardi
nal, Bronze and Myrtle.
At 59c. its bargain
value is beyond descrip
tion. 3S
AT 59c.
10 pieces new 52-Inch
Fine Wool Storm
Serges, Navy and
Black only. This Is ex
actly the same cloth as
our regular 75c. num
ber. The sale price is
This Is the on exception referred
"a above. It Is a cloth we pur
chased at a very low figure at the
close of last season. But as it Is
itaple h every respect, we could not
lo V-tter had we bought it this sea
urn, and we certainly could not buy
fw at the price we then paid for it.
40-Inch ell-wool Check and Diag
onal Suitings In two tone combina
tions, suitable for children's wear or
for quiet dressers. The colors In
clude Olive and Black, Tan and
Brown, Olive and Brown, Tan and
Plum, Cardinal and Slate, etc. We
guarantee this a full value 75c,
Olotli. The sale price Is
a: lobe
Monument to Pullen Members of the
143d Kcgimcnt Dedicated.
tlrilliant Review of the Scenes Which
Have Made the llnttle-tiround Famous.
Eloquent and Masterly Tilhuto to
the Living and Dead Heroes.
Gettysburg. Pa., Oct. 15. The One
Hundred and Forty-third regiment.
Pennsylvania volunteers, dedicated
their monument on Cemetery Kldne
today with appropriate ceremonies.
The monument Is at the left of
Bloody Angle, where the regiment
was stationed during the second
and third days of the battle of Gettys
burg. The principal address of the day was
delivered by A. J. Colborn, Jr., of Scran
ton. ..Mr. Colborn, whose remarks were
listened to with close attention, spoke
as follows:
This has been called the resting place
of the dead. 1 would rail it the resting
place of the living. Truth Is Immortal,
imperishable and will never die, uml each
cilixen who rose above the fog of party
environments, and human selfishness,
and ottered his life as a sacrifice for
the maintenance and establishment uf
truth, will live forever, though he sleeps
in his "windowless palace of rest."
We are herei today to honor the llvlnsj.
men who gave up their lives that the
great truth proclaimed In the Peclurutiun
of Independence "that all men are cre
ated equal" miKht be established, and
that generations yet to come could exult
Ingly cry, You have .made our country
"the home of the brave and the land of
the free!" The men who walked In VUks
burg with tire, who cut on" Atlanta and
felt their way to the sea, who went over
Missionary Midge in a cloud of powder
and flame, who saw God at Chattanooga,
who went Into the Jaws of death at Oet
typburg, will not, and cannot die, though
we may speak of the fallen as dead.
Their valor and heroism made time the
song of freedom, imprinted upon and rung
out to the world by the old liberty bell on
Independence hall in seventeen hundred
find seventy-six "Proclaim liberty
throughout all the land, unto all the In
habitants thereof" and they made it pos
sible for that bell to ring out that souk
in truth to the people of the south on its
Journey to Atlanta.
We honor ourselves In honoring the
memory of our fallen soldier boys. Noth
ing that we can say, or do today, can
add to, or detract from, the renown of our
patriotic dead, for it Is no less than fame,
proclaims It. and It could be no greater
than it is. Their comrades who touched
elbows with them midst shrieking shells
and whistling bullets, will cherish their
recollections or them through life, anil
the nation in whose Interests they fell, for
whose supremacy they contended, has. In
chlselel marble and enduring bronze,
caused them to speak with lips that move
not, yet talk, to those who loved them In
life, who sincerely mourn their loss, and
to millions Innumerable of those who,
coming with the generations yet unborn,
will honor their patriotism, and will wor
ship at the shrine of human liberty, at
which they knelt with all the earnestness
of their manhood.
It Is not disparagement to our grand
galaxy of heron to say. .that among the
many, the volunteer soldier was the one!
As the mnp,rlltcent Image of-ths-glii'lst-God
In the great cathedral of Monreale
dominates the Immensity of the building
as Pallas ruled supreme lnj the Parthenon,
and Jove In the olympian t?mple. so does
the name Volunteer, above all other, stand
among that great throng of heroes who,
neglecting all pursuits, abandoning all
trades and professions, leaving home.
wife, child'on. all of every creed, of all
parties marched under the banner of tho
Union, and tested the bitter dregs of the
cup of sorrow nnd pain, In order that re
publican Institutions might not perish
from the face of the earth. They need
no magnificent arch of victory, no monu
mental pile pointing heavenward ami cov
ered all over with etory of their deeds, lo
preserve their memory, for they are en
shrined In the hearts of a grateful peo
plethere to live as long as a sentiment
of Justice Is felt or a chord of patriotism
vibrates In the human heart. Time will
never efface the record of that valnr.
which our citizen soldier gave to the
world, and which upheld our constitution
and preserved us as a nation. Grander
than the stateliest silver-voiced epic, no
bler than the fairest dream of chivalry. Is
the sacrifice of the humblest soldier for
the preservation of his country. Honor
shall the statesman have: glory for
the military chieftains: but the grandest
and truest gift from hearts both loyal nnd
true the nation grants the private sol
dierLove! More Histories Are Ncodcd.
We are here today, with living wit
nesses, to mark the position of the One
Hundred and Forty-third regiment of
Pennsylvania volunteers In the grand tlnal
repulse; witnesses who have helped beat
hack the tidal wave of the rebellion.
Histories of this great battle have been
written, and more will have to be writ
ten ere the true story of this mighty
struggle ca be given to the world. Of
ficial reports, written hastily, while the
smoke of battle was still hanging over
Gettysburg, have been the chief sources
of Information from which writers hnvo
gleaned the facts of "history's golden
crown." Safer, and more reliable than
all these reports. Is the testimony of the
men now living who participated In that
Bwful contest, who bared their breasts to
the enemy, and who fought side by side
with death. It has been erroneously
stated by certain historians that In the
first day's fight "The One Hundred and
Forty-third regiment of the First corps
got lost In the great body of fugitives.
Without fear of any contradiction and In
the presence of the survivors of that
regiment I pronounce that statement
false. Not only Is It erroneous, hut un
true. For you know that Dana's brigade
was the last to leave the Meld. No. the old
One Hundred and Forty-third was not
lost and never did get lost on this field,
nor on any other battlefield. As children
cling to their mot tier.-so. you rallied
round your colors, always coura genua and
ever defiant, as was your Immortal standard-bearer,
"Crlppen." Tou lost many of
your comrades, but yon were never lost.
For three days on this field the batMe
raged, and red blood of brave men w-is
poured out like wine. In Imagination I go
back with you and witness that awful
carnage. Under the gallant Reynolds vou
were among the first to arrive on the field
and fire unon tho enemy. When General
Reynolds fell every man of you felt you
had sustained a personal loss and had a
r.ew. cause to avenge, and under the brave
and heroic General tnnbledav you pro
ceeded to avenge It. The charges and
countercharges of that day are among the
most desperate history ever recorded. Col
onel Dana's brigade seemed the Inearna
tlon of fearlessness, and almost annihi
lated three separate rebel brigades, ere It
was compelled to retreat and that re
treat Was almost disastrous to tho enemy
as a chnrgn would have been. Loading
and firing while retreating, every Inch of
the ground was fiercely contested. Your
gallant color-bearer went down defying
the rebel hosts; but your colors came with
you; for Conyngham, DeLncy and Blair
were there, and above the din and roar of
battle could be heard the cry "One Hun
dred and Forty-third, rnlly on your coJ
ors," and tho colors sc hravelv borne by
Crlppen were saved. After thp fighting
retreat hack through trio town the First
corps for up its' position to the left of
the cemetery on Cemetery Hill. Here i n
July 2, sublect to a palling artillery fire
and supnortlng the lft. opposite the left
center, Dana's brigade remained through
out the contest, firm and unyielding. The
ominous preparations snd sullen sotlvl'y
of July 2 made you conscious thst sorin
you were to witness that which made all
battles seem Insignificant, and Gettys
burg. Immortal. , .
The Rot tie Deserihed.
At a little after So'clock In the afternoon
a dozen or mora rebel batteries opened,
'Continued on Page 6.)
Ceremonies In Honor of tieorgo Washing
ton's Christmas Itont Hide.
Trenton. N. J., Oct. 15. The monu
ment at Taylorsvllle, Pa., and the tab
let at 'Washington's Crossing, to mark
the spot where the father of his coun
try crossed the IMaware the night be
fore he routed the Hessians In Trenton,
were dedicated with Interesting cere
monies today. The Crossing Is about
two miles above this city and at the
present time the scene of a pretty vil
lage. Notwithstanding the air wa raw
and chilly, a large assemblage of people
gathered, and school children from
Pennington, Hopewell, Poylestown,
Titusville and Washington's Crossing
were present. The children all wore
the national colors and participated In
the exercises by singing patriotic
songs. The monument at Taylorcvllle
was erected by "the l.ueks County His
torical society. It is a block of gray
granite set upon a granite base and
bearing the following Inscription:
"Near this spot Washington crossed
the Delaware on Christmas night, 177G,
the eve of the battle of Trenton."
The monument Is about 100 yards
above the Yardley bridge and stands
on the property of 1r. Grlffe, between
the river road and the Delaware. The
exercise took place In front of Dr.
Grlffe's residence. All about American
flairs were flying and patriotic music
stirred the emotions or the spectators.
The tablet at the Crossing was un
veiled 'by M'iss Add Byron Nelson
daughter of Dr. Adonis Nelson, of NY'
shanlo. N. J. It Is of bronze and bears
this inscription: "This table is erected
by tho Society of the Cincinnati of tho
state of New Jersey to commemorate the
crossing of the Delaware river by Gen
rral Washington and the Continental
army on Christmas night, 1778."
A Ulimrsc at the Itcsolutlons Passed at
the Final Session of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union.
Harrisburg. Pa., Oct. 13. The state
convention of the Woman's Christian
Temperance union adjourned today.
A series of resolutions were adopted
which renftlrm the allegiance of the Wo
man's Christian Temperance union to
the principles of total abstinence and
prohibition, caution 'Miss Wlllard to
husband her strength so thut her life
may be prolonged, deplore the fact that
the organization has been placed in the
position of having to defend themselves
from the charge that they favored
lynching under any circumstances and
placing themselves squarely on record
In regard to lynching and other lawless
proceedings; urge the use of unfer
mented wine In the celebration of the
farrament, declare against the theater,
endorse the parlor meetings, recom
mend the use of the word Sabbath In
stead of Sunday; urge the dissemina
tion of literature against the use of
tobacco; thank Governor Culberson for
stopping the Corbett-Fitzslmmons fight
in Texas; applaud the editorial associa
tions for the elevation of the press, and
condemn the printing of scandals or
Impure literature of any kind; favor
a continuance of the fight for purer
United States mail and express service;
protest against the display of Immoral
posters; recommend the teaching of
kindness to lower anlmnls In t h pub"!
schools and disapprove all demonstra
tion on the bodies of living or dead ani
mals In giving physiology lessons; de
clare against the educational drill
known as the Hoys' Brigade, "because
of Its tendency to neutralize the prin
ciples of peace and mercy to which we
are pledged:" pledge to work to se
cure the full enforcement of the tem
perance education law: endorse the
movement to observe the fourth San
bath of November as temperance day
In all Sabbnt.h schools: agree to press
forward to work of statutory prohibi
tion as the only possible way to close
the saloons.
Asks for n New Trial Itccnuse a Juror
Talked with nn Actrcs.
Norrlstown, I'a., Oct. 15. Counsel for
Rev. Samuel Howard Chubb, a United
EvangeHcal minister convicted last
week of assault, have filed' reasons for
a new trial. One of these rensons Is
that at the Ratnbo House, a hotel In
this borough, one of the Jurors, Will
iam H. Nenl. of Lower Merlon, during
1he trial of the case, was seen In con
versation with a woman.
This woman was unknown to the de
fendants, but wns said to be an ac
tress. It Is said their conversation
turned upon the merits of the case on
trial. These circumstances were un
known to the defendant until after the
verdict wns rece'ved. when a person
who overheard the conversation told
the defendant's counsel.
Several Buildings Are Unmoscd at tho
Atlanta Exposition.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. ir..--There was con
siderable excitement ort the Mldawy. at
the exposition grounds this morning,
occasioned by a fire which stirted In
the bu!ld!r. occupied by the Old Negro
Plantation, one of the concessions on
the 'Midway, nod which "won caught on
to the uncompleted ore-na of the Ilagen
back show. That building was entire
ly destroyed, but a considerable por
tion of the plantation building was
The hulldlnrs burned rapidly, and for
a while, on account of the west wind
which was blowing, i was fenred the
whole Midway was doomed. The fire
men, however, finally succeeded In get
ting It under control, ar.d soon had It
An Institution That Will Look After
Mushroom Colleges.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Oct. in. At the exe
cutive department this afternoon the
college and university council created
by the act of 1X95. organized by elect
ing Governor Hatlngs president. Pro
vost Harrison, of the University of
Pennsylvania, Vice president, and Dr.
Hchaeffer, superintendent of public In
struction, secretary.
This council will endeavor to prevent
the useless multiplication of colleges
and universities without financial sup
port sufficient to assure a high stand
ard of work.
Jeff Fills Confesses Having Committed
Atrocious Crimes.
Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 15. Jeff Ellis,
the negro tough who was captured last
night and who is now en route to Bra
den, Tenti., where he assaulted a young
white girl, has confessed this crime
nnd also the assault and murder of Mrs.
Wilcox, whose husband afterward be
came Insane and died In a lunatic asy
lum. He also confessed an attempt to as
sault a young girl while escaping Into
Blosscr Shot Himself.
Harrlsburg, Oct. 15. Sumivl tllosser,
aged 25 years, a Pennsylvania railroad em
ploye, shot himself In the left breast this
evening. Tho Injuries pre likely to prove
fatal. Grief over the death of a child Is
suppose! to have unbalanced his mind.
Excitement Shows Signs of Abate
mcnt at Kcsiynution of Noreland.
Mr. Burleigh, the New City Attorney,
Presents the Names of His Assist
ants-House and Mnreland
May He Indicted.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 15. Since the ar
rest and liberation on bail of W. C.
Moreland, the city nttorney, and his as
sistant, W. H. House, the lever of pub
lic Interest In the scandal has shown
signs of abatement. The new city at
torney, Clarence Hurlelgh, was present
today when 'Messrs. Moreland and
House surrendered the possession of
their olllces In the city building. This
morning Mr. Burleigh tiled his bond
with the city controller, and this after
noon was sworn into ollice by Mayor
MoICennet. After Mr. Hurlelgh and
Controller Gourley held a consultation,
outlining an ordinance to be presented
to councils providing that hereafter all
moneys will go direct to the ofllce of
the city treasurer, Instead of Into the
city attorney's olllce. In short, the
business of the city attorney's olllce
will be thoroughly reorganized, and
hereafter no money will pass through
that channel.
Air. burleigh announced that when
the finance committee meets tomorrow
he will present the names of T. D. Car
nahan nnd Alfred J. Niles for the assist
ant attorneyships. Another position In
the olllce remains to be filled for which
no selection has yet been made. The
grand Jury that will pas upon the
Informations against Messrs. Moreland
nnd House will meet on the first Mon
day In 'December. If a true bill be
found the trial will proceed without de
lay. District Attorney Haymaker snld to
day that he Is confident about the Il
legality of the payment of the Interest
money to ex-Assistant Attorney House
and that before long he will make In
formation against Moreland, House,
and the cashier of each bank that paid
the Interest, charging a conspiracy to
use public money for private gain.
Wns Not Present at tho Meeting of tho
Purity Congress-Miss Wlllurd's Ad
dress. Baltimore. Oct. 1". The feature of
(he afternoon session of the purity con
gress was the appearance and address
of Miss Frances F. Wlllard. the leader
of the Women's Christian Temperance
union of America. She was received
with applause. The order of business
was suspended and she was Invited 'to
address the congress. In the course of
her address Miss Wlllard said that she
had read accounts of last night's meet
Ing and thought of what good and pure
things tho Purity nll'ance was spread
Ing out for all to read.
IMIss Wlllard then gave a brief his
liF'l-Vlll"."rl' accomplished by the
Women's Chrlstlan'Temnerance union
and cited the fact that there are today
471 colleges and universities which ad
mit, and "nly about 40 which exclude
women. This wns 'pointed out ns an In
dication of the broadening of views so
necessary for education and purifica
tion. The bicycle. Miss Wlllard said. Is
one of the greatest allies of social pur
ity; phe rode one In Knerlnnd. In Chi
cago saloonkeepers and theatrical man
agers nre cursing the bicycle because
the young folks are riding out Into the
country and not patronizing their re
sorts. .Mrs. William H. Whitney, of
the National Scientific Family Culture
Institute, of Boston, read a panor by
Helen TI. Gardener, of the Hub, who
was unable to attend the congress. .Mrs.
Gardener, In her Interesting paper on
heredity and ethics, dwelt upon the
Impossibility of a moral nature being
born of nn Immoral nature, and of an
Intellectual person being created from
nn Idol. After reading IMrs. Gardener's
paper, Mrs. Whitney made an address
upon "The Relation of the pflxes,"
which, she said, began with children.
Theodore Roosevelt, president of the
New Yirk board of police commission
ers, sent a letter of regret.
Anthony Comstook. serretnrv of tho
New York Society for the Suppression
of Vice, who wns to have read a paper
on "Demoralizing Literature," also sent
a letter of regret.
Allowed Outside tho Prison, tho Train-
Wrecker Regains Ills l.lhertv.
Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 13. George
Roberts, one of the four men convicted
of murder In cnusilng the death of the
engineer of a Hlg Four train at Fon
tanel, near here, during the American
Itai!1way union strike last year, escaped
from the Jefl'crsonvllle penitentiary
last night. Hp was a trusty and wns
driving a te.m outside the walls.
A guard named Marian was assaulted
and has not returned to consciousness.
It Is supposed he saw Roberts escap
ing, and was nssnulted by him. Be
cause of his service to the state in furn
ishing Information, Roberts' sentence
was fixed at eight years.
Rev. Fitigerold Is Asaiiscd of a Serious
Rochester, Si. V., Oct. lfi. The grand
Jury this afternoon presented an In
dictment against Rev. John Fitzger
ald, pastor of Holy Christ church, at
Charlotte, charging with arson In the
Becond degree in setting fire to an oc
cupied building In Charlotte on tho
nigr.i'. of May 23, ISM. thereby endanger
ing the lives of three persons.
The building to which it Is charged
that Fitzgerald applied the Incendiary'
torch was tne property of himself, the
Barlows, the endangered people, being
In danger because the building set on
" ' - ' In which they
were sleeping at the time.
T G.
Spain Was Entirely Within Her Rights In
' Looking for Arms.
Washington, Oct. 15. Tho complaint
which the captain of the Amerlcnn
Brtgantlne Harriet O, now at Havana,
has sent to the staite department be
cause his ship was boarded by a Span
ish force and searched for arms, will
hardly be available to any action on the
part of this government.
' The Harriet O was searched In a
Spanish port and It Is raid at tho state
department that Spain was entirely
within her rights, according to Inter
national law, In to doing.
. Fishing Season Closed.
Washlhgton, Oct. 15. The president ar
rived In Washington this afternoon at 4
o'clock, He was accompanied by Private
Secretary Thurber and H. C, Benedict,
who has been for the past four days his
host aboard the steam yacht Oneida.
During their entire voyage the sea was
quite rough, but the president and Mr.
Thurber proved good sailors and suf
fered no particular Inconvenience during
the run, . . .(,.,.-.
Senator Thurston Thinks That Mr.
Harrison Is Not In the Kace.
San Francisco, Oct. 15. Senator
Thurston, national committeeman
from Nebrasku,who Is In this city, said
tonight regarding Republican presiden
tial candidates and the next convention
"My state is rather Inclined toward
MeKlnley, but I hear Allison and Hoed
frequently referred to as available and
safe men for place. As for Harrison he
Is entirely out of the question. I be
lieve there was nn attempt to work him
In the fight, but It has been given up.
To use a Shakespearean line, he 'doth
protest too much." He will never do.
Tho convention Is sure to go to Pitts
burg, Chicago or San Francisco. Any
of these places will suit me. I have not
mnde up my mind yet which I shall
vote for."
Regarding a silver plank In the plnt
form the senator said: "1 think the He
publican party will give the west a free
coinage plnnk similar to that of the last
campaisn. but I do not ti'lnk either
party will adopt a plank for free coin
age of silver without regard to any
other country."
The Governor of Arkunsas Will Call Out
tho Militia to Meet Corbctt and
I itzslmnions.
Little Hock, Ark., Oct. 15. Brigadier
General George P. Taylor, of the Ar
kansas State guard, was closeted with
the governor all tho morning. Thu
governor Is planning for a radical ac
tion toward the prize light crowd now
at 'Hit S'prinKS, nnd It Is said by those
who ought to know, that If Corbett
comes Into the state tomorrow the gov
ernor will execute tho power vested In
him by the cnnstltJtion and banish
the entire mob now at Hot Springs and
warn others against coming Into the
The state militia will be put under
marching orders within the next ten
Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 15. Pugilist
Corbett arrived this evening, as did
Brigadier General Taylor, commanding
the state troops. A conference be
tween General Taylor, the state's at
torney and the citizens' committee be
gan at S p. m. Crowds surround the
hotel where the meeting Is being held.
The Judgment of the conference was
In effect that the fight would not be al
lowed to take place In Arkansas, with
or without gloves. If the laws of ISM
or ISM are inoperative the old law- of
1SHS gives the governor almost unlimit
ed power, nnd under that the entire
state guard can be called out to sup
press any assemblage which has the
semblance of a riot. There will be no
temporizing and the parties will b3
warned In time of the penalty for bring
ing off the fight in defiance of the law.
The Doings of Cnptnin Svanoo Will lie
Looked Into.
-Philadelphia, Oct. 15. Investigation
Is being made Into the doings of Cap
tain Svanoe ar.d the officers and crew
of the Norwegian steamship I.eon. It
is. ctiai'&td iliut on Aug. 14, while bound
from Philadelphia to Port Antonio, the
Ieon came to anchor In the Delaware
Bay and took on board fifteen Cuban
Insurgents and twenty-five tons of
arms, ammunition and supplies, all of
which were safely landed on the ex
treme northeastern const of Cuba be
tween CapeiMaysi and Baracoa.
As the loading of these contraband
articles Is believed to have been done
beyond this custom district, Collector
Read Is not likely to act. Delaware
Bay Is within the customs district of
Delaware and In charge of the collector
of customs at Wilmington.
'revision muddle.
Tho Matter Is Finally Left to a Special
Minneapolis, Oct. 15. The great and
burning question of revision upon
which the leading minds of the clergy
and laity of the Kplscopal church In the
United States have been engaged for
three years past, which has been and
which has caused the eyes of the en
tire church In this country to be direct
ed toward the present general confer
ence has been shelved until a more con
venient season.
Recognizing from tho experiences of
the past two weeks the utter futility
of any further effort to complete con
sideration of the revision so that It
might be sent down to the dioceses for
their action the house of deputies today,
by an almost unanimous vote, decided
to refer the entire matter to a special
committee of Its own members with In
structions to report at the triennial con
vention at Washington In 1S9S.
Abused n Half-Wltti-d Girl.
Narhvlile. Tenn., Oct. 15,-Kugene Van
noy, a negro living near Manchester, In
Coffee county, was called out from his
cabin last night by a crowd of white men
and shot to death. He was charged with
keeping a young white girl named Daisy
Copelnnd at his house. The girl Is an or
phan and half-witted.
It Is I inmn's llox.
fltrotidfburg. Pa., Oct. 15. On her death
bed Miss Mercy Morgan handed her niece
Emma Pryor, a box. saying: "Here
Emma, I give It all to you." The box,
when opened after Miss Morgan's death,
was found to contain nearly $4,000 In
bonds. The supreme court has decided
such a bequest to be legal.
Killed Ills Son.
Chlllicothe, O., Oct. 15. Word has Just
reached here of a terrible tragedy at
Omega, Pike county. Two colored men,
father nnd son, both named Snm Johnson,
got Into a quarrel over a white woman
named Nancy Hums, and the father
the son's brains out with a bed slat. He
was arrested.
Jnckct Makers' strike.
Philadelphia, Out,. 15. In ths docket
Makers' strike eight of the twenty-four
contractors affected have already yielded.
The strikers claim that the trouble will
be ended by Paturdny, although they have
ample funds to extend the light over a
long period, If necessary.
Permission to Fight In Mexico.
El Paso, Tex., Oct. 15. A concession has
been grantel by the governor of Chihua
hua permitting the Corbrtt-Kltzslmmons
fight to take place In Jaurez. Just across
tl,A (.It.n.. Tfrtm thla lilanu 11-..U 1.M 11.....
.in- ,,,,- iimii, ,,. r. uuill r. I rt r-u
nnd .Inures are enthusiastic over secur
ing me iignt.
Mrs. Cleveland Looks Well.
Washington, Oct. 15. Mrs. Clcvelnnd
nnd party arrived In Washington tonight
at 11.1( In a private car attached to the
Colonial express from Boston, over the
Pennsylvania rnllroail. Mrs. Cleveland
looked well as tho result of her long va
cation. Hewnrd for Houseman.,,.!, tin rnt 1T 1M.
slouers of Hike county have offered a re
ward of $5(10 for the capture of Houseman,
who murdered 'Squire Ncwburger, It Is
believed that the murderer Is still In the
wnnilfl nml In helntr jiltlinlleil with fmul v..
his Wife.
DurnntCnso Continued.
Ban Francisco. Oct. IB. When the Durnnt
case wns called todny Cleneral Dickinson
asked for a. continuance until Monday
next, stating that Mr. Dunrev was too III
to appear In court. Judge Murphy grant
ed the continuance.
Meeting of Association of Directors
of the I'oor.
Discussion Upon charity and the Best
Methods of Dispensing tho Same.
Some Useful Suggestions for
the Philanthropic Citizen.
Pnlladclphla, Oct. 15. The meeting of
the Association of the Directors of the
Poor and Charities of Pennsylvania be
gan Its annual session this morning.
The convention was called to order at
10 o'clock by President Charles Law
rence, superintendent of the Philadel
phia almshouse. After un nddress of
welcome John F. Scragg, of ticranton,
responded on behalf of the members.
President Lawrence delivered his an
nual address. Mrs. Francis Swan, of
Scran ton read a paper entitled "What
Is Charity?" which created a marked
Impression upon the directors present.
rMs. Swan's paper was as follows:
To all thinking minds, this question
mu-t be acknowledged to be one of the
leading problems of the day. It would be
arrogance on the Kirt of unv one to ex
pect to solve tho question to the satisfac
tion of all. We are so thoroughly the
creatures of circumstance, and environ
ment, that our very thoughts, as well as
our Uvea, ace governed thereby. That
man or woman who has known only a
life of ease and luxury, never coming
Into personal contact with the actual suf
fering and distress of the poor, cannot
possibly know their need. Neither con
such persons agree with the poor In their
Ideas as to ti e best method of ameliorat
ing their condition, or eradicating the
evils which have served to produce exist
ing conditions. Custom, too, often over
rules reason and Judgment, giving color
to our conclusions.
As the world advances, new times tie.
mand new measures, and the wise men
of today will In time yield their opinions
to men who have grown wiser In the
light of the re Is of the fulure. Thus
u'."vr!ng to disagree with those who differ
from us, us to what may be the greater
charity, let us counsel together. Web
ster delines charity as love, benevolence,
good will; that disposition of heart which
Inclines men to think favorably of their
fellownun, unci to do them good. In a
theologlcul sense, it Includes supreme love
to uou, ami universal good will to man.
Liberality to the poor, In gratuitous alms
giving or service, to relieve them in dis
tress: liberality In gifts and servlcees to
promote public objects of utility; liber
ality In Judging of men nnd thlr actions,
'and to put the best n.truc;ion on
words and nctions which the case will
admit. Thus he defines charity, as the Im
pulse of a generous mind.
The I'oor Always with I s.
Many centuries have past since the fact
became known that we should "always
have the poor with us," and that it must
find Its (-counterpart In charity. We read
of deaconesses who served In the capacity
of servants In the church, from the time
of th? apostles, in caring for the si k,
and Imprisoned women, and In taking
i are of lying-in women and the poor.
During the middle aces numerous socitles
for benevolent purposes were Instituted,
monrr tliem th? IK-ghnrds and Begulnes,
the Apostolic Brethern and the Flagel
lants. Rami were founded on ecclesiasti
cal authority, others were bitterly op.
posed by the church. Siflletles sprang up
among the Free Masons, but un!c3S they
put aside their arcana, the church con
sidered their Influence peculiarly dan
gerous. Itrothers ami sisters of the Free
Spirit were a sect of the thirteenth cen
tury who were early suppressed, be.-ause
of their belief that the deeds of th body,
could not possibly effect the soul, there
by leading them into excesses of licentious
The society of Hrcthern of Social Life,
of the Common Lot, of Oood-Will, in the
fourteenth century was in reveral re
spects, the forerunner of the societies of
United Brc.hren. Com.mur.ty of goods,
ascetic habits, Industry, care of the cdu
cation of the young, were some of the
chief points insisted upon lti the order.
Tliclr followers rendered most Important
services to education, having free
schools In connection with many of their
homes, supporting students at other
schools, and distributing useful books.
In the sixteenth century the order of the
Brothers of Charity was established for
the care of the sick, and reformation of
fa'lrn women. The order of the Sisters
of Charily was llrst called Into existence
in- ineent i!e Paul In 1tl. Although
during the French revoluttlnn this order
was suppress '. It wa restored by Napo
leon In ISO". They nttendul the sick In
hnsnltals nnd engaged In elementary edu
cation among the villagers.
Moncv Given to Charity.
The Institute of Denccnesses In the pro
tfrstnnt churches of the continent of
Europe Is nf a far similar charucter. Tho
wo:-k of the many benevolent societies
throughout Kurope and America during
the past century Is fnmllinr to vou till.
One hundred millions nf ilollars($10i.(H).niiU)
are spent annually in the United States In
charity, but this does not prove that the
best Interests of the poor are being served
tlnreby. Our own state cannot be sur
passed In Its nubile and private charities.
More than one per cent, of Its population
Is supported by the public: three fifths of
that number heirs the direct results of
pauperism, inhere Is nnv doubt n the
minds of any one ns to the magnitude of
th" benevolent work being done In our
own state let him try to enumerate Its
puMli" Institutions.
Training schools for boys nnd girls, hos
pitals for the detif, dumb, blind, feeble
minded and Incurables. Homes for the
nged nnd children, day nurseries, found
ling asylums, orphanages, Odd Fellows
and Masons orphanages nnd homes,
church homes, homes for colored women
and children, educational homes, homes
for the friendless, children's aid societies,
home for the employment and Instruc
tion of the poor, temporary home for
women, Florence Crlttenton missions,
homes for the widows and tingle women,
old men's homes, homes for consump
tives, maternity hospitals, reformatories
for Itifhrlates. midnight missions, homes
for the working girls, and many other.
All of these, without touching usn the
homo provided by each city nnd town for
Its own poor, or the many private chnrl
tles. Is net the necessity for so many
eherltnble Institutions a cause for alarm?
Will It not soon command the attention
of the better classes, who should feel
some responsibility, for such social con
ditions? Moveless want should have no
room In n land of christian llbenty. He
who feeds the raven, providently cares for
the sparrow, nnd clothes the lilies of the
Hold, provides liberally for the temporal
wants of all mankind yet, we renal "For
the poor sh ill never erase out of the lands,
therefore, 1 command thee, saying thou
shaft open thine hand wide unto thy
brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy
In thv" This command executed
will be transposing the word charity Into
love to fellow-man.
Duty for Vs to Perform.
We cannot reach Its apex, until we have
brought our fellow-man out of vice and
degradation, out of abject Ignorance and
poverty, Into a renlm of law and order
where with nn educated head and hand,
and a elran heart, he ran stand side by
side with his more favored fellow work
man, on his own merit. There Is no direc
tion In which human Ingenuity has been
more exerted, than In Its endeavor to
Improve 'the condition of the poor. The
Inllucnco of alms-giving hns been so ad
verse at times that many doubt Its In
fluence for good, and some of our best
thlrkers are of the opinion that all relief
outside of the almshouse Is to be depre
cated. The Ignorant classes who talk
much, but think, read and study little
aro not easily convinced that the money
entrusted to the directors of tho poor Is
not Intended to be used as private charity.
They do not realise that the poor hiws
are based upon charily, but upon civil
policy, and that only the safety and honor
of the state Is considered by their enact.
Continued on Pag S.
And Winter.
The stock this season Is larger
than ever before and of greater va
riety, comprising very full lines of
Ladies , Gentlemen's, and Chil-di-en's
Vests, Pants and Union,
faults. We call special attention to
Sanitary Wei Uitoear
(of which we are sole agents In
Scranton) the excellence of which
Is unquestionable. Owing to tha
reduced tariff these goods are lower
in price than ever before, while tha
quality Is much improved. Wa
note a few
Specials ii Merrar
Ladies' Onelta Union Suits. Threa
specials in Union Suits at 75c,
11.00. $1.25; Children's Union Suit
at 49c. up; Gents' Wright's Fleec4
Health Underwear at 60c. up.
Tito Great Specials
In Ladles' Egyptian nibbed Vests,
and Pants at 25c, 30c. and 33c.
Great special In Children's Vesta
and Pants; all sizes. Full line of
Gloves M Hosiery.
510 and 512
Dry mi Wet Weaffier
SHOES that don't lot in wet: br.Ilt to keep
feet dry when it rains: a coinfort.ib'e, er
vlceable Shoo for winter wear. Hare a pair.
Wholesale and Retail.
able for Wedding Pres
ents, Birthday Presents,
Eye Glasses, Opera
Glasses and Spectacles a
W. J. WeSchel
40S Spruce it., Near Dime Bank.
Ex-Prcsident Unrrlson Is Sojourning at
Saratoga, N.Y.,Oct. 10. Ex-President
Harrison arrived herethls evening from
the west and is at tine winter residence
of his daughter, IMrs. James K. iMo
Kee. The ex-president Is called 1iere by rea
son of the Illness of "Baby" McKee, for
whom some alarm was felt two days
- Evangelical Conforencc.
Elgin, 111., Oct. 15. Bishop Breyfogel
presided at today's session of the Evan
gelical conference. The discussion In fa
vor of the lay representation, giving one
delegate to conferences of 4,500; two to)
conferences of 9,000, and anutller ones to
be grouped on the same basis, was con
For eastern Pennsylvania, generally
fair; slightly warmer; variable winds.