THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 15, 1893. WiIkesBarre. The Tribune has opened a branch of- Bquare. Wllkes-Barr. It Is the purpose 01 we publishers to issue . , valuable to lb general public as the. mei- .. ... ... i ..... .. in Ihn tiQ- pie throughout northeasten 8nn,,'''a; rron tnree to nve noun cr... ---- Philadelphia ana New York papers can reach them. THE CLOSING SESSION. Tbo A. M. E. Conference Closed the Appointments. At the last session of the African Methodist Episcopal eont erence J es terday the following report. signed by Rev Asbury. tlllley and Lowery. was submitted. It was as fows: There never was a time in the history Bf the church when her Influence was so raiUeaehing Her literature is coins Sroreallhlamis and the nations of the earth are hearing the word of God out 'Vhe religious denominations of the world stand closer to each other than ever before and there is a union of ef fort against the powers of darkness. The scope of the mission fields is being broadened and the work of spreading the truth of the Gospel Is being carried sn with great zeal and energy. There are some things which threaten to Impede the progress of the church in aer onward march. There Is a tenden :y to worUUlness which gives cause for alarm. There Is a manifest desire to compro mise with the world and join hands wltii the ungodly. We believe the fhurch should stand firm against the Jesecratlon of the Sabbath in every form and baldly declare against sin in (very form. our country is at peace with Itself and with all nations. The past year has tieen one of great financial depression. Vet we are glad to say thu sun has bono, the rain has descended and the artii has brought forth abundantly to iupplv the inhabitants with the corn Torts "of life. We are one from sea to ea and from the lakes to the gulf. We ire one united ami inseparable people. The prospects are bright for a revival in the business and monetary affairs f our country. Manufactories which nave been Idle for months ar now op ratlr.g and the wheels of industry are running In every direction. Our edu ;atlonal Institutions dot the hills, val .eys and plains. We favor restriction of the vast tide 5f Immigration. Protection should be given to all peo ple of the land alike. As a race, we have been faithful and true to our Muntry. The treatment of the Ameri :an negro is in many respects and in tome sections of the country far below :he American Idea of civilization. The iianging. shooting and burning of ne groes whose guilt was not proven, is a hame to the nation nnd a reproach on the government of our land. ' Resolved. That we condemn the dese :ratlnn of the 'Sabbath; that we are op posed to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating drinks as a beverage: that we sympathize with the Cubans; that ive condemn the brutal treatment of ne groes, etc. This was replied to by Dr. W. H. Palmer, of atonongahela City, who said :he report was not as broad or as far reaching as he would wish it. It did not go far enough in defense of the negro In Narth America. He believed In the amelioration of the condition 9f the people of Cuba, Spain and other ;oiintrles, but since the race was dis criminated against t home it was time to have the matter made public. When 647 negroes were strung up since 1591 It -was time to ask why. 'Since in the Keystone state there are 5.000 colored children going to the pub lic schools and not one colored teacher It was time to ask why? When Dr. Palmer had reached a white heat point In his argument Bishop Arnett called him to order and he gracefully sub mitted. A letter was read asking for church aid to pay the expense of a colored representative appointed by the state for Pennsylvania at .the Atlanta ex position. There was a generous dona tion. The bishop's appointments for the coming year are: Presiding elders. Rev. C. Asbury, Tlttsburg district; Rev. W. H. Brown. Allegheny district; Hev. J. W. Riley, Wheeling district. .Minister' Appointments. Allegheny district Richard Tanner, Phartiers street, Allegheny; K. A. Wal 3on, Monongahela, -Pa.; Charles Brown, South Side, Pittsburg; J. J. Norrls, Brldgewater. Pa.; O. G. Skinner, Brad ford, Pa.; Ttsnjamin Wheeler, Eliza beth, Pa.; W. C. Gowens, Unlontown, Pa.; Price A. .Scott. .Meadvllle, Pa.; Richard Brown, Brownsville. Pa.; I. It. Till, New Brighton, Pa.; J. P. Q. Wal lace, Erie, Pa.: George !. Sanson, Oil City. Pa.: S. P. West. Franklin, Pa.; G. W. Webster. Charlerol, Pa. Pittsburg District A. R. Palmer, M- Keesport; H. A. Grant, iBellefonte; T. Steevens, Altoona; XI. .S. Jones, Bell view; Sandy Christrar. Tyrone; Israel Holmes, Pittston: T. J. Kskou, Lock Haven; I. N. Rosa. Wylle avenue. Pitts burg;, O. T. IDavis, Xlontrose; Charles MeGee. Scranton; Cyrus Young, Me ConnHlsburg; Charles Garner, Bedford; H. Thomasl. IMIVton; S. C. Honesty, Braddock; R. M. Henderson. Phllllps burg; I. J. Summons, Lewfstown; Cyrus Woodson, New Haven; J. M. Morris, Homestead; H. Johnson. Bloomsburg; W. S. IiOwry, East End, Pittsburg; W. N. Young, Oreensburg; J. W. Jef fries, Wllkes-dlarre; D. ,F. Caliman, Wllliamsport. . Wheeling District W. H. Coston, Parkersburg; R. R. Bummer, Wheel- T A Professional Nurse Afflicted with Ilright's Dlscoso of the Kidneys -Finds o Cure. (From the Buffalo News.) Mrs. A. E. Taylor has resided In Buffalo for over forty years; her address is 250 Herkimer avenue; as a professional nursa she has nursed back to health many a suf ferer. Disease In all Its varied forms have become as familiar to her as to the regu lar practitioner. Her occupation Is one that taxes the strongest constitution, but the fatigue of long watching and nurs ing at last brought her to a bed of sick ness. Mrs. Taylor speaks of her com plaint and oure as follows: "After being confined to my bed for some time toy dis easo assumed such a serious aspect that a doctor was called. He pronounced my ailment Brlght'a disease of the kidneys In the third degree and a very bad case. My limbs swelled up so that I could not walK across the floor, or, Indeed, help myself In any way. My face bloated up and my eyes welled so that the sight was badly Im paired. This condition continued for near ly two months without any marked Im provement from the doctor's treatment, I have taken quarts of buchu and juniper. ( tried battery treatment, but all with out any lasting benefit until I felt like finally giving up In despair. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I gave them a trial, and aftor taking three boxes J was able ta get up without assistance and walk, something I had not done In months. -1 continued steadily to Improve with thnlr use. The swelling In my leg left, the color returned to my face, changing from a chalky color to a healthy bloom. I now consider myself entirely cured and I shall never rest praising the little pill that saved me. "Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly a surprising discovery for kidney ailments. I shall be glad to tell anyone of the won ierful cure they performed on me." For sale by all dealers price SO cents. Hailed by Foster-Mllburn-Co.. Buffalo, -V. f ., Ml agents for the U. . INCREDIBLE Ing, W. Va.; Carter Wright, Cannons burg, Pa.; J. W. (Sanders, Weston, Pa.; Daniel Newson, Waynesburg, Pa.; T. A. J. West. Charleston, W. Va.; W. H. Pride, Clarkesburg, W. Va.; Ell Mc Knlght, Morgantown, Pa.; Benjamin Morgan, Phillipl, Pa.; Kllsha Uurser, Beverly, Pa.; C. K. Butts, Boone, W. Va.; L. A. Barber, BlacksVllle, W. Va. NO MOKE NAKED LAMPS. Lehigh Valley Company Will tiuard Against Accidents from Explosion. In view of the deplorable explosion at the Dorrance colliery last week the Le high Valley Coal company has Issued orders that hereafter no mine boss shall carry a naked light at any time or un der any circumstances. Many mine bosses, accustomed to doing so, become careless and enter with naked lights, depending upon the usual streak of luck to hold out. But occasionally such an accident as occurred at the Dor rance happens and lives are hurled Into eternity. Such a peremptory order Is the only way for guarding against carelessness. It will be somewhat of a hardship upon the bosses, as it Is ditllcult to grope about the workings In the dim light of a safety lamp. The order will go In force In nil of the collieries. The ur quehnnna Conl company has had a similar order In force at. its Nanticoke mines for some time. Admitted to Practice Law. F. W. Dennlson, a member of the Sullivan county bar, was yesterday admitted to practice in the Luzerne county courts, having submitted a cer tificate from Judge Dunham, of that county, John atenovsky. jr.. was yesterday admitted to practice law on motion of C. W. 'McAlarnt y and the certificate of the examiners, Judge 'Rhone, W. C. Price and J. B. Woodward. Miss vMary L. Trescott. the first wo man lawyer, was ndmttted yesterday on motion of Hon. II. W. Palmer. Miss Trescott passed an excellent examina tion and was admitted as an attorney In full stand lng. Killed by Fnll of Coal. Edward J. Gibbons, aged 52 years, one of the best known miners In the Wyoming region, was killed by a fall of coal in the 'Delaware mine at AMU Creek yesterday. In 1S1 he Joined the United States construction corps, serv ing ithree years in this branch of the army. In 1863 he enlisted In the Gulf squadron of the Vnlted States and served until he was honorably dis charged in 1SG7. (During his life he has held several Important ofllc?s in this county. He leaves a large estate. Court Appointments. The court yesterday appointed Theo dore Shaw inspector of Franklin town ship, in place of W. H. Bodle, who has moved out of the district, thus making a vacancy on the election board. Jeremiah Rooney was appointed Judge of election of the Ninth ward of Wllkes-Barre. in place of Daniel Buch man, who has removed to Philadelphia. BKILT NOTES. The Hook and Ladder company, at their regular meeting, accepted the in vitation of the Eagle Hose company to come to Pittston next Thursday, It be ing firemen's day there. T. W. Tripp, who left home some weeks ago, has been found In Denver. He was sick and In need when found. The Young iMen's Christian associa tion field day will be held, as adver tised, today. Rev. (Dr. 'Boyle's lecture, which was to have been given before the Young Men's Christian association this even ing, has been postponed until Wednes day evening, Nov. 6. The Father iMathew society will at tend the funeral of John McGlynn this morning, in iSt. iMnT7's church. TUN KH AM NOCK. Charles iBlakslee, superintendent of the city water works at iMauch Chunk, was In town yesterday. Rev. W. 'M. Hlller, pastor of the Meth odist Episcopal church, has gone to New York state for a brief vacation, and no preaching services will be held at his church next Sabbath. The Sun day school and social meetings will be held, as usual. The sale of the Warren Street hotel property has been postponed one week. It Is now booked to occur on Saturday, Nov. 2, at 1 p. m. The engagement of Lu B. Cake and Ella June Meade for an entertainment at the Methodist church Oct. 25 has been cancelled for various reasons. The Sadie Kaiser concert engagement Is not off, as was rumored, but will take place Oct. 23. Attorneys IB. W. Lewis, C. E. Terry and E, J. Jordan, the committee ap pointed to revise the court rules, are attending to that duty now, and their report will probably be ready for pre sentation at the November term of court. Fred Billings has gone to Homer, N. Y., to take charge of the branch office of Paul Billings & Co. for two or three weeks, while J. W. Fayett, the agent mere, goes oui on me roaa. Judge Dunham will 'be here on Tues day, Oct. 22, to hear the arguments upon the exceptions filed In the Mack & Miller audit. Merchants complain of petty counter thieving. Mr. and iMrs. Clark Hungerford, of Wllkes-Barre, were In town yesterday, enroute to Upringvllle. Mr. .Hunger ford Is supply agent for the Jersey Cen tral road, but Is a native of Springvllle, and has gone up for a hunting expedi tion. The new Lehigh Valley flyer that Is expected to rival the New York Cen tral's world-renowned fast train Is not scheduled yet, but will bo put on In a few days. It Is Intended o cover tho distance between New York and Buffa lo in nine hours and ten minutes, mak ing stops only at the principal nnlnts along the line. It will pass this station some time In the afternoon. The judicial contest court convenes at Laporte again today. This session will be devoted to the arguments upon the exceptions filed against the findings of the court. The long-continued Illness of Wlllard E. Tiullock terminated finally In his death at 1 p. m. yesterday. The funeral win be held on Thursday at 2 n. m. and will be In charge of the Knights of Pythias, of which he was a member. Rev. W.iM. Hlller will be the officiating clergyman. The deceased was a con sistent member of the Methodist Epis copal church and was a man most high ly esteemed In the community. Kind and obliging, of a very amiable tem perament, ne was universally beloved. Ho was a soldier In the late war, a member of Company B. One Hundred and Thirty-second regiment. Pennsyl vania Volunteer Infantry, and received a severe gunshot wound in the neck at the battle of lAntlntam, for which he drew a pension. He had made applica tion for an Increase of pension and re ceived word only a day or two before his death that It had been granted. He Was a native of Auburn township, Sus quehanna county, but came to this place about fifteen years ago. and for a long time was employed with Burns ft White, marble dealers. Later he opened a shoe shop and did cobbling for some time. The disease that final ly carried him off was contracted about a year ago while caring for a lster who died with consumption. An Invalid wife, an aged mother, a brother and two sisters survive Mm, ! The county campaign Is apparently being carried on by suasion this fall. If there are any "bar'ls" to be be tapped they will doubtless be kept In shady nooks to avoid any further reve lations like those of the judicial contest now pending. Campaign barrels have been ruled out by the 'Republicans, anyway. John C. Wells, a prominent business man at Ashley, was here yesterday. The rains of Saturday and Sunday diluted the river slightly. The Farmers' 'Dairy Dispatch ta looking up the right of way at Lake Carey to put In a switch to run cars down to the lake shore to facilitate the gathering of Ice the coming winter. The spur, If put In, will probably be near the site of tho old Pollnor House. Captain D. C. Graham and wife. Dr. Denlson and wife, and 'Dr. C. H. Dana were among those who went to Gettys burg yesterday. More lights at the Lehigh Valley sta tion would be appreciated by the trav eling public on dark nights. NICHOLSON. Miss Ella Stark, of Glenwood who has been dangerously 111. Is convales cing. Will Maynard had his bicycle taken from ti.e hu.n one day last we Nt by Sdir.e unknown person. Some people of this vicinity are great ly exercised ver the newly-organized chili composed of n number of our young boys. A-ho keep closed doors ex cept to members of the club. The mys tery is, What are they at? I rover Cleveland has pulled In his hook and line and started for Wanli Inston. Frank Tiffany has taken his place und Is fishing at Lake Carey 'or bi.'.s. Mrs. N. S. Walker Is attending the Woman's Christian Temperance union convuitlon nt Hariisburg. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the iMeth odlst Episcopal church will hold a fair Wednesday and Thursday evening, Oct. Ill nnd 17, at the Opera House. J. M. Carpenter Is treating his build ing to a new coat of paint. Mrs. J. K. Harding is on the sick list. REBELLION SPREADING. Three Hands of Insurgents Have Ap peared in Hitherto (Juict Districts. New York. Oct. 14. Passengers ar riving by the steamer Yumrl from Ha vana today sny that the rebellion Is spreading westward. Three bands of Insurgents have appeared In districts which have hitherto been quiet. One party of 200 men, half of whom were said to be Spaniards, rose In the vicin ity of iBatabano, which Is tlilrty-four miles from Havana, nnd is the south ern terminus of the railroad, which runs across tho Island from Havana. An other party has risen In Melena Del Sur. It has 300 men, and the third party Is at Ybarra, the place where the rebel lion first broke out, and where quiet was restored last February. In the last party there were 150 men. The news of these risings have caused some excitement in Havana. It is also re ported that Maximo Gomez has left 2.500 men in Camaguey and with 2,000 men Is marching toward Las Villas. IIAYWAK1) PLANS TO ESCAPE. Plot of Miss Ulna's .Murderer Is Dis covered in Time. Minneapolis, Oct.. 14. The county au thorities admitted last evening that they had discovered a plot to effect the escape of Harry Hayward, the con demned murdv-rer of Miss Catherine Ging. One of the deputies had been of fered a bribe 'to assist in the escape, and he promptly notified the sheriff. It Is believed that 'Hayward Intended mak ing his escape last evening. The officials made a search of his clothes last night, and in a small belt buckled around bis body was found a full cipher and 11,200 in money. The key to his cell, which was secured by the authorities, was furnished by Mrs. Hayward, from whom the detective got it under the pretense of being In the confidence of iHayward. It fits the cell door exactly. 'Hayward was dumb founded when he found that the sheriff was aware of his plans, but he offered no resistance to t'he search. SUNK AN AX INTO HIS BACK. Amateur Actor at a Church Festival Blundered In Ills Lines. Mount Clemens, Mich., Oct. 14. The Episcopalians gave a harvest festival lar.t night at Nelson's Opera House. On the programme was a farce in which Cab Kiels and Calvin Davis took lead ing parts. Kiels was to pick up an axe and hit Davis in the back, where the latter had a board concealed under his vest. Kiels' intention was to stick the axe Into the board, but he missed his aim. and Instead of striking the board sunk the axe into Davis' back. Davis rushed behind the curtain and the wildest confusion followed. .Sev eral women In the audience fainted. Dr. Wilson, who was present, attended the wounded man. While the cut Is a se rious one the doctor apprehends no fa tal results. Kiels feels deeply regretful over the mishap. STOMACH PUMP BROKE. A Yonng Man May Lose Ills I.ifo In Consequence. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 14. Horace L. Mlddleton, a well-known young farmer of iSheHiy county, took too much mor phine last night through mistake. Phy sicians were summoned, and by the aid of a stomach pump succeeded In saving his life. In withdrawing the pump from his stomach more than a foot of the tube broke off end lodged In his windpipe and stomach. Today an operation was performed and the tube was removed, but the young man's chances of recov ery are slight. OUT THE STAGE DOOR. Comodlan Uart Cleverly Tricks Ills Wife. sonbrotto Also Missing. Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 14. After the performance of "Old Tennessee" at the Grand Opera House last night, Charles T. Hart, a comedian, disap peared by the rear entrance, and at the same time went Olive Coolldge, tho soubrette of the company. Hart's wife and child were at the front entrance urnltlncr fnt liim Vm hn .11,1 .... , nnMn . . ....... ' M V 1.11. II Jl VUIIIC and has not been seen today. Mart was married tnree years ago In Indiana, and his wife has been living at Mason. . . IMMORTALIZED BY TWAIN. Death of the Orlglnnl of n Character Doploted In Houghing It. Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 14. James Smith, aged 75. died at South Pass City Thursday. He formed the basis for iMark Twain's sketch-In "Roughing It" or the one inhabitant of South Pass City who, with broad, brimmed hat, six shooter and knlfo, presided over a house labeled "Saloon," "Hotel," "City Marshal's Office," "Justice of the Peace," etc. Smith followed1 his numerous voca tions with success and died wealthy. ELOPERS UNDEft ARREST. Fall Twise, Out Doclnro They Will Run Away Again to Its Married. Qulncy, III., Oct. 14. The police here have In oustody Leonard 'Menefee, aged 18, and Lulu Yucha, aged 16, both of Se dalla, 'Mo. The came to this city last night, Intending to be married today. This Is the second 'time they have eloped. The first time they went to Kansas. They say that they will try It gain, however, and hope to mako a success of It the next time. Wanted To Rent. ANTKD-FITRN1HHKD HOTJHR: CRN trul location uraf erred: Room a. Coal Exehamia WANTED -TWO MICE ROOMS IN PHI vate family bv elderly lady. Address MRS. J. 8, wilXUHB, n Adams avenue. mm A WORD. WA NTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT JIl'CH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADK, NO til A KG E WILL. HE LESS THAN 25 CKNT8. THIS RULR AP I'l.lKS TO SMALL WANT ADS., KX CEl'T LOCAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Under date of Oct. ft, u woman living in Avocu writes to The Tribune: "lMcusc omit my adver tisement of 'Situation Wanted as Housekeeper,' and accept my sin cere thanks for vour kindness and for the nice home I have secured through the advertisement you so kindly published for inc." The original of this letter may be seen at The Tribune business office. Tribune adlets pay. Try 'em. Help Wanted Mal. IVANTEDMlsipTTr'w?! ' stuck; purmsnont, profltable positions; Hpprial imlueemeiits: new nafura jutt opened. LLLWAXUEH St HAKKY, Rochester, N. Y. AN f EDAB U TCHE B W HcTlI AS" HAD experience at the business; must ronie woll mcoinmeudod. Address T. ii. M., Trib une office. WANTED ALIVE SALESMAN. WOULD you lilto n permanent position pnylnic 815" monthly f Partieulnrs tree; no peddling; k'oodii entirely nuw. Address V. O. Box MM, IIston, .Vlass. GENT8-MEMvTE5; ALREADY traveling, to carrr lubricating oils as a site line. MANUr ACTUREKS' OIL CO., Cleveland, O. VyANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' eviry town to solicit stock Bilscrip tion; a monopoly; big money for agents; no capital required. EDWARD 0. FISH & CO., HonU'il llluck, Chicago. Ill (SALESMEN - RKKIDENT SALESMEN wanted, acnuntnted with thn 1ok-.i1 nd nearby drug atid itroucry trado, to handle our linn of high irinrli cigars. Address, givinit references. J. EDWARD COWLE3 A CO., Ml) Chambers tret, N. Y. Helo Wanted Female. ANTDXtT'EfKNT ' g-uimil housiwork. MRS. F. L. HITCHCOCK, ICW North Washington avenue, (iruen Kili(e. VrANTF.D IMMEDIATELY TWO F.NEK- liotio nlpwonin to repres"nt n Guaranteed $(iady without liitvrferiuir with otUOT dutioM. Healthful occupnCou. Wrltu for particulars, inclmini; stamp, Mango Chem ical Company, No. 7S John street. Now York. Agents Wanted. OE.NTH WANTED EVERY W H EKE TO canvass for our New Holiday Juvnils Books, Christmas Deautiei; n-ll at. siutit; liberal t-rms. Adders SPECIALTY, Sub Station No. a, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ClOARS; $75 per mouth salary nnd expenHPH paid. Addrcsi. with two-cent stamp, FIUARO CI OAK CO., Cnlcago. UENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL i gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: priise from $3 upward; salary and ex- Sonnfs paid: out tit free. Address, with stamp, IICHIOAN MFUCO., Chicago. . GENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DKALERS; fib weekly and expanses; experience vr- nocewary. CONSOLIDATED 31 U. CO., i van tnirea at., cnicaza SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; !ii per cent, commission; sample book mailed free. Address L, N. CO.. station L, New York. T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling tablo olotli. mos quito and iioohe Ov liquid at 1U cents and 'J5 cents a bottle. Sample frea, BOLQIANO M'F'G Co.. Baltimore, Md. AGEnW-BINDE'8 PATENT UNTVEIv sal Hair Corlnrs and Wavers fusod with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pine. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and (all par ticulars. Address P. O. Box iW. New York. ANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle onr line, no neddlinst. Satarr, ("5 per month and expenses paid to all. Unods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box. Boston, Mass. Salesmen Wanted. OALESMAN TO SELL DENTAL MEDI O cine to tbo profeaaton in Bcranton and surrounding; towns. DENTAL MEDICINE CO., !' Filbert street. Philadelphia. Fop Rent. 170R RENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM, V Clark's Green, for s terra of years. Ap ply to GEORGE B. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 612 Spruce street. TWO OFFICES, CLOSET, 8TEAM HEAT, running water, decorations, front, con spicuous; fIC. W. GIBSON JONES, 811 Spruce slrrot. 1piNEST BACHELOR APARTklBNT8lN city; steam heat; handsome snite; all comforts and ebeerful: secure It quick. W. GIBSON JONES, 311 Spruce street. cupeTiob ladusE f o leth adison O evenun. Be sure to not mis saoing this before renting. Also house on Jefferson. W. GIBSON JONES, 311 Spruce street. 1?OR RENT ONE-HALF HOUSE. NO. STCH Nor ih Main aveuuo; 11 moms, sas, water, furnace and bath room and barn. Inquire at Anderson's News Rooms, Providence Square. IOR" REN"T-FURTi8HSROiOMTiTH 1 or without board, auitablo for two per sona 1U Adams ave. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avonna. Address THOMAS E. EVAN 8, aear 1113 Luaerae, Byde Park. 1?OH RENTNICELY FURNISH EIH ALL 1 suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JER MYN. ll Wvoming nvenun. For Sale. noil SALE-FARM. STOCK AND ALL J1 farming utensils. Inquire of J. M. SHEF FIELD, "M Serantnn street. Kcranton. Pa. Real Eetate. 1),I0 WILL . BUY NEW ISf-ROOM lions-: lot auxinu; corner property: de sirable location. This nronertv mnnt be sold party Laving town: only (U0 vasb required. I'nr pnrtlculara call at nfh. i. II. IIOLH ATE, Common weal lb H'i'd'g. Socclal Notice. TVrOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I J.V wl l make a monthly tour of the follow ing plaeea Kiviog freo "P -n air advert islnu ex hibitions wi h the stereop'leon: Tavlorville, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson Olvphant, Prekvllle, Arrbbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given n Wedmsday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for art ver tis nt are 1U per month. Adureaa K. H. Call, Tribune office, city. "T'lIE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures.nhow Ing the fnicei m ar-tnsl battle, sketched on the Kit. Two volumes, 2.MSJ pictures. eold on easy monthly payments Delivered by ex- Press complete, ell claries prepuid. AddroM '. IX MOODY. Hi.' Adams Ave., rtrranton. Pa. TILANK POOK8, PAMPHLETS, MAOA J) sines, etc.. bound or rebound at Till Tltiiifsa office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. Notice. WHEREAS, MY WIFE, MARGARET A. Morgan, has left my bod and board, tak ing itli ber our child, without Just r-ause or provocation, therefore tako notice, that the t ub Ic are warned not tt harbor or trims her on my account, as I will not p ty any bills con tracted by her from this datu. JAMtS P. MOROAN. Moonlc, Pa., Oct. II, Livery and Boarding Stabl. N1 EW LIVERY, BOARDING, SALE AND exchange stable has started at KM etpruce street. F.UBN TZ, Proprietor. Opeo day and night Nuralng and Maeaag. MISS EMILY P. HOLLENBACK. NtTRS. ing aad ssaaaage treatment. Ml Madi son avenue. c THOSE THE Very Latest IDEAS Slew rTy J NO. ;J5'J ASTRAKHAN CAPE. Thibet Trimmed. $10.00. CONNOLLY Notice to Contractors- rpHE MEADOW BROOK WATER COM 1 pany invite proposiils for the erection of a masonry dam on l-t Utord Meadow brook, near Burnt Uri'lite. Plans acd specifications may be seen at tlie company's ollice. 115 Wyo ming avenue, old RuimMican building. Tbe compauy reserve the rL-lit to reject auy or all bidx. (1. 11 HAND, .Secretary. Kcranton, Pa , Oct. U. lii. Money to Loan. 1)HOMPT LOANS N REAL ESTATE -E-curity. li. W. CHUiiEU. W) Lac-kawan- Stockholders Meeting X holders nf Tho Scranton Pnckiiiif Com pany will ue bold at the olll -e of tho company, ilM Wyoming evenui), iMT:inton, l'a., ou Tues day, Oct. &i IS'jJ. at 3 o'cl'ict p. m. J. L. C NNF.I.L Fecrotary. txecutrlx's Notiee. INSTATE OF ROni.KT CARTER, LATE OF 1 j tbo borouuli of Jcrniyn,c untyuf Lacka wanna anil aiiitn of Pennsylvania. Lftteis testameutary on the aliove named estate Uavo ing Leon gran ted to tbi undersigned, all ier sons liavlnif clniras or i'em;i"(l ajaiimt sulci estate will present them for payment md ttione indebted thereto will plcaje make im mediate payment to HANNAH CARTER. Executrix, Jermyn, Pa. . H fKlt'K, Attorney f"r Estate, Scritnton, pn Situations Wanted. WANTED POSITION AS HOL'SEKEEP- " er in smiill runily. Address MB. J. b, WILLIAMS, IK." Adainti avenue. SITUATION WANTED-OFFICE" WORK. O book-keeping, colli ctinir or salesman: T years' experience in bmines; good reference. Address 11. A., Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OCT BY O the dav wsshina: waahinirn taken home for ladies und gentlemen only. Call or address u. is., ii iiumner avenue, ityae rara. lJOSITION WANTED BY AN EXPERI 1 enced tinner; resident of this city. Ad dress till Minora! street, city. SITUATION "WANTEDASa HOE CLERK O or willing to do any kind of work. Ad dress J. T., care Tribune otllce, S'lTUATION WANTED-A M I DDL kTaBE t! refined American widow would like situa tion as manaaiug housekeeper or companion; no objection to traveling; can give beat of ref erence. W. W. VERNON, General Delivery, city. L'lTUTIONANf ED - YOUNO LADY O would like position as bookkeeper or of fice assistant: baa had experience ana ran srive good reference. Adpress MARGARET, Gen eral uenvery, werauton, re. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TA FT, VORCKLAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Oftlcv, t23 Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. 8CROEON DENTIST. No. llfi Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Piiyslciuns and Surgeons. DR. O. EDOAR DEAN HA8 REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, l a. (Just opposite Court House Squnre.) DR. KAY. 208 FENN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. M. : call 2W2. Dis. of women, obstretrlcs and and al dls. of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. KHEY. PRACTICE LIMITED. diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; ollice, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, KSyln street. DR. L. M. OATE8. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Oftice hours, 8 to 9 a. tn., 1.30 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 89 .Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. RELIABLE SKIN, Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at DOfi Linden street. Of fice hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, l'a. JKS8CP8 - HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSI'P. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESHCP, JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOIt neys anil Counsellors ut Law; offices 6 and 8 Library building. Scrnnton. l'a. ROSEWELL II. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common wealthjjulidltig. Rooms 1!, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATTORN EY-at-Law, rooms 63, 01 and 63, Common- wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 3178pruce St., Scrnnton, l'a. L. A. WATERS. ATTORNEY-AT-T.AW, 423 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pn. PRIE TOWN8END, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Rank Riilldlng, Scrnnton. Money to loan in large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORVEV-AT-Irw, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. TOMBOYS. 321 SI'RLCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate eecurliy. 408 Spruce street. bTf. KILL AM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyomlne; nve.. amnion, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORN RY-AT-law, 4i Commonwenllh bld'g. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK, JOT WYOMING AVE. Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT CIS Meridian Street, Pork Hill. Wire Sreens. JOB. KUETTEL. REAR 611 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. t i NO. & WALLACE, TRY US. 602-604 LACKS. AVE., COR. ADAMS. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, l'a., "j'.eparea boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. Bt'ELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. KindegartenjlV per term. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 20, Commonwealth hnilillnp, Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of lki Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 12H Washington avenue, Scranton. ' Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callender, Dime Bank building; ; Seeds. G. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1360 North Main ave nue; store telephone 782. Miscellaneous. BAl'ER'8 ORCHE8TRA MUSIC FOR haJls. nicnica. oar ties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address K. J. Bauer, conuucior, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEUARUEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa PRANK P. BROWN ft CO., WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 10, Williams Building, opposite poetofBce. Agent for the Rex Fire. Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 13.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and 8uiquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE I. 1895. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston. Wilkes-ltarre. etc.. at 8.20. 9.15. 11.30 a.m.. 1.23, 2.00, 8.05, 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00 a. m l.oo,, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.30 a. m. For New York, Newark end Elisabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.23 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.5 (express) p. m. Bun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.23 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York 6.45 p. m. For Maueh Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.30 a, m.. 1.23, 3.05. 5.C0 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a.m., 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 5.00 p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. ni. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.23 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m 1-10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. lavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.H0 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Simdny 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates mnv lie had on application In ad vace to the ticket agent at the stitlnn. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAU8EN, Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUD30IN RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, ff B sTaff arrive at new Lacka- f M - wanna avenue siunun nf ns follows: r Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carhondale and mterme dlatn points at 1.20, 5.45, 7.00. 8 36 and 10.10 a. m 13.00, 3.20, 8.b5. 5.15. 6.15, 7.2". 8.1 and 11.20 p. m. . . , For Farvlew. Waymart "d Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 6.15 PFor Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 6.46 a. m. and 120 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points a 7.45, 8.46, 9.38 and 10.45 1 a , m.,12.05. Do, 2.38, 4.00, 6.10, 6.05, 9.15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbonilnlc and Intermediate points et 7.40, 8.40, 9.31 and 10.40 a .m 12.00, 1.17, J.34. 3.40, 4.54. 6.M, 7.4J, 9.11 and 11.83 p. m. From Hones dejfj, Waymart and Far view at 9.14 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 1.40, 5.55 and 7.45 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p. m. . . Prom Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate rilnu ax lit, 6.04, 10.05 and 11.(5 a. m.. 1.16, 14, 8.39, 5.10, 6.06, 7.20, . aud U.16 p. m. Wallace JjJ.- THE iKj Capes k W ARE HERE Ill KERSEY JACKET. Silk Lined, $l(i.0t). UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12, Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia ami New York via D. & H. It. R. at 7.45 a. m., i2.i, 1.20, 2 38 and 11.38 p. m., via D , L. & W. R. It., S.oij, b.03, 11.20 a. m and 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wllkes Barre, via I).. L. W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 3..V, i.07. .52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha zleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. It., H.4i a. m., via D. 4k H. It. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20. 2.3S, 4.00 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R. 6.00. 8.0S. 11.20 a. tn.. 1.30. 3.5i) p. in. Lenve Sct-anton for Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Hurrisburg and all Intermediate points, via D. & H. R. R., 7:45 a. m., 12.(6, I. 20, 2.3S. 4.00 11.3S p. m.. via D., L. & W. It. H., 6.00. 8.0S, 11.2" a. m., 1.9J p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, f:imlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via V. & H. R. R.. 8.45 a. m., 12.i6 nnd 11.85 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. R., S.0S, 9.53 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. R.. 8.43 a. m. 12.05. 9.15. 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, S.uS. 9.55 a. m., 1.S0, SMp. m., via E. & W. V. R. R.. 3.41 p. m. For Elmira and the west via Salamanca, via D. H. R. R.. 8.43 a.m. 12.05. 6.05 p.m.. via D.. L. & W. R. R.. 8.08, 9.55 a. m 1.30, and 6.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wllkes-Earre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHA8. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt..Phila..Pa. A. W. NONNEM ACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East. 1.40. 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m., 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6. 10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mira, Corning. Bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m and 1 21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.87 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6.10 p. m. . Binehamton and Elmira Express, 6.05 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Otwego T'tlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a .m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca, 1.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 For Northumberland, Pittston. Wllkes Barre, J'lvmouth. Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllliamsport, Harrlsburt, Baltimore. Washington and the 8outh. Northumberland and intermediate sta tions, 6.00. 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoke and Intermediate stations, a iia n.i ii 30 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time) tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, :t!S Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the trie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Honesdale. Hawley and local points at 7 00 9 40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. All the above are through trains to and frTraln.0nvefbr Wllkes-Barre at 6.39 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. In rfferl Hoptember aOrnd, Norm llniind atautri naaV 803 801 :08M Stations s a a (Trains Pally, Kx Z I cept sunoay.) r a Anlve Ieavei 7 OS N. Y. Franklin Si 7 10, Wast 4ttid street 7ooJ Weehawken ir u Arrive wav 1 15Hanceek JunoUoni 10U Hancock IS EDI Starlight Preston Park como Poyntelle Uelmoot Flensant Mt, Unlondnle Korset City Car bondile White Bridge Mayllrld Jermyn Archibald Vinton -Peckville Olvfltant Blckaoa Throop Providence rark Place Kcranton IS 401 140 IS X ISH II 49 7041 lISlI II ill riwtuiiEOl 7 7 III 18 6 43 . 71i( 7 Mi S4 (141 II 6 3,111 IS rsoi tl HiN.niirJ 7f3! 8S 717 S as 11 1 illlClT 6l!ll 05 61811 01 ttt 4)1 784 4 07 716 410 v m 1 14 6 It til (f 611 610 M flOR' 10 56! 7 40 41 'A H Leave Arrtvel a sir All trains run dally except Sunday. 1 t slguuie that trains Mop os signal for P jDgera. eoure rates via Ontario a) Western before lurchaslng tlekets and save money. Day sod KlngtKapresstoUie West. J C. A ndorson, en. Pass Agt T. FlRcrott, Ulv, rasa, Aft. Bersatoa, Pa, J trtv mi i .... 7 ! I 7 561 .. M I ..18 rOJ j ....!' .... 81 .,( .... .... 8 31 ..m .... 41 IM )' .... s&ft .... j2 .... . .i a m I 3: a ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers