The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 14, 1895, Page 6, Image 6
THE SCRAKTON TItlttFXS-ttONnAY MOUNTS':. OCTOBER 14, IS:3. 6 INCOME SAVED FOP WESTMENT I I INCREASE IN ASSETS IN 10 YEARS, IN i 1885-'94. EQUITABLE $16,243,243 EQUITABLE $127,173,189 Mutual. 14,017,038 Mutual ' 100.194,823 Now York . 12.313.884 New York 103.551,798 Northwestern :,, 8,785,132 Northwestern 60,750,484 Mutual Benefit 2.132,501 1 11 Mutual Benefit. 17,049,069 Connecticut Mutual.... C20.199 Connecticut Mutual... 8,801,482 Etua 1,089,380 iEtna 13.219,441 I'cnn Mutual 2,03S,C93 Penn Mutual 15,351,888 Prov. Life and Trust... 2,191,993 Prov. Life and Triuk. 17,891,778 New England Mutual.. 709.743 Now England Mutual.. 7,172,843 RATIO OF ASSETS TO LIABILITIES, DEC. 31, 1894. EQUITABLE 125.40 Mutual..... . 112.553 New York 113.30 Northwestern 123.63 Mutual Benefit 107.4'JS Couuecticut Mutual 114.25.1 .Etna.... 119.55S Ponn Mutual.... v 110.3K Prov. Life and Trust 113.03 New England Mutual 109.23 RATIO OF SURPLUS TO LIABIUTIIS, DEC. 31. 1894. EQUITABLE 25.40 Mutual 1253 New York 15.30 Nortliwestcra S3. S3? Mutual Benefit 7.4Csi Connecticut Mutual 11.2. .Ktna.. 15.55;; Pean Mutual 10.84 Prov. Lifo and Trust 13.93? New England Mutual 0.23 ASSURANCE IN FCHCt, DEC.3t.1C34. GROSS SURPLUS, DEC 31, 1894. EQUITABLE- $37,481,069 Mutual . 22,729,070 KewYerk.... 21,670,751 Northwestern. 14,100,670 Mutual Benefit. 3,862.743 Connecticut Mutual.... 7,703,270 JEtae, '. 0,650,910 Penn Mutual 2,334.000 ProT. Life and Trust. . . 0,305.324 New England Mutual. . . 2,040,007 EQUITABLE Mutual New York... Northwestern , Mutual Benefit , Connecticut Mutual.. Etna....... Pean Mutual Prov. life uid Trust. Now England Mutual $913,556,733 , 634.710,701 , 813,294.100 . S40.C97 0C3 , 209309,528 . 133,010,871 . 135.007.793 . 120.517.075 . 1C3,071.9:4 U3.8u8.3H 7 SURPLUS EARNED IN 1894. EQUITABLE $8,181,068 Mutual 8,010,801 New York 8,209,029 Northwestern 4,003,745 Mutual Benefit 1,933,048 Connecticut Mutual 1.810,234 .Etna 1,105,078 Penn Mutual 1,008,100 Prov. Life and Trust. . . . 1,142,404 New England Mutual. . . 803,063 CASH DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1894. EQUITABLE $2,139,735 Mutual 1,308,345 New York 1,031,755 Northwestern 1,201.325 Mutual Benefit 1,674,204 Connecticut Mutual 1,205,415 .Etna ' 800,859 Penn Mutual 750,281 Prov. Life and Trust . . . 044, 0S2 New England Mutual. . . 530,588 m ALL THBftSGS AT ALL TSilES. There are many GOOD life insurance companies, but among them all there must be one BEST. THE BEST is THE EQUITABLE. If you wish to know why, send for: i, the report of the Superintendent of Insurance for the State of New York on the examination of The Equitable; 2, for actual results of maturing policies; 3, for statement of death claims paid in 1894. Then you will know the three great reasons of The Jiquitable's supremacy: 1st, its financial stability; 2d, its great profits and advantages to living policy-holders; 3d, the prompt ness of its payments and liberality of its settlements. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. INCREASE IN SURPLUS IN 10 YEARS, 1885-'94. EQUITABLE $27,017,995 Mutual 16,58,04 New York 14,888,707 Northwestern 10,593,993 Mutual Benefit 722,305 Connecticut Mutual. . . . 8,558,853 'tna 1,890,053 Penn Mutual 1,058,549 Prov. Life and Trust... 1,781,870 New England Mutual.. 458,790 (Decreaae.) J AS. W. ALEXANDER, Hct-Pmidt U. B. II73E, PriMwU K O. Box 645. B. F. STAHL, Manager, D. W. CHERRIER. Cashier. Market and Third Streets, HARRISBURG, PA. INCREASE IN ASSURANCE IN FORCE IN 10 YEARS, 1885-'94. EQUITABLE $604,147,562 Mutual. 502,921,476 New York 683,911,574 Northwestern 241,903,587 Mutual Benefit 73,525,985 Connecticut Mutual... 4,456,188 -Etna 51,244,205 Penn Mutual 82,557,215 Pro. Life and Trust. . 61,980,163 New England Mutual. 81,289,591 INCREASE IN PREMIUM INCOME IN 10 YEARS, 1385-94. EQUITABLE $24,007,601 Mutual 22,272,905 New York 18,452,023 Northwestern 9,381,890 Mutual Benefit 8,278,137 Connecticut Mutual.... 29,405 (UecreaM.) jEtna 2,145,024 Penn Mutual 8,504,907 Prov. Life and Trust... 2,509,757 New England Mutual. . ' 1,075,849 INCREASE IN INTEREST INCOME IN 10 YEARS, 1885-'94. EQUITABLE... $4,658,645 Mutual 8,882,780 New York 4,170,300 Northwestern 2,215,320 Mutual Benefit 091,890 Connecticut .Vsi ft .... ' 431 ,1 79 jKtna 034,458 Penn Mutual.,,.. 692,894 Prov. Life ani. '.frust. . . . 851,701 Sew England Mutual. . . 281,048 INCREASE IN TOTAL INCOME IN 10 YEARS, 1885-'94. EQUITABLE. $28,666,246 Mutual 20,631.211 New York.... 22,050,582 Northwestern. 11,610,150 Mutual Benefit . 4,200,333 Connecticut Mutual.... ;f 404,505 J5tn....; " 2,578,971 Penn Mutual 4,239,844 Prov. Life and Trust. . . 8,890, 758 New England Mutual.. 1,330,004 INCREASE IN PAYMENTS TO POLICY HOLDERS IN 10 YEARS, 1885-94. EQUITABLE $12,278,566 Mutual, 7.160,195 New York ,. 8,930,048 Northwestern 2,005,193 Mutual Benefit. " 2,019,123 Connecticut Mutual. . . . 637,500 -Etna. 1,143,909 Penn Mutual - 2,008,353 Prov. Life and Trust... 1,726,518 New England Mutual.. 052,042 INCOME SAVED FOR INVESTMENT IN 10 YEARS, 1885-'94. EQUITABLE $126,000,761 Mutual 01,621,748 New York 97,043,828 Northwestern 48,421,138 Mutual Benefit 10,775,122 Connecticut Mutual... 8,033,528 iEtna 11,638,633 Penn Mutual 15,001,784 Prov. Life and Trust. . 17,515,428 New England Mutual. 7,044.951 SURPLUS EARNED IN 10 YEARS, 1835-94. EQUITABLE $46,259,509 Mutual 41,384,129 New York 33,993,408 Northwestern 21,098,960 Mutual Benefit 14,798,901 Connecticut Mutual.... 15,502,406 I -Etna 8,266,010 Penn Mutual 6,843,544 Prov. Life and Trust. . . 6.527,517 New England Mutual.. 4,904,633 THE WORLD OF BUSINESS . STOCKS AXD BOXDS. Xew York. Oct. 12. With the single ex ception of Chicago Gas the stock market was dull and featureless today. ChlcuKO Gas was active. It sold up to 7oU on the statement attributed to Governor Altgi'lil that he was In favor of a consolidation of the existing companies. The railwuy list was firmer, but the Improvement was fractional. The Grangers were Influenced by reports from the west that the truce had been reached In the Colorado rate war. Speculation closed dull and lirm. Net changes show advances of Vt to 1, Chi cago Gas leading. Total sales, 85,000 hares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket afe given, below. The quotations nre furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Ulin mlck, manager for William L'.nn. Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. ... , Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, cm. esi. ' Am. Tobacco Co 97'4 An Sugar Re'B Co.l094 Atch., To. ft 8. Fe... 2U4 Chee. A Ohio Chicago Gas Chic. A Jf. W.... Chic, B. & ! C C. C. & St. t,. Chic, Mil. A St. P. . thr4 .ior, . 85 . 45 7fi Chic, K. I. & P 7C P., Li. A W I'll Dtst A C. P 23ft Gen. Electric 38 Louis. & Nash 61 M. K. & Texas 17 Mo. Pacific SGtt Nat. Cordage 8 N. Y. Central 101V4 Ont. ft West 18 Pacific Mail 31 Phil, ft Rend 2m Southern R. R 1214 Tenn.. C. ft 1 43 Tex. Pacific 11 Union Parlflo, 15 Wabash, Pr 22 XVest. Union i2 W. It 15 U. 8. Leather 13 V. 8. Leathor, Pr.... 81 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PIUCKA. Open- Hiirn- low- 1:10s 7 10i 21 19 70 105 85 4." 7; 77 167 21 38 62 17 36 101 18 31 21 .12 43 11 15 22 S3 15 13 S1 97 108 21 19 6S 105 85 45 76 76 167 37 61 17 86 8 101 18 31 21 12 42 11 15 22 92 15 13 79 1119 21 19 70 105 45 76 77 167 2 37 61 17 J6 101 1S 31 21 12 43 11 15 22 m 15 13 80 WHEAT. lng. et. est. Ing. December o 61V, 60 60 May 64 C5 64 64 OATS. December 17V 17 17 17 May 20 20 20 20 CORN. December 27 27 27 . 27 May 29 29 29 29 LARD. January fi.73 6.77 S.7B B.77 Mav B.92 6.92 B.92 D.82 PORK January' 9 42 9.45 9.42 9 45 May 9 70 9.72 9.70 9.73 crsnton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tatlons-AII Quotations Based on Par of 100. Nome. Bid. Asked. Bonta Plate Glaan Co 22 50 Green Rldgo Lumber Co HO Dime Dep. ft Dis. Bank 130 Scranton Lace Cur. Co 50 Nat. Boring ft Drilling Co 90 First National Bank COO Thuron Coal Land Co 10 Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co 25 Scranton Glass Co C Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 icura WORKS rs la curing torturlnf, dlafigurlag. ha aitllating humour of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood whoa all clio faila. Wonde Spring Brook Water Co KImhurst Uoulevard Co Scranton Axle Works Third Nntiwnal Hank Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co Scranton Packing Co Scranton Savings F.nnk Scranton Traction Co l.acka. Iron ft Steal Co Weston Mill Co BONDS. Scranton Glass Co Economy Steam Heat & Power Co Scranton Pass. Railway first mortgage, due 1918 Scranton Traction Co People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 1918 Scranton & Pittston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage, due 1920 Lacka. Valley Trac, Co., first morrgugo, duo 1925 Dickson .Manufacturing Co.... l.acka. Township School 5.... CUy of Sorantdn Street Imp 6 350 200 10 110 110 110 m 100 $0 iw 123 150 250 100 100 'si 'so 100 100 1U2 102 Now York Produce Market New York. Oct. 12. Flour Firm, stoady. Wheat Dull, lirm; No. 2 red store and ele vator, C'J'jic.; ntloat. 6!ic.i f. o. b 70c; No. 1 northern, Kc. : options steady; March, 7ic; May, 71c.; October, 60c; December. 68c. Corn Qul-t, firm: No. 2, 37:4c. elevalor; .Wic afloat: options steady; October, 36"t,c. ; November. 36c; December. 3B:.: May, 35c. Oats Dull; ODtlons dull; October, 3c; November, 23".c; December, 23c; May, 2c. ; spot prices, No. 2, 2Cc. No. 2 white, 25c; No. 2 Chicago, 2l.',c; No. 3. 23c; No. 3 whlt 24c; mixed western, 2la2c; white do., 23a 30c; white state, 253.10c. Provisions Steady, quiet, unchanged. Lard Firm, quiet, unchanged. Butter Steady: state dairy, 12a21c; do. creamery. 22a23c; western dairy, 10a14c. ; do. creamery, i4a 23c: do. factory. Sol2c: Elglns. 23c: imitation creamery, Unlfio, Cheese Oulct. firm. Kkb Unlet, firm; Htnte and Penn sylvania, 19(!20c; Ice house, 16a16c. ; western fresh, 17al9c. ; do. per case, $1.50a4.85. , Toledo Grain Mnrkot. Toledd, O., Oct. 12. Wheat-Receipts, 19,000 bushels: shipments, 15.0M) bushels; market quiet; No. 2 red, cash. 66c; De cember, C7c; May. CSr)ic: No. : ivd, cash, 63c: No. 2 white, 63c Corn Receipts, !, 000 tiuxliels: shipments. D.0W bushels; mur ket easv; No. 2 vellow, cash, 32c; No. 3 white, 31c: No. 3 mixed. Sic. OatsRe ceipts. 7.000 bushel"; market dull; No. 2 mixed. cab, "1c; No. 3 white, 22c. Ry.- Market dull; No. 2 nh. 43',...c; No. 3 do., 40c. Clover S-ed Receipts, 971 bai?"; shipments, 225 bat-s: market Rtendy; cush end Octobor, $1.27; March, $1.32. ' MttittktU vwU. tM BtM t. Www Mat SMt, 1. Katt ansia, Umm. Mm BaeetOia.0eldiriii V.U.A. Buffalo l.lvc stock. Buffalo, Oct. 12.-Cat:li F.ecelpta, 2.500 head; uono on Bale. Hop. Receipts, 9,53 Iltrntl, Ull r.iu, u.iw i,,:uii , iiiHinL in,.. Yorkers, light to good, 5l.30ul.35; mixed puckers, .$l.30n4.IO: mediums, 3l.30a4.35; good heavy, SI. 30a 1.40; plus, Sl.iat ; roughs, 3.25a,1.M; sins. S3a3.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 hcul; on sale, B.SoO head; market qolr I ; choice to irlmo lambs, f3.&Oa4.2. lUvht to good. $325aS.;5; culls or.d oomnto'.i, $ia3; Cannds lamb?, early, $.25a4.35; cludi'ff ut SI.K H.tO; n-.ixrd w. . .1 ... nhAl. '-. r-.. rifr in OIIV,-,, ftv"i ,u ..,,i.c, v....--.t', ... good, $1."5a2.15; culls end common. $1a 1.65; export sluvp were 25c. lc.wcr ut $J.30.i 3.05; choice to extra, S".75a4. ' Clilcnpo l.lvo Stock. Chicago, Oct. 12. -Cattle Receipts, "00 head; market firm: common to extra steers, $3.4iw5.60; stoclters nnd feeders, $i50 n4; cows and bulls, l.40a3.75: calves, tla.'i; Texans, $1.75a4; 'wesfrn rangers. J2.40a4.6i). Hogs Receipts. 17,000 head: market firm; heavy packing nnd shipping lots. 3.70a 4.20; common to choice mixed, $3.05n4.22'A; choice assorted, $4.10u4.2O; light. 3a4.23; pigs, $1.75a4.10. Sheep Receipts, 500 bed; market steady; Inferior to choice, $l.Soa 8.7B; lambs, $3a4.6Q. . OH Market. Pittsburg, Oct. 12. Oil closed here and at Oil City at 123, the only quotation. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Oct. 12. Tallow Is In light request, via: City, prime, In hhds. 4c; country, prime In bols, 4c; do. dark, In bbls, !a4c; cakes, 4o.; grease, 3a3c. , KA1LROAD NOTES. The 8eaf)oard' Air line has a very novel exhibit at the Atlanta exposi tion In the way of a ilgantlo relief map, across which miniature trains of cars are moved, with all stops, from Ports mouth to Atlanta. It Is said the (New York Central made a proposition to the government to run fast mall from New York to Chicago on a schedule about the same as that of the Empire Stat express at $J per mile. The government thought the fig ure too high, and there the matter stands. General 'Manager Merrill, of the Burl ington, asserts that fast mall trains over his line make a hlnher speed than has yet been made on the New York Central. This train, every day In the week, makes the run from Chicago to Council IJluffs, 500 miles, In ten hours, and the time for slowlns down through city limits nnd stopping at railroad orosslngB, and changing locomotives, when deducted, makes the actual speed of the train when running average sixty-two miles an hour. NEWS OF 01U lMUSTltlES. Happenings of Interest to the Stanel Trades and Particularly to the Trade in Iron. Mcol and Anthraslto Coal. Philadelphia Inquirer: The anthra cite coal trade continues to Improve under the stimulus of cool autumn weather. The retail trade Is active all over the country, and dealers are urg ing the companies to make deliveries, so that the entire production Is mov ing freely. The companies are ship ping west all the coal they can spare, as there are only six weeks more of safe lake navigation, and the storage yards must be filled up. With an active tide water and lino trade, the movement of coal la only limited by the producing capacity of the collieries, which Is Im paired by the great scarcity of water. Prices are very firm, and another ad vance 1b talked of by some companies. But few orders have been booked at the lattst circular, as deabra bought very freely at the circular issued on Oct. 1, and the companies accepted suf ficient orders to keep their capacity fully employed for a month or bIx wceke. Kvcn shottlJ another advance be made, therefore. It would count for very little, as the year's business huo practically been done. Rntrptel REVIVG RESTORES VITALITY Made a MV,.tXA$ W&weii mar. wv,.T&j7ff of Me. I THB ORIAT 30th tmy. ' prodaeM the nborn results In au dcyt. It t . powerfully nd qnirkljr. I'uive tin (II otho (ml ' Vom: arts will rrtim thoir led m t ubood. sad old ; torn will rccoter their rnntMnl vuor by mini 1CET1VO. II qnlekljr ami surely rmto. e Vtmius ; nets. Lost Ylttlltr, IniiioieiKr. Ntgutljr kraiHiicua. I Lnst Power, Fslllos M'inurr, WmIiik PIikum mul 1 til snVote at Klt-abuM or nre-ftud ImliMirtion whlea anflts ona fnr ' O'ly. burlneM or HitTliK. II hulonlr enras lT sUrtlnt it th MSl of 4Imsm. but lis treat nrria tnule suJ lilooii bnlbW, brin leg back the p'nU glow to rale eliMhn4r turlns tba fire of youtli. It wtrda off 7En,tf net CoBaumptloa. lonlut oa baviui UK VIVO, so otber. It can be carrtaa In veal fi.k-t. Py ror.ll 1U0 f pack wa. or tlx lor 64.00, wtth pun) Mia writ ton guarantee to ear ear refund themanej. Circular troa. Adams oh icE0icmrc9.. r.i ;er n.. cHicaeo. iu 9m Ml fcy attliaw Bret. Pvtm' CkMieatrt'a CaalUk UteaMaa Hrnai. ENNYRQYAL PILLS OrlslnM and Only VenTdna r. tlwftta r-Uabi. I a it wk UruiKlrt Ibr fkUhmUta Snatitk Dim jsokm. vmut nub tint n'miK. 1 aBLoaaisv JTrAialafaaHatan(M Mtthtttlmr In iUuiptj Caff MMrticttlari, ti,n.lalii atti MalL llt.MMI f. -tlinnUla. .Vim ClllrlirfteBYilMl4MB1Mti mm it, $4$i it tui lm. iruMtu. . ... . trkiUAi-r 1- No matter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Kheumatlc, Itedridden, In firm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with diseases may suffer, . RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford Instant Ease. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralula. rheumatism, lum- Iihko. tuilns and weakness In the back. line or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the Joints and pains of all kinds, the application of Itadway'a Heady Relief will afford Immediate ease, and its continued use for a few days effect a permunent cure. In-stuntly ptops the most excruciating pains, ulluye Inflammation and cures con gestions, whether of the I.unns, Stomach, Bowels or other glands or mucous mem branes. lladway's Ready llelicf CURLS AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influsn ta, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CURES THR WOH9T PAINS In from ono to twenty minutes. Not one hour after readln? this advertisement need any one Sri'-KEK WITH PAIN. INTKKNAM-V A lislf to a tcaspoonful In half a tumbler of water1 will In a few minutes etire Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomneh, Nausea. Vomiting. Heartburn, Blrk Headarhc. Diarrhoea. Colic, Flatu lency and all internal pains. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Price, GOo. psr Bottle. Said by all Druggists. Slocks, Bonds and Grain Bought and sold on New York lixclianc iitid Chicago Hoard tf Trade, either for cash or oil margin. WM. LINN ALLEN & CO., 412 Spruce Strict I'M . .TJC:3 ft SPZaUTf. Telephone 5002. fmiuetriWrn fBtaWla. W aawj1aaia'laataaalar pnofi of eats, i Caelfieaeeiese laUananMrwial ytaaw THE GREAT LADY DOCTOR Now in Charge of the Chicago Medi cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Comes highly recommended by till the lead ing itoetorH of the world, aud makes a special ty of and will trent only women aud children and all acute and chronic diseases peculiar to the famule sex. llor specialties in which she baa achieved eo niiu h (treat success and honor are Female Complaints, Blond Poison. Kheu inatdin. Chronic Nervous Diseases. Tumors, Cancers. Uoitres. Cripples, Ooformitios, Ut. Vitus' Dance aud Epileptic Fits. All who c.ill within twenty days will receive advice and nervlce free, ineludinx medicine for three months, for flu Examination and advica free. This institution has no c nncction with Dr. Reeves. Tak elevator in store below. 4l'i Spruce street. Ofllcs hours from Dam. until w d. m.; tsuuelay from 2 to & o'clock p. in. . Mi's ii LAGER BEER BREWERY. UanafaKtnrers of the Celebrates PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY l 00,000 Barrels per Annum DU FONT'S RiNiriG, BLftSTMG ft0 SPORTING 1 tlanofartnred at the Wnpvrallejiin Mills, La eiK ctinty, P.i.. nnd 1 1 Wil uiiiiKtuti, Uv auaio. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Aarent for the Wyoming Diatriet. 118 WYOMING AVE, Scranton. Psv Third KatJonul Baok Building. Aosnctrsi THOg. FOBD. Ilttston. P. JoUX II. bMITIl A SON. PlTTflontb. Pa. E. W. MUM.IUAK. Wilk harre. Pa. Areata for the ltepauuo Cliemical Uoaa (ay's High KpluaiTM. C.akirri Care far LOST MANHOOD anil all ttlliw fun;n' both of younc and nildiUo. affiitl nien ano women, Tn. kuKona. nroducloe weak. T.KIjhtlT KnUulocCoMUmptluB, imtiTCOivan.uniluinKpii.(orMudy,niilneaiaiit inar Mas tsQUjoklr cured by Pr. J.'wIrlrauHpanUa Ntrve ;ralaa. thoy notenhcnra prjtUnlncatuomtef d imh aa ra. Bsdt of trcatmnt Bess, MarratM DcbUltr.Kl! lliMiuir. uaauKinR c HMll By nmlVerVo par boa or S for wltb writ. 5 t1 PA ii t4 3 ii ii PI UP TO DATE. TnnTTnfTTfTfwwwnifTimTmTnTTwnrtnnwTTfr Established 1866. Over 26,000 In Usi. TflE Genuine s PIANO At a time when many manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements regardingthemeritsanddurability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. I E. C. RICKER General Dealer in Northeast ern Pennsylvania. New Telephono Exchange Building, 115 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. ,ffwfffffrt?TTfftniTnnwwwTiwwwtiww;;www 1TB PII TIBER For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET LONG 1 RICHARDS LUMBER CO . 2 Commonwealth Bldg., ScrantDD, Pa Tilepnom 422, For saia by JOHN H. PHBLP& Drlur plat. Wyomlnc ava. aail Sprues strtek THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE MANUFaCTURING CO., . MAKSB! ur SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Oftlest S30 Washington Avanno. Workst Way-Aag. PsM K. W. V. B. B. M. H. DALE. 0nral Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa call uf sata. H1L0NEY OIL E UIE1 CO. OILS, r-r VINEGAR AND CIDER. OrPlOE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO Hi MERIDIAN VTKSSt M. W. COLLINS, M'cfA