The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-SATUBD AT MOBNHT(J, OCTOBER 12, 1893. WiIkesBarre. Con raol iy The Tribune has opened a branch of fice at No. 29. Lanlug building, Public Square. Wllkes-Barre. It Is the purpose of the publishers to Issue a newspaper aa valuable to the general public as. the met ropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from threo to five hours earlier than'-tne Philadelphia aud New York papers can reach them. - THE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Committee Members of the County In stitute to Convcno Next Week.. The following the the executive offi cers and the various committee mem bers of the county Institute, which will convene In this city on Monday. Oct. 81: Executive olllcers TorreneeB. Harri son, county superintendent of schools: Joseph 3abrlo, superintendent of schools. Foster township; David A. Harman, superintendent of . schools. Hasleton; John J. Mulhall. superin tendent of schools, ilazle township: Clarence '13. 'Miller, superintendent of schools. Nantlcoke; James A. Dewey, superintendent of schools, Newport township. Committee on enrolment D. M. Hob bes, Ashley: David B. Glides, Kings ton township: Joseph Finn. Sugar Notch; J. O. Herman, Kdwardsvllle. Committee on records J. P. Lord, Ulughestown; Asa Callender, Dorrance. Committee on organization Frank J. Ptettler. West Plttston; E. F. Cooke. Nanticoke P. J. 'Manley. Jenkins: J. J. Klwood, (Hazle; A. W. Marvin. Salem; O. V. Curry, Plains; Jesse Alden, Fos ter; F. E. Bush, Plymouth township; Mary Carr, Newport: (Mary IMulcahy, Plttston townshln: iMary Lewis, Wy oming: Till'.e Lindsay, Freeland. Commit tee on resolutions J. H. Sehu man. Forty Fort; Charles T. Hoban, Avoca: Harry C. MoBrlde, Conyng ham; K. J. Flood. Hanover; M. L. Lau bach, Falrmount; Fred Sutllff, Shtck thlnny. LOST A LEG. A Carpenter Gets Caught on the Ashloy Planes. About 4 o'clock yesterday morning Martin Brace, a carpenter employed by the Jersey Central railroad, and re siding on Moyallcn street, this city, lost a leg on the Ashley planes. He was riding down the planes, and, falling, was caught by the truck, which crushed his left leg eo ibadly that It had to be amputated. The operation was performed successfully by Dr. James, of Ashley, tnd Dr. Dodson, of Wilkes-Barre. Brace ia 55 years old, but will make a. good recovery. ' Before the- Mnyor. The womaa who has been seen around the streets In a short, red skirt, with sombrero hat, red cloak and leather leggings, was K-fore the mayor yes terday, charged with telling fortunes, the charge being preferred by a wo man who boarded with her. The ac cused women a!d she was a Mexl-oan-epalnaiHl, and her name was Annla E. Molasko, and that she was a palm ist, not a fWtune teller. She had ex cellent witnesses as to her good char acter, 'but Uie mayor held her In J300 ball for court, but said she could have forty-eight Jioura to leave town If she chose. 'She did choose and left. The mayor says he will break up fortune telling and faking In the city as far as possible. They Will Apponl. Colonel T. VI. 'Martin, one of the coun sellors for P. Bowman, gave out yesterday thjt he would make an ap peal to the board of pardons for his client, who Is now under sentence of death, and will 'be executed an soon as the governor names a day. Colonel Martin says fce Is now in possession of evidence, which, if brought out at the time of the trial, woulri have secured his client's atquittal. The testimony is to the effect that the Arabian was not robbed by the boys and that his com panion was lying when he gave his evidence. BRIEF 'OTES. Charles Bartholomay, an employe of the Barber Asphalt company, was thrown from a wagon on Northampton street yesterday and had his collar bone broken. AVllliam Gobhardt, the freight han dler, was unloading a heavy box, when it slipped and came down on his foot, crushing it. It was badly lacerated, but no bones were brolren. It Is said thai the accident in the Dor rance shaft wbj) occasioned ty the fan being stopped for repairs over Sunday. The matter will probably be investi gated. After the athletic games today there will be a foot ball "game between the teams of the Harry Hillman acad emy and the Crescent Athletic club, The two teams are very evenly matched. In a few days the machinery of the Kingston Car Wheel works will he all in and the factory will begin opera tlons. The men at the Smlthvllle colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal company are out on strike for 10 cents more per car an less dockage. The matter will , probably be settled amicably. The Sheldon Axle Works company has re-elected their old board of di rectors ana officers. A number of fine Canadian horses were sold yesterday at Naugle's at prices xrom i to iioo. The reorganised Columbia club gave a very enjoyable smoker at the club house last Thursday evening. There were over loo hundred members pres ent. The county commissioners have re fused to pay Professor Dean for his analysis or tne atamaoh of w. P Mne. gan, of Plymouth, whose death was considered suspicious, and Professor ean nas reruseo to make the analysis. The court vesterdav annrtinM -arm lam K. Goss committee OVP1 tho nor arm of Uriah Spencer, who hag been de HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrer1 system differs from all liner sonoois ana Kinds or medicines, being OffE SPECIFIC FOR 02JE DISEASE. Dr. Humphreys' Mannal (mailed free) tolls loom an tne opeoinca ana iease tney core. We can dwell noon but one or two at time tney ant au good. RHEUMATISM I caused by Urlo Acid in the blood. The gcato attack ) precipitated by Cold, Damp Ben, Rtoh Food, or Liquors. Dr. Humphreys' Speciflo No. IS acta direct It on the Kidneys, ODenlnff the cloaaed dncta: the Dent no seeretlons Data off. the blood in cleansed, and the our is mada qnioklyand permanently. From the tint "twtnga'U the worst cae of tout no, id own. "77" FOR COLDS. If Ton will nan care in dream, avoid nnneeea. ear exposure, and carry and take "77" on the ngnteet suspicion or a coil you will Keep well. '77" cures Colds, Urlppe, Inflnenaa, aterrh. Pain and Soreness in the Head and Chert. Cough, Knre Throat. General Prostration and Fever, preventing pneumonia. "77" win "break up" Cold that "hlngo or.." FEVEftS-Congeetlons, Inflammations and all Pains aro enred bv Bnedflo No. 1. DYSPEPSIA-lndlgeatinn, Weak Stomach and all forme or blllnuine aro eared by Dr. Hnmnbrevs' flneolflo No. 10. KIN DI8EASE8 Ecwma. Erysipelas. Hires, Knit ftheum all vleld anlcklv tn finaolfle No.14. -Small bottle of pleasant pellets fit your Test pocKet) aoio, ny arua-gian, or went on receipt or price, aa, or a lor si. nampnreTH' new ei CH ill and 111 William at., How York. clared an habitual drunkard, and J. It. Coolbaugh committee on Elizabeth Eyerinan, who was declared insane. The oath of office of Mine Inspector Roderick, of the Fifth, was filed yes terday. Dr. Harold Dlefenderfer yesterday registered as a physician. He has the degree of M. D. conferred by the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. The annual Teceptlon at the Old La dles' Home will be held next Wednes day from 3 o'clock in the afternoon to 9 at night. Russell E. Andreas hag been made paymaster of the ILehlgh and Wilkes- Barre Coal- company, taking tne place made vacant by the death of John Lorah. Jebulon Butler takes Sir. An reas" place. AVOCA. Architect Frey. of Wllkes-Barre, was a visitor In town yesterday. Mrs. N. E. Hosklns and Mrs. . c. Kellum, of Lincoln Hill, were visitors In Plttston yesterday. Mrs. aiarrv Browning, of Scranton, Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Christian. B. D. Laeoe. of Plttston. and W. H. HolUster, of this place, made a business trip to Hackettstown, N. J., this weeK. AVllllam. the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fnrrel, of Cherry street, is dangerously ill of cholera Infantum, Howard (Luckey wag a visnior in Scranton yesterday. p. v. (Leonard, of wcranton, was a visitor In town last evening. James Doherty is erecting a hand some residence to replace the one that waa destroyed by fire a few months ago. Henry AVlddle. of the North End, Is superintending the construction. Mrs. John Coxe, of the AVest Side, who has been a patient sufferer for the past few months, was removed to the Insane asylum on Thursday morning. 'Mr. Coxo has the sympathy of the public, he being left with three small children. The infant died a few days ago. Postmaster Fltzslmmons. John Cono- boy, A". J. Renniman, L. E. O'Brien and Dan Boyle, comprised a cnestnuting party that went to Forest Castle yester day afternoon. DcflDite the depression mat naa ex isted throughout the country during the past few years, Avoca has a few enterprising citizens who have erected valuable structures In the town. Im- nrovrments have been made on prop erty, industries are being contemplated around us. electric car accommodation haveben afforded us, and yet the town la in darkness. Not even a rumor afloat that we will have lights. Travelers hasten to get out of town before night fall, and on a recent occasion when sev eral prominent men were doing busi ness among us, which necessitated a few days' stay here, they were ob liged to go to Mooslc, a thriving little town, that can boast or many advan tages that we lack. Will am J. AV UlIams. or Lincoln Mill, who has been a patient sufferer from asthma for the past few months, will leave next week for Southern Cali fornia. He expects to remain there during the winter months. Misses Mame Walsh ana Katie Bar rett, of Parsons, spent last evening in town. TAYLOR at the Raymond institute, in the Yonne !Alen g Christian association Diuiaing, at Scranton. lTivs lAInrv Ttocan. of Olyphant, was a visitor here on Thursday. IWilllam MdMurtrle and William Gll hralth. of Mooplc, were visitors here on Thursday evenins. A number of members from I,acka n.nnnn "v'niiftv ronnnil. o. SI. Junior Order United American .Mechanics, will Institute a new lodge at xninmore to nlsht. A shooting match between Hert Bar- nnd .Tnwr.h irVaVfV. 'hnt'h Of the iPyne, was had on Thursday afternoon for 110 a sloe. Tne, was un Davey. iMlss Gustle t rance, or mtrouusourK. Is visitlne iMIss Anna Tldd, on 'Alain and Grove streets, f hQ infant -hllil nt itr g.nil Mrs. Fred "Weber, of Feltsville, was burled In the Forest Home cemetery yesieraay ui- ternoon. Th Tovinr Mil Vvnp mines are work- lnr eleven hours a day at present. rrv. ittllaira tnmn mpAtlllfrn flt tllC (Methodist Episcopal church came to a conclusion last evening auor in wpeks of successful meetinRs. Hev. uir. Chaffee, or 'Scranton, preaenca iui evpnintf. The Carpenters' union has cnanpea its meetlnB place from Weber's to Lle wellyn's hall, on Union street. T?niiv ami .Tames McLauchlin were in Jermyn on Thursday. Kerr, itfbecKer t so., tnn raruei dealers, of Scranton, have kindly con sented to decorate Weber a- rink for the 'Price Library association's fair next month. Pure Brandy. Ttr- .... .miIiim1 n'li'nllnr tn tllA fol- an uui nw'tm ...... -- lowlnx testimonial from undoubted au thority on the excellence unu purity m Slider's Climax Itraiwly. ia- car.An-. T mn.irrn tllln.t A VOII Oil A 16- cent uiisounht testimonial to the purity of your branny, jauy iiunus ni'., j Ijonlon, Knsciana, un iiu ki,..ii..... i . ...... i tm thu.KttlAnrnra.nflv we brouirht from PaHsalc. Immedlale.y asked me to Ret a ime one tor ncr, wnu n did. The Knuiiirn nnwri, " ..a hmik nrAtirettv Kood liulites-ot brandy. I remain, yours truly, . irenuce wuuaru, i,uiw. FOR EST CITY. t MnPrirmlck. Of the 11111- ttlde Coal and Iron company, was of- flcally engaged in tnis Dorougn yesiei- Jay. , - Division No. 13, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Board of Erin, Vandllng, Pa., wJll hold the last picnic of the season in Varvdling grove, on next Wednesday. . . , ... ,. The Excelsior ciu'D win noiu ran in tho T-Virput citv ODera house on Thursday evening next. 'iSlde Tracked ' was tne attraction un the boards at the Forest City Opera IIUUCC .iiwbouiv lng the fact that the date was Just before pay aay, a goon auaience present. Of course, the house was a nituinn liniv .hut atlll the auditorium was about half filled. The play was fairly wen presemeu, ana iiunmcr ui taking, speclaltlea were Introduced. jT tin trem I'nilir I Tl I M ' I I H I " I IIJII. Agnes Wallace Villa, In "The World Against Her,',' comes highly recom mended, and will, without doubt, be something well worth seeing. The njay Is cf a class superior to anything yet produced here, and the star Is an actress of acknowledged ability. Tho date ia uct. ia. MONTROSE, Theodore flmlth was stricken with tvamivsia Thursday, morning. Mr. Smith has been a resiaeni oi Montrose for many years. 'He was associated with the Republican for a long period. He was Improving at last accounts. Miss Joachim, sister of Dr. Joachim, accompanied by IMIss Fanny (Stevens, left for Philadelphia on Friday. Miss Fanny will pass the winter in that city, the uest of her friends. Miss Mary Warner, daughter of Cap tain Warner, will spend - the greater part of the winter In New York city, where she Intends taking a course of ejtudy at Cooper Institute. Wanted-Vast Hands. tir ANTED FIRST-CLASH VEST HANDS TV Pl fllAttnn D ervnaue lauur, Wromias avenue. ' mP ONE CENT A WOROjg yyy p8g ent One Cent n Worg XT" L I LOCAL HELP WANTED I CDCC 1 V 1 SITUATIONS WANTED lLL I :sSTrEfl8C60llll" -y TRIBUNE ADLITS BRING QUICX RETURNS XONE CENT A WORD Help Wantd-Ml. MEN TO TAK& OBUEBS IN EVERY town aud city: no dclWertna; good wagoe; jay weekly; no capital; toay work. WfANTED A LIVK SALESMAN. WOULD you like a permanent position paying JIM monthly J Particulars tree; ni I Mdliue; uoude nntirely new, AUUrona P. O. Box oM), Bust on, SI ass. U,'K DON'T WANT BOYS OB SOAKERS but men of ability; $U ritufuUU mmilh to hustlers; state and Runeral axuta; estlnry and coii.miiwiou. Kaciue lire Enxine t-. liaclnc, Is. OEnYs-MKI WANTKD, A-RKADY traveling, to carrv Inbriratinv oila ede line. MANUtACTUltURS' OIL CO., t luveluml, O. W'ANTEO - WELL-KNOWN S1AN U t uvtrv town to nolinlt stock subscrip tion; a nionoHly; hig money for aueuta; no capital required. lunAiiut. riou aw.. Borden Block, Chicago. 111. Al.V'S.MKM - Ul-SIDGT 8ALE8MKN O wanted, aequattited wilh th loonl unci nearby dru and urocory train, to huadle out line of blk-li cradu clKars, Address, irivl i rererences, J. Ell WARD CO WLISS - CO., IM Ciiatnlwrs tret. N. Y. Nelo Wanted Females. l,r ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENEll V netio tnicvvoiuen to reprcs-nt ut. Ounrantcod SUs dny without luterferiuK witli ..I .l..,!.,.. It..- Ann..f;A Writ,, for pnrtii-iiliire, inclminir stamp, Mnnirn ('horn ienl i.' No. "t Jolm stnet, New York. Agents Wanted. j V iloiiblo their inc K our wond n fe.l A lll.'. aluminum novelties i ay &0 pir nrnt. urollt: sell nt siylit; Interestiuu woi It delivered fr-e; amnlK H'e.; write for terras ALUJ.1IM1I iOVc:LTY CO., 1CI3 Broadway, Now York. Ci ENER AL AGENT . WANTED - SELL T inif now aitirlcs to dealers; exclusive ter ritory, n- cnmpatitlon. no capital retpi'red; ;I0 to 3X1 per cent, prullt Columbia Chemical Co., K) Oearlioin ht.. CUiejij, 111. AGE.STS WANTED EVERY WHERE TO canvass f:r our Now Holiday Juv.nllo Book, four Christmas Beauties: sell at . sight; lilvral term-i. Ada-..i SPECIALTY, hub hiation No. 2. Philudelpiila, Pa. AGFSTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS: per mi. nth Kulary and cvnens -s piiicl. Aildivs.. with two-cent etunip, 1'lUAliO C1 OAi: CO.. t.liiciuo. A Uli.VlS-TO SELL OUK PRACTICAL irold, a. Ivor, tiiekel nud copper electro t . toi h : priee from S3 upward; salary nml ex penses n d: outfit free. A ld-.isn, with stamp, ailCHIUAN AIFO CO., Chlcajto. GENTS TO SELL CIO ARS TO DEALERS; J SS wccklv and expuiiEi a: expevieneu i.n neremuiry. OXSOLIHATliD 1'"U. CJ, 4S Van But'03 St., t h cno. LESMaITiCAKRYIDE LINE; IH O ir roinmisiiou; simple book mail, d froe. Address L, N. CO.. btatloa L, New York. It ONCE AOKNtS Al'I'OJ.N TKll TO ;' anil new lljlitnin sellilix table elo'.li.nvw iinito aii.l housefly li'l" d at It) n-niH ainU-ii to its n ln t!. S.iiiiIiIa Irof. EULGIAAO M l-U Co., Halt;m no. Jld. GEN'I H-1IJNDFS I'ATKST U.MI'. -iV cnl Hair t iirler nnrt V avers fiw.'d w;th- r.ur neat), nn'i yr roiuievr rum- i ius. eral cnmmisMiont. Ereo sjinple and t'ull par ticulars. Adclreas 1 . . IJox Hn. r.. VTANT. I) - AITIVE t-ALiis.MEN" TO VV haudlo o-ii- line, no pcildlluif. Ha are. 57,i per 1'ionin ana expennn )iai(i toiui. i."".n entirely new. Apply nuickly. P. O. B j!, MM, Boston, Ma. Salesmen V.'an'.cJ. WASTED SALESMAN EN KROKTIC men to S' ll c'Kula by simple nt home. tr travel; ena s lier: nupio ooii; roinu aalnrv or good eomniliou. Adures I', o. Box lli!l, Now York City. OAL'VSMAN TO 8KM, DENTAL WEIli 1 clues to the profcmli n In bomnton and aitrionnilinir town. LEn I At, MEDICINE CO , 12-tt Filbert atreet. 1 hl'nd lpliin. Tor Ren:. oUSE Ilia WASHINGTON VB.; ALL imi rnveineiils luqniioiill I'.mn are. H .-'OR RW.NT STEVEN" SON ERUIT FARM, 1 ( lisrV a Orecn, for ft trra of years. Ap- to GEOKflH B. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 512 Spruce utroet. T-OR HEST-rURNIKHED l:ooi; ALL J1 modern eotivenienres: with board; lien tleoia i prefcneil. an N. Vaihlntan avotin--. r lTv76 o'mCEsTcLOSET, STEAM"" H eat" J rrnntng water, tleenratiun., front, con p:c:o; J IV. W. GIBSON JON EE, 81 1 Spruce sir or. Tf' BACHELOR e P RTMhNTS VA V ritv; at'-ato beat; liani'soinn suite; all comforts end cbeei-ful: euro it quick. W. GIBSON JUNES 311 f prnce street. 7TFli6R"fIus"ET'T1;T-MA n avenue. Bo sure to not in'si s ein t th'. before renting. Also tinnae on Jefferson. W. GIB.-iON JON ES, nil Spruen street TT'OB BENT ONkALKH Jc Norh Main ave iuo; 11 rro'.ua, gas. wnter, rurnaceanu uauinwiu Andemou'a News Rooms. Providence quore. COR KENT Ft R ISHEII BOOM. WITH n n, tvtthnn. hoard, enitablo fur two Iter- anna. IS2 Adams are. -OR RENT BIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST r Laekawannn avenne. Ad'trs i uumas E. EVANS, near HtH Lnaerno, Hydo Parli; iOBMNfKIofLY PURNlsilEl) HALU V suitnble for lole looms. JOHN JE.4 MYN. litt Wvoml"it evenii-. For 8a! FOB SALE FARM, ' BT'lCK AND ALL fnrmlns ntenall. Inquire tit J. M, RHEF FfEL", ll Scranton alrer-t. Herantoi. I'n. Coccial Notices. Ttmltn nlWIMH PfiC It A WONDER. ' lUt flillflU I-UUiJ. Finest novelty ntthaaue; faklra, atrint,erafyiKidy; 15c. by mail. M.E8HE & KlPI', DonglBa.vllIe. Pa, N OTICE-ON AND AFTKB HAY I, 1 wt I maae araoircniy tour ni iiib ioiiow ins places eriving free op -n air aurortisnia oi- llfbltlons Wl OlUt eteretipiliioui inyiurvino, Hyda, I'ark, Providence. Dlckaon Olyphant, Peekville, Archbald, Jermyn, Exblbltloin aiven on Wednesday and Friday of eicU week during tbe month, the rates for adrer tla nx are tlu per month. Aa'ta a. u. Cull. Tribune office, elty. lirpHB SOLDIER IN OUB CIVIL WAK." 1 Von want thin relle. Contains all of Frank Leslie famous old War Ins tbe f oioes in actual battle, sketched on tun spot Two volumes, 2.0U0 piotnrea. pld on easy monthly payment Delivered by ex- rreaa cotnpie?, an nrarjee pnrpeiu. t. O. MOODY, tttl Adam Ave.. Seranton, Pa. LANK BOOKS, PAlfPHLtTS. MAOA i itu t. bonnd or rebound at Thi TDinimn offica. , (iuick work. ReaaonabU price-; , Real Eatate. ,(M WILL BUY A DOUBLE HoUK, KW block, ftueetieot; mm le tkiuroio tironertv il m Lome or an lnvutttment: It will imy I I per ceut. iu rent ami will in creaee in value. M. 11. HOLOATE. MS5.SUU WILL BUY ONK-TUIRD INTEU tut iu a propertv oa the square, worth more money. For purtimilai n eall at otliee. Jf, H. HOLOATE. 84.5IW WILL BUY AN 8-ROOM. BIN ulo nouno, 8UU blork, I'm. St; terms oasy. M. 11. HOLUATK. SIW WILL BUY ONE-HALP OK A lull lot, 4UU block, Adnme aronue. M. 11. HOLOATE. ,-.,Ul WILL bUV 81IOOM, BRICK reild:'Uee. 1U0 blorK, Aiuinerry street; terui.emy M. H. HOLOATE. -A SI. WO WILL BIT VAN t ROOM. HINGr LK tionxe, inru.1 lot, ism uioca, ynon Chi only i',oU L-anh reiiuired. M. H. HOLOATE. 8I.0(I WILL BUY A HANDSOME KI- room, nrlck nonao; lot buxi&J. Hiu blouK, N. Main avenue: also barn la lear; terme oey. M. H. HOLUATE, Common wealth Buil.lina'. SMASH'S Real Estate Acehcv QS-.() BUYS A GOOD BRICK HOUSE ON V Providence Road; doubio lot, 11(1 ft. deep. q;i,niouys-dw"lb "llcTU8rWEBSTIt O avtnue. T WILL TAKE BUYEHS WITH HoRSK 1 and bneiry to show these properties; no cx;iciie; call at my oiHce. 1'OK 81UI.00J 1 WILL BELL YOU THE i st rout car barn on Linden sttoot BUYS 1.VROOU HOUSE; ALL MOD O em imprnvemonts; Jefferson avenue; very II no; lojk at it. nUYERS SIIOI LD NOT MISS SEEING 1J these pr. pitis; no walking. Qt,.' BUYS LMIOOM Hi. USE, ALL JlOD O oi n iinprnvcmeiits; Monrooavo. ; good. BUY i STOKEi, 2 lj WELLING 8 O mid barn, West jlaill street, Providence, oT,:) BuysioojrHousE?oRiroF O Kloct i-ic and JoI;rt on nvonnes. OK'0BL'YS UOL'ULE HOUSE, la ROOMS, 0 IJuiiiey avenue; one of tbo finest. 1 j E V KAlBKlt. YOU ARE TiTno EXPENKeT It ImslJes freo ridOKeeinm tbeao properties. ra"BTT Ys"GOOD SINGLE HOUSE, PENN 4? avenue. Green Uiiltje. OlM 11UYS A LOT, WOODLAWN PARKT O corner lot, Wyomlug avenue. i,titx hUYS GOOD UiiUBLE HOUSE, PINE ? etroer : pays 8 p -r cent. Os.iV.O BUYS pi BUILOINO LOTS, EI.K ca:itv loeatod. aMjoininir new atnol mill- CurlKiiidiilo: no dterllms yet built for work men; o imo to my emeu lor partiuulars; a bar ualii. o i c.oixi "buy s oo n h r ick flour and O T ed uii.l; great opportunity; cali for par lii nl ir. Oltl0:7 BUYS AN ELEGANT 40xlH YF.RT V lot, l onii nvc, odj jioinn Bapt si cnnroli. I'"soUU riluol) "piiOl-EUTIES Faui SAirEj if well den riiieii: no tim.i clmll he upaiail in a'jowiiit'. advert ishii: n d sellinir. if poasi l-le. If not I, n nird -vnto cinnniisiou will ui B' ttlo l i:pou; no ex uu price nukud alave the owner's 1JARTIKS WISHING TO BUY ELFGANT -I or eli -uper pioprt'es, I can aeeiiimno date; 1 liavo ihem from Sf.uuu to SW,tX)0; somo o!ily 11" required down. Ol.hiOBUYri F1NH8-HOOM HOUSE, WED O ati-r avunu -; all incH:oii'te iinprnreini-uti.. BUYS FINE 8 UOOJl IIOL'SE, PiiUdT O cottav'inio, D' o n "Fk a T iTtoTe s tiies'k PROPEH tira: co lie to my o tieo; I wiil allow you: freo iMc; Hmn owner! only require email payments dtwn; limk at tt.oin. ;0 PROI'EI TY "PLACED-WITII MK TO i se 1 Hliall lo i U.irk-e i m jre fur it than the owner priCv1 IT IS EXPECTED THE OWNER WILL pay tho estate inan.if propertv Is told a te derate amount, to pay liiiu the expense of intvm tls njf nud selling; I do not th aX it richt to ut a iothor prlc on tho P nprr-y after tlm owner h i fixed it. Itirlvea uiiHtru-i to the real e-itate ma t, mid 1 think it will remit, in buyera ftninit to owner of pi op. erty invarlnhlv, In Head of iiKenu, s'jould this practice lie kept up. PURCHASERS OH SELLERS OP PKOP 1 erf if trtdinn wltn mi h1iI1 hivo every attnnth n; xha I be notifUd o.' probabilitlos and po.-aii illiies o' salo. 1) ON T WANT TO BUILD A HOUSE when yon can buy ono ready to move in Sf per rent, ehenpur, all roadyi'I can show joj s'icli llOUB'.B, f. M. INASli, Real Katatu Aen'. Chsr:r Application. TOTH', IS Hr UEHY GIVEN THAT A. 1 appllnbt:nu will be ma In tn the uovernor of the state of ihn l.llhday of Nov. A. D. 1 U.'i. by An holiv Weirscheiik. Jns. L. Medway, Charles Tmpp, N. 0 Uoodman. V. m. H. Poole, Caapnr Unas. Augift Wahlera, Unanv Kreiplatint Herman Wablera, sr., otto Conrad, Henry Vockrnth. Frank Sweet, ( liar lea mer. laauero uor.nman and Jollil Roll, under the ol of Aaaetnhly of the Com tnoii wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Aut to provide for the incorporation and revolu tion of certain corporations," approved April tilth. 1ST, and the supplement th-roto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be railed "German Enlldlni Aaao la Ion No. ft." the character and object when of ia tn form a corporation for tbe purpoae of HCeuniiilating a fund of the periodical eontilbutlonaof tbo members of the corporation, and of eafolylu veatlng th-t same Iu acrordaues with the pro yiaiona of an Act eiitltled "An Aot Relating to Mutual Savin Fund, Building and Loan As sociation, etc,," and for then tiurpnees to have, t owess and enjoy all the right, benefits aud prlviliirea of the said Act ut saembly and ltasnpp'ementa. ANTHONY BAUMANN, Solicitor. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application wl l be nude to the sovernor of the atate of Pennsylvania, on thi nth dnv of Nor "inber, 18I1J. by D. E, Taylor, V, H. Tay lor, W. W. Patterson, K. P. Kinpahury and John B. Law, nndor thi Ant of Aneeiublv of the Common e:ilth of Pi-nnaylvniil i. entitlod "An Act tJ pro tide for in inoorpi ration and recnlatlon of certain oorworat one," approved inrll 911 1RT1. and the aunnlementa Ihsrolo. for the charter of an int-nd d eorooratlon to bo called "ttt. Clair uu i onipnny, tn enarao ter and object whereof I the mining and pro i..rin for markni aul sellluf anthracite coal. and for lhee ptirpojeatohare, powestand en joy all tbe rlibta. benefits and privtieitea of me aam Actor ,as iuvit . ...iovum. Nuralng and Maaaaga. M1 IBs) EMILY' P. HOLLENBACK. Nl'RfJ- ma and nut treatment, mi aut- aonavua. . THOSE THE Verj Latest IDEAS SlSSieS NO. 359-ASTKACI1AN CAPE. Thibet Trimmed, $10.00. CONNOLLY & Notlea to Contractors- rpHE M JADOW BKOOK WATEIl COM 1 pany invite propoaals for tbe eroction of a maannry dam on Stafford Meadow Brook, near Burnt Brlilite. Plana atd apeciflentlons may be seen at the company' office, lis Wyo lin r avenue, old Republican building. The enmpauy reserve the ri.-lit to reject any or all bids. G. B. HAND, Secretary. Scranton, Pa , Oct 0, 1893. Solicitors Wantsd. ClOLICITOKS KOll WEBSTEB'B INTER D national Dictionary and tbe Noyea Dic tionary holdor: sold for cash or on easy pay ments in localitlea within our collection rout-a; liberal pay weekly. THOMPSON PUBLISH ING COMPANY. 225 8. Sixth St.. 1 'hllada Monty to Loan. 1)ROMP I LOANS ON RKAL EST TE HE mirity. H. W. CRCSER, 400 Uckawan- na avenue. Situations Wantad. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OUT BY the day washing; washing taken home for ladle and gontlomen only. Call or address L, B, 3U4 N. Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. POSITION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enced tinner; reailent of tbl city. Ad dress All Mineral street, city. SITUATION WANTED AS SHOE CLERK or willing to do any kind of work. Ad dress J. T care Tribune ohice. SITUATION WANTED-A MIDDLE AGED, refined Amorican widow would like situa tion as managing housekeeper vr companion; no objection to travelling; can (five beat of ref erence. W. W. VERNON, Gonural Delivery, city. SITUATION WANTED - YOUNG LADY would like position as bookkeeper or of fice assiatant: ha hr.d experience and can trive good reference. Adpress MARGARET, Gen eral Delivery, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A oOBEK, IN dustrions man aa coachman or teamst.r; has had X; erieneo; referem o If re quired. AddroRs TEAMSTER. Tribune office. citua i ion wanted -by an expehi- O eneed bnrtonder, day or Hunt city or eonntry; pood referoucos. Aldreaa W. H. T., Trlbnn'o otUce. SITUATION WASTED UY A YOUNG Li lnilv an bookkeener: two Tears' experi ence; beat reference. Addi-caj T. M. G., Gen eral Delivery. Semnton, l'a. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. T1H WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCKLAIN, BrldBO nnd Crown work. Olilce, 825 Washington avenue. C. C. LAt'UACH. SUKGKON DENTIST, No. 2i?Wyomlnir nvenue. R. RL STliATTON, OFFICE COAL EX chanse. Physichtns and Surpicoii.s. DU. G. EDO A It DEAN HAS KEMOVRD to Spruce utrect, Sprfliiton, l'a, (Junt opposite Court Houec Squure.) DR. KAY. 2'tS I'ENN AVE. : 1 to 8 P. M. eall 2in2. Dii'. of women, obstrctrlcs nml and all tils, or chll. Fn. XV. E. ALLEN, G12 North Washington nver.ue. DR. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED, illseariea of the Eye, Eur. No3e and Throat; olllee. 122 Wyoming avo. Resl denee,ri2a Vln street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Otlleo hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON, RELIABLE SKIN, Tumor and Caneer Specialist. Tuesdays nnd Frl'luys, t &03 Linden street. Of fice hours 1 to 4 p. in. Lawyers. WARREN & KN'AVr, ATTORNEYS and Counfellors nt Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Seran ton, Pa. ' . JKSSUP3 & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Common woalth building, Washington nvenue. W. 11. JESBUP. HORACB E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON & WIIATOX, ATTOR nevs nnd Counsollms at Liw; offices 6 ond 8 Library building. Seranton, Pn. ItOSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WIIAX)X. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys ond Counsellors. Common wealth building. Hooma 19, 20 nnd 21. FRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6. Coal Exchange, Seran ton, Pa, JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 04 and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Olilce, 317 Spruce jt Beranton. Pa. L. A. WATERS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave.,Seranton, Pa. UR1E TOWNSEND. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime IVink Building, Beranton, Money to loon In large sums at 6 per cent. . C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNKY-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEOYS, 821 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. RBPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real ostate security. 403 Sprucojitront B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave.. Sernnton. Pa. JA8. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORN KY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Beranton, J. M, C. RANCK. 13(1 WYOMING AVE. Clnlfvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT 616 Meridian Street, Park Hill. , Wire Srcens. JOS. KUETTBL, REAR CU LACK A wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa,, manufac turer of Wire eereena.1 ' Medical. L AOiKiil i Chlchestar'a Mih ' Poniiyfoyal H br I"-," J" LJ,,.,?JHrt MSlLstftl VUISMMW WWW VWfl i - ' : - NO. WALLACE, TRY US. 602-604 LACKL AVE., COft. ADAMS. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys ana Kiris for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Open September 9. KKV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELU MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and 8chooI, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. KlndeKarten tlO per term. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. LF.WIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 433 Spruce St., cor. Whave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, lzti Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association win loan you on easier terms and pay you better on investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank building. . Seeds. G. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 116 Washington ave n,io. irrr.n hnn.s. I2rn North Main ave- nuej store telephono 7S!j Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings nnd concert work furnished. For termn address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming; avenue, over Hulbert s music store. JIKGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bag, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran. tun. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE sale dealers in Wood ware, Cordage and Oil Clothj720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, William HuiWing. opposite postotflce. Agent for the Rex Flro, Extinguished Hotels and Restaurants. THE KLK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK- II.. n . . .... . . .nDMnahl. Illl ttvtrnuc J,l- . t. ...... w.. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. & W . pasaenger depot. Condueted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used excluslve.y, insur In cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 2, ISO... Trains leave Seranton for Plttston, Wllktva.ltnrre. etc.. at 8.20. t.15. 11.30 a.m.. 1.23, 2.00, 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00 a. m.. 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. in., 1.23 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 8.03 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.23 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal. 6.21 p. m. ami New York 8.45 p. m. en fuiir-h Chunk. Al entown. Bethlo- hem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m.. 1.23, S.05, 6.00 (except i-nuaueipniaj p. m. Bumlnv. 9.15 l. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a.m., p. jn. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Alleiitown, 8.20 a. m 1.23, 5.00 p. m, Sunday. 115 p. m. For Pottavllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.23 p. m. Ti-iniiiliia- leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. tn., 1.10. 1-80, 4.80 (express with Buffet narlor car) p. nt. Bununy, .av a. m. l-ieSVO i-niinocnniin, m,iiiiH i c-i iiiiiuii, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vace to the ticket cgent ot the nation. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAIT8EN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE A5P ULaiiV RAIL ROAD. Commencing- Monday, MM TI arrive at naw Lcka f f I wanna avenue station It r n.s follows: H r Train will leave Bernn- ton station for Carhondale and i"'"': olote point at S.20. B.45, 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m.,2.00, 2.20, 3.5o, 6.10, 6.15, .. " UFor "F-rvlew, Waymart and Monedale rvt 7.00, lit and 10.10 a. m., 13.W. 1 and IU PFor Albany, Snratoga. th A,'1",n,,,ik and Montreal at 6 45 a. m. and 8.20 P. m. For Wllkea-Barrc and Intermedlats points s 7.46. 8.46, 9.3S and 10.45 a. rn.,12.(to, 1.10, 2.88. 4.00, 5.10. 6.05. 9 16 and 11.88 p. m. Train will arrlvo at Scranton atMlon from Carbondnle and Intermediate point at 7.40. 8.40, M and 10.40 a .ni . 15.04. U7. 184 8,k 4.54, B.66. 7.46, 9.11 and 11.88 P. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far View at 9,84 a. ni 1100, 1.17. 140, S.5S and ''From "Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc, at 4.64 and 11.88 p. m. ,,,,.. . From Wllkes-Barra and IJtermixltat rjlnti at 116, 1.04, ,1000 and U. a, m.. 1.16, 14, 139, 8.10, 0,38, t.20. 103 nd 1U p. m. r m. m . r r Wallace jT hi Cipes k W ARE HERE Jfi ss Ill -KERSEY JACKET. slllt Lined, $16.00. 2op Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE. Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Seii Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses.' , . May 12, 1885. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. et 7.4J a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, 2.3s and 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.03, 11.20 a. m., and 1.3 p. m. Leave Seranton for Plttston and 'Wllkes Barre, via P., L. A W. R. R., 6.00, 108, 11.20 a. m., 3.50. 6.07. 8.52 t. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha sleton, Pottavllle and all points on tha Beaver Mfeidow and Pwtsvllle branches, via E. & W. V. R. R 6.40 a. m., via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 20, 2.38, 4.00 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. R. 6.0U. 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.3u, 3..n p. m. Leave Seranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading. Harrlsbura and all intermedial points, via P. & H. R. It.. 7:45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38. 4.00 11.08 n, m., via D., . ft W. R. R.. 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a, m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Sernnton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R.. 8.45 a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m via D., L. ft w. R. R., 8.0S, 9.55 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Detroit. Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. R., 8 45 a. m. 12.05. 9.15. 11.38 p. m.. via P., L. & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, S.08, 8.53 a. m., 1.30, 8.5" p. m., via E. r W, V. R. R.. 3.41 p. m. For Flmlrn and the west via Salamanca, via I. ft H. R. R.. S.t5 a.m. 12.05. 6.05 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 8.03, 9.55 a, m., 1.30. and 6.07 p. m. Pullman liarlor and sleeping or L. . chair ears on nil trains between L. ft B. Junction or YVI)ke?-Harre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLL7X H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. l'ass. Agt..Phlla.,Pa, A. W. NOXNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday. June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton na follows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.50. 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; 12.55 and 3 Express for Easton. Trenton, Philadel phia end the South, 5.13, 8.00 and 9.55 a, m., 12.55 and 3 84 p. m. Washington and way stations. p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, fi. 10 p. m. Express for Blru;hanton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath. Danfvllle, Mount Morris and Huffulo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m.. and 1 "1 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to pll points In tho West, North west and Southv.-ett. Bath accommodation. 9 a. m. Hinghamton and way Matloiw, 12.37 p.m. Nlcholsion accommodation, at 4 p. m. ana 6.10 p. m. , Binghamton and Elmlra Express, 6.0S PExpress for Cortland, Syracuse, Oawego Vtica and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a ,m. and tI4thPaciu"2.85 nnd Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttmon. Wllkes Barre, Plvmouth, Bloomaburg and Dan ville making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harriaburg, Baltimore. Wa.shlngton and the South. Northumlwrlajid and Intermediate ra tion, 00. 9.55 a. m. ami 1.30 and s.OT p. m. Nan.:ieoke and intermediate j"Jnf' 8 08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter- m?"K" lJVsMgP-ooches on oXPdlta,W rnformatlon r-ket t.m. deitot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Seranton and intermediate points or , the Erl ran ifii1 nt 7 00 a. m. una 3.4 p. m. amo iur Hclale. Hawley and local points at 7lVhrb?veathroPugh-traln. to and fr??ain.0 leTvt'fbr Wilkes-Bam. at 6.39 m. nnd 8.45 p. m- ruivraiiDlvinOT. In -fleet September al, lSt8 Harm Binin. Stooth Bna4 T08OI 8(atiou S ff(Traln Dollr. Kx VTJtw r- uuunj . i rrlvm 1 i r N. Y. Franklin 8tl 7 I0 West 4xnd straw 701 ....I 7 Ml ....I 7 nni weehawkea 8101 !r ulArrlre Leave 1 iMUaacoek Junctloni lot lfannnrlr iiral Starlight Preston Park como Poynteile Belmont Pleasant Mt. Dnlondale ' Forwt City Carbondale ' White Bridge May field Jermyn . Archibald Wlnton-i Prckvtlla . tilvrhant Dickson -Tnroop ' PrnvldeDoe Pork Piaoe I14M ion's it ii utrt Ir v 49 f6 4.ri6 6 5 it a 6181 ....I 641111 SSI a .i.rm.v n ii III ii nil 69 lit Oil 6 1811 Oil 6 It 6 111 110 Ut'r 110 M Ecranton U u Leave Arrive H aii trains run dally exeent Sunday. I f. aiguilles that trains Mop oa signal tor pa nrcMrB ratea via Ontario, a Western before nirchaalng tickets and save money. Oar ana . xlhgm-preiietothe West. , 1. 0. Andoraoa, Sen. Pasa Af T. nitorott, Pir. Fa, Aft Mraotoa, Pa. J 1 2l t0a,n4 l J -h 8 41 ,j ....I 9 31 , I ....9 41 .... .... fl 56J 1 881 5 m .... a Owj A M 1 19) .... T04 U4l ..M Tl7ff8 ... T 18 ll 4J .... 7 14' 8 48j 7 9M ill ttftttj'-i ?7 IN .... f 89 4 04 T84 4 01 .... TM 410J .... 789 4 74114 17.... 9 48 4 M .... A