The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 09, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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when he 'Went away. Information, re
BarUIng him reached the Hlsteds
through Frank NMi'. who chanced to
meet old Mr. Nlles' brother In K&nsaa.
The llendrlck Mission lormcd by Ladies
oftho BaptUt Uiurch.
A Ladles' Mission eocU-ty has beta
formed by the member of the Uerean
Uaptlst church and considerable en
thusiasm was shown by those who
Joined. In honor of the late Mrs. .. K
Heudrlck. who was an active worker
In the church, the society has own
named the Hondrick Mission society.
The number of persons who huve al
ready Joined the organization shows
that it will le a very ioiular and help
ful society In the church. The mem
bers are all persons who take an active
part in mission work, and by havlns a
regular Bociety, the amount of work
that can be accomplished will be
greater. The following persons were
elected as officers, and they will also
act In the capacity of the executive
committee: President. Mrs. O. L. I't
ley: first vice-president. Mrs. A. P.
Tiautwein: second vice-president. Mrs.
Lucy Joslln; secretary. (Miss May Hal
lock: treasurer. Miss Amy Nye.
After their organisation Rev. T. F.
Jepson addressed the society, speukliiR
In the most eneouraitlsiK terms to the
ladles and thankln? them for the Inter
est taken In the work. He said that
the society might act In both home
and foreiirn mission causes and did not
think it would Interfere with any of the
work of the other societies In the
rhurch. That a mission of this kind
should be formed had Ions: been his
desire, and he was now glad to see It
The meeting then adjourned to moot
next Monday nlsht. when the complete
organization will be finished. A lanre
number of the young ladles of the
church have enrolled, and it Is expect
ed that many more will at the next
It Will Take ' Control of the kloti
llrothcrs" Ituslncss.
A corporation Is now In process of or
Ciinliation In New York city, whioh
Avll!. on the Nov. I. succeed to the busi
ngs of Klotz Bros.
The capital stock of the company
will be $:?C'..l!00. about $:'0a.00u bclns com
mon and the reinalnd. r preferred stock,
(if the preferred stock JCU.000 will have
been paid in when the company twelves
its cerlliloate of incorporation: $30,000
being subscribed by Klotz Bros., ar.d
repiepenting the actual cost of the ma
chinery, one-third of which is stored in
Van Bersan & Co.'s machine shop and
the " remainder btins completed. The
oamon stock of the company will be
held by Klotz Bros, and will not ibe for
rale. T'.iey are to receive the common
Picck for the sole use of the patents.
The nrra'.r. Jer cf the preferred sto;"k,
$.'0,000. wi!i be offered the people of
Cartondaie at par. ar.d preference will
lie gtveri tj thce alrtily interested a9
KVr the heat, llsht and power about
t'.OOOO will be required, and this was
originally to have been furnished by
the trustees. On account of $10,000 hav-tr.-g
been added to the cost limit, the
trustees are relieved from the responsi
bility of furnishing: this machinery
equipment The tTusties will be able
to terminate their trust on Nov. 1, as
the mill will 'be then ready for occu
The Mcmhcrs I'phold a Teacher in Punish
ing " C IM.
All members of the school board .were
present and a large amount of bust-
ness was transacted. Several bills were
ordered paid and others referred for
The secretary Informed the board
that the bill of co3ts for prosecuting
the boys who annoyed the teachers at
Tarvlew school amounted to $. The
cor.stiiMe's fees amounted to $4 and the
constable was Riven an order for the
amount. The alderman refused to ac
cept an order.
A -note from the father of a child
which had been punished for dlabe
havlor at school, was shown to the
board. He ppokt very forcibly upon
the matter. The secretary was instruct
ed to reply to the note, and say that
the teacher was fArioyert by th bonrd,
and that the daughter must obey the
rules if she wlthed to attend school.
The secretary was also Instructed -to
divide the amounts of Insurance on t'he
schools between the local companies.
Work on the Kclmnnt Street Pave Will
Nor lie Commenced This Fall.
There has been considerable worry
on the part of the councils on account
of the delay of the Belmont street pave.
The slowness of the Traction company
In moving their tracks has made It
probable that the city would be sued
by t'he Park Pavlnsr company, who were
awarded the contract.
However, Mayor Hendrlck has re
ceived a telegram which will put all
their fears at rest. The telegram stated
that the material was very scarce, and
as the season was so far advanced,
they would like to defer the work till
spring. The company evidently da not
think the contract at an end, and will
BO on with the work as soon as the
season opens. The brick used by the
company Is manufactured by them
selves, and the large demand made
upon them toy their contractors- makes
the material scarce.
A Gold Watch Contest.
On Friday everting, Sov. 22, a voting
contest between John Power O'Connor,
of the M'itchell club, of Siranton. and
"William Dixon, of the P. W. Nally
club, of "this cHy. will come off. The
voting wHl take place at the enitertaim
tnerft of tihe latter club. The friends of
Ihoth partite are working 'hard to make
lit a success.
A Dramatic Society.
A new local dramatic society has
Just been organized, and will be mnn
ured by R. N. Battle. The persona who
compose the society are all of well
known ability end who have had some
experience in the Tine. It will noon
make Its appearance on the sta ge. and
they deserve the heartiest support of
tlhe people.
In Seareh of l.ol t'nele.
Messrs. O. E. awl W. HIstetL of this
SJty, and their father, of Waymart, ex
pert, to leave inert week for the west,
where they hope -to find their uncle and
brother, wiio left home fifty years ago
and had not been heard from since unUl
a jrtiort time ago. iHe was 15 years old
TERMS airlc'ly COSH Purine This Sets.
Icums, Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
We hare decided oa Sweeping Red no
tion rather than cover np our goods dar
ing our extensive improvements, and
have narked down everything In the
tore at cost and less. Bee our Window
. Display, which will substantiate what we
Ina rat Carpets from 15c. la B0.. Worth tic to 76c
niMtte Carpets, 40c. to BOc., Worth eOc. to 0e
Won riptrt, Be, Wert 10e.,
And everything else In proportion.
Johar U'I.enry. or Cnmian Street, Meets
Willi J Accident.
John O'Leary, the 15-year-old son of
George 0"'Leary, of Upper Canaan
street, had an experience with a mule
which will probably causehlm to re
member that vicious animal for some
O'Leary Is ennaged as driver at the
Highland colliery, or, as It is better
known, the Last Chance. In pome man
ner he got too near the heels of a
vicious mule and received a Berlous
kick. He was at once picked up by his
companions and taken to bis home,
where Dr. Wheeler examined his in
juries. It was found Hint the forearm
had a bad fracture and It will be some
time before he resumes work.
Curbondnle Is Well Supplied with
Good Water.
Some people In the city may have felt
fears about the water supply, which the
recent drouRht has made very low In
some of our nearby towns. However,
they can rest assured that they are safe
from a water famine, as thert Is as yet
no sIkiis of the supply giving out.
Although comparatively little rain
has fallen during the last few months,
the storage reservoir at No. 4 still hokls
an abundance of water; enough to car
ry the city safely through the severest
llroke His Arm.
While playing with several compan
ions John Powers, of 'Brooklyn street,
tripped ovtir a large piece of Iron, fall
it v, heavily to ;he ground. He was
picked up and taken to fmrrgeney nos
piial, wficre he received proper atten
tion. 'His aim was found to be frac
tured. Dr. A. V. dillls attended the
lad, w ho la now very comfortable.
The Women's Guild of Trinity church
will have a supper tonight at the resi
dence of Miss IMary Hubbard, on Our
lleld avenue.
Oct. IB has been selected as the date
for the musicale to be given at Mrs.
Isuar'H. No. L'4 River street, by Mrs.
Hannah Leonard ani'Mrs. R. .11. Reyn
olds. The Proceeds will go toward the
new church building fund of Trinity
Attorney H. C. Butler returned Mon
day evening from Harrlsburg, where
he has been on business.
Mrs. Adelbert Wilson's condition is
somewhat Improved.
Joseph Thompson, after suffering a
two weeks' relapse of rheumatism. Is
attain performing his duties In the store
or tl.. W. Keynolds & Sonr
Mrs. J. A. Norrls and niece, Miss Llla
Carlton, left yetrday for a visit with
friends In Rochester.
Mr. and iMrs. George Scott, of Sus
quehanna, are visiting at the home of
Mrs. J. Q. Singer, on Salem avenue.
L. A. Bassett has left for Plymouth,
Mich., where he will visit his mother
and brother for ten days.
W. H. Hlller has left on a business
trip to the New England states.
Frank R. Vandeford, who tms been
111 at the home of his parents, on Ca
naan street, has returned to Plttston.
C. A. Kofka Is in New York city on
ArchJDeacon D. W. Core, D. D., of
Nantlcoke, passed through this city
yesterday on his way to Honesdale.
District Deputy Grand Regent of
He.ptaeophs J. W. Dlmuck pall an offi
cial visit of Inspection to Honesdale
lodsre, No. 925. Inst evening.
H. G. Singer, who has ben visiting
friends at Clark's Summit for the past
two months, has returned home.
'Miss Isabelle Johnson, of Forest City.
Is the truest of IMrs. John E. Bone, of
Wyoming street.
Miss 'Minnie Hessler, of 'Honesdale, Is
the guest of Miss Amy Klnback.
Joe HItclTner. the (Plttston cracker
I man, was up this way yesterday with
I Ms family, enjoying an overland drive.
I Mrs. W. D. Crawford and Mrs. Hiram
I Cortright visited Laceyvllle friends yes
i terday.
IL,. T. Burns, the jeweler, is In the cfty
tn.a week buying goods. IHe carries the
nnert stock in this section.
Cr'lonel D. N. Matthewson, of 'Wash
Ingtnn, D. C, Who is vlsMng his old
heme at FaotoryvtHe, circulated among
frlend-s here yerterday.
.Mrs. w. IM. 'H.Hler left yesterday for
an extended visit among relatives at
Brlsbln an1 M'cDonough, N. Y.
The Lehigh Valley company are re
moving all but the most Important
switches along 'the line that open
toward onconv.nir train?, compelling
.trains when taking a eldhig to run v
and back upon It. ..This consumes more
time, but Is a wise precautionary meas
The poor support ftnaclally that the
university extension lectures received
last winter will forestall anything In
that line this season.
Tr. Harry Avery was 'down from
Sayre yesterday.
Theodore Stree'ter received a dav or
two since, as an addition to 'his collec
tion of rare coins and odd paper money.
a present of eUrhtesn pence. Issued by
the Colony of i.Vew Jersey IMarch 23.
17. It was authorized by a law passed
In the fourter-ti'th- year of the reign of
his .majesty, King Oeorge, and bears tlhe
inscription: "To counterfeit is death."
it would 'be an 'Interest mi? problem for
some student to com pound Interest on it
for the full time since Its Issue.
Charles liee's London circus will hold
forth on the tannery grounds today.
Rev. S. C. Hodge, pastor of the Pres
byterian church, Is sfck a,t Wllkes
Barre. (Rev. Hugh Hodge, Who has Just
accepted a oall to a church In Erie,
filled hla place on Sunday.
A child hi the family. of IS. O. Bun
nell, on the "Neck," is reported serious
ly Ml of diphtheria.
Leonard Coope, of fhls place, and
Farah McCullough. of Wllkes-Barre,
were married by 'Squire KuU Monday
The wedding of Harry Harding, of
Dixon. 111., and M: Prances Crawford,
of South Eaton, will occur this evenfoi
at the tetter Trtace. The bride and
groom will deport at once for Dixon,
where they will commence housekeep
ing In a domicile of their own, and
where the former has a lucrative posi
tion In a large iplow manufacturing es
tablishment. The repwt 'comes from Laceyvllle
that three children In t'he family of
S. E. Barrowcllff were playing with a
gu.n Monday, when one of them, a bov
1 11 years of age, discharged It, Instan tly
Ki.ung a younger nrother awd wound
ing a sister. They were playing at rab
bit 'huntilng and did not suppose the gun
was loaded.
Reports from the heiTslde of Mra.
Judson Knnpp, of Vose. who suffered a
stroke of paralysis Stindny, give no hope
of her recovery. She is unconscious,
and the end ia only a question of a few
Doesn't rnrierstsnd English,
From Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
"I can scarcely understand Mr. North
side's conversation at times." observed
Mrs. Oaawcll to her husband. "Ho unt-s
so many expressions which I sunpose are
derived from the bane ball game."
"The dlffloul'ty with you, my dear,"
piled Mr. Qaswell, "Is that you do not
understand playln' English."
Relief In Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved In six hours by the "New South
American Kidney Cure. This new rem
edy Is a great surprise on ecount of Its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys-, back, and every part
of the urinary passages. In male or fe
male. It relieves retention of water and
pain In passing It almost Immediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this is
your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Drug
gist, 126 Penn avenue, Bcranton, Pa.
IThe P'.ttston office of the Bcranton
Tribune Is' located at Ne. t William street;
where all advert-sements, order for job
work and items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention, urhee open from
8 a. m. to 10 p. m.l
Ground llrokcn Yesterday for the Now
V. h W. V. K. H. Building.
A larse force of Pennsylvania Coal
company workmen yesterday began
work on the foundation of the new de
pot -that the Erie and Wyoming Valley
Railroad company Is going 'to erect
on Broad street. It Is necessary first
to erect a retaining wall, 151) feet long,
and there will be a great deal of tilling
to be done. While the work is Rolng
on, the upper portion of Charles street
Is closed to iti'alllc.
The new depot Is'sadly needed, as
there Is no aocommodatlon whatever
lor the read's patrons at the present
building, which is none other than the
old freight oftlce that did service when
the gravity road was In operation.
The Opening Sermon preached Last
Kvenlngby Kcv.J. J Smith.
The annual conference of the Prtml
tjve l.Metihodlst churches of Pennsylva
nlt was opened In the Primitive Method
ist church 'here hvt evening. iThe open
ing sormon was preached hy Rev. J. J.
Smith, IX D. The Lord's supper was
administered at th? close of the ser
mon. dr. Trout will preach this even
ins. The conference will hold sessions this
forenoon and afternoon. (There are a.
ilarga number of lulnlisters in attend
James and Matthew Flynn, of TJur
yea. left Monday night on a business
trip to KufTalo. They will be gone two
weeks. They have made some heavy
investments In real estate at Buffalo
and Niagara Falls.
W. L. MiiDougall, the Jeweler, left
yesterday on a hunting tour in the
vicinity of Hear Lake.
Yesterday the two large rollers of the
Barber Asphalt company were placed
on board Hat cars and forwarded to
Wilkes-Barre. This looks as thoutth
there will be no more paving done here
this year.
The doctors attending Robert Poole,
who was shot nearly a month ago, lo
cated one of the bullets In his back,
near the surface, and yesterday they
extracted It with but little pain to the
patient. IMr. Poole continues to Im
prove steadily, and. It is expected, he
w.ll be able to resume work In sev
eral weeks' time.
Dr. C. J. Barrett continues to improve
slowly but surely, much to the gratifica
tion of his numerous friends.
iMlne Inspector 'McDonald is on a
business visit to Schuylkill.
James A. Dewey," of Wanamle, Prohi
bitionist candidate for-, recorder of
deeds, paid a visit to town "yesterday.
Professor J. T. Weart, Jr., of Philadel
phia, will g-lve three free lectures, for
men only, on anatomy and physiology.
at the Young Men s Christian associa
tion rooms, next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday evenings.
The second of the evangelistic ser
vices being held in the Broad Street
Presbyterian church, under the aus
pices of the pastor. Rev. S. Ross Mc-
Clements. this week, was largely at
tended last evening. 'Rev. F. Van
Krug. of the Kingston ipresbyterlan
church, preached a very eloquent ser
mon. The music rendered was a feat
ure worthy of especial mention.
Gertrude Laycock, daughter of Col
onel J. H. Laycock, of Wyoming, last
week drove Into a ditch In West Pltts
ton borough and sustained painful in
juries, it was said last evening that
her father, the colonel, will bring an
action for $10,000 damages against the
Poor Director Lewis Jordan yester
day afternoon found a poor, demented
Polish lad., 7 years old, In his lot on
Montgomery street. The hoy's father,
Jbseph Orabowskl. placed the lad there.
and at last accounts the police had not
apprefhende-d Joseph;
iMLss Heath, of Scranton, will give the
first of a series of art lectures at the
home of M'lss Lacoe, on the West Side,
next Tuesday evening.
The Wake Ttohln club, the elite so
cial set of the "West Side, on Monday
evening reputmed their nocturnal chirp
ings after the summer vacation. The
first meetlnigr was held at the home of
Mlrs Laene. and most of tlhe members
were on hand. The oluh.has finished
Its 'dessertation of French history and
now takes tip the study of "The Eilza
'bethlan Age In England." The first
topic of this interesting subject. "The
House of Tudor," was discussed by J.
Frank IHa.rrls, Miss Lacoe and Mdss
D'wr. The remainder of the programme
was made up of vocal and Instrumental
mus'ic by 'Lauren Wolfe, J. L. Peck,
iMiss Lance and an interesting paper,
"Current Topics," by 'H. M. iParke.
Eugene Smith, the Scranton drug-gist,
was in town yesterday.
A number of young men of the East
PVle have organized a 'bicycle club. F.
M. Alford la secretary, and any person
desiring to become a member should
communicate with Hitm.
The cIvH case of J. R. Patterson vs.
.Thn Toii.hlll 'Is being heard at Wilkes
Barre this week, and yesterday the
Jury visited this place to view the prem
ises in uispuie.
Plttston Business Directory.
on Wright & Co., 97 Sotith Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
second-hand household goods, bought or
MIbs Sara I. Sly was United In mar
riage to Ueorge P. tamer at 2.30
o'clock yesterday afternoon In Grace
episcopal church. The ceremony was
performed by 1lev. John N. Lewis. The
church was well filled when shortly
after 2.30 the ibrldal party entered the
churr.h. The ushers were George Mey
er, John Groner, John Hesslnger and
Robert Dunn. They were followed by
the Ibrlde&mald4, Misses Katherlne
Uaylord and Amelia Allenbacher
Don't Get Excited
Was what the doctors told me, sod they
aid I must not run, on account ol flut
taring of mj betrt. I mil sick over
year with dyspepsia, could not sleep or
eat la comfort, was generally miserable.
Hood's Garsaparilla
gave me refreshing sleep, steady aerret
and better health than ever. I have great
faith in Hood's. H.H.Ptlcs, Reading, Pa.
Hood-, pilis sairis.
Battle Ax Plug
m at
I I w J
a Great Big Piece
of high grade tobacco for
and the maid of honor, Miss
Julia Bader. The bride entered
leaning on the arm of her father,
Thomas Sly, and was met at
t'he altar hy the groom and best man,
H. E. Bassett. The service of the
Episcopal church was said, the bride
being given away by her father. The
bride wore a white 'brocaded silk and
short veil, the 'bridesmaids and maid
of honor wore yellow silk. The wed
ding march was played by the organist,
Mrs. Henry iDolmetsch. After the cere
mony the friends and relatives were
driven to the bride's home, where a
reception was tendered. The delicacies
were served hy Caterer Hooveif and'at
4.45 Mr. and Mrs. Summer departed for
New York.
Joseph Crandall, Robert Webb,
Meade ISchenck and James Finnerty
left for 'Philadelphia yesterday, where
they will resume their studies In the
dental college. ' '
The Woman's Auxiliary of the Epis
copal church met in the lecture room
Monday afternoon and elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
President, IMrs. A. Whitney; first Vice
president, Mrs. John N. Lewis; second
vice president, Mrs. Wallace Lambert;
secretary, 'Mrs. Horace Menner; treas
urer, Mrs. William Van Keuren.
Wick, the Seeleyvllle butcher. Is
about to open a meat market in the
iMayhew building.
The contract for plum'blng and pas
fitting In the new National Bank build
ing has been awarded Hlller & Holies.
William Bodemer, of Cincinnati, was
the guest of J. Adam Kraft the first
part of the week.
John Hawk, formerly at the W. C.
Griffin store, has accepted a position at
Johnson's company store.
Mrs. P. P. Virtue, of (Plymouth, vis
ited friends here yesterday.
George Adams, of Dickson, Is erecting
a handsome residence on Albert street.
The Dickson and iPrlceburg schools
have each received a set of Johnson's
Reese Davis, our popular school di
rector, has accepted a position as mine
foreman at Johnson's shaft.
iMIss Besee Ollgallon, of Lincoln
street, Is ill.
The temperance lecture given here
last night by Jonah Boughton was
largely attended. It appears to have
benefited our townspeople very much,
as many of them have attached their
names to the pledge.
Robbers entered the premises of Will
lam Smith, yesterday morning and car
ried off two very high-priced doves.
Mr. Smith feels his Ions, as he is a great
admirer of birds, and says he will pay
$10 for any Information leading to the
arrest of the thieves.
Mrs. John Eddy, of Hallstead avenue,
died last evening, after a short illness.
John Miller, sr., of Main street. In
jure his hand, yesterday, by running
a nail Into it.
If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Oums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every
part of the world. Be sure and ask for
''Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothln Bvrun" an. I
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
Dome. .
The Ktock we porchiwd rt the lierlff'a Salo
at HaxletuD, Pi. vnr ! kIdco opening.
roTod more mil irni'tory tbaa wo thought.
Thn crowd on Monday wilt eaormoanly laritr,
and carried away the Danralnn. and the .took
Which la left we'll dtapneo ot at yonr own
Iiricea. Hale all wek at the following prioaa:
case Drew Qiothain. grosa price, 7 ceuta.
Our Pries, 3H Cents
1 case of Unbleached Brown Cotton, 4 4,
heavy for aheeting only, groat price, t
cents Our Price, 4M Cents
1 raee Checked Craab, all linen, groat price,
lOctnta. . , Our Price, 0 Cents
1 rata Bleached Towels, by the pair,
(ringed, great price, Weenta,
Our Price, 10 Cents
t raas 94 Bleached Mohawk Mualin, grot
prion, to cent Our Price, 12tt Cents
A great tale for the ee of every booathold.
1 caa. of Turkey Red Covert, alioa 84 and
10x4, groat price. 11.04 and 11.60.
- Our Pries, SOo. and 69o.
Fat Turkey Ked.
em dm ot ra., onto era cui
51 6 LtenaatCTinl ftUmX
in the lead
Moosic Powder Co,
V S SAM i,l ksaa"
Rooms i ua i tommoweuu uia fc
Lafflln ft Rand Powder Co.s
Orange Gun Powder
Electric Batteries, Fuses for explsoV
log blasts, Safety Fuse and
ftepasno Chemical Co.'s HiguExplosiYa
Coal of the best quality for domettlt
ee, and of all slses. delivered la any
ymr vi im W17 bi ipwm price.
Orders left at my Oflice
Rear room, first floor. Third National
Bank, sr sent by mall or telephone to the
bias, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will be made for tks
MJs aad delivery of Buckwheat CoaL
Stocks, Bonds
and Grain
Bought and sold on New York
Exchange and Chicago Board
of Trade, cither for cash or on
412 Spruce Street
Telephone 5002.
NAtsm or
Ofllost 320 Washington Avcnua.
Workai Na-Ang, Pa E. W. V. R. B.
General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa
2 caeea of Bummer Batbrlgiran Men'a Un
derwear, in all qualities, gran price. 23c..
Ua and G0r.. our
Price to Close Out Entire Lot 20o
00 dozen Men'a White Unlanndried Hhlrta,
pnre lines troeoni, doable front and back,
groat price, 00 oenta,
Our Price, 29 Cents
MOdosftn of On ting Fhlrta, In all qualities
groaa price, 'Sc.. UOc, 60c., OH), and 75c.
We will make a tweep on the entire lot
t and let her go at 29 Cents Your Choice
HOSIERY-lheee prices will hold good '
for all this week. 6.1O pair Mon't gocks
at 5c, gross price, lUc. ; 04 pairs Ladies'
Fast B ack Horn, grots prlie, 10 cents.
Our Price, 5c.l 1 doun of French
Balbrlggan Half Hoee, and Fast Black
Hose, groat price, 2 cents.
Our Price, 12K Cents
Ladies' Vests at one-half lets than elsewhere.
Be careful and call.
to our
Washbtirn'Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pat
rons t hut they, will this year hold to their usual custom
pf milling S'IRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheut ia now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are
of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thrcs
months to muture before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Wtshburn-Crosby Co.'a flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
A complete line of the above celebrated Carpets, in the
latest designs and colorings, with borders to match, suitable
for rooms, halls and stairs absolutely fast colors, unequaled
for wearing qualities and perfection of finish.
Awarded Three Prize Medals
In London. Also First Prize in Bradford, Paris, Am-
sterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Calcutta, Philadelphia,
Dublin and Christchurch. Price, $1 per yard.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
QcnersJ Off ice: SCRANTON, PA.
As it's convenient, ought to be an incentive
to supply yourself with THE BEST.
That's the fruits of dealing, with "The
Handling a certain number
Why? We've never had enough
room to show so many. We're
going to keep the best patterns
only those we're going to get
rid of we're not going to give
away or sell below cost but
iust going to save you a few
dollars sure you won't want
one ?
Of Men's Ties worth 50c. and 25c. will continue
this week 19 CENTS EACH, or 5 for $1.00
(CletMas Department)
. . r- - m
' If jou are not quite sure we
sell good Clothing, stylish
Clothingand well-made Cloth
ing cheaper than anyone else
in town, why don't you come
in and find out one way or the
other? The clerks won't force
you to buy, they'll simply lead
you up to the very suit you
for and allow it to sell itself
the prices are marked in plain
figures they'll do the selling.
Clottlint Department T.HCl Building,
Opposite Our Furniture Store. . . .
Both Sides.
- "7 Wyoming Ave,
Wt erej eeHRveeeay -, W