THE SCHANTOl? TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 9, 1895. , WiteBarre. . . i tTho Tribune has opened a branch of. flee at No. 29, Lanlng building, Publlo Square, Wllkes-Barre. It Is the purpose of the publishers to Issue a newspaper as valuable to ihe general puuuo n ir.nlltun H.lllo. nA riaftver It tO the peO- pie throughout northeaeten Pennsylvania from three to five hours earlier than the Philadelphia and New xora pape van reach them.) THE CITY COUNCIL. No Action Taken on the Water Question as Vet. IA large delegation of cltlxens attend ed the city council meeting last night, hoping to hear something done about the water question, but they were dis appointed. Besides an Informal d'acus tiion, resulting In no action, council dtd. not take up the question at all. It Is aald that a special meeting will soon be lield by the council to discuss this ques tion in full and take action on it. K. W. Williams, chairman of the fire depart ment committee, reported that the en gines of the city were being damaged by pumping water continually, and two of them are now being repaired. The Crystal Spring Water company had promised to do everything In their power to aid the city, but they have done nothing. Mr. Carpenter said ho thought it woukl be a good Idea to erect pumps at certain places In the city, set them to work and compel the water company to pay the cost of do ing so. On motion of M. Ji. Willams, the matter was referred to the fire de partment committee, with power to act. Professor V. H. Dean, the water in spector for the city, reported unfavora bly on all the water furnished the peo ple of this city to drink during Septem ber. The Wllkos-Iinrre -Water com pany was the best, but even this was swampy, ami that taken from the river tainted with sewerage. Council then proceeded to regular business as fol lows: The petitions of S. B. Hadsell, Watkln Jones and .Daniel J. Kinney for ap pointment to the Tegular police force and of Andrew Ruddy and Benjamin Kneur for appointment to the reserve police force were referred to the pollco committee, as was also the applica tion of Officer Michael Connor for pay for time lost while .111. The petition of varloua property owners for . the ex tension of a public sewei on Darra place, below Walnut street, was re ferred to the sewer committee, and the claim of John Mc.Nertney for sinking a water pipe wns referred to the street committee. Clerk IVItrlck read certifi cates of deposit aggregating J23.400.S7 for the month, -which were received and filed, es was also proof of service of a notice on the Delaware and Hudson Canal company to place safety gates nt their crossing on the old River road. The chief of police reported that dur ing September the electric lights had burned 221, hours short, the naptha lamps 29:! hours short, and the gas lamps eighty-five hours short. The amounts were ordered deducted from the bills. Paving warrants aggregat ing $4,02u.09, were ordered drawn. The exoneration committee reported in favor of exoneration from city and pinking fund taxes In the cases of Itobert Wilson estate, Thomas U. Evans, Luke Scanlon, Joseph Brett, Harriett Lloyd, Griffith Jones estate. anl William D. Jones. The report was floated. The Are department committee re ported in favor of allowing the Lehigh Valley .Railroad company to enlarge a portion of their freight depot on North ampton street. The building is to be 211x50 feet, and to be of wood, covered with corrugated Iron plate. The permit was granted. The gas lamp committee reported In favor of a new electric light at the Intersection of 'Club House and Frazer alleys, a gas lamp at the corner of "North and Wyoming streets, and naptha lamps at Grant and Hamilton utreets and on New Grant street, be tween Hillard's lane and Hamilton street. The street commtttee submitted a re port directing that the property owners on Bowman street and Lockhart street tie directed to lay flagstone sidewalks In front of their properties. The stone Mock pave on North street, the vitrified fcrlck on North, Water, Cinderella and lAsh streets, and the asphalt on Wash ington street, were accepted 'by the city. The propriety of opening and extend ing Jones street from Loom is to Hazle, and of paving and curbing Baltimore street, between Market and Northamp ton streets, was referred to the street committee. A resolution by .Mr. Bauer that the street commissioner lay 'pavements on fflazle street, between IMoyellen and Stanton, where the same have not al ready been laid, and .return the cost for collection with 20 per cent, additlon 1. was adopted, and another by Mr. Kirkendall, accepting Richard street, was referred to the utreet committee. Charges of Improper conduct as an officer were preferred by C. W. Tam many against Sergeant Schmltt and re ferred to the street committee.. THE VICTIMS' FUNERALS. Where tho Miners Who Were Killed at nominee Colliery .Will Be Buried. . The funerals of the five victims of the lorrance colliery disaster, whose bodies -were recovered yesterday morning, will take place as follows: The funeral of William Jones, of Mad ison street, will take place this after noon at 3 o'clock. Services will be held at the Calvary church by Rev. W. H. Johnson. Interment -will toe made in Tiollenback cemetery. The funeral of William P. Cahtll. of Grant street , will take place on Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock with a high xnas of requiem at St. Mary's church. The St. Aloyslus society, of which the deceased was a prominent member, will attend. William J. Cahlll, the father of the young man, arrived home from liazleton yesterday. The funeral of Daniel Davis, the Are toss. will take place at 8 o'clock on Thursday afternoon with services at Calvary church, at 3 o'clock and Inter ment In Slollenback cemetery. The body of Michael Morris, who died at the hospital Monday night, was removed to his home yesterday morn" ing and will be burled today. The funeral of Lewellyn Owens, son f W. D. Owens, one of the engineer ,orps, killed at the Dorrance shaft ex (Voalon Monday evening, will take place (pom his residence, on 'Delaware ave 'aie. West Pitt-ton. at 3 o'clock today; -ervlces at the Methodist Episcopal church. For the Hospital. Arrangements have 'been begun fop a grand entertainment to be given In this city In Deoenvber for the benefit of the city hospital, a most deserving ckarlty. The entertainment will con sist of tableaux, dialogues and singing. It Is called the Historical Allegory of America and contains scenes of the Im portant events of this country's history from the discovery by Columbus to the present time. v Over 100 local people will take part and gorgeous costumes and special scenery will be used In the production. The affair will be under the personal management and supervision of Will iam P. Nlckerson, of Boston, a gentle man who has conducted a large number of such entertainments In Jlfferent cities of the country. Piles! Piles! Itohing Piles. Symptoms-Moisture;, Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowd to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be . coming very sore. Bwayne's Ointment tops the Hchlng and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and In mrmt oases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 60 ent. Dr. wayne Bon, Philadelphia. DEATHS IN SEPTEMBER. Figures Compiled by the Sanitary Com mittce. Showing tho City's Mortality. The sanitary committee yesterday re ported the deaths in September as fol lows: (Apoplexy, 1; bronchitis, 2: Tlrlghfs disease, 2; cholera Infantum, 3; con sumption. 6: convulsions. 8: child Dirtn. 4: diphtheria, 1; drowning, 7; entero col itis, 1; enteritis, 3; general debility, 1; heart disease, 1; heart failure, 8; Indi gestion, 1; inflammation of bowels, i; Inflammation of liver, 1; miner's con sumption. 1; malnutrition, 1; obstruc tion of bowels, 2; paralysis, l; pneu monla. 2: stillborn. 9: scarlet fever, 1 teething, 1; typhoid fever, 2; ulceration of bowels, 1; unknown, 2. The total number of deaths during the month was seventy. THE CITY'S FINANCES. Treasurer Thomas Makes His Report to the City Connelt. OMy Treasurer J. IM. Thomas sub mitted bis taitementof ithe city finances to council! last evening as follows: General account. reoe-rpts. 121,189.25; disbursements. $22,308.10; balance, 138,- 747.13. Cemetery account, disburse ments. 8109.42: ibaJance due treasurer. $19.03. Interest account, receipts, $64; disbursements, $836.25; 'balance due treasurer. $8,862.02. finking fund ac count, receipts. $2,147.62: disbursements, $7,G0O; balance, $25,746.28. City building. balance, $1,389.32. Board of Trade Meeting. lAit tlie meeting of t he directors of the board of trade, called by President Asher Rimer on Monday -night, commit tees -were appointed as follows: Manu facturers and Teal estate, Cyrus Straw, chairman; E. H. Jones, Marcus Smiltih, M. B. Houpt, F. 01. KlTkendall. Joseph K. 'W-eiltzenkorn. William II. Conyng- hm; finance, (Isaac Long, cTialrmam; Walter S. Blddle. Joihm Hnnce; streets and 'highways, 'S. L. Brown, chairman; John C. Brklgernam, "W. G. Bno; legisla tion and taxation. John J. iLenanan, chadr-man; George IN. Tt'lchard, John Gra'ho.m; on arbltraitlom, TV. U Raeder, chairman; S. J. WlhWeman. Woodward 'Leavenworth: transportation. C. E. Stegma'Ier. T. IR. Hlllard. W. H. Har vey, George Wallace, J!. T. Long. The chairman announced that the trustees were to elect a secretary and .treasurer. and 'he called for nominations, saying that as 'the first meeting of the board Messrs. 'Nlven and Sterling were recom mended for .those offices. These two were thereupon nominated and elected without opposition. Funeral of Asher Lsiarus. The last tribute was paid to the re mains of lAsher Lazarus yesterday af ternoon at hl-s home on North Franklin street. Rev. Israel Josephs officiated and preached a beautiful sermon. The floral offerings were numerous and very beautiful, among the most notable being a pillow from t'he Elks, a broken wreath from .the Y. M. H. A. and a pil low from the employes of Lazarus Bros. The pall-bearers were Louts Schloss, Charles Consttne. A'be IMarks, Leo Long and Max Gallair.'d, of this city, and Ed ward Blumenthal, of Baltimore. Inter ment was made in the Jewish cemetery at (Hanover. BRIEF NOTES. Miss Kalserjs concert In the Grand Opera house this evening promises to be well attended. The congregation of the First Bap tist church will soon finish their new church structure. Stock has been Issued to the amount of $12,000, divided Into 2.400 shares. The Industrial pehool of St. Stephens' church has enrolled 333 pulplls for this year, over one hundred more than last year. Edward H. Davis, a well-known miner, was killed iby a premature blast at the Dorrance shaft on Monday morning. Simon Long's Sons have put up their firm name In a sign made up of in candescent lights. The quarterly convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence union, third district, will ibe held in this city on Oct. 20, at 2 p. m. An entertainment will "be given at the hall In the eve ning. Judge Denman, of 'Sullivan county, sat yesterday In court In the case of Patterson vs. Toole, an ejectment suit In Plttston. School Director Edward Mackln has reconsidered his determination to re sign, and everything Is serene again. Charles H. Caffrey and Annie Dillon, of Ashley, were married yesterday at 6 o'clock In the morning by Father Hoban, of Ashley. A Hollowe'en social will be held this evening by the Christian Endeavor so ciety of the Welsh Presbyterian church In the chapel building. A gang of men were at work all day yesterday putting the Young Men's Christian . association field In good shape for the annual -games next Sat urday. Frank Reade, the well-known pianist, has returned from Europe, where he spent the summer, and will winter here. Yesterday morning T). J. Dershlmer, Jennie Dershlmer and Clara Phllbln, all of Scranton. were sent to Jail In default of ball for their appearance at court. They were caught In a disrep utable house on Bennett street. The Royal Welsh Ladles' choir has agreed to sing at the unveiling of the Gwllym Gwent monument on Oct. 16. This Is probably the best ladies' choir In the world. All the large office buildings In the city are providing separate bicycle houses for the convenience of their cycling tenants. Teams are engaged In hauling five Inch pipe up the mountain to be used on the pipe line which Is to be continued from Parsons to New York. The lecture course of the coming Teachers' Institute In attracting gen eral attention (by Its excellence. The funeral of Miss Bessie Mande vllle will take place tomorrow after noon from her parents' home, on South Main street. DO NOT NEGLECT the symptoms of Impure blood. Do not disregard Nature's cry for help. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla and guard against serious Illness and pro longed suffering. HOOD'S PILL8 for the liver and bowels, act easily yet promptly and effectively. AVOCA, (Rev. J, IB. "Wagner and wife and Misses Edith Rolls and Tlertle Lee were In attendance at the -Epworth league convention which t Ibelng held at Wllkes-Barre this week. Thomas Thomas, of West Avoca, Is lying dangerously 111 alt the home of hla mother, on Oeddlng street. The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth odist 'Episcopal church will assemble at the home of Mrs. McGuIre, of the West Side, this afternoon. A slight altercation took place yester day morning (between the laborers and contractors of the new 811k mill In re gard to wages. It Is expected that the difficulties will be adjusted today, and the regular corps will report for duty. Car Mo. 36 lumped the track last eve ning on the lower end of the line, de laying traffic for several hours. An other of 'the many unconvenlences that we are subject to, and which the com pany takes no measures to remedy. OS. 3. Dixon, of this place, entered as a law student at the Dickinson Law school, at Scranton, yesterday. The Foreign -Missionary society, com posed of ladies of the Methodist "Sols- copal ohuroh, held a conference at the parsonage yesterday afternoon. Mrs. M. Morris la lying dangerously A WOMAN A woman has many pleasures and muon to Do thankful for; but, alas she also haa many pains. A woman may not be the slave of man, but where ber affections are con cerned she Is devoted to him, and often over-taxes herself thereby. A woman will often, without know ing it, commit slow suicide for her children. She will think, toll and short en her life in their behalf. Too often they do not appreciate it. A woman should not allow her color to fade, her cheeks to become sallow. her strength to be lost. She Is de signed for attractiveness and happi ness. A woman need not allow any of those things to happen if she will only obey the laws of health and use the best means at her command for preserving It. A woman needs a friend upon whom she can rely, and there is no friend which so surely aids her when she 1s In need of aid as that great remedy. Warners Safe Cure. A woman who has never learned this great truth or who has failed to avail herself of it. has lost a fine opportunity and is doubtless less strong and at tractive today than she deserves to be and might be. A woman who follows the best hints that can bo riven her. and who takes advantage of the latest discoveries of science for helping her. is certain to live longer, appear more attractive, suffer less and enjoy more happiness tnan one who neglects her opportunities. Ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Christian, of Main street. !Mrs. E. Frue and daughter. Mrs. Wil liam Howell, of the West End, were vis itors among Plttston friends yesterday. Master John Jennings, son of Thom as Jennings, of Denver, Colo., and fnam.rlv fif thld tOWH. 19 SDCndlng ft few months at the home of his grand father, James Jennings. It E Sl.rirt u'h.1 h hppn pmDlOVed as bookkeeper for the Lankcllffe Coal company, of this place, has been trans ferred to Parsons, where he will make his future come. ARCHIBALD, The congregation of St. Thomas will hold a grand entertainment and festi val in the basement or tne cnurcn to morrow evening and Friday evening. An excellent programme has been ar ranged. The school board met In regular ses sion on Monday evening. All members were present, and President Myers pre sided. 'William Gaughan, Charles Burke and Tlllte Klnlty were re-em ployed as night school teachers for the coming year .and Mary O' Boyle, Mar tha Stearne and Ellle Holmes were added to the corps, they having been se lected out of five applicants for posi tions on the corps of night teachers. The day teachers at Edgerton and the Ridge were also engaged to teach at night at those schools. The night schools will onen the first Monday In November. After the chair appointed a committee to get an estimate of the cost of connecting the central schools by telephone, the meeting adjourned. The meeting of the horough council last evening was as entertaining as usual, although not quite as lively as the September meeting. All the mem bers were present, and President Lane presided. The Traction company re ceived the usual amount of censure for Its failure to keep its road and culverts In repair, and the borough attorney was directed to notify the offi cials that suit Willi be brought against them if they fall to do what Is required of them. IMr. flcanlan stated that he was ready to have his work on the crosswalks examined, and agreeably to a motion the chair appointed the bur gess and .Messrs. Jones and Padden a committee to report at a meeting to be held on Friday evening. At Mils Juncture, M. F. Moran pre sented an ordinance asking a right of way over several streets In the borough for the Ardhbald Electric company. The seoretary stated that the righit of the Lackawanna Valley Rapid Transit company had not ibeen forfeited, and he thought it premature to grant a right over the name streets to another company, lie therefore moved that the right granted to the Lackawanna Transit company be declared null and void. His motion was promptly sec onded. The president doubted If the franchise could be nullified by a mere motion, and Instanced the case of the borough and the Carbondale Traction company two years ago. He urged the council to proceed cautiously but tho majority seemed satisfied that they could revoke the right by motion, and the president let it go at that. The ordinance was then read and this Is what followed: IMr. G'ilmartin: "7 think this Is a pretty good ordinance." iMr. Wagner: "I think It reads all right, but we ought to consider a little before passing It." Burgess Burke: "I don't think It's all right. I notice some of those who are now asking this right of way were kicking against the council last year be cause It gave the right of way over one street to the Carbondale company. This company Is asking too much. We don't want any more railways; we have more on our hands now than we can manage." Mr. Lane: "This company will never lay a track. I know every one In It, and I th'ink this franchise Is wanted Just for speculation." Mr. Gll.martln: ''But this company tilnds Itself to lay its tracks within two years. Its ordinance Is 'better than the ordinance of the other company." Mr. Lane: "I known its ordinance Is better, and I know the company Is better because I. am sure It will never lay a rail." - ' ' - IMr. Jones: I am opposed to the granting of this franchise as I opposed the last. In the first place there Is no necessity for a railway on those streets, and In the second place I be lieve If there Is any compensation to be derived from the giving of this fran chise the borough treasury should be benefitted. ' I am satisfied that this right Is wanted Just for speculation, and I feel Justified In opposing It." Mr. Gllmartln said there was no need of being In a hurry, and Mr. Wagner agreed with him. sime or tne eoun cllmen thought otherwise, and a vote was taken on the par-sage of .the or dinance. Dougher. McOlynn, Gllmar tln, Manley and Kleribause voted In favor of the ordinance: Jones and Luna voted against It. and Wagner and Pad den would not vote the ordinance. SIBLEY. Mr. Carson, bookkeeper for Jermyn A Co., Rendham, Is pit-paring to build a house on tUbley avenue, Rendham. Mrs. M. IHowell. of Sussus street. Barbertown, who met with an accident by a fall a week ago. Is recovering. A young mason has arrived In town who, in the future, will make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Haydon, of the Bib ley. Mr. Hunter la building a house on Main street, Sibley, where he intends to live In the future. . . Charles Heale, a former resident here. has moved back with his family to Bussus street, Barbertown. Mrs. John JSvans, after a long Illness, died at her home. Back road, eibley, on Thursday last. Interment at . the Brick church, on Sunday, Oct. f. , HALL8TCAD. ' J. Compton. of Dunmore, Is visiting his son, J. J. Compton, on Main street. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. D. Burton. Mrs. 'Law, of Ithaca, who has been visiting friends In town, hat returned home. A number or the young friends of Miss Mettle Knapp gave her a surprise on Tuesday evening. 01 GENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID KOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAROSE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIKS TO SMALL WANT AT)S.. EX CEPT ICAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Under date of Oct. R, a woman living in Avoca writes to The Tribune: "Please omit my adver tisement of 'Situation Wanted as Housekeeper, and accept my sin cere thanks for vour kindness and for the nice home I have secured through the advertisement you so kindly published for me." The original of this letter may be seen at The Tribune business office. Tribune adlets pay'. Try 'em. 1 Help Wanted Mai. V williag to work, to tend bar and make himself uieful about the hotel; Uerman or Amvriinn preforrd. Apply at lark Summit Hotel. rRr-D WEk'IIEL, JR.. Pr..p r. WANTF.D-A FEW HOOD MACHINISTS. Apply to Natlosal Elorator and Ma chine fa, Uonendale, Pa. Q INGLE MAN WAN'lED TO WORK O hurt dipping and Krooming marhtn and nanay wim norses. at H 1. K i-.L,i-cn a uaoa awauna Carriage Works. 81 Adams avenue. AfEN TO TAKR ORDERS IN EVERY ll town and city: no delivering; g.iod wages; pay weekly; no capital; steady worn. uii& OHI O.. KocneHier, n. WANTED A LIVE SALESMAN. WOULD you like a permanent position paying $150 monthly? Particulars tree; noreddflng; rnoda entirely new. Address 1. o. Box tuua. Boston, alasa. AGENTS-MEN WANTED, ALREADY traveling, to carrr lubricating oils as a sine una. MAW u tAtl ukeks xjiu w, HBveiauo, u. VV ANTED- WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 'I evrr town to solicit stock aubsfirin- tions; a monopoly: bis money for aconwt no capital required. EDWARD a FISH CO., Borden Block, Chioaga 111. SALESMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN wanted, acquainted with the : local and nanrby drug and grocery trade, to baudle oar line of high grade rigara. Address, giving reference., J. EDWARD C0WLE3 CO., 113 l nam ners street, . , Help Wanted Females. I7ANTKD A GOOD OIKL FOR GEN- oral houaeworlc Apply today at 130 North Bromley avenue, Weat Side. 117 ANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL VV homework. Apply to DR. RICE, 648 weostcr avenue. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER cetlo saleswomen to re t resent us. Guaranteed $0 a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, wrlto lor particulars, incioains stamp, aiango 1 nem ical Company, Ko 7s John street. New York. agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO canvass for our New Holiday Juvenile Books, four Christmas Beantien; sell at sight; liberal terma. Addreaa SPECIALTY, Sub station a z, y niiaacipms, fa. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and expenses paid. Addreaa. wim two-cento atamp, muahu Ul OAK CO., Cnicago. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro pmtera: price irora s.i upward ; aaiary ana ex penses paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; $Ji week It and expenses; experience un necessary. (ON SOLI DATED MFG. C0...4S V an iiuren at., micago. CALEBMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; S3 per cam. commission, sample ooos. mailed fret. Address L, N. CO., Station L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell now liirhtnlns scllins table cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at 10 cents and 26 centN a no' tie. eampin ire. subUiAnu M'F'G Co., Baltimore, lid. AGENTB-HINDEB PATENT UNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavera fused with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 45. Nsw York. WANTtD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Salarr, $7K per month and exponsea paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 43US, Boston, Masa Salesman Wanted. WANTED SALESMEN ENERGETIC men to sell ffnods by sample at home. or travel; easv seller: staple roods; liberal nlary or good commission. Address P. O. Box nun, Mew York city. SALF8MAN TO SELL DENTAL MEDI clnes to the profesHion in Scrnntnn and stirronn-Ilnr towns. DENTAL MEDICINE CO , l?JI Filbert street. Philadelphia. For Rant. riWOOFUCUS. CLOHKT, KTKAM HEAT, X runnlnir water, decorations, front, con spicuous; $10. . Ol BbON JONES, 811 Spruce street. IjMNRST BACHELOR APARTMENTS IN 1 ritv: steam heat: handsome suite: all comforts and cboarful: aoure it quick. w. HitimjA ju. cs, on ctpruce street. OUPE MOREHOUSE TrLETADIB6N 13 avenue, be inle to not mls seeinir this before renting. Also house on Jefferson. n.uiunvn tiv.-ico, uii oprucn street. II OUSE TO RENT-.t TWELFTH ST., West Side. Apply-IM Rock street. FOR RBNT-ONE-H ALF HOUSR NO. 207H Nor'h Main avenno; U rooms, gas, water, furnsceand bath room and harn. Inquire at Anderson's News Rooms, Providnncn Hquare. lOR RENT FUR ' IS RED ROOM. WITH I or without board, suitable for two per sons, l.u Adams avc. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOli HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVAN 8, aear 1183 Luserne, Hyde Park. FOR P. EN T N I CIX Y FURNISHED HALL suitable for ludira Moms. JOHN JER MYN. 1 lis Wyoinlim iiTMne. far 5alv OR SALE-FARM, STUCK- AND ALL V farming nteimila. lnnnlre bf J. M. NHEF. FIELD, 711 Hcranton street, Hnranto i. Pa. L'OR SALE-14 HEAD OF WELL-BRED I trottlne and racing horses will be sold at B'lctlon 1 1 tho blithest bidder at the Scranton Driving Park, Thursday, Oct, 10, nt 2 o'clock In 'he nftrrnonn. W. M .TBRVVN. Money to Loan. P ROMP I LOANS ON RAL EST TB r8 curlty. U. W. CRUSER, 40U Lackawan na avenue, Bualntae OpportunUiea. WANTED PARTY WITH ABILITY AND small capital can make big money quickly; referene a BUSINESS, Trliune office. toaelal Notices. 1TOTIce-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I li wi 1 make - a moatalr tour of the follow ing placet glvlup free up -n air advertising sx- lilbitlone wi:h the stereopllcnn: Taylorville, ttyae rar, rrovmence, uicason uiypnsnt, Peekvllle. . Archbald. Jermvn. Kihihltlmis given on Wednesday and Friday of eaob week dnrleg the month, the rates for adrer tia ng are 1( per month. Address E. H. Call. Tribune offloe, alty. - "THE SOLDIER IN OURCrVlL WAH," X Von want thia relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures. show 1 . 1 . 1 , .u- las bu luicee 111 buiimm ini.viv. hvwun uu iuu snot. Two volumes, S.0UJ pictures, Sold oa easy monthly payments Delivered by ex press complete, an enarges prepaio. Auuress P. O. MOODY. OS Adams Ave., Serantoo, pa. B1 LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA alnaa. etn.. hound of. Mhound at TUB TRtavaa office. Woick work, Reasonable prioaa. Comnollv THOSC THE Very Latest Sleeves IDEAS Byar NO. :ift!)-ASTRAUlAN CAPE. Thibet Trimmed, $10.00. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Legal. IN RE: ESTATE OF VM. A. MYERS, LATE of Lackawanna connty. deceased: Notice Is hereby given that the petition of Win. P. Litis, surviving administrator, etc. of said deceased, ts be disc-barged from bis said trust, will be beard by and before the Orphans' Court of said connty on Friday, Oct. 2ft,lUo. E. O. NEWCuMB, Attorney. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF Lackawanna County, No. 137, January Terra, 1W15: Mary L. i-'rouch, by her next next friend, etc., vs. Oeorg Edward French. To the above named respondent: You will please take notice that a rule to Show cause why a divorce shall not te grant ed against you nas been granted by the court, returnable to next Argument Court October SI, 18lk. Service of thia rule is made by publi cation, because personal service cannot be made. WM. F. BOYLE. Attorney for Lllicllant. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-A MIDDLtS AGED, refined American widow would like situa tion aa managing housekeeper or companion; no objection to traveling; can give Dcst oi ref erence. W. W. VERNON, General Delivery, city. SITUATION WANTED - YOUNG LADY ) would like nnsition as bookkeeuer or of fice assistant: baa had experience and can give good reference. Adpress MABGARtT, Gen eral ueuvery, caramon, ra. SITUATION WANTED BY A SOBER. IN- U duatrious man as coaebman or ttamswr; bas had large experience; reference if re quired . Address TEAKSTER, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED -BY AN EXPEK1 O enced bartender, day or night, city or country; goon rsisrencea. Address n.u. i. Tribune office. QITUATION WANTED-BY A BUTCHER; O has worked at tho business the last eight years; can show good references. Address 530 L.acaawanna ave. QlTUATl6WANtED-BY A YOUNG kj iaay as Doosxeeper; two years' expert enee: best reference. Address T. M. G. Gen eral Delivery, Scranton, Pa. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG man of experience with irachinery; a stationary engineer, and is willing to make nimaeir generally uaeiui. Adureaa iws va pouae avenue, Scranton. WANTED A POSITION AS H0U3E keeper; can do washing and Ironing. Addreaa MRS. E. JACKSON, Hampton St. OITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O girl at general housework or chamber maid, oiu emmet street A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE PORI J tion as stenographer and typewriter: has naa experience; can give tne nest ot reitr encea. Addross 8. B., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED CLERK STEAK shlp agency or general store, by voung man U years of ago; tobrr, industrious, speaks nve languages ana can lurinsn oest or reier ences; would accept a position at a moderate salary- K. M. F., care Tribune office PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Fridge and Crown work. Office, 825 Washington avenue. cTc7lUBACH.SUR No. 11S Wyoming avenue. B. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physiciutis and Surgeons. DR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa, (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.: 1 to $ P. M.: rail 2062. DIs. of women, obstretrica and and all dls. of chll. DR. W." & ALELN,C12 North Washington avenue. DR. C.L. FREY, TRACTICE LIMITED dlseaees of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office. 122 Wyoming- ave. Resi dence. 629 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours. 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 8 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madl- 1 on avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON, RELIABLE SKIN, Tumor and cancer npcciansi. iuesuy and Fridays, at 603 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue. Scran ton, I "a. JESSUI'S A HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth Building, Washlnirton avenue. W. II. JKSSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I and I Library building , Scranton, Pa, ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common, wealth building. Rooms It, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY -AT Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY . at-Law, rooms 63, S4 and 60, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W7 EDOARTATTOnNBY-AT Law, Office, 817 Spruce at., Scranton, Pa. I A. WATRE8. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 428 Lackawana ave., Hcranton, Pa URIB TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Bcranton. Money to loan in large eums at I per cent, C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building, scran ton. Pn. cTcdMBaYsTm bp'ruce street. D. B. KEPLOaLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate socuruy. v Bpruce street ST F. KILLAM. ATt6rnETAT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Bcranton, Pa JAB. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT la w, common wea 1 in Did g, ncranton. J. It. ft HANCK, IN WTOatUni A Vat, . Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT 614 Meridian street, Park Hill, MedleaL LADisttt ChlchMtsrt btrflM rmmmrm 1 . ! : i-' t 1 I KO. TRY US. 602-604 UCXL IVE., COR. IDMl Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa prepares boys and girls for collge or buaineas; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN.. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens 8ept . Kindergarten $10 per Una. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 28, Commonwealth building, Bcranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear ot 608 Washington avenut. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 436 Spruce at, car. Waah. ave., Bcranton. BROWN A MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 126 Washington avenue. Hcranton. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA wanna avenue, Bcranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on & N. Calfender, Dime Bank building. Seeds. G. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen ; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house. 1360 North Main ave nue; store talephoe 782. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts music store. MEGARQEE BROTHERS. PrTnTERS7 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Fa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE aale dealers In Woodware, cordage and OII Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce, Agent for the Rex Fir Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLEU. Proprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D,", L. A W. Eassengor depot. Conducted on the luropcan plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St and Irving Place, ' New York. Rates, 83.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, , Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and .--usquebanna Division) Anthracite coal used exclusively, inaur. Ing cleanliness and comfort. ii.MK l AHl.t. 1.N UFjcECT JUNE S, 1895. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, W llkes-Barre, etc, at 8.M, t.U, 11.80 am.. 1.23, Z.vo. 3.06. 6.U0, 7.10 p. lit. Sundaya, fciM a. m., 1.00. 2.10, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.2) (express! a. m., 1.23 (xxpress wun Hut fet parlor car), 1.06 (expresa) p.m. Bun day, 2.16 p. m. Train leaving 1.23 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal. 6.21 p. m. and New York 4 46 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Pethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.30 am.. 3.05, 5.0O (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.16 p.m. For Loug Brai ranch, Ocean Grove, ate., at 870 a, m., 1.28 p. m (Tor Readlnr. Lebanon and Harrlebura vln. Allentown. 8.20 a. in.. 1.22. 6.00 n. m. Sunday. 1.16 p.m. Kor roue vi ne, s.zun. m.. i.a p. re. net ui ii 11 s, iovv j.ew ., iwi 01 sjio erty street. North river, at (.10 (express) a.m.. 1.10. 1.80. 480 (express with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 am. Lave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal l.oo am., 2.00 and 4.80 p.m. Sunday 4.27 a.m. Through tickets tn all points at lowest rates may bo had on application in ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. it F. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agent 7. R. OLHAUBBN. Oen. Suet DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL' ROAD. "'. Commenclnr Monday, f? wlllarrlva at new Lack awanna venuj as follows: Trains will leave Scran ton station' for Carbondale ana. in termediate points at 180. 6 46, 7.00. 8 and 10.10 a.m.. 11.80. IK. 166, 5.1. (.16, 7.25, (.10 'For'Farvtow, Waymart and -H.0"1 at 7.00, 126 and 10.10 a.m.,1100, 110 and all P'For Albany. Saratoga, tha Aalrondaeks and Montreal at (.46 am. and 8 ao p.m bolntn at 7.46. 8.46, (.88 and 10.46 am.r 1106, 1.2.. 188. 4.0076,10, 6.06, (.11 and 11.36 P.m. Trains win arrive ai dc - . ... from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, 140, (.84 and 10,40 am.. 1100, 1.17.1H 140. iM, 6.66. 7.46, 111 and 11.J8 P .' From Honaadala. Waymart and Far- view at (.84 am., ilto, 1.17. 140, 6.56 and Frornn'Montreal Saratoga, Albany, ete., at 4.(4 and ll.8 p.m. ....... From Wllkes-Barre an Intermediate points at lit, 104, 10.46 and 11.66 am., t it, Lit. Ml, 6.1 108. T.M. 1 Bd 11.18 p.m. , iffg Wallace HIS k&kf And Capos VS. 9 ARe HERB Ill KERSEY JACKET. Silk Lined, $10.00. Ziti2&S UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, . . 4 Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 11, 185. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.06, 1.20. 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D.. X W. R. a, (.00, 8.08, 1L20 a. nt, and 1.31 p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes Barre, via D., L. eV W. R. R., LOO, lot, U.28 a. m., 8.60, 6.07, 6.63 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha cleton, Pottsvllle and all points on tha Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. ., 8.40 a.m., via D. A H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m.. 12.00, 1.20. 2.88. 4.00 p. m.. Via D.. L. A W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a nt. 1.80, 3.60 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate foints via D. V H. R. R.. 7.46 am., 1105, 20. 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D., L, ft W. ft. R , 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkbannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R.. 8.41 a.m.. 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. ft W. R. R., 8.03. 3.66 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and Ml Iiolnta west via D. & H. R R., 8.46 a.m., 2.05. (.16, 11.38 p.m.. via P., L. ft W. R. R. and Plttston Junction. 8.08, (.66 a.m., 1.30, (,60 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 8.41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. ft H. R. R., 8.46 a.m., 12.05. 8.06 p.m. Via D., L. ft W. It R.. 8.08, (.66 am., 1.34. and 8.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all tralna between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. Bupt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt, Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Geo, Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday. June 24, 18S6. Tralna leave Scranton as follows: Ex. fress for New York and all points East 40, 2.60. 6.15, 8.00 and 8.66 am.; 12.66 and 8.3 p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 6.16, 8.00 and (.66 ant. 12.55 and 3.34 p.m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p.m. Tohyhanna accommodation, (.10 p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswcto, El mlra, Cornlnf, Ita'h, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 185 a.m.. and 1.21 p.m., making cloae connections at But faio to all points In the West , Northwsst and Southwest. Bath accommodation, ( am. Bin ir ham ton and way stations, 1137 p.m, Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. ana 6.10 p. m.. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, 1.0) p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweg Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.36 a.m. ana) 124 p.m. Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath t am. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan villa, making close connections at North, umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. NorthumHerland and intermediate sta tions, COO. (.56 a.m. and 1.30 and (.07 p.m. . Nantlcoke and intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oa all express tralna . For detailed Information, pocket time .-li .. , T. tamlth. elt ticket 'offlce, 329 Lackawanna avenue, 0 depot ticket offlce. . Erie and Wyoming Valley. Train. Ian,.. Snrantnn fnr ,e York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. und 3.24 p. m. Also fof Honeaiiale, Hnwlcv and local points al 7.00, (.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. ; All the above ure through trains to and from Ilonesdalo. Trains leave for Wllkea-Barro at (.38 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. MCKAXTON DlVISIOn. la F.ffort Kep tons ker 32sial, 184J3. Hank annus). S30MIM 803 01 m & Stations 2 fi (Trains DaUy, He u r, 1 cept aunday.) ir aiAmve teavei 7 N. Y. Franuui s. , 7lWest 4tnd street), 1 ool Weekawkea , TtH'-"T IS "lr al " I ' r sMArnve uemnt 1 lNH'ancoak JuneUoni IM 12 ii Haooock I 1 . - e a " r ( .... m .... in .... 131 .... 141 .... I6S .... 164 A:::ti lt Starilgbt PrestaJiPark cosso PoynteJl Belmont Plesanat Mt. ' U Blend ale Poreetcity . Carbondale -White TtrMga Mayneld Jermyn - Archibald Wloton PeckTUle - Olvphaat . Dickson Throop Providence Park Pisca hl4 lt 1: I(I4 nicn ( 11 ni II 81 I6 4MI10 1 47.H I 8 4V in mi t!4l 4 (41 it 6IN (m 11 1 Tsoj l rniM .... ((Hi 11 11 (i nor TS8 40 714144 8( (16 11 Oil 11 o it ri 7(4 4101 T.4! (li (IK (M 10 vh Scranton Ltave) - Arrive All tralss run dally except Sunday. f. stislfiea that iralnastopoa algnal tar pas nngera. secure rates via Ontario a Western before mrcaaalnf tlrketi and aav asooey. Day aad mngt 1 1 press to the waat. - , J. 0. Aatleraan, Gea pata At T. nitoroa, Sif. f aw, APsTaatan, fa. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers