The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 08, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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George .Moon Rondcre J Insensible at th
Kaitroad Crossing.
Yeaterday mornlnft George Moon,
who is employed as clerk In the Dela
ware and Hudson locomotive shops,
met with a very serious accident, which
rendered htm insensible for some time.
Mr. Moon has been llvinit near Clif
ford for the past few months, and
drives to and from work every day.
The home he drives Is a very skittish
one. and Is easily frightened. While
crossing the tracks nt IHnidaff street
yesterday morniiiK the horse became
frightened at a passing locomotive, and
pave a Jump to one side. As he Jumped
the vhvl of the carriage oausrht In a
rail and Mr. Moon was thrown violently
out. his head strlkii'K a rail with rreat
force. He was picked up unconscious
ami carried to a hotel near by. He was
cared for here until he had sufficiently
recovered and was then taken to the
office of Vr. Lowery. where his wounus
were properly dressed. The wound on
Ms head was found to be quite bad, and
besides this there were several other
bad bruises on his !body. Mr. Moon
was finally able to resume his duties.
This is the second time the horse has
evn frlehtened at the crossing, a sim
ilar accident occurring some time ugo.
Enters the Homo of Motthow IHjIanoy. of
DunJuff Street.
(It U with preat sadness that we
chronicle the death of Matthew De
laney. of IMnulaft" street, which oc
ounvd Sunday afternoon.
Htrt a Fhorftime ago IMr. Ie!aney was
In the best of health, and was about his
utore as usual. A week asro Saturday
rvenlnst. however. Mr. Deluney com
plained of feeling ill and at once took to
his lied. 'From 'fh:i't tim-e he sank rapid
ly until the end. Ills death was due to
paresis. ,
Mr. Delaney was 43 years of affe nnd
has spent his entire life In Carbomlale.
Blurlns his early life he was employed
In the Co-operative store, where he ac
quired his business training. Later he
formed a partnership with John Mer
rick and for some time they conducted
a' tore at the corner of .Main street and
alm avenue. For the past tive years
yir. rvianey 'has conducted a similar
establishment on 'VHinduff street.
Deceased Is survived by a wife nnd
t wo isters. 'Mrs. John R'Mand and Mrs.
IXmilnU'k iMoUowan. The funeral ser
ies will be held Wednesday mornlmj
mi ft. Kose church. wher a mass of
requiem will be held. .Mr. TVlaney was
a member of the Catholic Mutual Bene
ficial association and of the Ancient
Order of 'Hibernians, bivth of which will
attend the funeral In a body.
A Wreath on the Altar Is Suddenly
Sunday night at St. Rose church oc
curred the reception of the Angel's
sodality. In which over a hundred sirla
and seventeen boys were received into
the sodality. The services were very
Impressive, but all were finally pro
nounced members of the sodality. Be
fore the benediction, however, the
flowers on the altar caught fire, and in
an instant were blazing fiercely away.
The people In the seats were startled
end a great many people started from
their seat Several men yaw what
would happen, should a rush be made
for the doors, and called for the peo
ple to take their seats.
This probably faved many; people
from becoming Injured. John Moran
and Joseph O'Rourke grabbed the blaz
ing flowers and threw them out, burn
ing their clothFS badly In the act. If
it bad not been for the presence of
mind and prompt action of the two
lads, the laces and vails would have
been fired, and the results would prob
ably have been much more serious.
Plans and Specifications Now Ready
for Inspection.
At the meeting of the councils, soon
after the giving way of the Eighth ave
nue bridge, a resolution was passed
asking that plans for a new bridge be
prepared by Engineer Frlck. Mr. Frlck
has since been working upon them and
yesterday completed the job.
If the plans are adopted by the coun
cils, the city will be supplied with a
handsome and serviceable bridge at
that point. The structure will be sixty
three feet In length and forty-eight
feet wide. The roadway will be thirty
feet wide and there will be two side
walks, each nine fept wide. The bridge
will be built entirely of Iron and will
have a floor system which will be con
structed for pave or macadem road.
The bridge will be very strong, the
girders sustaining 100 pounds to the
square foot, and the whole thing will
be proportioned to hold a 10-ton roller
with safety.
The cost will probably "be In the
neighborhood of $5,000.
(Tie Sixth Ward Republicans Organlro for
the Fall Campaign.
Amnnfr the most active workers In
the political circles of this city are the
voters of the Sixth ward. The workers
were the foremost In the organization
of the Lackawanna Republican club
last year which proved such a help to
the Republican candidates. They will
not abandon the .Lackawanna club, but
they think that the organization of a
ward club will be of great benpfit.
The men are getting ready for the
tiext spring election and they promise
to make a fierce fight. J. J. Delevan Is
circulating among the voters an agree
ment for the formation of the Sixth
."Ward Republican club, and has al
ready reoeived seventy-six signers.
Finger Amputated.
Some time ago John Lowery, of
Greenfield, split one of his fingers open.
He bandaged the finger, expecting It
would soon be healed. It did not, how
ever, and gave him considerable pain,
yesterday he came to this city and
called upon Dr. NHes, who found It
necessary to amputate part of the
Their Horse Kicked.
Sunday morning Charles Blair and
George IMoyles secured a horse arod car
riage and started off on a pleasure trip.
They went toward Jermyn and had got
along finely until they reached Pike
street, when the horse balked. It not
only balked, however, but, perhaps,
thinking variety would add Interest to
TERMS-llrtcth CaSH DiHne ThU gale.
" Icuma, Draperies, Window
Shades, and Wall Paper,
We have decided on a Sweeping Redac
tion rather than cover op onr foods dur
ing our extensive improvements, and
here marked down everything in the
tore at coat and less. See onr Window
Display, which will nbatantis.te what we
Inertia. Carpets hem 15c. le Me.. Worth J5c. te 75c
rutttls Carpets, 40c te 80s., Werth lOc. ts t0.
Wall Papers, Bo., Werth 10c,
And everything eke la proportion.
the performance, it began to kick. In
less than one minute the dash board of
the buggy was demolished and the
horse then proceeded to finish the bug
gy. Before it had accomplished much
more, it caught Its foot in part of the
harness and fell to the ground. The
harness had to be cut before the horse
could be loosened and the trip was then
declared "off."
Water Taken to IVckville from This City
In Old Gravity Hollers.
People who hnH occasion to pass the
Delaware and Hudson shops, at the
head of Main street, Saturday night,
might have wondered what caused the
unusually hurry and bustle at that late
hour. The reason for the work was
that the men had recelvednrders to re
pair and place in water-tight condition
the old gravity boilers which were lying
around the shop. The Job was a long
one and the men worked nil day and
Sunday before they were tight enough
to hold water.
As soon as finished the boilers were
placed upon (lat cars, two being neces
sary for each. As soon as placed upon
the cars the boilers were lllled with
water from this city and taken to Peck
ville and other places where the
drought had so dried up the water sup
ply that unless gotten from outside
Bources the engines on the gravity road
would be obliged to shut down.
The Urldgo Unvo Way.
Yesterday morning while driving to
this city. J. R. Slocum, of ClItToivl. met
with a bad accident. As he was crosa
lug a bridge over a creek near the
Hrlggs rchool house. In Ureentield, a
plank gnve way and one of his colts
went through. It was wMh much ditll
culty that the colt was released and
then It was found 'hat it had been bad
ly Injured. The Oreei! field supervisors
will be asked to pay for the damages.
SMlss Jennie 'Kelly, of Blnghamton, !s
the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. P. Mc
Coy. Miss Smith, of Park street, Is visiting
relatives In iScranton.
Announcement Is made of the coming
marriage of 'Miss Julia Sherlock to
Robert A. Hryson. of Salem avenue.
The marriage will occur on Wednesday,
Nov. 6, and will be performed by Rev.
Charles Lee, of the First Presbyterian
church, ltoth of the young people have
it host of friends In this city, who will
be glad to congratulate them upon the
coming event.
Frank Morgan, of Spring street, was
visiting in Scranton yesterday.
Horace I. Fox, of the International
hotel, at Niagara Falls, was the guest
of his son, F. 'M. Fox. yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller have
returned from their cottage at Crystal
James Monk, of Relmont street. Is
very 111 with typhoid fever, and It is
doubtful If he will recover.
iMrs. Harriet Herring and Miss Ollna
Herring were in Kingston yes'erday,
attending the funeral of (Mrs. L. C.
Misses Katie .Mahnn. of Kingston,
and Agnes Ford, of Wilkes-Rarre, an;
the guests of Mrs. John Judge, of Pike
M Ms Clara Doyle, of this city, will
act as bridesmaid at the wedding of
Miss Mary Ryan, of Hnnesdale, to M.
J. Howley. of Hawley. Miss Ryan Is a
sister to Edward Ryan and a daughter
of iMr. and iMrs. Philip Ryan, of Car
bomlale. T. V. Powderly, Jr., left this city yes
terday morning for 'Buffalo, N V..
where he will attend the convention of
the Commercial Travelers' union.
Miss Mary O'fJrady was In Scranton
yesterday attending the funeral of Mrs.
P. F. McCann. of Coogan Brothers
Clothing house, left yesterday for a
two-weeks' vacation. He will visit
Buffalo nd Niagara Falls.
Rev. J. 17. Hussle, of Rently Creek,
called on friends In town yesterday.
Mrs. Albert Richmond, of Bridgeport.
Conn., a former well-known resident of
this city. Is visiting friends here.
Mrs. J. Moran, of Woodlawn avenue.
Is able to be about again after a short
George Giles Is 111 at his home, on
Terrace street.
A. W. Bunllek and wife are visiting
In Philadelphia. .
Mrs. F. W. Mills Is confined to her
home, on Lincoln avenue, by sickness.
'Miss Cora Ellis, of Waymart, is the
guest of .Mr. and IMrs. John J. Simp
son, of River street.
Mis Margaret Walker and nephew,
Harry 'Brady, left yesterday for Bridge
port. Conn., where they will make their
permanent home.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and BlafHer diseases
rel'everl In six hours by the "New South
American Kidney Cure. This new rem
edy is a great surprise on aoount of its
exeeed'ng promptness In relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part
of the urinary passnges. In male or fe
male. It relieves retention of water and
pain In passing It almost immediately. If
you want quirk relief nnd cur. this is
your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris. Drug
gist, 126 Penn avenue, Scranton, la.
iMr and Mfs. Thomas Cornish, Mr.
and Mrs. William Dougherty, of Car
bondale. and Mr. ar.'i Mrs. Klijah Swin
gle of Dunmore, were the guests of
Mr! and Mrs. Z. 'P. Travlss last Sunday.
).Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Peck, of Carbon
dale, spent 'Sunday In town.
C. D. Keller made a .business trip to
Wind Gap last Saturday.
Mrs. V?. C; Warner spent Sunday
with' relatives In Green Ridge.
iMlss Anna Lathyam. of Tompkins
viile. Is the guest of Miss Belle Wal
lace, on Main street.
iMrs. IM. B. Wa'deman and son, Roy,
spent Saturday with friends in Car
bondale. Mrs. R F. Bennett, of Plainsvllle,
spent FrUlay with IMrs. A. C. Greene.
Mr. and iMrs. Jay Tuthlll spent Sun
day at Carbondale.
The Ladles' 'Aid society of the Bap
tist church will hold an oyster supper
at the residence of Mrs. Frank Picker
ing next Friday evening. Supper from
6 to 10. Oysters served In every style.
Wanted A Janitor for the Baptist
church. Apply to Nlles H. Johnson.
iMr. and IMrs. Arthur Tuthlll, of
Scranton, spent Sunday In town.
The .Misses .Lottie and Olive Haynes,
of Dunmore, called on their many
friends here last Sunday afternoon.
Strayed To the premises of the un
dersigned last Sunday night a dark
red cow,- with white face. Owner can
have same by calling nnd paying dam
ages. 'E. E. Williams. Depot street.
Mrs. G. A. Megargel has returned
home from an extensive visit with rela
tives In Scranton and Lake Ariel.
O. L. Keller, who graduated at
Stroudtfburg State Normal school last
spring. Is taking a course of bookkeep
ing and short hand at Wood's college.
John Edwards 'has a large bay win
dow to his House on Church street.
Bernard Robinson 'h'ss moved in ithe
Krllty house cm i.Maplu fitreot.
Mr. P'tlff has broken ground for a
house on floW-h IMalrj jitrrrt. i
Ruth, t.he little dnughtr.r of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Amlsa H'ollister, was carried ,to
hfr tart resting place by sorrowing
friend on ,
J. W.- Mouse returned home1 from
Rtadilng fvatuiday. where he attended
the firemen' pa f ade, being a member
of "the Lawrence band.
The Cheerful Workers will run an ex
cursion to ithelDrlaware Water Gap on
Saturday, Oct. 13. Tare for the round
trip, adults 11.50; chlMrc.n under 12
years, 7fi cents. Tickets can be ob
tained of IMrs. 1). J. Decker, of Spring
garden street.
On Sunday evening a large and In
teres'ted audience listened to an excel
lent address by 'Miss Dom Water, one of
the fita'te lecturers of the Women's
Christian Temperance union.
fThe Pit 1st on office of the Scranton
Tribune Is located at No. 6 William street,
where ell advertisements, orders for Job
work and Items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Otllce open from
i a. m. to 10 p. m.
Arrival of .Mrs. Simonosviei, Whose
Husband Was Murdered.
One of the most sorrowful and heart
rending scenes ever witnessed here oc
curred ytsterday morning, when Mrs.
Kimonos vlez. wife of 'the unfortunate
INdambr who was murdered here two
weeks ago, arrived with her Infant boy
to Join 'the husband hire, only to find,
upon her arrival, 'What he had been
cruelly murdered o.nd the remains In
terred In .tine poor burial ground.
iShe did not know of the terrible fata
her husband bad met until she walked
Into the house of a countrywoman, who
broke Into 'tears as soon as she saw
her, and when Mrs. Flmonoxvlcx hea.rd
the ftory of .hi-r busban'd's death 'her
grief was unbounded. It .appears that
Simonosvlcz had feint enoug'h monny to
his wlfeand child to brm.? them to this
own try the vtry day he met his death.
The woman and child are being cared
for by kind Pollth friends.
Mlw Delia Mitchell, of Oregon, mil
liner at A. It. Brown's Itee Hive, who
has been suffering from a severe cold
the past several weeks, left yesterday
for Atlantic City, to spend a few weeks.
i.M. 'H. Donnelly, Nora and Alice Don
nelly, Nettle Keating and iMargaret
Mangan attended the Sunday evening
entertainment at the Concordia,
Constable .Michael" Moran, of Car
bondale, was In town yesterday.
Alderman C. C. 'Donovan, of Scran
ton, paid a business trip to town yester
day. Ed Patterson paid a business visit
to Wllkes-iBarre yesterday.
The Citizens' Illuminating company
have placed a hnndsoine polished brass
sign In front of their new quarters on
William street.
.Miss Amelia Reehtold. of Butler
street, is visiting friends at Catasau
qua. Mr. and Mrs. George Moloney, form
erly of this place, now of Middletown,
X. Y., are visiting the former's parents,
on 'Scotch Hill.
Mrs. Jennie Phillips, of Chicago, is
the guest of iMrs. Lowell, on Frothlng
hum street.
V. H. Young, of Water street, Is In
attendance at the annual state conven
tion of the Knights of Honor, at Wil
liamsport. Mr. Young Is the grand
treasurer of the organization. Thomas
Nichols, of the West Side, George J.
Llewellvn, of West Plttston. and A.
(lompertz are In attendance as dele
gates from the local lodges.
Comstock's blgmlntrel organization,
which was booked to appear at 'Music
hall last evening, failed to materialize.
It having been stranded In York state
Mumfor'd Xonnemacher. the Lehigh
Valley engineer, who suffered a para
lytic stroke several weeks ago. Is grad
ually recovering. He has recovered his
"johnlMcKenna, formerly a resident
of this plucc, but who has been in
Chicago for a number of years, died
there last Saturday. He was a nephew
of Mrs. Patrick Bennon. of Market
street, and the remains will be brought
to her home upon arrival he" tdy ;
George Laurlns, constable of the Flist
ward, while In a saloon Saturday night,
was kicked by an obstreperous Inland
er an-J had his ankle dislocated. George
pulled a revolver to shoot, but the pis
tol would not discharge. .Sunday even
ing, while lying In bed he took the
revolver and was examining It to find
out what the trouble was with it that
It did not go oft the previous night,
when It exploded, the ball, striking him
In the hand. He was taken to the hos
pital. . , .
The St. Aloyslus society hns appoint
ed a committee to take the preliminary
steps toward the organization of a
Young Ladles' Auxiliary Temperance
V. M. Carpenter, ticket agent at the
Lehigh Valley station, accompanied by
his wife, left yesterday to attend the
Atlanta exposition.
Burglars iSur.'lay night attempted to
burglarize Rostock & Giles store, on
North Main street, but were frightened
away by Officer Ed. Small.
City Engineer Harry Myers paid a
visit to Scranton yesterday.
Tomorrow a party of English capital
ists are expected to visit the llonta
Plate Glass works at IMooslc. to witness
the new process of manufacturing plate
and decorative glass. .
A bicycle factory Is to be started la
the old 'Music Hall blulding, nt Wyo
ming. John A. Ilutchins, of Wyoming;
R. Johnson, of Wllkes-dtarre, and
Charles Traccy are at the head of .the
Mr. and iMrs. II. W. Berlew, of the
West Side, have lssur'.l Invitation cards
to the marriage of their daughter. Mar
garet, and Adclbert -M. Bingham, to
take place Thursday evening, Oct. 17,
1R95. at 8 o'clock, at their home, 213
Franklin street. Mr. Bingham, who
was formerly telegraph operator In the
Pennsylvania Coal company office here,
now holds a responsible and lucrative
position In the Krle and Wyoming Val
ley railroad office at Scranton.
M. F. Sacks has gone to New York
to meet A. IB. Brown and family on
their return from their European trip.
IMr. and Airs. J. J. Hun Inn and Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Mclfale, of Avoca. wore
the guests yesterday of Mr. and (Mrs.
Kane, of South Main street.
Miss Eliza Cummrngg has returned
from New York.
;Miss Fannin Sacks has retttrnci from
a nix weeks' visit to friends In New
The regular monthly meeting of the
poor 'b'l.ud was held at Ransom Home
yesterday when routine business was
I'lttston Business Directory.
on Wriftht Co., 07 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange: also
ser-ond-hand hous hold goods, bought or
Scrofula Broke Out
Od our boy when a baby. Wegvehlm
much treatment without avail. Noticing
In the papers Hood's Baraa partita was roe
ommeuded for icrofulaand blood dtseaao
we gave it a trial. We soon taw a change
(or the better, lie has taken four bottles
Hood's Sarsaparijla
and Is now entirely well, hearty and tree
from all scrofulous symptoms. I have
also taken three bottles (or nervous head
ache and catarrh. It gave ate rest relief."
Mm, T. M. BurtH, Bother Olenjva.
Hood's phis "s ?s:.,,s,,irtt,
Highest of all b Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Itev. Father Lynott, of St. Mary's
Cathidlc church, who has been lndls
iHtsed for several days. Is convalescent.
The ladlts of the iMethodist church
will hold a birthday party in the church
tiarlors on Thunksgivlng Day.
The Electric Social club have Issued
Invitations for a full dress social for
Tuesday evening, Oct. 15.
Jnint Bell, of WyomUig seminary,
spent iSunday with his parents here.
Mrs. John Oardner. Aif Cemetery
street, is visiting friends In Nicholson.
Dr. A. J. Raker, of Duryea, made a
professional visit to this borough yes
terday. The new cross walks are in place
nnd are a great Improvement over the
old ones.
A child of Edwin Stevens, of Qardner
alley, died Monday afternoon. The
funeral will take place Wednesday.
Chaplain MtfCabe will) deliver his
celebrated lecture on "The iBrlght Side
of LIUby Prison," In the Methodist
Kplecopal church on Tuesday, Oct. 29.
Reserved seats will be placed on sale
this week.
Mrs. Robert Carter Is very ill with
Mrs. J. Blake, of Bethany, Wayne
county, is the guest of Airs. Samuel
Warner, of Main street.
Richard Stevenson, of K street, Is Im
proving his residence with a coat of
The funeral of Patrick Reddy, of
Maylield. who was killed by a fall of
rock In the Erie mines, took place from
the Sacred Heart church Saturday. In
terment was In the new cemetery.
Saturday, Oct. 12, the Eastern Star
Jubilee si tigers will sing In Jermyn.
The arrangements for the Father
Mat hew celebration, Oct. 10, are com
pleted, and if the weather Is favorable
Jermyn people will witness one of the
tines.! parades ever seen hero. Stands
have been erected In Elm Urove, nnd a
picnic will be held during the after
noon. All are requested to decorate,
and especially those living along the
line of march, which Is as follows: I'p
Main to Popular street, to Lackawanna
avenue, countermarch to '.Poplar street,
to Main street, to 'Division street, down
Second to Cemetery, to A street, to B
street, up Main to 'Bacon street, up
Third street to picnic ground.
Mike Balko came down from Forest
City Saturday night to visit friends
here during .Sunday. A keg of beer
was tapped while they were enjoying
the good things provided, and the host,
Alex Koval, offeled to sell his .wife, a
bride of six weeks, for' 25 cents. Mike
agreed to buy, and paid the money.
But the wife refused to go with her
new lord, and today he Is trying to ex
plain in unpronounceable Jargon to
inquire Robinson the facts, and is look
ing for a warrant.
The Temperance band will give an
open-air concert on Wednesday evening
on the lawn In front of Editor Uoundy's
The Misses Timlin bave opened a
dressmaking and millinery establish
ment In the new building, near the
Hon. John Kubbach was admitted to
the Wayne county bar o practice law
yesterday. Upon the petition of Wil
liam Spangenberg, through his attor
ney, an injunction was Issued restrain
ing the parents of Nellie D. Kenner
from collecting the securities on the
estate of the late iDavId H. Kenner
until approved by court. The petition
set forth the articles of the will, which
bequeathed Nellie, the daughter of
David Kenner and 'Ellen Spangenberg,
the sum of J5.0U0 when she became 21
years of age, and a further sum of
13,0'jO each year until $25,000 had been
paid, and if the estate had been pros
perous, Mrs. Kenner could bequeath
her daughter $23.00-) additional. IMrs.
Kenner was married in ISItt to, J. M.
Ing-al, and1 the portion of the estate
left to Nellie (D. Kenner was left un
secured. William Spangenberg, grand
father of Nellie D. Kenner, made the
above mentioned motion to secure the
estate of tho minor child. The hear
ing is set down for Oct. 17, at 9 a. m.
A petition was made by Warren and
Rowland, attorneys for Dr. J. J. O'Con
nell, In his suit against the Erie rail
road, to strike out the appeal made
by the company In the case. The argu
ment is ect down for Saturday at 1 p.
m. Frank Kelley, a tramp, pleaded
guilty to stealing a pair of shoes from
A. V. Seaman & Co., several months
J. R. 'McDonough. of Dunmore, has
entered upon the duties of drug clerk
at the pharmacy of .1. T. Rrady. He
came to Honesdale well recommended
by his former fmployeis, J. G. Uoul &
'Son, of Dunmore.
Lieutenant Edgar Jadwln Is visiting
Now in Charge of tho Chicago Medi
cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Comes highly recommended by all the lead
ing "oot.jruyf tha norld, end make a Hppo. al
ly of an I will treat only women and cmldrvn
and all m ute and dlscuimi peculiar to
the feinule sex. Her spcei.tltioa in which alio
lius nciilevd mn di great success and honor
are Female Compliln'a, Blind Pulson. Kheu
limti-m, Chronic Uiseamn, Tuninrs
Cancer. Uoitres. Cripples. UetormitlM, Ml
Vitus' Dunce and Epili ptic Fits. All who en!'
within twenty (lays -will receive advice ami
service free, including mdiuine for thro
months, fur fin Examination and ad vie -free.
This institution rai no o nneotiou with
Dr. Peeves. Tak elevator in store bolow. 4l'i
Sprues street. Offlcs hours from V a. m. until
0 D. m. ; Bu iclay from i to io'cluc p. in.
The stok we pnrrhnurd rt tho ' liet'ff'i Sale
at liaxlrtiu, 1J. I ur Kae-, flnco upsniiig,
proved umro Kit' efaa tory than we thought.
'I h-crowd un Uomlay wan rnoi nitauiy largf,
and carried away the Tinrtratna. and the atovk
wlilt h la lift we'll dispose of at yeur own
irleee. Hale nil w,ek at the tollorln prioes:
caeu Dress Ulutfbuinx. gruea price, T cents.
Our Prlca, 3M Cants
I case of Unbleached Grown Cotton, 1 4,
' he:, vy, for abetting only, itross price.
cent, Our Pries, M Cents
1 ceao ( becked Cratb, all llnm. gross pf Ice,
10 cm Our Pries, S Cents
1 rnee. Mrached Towels, by the. pair, .
hinged, cross price, 30 cents,
Our Price, 10 Cants
1 tT04 Mrarhed Mohawk Muslin, pros
rr! 10,1(4 rents. Our Price, 12H Cents
A B'et sale for the at of ewry hues.-bold.
1 eas of Turkey Red Covers slses 8x1 and
Uxi, grow price, and 11.60.
Our Pries, 80c. and 69c
Fast Turkey Ked.
rat me
s a. ra mm
516 ItitesivSa.
hla father, Hon. C. C. Jadwln. Lieu
tenant Jadwln has recently been trans
ferred from duties at Willott's Point to
North Carolina.
Guerdon Pellet, of Philadelphia, was
the guest of his uncle, Hon. E. R. Hard
en bergh, over Sunday.
Ground was 'broken yesterday for
the enlargement of the plant of the
Honcsdale Electric Light, Heat and
Power company. When the addition is
completed the company will be able to
furnish light to all in Honcsdale de
Blrlng it.
John M. Shnrpsteln, of Carbondale,
passed Sunday here.
Adam Metzger, Jr., passed Sunday
Rev. and IMrs. T. T. iMunger are
gues ts of his brother, K. P. Munger, on
La'ke avenue.
iMrs. Word and 'Mlj Heyl, residents
of Philadelphia, who have flpent the
summer In :Mon.trose, returned to their
hoime. this week.
On Saturday, evening a barn belong
ing to Mr. Jones, about a mile from
here, was burned to the ground w' all
Ms contents, consisting of ten tons of
hay.some grain and a quantity of
bu.ckwluat, whU had been threshed
't.ha't day. (A lantern exploded In the
barn while the hired man was finishing
th. evening work.
.Mrs. Wagner, of Philadelphia, who
has beeia a guest ac D. R. Lathrop's all
summer, will leave for home thls week.
M.!aa Riddle, another Philadelphia
guest, will ab-o return to tihe city.
IMUs A'gnvs Scott and sister, 'Miss
Grace, upewt Sunday at Great 'Rend
w'c h their cousin. Miss Lines.
The congregation at St. Paul's Epis
copal chuivh were greatly annoyed by
a swarm of wasps on Sunday morning
during services. They lighted upon
rector and people alike, ;but so far as is
known nobody was piling.
IM'r. Carpenter, conductor on the
Lackawanna and -Montrose railroad. Is
taking an overland jourmy In his own
wagon, die Is headed for Carbondale.
The Electric Star band will hold an
oyster supper In the church parors
Thursday evening. Oct. 10. Good music
In attendance. All are cordially Invit
ed to attend.
The Railroad Young Men's Christian
association of Scranton will give a con
cert Wednesday evening. Oct. 16, In the
Methodist 'Episcopal church, with a
special programme, for the benefit of
the church. All are Invited.
'Mr. and Mrs. 'Saxe and family and
Misses Carrie and 'Maggie "Latinr, of
Scranton, spent Sunday at Mrs. Dates
man's. GLEN BURN.
D. W. Griffiths of Plymouth, has re
turned home, after spending a fewr
weeks with friends here.
William 'Smith of Parsons, spent
Sunday with Is mother.
Arden Wolfe left last week for Ex
eter college, Mass.
Mr. Hosie and family, of New York,
have moved Into the elegant new roai-
oenve of .Mrs. firsons.
If the llaby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success. It 8oothrs the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind Colic, and is the best remeclv
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every
part of the world. Be sura and ask for
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd
take no other kind. Twenty-tlve cents a
sample Package
I - t : I iVl I M IT1
Hats too flora Throat. PIiddIm. Conner-ColorM) I
book, Aon, uia pores, uicers in Momn, iiair
fmUlncT Writ Took Rrmrdr ('.HOf lfa-
MalTeM1r 4'hlm-To.l ll..f(trDroofi of cnm.
CUa- &MrO0. Pat lent soured Bit.? year I
aro tpqar sound ana wf 1 1. 1 tw-pwirf tmoK irre
S eases of Snmmer Balbrlggsn Men's t?n
derwear, in all Qualities, gross price, itta.,
&ia end Sic., our
Pries to Close Out Entire Lob 20o
60 dozen Men's White Cnlanndrled Shirts.
pure lint n bosom, double front and back,
gross) price, U) cents,
Our Price, 29 Cents
tn dozen of (rating Shirts, in all qualities
grrsa price. c. 80c, 60c, Ale. and 7'ic.
We wtll make a sweep on the entire lot
and lot ber.-oat 25 Cents Ydur Choice
HOSIE RY-tnose prices will hold good
fur ail this weak. 6 u pair MeVa Socks
at Eo gross price, 10V-. : pM Ladles'
last B aok Hoee, gross prioV 10 rents,
Our Pries. Se.l IA dozeii of French
UHlbrlggan Half Hoee, ml Fast Black
Hoee, groat price, cents.
' Our Mice, 12 Cents
Ladies' Vests at one-halfjeet than elsewhere.
Beoarenuiaaa can.
to our
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pmU
rona ttmt they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are)
of the opinion that it is already cured, and In proper
condition for milling. Wushburn-Cronby Co. will take
no risks, und will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Wnsliburn-Crosby Co.'s flour tar above other
Wholesale Agents.
A complete line of the above celebrated Carpets, in the
latest designs and colorings, with borders to match, suitable
for rooms, halls and stairs absolutely fast colors, unequaled
for wearing qualities and perfection of finish.
Awarded Three Prize Medals
In London. Also First Prize in Bradford, Paris, Am
sterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Calcutta, Philadelphia,
Dublin and Christchurch. Price, $1 per yard.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
As it's convenient, ought to be an incentive
to suppl' yourself with THE BEST.
That's the fruits of dealing with "The
Handling a certain number
Why? We've never had enough
room to show so many. We're
goiug to keep the best patterns
only those we're going to get
rid of we're not going to give
away or sell below cost but
just going to save you a few
dollars sure you won t want
oue ?
Of Men's Ties worth 50c. and 25c. will continue
this week 19 CENTS EACH, or 5 for $1.00
, 1 (Clothing DspsJ-tmentt
KS. -' Y. M.C. A. Bulldlitf
HnMt FURNISHERS, lasoar Wvomlnz Ave.
..v... -
If you are not quite sure we
sell good Clothing, stylish'
Clothiugand well-made Cloth
ing cheaper than anyone' else
in town, why don't you come
in and find out one way or the
other? The clerks won't force
you to buy, they'll simply It a 1
you up to the very suit you
want and have been looking
for and allow it to sell itself
the nrices are marked in ulain
figures they'll do the selling.
i iwninfr isepnrviiiwi . as avumuugf
Opposite Our Furniture Store.
Both Sldss.
v.:--'' , . .
. .