THE BCBANTON TRIBnNE-ATrRDAT MORNING, i OCTOBER 5. 1895. Wilkes-Bapre. ONE CENT ft WORD fThe Tribune has opened-a" branch of fice at No. 29, Lanlng building, Publlo bquare, Wllkes-Barre. It Is the purpose of the publishers to Issue a newspaper a valuable to ihe general public as the met ropolitan duillea, and deliver it to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from' three to five hours earlier than ithe Philadelphia and New York papers can reach thein.J BALLAD OF THE SWITCH. Or the Mystery of the Two Weird Winks at Wilkes-Unrreo. It wasn't so very lone; ago, In a town named Wilkes-Harree, That a councilman lived whom you may know, TIv.lhA tmmn Af Rill'fe: And, this rouncilmun lived with no other thought. Than to bosa this same clt-ce. There's a Traction company In this town, A company known to fame, Anl it's bossed by a man of much re- nown, John Oraham Is his name; Ami wherever -this company wanted a awiteh. It went down Just the same. Council wanted on Washington street to pave Anv wav 4Jiat thov saw fit. So they went to Jim Campbell and to him Bald: ... "Oh, James, If you see fit, .We want you to pay for asphalt here;" And Jimmy, ha said, "Nit." So bis boss Graham, he went down. Tills street -both Ionic and wide. And he paced him up, and he paced him down. And Anally Old decide To put down a switch Just opposite Where Jim Cuinpbell doth reside. Then the street committee laughed in Rice, But .they closed- up very tight. Bo that evening;, mhortly after tea. Some Huns went in -the night, And they laid, that switch on, Washington street, They laid it and peg-red it tight. Then Dr. Weaver rot Into ithe frame, And they got an injunction out. For they figured out that by means of the same They could put Jofhn Graham to pout; ' Which goes to show that thoy didn't knew What they were talking about . The 'city cornier! did meet forthwith, To talk the matter o'er; Ana Tom MoGourty and Oscar Smith Were always on. the. floor,. And they said: "Wh-ere'e their authority To put down one switch. more V The court the Injunction did dissolve, Which puts one hope to rout. But the city' council did resolve That thexwitch must be taken out; But this never phased John Graham a bit, For he knew what he was about Bill Harvey never said a word, As becomes the boss of a town; But he sized tip all that had occurred And then He looked at John, And he winkod at John and John winked at him. And thee witch staid calmly down. In the Traction offices, peace Is there As John Graham doth calmly sit. And he looks at his helper with auburn And a smile o'er -his features doth flit. And will that switch ever be taken up? Well, I guess not. I don't think. Nit IN NEW QUARTERS. The Press Club Takes Possession of New and Handsome Kooms. The "WHkes-Barre Press club, which was organized In a modest way four months ago, yesterday took possession of their handsome new rooms on South Franklin afreet. Just around the corner from West Market street The rooms are owned by the Wright estate and the Press club will now proceed to rurnisn them handsomely. They are 'hea.'ted by steam and lighted by electricity, and In-lriK In a convenient location- as to the central rart of the town, will make a convenient and comfortalble home for the boys. It is t'helr purpose to have certain hours during the day to wel come visiting newspaper men, which will probatrfy "be from 4 to 6 o'clock f-aoh afternoon aivd during the evening. It is not intended that K'he rooms shall be used for -drinking purposes nor will smythlng of a gambling nature be al lowed in them, features of many so cial organizations which bring -them into -disrepute. The club has been chartered and has a substantial treas ury. Some time In- the near future, after the furnishings are in place, the "public- will be given an opportunity of inspecting the rooms. The officers of the club are T. P. (Rydwr. of the Rec ord, president; P. S. lUdsdale, city ed- tor or the News-ueaJer, secretary; C. B. White, city editor of itlhe Times, treasurer. The trustees are A. W. Bet iterly, of the Saturday (Reporter; P. J. Ramsey, of the Times; H. iA WaJd, of Ihe Leader, an-d E. A. Nlven. THE CLUB DISBANDED. Where the Flayers Will Put in tho Winter. It (has now fceert definitely decided Mitit the Philadelphia 'National league dub will not play in this city this fall, aa ttiey -had Intended. Howard Karl, the first 'baseman, wlho has -been man ager of the club since the Eastern league season closed, lias received word from the Philadelphia, ' management stating definitely that they will not play (here. Mr. lEarl said to a Tribune man that the player9 had done very well on their trip, and were well sat isfied with the result. The home team tfhen disbanded, and the players left for their various homes ait once. ' Catcher Wente is still here hut leaves ifor his home at Syracuse -today. Dan Shannon went to Rochester yesterday, where he wJSl reside for the winter. It la reported that Dan will manage the Rochester oluh next year. Smith went Ho (Lawrence, Maws.; (Lezotte to Lewis on,Maiie; 'DrgslnB o Oheer, Pa., Keeniati to Covington,. Ky.; Coaktey to Charleston, South Carolina. Griffin will iro to Syracuse today, and Earl will go to New York, where. he will enter the Veterinary college and com plete his studies as a veterinary sur geon. Bonner, McMahon and Betts will make their homes In this city, where ihey are all imarrled. "Pop" (Lytle will also winter here this year. In Favor of Closing. There is scarcely any branch of Ibusi Tieea that keeps open on Sunday. A-n exception to this general rule Is the meat business. Jlutchers, without one exception scarcely, do business Sunday mornings at least There is no reason FOUR PHYSICIANS attended the flaugihteV of Mrs. Laura A; Kempton, of West Rutland, Vt., wflio was stricken with Bright', disease. Her ankles, feet and eyes were terribly swollen, and her life was despaired of hut a mother's love surmounts all dif ficulties, and she determined to try DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY "How happy I am," Mrs. Kempton writes, 'that I followed that course, for one by one the well known symptoms of the disease left her. Words cannot express my trraitiRude and I cannot too earnestly recommend this erreait medl olne. IHer recovery was entirely -due to Favorite Remedy, which was the only medicine itaken after her ease was) abandoned fcy the physicians.1' Dr. IDavM Kennedy's Favorite Remedy has never yet fairled where the disease waa within the range of medicine. All drogTlats. JL 'why this should he'so, especially in the autumn and winter months, when It is not necessary to keep meats on ice In a refrigerator. There is no reason why the butchers cannot supply their cus tomers on Saturdayand Saturday even ing with their Sunday meat Just as well as the arroceryman supplies his customers with provisions. There are several prominent butchers in- this city who favor -Sunday closing, and keep open because their competitive trades men do. It would he a good -i-dta If the various butchers in the city would get together and discuss the advisability of clotting their bustnees places on Sun day. It would be a better way of doing business, and besides butchers as well, as other people could enjoy and appre ciate rest and recreation on Kumnay. ' Will Bo at the Grand. if y concert will be given at the Grand Opera house Instead of Concordia hall. The unexpected demand for seats made the change necessary. Sadie E. Kaiser. BRIEF NOTES. The funeral of Andrew Molster, who died from injuries received on the Val ley railroad, will take place this morn ing at 9. o'clock this morning, with services in St. Nicholas" church. The wall (paper store of S. E. Trout was sold yesterday and bought in. by John W, Jlollenback for $159.JJ. The Republican county committee will hold a meeting- at 10 o'clock next Monday morning. IWendall Burke and Miss (Margaret Brennan were married at St. Nicholas church yesterday afternoon. John (Mahar, a Delaware, Lackawan na and Western fireman, was burned about the face quite badly yesterday by a body of gas flaring into his face when he epened the furnace -door. Frank Heyburn, a school Janitor re siding In Wllkea-JBarre township, stabbed his son, James, last Thursday. The wound is a severe one. It Is be lieved that Heyburn's mind Is unbal anced. Rev. E. IL. Van iHoesen, of Forty Fort, will make the address at tonight's tem perance meeting of the Young Men's Christian association. TUN KHAN NOCK. Mrs. Jennie Thompson, teacher In tho primary department of the borough schools, is suffering1 with a severely sprained! ankle, and the youngsters are having a vacation an consequence. H. 'F. Metcalf's new residence, on Harrison street, is ready for the in terior fialshlns by the carpenters. It Is one of the largest and most costly structures in town, and adds much to the anoearance of that neighborhood Little Chase Herrlck celebrated nia birthday Thursday by a social party, Ho is 4 years of age. S. M. Williams, of Vose, will dispose of Wis personal property at auction on Wednesday, Oct. 10. It Is rumored that he will remove to New York city. Counterfeit silver coins are said to he floating freely about in various sec tions near by. They are supposed to have been turned out at the factory of the (Plttston. gang, who have lately been doing a good business in that line. The Spring Hill farmprs will hold a neighborhood fair Saturday, Oct. 12, and the exhibit of farm produce, stock fancy work, etc.. Is expected to rival thaf of some of the more pretentious county fairs. No cash premiums will be given, but 'blue ribbon diplomas in stead. If the' thing pans out satis factorily, it may be made a permanent Institution. Ex-Congressman Jorden is in receipt of another truck load of public docu ments from the national capital. They will be disbursed among his consti tuents, who always treasure such things too highly to allow them to be come soiled by reading. John B. Jennings, -the Mehoopany lumberman and coal dealer, will soon begin. It is said, -the erection of a 85.- 000 mansion on the lot recently pur chased by him, at the corner of Harri son avenue, 'In this borough, . The exceptions filed against the audi tor's report in the Mack & Miller as signment case will be argued before Judge Dunham, Oct. 22. The parties who heW mechanic's liens against the property were allowed eighty per cent, of their claims, while the remaining twenty per cent, was held back, pend ing the settlement of the judgment claim. Judge SIt'tser's residence Is being re painted. A. iM. DeWJtt and F. 8. Harding re turned from the county commissioners' -convention at iMeadvHIe yesterday. They report the convention as being better attended and mora interesting than that of last year. At the close of the meeting- - they boarded a special ex cursion train on the Nickel Plate road for Buffalo, taking in Niagara Falls on Thursday. The people of St. Peter's Episcopal church will hold a mite society at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Graham, Monday evening; next. Everybody In vited. The Lehigh Valley company are using Barclay coal in their Mother Hubbard -locomotivess that are built for soft coal. The (Barclay coal Is semi-anthracite, but is said to work well as a. substitute for the softer grades.- . John- Young, formerly of this place. but for several years located' In New York Hty,:f has moved his family to South ..Framingham. -Mass.' He Is a son-in-law of Conductor Walter, of. the Montrose road. ..,, ; - OLYPHANT, ' The many friends, of. the late Mrs. Patrick ' M-cGovern. mf . 'Ferris street. who died on Wednesday last,, attended the funeral services, which were con ducted in St. Patrick's- church yester day morning at 10 o'clock.. A solemn high mass of Requiem was celebrated by 'Rev. J. M. Smoulter. On the casket were several beautiful floral offerings. The pall-bearers were: Rltrhard MIm- set, John Harmlck, Patrick Lynch, Ed ward Flynn, (Edward McDonald and Michael Curren. -The remains were laid to rpst In the Cathollo cemetery. John Colvln, of Blakely, Is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Ella Stevenson, of Carbondale. was the guest of Mrs. J. Voyle yester day. Rev. W. E. Vanderbilt, of Auburn. N. Y., will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church tomorrow morn ing and evening. A handsome Iron fence Is being erect ed around the Susquehanna Street Baptist church. It Is the donation of T. 'L. Williams, in memory of the late Mrs. iKachel Nicholas. Rev. A. It. Urban, of St. Mark's mis sion, ,'Dunmore, was in town yesterday, making preparations to hold services at this place in the near future. Miss Lucy Farrell has returned from New York city. ;t; holies dale: The session of the arch-deaconrv of Bcranton will 'be held In Grace church, Honesdaie. ana win 'De opened with evening prayer at 7.30 p. m Monday, Oot. 21. The topics to ibe discussed are as follows! "Privilege and -Power of Preaching," Rev. C. A. Hawels; "Ten dency toward Eccleslatitlclsm in the Church; What Does It Mean?" Rev. 45. A. .Warlner, Montrose. Tuesday, Oot. 22 8 a. m., business meeting; 10.30 a. m holy communion; sermon, by Rev. B, H. Eckel, Trinity church. West Rlttston; 2.30 p. m., business meeting; 8 p. m.,.l arrn-ueaeon s report, ven. u. w. coxe, Alden; 8.30 p. m., Sxegtsls, Rev. Rogers Israel, Bcranton; 7.80 p. m., Tribane fldlefs Bring Quick Returns. For Rent For Sale Agents Wanted Real Estate, Etc. Local Help Wanted Situations Wanted Wanted. WAN I EL) HORSE. AUK BETWEbN 4 I nnd J. vnlirht 1.IU0 to I 111 Hit. aliuut 1., hands high; must b-very cheap aud sound. A'Mrttss CASH, Trlhuno office. Help Wanted Male. S: ALKSM.AN TKAUK B H)K AN D i' nurtmnnt eturt h. nUo fur mercantile DK Dro- iniiiri trades; bit; inducements and liberal Tiva-.i::tut. s. u. uu 1 K. luta st Jii-w Yon. AGENTS-MEN WANTED, ALltKADV traveling, to rarrv Inlirlratlns nils us a side line. MANUrACTUKEIlS' ClovoUnd, O. OIL CO. 7 ANTED - WELL-KNOWN ' every town to solicit itoc MAN everv town to solicit atonk sultsr.rlD- tions; a monopoly; blv money lor Agents; no capiul required. EDWAltD 0, FISL? CO., Cordon Block, Chicago. 11L C A LED MEN KIC8ID13NT SALESMEN O wanted, acquainted with thi local and nenrbjr drug aud grocery trade, to handle our linn of high srade cigars. Address, trivinc refcroncps, J. EDWARD OOWLES CO., U'i Chambers street, N. Y. Help Wanted Female. WANTKD A GOOD AMERICAN GIRL at fctt Electric are., Nfrth Park; house work fur tlnej WANTED woilt, Quincy ave. -OIKL FOR GENERAL HOU-E immediately. Apply at ttA) T ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER- ttetio raleswotuen to represent us. Guaranteed $0 a day without Inti-rferiug with other duties. Healthful onenpntion. writo for particulars, incloilnt; stamp, Mango Chom iral Company, No. "3 Jiiliii street. New York. Board Wanted. WANTED BY STUDENT-BOARD IN Wolflh-spoaklng family In Bcranton. Address, statin terms, etc, LEX, Tribune office. Lost LOST-A LADY'S 81LK BAG, WEDNK3 day night, between fcranton aud Clark's Summit, containing a peckot book aud some papers of valuu only to the owner, Findor pleast leave at Tribune office. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH, WITH initials "M. C," betweon C. R B. N. J. depot and Crystnl hose house; reward. Finder will please return to Tribune office. evening Rervlce; addresses, first, "The Church From the Layman's -Point of View," Homer Greene, Honesdaie; sec ond, "How Far Should the Church In terest Itself In the Social Life of the People," dtev. W. E. Daw, Towanda; third, 'WecesBity For a Higher Stand ard of Scholarship Among the Clergy," Rev. A. L. Unban, Scranton. Wednes day, Oct. 23 'Sunday school Institute, 10 a. m.; litany service; address of wel come by a teacher in the Sunday school; teachers' meeting for the study of the weekly lesson, led by Ttev. E. J. Holds- ley, Carbondale; How shall we hold our boys and girls -between ages oi 1U ana 20 years? Sunday school often the only place of religious instruction for chil dren; Its consequent responsibility, Rev. W. -JJ. Johnson, uaivary cnurcn, Wllkes-Barre: 12.30, luncheon; 3 p. m.. "Sunday -School Libraries,' Rev. Rogers Israel, Scranton; "Relation Between Superintendent and Teachers," Harry Pike, superintendent Sunday school. St. George's church. New York; ques tion box. Rev. E. H. Eckel; 7.30 p. m., missionary service sermon, by- Arch deacon Coxe, subject, "Individual Faith the Secret of the Church Growth. . . . 'Miss Price, of Scranton, is the guest of Honesdaie friends. PECKVILLE. An adjourned. meeting of the Lacka wanna Presbytery will be iheld at the Presbyterian dhurch here next Tues day afternoon, commencing at 2.30. The evening services- will be 'held at 7.30, at which time- the ordination and installation of the pastor, Rev. V. C. Byers, will take place. The employes of the Geary Island breaker will be paid this afternoon. A Wallace family reunion will be held at the home of William Waillace, on Main street, today. About forty guests are expected to be present from. Susquehanna, Benton, SprlngHeid and other places. 1 William Bell, of the West End, re sumed the position yesterday morning, as outside foreman of Johnson's col liery. iHe succeeds William Harper, who 'has been promoted to the position of assistant superintendent. - An oyster supper will ibe served In the Presbyterian church parlors next Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society. Mrs. 8. M. (Rogers, Mrs. William Johns and Mrs. Hendall yesterday were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cobb, at Green Ridge. Quarterly meeting will be held In the Methodist Kplscopal church tomorrow morning. Presiding Elder Thorpe will not be present. The pastor. Rev. S. C. Slm-pklna, will have charge, Love feast In the morning. At 9.30, preach ing; at 10.30, sacrament of the Lord s supper. In the evening the pastor, Rev. S. C. Slmpklns, will preach a special sermon to the young; men. The names of the delegates who will represent the Bp worth league In the convention to be held at Wilkes-Barre next Tuefday and Wednesday arer Rev. S. C. Slmpklns, Misses iMaud Trev erton, -Julia Kestell and Sophie Slmp klns.- j - ' ' " ' ,. RRICEBURQ. ' Jonah F-oughton. agent of Sons of Temoerance. -will deliver a free lecture an "Curse of !Drlnk" bit Primitive Met'h. odlst church next Tuesday evening. Miss Emma Williams is visiting friends in Peckvllle. Thomas Meeban, our well-known liveryman, is on the sick list, The Pricenurg flChool has received two rolls of nickel plate wire netting for -their windows. Street Commissioner Ely Is improving Main street very much. . Monies Hawk; Frank Wleland, Morlle Barrett and Henry Reese visited In Olyphant last evening. What Everybody Says About Drondr- That the Wines and Brandy of the Sneer N. J. Wine Co.. Part ale. N. J., are lending ll others In public favor. Their Wines are unexceuea tor flcuoacy or nnvor and ro pronoum-ed- by the most capable tudges to be the very best In the muikot, 'or pure grape Brandy their Old Climax, vintage of 1876, Is admittedly the boKl to be had ami more rcilable than French Brandies. Druggists sell Ju ONE CENT A WORD EE Agents Wanted, GENTS WANTED WHO DESlKR TO V iltiubl fkiublo tllpii . lnn-mr,! ittir WfMiflptTlll ainimumn novelties pay 910 per cent, protlt ni-11 at aiuht: inturL-atitii? wni It dellrfirert fr-e :mulrt inc.; write for terms. ALUMINUM .'-UVIUY CO., iS Broadway, Now York, WE DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS but men of ability; to $.") mouth to liuHtlers; statu ird m'noral agouts: aaWry nnu co li mission. Kacln fire engine to. wienie, ti is. 1 1 EKEtiAL AGENTS WANTED-SELL I lug new ai tirli-i to dealers; exclusive tor ritory. no coumctition. no cuDitttl reouired: an) to .'Mil nor cent, profit. Columbia Chemical Lu., 3 iieurliorn ., Chicago, 111. A OE-VTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO i . canvass tor our New Holiday Juvmtle Uooks, iimr ChriMtiims Bnaut oh: sell at siislit lilwral terms. Add'-t-ss SPECIALTY, Sub ninuou at i, j-miau.-ipuia, j-a. A GENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS XX $7.) per month salary and expenses paid, jviurew. wini iwo-ceut stamp, tiUAHU VI ak umoago. A GENTS TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL V gold, silvor. liii-kl mill nnnnr alit.rA puters: price from J.1 upward; salarv aud x-neni-s paid; ontflt free. Aridross, with stamp, uuiiuA.i niruuu., cmoiigo. GENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO nEAl.ICRB A $'Jo wecklv and exiienses; experience un- nueo.rf.ary. I UXSOLIDATEO 11FG. CO., CALEBMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 2 O pi-r commission; sample book Jiaiitd tree. Address L, N. CO., b tat ion L, At-w loric. T ONCE-AGENTS APPOINTED TO 1 sell now liglitning selling table cloth.mos nnito and house 11 v liiiuld at 1U cents and v: cents a bo'tln. S:imilo free. BOLGIANO 4i r 'i Co., tsaltltmro, Md. A GENTS HINDER PATENT tTVIVKH. J sal Hair Curlem and Wavers fusod with out neat), and "l'yrl'oiuted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fnll par ticulars. Addrens P. O. Box 455. New York. lITANTi- D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Salarr, f 75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new, Apply uuicxiy. u. SOX, U0U3, Boston, uusa. Saleamen Wanted. SALESMAN WANT1-D CONTROLLING trade in Lackawanna and Lnznnm ennn- tios, by a large manufacturer of overalls, pnnts ana anirts. on commit sum; must bavo A I ro;erene. . Addreaa t A. . H Jinx 1M Philadelbia, Pa. UfANTED-ACTlVE SALESMEN TO REP- M resent us: no neddlln: salarv 170 montniv ana an extmnses: coodsentirelv new: parttcnlars tree. Address I'. O. Box KiOO, Bol ton, Mass, Hf ANTED SALESMEN - ENERGETIC men to soil roods by simple at home, or travel; easy seller: staple voods; liberal aiiary or good conimisioa. AUUress r, o. Box JUKI, Now York City. t'ALKSMAN TO SELL DENTAL MEDI O cines to the profession in Scranton and surromiiltni towm. DENTAL MEDICINE VII, VS.H i-ilbert street. Philadelphia. For Rent. 1XR KENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM, x viarss wreen, ior a tirm oi years, ad ply to OEORUK 512 Spruce street. B. DAVIDSON, Attornoy, I TOR RENT ONE-HALFHO USE, NO. SOW, North Main avenue: 11 rooms, iras. water. fumnco and bath rnom and barn. Inquiro at Anderson's Now Rooms, Providence tfquarc. V!OIl RENT-FUR vISHED ROOM. WITH X or without bourd, aoltable for two par sons. 132 Adams are. f'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WKST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E, EVANS, aear llilS Luserne, Hyde Park. TOR RENTIcLYrURNIBHEr7HTLL V suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JEK MYN, 110 Wyoming urenne. For Sale, IX)R SALE H HEAD OF WELL-BRED trotting ana racing nnrscs will be sold at auction to the hlnhrat bidder at the Scranton Lriving Park, Thursday, Cct, 10, at 8 o'clock In th" nfti-rno-m. W. 1t ,TII M Y N. Real Estate. $1,0110 WILL BUY FULL LOT ON THE inn in a very aesiruoie location; terms easy. M. H. HOLGATE. t7,250 WILL BUY FINE SINGLE UOU83, lull lot, cm block, Quincy sve, ; J it. H, HoLUATE. Iri 5,H WILL BOY. 2, SINGLE HOUSES anu uarn, tua DiucK. JN. Mntn ptnx-t. l,500 WILL BUY SINGLE i HOUSlS, 300 oiook, dcueraoi) arnniie. M. H. HOLGATE. I3,i00 WILL BUY FULL LOT. DOUBLE nouse. nuu mock, b. Market St ; rents for fllX II. H. HOLGATE. S.30U. WILL BUY A NEW HOUSE. nearly fln shed, full lot, Adams arenne: rent, fUW. , " M. H. HOLGATE, 0,(I0I WILL BUY 11HOOM HOUSEi uiuuoni lliruuguoui.; Jt.oo IMOCK, - on sy avenue. M. H. HOLGATA 2.K0 WILL BUY SINGLE HOU8E. Marion avenno, near Wnshington. M. H. HOLGATE, -i tl.001) WILL BUY 6 ROOM BRICK :yn bulldinff: centrallv iornff1. M. H. HOLGATE. t,HP0 WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE. run lot, iuu block, aiadtson avenoe; all modern and welt rnntfri! n..i. balance long time. M. H, HOLGATE. JB.a-iO WILL BUY SINGLE HOUSE. rront; double honse, rear; full lot, 4110 block, Taylor avenue; property new; terms easy. ,'1.600 WILL BUY 9 ROOM HOUSE, WO uioca, n yomiug arrnue. M. U. HOLGATE. JU. 750 WILL BUY SINGLE HOUSE, rront; single hours, roar: TOO block, Monroo avvnne; all In good condition. M. H. HOLGATE. J9.5O0 WILL BUY ON li OF THE FI N EST homes ou Jcfferaon avenue; comiileta tho office. imuuuuui, iw iwrurni'tra) call at m. ll. HOLGATE. . IIS.M10 WILL BUY TORE PROPERTY, 600 block, Lackawanna avenue. M. H. HOLGATE. il,'M WI. L BUY ULL LOT. 1.0 wuarca tireecj rents ir a year. - ' M- H. IloLGATiS, tSBOO WILL BUY DOUBLE HOU8E, ' full lot, 4U block, Churnb at: rents for t.'llli per -year. M , H. HOLOATH. AdL.Vim WILL BUY 4-STORY BRICK Bl'fa bulldinir, KO Hock, Lack anna ave. Rent, li.OiO a year. M. H. HOLGAT E, Commonwealth B'l'd'g Mtdlcal. V LAOtRSt Chlchettar'i Etifllih rWyrsyil Hit tpitmmt Sruill, n thO HtSt, H.U.I.k-. T. tto tut. Html UiT, 1-arUoaUn, ' R.K.I FR those ' ' 'JSIIrs ' . : 'J4f ' ' T--i.M M Sleeves v' ; ' ' ' KEttf COITS .. t f Tinff Capes Vary Latest . & W are herb eternal. mj&sv :: NO. ii.s;)-ASiit.v.iiAA Thibet Triiiuiicd, $10.00. CONNOLLY Soeclal Notlcu. Notk;e-on and after may i, i Will mnlco A mnlithlv tnnr nf thn fnllr.w. ing places giving free op .-n air adv rtWna ex- umiuiia wi;u ine sti-reopiicnn: inviorvill, Hyde I 'ark, Providenre, Dickson Olvnliant, IVckville, Archbald, Jernivn. Exhibitions Rivon on WediHs.iay and Friday of eacli week during tho month, tho rates for adver tis'n are lt pi-r n:outh. Adiireai E. II. Cull, Tribune office, city. "ihe sot.nii.-n im iiitb -in. win X YOU Want thin roll, I'nntnina nil Fra-ik Losllo's famous old War rictun-ashow ing tho forces in actual buttle, sliotcavil mi tlm spot. Two volums, pii-tnrcH. hold on e:iay monthly pavinenU Delivered by ex press complete, all charces preiiaid. Address P. Ifc MOODY, (KM Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. )LANK HOOKS. PAMPHLETS, JIAGA- -U SilltVL etc.. bnunri itr- rlxmml ut. Tub TiuntNi office. Quick work. Ucavinable prices. Rooms and Board. IjLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD, FOU m. iwo or mree aeniiemen. ac n. Jliidison avo. Situations Wanted. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG mail of exoerience with mnchinnrv; a stationary englnoer, and is willing to make iiiuiaeir generally useful. Aaareas IMS es pouse avenue, Scranton. WANTED-A POSITION AS HOUSE keener: can rln wndhim. nl li-nnim. uiireas m). v. JACKSON, MOD tlainpton St. SITUATION WANTED BY Kirl at Q-nm-rAl llnnn-iwnrlr A YOUNG or chamber maid. 010 Emmet street YOUNG LADY WOI7I t I.TITP. POSI. tion as atenni?riinhnr and ftnutvrifnf has unu :iiii.-i iniice: con sive tne icsc oi reier ences. Addroas S. B.. Tribune odlco. SITUATION WANTKD-el.KkK- htkaM, O ship airencv or seuernl sture. bv vounir man 21 years oIai'; aobi r, industrious, apcaks mt" muKiiacH auti can mriiiKii n,HC fir riirni- ences; would accopt a paxition at a moderate salury. K. M, F., care Tribune olllce. AJAN TED-POSITION AS FIREMAN OR " V engineer for stnm or flAvut,i t,inn. Kw party who has had exnsrienne and who can make himself useful. Addreas F. C. HOLMES, ' UM) aii-vot, CIIJ SITUATION WANTED AS FIRST-CLASS Ct'ok bv a middltl-ftti-rirl VAn,un. Hill llil ronu avenue. Oil CATION WANTED BY A WOMAN TO t uo wanning or otneo cleaning or anv k ml of Work by tho day. Address AIRS. C.,317 S, ainm avenue. S1 ITUATION WANTED -BY A YOUNG marrioil man. hamlv with Innla and nn. dcratands the caro of toraca Address P. BERNE, 121(1 Vine stroet ITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG ladv. lft VB&ra nf ntrn aa lvnnm,ll, nnA unainess correauonnunt; a good penman; nn dorstands bookkeeping thoroughly; quick and accurate at, figures; ready to accept poaitlon at once; excellent lefnrenee Address EX- i-t.uiB,(.t.L, V.U Lacknwunna avenue. A BOY ll YEARS OF OR WOULD LIKE a position at nnv leiriHtllnt.A bimlnwaa! best of reference given. Adkas THOMAS ,iuisr.r, uuryea, ra. VOl'.G MAN WANTS WRITING OF ANY x Kinn to no at home. Addn-ai W. F. H. 1210 Cedar avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI- iJ enoed double.outrv VwviWlrnonar! Iusl nf reierencHS. AOdress K. K., enre Tribune onlce. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORC'KLAlN, Hrldge and Crown work. Ottlce, 25 Washington avenue. . C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DBNTIST. No. US Wyoming avenue. ;. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to tut spruce street, Scranton, fa. (Just opposite Court Houso Square.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.: 1 to 8 P. M.: can ww. uis. or women, obstretrics and and all dis. of chil. DR. W. B. ALELN, 112 North W ashington avenue. DR. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming sve. Resi dence, to Vine ntreot. DR. L. M. GATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Ottlce hours, 8 to 8 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON, RELIABLE SKIN Tumor and cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at 605 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Renuh lean building, Washington avenue, Bcran ton, Pa. JESHUP8 & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND counsellors at law, Commonwealth oulldlug, Washington avenue. W. II. J ESS UP. HORACK K. HAND, ' , W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOn. nel!".na Counsellors at Law: offices i and I Library building , Bcranton, Pa. rnjaw Ujiju It. 1'AT Krtsy.N. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys ana counsellors. Common wealth building, Rooms 19, 0 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORN 12 V-AT. Law. Room 6, Cool Exchange, Scran ton, Pn. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY. at-Lnw, rooms 63. IA and S3. Common. wealth Wilding. SAMUEL W. EDO A R, ATTORNEY-AT. oince, 317 spruce st., Boranton. Pa. A. WATRES. ATTnniwufv-aT-t iu- 423 Laekawanq ava., Boranton, Pa. URIE TOWNStBND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dlmy Bank Building. Bcranton. Money to loan In large sums at i per rent. R. PITCHER ATTORNEY-AT building, Scran- law, Commonwealth ton, Pa. COMEOY8. 121 RPHUcia 8TRKET. B. P.EPLbaLK.ATTrinNtcvf niya negotiated on real estate security. Ml Bliruce street. . . . F. K II. LAM. ATTrSMi?ar.t.a 120 Wyoming aVe.. Bcranton p; ' 'A HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, Commonwealth bld'g, licranton. M. C. RANCK, 1M WTOMIJia AV. CAPE. NO. &. WALLACE. mmt- m- TRY US. 632-604 LllCi(L AVE., COR. ADAMS. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or buslnosii; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at la quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER 11. HUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Kindergarten 310 per torm. Architects. EDWARD IT. DAVIS. Rooms 24, 25 and 20, building, Bcranton. ARCHITECT, Commonwealth E. L. WALTEH, ARCHITECT. OFFICB rearof C06 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOClC j"n.7ARCH ITECT. 435 Spruce st., cor. Waish. ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 126 Washington avenue. Dummon. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACICA- wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer oi tv ire screens. Loans. THB HEPUBL1C SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on investment man any otner association, call on ti. N. Cullender, Dime Bank I1UUU1I1K. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 140 Washington ave- nun; Kroen nouse, Mortn Main ava il uo: store toisnhoe 7S2. Miscellaneous! BAUKR'S OKCrlHSTRA MUSIC FOR nans, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dlnga and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avotiuo, over Hulbert'a music siore. MEQAROEB BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 139 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa, FRANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth1J20 West JLackawannn ave THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 29, Williams Building, opposite poxtoinc. Agent for tho Rux Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 12S and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & vT passenger depot. Conducted on th European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WE8TMINSTER HOTEL, ' Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place) New York. Rates, 33.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan;. , E, N. ANABLE, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. " (Lobih and Minciuobuimn Div.eioni Anthracite coal used exclusively, inur. lag clcauUuess and coinforu 'i ).1K IN Kfl-iiAJ'i' JUNK 2, 1S93, Trains leave Bcranton for Pitts'on, Wllkes-Barre, etc.. at 8.20. (.16, 11.80 a.m., 1.23, z.ou, a.oo. 5.110, p. in, bunduys, D.U9 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 3.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Ellxabeth, t:n (express) a. m., I.U uiiim ,. ui i.,n fet parlor car), 3.0u (oxprtss) p.m. Bun day, 2.1a p. in. TihIii leaving p. in. arrives at Phlladolphla, Reading Term Innl, 6.21 p. m. and New York 8.4', p. m. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bothle. hem, Kuston and I'hlladelphlu, i2D, i n, 3.u, fi.u) (except PhiluUclphlu) p. m. Sunday. 116 p.m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, ete., at 8.20 a. Til., 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and llnrrlsbura. via Allentown, ti.20 u, m.. J.i3, 6.00 p. in. Sunday, 2.16 p.m. Kor 'oiikviiic, s.) n. m.. 1.3 p. n. Returning. leava New York, foot of Lib erty street, North river, at 9.10 (express) a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 1.00 a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday 6.27 a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to tho ticket agent at the station. li, 1'. HAIjDWIN. i Gen. Pass. Ae-cnt. J. JT. OLHAITSEN. Gen. Buot DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing ' Monday, dny, July ao, wi '" V will arrive at new Lack awanna aveni station aa follows: Trains will leve Scran- tormedlato nolnts at 2.20, 5 45, 7.W, 1 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.80, ICu, 115. tin. fn. I TurlinnUHie r Fnrvlcw. Wnymart arid Hn.anle at 7.00, 8.23 and 10.10 a.ra.,110 x.w ana s.ia "'For Albany. Baratoga, thi Adlrondaeki , . i tic. M anil a.iu o.m. ail- 1 iTl 1 ' ML W.U .. For wiikes-Karre ana olnts at 7.45, 8.46, 8.38 nnd 0,1.m"J-( ,20, 1 33. 4.00. 6.10, (.05. 8.1B i?d 11.38 P -m Trains will arrive at Bctanton station from Carbondale and Interlnadlnto points at 7.40. 3.40, 0.M and 10.40 o.mj. 12.00, 1.17,2,31, 140. 4.64, 6.56, 7.45. 8.11 anilll,S3 p.m. From Honesriaie. wayrc" im- r- view at 8.84 a.m.. 12.00. .V. s ?6 and 7.45 p.m. . . rrom Montreal, suwniai a.uu, !., at 4.64 and 11.83 p.m. ... tvnm -a.-nvaa.iiarrai sinrl In tennodlat nolnts at lit, 1 04, 10 05 knd 11.R5 a.m., 1.14. 114, 139, 6.10. (.OS, 7,20. 8.03 and 11.10 p.m. W 111-kERSEY JACKET. aim JJucU, $10.00. 209 "s Avma- UDD. Court Hniifio. Opp. Court House. DPHOLSTER FURNITURES Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, . Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, : Make Fine Mattresses. May U, 1395. Train leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia and New York Ma D. & H. R. R, at T. tm., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m via D , & V. R a, COO, 8.O8, II.W a. ro.. and 1.3d p. m. . Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkei. Barre vtu D., L. & W. R. R., 8.00, 8.08, U.28 a. m., 1.60, 6.07, 8.62 p. m. Leave Bcranton for White Haven, Ha Clnton, 1'ottsvllle and all points on tha Beaver SI adow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. & W. V. R. R 6.(0 a m., via D. 4k M. R. R at 7.45 s. m., 12.06, 1.20. 2.88. 4.00 p. nt ?S ?VVU W- W" u- " L30, 8.00 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Boston, Reading, Hurrlxburg- and all intcrmadlata points via D. ft H. rv R., 7.46 a.m.. 12.03s. J.20, 2.SS, 4.00. 11.88 p. m.. vli D U W. It. R 0.00, 8.0S, 11.20a.m., 1.3o. m. Leave Scranton for TunkWnnock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R., 8.4t a.m., 12.05 and 11.36 p.m., via D L ft W. R. R., 8.0S, V.65 a.m., 1.80 p.m. U-uvo Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Fulls, Detroit. Chicago and nil points west via l. & H. R. R., 8.45 a.m., 12.06, 0.13. 11.33 p.m., via D., L. ft W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.og, a. Eg a.m.. I.jO. IW p.m., via li. & W. V. R. R., 3.41 p.mT Vnw E1 mlm anrt . o,nat .-(. lu ... n . via D. & II. R. It., 8.45 a.m., 12.05, C.06 p.m.. Via V., L. & W. R. R., 8.08, 8.66 a.m.. 1.30, and 0.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspensloa Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt, Phila., Pa. ft. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. HaV Pass. Aat.. South Bethlehem. Pa, Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 18SS. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex fress for New York and all polnta Bast, 40, 2.60, 6.15. 8.00 and 8.66 a.m.; 1166 and 3.31 p.m. Express for Eanton, Trenton, Philadel phia, and the south, 6.16, 8.00 and 8.66 a.nv. U.ilS and 3.31 p.m. Washington and way stations, 8.55 p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (.10 p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra. Corning, Ruth, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.36 a.m., and 1.21 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points in the West , Northwest and Southwest, Hath accommodation, f a.m. HlnGhamton and way stations, -1117 p.m. Nlonolson accommodation, at 4 p. m. ana C.lOp. m.. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, 108 p.m. Express for Cortlnnd, Syracuse, Oswega Utlca and Rlchlleld Springs, 186 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.35 nnd Bath 8 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umbotinnd for Willlamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland nnd Intermediate sta tlons, COO. 9.55 a.m. and 1.30 and (.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate station S.0S and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coach 09 all exprens trains For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, olty ticket office, 32S Lackawanua avenua, ep depot ticket efnee. Eric and Wyoming Valley" Trains lea vo 6cranton for NeCli J and intermediate points on the EtllU load at 7.00 a. ni. and 3.24 p. m, A Honoedalo, Hawley and local p J t.00, 8.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. ft,HQ All tho above aro through tralnaf" from Honesdaie. Tr i'n in. tjike Ariel 5.10 P. m. ing Trains leavo for Wilkei-Barra oil m. and 8.4S p. m. In Effect Snitcmber22nd. lUl 1U, 'a Karlh Hnund. Mutli 203 01 - 8 ? o. 8taUoM I 2 S 5 (Trains Dally, Ex 3 v. I cepounday.) ' uiAiTlro U-ivei 7 SSiN. Y. Franklltt StJ ... J 7ivi) Weehanken 1 iftiUaucock Jnnettoui 1 cm Hancock iStfl) Starllitht i 4(1 Prcstoa Park m t(40 Conio I E ilM Foynttiu It 141 Belmont . 18 1 a rieasant mi. !fll.',W Unlondale H4 Forsetcity B r,"M 1 1 nil Carbondaia to 4!fiiU) White midge (43i .... Mayneia (4illn Jcrniyn (ltl 18l Archibald - (WflllM Wlntoti - (ll 11 , . Peckvllle (8)1107 ' Olvrliant 6 4)11 0.1 Dickson (18110) -, Throop ( 15 II ii Provtdeiico 6 8rfiof7 ' Park P'noe (10:10 59 toranton ris'A nLfave ArrlveU All trains i nn dally except Eundav. f- BliBUles Hat trains atop on signal enirna. secure rates via Ontario Weal itircuaslng tickets ana save money, aiagtitipreaaMiuia JO. Andorson. Oen. T. Flltcrott, Sir. Fua, AgC.kjcrauioi ' i ... 1". I ,.