The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 05, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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it is n r.
It Is a mistake to thiak that life
is all bed of rosea.
It la mlufalr fn an t.tirnncrh life
and neglect the laws of health
' and life.
It tS a mistake at any time to
allow sickness or suffering of a
serious nature to come upon you.
It Ih a mistake not to take advan
tage ot the best discoveries of
science for preventing disease
and banishing pain.
It Is a mistake if anyone 1ms not
learned that the best and most
scientific preparation for accom
plishing this is Warner's Safe
It IS a mistake that people who
are properly informed and
warned do not take advantage
of the warning aud thus insure
happiness and prolong life.
Annual Election of Officer UcU-The
Men Selected.
At the regular meeting of the Colum
bia Hose company the annual election
of officers took place. A lartre num
ber were present and the following;
were appointed to offices: President.
William Feel; secretary. John Motlltt;
treasurer, P. F. IMoran; foreman, T. .
CbUKhtln; assistant foreman, John
Brennan; driver. Charles Smith; drill
master, James Campbell, properties,
A'be Sahm: trustees, J. M. Nealson, J.
W. Kilpatrlek. Thomas Flnnerty.
Mr. Peel made a speech in accepting
the otnee In which he mentioned sev
eral reforms necessary 1n the company,
and urt?ed the members to be present
at the drills and at all stated occasions,
and create more Interest In the com
pany. He wished that the company
would become one of the loading ones
of this region, and asked all to put
more xeal In their work. While he held
the office of president he would en
deavor to have all the laws upheld, and
also try to get the debt that they owe
pall off.
The members wished to give their
thanks to the Krie Hose company, of
Susquehanna, whose guests they were
on Firemen's day. They fully appre
ciated all the efforts to make the day
pleasant, and as a token of esteem d
cided to have a picture of the company
in full uniform, as they appeared on
the day of parade, handsomely framed
and be sent to the Erie boys.
The Second tiarao Will Be Played at
Alumni Purk.
The high school foot ball team will
contest on the gridiron this afternoon
with the Tigers, another team from this
city. ,The teams are about evenly
iratch-ed ar.d an exciting game is ex
pected. The Tigers are heavier than
the high school eleven, but they have
not practiced as much so they will be
nAinut evened up. The game will be
held at Alumni park and will commence
at 4 oclock sharp. Both teams are con
fident of victory and one of the hottest
contests of the season is promised. The
teams will line up as follows:
Tigers. High School.
O'Rourke right guard. ...Whltlock
Foxe right tackle Oillis
Isger right end Blair
Coeglns center Kelly
O' Ma lley left guard . . Hockenberry
Kelly left tackle Rettew
K. Kelly...
...left end Nealon
. .. quarter Gordan
..right half Watt
left half Housen
...full harlc Pnrh
Yesterday afternoon those Interested
In the game met at Sandy's field, where
a first team was organized. This will
prcbably represent the city and their
first game will be held next Saturday
against the first team of the School of
Lackawanna. The home team will be
considerably heavier than their oppo
nents, but they will make up their de
ficiency In weight In having more prac
The Proceeds Will Go Toward Paying for
New I'nlforms.
The preparations for the Mitchell
fair, which) will be held soon, are going
rapidly on, and the affairs promises to
he one of the most successful yet held
In this city- At the meeting, held to
discuss the subject, H was decided to
hold It In the W. W. Watt hall, on
Church street, from Nov. 14 to Dee. 1.
The general committee appointed are;
Frederick Thompson, Peter Rlven'burg,
Fred Bailey and Charles Alexander,
and they have already been busy pro
vyjing for attractions for the different
nights, and have already secured some
good features.
The proceeds of the fair will go
toward providing the company wlfh
full uniforms. They should receive
hearty support from the people.
To Re ' Held ' Sunday Afternoon al
.Methodist Chnrch.
Tomorrow afternoon the flrpt service
for men will be held at the iMethodist
church at 3.30. It was decided by com
mittees from the different churches at
a meeting held In June last that these
meetings for men 'should be held once
each month at the different churches.
The first meeting was to have been
held In the Methodist church on the
last Sunday In September, but on ac
count of the Schlverea meetings this
was postponed. The services ffhould
bo productive of much good and should
be well attended coming so soon after
'the revival,
Morgan Thomas Surprised.
A Jolly stag party was a feature of
last evening. It was held at the home
of Morgan Thomas, ami was a sur
prise to that gentleman, arranged by
his friends of the Kimball Glee club,
of whjch ,he IS a prominent member.
Refreshments were served, a smoker
enjoyed, vocal music rendered, and a
At Less Than Cost, to Gloss.
J. Scott Inglis
general good time bad till a late hour,
Among- those present were William
Oplc, Jr.. DavM Lewis, Joseph Johns,
Jobs-Lewis, John Chilton. W, D. Lewis,
MoHran Watttn. - ii. Tappen. DrtUW
D. Davis. F. Tappen. Morgan: Thomas,
Joseph Richards and Evan Thomas.
A New Landlord Takes Charge of the
Central llouso.
The changes In the proprietorship of
the Jtotels seem to be no noveKy now.
and the people are getting used to
the events. The latest to change hands
Is the Central house, on South Main
street. This has been run by 8. C.
Bell, but yesterday Mr. Sell retired and
James Boylan took charge. 'Mr. Boy
Ian Is one of the prominent and hus
tling young men. about town, and his
success la assured. Beside his pop
ularity he Is famllar with the business,
having been with J. J. 'Monohan since
he took charge of the Harrison house,
and has a large acquaintance among
the traveling men.
:nt His finger.
William .MoConnegle, of Clark ave
nue, who Is employed at the Delaware
and Hudson freight house, was painful
ly hurt the other afternoon. IMeCon
negie held a sharp knife In his 'hand
aud was fooling with a companion, who
was trying to get the knife. He got
hold of the handle ami pulled It
from McConnegle's hands, the sharp
blade severely cutting him about the
fingers, dir. iLowery attended the In
jured man, and was obliged to take sev
eral stitches In the cuts, and It will be
some time before he can attend to his
duties again.
Before the Alderman.
In a case held before Alderman
Baker, Patrick Duwdtean, of Uordon
avenue, was defendant. and Sarah Mor
gan, of the same avenue, was plaintiff.
The charge was seduction, she saying
that Dowdlcan was responsible for her
condition. Dowdlcan swears he is in
nocent. He was 'locked up, but was
subsequently released, his mother and
sister furnishing WW ball. 'Miss Mor
gan U 25 years and the defendant about
Thnraae Jordan Hurt.
Thomas Jordan, foreman of the pow
der mill, met with a painful accident
while at his work. While walking over
a pile of pipes his foot slipped and he
fell with great force upon the pipes.
He sustained a deep gash upon his
Mesdames Eleanor Smith and Charles
Tucker spent Thursday at iMlnooka.
Mrs. 'Ruth Lee and -daughter, Myr
tah, of Wichita. Kan., who :have been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Phelps Courtright, on Wayne street,
have returned home.
O. S. Wilcox, of Great Bend, visited
H. A. Purple, of Salem avenue, yester
day. Martin Delaney Is ill at Ills home on
Dundaff street.
Mrs. M. E. Bird, of Scranton, Is the
guest of her son on Belmont street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stelle, of
Scranton, visited friends In this city
'Miss Lizzie Wyllietms returned from
a visit at Albany. N. Y.
Luther Chambers, of Philadelphia.
Pa., a former resident of this city, was
In town Thursdey. IMr. Chambers had
not been In town for over twenty years,
and found hardly any former land
marks. J. W. Dimock and family were In
Wayne count yesterday visiting frleirda.
John Orchard left yesterday morn
ing for Niagara Falls and Buffalo,
where he will spend a couple of days.
M. D. Lathrope spent yesterday In
Policeman John Bell, who has been
enjoying his vacation for the last ten
days. Is on duty again.
Fred Chamberllnk of orbson, was
visiting friends In this c!ty yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker, of Wash
ington street, will leave for Chambers
burg, where they will visit the latter's
Mrs. Orlnnell, of Brooklyn, Pa., Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Ely,
on Washington street.
Archbald 'Honeywell Is visiting
friends and relatives In Luzerne bor
ough, and Is also taking in the Dallas
Walter D. Frank has returned from
New York, where he has been a few
John Coughlln, of Fell township, who
has been seriously 111 for some time
with typhoid fever, has so far Improved
that he is able to be up for a short time
each day.
Dr. Fletcher, eye and ear specialist, of
Susquehanna, was in town yestprday.
IMrs. Henry Oreulr and niece, Mattie
Greulr, of Prorrvpton, are the guests of
Mr. and iMra. George Giles, ot Terrace
Frank Vanderford, who 'has been en
gaged on the PIMsion Item, a new
dally paper, Is at his home In this city
owing to illness.
(Mrs. John Stephens Is spending two
weeks with friends In WUkcs-Barre.
Mrs. Joseph B. Vaniran is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. E. K. iMorae, at
Crystal Lake.
Mrs. Watson and daughter, Sadie, of
Paterson, N. J., are visiting at the home
of 'Mrs. J. O'Hoarn, South Main street
IMrs. Stillman Hadcock, who has been
vlsklng friends at Boston, returned
Thursday and left for 'her home at
Hancock yesterday.
The condition of H. W. Skeels Is re
ported as being quite serious. He has
grown very weak, and all noise or ex
citement Is excluded from him.
IMrs. John Murrln, of Wayne street,
is confined to her 'homo by tUnens.
IMIra Grace Hagley, of B?lmont street
was in Scranton Wednesday evening
She witnessed the wedding of M:i Har
riet E. Finn, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Finn, to O. U. Part
ridge, esq.
iFrank Coxe, of Parsons, is vlsHlng
a the home of n'.s cousin, Joseph Mur
phy, on South Main stret't
V. Cruley and family, of Plttston,
were entertained at he home of Mrs. T
Farrell, Tenth avenue.
(Miss Jlil-cclla White, of Simpson,
spent yesterday with friends in Scran
ton. .
John Bogan, of Archbald, spent yes
terday in -this city.
John O' Boyle, of Archbald. SDent
Thursday visiting friends In town.
District Deputy Grand (Master O. R.
Hlsted, of Odd Fellows, installed offi
cers of that fraternity in Peckville last
night. Quite a number from here at
tended the Installation at that place.
Miss Delia 'Bailey very pleasantly en
tertained a few of her friends at her
home on Canaan street Thursday even
ing. (Dancing was the order of the
evening, and most enjoyable time
was had 'by "those present. Refresh
ments were nerved at It o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. George Boss, of ITrloks
vllle, O., who have been visiting friends
here, returned ihome Tuesday. Mr.
Ross Is extensively engaged In the
manufacture of terra cot-la pipe and
paving brtekv '
Mrs. Johnson Schueur has returned
home from a three-weeks' visit with
relatives at Mauoh Chunk.
IMi-a. Edward Watson and daughter,
Clara, have returned from an ex ten
Hive visit with relatives at New Mil
ford. :
Mis Mattie Mitchell is visiting her
elster, Airs. E. T. Conner.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgana spent
several day the past week In Phila
delphia. Harry Conner, who has fur several
years been surveyor for the Mount Jes
sup Coal company at this place,- hnr
resigned to attend school at Troy, N.
T. Ernest 'Brleoh, of Haslet on, formerly
w.'Uh the Lehigh Valley Railroad com
pany, will be tils eucceKor,
- . .1 '
County Chairman MeOakren and the
, Democratic Candidates In Town. .
On Thursday evening John Me
Gahren, chairman ot the Democratic,
county convention, and the Democratic
county candidates, William MoLean,
Lee Wanton, J. W. Maloy and John
Perkins, came to town for the purpose
of stirring u-p a little enthusiasm
among the local Democrats. An in
formal reception was held at the Sin
clair house, and plans were discussed
for getting out the full party vote at
the coming fall election. James L.
Lenahan. Charlea McCue, P. A. O' Boyle
and several other prominent Demo
crats were present, and offered sug
gestions for the campaign.
A meeting was then organized, with
P. F. Joyce as chairman, and M. K.
Donnelly, secretary. It was decided to
adop't the same plan here as In Wilkes
Harre. of forming a committee of five
In each voting precinct and man the
polls on election day. The chairmen
of the several ward committees were
then appointed as follows: First ward,
James Langan: Second ward, John Jor
dan; Third ward. John Connell; Fourth
waft, J. J. Kern; Fifth ward. Martin
Kearney; lxth ward. First district, J.
U. Feeney; Second district, James Ken
nedy; Seventh ward. J. C. Reap:
Eighth, James O'Hoyle; Ninth, M. W.
O'ltoyle; Tenth. J. J. llangan;
Eleventh, J. H. 'Mullln.
Chairman MoOahren announced that
he Is making arrangements for a grand,
old-rfashloned rally to be held at the
Armory, Wlllkea-'Harre, toward the
close of the campaign. He sold he will
use every endeavor and inducement to
get David B. Hill to speak on that occa
sion. ,
Mayor Malonoy Names M.J. Langan and
Dr. Renseoter.
At the meeting of the select council
Thursday evening Mayor IMaloney sub
mitted the names of l.M. J. Langan, of
I'pper Plttston, and Dr. Benecoter, of
the central city, as members of the
board of health to All the vacancies
created by the resignation of John Jor
dan and Dr. O. Underwood. The ap
pointments were promptly confirmed.
r. Benscoter will decline to serve, as
It is understood that" Dr. Underwood
Joseph Murphy played to an over
flowing house at Music Hall last even
ing, and his 'tJhaun Rhue," was as
fresh, spicy and funny as ever. He kept
the audience convulsed with laughter
and was repeatedly applauded.
Captain Jack Crawford, the celebrat
ed poet-scout, last evening delivered his
popular lecture, "Camp-fire and the
Trail," before a very large audience at
Young iMen's Christian Association
hall. His talk was very entertaining
and the audience was more than
pleased -with the evening's entertain
ment. This was the first of a series of
lectures that the lecture committee of
the association have arranged for the
George N. Nellson. the plumber, visit
ed friends up at .Bodlnes,. ten miles
north of Wllllamsport, Thursday. On
the return Journey ihe rode to Towanda,
a distance of sixty miles, In five hours
and fifteen minutes, the last six mHs
being wheeled off In less than twenty
Owen P. Keenly, agent In this section
for the Elmlra Rudget, was in town
last night and says that the Budget will
appear on Sunday as usual, reports to
the contrary notwithstanding. He says
the Elmlra plant will be closed, but the
paper will be printed In Albany.
Miss Ida Major, of Drummond street,
entertained a company of young friends
very pleasantly last evening. Those
present were: Laura King, Blanche
Salmon, Itos .Salmon, Nellie Werkhel
ser, Bessie Connell, Blanche Jlurnett,
Uhoda Haston, Annie Major, Isabella
Gillls. Bertha Major, Isadore Burge, Os
car Haub. Andrew Brj-den and Eddie
Werkhelser. " ,
Mrs. Meyer Schlosser. of William
street, has returned from New York.
i.MIss Anna Coke and brother, Paul
Coke, left for Philadelphia, to see their
mother, Mrs. J. L. Coke, who has been
suffering for some months from A seri
ous throat trouble, and who has been
undergoing treatment In a Philadelphia
hospital the past fortnight. The. report
received was that she la getting along
very nicely and has Improved marked
ly since going to the city.
E. L. Lynch, the South (Main street
clothier, has returned from New York,
where he went Monday to attend the
funeral of tils brother, Thomas Lynch.
Thomas English and bride returned
home last evening from their wedding
tour and will gu to housekeeping In
their handsome new home, on William
Thomas Corcoran returned home yes
terday from n two weeks' visit to New
York and Philadelphia.
William Secumbe. of Plaeervllle. El
derado county, Cal., Is visiting friends
In this vicinity. Yesterday, In com
pany w.'i f.i W. H. Lugg, his brother-in-law,
of Duryea, he paid a visit to the
Mount Lookout shaft, and they were
piloted through the underground Work
ings by Richard 'Malnwarlng.
W. L. Watson, cashier of the First
National bank, Is attending the Atlanta
exposition. .
Albert Brown returned home yester
day from a business trip to New York.
Joseph (McCormlck, who holds a re
sponsible position In the United States
custom house at Philadelphia, accom
panied by his wife and children, are Mrs. MoCormlck's father, M.
Moylan, at Port Griffith.
Every time Joseph Muiphy, the pop
ular Irish comedian, comes to town he
'pends the day fishing on the Susque
hanna, and yesterday was no exepp-
"(in to the Hlle. Shnrtlv of or firfi.
Ing town, accompanied by P, X Kearns,
lie drove up the river to Itantom, where
they spent the day and landed some
good-sized catches.
Dennis Mangan, of South 'Main street,
returned home from Atlantic City yes
terday, where he has been sojourning
for the past fortnight for the benefit
of his health. While at the seashore,
Mr. .Mangan had a relapse which hast
ened his return home.
Scrofula, Salt Rheum
And All Other Blood DltaMa-Hoiw
Thny May Bo Cured.
Bpeeklng simply Irom what Hood's Bar-
Mpsrllla has dona, not only once or twice,
but In thousands el eases, we can honestly
sy that it Is the beat remedy lor, fill dls
ease ot the blood, whatever the cause.
By 1U peculiar Combination, Propor
tion and Process, ttpossottet boiltlve
medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself, ,
It has cured the most virulent cases
ol Scrofula and Bait Rheum, even when
all other prescriptions and medicines
have failed to do any good.
Dlood poisoning, from whMvrr erf
Jin, yields to its powerful cleansing, purl'
fylug, vitalizing effect upon the blood:. II
yon desire farther particulars, writ to ns
a3 below, n ' . Remember that
Hood's Saroaparilla
Isthe One True Blood Purifier prominently
la the public eye today; Prepared only by
C. L Boos & Co., Lowell, Mass.,' U.S. A.
Sold by all druggists, - fl six lor 8. '- V
Hood's Pill
are Iht beat tfttMlMMt
eAccouaiTcnr pude
Miss Genevieve McCann, of Hyde
Park, is visiting tflsa Mame Reap, of
William street. Accompanied by Dr. J.
C. Reap, H. B. Reap, Dr. James CMal
ley and Miss Kate O'Malley. they at
tended the Dallas fair. Thursday.
tUiss Mae Matthewa arrived home
yesterday from an extended visit with
a school friend, on the Hudson.
IMIss Blackman. of Kingston, and
Miss Allen, of Scranton, spent last
evening here, the guests of the Misses
Dorr, on the West Side.
Professor W. H. Wolfsohn, the fam
ous vocalist who accompanies Evangel
ist Schlverea in his revivals, was In
town yesterday, en route to his home,
at Buffalo. They go to the Atlanta
exposition next week, where they will
conduct meetings for several months
and they will go to California for the
The Plttston ofllCe of the Scranton
Tribune is located at No. & William street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Ufflce open from
la, m. to 10 p. m.
Jacob Stettler, an old resident of the
West Side, died yesterday from the ef
fects of a cancer on the arm. The fu
neral will take place Sunday (tomor
row) at 2 p. m., and the remain will toe
Interred In West 'Plttston cemetery.
On Thursday night a number of the
members of 'the Broad Street Methodist
Episcopal church chartered a special
electric car and took a trolley ride to
Nantlcoke, where they spent the even
ing with their former pastor. Rev J. B.
Sumner, and his estimable wife. Re
freshments were servtd and the party
returned at a seasonable ihour. The
following were present: iMr. and Mrs.
J. A. Lewla, Mr. and IMrs. Carl Council
man, Dr. and Mrs. W. II. iMoon, Mr.
and 'Mrs. John Hall, Mr. and Mrs. C. II.
Oliver, Mr. and (Mrs. W. P. Carr, Mr.
and Mrs. George Daniels, IMr. and Mrs.
W. M. Winters. Mr. and Mrs. M. It.
Kecler. iMr. and IMrs. J. W. Phillips.
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. . Bennett, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Frants. Mrs. Dr. Dlvely, Mrs. W. C.
Irlce, 'Misses Mae 'McDonald, Bessie
Weir, Ina Cobb. Ella Cobb, Jessie
Weaver, Bertha Morris, Laura Morris,
Sadie Morris, Grace Bennett, Lillian
Matthews, Emily Sweet, Eva Allen,
Mame Welter, Hattie Welter, Eunice
Burrltt, Sarah Davis, Esther Jenkins,
Clara Lelghton, C. -B. Smith. A. L.
Truax. Harry Weaver, Robert McDon
ald, Will Koons, Henry Carter, Jesse
Phillips, Al Hoffman, Will Sheets, O.
V. Hunter, C. E. Lyman, Alex. 'Davis,
John Matthews, A. Kresge, Benjamin
Hadsall; Kd Messlck, IMr. and Mrs.
Frank Flock, of 'Wilkes-tBarre.
George Nellson has been awarded ihe
contract for placing hot water heating
apparatus In J. J. Boyle's Valley house.
Burglars made an unsuccessful at
tempt to crack the safe at John Tou
hlll's Riverside foundry Thursday
A house on Spring street, West Side,
occupied by a colony of Italians; was
slightly damaged by fire yesterday
Rt. Itev. Bishop O'Hara will confer
the sacrament of confirmation on sev
eral hundred 'boys and girls at St. John
the Evangelist church tomorrow. The
boys will be confirmed af 10.30 a. m. and
the girls at 3 o'clock In the afternoon.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Louise
Fear will take place this morning at
10 o'clock from the family residence on
Broad street. Those who wlfh to view
the remains may do so from 8 to 9.30 a,
m., after which the casket will be
closed. ; ' '
line funeral of the late 'Michael
Dougher, of this place, occurred from
the home of his sister, 'Mrs. W. Mc
Nulty, Stark street, yesterday after
noon at 3 o'clock, and Was largely at
tended. Funeral services were conduct
ed over the remains at St. John's
church, and Interment was made in
Market Street cemetery. The pall
bearers wers 'Roger Loughney, Jchn
Gordon, Anthony LofUis. Michael
Dougher, (Patrick 'Dougher and
Anthony iNewcomiue.
W H. Lird.ay, the well-known con
tractor of Plymouth, was In town yes
terday. The councils 'have awarded
the contract for the construction of
the sewer outlets to Mr. LImlsay, tout
for some reason ' the-mayor has not
signed It. The city clerk has already
signed the contract. The councils have
neglected to secure the right of way for
the outlets, which Trobably accounts
for the mayor not. affixing 'his name to
the contract.
Duryea Is enjoying quite a 'building
boom. S. J. Freeman 'has given the
contract for the erection of a block of
houses on the old homestead farm to
Ar.thony Chlni.heB. iMr. Chinches also
has t.he contract for a new (house for
Rev. Father John Olonlskl, pastor of
the new Polish Catholic church at Dur
yea. Bernard Masslopkl "has been awarded
the contract for supplying coal to the
M'arcy township school.
There will he a meeting of the board
of health at the town iliall .this (Satur
day) evening at 7.30 o'clock.
. While Street Commissioner Carroll's
gang of workmen were cleaning the
asphalt pave at the corner of William
street yesterday, one of I'hetn. Edward
McDonnell, was struck by a passing
cab. -He sustained a alight wound in
the forehtad and was taken' home In
the caJ.
B done Lw?y with by the use of HART
f Ingredients well-known to all Iteaaba
applied to tin. galvanised tin, sheetlVon
reefs, also to brick dwellngs? which mill
prevent absolutely any enimblUw, crack
ing or breaking of the brick. Itwfibut-
J"J Bn,n 2 b "any yeari,
and it's oost does not exceed one-fifth that
f the oost of tinning. Is sold by the lob
or pound. Contract., taken by
The stock we pnrchsstd st the 1 her id's 8lo
at Hazlsten, Fa. cur Pa's, slnvo fdIiib,
proved more Mttiafartory than we thought.
Th Crowd on Monday wit. root mnuiily Urgr,
and currltd swav the Uark-alns, an J the stock
which is left we'll dispose o( at yoqr own
i.rlucth 6a!e nil week at tho following price:
I cssu Dress Olnghumn, grow price, T cents,
Our Prion, 3. Cants
lease of Unblchtl Drown Cotton, , 4,
henry, for sheeting only, itroM price, 9 '
ceot, Our Prlea,4tt Cnts
1 ruse Checked Crash, all linen, cross price,
10cm a. , Our Prtos, S Cents
l-i-ftM Eltaohed Towels, by the fair,
.-f i taxed, gross price, ' or nts, .
. ;, Our Pries, 10 Cents
1 rase 94 BltaoBeJ Ulnlmwk atuslin, groa
pries, cents, ; Our Pries, 12H Cents
A great sale for the vie ot every household.
I cas j of Turkey Ited Covers, slses 8x4 and
IVxt, gross ark. SUM nad $150,
. Our Prlss, BOe. and 69e.
Fast 'i'srkey tted.
E16 lt:'.-::;j lt::ni
The Eagle How company of this city
took the first prise in the firemen's
drilling contest at Reading yesterday.
Prothonotary George J. Llewellvn, of
this place, an ex-chlef of the fire de
partment. iWhn u-a a
and ejected from tlhe haH at the state
utoih:u vunveniion at 'iteaaing a few
days ago. threatens toorganlse a north
eastern PennsylvanlaFlremen's league,
as he claims the delegates from com
panies in thia section have never re
ceived the recognition they are entitled
The Mechanics' Hose company of this
place took second prise in the hose lay
ing contest at 'Reading yesterday.
William Wilson, the Soulih Main
treet ibutoher, was cut on the hand by
a piece of glass a few days ago and tha
Injury became so -painful ami danger
ous that an operation was necessary to
prevent blood poisoning setting In.
Plttston Business Director-.
un io vi Boutn Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
second-hand household goods, bought or
The night schools of Old Forge town
ship will open next Monday evening.
Mrs. Samuel Brodhead was the guest
of her sons In Montrose this week.
Rolief in Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New South
American Kidney Cure. This new rem
edy is a great surprise on arount of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, baok, and every part
of the urinary passages. In male or fe
male. It relieves retention of water and
pain In passing It almost Immediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this 'a
your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug
gist, 135 Penn avenue, Scrunton, Pa.
Roofing Co.,
326 Washington Avenue,
scranton, pa.
I e
Ebonite Varnish,
Gravel Roofing,
Pipe Covering,
Building Felts,
Sheathing Papers,
All kinds of reoSng work doco. All kinds ot
gravel or slag roots mads. '
-A UUmr mm U iMr i
TttsLaaiea' MM rsmeh Psagela KM Bvt
seaBeatdtmwaatm uywhm k the U.&-ea
rsenpierueu, iij uiwr,
or roeui Mete is II JO.
Kmals star w Iks koots
aoU la all Mali stone for
Ate. We auke tkls keel
eansiVes, taentoie we ir
esu we jk, emit ana war,
sad If aw eae Is set aulslUa
we will renme Ike saoesy
erssessuoiasrsssr. users
widths 0,M,ill
1 to I we UK
&d yomr j4m
IWrr Cttnr fin W
Stiot lM ( fitultrt.
Send 5 m , CwmttYjui
2 eases of Bummer Balbrlggan Men's tin
derwear, la all qualities, grow prlca, SKo ,
' He, and SOc. eur
. , Pries to Gloss Out Entire Lot 20o
Wi'oten Men's Whlto Unlanudriod S.ilrts.
pur Horn bosom, double front sud back,
' tross price, &U onto.
Our Pries, 29 Casts
tOO down of Outing Shirts, In all quslttiei,
'cr. ss price, o.. 80o 60o., 0o. and ?jo.
Wo will make a sweep on the entire lot
and let her go at 28 Cents Your Chojos
HOSIErlY-lhsse prices will hold good'
. tor all this week. 6jo pair Men's Socks
at Be. gross price, lOo, : M pairs Ladios'
Fast B ack Hoes, gross prUe, 10 rents, '
" Our- Pries, Bo.l It doion of French
, Bulbrixgan Halt Hose, snl Fast Black
' Hose, gross price, 20 ent.
. ; Our Pries, 124 Cents
' Ladles' Vests at one-half less than elsewhere.
Be cjref al aad' ealL
fll VCIIl X"
rm T
H leM
A ?
T v . w" now upon tbs market. a
owing to the excessively dry weather man vTniiill JiZ
of the opinion that it h LSSSSJStSS
condition for milling. Wffin!cKS '(11
no risks, and will allow the new wheat ttUlvthri.
montlis to mature before grinding.
.TIU T!k! aWvntlon. to vry detail ot milling has
placed WsbburnCi'osbv Co ' fl... .
Wholesale Agents.
A complete line of tlie above celebrated Carpets, in the
latest designs and colorings, with borders to match, suitable
for rooms, halls and stairs absolutely fast colors, uneoualed
for wearing qualities and perfection of finish.
Awarded Three Prize Medals
In London. Also First Prize in Bradford, Paris, Am
sterdani, Sydney, Melbourne, Calcutta, Philadelphia,
Dublin and Christchurch. Price, $1 per yard.
I,. V
enf r? ncwre rvr fr a x.vYriLT
7sic rtvjtii" i j
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Coilorsf
Qcoersi Offics: 5CRANT0N, PA. .
tion for Monday and Tues
day, Oct. 7 and S.
2000 TIES
worth 50c and some 25c,
will be sold at our Clothing
Department at '
19c. Each, or
5 for $1.00. ;
On display in our Clothing
Window this Saturday.
Homes furnished as we
happy. .''. ' ,
FOR $150
which includes Carpets, il i
Cloths, Curtains, Crockery,
Stove, Pictures, Parlor Suit,
Bedroom Suit,' Dining Room
Suit, Kitchen Furniture for
either cash or on credit at a
slight advance.
v1 . '
patrons :
' "
.11.11 K1
run jWKruilUiii
: Soon or in the near future ?
In . any event, go ' to . house
keeping. Make a home for
yourself and wife. Furnish
ii V.UU11U1 ia.uiy uw
happiness beyond home. ' . We
are ready to' furnish homes
complete on easy weekly or
monthly payments.
furnish them will make you
Monday and .Tuesday, Pet;
7 and 8, are
f :
1 1; mn
at our Clothing Department.
60c and 25c.: TUB'a,-u
5 for $1.00.
225 and S27
1 I flili
I.M.C.A. Building
.f . ";';-'. .:; .'.V
. , t.. ... V.
i -r' - : .