The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    "T. .
Several Signify Their Willingness to
The committee from the Clerks' as
sociation who were making a canvas of
the city yesterday were partly success
ful. This plan. It Is hoped, will be car
ried out. as other towns, such as Scran
ton. Wilkea-llarre and Honesdule. have
trlt-d It and found that It worked. The
committee who made the canvas was
romponed of Joseph Itira. of H. .
Clark's store, and Uoorjst Alvord, or
Bolton's. They had but a rhort time to
do their work, but the number of names
secured showed that It found favor in
the eyes of the storekeepers.
Those who slRnlfled their willingness
to Join the movement are B. S. Clark,
S. Bolton. J. B. Shannon & Co., O. W.
Humphrey, Stephen & Tucker, Wlllinm
Mowers and S. A. Purdy. Others who
have not vet been visited by the com
mittee have said they would 'be wllllnf?
to join If those who signed would keep
their promise. They pay that at other
times some of the storekeepers have
kept their stores open despite their
Messrs. Shannon, Erk, Snyder nnd
Ptephens will make a general canvas
of the city.
Ths City Is Pcfcndunt In Another Suit
for Pinnaces.
Miss Rose Tyler, of Prompton, Wayne
county,' has brought a suit Tor dam
ages against the city. Miss Tyler is a
music teacher and makes frequent
visits to this place. About Christmas
1lme in 1S:1 she was walking along tho
rtreet. The sidewalk In front of Dr.
Wheeler's residence was not level and
he stumbled and fell, injuring herself.
Those Injuries, she claims, are worth
Sj.OOO,. and it Is. for tills sum that she
s lie.
The suit has been expected for a long
lime, as It has hpon threatened and the
nccldent took place two years ag"- The
matter was brought before the councils
nine-months after the accident, but this
was already pretty late. It was re
ferred to the committee, where it has
rested ever since. Summons In assump
sit were served upon the city yester
day. H. C. I'utler repesontlng the plain
Tosses An ay at Her Homo on Scott
Eirly yesterday morning the smil of
frs. Marpiret Clark, wife of Michael
t'Kirk. cf Scott street, passed Into the
great beyond.
Mrs. Clark wns torn In Scotland. In
J 86:!, nnd e!-jflh't years ago came with
her hi!F''and and children to this city,
Which has since 'been their residence.
P'n Mved on Sever.t'h avenue for about
year, but then moved to Scott street.
She Is survived by her husband and
right children, Owen. Mk-hael, Thomas.
Mary. IliHhert, Joseph, John and ft
young child.
Mrs. Clark's demise will 'be mourned
fry a large circle of rlends, who hnvo
learned to love and respect her. She
was of a kind and gentle disposition,
and those who came in contact with
her will long remember 'her loving ways.
The funeral will take place on Thurs
day af;emoon, at 3 o'clock, interment
being made in St. Rose cemetery.
And Mr. tiiunner Assumes Charge of
Hotel Anthracite.
Mr. Fox. who has been In charge of
Hotel Anthracite sin?e its start, has
retired and I. K. (iumer. of Port Jer
vls, has assumed the command of the
Mr. Gumaer 1ms been one of the
prominent business men of Port Jervls,
and his acquaintances speak very high
ly of him. His wife and daughter will
Join him on Saturday.
No immediate changes will be made
In the management. J. P. iMe.Uurney,
who now acts as head clerk, will retain
his position, and D. J. Moyles will also
keep his position behind the desk.
The many friends of IMr. Fox will
regret his departure. He has shown
himself to be a gentleman and also has
given evidence that he understands
the hotel business,
New Officers Chosen.
At the regular meeting of the Olive
I,eaf lodge. Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, officers for tht? following term
were elected.- They will be Installed by
district deputy grand master on Oct. 14.
They, are noble grand. 8. A. Purdy:
vice-grand, Harry Masters; assistant
secretary, C. F. Masters.
Mrs. F. M. Fox left yesterday for
ftuffalo, where she will visit relatives
for a short 'time. Mr. Fox will remain
In Carbondale for several days, after
which he will leave for Buffalo. Mr.
and Mrs. Fox will proibably take up
their residence at Hot Springs, Arkan
sas, where Mr. Fox will manage one
of the leading hutels. Both Mr. and
What Shall I Do?
l the earnest, almost agonizing cry of
weak, tired, nervous women, and crowded,
overworked, struggling men. Slight dif
ficulties, ordinary cares, household work
or daily labor, magnify themselves into
seemingly impassable mountains.
This is limply because the nerves are
weak, the bodily organs debilitated, and
they do not
proper nourishment. Feed the nerves,
organa and tissues on rich red blood, and
how soon the glow of health comes to the
pale cheeks, firmness to the nnsteady
hand, and strength to the faltering limb.
pnriflel, vitalizes and enriches the blood
and la thus the best friend to unfortunate
humanity. Be tare to get Hood's and
only Hood's. All druggists. 11; tlx for 6.
Hvtrl'e Dills after-dinner pill and
nUUU S fills funny cathartic, wo.
At Less Than Cost, to Close.
J. Scott Inglis
ens a m pipers
wan Pater
Mrs. Fox have been great social favor
ites in t'hls city, and a wide circle of
friends exceedingly regret their depart
ure. Xt. land Mrs. ."di-orge Hughes, of
Wayne street, have received an invita
tion to the wedding of C. H. Roberts,
of Philadelphia, grand secretary of the
American Lerlon of Honor, which will
ow-ur on the H'tii of October.
M!?pes Maiftaret and Tlllle Heller
and Messrs. Frank States and Will
Cliff enjoye'd a drive to Honesdale Sun
day. ljr. Burnett, of Srrjnto.ri, was in con
sultation Monday with Dr. J. S. Miles,
in tihe case of Mis. It. W. dies, of
Aldenvllle, who is 111 nt the home of her
sister. Airs. M. C. Abbey.
Miss Klliabi th Abbott, of Che Wllkes
Barre Training School for Nurses, who
has been in attendance on her brother,
John F. AWbott. .for the ipast two
months, returned to her duties today.
Messrs. Evan Thomas and Jacob
Schumerhorn spent Punday In Burn
wood. a. S. ScTiumerorn, of Woodlnwn ave
nue, who was hurt at 'Hendricks' shop
scmftlme ago, it out again, and will re
sume his duties In a few days.
Mrs. J. P. A. TingUy is confined to
her room, at the Hotel American, with
a severe hr.n?hial attack.
(leorge Paul, of the Merchants and
Mechanics' bank, has left for his vaca
tion, which will include Oneonta. Al
bany and other points In New York
John J. Kennedy, of the firm of Col
lins & Kennedy, left Monday for Wash
ington, where he will apply fef a patent
on n device recently Invented by him
to grcjse a waon axle without remov
ing the -wheel.
Miss Til a ltee?e and Jennie Jenkins
pprrt PitrMay In Seranton.
Br. Mark Itailpy, resident physiclnn
nt t''ie hospital, has returned from his
annual vacation, whk'h was spent in
the vicinity of New York city.
Dr. Wl',?tlcr and family "returned
from' Windsor Monday afternoon.
II. W. Hkeels Is seriously ill at his
home on Cemetery street.
Fred Moses snent Sunday with
friends In Wilkc s-Hnire. '
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Penree returned
home Satuid-iy night, after vlsltlnsr
a wek with friends nt Honesdale and
Chtrry Tlhlge.
O. H. Singer returned MVmtlay from
a two weeks' vac.islnn, which included
New York city. Albany, Lake Cham
plain and other points of Interest in
New York states.
Wlllinm Spall, of Eighth avenue. has
resigned his position Willi P. J. Collins,
the South Main street tailor, and has
a'ceepted n similar one with J. M. Alex
ander, of North M;iin street.
Stephen Clark Is visiting relatives
in town.'
Charles Perkins is still on the gain.
William Card In and James f inland
Attended the banmiet given by the
Young Men's inclltute. of Scranton.
last evening.
Miss Amanda Curtis, of the Moody
Institute, n former resident of this
plsce. Is visiting friends here.
Julius Moses Is in New York.
M'.9 Kittle BIglln. of South Church
rtreet, is able to be around after a
few days" sickness.
K. M. Teck is S3 far reiovered from
his recer.-: Injuries that he will today
attend the reunion of the Ledyard fam
ily, at Vnlondale.
A regular hieetlng of the board of
trade will be held at 8 o'clock on Fri
day evening. All members are request
ed to be tre vent.
Rev. M. F. Miller, of Clearfield, Is
vIsMny friends here.
Mrs. McAndrew. of Sugar Notch, Is
visiting Martin Langan, of Wayne
The Kniglits of Father Mathew ara
making pii-para'tlons for the celebra
tion of their eighth anniversary by
holding a banquet on the 24th of Octo
ber. Michael Ruddy, a son of Mrs. Ruddy,
of 'Jhe Kat Side, was hurt at the Rldse
s'liaft yesterday. He was employed us a
"head tender," and while coupling cars
his head was squeezed. His Injury,
though painful, Is not considered dan
gerous. ,,
Herman Miller, a son of Herman
Miller, of Clears" Hill, was painfully
wounded yerterday afternoon by a
companion named ' Joseph Speicher.
P.fith are employed at White Oak break
er. While playing about the engine
house they found a gun belonging to an
employe of the company. Speicher,
playfully, pointed Mie gun at Miller,
supposing .(hat H was not loaded, and
pulled the trigger. The charge of fine
shot, which the gun contained, lodged
In Miller's cheek and Inflicted a very
painful wound.
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy, of Phila
delphia, ar visiting 'Squire and Mm.
Gildea, of tHill street.
Again we are threatened with troti'ble
over cur fttreet railway' franchises. The
right of way over Bridge. Laurel and
Monroe ttrefts granted to t'he Lacka
wanna Valley Transit company, after
no end of trouble last year, having been
forfeited becauss of the failure of the
company to comply with the ordinance
giving them tho right, we are now
threatened with an epidemic of "mush
roon" companies who will seek to con
trol thewe streets for purely speculative
purposes. If there Is need of a vall
way on these nt lefts, and it Is doubtful
If there Is, the right to construct It
should be given to a responsible com
pany, and If there Is any profit to be
derived from the granting of this right
It should be given to trie borough, to
which It properly belongs. This is the
principle for which The Tribune cor
respondent contended last year. It was
true Mien nnd it is equally true today.
The council fhould bear this In mind
when dealing with the matter, and the
people should hold them responsible
If they fall to do so.
Oeorge. Lloyd lies dangerously 111 at
his home. In Dickson.
P. J. Gllboy, of Duryea, visited
friends here yesterday.
The many friendi of Jacob Ffleffer
will be pleased to learn that he has the
management of Johnson company
iMrs. U. Eshleman has returned after
an extended visit with friends in New
York state.
Alfred '.Munford, of Throop, called on
friends here yesterday.
Mrs.. Albert Cleave, of Upper Main
street. Is Indisposed.
A largf crowd gathered at Smith's
hall on (Manday evening to welcome a
trolley party exppcted from the South
Side. Owing to the coldness of the
weather the trolley party did not come.
iMr. Smith was determined to give the
crowd a good time. He procured the
services of the'Prlcebnrg Citizens' band
and the music they furnished was de
lightful. iDancing was kept up until
the midnight hour, when, after voting
Mr .Smith a jolly host, the crowd went
to their several homes.
iMIsa Lena l.MoPherson, of Harrlck
Center, Is visiting friends In Dickson.
Thomas J.' Hoag, mine foremun at
Johnson's shaft, has moved Into the
house recently vacated by Richard
'Miss Clara iMunford has returned
after a few weeks' visit with friends in
Belief in .Sit Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New 8outh
American Kidney Cure. This new rem
edy Is a great surprlne on acount of its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain In
tho bladder, kidneys, back, and every part
of the urinary passives, In male or fe
male.' It relieves retention of water and
pain in passing It almost immediately. If
you want quick relief nnd cure this
your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug
gist, 125 Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa.
(The Plttston otlice of the Scranton
Tribune Is located at No. 5 W.lllam street,
where all advert semi'iim. orde-s for Job
work uml Hems for publatlo-. will re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
g a. m. to lu p. m.J
The Infectives Stitl llurj ut Work Gather
ina Testimony.
There Is nothing new In the Simonos
vli case to report, txcei-t that County
Detective Kckert and hisasslstants are
hard ut work Ratherlns testimony on
the case.
The Inquest, which was to have been
held at Alderman Jordan's otllce Mdn
day evening, was not held owing to Dr.
Barrett's inability to be present. Coun
ty Detective 'Kckert mude several
changes on the Jury, substituting M. J.
Langan and M. T. Lynott for Charles
Cusick and Ed. Urown..
Serious Illness of Dr. Ilarrott.
The numerous friends throughout
the valley of !Dr. C. J. Barrett will be
surprised to learn that he Is very dan
gerously 111. He contracted a severe
cold a few weeks ago which clung to
him tenaciously. 'He continued to per
form his professional duties as usual,
however, in the hope of fighting It olf.
Last Saturday he pel formed an autop
sy on the 'body of Ignaz SImonosviz,
the murdered Polandc r, outdoors in the
cold. He was alsa out Sunday, but
Sunday evening he became very 111.
Monday 'morning he continued to grow
worse, and a doc.or was called In. who
found him in a very critical condition;
fo low that It was decided best to have
the priest attend him. In the nfternoin.
however, he rallied and was much bet
ter. 'Monday his Illness was of the na
ture of heart failure nnd long trouble,
but yesterday It had developed Into
Pretty Play at St. Caslmlr's llnll.
On i.Monday evening a very pretty
drama was rendered a,t St. Caslmlr's
hall by young men and ladles of the
church. The drama, entitled "Bnlda
gurinat Chenaumkas." was written by
Dr. J. Stupnlskas, of Chicago. There
were fifteen characters to the piece.
The lending role, Johanna, was imper
sonated by Mary Valaitls, and the
leading man was Mathlas Dervlnns.
The hall was very prettily decorated for
the occasion, and a large audience wit
nessed the play. Ct. Caslmlr's orches
tra furnished excellent music.
Misses .Margaret Patterson and Alice
Maloney called on friends In the F.lec
trlc City, Sunday.
Nate Cramer and bride, of Upper
Plttston. have returned from their wed
ding tour. "..' .
Mrs. T. D. Shea, of Nanilcoke, who
has been visiting her parents. (Mr.. and
Mrs. T, Maloney, returned home last
Bishop O'Hara, of Scranton, was In
town yesterday.
Robert McKune, of Upper Plttston,
has none to Chicago.
Thomas D. Kearney, the well-known
blacksmith. Is lying quite dangerously
III at his home, on Pine street.
Michael .Mull'ln, deputy postmaster,
has resigned, and Robert Brown has
been appointed to the vacancy.
George M. Furman, of iBinghamton,
representative of the Barber Asphalt
company, is In town for a few days.
Mr. Furman says their company has
had more contracts for street paving
the present year than. ever before, hav
ing an aggregate of $1,000,000.
Mr. and iMrs. J. J. Hanlon (nee Miss
Mary Kane) have returned from their
bridal tour and have gone to house
keeping at Avoca.
Miss .Margaret 'Berlew, one of the
most pleasing and popular salesladies
at Brown's Bee Hive, has resigned her
Miss (Anna Snyder, of Luzerne bor
ouuh, spent Sunday here, the guest
of Miss Snyder, of the West Side.
The report of the 'hospital for the
month ending Sept. 1 shows: Patients
in -hospital. Sept. 1, 19; admitted, .19;
cured and discharged, 30; died, 3; re
maining, Oct. 1. 25; largest number any
day, 33; ymnllept, 1; average number
dally maintained, 2"; married. IM:slngle.
30; widowed, 3; Catholic, CI; Protestant,
Mr. and Mrs. Geary Dills, of Duryea,
are rejoicing over the arrival of n
bouncing boy, which arrived at their
heme Monday.
Quute a lares number of people from
this r lace attended the funeral of the
late Sls-ter M. Hyacinth, at Scranton,
yefterday. The pa II -'bearers were:
T'homas Maihoiiey, C. Donnellv, Tlimi
Bs Mangan, J. A. Cathier, all of this
Plttston Business Plrcctnry.
on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exrhunge; also
second-hand household goods, bought or
On Monday nfternoon Martin How
ley and Jdhn M'cNulty. of Dupont, saw
a Iran in the v.'.wds a rhort distnnce
from here, whom they thought to be
crassy. and on the advice of Supervisor
Keal'ir.'g, they nrrerttrd him. When ar
rcstrJ he was slls'htly clad In overalls
and 'had on his person a razor and a
knife. Foe the past few days he was
seen several times In the neighborhood,
nnd on Sunday right poured a can of
kerosene over the shanty of Albert
Caseo and nltempted to set fire to It,
but was frustrated In his plans. He
gave his name as John C. Spruce, of
Wllkes-Barre. It is supposed that
Spruce escaped from some asylum and
wari'jered into the weeds. He was
taken to the county Jail this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Werth, of South
Main street, are rejoicing over the ar
rival of a baby boy.
P. F. Devers Is spending a few days
with Scranton friend..
P. J. McCaffrey, rat iSctantjn, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
Miss Stella Wcrts, of Forty Foi't, la
the guest of Miss Ida Mlllf-r, of Wert
Mrs. Henry McMillan and Mrs. James
McMillan of West Pletrton, spent yes
terlay with friends In town.
The fnnr ral of the lata James Farrell
took ilace yc.ite.rday ' aPtornoon and
was largely attended, many people
from ovt of town being present. In
terment was .made in Market street
cemetery, Plttston.
Miss A.nnie Goodwin, of West Pltts
ton. rpert yesterday with her parents
In WcF.t Avo?a.
Mr. Ashley, of Paterson.'N. J., Is In
town looking after the Interests of the
silk mill.
The borough school 'board and coun
cil met In Joint session last evening.
Mrs. James Kane, of Dushore, Is the
guest of Mi 3. .A. O'Malley, of Main
An oyster supper will be held In
'Mahon's hall under the auspices of the
Ladles' Aid society of tho Presbyterian
church on Tuesday evening, Oct. 8.
The home of (Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Peck,
of ftlakely, was the scene of a brilliant
reception, which was tendered their
friends on 'Monday evening, 'the occa
sion being to celebrate the fifth an
nlversary of their marriage. The
dtuests were received from-8 until'
o'clock. The rooms had been profusely
decorated with potted plants and ferns
and the event was one of much pleas
ure. Music was furnished by the Law-
rence orchestra of 'Scranton. A dainty
supper was served about midnight,
after which the guests departed for
their homes. . A minis those present
from out of town were: F. L. Peck,
Miss 'Mame Peck, Kuhert Peck. Mr.
and Mrs. Shoemaker, of Scranton; H.
W. Peck, LVilss Ktta Perk. Peckvllle;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenyon, Wash
ington. D. C, and Miss Florence Ham.
of Honesdale.
A ijumber of youns? people from here
attended a pat ty given 'by J. J. Langan.
of Avoca. iMonduy evening.
Mlfs Florence Ham. of Honesdale. is
the giiFst of Ml.ssea May and Kdith
Hull, of Klakelv.
Mrs. T. Phllbln, of Archbald. spent
Sunday with relatives on Dunmore
All roads lead to Katonvllle now.
Hunters report ?quirrf!s very scarce.
Charles C Swisher, son of District
Passenger Agent S wither, of tho Jersey
Central road, is a writer of amateur
dramas, and Is now at work on a -play
called "T.he Two Orphans." It is In
thres acts, quite lengthy, and will soon
be ready to put In the hands of a well
known critic for correction. If it
proves satisfactory he will have It put
upon the boards. It Is his third at
teini.t. the former productions being
written merely for praetle?.
The rumor that the Lehigh Valley
road had been leased by the Pennsyl
vania set.ns to have had no founda
tion. 'Robert H. Sayre, second vice
president of the Valley company, pro
nounces It absolutely false. There Is
no apparent reason why the Lehigh
should transfer Ita management to a
rival. It has a magnificent train ser
vice, enjoys a thriving passenger and
freight patronage and- Is 'being very
ably mnnaged. It is able to take rare
of itself, and the "Pennsy," though a
most excellent railway system, npprars
to have sufllcle nt but Jon of Its own.
Complaint Is made that there are dis
reputable bouses in the First ward
that need looking after. 'Here Is a tip
for the authorities.
Monday was the fifty-third annivers
ary of the birth of Mrs. Wary J. Fas
sett, and late In the day about thirty
of her friends. Including several from
Mehoopany, gathered in to remind her
of the event and present their con
gratulations. The affair was a com
plete surprise to the estimable lady,
though her son John was accessory to
and partlceps cdminls in It. Elegant
refreshments, daintily served, added to
the enjoyment of the occasion, nnd
when t'he guests were gone Mrs. Fas
ee'tt was In possession of some hand
some presents as mementos of their
Rodney J. Rardwell. who went to
Colorado some time ago for his health,
Is up In the mountains about eighty
miles from Olemwood Springs assas
sinating grizzlies, elk and mountain
sheep. In company with a couple of
Englishmen who formerly hunted ele
phants in South Africa. Rev. Oeorge
Hlne. pastor cf the Ha.ptlst church
here, was once out In that country, nnd
relates his experience hunting big
game as 'follows: 'With a companion,
he started out after hear meat, and
presently they spied a big grizzly.
Hruln rose up on his hind feet, and to
the frightened hunters be seemed to be
six feet high. iHine brought his heavy
rifle up. but It bobbed around so that
he couldn't hit a tarn. Looking back.
! he saw that his companion was In the
same tlx. "Have you got anything
aaalnst that bear?" asked Hlne.
"Nnthlng." was the response. "'Nelthei
have I; let's get out of this." And
they did get out at a lively rate.
IMr. and 'Mrs. S. Judson Stark will
celebrate the twenty-second annivers
ary of their marriage at their hand
some residence on East Tioga street
today. A number of friends have been
invited to come In and share their hos
pitality. Jury Commissioners Fassett and
Raker filled the wheel yesterday for
the November term of court. The trial
list was also made up at the office of
Ross & 'Derrhelmer.
The stock for the out glass factory
has arrived and the wheels go round
every day now.
James S. Wagner, of Scranton, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
'Captain H. W. Bannatyne goes to
Philadelphia today to attend the meet
ing of the state Repu'bllcan committee,
vice Fred I. Wheeloek, who was elect
ed to go, but was detained.
The will of William HI. Whipple, who
died suddenly on the street a short time
since, was admitted to probate yester
day. The widow Is named as executrix,
nnd to herds lift the life usa of the en
tire estate.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Heckman spent
Sunday with Fofter 'Hewitt's people at
Trumansburg. N. Y.
tAmong the Tunkhannock people who
are taking In the Dallas fair are J. W.
Gray. C. ill. SanVrd, John P. Lvmnn.
F. W. DeWltt. iW. I. Avery. W. N.
i Reynolds, Dr. E. F. Avery, Jesse Ack-
The Tunkhannock Manufacturing
company are preparing to light their
establishment with gas. They will
thereby bs enabled to run two hours a
day lonirer during the winter.
Rev. Father Joseph, of 'Plttston, held
services nt the Catholic church here
last evening for the 'benefit of the Pol
ish Catholics. Mass and other services
will also be held this morning.
rvc. Snyder has moved to Dalton.
The f.ihools opened yesterday with a
large nttei. dance.
The Epw'.uth league rally will be
held In liie Methodist Kplseopal church
here on Friday and Saturday next.
. ...
If the llnhv Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success.' It Soothes tho
Child, Softens the Oums, Allays nil Pain;
Cures Wind Col e, and !s the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every
part of the world. He sure and ask for
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
The Nickel Plate Road runs from Buf
falo to ChlcaKO, via Cleveland und Fort
The etork we ptirchaseil rt the ' lieriff ' Sale
at Hezleton, Pa. ur 8alo, rlnuo I'iK'nmif.
liroved more nt afkctory than wo thonnbt.
Th crowd on Monday was rnurinoui'ly iiii tfe,
and carried nway the Hurualiin. aii'.l tlio atot-k
which in left we'll dispose o' nt your nwn
1 riiem Bale all week at tlio following; prlcve:
I cam Drcaa QinunimiH. riohh price, ? cents.
Our Prloa, 3H Cent
1 caao of Unblf arhcl Brown Cotton, 4 4, ,
heavy, for aliejtinj only, gross price, 9
conu, ' Our Price, 4tt Cant
1 rase Checked Crash, all linen, crow price,
10 cent. Our Price, S Cent
I cnee , Bleached TowelH. by the pair,
f 1 luced, Kroaa price, XU cents. '
Our Price, 10 Cants
lasot4 Bleached Hohnwk Muslin, pros
price, Si cenu. Our Price, 12WI Cents
A great sal fur the ute cf every houaijholil.
lcaai of Turkey lied Coa-era. alaea 8x4 aud
1VX4, grota price, tM and f l &U,
- Our Prlee, SOo. and 69c.
1 Faet Turkey Ked.
516 Uskaxsnna Aif:ni:a.
The greatest cause
terror of
the . present day, forlncrly
sidered hopeless, is no
by the best physicians
v conceded
as curable
under proper
cause a . depleted condition
the system ; a mal-ass
food ; a wasting aw
initiation of
py ot the
tissues ; an impovcrishin
ent of the
blood. The result
condition of a" the orj
Jans, of the
body ; a formation of e
j ulcers ;
and the result ucr,th
. f rdm
or hcmorrhaic. lint t
he cure is
that greatest concentration into
the least possible bulk of the
vital elements of lean, raw beef.
It is absorbed and nourishes with
the least possible effort on the
part of the stomach. It creates
new tissue, enriches the blood,
makes flesh, and by strengthening
the great vital centres of the
body enables them to perform
their functions in a natural man.
ner, and dispel disease. Thou
sands owe their life to its use.
Roofing C(
326 Washing
on Avenue,
, pa-
Ebonite Yarsish,
Gravel Roofi
Pipe Coverin
Building Fel
Sheathing Pc
All kind of roofing work done
All klnda of
gritral or (lag roofs uuule.
A Modern l lrcproof Hotel containing 300
rooms. 200 with both and toilet
Good Roomi, fl.AC: Largo Ho..ins. $!. and
with private bath $2.Suund npwnrd per day.
In clou proximity to th prim-luti tboitros
uud 'lie shopping dtxtricU
Flvo lniuutes from Grand Central and
West Shore Depots.
I jumnajr.
nrfll HOB CO.. luc'p. Otyttel, ll.OflMW.
AiUarnKiUadolfrvnwt." ,
Tail Ladle' 811,1 French DoaajoW KM Vat.
tea Beet dellnrjd free anywhere in the U.S., oe
receipt oi ueen. Honey uracr,
or I'oeul Nele far ilJO.
Kanale every way the boot
fold la all ratal etsrae for
IM. We maak tfal boot
ouraelvee, tbenfore we fear
anU the JU, tttU & wrar.
4 esd If any ewe it hot emuanad
. ive or voniaoe) penea,
width! C, P. B, K KB.
W altee I to t aad new
Stndyow a
' lUuatrated
w r w f
Dqter Shoe CoTSTi.2:'
Bpmai itrmi to jjtaur.
French Injection Compound
Care poaitlvrly, quickly, (not merely cherki.)
Guaranteed or nioni y refunded. Avoid dangenxia
leaiedlea. Price 60 wall per bottle. Mis Hwttlee
(will cure efferent rate, aunt, prepaid, secure (rum
observation, with only acleuUHcaily made yrlue,
to any atldresi fur 3. Ml.
To all sullnrora of FRKORSOP YOUTH,
WOMEN. !U8 iiagea: tlotli bound: securely rn1 tnnl-a free Tr.wtnii'iit bvmtil
trktly oxifldentinl. htI u t mitiva qn':k uro
Su.i t.ul' od. 2o umtt'T how lonw atnadlnK. I
will poiitiyely cure yoa. Write or call.
OD IfiDR 3'-" N- ,5,h s-- PbHodo.. Pit.
tiilf LuDD 3u yearV contiautus practice.
2 case of Summer Balbriggan Mnn's lTn
derwear, in all quulitlos, Krou price, 22.,
Sm and 51k, nnr
Prlca to Close Out Entire Lob 20o
C9 tlozon Men's White Cnlaundriod Shirts,
. pure linen bosom, double front aud back,
drone price, GO cent,
Our Price, 29 Cents
W0 dozen of O'ntlng Shirts, in all (inalitioi,
grow price, late., iHJc. fttlu., O'lc. and "Sc.
Wo will make a sweep on the entire lot
and let her go at 25 Cents Your Choice
HOSIERY-! base prieci will hold good
.for all thia week. 6.KI pair Men'a Hocks
at Sc., gross price, 10c.: 6t pair Ladloa'
l;nt ii nek Hose, gross prire, 10 cents,
Our Prlee, 80.1 16 dozen of French
lialbrlggan Half Hoso, and Fast Black
" Uoee, gross price, iiii conta.
Our Price, 12X Cents
Ladles' Vests at ona half leaa than elsewhere.
Be careful and call.
mi ddipc il
to our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. wj
rons that they will this yei
of millins STRICTLY Ol r
is fully cured. New
uwmg iu iiiv excessively
of the opiniou that it Is
condition lor iniiiing. '
no risks, anil will alio
months to mature before
litis careful attention
placed Washburn-Crosb
Wholesale taents.
A complete line of the above ce'r
latest designs and colorings, with bor
for rooms, halls and stairs absolutel
for wearing qualities and perfection d
Awarded Three Prize
In Loudon. Also First
sterdam, Sydney, Melbourne,!
Dublin and Christchurch. Pri
irnn cirnrnir
TLur riircMvi nn a
i n ka uiwngun ivmiiurnv i vnmwwwi
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers
Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Yours for
Monthly or Weekly
225 and 227
11 CJz&Z- mm ninTinnno
SLZ II Nil I I II I till-H
their many pat
hold to their usual custom
VI1EAT until the new crop
now upon the market, ana
Wady cured, and In PPf '
iburn-irosny o. wm
e new wheat fully thre
very detail ot milling haa
b Hour iar aso
1 1
brated Carpets, in the
ers to match, suitable
fast colors, unequaled
f finish.
in Bradford, Paris, An
L Calcutta, Philadelphia
rut ii?ati miMftCft1
They Are
Fer the
To Pay?
Payments Taken.
nnu uuuiiiiuiiu
Wyoming Avo.
uui imuL-oiunt, 4B
. I- !