THE S sew lNTON TRIBUNE -WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER a, 1893. 2f WILL T 'I: OPEN HEIR I :N NEW sTodfe Monday, - Sept 3cRl mm i Everything 122 North Main1 G ' n . . .. uiiic uveitis or the Day on t Side of the Citv Noted. THREE ACCIDENTS IN tf FortuoBtoly jfone of Thorn serious Nature-Camp .13 of i S. of A. Kntcrtulncd VI Personal and New No. fTh W.i .,.... . . - " "IB UL i ri ave been placed in the hands "wen. to whom all newi mvuii anu complain li may be Three caws of Injuries In occurred nn this .i.i ,........., lie mines ...... jroivm; as oner dan f aii tin.....,.. .. Tltom- injured by a fall of coal at tli mine. His head was badly br several stitch., n... :eet, was Central Ised and the wounds. The Injuries ar J to close not con- .cnuus. iur. Huberts attend- h". ""P". of Jackson fackson J '. was ol k yesti'l lome III urlei A Btreet, a .... I , oriKjrs' mine. fall Of coal anil .v.l. ishea by "nveyed to his home iday. He the mine uuium-e. -rne InJu about th hoo.i J chiefly , naries Augustine, of Jack was Injured by a fall while a Price s mine yesterday. The fered mostly from the accl, Reynolds, who is attending I does not consider the injuria hn street, work in iody suf- cnt. Dr. nth men, fatal. rntertnln.l t-i.i. !"? I .n"'6?1? Camp M- PatlJiotlc Or sr Sons of America, of thi- Jlttl "t,c ur 1 nue. ON OTHER SIDE OF crfftE in i 7f Kest f M M IXES Are! of a thelfu. f). 1ft Etors. su - - n-L.. U Tribune f Emer- jfcnounce- V I Idressed.J at V I I I. M a " 'V-amp .13, a der Sons of America, of this Iduered lit,,-.,... .."'.!"? ide. con unr m rh .f sj? .BO?lal 1 ndei tak- tin fr " 1 nono of vlsit- lae an. T ... le South j'iur reppectlv -5'"e" Sy sel 'v. The ral hun- 1 rTr -"u.?n enjoyable I It in an ?'ZJ"0SB me was tlclpated py r Wn p.. Projrrar me were: ies, Anna eS8i.'' Brown, .iurrs,. Kdwarrl To iss Clara TPinVef an.l ,ei : .Ca Messrs. iavid Ste- olaved . " e ere; 'm and cake 1 f I I oepltalltv "'l!Lev .4 I Ir lnff and the jy the appreciation of th is evidenced visitors. ' the Hampton Street hurch. congrega' ,n eat lered at the "'B. nea t Episcopal She spok Mrs. Orace from I.ukc reth Passeth her illsuw she save a de'rrlrMon of t'ha tiling man ling for Jesus, .and likened him to Sinner in 'Ma aln.K!tnlniu.a A lumber reollested hn nm vara r f Ctml'a jeople In their behalf. This and Thurs iay ' afternoon she will c-ivo a himo - "D ' " "' " . V 1 1 1 i I Will Houae with Only One Window In It." ppjce oeguis at. V.3U. I Prominent Weddlna Today. ; Today at noon, in that popular shrine Of hymen, the Washburn Street Pres byterian church. Miss Amy Williams, ,of this side, and William Wright, of Frostburg. Md., will be wedded by Rev. W. I. Steans, of Danville. Miss Will iams Is a -daughter of the late well- known J. M. Williams, and In well known In society circles throughout the my. - Lvir. Wright is a prominent louthem gentleman.' Little News Notes. ttV iOMWW AhnUa t ...-.'V wtmi icb IB I Jll f lAnftnfl thu rAlumKI X I f .. .....R ..... vuiuiuum Aiujitr vriiiiaii y ut the Reading firemen's convention. P. The Fllte iTlnnlnv ...lit npxt Friday evening for the season. rroiessor i.eorge rayior will teach. The marriage of Rev. A. L. ttlamer, of St. Mark's Lutheran church, to Mlsa Kress, of Allentown. will nrenr thl month. . . Friends of Oinjlp.a. IT4aqlA t cn..k Hyde Park avenue, met at ' his home if a i li ei 1 I 1 1 1 V f I X 4. ; iTTEWTIOW, LADIES. TODAY-BARGAIN DAY. Ad Afteriioon's Instruction and Amusement by the Tal- cntcd and Well-Known Star, ISS ETHEL TUCKER Supported by Her Excellent Company, in .-. Minn Tucker's Masterpiece, QUEEN A. i !, EVttrV ladvocatinvliicr u' r T - -m-m w V W CiJXA T Willi 3ATIN.FINISHED PHOTOGRAPH of Miss Tucker. I After the performance Miss Tucker will hold a reception on the tage and will be pleased to meet personally the ladies of Scranton. I THIS AFTERNOON AT a.15, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TONIGHT FIREMEN'S NIGHT. Through the courtesy oft Chief II. F. Ferher, the Volunteer Fire ten of Scranton will attend tonight's performance of "RETRIBU. ;ON" In a body. Thursday Night THE GOLDEN GIANT. Friday Night CALLED BACK, j : Saturday Night THE COAST GL ARD. Reception Souvenir Matinee, Friday, 2.18-Dalnty Sppont for the Ladles. Children'! Matinee, Saturday-Candy for te1 Litte Ouea. i Lieutenant William lias he follow Inn officers under his charge for the current month: John Thomas, Lowry, Orlatthews, T. Jonee Evans and the newly appointed officer, Parry. This Is the first time since he has assumed the blue coat that 'Mr. parry has had a West Side beat. He has many friends nere. Plumbing goods and tools of 8. M. Reese will be sold without reserve to the highest bidders this morning. The funeral of Paul Greening, of Lu lerne street, occurred yesterday at 3.30 o'clock from the late residence. Inter ment waa made at Washburn Street cemetery. Benjamin Williams, of Middle Gran ville, returned home yesterday after a visit to Dr. J. J. Roberts, of South Main avenue. Mrs. John I,. James, ot Washburn street, and Miss Owen James, of Btjlle vue, are at Philadelphia on a visit. -Ia8t evening St. Brendan council, Toung Men's Institute, held a debate on "Kesolvi-d, That woman Is man's equal." A - most enjoyable time was sirent. This Is the first literary meeting of this prominent organization and the young men were greatly Interested in the event. Similar meetings will be held throughout the winter. Monday evening and enjoyed a social time. iMr. Hazlett entertained the guests In a way which won the good ex pression of nil present. The funeral of the late iMrs. Eveline K. Brown occurred yesterday morning at S o'clock. A mass of requiem was celebrated at St. Patrick's church. The remains were taken to Jlonesdale on the 9.40 a. m. train for Interment. The pall-bearers wore: Peter, Hugh, Clark, Charles and James Brown and James A. 'Mellon. Mayor Connell has signed resolu tion directing the city engineer to pre pare tilans for lnvini? n tTnirutnno tvnllc I on Lafayette street. The ordinance, which Is to follow, will effect property owners who have not laid sidewalks up .to date. Albert, an Infant child of Police Offi cer and Mrs. Thomas Lowry, died yes terday after an illness. The many friends of the family extend sympathy to them In this bereavement. The fu neral will occur Thursday at 1 o'clock and will be private. Interment will be made at Forest Hill cemetery. . West Side Business Directory. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys flttd, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback, dealer In Guns, Fishing Tuckle, under West Side Mank. PHOTOQRArHER-Cablnet Thotos. J1.40 per dozen. Tiiey are Just lovely. Con vince yourrelf by calling at Starner'i Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. BARBKR. TTalr cutting and shaving done in a flrst-class manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Fairchlld's Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, US South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITUTtE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King. 102t and 102 Jackson street. WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds, 208 North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Papor, Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with ne" etock. FLUMUINQ William D. Griffiths, 111 North Alain avenue, does flrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. FORMAL OPENING TODAY. Dickinson Law School Will Then Begin Its Work. At 10 o'clock 'this morning the branch of the Dickinson Law school will open In St. Thomas' college, on Wyoming avenue. Lean Trlckett, of Carlisle, where the main school Is located, reached here yesterday. He will be present at the opening this morning, and during the remainder of the school year will be here for one week each mrmth. When In Scranton he will re sM at the residence of Attorney Clar ence Ballentlne, one of the local fac ulty. At other times t ie recognized head of the school will I Its director, ex-Justice Alfred Hand. The daily school sessions will last only two hours, during which time will occur recitations and leotures. This year will be the beginning of a two year course, tout next year a fhreo year course will 'be added. It has been decided to inaugurate a special one year course for students who have had the advantage of office study. It 'has been found Impossible to ar range the schedule of lecturea and sub jects or the school ihours until after Dean Trlckett consults with the stud ents today. However, the hours will probably be from 9 to 10 o'clock In the morning and from 3 to 4 o'clock In the afternoon. After this morning's ma triculation, Iean Trlckett will Inform ally address tlie students, and on. Fri day the time divisions of recitations) and leotures will be announced. MINOOKA. Miss Delia Knapp. of Greenwood, Is visiting friends In, Orange, Susquehan na county. Con Dolan will leave this morning for the west. iMr. Dolan Intends to re side there In the future. W. (1. Thomas, of West Plttston, cir culated among Greenwood friends yes terday. A birthday party will be tendered Mrs. Benjamin Knapp, of Greenwood, this evening. The Nickel Plate Road is the shortest lino between Buffalo and Chicago. aouf will na n aai,..l.. HEED THE COURT br Gave Instructions but the Juri Disregarded Tuem. POTTER TWESfASS SLIT TKIAL It la Profits! ng Slowly Testimony That Vaa UearJj Yestoiday-Gcttlng the Details iia No. 3 Regarding a Controversy About Legs- In his chalrgo to the Jury Monday af ternoon Inl the case of the Universal Fashion coinpany, of New York against John H. Ladwig proprietor of the i iir Cfnt Btore, Judge Gunster gave instruc ions that the verdict must be for tfOO, If at all. for the plaintiff. that being tile amount In dispute. The Jury came Iato court yesterday morn- verdict of II for the plain tiff. The ludire looked severe and atern and wanted to know if the Jury had misunderstood him In his charge, The foreman answered that the Jury did not understand the court to mean that the verdict must be for the full amount: nuinely. S5uo. Before Judge Lynch In No. 2 court room the I'otter trespass suit against the Scranton Traction company was on all day, and the testimony of the plain tiff's side is not finished. It will be the end of the vek before the case goes to the Jury. A model of the truck, wires ana poles In the vicinity where tne ac cident to Air. I'otter huppened was of fered In evidence. Aa the witnesses gave their, testimony they were direct ed by meat of the miniature of Blake- ly street to explain to the Jury the po titlon of tie "tower wagon" and t'he pole with which the Potter equipage collided. iS!r. Potter, the plaintiff, was called to the witness stand when court opened yesterday morning und was subjected to another searching cross examlnatloi by Major Warren, during which the witness lost control of his temper several times. Testimony of One of tho Lineman. Edwin Courtrlght, who was employed on the "-tower wagon" the day of the accident, wlis called upon by the plain tiff to irlvl' his version of the case. He saw thf team driven by Mr. Potter came along the street, saw the horses get iraeuous, ana no was 01 me opinion that the tiam could have been con trolled onl'narily without the damage ensuing thiit did. There were several other witnjsses, and their testimony was simply corroborative of the testi mony of t f plaintiff. Mr. Potter's eyesight l hold his he 45 degrees on objects he looks : affected so that he has to d bark at an angle of about In order to get a proper focus n a level with his face. If .ralght ahead, he declares that he se s two objects where there Is only on. The tres lass suit of Henry Mulhol land agalt t the liushbrook Water company court room Jury, aftei day morni as resumed in the main before Judge Edwards. The the case was opened Mon- g, went to Scott township to look o r the land which the de- fendant co virtue of tiff's case ipany took possession of by unent domain. The plain- rvas ciosea at adjournment, There wer several witnesses on the stand durl of their op of 01 r. Mm greatly by water pur water com tiff abou k the day and the consensus Ion was that the remainder olland's land was damaged the taking of the land for uses. In their opinion the my might to pay the plain J1.000. iMr. Mulholland's farm Is hi hcott township and Mud Pond Is si nated on It. The comnanv raised thelivater on the pond and set It aside al a supply reservoir. This deprived tie plaintiff of the free use of me water lor nshlng and boating pur- aiiu lor nis cattle. Where Ancient Eggs Arc Spoken Of. The atmosphere of No. 3 court room was redolent all lay of broken eggs, ancient eggs and pickled eggs. The case was on trial before Judge Gun ster where the Central Egg com pany, of Owego, N. y Is suing Ackerman Bros., of this city for WOO, or the value of 300 cases of eggs. Attorney W. H. Jessup, Jr., ap peared for the defendant, and Attorney A. J. Colborn, Jr., for the plaintiff, it is alleged that the Ackermans agreed to buy a certain Job lot of eggs from the plaintiff and that. the contract was fulfilled as, far as the egg company was concerned but that the defendants did not pay fr the goods. The Ackermans assert that the eggs were peyifid redemption and could not bemused that they could get no one to buy tMm and they had to ship them back. It will go to the Jury this after- DUNMORE. Mrs. James Fargo and daughter, Mrs. R. Kennedy, of Tunkhannock, are the guests of friends in this place. Mrs Fargo la a sister of a. W. Frost and Mrs. Sldebottom. Warren Fay, of Dudley street, assist ant yardmaster of the Erie and "Wy oming Vsllev lin 1 1 TV in ,1 fvmn.a . t . . . .,L.tjttlIj , . . a t vn tomorrow night for an extended visit 111 me wesi. A lars:e 11 11 Jn her nf tha vuna. of iMiss Jennie Rlesecker gathered at her pleasant home on Putler street Mon day evening and tendered her a surprise party, ine occasion being her birthday, flames of various kinds were Indulged in and enjoyed by the largo number present. Thuwe who enjoyed the hos- tlltnlltv .If the h 1 mIau urupB. K1 Annie PrWeU,' Addie Jiarnard, Blanche Harper, (Jdlfli Schoonover, May Simp son LelU Ro; a,. Ami4e Young, Hattie King, Loie Hlmpson, Agatha Crane, Jennie Recor, Clara Collins, Annie Ens lin, Hlattle Jenkins, Mae Plnnell and Charles itoss, Roy Sly, BJward Har per, Walter Jones, Herbert Kills, Stew art Selycl, Harry Harper, Worth Smith. Miss 'Minnie Bingham, of Dudley street, haves today for a visit with friends and relatives In Hawley. ' iMIsa Amelia Pinkney entertained a party of her young friends at her home, on Church street, last evening in honor of her guests, Misses Llnford and Ro sencrans. Games and music were en Joyed until an early hour, when the guests departed, with many expressions of pleasure at the hospitality of the hostess., . lAt the regular monthly meeting of the Kpworth league of the Methodist church last night the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, Arthur Johnson; first vlce presldent, Thomas Henwood; second vice-president, Philip Davis; third vice president. iMiss Francis Dillon; fourth vice-president, Charles Shaffer; treas urer, Joseph Vlckers; secretary, Frank Bingham; organist, IMiss Ruby Tost. nortTTend. David Patterson in erecting a new house on Hill street. Mrs. Sweet Gardener In seriously sick at her home, on North Main avenue. Miss Meta Osterhout. of Oak fltreet, has returned from Philadelphia, where she has been spending a few weeks with friends. Mrs. S. S. Kennedy, of Waverly. Is visiting Mrs. Christmas, ot North Miln avenue. Dr. Lloyd, of Olyphant, !a erecting ft new building on the corner of North Main avenue and Parker street, where he wMI open a drug store. Geo Benedict, of North Main ave nue, has entered the Scranton Liw school. The excavation for the sewer on North Main avenue and Oak street ar" nearly completed ,atid a large force of men will soon 'be, put to work on Market street. The Electric Chautauqua circle met la4 wur at he home of (k W. Bene dict, of Noith Main avenue. L. Coon, of the freight department of the belawaie, lAckaiwann and DID NOT Judge Cubs Western railroad. Who has been se riously sick at bis home, on East Mar kit street, is slowly improving. Till Reynolds, of North Main ave nue, spent a portion of yesterday at Elnvhurst. The funeral of the 3-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh, of Nay Aug avenue, took place yesterday af terneen. Interment was made In Hyde Park cemetery. The Gospel tent meetings, which" have been held on Gardener avenue for the past three weeks, closed last evening wii'h an audience that taxed the capac ity of the tent. Camp No. 77, Patrlotlo Order Sons of America, will present to school No. 25 a beautiful, large flag on Friday after noon. This Is the second flag presented to this school by the Patriotic Order Sons of America, the old one having blown away. John aarvey, of Bellevue, -was ar raigned before Alderman Roberts last evening on charge of selling the cow which belonged to his wife, and which was' 'her only support. 'Mr. Garvey who has been separated from his wife and children for a few days on ac count of some misunderstandings be tween them, took the cow. which was now her only support, and sold It to John Gltboy. Mrs. Garvey 'has been living with her motiher, Mrs. Moran, for the last few days, and on Monday eve ning had a warrant sworn out for Mr. Guryev's arrest. The couple de cided to live together hereafter, and Garvey waa therefore discharged after paying t'he costs. SOUTH SIDE' NEWS. Illcyclo Club OrsanUod In Ccrnianla Hall-Warrant Issued for Mr, Wolf. Contest llotweon Trotters-Other Notes. Twenty young .wheelmen of this side assembled last evening at Germanla hall and organized a bicycle club. The name they will he most likely to adopt Is "The South Side iBIeycle club," though this is left to the committee on constitution und by-laws. The mem bers enrolled and the officers elected are as follows: President, Eimund J. Itoblnson; vice-president, F. W. Schank; treasurer, Charles G. Hosar; secretary, D. P. Murray; captain, Jo seph V. Woelkers; C. V. Slmonson. E. J. Clause, Peter Marker, H. P. Austin, W. H. Walter, I). F. Crolly, J. F. Snyder, W. C. Horbach, P. J. Rosar, O. J. Itoblnson, Mathlas liohn, George Klein, P. J. Linn, Adam Neepllng and Charles G. Lewert. Messrs. Slmonson, Crolly and Murray were appointed on the committee of constitution and by-laws. The members extend an invitation to nil South Side wheelmen to join the club, llefore adjourning to meet next Tuesday evening a vote of thanks was tendered to August Schlmpff, owner of the hall, for the free use of It. Boy and a I Iro Cause Trouble Superintendent Theodore Wolf will li served with a warrant this morning by Constable John C. Moran, of the TtVftlffh v ir.l .A O - ....... . . ... . .11.1, ...lull v,, xst'iiu- van Issued the document yesterday evening at the .Instance of Thomas Green, a young chap who carries water for the men employed on the Hearing i3roon orioge. rne cause or the war rant, as alleged by Green, is that Mr. Wolf nilnf.lheil him fnp Knllrlln In dangerous proximity to a building invneu oy ine jacxawanna Iron and Steel mmnnnv nrmiti a.lni,.i . u . , ... .. . - ' 'i ....milieu UUll he was Impudent when ordered by Mr. vuu 10 exunguisn tne nre. Will Speed Their Trotters. Six horesmen will via 'irh other for the mastery In the best three out of five heats on the kite-shape 'e r.imniirpc Boulevard next Sunday morning. They are of the Srtuth Side, and who they are and me iiuimea 01 ine norses are: WHllam Koch, "Sleepy Ned"; Kd J. Robinson. "'Hons": M 9 Kriwib. t.i.i 1.,, . , ''.no, 1 l"Illl Uv h I Ohairlea .T. Stono "liinoi, tm,.i... Charles O. Rowar, "Strawberry"; and George Heldlemnn, "Miss Brady". Mr. iviicii una oneren a Dox or Key West Clsrar to the ulnrw.r- M rjon- Dutch cheese to the one who comes In second; and Mr. Robinson, a keg of t'onlo to the one who comes in third. Shorter Paragraphs. The funeral of Mm nmn viv. , Beech street, took place yesterday nt 2 o'clock. Services were conducted nt t'he house tiy Rev. Edward Iange. In terment was made in Washburn tre cemetery. Adolnh Hcnnner. of Coilai wsa In lured at the Clin mnrb. day afternoon. He Is a machinist and his rlgiht 'hand was caught In a bolt machine, tearing the skin off the palm. It is nothing very serious, and he will ue arouno 411 a tew weeks. A meebinir of the Smith DM, iTnnt sophs was held last evening at Dr. Manlev's hall. Five were initiated. who has been nirerl hv Hnnrl'a aaaan rllla. It Is the greatest curative agent. It is ine one great uiood purltier and nerve tonic. HOOD'S PILLS for the liver and bowels. harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe, When you think of the Nirkel Plate Hoail It brings to mlml that delicious meal you hail In the Dining Car, and the fine service and Low Rates. and vou won der why people will travel any other way. mien Baby was tick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, the cried for Castoria, When she became Mlas, she clung to Castoria, When kite bad Children, she gam tuein tiutorla The Nickel Plate Road In the line for the masses. HE HIS FOUND IT SO CAR YOU. mm. s spruce pi, the best place In the city to get flahlng tackle and sportsmen's supplies. That STERLING WHEEL of his Is a beauty, and aa for quality well, the others are not In It Open evenings. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EK8ALMER& LITE OF PITTSBURG. '. i ' FIRST-CLASS LIYERT II COKKECTIOX (I 11 II aiesiiesisieiee'''-"--- The Only Remedy in the World That Re fiinds Piirchase Price if It Fails to Ciire the Tobacco Habit in 4 to 10 Days Is It Clires While Yoii Tobacco. Tho greatest discovery of the ago I A certain, pleasant, permaneut cure. ." A lifotlme's Bufferibg ended for 15.00. Wby emoke and spit your life away? Why sutler from dyspep sia, heartburn, and drains on your vital forces? . Stop using tobacco, but Btop the right wayl Drive the nicotine from your system by the. use of this wonderful remedy. Narcoti-Curk is warranted to remove all desire for tobacco in every form, including Cigar, Cigar ette and 1'ipe timuking, Chewing and Snuff Takiug. . Use all the tobacco you want while under treatment, and in from four to ten days your "hank ering" and ."craving" will disap pear the weed won't tasto good. Then throw away tobacco for ever. t Narcoti-Cure Is entirely vege table and free from injurious in gredients. It never fulls to give tone and new vigor to the weakest constitution. Remember Narcoti-Cure does not deprive you of tobacco while cttectiuK a cure; doesn't ask you to buy several bottleg to be entitled to a guarantee; doesn't require a month's treatment; and, Dually, doesn't enable you to stop tobacco only to And yoursslf a slave to tho habit of tablet chewing. examined. DO NT WAIT. tWWhcn yon get lonana, or g'asaes, as muuy peopla call them, Get the Rest, aa they won't coat vou any more tnan poorer one Do not trust your valuable sight toped tilers. Tho ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the vision and stop all pain In the head. Placed In the Finest Solid Gold Frames for $3 Thrio Lenses are sold only by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Opposite Scranton House, 203 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Horns Daily: to 11 a. m., 1 to t and 7 to t p. m. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC 0 are located the finest Ashing and htintlnj grounds in tha world. Descriptive hooks on application. Tickets to all points in llaluu, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul. Canailiaii and L'nlted States North wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Taconia, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throtiRh trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and sp c lally adapted to wants of families may be hid with second-class tickets. Kates alwayalesa than via other lines, For full information, time tables, etc, on application to EC. V. SKINNER, C. EC. A. 353 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. t-' AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improTed furnish' tags and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, ts Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP 11 Leak. Ay. ene Stewart's Art Store. Photo EngrtTlnf for Clrcolw, iiooks, Citi- loflm, Hewspiptn. KelMoflM twifj Une Work. WHY SUFFER TP HFVDV W hen you can bare your eyes scientifically I eVj TllallT aasta Tested Free by tho now method. m M frThera ara hundreds of people if they A W I knew this, would go miles to have their W w TTt C V I Confinde th? Os? of With Narcott Cithr. when vnn are through with tobacco, you are through with the remedy. One bottle cures. Send for book of prominent tes timonies like the following: Huntinotov, Mass , March 18, 1893, TDB fUHCOT! CllXMICAI.C'0, . Springflold, Mass. Gontloien: I have uwxl tobacco for ovor twunty-fiTo years, chtttrluK and smoking ovary day from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. stopping only for meals. On Monduy. Feb. 4. I called at your office In Hprtngflvld. and boutnt a Iwttle of tho ( una which I used aa dlreotod, unJ on tha tonth day the desire for to bacco bud left me and it has not re turned. I did not lose a meal while tak ing t ne Curb. My appetito tuts improved an I I couaider Nahcoti-Cuke a grand thing. Vory respectfully, ( HAB. L LINCOLN. Mr. Frank H. Morton, of Chlcop'e Faila, Max., late instix'tor of public buildings for Massachusetts, says: I uied tobacco for twenty-nr yaart, and waa a confirmed smukrr. In Just eight days' treatment with Nascoti Cunsl waa tbrougU with tobacco, in fact the dualre for tobacco vanlsbad like a. dreuui, . Very resncctfnlly, FRANK H. MORTON. . If your druggist is unable to give full partlsulurs about Narcoti Cuke, send to us for Book of Par ticulars free, or send $5.00 for bot tle by mail. THE NARC0T1 CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, Mass. '71... - "ee SiND5F0R t CmtY.H SAMPLE PACKACE cSSaW. ESTABLISHED 1870.1 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Carriages, Bualness Wagons, Resairing Horn BhoeiiiK. Painting and Upholatering. Noa SUk 821, am. 826 Bereutb street, Uoraaton. Pa. UP TO lt. . -sV eNV a uimmuiiiuiiiinn.w;UiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiiiL EiUbllthtd 1866. THE (jENUINE, ftWttOS PIANO At a time when many manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding "statements against the merits and durability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. EL C. RIGKER General Dealer In Northeast. , ' . ern Pennsylvania. New Telephone Exehonge Building, 115 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. limiiHiiiiuiiiiiiuiiHiiuitmili AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, . One Solid Week. Commencing rionday, Sept. 30. Miss Ethel Tucker SUPPORTED BY HER OWN SPECIAL LY SELECTED COMPANY. IN REPERTOIRE Darrow a Unitary Band and Orchestra. Souvenir Matinees Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. PEOPLE'S POPULAB PRICES, 20o 30c. and BOo caitt ol seats ITrlday, Sept 27. THE FROTfllNGHAM, Wanner A Rala. leasees and Manager. Tuesday ind Wednesday, oct. i and 2, litiSbrinefJiar;, cI0SEPI1 MURPHY supported by Carefully Soloctad Co. TUESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 1, He Will Appear in tha Companion Drama to "Karry Uow," Entitled, SHAUN RHUE, Introducing Mr. Murphy's Wonderfully 8ae oessfulSoDg, "AHandlulof Earth.s' WEDNESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 2, Ho WiU Appear In tho Greatest of All Irian Dramas, Tba KERRY GOW, Played by Him with Unparalleled Success for rourteen Consecutive Heasons. ReKnlaV Prices. Sale of aoata opens at the box office Saturday morning at 9 u clock. DAVIS' THEATRE 3 NIGHTS, Coinuienclng Thursday. Oct 3. Matinees Daily. THE BIQ MELODRAMA, THE MIDNIGHT FLOOD WITH ITS WEALTH OF SCENERY ACCESSORIES, BOTH NEW AND NOVEL, GREAT ORIGINAL FEATURES, ALL THE LATEST SONGS, ' GREAT FLOOD SCENE. SNAPPY. SPARKLING SPECIALTIES. Admission! 10, 20 or 30 Cents. SWe Do Not Advertise In tho Elmlra Telegram. ROOF TfNfllrlG AND SOLDERIRfi !Atl AttM t we ir fith V -m afjkam tTANATMiPAisT Mnsiew of Inrredients well-known to ell. It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwelings, which will firevent absolutely any crumbllos, crack n or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth thai of the coat of tinning. Is sold by the Jofe or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO UARTUAJu'N. Ul Blrah BL "atrar REVIVO RESTORES VITAUTY. MmM m well Mart THI ORIAT 80th r ar - prodoece the above reaolUWSO days. It act. oowerf ullr aad quickly. Cures etaae all otoen tail. ioobi m.a will mala thaii lost inaaaood.aeaeul man will racoror thalr youthful n. or by aalaa REVIVO. It aulokly and auralr reatorea Karroost a MS, Last Tltalltr, ImpoUaey, Nlfbtly Emiaatoag Loa. Fowar, Falllnf Manory, Wastina Pla.aaw. aad 11 eaTeets ot aaU-abuaa or aaseaaead Indiwratloa, whtah nasu oaa tor study, bwlDaaa or marrlaga, It not oalr cure, by etantne at the seat ef dlaeaae. but Ue treat atm toale and blood boUder, briar lag back the pink glow to pole etaeatuaadie tarlni tba Are ot youth. It ararda eg laaaalty sad Oaaeomptlon. Isaiat oa baruig REVIVO, no that. It oaa ba carried la vast pocket. By as all, lMearpaekaee, orals for eS-OO, with o posi tive written roarutoa to rare aa? reread the money. Circular free. Addnao 0Yal MEDICINE CO., IS RItm M., CNICaOO. ILL, Ve sale fcy VatthaweBree. Stajsyjual DATE. Ovw 26,000 ia Um. mm. Kpik A RA- 1JC i tt . "f bar S 1 623 Spruce St., Scranton. 263196 j