- TIIE FCB ANTON TRTB TINTS WE OXESDAT MOItNTNC. OCTOBE i 2. 1393. WiIkesBarre. fThe Trlhnn has oDened a branch of flee at No. 29, leaning- building, Fublio Square. Wllkes-Burre. It Is the purpose of the publisher to Issue a newspaper at valuable te the general publio an the met ropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeaaten Pennsylvania .Trom three to tlve hours earner man Philadelphia ana New York papers can reach them. BOARD CHOOSES OFFICERS. The New Board of Trade Cornea Into Ex istence In Lively Manner. The meeting of the reorganized board of trade for the election of offlcers took place at tVlrrooms last evenlnsr, with iin excellent representation of the best of Wllkes-Rarre's Tiest 'business Inter ests present. On motion of Woodward Ieavenworth. Isaac Long was made chairman and K. A. .Xivcn secretary of the meeting. Mr. Lonfr. In taking the chair, fiiade a few well chosen remarks. In which he said that the board of trade Jiad awakened to realize that the 5'oune Wood must be pnshfl forward, and made to do file work. The older mem bers are nerfectlv willlmr to step down nnd allow the oftlees and the work of booming the town to fall on vounper shoulders, but nt the snme time the older members will still keep up their . interest in ine cuy s weuare u h.Mn along wherever possible. jAVI Woodward .Leavenworth 'Ihen the election of Colonel AsIht M ' V ' president of the hoard. The Interest In the city's welfare and will 'Ihen movr-d Miner as ;resldent of the hoard. The motion Sua carried unanimously, and Mr. Allner was chrwen president by ncclu "atlon. as were also the following vlce- esldentsr Uenrpe S. Ftennett. R. H. 'lite. T. H. Atherton noil Andrew r . Lrr. The trustees are V.ireus Smlrn. aiac Ix'nsr, Cyrus straw, w . H. Inynsrhnm, John T. T'nahan, Ohris- In R. Steirmnler. W. C Kno, .lobn IT.illenback, John Mince. K. T. tv. S. T,. Rrenvn, Cieorge X. Richard. illl.im T.. Harder. John O. l'ridsrm.m. pnli Weltzinkorn, T. H. lllllard and R. oupt. I 'Mr. Leavenworth then moved that A. Sterling and R. A. Xiven be .'commended to the trustees at their I'ext meeting for election respectively fir treasurer and secretary. The pio- !cn was carried unanimously, and the meeting: t'hon adjourned. MARRIED AT ST. MARY'S. Pitcher Frederick llctts of lluse Boll Fomo I'mhnrcks on tho Sen of Matrimony. Frederick Betts. the well-known pitcher and center fielder of the Wllkes Barre Base Pall club, was married to Mlr -Mary iMTee. daughter of Patrick iMXlee, of iMaxleton. t St. Mary's church, on South Washington street, nt 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The jrroom was attended by 'Philip Weiss, Jr.. and the bride by hrr sister. Miss Ftisle Mcidce. A large number of the friends of the contracting parties were rresent to witness the ceremony and afterwards to extend their congratula tions. After a brief tour 'Mr. and Mrs. Tietts will go to housekeeping In this city, and the wishes of a host of friends attend them. At 8.30 o'clock yesterday morning John J. Amman and 'MIfs Lizzie T.,. Crogan. daughter of Street Commis sioner Orvgan, were mnnrled nt St. Vary's church by Rev. Father MoAn drews. John Shea acted as grooms man, and Miss Bessie Butler was bridesmaid. A large number of friends witnessed thp ceremony, after which a weddlnp- breakfast was served at the home of th bride. After a brief wed ding tour Mr. and 'M.. Anzman will go to housekeeping In this city, THREATENED TO KILL. A Bad Negro Gets I'gly and Goes to Jail. The Northampton street gang of po.srro toughs Is shy one man this morn ing. They 'have been carrying things pretty high lately, but somehow or oth er, have always managed to escape ar rest, with one or two exceptions. A few minut?s after midnight yesterday a 'ounir colored man named Daley, with a companion, entered Paul Srheld el's saloon on Northampton street and called for drinks. Then Daley asked for a lunch and the bartender told him 1t was all gon While they were talk ing two white men came la and ordered drinks and lunch, and got both. This made Daley mad, and he abused Seheld rl until the latter put him nut on the street. Ho got furious at this treat ment, and picking up a cobhlestone came back Into the saloon with It In Tils hand, threatening to kill Seheldel. The latter seized him and called a po Jiceman, who took him to the lockup. At the hearing yesterday morning Daley denied the charge, but the mayor helleved S?chcldel's story and fined Daley $20 and costs. In default of which he was cent to Jail. A LIVELY RUNAWAY. Joseph Gilgnllon Takes a Skate on Ills Knees I'p I'nion street. Joseph Ollgallon, driver of ho cart Xb. 2, had one of .the large gray horses of the city hitehf d to a wagon yester day morning and was drawing garbage to the river 'bank, While he was en deavoring to ralsa the tall board the horse became frightened and started to run. OMgallon grab'bfd the lines and was dragged .to the corner of Hlver and 1'nlon streets, the wh?els bruising his legs more or less. The ihorse continued out Union and at the corner of 'Main the wagon was overturned, and when the runaway was finally stopped by the hind wheels of the wagon catching on a telephone pole, the wagon was upskle down. The Ihorse was slightly seratcihed, the wagon tox tern to pieces and the haifts broken. The driver was not seriously hurt. A FEARFUL ACCIDENT. A Little Slate Picker Is Ground to Pieces in the Breaker Machinery, About Tioon yesterday John Tubols, he 16-year-old Hon of Michael Tubols, of Parsons, met wMh a. most horrible death, While at work In the Baltimore 1X0. 3 Delaware and Hudson breaker. Wtflh a number of companions he was playing tag and running about "here and there over beams, etc., when he slipped and fell, landing on the revolv ing screen near Its mouth. He rolled off and Was ground between the end of the screen and the large timbers supporting its shaft, literally dragged through the space two Inches wide. Every .bone in t)he fooy's body was broken, and the ibody was badly man gled. His playmates were horrified, and among them was ifhe unfortunate 1oy's Jlttle brother. The remains were carried home. Phillies Not Coming. Last Monday Arthur Irwin, the man ager of fhe Philadelphia National league base 'ball club, wired to Howard Earl that the Phillies would be here and play the Wllkes-Baires on Wednesday and Thursday f next week. It was the Intention of the Phillies to bring up their regular r . ,. , If you want help or a situation. The Tribune will advertise the fact for you and not charge you one red cent. Other little advertisements, in the classified columns, " cost only a cent a 'word, and are read. league team. The cold weather, how ever, has evidently changed the sit uation, for yesterday morning Manager Irwin wired that the club would dis band on Saturday, and that Che dates must be cancelled. JURY DRAWING. Names of Persons Who Are Asked to Serve Their County. The following were drawn yesterday to serve as petit jurors at a court of oyer and terminer to be hekl on Mon day. Oct. 21: Wllkes-liarre H. F. Freudenberger. ex presi nxent: Fred Myers, jr.. polU'emua; K. A. Morgan, driiK't: Junies V. Janvs, laborer; Thomas 1. Jones, laborer; Alfred II ami, c'vll engineer; Ju.hu Kvans, con stable; Hylanee Sml'th, mus.'e. teacher; Aaron Maryland, m'ner: Anthony Hut-kin, engineer; Koger Melarry, superintendent; John It. Quirk, assessor; James M. Ho lund. Insurance HKent; Charles II. Price, cariienter; Hlchanl Sharpe, Jr., coul oper ator. Nunticoke Thomas Kearns, miner; John Keaean, watchman. lliiale townshi John Duffy, m'.ner; J. 8. II. Holmes, draughtsman; Peter 41c 4lon'Ble, miner. liorraiveeton J. II. lonard. laborer. l'lu'n township Jmlson l'ailey, engi neer; Josiah Piiv's, m'.ner. 1'ittnton Jefferson Heed, railroad man; Thomas J. Yates, clerk. Parsons Thomas .Metlavln, Miner; Den nis lK)lun, miner. Koter townshii John Trimble, miner; U. Uallaglier, miner; Howard Fox, la borer. Ashley Michael O'Hara, brukeman; T. F. l.yilon. baL'ui;e muster. Plymouth Fred Have, Jeweler; Ed Itrenntin, hotel keeper. Pitrston townsh'io John Ippert, miner. Avoea Dar'.e.U Iloone, eng'neer. I.iuerne Henry Anderson, miner; The rcn Wolf, clerk. Xi-wpont townsh'p F. V. Fuller, bar ber; Fred Mill'T. farmer. Hnzleton John Metleehan, clerk; A. S. Munioe, anent; l:inl C. Boyle, hotel keeper: Taylor An-n'verter. machirisl; J nines lVHa.ni, m'nnr; X. 0. Yost, cashier. Wvom'ng John VcOlnley, air.-nt. K'ngston T. I. Newell, merchant. K'ngston townsh'ti Anthony Madden, laborer; K. L. Sacks, farmer. K.xeter S. I.. Harnett, Justice of tho 'Fairnionnt township Samuel C. Tlueka leiv. fanner. Murcv townsh'p John NeV.s. m ner. Plymouth townshl William Gallagher, laborer. alem-Tl. M. fVhbons, farmer. Cnn-yngham Josaph Uhoda. wateh mnker. , West Plttston Anthony ITntrgerty, la borer: Amns H. Arnis'trons. cent. Hitler M. H. FreHs. merchant. Kilwardsvllle Martin MrDermott, miner, AN EXCELLANT SERIES. Lectures Arranged by tbo Kingston Young Men's Christian Association. The Kingston Young 'Men's Christian association has arranged a lecture course for the winter, to be given In Xelsnn Memorial hall. The lectures will be free to members and friends of the association, Rtfd will be as follows: (let. 1S Kev. T. C. Edwards, I). D., "The Man for Today." Nov. 13 W. TO. Woodruff, A. M., "Honks and Heading." Die. HV-JHon. 'Alfred Darte. "Per sonal Recollections of the War." Jan. 10. ISOfi State Secretary S. Hard, "The Peril of Our Young Men." Feb. 7. 1S'.tfi-Hon. F. M. Nichols, "Three Years In the Mayor's Office." March 6, 1S9G 'Attorney Henry A. Fuller. A. iM., "Bachelors vs. Matri mony." AVI11 Inspect Today. 'Dr. Knapp. representative of the state board of health, along with Pro fessor Dean and the sanitary commit tee of city council J. Gross Meyer, chairman; Hon. Morgan R Williams, T,tike French, David P. Griitlth and John Wasley will visit the Crystal Spring reservoirs today, and make the Inspection ordered by the state board of health at the request of President Harvey, of city council. CKXT-A-WOnD" SIMATjTj ADVRTT- TISKIMKNT3 AUK N'O NoVKLTY TV THBTRIIHJ.VE. HAVE YOU TRIED EM YET? HRIEF NOTES. Editor Boyd's beautiful and valuable St. Bernard dog. "Duke," died on Mon day from Injuries received by being run over by a trolley car last week. iA strong branch of the Stats Temper ance union was organized last Monday evening by Josiah Houghton, of Phila delphia. The funeral of 'Mrs. Lucy A. Hopkins, mother of Pressman Hopkins, of the Keoord, took place last evening, and the remains were taken to Williams- port for interment. Incenzo Perone, of (Hazleton, was yesterday grated a divorce from his wife, who deserted him several months ago. Kx-Shrrlff Aaron AV'hittakor has re tired from the hotel business after con ducting a hostelry in this city for seventeen years. Mr. Whlttaker was obliged to retire on account of failing health. The .Mills revival meetings In this city are being attended with great suc cess. Rllly 'Mclaughlin's canine curiosity, "TIpp," died yesterday at the age of 19 years. The animal had the forelegs of a dog, 'but the hind legs of a rabbit. OLD FORGE, iMiss Stella Rogers, of l.Mill City, was the guest of IMrs. J. E. Wilson on Sun day. Mrs. Howard, of Newark. N. J., has been visiting friends the past week. Miss Thornton, of Dunmore, spent Sunday with ner brother,' J. W. Thorn ton. Mr. Clark, who was hurt by a fall of rock two weeks ago, was taken to the hospital in Scranton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greaso:" re turned to their home in Brooklyn, N.. i.. on Monday. Rev. Richard Downs, of Philadel phia, preached in 'Drake's hall on Sun day. The tadleis' Aid society of the new church willl hold a supper at the church tonight. Everybody Invited, H. L. Edsall spent Sunday at Lake Wlnola. Chester Atherton, of South Eaton, Is visiting friends in this place, Walter Naylor has returned from a three months' visit in England. HONESDALE. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of iMbes Sara Sly to George P. Summers. The ceremony will take place at the Episcopal church at 2.30 p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 8. A reception will be given at the home of the bride after the ceremony. Russell Dlmmlek. of Scranton, passed Sunday at his home here. Samuel Itanklns. of White's Valley, and W, 'M. Gardner are enjoying a few days' hunting In the wilds of Pike county. John Gale in in Potter county this week on business. . WYOWINQ. Mrs. Jane Roblnoo) Mrs. Clara Wal ter and daughter, Maud, of Mehoopany, who have been visiting at Alvln Robin eon's, returned home Monday, The Wyoming foot ball team w.ill play the Harry H.MIman aendemy next Bat 11 r day, Oct. 5, on the Seventh street grounds. A close game is expected, as both teams aire stronger than lest year. Burglars entered the home of Jesse Mil ler, on Monument street, Saturday night. They ga'ned an entrance through the cellar,, carrying away with them urovla kn of all kinds, about seven dollars in money and raior. - , Frank' Nuss has commenced wwk for Mm new house on Wyoming avenue. Mrs. Manraret White, who has been vhViting her daughter et Michigan for the paet month, returned home Saturday. - HAWLEY. Miss Eva Chichester, of Brooklyn, N. Y U the guest of Miss IMarle Atkin son. Joseph Rower, of Honesdale, was the guest of P. J. Bower, on Tuesday. Messrs. Charles K. Schardt. Thomas Howell and C. Edwin Schardt spent yesterday at Falrvlt!-w Lake. (-ieorge K. Schardt spent Sunday In Honesdale. Philip Kimble left for Paupack yes terday, to set bear traps. The remains of iMiss 'Maggie Delhi, who died at Paterson, N. J., last Sun day morning, were brought to Hawley on Monday evening. The funeral will take place at S.30 o'clock this afternoon at the German Lutheran church. Thomas Corcoran and William Hape rrtan. two of the oldest residents of this place, are dangerously 111. MIks Alice Post, of Scranton, Is the guest of Mrs. William Sutter. Mrs. J. T. Rodman and Miss Tlllle Rolliron were elected as delegates from this place to attend the Women's Chris tlun Temperance union convention at Harrishuig. which will begin on Oct. 10 and remain In session five days. M. E. MINISTERS IN SESSION. Many Learned Discussions on Subjects Germain to tho Work of the Ministry Are Listened to by Thirty Pastors. During the past two days the Meth odist ministers of the Wyoming district have been In session at Orange, Pa., in the edd Methodist church at that place. It was the one hundred and forty-second meeting of this Minister ial association. About thirty pastors, many accom panied by 'their wives, attended the ex ercises. They were met at Wyoming by a number of teams and conveyed ovtr't'he mountain to the pretty village of Orange, where they were heartily welcomed and most taospltaibly enter tained by Itev. A. Wrlgley, the efilclent pastor, and the members of his tlock. At 2 P. m. on Monday there were devotional exerelsi-s, led by C. R. Henry, of Alderson, which opened the sessions. At 2.30 p. m. Rev. J. O. Eck man, presiding elder of the district, took the chair and the business ef tho assoeiU'tloin was proceeded with. Parish street rtiurch, Wllkes-eUarre, was chosen as ithe next place of meet ing. C. U. Henry was electid to de liver the opening address, W. H. IVarce, of this city, to preach the asso ciation sermon. After t'he business session, the liter ary work of the association was begun. The lirst subject under discussion was "What Constitutes a Revival?" opened by N. J. ilawley, of Trucksvllle. A general discussion took place, eight or ten of the clergymen participating. The second subject was Introduced by E, L. Santee. of Lackawanna, "Ought Religion To He Made Easy?" The pa per was highly commended and evoked general discussion. The evening session opened with de votional exercises led by L. C. iMur dock. of Parrish Street church, AVllkes Harre. The association address was delivered by W. G. Simpson, of West Plttston. This subject was: "The Gos pel (Ministry Some Aspects of Its De velopment." The address received close attention and the ministers were very earnest In their commendation of it. The work ef Tuesday began with de votional exercises led by J. B. Sum ner, of 'N'ant'icoke. The lirst paper of tho day was presented by J. K. War ner, of Derr Memorial church, Wllkes liarre. It was a very practical essay on "How to .Make Our Sunday Schools More iKfllclent." The subject awak ened great Interest, so much so that the chairman had great difficulty In closing the discussion. The second theme considered was "Sociology." The writer appointed to read on this sub ject was absent, but J. W. Webb, of Central church. Wllkes-Barre. who was appointed to open the discussion, spoke earnestly and interestingly on the sub ject. "Ministerial Fidelity" was the next theme. F. Parsons, of Waverly, and J. It. Wagner, of Lackawanna, ppoke pointedly on this Important theme. This was followed by H. C. McDermott. of Kingston, who spoke on "The Literary Study of the (Bible." "Christian Culture" was considered by three of the ministers. O. L. Sever son, of Plymouth: E. D. Cavannugh, of En ton, and J. S. Lewis, of Plttston. The last theme considered was "The WTar In the East and tho Spread of the Gospel," by J. Bennlnger, of Lehman. Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. W. B. 'Westlake, of Dallas, opened the afternoon session. Then the asso ciation sermon was preached by Rev, L. Floyd, Ph. 13.. pastor of Simpson church, this city. He took for a text Dnnlel x'il. 3. "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firma ment," etc. Among the thoughts which the preacher endeavored to Impress were these: Charaoter or personal holi ness Is essential In the work of soul saving: I't Is possible to find those who need to be saved In the church as well as outside; the work of soul saving is not delegated only to those In the min istry, the laity has Important work in this direction; It Is our duty to save the most polluted as well as those not out wardly so dollied. In conclusion the preacher dwelt iheautlfully on the re ward of this Christlike work. After the sermon the committee on resolutions reported, and thus closed a very pleasant and profitable conven tion. HACK BROKEN THREE TIMES. Philadelphia Man Lives L'nJcr Kcmnrk able Circumstances. Philadelphia, Oct. 1. James Stiles, a. railroad employe, Is In the hospital suffering with a dislocated back. His home Is at Allentown, and within three months his iback has been out of joint three times. In June he fell and was completely paralyzed until the doctors reduced the fracture In his spinal col umn. Three weeks later he was sent home as cured. One day he fell from a lounge and his back was again dislocated. A month ago he left the hospital, threw away his crutches and went back to work Today he tumbled down his cellar stairs and is again paralyzed with a broken back. The doctors think he may nur vlve the shock and again recover. WILDCAT'S FATAL BITE. Woman Who Was Dltton Several Months Ago Has Died. Ashland, iPa Oct. 1. A wildcat sev eral months ago attacked 'Mrs. Andrew Keene at Oermantown, as she was gathering eggs in the hennery, She was fearfully scratched and bitten, and was only saved from instant death Iby her son, who Shot the wild beast. Mrs. Keene, Jiowever, did not recover from the Injuries, and he died last night. IDr. liutler, of Wllkes-Barre, was attending; the woman, and it Is said she had hydrophobia from the ef fects of the wildcat's bites. Uniformed colored porters are In charge of day coaches to snow all attention to the passengers on the Nickel Plate Road. Rooms and Board. DEHIBABLK ROOM AND BOARD FOK two or thret gentlemen In private fam ily: references requested. . Addreea 11. H. B 'J ribune office Money to Loan. LONO TIME AND EA8Y PAY Hit NTS. Wasted -A rilstrlct agent to represent the Conewango Building Loan Amoriation; good refereneos and bond required; also wanted, agents toteonre loan and sell (took. Inquire rojm 117, The Wyoming. F. II, KNAPP. Henr-tory. - Medleal. ' ADinai Chldierter'f CnfWt fiwyroyaf PJIi fflfContoiiy'""& Wallace those mL Mtfb THI IMl r(i$L ' fl5 lew NVy? the .:. 'fwigSr - And Capes Very Latest , WK f AWE HEHE Ojjft I IDEAS J J . J- kjfXTrlHC I r 'jj ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPQRAL CIGARETTE Hat stood tho Test ol Tima MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANOS COMBINED A WORD. WANTS OV AKL KINDS TOST TJTAT Ml'l'H, WIIKN PAID 1'OH 1 AD VANCE. WHKN A HOOK ACCOIi.N'r IS MAllK, NiU'HAlKilO Wild, UK LKKS THAN 25 CKXTS. TIMS Kl'I.K Al' I'lJKS TO K.VIA1.I, WANT AOS., KX CUPT 1A iCAl, SITTATloNS ANI 11K1.P WAN'I'KU, WHICH AUK l.NSKKTKll Help Wanted Male. I lit L, W ANTKD-A FIKST CLASH OIRI. T wanted for general housework at 40s Clny avenue. AUUNT8-MKN W A N TKU A l.R EA D Y travelbiir. to carrv lulirirntinir oilsnsa side Hue. MANUrACTUKEKS' OIL. CO., Clereluud, O. ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every tnwn to olicit stock subflcrln- tion: a monniiolv: hi monev lor Haunt!: no capital required. EDWAKDC. t'iUll A CO., I.Onll'll UlIK'K, LDiohko. 111. SALESMEN - KKSIDENT, HALESMEN wanted, aeminlntod with tin loi-al and nearby drug and urocory trade, t'i handle our line i uirii crane npara. Auuretui, glvlni? references. J. EUWAKD COWLES A Co.. HJ CliatnlierN Htrc"t, N. Y. Helo Wanted Female. Y7aTTtamii'm1;t Bpnorid housework. Annlv at biO Jet foron nvonue. UT ANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO EN KB cot!o HnleHWomen tn renrpamfc ua. (iuariinteed $tiadny without interfering with other duties, ili altbf hi occupation. Writo fur particulars, itirlixini; scamp, Maneo ('hem ifal " "mpany. No 12 John street. New York. Agents Wanted. A UK. NTS WANTED EVEKY WHERE TO canvnHS fur our Now Holiday Juvi'nilo Booka, four CbriatiiMiH Buuuties: sell at Biht; liberal terms. Aduerns SPECIALTY, Sub station No. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL C'KIARS; 7i per menth salary and expenses paid. Addrest, with two-tent stainu. HUAKO Cl- (Alt CO., ( nioaco. A OEN'IS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL iV itold. silvor. uif-kel and runner electro plater: price from $.'1 upward; salary and ex jiensra pu d: oottltfree. Aildresa, with stain l), XIU'HUJAN MFO CO., Cldcagik AGENTS TOSEI.L CIOARS TO DEALERS; weekly nnd expenses; experienco nn neccsHary. t ON SOI, I DATED MFO. CJ., 4S Van buren at., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY HIDE LINE; 2" per eent. conimiaiou; aampln book ninlled free. Address L, Is'. CO., (station L, New Yurk, "Tt rON CEAO ENTS "APPOINTED" t5 V sell new liiditnina aclliug table cloth, mos quito aud house tly liipiid at 1U cenin nnd .3 conta a bo'tlo. Sample free. HOLQIANO M K'liCo., Baltimure, Aid. OENT8 liiNDB's" PATENT CN'TVE K sal Iluir Curlers and Wavers (usod with out boat), nnd "I'yr Polnted' liair Pins. Lib eral eouimiHKiont. Free samplo and full par tictilara. Adrtrexa P. O. Box 1W. Now York. T AtiT i D A CT1 V E S A LEK.M EN TO V handle our lino, no peddling. Halarr, t" per month and expenses paid to all, Goods entirely now. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, &M&, Boston, Mass. Salesmen Wanted. WANTED ACTIVE SALESMEN TO REP reaent us: no peddlin ; salary S75 monthly and all exivnsea; goodsontin'lv new; particulars free. Address P. O. Box oUUd, Bos ton, Mass. WANTED SALESMAN - ENERGETIC men to sell goods by samplo at home, or travel; ohhv Heller; fttaple 1 oods; liberal ftslary or Rood riimtniaiou. Address P. O. Boa 1101, Now York City. OALEHMAN TO HELL DENTAL MEDI k? clnea to tho profession in Scranton and surronmllntr towns. L'ENl'AL MEDICINE CO , liT.S Hlbert street. Philadelphia. Wanted. WANTED A LARGE UNFUHN SHED, or partially furnished room, with alcove or Bniallrooin nttaehed: modnrn conveniences; go id lij'ht: location in business sectiou. Ad dress H. A. I.. Trilinnn otMee. For Rent. tfOK KENT KCKN ISHED KRONT ROOM; 1 kbs. bath, steam heat; 432 Adams avenue. 1" XR RE N T ( nTc- II A 17f HOUSE, NO.'aWti; North slain avenue; 11 rooms, gas, water, furnace and bathroom and barn. Inquire at Anderson's News Rooms, Provideneo Mlmre. 1XIl RENT KL'Il IS H ED ROOM, W1TI1 1 or without board, suitablo for two per sons. 1!U Adams ave. FORR ENT A L A ROET 4 STOR YBUI iTdT IngatKO Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CAKSON DA VIES, Hirnntcin. yOK RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST V Lackawanna nvenne. Address 1 HOMAS E, EVANS, aear IIU'J Luzorno, Hyde Park, i76ii rent-nicixy fuknisiieiVhalT. V suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JEU MYN. I 111 Wyninlnu- ovennn. For Sale. FOB SALE FIRST-CLASS, SECOND hml buggies, phantons, snrrles. spring wagons, Concord lingules, landaus and conches, needing huguies and 1 ulklrs, at bargains, at M. T. KKLLER S. l?OR SALK-HYoHOWER HINtlCULAR 1 fti'l'l alas.; a bargain; mads by Ottoea A fa, Philadelphia. P, U Box ;0tt SALE ft HEAD OP WElXnRED I trotting and racing horses will be sold at auction to the hiidiest bidder at the Scranton Driving Park, Thursday, Cct, 10, at 2 o'clock In the afternmn. W. M. .TBltMYN. Soeelat Notice. OTl7-NAEnrisAY wl Intake a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free up n air advertising ex hibitions wlih the atereoptlRon: Tnvlorville, Hyde Psrk, Providence, Dickson (ilvnlmnt, Peekville, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given en Wednesday and Friduy of each week during the month, the rates for adver tising are lu per month.; Address K. H. Call, Tribune offlne, olty. , "TDK SOLDIER IN OTJB CIVIL WAR." A Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Lesllo's famous old War Pictures,taow Ing the forces In actual battle, aketunad on tho spot Two volumes, g,0ul) pictures. Sold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complete, all ebarges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, W Adams Ave., rnton. Pal BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA alnas, tic., bound .or rebound at Tiia Tbiuh office. Igulck work. Beasonabl prices s'.'0 :in:-AS I Thibet Ti ll CONNOL V & i Legal. IN THE COURT OK COM McC PLEAS OF 1 Lackawanna County, No I ". January Term, IMi'i: Mary L. i-runi'lil y her next next Irloccl, etc., vs. (leorg.i Kfcird French. . iiiv-iuiuu imiiifii resbonili-B You will please t iko notice at a rule to .now cniiM! wny a aivorco hiuefoi do graui- rettirniil'lo to next Argument Uirt, Ortolier 91 1Mb'. Ultr,.,.u ..F tl.lu I.. Illn I... ....1.11 cation, Iwcause personal ser cannot be niauo. wal fiiivli,, Attorney Libpllant Annual Mectln !OIICE-THE ANNUAL .' IKT1NU OF i-1 the lnombt-rs of the Lael lanna Store Association, Limit d, will le It lat the ollice of tho association, in tho cily o l-eranton, on Wednesday, Oct -', IHI'i, at!!o' Ik p. m., for the election of managers for th Insu n vear and for tho transaction of audi lier businesi as may pronorly como before tlanceting. J. P. HlHGINSOJhocrotary ecraniou, ra., .epi. 1, i;j. Situations Wanti AlTANTED-PuslTlON AS It EMAN OR V engineer for staam or olo r tilant bv party who has hud experience m ike himself useful. Address F 431 Spruce street, oity. bid who can HOLMES, 1' IT1T itiiiv v A VTT.'ri A I 8T-CLASS . J1J Kail- O cook by a mltldlo agod wona runu nvcaue. c"1iuation wanted-by; C5 do washing or ollice cleanli rOMAN TO r any kind ot worK oy tno uay. Auurcss Msin avenue. MS. ., .iw o. SITUATION WANTED - A VOUNG k-5 married man, hanilv with ls anil uu Addriss P, derstnnds tho care of horses. BERN E, 1211) Vino Htrect ciTUATiOtT W A NTK.b B O lady, 16 years of age, as t business correspondent: a utsu: , YOUNG writer and -ntnan; un : quick and nt nosition derstunds bookkee:iLg thorouglil accurnte at. ngures; reaily to a at once: excellent loferenco. adress EX- PEItlENCED, ft'll Lackawanna a nuo. A UuY 111 YEARS Oi' a posit iou at anv GE W IJLD LIKE ledum business: best of reference pivetv Ad. Ire THOMAS ,i. .IONKS. tniryea. Pa. YOUNG MAN WANTS '.VITLG OF ANY kind to do at home, dura W. V. H. 12l(i Cedar aveuue. ' SITUATION WANTED-DY "M EXPEHI O enced doublo-entry bo ikkeser: best of references. Address K. R.. CMie Tibune orlieo. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DrTwILLI AM A. 'TAFTrP" Prltlge nnd Crown work. Washington avenue. CT C. LAUUAOI1. SUItGEON No. 115 Wyoming avenue. CF.LAIN. Office, s25 bjSNTlST. R. M. STKATTON', Ot'l-'iCK change. t)AL KX- riiysiciuns nnd Surtins. drTgedgar dean has ikmoved to 616 Spruce street. Strap on, Pu. (Just oppoalto Court House Siiare.) DR. KAY, 206 PEN N AVE.: 1 cull 20(12. D!s. of women, obsl und ull dls. of chil. 3 P. M. : Atric: a and DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFtlCE Ml Washington nvenue, cor. Eprilo street, over Kruncke's drug Htroe. Iisldence, 722 Vine st. OITlee bouts: 10.M to K a, m. and 2 to 4. and 6.3U to 7.30 pirn. Sun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. E. ALELN, G12 North W fchlngton avenue. DR. C. L. PREY, PRACTICE diseases of the Eye, Eur. Throat; olllco, 122 Wyoming deuce, 629 Vino street. M1TED iso and I. ItOKi- nn I. M rATE8. 125 WASllN'QTOX nvenue. Ofllce hours, t to S nl m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 D. m. ltealdence W9 Mudl- ion uvenue. nn .t P. BATESON. RELIA151 1 SKIN, nesdays Tumor nnd Cancer specialist, and Fridays, at 60S Linden lice hours, I to 4 p. m. tot. Uf- Lawyers. WARREN ft KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors ni uw, u)tiiiii:iiii hnildlnir. Washington avcnuei scran ton, Pu JE8SUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors nt law, Comni nweulta oulldliig, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSLT HORACE E. HAND, W. II. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON-& WILCOX. ATTOR neys nnd Counsellors at Law; ofllcea I and 8 Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. VVILCOX ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J HAND. Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19. ft aid 2L Frank-t. okell, attorney-at- Law. Room D, Coal Kxcnunge, ocrun ton, l'a. at-Law, rooms S3, 64 and en. Comiion- wealth building. DAmucu . - .j Lsw, ollice, sii opruceiM IZ-Lzf r. a WATiiua a rTniivrV-ATJ 423 Lnckawana ave. Scranton, V ttiiiia -rnwNSEND. ATTORNEY AT -.. m. Hunk p.niirilnir. Bctknton. Mnniv to loan In largo sums ai 6 per cpnt. i.T('HElt. ATTORNfeY-AT 'i-nmtnnnwealth building, I bcran ton,' Pa. j l CT COM BOYS. oi'SPRUCE STRjEET. D " B." P.EPLOGLR. ATTORNB Ye LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 41)1 Spruco street ' 5pT K I LL A M. ATTORN 12 Y MT-Uff. 120 Wyortilng ave., Scranton. a. JAS' j7H HAMl LTON,ATT(7nNEY AT law.Commonwealth bld'g, .acranton. jTmTc. RANCK. 13 WTOalllia AVa. Architects "is. i 26, o EDWARD H. DAVIS nPHlTCPT. Rooms 24. 25 and building. Scranton. unmonwealtb B. L. WALTER ARCHin 1CT. OFFICE rear ot euu wasninK'u" ivenue. LE3W18 HANCOCK .JR.. 433 BpruoeeL,onWaah ARCHITECT. tv.jSoranp RCHITECTS, BROWN ft MORRIS. Price building. 129 Was ngton avenue. Bcranton. Wire Scrcvf JOB. KUKTTEL, RBAB wanna avenue, Sorantoif til P.. . LACKA manufao turer of Wire Screeuf. Iu.iia lape. NO. WAI I ACP V V ALLAVyL, TRY US. 602-604 LUCKS. AVE., COR. IDARIS. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys und girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MIS S W O RC EST ER' 8 KINDERGARTEN nnd School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. t. Kindergarten 110 per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender. Dime Banix building. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store U6 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephoe 782. Miscellaneous BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music store. M EGARGEE BROTH E RS, P RI NTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK 1m avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., U ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, 33.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York city. Noted for its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for PiVlllg MURE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 58th and 69th sts., Pluza Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, ana tne crosstown cars at 59th St., which latter in tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station Oth ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Prinking water and Ice used is vaporized and frozen on tho premises, and certified as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. ( Lehigh and .-usouolianna Division Anthracite coal used exclusively, Inaur. Ing cleanUueaa and couuori. liAlK TADI.hi IN Ei'l'lX'T JUNE 2, 1S9S. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkea-Burre. etc.. at 8.20. 1.16. 11.30 .m.. 1.23. 2.vo, 3.05, 6.uu, 7.10 p. in. Sundays, D.uO a. m., l.w, z.is, 7.iu p. m. fTni Atlnntln Pltv. t 20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8 20 (express) a. in., 1.23 (express with Hut fet parlor car), 1.06 (express) p.m. Sun lav. 2.1& d. m. Truln leaving 1.23 P. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New TorK ts.4b p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 1.20 a.ni.. J3, a.UD. n.w (except fnuuueipniu; p. in. Rnndav. MB D.tn. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, eto., at 8.2 a. m., 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown. 0.20 a. ni., 1.23, 6.00 p. in. Sunday, 2.15 p.m. For Pottsvillo, 8.20 n. m.. 1.23 p. re. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib. erty street, North river, at (.10 (express) a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 1.00 a.m 3.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday . "'Through ticket! to all points at lowest rates mar be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. 1L P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent J. It. OLHATTBRrl. Gen. Bnpt DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. r.-..hin. Monday. (7T?asf - (lav. July 80, all trains Mm afjfl will arrive at new Uck- w at aw awanna avenuo Jtr r as follows; r" Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale In termediate points at 1..20. 6.46, T OO. .6 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 1.20, 1.65. 5.16, 15. 7.26, (.10 aFor'FarPvmw, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, t.23 and 10.10 o,m..U.. W ""For Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondackg and Montreal at 6.45 a.m. and t ' P ,. For Wllkes-Rarre and lnt"ne',il? points at 7.46, 8.45, (.H and 10 a.in., 12.06, 1.20, 1.38, 4.0O. 5.10, 6.05. 1.16 and 11.88 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scrantpn elation from Carbonda and Intermediate Pl at 7.40. 8.40, (.84 and 10 40 a. m., 12.00, 1.17.1,34. 140, 4.54, 6.56, 7.45. (.11 ad 11.13 p.m. From Honesdale. Wy ?2rt "Ml Par view at (.14 a.m., 12.00, 117. 1.40, 6.65 aad 7 46 n m ' 'From Montreal;' Saratoga. Albany, etc at 4.54 and 11.M p.m. ( , , . From Wllkes-Barre ana Intermediate r olnts lat t.i. I.04,10.M and H.tt a m.. Lit, 14. 1.19, 8.10, (.08, ?.20,7.01 and 11.16 p.m. .ITU j Ill KERSEY JACKET, Silk Lined, $16.00. ' 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Featbers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12. 1895. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.ll a. m., 12.03, 1 20. 2.38 and 11.38 p. m.. via D I ft W. R. n., ( 00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., and 1.34 D. m. I Irfave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes iinrrik. vm 11 I. gr w K w k u x iix li.m a. m., 3.60. 6.07, (.51 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. aieton, Pottsvllle and all points on thai Beaver .Meaaow ana rottsville urancnea, via E. & W. V. R. R., 6.40 a.m., via D. 4 H. R. P. at 7.45 a. m., 12.06, 1.20. 2.38, 4.00 p. nx. via. I)., i. & w. R. R. e (io. 8.08. u.29 a. m. 1.30, i.m p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Eaa' points via D. & H. s. 7.. 7.45 R . 6.00. S IS. 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. Leave srranton for Tunkhannock AO wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R-. ( 41 a.m., 12.06 and 11.35 p.m., via D.. U ft W. R. R., 8.08, (.55 a,m.. 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit. Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. R., (46 a.m.. 12.05. (.15, 11.38 p.m., via D., L. ft W. B, R. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, (.55 a.m., 1.M, 8.50 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 1.41 p.m. For Elmlrn and the west via Salamanca, via D. & H. R. R.. 8.45 a.m.. 13,05. 6.05 p.m., via D., L. ft W. R a. 8.08, (.66 a.m.. 1.30. and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, . Buffalo, end Suspensios) Brld8ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHA8. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pfc A. W. NONNEMACHER, AssU 0ak fasa. At., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 18(5. Trains leave Scranton as follows: x press for New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a.m. ; 12.65 and 1.34 V Express for Easton, Trenton, PhlladeU phla and the south, 6.15, 8.00 and (.66 a-ra.. 12.S5 and 3.34 p.m. Washington and way stations, 1.6a p.m. Tobvhanna accommodation, 6.10 p.m. Eitp'ress for Blnghamton, Oswego, EH mlra, Corning. Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a.m., and 1.21 p.m., making close connectlona at Buf falo to all points in the West , Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a.m. Blnghamton and way stations, 1137 p.m- N'.cholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. ana CIO p. m.. . Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, (.OS P'Exprese for Cortland. Syracuse. Osweff Utlca and Klclitteld Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. . . Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 9 a.m. and l.M p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Barre, Plvmouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.55 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate ."?" S.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.(0 and 1.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches osj all express fain . , For detailed Information, poeket tlmj tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, m Lackawanna avenue, eg depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Tor and Intermediate points on the trie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Honesdale. Hawley and local point at 7.00. (.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. All the above are through trains M ana from Honesdale. Train for Lake Ariel 5.10 p. m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at l.3t a. m, and 1-46 p. m. New York, Ontario and Western Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale at 1U.65 a. m. nnd 6.10 p. m. For Hancock Junction nt 10.55 n. m. Trains leave Car bondiilo for Scranton at 7 o'clock a. m. and 3.2! p. m. Trains leave Hancock June tlon for Scranton at 2.05 p. m. OF SCRANTON, am. S200.ooo UNDIVIDED PROFITS. 60,000 Special IttenUoa GUen to Btslnsss aaal Daeeaitl Isanenft mi (VAseae nvvveanw 0TEES3T PUD 01 T1IS tEKUTS. III! Hi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers