it v 8 GARBONDALE. PRESENTED WITH A WATCH. J. M. Alexander Receives a Gift from the MethodUt Sunday School. Sunday was ingathering day at the Methodist church, and the targe num br present showed that the members of tlie $alAath school had boen work ing faithrully to make the day a euc cuss. It was decididly eo, and pawtU off very nloely. One of the features was the ineseittatinn of a handsome l$ild wati'h to Superin'tend.-nt J. M. Alexander. Hesrfdes being Ingutherintt day. tt was the lifty-flfih anniversary of Mr. Alexander's birth, and the thir-ty-tifth anniversary of the battle of Chapin's farm, in whieh llr. Alexan der fought. A special plvgramme which had been pn pared was carried through most suocessfully. and after It was tinlfhed Uev. U. A. Place made the presentation In behalf of the IMr. Alsxander was completely taken by surprise, but expressed his thanks in the most hearty manner. .Mr. Alex andtrs manner expressed as plainly as his- words his appreciation of the gift- His superintendency has extend ed over a period of thlrty-elg-ht years. 'The rally was the largest in the his tory of the school, there betam present 016 and 6:m Ik-Iiir enrolled. There were tlfty-seven visitors present and the number at Sunday school who were at the church servk was 3WS. Tlie collec tions amounted to I1C0. AF1EK A PATENT. John J Kennedy" Invention a Very PrncticHl and Ist-ful Article. Yesterday mornlnft John J. Kennedy, of the Arm of Collins & Kennedy, left for Washington, 1. C, while he will make application for a patent on an In vention of his. This Invention Is very practical and useful and will probably leward Mr. Collins' efforts richly. The invention Is applied to wagons nnd carriages and is meant to oil or grease the axles. This Job, when done by hand, is very troublesome and dirty and necessitates a considerable amount of patience on the part of the operator. Mr. Collins proposes to do away with nil this trouble and will guarantee to keep the wheel greased without tuklns It oif the axle. Any one who has any thing to do with rarrlases will see the usefulness 'f the device at once. A lit tle oil cup is one of the features. The oil cup la placed In a hollow hub or r.poke arranged for the purpose. The cup is air-tight, so there Is no fear of dust entering. In the center of the cup Is a pump with three valves and so fixed that when the pump is worked the oil is forced onto the axle. This is all there Is to It, nnd a single stroke of the plunger Is all that Is necessary to oil a wheel. The invention can also be used to oil any bearings which work on sta tionary Journals. WKLCK IN THE YARD. A P.I under Stops Trn flic on the Hond for Some 'lime. A large force of men were busily en gaged In clearing a wreck from the Krie tracks In the yards. The wreck was a bad one and so many cars piled up that cars could neither be brought in or taken out. The accident was caused by an engine going through an open switch which had been left open by some careless person. The wreck occurred early yesterday morning. Conductor Dillon was making up a train preparatory to going up the line. The engine, in charge of En gineer ethlefeldt. had backed some cars down on track No. 2 and was running back Into the yard again. The sn itch was open at the time, but the engineer failed to notice It and went off the end. After leaving the rails the ties wer torn and damaged considerably by the locomotive running over them. It ran nearly forty feet before it stopped. Th locomotive nearly tipped over on Its side and It was very fortunate that it did not completely overturn, as It went over many obstructions and was nearly turned around and headed lu the opposite direction. COM PI.IM ENTEI) Til E M ILL. Low Rates Given by the I adem Titers' Association. Hecently a description of the new silk mill was sent to headquarters for the purpose of determining what rate the risk would be. P. fi. Josiln, secretary of the local board, has Just recehed an answer to the letter in which a high compliment was paid the manner of the construction. The rates are the lowest possible, which shows the manner In which the work stands in the estima tlon of the board. The mill Is nearly completed and will be a nearly fire-proof as possible. The roof Is now on end the machinery neces sary is being put In place. Ues les all ordinary precautions, the trustees will have four fire plugs placed near the building, RUN DOWN BY A STREET CAR. Street Car Strikes Stephens 4 Tucker's Horse. Yesterday morning an exciting acci dent took place on Church street and Salem avenue, when a street car ran Into the horse and wagon of Stephens & j ucKer, the alcm avenue grocers. At lirst Vt looked aa It serious dam age was done and the ueonle rushed to the spot expecting to find the driver hurt and the horse badly injured. Hut Hhey were surprised when they found tliat no damage at all was done besides the spilling of a few goods. The horse was knocked down and the wagon completely upset, but no further dam age was done. Hurt Whllo on n Visit. (i. Marcy, of South Church street, received a letter yesterday which stat ed that his sinter. Miss Minnie Marcy, who Is visiting relatives at Howe's Ckve, Schoharie county. New York, was t'hrown out of a wagon last week, the fall dislocating her shoulder. She will return thi week. A Petition Being Passed. . 'A commit tee from the Clerks' asso ciation Is circulating a petition among the fouslncss men of the city to have Ahem cloae the stores at 6 o'clock every evening ejxeept Saturday. The peti tion to .meeting with flair success. ; A New F.lcctrlo Motor. Charles Smith, a machinist In the Delaware and 'Hudson shops, and H. W. Harrison, a clerk for the sales depart ment of the same company, have been WaIIPap?r At Less Than Cost, to Close. . SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR PRICES. J. 5cott Inglis . km using their spare time In the construc tion of a smajl electric motor. The motor Is now about completed, am It Is expected to test It in few days. IN THE FOUND. Fourteen Cows Are Found Mourning About the Streets. The number of cows, sheep and other stray animals which have been seen on the streets lately has been very great, but the record has been completely snowed under, when fourteen cows, the result of one haul, were placed in the pound. The large numberof animals upon tne street can be readily seen when within the past two months 2.10 cattle and three stray sheep have been Impounded. It is probable that some of the owners of those found will tind themselves de fendants in a suit for damages. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mrs. Ann (Munson. of Waterbury, Conn., w.ho has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Adiam Keglar, of 'Wayne street, has returned. Miss It anche Hallsteaii, or seramon. who has been visiting Miss Delia Bal- i-y. of Canaan street, ihas returned home. John Abbott, of Garfield avenue, who has been sick with typhoid fever for the last eight weeks. Is now aiule to sit up. Jhn Coughlin, of Fell township, is seriously ill. IMr. and Mrs. Frank liirusail. or Mo ney, X. are the guests or ur. una Mrs. U. A. Place. Mrs. Waiter Chubb, of AVaymart, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. U. Sautes, of Helmont street. O. W. Faulkner and wife have re turned from a few days' stay with friends In Wayne county. Ur. Hui'nett. of Scranton. was rn consultation yesterday with Dr. J. S. Xlles In the case of Mrs. K. W. lilies, of Aldenville, who is ill at the home of her sister. Mrs. IM. C. Abbey. Dr. D. L. Hailey has returned from a business 'trip to Now" York city. Among other things the doctor went to consult the eminent .Dr. Winters, of the Willard-Park hospital, but was un able to, as he lrf In Kurope making an investigation of antitoxin and other remedies. ' John Walsh, of Schenectady, N. Y., is visiting friends on Brooklyn street. He was accompanied by Martin Cler rlty, who left here about a week ago to enter a hospital there on account of an injured arm. He is no better th-a.ii w hen he left. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. "Wheeler nmtl daughter. Hazel, who have been spend ing the last week at Windsor, N. Y., returned yesterday. -Dr. Kecd Burns, of Scranton, spent yesterday In this city. Frank Zlmmer, of Oswego, X. Y., called on friends in town yesterday. l.Miss Amanda Curtis, of the Moody Institute, a former resident of this place, is visiting friends her?. Fiank Doyle, of Scranton, is the guest of his sister, IMiss Clara Doyle, of South Church street. .Mr. and iMrs. iV. It. iMorss have re turned from a week's stay at Platts burg, X. Y. Thomas K. Campbell left yesterday afternoon for Beading. 'Pa., where he will represent the Mitchell Hose com pany at the state convention of firemen, Which Is in stsslon at that place. William Bowers and daughter, iMiss Isabelle Bowers, returned Saturday af ternoon from Montreal and Saratoga, where Mr. Bowers has been for his health for the last it-vo weeks. He Is somewhat better. John Kennedy and C.eorge Collins left this morning for Washington, D. C, where they will visit for the next ten days. . Miss Bessie Chamberlin, of Brooklyn Susqueha.nna county, Is the guest of Mrs. G. W. Samson, of Canaan street, iMIs Sadie Miller and Bliss Iris Ab bey have returned from a week's stay at" White Oak pond. IMiss Jennie Jenkins and Ida Beese spent Sunday in Scranton. Isaac Writer, of South Church street, is quits ill. Henry Singer left yesterday to re sume his studies In the law department of the University of New York. Charles Pesklns, who was operated upon for appendicitis last week, is somewhat Improved. Mrs. Hernaid Mullady is visiting relatives In Honcsdale. W. D. Evans, of Seventh avenue, .has ae-pted a position with the Phenix Life Insurance company, of Hartford, Conn. iMrs. P. G. OiMalley, of Scranton. and Mrs. T. J. Stuart and daughter, Lulu, of Toledo. O.. are the guests of rela tive. In this city. Patrick Clifford, of Brooklyn street, will leave shortly for Denver, Col. PECKVILLE. Mr. and Mirs. George Tuth'ill nnd daughter, Jennie, 'and W. H. Walker siient Sunday n Wayne county. ' The "follow hug officers were elected In Harper Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, last Friday evening NYible grand. Charles Kennedy; vice grand. William ill. Walker; secretary John "Day; assistant secretary, Charles Brong; treasurer, A. C. Hendricks; trustee, A. Frazer; representative to grand lodae, William B. Stevens. Mrs. John Warne, of Hickory Ktreet, vleUed over Sunday with Xanitlcoko friends. Following are 'the names of officers elected at Warapah Tribe. Improved Order of Kid Men, last Saturday eve. n-ins: Prop'lutt, John Wright; sachem, Willium Page: senior Pa gam ore, Wil liam Opdyke; Junior sagamore, A. I.. Demmlng; chief of records, A. H. Jen kins; esfl.-itant, Blrt Gibson; trustee, Thomas RotliiFon. Mrs. Henry Chapman, who has been Ind'isposed for the past few days, Is Improving. The Kusitern Star Concent company and Jubilee singers will give a con cert in the Led yard 'hall next Monday evening, Oct. 7, for the 'benefit of the Dalles' Aid society of the Methodist Eplpeopal church. The funeral of the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jayne will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Thomas Swales, on North Main street. Miss Rebti SInipklns Is on the sick Hut. James Lancaster Is building the foundafi'.in for a new dwelling on his lot at Plain K. Grand millinery opening of all the latest fall and winter styles will take place at Miss Kcstell's. on Tuesday, Wednesday ;nnd Thursday, Oct. 1, 2 and 3. A Dull line or millinery novel ties, fancy goods, dolls and notions will lie on exhibition. All the ladles of Peekvllle and vicinity are cordially Invited to call and Inspect our stock. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dwlghit Treaux, of Her rick Center, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Kiayes. t Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman were surprised last Friday evening at their home, on Nofrh Main street, by being serenaded by tho Citizens Cornet bond. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman had Jupt re turned from 'two weeks' visit in Lu zerne county. Although taken by sur prise they were equal to the occasion, and made the band boys feel at home by serving Ice crettm, cake and lem onade. The boys rendered some very fine music. , NICHOLSON. Miss A. J. Wilcox announces her opening of fall and winter millinery Wednesday ajrtd Thursday, Oct. 2 end 3. Mrs. George Campbell, of Blnghnm ton, and Mhra Mame Benjamin, of OouluVtoro, are' the guests of Mrs. E. L. Baoon. M'ii?s Grace Crock .has returned home after an aosence of several weeks. J. M. Carpenter Js visiting in Mont rose. ' ' ----- Mrs Dtmer Bacon will visit tier par ents, Mr. and Mmi. Warner, of Jermyn, TnE SCKAXTOX TRTHUNE TUESDAY tunkhannock: Porter Michael Is teaching at Mil waukee, Lackawanna county. Commissioner A. M. Dc Wilt ana v. h. IlardiuR. clerk, ure in attendance at the state commissioners ' convention at Meadvllle. . O. D. DeWitt nnd family arrived from Tempe, Ariz., yesterday morning. They had been absent about a year and iook their friends somewhat by surprise by their unannounced arrival. Mr. Po- Wltt speaks In very favorable terms of that section of country. Petty thievery Is getlng common enough heieahouts of lute to be an noying. S .nie miscreant purloined a heavy rug and a chulr cushion from the porch of C. J. Iteed Sunday night. Frank W. Donley fort man or tne I locket olllce at Wyaluslng, spent Sun day with his parents here. Workmen are engaged in putting in steam heat apparatus at the Keeler Houve. Klnier nnd Arthur, sons of A. X. Ide, an old war veteran nnd member of the famous Huektall regiment, are to be placed In the Soldiers' urphan school at Harford. The annual conference convention of the Kpwoith leuyue will be held at Wllkes-Barre Oct. 8 and 9. The various leagues in this section will send dele gates. Miss .Nellie Donley enters tne w uices- Barre hospital today with the Intent of lilting herself for nursing as a pro fession. She will be on trial for the irst month. John .McQueen, the Lehigh Valley florist, is gathering the frost-bitten fte ranlums from the beds on the com pany's grounds along the line. They will be taken to the Snyre greenhouses, where they are used to propagate cut tings for another season's planting, Mrs. William It. Lockwood, who has been taking a vacation for several Weeks at her home, at Stamford, Conn., and other places, Is expected here toduy to resume the work of relndexing the county deed books. Marriage licenses have been granted to Thomas W. Wilson, M. D., of Old Forge, -Pa., and Stella Rogers, of Mill City; A. J. Grifllth, of Beuumont, und Alicia Itose, of Xoxen. Miss F.flle Heynohls, who has a posi tion at the Atlanta Cotton exposition, writes that the weather Is extremely hot down there and the exposition will not be really enjoyable on that account until November. It Is possible that the whole party who went from this county will return before long. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox. of Wllkes Barre, are guests of Charles Tre mayne's people. .Mrs. Frank Dressier, of Noxen town ship. Is mentally deranged and has been confined In the county Jail. A commission will Investigate and steps taken to remove her to an asylum. The Ladles' Aid society entertain ment at the Methodist Episcopal church tonight promises some Innova tions In that line. The programme Is unique, and as tho ladles are carefully looking after the details, it can hardly fall of success. Ice cream will be served to all attendants. The Katonville Baptists have decorat ed their church with new windows, par tially of stained glass. C. XI. Safford Is working for the Gray Candy company and has moved his family Into the double dwelling at the Intersection of Turnpike und Kedgfleld streets. The district meeting of the Improved Order of Bed .'Men at the wigwam of the home society Saturday night cal!ed out the various tribes from V'ose, Rus sell Hill, Nicholson nnd Mill City. The meeting was presided over by Deputy Grand .Sachem Klnner. Grand Sachem Popre, of Philadelphia being present. After a lively and well-attended coun cil, during which degrees were con ferred on several candidates, the dusky warriors adjourned to the Packer House and stowed away refreshments with a gusto that Indicated there was nothing wrong with their digestive or gans. The visiting dignitaries and sev eral others made addresses and every body voted It o success. Rev. W. M. Hiller, of this place, nnd Rev. G. K. Van Wert, of Nicholson, will exchange pulpits next Sabbath. The celebration of the tenth wedding anniversary of IMr. and 'Mrs. B. B. Stone passed off very pleasantly yester day afternoon. Numerous guests from out of town were present and the host and hostess were very pleasantly re membered with substantial tokens. MOOSIC. One of the leading social events of the season was given Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pearl, on Main street, by their daugh ter, Miss Olive, It being a reception given In honor of the East Stitnids burg Normal foot ball 'team. The rooms were prettily deeoratfd In red and black, the school colors. The foot ball team arrived albout 7.U0 p. m., and were us.hered into the dinning room, where tilt y sat down to a luscious re pust that bad been prepared for them. About 8 p. m. the guests began to ar rive and dancing, games nnd thf-r enjoyments were Indulged In until 10.30 p. m.. n.nd then a lunch was si eved to the as.-iem.bli'd guests. The foot ball team Included the following: M. J. W-als'h, Frank Cannon, Edward Keefe, William Pomp, Fred Morgan, William Oliver, Gtis Heinvm. James Timony, James Powell, William Brown, George Roma-ley, Karl Krerge, John Houston, all of Slroudslmrs. The out of town giiet.ts were ns follows: M-isi-s Laura Campbell, Scranton; Jennie Melvln, FcntiiMton; Nellie Oman, Scranton; Kim ile Fly nn. Dun more; Kate Dodson, Pi-ckvlMe; Cirt'ie 'Sch!t'bl, EhnhurFt; Elsie Malr. waring, Duryea; Jessie Brown, Avoetf; Xr.ttle GuIkIc, Pltfy.ton; Meissra. Harry Diud, Greenwood; M, Morgan, Pitts.tnn; Jahn Corraii, Scran ton; Charles Watkfoi. Taylor; Michael Murray,; Pr-twOlurrjy, Dun more. The Moo.-.e guests" wo;e as fol lows: Ms Blanche TrcsalilC '--Ktssle Hinds, Mame Hinds, Mal'tle Hlr.iTsv Eliza iPrlce, Alice Price, Anna Brown, Neiiile Brown, Anna Kirk, Rose Warn er, Annie Nichol, Agix-o Nlchnl, Manic P.U'WXP', Anna Arnlleld, Edith Smith, Carrie Vandenburg, Besisle Greene, Lil lian Vandemburg; Messrs. John Greene, Will WliVters, WM1 Gai'bnut'h, John Dy mond. Will Mer.le Alex Voting, John Young, James .Dick, Henry Kirk, John Brodluud, Sam Boam, John Price, Gtj-rge rrl.ce, licrt Negley, Will John son, Hoiin-r Warner, Thomas Jones, Aan:jrc;c AMfmus. The foot ball b.iya White Swelling Came on my leg after typhoid (ever, and pieces of the bone camoout. Rheumatism joined the scrofula to put me in misery. Hood's Sanmparllla proved Just the medi cine; relieved mo ol pain, gave mo a good appetite and I laid aside my crutch and cane. Having taken 10 bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla my limb is entirely healed and now I am perfect ly well." Gkorok W. Cbomwelu, Mt. Pleasant, Maryland, ft ; tlx (or fo. Wfr?j"-?S(pSk Hood's Pills SSJSr0 Highest of all in Leavening Power left for fitroudnburs at 11. HO p. m., nnd the oWu-r guests went away heart ily ecmmenu'lnir Miss Peari s hojpltai- fcy. Mrs. A. W. Hand, of wilkrs-narre, Is visiting at the home of her son James A. Hand, on Main street. Prayer meeting will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church this even ing. John Brodhead nnd Charles Warner went hunting yesterday up Spring Brook. On Saturday last the Epworth league of the (.Methodist Episcopal church elected the following officers: Presi dent, Horace French; first vice-president, Emma MosMler; second vice president, Mrs. Horace French; third vice-president. Carrie Sebeihlne, fourth vice-president. Mrs. J. It. Dymond, jr.; secretary, Etta Mosteller; treasurer, Luna King. Charles Robertson spent Sunday at the home of his parents oh Main street. He will resume his studies at Wyoming seminary today. Arthur Wescott, of Main street. Is seriously 111 at the home of his father, Wililnm Wescott. W. it. Manners made a business trip fo Scranton on Saturday. JERMYN- Frederick Hartnoll, of Dummore, spent Sunday with Jermyn friends. John Oliver was buried Sunday lu Rose Hill cemetery, it-he 'body being brought from Remlham. The Jermyn Lodge of St. George, of which the de ceased was a member, attended in ft body. On account of necessary repairs, the Delaware and Hudson mines will be Idle this week. The Star Jubilee singers will give a concert In 'the Mothodist church par lors on Friday evening. Oct. 18. There Is no Improvement In the con of Leo Ohnmaeht, who Is so seriously ill alt his home on H street. Joseph Hcppler. who has foeen in charge of the Nelson Mwris meat es tablishment 'here, will move to Scran ton, where he will 'be employed by the firm. The annual meeting of the Jermyn CeiiHitcry association for the election of officers, w ill be held Oct. 18. All lot holders are requested to be present. W. J. Baker will leave Thursday for Baltimore, to complete 'his dental studies. It Is hoped that our school directors will o'bserve arbor day, which has been named by Dr. Shaffer for Oct. IS. . The llrst monthly Institute of the school was held in the high school building Saturday. Piofessor K. D. Uivard was elected chairman, and Mr. Maxey secreitay. A reading lesson was given by Miss Mullen, after which the teachers present gave their views on te'.iichlng reading. The next institute will be held Oct. 26. The small boy is already preparing for Hollow Eve, which comes on the last day of this month. Edward George, of thl's place, was a passenger on the electric car hat was wrecked (by being run Into by a On tario Western tr'ain, Saturday, uit Win ton. Michael McHale will be grand mar shal of the Father Matthew parade on Oct. 10. All sockitleB betweon Wllkes Barre and Forest City will be Into line, and a large gathering is expected. A picnic will lie held in the afternoon if the weather Is favorable. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Netherton are visiting friends In Forty Fort. A farewell party was given in Jones' hall Saturday evening In honor of Miss Maggie Post, who leaves today for Seranton, where she will reside per manently. CLARK'S GRI The funeral of iMrs. Daniel Scllnder, a former resident here, will be held in the Baptist church today (Tuesdav) nt 1.30 p. m. Rev. A. E. Douglass will of ficiate. Interment will be made in the Cliidt's Green cemetery. Merit iMead Is reported seriously sick with rheumatism. C. P. iMathews and family and Walter Mathews .have vacated their summer home for the season. Perry Sweet, of Montrose, called on acquaintances here on Sunday last. F. 'H. Green, of Unlondale., called on friends here on Saturday last. The rally of the Simpson Union of Ep worth leagues, w hich was to have been held at Dalton on Friday evening and Saturday last, has been deferred one week and -will lie held In the Methodist church at Clark's Summit on Friday evening and Saturday of tnls week. The original programme Is expected to be carried out. All will receive a hearty welcome. "Mrs. J. D. lAylcsworth returned last wct'k fium an extended visit among friends at Ariel and Honcsdale. Tli" following oMctn s were elected by the Electric Stnr lodge on Saturday evening lust: tA. A. Davis, X. G.; E. A. Myers. V. G.; E. H. Reed, assistant secretary: W. S. Frace, treasurer; J. S. Wagner, trustee, and I. G.; V. C. Han yen, ripri: sensitive to grand lodge, Installation will take place on Satur day e ven.V:3r, Oct. 12. MKi I'mma Oc.n.of Wyoming em!n nry, Rpttit Satvinday and Sunday with her friends at home. If the Ilabv Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by M'lliotis of Mothers Tor their Children wh'le Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes tha Child, Softens the Gums, Allays u II Pain; Cures W nd Col e, nnd Is the host rernody for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and nsk for 'Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tnko no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. . EMPIRE DRY 5id LACKAWANNA AVE. Tim utoifc we pnrchnsert rt the t lioniT'a Snl at t..n, I'n. nr Hulns since i.iwiont,-, i.rovod mote Mit'srurtory than wo tu.miilit. 'Ih. crowd oil Moielny win riioimourly lai'Ke, nnd c.irrk'd uwuy I ho liurt-'aiiin, and tlie stock which is left we'll dispone of at vour own i.rii'i-s. fa'o nil week nt the lollowlna pricis: I ibsu Dress WnglinraF, gi is pi Ice. 7 centn, Our Price, 3 Cents 1 case of Unbleached Brown Cotton, 4 4, heiivy, for shojting only, ttross price. V ' cent-, Our Price, AH Contt 1 rano Checked Crash, all linen, proas price, lOcrn.H, Our Price, 9 Cents 1 enso Uleacbed Towels, by the pair, fiiniiod, groBS price, HOeonla. ' Our Prloe, 10 Cents 1 rase 0 4 Bleached Jfolmwk Muslin, prmt, t! cants, Our Price, 12H Cents A great sale for the ma of every home hold. 1 ras of Turkey Red Covers, sixes 8x4 and ' Ikat, gross price. !. and flM, Our Prlee, 50e. and 69e. Fast Turkey Ued. m co i sim SUM'S 516 U:!::x:r,:a A::.:i OCTOBER 1 8it. Latest U. S. Gov't Re John 'M. Simmons, who h i faithfully served as Janitor of the Rn t lad Young Men's Christian ussociatlcil;or about seven months, bus reslene Idiat post tlon. The resignation Is t lie effect .Nov. I. Mr. Simmons can: Arkansas und will gj back side about 'nv. la The bund boys received th new unl- forms .Monday afternoon. I we nave learned that thi-Jompany who recentlv euve n nliv it, itr.n.l offered a prize to the lazlii boy In tnese two places. We have nl learned to whom the nrizo u.w ti, I l.m 11 Should have henn fljinuff..! (nlliit.nnlla on Church street. This boy. i Satur day, showed some people ne;l.y what he was composed of. On th-l day his eister had some hickory null and of fered them to hpr hmthu. .....iti. approac hed and asked In a sl ish tone If they were cracked. His s r, mad at this reply, went away at: left her spry relative to dwell upon th. houghts which irounieu nis care-worn katue. HAWLEY, The funeral of Clarence aged 36 years, who died a morning, took place from hi denceat 2 o'clock Friday afti was attended by a largo en friends. Many members or gaum lodge, Xo. 44S. lndepenji or uud f ellows, were presf respects to oectascd br J. J. Rankin, pastor of the Pi church, engaged In praver. A. W. Cooper, pastor of the Episcopal church, delivered! neral address, after which tl were Interred at the Eddy There were many beautiful utes. George Roto, a teamster, kicked In the head by one of Friday afternoon. Kadly horses Fred Searles' little 2-year- ter fell down cellar Kil.l .i. and received a fracture of tb I'ittston lliislness Dlrcctc An Wp irht JP. I-'. on U ..... 1 . I A new range for snlc or exch; neuuim-iiuiiu noustnoid goods. V1U. To heath. Potentate Did you execute : pr.- oiifrs f rAeeuiioner les, sire, with yi r. nurth- "Villain. Do you Insult me?" ieath." iso, :re. -i hey were tickled ueuoit jriDune. Relief in Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladd seases South r rem of Its .aln In y part or fe r and relieved In six nours by the American Kidney Cure. This edy Is a greut surprise on uco1 exceeding promptness in rellev the bladder, kidneys, back, and of the urinary passnnes, in ni male. It relieves retention of pain In passing it almost imme iy. if l Ills :s JDrug- voil want quick relief and ci your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harl gist, i.o renn avenue, Hcranion, THE GREAT LADY DOG. OR Now in Charge of the Chicagl Medi cat and Surgical Institute, rtl 412 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Comes highly recommended liy nil t ie lend lutf doctor of the world, and mukes i.pciH: ty of and will treat only wonion and ciildron and all acute ami clironic diseaiiea uotuliar to the female sex. Her peeialties In wnuli Bile Huh aclnevrd no muen great xuecrxs nne honor are Female C'omphtnts, Blood Poison, Klieu matiin, Chronic NervoiiH DiseuHes, Timora. ('ancem. Uoltres. ('ripp'.nft, Dotorinltia, St Vitus' Dance and Ruilt-i.tir Fit All wio rail within twenty daya will receive advl e and service free, incliidliiK medieine fur three months, for flu Kxaminution and tdviuu free. This institution has no c utiectiot with f)r. Reevea Take elevator In Ktore telcw, 412 Hpruee street. Office hours from V ai m. uutil Hu m.; euauay from i to o o cluck pj m. Pr. THE. Pennsylvania! Roofing Co,, 326 Washington Avenue, Scraatcn, Fa. i TELEPHONE 555. Ebonite Yarnisii, Gravel Roofing, Pipe Covering, Building Felts, Sheathing Papers, O I I i i 8 AH kinds of roofing wnrt done. All kinds of Crnvel or slug roofs inudr. ' GOODS CO.. 1 cases of Hummer Bnllirlwran Men's ITn. drrwear, In all iiunlities, irross price, 2jc Ilia nn.l &c. our Price to Close Out Entire Lot 20c CO down Men's White (Jnlanndried Shirts pure linen bosom, double front and backi tross prloe, 60 esuts, I Our Price, 29 Cehts nuiloxen of outing Shirts, In all qualltloi grrw, prlra. 'Jo., dUc 6Uo.. OUc. and lie We will make a sweep on tho entire lot and let liar go at 25 Cents Your Chalice HOSIERY-lhoso prices will hold good for ail this week. &M pair Men'a 6wk4 . t SC., Rroxs price, luc.s III pairs Ladios' Fast B ack Hose, gross lime. 10 cents. Our Price, So.l l doxsn of Kr.melJ DuluriKifiiu ilair I lose, and Fast Black! Hosu, gross prloe, iu cento. Our Prlee, 12,4 Cehts Ladles' Tests at ona-balf leas than elsewui Be careful and call. aimiat HAL'. STEp.l . LI--, - 1 4 dSsu- . i u j i in ii i iii TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish t assure their many jmU rons thiit they will this yenr hold to their usual custom of milling SI RICTLY OLD WHKAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, anil owing to the excessively dry weather many millers ar of the opinion thttt it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will taka no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thre months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Witthburn-Cro.sby Co.'s flour far above other brands. rf HRGEL Wholesale Mini DV JIN GROW 8 SOUS, HALIFAX. MIL A complete line of the above celebrated Carpets, in tha latest designs and colorings, with borders to match, suitable for roms, halls and stairs absolutely fast colors, uuequaled c,; wearing qualities and perfection ot hnisn. Awarded Three Prize In London. Also First Prize in Bradford, Paris, Am sterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Calcutta, Philadelphia, Dublin and Christchurch. Price, $1 per yard. INSPECTION INVITED- SOLE AGENTS KERR, SIEBEGKER & CO. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers or Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MAUHINlIIT. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. FUN m THE PANTRY Of our Clothing Department (Y. M. C. A. Building.) You can buy good Pants of us for a dollar. You can t imagine how good, but you can tell exactly by coming and looking at them. They're not made ot cheese cloth, mosquito netting, barred muslin, or dotted swiss, but they're made of Pants cloth goods made of cloth to make Pants of. You can buy better Pants, for $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, 2.25. You can buy fine Pants to morrow and the next day and the next-aud today for $3-oo, $3-25. $375 and $4-75, And in Every Pair of Pants There's a Silver Lining Left In tne Shape of a Beautiful Souvenir. Yes ! Just Like We Sell Furniture We . Sell Clothing CASH OR CREDIT Get w hat you want and pay as you can. FOR THAT TIRED FEELING We have secured one of the best antidotes we know of a couch, 26 inches wide, 6 feet a inches long, uphol stered in corduroy; blue, old red, olive and tobacco fringe trimiuings that touches near the floor and many springs to make it soft. The price, $6.90. You'll re main doubtful until you see it. Another, spring edge and larger, $10.00. 87c. Velvet Carpet Is Known as "That Economy Velvet" I 225 and tin Y. M. C. A. Building, CONNELL Agents. Medals FOR SCRANTON. We Sell Nowadays. 19 BRUSSELS aulas' "' . UmlHff Aha I Botli WlUmillKI.IUiJ Sides tihls week. A