The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1895, Page 7, Image 7
THE . BCIt ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1895. tkeiras NEW TORE Monday,-Sept 30th, Everything New. 122 North Main Avenue. OH OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. HER SIGHT CAME HACK AGA1X Mysterious Trouble That Attacked Miss Storms' Eyes Passed Away' tf rtainrocnt That Will lie Held To nightPan! Greening Autopsy. The West Side Interests of The Tribune Have been placed In the hands of Emer on Owen, to whom all news announce ments and complaints may be addressed. The curious case of sudden blindrwss which befell Miss Mattle Storms, while seated In the Simpson ' Methodist church, as exclusively reported In yes. terday'a Tribune, fortunately devel oped a very pleasing1 pbane yesterday, which Is as curious us the former mis fortune. Durlngr the greater part of Sunday nisrht Miss Storms was entirely blind, but In' the early morning1 her eyelids ceased swelling and sight came tack as easily as it had departed. She hns ex perienced no further trouble, and was albout as usual last evening. No med' leal treatment was applied, and the cause of the curious case is a mystery. Peculiar Condition of tho l.ungs. An autopsy was conducted yesterday on the late Paul Greening, of Luzerne street, who died Sunday, after two years' suffering. The operation was performed by Urs. Hoberts, Allen and Paine and the cause of the action was ti conlirm Dr. Roberts' diagnosis of the dead man's illness. The ailment which caused (loath, according to. the result of the autopsy. Is known to me. Iral men a l fibroid phthisis, a disease of the lungs. The case Is uncommon In the m. dical profession and the autopsy was very interesting to the doctors pres ent, uotn lungs were found to be ;n an almost petrified state. The mass could not be even dented by the utmost pressure of the linger and the color was soot like, leaving black marks wnen touched. The lungs were exceedingly brittle, and upon cutting it through the cells were found to be entirely 'choked up. Only a few Inches on the lutvc lobe of each lung was In a nor mal condition. All the other organs of the body were In a healthy state. i.ntcrtainment Tonight. Camp 33, Daughters of PoeahnntAs, of this side, will give an entertainment and social this evening In Red Mn's hall, corner of Jackson street and Main avenue, in Ihonor of Camp KG, of the Eouth Sid-?, and Camp f, of Taylor. 'Members of both will be in attendance. "Refreshments will be eerved. Follow ing Is the programme: Instrumental duet, Messrs. Pfelffer and Glnaler; duet, Mrs. Randolph Jones and VI Jones; address. .Miss Anna Bennett; solo, Edward James; recitation, Bessie Kloat; solo, David Stevens; selection, Dickson Uanjo club; recitation, Ruth BiBblng; eolo, IMIss Clara Saunders; recitation, Jessie Sloat; selection, Dick son Banjo club; accompanist. Norma Williams. Funeral of Mrs. Urown. Mrs. EveHne K. Brown, wife of the late Judge iMichael Brown, of Hones dale, who died Sunday at her home at 315 North (Hyde Park avenue, will be buried today. A high mays of requiem will be celebrated at St. Patrick's church at 8 o'clock. Interment will be private, and will be made at Hones dale. Mrs. Brown Is survived by the following sw and daughters: Mrs. Kerrigan, Hmry and Adeia Brown, of Masslllon, O.; William Brown, of Brooklyn: (Mrs. James A. Mellon, Miss Kitty Brown and Clark Brown, of this city. T'he deceased was very highly thought of on thle side, and has made many friends during her residence here. , l ittle News Votes. (Luther Keller Is layng a substantial sidewalk in front of Sin property on West Lackawanna avenue. ' Will Hutson, of this sldt, leaves today for a visit to his parents nt Montrose. Many fulends of Tally Phillips, who left yesterday for a course at a Phila delphia dental school, gave him a "Bend off" before ihls departure. A. V. Gerblg, of Charleston, ln the guest of T. IM. Miller, of Washburn street. iMrs. William Fuller and children, of Eynon treet, 'have returned from a visit to New Mllford. The funeral of the late Paul Green ing will occur today from til 9 late home on ;Luzerne street. The deceased fca ibeero a sufferer for some ime, and his friends had only a few days ago at. ranged for benefit, tickets havilng been printed. He was 39 years of age, fimd Ifl fiUrvlved .hV fl wffA f..wl aaval children. The funeral will occur at 3.30 o'clock. I. M. Jones, of South Wain avenue, leaves on a 'business trip down the val ley today. An Italian living on the South Side, Otaxey by name, was Injured yester day Willie at work a a laborer at the Dodge mine. The injuries were chiefly about the head. Judge H. 'M. Edwards will lecture on the evening of Oct. 8 on Ills trip to the old country before an audience at tho First Welsh Congregational church on South Main avenue for the benefit of the Hyde Park Literary association. Tickets are 35 cents, and are selling rapidly. Robert Armstrong, of the. Hooks, Is doing duty at the Nay Aug house In the place of the regular permanent man, who Is at Reading. Rev. D. P. Jones visited the Sherman Avenue Mission Sunday school last Sab- Gaill Borden Ji Earie1 JIeaSKQ EQUAL' I 5 bath and found the Institution In a growing condition. IMr. Jones ad dressed the school, complimenting the management on the success attained. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Depue, of North Lincoln avenue, have returned from a visit to friends In iMonroe county. ftUss Rosa Williams, of Middle Gran ville, is the guest of UMrs. J. J. Roberts, of South Main avenue. On Saturday of this week the follow ing party will br,gln a ten days' excur sion: Chief of the Fire Department and Mrs. H. F. 'Ferber, Sir. and Mrs. John V. Jones. William Neave and J. W. lHall. They in-Ill ten by the Old Do minion, leaving (New York harbor and going southward. Last night's meeting of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society was well attended. President House gave an Interesting talk on "The Topics of the Day," and 'Bert Harrington read an essay on Oliver Civnwell. Next week Selden K. .Munger, of Jhe Times, will give a talk upon South America. Company V will resume weekly drills Friday, Cot. 8. West Side Business Directory. BirYCLKS repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, maehlnes repaired by W. U Stoenbark, dealer In Guns. Fishing Tackle, under West Side Hank. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 11.49 per dozen. They are just lovely. Con vince yourfelf by railing at Stumer's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Muln avnue. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done in a first-class manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchild's Hotel GHOCERiKS Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sain only at F. W. Ma Bon & Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South Mnln avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stork of J. C. King, 1024 and 10M Jackson street. WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds, JM North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper. Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with te Ftock. PLUMBING-Wllllam D. Griffiths, 11J North Main avenue, does llrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. NATION if LEAGUE. Ycstcrduv's Kcsults. Baltimore 8 Now York 3 Philadelphia 10 Brooklyn V Washington IS Boston 7 Uoston 10 Washington 8 Standing of National League Clubs. P. V. L. I'.C. Baltimore 130 87 43 Cleveland 130 84 4i Philadelphia 131 78 63 Ch'cago 131 72 M Brooklyn 131 71 60 Boston 131 71 CO PMtsburg 132 71 til Oncuinutl 130 W 4 New York 131 Ml Kf Washington 128 43 K St. I.ou.s 131 3!t H2 Louisville 131 33 W .i;i; .mo .::o MS .542 .KM .ill IS .5111 .335 .207 Yesterday's Games. At New York- R. H.E, New York 2 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 3 8 4 Baltimore 1O00340O-8 8 3 Uaitterles Ru.e anil barren; i-iarKso and Claris. 1'mplre Keefe. Called on ac count ot darkness. At Philadelphia- . , R- H.I". Philadelphia ....2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 1-1 Ji 3 Brooklyn o 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 U 9 l.t 3 Buuei'les-Taylor and Grady; Kennedy and Grim. Umpire Henderson and Mur ray. ,, At Washington First game R. H.t. Washington 0 3 t 0 0 5 2 !i 0-li lt 2 Bi!on 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 2r 7 8 2 Hat.teHes BasweM and McGuIre; StlV- cttts and Ganzel. Umpire Hurst. ,5;"!:..;..i o2o?,2 2- J(r8 Boston 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 4- 0 10 0 Batteries Sloleswor-th and McOu re, Dolam nnd Ryan. I'mi'lre Hurst. Called on account of darkness. FIVE MOKE ATTORNEYS. Admitted Yesterday to Practice in the Lackawanna County Courts. A aulntette of bright young men was yesterday admitted to practice In the several courts of Lackawanna county as attorneys-at-law. They are John J. Murphy, M. J. Walsh, Roscoe Dale, William II. Roe and Aaron v. Bower. Mr. aiurphy was admitted on motion of District Attorney John R. Jones, in whoso ottlce he had been registered. He has a profound knowledge of the law and will forge to the front in his chosen profession. lie was for several terms principal of one of the grammar schools of the city. He took a course at the la w Cfdlege of Georgetown university and graduated with the degree of L. L. B. ; he afterward took a postgraduate course and received the added title of L. L. M. He was professor of mathe matics at Georgetown. Mr. Walsh was admitted on motion of Attorney Joseph O'Brien. 'He had been a student In the office of O'Brien & Kelley and his course has been marked by close application to study. Mr. Dale, who ptudled law with the firm of Wll- lard, Warren & Knapp, Is a young man destined to rank among the front rank of young attorneys. The same can be said of Mr. Roe, who was a student in the olllce of Attorney C R. Pitcher, and of Mr. Hower. Who was a student In the office of Attorney Charles H. Welles. SOUTH SIDE. A well attended meeting of the con gregation of the Hickory Street Ger man Presbyterian church was held last eventorp, nnd a unanimous decision was reached to extend a call to Rev. A. North, of 'Newark, N. J to become pas tor of the church. 'Rev. F. A. Von Krug, of Kingston, acted as moderator. Rev. Herman Oruihnert, of Orange, of fered prayer In opening. It was unani mously agreed to ask Rev. 'Mr. North to accept the pastorate. He was heard four weeks ago and left a deep impres sion. He Is a well educated man, about B0 years of age. Is married and has a family of fwven dhlld'ren. The salary that Is paid by the congregation of the Hickory Street church to the pastor Is $1,200 a year. The new parsonage Is now ready for occupancy. There Is no doubt but that 'Rev. Mr. North will ac cept. At Dr. Stanley a hall last .night a re ception was tendered to A ttorney M. J. Donahoe and P. J. Kelley. who were delegates from Columbus council, Young 'Men's Institute, to the national convention at Indianapolis last week. Dancing was enjoyed until midnight, when refreshments were served. Dur ing Intermission Messrs. Donahne and Kelley were, called upon for remarks mud they entertained briefly with an Interesting summary of the trip and the work of the convention. A young child of Josepih .Savannah, of Orchard etrect and Irving avenue, died yesterday. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment will be made In Hyde Park Catholln cemetery. The Republican club of the Eleventh ward will Ma a regular meeting this evening; at their hall. All members are requested to he present, as there Is Important 'business to transact. The South Side wheelmen will meet at Germania hall this evening at 7.30 to consider tihe advisability of organ Icing a club. t l oot Rail Eleven wilt Go to Elmlra. The foot ball eleven of the Borancton Bi cycle club will leave the oily at a. m. to morrow vlR the Lackawanna road for El nv'.ra, where ,ln the afternoon they will p;"i iSven, of rthe Elmlra Athledo club. 1 he bcyole club committee has In structed each player to be at the Base Balil pak for pra.ot.lce today at 4 p. m., and Iras threatened to leave at homo any play er who faiXs to report. , DO.NOT NEGLECT the symptoms of Impure blood. Do not disregard Nature's cry for help. Take Hood's. Sarsaparllla and guard against serious Illness and pro longed suffering. . HOOD'S PILLS forth llrer and bowels', act easily yet promptly and effectively, liceJe js too HIGH What State Retail Liquor- Men Believe. THEVltlL DRAFT A NEW LAW f ThePrincll Business of To-Doy's State ConTcntil of tho Liquor Dealers Will Itothc I :usslon of Means to Mod ifjtlicl iks High License Law. 'Aibbut !j delegates representing the Retail 'llfior Dealers' association of Pennsylvania will be In the city today to attt't Be annual convention, which opens I'l.lnisio ihall at 10 a. in. About half tht number had arrived up to midniltjl last night and are quartered at the arlous hotels around the cen tral clt: A delegation from Philadel phia numbering eeventy-flve arrived In a speiil car over the Delawure and Hudson at 7.30 o'clock last evening. They are met by the local reception commit, hLaded by A. 1 Murtiii, state 'geant-at-arms. Amop the prominent members who have id 'nil y arrived are the following: RlohaiilPatterson, president, Philadel phia; P S. Iluckestuln, first vice-president, Jttsburg; Jacob Ktssel. second vlee-prt Went, 'Reading; Samuel Moore, recortllif and corresponding secretary, PhiladehUi; Gerald 'McKeinan, ilnan clal fitretary, 'Pottsville; J. H. Ma loney, tasurer, HarrlFburg; Arthur L. Martin, sergeant-nt-arms, Scranton; P. II. tolan, organizer, Philadelphia; George autle, chairman state commit tee, .Hl'fisburg; also the following membB. who, together with the ofll- iptilse the executive commit- ii y Llerz. chairman, Phlladil- rancls Rellly, Philadelphia; 10. Wtfber, Philadelphia; Hugh Philadelphia; Gottlieb LMpp, ig; C. J. An:lr-ov,s, Tltusvllle; ollster, Alleghei.y J. A. Sny- . . ( . . 1 11.111 iis'ter; i. iiowaru vruj. iu- J. V. HulTort, Alifntown; C. s, chairman legislative com usvllle. g of llxecutlve Committee. mlttee held a meeting nt the hotel last night and formu- is for facilitating the work ventlon, and outlined part of st hnnortant transaction of will be the appointment of a 'e to draft a new license law v of modifying the present nso act. Strong resolutions lopted condemning unlicensed lling and infractions ot tne censed dealers. nation of twentv from Plits- kpected this mi rnlng. Wllkes- 11 send up atK'trt eeventy-nve. esl'Jents Daniel Holland, of rk; August Koehler, of New lajor Jaime Siierldan, of Con and Anton Huber. of Dela- 11 .be in attendance at the con- NORTII END. nnie King, of Plttston. spent with her sister, Mrs. Noone, of street. yron Wlnton, of Xontti Main has been elected to fill fhe on the board of managers of e 'for the Friendless, which made vacant toy the death of W. Wlnton. Ider of ticket No. 4961, on the for the watch held under the vf Tonaluka Tri'be. No. 72. In- i.t Ordfr Red Men. for the ben Idow Marshall, will present the the undersigned or at Fenner icll's hall, on Friday evening. Daniel H. Coleman, 2034 Green e purpose of planning new r the autumn and winter, the netting lookout and social com- aml otllcers of the Providence rian Kndeavor society, will the B.!bl(t class room of the n Thursday evening. The pas- 1 delegates who attended the convention will meet with them. Sop'hia Blcknell. of Ba'bylon, Long Island, Is visiting Mrs. Howard Grlftii. of North Main avenue. Thi .son of Mr. McGulre, of School stree, wtio had his iright arm cut off last ywk, ds slowly recovering. II fTl a Baby won alek, we gare her Canorts, f .1 n she was a Child, she cried for Castorls, C,1 n ibo became Ullas, she clung U( Castorls, WLa she had Clilldreo, she gave them Castorls, i WHY SUFFER V h n too esn have yoar Ves scisntlfleally TSf :J Fres by the new method. fcPTbHis sre huR(lrls of people if tlMf knov this, would go milts to bars Uelr exstiined. DON'T WAIT. IVWtaen yon gut lens, or g'sssM. ss mur people call them. Get tho Best, as they wont coat you any more than pooror ones. Do not trust your valuable sight to ped dler. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the vision and atop all pain In the head. tlvi o tbe Finest Solid Gold Frain;s for 9 Thfse Lensei are sold only by DeWITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Opposite Scranton Honae, t03 Laskawsnns Ave., SCRANTON, PA. not'Bs Daily: I to 11 a m., 1 to S and 7 to S p. m. HE HIS FOUND IT SO CAK YOU. 'tfE 'I pas, s otwi, thl beat nlai-K In ha eltv to rmt flahlna iufnw nu Bporiamen supplies. adi STlwRLlNO WHKEL of his Is a beauty, snta as for quality well, the ethers art not That,! M il I I in Kb vywnnnni DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated stalf of KiikIIkIi and German physli'luns, are now perma nently locaited at Old Postofflco Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a cruel unto of the Univer sity of IVnimylvuniu, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Medleo-Chirui'Kk'nl college of Philadel phia. His specialties are Chronic, Nerv ous, Skin, lleurt. Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence,' xexuul weakness in men uml women, ball rising -n throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one su.'t, easily startled when suddenly spok. fi, ami dull, distressed mind, which limits Itiin for performing the actual ilu t:es of life, making happiness impossible, distressing the uctlon of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil foreboding's, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the inormng as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, consti pation, weakntiss of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam ined. He cures the worst cases of Nerv ous, Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores, Catarrh, IMes, Feinuie Weakness, Affec tions of the Kye, Kur, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Oflice hours dally from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Kni' lose llvo 2-cent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In ei'd to anyone whom 1 cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS OR KITS. Ift. B. GREWF.R. Old Post Office Building, corner Penn avenue and S iruce street. SCRANTON, PA, WELSBAGH LIGHT Specially Adapted (or Reading ud Sewiog. Consumes three (8) feet of gas per hour aud gives an efflcieiicy of sixty (60) candles. Saving at least 33 per cent, over tbe ordinary Tip Burners. Call and Sec It. I li CQNNELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, nanufacturers' Agents. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE KIANUFACTURING CO.. MAKERS OF SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Ofltoet 320 Washington Avenue. Works: Way-Aug. Pa E. W. V. R. R. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. LATE OF PITTSBURG. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY IN CONNECTION 523 Spruce St., Scranton. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SP0RTIN6 POWDER Haoafaeturad st the Wupwalloprn Mills, L sera county. Pa., nnd hi Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstrlot. US WYOMING AVE, Soranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AOIKCIM f THOB. FOBIVMttrton. Ps. JOHN B. SMITH SON, Plymouth, P K. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes hsrre, Pa. Agents for the Kepanns Chemical Uoss aaay Bigh Explosives. ON THE LINE OF THE IAN PACIFIC R'Y IT iiii are. looated tbs flnnst fishing anil hnntlnx grouads In the world. DeseiiptlTe books on application. Tickets to all pojnts In Maine, Cnnads and llsritlms Provinces, ailnnupolia, tit Paul. Canadian and Unltod States North wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Taooaia, Portland, Ore., San Francisco, First-Class Sleeping; and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with beddinir, curtains and sp e billy adapted to wants ot families nay be bd with ssoond-elus tickets. Rates always less than via other linos, .. For fall Information, time tables, etc, on application to E.V.ttklNNER, a. K. A. 3S3 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. EVA M. HETZEL'3 Superior Face Bleach, Pcsil?el-3tm3V23 ill Facial BltmlsSu No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Black heads, Liver Spots, Pimples and Sallow Complexions If ladles will uso my Su perior Face Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but a medicine which acts directly on the skin, removing all discoloration, an one of the greatest purifying anents for tho complex ion In existence A perfectly clear and spotless complexion can be obtained in every Instance by Its use. Price, $1.00 per bottle. For sale nt E. M. Hetzel's Hair dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack, nwanna avo. Mall orders filled promptly. Atlantic Refining Co Manufacturers and Dealers ta Linseed Oil, Xapthas and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com. pound; also a large line of Paf anine Wax Cnndle.i. We also handle the Famous CHOWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil In the market. Wm. Mason, Manager. Office: Coal Exchaffiie, Wyoming Ave, Works at Pine Brook. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest in the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert to Horseshoeing aud Dentistry, Is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. 'ESTABLISHED IS 701 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Carriages, Business WngrM. Renslrlng Horse Shoeinv. Painting and Upholsterinr- Nos IU, 821. 821). IU6 Seventh street. Scranton. Pa. ntm onoB co.. irwp. rsBiuLiLwjw but st.Bo auoB jy tub world. "A dUar toted it a doUar eamtd.H i TMsIdlea'MM French DamgotaKMBws. 1 OaUTerM Iraa snywoeni we U.S., ea reoeiptoiuBM, mmmj uiwt, dt rostal Note far tiM. Eqnalt erery way tks boots sold la sll null etnns lot 2.M. We nuke this tot oarMtres, tbenrfore we tf unttt thU, itflt mad wsr, and If any ens fa sot satlaflM win mnfla we wvmmj tndanotkertMtr. Own To or Coaiatoa Baeaa, wMtns v, v, it, m as, kalm 1 te I sad bal end your i Will M SMh IliattraMd Cats. Iffne rncic Coteii Shoe Go. FEDERAL ST., H HOBTnN. Bpimt ttrms to Dtalut. iiioiiusmigiimns OlbS ' -Vl. or sTa a. si I mmrm ST 1 w SAMPttFACKACC 0.. aetata PkaaKaM (acaaitia.. ri.A.iiuLBEnrs ffiTV iiiioin bill itlUO WYOMING AVE, SCRANTQM. STE1HWAY S S0R DECKER BROTHERS and MUNICH I BACK Other STULTZ I BAUER PIANOS Alio a large stock of first -claae ORGANS BUSICAL nERCHANDLSB. MUSIC. ETC. E iiors m Uanufay:tursn ot tbs Celebrated P1LSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY 100,000 Barrels per Annum Moosic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commoi ealth Bid' J, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.e Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries. Puses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse ana Repauno Chemical Co.'s HighEiplosiva CALL UP sets. HlLOf OIL m BfMffi CO. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO isi MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'e'r. JOHN L HANG!, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP Sll Lock. Ay. and Me wart's Art Store, Photo Eng?ing for Circulars, Books, Cati- logoss, Niispipars. Kalf-Tonss and Lin Work. UP omnt auuiluiinuuuiiuaauiiuuuuiiuiuuiii Established 1868. THE F4 3 E3 13 PIANOS 4 At a time when many manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements against the merits aud durability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. 3 E. C. RICKER General Dealer in Northeast ern Pennsylvania. I lr'"1 i j New Telephone Adama Ave., ..ii iliiimnuii .liiiiiiuuuumi tin 1 i l . AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, One Solid Week. Commencing flonday, Sept. 30. Miss Ethel Tucker bUPPORTED BY HER OWN SPECIAL LY SELECTED COMPANY, IK REPERTOIRE Darrow's Military Band sod Orehestrs. bouvenlr Matinees Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. PEOPLE'S POPULAR PRICES. 10o., 20c 300. ssncl BOO Sals of soaU Friday, Baps. 17. THE FROTfllNGflAM, Wagner 4 Rets, Lessees and Msasfers. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCT. I AND 2, MURPHY Supported by a Carefully Selected Co. TUESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 1, He Will Apmarin tbe Companion Drama te "Kerry Qow," Entitled. SHAUN RHUE, Introducing Mr. Murphy's Wondnrfully Sue. cenuful Soag, "A llanilf ul of Earth' WEDNESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 2, He WiU Appear In the Greatest of AU Irish Dramas, The KERRY GOW, Played by Him with Unparalleled Success for fourteen Consecutive Keasona. Keiralar Hrices Kale of wats opens at the box offios .Saturday morning at V o'clock. DAVIS' THEATRE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept 30, Oct 1 and 2. The Funny Irish Farcs-Comody Entitled 'S - RAFFLE INTRODUCING Miss Maggie Weston, Acknowledged by nil tn be tbs best Irish char actereumedienne in America. Three Clever Comedians J. a CONNORS, J. C. FULTON, W. T. FULTON And a Qreat Company. Bright New Faces. Ntw Music, New Ab surdities and Inspiring Wit. New Costumes, New Startliug Effects and Pretty Girls. Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. ROOF TWINING AND SOLOEBING AD dons away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consist of ina-redients well-known to all. It can be. applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iroa roofs, also to brick dwellng, which will rirevent absolutely any crumbling, crack na; or breaking of the brick. It will out laat tinning of any kind by many years, and It's coat does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the joe) or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HARTMAKN. 0 Birch M. "wtTBT REVIVO RESTORES VITAUTr. mizi l Made a imvmv.nM$ wvfltweii mart lithDay.mry ofMe, THI QRIAT 80th bay. pradaees the above results la!SO days. It self powerfully and quickly. Com when all otken falL Young mea will ncata thtir lost manhood, sad eld mea will recover thalr yonthtnl visor by sstsa KBTITO. It autekly and surely restores lm dm, Less Tltalltr, InpeMner, Mlsktly Bmtatiess, Lost Power, Failing Mrmorr, WasUas Diaeaeas, sad all efkets oC stlf-abose or eseMsand ladlscretioa, whleh oast on tor stndy, baslMSf or marriage. It aet only cures by etarttuf st the seat of dletaM. bul Is a great aervatoale and blond builder, bring. leg back the pink glow to pale cheeks sad re tiering the flre f yooth. It wards off faauilty ud Censnmptiaa. Iout on hiring REVIVO, ns ether. It ean be serried la vest pocket. By satll, 14Hserpsokaaw,orats lor sM.00, wHh a snmI lva written sraaraatsa to car ar re rand theaaoBay. Circular frae. Address 0YM. MEDICINE CO.. 13 Rlrsr (t. CHICiQO. ILL. ky Matthew Bras, PtMgla! Bar aa tea , Fa, TO DATE. Ovw 26,000 In Ust. (jENUIN 1 64 Exchange Building, US Scranton, Pa. f Jt 1 1 tihnlmmk ?1