The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1895, Page 6, Image 6
hi 6 Tins SCRANTOIT . TRIBUNE TUESDAY BrORNTTJTJ1, OCTOBER .017 TrBOE t opy right 1893k by "How could he possibly have got the information?" How. linK-ed? We have taken every possible precaution. We hold our Fit tings, aa you know, at the foreign office. In an immense saloon upstairs. The Walla and ceilings are pnxllKlously thick. We sit at a table in the mkkUe of .the room, and never raise our voices; there Id no occasion for us to do i. .CmJiaps you surest the chimney somethlniR was once done in Unit way, or suppovd to be done, for I nvvtr quite believed the story. But with in Count Schrlcvnljieff. tt Is lmpos?Hle, for we keep up a roor lnpr fire. Neither is It through itlie bloCtins paper that our secret has ilie.'n betrayal, for we do not use any; we powder our writing In the kjoiI old fashioned style. In flue. It Is abso lutely Impossible for any outsider to Ket sight or hearing of our proceedings. And what makes the Incident aJl the nmi'e iaunful Is that, hi the tl!stniykm o( V. particular elausv. we decided fur the pake of greater security 'to dis pense with. Che attendance of a secre tary." Of course I saw the signlflcamce of th!u. It seemed to point to trearhvry on the part of on? of the dipkmia'tlsts. I hlutc.l as much to the prince, but he was staur.i?h In defense of his order. "No -doubt," he yald, "It fcoks like it. (No other exp!ana'..on sems p'.:ll , and yet that explanation is imp(;ssilile. Diplomatists, a you I know, are not considered a specially scrupulous clafii of people. But .linere la h(..iKr amongst t'h.-vn, ur.'d 'diplomacy ;lt elf would be so mi Impr.sisljle If there w tre not a certain background of confi dence umong diplomaitists. Here, as in o many alln-r casts, a rlg.d, pro ltfsilonal etiquette serves as a sucee dantuin for coiii-'cience. When we act Individually no doubt we are liable to do all sorts of queer things. 'But when we agree to act eolleotlveJy, and mu tually pledge our honor to keep our Jircw"'ta-g8 seeiyt, we know we can trust each oth?r." I was aware from my own experience that there was a givat deal of truth in what the prince paid; still my curiosity prompted me to oak him, who had aoted as secretary when the real sec retary was absent. "Oh, .there need be. no secret about that," saiid ,the prince; "It Is Shrieval J'.eff. How pleased he will be If Le Vrand upsets the treaty! .My chief difficulty has been with him." A wirin shampoo wiih Cuticura 5oap, and a single application of Cuticura (ointment), the gre. Skin Cure, clear the Scalp and hair of crusts, sales, and dand ruff, allay itching, soothe irritation, stiir,- ulate the hair follicles, and nourish the roots, thus producing Luxuriant Hair, with a clean, wholesome scalp. Bold throiiffhout thf wotM. P'ittk!! tuivo k Ccix. Cur.f ttota Propiiitun, ifewtoa, t. a. A. (piciira ifiSk FOR TH8 Mm m SKIN 30S Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Millinery Department. It will please us exactly if every reader of this notica would accept this as a personal invitation tp our Millinery Parlor, where every high class novelty obtainable in the ar is on exhibition. . Chick Bonnets, Stylish Walking Hats, ., Round Hats, Hats of All Shapes. U p-to-Date n ess Greets You Dress 0 V ' Irving BacUolIer. I bnew Count ShrlevalJIcff well, but did not care much for him. iHe was a tall, fine man, between fifty and sixty, exceptionally ugly, but with wonder fully supple, and. if I may so speak, adjuistnible manners. Aiwl to match these he haul an extraordinary com mand of the facial muscles. When In perfect repose, -the clean-shaven skin looked very like a sheet of Ught-ilra.wn parchment, except that the color was much ibrowiver than that of parchment. But, whf n he wished, he could wrinklj up the entire surface of his face into a series of concentric curves seemed to represent the ne plus ultra of human suavity and benevolence. But they came fo sudrtonly and dls appeaivd so completely that It wa imposXole not to harbor a suspicion that they were wholy superficial, ami that this -many-wrinkled smile stood In no vital relation to the man's inn'r nature. In foot hi reminded me viTy much of tho grimaces of an India-rubber doll when you squ?eze Its plastic countenance. It was said that the count had de veloped Mils 'talent for facial contortiiwi to such an extent 'that he could, when he chose, niae one side of his face as sume a different expression from -tlmt of the other, -so as to 'be aide to present a -sympa'thetilc asoe-et to two diflV'tent lntrl'cutors at the time. This was. of coursv. not literally true, but 1 always fancied that he -turned a natural defect 4o such good account that there was on element of truth In fhe stattime'iit, I-Vr whilst his rlglit eye was In all respects .normal, the lid of the left eye. drouped permanenHy over 'the eye4all. fThi'3 eye was, moiv over. always suffused with an excess of moi'Stuuv, which gave it a somewhat lai-hrymoise apearance. This, no doubt, he smnvetlmew turned to good account, when laaylng a. visit of condolence. T'hi. fxplaiii'ation probably was tha.t the left eye wa.s an artlllclal one, ns tilr. irritation caused, by such artlllclal eyes Is apt to over-stimulate the lachrymal glands. At ny rate. It was generally bttk-ved In diplomatic circles that the count was blind of the left eye, though he himself never acnowledged the de fect. Whilst I was conjuring up In my mind this linaire of Count fhrieval Jleff. the prince had 'been prodigal of larmm'tationis over the stolen trvaty. "It touches me more than any one," he tail, "for it Is precisely this thlr temth clause In whlnh my gracious master Is vnoot Interested. lAnd I had Juft .u weeded In arranglns matters as. I know he wis hw3 them to lw arranged. It has givem nif n world of trouble, amd now 'I.e Grand Is going to upset It all. It Is 'monstrous that the press should have such power." "Is thk-re anything I can do?" I aked. "If -so. pray conin:'.ind me." "Wei'l, I thought that, as you know I.e Grand, you wculd not mOnd trylmsr to sound hlin, so an to find out. If p.?s'b'?, hew much he really had dis covered. Ik t.vuch a braggart tliat he ml'.zht nwmit 'himself," "l will r?e what I can do," I Kiild. "but I d) li'-''. expect 'that I shall get mu''h fiit of 'hlin." "Th'vr.'k vou so very mu?h." said the prince; "yoij are always doling simie thinfg for me." Til. L1? Grair.1 was staying at an hotol r?air ''.he chief -post ollleo. 51 I 'bent my sh?ls In that direction. I did not wh t3 -a'll en him if I coul 1 avoid It; It would be far hett-pr that any cwivcrsa tlon we night have s-ihould pr!ing tip ca sually. I iwas t'hcrc-fwe not a Hit tie p!t'a:nd wh.iii, as I was drawing r.rtur the peat office. I raw my man a little d!Vitani?e In front of me. It was Im possible to ml'i'tuke his huso figure, and curious shambling 'gait. By an hwiMnct he slimed to know that some one was vatchlng him from the rear, for he suddenly turned rouind and. cutchl-ni.? fight of me, turnvd back to meet me. "Ah." he said, fn his grand manner, "gotag to the post ofllc:', I supos. It Is the real centre of civilization." I thought it would tie wMl to accom pany him, so I said something about buying stamps. We entered the post office together, I.e Grand -prepared to write a telegram. As he unbuttomed his coat to take out his own special pencil the gift of porne monarch I noticed the end of a blue offtclii.l envelo; sticking out of an in side breast pocket,' and could not help wondering whether it contained the draft of the treaty.- When iHe had finished writing his telegram, he came up to me flourishlns It f.n his hnmd. "Iti is In one way lucky," he said, 'that we correspondents have ab solutely no news to send, for the censorship Is very strict. No cypher teU-grams nuv allowed to be sent dur ing the sitting of the congress, and the ordinary 'Megm-ms are detained, or euppim-ed, or mutilated, as It sulti the authorities!. I have no doubt, t-ij. that the blhck cabinet Is at Its old work of opening letters. However, if you have no news to cmmmunleate, it maKes no difference. . They ran hurdly object to a telegram like this can they?" With that he ihand. d me the tele gram to read. St wa.s very short amd was ad.lrersed to the office of his paper In 'Londen: TH Everywhere gray in Goods "Cannot obtain much information. No Rood waiting in the hope tonight." I huve a trained memory, and when I reud this teh-irrani I took care to tlx It indt-libly In my mind. Then 1 returned It to I.e Grand, and lis handed It to the clerk, who nivpted It without demur. '1 had hotxd that I might now g?t a llttlo privui:? conveisatkm. with th' ttreu't iruin, but 1 was disappointed, lor me -moment we got cutiide, he made hl's adleux a'nd, t.aMing a droschky, was C'llven back to his hotel. Therj waa r.'.ithlng fo.r me to but to return to mlr.e; but, ms-anwhtle, 1 took out my r.ixe-boiik, 8"id wrote down the teJe giai.n wcrd for word. Two or tlnve things had alrcady Ktruck me with T Bpect to it. Th first was that he hal evtdxmdy wLshed me to nee It. This liy Itwi If was auspicious, as Ia Grand r.t dom did onytlXns without an object. Th -eecoiwl was, why chould he tele graph at a)4 if he had no news to con vey? The third w that, transparent as th? teloigium svuned, there waf still somtithln'g a 1IU1- a lit'tle suspicious In Its lwngth. Why twt have simply tele graphed: "No news"? Altogether, I was Eutl-sflad that there was tome d.ception ubout this tele gram, and I therefore, procef, led to treat Is as a cryjvtogrlam. Now the plan of t'-uch evtj-y-Uay cryptogi-ams Is not, a rule, very Cinmplleat'ed. Unless, as was the case with me, there la some ground of suspicion to start with, a ve ry Wmple cryptogram will effectually coirccul the meanli'..g of the writer. But, knowing what 1 did. I had something to work upon; and thus helped, I soon deciphered Le Grand's real meaning. At least I felt morally certain I had done so. I merely, took the Initials of the words In t'heir order, and found that they made up this pregnant sen tence: "Coming with T." "T" of course stood for treaty. This was not only a piece of Informa tion, but Just the piece of Information that might have been expected. For, If Ie Gmnd had really secured a copy of the treaty, he would, of course, be most anxious to transmit It at once to London. Hut how? It was impossible to send1 It by telegraph. No cypher telegrams were allowed to pass and any other, however Ingeniously constructed, must needs betray Itself through the pioper names of persons and countrk-s without which the treaty would be mere nonsense. Nor did I think It like ly that Le Grand would commit such a ' '7 "There Was No Concealing Those Huge Proportions." momentous secret to the poat, knowing as he did the unscrupulousness of the black cabinet. There remained only one course of action at once feasible mm BANKRUPTCY of the physical bcinsr is the result of draw ing incessantly upon the reserve capital of nerve force. The wear, tear and strain of modern life arc concentrated upon the nerv ous system. The young men of our day be come sufferers from nervous debility or ex haustion, nervous prostration or weakness. This may be the result of too much mental worry and excitement, or the result of bad practices and excesses, or pernicious habits, contracted in youth, thiouh ignorance. They feel irritable, weak and nervous with such distressing symptoms as backnche, dizziness, shooting pains in head or chest, sometimes indigestion. The middle-aged men, as well, suffer from exhaustion, loss of manly power, low spirits, impaired memory, and many derangements of mind and body. The ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked business man attempts to find rest in bed. The1 physicians and specialists of the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute devote their best energies to reclaiming and restor ing sueli unfortunates to health and happi ness. They have written a book of iGS pages, treating of these maladies and settinir forth a ritiotiul means of home-treutincnt for their cure. It is sent securely sealed, in plain envelope, on receipt of 10 cents for postage. Address World's Dlsi'UN'SARV Ml'DlCAL Association, No. 663 Maiu Street, Buf falo, H. Y. fcTake half a day. Take half an the trade say it is by far the most and prudent, and that was for Le Grand to convey ft in person to London. As he would travel by the mail, he would arrive Just as soon as the letter, and no doubt would enjoy the ovation which he would assuredly receive. I looked at my watch. It was al reudy seven o'clock. The through train stai'.fd at elglm. I told my valet to pack my valise and to put In some of ficial paper and envelopes. This dju-. I drove to the station by myself. As yet. there was no sign of Le Grand. I waited about on the platform In the hope he would make U appear ance, but 1 waited In vain. At last, at live minutes to tight, it suddenly oc curred to me to make a thorough In spection of the train. It was well t did so, for there, (huddled up In the corner of a flwt class compartment, with a traveling car drawii down over his face, and the collar of his overcoat pulled up to the eyes, was Le Grand. And he muRt have been there for near ly an hour. Jle had done his best to disguise himself, but there was no concealing- those huge proportions. I jumped Into the carriage Just as the tia'.n began to steam slowly out of the stctljn, (To be continued.) NEWS OF OUt INDUSTRIES. Happenings of Interest to tho Stnp.'l Trades and Pnrtieiiliirly to the Trudo in Iron. Steel and Antlirnaite Coal. Japan exports 1,C00,000 tons of coal per annum. Kdward Atkinson thinks wbout 6,000 milts of railway yearly will be built In this country for some years. During the third week In September fifty-three railroads increased 3.18 per cent. In gross earnings. During the sec ond week seventy-nine railroads In- cre.ised 6.37 percent. In gross earnings. The Heading received la-.-t week the flirt consignment of the 1,000 hopper coj.1 t-jw'i now being built 'by the Pull man Car company. It Is expected that the ntiw equipment will be delivered at the rate of seventy cars a week. After an Idleness of t'hree months, on .account of the depression In the ar..Lhracl!e trade, the Ttoyal Oak col liery, at f'ha-mokin, employing one hun dred men and (boys, started up yester day. During the shut down numerous imnrovtments were made. There are suftlclrnt orders on hand to keep the collli'ry working full time for four or five cnonths. The constantly increasing ability of Ainei kun manufacturers to compete puocessfully In the markets of the Old World wl;h the biggest and strongest European 'housts has just been vigor- c-Ufly demonstrated by tho Baldwin IiOtomntlvc "works, whose managers are rejoicing In a large contract for en- Rlnf'3 for 'Kuralan railrojuls. The con tract, or rat'her contracts, Just received call for forty locomotives, twenty each for passenger and freight service. They are to be delivered with the least pos sible -delay, and, with the orders al ready on hand, will keep the big Bald win ertu.TllHhment busy far the rest of the year. Tlie Augui-it statement of the Jersey Central nvakes a very favorable ex hibit. It shows an increase In gross larivin-jts cf $ILi,55:l. a decrease In ope railuiK expenses of $34,715, and an in crf.3se in net earnings of $156,203. Fav orable as (this I'.iG'ivIng Is, it becomes even more significant when comparison U a de'erfa? in gross earnings of only J4.M5. a decrease in operating expenses of $1,7,85:1, and an Increase In net earn ings of $i;i,308. In other words, the Jersey Contril heft 'month not only earned $156,268 net more than In . the correyptiivlliiR invom.h lant ytair, but $1,1.308 -more than it did In August, 1X9:1. And this gain, toj, was made under mo?t unfavorable conditions In fhe- anthracite coal 'trade. The Infer ence, then, Is that the company made a large gain In general meichandlse and passenger .traffic, and, a t the same time, kept a. close watch on expendi tures, for. as shown, operating ex penses were $:f4.715 less than In August, JSIH, and $17,853 less than In the same month of 1S93. In the Philadelphia Stockholder's opinion It Is such ex hibits as these that have led to recent advances In the coal i-tocks, not ru mors of combinations. RAILROAD NOTES. The Madison Car company, of -Madison, III., is at work on 200 box and 300 coal cars for the Union Pacific, Denvir and Oulf Itallioad company. The J-i. C. Fnlck Coke company has placed an order with tho Michigan Peninsular Car company of Detroit. 'Mich., for 400 open-top coke cars of standard size. The Philadelphia and Beading Rail road company recently completed at Its shops at .Reading, Pa., a sample of a new type of freight car, and It is stated that the receivers have given an order for the construction of fifty additional cars of this pattern. ' The Wells and French company, of Chicago, 111., is building fifty-one 'bal last cars for the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Hailway company. Within the last few days representa tives of New York capitalists have been In Cleveland consulting with Crosby Thompson, an electric railway promo ter, as to the road between Cleveland and Pittsburg. They assured him that they could produce from $1.000,00 to $3,000,000 nndy capital. Ills verdict was that It would require $10,000,000 to construct an electric railroad well enough equipped to compete with the steam railroads. The New Yorkers re turned home to consult their principals. Mr. Thompson refuses to divulge the names of the capitalists. . . fioiic to Mis IlL'Miml. He rooked the bont !n fool'h glee. And tried to make the others seream; His friends are tmejiplmg now to see If they can fish hlin from the stream. .-A. X.. Va(Ers I Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, OCTOBER 2, OCTOBER 3, OCTOBER 4. hoar. Tate ten minutes, even, 11 beautiful and remarkable assortment em shown and the li i THE WORLD CF STOCKS AMI CO New York. 8er.t. S).-The t: Block exchange ul at tho character, only 1S1.W4 shares I It- ieia.1 traced. The utal:nH were 4 It g been le-rd.oiia.. Tlu .iioiejs.onals.l II y pru- nau e mantel to ln inscf lie itiey ccurujjt to pa.-ih the mlvtima'l I laekej the uueerminty surraiind.iiK tiifl-iuJ.1 or at on. A.t Kia-.wl. .st. 11. siit s tu- was lac mo, t oil Cattle I st. it opened t ;5'.. iM 011 tim was a deuliie to iii-'. w.t.'i o Mv there recovery to 24'a2i(.. l-.vad.nt i's'-oui ut teeon.l tc. k rn ;,o n; of ni'tl:i Vs the weuk thiojxliout tho open r.g 1 1- 'ill was el.rr.iig to uiul eles.i u! ii. '1 1 U'l ue prumulgat.n: the riwaq.Mt'i4l -.' " used against lha r'.eek. As pi ' l m '.n wetk, the anthracite ecal eom:t-t-d lat :lluncoJ Lne pr en to eonfo.-nl ' i huve water liuu-es. Teken ul.ogi th.4- !:ll t ije is In beitr hape tlian ,u iuti hit tral Jersey 'stial. uii l.ght train- if n pi".;. :- to 113, Delaware uml ilu,l,-oi f I V.U'U. but there- were no liiiu -K lolcl at Tae triuik l.n.piu .11 tlraiiKei-s moved wlth.n narroi an.l hut um a relu the chttnges were in 1 m ts, leet on of lower tijiures. Ir. Iitne d -.-liii;ar and Chleiigo Ujs ran ol( atra.s, ;o:nt. Kpfeulat.on cloiej qMjout a prices anywhere from U to l'- l"! uweron the day. cent. The rHiKe of toilny's prices for tlvo stocks of the New York Kto hrf ae Itet ai g.ven below. Tho (piotat ( mar fiirnlfJied The by C ln lfi are riiii-k. manager for Wil'Ium Ulna, l m 4'o.. stoek brokers, 412 Spruee Hon & .Seranton. (street. Am. Tobareo Co Wi Am. .'o.t. till 22 Am. Siojai ite'g C'o.KW'i 1 Atch., To. S. Ke... 22:li Can. South 5' Ches. H Dtilo 20 t'hlca(0 (.its.,., IWii Chic. N. V lOPi - Chic.. H. & Q S(i((, C. C. C. a gt. I, 47 Chic., M'.l. St. P... TOi t'lhlc. K. I. P 7 Delaware & Hud KUiJ,-1 Dlt. C .r 2T.'. (ten. Kleetrlc 3v III. Central 1H1 1 Luke Shorn. 150 lui's. & Ni.h 3ii M. K. & Tetns. 1H Manhnttan Kle IKi'i llnVj Mo. J'ac:ile ; Nut CortlaSE- H'i Nat. Led Kt N. J. Central 113 1 N. Y. Central v 1 N. Y K. A W 13 N. Y S. & V lite N. Y., S. T.. Pr... S.i'4 Nor. Par ilic. Pr W out. West Piiellle Mall 31i Ph'l. ft Head 22 Southern It. M 1:114 T -nn.. C. ft 1 42, Tex. Piiellle 12(4 l'n'on l'aclfie 141 Walih, Pr 23(4 West. 1'nlon 82 W. I, l.-.i, V. S. leather Hi V. S. Denither, Pr.... Si CHICAOO HOAItl) OK THAI WHRAT. TVeember . May OATS. October .... May COltN. October .... December . May I,AHD. October ... Jannnry ... PiiftK. Ootoher ... January ... 0714 M0 11.70 Scrnnton Ilonrd of Trade F.xcli tntions-AII Quotations Basel 0 Ono of 1 00. Name. Oreen Kidge Lumber Co. ... Dime Dep. & Dis. tlnnk Seranton Dace Cur. t.'o Nat. Boring Drilling Co.. First Niit'onnl Bank Thurnn Coal Band Co n I'ur 1 Asked 110 flcranton Jar Stopper Co... Seranton (llass t'o . Bnckawnnnn I.umher Co Snrinir Brook Water Co , Rlmhurst Boulevard Co Serunton Axle Works Third National Bank Baeka. Trust and SaTo Dep. Co Allegheny Bomber Co Seranton Packing Co Serunton Savings Hunk Seranton Traction Co Bonta Plate Ulas.i Co BONDS. Seranton Glass Co Beonomy Steam Heat & Power Co " Seranton Pass. Railway first mortgage, due 181S 110 Seranton Traction Co ... People's Street Hallway, first mortgage, due 19'S 110 Scrnnton ft Pittston Tine. Co. ... People's Street Itailwuy. Sec ond mortgage, due 1820 110 Lneka. Valley True. Co., Ilrst mortgage, due 1025 Dyeksoii Manufacturing Co 100 urn A lftitlvu WrllU-n Crtraiitt'f 1 4'nre tnp LC9T MANHOOD ftntl all attcU'Jiiur allmi'i both of yuuntr and mitldlo tri mm and wnmcii. Hi awf..lfTect!iof YOLTHKl U Riw:ltsof trvntnumt, Kltl cT 'i, rroduring welt pMH( NtTTom Dobthty, Nightly i mil loin, 'onumpt ton, IllNAmly, tUllftllft lltr llmlUHBTldloiilUf 1H1W4T Of tUtlUOUo erativetinninsmiUttlnif onoft-rfU'tly, DitHtitHs and nmi'e rlaitlflquicldycurcd lij lf. Itirluer fpunUli Nrrve H rutim. Tiny not only euro by m niT.e at Die .'t of (!( tnn, tut are a prcnt M lt K ION I (J nnd 111. . Ill ILUl l., I.riiitfin Krk tn.- pink r!"W to pile rht-fba aid ivMoi fk tho FlltC OJ VOl TM to ttia iiAtieut. - Ity mail, pv-rbs rtf fur with writ fn irnarntitrc to euro p rx fuA Sf munrr. fi'Mtfe (it tpi.iilhirrV4-(ui iCn., UozCJWt.Nif ork For nalc by JOHN H. PHl-U.I'S. Lmus pist, WyoinirtR nvi anJ Hpiuce street. nam too SoraThroat. Pimnlon. Cor-reT-ColorM! I Spots, Aches, 0.d Hnrvn. Ulcere In Mouth, ilalr-1 oBle1Vmnlr.'hrniro.lll..forrnofsuf cures I ltlaUH00 riitlcntncurod aliieyral Juj-TiaS ."'iir iim n mmm J - i Jw - Aiaa and glimpse at the Drd kness I 11 VI 50 fc 80 I 1 - 1 New York Prodnco Mnrkct. New York. Sept. 30. FlouiFirtner; niiierate ,iem:i.-.j; .nr wheat, low iraa, 2.1U2.ui: do. fur to fancy, $2.iua do. pa .en is, (x.a3.u0; )t nnesuta ciear, 2,5CJ; do. t'tia si'.), 3.1l3.35; do. puu-j; tiu'.a4.LU; low ex:ras, t2.lia2.5o; e.ty m.SIs, $j.fti3.a,1; uo. pcrul, 4.twu4Ju. Vcc.; C..IL-. r:a.itet more, alic hltther; -No. 2 red to. ..!! elevator, Wie.; attest, 0-lc. : f. o. b., (iJ-jj.ki1e.; No. 1 northern, iW-'W.ic. ; o!l on 1 ciceJ lirm at lVt:'.-V. r-"e tor the (luy; M ty, 72:-e.; October, 0T',iC.; i;oc,:rb;r, Kfije. Corn Sixua, nice a., ive; No. 2. 37V3( ulevutor; St'4e. atloat; 0.t.OB closed totally at 'tH'ic. alvanoe: O.dobrr, 37V,.a 37V.; Novenibi r, 8t:sc; Djeembc-r, Sue; May, 3T,(-e. oats fei'ctn dull, ir.lxej steady, wV.roa a -er; opt'oc dull, H". lowtr; Oetahcr, 24?.; November, 24i,4e.; December, 2P-.C.; pot pnee.4. No. 2, 24'e.; No. 2 whita. sstie.: No. 2 Chtcmco. 2i..!.; No. 3, 2!e.; No. 3 wh t'-. 2f.: m xed west ern, 25i2,;c.: white do., SO'iall-'e.; white faie, 2.;U.a:l2e. FecJ Uraa, 7oa75e. Hye Feed SOnJtVr. I!e.?f On firm: family. Ia; extra mess, $7.5t iS. V "t Hams Dull; $l.",a15.50. V.sreed Pf Strong; elty extra Iml a mes. $17. Cfct Mtais tjuli :, firm; p.ekled Im-MU.i. 12 pound, 7c.; do. shouMerj, Xe.; do. ha ms, 8:i9',4c.; m oiIUm, nom'nal. I.e.rrl Quel, high-r; western eloped nt $B.27',; city, $iiit.0B; option s.ilt.-?, nom ; October clc-H'd $ii,27. nom'nal; refined. Ilrmer; continent, $'.75; Somh Amenlea, $7; compound. 4',i'i5e. Pc-I( Moderate demand, Keady; m.-ss, $it.7jal Butter Clio ee fie rly active and firm; Ftate da ry, 12,t2()c. : do. creamery, 21Cja 22c; wc'.eni (inlry. 8'ia1.; do. creamery, 13n22c; 1I0. factory, 8:il2Hc: Klt:ns. 22e.; Im t:Vlon ereamrry, llaltio. Cheese Firmer, qu'e.t; statu large, fnS(,4c.; do. fancy, faS(,e.; do. fhiiiII, fii..a9j.: part fk'ms, Sai;(2c; full rkilm, Rggs Fancy scarce anj firm: state and Penn sylvania, 17',s((1tle.; western fresh, 15(.4a li;-C.; do. per" case, $1.5ua4.50. , Toledo drain Market. Toledo, O.. Sept. 30. Whf it Rece'pti, 858 bushels; JhlpnierCs, 3.800 bushels; mar ket Ilrmer; No. 2 red, cash, bfcle. ; Decem ber, 7ttf4c.; May. 71?e.; No. 3 red, cash, ti5-y4n.; No. 2 white, 604 1 Corn Receipts, 54,1(4 burfhels; shipments, 52,825 bushels; market quiet; No. i mixed, cash, SI'Ae.; No. 3 do., 33jc; No. 2 yellow, 35?i.c.; No. 3 do., 41V.; No. 3 do., 34e. Oats Market dull: No. 2 mixed, ca?h. 22c Clover Seed heceli'ts, 1,2M buns; yhlpments, 15 baits; marKet ejiy; cusn unu uetooer, i.M',a; March, $4.424. I'hlcnfn l.lvo Stock. Chicago. Sent. 30. Cattle Hece'pts, 20,- ! Ono-heud; market easy and 10c. lower ex cept for choice natives, whlih were steady; common to extra steers, (..2'iaj.4u; stoekeis and feeders, $2.25(i3 .X5; cows and bulls, $1.4ila.l.5il; calves. t3a0.50; Texans, $l.75a3.35; western rangers. $2.50a4.2n. Hogs Itecelpts, &1.OO1) head: market firm nd &ai(?. lower; neavy paesing ami snip- lots, flat. in; common to enoleo mixed, $3.80a4.4.r; choice assorted, $4.30a4.40; light, $3.85n4.45; pigs, $.'.25al.30. Sheep Keeeipts, 23,11(10 head; market weak ano .'.a Kle. lower: inferior to choice, $2.5oa3.50; lambs, J3nt.7u. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelph ia, Seit. 30. Tallow Is steady and iln moderate Uemand. We quote: C'ty, prime, in hhds, 4i(,a4',4e.; courtly. prime. In lbl, 4a44e.; do. dark. In bbls, 3:(ale. ; cakes, 4se.; grease, 3(aa3:(4c. . Oil Maikct. Pittsburg, Sept. 30. Oil market closed nt 122(4, only quotation. Standard Oil company's price, 125. Oil City, Sept. 30. Oil opened and high est, 12P-J lowest, 122; closed, 123V4. In lionet. "I enjoyed your lecture on the flnan- a'I i.un.. " ont.l ,1... .n to the orator, "but 1 would like to usk you uiie ijeeMi 1011. "What side of the question are you 0.,.l.l......rt T,n-A IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turubuckles, Washers, Ri ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEFL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEIIEIIEIH SCRANTON, PA. I 11 PROPS AND TIES FOR MCilBTHWERCO TELEPHONE 4-22. BP" 19, -,. T U Vv SoowHan need, a reliable, monthlr, Tatralatisi medicine Only hiraUai ts4 tho porettdrugiihonld bo us4. 11 job wnt th, be.i,fet Dr. iFcssB's Pcmsiroyal Pills TbpT on prnnpt, ute arl certain In rea) t. Tht rrentn (Ir. Peel's) nerar diap. Duiut. Soul aoTwbero. 11.00. AddreM I'KAL MuDlcias Co., Cleveland, O. Foroalo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Stroat, Scrantan P. - JL L. Furs anrJJIoaks. We beg to auuounce that on our Opening Days we will display a magnificent collection of rich Fur Garments, in cluding ' CHINA SEAL, WOOl' SEAL, PERSIAN LAMB, .ALASKA SABLE, MTURAL BEAVER, MINK AND ALASKA SEAL uloaks and Gapes. Our line ofcl6th jackets and Capes cannot be dupli cated in the city at he price. , The latest novelties front the leading Modstes will be on exhibition. Goods we hayeatheed for this season. Men who hare flown of the price is assurprisinfi as No matter what th disease is or how many doctors have faiied to cure you, ask vour druttpist for 25-oent Tial of one ol Munvon's Cures, and If you are not bene, litcd'your money will be refuuded. TU4 Company put up A cur for every disease r m Hwmt Hww maiii) rsncmTlOLIWHfllBI tmma CATARRH iHRAin win euro y,m. jt woneerfnl booa. to tuflkrett fromCvMai reTkrutt, Iiflainva. Brttaekltlt. otllAT ITT E K. AtmiA immtttiaU relief. Antfllclcn b eeeket. tm4t to on Bro't IcdlcsUnn of 'jolt wiiiM iinu a-araaaaat i-ai-e. ulif miUoib nmnteud or money refunded. Prle i, aoete. Tltal fn. at Uniulet. itwUMreil Bill, Renla. am!, tllr., Iknt Lu KuL, 0. t. MrHTIini The inreet and uteri Ttaefy faf nun I nllu allikiBdlMLIteie1,iiob.8i "'J"1M Woreejurne, Cnia. woadarfal rem MTtoTii.H. Drir B. fit alUortiT tnnll pntpalil. AddreeeaeebOTe. PtLfH For sal by Matthew Bros, and Joh H. Phslca. Conplailcn Prtseifatl DR. HCBRA'S VIOLA GREAU Stmorea FreeldM, Mmploe, Benbera and Tin, and re ttorca the) skin to 1 orlgl Bu frcehneaa, produoing a el tar and fcealthy com--u-im c-tuff ia an Im fmaiutlona and .perfectly htralee At all lruMlta, o mailed ior JOcu, Baud fax Clrcoiai. VIOLA K1H SOAP 1 etnm wirifwtM Smb. uniiM 9m tee ei Mral a tke UT, AknMalT ea eat t met. aetlM, Prise 23 Cenee, G.C. BITTNSn ,CO.,TeLC0O,0l. .For sale by Matthsws Bfes, and Jeh W. Phelo. VIGOR of Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored, j Weakneea, Nerroaenewe Debility, and all the traia .or cviii irom early errora or I later exceaaea, ine reauiia ox overwork, slckneie. worry. etc. I uu itreagm, aevei opment and tone given to )every organ nd portion citneooay. Dimpie.nav ural methode. ImmMlU ate improvement seeo. V.II,,m imnMilhl, ''000 rMfrenei. Hook. explanatiouacd proofs mailed (tealed) free. . ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Ye MIN 22 CommonweaUii M Bldg, Seranton, Pi Pharmacia t, cor. Wyomlna Avenu ant) SCRANTON, PA. ' the magnitude of the assortment Ceif x.--ar 09-