The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1895, Page 3, Image 3
-' .-. Li - THE SCpNTON TBIBUNE-TUESDAY 3IORNING. OCTOBER 1, 1893. NORTON'S NEW WALL DECORATIONS. . Autumn Styles Being Received. We Invite Attention to Our Beautiful Xew Designs and Colorings . For Fall and Winter Use. Now Is an Excellent Time To Decorate Your Rooms And Get the BeneOt of Use During Cold Weather Season. We Have the Finest Stock Made in This Country At Half Xew York City Prices. Onr Patterns Cnnnot Be Found Elsewhere in This City. The Fine Work in Large Cities Is' Done in the Fall. We Furnish Good Decorators. M. NORTON, 322 UCUWMM ME. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR V And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go, ltilt$ONAIj. Dr. Ed Reap, of PMUton, was a visitor here yesterday. . Atitornev W'Wam tl tlesnle. of Plttston was ;ri tihls city yesnerday on a buslneus trip. Rev. Huirh OerrMy. of Tilossburg, and Rev. M. T. Sh e-lds, of Towaiula, were -v.slting reVat'.vei here yesterday OouM returr.eil yesterday from Uiove. Ui4 mother ami other mem bers of the family, who summered t Ocean Grove, returned with him. Miss Annetie Reynolds has returned from New York and will beijln givln.n votai iliMt ruction at the Seranton School of Music ami Elocution on Thursday. We Can Save Vou Money. On Men'y t'nderwetir. Heavy Ribbed, per u'.t i M Kxtra Heavy N'aiturni Wool, per suit.. 1 TJ) Fjne Double-Brei.4ted Shirts 1 iU For UIHce Wir: Extra 'Fine Natural Wool per suit.... 2 10 Extra Heavy Natural Wool per su.t.. 2 00 MEAH3 & HAUI-JS. PERMITS OF THE MO.NTII ing in Cost $100,000. The bulUling- permits Issued for the month ended Sept. 30 by Inspector John Nelson were for Improvements, the aggregate cost of which will be $100,000. Permits were granted to the following: B. Mosesi, barn, brick; Penn avenue, uincH Snorahite . P. Frank Mcllugh, double dwelling, wood; Luzerne prreet. Fifth ward. J. II. Jordon. single dwelling, stone; Richmond park First ward. Bridget Stewert, single dwelling, wood; West .Market street. First ward. Mrs. Kelley. cigar store, wood; Boule vard road. First ward. K. O. Tennent, single dwelling, wood; Woodlawn Park, First ward. August Kronkey, single dwelling, . wood; Elm street. Nineteenth ward. James K. Davltt, single dwelling, wood; Ferdinand street, Second ward. Mrs. 3. R. Coons, single dwelling, wood; Mulberry street, Seventeenth ward. . Anna A. Rldgeway. single dwelling, wood; Paul street. Tenth ward. Rosar Reynolds, barn, wood; Decker court. Fourth ward. Berton E. Davis, double dwelling, wood; Nay Aug avenue. Thirteenth ward. George Daubartsihauser, single dwell ing, wood; 121m street, Thirteenth ward. Kdmun.1 Green, barn, wood; Wyo ming avenue. Thirteenth ward. , Edmund . Green, r.lngle dwelling, wood; Wyoming avenue, Thirteenth ward. J. W. Guernsey, block of three dwell , ingfi, wood: Pine street, Ninth ward. 'J. M. Hcln, double dwelling, wood; Seventh street fourteenth ward. John Lloyd, single dwelling, wood; Rebecca avenue, Fourth ward. John S. Woodling, single dwelling, wood; Harrison avenue. Seventeenth ward. -F. M. Miller, extension to dwelling, wood; Washburn .street. Fifth ward. .John H. Williams, extension to dwell ing, wood: Bilvlll place. Fifteenth ward. . A. J. Hill, single dwelling, wood; Vine Street, Seventeenth ward. Henry F. Jeffers, work shop, wood; South Hyde Park avenue, Fifth ward. Herman J. Woelkers. single dwelling, brick; Irving avenue, Seventeenth ward. Henry S. Jeffers, nlngle dwelling, wood; South Hdye Park avenue, Fifth ward. ' Joseph I Roberts, extension to doutile dwelling, wood; Plttston ave nue. Twentieth ward. , , Mrs. John Vlpond, do.'1" ,' welling, wood; HolllPter avenue," , ward. Bhrhart & Arthur, te dwelling, wood, Capouse avenue.'.welfth ward. O. L. Helrlegel. wa6n shed, wood: Capouse avenue, Thirteenth ward. " J. W. Oarney, frurt stand, wood; Adams avenue, Ninth ward. ' . pairs, - Chestnut street, Fourteenth i wra. Richards & Mws, single dwelling, wooa; ciiwi street, r ipieerotin ward. Richards & Mears, single dwelling, wooa; mm street. -irteenth ward. .... ' Catherine Judge, single dwelling, wood; Plttston avenue, Twentieth . ward. Misses McCaffrey, double dwelling, wood; Clay avenue, Tenth ward. , William Schifller, extension to dwell ing, wood: Washington and Elm reet, Eleventh ward. . iMIs Mary Rogan, single dwelling, wood; Prospect avenue, Nineteenth - waira. - Joseph Atbreohit. single dwelling, wood; Willow street, Nineteenth ward. M. F. Borchers, double dwelling, wooa; MMuon avenue, wwith ward. Ella .O. Conneil. double dwelling, wood; Plttston avenue, Twentieth ward. ..... t ' Thomas Downs, single dwelling, Wood: irvm avenue. Twentieth ward Mrs. Catherine White, double dwell- ng, wood ; Luserne street, Sixth ward. P. ' J, Reap, ' single dwelling, wood 'nlfred avenue, Twentieth ward. xmt, 1100,000. : MURDER CASE HEADS LIST Criminal Court Kill Be to Session Two Weeks, Beginning Monday. THREE COLKTS WILL BE GOING Jtldgo Noyes Will Assist Paring the First Wcck-Jcjsup -Murder Case to Be Tried First and the South Side Case During .Second Week. District Attorney John It. Jones has arranged the criminal trial list of 8u cases as printed below for the two weeks term of oyer and terminer and quurter sessions court, which will uetfin next -Monday. The tirst case on wie uxi is the one in which i'asquale l'erretio is the defendant, indicted of tne crime 'i murderliiK J-ihu lMivarko, of Jesi. one Sunday evenins lust sprinR. i w' first case on the list of the second wet ft 13 a one, too. Joseph, alias John. Wisnlskl Is the defendant. In dicted of the murder of Felix l.urtio whz on the South Washington avenue Flats last .May. Judge Charles .H. Noycs. president Judse of the Thirty-nrst Judicial dis till t, which emliiaces the counties of Forrest 'and Warren, will be here to assist tho local judges. He Is one of the Democratic nominees for Judae of the Superior court. There will be three courts in session during the term. The trial list Is as follows: nusr .Monday, Oct. 7. 1. Pasqunle IYrretto, murder; Thomas Ltyiihuii. iii-ofi. 2. KJwhiJ Day, burglary; John Kim;, pros. A. Pe-ter IJclbcr, larceny and receiving; llaml I-ie.knup, prox. 4. Luke Kelly, a.-sault unU battery; Mrs. Luke Kelly, prox. 5. Rosar.o (lenuchero, Jeonious attempt; Joseph Ti.niu r, pros. . August Shuliz, Jacob flmtth, statutory iiurklaiy; Will. am T. Simpson, proa. 7. AiiKUst Shnliz, Jacob Smith, statu tory biiriilnry; J. II .Cohen, pros. S. AtiKUMt Slitiltx. Jaeol Smith, stautory burglary: ', 11. Klnley, pros. . Charles Sm th, Wlllhun Drown, false ptvtenees; William T. Simpson, pros. 10. Pal limits. Moseo, iauvny anil reeelvlni.'; 11. J. Collins, pros. 11. J. T. Hampton, larceny and receiv ing; A. H. wiiriz, pros. 12. Kate Cmvey. selling llyuur withoot lieenise; Aliee Carey, )irox. 13. William l.auuiil n, Aniltvw LaiiKhlin, larceny inul receiving; James J. Ityrnes, pros. II. WlU'.'im Latighl'.ii, auTavatetl ns sault and battery; lianlcl 1 -h, iuos. 15. Arlington Lilts, larceny v bailee; Thomas K'ane, pros. HI. Thomas Jennings, Lawrence Mi Na maia; inal.eiuns injury to railroad; ltavl.l P. Ituaehe, pros. 17. .Mai elil .Mc Donough. larceny and re ee.vln,;: Abraham Shapira. tiros. 1H John Dougherty. .Malieiil MeDon oiiKh. assault and battery; Abraham Sha pira. pros. lit. John Dougherty, nliling prisoner to escape; Abraham. Sbaptra, pros. 20. Phineey Stark, fornk'ulion and bas tardy; William P. Lane. pros. 21. Leon .MiUain.-sky, fnir.ival!un and biistanly; lianiel Mealy, pros. 22. Peter Swe.ny. larceny and receiving; W'lliam T. Simpson, pros. 2. Peter Stnlth. larceny and receiving: (Jeorire llloi k, pros. 21. 1-ei.x Yanlsky, asoauu anil oaitery; Antonio SMner, prox. 2'.. John Thomas lln.n.-s. nttempi to comm. it rape: v,k. fapweu, prox. Robert Ike, . T'ly nouse; i nomas Leyshon. proa. 7. Thomas Murray, larceny anil receiv ing; Kl.zabetli I- liieiien, prox. , (jsear lllacknioi-e, larceny ami re ceiving: Frederick Tletze, pros. 29. Thomas p. ('unim.nus, larceny ami reeelviiiK: John f !a !1 lier. pros. i. James Hanks, forn.caUon ana nas- tardy; Hell Cox, prox. i James IJoyle. selling liquor wtinoui license; Thomas leyshon, pros. 32. James Hoyle, seii.'ng llipior on sun- day: Thomas Le.smin. pros. It: Frederick Riehards. statutory ourg- lury; William T. Simpson, pros. III. r redeneK itiennros. inreeny uiiu ic- ce ving: 111 am I . .m!so-n. inns. Xi. Frederick iiicnarns, i-iini-st noie, p'atutory burglary; John T. r.-tzpatncK, P'ns- . . 11 . earnest nope, ti;niliury uuisiiu j , William T. Simpson, pros. 17. John Shepik , alius jonn i-inno, sell ing kquor without I.cense; j. v, wiam, '"" . .. ..... jonn nep;K, aim junu r-.iisu, eu- ing liipior to minors; J. . Clark, pros. . Juhn snei. K .ar.iis jnnn r.niio, sell ing liquor on Sunday; J. W. Clarke, pros. 40. Mlenael i.aveston. assauii unii uai- tery; W. R. Haker, ipros. Tuesday, (let. K. 41. Charles Lasher, selling liquor with out license; Tnomas Leytiion, pros. 42. Charles Lusher, sell. 114 l.ipiuron sun- day; Thomas Leyshon, pros. U. Charles Laslier. seniiig i:quor 10 m.11- ors; Tltomus l.eysnon. pros. 44. Jessie 1 lull, seuinK i.qi.or wiiiuui 1.- cense; Thomas u-ysnun, proa. 45. Jessie Had, sell.n l.uuor on ounoay; Thomas Leyshon, pros. 4U. Jessie Hall, uawuy nouse; iiiunmn Leyshon, pros. 47. .Mrs. Colcirnn i,owier, ai.iis .nuuei.11.; Gate, obstruc ting execut.on or legal pro cess; T. J. Price, pros. 4S. .Mrs. Coleman l.owrer, ni:as mminuio Gate, pointing pistol; 1 . J., pros. IH. Mrs. Coeman L,owier, ar.ns ,a.ifinnT Gate, assault and battery; l. J. i-i.ue, iVI. .Mlcnaei rapp, .10111. 10117, .... ... o Sot'ek, .Mrs. John PalTrey, .Mrs. Anme Uilin, obHtrueting execution of legal pro Cf; Jacob Kerber, pros. 51. Michael app, John r-airrey, ueoige Sofek, Mrs. John Palfrey, Mrs. Annie Hl.n, a.ssiiuit anci omiery upun iiuui.t olllcer; Jacob Perber, pros. David liouerts, roooery; ivunam a. S'mpson, pros. , , M. Dan 'el McOonegal, Michael Toole, Lemuel Philips. Sylvester Detrleh, burg lary; Will. am I . Simpson, pros. fit. Jonn Aiaioney, roooeiyi r.uwaiu 1 1..1- bin ,pros. ... ri. James, uean, rcion.ous wouiiujiis; Henry J. Davis, pros. 1;. Kate W illiams, o'Siruei:ng exeeuiion of legal proeefs; Hernard IJav.s, pros. .17 Kate W'lliam. assault and battery niton public olllecr; Hernard Davis, pros. M. Kdward Cuwley, malicious mischief; Thomas tlrler, pros. fill. John ItlHIf-r,', William T. Simpson, pros. (ft. John Klbey, Sggravaie.l a-suun mm battei-y: Mart n Ilartsnvage, pros. 111. John R ney, Hggrnviiieu iiiuuii uuu buttery; Martin ISiirtsavngc, pros. t!2. Charles tirocK, imKMniHra "n and Imttery: Matthew Hart-', pros. Cit. John Mcr'K 11, agicraviiieii iif siuni and battfiy: Matthew Hartsavage, pros. til. John .Mcrsmn, nsaiaiitii-ii um-huh and bntlcry; .Mntthew Hartunvnge, pros. fi.V Charles Woes, nggrava'ie.i ussuun and buttery: Matthew Hnrtsavage, pros. (VI. Mary Funning, comon scum; i.uie McDonnell, prox. iff. Ann'e Loske, receiving stolen goods; Wlliam T. Simpson, pros. (18. Kva Honopke, rece-'vlng stolen goods; Wlllliim T. Simpson, pros. CO Kale' Bmainnlo, receiving stolen goods; WilHiim T. S.mpson, pros. ( 711. Josej.n l-'e lissy, lllicu.iy uuu rcici,- Ing; M. L. Vn'l, pros. . 7) Oeorore H. Beybolt. larceny and re ceiving; M. L. Va'.l, pros. 7" Stilll" Kelly, receiving stolen goods; WHlliim T. Simpson, pros. "a M irv Hoery, receiving stolen goons; WIM'.sm T. Simr'Kon. pro3 71 Thomas MeDonoiigh. sr., Tno"nns McDonoiigh, Jr., Claude English, f. loni 011s wounding: A. ISrown, pros. 7r.. Annie Zesnodix, receiving itolen goods: W.'.lllam T. Simpson, pros. 7, Jns(e dn Ilredno, receiving utolen goods: W.Mllnm T. Simpson, pros. 77. Anthony Toucher, recolving stolen goods; II. II. Vfeiffcr. pros. 78, Carlo HuskM, receiving stolen goods; Wl'.llnm T. H'mi'n, pros. 7i. Clinton Potter, aggravated assault and battery: William T. Simpson, pros. 8. Steve Judge, Patrick Convey, larceny and receiving; Charles Stone, pros, Wednesday, Oct. 0. 81, W. O. Batman, John 8. Luce, at toturit to commit arson; W. T. Simpson, pros. k2. John OrlfTIn, Clarence Do Pew, Louis, iiulsnnce; Thomas Moore, pros. 83. S. Cohen, .ln Tomback, larceny by bullec; Herman Kartieleft, pros. 81. W. II. HeSnharL larceny- by bailee; A. F. Duffy, pros. ; ' . 85. W. H. Rein-hart, Mnbexslement; A. F. Duffy, proa. v v Mi VV. J. Mclntire: I. F. Heils. Allie Harris, conspiracy; a. W. Ooleiaan, pros. 87. W. A. Mulaneyl forgery; John M. Callen, pros. V. , 88. W. A. Mulaney, nbeirlement; John M. Callen. Pros. .. 8. M chel J. Welsh, kmbeislement; Ste (ihn TunstaJI, pres. . 1 ... 90. Hurry Annie Itoar. si. W. J. i. nivn. uro. Ioarl sjisauft lattery; hi, libel. Joseph J. tfer hl, llbol; M. F. Fa.Vl-n. Jim W. W. J. Slubm pres. (leore slum.-: Tie. rui- :. emberzlenient by con- vyyhon, pro. '. rmbezzU iilellt by con- is ill. Itol.eri !renee: Thiili:i4 V)IIOII, pi'US. -. Saniiii s:.n". narles Ho umnn fiirelblu entP an uviatner; J. ureenuuig. pr.i. W. PatrVH J. Mi-Hal. iutl!ns i:uor Without :e I nun coil. Hi. pro. Hi. I'air.ek Sunday; Sar. US. J.!m Inn; John .M ii'.i. Uri-nut-l I . rinie, Mll.llg i;illur on h' ill.ii. prox. ,1,... n. iui-ceny and refeiv- : sr- - - Cl-vint; Juh7 lale, pro. kl, larceny and rcfelv , pros. I !!, a ding prisoner tf es- lm. John & in John .M il, lul. John 'i!.-t: VH. i.ilka Ho c:i-;-e; John VJ. John cai.e: John K-2.. Joriv cat" u Join ie, pros. ullni prisoner t( e, proa. . aVUng prisoner t ye.., 21 lit es- IjI'Os. ka, felonious woun lei,. J..t:t,V..i :i .ng; Wii iMitifitrt II if. Juki, in ;i ilek. John Con nella a.t : John ihecjslta.. pro., k. John IlnhJiitls. as : John bhcH".l. 1. prtis. mi lit n ml f erB. r Wtw!.i. i' itt nn.U Vr-i vchoKns, NsgiiMa Nliny I recc.viii;-iittrh Col- .111-., M U.. edith, burffhiry George litili'S, tiros? pi!. Chm VTIi '1, bawdy house 1 baw- U Miriile, pt: 1!!'. I'narHh 1. Cathnr ne Thiel ily noiisc; I ..ilk, pros. 1 tick, tippling 'house; pros. 1 attempt at burglars; 1. OS. iy. assault iind battery r, Henry P. Wills, fro-., ek, George (san'.aileh, :ery; Simon Narwsey, in, ossault and batery; :i. pros, an .mai'clous mlhlef; 1, pro4. 111. l'eten a; Thomas I.( h 112. Juhn ,, J. MoNiitn p 113. John Wi upon ptiliV'Uj ill. niit pros, fadj 11.1. Jolt Corncr.ui 11'!. J.irl C01 nelln P7. A. rati', pri 1!. L. ing llfo 11, forgery; Gustor Ram- 1 f 12 ms, fraudulently olta.n- policy; G. W. GoJ-lard, pros. Il'.i. Pu , el'ni Susan Btrgess, ,'ashlnirn, 1 k, si lllug liquor o( San ction, t.ros. I ley, felonious at'empt; adultery V'cl l',-t dny; Th.ll fl 121. I 'oa1 John Ca J7 in v net 1 n 1 122. Ioiil weapons 1 ley. carrying concealed i awley, pros. ! , .,,.,y ,1 I I2H. .Iota attempt at rapil; Kate John Kelley. I I24. Mai 11, fortune telling; Tierney, 121. .Ma Tierney. 12il. J OS bawdy housij; John opsh', John Shilkoski, 4vid Adam I aggrava ki, Benjamin S:kofk., It ami battery; Uwrenee Kenopa, 127. Jo.- howskl, Mary Pophow- skv, Ian lilee; 1). Kernec pros. 12S. Jntt W .S. Hlrt Moll I, I Jb. 1). L. Br?J K. L. Cif' Sin th. Windsor l-'osier, jm 11. SteveiM George IIii-sh, Will am Harper, Dav.s, public ir.uMnce; 1211. J a Sunday: ry. Jr., selling Iquor on "lankliti, pres. 1 l:. .Iasffe. y. selling liquor to m n- k! In, pros. 1 1H1. Ua Cr'ppen, 122. Ki bastardy Jones, perjury; Martin atkins. fornication, and Ma rtln, pros. 133. MlJ pshttis, larceny and re- ceiving; i:;i. Ju- In: Chii k.Monsky. pros. sh. larceny and recclv- hens, iiros. 1.11. JalJ ikl. recj.v 'an stolen I tv hells, pros goods: I or .ngs, perjiuy; l nomas ... .101 Levsjion 127. M. ceny 11"' :s. Ka Me.Ve-.y rev. J. R. 1 hnias. !ar- James Fai r. II, pros. ng . coiuoinn scold; James llty, common scold; Jll-M. II'- Thy Zas.l M. Ivin, Jolm. Stanko, John .:2'M rlsoner. to escape; jonn -.:iMtn V.. Ar t1f.1l.) I John" P'nnko, John Llohn .na'iirski.' pros. In 14, assault and battery; Mary As) nssault and .battery; 143. K01 Mnry As' 144. Win tardy: Id II.".. JnutfT John Wivifl 111'.. Joh'inl lUUCdt iu:' 147. Patio Ing: X1ard. IIS. Job sir; xl viJ, fornlcatlbn -and bas I '.V"ox. - Xlty, pointing pistol; ay?ault and battery; s. len, larceny and Tecelv . prox. . John Flnnegan, lar '; Maria Brady, prox. Iy, asault and battery; ceny ami'in 14. .M'dll I W. H. Pi rie, assault and battery; liie. v Charles OS. -.' ult y. carrying concealed 1.11. Jan weaimn; 1 ini, pros. Idny. Oct. 1 1. ftone. forgery; George M. 152. My Hull, pi-l 1.13. Myf. George M. Stone, embezzlement; pros. 151. W-IK-Andrew In Inenrrow, false pretences; pros. irrow. Mnry Owens, sell- 15,1. Johv In... I'm,,. uit license; Jueob (VPrin- tek. pros Q illnoskl. Joseph Olcbeykl, 1. ti. jon Joseph I' public of 117. Jolp t Mulvey, ff Thomas o IIS. Thl , nsKiiu't nnd battery upon Max Ko'-Mer. pros. 1 Iney. M l ward Mott. 'M. J. m rteynolds, conspiracy; Ki, pros, r Iiv s. John -RoV rts. James Ll4k. HrvW. John Robert Mi-Wow -liry i.i.,...-r burglsryii'on Merry estlier. pi Mil. J. Usler. po'.mtifig li'V"1' 11- inm K. Jin. pros. - v - , MtO L. 1 ilman, yieriiri no.., viv' Hll -'Jusepn. lai.-u pretences; a yler Vrnon, pro- , t .. Fhllln-son, on jonnmn, re..- nnlsl liqu I Sunday. Ann.e i-asnau.-, I IB .Toli Vrmn. George Chnrogooslcl, lit iiVterv: Annie C.oora. prox. AtJ sriev!iiskey. as-snulit nnd batten-; . A-i Upinekev, prox. IIS. lio 'liMmlKd. nggrava.ted assault nnd battlhn nulla, pros. liW J (f)trnh'ek. assault and bat tery; Ml Nnllnh- pros. 1(17. Mal.bV adultery; John T.erney, P"i;s.' Dn '-lllon. Sylvester Fallon. Pat rick Mel Hjhrry Messett, larceny and reeelvlnnrtin Cripncn. pros. 1i Jn?i . irhorevk. d'ssnadlng wlt n'nc w Tj H'mpson, pros. 170. Jol rlsroule. uVas Willlnm De vler. la.r nMd receiving; Joseph tas scsse, nr 1 ... 171 Cle 1 Msnh. Jr., felonious woundln etiard Morgan, pros, itnrdny, Oct. 12. 172. He Htoar, surely; Annie Hoar, Pn3.'HelIoar, desert'on; Annie Hoar, P'v74. Wl lena Caryvill, surety; Veron- lea ShPti. irox J. Robb, surety; Maty Nellie Quick, II.-.. ..IB Robb, pi 178. JarKJ Lick, surety; "". 1 .... T TV tlrl.. 177. lotooes, surety, .... " "-. Sea greaves, surety; Lucy fclhollock, surety; Bridget C'jwgrove, surety; Mrs. Kate iMilley, surety; peter foy, Inlley, surety; Peter Foy, , surety; WIHIam Arch tklnson, surety; Bridget Is, surety; Caroline Lew', Jenkins, surety; Margaet J. Gall ajtrTU rely; T.J. 1 W'lllams.jsvimy; airs. .i r urn, tvvewn. sarpiy; jonn mil I Carney,, surety; Anthony iMk'nson, desertion; Bridget 1 Paper S li s and colorings vi r fine this season. . Wt us , lix you up I slbie room witli ml qjpapcr, $5; , ' - j. mti 11 ; v iitijii ,, John Grasual, surety; Charles Low, pros. !KJ. Joseph Beddoe, surety; Anthony csnevinsKey, proa, lid. Chaiiea LapinskI, surety; Michael L4)cko. pros, lfc. Thomas Jennings, surety Mary Me- Annrew, prox. liHi. AHey Brown, surety; Thomas Mc Doncugh, pros. 117. L. A. BUhop, surety; Annie An thony, prox. I'.'v Aatouio Sebeskie, surety; Cassie Brliloe, prox. Yji. Aggie Sebeskle, surety; Cassle Bed doe, prox. 2-1. Antonio Sebeskle, surety; Cassle Beddoe, pi-ox . 2il. George Nobelky. Frank Nobelsky, surety; Andrew, pros. SliCiUND H LFik. .Monday, Oct. 14. !ii!. Joseph, al'as John Wlsnlskl, murder; H um T. Simpson, pros. 2oi Jumes l'eiry, rupc; Thomas Ley- Siloll, l'OS. 2:1. Abraham Glazier, selling liquor on Sun lay; John Shivak. pros. 2uj. John Lukan. Mary Lukon, selling llouor w thout l.ceiisi; Albert liucta, pros. 2"-;. Miehae.1 Kiotky, felonious wouiui.UK; M eiiiie. Motan. pros. 2n7. Harney .Ma. key. aggravated assault and bal'.eiy; John Mar an, pros. 2'iT'i. Lam s. Marino, robbery; Bridget Roi.k, prox. tn. Feeny. obstructing execu tion of lesal process; Jleruy Burscbel, pres. 2Hi. Patrick Feeny. aggravated aEsault and'.eiy: Meiry Uiuschel, pros. 210. Joseph (iizywinski, selling liquor on Sunday; Thoma.s Leyshon. pros. 211. John Gizysi- nski. welling liquor without a Hctn-ie; Tho-nins Leyshon, pro. 212. Jose; h Gtzy .n-kl. nvll'iig liquor without license; Thomas Ix-yshon, pros. 2111. John Grxyw link-., l.quar on Sunday; Thomas Leyshon. pros. 211. James Kii.tht, robbery; William T. S mpson. pros. 21.1. Anthony Haroanl:', aggravated a.s rault and battery; Victor Chankuskey, pros. 9 2!'i. Thomas MeXulty, Wlll'nm Mc-Kiehola-., John iMeNiehohn, John Ba 111011, robbery; Stc.!ien Dyer, pros. 217. Chillies Liden, burglary; John Sur ber, pros. 21S. Mariin Botoznzk, ns-sault and bat tery; Au lr zf Kt.irtik, pros. 21:1. Anthony Ketmak s, Anthony Ke- turakis. Jr., G-mhkj Kiiperunas, Jos-epn Kazlan.-kiM, lelou.ous wound ng; (.mines Hlai-k, pros. 220. Andr -w Smith, Joseph Keturlsh, fe lonious wounding; George Smith, pros. 221. Thomas Roinml. assault uiwi oai- "IV J'A'L? V "M' ., - -. ..utry .,...,'.. I, lu-muu ..- u.n.j, Agnes Hunter, prox. 221. P.itrii k Riiane, assault nnd bat tel v; Ann .Munley, prox. 221. M'.chael Cogg ns, larceny and re ceiving; George V. Okell, pros. 225. Michael H'laml, larceny and receiv ing: George W. Okell, pros. 22ii. Michael Buffer, larceny nnd receiv ing; George W. Okell, pros. 227. Michael RuflVr. larceny and receiv ing; W'illiun Cressler, pros. Tuesday, Oct. 15- 228. Henry Goodman, perjury; Henry Derrick, pros. 23. M.nthew Coleman, negllgenco by ba-iee; Thomas I 'l "otim-ll, pros. 210. Max KoehU-ii, ft-lon.sMi attempt; John Sites, pro. 221. Joseph G'-reskie, felonious attempt; John S lus, pros.. 232. Jacob Geivskle, felonious rfttempt; John S- tils, t.ros. 2113. Gereskie, felonious n.'.tempt; John Situs, pros. 234. Jus. (ill Horoszwetz, assault and bat tel y; Jaeob Sj.a-tt, pros. 235. Will am Owens, felonious wounding; Thomas Murphy, pins. 2.111. Joseph Kalapilo. selling liquor with out license; Thomas Leyshon. pros. 237. Joseph. Kulaplln, selling liquor on Siimlav: Thomas leyshon, pros. 23s. John Kindly, felonious wounding; Paul Mergood, pros. 2211. John Langnn, larceny by bu lee; Patrick Jordan, pros, 2l'i. John T. Junes, adultery; Margaret Morgan, prox. 211. John T. Jones, fornication and bas tardy; .Margaret .Morgan, prox. 212. George F. An'hony, violation of game law: S J .Hinds, pros. 213. George F. Anthony, catching llsh w th rack; S. J. II .nils. pros. 211. John Corrello, Dominlck Dcmnrko. N'ehnbis Demarko. Michael Rich. Joseph Loiouse. Ang.-lo Carinetto, riot; Thomas Levshon. pros. 215. I'atrek Lnrkln, Patrick McDonnell. P111 rick Walsh, aggravated assault and bnJtery: Frank W II ams, pros. 2 HI. John Walk!!", felonious woumding; William T. S nil .'on. pros. 217. Joseph Rogers, Adam Salturskcy; felonious wounding; Simon Narw skey, pro.. 21S. John Wntklns, felonious wounding; W 111am T. Simpson, pros. 2l!i. John Watklns, felonious wounding; y;lllam T. S mpson, pros. Wednesday, Oct. I1. 250. Thomas Piu'e, Reuben Morris, rob bery; Thotnaj Harris, pios. 251. Joseph Thomas, rape; Angelina Cockeri'II, prox. 252. John Lukan, robbery; August Vock rolh, in 04. 2.13. F. JI. Hewitt, W. II. Hewitt, nuis ance; Thomas Ia-yshon. pros. 251. Simon Christ. Michael Jerkman, as sault nnd battery; Peter Vergin, pros. 25.1. S nion Christ, Michael .lerkin-in, as- ta li 11 11 in. uaiseiy, , r-i,.-i , is-.", a 2.''.. Anthusie Seruper, assault and bat- I tery; Stephen Miller, pros. 257. Jacob Seruper, assault and bat tery; Stephen Miller, pros. 25S. Frank Seruper, assault and bat tervjSteprten .Miller, pros. 259. John Lukan, aggravated assault and buttery: August Vo.-kroth, pras. 2MI. Frederick Warlike, aggravated as sau'it and battery: II. C. Smwl. pros. . 2H1. James J. Fahey. J. J. Cnllahaii, neg ligence by bailee; B. J. Neville, pros. 2H2. Willinm N. Clark, assault and bat- ry; Karnle Datcsman, prox. 2i3. W. L. Welherby, Coll' lis Welherby, lult 11114 battery; D. Woodmaney, pros. 1. JO.nil i.. I' 110ns. aggiiivuieii assauii battery; Will am Parreii, pros. , flerome Sealzo, felonious attempt: P. Wilis, pros. m. Gorome Sealzo, carrying concealed limns; H. P. Wills, pros. 2'I7. August Brill, assault nnd batterv ipon public olll'-er: P. A. Allbach, pros. 2US. Peter Allbach, felonious attempt: August Hruel, pros. 2'i. Albert Lentz, brenkng fence; M. J. Lovern. pros. 270. WIH'atn Kun'z. m'sdemeanor In of fice: ,1aeib Walz, pros. 271. John Riildanrf, larceny and receiv ing; Os-ar Freeman, pros. 272. E. It. Wright, false pretences; N. B. Levy, pros. lieve iss Goods 192. Contains the finest assortment of Dress Goods to be found iu the city. Domestic Dress Paris Novelties German Black Goods Fancy Silks Haskell Black Silks We take great pleasure MEARS & 15 UCKAua.UA AVENUL !?3. Patrick ' Heny, carrying concealed Weapon; Ann KJ maids, prox. 271. Charks Hale, assault and battery; W Lam Freeman, pros. 275. James Cornwall, selling liquor on Sunday; Jennie Horn, prox. 2, "J. James- Corr.Kn. veiling liquor with out llct-nse; J.-nn e Horn, pros. 277. James Corrigaii, liquor to miio-asjL Jenne Horn, prox. ITS. yies G.igallon, raiie; Cecelia ThonipPssj. prox. 2;. Alary Lram, n.?ault and battery; Stephen Shol.nskey, pl us. ihursday, Oct. 17. 2;0. Luig! Sealzo, rhalcious mischief by explo'ivci; Gaur.el l'unl ajio. pros. W. It. Lowarus, uj.woy house; Ed ward Risw.g, prox. 2!i2. Jonaiinx laii-ano, Runaro Lodaio, S-uta Loilaio, Peter ejpola, Andrew Lo uato. l'hli.p Lodaio, lareiny and rectiv iug; Jotse-pli A. .iears, -pros. 2&J. Johanna Laearro. Runaro Isl.lto, Sana Lodaio, Peter Spota, Andrew Lo daio. i'h.l.p Loilaito, laie.-ny and roce.v ins; M. Langsta:i, prox. 2M. Jciiunixi t. aex. ro, Runaro Lo.lato, Sarta, l.odato. Pet .-r bpo.;u, Andrew Lo Uato, l'h.lip Lodato, larceny and rece.v n;;; Moves Blown, pros. 2a5. Johanna l.aairu, Runaro, Lodaio, S i: la Lodato, Peter tipem. Andrew Lo dato, I'li;-. l.oila.;o, laieeny and ruce.v ing; John Clelund, pros. 2Mi. Juhai'.na i-iiuiro, Runaro lAlata, Sarta Loiato, Peter Spoita, Andrew Lo dato, Philip Lodato, larceny and receiv ing: Soloman Goldsmith, pros. 2N7. Johanna Laearro, Runaro Lodato, Stria Lodato, Peter Spota. Andrew Lo daio, Pbil.p Lodaio, larceny und receiv inir; S nion Luuer, p-.os. 2sS. Alexaii'l" r, assault and bat tery; George Sm gel, pros. 2:i. Alexanuer i.eteoskl, felonious wound ng; G -orge Sm.g' I, pros. 2J0. F. A. Ehrguod, n.s--au,t and battery upon puijiic olllecr; Jumes Oiirku, pros. 21U. John Siiivinski, assaull und battery Benjamin Lewis, pros. 2!i2. .Martin Sullzv tiggravated assault a:i-l bat-tery; C harles riauer, pros. 2113. Joseph P.. Osgood, false pretences; Charles H. Clause, pros. 2UI. Juhanna Laearro, Runaro Iidato. Sarta Lodato, Pi.ter Siota, Andrew Lu nula. I'll. lip I.oda.'.o, larcny und- receiv ing; G. W. Fritz, pros. 211.1. Johanna licarro, Runaro Lodato, Sarta Lodato, Peter Spota. Andrew Lo dato, i'h.l.p Lodato. larceny and receiv ing; II. J. Collins, pro 2in:. Johanna, Runaro lodato, Sarta I.o.lato, Poter Kiota, Andrew Lo dato, Philip Ixidato, larceny anil receiv ing; I". H. Piiiley. pros. 2S7. Johanna l-iearro, Runaro Lodato, Santa Lodato, Peter Spntii, Andrew Lo dato, l'h-l.-p Lodato, larceny iund recelv ng; Charles Schenk, pros. 2liS. Jo"ph Gr ska, assault and battery upon public ottiecr; John J. Rnyd, pros. 2!il. R'-bard Davis, afcuult und battery; Hal Torrance, pros. 3i. George Sldler, assault nnd battery; Hal Torrance, pros. 301. Jobanna Laearro, Runaro lodato, Sarta lodato. Peter S110.n1. Andreiv l.o. 1l.1t o, Philip Lodato, larceny and receiv ing: A. a. It. Heal, pros. 302. Johanna l.a.-arro, Runaro Lodato, Sa.rta Lodato, P.ter Spota, Andrew Lo dato, I'hil'p Ioilato, lureeny and receiv ing; E. Gorman, pro. 3u3. Jnhnnna l.aearro, Runaro Lodato, Sarta, Pe.ter Spota, Andrew Lo dnto, I'h-lllp Lo Into, larceny and receiv n: Da ic Hanister, proa. 3ol. Johanna Lnea.rro, Runaro Lodato, Sarta Lodato, Peter Spota. Andrew Lo dato, Ph'llp Ixi.lito, larceny and receiv ing: Edwin Lloyd, pros. Sol. Isaac Lows, assault and battery; Carrie Bombnugh. -prox. 30"!. George lienson, aault and battery upon public olllecr; WIIMam T. Simpson, pros. 307. Mnry Duggnn, Huhert Dnggan, as sault nnd battery; Bridget Dav. prox. 3ns. Hubert Dnggan. .Ma.rv i)uggan, ag gravnted assault and battery; Michael Day, pros. .'lull. George W. Decker, Jr., aggravated assault and battery; C. L. Bears, pros. Friday, Oct. IH. 310. Palrick Sullivan, Maggie Sullivan, Sullivan, assault and battery upon public olllcer; Thuinas W. Jones, pros. .'111. Bess-vie Rosi nberger, assault und bat tery; l;. Levi. pros. 312. Hi-sH.e Rosenberger, assault and bat tery; David Levi. pros. 313. Stephen Radeky, a.sf inlt and bat tery; Mrs. Stephen Gura, prox. 314. Peter Sm th. kuceny and receiving; George Block, pros. .'11.1. John McNulty, Bridget McXnlty, selling liquor without Kcense; Timothy J.iiics, proa. 3111. John .McNiiliy, Bridget McNulty, selling liquor on Sunday; Timothy Jones, pros. 317. Harry Cbamboro, aggravated as sault and battery; George D.-rgota. pros. 315. Peter Engle, embezzlement; H. ShU beit, pros. 319. Nicholas Black, assault and bat tery; Simon ArushiiM. pros. 320. Robert Tuinliull, assault and bat tery; J. Kromer, pros. 321. Charlotte Elderkl-n, assault and bat tery; Mary Jane Jones, ju-ox. 322. Joseph .Morgan, cs-siuit and bat tery; David W. Lloyd, pros, 32.1. Jomes (lilgallun, assault and bat tery; Jacob Rich, pros. 324. John McDonnell, Jr., assault and battery; Mrs. Daniel Haggerty, prox. 325. An'hony Dougherty, breaking fence; Ann Toban, prox. 320. Harry Halchock. assault and bat tery; John Rulla, pros. 327. .Mary Ro.ak, omault and battery; John Kane, pros. 32s. Isaac Hamilton. Inrceny and receiv ing; M. J. Stone, pros. 33. Stanley Yabol'nskl, malicious mis chief; OciM-gc Sosnowskl, pros. 330. John F. Atk'nson, assault and bat teryq: Hi-Mget Atk'-nson, prox. 331. John II. Neal, assault and battery; John Pooth. pros. 332. J. C. Cempton. May Compton. as sault and battery; Elizabeth H. Brown, prox. 333. John Ynpio. aggravated assault and battery; WlH'am Thomais. pros. 334. David H. Evans, assault and bat tery; WIIMam Thomas, iros. 335. Thomiu. Connell, aggravated ns-sault o-n.l iMitJpry; Newton WI1liam. pros. 33B. John Babel, assault und battery; John Rai'afskle. .ros. 337. IlitrVk Sullivan, assault and bat tery; Ann Walters, prox. 338. Patrick SulHvan, assault and bat tery; Dorothy Walters, prox. 33H. Ann Dolan, Maggie Dolan, assault and battery: Cella Mcliermott. prox. 310. John Ilurlandok. assault and bat tery; Mlcrael Zulkowskl, proa. 311. S'mon Kolmonsky, assault and bat tery, Mary Tracev, prox. 312. S'mon Kolmonsky, polnblng pistol; Mary Traced, prox. Our Goods in showing our goods. HAGEN, Dept. Saturday, Oct. 1 0. 343. M'zatK-th Davis, surety; Lottie tMUIllII, UIUX. 344. Thomas Shields, surety pel, pros. Henry Sip- .nil. ivi ward Hordwick, surety; John ji. iiuii.iiti. pros. 346. Charles Lappor, surety; Fritz Pflgor. pros. ' JI7. Owen Edward.-), surety; Susan Da- 1IIOX. Six. Isaac aiolinal eurety, Philemon Gambol, pros. 34i. John Nemsoek, Mary Nemsock, surety; John tioriska, pros. 3.10. iKittle ilarsden, surety; Elizabeth l-av.M, prox. 351. Agg'.o Slbeakle, surety; Frank Krop cnskilc, pros. :I52. Simon Kolomonskl, surety; Mrs, Mary Cus.i-k, prox. .3. Harry A. lepew, surety; Jesse nra-iy, pros. 3.1. Michael Splndler, surety; Daniel jiKnzman, pros. 355. J(a-ob Ruddy, eurety; John Gil bride, pros. 351!. Margaret Jenkins, surety; David E, Jenkins, pros. 3;.7. Robert Reed, surety; Elizabeth neon, prox. 35S. William. Griffiths, desertion; Amelia GrlUths, prox. 3.11). William Connelly, surety; John Con nelly, pros. 31:0. Joseph Herring, desertion; Maria iierr ng, prox. Siil. Philemon Gambol, surety; Alexan der Wurbely, pros. ::i;2. Alexander Losert, surety; Anna Lo eert, prox. 13. Theodore K'me. sr.. Kn.te Klmo. Maggifl Ki'me, Theodore KIme, Jr., surety; A. n. i:me, pros. .Hit. William James, desertion; James, prox. 31.5. Samuel Armovlch, surety; Gordon, proa. llii'i. Peter MeCann, desertion; MeCann, prox. Maggie Andrew Bridget 3i)7. A. L. Wlllsey. desertion, Leyshon, pros. Thomas IMS. Patrick Hcffron, surety; James Hef- iron, pros. !ti'-l. George Bnwler, surety; Henry Wangh, pros. 370. John F. D"iin, pros. 371. Willlnm Coyne, t.ros. Burke, jr., surety; James Coyne, surety; Barbara 372. William Healy, surety, John Ryan, pros. 373. John Shernough, Hoi-honlek. pros. surety; George A. 374. Theodore Zuberenskc-y, surety; John AoomnicK, tiros. 37.1. Patrick Rod dv. Arthnny Ruddy, Hugh P.uldy, Mlehinl Ruddy. James IVmprey, gurety; John J. Dougherty, pros. , 370. Fred Kellerman, desertion; Annie Kcllermun, prox! "How to Cure All Skin Dlsencs." Simply apply "Swnyne's Ointment." M internal meowine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear. white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remeuy. Ask your druggist for awayne's ointment. : Taylor's New Index Map of Seranton and Dun more For sale at Taylor's Directory office, T5 Tribune building, or given with an order for the Seranton Directory JX9. liny tho Wchcr. and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Plllrbury's flour mills have a of 17,500 barrels a day. capacity REXFORD'S, There Was Shipped To us from our old store at Washington, D. C, that we closed up on Aug. 26th, 2S big cases of goods. In them were packed almost $10,000 worth of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Pictures. A great deal of these goods were the same as we had sufficient stock of. This sur plus is now being sold at hurry-out prices. To real ize how far your dollar will go means a visit Come and look. CLOCKS West window full of Clocks at about half. Decorated Porcelain Mantel Clocks, $1.90. Marbleized Gold Ornamented, S-day Cathe dral Gong, $4.75; 8-day Cabinet Mantel, $2.98 $5 up and down the street. SILVERWARE Dozens of bargains that we have no room here to sing about some hints: Rogers' Teaspoons 45c. and $1 a set. Sugar Shap er, Quadruple Plate, worth $3, for $1.25. All of Rogers Bros.' 1847 goods so low that you had better get them now. PICTURES Never even anything like rV-.. TM a. T 1 lv it. ivegant r ramea rvngrav ings, Etchings and Pastels at about the price of the glass alone; 20x24 framed matted Pastels, 50c; $1.75 would not look too much. Any price, in fact, to keep this rush up. Visit the Picture Department, sure. We thank you that have kindly waited to get served. We'll try and be more ready for you from now on. REXFORD, 213 Lackawanna Ave. TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe, Cures Ineipicnt Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DOR F, Elmira, N. Y., and for aalo by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & CONNELL, , Wholesale Agents, Seranton, Pi LUMP eEPTl! Art In Lamps Tha Artistic Of Today Blends vita tbo Useful. The day of things make to "look at" Is past. Ornaments are simply beau tiful necessities. The "Home Beauti ful" is made so by the selections of the handsome and elegant in what are useful, if not absolutely necessary. The lamp of today is more than a light giver. It's part of the decoration, the ornamentations especially suitable for that end from its use. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 30, and October 1 and 2, you arc respectfully invited to our opening of a collection ol all that is new, artistic and desirable In lamp productions nf the season. As this is un exhibition and recep tion, visitors arc assured of every fa cility for inspection and examination wiluout being importuned to buy. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYOraiHQ 1VENUS. 11 We've got the newest Fall Shoe for men on sale finest toe a little rounder than it has been We have the best line of School Shoes ever shown in the city, in all styles and all prices. U llUUIIUUill 410 Spruce Street, THIS WITNESS THAT II. I). SWAUTZ & CO. Ar th Leading Wholesale Agents In Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. HEADQUARTERS FOR L. C. Smith's and Remington Guns, Clay Pigeons and Tlgeon Traps. Telephone 2723. Open Evenings. 813K Spruce Street, between Penn and Wyo miug Avenues. IN SUMMER Cooling drinks ro necessary. They are the universal antidote for excessive warmtb. Motliing la so popular with the fair box In Hcranton as onr soda sorved In all the various flavors and with crenm for only a nickel a glass. To liavo their attentions well recelvod, young men should trrat their sweethearts coolly, ana by Inviting them to enjoy our soda, which is really the coolest and most delightful summer drink In the city, wholesome, health, ful and Invigorating. Soda headB the list of summer beverages, and the foaming stream from our fountain heads the list of all sodas. J 3I4UCM. AVE., SCRANTON, Pi TAKE CARE and ynur eyes will tako oare of you. If K $3.00 SCHANK n w iflniURDn iiiuuinmu u unu OF YOUR EYES KhiTrv niiuiiiu j i " go to DR. SHIM. niiRO'S and have your eyes examined free. We have reduced prloos aud are the lowest la the city. Nlokel spectacles from f 1 to 13; gold from t4 ton, " 305 Spruo StrMt 8oranton, Pa, mm