I ' i : ' THE PCTANTON TltfBUlTR TUESDAY MOTTNTN-Gr. OCTOUEU 1. 1S93. WiIkesBarre. fTho Tribune had opened a branch of flee at No. 29, Lnnlng building. Publlo Square. Wllkes-Barre. It Is the purpose or the publishers to Issue a newspaper a valuable to the general public as the met ropolitan dallies, ami deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvun.a from- three to five hours earlier than the Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. FOR A NEW TRIAL. Seasons Advanced Why Miller Should Be Tried Aenln. E. P. "McGovern. M. J. Mulhn.ll, n. TV. Freas, the attorneys for rmse aimer, who was convicted of murder In the first degree lust Friday, yesterday tiled their reasons for a new trial for the convicted man. Tne reasons b- uuM na fnllmvg: First The court erred In admitting the testimony of Paul Smith. on of the witnesses for the commonwealth, as to finding of the pocket book in tne iruna, na rha Bnme was incompetent, there be ing no connection Bhown between the pocket book and the commission of the crime. Second The court erred In permit ting the commonwealth to cross-examine George Jordan, her own witness, snuniullu an when the witness hud de clared that he refused to testify for the reason he was under Indictment for the same offense and that the testimony lie gave might be used against him. Third The court erred in refusing to allow John Bird, one of the defendants, to testify to the methods resorted to by Thomas F. Quigley, the prosecutor, and James O'Brien, a detective, for the pur pose of extorting a confession from said Bird. Fourth The court erred In rejecting the offer. of defendant to prove by Frank Slattery the declarations made by Frank Shafor, the principal witness for the commonwealth and an accom plice In the commission of the crime. Fifth The court erred In refusing to allow Nelson Miller, the defendant on trial, to testify as to the means and methods resorted to by Thomas F. Quigley, the prosecutor, and James O'Brien, a detective, to extort a con fession from said defendant. Sixth The court erred in allowing Frank McCabe to testify to the declara tions made by Oeorge Jordan In the ab sence of defendant. Nelson 'Miller, said Oeorge Jordan not having been called by the defense. Seventh The court erred In refusing the offer of the defendant to show by Lawson .Moses that on the morning of the explosion he drove two men from the city of Wllkes-Barre to a place near the scene of the explosion, where he was dismissed by said par ties, and that shortly after on his way hack to the city he heard the noise of the explosion. Eighth The court erred in his charge to the jury, the specific points to be pointed out upon the notes of the charge of the court being written out and filed in this case. Ninth The court erred In refusing, to affirm defendant's fourth point. Tenth The defendant reserves the right to file additional reasons upon the filing of tbe notes of testimony and charge of the court. The motion arresting judgment and the reasons given above were filed and madi returnable to the next argument court, when they will be argued before Judge Woodward. LIQUOR DEALERS' MEETING. Delegates to the Convention at Scranton Today. There was a large number of liquor dealers present at yesterday's meeting of the association held In Saengerbund hall. The object of the meeting was to a feeling as to the necessity of a strong organization, and spirited address on the subject were made 'by Hon. Klch ard Patterson, of Philadelphia, and P. II. Nolan, national organizer, of Port Jervls, N. Y. The liquor dealers who were present agreed with the senti ments expressed by these gentlemen, and they will lo their bent to persuade their fellow liquor dealers who are not members of the association to Join It at once. The officers of the local branch of the State Liquor league of Pennsyl vania Im this city are John II. Rice, president; Henry German, secretary; Harry Lelm and J. W. Merhargue, vice-presidents. Samuel Moore, of Philadelphia, 4s the state necretary. Before the meeting adjourned yester day they elected their delegates to the convention at Scranton today, as fol lows: J. W. Bums, TJuryea; Nat Eacharaoh, Thomas J. Uultom, Henry Farkwiltz, P. J. 'Boyle and Frank Coons, of Wllkes-Barre. The alter nates are Nathan Datter, .Harry Leim, Samuel Oelslnger.Tihomaa Tlghe, Hugh O'Boyla and Moses Wolf. A BILL IN EQUITY. Can Parens Be Compelled to Buy School .Books Twice? A tkll In equity waa yesterday filed by Frank W. Nefosky, of Kingston, Ko restrain the school board of that ownhip from changing- .the text books now used tn their schools. The bill But forth It hat in 1894 the school board entered into a contract with C. E. Butler A Co. for their school books nt a oeptertn prion the contract to last three years. They 'bought a large num ber of books, but In the month of Au gust, 1895, they adopted what Is known as the Werner series. Thta neoessHalteB the laying aside of the ButUer 'books, and the purchasing by the taxpayers of a different set of books, tihus compelling the Bald tax payers to tony 'books twice. The ln- A Professional Nurse Afflicted with Brlght's Disease of the Kidneys Finds a Cure. (From the Buffalo News.) Mrs. A. E. Taylor has resided In Buffalo for over forty years; her address Is 2Q0 Herkimer avenue; as a professional nur4 he has nursed back to health many a suf ferer. Disease In all Its varied forms have become as familiar to her as to the regu lar practitioner. Her occupation Is one that taxes the strongest constitution, 'jut the fatigue of long watching and nuts Ing at last brought her to a bed of si ness. Mrs. Taylor speaks of her com plaint and cure as follows: "After beltu; confined to my bed for some time my din ease assifmed such a serious aspect that a doctor was called. He pronounced my ailment Brlght'B disease of the kidneys In the third degree and a very bad case. My limbs swelled up so that I could not wain across the floor, or, Indeed, help myself In any way. My face bloated up and my eyes swelled so that the sight was badly Im paired, This condition continued for near ly two months without any marked Im provement from the doctor's treatment. I have taken quarts of buchu and Juniper. I tried battery treatment, but all with out any lasting bene) t until I felt like finally giving up In rt ispalr. Hearing cf Uoan's Kidney Pills 1 gave them a trial, end after taking thre boxes I was able to get up without as Istance and walk, something I had not lone In months. I continued steadily to mprove with thlr use. The swelling In m y leg left, the color returned to my face, changing from a chalky color to a healthy bloom. I now consider myself entirely oured and I shall never rest praising the little pill that laved me. "Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly a surprising discovery for kidney ailments. I shall be glad to toll anyone of the won derful cure they performed on me." For sale by all dealers price 60 cents. Mailed by Foster-MU'ourn-Co.. Buffalo, S. t., eole agents for the U. 8. junction Cs to re.-.tiuln the board from using the new 'books, and to. compel them K live up 'to their contract. S. J. Strauss, O. L. Halsey and C. K. Mcliugh appear for the plaintiff. THE PREACHERS' MEETING. Programme of the Work Arranged for Convention timbering. Tho one hundred and forty-second st-ssion of the Wyoming District Minls tiM'tal association was began at Orange Carvet'ton charge, ye3t.rday, and will be continued all day today. Kev. A. Wrigley pastor of the church where the weasiuns are being held. Ye.-ner-tluy al'tt-rinion at 2 o'clock the session opened with devotional exercises, led 'by Kev. C. V. Henry, nnd from that the association pa-ssi'd. Immediately to the business before It, which occupied most of the aPti-rnoon. Rev. Mr. Haw Icy, of Nujiticoke, read a paper on ' Whu.it OnnsMtutes a Itevlra!." whicii was ably discupettl by J. Madiii and F. D. CUrncll. Jtov. JC. I. Santee spoke on "Should llcliglon be Made Easy." which was discussed iiy 'Kev. V. Trcl blo and dark Oallencl'iir. In the eve ning the association address was' made by Dr. W. U. Simpson. Today's programme Is as follows: 8.30 o'clock, a. m. Devotions, W. It. Wcstlake; reading of essays. How to nvuke our 'Sun'.lay schools more efficient. J. F. Warner; to discuss J. B. 'Sunwr and AV. U. Simpson. Sociology, W. M. Hiller; to discuss J. W. A obb and A. F. Chaffee. Ministerial fidelity, W. K. Cochrane; to dlscu?s F. H. I'arsons and J. It. Wagner. The literary study of the Bible. II. C. MoDormut't; to discus's O. T. Price and Abel Wrlgloy. Prohibition of evil the law of the Bible; to discuss J. L. Hace and L. K. Eanford. Christian culture, O. L. Sevorson; to discuss E. t. Cavaroaugh and J. S. Lewis. The war In the eaat and the spread of the gooJpil, J. Uvnnlnger; to discuss J. F. Williams and J. N. I.ee. Tuesday aflternoon, 2 o'clock Devo tions. L. E. Van Hoesan; association sermon, L. C. Floyd. Caught a Wild Man. On Sunday night last David Cava naugh. a llreman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, was surprised to see a man run through the woods, near Penob scot. The engineer stopped the train, und Mr. Cavanaugh gave chase and dually caught him, after a run of half a mile. The man had nothing on but an old pair of trousers and one shoe. He was brought to this city and given over to the police, to whom he said that he was In the woods because men were after him to kill him. He paid hi name was Frank Vannoman and he lived in Scranton. The man's mind is affected from drink and hi Is nearly starved. He will Have the best t)f care, and was so much better yesterday Chat the phy sicians think he will recover. A Creek Goes Down. On Sund'ay lat a'bout ICO feet of the dry bed of a creek at Plymouth caved Into No. 4 Deliartvare and Hudson mine. Luckily, the creek was dry. or the mine would have ibeen Hooded. A trough la now being built to carry the water over the oavejln. The accident throws thirty miners and their labor ers ou't of work. G. A. K. Inspection. Conyngham post meets on and after Oct. 2 at 7.30 p. .m. Next Wednesday Is their annual Inspection, when the comrades will turn out In full uniform and receive from the Inspector general the unwritten work In regard to a full muster, with other interesting features. Kvery old soldier should come and re ceive the Information which will then be given. An i jectment Suit. Gertrude Turner and J. Frank Tur ner, of Plymouth, yesterday brought a suit In ejpetment against Thomas Templeton, also of Plymouth. The land In dispute Is located on Main street in Plymouth and Is a valuable property. Wheaton. Darling & Wood ward represent the plaintiffs In the ac tion. Another Law Student. J(.hn 'McUrlarty, of Freeland, regis tered yesterday as a law student, lie will study under John 'M. Carr. BRIEF NOTES. H. A. Lord, formerly general secre tary of the Young Men's Christian as sociation of Herwlck, Is assisting Sec retary Iluckalew, of this city. In place of Oeorge A. Htrlpp, who is resting at his home in Canada after a long and severe llln-s. W. W. Kellar and wife, of this city, have returned from a visit to friends In Allentown, wh'ere they also saw the big fair. Tho corner -stono of the new West Namtlcoke .Evangelistic church was laid on Sunday laat with appropriate ceremonies. 'Anthony Caffrey, who lias been a school teacher In Wilkes-Iiarre town Bhlp for three years, left for Haltlmore yesterday to take a course In medicine at Johns 'Hopkins university. Some of the Stafford boys are con templating a trip to the Atlanta fair, and will probably ppend a week there taking In the nights. Captain Karl, -f the "base ball team, has closed a date with the Philadelphia National league team for Oct. 9 and 10 If the weather permits. About 300 firemen left for Reading yesterday to attend the state conven tion there. They will make a strong effort to have the state convention held In this city next year. The funeral of IMrs. Chart? O'Don nell will take place from her home on Stanton this morning. Interment will be made In Hanover cemetery. Kev. Herman Kubln, ex-rabbl of the Hebrew congregation, celebrated tho seventieth anniversary of his birth last Sut.day. Ihe Delaware and Hudon railroad h-is agreed to run special trains to Plymouth for the big Catholic Total AlMinence union parade there on Oct. 13. ' TAYLOR, Mrs. W. lA. Fatf lnger, of Shamoktn, a former resident of this place, Is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Cooper, on Main street. Two shoplifters visited this town and called upon nearly all the stores yesterday. So far ns Is known as yet, however, only two Ftores have mlHsed any goods, Atherton & Co. and Judge & Co. Out of tho former place onlv lead pencils were taken, but out of the latter place some valuable silk was stolen. The women entered tne place and after Inqurlng about the prices of nearly all the goods In the dry goods department, departed with out purchasing any goods. Immediate ly after their departure the clerk began replacing the articles In their proper position and discovered that Home silk was missing. It was learned that the women .boarded an up car, and search was made as to where they resided, and It was found they lived In Hyde Park. Their names could not be learned, but It was rumored that proceedings will bo taken against them. The method used In stealing the articles was a very simple device. While one of the wo men attracted the attention of the clerk by talking, the other one walked about the store, and while doing this she un doubedly deposited the stolen goods unde,- a long cloak which she wore. Tho Taylor mine was compelled to top iterations yesterday afternoon on account of three cars falling down the shaft The cars were being run out of the drift and through some failure the cars were not blocked and were run down the shaft, where they were smashed. ltev. J. C. Leacock. of Dunmore, occu pied the pulpit at the Methodist Kpis copal church last evening. On Sun day Kev. C. Howland. of New York city, preached two forcible and eloquent sermons, which were well attended. A pleasant dance was given last even ing at Taylor hall, which was well at tended, FORECAST FPU OCTOBER. Prof. Coles, the Famous Kingston Astron omer, Predicts Severe Sturtns. The October forecast of storms and sisns forwarded by Proftss.ir C. Coks, of Kingston. Is given below. The ac curacy of the predictions of .Profe.or Cole 3 has made the astronomer cele brated as a weather progr.jitlcator. and hosits of readers have ceusid to question his prophecies, but acc?pt them as being the most rtliable of any published: Storms. The planets this month are In a goc J posit Umi to give old mother earth a few t'urprisid! i h ttjrms will run wild: t'yiiom'.t, tornndots, rain. Hc.uU. hail. sr...A wind sales, and st'!inij trem.ivs, etc., will spread destruction In many parts of the world. You who sat In qulit lu.vnes last month while the storms were spreading d. vamiatlon all njiiur.'d you may this month feel luur wildly the fihirms sweep along as iluy MMiri The Atlantic and Pacific ctia3t.-. the ci r.iral valleys und northern lakes, the southern and wstern etates, tho New Ksnland states and Canada will rcelve great puiil-'hinent. The old country will be visited by awful storms and strange earth tllt'tut'ounces; and the war Hume will bieuk cut antw! liefore r.lnety days the planets will be In about tihe same poif.ltli.ia' as they were when Queen Victoria was bcrn; and If we rad the astrological omens correct ly the glory of .Kngiand will soon take its departure. During this month and next month there will probably be more niuiidrrs, suicides and quarrels tha.t at any other time during the year. L?arn to govern your tempers, as they are fed by the planets, and every time certain planets make their appearance, up goi your temper! Tiler? will be threeawe-insplrlng sun set scenes this month and twice the heavens will be Illuminated with flash lights terrible to .behold. Last month nearly all ,tho severe storms occurred upon the very date given In my fore cast. This month there are so many opposing unknown planets, comets, seas of floating matter, etc.. In the heavens that I cannot give the dates with any degree of certainty. Hut for these opposing obstacles the regular and r?actlonary etorm periods would fall upon or about the following dates: 3. 7, 11, 14. 17. 21, 22, 27 and 30. Watch all reports of storms and phenomena at home and abroad and do not be so narto-w minded as to expect all of the storms predicted to fall upon your own town or city. Ite more liberal; look ou t upon the earth: study its immensity, and watch the heavens! Signs. Venus will be In sign Leo on the Gth. Mars will be In sign Virgo on the 13th. Jupiter will be In sign Cancer on the 20th. Saturn will be 'In sign .Libra on tho 27th. Therefore: The vital forces of all vegetable and human life will be at their "highest flood" on the following dates: 3, 4, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20. 21, 22, 25. 26. 30 and 31; and at their "low est ebb" on the 1, 2, 5. 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, IS, 19. 23, 21, 27. 23 and 29. The 3 and 4, 19 awd 2t 30 and 31 will fee good days to sow wheat and rye for grain; but on the 13, 13 and 21 will be tho best days. 'Kye sown on the 23 or 26 for early spring pasture will stand all sorts of punishment and do well. The 3, 4. 12, 19. 21, 23. 28, 30 or .11 will be the time to pot flowers and plants for winter keeping. Kingston, 'Pa.. U. 8. A., Sept. 23, 1893. AVOCA. The men and boys who are employed by the Hillside Coal company have ibeen very much dissatisfied for some time pawt Iby the manner In which they are being treated 'by the above named company. They have been obliged to go to the mines every morning during the month of September, only to return honve again after working a quarter of a day, and on very rare occasions worked a hlilf a day. Yesterday morning the runners, drivers and door boys refused to go down Into the shaft until a more sat'lsfactory arrangement Is mada. In order that they may be more certain as to the amount of money they can earn before they leave home. IMr. and Mrs. John Hahlon returned home en Sunday evening from th?lr wedding tour. They are now domiciled at their beautiful residence In West Avoca. Thomas Herbert was a visitor In Wilkes-Harre yesterday. Miss H. O'Brien visited at Pittston last evening. !eovge W. Dunn, who was so badly Injured In the llalstead colliery In Dur yeaon Saturday, died the same evening at 8.30 o'clock In thp i.Moses Taylor hos pital, Peranum. His remains were tak li to the family home In Little York, from which place the funeral will tak? place on Wednesday afternoon. Ir.'terment In Marcy cemetery. C. J. Ruddy and J. S. Kosar. of Scrninton, spent Sunday with friends In town. .1. J. Dougherty, a student of the BalWmore Medkul college, returned yest?rdlay to resume his studies for the coming year. 'Itevs. F. Crane and J. O. McCabe? were In attendance at the forty hours' d.vot!on at PlltFton on Sunday. Herbert Addison was a visitor In Scranton Sunday. MONTROSE:. E. C. Fordham has passed away after many months of Intense suffering. The deceasrrd was a man of high stand ing and a consistent Christian. Ha ha3 filled many Important positions 1m pub lic life. For several years he filled the position aa postmaster In M-mtrcco during several Uepubllcan admi'iit. trations. JI? was for many yearn chairman of the Republican county ccmn.'lKf ?, and represented ihe firemcd as their chlf f enslnorr with credit. K was r.-u.'ser-jed of many sterling quali ties. It? leaves a widow and two chil dren. Henry Fordham, of iMontross, aid JMra. J. V. P. Quackenbush, of Scranton. Azur Lafhron, who hns been sick for a few daysv la much Improved. I.Mrs. Kllburn and son. Lawrence. Mips Anna Cromwell and nvald leave Mont tore Tuesday for thoSr Was-hlngtcu home. A. B. Smith and wife returned on Sat urday from. an extended trip thrcagh Cenada, visiting Niagara Falls and other plnces. iMifs Klwyn. accomFanlied by her uls ter, iMrs. Vldon. returned to Philadel phia this week. They . have been guests at D. K. Laihrop's. Misses Mary and Annlo Miller, Katharine 'nd Emily Llnderman were guests of Mrs. Charles Warner on Sat urday, at Heart lake. iTiu Sujique'tvanma county fair es ihlblts this week. Wsdnesday and Thursday. The great feature will be the baby show. About fifty babies have be?n entered, IMr. Stlllwell, of Scranton, was a guest at 'Rommont cottage over Sun day. Plies! Mies! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; Intense - Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be coming very sore. Bwayne'e Ointment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and In most cases remover the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for GO cents. Dr. Swsynt Son, Philadelphia. SUFFERED III with ' rheumau'fin. .May victims of thlj most painful disease will e.a.rcrly f.-an pite-'i linc'3 and bo glad to learn tr.it ther Is a positive cur; for It. Fit'J. tlicff. t.f C.rcer.ville, N. Y.. who suftt:d awfui'.y frcm ihiumaUnn. wr.'itesi "I was a gieat mffercr for f.ur or five ycais col cul l find no re lief fiom ths various medicines I took until Jarr.u KisLon rccomcnendcd DR. CAViD KEMfiEGV'S I usi-d. rr.d afi,-r taking bc.tleJ it cured m?. It is a great medl cin? and w.-ciis n s ire r.s coal d:irs In a loc.Totive. T!:l3 nr.e Jicin? has done mu. h ir me." i-iueli a retomr.vn Jr.. '.ion means that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Ktmedy cures. It is a never ".i.lirg speclilc in ri!i eases of t3 skia, liver, kidneys and bt:.J, the etsr.s and weakness pe culiar to w:.mrn. It err j scrofula. Fait rht um r.r.J t rys'pei;..-;. For ner vouor.LKS. Uhj at si; ... or that w irn o: f : iir.. it has r.j eiiJal. In ca.is cf djvpi-psia. gravel, P.ri-rht's di-rontw, diabetes up.l bladder tr.v.ibl.s, It h.ii cure rl wiieru ull och.T treatments have fulled. WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MICH, WI1KN PAID KOU. IN AIJ VANTE, WliliN- A HOOK ACC.'Ol'NT IS MADE, NO t'HAROE WILL UK LKS3 THAN 25 CBNT3. THIS Ill'LK AP PI.IKS TO SMALL WANT ADS. KX-CKI'-T SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AltK INSERTED FREK. Help Wanted Mala. ! A.Vl'KU-A (loon TOOL HHAltPENlCK. Inquire of IIL'ltKE RHUS. A UKNTS-MKM WAN'IT.D. AL.liF.ADY I travcll'H'. to carrv lulTleatinir oils us a S!(tO HWV JIAiMUf ACTLUtUS OIL, UU., ibveUnd, O. WANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN t every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; n monopoly; Mi; money lor agents; uo raiital required, EDWAHD C. F1S11 ft CO., torden block, Chicago. 11L CAI.FHMEN KKSIDENT SALESMEN wiuitcd, acquainted with tin local and ntorby dniir and .';rocary trade, ti handle our linn of liti.li i:rail eiirnrn. Adilreas, eivliiu refuronciH, J. KDWAHD COWLES ft Co., HU t'liamli'm utrent, N. Y. HeU Wanted Females. Orfpn HirTgff, Went Sido and Providence, Sa'ary 810 por weuk. FRANK P. SIcCAKTY 510 Laekananiia avenue. 1 VT ANT Kd'IM MEDIATELY TWO ENER ' V j:ot:c alefwomu to reprefnt us. Guaranteed $6 a day without Interfering with othpr dutlea. Healthful ordination. Writo for particular, inclnsinic stamp. Mango Chum leal ' 'ompany. No. 7 .lohn atreot. New York. Agents Wanted. OE.STS WANTED F.VEKYWHERE TO il cunvann for our New lloltdnr Juvnila nonkH, four ( hrietiunH liiautins; nell at biKlit; liberal terms. Aild'cxH bl'EClALTY. Hub Hlattun Na Z Phi.advlphla, l'a. AGENTS WASTED TO SELL CIGARS; t'ii per ironth aalarv and expenses paid. Addre. with two-cent stamp, F1UAKO CI GAlt CO.. (.'liicago. AUENTHjjTO HELL OUIt PRACTICAL (fold, unvor, niekfl and coppur electro platers: i rico from $:i upward; salary and ex jieDMPH pa d: ontlU true. ArtdiesM, with stamp, MICHIGAN UFO CO., Clilcimo. AGENTS TO SELL CIO A US TO DEALERS; $2 weekly and expenses; experience un necownry. e ON Si II. 1 DATED MFG. CO., Vau Buien St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LIKE; IB ppr cejt. cotnmisiion; sample book nitllfl fioe. Addrew L. N. CO., btatiou L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new liglitninit snlliuR tablo eloth, mos quito ami house tly liqnid at 10 cents nnd re ilH n to tie. Samplo lroa. UOLGIANO il'F'G Co., Baltim ire, Md. OK NTS III N DE' PATENT UMVlShV enl Hair Curlers ard Wavers Cns-il with out boat), nnd "Pyr Potntad"llalr Plus. Lib eral commissions. Freu sample and f all par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 4AU. Now York. YYanti d - active '""saLehmes to VV haudln our line, no iiediillng. Salarr, tTlper muutb and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, 5UUS, IloKton, Hasa Salesmen Wanted. YVANTKD SALESM-N - ENERGETIC V men to sell -roods by ssmpln nt lioine. rr trnvel; o;isv aaller; ft-iplo t e.-uls; liberal silarv or lined roinnii-sion. Address P. O. Box 11(21, New York City. OALKSMAN TO HELL DENTAL MEDI O rines to tho profissirn in tienintim and urronn.1inr towns. DliN'I'AL MEDICINE CO, llf-d Filbert street. I'liiladelnliia. Wanted. YVf ANTED A LA 1.(1 13 CNFCftN SHF.D. ? t nr pnrtlully fnrmsiiel rinim. with alcovo or Rmnll ro-.m r.tt.iclKil: Modern eoiivenioiieea; go d liK'iit; Kcniionin bi sii.o-u siot:o:i. Ad-ores-i K. A. I... 'Irilmni ollice. WAN I ED A PLA'I'FOltM WAGON TO c.irrv 1 SKI pout d, Adilres UL'EItN SF.Y rli( S.. 2 4 Wvoinnm nve.iti . For Kent. .-OB R:NT-STEVENKON FlitllT FARM, 1 ( lui'i.-'a O-t on, for a t-nn of yums. Ap ply to IIIioKtiE B. DAVIDfcON, Attorney, 51- Sn uej:.ti'n't. l.OIl EENT-FL'It ISHED liOCM. WIT It 1 cr witluur beard, bifllablj lor two por Bons. li2 Adu;ns nve. 7oK KENT- A 'l.ARGtT-l i-STtiltY" UVUiTloT J jtifr :a I vl Fra;.k!iu av. inio; Huitiblo for wbolesal bua.nehs. CAu-SON Hi DA VIES, hrrnnti.n. T'OH RENT-SIX ROOM IIOt. fiE ON WEST I Lac'cnwannn nveiuiM. Ail'iro: 1 H' MA:1 E. F.VAKS, i.enr 11:12 I.nxornn, llydo Par. T(Jl RKST-KICrLlf JUItNlhiiETniALli 1 auitaliio for u:iio looma JOilN JiuU WYN. I Its Wvoml'-" nvonn-i. tucci' fiotlc;s. NOTICE -ON AND AFTF.it MAY 1. 1 tv I I infl!:n A liii,nt!lltf (fine nf ll. fnll.itv. in? plncea civinr fr.o "p n nir adv. t-tiriiiir ox Inl.itions wi li ;lit sti'icop: Icm; 'j'eylorvitl'i, riyao r.r, I'rov.neneH. Li,eieion iiiyinatit, P.oUrill", Arelibad, Jerniyn. E&iiibiiioii'i Civen in V. Hmr. lay and Prlday m' o.u.i week clmil:(rtlo lni n'ill. tlio laics for a lvi'-ti-i n; an. : In per mo:itu. .ul rt a. II. (Ml. 'Ir bnne utile', oit ,' 'IUlK SOI DIll IN OUIt CIVIL WAK.'i I Von want tills relic. (Vntninti nil of Frank Ienlie'a tumimsniil War F;ct:ins.sliow int; the fotcH n aotnnl tiat tlo, aUntiueil o:i tli sutt. Tun Tolum., '-'.( U pictures hoM on easy nn.ntiilv p'lvn.ent'. Delivered by cx iresg complete. ll cl ari:ea prepaid. Address P.O. MOODY, Wi Atiams Ave., Seninlon, Pa. PLANIC JOCKOS PAJIPIILHTS, MAOA IJ tines, etc., bonnd or rebound at Til a TiiiBUNB oftico. Vuick work. Kcasoimbiu prieoa. nnual Meeting. rviOllCK-THE ANNUAL MEKTING OF ii tho members of tho Lackawanna Store Mc.ciatlnn. I. unit d. will lahuld at tho ofilco of thn apuocintioti, in the city of Scrautnn, on Wednesday, Oct. x, Duo, at i o'elock u. m., for the election of manasera for thj onsu m year and ler the transaction of stub other bcstmsi aa may properly come lieforo the meetlu. J. P. HIGGINMON. Bocrotary. Ecranton, Pa, Sept. 7. IMIS. . MONEY TO LOAN From 11,0 0 to $50,000 on real ti '.at la Lack wanna county. C. J. HELKES, IGENT, 311 LftCU. VE. PenoaTlvanla Mutual Aid Co. FAVORITE REMEDY wK-ch I usi-d. rr.d afl,-r taking five ill! p A PTMT ooolly f& Wallace THOSE m Sleeves "mm THE wry Latest I DIE A3 NO. :lS!)-ASTKACilAN A -J(-s :. .y:" " ' - Thihct Trimmed. $10.00. 0QNNOLLY & txccutrlx'a Notice. lsrATK OF KOQEIIT CARTER EATE OF I J tho boroui-di o( Jerniyn, c unty of I.ocka- uanai and atnte of roniisylvanla. l.ettoia testnkieiitiiry on tlio aboye named estate have iiitf 1 j"li uranted to the linilorri.'ncd. all per touH lavini; claims or demands against anid estati will present them for payment end those nik'bti'd thereto will pluaio muke lm mcdii .0 payment to HANNAH CABTER, Execatrix, Jetiuyn, Pa. 8. I PRICE, arney for Fstnte, Hcrsnron. Pa For Sale. FOR HALE-ll nEAD OP WF.LLBRBD tr ttinir and racins horses will be sold at auction the liilicKt bidder at tbe Scranton on villi rarlt, Tuuraday, Oct. lu, t KoclocK in the Aicrnmn. W. M JKI. M YN. Found. 1.-OUNt-ON J1Y PKEM1SE8 A KED AND white row, which tbo owner can have by paylns namnses. Dlt, A. 11. UliUNSTLI.N, Ash Btro-t anil Wei ster avenue. Situations Wanted. 4 . VMM V SITUATION WANTED AS FIlliST OLASa cook by a middlo-agod woman, 311) Hail road venae. CI Tu A Tib NWANT ED-B YA WOM . NTO O do wA.hinir or oftleo eleanimr or auy kind of work br the day. Address UBS. ('., 2o7 B. Mnin avoii.re, SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O rnarritd maD, bandy with toils and un derstands the care of torses. Address P, BERNE, UK) Vine atreet SITUATION WANTED Bt A YOUNU C? lady, in years of a;t, as typewriter and business correspondent; a irood penman; un derstands baokko?4n tuorouglily; quick and accurato at tirrures; ready to acetpt position at once; exeellent tefarunces. Address EX PEH1ENCED, Lli Lackawanna avtnue. BoY 19 Y EARS OF To K "WOULD LIKE a position nt any loKttimato business; beHt of reference (riton. Address THoMAU J. JONES, Duryoa, Pu VOU.M1 MAN WANTS WHITINa OF ANY 1 kind to do at hone. Addnsi W. F. B. 1'K! Cedar nvenue. I UlTCATION WANTtDBYA3 EXPEhT kit enced doubln-entri bookkeeper; best of references. Address H fl., enreTrihnneofftee. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DRTwiLLIAXi" a7 taJ't.orciilainT Prldse and Crown work. Oillce, WushinRton avenue, i cTc. laubach. surdkonISintist,' No. 115 Wyoming avenue. H. Rl. STUATTON, Ol't'lCK COAI. change. r : I'liysicians and Surgeons. DrTcT-KlTaAR-DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, Pu. (J list opposite Court Houso Square.) DR. KAY. 206 PENN AVE. ; 1 to 3 P. M. ; cull 'Mi. DIs. of women, obstretrlcs and und ull dls. of chil. bfi. A. J CONS ELI OFFICE Ml Waahlnpton aveniH1, cor. Spruce Btreot, over Krancke'a drug stioe. Residence, 722 Vine fct. Ofliec hours: 10.31) to 12 n. m. and 2 to 4. and (.30 to 7.30 p. m. Sun da. 2 to 3 p. m. DR." w7B.'rRI.Niil3 North Wa7h!ngTo"n DH. C. L. FRF.Y. lltACTICE LIMITED diseases of the liye, linr, No3e nnd Thront; ottiee, 122 IVyoming uvo. Resi dence. K!9 Vino struct. DR. L. M. OATES.I125 WASHINGTON avenue. Otlico hulls. 8 to 9 a. m., 1.3D to 3 and 7 to li p. ill. Residence 309 .MuUI ion avenue. i DRjTc. PATESONi PJCLI AIILR SKIN, Tumor nnd Cancer Bpocialiat. Tuesdiiys nnd Fridays, nt GOj Unden street. Of ilco boni s, 1 to 4 p. tn. Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors nt Lnw, Republican building, Washington' avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JESSUPH & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND (Jov-nsellors nt luw, Commonwcultli ouilUliiK, Washington tvenue. W. II. JKSSUP. IK lit A( 10 K. HAND. W. ll.iJES & WILCO H.iJESdUP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOP. ncyn mill Counsellors ut Law; offices i and 8 Library building'., Scrnnton, Pa. R'.'H'WFil.L 11. PATTHRSON. WILLIAM A.1W1LCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys mid Coniilellors. Common wealth buildltiR. liooiiis 19. to and 2L FRANK T. OKKLL, 'ATTORNEY-AT Luw. - Room 6. Coal L&chuiiKC, Scran kKFOlTK ATTORNEY-' ton, Pa. JAM MS V. OAl nt-Lnw, rooms 0J, til aim iw, Common, wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDO Ml, ATTOliNEY-AT. Imw. OlTicc, S17 Spruce nt., Scranton. Pa. l7a7 WA'TREbrl'6R"NKYAT-LAV," 423 Laeliiiwana nvc. Scranton, Pa. UKIB TOWNSENI), ATTORNEY AT Law, Dims Lank I'u.ldlng, Sersnton, Money to loan In larga nmns at G per ceiil. li. PITCH Kit? ATTORN E Y-AT liw, Coninionwoalth building, Scran ton, Pn, C." COMECIf 8. 321 SPRUCE STREET. br. ItEPLOC.Lll, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on rcul estate security. 4tll bpruco street. li. F. '" K I LL A M,""ATTO I! N F. Y-A T-L A 120 Wyoming nvo., Bcrrinton, Pa. JA9. J7 li. hamilton."attorn i.y AT luw, id Commonwealth bld'g. Hcranton. J. M. C. RANCK, 18d WYOMING AVft Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ATICHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scrnnton. B. lirWALTERrAHCin'iCTrOFlB rear of 606 Washlni ton avenue. LEWTS HANCOCK JR., ARCHITECT, 433 Bpruce st.,or. Wash, ave., Scranton, BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Hcrnnton. Loans. ti THB REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association wl;l loan you money on easier terms and i pay you better on uvvBiiiieiii uimi siiti omer association. Call on & N. Callehder, Dim Banll CAPE. NO. WALLACE, TRY US. 602-604 LACKS. AVE, COR. AD1RIS. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for co 11, to or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER li. BUELU MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN nnd School, 412 Adams avenue, opens 6ept. 9. Kindergarten $10 per term. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. G. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Mala ave nue; store telephoe 782. Miscellaneous. UAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store, MEGARGEE "BROTHERS,-PRINTERS7 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN & COK, WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postotlice. Agent for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK. liu avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR I) , U & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvlnff Place, New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of tho hotel cen ter in New York cltv. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICK than any nrst-clsss hotel in the world. Facing Central Park, 5m h and 69th sts., Plaza Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at fiSth St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal stntlon 6th ave. L ron.l within ' half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drlnk'.ns water and Ice used Is vaporized and frozen on tho premises, ana .tcrtilied ns to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES ('cntral Railroad o New Jersey. ( i.vliiC'i und uwtuojunn-t inv H.o.i' Anthracito coal used c.c1uuivj1'. Insur Ing cleiuiunesa aud couitui u ji-ue, iaui.k i.n r.r.t,Li' JUNE 2, 1S9J. Trains leave 8cranton for Pittsion, WilkcB-Barte, etc., at H.20, 9.1s. 11.3U a.m.. l.u, i.u.i, o.cj, o.cu. i.iu p. 111. bunuays, v.uU D. m.. l.Ort, 2.1.1, 7.10 p. in. For Atlnntlo City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark und Elizabeth, S.IW IHXpi'eSH) It. III., l.iM IrAplcS . . in l.,.i- fet parlor car), 1.03 (express) p.m. Sun uxy, 2.1a p. in. 1 1 li in leaving 1.23 p. in. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term Inn I, 0.21 1'. ni. nnd Ntw York fl.45 p. m. For JIauch Chunk, Allentown, Rethle. Iicru, Euston and Philadelphia, 8.2D a.m., I :'.t, 2.c.i, I'.iki (except l'luluik-lpli.a; p. m. Eunday, 2.15 p.m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grovo, etc., at 8.2c i. in., 1.2.1 p. ni. For Reading, Lebanon and Iiarrlsburg, via Aiit'iiiowii, :..lu a. in., l.-'J, b.du p. ui. Bundny, 2.1S p.m. I'nr l oitsvi.ie, s.SOn. m.. 1.73 p. it. Returning, leavo New York, foot of Mb. rty strout, North river, at 9.10 (express) a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.20 (express with BinTet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, I.OO a.m., 2.0U and 4.30 p,m. Sunday 6.27 a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had o'.i application In ad vance to the ticket 'igent at thn stntlon. II. P. BALDWIN. Con. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLITATTSRVJ. Gen. Pnpt. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, day. July 30, all trains wlllarrlv at new Lack awanna avenue station as roi'ows: Trains will leavo Scran- m i -u i-linndnle and In ton stnMon termedial points at 2.20. 6.45, 7.00, J M and 13.'0 a.m.: li.oo. 2.20, 3.56, O.lo, 8.113. 7.25, 9.10 U tt.lll.i li.W, and ii.w (p.m. For FaVvlow, at 7.00, 8. 25 and Waymnrf nnd Honesdnl 10.10 tt.m.,12.00, 2.20 and CIS For Albnny, Saratoga, the Adlrondacks ain) MontVenl at 6.46 a.m. and 2.20 p m. Kpr Wllkes-Barre and Intermedins: poliitS at7.4&, 8.45, 9.38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.0G, 1.20, S.38, 4,00. 5.10. 6.05, 1.16 and 11.38 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station fromCavbondale and Irtermedlate points at 7.40 8.10, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2,34, 1.40. 44, in.55, 7.46, til Hid 11.33 p.m. FronV Honesdaie, - Waymart and Far view at 9.3-1 a.m., 6.00. 1.17, 1.40, 6.56 and ?.46p.mVA . . i . r rom v Montreal. Saratoga, Aioany, nr., at 4.64 aY(j 11.33 p.fi. From ,tWllkes-Brre and Intermediate rolnts atJl.15, t.04.;10.- and U.BR a.m., Lit, 14, 1, i.10. lot, I.k. .ot and 11.11 p.m. MEW G01TS And Gapes 1 ARE HERB Ill KERSEY JACKET, Silk Lined, $16.00. 209 2ht0ZJms- UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12. 1895. Train leaven Scranton for Philadelphia) and New York via D. .- H. R. R. at .4f a, m., 12.05, 1.20. 2 38 and 11.38 p. m., via D-, U4W.R.R, 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. ro and l.M p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes Barre, via D L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 108, ll. a. m., 8.60. 6.07, 8.53 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha lleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the) Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. & W. V. R. R.. 6.40 a.m., via D. H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38. 4.00 p. via D., L. tc W, R. R. 6.00, 8.08, U.20 a, nu. 1.30, 3.60 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Boston, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points via D. & H. R. R-. 7.46 a.m., 12.06. 1.20, 2.38. 4.00, 11.38 p. m.. via D UtW.R, R 6.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. . iave scranton tor Tunkhannockt, T0- wanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. A H. R. R-, 8.4C a.m., 12.05 anu 11.35 p.m., via v., I 4k w. K. ti., b.us, . a.m., 1.3V p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D. A H. R. R., 8.45 a.m.. 12.C5, 9.15. 11.38 p.m.. via D., L. W. R. R. 8.50 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 8.41 p.m. Kor jiiimira ana ine west via naiamanca. ln n Sr H. R. R . 8 45 ai m.. 12.05. .0B n m . via V.. L. & XV. R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a.m., 1.30. .n, ft (17 n m l-unman parlor ana steeping or b. v. rhair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Uarre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHAS. S.LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt, Phlla., Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. GaB Pass. Art. South Bethlebem. Pa, Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1896. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points Bast. 1.40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.; 12.55 and 3.3 p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, PhlladeU phla and tho south, 6.15, 8.00 and (.66 a.m., 12.55 and 3.34 p.m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p.m. Toby tin nna accommodation, 6.10 p.m. Express for Binghamton, Oswego, EN mlra. Corning, rta'h. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.35 a.m., and 1.21 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points In the West , Northwest and Southwest. Kutli accommodation, 9 a.m. Binirhamton ami way stations, 1137 p.m, Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. ana 6.10 p. m.. Binghamton and Elmira Express. 101 p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswege) Utlca and Richfield Springs, 136 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Pittston, Wllkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North timbrland for Willlamsport, Harrlsburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. NortlmmDcrland and Intermediate sta tion, 6.00. 9.55 a.m. and 1.30 and (.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and intermediate stations, 8.06 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter m'dliue stati'.nis, 3.40 and 8:52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches OS all cxpres trains ...... For detailed information, pocket tlRM tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, cits' ticket ofiice, rv" Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket cilice. Eri and Wyoming Valley. Trains leavo Scranton for New York) a.id Intermediate points on the Erie rail road ut 1. 00 a. in. and 8.24 p. m. Also for llonosdnlo, Haw.cy and local points at 7.00, 9.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. All tlio above aro through trains to ans) from Honesdule. Train for Lake Ariel 5.10 p. m. Tri-ins leavo for Wllkes-Barre at 13) a, m. and 3.45 p. m. New York, Ontario and Western. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale nt Hi. a. in. nnd 6.10 p. m. For Hancock Junction nt lo.5T a. m. Trains leave Car bondale for Scranton at 7 o'clock a. m, and S.2!i p. m. Trains leave Hancock Juno tion for Scranton at 2.05 p. m. 1 OF SCRANTON. (Mil ' 2TG.00O Special Attention Given to Boslssss ud Personal Accounts. UTERES! PUD OX TIKE DEPOSITS. lino it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers