12 -i ! TIIE SCltANTON -TBIBUjnJ SATURDAY H03NXNG. SEPTEMBER 28, 1893. GARBONDALE. FOOT BALL SEASON OPENS. School of Lackawanna and Csrbondale Win School to Contest. This afternoon at Alumni park the foot ball season for 1895 will open In Carbondalii There la areat intret taken In the sport In this city and no doubt a larne crowd will turn out to ?e the same. The game will probably e very exciting, as the eleven are evi dently equal, althoush the Oarbondale team will average somewhat heavier than the visitors. What will add more Interest to the eame la the fact that several of the youna; men from this city who attend the School of Iarka wanna will play against their own town. The game has trained a great foothold In this city and this opening pame should be wpII attended In orxKr to irlve eneouracement to the players. Nothing discourages the game as a poor attendance. The sxtme will commence at 3.30 and the teams will line up as follows: Lackawanra Phillips, center: Bell, rlsht guard: Watts, left guard: Pond. rltit tackle: Ellis, left tackle: Ruther ford, right end: Clark, left end: Crane, quarter: Abbott, right tialf Lynch, left half: Brown, full back. Oarbondale Kelly, center: Horkenberry. right guard: P. Utley, left guard: Whltelook, right tackle; O. Olllis. left tackle; John son, right end: 8. Rettew, left end: Forbes, quarter; Rendleton. right half: F. Murrin, left half; J. Murrln, full - HOSPITAL FINANCES. Ths Report of the Last Quarter Read at ' .Meeting of the Board. At the regular meeting of the board of hospital trustees there were present (Messrs. Walker, Norton. Jones, Moses. White. Shepherd and Scott. A number of bills were presented and ordered paid. There was also some dis cussion as to the complete cementing of the cellar, over which there has been considerable trouble. The quarterly report of the treasurer ending Aug. 31 was read by Mr. Scott. The report was ndopted and then sent to Harrisburg. The report Is as fol lows: From sundry contributions. JS37.72: payments for fire extinguishers, N5; awning. 1-8: pa'intln fence, 70; balance due on new addition. $150: bal ance due on architect's fee. $28: due for adjusted balance on new gas machime, $57. The maintenance account was as fol lows: Contributions, $1,700; from pay and part pay patients. $f2: frcm state appropriation, $796: paid out for gro ceries, $315; for lighting, $41; repairs, $132: medical. $164: surgical. $60; sal ories. $525. The expenses were thus placed at $2,938, with the receipts at $3.1S9. Why the lntter account was ac tually received. It covered the collec tions for it nearly the entire year, as many of the accounts were Just paid. The poo r rteo.nrtment has so-ne patients there, and they are all paid at once, as re many others. WON'T SIGN PAPERS. Tho Mayor Refuses to Affix Ills Name to Three Measures. Mavor Hendrlck has refu??d to put his name to three resolutions.-which were given, with several others, for him to sign. The reason for bis re fusal was because he was unaible to decipher them, and could not make out their exact contents. 'He accordingly marked the three, "Returned without approval because they are unintelligi ble and indefinite. Please have the rrolutlirs drawn In such a manner that there will toe no question as to their meaning." Injured Mis Foot. While working In the Hemirlek Man ufacturing company's shops. George Pchermerhorn. a rrachlnlPt employe at t:-it place, met with a very painful ac cident, which will keen him from doing ary work for some time. 'Mr. Scher merhjrn was engaged '!n moving a large casting by the aid of a chain tackle and a bar of iron, w'.iich was fastened to casting, dropned out and the piece of machinery fell on bis foot, bruising it badly nlove the ankle and also near the ball of the foot. lied to Reset the Wrist. Dr. Reed Hums, of Scranton, w In town yesterday attending James N'eal on. the son of Mr. and ftlrs. I. D. Xealon, of South Church street. The lad some time since broke his wrist. The fracture was reduced, but on ac count of a Jar received during the "knitting" period, the wrist was crook3d. It was necessary to brpak It again and reset It. It fa thought hat the result will be favorite. Ir. Burns was assisted by Dr. Olllis, of this city. The Injnries Not Serious. The many friends of Edward Dough erty, who was hurt at No. 1 colliery Thursday, will be glad to hear that the Injuries received by him are not thought to be serious and he will event ually recover. Dr. Oillis. of the hospi tal staff, examined the unfortunate man and he says that unless some diffi culty develops, which he cannot yet see, he will get well. Joseph Rush rtead. jorpph, the Hfc-year-old child of .Mr. r,d Mrs. Adam Bush, of Simpson, died t(hh mom'itiig aifter a short Illness of etole.ra Infantum. Tb? leas of the child Is dseply fM 'by the parents, who have .the sympathy of a large number of fronds. The funeral will fce h?ld today at S.30 o'clock. Interment will be made In Maplewood cemetery, r Mr. Bowers Is Not Peud. , Thursday It was reported around the streets' that Superintendent William Bowers, of the Delaware and Hudson rr.'.ne department In this city, had dropped, dead from heart trouble at Sa ratoga. This report Is false. Mr. Bow ers hat been In Saratoga for some time for his 'health,, which now Is much bet ter, and he rs expected home soon. i i Death of Maggie ticrrlty. Mr. and Mrs. James Clerrlty, of Pow derly road, .are called upon to mourn the death of their 9-months-old child after a brief Illness of cholera Infantum. The parents have the sympathy of the people living In that vicinity. The fu neral was tield yesterday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Interment was made In Bt.. Rose cemetery. Improvements at No. I. The (Delaware and Hudson company are e.bout to make some much needed Improvements at No. 1 plane on the gravity road. The excavations and masonry are almost complete for a ne w lxInllDohon ta Obi Way Is. hgHs (mm, engine house, and a new pair of en gines recently built at the machine shops will be placed In It. 'These, en gines were built complete.' with the ex ception of the bed ptate and cylinder, at the latter place, and are tine pieces of mechanism. The new head house will be built nearer the top of the plane, which will add to Its conveni ence. - ' PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. William Atkinson, one of the oldest resident of this city, who short time ago resigned his position of watchman for the Delaware and Hudson company, whloh he had' held Tor many years, reached hla seventieth 'blithday yes terday. The event was celebrated by a family dinner at his home. No. 24 Klver street, after watch he was pre sented with a handsome gold-headed ebony walking stick. It was a happy occasion for all pre nen't. but chiefly for the reclpetnt of t'he honors, who Is very proud of hU family of affectionate children. Those at the dinner were: A. Isger and family, W. C5. Atkinson, of Susquehanna; J. B. Atkinson and wife, Mrs. Hannah (Leonard, George P. Mills, JUmes A tkinson and family, of Phila delphia; Jjseph Hammule and wife, of W'lkes-Barre; Kd Atkinson and fam ily, anil William Thomas and wife. Miss Mlnnte Weston, of Nantlcoke, Is visiting friends on South Church street. Fred RappeK and his lfttle daughter. Ruth, of Honesdule, spent Wednesday wii'h Mr. and Mrs. William Kenworthy. Joseph JkHfsett deft yesterday for Hml'tlmore, where he will enter as a student for the four years' course In the Baltimore College of Physicians nd Surgeons. He is a popular young man of ability, and a host of friends wieh him success In his chosen profes Elon. A surprise party was tendered to Alexander Tulley last evening by a few friends. Dancing was Indulged In and a good time In general enjoyed by all. Among the persons from this city who attended Me Wayne county fair nt Hor.'?sdale Thursday were: Morgan Reese. Joseph Proctor. James It. Mc Tlghe. Joseph Krauts. Frank P. Brown, James Boylan, Frank 'Walsh, James J. Gorman, James MoLoughlin, Rich ard Moran and Thomas Scott. T. M. Plerson. of Boston, assistant riond chief of 'the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, was In this city yester day. WlUI'-.m Margins, a tudent at Pi'.rcudsburg State Normal school, who attended the wedding of his brother on Wednesday, has returned to his fc' turtles. The Mioses Clara Dcyle and Lizzie Mojies spent Thursday In ScMnton. Superintendent Smith, of the Jeffer son division, removed his family yes terday from their home In Flmlra to Thompson, a quiet little .village be tween here and Susquehanna. Mr. Sm'.th will make his home In that place, and will ride up and dawn the division every day. Policeman Bell Is on leave of ab et nee for ten days. Sidney Blrkott, of this city, called on friends In Wilkes-Barre yesterday. William Bowers, the merchant, Is a't Lake Ariel today. Miss Bertha Lockwood, of Waymart. Is vliitlng the family of H. S. Vail, on Park -street. William Massey and Oeorge West lake left for their respective homes Thursday. Miss Anna Loftus. of Scranton, who has been vlalitlng friends In thia cfty the paat week, returned to her home yesterday. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Whiting, of South Church street. Is 111. Dr. D. L. Bailey left yesterday after noon for New York city. He Is ex petCed home tonight. Mrs. A. Mies wm In Honcsdale visit ing frionds ye-iterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Relgeluth. of Salem avenue, v!?iied friends In Blnghamton ThiKaday. M'lrt'ha Lannon, of Susquehanna, Is visit i-nff at the Arlington house, on Dundaff s treet. O. W. Bly. who was taken suddenly 111 WedneEily evening. Is Improving. Miss Minle Cannon, of Pike street, r'ja re':vrned to her home after a few cays' visit w'liii friends In Providence. Wl'ili'-tm Oft'leby will raffle off his hjrycle, upon which he has bee-n sell ing chances, next week. Mips Eugenia Smith, of Ninth ave nue, apent yesterday at Honrodale, viewing the sights at the Wayne coi:nty fair. Charles W. Perkins, vho was operat ed upon for appendicitis Tuesday, Is Improving. Relief In Six IIoiim. Distressing Kidney and Rlad'ler diseases relieved in six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise on oeount of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidney, bark, and every part of tho urinary passages, in male or fe male. It rel'eves retention of water and pain in passing It almost immediately. If you want qu'ek relief nntl cure this 's your remedy. Sold by C. M. HarrlB, Drug gist, 120 I'enn avenue, Scranton, Pa. ARCHIBALD, The first of the literary meetings that Aivhbald llfc.-e company 'Intend to hn'it during the wln'ter was conducted In the base rc m.? on Thursday evening bi fora an audience consisting of nearly every member of 'the ervmpany, and sev eral Invited guests. Tfle exei'drs w.tb C',-( ned vlih a selection by Oilroy's r-ri'.icitra and then President Blake In troduced 'Rev. T. J. Ocmrrford. px-'tor of St. Thomas' church. Father Comer fot'd rpoke of the self-s.ierlflee of the firemen and commended their efforts to Improve their tnlnds. He encour aged uhem In their good work, and promi'cJ toasslit vhem In their under taking. Rcv. T. P. McNally. of Hyde Pork, who accomranled Father Cnm c.ror.1, em -deilvcfed an entertaining addrc-M, ond make many uiTgeftiotui. which will be of use to the firemen.' At th? cnnuu'jion of their remarks a vote cf thanl.s w. 'tendered to the reverend gentlemen. Thomij Law read an In teretiirig hWIcry of the literary socie ties cf Ar-.'rtald, from the earllut times, all of whit i:i was embraced In the life time of t'iie historian. Brief addresses were a.'iso made by President John J. Lancan nd Mfsyrs. K. A. Jones. H. C. Llndet man. William and Henry Myers, William Klees, W. H. Blake. M. J. Mc Andrew and Hon. A. F. McNulty. All the addresses were filled Avlth encour agement for the flremrn, and many val uable suggestions were given. The of ficers of the literary society are: Pres ident. W. II. Blake; vice president, T. J. Kleltyi-ecieitary. H. C. Llnderman; l'hratian, Henry Myers; entertainment o imrrVtee, Jrhn J. Lanparv Henry Myers, Tiicmas J. Kielty, K. A. Jones and H. C Llnderman. Mrs. J'ohn Cavuna.ugh, cf Scranton, visited relatives here on Thursday af ternoon. MIfs Jennie Williams, of Green Ridge, was In town yesterday. ' Miss Mamie Foote and Delia Coyne and John A. Fonite, M. R. Gllroy. A. J. Cawley, M'art F. Cawley, Thomas Lof--tus and John Broaan attended a party In &.'rar.i:on' Thursday evening. CLAR K'B 8U MM IT. . MATS' teel will open a mllltner shop In Wheeler1!! furniture t'tore, on Ont. 11. . John F. King and Mrss Ruth Qulnter were married at James Ball's on Wednesday night test. Mr. King took tits bride to hla home. Tho coollal he id trn the Methodist drbl'ioopal church was a, success In every -way. The Electric StarBand furnished exeeller.it music. ' ' t-. 'Ben nont Is Improving from hla fall. Miss Hattle Hunter, of Scranton, was at the candy social Thursday night. . . Mrs. Charles Symons Is home again, after being absent 'to Uo;)w a v.-eck. PITTSTOll. WRECK ON THE VALLEY., Am Engine and Ten Cars Oi nped Into the Lcklsh. A very oo-tly wreck and yet very fortunate In t-hat there was no loss of life occurred on the Lehigh Volley railroad at noon today at a point ner Stony Creek, a small station be low White Wavn. A loaded frieght train wus bound from Packerton to Coxton. The engineer saw a large tree falling on the track about 2U0 feet ahead of him. He reversed the lever, ehouted to the fireman, and then both Jumped. F.rtunaflely they escaped se rious Injury. The other trainmen saw the danger and also saved themselves by Jumping. The train dashed on and crashe-d Into the obstruction with such force that the engine and ten cars heavily leaded with merchandise were thiown over ithe embankment into tho Lehigh river. . The train, In falling, destroyed the telegraph line, and news of the wreck was therefore very meagre. The en gine which pulled the wrecked train was 442. The tracks were blocked, and express tiain No. 1. due here at 1.48, wa- delayed for several hours. The crew of -ihe wrecked train are from M'jjjh Chunk. . FUNERAL OF MRS. STROII. Laid at Rest in Pluston Cemetery Venter- . day Afternoon. The funeral of the late Mrs. Janet Stroh occurred' from the family home, on Church street, yestetday. and was largely attended, the decsed lady having been promlner.tly known throughout the valley, and having a wide circle of Intimate friends among nil religious demmlnatlons. Rev. O. C Lyrran, pastor of tho Broad Street Method's! RpUropal church, conduct ed the funeral services, and he was as sisted by R?v. T. C. Sm th. of the Wiat Side, and Rev. J. B. Summer, of Nan tlcoke. A quartette composed of Miss Ida Speece. Mrs. K. S. Miller, T. R. Staley and Arthur Matthews rendered several br-autlful and appropriate hymns, and Miss Mary Hastle. of Avoca. sang a touching rnlo. as did also Rev. J. B. Sumner. The remains were then borne to Plttston cemetery nr j interred. The tall-bearers were: W. S. Slmrnon, Thomas Lance. J. L. Hunter. William It. Allen. James McDonald and Sam uel Oardner. The following out-of-town people were In attendance: Mis. F.llna Stroh, Reading; Samuel and Stella Stroh, Sun bury; Mis. Rebecca Craig and Mrs. H. Zang, Danville. TIIE NEW WILLIAM A. Will Ro Started t'p. Full Foree, Next Tuesday .Mornlns. The new William A colliery, which has arisen phenlx-llke from the ashes of tho brenker destroyed by Are at Duryea, h"t February, Is about com rieted. and the officials of the Connell Coal company announce thait It will be sti ted up full froee next Tuesday morning. The workmen who were thrown oul of work when It was burned down, and those whihave been working at neigh boring collieries, are getting their tools hack inito the mines, and when the breaker starts up Duryfa ought to en joy a big boom. The greaker Is one of the largest In the valley, and will employ a very large force of men. TWO HOSPITAL CASES. Peter . Valknskio nnd Thomas Walsh Admitted Yesterday. Thomas Walsh, a well-known young man of Hughestown, employed as a la borer at the Phenlx coll'ery, was quite painfully Injured yesterday morning by being squeezed between two cars. He was taken to the hospital. Peter Valkuskie, a young Polander residing at the Junction, was painfully but not seriously burned by an explo sion of gas at the Twin thaft yester day. Council Meeting. A cpczlal meeting of the common council was held last evening for the purpose cf receiving the report of the auditing committee, and the meeting e'nded in great confusion. All the bills rerouted favorably were approved, wlih the exception of Health Officer James Tighe'g bill for three months' services, at $50 a month. Councilman Lewii moved that this bill be rejected, and Council mam Lynott moved that It be paid, and. upon i.he vote being taken, It was found that nine we re for payment and eight agaln.-t. As there were only sixteen membiM present anmther ballot was eaJiel fnr. The vote wm apiin 9 t3 8. Councilman MriDono-ugh moved that the meeting adjourn, and, upon 'the aye and nay vviie 'being taken. Chairman Buss p.nn (iinrcd that the ayes had it, und immediately those oppevted' to ad journing were on f.itlr feet, raising ruction, wliiie the ti.heis filed quietly ou: of the room. Victim of Foul Ploy. County DtiieclAe Kckeit was In town Thurst'ay Inve.l.lKatlr.i the case of the lender. Iet.os Slmcsx!'?x, w hose body ai found on the Lehlf h Valley tracks Sunday morning. Mr. Eckert believes ii'.iat he was the vLtlm of foul play. Thu.roJay nlgl.it he arrested two Pre l&rder suspected cC the crime, and today ae will have the b-dy exhumed for '.he puipe.ie of holding an autopsy, lo be conducted by Dr. C. J. Barrett. NEWS IN BRIEF. fThe Pittston odlee of the Scranton Tribune Is located at No. G William street, whcr4 all advert sements. orders for Job work and items for publ'eutlon will re ceive prompt attention. Office open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J The People's Wtuier company1 yester day begjn pumping water from the river It.'.i lM.3veral reservoirs, to, guard aair i' n. pos'ilhle water famlhe. i'.ie waier In Spring Jtrook Is very lew, but Is yeit sufilcleirit to supply con sumers. Ci;.'arles Wlirums, the Insurance agent, will move Into hla handsome nc.v residence, on William street, In a few weeks. Mia. Williams la spending It is Known By Its Cures It b not what we $ay, but what Hood's Sarsapatllla does,, that talis tha story of Its merit. ' ' " Tbs thousands of. people whom It bis raised from dlscaso'aud dsjpalrto happl- nois and health, art tho strongest and best advertisements Hood's BaruparflUi has. No other prepurttion iq existence his such s record of wonderful cures. . This Is why Hood's Birsaparllla hoi the largest stle, and requires for ttf produc tion the largest laboratory in the world. , Now it you need good medicine, why not try that which bis don others to much foody Remember , ' U. Hood's Saroaparllla Is the Onfi: -; True Dlood Purifier Prominently Id the pnblle eye, fl HOod PillS MSTr' Highest of all in Leavening Power-. Latest U. S. Gov; Report MM IV mm m. m w several weeks at her former home, in Bloomciburg. Mrs. Hoth. who has been missing from home, returned yesterday. This mornlns. the weather perm 1 1 t Inge, the mimibra of St. John the Evan gelist church choir will enjoy ' straw ride to Lallas. where they will spend the day, taking dinner at Itaub's hotel. The choir, as present constituted, is as fcillows: Miies B. Langan, Mar garet Kearney, Mary Joyce, Margaret Joyoe, May 'Keating, Anna Cawley. Misj A. Cavaraugh, Anna Clark, Clara Collier, Margaret McCormlck, Mary Donnelly, Alice Donnelly. Mary Tighe. Margaret M'o'Dermott, Margaret Rut ledge and Joh-snna McCue; Messrs. James P. Uulivr.an, M. E. Oolden. James Kelley, Frank Gillespie, Thomas Kelley, P. J. Ktirns. James MoKalg, Jx'an Allen, William Devanly. William Titlay. . Ctam CoM's hor.-e, "Denamore,' easily carried off the titii; prise, $l.0d0. In the 2.21 class, pacing race, at the Allen town fair, Thursday. Morg Perrln drove the horse to victory. A large crowd of people from this place went to Vllkes-Barre last night to see William Barry In the "Rising Generation." This great comedy waa doubly ' attractive to Pittstonlana on this occasion by the appearance of J'ames Cavanaugh, a former Plttston boy, as the tenor soloist, and leader of the quartette. Cviunty Detective I. O. Eckert wa In town yettefday. Anthony Hoi an, Ine superintendent of the Pennsylvania Coal company, w-ho now resltfcj at Dunmore, will. In the near future, remove to this- place with hi. family, occupying their former home, on South Main street. YeJ:er('ay being a Jewish fast day, all our merchants of that faith closed their stores from 6 p. m. last evening ur.tll 6 p. m. this evening. The game of foot ball between Pitts ten and Wyoming teams announced to take place this afternoon, has fallen thi'.iifkh, and, Instead, the Plttston boys will p..iy the Kingston team on the lat ter's grounds. PU'Ston lodge, No. 94. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, mot lafit' night nnd elected the following officers: John P. Jcnes, nolil? grand: Oeorge Stabll, vice grand: John Clark, assistant seci reitary; William H. Rendle, representa tive to the grand lodge. Plttston lliislncss Director. Foil FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINO 'CALL on Wright & Co., W South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. OLYPHANT, Rev. H. J. Morgan, who has been pas tor of the Presbyterian church at this place for the past five months, left tha forepart c? the week for Auburn, N. Y., to ar-iume a two years' course at the theologkal seminary there. The class of '95 will give their first r.-Mlal In their rooms In Irving hall on Tuesday evening. Oct. 8. .Mr. and iMrs. W. J. Schubmehl have returned home aftfr an extended .visit at Leroy and Danville, N. Y. George Davia, of this place, and Miss Nellie 'Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. (Morgan, of Carbnndale, were united In marrlatre at the Calvln latlo Methodist church Thursday even ing at 6 o'clock. The 'brld? waa attired In a gown of Nile green casbmere, wl'th point lace' trimming. Her attendant, Mlsa Ettle Ely, was charming, dressed In cream silk. The groomsman was Edward Parry, of this town. After the nuptials the wedding party were driven to the bride's home at Cai'bondale, where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were recipients of many useful and handeome presents. Yesterday afternoon a majority c4 the liquor dealers of Olyphamt met at the council re.cms'and effected a tem porary orgar.'lxatlm knewn ns the Oly phant Liquor Dealers' Protective asso ci'ition. The e'bjei't of the organization! N to protect Ihe Interests of the liquor dealers in all forms In regard tt li censes and other ways. The following officers were elected: Thomas P. Jones, pi?r.'ldfint; Joseph A. Dolnhln, first ve president; iMI'chael Bnak. t scond vt?e-pier-'dtTit: ,Ia.!nc3 T. fa'iti, cos. pnondlng and recsce'lni r:'?retary: M. J. O'H.i'lfran, financial actv:ry: James W. O'Brijn, treaiurer: Antol Olllnskl, Frrgeamt-at-aimB; Jchn J. FarMen, mfmher of rtate cfnmtttee. The dele gr.Of mamed to atter l the state, con vention Were: Thomas P. Jors. R. M. Owti.ia. Jrn.'ph A. Dr.'phln; al!eirates. Jhn ff wallow, iM. Ecuak and M. J. O'Holloran. J. L. Knapp and T. M. Voyle have re turn?'! after a trio through Now York state aljng the Hudson river on their wheels. De'Vntt Melxell. of Wllkes-Earre, waa a caller In town Thursday. HAU STEAD. 1 There were four fires -jint night: three were on ihii side c--I or.j In Oreat Eond, and ach H suppored to be the woik of an Incendiary. The first wai at the stor of C. J. Langley. which occti.red a'oout 1 o'clock. A large rmour' of wat? was plar?d under the stora, but the fire wa dlroovered by Mrs. tia'.t'i.vln. who 'is vialtlng at Mr. Dayton's, and put out before much ('ami te w.-.'j done. The fecer.d was the Are In Great Eend. end the bulldlnj wni the store of P. D. Clauss. The r.'oxt wai en attempt to burn Curran'i sal on Tn 'P'-.e street, but th's was dis covered and put out also. The fourth and most oerinus of the fires was the burr 'ir.1! cf the tcl 'hop ef I. M. La thrrip, on Chase avenue. All of his car penter tonlq and hU ibirycle were de stroytd. The loss Is $200; Insurance, $100. On Dayton avenue a email fire oc EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO.. 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. The stork w pnrrbascd rt the 'herjfTs Sale at Hszlct.n, Pa. our (Me tlnco iip-nliis, proved more st'sfctry tbsa we thought. h b" crowd on Monday ws enorroomly lui ge, nd rnrrird nwsy the Bsrssins, and the (toes which is left we'll dispoae o! at your own i rires. Sale all week at the MIowIdc prlce: I case Dress Ginghams, gross price, 1 emits. ' Our Pries, 3M Cants 1 ease of t'nbles hul brown Cotton, 4 4. heavy, for tbo-tlug noiy, gross price, I osBt Our Price, 4li Cent 1 ease I necked Crash, all Hnn. troas price. ' 10 cents, ' Our fries, 9 Cents I esse Bleached -Towels, by toe pott, Mused, gross pries, cents, . . Our Pries, 10 Csnts lraM$4 Bleschsd Mohawk Mas1in.sr.M4 -prio nicest. - Out PHee, 12HrCsntft A (rest sals for the me, of every hoossbokl 1 ess of Turkey Red Covers, sites 8x4 sod . 10x4, gross price. 11.00 and H SU. - Our Prlas, BOe. and Mo. . Fast Turkey tied. mi n goods mi; mi moan ' ' "1 t 516 LtvneM MmW m PUCE curred on Friday afternoon. It was a burn belonging to 'Mrs. Gannon. The blase was put out before much damage was done. Our fire company respond ed quickly to aeh of the alarms and uoceedcl In saving a number of dol lars' worth of uroperty. .Mists Kate Driucoll, of this place, and Edwin 'Roe, of Norwich, were married in St. La wro.ice thuich in Oreat Bend on Wednesday "by Rev. Father Fagan. Mrs. Coney, c Great B?nd, di'jd on Thursiay evening of heart failure. The funeral will take pli.'e this (Sat urday) morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. B. F. Bernstein is visiting at Narraeansttt Bay. HONESDALE, The postponed heats of the t.iS claps trotting and pacvr.g, was run at the fair .grounds yesterday morning. Honeodat.ans, h- wever, had lost most of their Interest m the race by the withdrawal of Kitty Cloud. The race resulted In a victory for Mac Clcairy, t). s., driven by Leonard, of Forest City; Starlight, Hunt Bios.. Florida, N. Y., second, and Nellie B., Pat lemon. Oar bordale, third. The heat was trotted In 2.34.. One of the gfe&'t draiwbacks vr.-i nuitttmce-s cf the fair was the number of gambling devices being cnerated and the gambling on the track. These thing should not 'be allowed. Fred Cray, an employe of Wh''nev Pres.. had some of his fingers crushed by letting a heavy stons fall on them while wurktr.'j near his home on upper West street. Rev. F. 11. Whlrcome, r-f St. Luke's church, Rhode Island, will preach in Grace church Sunday. Joseph Matthews and wife and daughter. Miss Lulu, and 'Mrs. James Van Wormfr, who have been summer Ins near Honesdale, leave for their home In Cleveland today. Miss Ml da Atkinson, of Hawtey, has been the guest of iMkss Louise Harden bergh for a few days. A game of ball was played on the silk mill grounds yesterday afternoon between a Port Jervis club and the Amltfced, which resulted In a victory for the fori Jervis team. Score, 9 to IS. The Port Jervis ibatttry was imported frcm Patersnn. and twi other crack players helped to 'make up a very strong team. Mm. W. iM. Gardner and son, Perry, t.aye returned frcm an extended visit with relative's at Danville. 'Miss Mary Ryan, a former bookkeep er for. Menner A Co., entertained the employes cf the Arm at her home on Wednesday evening. The funeral of Edward Penwarden took place frcm his home at Promp ton yesterday afternoon. NEW MILFORD. 'Mrs. John Levervieh and Mrs. A. King, of Blnghamton, are stopping at the Jay House. Sportsmen from Blnghamton, Hop bottom and Hrushvllle participated with the New Mil ford Oun club In the clay pigeon shoot at this place Friday afternoon. Clyde Pratt won the lau rels: George Gillespie, second, and L. H. Pratt, third. Rev. Mr. Kelly, of Toronto, 'Is assist ing in conducting religion meetings at the Methodist Episcopal church this week. It Is expected the meetings will continue next week. Landlord Stone, of Hopbottom, was present at the mud pigeon shoot Fri day. Professor Edson A. Ttenson. of South Olhjn, was calling on friends in town Friday. . Kirkwood and New Milford Base Ball clubs cross bats this afternoon on the latrer grounds. Mrs. F. A. Abrams and Miss Lizzie McLaughlin, of Scranton, are visiting frlerds at Nicholson. The attendance at Harford fair Thursday was exceedingly large and display of rioeks. vegetables, etc., was of' the usual high standard. The ad dress of welcome by Hon. Oalusha Grow was a nleasart feature, and the notable sobriety and general good feel ing of the large attendance was In keeping with the usual custom of this fair. The Hallste td Cornet band fur nished a fir. variety of music. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth, Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the-Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. He sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Are You a Victim of Any or AD of Them? Thinking people know that the very Cheap things are really the most expen sive. The treatments given by Dr. Smith and staff, the magnetic physicians, arc neither the very cheap nor the very expen sive, but are the most reasonable In price and curable effects. Therefore the most economical you can possibly nnd. Years of practiral experience and the latest and best methods known are brought' to bear on all chronic diseases treated by those doctors with the most remarkable results. There are many people In your midst who bless the day they eommeneed tak ing magnetic treatments. If you suffer from a chronic disease of any kind call and cunsult Dr. Smith at S05 L'nden street. Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday of each week from I to 6, Tuesdays, 9 to 9, 2 esses of Bnmmer Balbrlggsa Mon's TTn. . derwear. Is all qualities, gross price, tto., tic and Mc.. nor Prloe to Clots Out Entire Let 20o MeWn Men's Whits Cnlatmdrled Shirts, pare lines bosom, doable front end back, (row price, 6V e iota, Our Pries, 29 Cents H dozen of Ontlng Shirts, In ell qoalitiei, gross price. SSo.. Wo.. fiUo., Sic. and 73c. . We will saaks a - sweep on the entire lot and let her go at 29 Cants Your Choice HOSIERY-! prices will hold rood . fur all this week. 6:0 pair Men's Socks : st 0c, WroM price, 10c ! 4 pairs Ladln' Faat Bck Hose, aross prka, 10 rents,' gur Price. Sc.) I dozen' of French Jbrlggsa Half Ross, and Fast Black . ssr. gresi pries, 24 cents. I;;.'- f Our Prloe. 12M Cents - Ladle' Vests at one half leas taan elsewhere, Be careful sad call. ' ' wi'9 JM3l to our Wu8hburnCro8by Co. wiat to assure their (Mfsry Mft rons that they will this year hold to their cssstosa of milling STRICTLY OLl WHEAT UDUIwuroe is fully cured. New wheat to now upon the sftarket. and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it h already cuixdT Vn in fwper condition for milling. Washburnrosby wlEltak. no risks, and will allow the new wheat UraUyTthnl months to mature before grinding. ' This careful attention to every detail of smilUaa: haa placed WtshburnCrosby Co.'s flour tar aOTether brands. .. , HABGEL Wholesale Agents. WINDSOR BRUSSELS fflfI51WBfMCB!5,llflI,U;i j-v. i:f mi iiiri c- iiTif csi hip laiuai uuaif 11 mm 1 111111 iiiv.. ntAP 1AH4VN NMrf J.! AassM 1 . 1 11 1.a for wearing qualities and perfection of finish. Awarded Throe Prizo Modals - ..:. s f .w ' - Tn InTirlnri. A1n Piret sterdam, Sydney, Melbourne, Calcutta, Philadelpl Dublin and Christchurcli. Price, $ 1 - per yard. INSPECTION INVITEI SOLE AQENTS KERR, SIEBEGIIER & 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilori HOISTING UW PUMPING UACHIKcHT. BOTH STORES CLOSED FUN IN THE PANTRY Of nnr Clothinor Deoartment (Y. M. C. A. Buildtn You can buy good Pants of .ui for a dollar; You'can't imagine how good, but you can tell exactly by coining and looking at them. They're not made 'ot" cbeese cloth, mosquito netting, barred muslin, or dotted swiss, but they're made of Pants cloth goods made of cloth to make Pants of. You can buy better Pants for $1.25, 5i-50 $i-75. $2.00, $2. 25. You can buyv fine Pants to morrow and the next day and the next-and today for $3.00, $3.25, $3.75 and $4.75, And in Every Pair of Pants We Sell There's a Silver Lining Left In the Shape of a Beautiful Souvenir. ' Yes ! Just Like We Sell Furniture We Sell Clothing-CASH OR CREDIT Get what you want and pay' as. you can. FOR THAT TIRED FEELING We have secured one of a couch, 26 inches wide, hint. frinoo trimn.iiior triat touches near the floor and m springs to make it soft. -1 . r 1 . -1 main aouDtiui umu you and larger, $10.00. 87c: Velvet Carpet Economy Velvet' - 335 And 37 Y. M. C. A. Building, mmmmmmmmmmm9 patrons: annvp n,TQTfri 1 arnr in t .... S L. hV .4 Ma eV H.MsV,BSl wiiii iHiiurii 1 ihhii u. Kuiiiiii ; ' v. Pri( in "RraAfnrA Parte v FOR SCRANTON. PA- Mamifaotwrere of OeoersJ Offlcat 1 5CRAKT0N SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. LI ''.'V...J the best antidotes we know 6 feet 2 inches - long, u old. red. olive and tol The price, $6.90. You'll 1a. A MAi1.Aff 0nHn nr m. see iu nuuiuw, v . . Is Known asThait Nowadays. f Av 1 V