TIIE SCTCANTOX TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOTINTNG. SEPTEMBER 27, 1893. 8 CARBOflDALE. HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. Edward Doufherty Squcowd Between a . . Car and Coat Cbute. TesteMay afternoon a terriMe acci dent occurred by which Edward Uouh Tty, of Parke street, nearly l-t his life, and the result may prove fatal. The accident occurred at the Dela ware, and Hudson company's colliery, below 'the city. The unfortunate man is employed as runner on the gravity road, and supplies the cars to the mines as needed. Along one side of the track at this point runs a series of chutes from which the cars are loaded. The distance from the chutes to the cars while passing Is very slisht. and the runner Is obliged to stand between the cars while passing this point. Mr. Dougherty did not notice Uiait he was so near the chute, and so did not step from the side near the chute to the other side. The result was rthat the man was caught between the cars and the chute and severely siiueeied. How he came to forget himself is not known, as he passes the place several times a day. and know its danger. He was unable to sav anything after the accident, and how bail I v he was hurt could not then 1... seen. A messenger was dispatched unon a mule for this elty. where the tin- ambulance was sent to con very inlured man to his home. Father Vuiiimi n'K also Informed ami h went with the ambulance and looKeu auer the spiritual welfare of the man. l.Hiugherty was taken to Kniergency hospital, where he ree.'lved medical attention. Just what his Injuries are. and how they will turn out. Is yet too early to sav. Mo was hurt around the chest and back and may be Injure.! Internally. It is said by an observer that the space through which the iu was dragged was not more than three and a half Inches In width. M11MVICFKSA1U5ATII. Stores Closed Yesterday Afternoon by Hcfliiest of KvungotM Schlvcren. The city was unusually quiet yester day afternon and the stores and geii-ei-.U suspension of business gave the day a Sunday appearance. It was well termed the mid-week Sabbath. Last Sunday KvangelU't Schiverea usked that all the stoles In the city be closed for at least two hours that all th" clerks and those unable to attend at night on account of their business might come. The general interest taken.by the peo ple was very encouraging to the evan gelist and he prtiosed making Thurs day a rtav In which services should be held all ilav. This he called the mid week Sunday and It seemed very appro priate. 'Manv people from out of town attended Hie services. There were crowds from Jermyn. Maytield. Forest Cltv and other places nearby, and a large number of people from the coun try, who came and brought their din ners. The services began at 9. "9. About .WO attended the meeting. At h o'clock Il-v. T. E. Jepson led a praise con fession and consecration service, in which many people joint-d and pledged themselves for God's service. Th ll o'clock service was led by Uev. Dr. Haoe, who preached a most ex cellent sermon. lt.-sldes this there were other services held at 2 o'clock by Rrv. Charles I,ev; nt 3. preaching: by Uev. Dr. McLeod. of Seranion: a young people's rally at 4 o'clock, and service In the evening. The weather of the afternoon pre vented many who otherwise would have attended from being present, and this also prevented the usual crowd from heing out in the evening. Not withstanding this, there was a goodly number present at each service, who made up In enthusiasm what they lacked in numbers. THOMAS KANE AK RESTED. Charged with Highw ay Nohhcry by James Cnhh. of Clif rorJ. Chief McAndnw arrested Thomas Kane, of this city, yesterday on the complaint of Fred James Cobb, of Clif ford Cobb appeared before Alderman 'linker and swore out a warrant against Kane, charging him with stealing be tween tlC and Sis, besides a watch. CoWi says that he was on his way hom and when mar the fails was mt t by Kane, who askitl for a ride. Col'b consented and he gut In. Cobb says that he fell asleep nnd that Kane then cut out his pwkot with a knife and left the waon. coming to th city and spending the money for whiskey. He was given a hearing before Alderman Baker and placed under t'M bail. MEETING OF G. A. It. Jauob K.lt.i l;Hjrihci .Sessions of the .VHImuil Convention. Wiilnc-rlay evening was held a meet ing cf William H. Davis post, 17. (Stand Army of the 'llepubllc. Th-; regular routine business wu attended to, after which Jaob Kite, who attend ed the r.aJlinal convention at Louis- Scrofula in the Eyes Ka well as tn every other form, is erma acutly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had Bcroiulr, in my eyes and tried several phy sicians but found no cure. My wife persuaded me to try Hood's Barsa parilla. I bod a choking sense- tion, wastroubled lit; with night sweats, and bad dyspep- sia in very severe ;VjJ,orm' A,tortak- a 'n3 Hood's Barsa parllls two weeks tbe choking spells and dyspepsia troubled me less. I have now taken several bottles of Hood's gorsapa rilia and find that I am entirely cured." William L. Payne, Berryville, Virginia. Hood's Sarsaparilla b the only True Blood purider Promi nently in the public eye. ft; sis for $5. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maw., U. 8. A. Hood's Pills Tr WaIIPap?r At Less Than Cost, to Close. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR PRICES. P'; T . A J. Scott Inglis 'HBlPtlS MO ML MB,. - 43 LtCUWaMft IVENUL vllle, entertained the comradea by de scribing the scenes which took place. He told the story very vividly and all were much Interested. Those who had fought against each other thirty years ago now mingled together, telling ntorles of the war and exchanging friendships. Mr. F.lttl said that ;a,OU0 was used In providing luxuries for the veterans, nd they were served in a most bountiful -manner. The conven tion will long remain in the minds of those who attended. E. M. PECK INJURED. Ills Horses Run Away and Mr. Peck 1 hi own from the Wagon. K. M. Peck, of this city, who is lum ber agent for the Delaware and Hud son, tnet with a bad accident at Forest City. He was driving to that place on business, and when near the town the king bolt which holds the double whillletree to the tongue broke. The whltlletree flew bai'k o.nd hit the horses, startling them; the H)le dropping to the ground. The horses sprung for ward, but Mr. Peck hung on to the lines and was pulled over 1'the dash board, landing some distance from the wagon: As Mr. Peck fell he landed on his left shoulder, inflicting bad bruises nnd also cutting a bad gash below the eye. The horses were very spirited, and It was with much dhllculty that they were stopped. As It was, Mr. Peck was not dragged far. thus escaping serious liilurles. He managed to walk to the homt or his nephew, w ho lives near the scene of the accident, nnd was brought Limn on the Krie flyer. He was at- temied 'by 'Or. Lowery. who maiie nun as eomtortame us possooie, inn u win be several days 'before he will le utile to be out again. Ol'EN-AIR CONCERT. The Moart Hand Will Onco .Moro Delight the People. This evening the Most.iHt band will give an open air concert from the bal cony of Hotel Anthracite. This will be the last one or ttie siMison. as uie weather is getting too cool, and there Is no doubt but that a large crowd win turn out. The people know that they will hear something good, but as this is the clos ing one me programme will be unusu ally tine, it is as follows: "Star Spangled Manner:" march, "King Cot ton," Sousa; wait. "Life's Voyage." J. S. Duso; cornet solo. "I'.a.ttle Cry of Freedom." -liberal I. vi. II. Ackerman; march, "Friendship," Althous.-; selec tion. "'Slave Songs of It-he South," Uu'th burn; galop. "Under the White Tents." W. P. English: serenade. "Love's Senti nel." Kathburn; march, "Julius Caesar," Lusconvb. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Jesse Wagner, who has been nsslt ant to Dr. Stearns, of South Canaan, v,ia minim. .r vacation, will leave tomorrow morning for the University ..f innivli'unl:i. where lie has two courses yet to take to complete ...... II. r,l aMl.titf his r- .ml (Mr. II. G. Wheeler and daughter. Hassle, left yesterday after ,,..., nt 3 n'el.iek fur Wlnsol'. N. I. ,,-v,..,- th..e will visit for a week with uim i.mtnvne. of Jersey City, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and t..j ..imM Iieeths. of Lincoln live- im.. reimirn.il to her home yesterday She' was accompanied by her sister, t! .Innle Deeths. who will remain until l1hrtstniil4. 1. H. Kellv. of Olyphnnt. was In the city yesterday. He will probably take a week off and manage the Mitchell's faR. H. Reynolds returned Wednesday evning from a business trip to New W,"L ,,11 v Joseph" Thompson, who has been laid nn a ronnle of months with rheuma tism, has resumed his clerkship in nt n Hevnolds lb Son. the tua inrn Mohrs. of Park street, Is visiting friends In Honesdale. i-niiii c.ardella Is out again after a nvre Illness. Kdward Pasme, who has been 111 with Intermittent fever. Is Improving. (. W. 'Hlv Is very sick at his home, on Washington r.trect. Frederick (Moon, of Mill Creek, was snmnir those from out of town at the funeral of Harry Tlmmons Wednesday The following concerning a young man well known th couch this valley Is frnm the Hinei.ile Citizen: The en- cacement of KJ,vln F. Torrey, Jr., nnd Mia Fmma Kennedy, of Clinton. Onei da county. N. Y. has J. list been an nounced. Mr. Torrey has resigned his tinsltion in the employ of a New York house and gone to Clinton to engage In business. Ir. R. O. Ttarr-lny, of Honesdale, was In the city yesterday. On Saturday of this week there will be an exhibition of foot ball at Alumni park the first of the season. The sec ond team of Cann's school of Scranton will play the high school team of this city. Alderman .Tines was inspecting the prize poultry at the Harford fair yes ten' ay. . Thomas nunnelln. who was burned by a blast of powder a frw days ago, Is now able to be around with the aid of a crutch. Watkins Jones, of South Washing ton street, received a severe strain while at his whfk In the mines yester day and today is unable to leave his bed. Miss Julia O'lioyle, of Syracuse, X. Y.. Is visiting friends In this city. Miss Maggie Creegnn, of New York city, Is visiting .her parents. Mr. nnd Airs. John Creegnn, on Woodlawn ave nue. Miss Mnry H. Moran, of P.ronklyn, Pa., Is 'visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. Snrdival. of the South Side. Or. X. Purdy. who recently moved from :this city llo Hemlock Hollow, Wfyne county, a't'tempted to sell his property on Kelmont street, but was n.: successful. Constable Mlchnel M'.ran acted ns auctioneer, but ell her be was not nllver-tongud enough to show the value to the ppectaitors or they were not In a buying mood and did n.it want to venture In the real estate b-isln-ss. There were but half a rioen pe-sons present and as no bids were re ceiled the sale was postponed. FACTORYVILLE. Professor Whltford, of Keys-tone neademy, had the misfortune to fall from his bicycle und receive a broken limb. . Mr. and IMrs. .Frank Atherton, of Pawpaw, HI., nre visiting friends here Sunday evening the large stock barn of Chester Wall liurned to the ground. with all Its contents. The origin of the lire Is unknown. There was no Insur ance and the loss was about $.1,000. Misses Agnes MoClaren und Amy Capwell spent Wednesday a't Scott as the guests or J, L. Cotter and wife. Peter i laker and wife are visiting relatives In Scranton. Dr. K. T. Wheaiton Is ticnuttfying his residence and carriage house with new coat of alnL J. C. Gardner came very near losing his farm barn oh Wednesdny. While cutting ensilage the barn caught fire from the engine and some hard work was done to save It. Hyron Carpenter's new double dwell ing on River street 'Is under cover, and Contractors F. A. and O. It. Reynolds are dressing It in a style second to none in town. Mr. and Mrs. William Condlt, of Scranton, are visiting relatives and friends here. i 1 ' Relief in HU Mourn. Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved tn six hours by the "New South American K'.dney (Jure. This new rem edy is a great surprise on acount of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages. In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, tS Penn. avenue, Scranton, Pa. PITTSTON, MRS, ROTH MISSING. Una Not Itccn Seen at Her Kootn since Ijist Week. Mrs. Roth, an aged lady residing In a room over Mclaughlin's barber shop. South IMain street, has not been Bern In four or live days, has not lieen Been the neighborhood are at a loss to ac count for her abwnce. She was a sls- ter-ln-Iaw of the bi'te "Squire Koons, who died nt the 1 Unworn Home last week, nnd mother-in-law of V. W. Ped rick. formerly of this place, now of Ithaca, X. Y and outside of these she had no relatives here. Her neighbors, fearing something had befallen her, yesterday notilled the police, and Con stable Jesse I). Fear and It. K. Hennett went to the house. They found the door locked and upon opening it dis covered everything tn good order, but no trace of (Mrs. Itoth. Her mysterious disappearance Is regarfled as rather strange. A COWS SUFFERINGS. Its Leg Broken, It l.nys Along the Valley Tracks All Day. That there Is urgent need (here of a Humane society was only too plain ly shown yesterday morning when a cow, walking along the lower Lenign Valley tracks, was struck by an engine and had one of Its legs broken. The poor, dumb beast lay along the track all day, suffering the greatest agony. and no one took any steps to put nn nil to its suffering. The Valley ollleers refused to do anything, and, as the cow lay on their land, the city authorities re fused to do anything to end the cow k agony. worst of nil, no one was nine to leu to whom the cow belonged. The city councils should ims ordinances 1m- noslng a penalty on owners of cattle allowing them to roam at large through the city. In the absence of such or dinances or penalty, at present city ollleers do not adopt any measurers whatever to abate this abominable nuisance, MARRIED AT I'HII.LIPSHURG. Nate Cramer and l-'nnnio Snyder, of This City, Married Yesterday. Xate Cramer, a popular Lehigh Val ley employe, and iMIss 'Fannie Snyder, botih of Upper Plttston, went to Phila delphia yesterday, where they were married. They will go to housekeeping in one cf Sacks & 'Crown s new UUIIil ings. on North Main street. .Mrs. Jane Stout, of Philadelphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Kane, of Smith Main street. She will remain several weeks. .Meyer Hchlosser, manager of Brown s Hee Hive, nnd i.MIss F.llza Cummlngs in charge of the millinery department the sme establishment, start today for New York, to purchase fall and win ter goods. Mrs. A. Harris and Mrs. M. Ilrown, of Scranton, are the gutsts of ftlrs. A. Crown, on North Main street. TIIE SHOOTING OF POOLE. Was I vidcntly I'lumicd, and Ikilber atcly r.xceiited. The police here have learned tint Albert Julius Pooth, wiio shot Robert Poole here u few weeks ago, was at Soranton several days before the shoot ing, Where he told Jacob Shire, a cooper at Casey & Kelloy's brewery, that he had purchased a revolver, for the pur pose of shooting Poule. It Is even alleged that he showed the revolver to Shire. Poole still continues to Improve, nnd Is now considered wholly out of danger. A WORKMAN KILLED. Hun Over by a Trip of Cars at No. 8 Shaft Yesterday. Klratto Collie, an Italian, 33 years old, employed as an outside car run tier at No. 8 colliery. Pennsylvania Coal company, fell In front of a loaded uip of cars yesterday, and was run over. His foot was crusihed to a jelly, and he wus removed to the hospital, where he died nt 11 o'clock. FOR SWEET CHARITY'S SAKE l.ntertainmcnt Ho Ing Arranged for the benefit of the Hospital. A number of prominent ladies of the town are arranging for a grand in tertaiivment to be held at Music hall Oct. 10, for 'the. benefit of the hospital It Is understood that the Catholic tem perance societies will hold an entertain ment for the same worthy purpose in ithe near future. .Married nt Itinghnmton. James (iolden, of Wyoming, and Mlm Mary 11. Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ;riirith Thomas, of Lee, went to lMngh.itr.itoii, N. Y., yesterday nnd were married. They returned lliome on the K.IiU Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern itra'in and were tendered a reception at the home of James Jordan, on I' re mont street. The couple will go to housekeeping at Wyoming and will be tendered a reception 'hy the Our Nlgiht Out club, of Hurt place, of which Mr. (Iolden Is a member, next Thursday evening. PERSONAL M ENTION. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Jackson, of Lit jseme avenue, last evening celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of their mar riage hy serving a sumptirous supper, Only the members of the family were present, and they spent a most happy evening. Mrs. Simpson, wife of ISev. Simpson, Hon. K. A. Corny, Mrs. Samuel Fear and It. M. Cnlborn were elected dele gates by the West Side Methodist Kplscopnl church Kpworth league to the annual convention of the Wyoming conference Kpworth league, which will be held In the Franklin Street Meth odist Kplscirpul church, W'llkes-Harre, Oct. 8 and . John .Mdtionnell, a former Plttston boy, who has been In Chicago and St Louin the past dozen years, has re turned to town with his wife nnd chil dreti nnd gone to housekeeptlng on South Main street. IMr. MnDonnell has ncctpted la position ns 'bartender at J i iins Corcoran' Union restaurant. Thomas Ash and family tod-ay re moved from the West Side to J. H K east's house on Broad street. John A. MiiN'iamarn. Is off on a visit to the large cities purchasing goods. James McDermott, "bookkeeper for Hughes A (llennon, who has been mif fell tig for the iiw-t few months with severe cold In his eye, 1s able to be arot nd again and Is now In a fair way of permanent recovery. Joseph Ctmlg. the South Main street meat merchant, 'has gone on a visit to bis -brother. Rev. Father John Craig, at Rr e, M'lss Fannie IPrlee left yesterday for her home In Harrislmrg after ftpend Ing six weeks with friends here. John Drake, formerly a resident of Upper Plttston, where he was an engi neer on the Valley road, now a mem her of AVIlkes-ltarre'a fines police force, was circulating among friends In town yesterday. Alex Mitchell, superintendent of-the Valley road, paid a vleft to town yes terday. C. Donnelly, of South Main street, at tended the funeral of he late Patrick Golden, undertaker, at iDuntnore, yes terday. A bnamch of tlhe Needlework guild was orcnnlr.cd here Wednesdny, with membership of 1.10. Tha ollleers nre Mrs. Johnson, president; iMr. Cmne, secretory: Mrs, dtosa, treasurer; Mrs, Downtlns. first vice-president; Mri. Da vlea. second Vice-president: . Mra. Ar thur, third vke-prtaldent. ft a res l i - WAL. rl t4 hi will never be LARGEST PIECE OF GOOD T05ACC0 EVER SOLD FOR 10 CENTS LIVE NEWS NOTES. ITho Plttston olllee of the Rernntnn Tribune Is located at No. & William street, where nil advert senients, orders for Jul) work und Items fur pulilieution will re ceive prompt ultctiUoii. olllee open from 8 a. in. to IV p. ni.J The fumral of the la Mrs. Kdward Lynch will take place tomorrow (Sat urday) morning, at ! o'clock, with a mass of reipiiem at St. John's church. Quite a number of people from this place left this morning to attend the big fair at A lion town. Among them were: Justices James R. Khret, James mil lions and Charles Wlntle, tleorge Der vey. Oerhard Snyder. O. W. Hagalorn and L. J.mes, Dr. McFadden, Dr.. San ford Underwood, John H. Law. J. N. Thomas, fl. C. King. K. X. Hughes, William Hulln. b-orge Cooper, (1. AV. Benedict. I. D. Parker, A. F. Farley, John Boyle. C. AV. St. John, Harry Tompkins, M. in. Kyte, Isaac Labar, John S.'ureman, M. .1. 'Llewellyn. The Jjemocratlc county candidates were In town yesterday making the rounds of the city. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. nimlcy last even ing entertained the members of the local Christian F.ndeavor union. There was a large number present and nil spent a very enjoyable evening.1- Be freshments were served. The members of the Ladles' Catholic Benefit association will hold a social at their rooms in the Durkin building, South Main street, 1'his evening. Twenty couples of young people held nn enjoyable social at Kagle hall. AVednesday night. Frnncls Mackln furnished music on the piano for danc ing. A grand ball was held nit Armory hall Wednesday evening for the benefit of John Kearney, of line street, who lost an eye a few months ago. A nent sum was realized. A force of Lehigh Valley workmen today began laving flagstone side walk from the Water street crossing to the bridge. Plttston llnsincss IMrectorr. FOTl FITtST-CLASS PLtlMBINO CALL on AA'right Co., S7 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange: also second-hand hous-holil goods, bought or sold. NEW MIL. FORD. A. V.. Conger, of Scranton, ttpnke at Jackson AVednesday evening In the In terest of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, where a camp of that order Is being formed. 1. "J. Ilell. L. S. Brown and Frank LAtoxley. of this idiiee, ac companied the spenkor. Frank Payne, the nrtlstlc bartender of the Jay house, Is hack from his va cation. School adjourned yesterday on ac count of the Harford fair. Kven the chestnut crop Is reported light this year. UNION DALE, Public school is In good running order now under the tntors-hlp of Mr. Oreen. Miss Helen Altken, of Montrose, tenches 'the primary department. A large number of our young people have gone to higher schools this fall. Among them may be mentioned 'Miss Jean nnd John Tinker, to AVooster col lege, Ohio; Miss Agnes Tinker, llo EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO.. 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. The stock w purchased at the Sheriff's Sale at lU'.leton, l'. Our Salon, since opclili'K, proved mure sntisfsutory than we thought 'l lei crowd nn Monday was enormously Urge, mid curried away the Hiirffains, and the stork which in laft we'll dispone of at your nwn prices, Sale nil week at the tullowinv prices: 1 case Dresa dlnganiii. grom price, I cents. Our Price, 3 Cent I case of Unbleached Brown Cotton, 1 4, haavy, for sheeting only, grnaa price, I cenu. Our Prle. 4Hi Cents I esse Checked Crash, all linen, gronpriisi, I0cnta, . Our Price, 5 Cant 1 caaa Bleached TowcIh. by the pair, filtitfod, grosa price, ) cents. Our Price, 10 Cents 1 rate 9 4 Bleached Mnhawk Muslin, gn price, 2& cents. Our Price, 12Va Cents A great sale for the uie of every household. 1 case of Turkey Red Coven, slsea 8x1 aad 10x4, groan price. S1.0II and $1 W. Our Priee, SOe. and 69c Faat Turkey Hed. ME DRY GOODS CO.. M SIO CUBS CUT PRICE STORE. 516 iKtea tea. W. Wooster Preparatory school: Howard Crane, to Towanda Institute; the Misses Aiiotte and Carrie Itronson nnd Miss Lena Warren are at Factoryvllle Quite n number are attending AVood's Business college. Carbondale. Dr: and Mrs. iLyon, having completed their vacation, have returned to their home in .Muncy. The 'Stars, of Pnlondale. have been winning fame, too rapidly of late. Hav ing won several games from neurby towns they bad a match game with the Carbondale nine on Saturday, an.l were boa-ten by a score of 17 to 6 They will try C.i ntield next Saturday Ueorge F. AVudeman and wife have recertlly 'been 'to .Pliilaib-lphia,, with their little dtiughtor, Delia, for medical treatment. Miss 'Ulan-ce I. Carpenter, who has been spending her vacation nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klljah Carpenter. r turned to Xew link city this week. Miss Carpenter Is a trained nurse of considerable ability nnd ex perience, and she returns with novT vigor for the comlngyear's work among the nniteti'd. SnbUith desecration Is not altogether a thing of the past in n quiet little town like Vnlondale. It Is not an un common thing to see industrious men at work 1n their gardens on the S.Tb- bath day. On one occasion our ci'iy missionary, while on his way to church saVV-one of Hiese Industrious men busy nt work." He stopped and accosted him: "Uncle Peter, you hud better stop work today, do you know It Is the Sab bat?" "I know lt Is hot." "You will go to a hotter pl'ace than this If you don't stop working on the Sabbath." IMr. 'Holt, of Xnrth Carolina, is a guest of Klljah Carpenter. Mrs. Frank Davis visited her sister In ierymn Wednesday. Albert lleynolds attended Honesdale fair this week. . - If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes th Child, Softens the Oums, Allays all Piiln; Cures Wind Col'c, and Is the lit-st remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. AVInslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cenli a bottle. L Arc You a Victim of Any or All of Them P Thinking peoplo know that the very cheup things ore really the most expen sive. The treatments given by Dr. Smith nnd Stan, the magnetic physicians, are neither the very cheap nor the very expen sive, but ore the most reasonable 111 price and curable effects. Therefore the most economical you can possibly tlnd. Yeurs of practical experience and the latest and best methods known are brought to hear on all chronic discuses treated by those doctors with Hie most remarkable results. There are many peoplo in your midst who bless the day they commenced tak ing magnetic treatments. If you suffer from a chronic disease of any kind cull and consult Dr. Smith at MR Linden street. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week from 9 to 5, Tuesdays, 9 to 9. 'I canes of Summer Ttfilhriggan Mon'a Un derwear, In all qualities, gross price, ii'w., Hoc mid tile,, our Price to Close Out Entire Lot 20c 69 dozen. Mon'a White Unlaundiied Shirts, . pure linen bosom, double front and back, Itrora price, W cants, V Our Price, 29 Cents KU dozen of Outing Shirts, In all qualities . grona price. Wc, 30c. nth:., 6.1c. and 73a, . We will mnke a sweep on tho entire lot and let her go at 25 Cente Your Choice HOSIERY-Theas prices wilt hold good fur all this wook. & pair Mon'a Hocks . at 5c, gross price, 10c. : U4 puirn Ladles' Fast track Bone, gross prb a, 10 cents, glur Price, 5c,l 'D dozen of French ulbrlggan Half Hose, and Faat Black Hose, gross price, 25 cents. Our Price, 12X Cents tiadlea' Yeats at ona-half leas than elaewhere. Be careful end call. 5 ) (Action TO OUR PATRONS ! Washbtirn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pate rons that thev will this year hold tn their usual custom of millhiR STRICTLY OLD W IIKAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, und in proper condition for milling. Washhurn-Oosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has E laced Wshburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other rands. MEGARGEL Who!3sale Agents. WINDSOR BRUSSELS HID BY 111 CROSSLEY 5 US. Mill, ENS. A complete line of the above celebrated Carpets, in the latest designs and colorings, with borders to match, suitable for rooms, halls and stairs absolutely fast colors, uuequaled for wearing qualities and perfection of fiuish. Awarded t hree Prize Medals In London. Also First Prize in Bradford, Paris, Am sterdam, Sydne)-, Melbourne, Calcutta, Philadelphia, Dublin and Christchurch. Price, $1 per yard. INSPECTION INVITED. SOLE AGENTS FOR 5CRANT0N. (ERR, SIEBEGKER & GO. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE DICKSON MAIMUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. BOTH STORES CLOSED FUN IN THE PANTRY Of our Clothing Department (Y. M. C. A. Building.) You can buy good Pants of us for a dollar. You can't imagine how good, but you can tell exactly by coming and looking at them. They're not made ot cheese . cloth, mosquito netting, barred muslin, or dotted swiss, but they're made of Pants cloth goods made of cloth to make Pants of. You can buy better Pants for $1.25, $i.So, $1.75, 2.oo, $2.25. You can buy fine Pants to morrow and the next day and the next and today tor $3.00, $3.25, $375 and $4.75, And in Every Pair of Pants There's a Silver Lining Left in the Shape of a Beautiful Souvenir. Yes ! Just Like We Sell Furniture We Sell Clothing-CASH OR CREDIT Oet what you want and pay as you can. FOR THAT 1 lfx-UL' 1 UUUHW S We have secured one of the best antidotes we know of--a couch, 26 inches wide, 6 feet 2 inches long, uphol stered in corduroy; blue, old red, olive and tobacco fringe trimmings that touches near the floor and many springs to make it soft. The price, $6.90. You 11 to- :,i Kr..t',M,f;i vmi cpp it. Another, soring elee U1UUI UUIIUllUi mini jrm -"- li and larger, $10.00. 87c. Velvet Carpet Is Known as "That Economy Velvet" Nowadays. Gms?m m eioiiis, v. M??AndBine, & GONNELL SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. We Sell Wyoming Aye. ... BotH Sides) if v-s.'; :V',:. , ;;VV,.;0'.'-r