The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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( oryrlglit ISffi by
Mr. Corvin has been a fortunate man.
8 the world reckons ami yet ho hud
never looked like a happy one. If he
were happy, he was very Mircesuful in
disKUlsiiijt the ordinary external symp
toms of It. To look at him. you wnuM
have said that he was a victim of losses,
disappointments and diseoml'oils.
He was the richest man In town, and
the most powerful; what he said, went,
and what he wanted, rami', l'oople
were In awe of him. and judgiiiK ly
their manner when conversing with
him. vou would have thought they were
devotedly fond of him. Hut if you had
heard them talking nl'out him. when
lie was not present, you would have ie
ronsldered this eoncluslon.
tine misfortune, to he sure, he hail
nirt with: and It comvrned his only son,
l'eter. This young Kentleman had lu'.-n
put In the way of gotting a liberal edu
cation: he had attended the bent school
and the best college; but owing to per
sonal peculiarities of nature and char
acter, he had not aeheived a brilliant
or even creditable record la these places.
He had learnt limv to spend money,
though: but sumo of the things he
bought with it h not been of beiictlt
'This Is Xonc of Vour Affairs. Sir.
to him either In health or reputation.
It was surmised that this had led to
UisaKieement between his father and
himself. l'eter had not taken the
paternal remonstrances in good part.
At last things seemed to arrive at a
rort of crisis; and after it had passed
Peter was no longer aji Inmate of his
father's house, nor. It was understood,
the recipient of any income from him.
Nor did Lawyer Corvin encourage any
inquiries about his son on the part of
Inquisitive acquaintances. It was now
three years since he had spoken the
young man's name, and nobody knew
(or cared) what had become of him.
Since Lawyer Corvin had no other liv
ing relatives, it was a matter of specu
lation what he would do with hls prop
erty, when the time came for him to
be gathered to his forefathers In the
better or at all events the other
world. It mu.t have been annoying to
lh:. Corvin to have spent his life in so
'arduously scraping wealth together
only to find, at last, that he could do
nothing better with it than to bestow
It upon some charitable Institution. It
must be painful for one who carefully
ahstained from doing any good in the
world while he lived In It. to be almost
compelled to appear as a benefactor
after his decease. Why does not civili
zation provide openings for posthumous
Investments more adapted to the tem
per and predilection of person's of Law
yer Corvln's kind?
Mr. Morford walked Into the sitting
room, holding Nellie by one hand, and
In the other the folded paper which
they had found In the tree. Mr. Corvin
was standing before the table, with his
hands behind him. staring gloomily at
n. pile of gold eagles and doube-eagl"S
which were heaped up ujon It: and
Nancy was on the opposite side of the
table, with her eyes spnrkllng anil her
cheeks red. holding in her hand. a slip
nf paper, frephly written, and bearing
the appearance of a receipt which in
deed It was.
' "frood, morning, Mr. Corvin." said
Hlorford': "do I Intrude, Miss lilshop?"
"No, Mr. Morford. that you don't! I
was Jest settlln a little account I had
with Mr. Corvin. I was tellln' him I
was sorry I ain't got no bank-notes, but
ef he can't carry It off In his poskets,
I'll have a t.uertry fetched up and send
It down In that:"
"I don'-t understand this," paid Mr.
"orvln. "Vou had no money yesterdny,
find today the house sterns full of gold.
I shall make Investigations. If thin
money was found anywhere In the land
adjoining the house, I shall lodge a
claim to it: the In nil being mine, so Is
the money."
"Land sakes! That can't he right,
can it?" Bald Nancy, appealing to Mor
ford. "Mr. Corvin Is a lawyer," replied the
latter. , "He must know about such
things. Tf ihe owns the land, and you
are buying It of him with money yon
found on the land, he may have the law
fin you. Of course. If he merely held a
mortgage on the property, he has no
more right to make such a demand than
I have."
"This Is none of your affair, sir," said
Corvin, harsililv.
"It's his affair tonnswer a question cf
T ask him. Mr. Corvin." Interposed
Nancy, whose spirit was evidently ris
ing. "Kt It's your affair tb troike out
that's what mine 1y right, ain't mine
hut yours lest because you're a law
yer and I ain't -then I fay It's a poor
Affair for a man to be In! There's your
money, sir, to take or leave; an' I don't
want to hurry you hut . . . "
And she looked at him with the resolu
tion that Is so effective In good and
gentle persons, once they are aroused.
Corvin met the look with a sullen
frown, and begnn putting the gold
Into the pockets of his various gar-
Instantly Relieved
And Speedily Cured by
1 dpicura
A' warm bath with CUTICUR A SOAP
nd a single aT'ia!iin of CUTICURA,
(ointment), will ati'ord Instant relief, per
,mit' rsf mid ileep, and point to a speedy,
permanent cure of the most distressing of
itching and burning skin and scalp diseases,
after nil other methods fail.
i foil Uusafhost tb world.
7 A firllUa tft P. Nmur
I i 2 LII,l,lLlDlMniM.,L
efcLta CWf lt'trnttjfff)WiW f-ii
Trvln? nartHtflrt
ments, but at this Juncture Morford
"Hold on a moment. Mr. Corvin: I
have something to offer that may
save you trouble In fact, there are
two things; for I knew I should be
likely to mieet you here, so I brought
a letter for you from the postolHce:"
and he took from his pocket a sealed
envelope addressed to Isaac Corvin,
and bearing In the upper left hand
corner the printed name of a New York
hospital. Corvin gUinced at the sub
scription, but did not Immediately
break the peal. "What may your other
matter he, Mr. Morford?" he demanded.
"It I this document." said Morford
referring to the folded paper In his
hind. "While this little girl mid I were
rambling about the place just now. she
found this, and from the glance 1 ven
tured to take at It. I think It contains
matter of Interest 'to both vou and Miss
Millop. Head It. Miss r.illop." he added,
giving It to her. "and see If I am mis
taken." Nancy took the paper, unfolded It,
and begin to read it with a strangely
startled and perplexed expression.
"You take a remarkable Interest In
subjects personal to other people, It
strikes me. sir" said Corvin, still frown
ing. "Well. I like to he of use, when the
chance offers." answered the other with
a smile. "iy the way. Mr. Corvin. you
have possi 'slou of a deal of farm
Kind hereabout. I think: would you be
lrelined to dispose of It?"
"No. sir in a foot of It," said Cor
vin. curtly.
"I was told that you hold some of It
011 a m titer uncertain tenure." the other
continued: "that ou are liable to be dis
possess d nf It. In certain contingencies.
In f.i"t. If that Is so, it might be worth
your while to tlnd a 'purchaser, even If
he were to ak you to make an abate
ment In the price. In consideration of
the risk he would assume."
"You've b..en misinformed, sir:
what's mine Is mine, and 1 don't Intend
to pnit with i:."
"My information came. to me pretty
straight." re marked Morford. "I was
told you held this land because some
paper showing that It really belonged
to '.mother had been lost."
"If you choose to go about picking up
fouls' gossip. It's no affair of mine,"
t-torted Corvin. angrily.
"Perhaps, since you have no son or
ruber ksnl heir, your Idea Is to leave
this property to the heirs of the person
to whom it Justly belongs? In this case.
I shouldn't press you to sell, though
"Will you mind your own business?"
shouted the old man. quite losing con
trol of his temper. "Who are you. I'd like
to know? You came to me the other
day to work off some of your stock on
me. I'm glad I put off closing with you
till now; I don't believe your stock is
worth the paper It's printed on: I be
lieve your invention is a swindle. As
to my having no fi-lr to. leave my prop
erty to. we'll see about that! I'm not
dead yet. to begin with, nor like to be;
and I've gtt a son. though your In
formant seems to have forgotten to ti ll
you so. Folks may think I've cut him
off with a dollar; may be I did; but I
r an take him back again when I chouse;
and I choose jiow! I shall write to him
by this day's post to come back here nt
once and when he comes, I shall settle
everything I've got on him. I see your
game! You think you can get some
pickings by working up some Idiotic
conspiracy or other with that fool of a
woman, to cheat me or frighten me out
of my property; but you've got hold of
the wrong man. If you don't want to
get Into trouble, and bad trouble, let
me alone!"
"Do you know your son's address.
Mr. Corvin?" asked Morford. very
quietly. "If not, I have reason to think
you may find It In thait letter."
"We'll see how much you know,"
said the lawyer, with a sneer; and he
tore open the envelope anil ran his eyes
over the enclosure. Then his arms fell
heavily to his sides, and his face turned
dingy white.
"Is 'he worse, asked Morford
quickly." -
"Is tie worse?" nikoil Morford, qulck
h'm. "Who are you?" he demanded
after a pause. In a heavy tone. "This
letter says my boy, l'eter. Is dead. Hut
may he'lt's a part of the swindle "
liiit IM nrford made a gesture with his
hand. "No. no. iMr. Corvin, he said, not
unkindlv. "I knew your son; I met
him in New York. He fell ill, and as
he wis destitute, I had him taken to the from which that letter came,
where he could get good- nursing. Hut
he was not expf-eted to live. I am sorry
for you."
"Keep yoiir sorrow!" ild Corvin. set
ting his Jaws. "I can do without It. If
th boy's dead, he's dead, nnd that's Hie
end of him! You and your partner,
here, won't get the land any more for
. "Read It, Miss nillop."
that. I'll make a will and leave It to
the first beggar I tlnd In the street,
sooner than Nancy Hlllop, or any one
(die's plotting with, shall have as much
of It as would do to bury em!"
Morford yed him rather sternly for
a, moment, and then turned to Nancy.
"What Is your news, MUw Ilillop?" ho
said. "
Hut Nancy hafl hidden her face upon
her arms on the table, and was crying
silently. Hho did not look up, but
pushed the papfr towards Morford.
with her hand. "Read It to him prior
soul!" fihe said,, with a sob between
t'he wnrds. ,
' iMorford took It up, and faced the
lawyer, again. "This paper, iMr. Cor
vin." he nald, "to -In your handwriting,
and 'bears date about ten years back.
It Is signed by you, In presence of two
witnesses. Wt states that In considera
tion of the sum of ten thousand dollars
to you In hand paid, by Matthew Ilil
lop, of Fen brook, you do hereby dee-d
to him. his heirs, and assigns forever,
the certain' tract and parcel of land
herein named and described. You re
member th writing, I presume; at any
rate, If you mil end to deny it or to con
test It, you will 'have the opportunity
when I bring It before the court, on
Mlss BHlop's account, as I shall loaa
no time In doing. Meanwhile. I shall
keep It In charge."
The old lawyer was terrible to look
at while iMorford was shaking thus.
His dry llptu curled back from his yel
low teeth, his tierce, crafty eyes were
concentrated In a stare of mingled hate
and fear, lie leaned forward over the
table, and peered Into IMorford' s face.
"Who ure you?" he asked. In a husky
whisper. "What does all this tom
foolery . mean? Who are you?" ,
"It will soon be known who I am,"
replied the young man; "I came here to
make It known, among other things.
Hut I will tell you mow. I nee you ask
me. that I am Tom Linton."
Corvin nvi a kind of .hoarse cough,
and reeled back. Ills own hands
clutched the table clouh as he fell, and
dragged It down with him. He fell to
the lloor wfth a crash and the Jieop f
gold coins fell clashing and jingling
over him. Some of them rolled away
Into corners, but the bulk of them lay
heavy on his heart, which had ceased
to beat.
(To be continued.)
Happenings of Interest. to tho Stapel
Trades and Particularly to the Trudu
in Iron. Steel nnd Anthracite Coal.
It Is nuthorlatlvely stated that the
Illinois Steel cvmpuuy will resume pay
ment of dividends next February.
The new and vlegant double engines
at the top of No. 10 slope, Cameron
colliery, at Ashland, Is nearly com
pl ted nnd will soon start to hoist.
They will handle some of the prettiest
pieces of mechanism In the anthracite
coal region.
The heavy traffic on the Pennsyl
vania lilies vbows no nhatiiiient. Its
lour lines centering at Indianapolis
last 'week handled 5.S62 cars, of which
4.44S were loaded. In the week elided
Sept. II these lines handled but 3,s:t4
loaded cars.
Altoona. l'a.. 'Sept. 25. The Altnomi
Foundry and Machine works of this
city today put their WO workmen on
ten hours' time. This company manu
factures the M. A. tlreon engine, large
ly used in ilectrie light plants, and
the orders for these, which are rapidly
coming in. will cause the concern to run
night and day beginning with next
Philadelphia, ' Sept. The August
statements of the operations of the
Philadelphia and 'Heading Hallroad and
Coal and Iron companies were Issued
this afternoon. The gross receipts of
the railroad wruv $l.flO,41fl. and the
gross expenses. !!)". It : net receipts
from other sources, SI.TiSD: total net.
Total charges, $s60.4llri; sur
plus, STS.ri.'iL', an Increase of $152,1117 over
last year. The total deficit for the
1'iscal year to date Is $ii6:t.7u, a decrease
of $.'iS:'.,(M5 from the dollcit of the same
period in 1X!M. The gross receipts of the
coal and iron company were $l,!60.14(;
gross expenses. $2,057.1112. One-twelfth
of the year's fixed churges, $!5,0IMI,
makes loss from mining this month
$IM. S72. This is an Increase of $S4,N4!t
over last year. The deficit of the fiscal
year to date Is $l."l)7.7iin, an increase of
SIM'i.lllt over the deficit for this period
lat year.
The Trunk Lines' tissoclatlon Tins
agreed with the Central Tralllc associa
tion, and on Oct. 15 will advance the
rates on pig iron, steel and manu
factured iron and steel productions.
For some time past there has been
a special Iron and steel tariff In force,
and ns the Iron and steel business has
shown eonslderaUr.' Improvement. It
was thought best to put up the price
on the freight, ns the present price's
were considered too low. The new
rates will apply to all shipments of
iron or stel from Chicago to New
York. The present basis Is $4, and the
new one on pig Iron, cinder and scale
will be $4.20. The old rate on billets,
bl ioms, borings, crop ends, ' Ingots,
muck or puddle bars, old car wheels
and axles, old rails, scrap tin and slabs
is $4.55. and the new one will be $4.75.
The local rates are also to be advanced
so as to conform with the through
The Hurllngton Is building twenty
seven mogul engines at its shops. They
will cost about $500,000.
The Houston and Texas Central Hall
road company has placed an order for
nine locomotives with the Schenectady
Locomotive works.
The Pittsburg 'Locomotive works, of
Allegheny, have received an.order from
the Lake Shore Hallroad for ten 10
wheel road locomotives.
The Cleveland, Lorain and 'Wheeling
Hallroad company litis ordered six
heavy locomotives, and, It Is said, Is in
the market for some 30-ton coal cars.
The Hlchmond locomotive works
have an order from the Southern Hall
way for eight locomotives, nnd from
the Augusta Southern company for
t wo.
The Seattle, Lake Shore and East
ern Hallroad company has placed an
order with the Richmond locomotive
works of (Hlchmond, Va., for one en
gine. The Hrooks Locomotive works, of
Dunkirk, N. Y., are building ten loco
motives for the Hurllngton, Cedar
Hnplds and Northern Hallroad com
pany. Fight new class It freight engines
we're turned nut of the Altnnna shops
last week. They will be used on the
Now York anil Philadelphia division of
the Pennsylvania railroad.
The Hhorle Island Locomotive
works, of Providence, H. I., are build
ing five locomotives for the Hoston and
Maine Hailrond company and six for
the New Bngland Italln ad company.
The Junction Knllrrmd company has
placed an order with the Pittsburg I,o
comotlve ami Car works, of Pittsburg,
for two heavy road engines. The com
pany has also ordered two Immense K0
ton fri'lght engines.
Some time ago the Pennsylvania
eompnny niloptcd a new kind of oil
cup for locomotive eccentrics, which Is
plnced In such n position that In order
to remove nn nlr-tlght cap placed over
t'he valve, t Is necessary for the en
gineers to reach their arms In be
tween the spokes of tho driving wherds.
The wheels are always covered with a
coat of grease, and every time the sup
ply of oil Is replenished the engineers
spoil the sleeves of their Jnckcts.
The city of Chlcngo nnd the Illinois
Central road have nt last., after a long
controversy, renched nn agreement In
relation to the occupancy by the road
of the lake front park on the shore of
Lnke .Michigan. In ennsfdorntlon of
the surrender of certain tracts of land
by the city tn the rond the latter has
agreed to undertake Imnrovements de
sired by the city, which will cost the
mad In the neighborhood of $1,000,000.
These Improvements comprise the fill
Ing In of a large portion of the lnke
front In order to make It suitable for
the purpose of the city to alter the
present park Into what is expected to
be the finest nark In the cltv BVBtem.
The company further agrees to depress
all Its tracks for a distance of about
one mile, putting them four feet below
tho present level.
A Piillng Qnesilon, '
Mr. CynVnl Sneer and Tom flplttlelag,
two society youths, had a row In their
cluhroom. The latter mill verv severely:
"My dear friend, allow me to tell you
thnt yon are a rlonkev."
"Well." responded Mr. flneer, "will you
kindly tell me, am I rlonkev because I'm
vour' fr'end, or am I voer friend because
I'm a donkey?" Texas Sittings.
Philadelphia Tnllnw Market.
Philadelphia, Sept. 2H.-eTallow Is steady,
but demand la light. We quote: City,
prime, tn hhds, 4Hu4Mc; country, prime,
in bbls, 4,ia4,c; do. dark, in bbls, iatc;
cakes, 4V4c.i grease, 3'a3o. ,..
" h1 '
Oil Moikot.
Pittsburg. 8opt. 26. The oil market
olosed at 122, the only quotation today.
Oil City, Sept. W.-Oil opened. 121; high
eft, 12314; lowest. 121; closed, 123!4.
New York. Sept. 26. The stock mar
ket still maintains Its professional
character and it looks very much as If
the activity and advance In cotton and
wheat has diverted the attention to out
siders, at least for the time being, to
these products. Tle recent remarkable
rise In cotton followed up today by a
gain of two cents in wheat, fully ex
plains 'tfne Indifference of the speculat
ing public to the present dull and nar
row stock market.
As a result the market for stocks was
entirely professional. Heports of a
further advance in the price of cosl
started up a livelier business In Head
ing and Jersey Central around mid
day. In the afternoon the- market ills
played weakness on rumors that $1,500.
000 gold would be shipped by Satur
day's steamers. This gave the room
traders a chance to uttaok the list, and
prices re-ceded Vi to 1,'4 per cent. Spec
ulation closed Irre'gular ami In the main
weak. Net losses for tho day were U
to m per cent., the latter in Pacific
Mail. Total sales were 240,500 shares.
The range of today's prices for the ac
tive stock of the Ne-W York sloe'k mar
ket nro given belnw. The quotations are
furnished The Tribune by !. rlil H. Ilm
nilck, manager for William l.lnn, Allen &
Co., steick brokers. 412 Spruce strict,
Op'n- Il'gh- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Ing.
Am. Tobacco Co line", 10."4 P7i ll'a
Am. Hugur Ite'g ('u.liisr'i, 7ns", W l7;i
A ten.. To. S. Ke... 22' d 2.1'it 22 82
Can. South 5'.'-j f'-i'a K M
Chicago rjas 7'Hi 71 til" W'i
Chic. & N. W in"' PC H'5 ho
Clllc.. It. r J XieJ, fc.V4 Mi
C. C. C. & St. 1 4'iV. 4j'i, 4li' 4i;,
Chic.. Mil. ft St. I.. 77'i 7h 77H 77:S.
Chic., It. 1. K P WS. 7''i 7'. 7
Delaware & Hud 14 IM'n 132"i lWA
D. . I,. & W Iiai'i HW'i UBi'i HaVii
Dlst. K- C. V SI'd 2'1'n 22 2:t
(ten. Klectiic SI'S. WO iW4
111. Central 102 Id.' 1"2 H2
Lake Shore 150 150 150. 150
l.nuls. ft Nash 01 04 til 04
Manhattan Hie m 111" 110 HIM,
Mo. i'acltle iim.j :' as' SO
Nat. Cordage xe4 -s x X
Nat. Lead SO 3'i 35 S5H
N. J. Central Ill Ill's 114 lll'i
N. Y. Central lot", loin, lii:l'i 1:'4
N. Y.. 1.. 13. ft W 12'i, I27 12', 12'',
N. Y., S. ft W IS lll'i HI i:ia
N. Y.. S. ft W., IT... 35'4 i a.v 4 :w
Nor. I'aeltlc 5'h 5'i 5' 5'4
Nor. Pae tie. l'r 1s"h 1''i 17i W'i
(int. ft West lS'S, 1S ixi4 lS'i
Pacific Mall :!2' :t!'-j 31'i
Phil, ft Head 20 -I'-! -"N 21
Southern li. It l:i' W's W'h 13'i
Telin.. C. ft 1 42'ii 4 42' i 42- i
Tex. Pne'.lle 12' 12", 12'4 12'4
Wabash. Pr 2:t'i IW'i 2:l' 2:tl,
West. I'nlon !:" H2'-4 !-"4 f-''4
W. L 15 Hi lf.i 15
P. S. Leather lll'i HI'S P'.'i W
V. S. Leather, l'r.... sn';. i'i S'i'i fei'i
Open- HIkIi- Low- Clos
WIIRAT. Ing. est. est. Ing.
December r,'"4 C.1'4 Wi l'4
Mav BITi -7 M74
October Pi' 11 W Is
May 20v 21'(, 20 . 21 'i
Oetober 30 31 30- 31
December 2K'4 24 2K'i W
May 2'J's 29- 2'i,
October 5.77 5.S0 B.7.i "SO
January 5.S0 G.H2 5.W) B.S2
OiVohlr' S00 8.15 8.00 S.12
January 9.47 9.53 9.47 9.52
Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchnngo Olio
totlons-AII Ouotutlons Hosed on Par
of IOO.
Name. Hid. Aaked.
(reen HUlge Lumber Co HO
Dime Dep. Dis. Hank 123 ...
Scranton Luce Cur. Co..:
Nat. Hoi-lug ft Drilling Co !
First National Hank CUO
Thuron Coal Land Co 'm
Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co 2
Scranton Olass Or ti
Lackawanna Lumber Co 510 1
Snrlnir Hiook Water Co 90
KlmhurHt Hotilivaril Co 100
Seraiiton Axle Works 0
Third National Hunk 350
Lacka. Trust nihl Safe Dep. Co ... HM
AIIOBhenv Lumber Co 105
Scranton Packing Co 1
Scranton Savings Hank 200.
Scranton Traction Co 10
lionta Plate Olass Co 12
Scranton Olass Co 100
Economy Steam Heat & '
Power Co 100
Scranton Pass. Hallway first
mortgage, due 1UIS 110
Scranton Traction Co t
People's Street Hallway, first
mortgage, due 1018 110
Rushbrook Coal Co 100
Scranton ft I'ittston Trac. Co. ... 90
People s Street Railway, Sec
ond mortgage, due 1920 110
Lackn. Valley Trac. Co.. first
mortgage, due 1025 1U0
Scranton Hliolcsnlc. .
Fruits and Produce. Dried apples, per
lb., DaGc; evaporated apples, 7'aXe.; Cali
fornia prunes, ti'vaSc. ; lCngl'sh currnnts,
2'i.a3c. ; layer raisins, Sl.U(ml.?0: muscatels,
4a5c. per lb.; $lal.25 per box; new Vuleii
clas, fiifeati'jiC. per lb. Deans Marrowfats,
$2a2.20 per liushel; mediums, $1.7."a
1.S0. Peas Green, $1.10 per bushel;
split, $2.50112.00; lcntels, 5aSc. per lb. Pota
toes 40e. per bushel. On.ons (idaftic. per
bushel. Hutter 10u20e. per lb. Cheese (la
c. per lb. Kwgs- PialO'itC. per rlox. Meats
limns, lOVje.; smnll hams, 11c; skinned
hams, lie.; California hums, 8c; shoulders,
7Hc. ; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast tmcon,
The Finest In the City.
The latest Improved furnish'
trigs and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Avk
Coat of the bast quality for domestic
se, and of all sixes, delivered la any
Cart of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Office
Rear room, lout floor, Third National
Bank, or Bent by mall or telephone to the
Ulna, will receive prompt attention.
peelal contracts will be made for Ike
Mi aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal
The Acknowledged Expert la
. Horscahoelng and Dentistry,
la Now Permanently Looated
on West Lackawanna Ave.,
Near the Bridge. ' -
Bavo pm tkMThroat, Plaptaa, OoppeMMorad
BpoU, AebM. Old Bores. tTlo.ii lo Month, Hair
KalllnT Write f'eek Resteer C,ao Mae
MalTeaile-hlea,IIMor proof, of eana
Capital toejOeeTftitl.irtsired laeyeara
10Hc Smoked Heef Outsldes, lie; seta,
lli'aC ; Inx.iles and knuckles. 15c: Acme
sliced smoked beef. l;-lt. cans, $2.40 per
dol. l'oik Mess. $14.50; short clear, 115.
Lard Ieaf. In tierces. 7c; In tubs. Sc.;
10-11). pulls, 8c. per lb.; 5-lb. pails, 8V.
per lb.; 3-lb. pails, 8c per lb.; compound
lard. Herein, 5',c. : tubs. He; 10-lb. pails,
6'ic per lb.; 5-lt. pails. 6?,c. per lb.; 3-lb.
pa. Is. Be. per lb. Flour Minnesota pat
ent, per barrel, $3.80u4; Ohio and Indiana
amber, $3.50; tlrabam, $3.50; rye Hour. $3.50.
Feed Mixed, per cot., !t"c. (.train Corn,
TiDc; oats, 30a Hie. per bushel. Itye Straw
Per ton, l2aliL Hay (15ul7.
New York Produce Market
New. York, Sept. 26. Flour Firm.
Wheat 1 Hill. Hteeoy; No. 2 red store ami
elevator, KTrc.; nt1.Ml, tWc; f. o. b S0c.;
No. I northern, (i5Sic: options closed Una
at lnlVhe. over yesterday; May, 7o'tc;
June, 70'ac; Urpteinlier, btc: October,
4"c; Deeembir. KO-riC Corn Steady : No.
2, 'Mc. elevator: i'J a Una I; options dull,
fteiuly: September, 37Tc; (klolxT. 37-"v.;
November, 37V4c: May, 35c. oats Dull,
inlxeil tlrm; options dull; Soptcm'j'r,
24:S,c ! October, 24'4c: Di-eimber, 24:v;
spot prices. No. 2, 24'ac: No. 2 white, 2i'e. ;
No. 2 Chicago, 25V4c; No. 3, 22'i.c; No. t
while, 25c; m xed western, 24a2iic.; white,
ilo. and white state, i'.allle. I'rovls.ono
(Julet, steuily. Lard (Julet, firm, iin
chuiiKcd. Hutter Steady ; state dairy, 12u
2ic: ilo. creamery. 21'sa22c; western dairy,
H'liHlUc; ilo. creamery, 13a22e. ; ilo. fac
tory, 8ul2Kc; Klglns, 22;; Imitation
creamery. Ilaluc. Cheese Firmer; stale
large, 6"jaXc.; do. fancy, inline.; do. small,
tiMK'ji'. : part skims, itaii'-je. ; full skims, 2a
2'4c Kggs-yiilet, easy; slate and Penii
Kylvniiiu., 17alXc ; western J'resh, Wsa
17c.; do. per ease, $1.5tia4.5o.
Toledo (iruin Market.
Toledo. O.. Sept. 2i!. Wheat Receipts,
LXM liiishi'ls; shipments, 3..'m) bushels;
nlarket firmer: No. 2 red. cash, (mi.; De
cember, ii.Sc; May, 7'N1. : No. 3 red, cash.
4c. Corn -Itecelpts, 37,n bushels; ship
mi nis. 25.KKI buslii-ls; market quiet: No. 1
mixed, cash, 34 .; No. 3 ilo., 3.1'ic; No. 2
yellow. 35'..c: No. 3 do., 3l'..e.; No. 2 wh te.
35c; No. 3" ilo.. 34c Imls-lteeeipls, I2.(m
bushels; market easy; No. 2 wh.le. cash,
22c: No. 3 do.. 2lr-. Clover Seed- Receipts,
1.100 bags; shipments, 175 bags; market
steuilv; cash and October, $1.40; lx-ceni-ber.
$4.40; March, $4.47'-...
buffalo l ive Stock.
ItufTulo, Sept. 2ii. Cattle l(..eeipjts, 2.'m
hcail; on sale, Imi line!: market dull.
Hogs Receipts, S.erno head: on sale, iU'hi
hi'Uil; market strong lo Inc. higher; York
ers, goeid to rlio ri', $4.HOa4.35; mixed paek
e rs, $l.25al.30; heavy ami nied.uni, $l..'Ma
4.35; light Yorkers. $l.25al.3u: pigs, $l.!5a
4 Ui; coinmon lo fair. $4.loa4.15; roiiiihs. M.i
3 ii0: slugs, $ltalt.25. Sheep iiml Lambs -Itecolpls.
7.I8RI head; on sale, I.IHio head;
market dull and slow; mixed sheep, $2.4e i
2.75; choice selected wethers, $2.x5u3; fu.r
to fairly good biilchers, SI Hon 2. 2.'.; nooil to
choice export sheep, $3.75n4; prime lambs,; fair to good, $3.85a4.2.r; l.glit, $125
a3.75; t.'unada lambs. $4.40a4.55.
( hlcaco Live Stock.
Chicago, Sept. 20. Cattle Receipts, II,
OM head; market weak and 10c lower;
common to extra steers, $l!..'iiia5.7o: slock,
era and feeders, $2.3a4; cows and bulls,
SI.G0a3.75; calves, $Ha7; Tex.uis, $l.75a:i.l";
western rangers, $2.50a4.50. Hogs Ite
celpts, 22,1810 bead: market firm and 5e.
hlglK'r; heavy (lacking nnd slopping lots,
$:t.Mia4.25; conin'ou to choice m.xi d, $:i.7na
4.25; I'holce assorted, $l.l5al.25; light, $3.7oa
4.25; pigs, $2.1ua4.15. Shee Receipts, 13,U"0
head: market steady; Inferior to choice,
$ lambs, $Ha4.75.
LNow in Charge of the Chicago Medi
cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Comes highly roconinienrli'd by nil the le'ad
ing rluctors of tho world, and makes a s rc
ty of nn l will trent ooly weinuu nnd children
una nil Rente and chrotdc diseases per uliur to
the female sex. Her specialties in which she
lias achieved so much great sue-css ami liomir
aru Fi'inulu Compbiints. Hiixnl I'nlsoti. Ulimi
in.ttion, Chronii; Nervous Disease, Tumors.
Cancers, tinltres. Cripples, Detortuiti ea, St.
Vitus' Dance and Epileptic Fits. All who cull
within twenty days will receive ndvieeand
service froe, including medicino for three
months, for Slu bixamiuation and ailvtca
free. Tills institution ha do c nnection with
Dr. Reeves. Take elevator In store lie-low. 412
Spruce street. IMUco hoars from 0 a. in. until
Bom.; Saaday from i to A o'clock p. ni.
Monal Bank of Scrantoa.
CAPITAL 250.000
SUKPLOS, $40,000
BAMTTBIi ITTNE8, President
Vf. W. WATSON. Vice-President
JL B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Samuel Hlnes, James M. Rvertiart, Try;
Ins A vinrh. Pierce It. Flnlev. Joseph J,
Jermyn, M. 8. Kemerer, Charles P. Mt
tliews, jonn 1 . roner, . . vi
nn tank Invites the ptronate f bus
man and nrms renerety.
Stocks, Bonds
and Grain
Houuht and sold on New York
Exchiinic nnd Cliic;io Huard
of Trndc, cither for cash or on
412 Spruce Street
Telephone 5002.
C.lil.r It rltera
fi.,,fvABlrt.4 ('.rt, far
anu all .niiiilnir Bilmfnt
bulb of youuir .nil mblitlu"
airt'd nine anu imiTi, The
nwfui.iTccuiif vih:tiiki;u
l(nlli of trontmcnt. Mtliniis, iru,lunnir rac
new, Ni-rron. Uftilliljr.NMiibllT Knillnti,('iiiianiHioa,
Iimrenlty, Kihaurtlnir rirahinMiiflloiniif wiwerot thulleti
.nUrpOrsaimuulUllnir tnief.Titiiily, fulBnd mr
rinse Lquirkly imi red hyllr. umArlrnra Nrre
il r.l Ttmy ntt only cure by ittort Inir at Ui mml nt i11a
Turn, but ara airri( KltVi: loNto a II U
tl tMH It, br Inm imu k tlm .Ink vlntr pale
thrikt anilVi'iit.irlnirUM f IKK OF VOI TII to Uia
iiallvnt. Iiy mall, 01. m prr bin or fur 05 vltta rlu
Wm aiteraMr la rare mr rrtnnA tbi' mnnty. Bo.a
Cm. aaaaJUaAervcVralat.'., Uaxi:s,M.lara
For sale by JOHN 11. 1'HKI.fH. tru
Kist, Wyomlns ave. and Spruce street.
French Injection Compound
Cajrea praltlTrly, quickly, (not nierrly ehrr'ka.)
tiuaiauteed or luoiwy rrtuiHlrM. Avoid danserori.
ranidMu. Prtceooeeaiaiwr imttle. aim Buiilea
twill enre amnut raw) Hint iin-iiald. aneura froiu
eeeemtliin. with only cliutlftuUly amie yrtngo,
to auy .ititrea. tor tt-uo.
To all sufferer, of KRROKSOr YOUTH,
WOMEN, MM naire.: cloth bound; .pcnraly
eh'il aid ma lil free. Treatment brmail
Hrlctly euufld.ntial, and a t oaittre qnlck cure
una anteeil. ho matter how loan standing, I
will oura you. Write or call,
nn I apt) 32 it. iSth St., Phllade., Pa.
Ua VtbS fn' aoatianciu praoUeo.
-f-"--"-- "
41 .
The Only Remedy in the World That Re
Kinds Purchase Price if It Pails to Ciire
the Tobacco Habit in 4 to 10 Days Is
It Ciires While
Tho greatest discovery of the age!
A certain, pleuHant, permanent
A lifetime's fiufferlug ended for
Why smoke nnd spit your life
aw:ty'4 Wliy Miller fiom dyspep
hIh, heartburn, uud drains ou your
vital forms?
Slop iisittf; tnlmeco, lint stop the
riKht v:iy! Drive the nicotine from
your hy.Htem liy tho uho of thin
woudui l'ul remedy.
Nakcoti-Cijhk in warranted to
remove dll desire for tobucco in
every form, including CiKiir, t'iiar
ette and l'ipo Kmokiug, Cbewitig
and Hiuilt' '1 tiki uk.
l.:so till tlie tolmoeo you want
while tinder treatment, and in
from four to ten days your "hank
ering" nnil "cruviun'' will disap
pear -the weed won't taste ooU.
Then throw away tobacco for
ever. NAKCoTl-CurtE is entirely vege
table and free from Injurious iti
Kredieiits. It never fails to (five
tone and new vigor to the weakest
Ilcniember Na rcoti-Cfre does
not deprive you of tobacco while
elleetiuK a cure; doesn't ask you
to buy scvenil bottles to bo entitled
to a Kunrnutee; doesn't require a
month's treatment; and, finally,
doesn't enable you to stop tobacco
only to find ynursslf a slave to the
habit of tablet chewing.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
rAr-r t--r-i-I
And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc,
lieault In 4 weeks.
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS.
Spruce Street, Scranton Pa,
If anofVtnrar. of ttaa Oalabratoa
lootooo Barrels per Annum
ra atjw j ti
-A 4Umr tatttt u a aatiar tmrmta. jr.
IHwItwIlM'MUl Kramh DaavolaKMIMt.
tara BrMt SaUwod ttm .nrwltnw In th. Uea
I frn .nrwltnw In th. UJra
neraiAorOaah, Umf Orvar,
or rmat Mala frr aUM
aoid la all Wall Motm for
lSO. Wa aiak. Ihtt bael
auratlraa, Uwnlora wa gmmf
ante. Ui. in, afy aaa anwr.
i .a
Will mono om aiiiaij
d another Mr. tipata
wMlbtO, l.K,ftIt
to aaa aaw
i (Ma.
aiaHI fen, la Dmim.
ihis a
niriiii xt
aTV'w. M 9 m
m' aw
a. . 1
Continue th? Use of
With Narcoti Ccbe, when yon
are through with tobacco, you are
through with the remedy. One
bottle cures.
Kend for book of prominent tes
timonies like the following:
HcHTiHOTOtt, Man., Ilareh 18. IMS.
Toe .sakcoti Cucmk alco,
. t Sprlnjaeld. Haas.
Ocntlomen; I have utad tabaeau for
ovor twenty-flva yuara, ch.wina'aad
smoklntf every day from I a, m. to 9 p.
.tupping only fur maala.
n Monday. Feb. i. I railed at yonr
odlce in H,ilu(fnM. and boufht a kot'l
ut tli cits which 1 used a. dlraetad.
an 'I on tb. lentb day tb. dealr. fur to
bacco bad l"ft me and it baa not re
turned. I did uot luwe a meal while tak
ii'pT t 'B Clue. My appetita baa ioiproyad
tin 1 ejueidor NAiii'oTi-t.'eHi a grand
tbiu(. Very reauectfally,
Mr. Frank H. Morton, of Cbirwp-e
Falls. Mua late lueiector of public
buildings for Uaaaacbuaetta, aays:
I ued tobacco for tw.nty-flv. rears,
ami was a cuuflrnird amnk'r. In Jnat
right dara' treatment with NARCOTI
(.1 US', wai thro i(U with tobacco. In fact
tlm desire fur lobanco Tantabed Ilka a
droam. Very reapactfalty,
If your druggist is unable to give
full particulars about Narcoti
Ctjkk, send to us for Book of Par
ticulars free, or tend $6.00 for bot
tle by mail.
Springfield. lass.
22 CommoDf ealtli
ii Bldg, Scranton, Pa.
Whrn In dmiht wht m nf fot Nerrom DcMllty. of Sml Fo (In ehh
letl, littH.ln. v, Aiiiiliv. Vri.ile mi other wt.knef, from any u,
S'in Pills. I)iaui tliiWH anJ lull vier qiikkly ielird. If nffgltcJ, uli
liiil.l-s tull laully. Mailed n)whrre. ealrrl. locl.ooi botw k 5-
rvrrv c ..rrler we iriie a lecal iruafante- lo mre or refund the mcne). Aaare.
FfcAl. MI IIICINi; CO .CIocUnil, Ohio.
Pharmacist! cor. Wyoming Avanu and
are looaUd tba flnoat flsblng and huntlnf
Brouadt tn tha world. DwaorlptlTB booki oa
pplli atiou. Tlckata to all point In Malna,
Canada and Maritime ProTincee, Mlnnaapolla,
Kt Paul. Canadian and United Stataa North
went a, Vanconver. ttoattlu, Taootua, Portland,
Ore., Ban Franclaoo.
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all through train. . TourUt cart
fully fllted with bwldlng, curtaina and tp
tally adapted to wanta of famillns may be had
with aecond-elaM ticket. Rataa always le
than rta other llnea, For fall Information,
time table, etc., on application to
E. V, SKINNER, 3. E. A.
aavTJKw ' "aal "aaaaaaa V