The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 24, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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formal Challenge from Englaod la on
Its Way Here.
jBbtaat Shore la the Now Challcnecr-Sho
Kails la tha Artatocratio Kojral Vic
toria Flcct-Tho Prlnco of
Walci May Come Over.
London, Sept. 23. J. M. Soper, the
yarht designer, rume to London today
and had a conference wun tnarles Day
Kone regarding the detail! of the yacht
with which it is proposed to challenge
for the America h cup. It was agreed
to communicate with the necrctary of
the Royal Victoria club, who will cable
to the New- York lacht club as follows:
"Formal cltallenfce-by mail will fol
low mid will read: "In 'behalf of the
Koyal Victoria Vacht club, and in the
name or u. utose. a memoer, me
club challenges to sail a series of
matches for .the Amrrlcu's cup against
any yacht or vessel built in the I nlted
State. The following are the partic
. v OhalUMiger'a owner, C. D. Hose;
name of.yac'ht. the Distant Shore;
leniwh of load waiter line, eighty-nine
feet: rlK. cutter.'
"The challenge will be absolutely un
Xew York, Sept. 23. When the above
falile message was shuwiv to ex-Com
niodore Janu-s l. Smith, chairman of
the America's cup committer, the vet
eran yacntamun read the news eagerly.
and said:
"Thla, Indeed la a very sportsmanlike
rhallentre, and I am very glad to hear
or It. VI oiurav, our committee has
nothing to do with it. but when the di
rect challenge arrives. I have no doubt
4hat a spei-hil meeting of the New York
Yaoht club will be called, and a new
cup committee appointed.
"In hia preliminary cable, Mr. Hose
MM that he beggvd to challenge for
the America'! cup next year, the race
to be sailed on conditions satisfactory
to the cup committee. In tJie cable
gram Just shown me Mr. Howe bears out
his previous cablegram ami leaves the
conditions absolutely In the hands of
any cup committee that may be ap
pointed. Whether I sfhall be a member
of thait commi't'tee or not I can now say
positively that 'the very fairest possible
conuiiwns whi oe adopted.
KefenJcr Will Hcfcnd.
"This Is good news. Indeed, for Amer
ican yachtsmen, und in my opinion, it
will not be necessary for us to build
another cup defender in order to beat
the Distant Shore."
It is quite evident from the figure
named s feet as the limit of tho
load water length, that Mr. Rose in
tends to build a cutter much the same
In size as Valkyrie III. which meas
ured SS."0 feet when ready to race,
against Defender's SS.43 feet. He may,
however, build her smaller than Val
kyrie III. but he must not exceed 89
Yachtsmen generally appear to be
lieve that the .challenge of Mr. Rose
km suggested by the Prince of Wales,
and there ! already talk that he may
come over to the races.
There Is scarcely a doubt that there
will be at leas.t one new boat built to
defend the cup. The names of Oeorge
Oould and several other well-known
persons are heard In connection with
new yachts.
Oxford-Cambridge Cricketers Defeat th
Gentlemen of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 23. The Oxfnrrl
Camtiidge cricketers' redeemed their
defa.t by the University of Pennsylva
r'j by bfatlng'the gentlemen of Phila
delphia 4n ti'.ie match whlfh has been In
progress since Friday and which ended
this afternoon.
The Phllaiklphlan-s scored 234 runs in
their first Inning and l:i.S In their second
a total of 371 The Kngllshmen made
156 runs In their first 'Inning, and when
they went In today for their second In
ning they wanted 217 runs to win. They
Scored 220 runs with two wickets to
On next Friday. Saturday ani Mon
day the RngHshmen will play their
third deciding match with the gentle
men of iphlladf lirhla on the grounds of
the Merlon Cricket club, at Haverford
Citation, Pa.
American Doat, Mhel Vnn, Wins by 7
.Minutes ond 41 Seconds.
Center Island, L. I.. Sept. 23. Ethel
Wynn, the 15-foot defender of the Sea
wanhaka Yacht club's International
rthallFnge trophy for small boats, to
day defeated Spruce IV, the Kngllsh
half-rater and first challenger for the
The race was twelve miles to leeward
and windward and was wun by seven
minutes forty-one seconds.
Yesterday's Results.
.12 Philadelphia.
. 0 llrooklyn
. New York ....
.11 Louisville....
I S St. Louis
Baltimore won an easy victory from
Philadelphia yesterday and jumps two
points more ahead of Cleveland. The
latter have two games scheduled this
week with Louisville, who should be
easy game for the second place team,
whose percentage should go up to .fir,4.
Uultlmore has four more games to play
with Philadelphia and New York, and
by losing two of them will still hnve a
percentage of .656, two points ahead of
Cleveland.. The last game Is to be
played In New York next Monday and
that game will decide the contest pro
vided Kaltlmore loses two games in the
Interval and provided Cleveland wins
twice from Louisville. Cleveland has a
postponed game with Chicago which it
could play In that city on Monday, but
It Is aald that Tebeau will pin his faith
to New York rather than take chances
with Chicago. Yesterday'! games were
quite evenly distributed among leaders
and tailers, and the results do not
change the position of any club,
Standing of National Ixagne clubs.
, , ' P. W. L. P.O.
Baltimore 134 12 42 .nil
Cleveland .12 8: 45 ,4
Philadelphia ....126 77 49 : .HI
Chicago 70 64 .VA
Koston 135 S U .11,2
Brooklyn ...126 67 M Mi
'Pittsburg 127 67 60 .f2ft
New York 125 4 6t .012
Cincinnati m 63 61 .Mil
Washington 122 4(1 83 .328
lit. Louis 125 97 RH .. .m
Louisville ..127 U S3 '.2Wt
At Baltimore It. I I.E.
Baltimore 3 1 0000S4 12 14 3
Philadelphia 4000000O 4 7 2
Batteries Esper and Itohlmton; Lucid
and Clements. Umpire Keefe. Called,
At Brooklyn R. H.H.
Brooklyn 0 010112 0 0-710 4
Boston 1 000(040 11 t
Batteries Kennedy. Oumbert and Grim;
Nichols and Hyan. Umpire Murray.
At Washington R. H.E.
Washington 0 Z 0 0 2 0 1 1- 12 0
New York 0 1O22IOO-7 0 I
Batterlea Mercer and alcOuire: Rustle
nd Doyle, l.'mplre Hurst Called on ac
count or (larrtness.
At i.niiini
R. H.E.
lMifevdle .,1 0000424-4 W O
Pittsburg .2002 0 tOtlt .16 1
Batteries Inks and Warner; Hawley
nd Mack Umpire Emilia, . Called on
account of darkness.
At Bt. Louis-. , . R. H.E,
t. Louis 0 4-fll t
Cincinnati ...1 1 4 1 0 1 1 i 15 20 I
Battertes-t-McDougaii and Otten; Dwyrr
4 Vaughn. Umpire McDonald.
How tha Present Champion Ones Caught
a Tartar in J oe McAuliffe.
The alleged out of Cortoett by ."Joe
tUcAullrte some yeans ago Is now the
subject f an tretereatlng story. Cor-
bett was at the time boxing Instructor
of the Olympic dub. at San Francisco,
the best amateur club weft or t lie ills
slsslppl. one day .McAullnVs backer
met 4'orbett. who was then locally
noted for his matchless cleverness, and
asked "Jemmy" to go out and show
"Joe" a few scientific points and teach
him new tricks. Corbelt promised to
do so, and next day he packed his grip
and hied himself to McAulilfe's train
ing quarters. The men stripped and
adjusted the gloves, and then the bout
Corbet t was maklntr whait Is known
In sportance parlance as a "sucker" of
his man In hitting him and evading
him, until the big tanner's right hand
caught him fairly on the jaw, and he
went out as clean us any pug you
ever saw. When Ciirliett came to he
went back to 'Frisco with his head
luizr.lng like a swarm of bees. M
Auliffe's hacker, who was not present
at the set-to, meeting Corbet t, usked:
"Say. 'Jem,' did you get out there
today?" "Yes." replied "Jem." "but
you can't learn that big slob any
doing to the training quarters ho
told "Joe what Corhett had said
"Why." said McAulllTe. "I knocked
thut mug completely out." McAuliffe
was hot, and putting on his coat and
hat, he at once proceeded to San Fran
tlsco and to the Olympic club In quest
of Corhett. Culling him. one side the
big tannor said: "I hear you called nie
a slob. You put on a set of gloves
there and we'll have it right out now.
Mr. Harrison, the president of the club,
put an end to any hostilities.
Ilob kneebs Will Protect.
Sioux City, la.. S.-pt. a Hob Kneebs
tins received notice that he has been ex
pelled from the American Trotting nsso
eiat!on as a resultof h's arrest Ini.ermmiy
on the charge of "ranging" a hore.
Kneehs avs lie will urotest the decision.
He has been driving ou association tracks
all summer.
Marty llognn Is Coming.
Marty Koran, the fleet-footed ex-center
fielder or the wcrunton emu unit a prime
favorite with many steady patrons of the
game, will spend a portion of the winter
n Meranton. lie will oe nere next mnnin.
Hosjnn tin played the season Just ended
with the imbnnupoi! dun.
- -
Tommy llannon .Married.
Tommy Hannon. the center fielder who
was loaned by New York ami played a
portion of the season with Scrunlon, was
married Saturday in Lynn, Mass., to Miss
l.izzle Sumvan.
A l oot Hull Challenge.
The 33 school foot ball team ehallengo
the No. 14 school to a game of foot ball
Saturday. S.ot. 28 at '2.JD V. m. on th(
Holes Wheel works grounds. Holland
ltice, captain.
Oncer Case Heard in Police Court at 10
o'clock Lost Msht.
bout 9 o clock last evening a wo
man and a man entered Rogers
Jewelry store, on Lackawanna avenue.
The woman was Mary Taylor, of Lack
awanna, and the man was her husband.
Thirty days ago she pawned her wed
ding ring in the same store for 13, and
her visit last evening was to get the
ring out of pawn. She asked to be
shown the ring, and Mr. Rogers got
It for her.
Her husband picked It up and ran
out. Patrolman Palmer was on tne
rtreft and was called and took Mrs,
Tavlor to the police station. She had
a young child In her arms. The hus
band came around to the police station
afterward. Alderman Millar was sum
moned and gave the couple a hearing,
The charge against them was larceny.
She pawned It because she was nam up
and the ticket she got was a plain
piece of note paper, on which was writ
ten. "Take one on the tongue every
two hours." The alderman fined her
$3 and had the ring restored to Rogers,
Daniel Ambrose, of Old l orgc. Had No
l olth In llnnks.
Daniel Ambrose, of iMudtown, saved
12o for a day that the shower might
overtake him, and he rolled the boodle
up ".n a handkerchief and put It in his
trunk. One John flloth, a Hungarian
who boarded with Dan, proved himself
an apt student In learning the wicked
ways of tne country and he took the
Ambrose missed It, nought the
boarder out and demanded the money.
Ills request was answered with cruel
blows. Dan went before 'Squire Sam
uel Hrodhead and swore out a warrant
for larceny and assault and battery.
Hall was required In the sum of $1,000
which (lloth could not furnish and he
was sent to the county Jail to ubuear
for trial In court.
Makes an I'nsucccs.sful Attempt to Pre
vent an lilopemcnt.
The following telegram was sent out
from this city last Friday afternoon:
Meranton, Pa., Sept. 20.
Chief of Police, l!lni,'hiimton:
Klotiement. Watch for iurtles nml hold
them. Lady, 15 years old, hrum-Un; live
feet, five Inches; light dress, (lent, live
feet, four Inches, dark hair, wore dark
suit when leaving, a. m. Names John
Murphy and Selma Wulchel.
Kobert uav.s.
The telegram was too late. The
elopers were in lilnghamton ahead of
It, and they are now enjoying their
honeymoon. The groom has been em
ployed In the South sterl mill and lives
near No. 5. on the Kouth Side. The
bride :., a sister of Clara Welchel. the
Center street siren. Clara was anxious
All Her Life Happy Release at Last
of Miss Alice Young, Who Re
sides at 3S2 Aloxander Street,
Rochester, N. Y.
(From the Rochester Democrat and Chron
Our representative was received verv
pleasantly at 3Sfi Alexander street, by Miss
Alice Young, who told how since childhood
she had been held In tho bondage of pain
from her back, never remembering the
time that she had not suffered pain or
aches in the region of the kidneys. Many
were the means she used to find relief, but
there seemed no remedy for her case and
she remained a captive; then along comes
these little enemies to backache, Donn's
Kidney Pills, and a half box releases the
bunds, as one by one the aches and pnlns
disappear, she finds herself a slave to
pain no more, by their continued use. Bhe
says: "I was entirely relieved of all my
suffering and now 1 am perfectly strong,
healthy and well."
"How did you take thla remedy?" Miss
Young was asked by our representative.
Bhe replied that she followed directions
explicitly. Miss Young then told how the
malady affected her, saying her symptoms
were: "Stooping, bending over, walking
or standing any length of time always
gave me a pain in the Rmall or my back.
I had a pain In the kidneys all the time
and If I caught cold It would always settle
there; the pain I suffered was of a very ex
hausting nature; at night I could only He
flat on my back, any other position caus
ing pain and suffering; the nerves passing
up my back were affected and this brought
with It severe headaches, but as I said be
fore, Doan's Kidney Pills have removed
all pain and suffering entirely and I never
felt better and healthier In my life."
Doan's Kidney Pllla are for sale by all
dealers,' price M cents, mailed by Foster-
MiiDurn co., Buffalo, if. T Bole Agents
for tha United BUtaa.
to prevent her sister from eloping. At
her instance "Bob" Davis, her partner,
sent the telegram.
The Welchel's live on the South Side,
In-the upper part of the Nineteeittb
;lssie's fall from grace.
Philip lleasley'a Sacond Wife
In the
County Jail.
Alderman S. S. Jones, of Archbnld,
committed Guttsle Regain and Kva
Spanpenburg 'to ihe county jail yester
day afternoon on the charge of being
Immoral and being Inmates of a bawdy
house. They were arrested by thei po
lice of itho Pioneer CWy. The pair could
not ftirnl.'ih ball and were sent to prison
to await the action of it.he grand Jury.
The Regain g-lrl is -the one to whom
Philip Hensley wih married while he
was the lawful husband of Alice Rob
inson, and for which crime he Is now
serving a iilno months' sentence in the
county Jull.
Dry Weather and Intense Heat Is As
cribed at tho Cause.
The long period of dry weather, sup
plemented by the fierce heat of the lust
few days, 'has almost entirely destroyed
the pastures in this part of the state,
and In consequence milk is becoming
very source In this city.
Yesterday and the day before there
was less than three-fourts of the
amount of milk received In the city
that Is necessary to supply the de
mand, and in consequence not a few
families were entirely without the lac
teal 11 it ill.
The crop of late potatoes has also
been much damaged by the drought.
Arranged for Resolutions on Itev. T. J.
Collins' Coining Departure.
At a meeting of the lAblngton Haft 1st
association ministers yesterday morn
ing in the Penn Avenue Uaptlst church
a Committee was appointed to draft
resolutions of regret over tho coming
of tihe Soranton Street ilfciptlsit church.
The committee consists of Revs. AV. J.
Ford. 1). C. Hughes and W. O. Walking.
During the meeting a pupcr, entitled
"The Cherubim." was read by Rev.
J. R. Kills, of iihtkeiy.
Miss Lewis, cf Wilki s-Barre, -who
has been visiting Miss Annie and Miss
Carrie Atherton, of North Main ave
nue, returned home yesterday.
Mrs. H. H. McKeehnn, of Jones
street, who was subjected to a surgi
cal operation last week, is slowly Im
proving. V. C Krlta, of New York city, former
ly of the North Knd, is visiting some
of his friends.
Rev. Oeorge K. Guild, of North Main
avenue, left yesterday for Montrose, to
attend the Presbytery.
Miss ICItle Lewis, of Kdna avenue,
left yesterday for Chambersburg, Pa.,
where she will attend Wilson college.
Rev. Mr. Swift, of Honesdale, spent
yesterday with some North Knd
Miss Katie Sal try, of West Market
street, and Miss Annie Walsh, of Cu
slck avenue, spent Sunday with Oly
phant friends.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Sherman spent Sunday
at "Point Breeze," Lake Wlnola.
The 'St. Joseph's society of young
men, of the North End, attended the
funeral of John Karly, of the South
Side, formerly of Providence, yester
day afternoon.
The Kxcelsor Hose company Is mak
ing some extensive preparations for
the entertainment of the Independent
Hose company, who will spend today
as the Kxcelslor's guests.
The entertainment which was given
last evening by the Kpworth leugue of
the Providence Methodist Episcopal
church, after their annual business
meeting, attracted a large crowd who
greatly enjoyed some excellent solos'
and essays which were rendered by
members of the league. The subject of
tho essa were on vacation, and
were read by Miss Mary , Davis, Miss
Ida Cahoon, Oeorge M. Miller and
Arthur Edgar. The solos by Miss M.
Torrey and James (ieddis were excel
lently rendered. The pastor, Rev. Mr.
Edgar, gave an interesting address on
vacation days.
Patrick Golden, of Chestnut street.
one of the prominent citizens of that
borough, dieil at his home yesterday.
aged 51 yearn. He was born III Ireland,
and came to this country In his boy
hood. For several years he has been
associated with his brother, Thomas K.
Golden. In the undertaking business,
under the firm name of Golden Broth
ers, lie was an honest, God-fearing
man. and a good neighbor, and pos
sessed the respect and esteem of those
who had relations with him. His wife
and twelve children survive him. The
funeral will take place tomorrow morn
ing at A solemn requiem mass
will be celebrated In St. Mary's church.
Interment In St. Mary's cemetery.
Rev. J. J. Rankin, of Hawley. was
the guest of Rev. J. W. Williams yes
terday. Hiishnell Hronson resumed m lamors
ait the oirlce of tire J'etmsylvamla Coal
company yesterday, after a week's va
cation spent in N-w York rlty.
A son has come to brighten the home
of Mr. and iMrs. Reuben Jutx-s, of Nay
The social given by the Young La
dles' 'Mlsr.lon circle at he home of cMr.
hnd Mrs. Oeorge Ilaugbt, on North
Hlak.ely Btteet, proved to be a very en
joyable nffalr. iA large number wetv
In attendance and a neat sum was
A number of the friends of (Miss An
nie Young tendered her upurp rise party
at her pleasant home, on Church street.
last evening in honor of her birthday.
Games were Indulged In and a good
time had 'by all 'the young folks. Those
present were: Addle Barnard, May
Plnncll. Annie Powell, H.ittle King,
Phoebe Englert. Jennie Eden, blanche
Harper, Eva Montgomerv. Mav Slnvn-
son, Jennie Hit seeker, Edith Hchoon-
over aim u.enn Ross, Edtt.h Schoon-
Fred Dodge. Victor Jlnknev. Waller
Jones, Roy Kly. Charles Ross, Worth
Smith and William Young. .
From the Chicago Post.
She was looklns over her wor,1mU
her best friend called.
"Papa has decided that we can go away
for the month of August," she said, "anil
I've had time to make absolutely no prep
arations. I must make the best of what I
'Where are vou aolne?" nalcnii h.. ii
I don't know." she replied thoughtfully.
U I. es between the seaMhore un.i tha
moutalns, and I am trying to make up my
'Oh, that ought to be easy,"
'If I had time to uruuure. vm: tint
but-" r
She took up a gown, held !t out at arm's
length, and surveyed It critically.
" " aha ai.1.1 t.lnM.,
"Just the thins for the mountains!" at.
claimed the friend. "There's nothing but
hots there, and I rempmher hn inu.iv
you looked In that gown. Oh, the moun
tains ny an means cr you want to show
yourself to the best advantage.
"And of course I do. That's what I'm
going for. Hut-but"
"Hut what?" i
She held ud several naira1 of Wiitifnl
silk stockings. -
How lovely you would look In bath
ing suit with those!" cried the friend.
"Precisely." she said. "Nntv .hall t n'n
my faith to the decollette gowns or to the
the hosiery? KeaUy, It'a too provoking
for a n v th-'nv In k. .n.f n t,.i
either place. I I"
"Try them both !" yelled a smalt brother.
putting his head through the door. "If
your Tr'.lb;i dorft catch on at the' aea
shore may be you can win by a .neck In
the mountai ns' -
She said hp was a mean, horrid boy; but
that's what aha decided to do tint th.
ice jtro
n onxiiiniiii
Some Events of the Day on the West
Side of the Cltv Noted.
llecomcs tho Itrldo of S. I.. II. Skellhorn
of Philadelphia- l urewcll Reception
to Pustor Collins, of the Scran
ton Street Uuptlst Church.
(The Weat Side Interests of The Tribune
have been placed in the hands of Emer
son Owen, to whom all news announce
ments and complaints may be addressed. J
A quite wedding ceremony wns per
formed at high noon yesterdav by
Rev. L. C. Floyd, of the Simpson Meth
odist church, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jehu Fern, of North Sumner ave
nue. The irinclpuls were S. L. It.
Skellhorn, of Philadelphia, and Miss
Nellie C. Fern. The bride was attired
In a gown of blue whip cord, and car
ried roses. There were no attendants.
and the ceremony was performed with
simplicity. Only a few intimate friends
and relatives witnessed the contract.
A wedding dinner was served, after
which Mr. and Mrs. Skellhorn left on
n bridal tour. They will reside perman
ently at Philadelphia, where Mr. Skell
horn Is employed. Miss Fern. Is well
known on this side, and Is the daughter
of Mr. Fern, foreman at the Archbald
Farewell to Kcv. Collins.
Rev. T. J. Collins, who has resigned
from the pastorate of the Scranton
Strei t Unfit 1st church, was tendered a
farewell last evening by his congre
gation. The meeting was attended by
many West Slders, who wished 'to pay
their respects to Mr. Collins. Dr. H.
. Heddoe acted as chairman of the
meeting. Speeches were made bv Rev.
Mr. Harris, of Taylor Calvary church;
Rev. Mr. Ellis, of Rlakely; Rev. I). J.
Williams, of Jermyn; Rev. W. J. Wat
kins, of the North Knd: Rev. W. H.
O'Nell, of Hunniore: Rev. U. C. Floyd,
of the Simpson 'Methodist church, nnd
Rev. D. C Hughes, of the Jackson
Strent Rapttst church. All of the
speakers were of the one opinion as to
the loss Mr. Collins will be tn this sec
tion. Best wishes were extended for
the new life, beyond the Mississippi.
Senior Deacon Charles Corliss. In be
hulf of the church, presented Mr. Col
lins with the following resolutions:
"Whereas, We, as a church, are called
to act upon the resignation of our be
loved pastor, Rev. T. J. Collins, there
fore be It.
Resolved, That In severing the con
nection that hns held us togother as
pastor and people for seven and one
half years, we must attempt to express
In our feeble way our regrets at the
coming separation. Brother Collins has
endeared himself to our hearts by his
noble manhood. In the work of the
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, nnd his
kindly and fraternal relations with all.
We shall miss him much when he Is
gone, and we pray that the iLord of
Hosts will be with hi in. (Signed)
Charles Corliss, Jabez Floyd, Charles
Dr. Beddoe presented Rev. nnd Mrs.
Collins with a purse of money from
the church, and Dr. Senderllng, In he
half of the pac tor'sJundny school
class, gave an expensive fountain pen.
Mr. Collins responded feelingly. Dur
ing the evening musical selection were
given by the choir, and solos were sung
by members of the church. Mr. and
Mrs. Collins leave the latter part of
this week for Salt Lake City, where tho
former will assume tho pastorate of an
other church.
Decorate Ynnr Dwellings.
Today will be a great day with city
firemen, and' the West Side contingent
will enloy a large slice of tho day's fun.
We will have a little parade of our own
previous to the display proper, In the
afternoon at about 1 o'clock. The par
ticipants will he the Columbia and
Franklin companies and our visitors,
the Hnllstead Fire cumpuny, of Hall
stead, Pa. The route will be from the
Franklin engine house down Hyde Park
avenue to the Columbia house, where
the Hallstead lire engine reposed Inst
night after Its arrival on the 7 o'clock
train. Main avenue will be traversed
as far as Swetland street, then back to
West Lackawanna avenue, thence to
the central city. Cltlitens along this
route are requested to decorate their
dwellings and places of business. The
Hallstead boys will be entertained with
the best. They arrived last evening,
forty strung, on the train and were
met at the depot by the Franklin mem
bers and other firemen. A march was
then made to the Franklin quarters,
which had been tastily decorated for a
suitable reception of the guests. The
work of Permanent Men W. 8. Klme
and W. 3. Sproats Is evidenced by the
decorations. The Franklin boys In
charge of the reception are: J. L.
Beavers, T. P. Daniels, John II, Klme,
T. H. Allen and John R. Costlett. A fea
ture of today's parade will be the pres
ence of three of the first four foremen
of the 'Franklin company. David O.
Sleigh, the first one, died recently at
Wllkes-tUarre. The others are J. i.
Smith and ex-Alderman William Oram,
of this city, and A. 'P. Vlnnlg, of Hall
stead. The day Is a big one in our his
tory. ; '.,
Jndgo Edwards' Reception Tonight.
The grand reception to Judge and
Mrs. II. iM. Edwards will be held this
evening at the newly renovated St.
David's halll. The public Is Invited to
attend. Though Invitations have been
Issued, they were for the purpose of
notifying out-of-town people, a number
of whom will be In attendance, of the
event. The programme as printed In
thla morning's tribune will be carried
out In Its entirety,
Personals and News Notee.
A number of the friends of Miss
FjIIss, iLuvts, tih . unfortunate young
nay wnft wtas injured at the Welsh
Baptbithurch on Sunday, vlsiled her
yde Park Literary and Defeat-
pty imit last evening.
roken vehicle, win lot contained
y family and Was upoot by a
witfl street car near the
The a
VB9 U Iff
Welsh Calvlnistlc Metho-dlst church,
filll tfitndj ua the roadside, a bad
At last tUght's meeting of the Hyde
Park Utierairy and Debating society
an Impromptu mock trial was held.
W. A. Price acted as attorney for he
prosecuitojr. D. J. iMvis, ami W. O.
Mjser end E. W. Thayer renrescnted
ti defendant. Rert Harrington. Wor
oon ivoabrs .acted as Judge, und George
T. Okell waa Wie clerk of court. The
Jury decided In favor of the prosecution.
At the business meeting held afterward
the society resolved to make an en
deavor to add annw to the effectiveness
of the society. The next meeting on
Monday night will Include many inter
esting fealtures.
Sevinal Main avenue business men
have decorated their buildings.
D. Williams, or ltelleviie Heights, has
resigned from the position of salen
man for the JVnn Ckithlng .house and
will hereafter 'lie In he employ or Mar
tin & Deluney.
West Side Kuslncss Directory.
BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground,
tools sharpened, saws tiled, keys flttd,
machines repaired by W. L. Bteenhaek,
dealer In Guns, Fishing Tackle, under
West Side Bank.
PHOTOOrtAPHER-Cablnot Thotos, $1.40
per dosen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourrelf bv calling at Btarner'a
Photo Parlors, 101 and 101 South Main
BARIIKR. Hair cutting ond shaving dona
In a flrst-clnss manner at John II. Rey
nold's Karber Shop, at Falrchlld'a Hotel.
GROCERIES Revere Standard Java
Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffde
of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma
on A Co. Fine Groceries, lit South
' Main avenue.
for anything yon have to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Cull and see
tho stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 10.'S
Jackson street.
WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds.
106 North Main avenue, and see hla
romplelo line of Wall Taper. Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
ne stock.
PLUMU1NO William D. Orifflths, 11J
North Main avenue, does tlist-class
Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting.
Satisfaction I strictly guaranteed.
sou in siui:.
The ihome of Jeremiah .McCarthy, on
Davis street. I.MIuooka, was slightly
damaged by tire lcite Sunday night. It
originated fnm the upsetting of a lamp
In the kIMhen. The flames were ex
tinguished by the bucket brigade. and IMrs. IMlolvael Cutter, of
Orchard street, left yepterday for two
weeks' trip t Canada to visit friends.
K. R. Conley, of .this side, and a
marksman from Dunmure are making
anungt'ments to j-ihoot a match for .
purse of money. It will take p'Jace at
Dutch Hollow In the Nineteenth ward.
A young oon of Mr. and Mrs. John
Collins, of (Stone avenue, died yefUr
day mcrninrr.
Kx-Alrtermnn Patrick Roche, of the
Twentieth ward, Is anxious to toe elect
ed to that olllce again, die has an
nounced his candidacy. The term of
the pusent 'Incumbent will expire next
'Kip funeral of on infant child of
iMr. and i.Mrs. Joseph fllurns. of Pros
pect avenue, took place yesterday after
noon. The child died Saturday night.
Interment was made in Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery.
A.t the CeiXir Avenue Methodist
church an organ recital will be given
this evening. The programme is nn
excellent one; It was published In The
Tribune Saturday morning. No ad
mission will be charged, but there will
be a silver offering at the door, to
which all may contribute ns fliev see
fit There is no doubt 'but that the
recifai will be well worth attending
anO oever nilreesj It will ml?i c-xme-thli.w
of great musical value.
The funeral of IMrs. Fann!? Hcartly
took place at her late residence in
Glenwood Monday nfternoon. Inter
ment was ninde in .Nicholson cemetery.
Mrs. Rufus Tuttle, of Great Mend, and
Mrs. Kb Nichols, formerly of this place,
but now of Say re, 'N. Y are visiting
friends and relatives.
Miss Anna Wilcox started for New
York 'Monday last to purchase her fall
stock of millinery goods.
A nurwber of Nicholsonlans Intend go
ing to Scranton this evening to attend
the grand opera "Carmen."
Johnnie Nlver Is visiting friends In
the Electric City.
Miss Grace Walker, of Scranton, who
has been the guest of her uunt, Mrs. A.
C Hond. returned to her home Monday
F. M. Williams and Fred Rhu started
for Mam.field Sunday morning on their
wheels to attend the fair.
'Miss Jessie Heartlcy, of Great Rend,
attended tho funeral of her sister, Mrs.
Fannie Heartlcy.
Miss Stellu Steinbeck nnd Charles
.Hummel, of Wllkes-inarre. are the
guests of Miss Genevieve liacon over
Kennedy Carter Will Erect It on Court
llonso Square.
Building Inspector Nelson granted
a permit yesterday to Messrs. Kennedy
& Carter for the erection of a one-story
brick building on their lot on the court
house square. The 'building will be
divided into seven apartments.
The owners do net Intend that the
one-story building will be anything but
a temporary affair for a few years,
after which a large structure to rival
the buildings now going up on the court
house square will be built.
Piles! Piles! Itching Plies. '
Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching
and stinging: most at night; worse i,y
scratching. Jf allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and liberate, lie
coming very sore. Swuyne's Ointment
stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
ceration, and in most cuses removes tho
tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 0
cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia.
mea Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris,
Khcn tho vol a Child, the cried for Cutorla.
Woea she tocaaie Man, she clung to Castoria.
Vuea the had Chlldraa, she (are Uiera Costorla
Via Jersey Central R. R Thtirs
duy, September 20.
FARE-Bcrantoa, I.T5; Plttston, II.C5;
Wilkes Barre, l 50.
Train leaves Scranton 7.3(1 a. In., Pittaton
7.66 a. m Wtlkea-Harrn R.SUa. m . Ashley K .'iO
a. m., stopping at all stations to White Haven.
Retnrnimr Ireve Allentownat 11.00 p. m. Re
freshment Car Attached.
Do not confound tbia Thnradav Exenralon
with others over other road, but attend the
Fair on the Big Daya, Thurtday and Friday.
mi Q O EWlCIiO
M. W. COLLINS, M'tfrv
Wagner A Keis, Lessees and .Managers.
Extraordinary Engagement
Including the following Celebrated Artists
Mmo. Tavary, ICav. A. U Oiiille.
M mifc Thus Dorrs, j Mr. Payne Clarke.
Mile. I.iehter, Honor P. Mirhelrua,
Min. Tuuillns, IMg. A. A In amort,
Mine. Itomaui, Mr. Max Eugene,
Mim Ryan, Mr. William Schuster,
Mmo. Turuudo, Mr. Win, Htophena.
Grand Chorea and Orcheatra,
Carl Mrf in. Director.
Bohemian Girl
Sale of seats opena Thursday, Sept. 10.
'WThls organization doea not play any
cities in Pennsylvania but Philadelphia, Pitta
burg and Kcranton. Orders by mail or tele
graph promptly fulfilled.
Matinees Daily.
A Bpuctaeular Revelation of Oriental
Including the Bronte Mnllia, Madam
Flowers, the Oreattat Hinder of tier
Race. A Genuine burpriae.
Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents.
When yon can hare your yn acientlHcally
Tetcd Free hy tho new method.
' t Tbere are hundreda of people if they
knew thla, would go mile, to have
L'VL'l! UF2
Nit, ajSS
examined. DONT WAIT.
trTWhen yon (ret Imaee, or B'aaaea, aa
many people call them, Get the Best, aathey
won't coat vou any more tnan poorer onea,
Do not trust your valuable tight to ped
will correct the vision and atop all
pain in the head.
Placed in tbe Finest Solid Gold Frames Tor 9
Th.eo fonts, are aold only by
Opposite Hcranton Houae.
803 Lackawanna Ave , SCRANTON, PA.
Hot-as DAtt.r:
to 11 a. m., 1 to S and 7 to 9 p. m.
We hum derided to clone out thla entire
lock of Pine Shoe, and Slipper, at actual coat.
These Shoe, are all in perfect condition no
old Htjrlee or ahelf worn goods. Tbi. I. a rnre
opportunity of obtaining the hiaheat grade
Foutwrar at the price, usually paid for ordi
nary Shoes. Call and examine them while tho
stock is complete.
The Acknowledged Expert In
Horseshoeing and Dentistry,
ta Now Permanently Located
on West Lackawanna Ave.,
Near the Bridge.
Carriages, Bnshies. Wagves, Rtoalrlnf Bona
Bhoelnt, Palottag aad Upholstering. 9ea Kt,
H,ntt Seventh etreet, oraatoa, P
One Night Only,
Supported by '
Mlaa Alma Kruger,
Mr. William Harris.
Mr. Guy Undaley,
la amaenlS"nt production of Shakespeare's,
Noble Tragedy,
Eale of eeata opena Saturday morning. Sept,
21, at V o'clock. Kesular prices.
Wodnceday and Thursday, Sept U and at
the eminent actor.
Supported bv Florence Itoboit. Morrison aai
Kdward tinier, In hi. entirely new
i'roductioQ of
The Wonderful ''Bracken " Scene,
Emlirlllahed with flaahes of
, Genuine Lightning.
Kilo ot seats oin Monday. Sept. S3, at
o'clork. Kegular pries.
Alto m large atock of orst-cLua
the best place In the city to get fishing
tackle and .portamen'a auppllee. That
8TKRLINO WHEEL, of bla Is a beauty,
and as for quality well, the others are not
in it. Open evenings.
tsttDsy.JlJfsf 0f Me.
THI ONAT mta bay.
pradneea the nboee result. ux'.SO days. It acta
powcrfalur and quickly. Coras when all oik an tall,
loans meawi Href us lost Buabood.aadeid
araa will reeerer thlr youthful mor by astae
RE Tl TO. Itquleklywd surely nitons H serous
aos. Les Tltaltty, ImpoMaer. Mlahtlr Kmlsaloaa,
Loel Powar, railing Mrmory, Waatlaa Dlase.,aad
all TmIi of eelf-abSM or uoMaaad ladlacntlon.
which nctt. oa. for study, eastaee. or aairtae. II
not only eune by Martina at th. seat of aJ.sMi. bat
tee area ner.eta.ile aad blood builder, bring
ing back the pink glow to sale aad re
teriag tha fire e)f yootB. It ward, off Inanity
and Cu.uraptm. Insist ea hatlas RKVTVO, aa
ether. It ou be eairlad la ent aockrt. By mm.
1.00 ear or all for, with a Map
Mee written guarantee earn or re road
themoaey. QrruW tras. Address
fey Vatth.we Bree. Df aaxlet
evajitoa , m.
Atlantic Refining Co
atsaatactarort aad Dealer, la
Linseed Oil, Napthas and Oiao
lines of all grades. Axle Oreaaa.
Pinion Qreaae and Colliery Com
pound; also a large line ot Pa
afflne Wax Cnndlus.
We also handle the Famous CROWN
ACMES OIL, the only family safety
burning; oil In tho market.
Win. Mason, Manager.
Office: Coal Excha?ne, Wyoming Ara
Works at Pin. Brook.
81 1 Lack. At. and Htewarfa Art Store.
Photo EngriTlDl for Clrtulin, Boots, CiU
Itfoes, IswsHpen.
' Half-Tonaa and Una Work,
Bay. yea Bora Threat, Plmpl
ra Threat. Ptmplea, OrasHrMMortd I
Old Sons. Ulsen la atouth. Hair-1
Cow Beeeedw CM3, avr Ma-1
Bpeta, Aeaea. u
rmillMT VTrita
a leTeaswIeklsaswJllforrrootaof
Uenuea red elate
a4welt loa.a-h
m win m
Hi n it
& .i it fStilll II IM