The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 24, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Will Buy at Norton's
24 Sheets Good Note Taper
And 24 Envelopes in a Box,
A Good Paper Cover Book
By Standard and Popular Writer,
Publisher's Price, J5 Cents,
About 200 Titles in Selection.
One of the "Little Classics,"
In Fancy Cloth Covers,
Some of the Best Subjects Printed,
Publisher's List Price, 35 Cents.
A Pocket or Desk Blank Book,
With StitT Pasteboard Covers.
A Fine Tablet of Writ'ng Paper,
A Good Hard Wood Pencil Box,
A Large Pocket Dictionary in Cloth.
These' Bargains Can Be Seen
In Our Large W indow
For a Few Days' Time.
NORTON'S, 322 Lackawanna Ave.
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Go.
D. W. Powell left yesterday morning for
T. P. Barnes, of Syracuse, la visiting
frlemls In this city.
K. XI. Davenport, of Yonkers, N. Y is
her the KUel of friend.
Mlw limlly Henderson, of New York, is
the KUtst of Miss Florence S. Finch.
Geome 1-avis und M:ss Klla I. avis ha.-e
returned from a sojourn at Niagara Falls.
Miss Victoria liroabrnt will leave this
afternoon for New York to spend the win
ter. Dr. Thomas Jenkins, of Albany, has re
turned home after a visit lus pa
rents on Jackson street.
MiHS Eva Barreitt, daughter of John
E. Barrett, ed.tor of the Truth, has re
eumeu her studies a.t Eden Hall, Torres
dale. P. H. Coyne, bookkeeper of the Hand
Brewing company, of the South Side, re
turned to his desk yesterday after an ab
sence of a month,
Albi rt Frankie. 22 years old, and libera
Bernardo, lti, two Italians of Old Forge,
were married yesterday afternoon by Al
derman Fred Fuller.
John VT. Powell, of Wllliamstown, Pa.,
and Miss Elizabeth I. Nicholls. of Oly
phpnt. Pa., were married Saturday even
ing, Sept. 21, le, by Kev. U. P, Jones in
the Tabernacle church. West Side, Scian
ton, Pa.
The engagement of Dr. H. V. Keller,
superintendent of the State hospital at
Huzleton. and Oertrude Pardee, also
of Hazleton, has been announced. Dr.
Keller Is a brother of Dr. W. E. Keller,
of Scran ton.
Rev. Joseph Yarheo, of Syr'a. a M;i
ronite Clrtek priest, is at the episcopal res
idence on Wyoming avenue, the guest of
Rt. Rev. H'shott O'Hara. Father Yarbeo
will go to Washington next week to road
a paner before the l?jeiiarintle congress,
which will convene there.
Central Manager Carl W. McKinney, cf
the Lackawanna Iron nnd Steel company,
returned home on the 1. 15 train yesterday
afternoon from Atlantic City, where he
spent the summer. He Is In good health
and prepared to resume his arduous du
ties. His family came with him.
Ceremony Performed nt the Home of tho
llrldc'n I'nrcnts.
.The marriage of Miss Rofa IVan and
F. C. Hulfoert occurred at the homo of
the bride's parents last evening at 8.15
o'clock. The bride was attended by
.Miss Blanche Hteenback, and V. T.
Hulbert attended the groom.
The bride was attired In white silk,
with satin trimmings. Her maid wore
a charming dress of silk. The brldul
party entered the parlor to the strains
of the wedding march played by W. I
Dean, a cousin of the -bride.
AfltfT a reception at the home, Mr.
and Mrs. Hulbert left far Massachu
setts, where they will reslJo.
Resolutions of Rcftrct.
Whereas, Almighty Ood, In His Infln'te
Wisdom and mercy, has called from our
ranks our brilliant and well-beloved
brother, M. H. Murphy. M. D., and
Whereas, While In filial submis
sion to the decree of our all-wise and mer
ciful farther, we wish to place on record
our tribute of undying love and respect
to the memory of one, who, by the brill
iancy of his Intellectual acquirements, ex
alted manliness and general nobility of
character, has endeared himself to all who
were honored with his friendship. There
fore Resolved, That we. the members of Dl
vision 6, Ancient Order of Hibernians uf
America, Bcranton, Pn In regular ses
r on assembled, this 22d day of September,
1KS5, mourn In deep and sincere sorrow
the loss we sustain 'n the death of Brother
M. H. Murphy. M. D., and
Resolved, That we recognized In the
character of our deceased brother to a
pre-eminent degree all those attributes
which make true manhood the noblest of
God's works on earth. His tender regard
nnd solicitude for tho poor and affl'cted
In the practice of his profession, and his acts of self-sacrifice In their
behalf will be luminous advocates in his
behalf liefore the tribunal of our Father
Jti heaven, who Is said to be the Father of
the poor Bnd afU'cted, and
Resolved, That we tender to his need
pd grlef-strlcken father, his estimable,
nit sorrowing brother and sisters, our ten
rterest sympathy, and while we. with
them, mourn h's loss in th's dnrk valley of
tears, we rejoice In the glor'ous and Sn
n'rlng hope thit one dsv through the
tnerlts of our pieoc1 Redeemer nnd the
Intercers'on of His Immaculate mother of
Sorrows, we will again meet him in that
r-'est'nl lnd of everlasting pence and
Joy. where tesrg flow not and sorrows are
.unknown, and
IResolvfil. That thee resnlut'on be
pYeid on the record of our division and
a su'table cony presented to the family
and he nubl'shed 'n the city papers and
the Philadelphia H'hern'an.
Joseph H. Duggan,
. . R'chnrd Hhevlin,
James NaHv,
.. V ' - "A Card.' ' ' .'
Belnir unable to personally thank the
wany friend am) neighbors, Woman's
Relief coros and the Order of United
American Mechanics, who, by their kind
ness and atlentiion to -Mrs. Leslie Beemer
during her long Illness and to us since
her decease, have endeared themselves to
us, and we feel that words cannot convey
-ur feelings toward them and can simply
say we sincerely thank them. Lesllo
Beemer, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Swarts.
.. CKrl wanted, 411 Mifflin avenue.
Kill Be Seen This Afternoon on I'rin
cipal Streets of the City.
Will lie About 700 Vniformcd Men in l.lnc.
Many Hands and Visltine Compa
nies Will Also Take Part in
tho IHJinonstrution.
Todav will be Firemen's Hay and In
cidentally will occur the twenty-ninth
annual rarade in the history of the
Scranton lire K-paitntent. Prepara
tions Indicate that the nwn In lin
will be more numerous than ever be
fore; at all events, the parade will wit
nei i the grandest showing, numerically
and in equipment, ever made by the
local depart .nont. and the presence of
many visiting companies In line will
make the parade worth Rolns many
miles to yee.
About "UO uniformed men. with their
maciiines and horses, will represent
rVianton's lire llhtliiR PtrenKth. and
there will l e in addition lslting oimi-panit-a
from HinKhamton. I'lttston,
llallstt td. Archbald and Taylor, and
nine or ten bands. At 2.50 o'el n'k the
parade will mow' according to the fol
Kiwlng olliclal notice of tile line of
march: mi Washington avenue, right
resting on Lackawanna, avenue, to
Kighth street and countermarch to
1'enn avenue, Penn to Linden. Linden
to Wyoming. 'Wyoming to La oka wan
na, Lackawanna to Jell'erson, .leffrrti
to Vine. Vine to Adams, Adams to
Pine. I'lne to Washington, Washing
ton to Lackawanna and distnisu. Mayor
Council and other city olllclals will re
view the parade from the Albright li
brary on Washington avenue.
C.iven pleasant wait her, which now
seems probable, fhe day is bound to be
a red-letter one In the history of
Sciantniils volunteer tire organization.
Possibly a year from now a paid de
partment will be in existence and the
volunteer feature a thing of the past,
which suggests an effort on the part
of citizens generally to make the most
of the possibly final appearance of the
appearance of the department as an
existing non-paid, flre-llghtlng force.
The lire olllclals request that resi
dents, especially along the line of
march, decorate 'their houses.
Isham's Octoroons Hecclvcd with tirctit
luvorat UnvW Then ti c
Davis' theater has a monster attrac
tion this week In Isham's octoroon
company. The large audience ut yes
terday's matinee was completely capti
vated with the entertainment afforded,
and encores were deservedly numerous.
The company includes over a score of
colored people of several shades in com
plexion. Every member Is a singer,
and several of them possess splendid
The entertainment opens with "The
Hlackvllle Derby," a horse and mule
racing scene. Between the races spe
cialties are given. The Octoroon quar
tette sang "Sweet Alice, Ben Bolt."
This was perhaps the finest single ef
fort of the performance. The quartette
was heartily recalled. The Mallory
brothers, musical experts. Introduced
novel methods at music making. "The
Twentieth 'Century Swells," a specialty
ly ten women, which brought out sur
prising electrical effects, was given
with a vim. Three men gave a sketch,
"The Dago and the Monkey." Misses
Huberts. Kmerson, Fisher and Holiday
led the company In a pretty Spanish
ballet. Fred J. Piper and Billy Johnson
showed dramatic ability in several de
scriptive musical sketches and the peer
less entertainers, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mcintosh, excelled In a 2U-mlnute dia
logue. The crowning feature of the perform
ance and one which was applauded to
the echo Is "Thirty Minutes from the
Operas." It is the finest thing of Its
kind ever introduced In this city. The
singing was good, costumes and scenery
correct. The chorus singing is equal to
any opera of more pretention than the
It is a great attraction and deserves
the title "The Only One." It will be re
peated today and tomorrow afternoon
and evening.
It Will lie a feature of the John Huymond
One of the most practical things In
connection n-H'h the evening classes of
the John Tlaymond institute at the
Young Men's Christian association Is
the ebctrical department, which Is now
being equipped with a first-class lab
oratory for the conduct of experiment
In all the simpler forms of electrical
Equipment trill be provided for a
course In measurement of electricity,
construction end operation of dyna
mos and motors, electric lighting and
wiring, electric street railway work,
A good many men who are now work
ing without any definite knowledge of
the nature of electricity may by this
class become Intelligent, fkilful electrl
c'ans, commanding buMur positions aired
higher salaries,
Is with (illy Mcpnrts Compiled and Is
Being Distributed.
Mayor Council Is distributing with
his compliments copies of his last an
nual message to councils for the fiscal
year 1X94, which ended March 31, yor..
The book contains the reports of the
several municipal departments and '.a
bound in an attractive, flexible, leather
The data contained In the several de
ports Is complete and furnishes figures
of value to persons Interested In city
affairs, and the same comment may be
applied to the mayor's message. Fob
To the
Firemen's Parade:
(always in the lead), have
their show windows dressed
with a very attractive display,
complimentary to both the
Visiting and Home Volunteer
Firemen. It is worthy of no-
lowing the courteous precedent '.n
vogue for many years, "the books are
being sent -to the mayors of the larger
cities of this couiKry.
Fine Presentation of Uounotl's Master
piece nt the I'roihliiehani.
A large and reilned audience greeted
the Tavary opera company, which ap
peared in "Kauff at the Frothinsbain
theater Inst tvculns, and aside fiom a
few accidents the brief s. asoii of grand which Is sn lare in S.-raiMon,
opened ausplcioirsly. A t lie !eglnnlm;
of the mcond ac( Wie audlemv was
treated to a tUwpils.-'niciit no " "-
bills. Soon afttr the rendition of a few
bars the electric liiit- in the building
suddenly wen: ou't. having the stage
and auditorium In total darkness. Tae
chorus members ntruggled along for a
few more bats, but is the orchestra
was obliged to s:op, dually ceased. Aa
aVtempt was made 'to light the gas,
but It was found that the kus had
ceased to How.
The 4nlulgeniv of the audience was
asked and a kerosene lamp was placed
on the stage, which ditTusvd a dim
throughout i'he house. While the break
In the Suburban eb-ctrlc circuit, whlcia
had occurred outside the house, was
being njidlred, the i:rchi.tra vamped
'i.Mai'hati'.an," "Washington Post" anil
oliliers of 'the ame v. In, as the cdorus
men.liei.i -Indulged in the "two-step"
and linpi.imptu grand marches an 1
Madame Tavary's IMtle dog performed
ar. tics In Hiie r.iys of 'ihe tolitary la:np.
The audliace was good-natuivd and
vlg.iroikdy ariHuuded the fun on the
stage ai.d UMilti l the orchestra by
w h! itllng the popular airs played. After
a half hour In darkness the lights were turned on again and 4'iie chorus
tt.i.i resumed and the performance pro
ceeded w'.ihout Intel nip; Ion.
Madame Tavary appeared as "Mar
guerite," and fully sustained her repu
tation as a prima donna by her Inter
pretation of tile dllliculi role, and re
ceived several calls before the curtain
during the performance. Chev. (luille,
In the title role, gave a rendition of
the part that was a revelation vocally
speaking, and captivated the audience
with the manner lit which ills
swent tenor voice was con
trolled. Signor Abramoff, as "iMephln
topheles," tilled 'the Ideal both
as a singer and actor, nnd Max Eu
gene, as "Valentine," pave a strong
Impersonation. In the death scene his
portrayal was particularly vivid and
realistic, ami attested his talent In the
histrionic line. Mile. Hella Tomlins. as
"Selbel," nnd Sofia Roman!. ns
"Maltha," came In for a share of the
The chorus was not particularly well
balanced, and did not produce the best
effects at all times, but the majority
of the choral numbers were well given.
The audience seemed well pleased
with the presentation, and encouruged
the company with frequent applause.
This afternoon "The llohemlan tlirl"
will be given, and the performance
will begin promptly at 3 o'clock, and
"Carmen" will be presented In the eve
ning. The house was very cool last
(OMixc Ammoxs
Wagenhals and Kemper, IajuIs
James' managers, realize the Import
ance of presenfting their star with such
surroundings of scenery, costumes, and
accessory details as to make his pro
ductions artistically symmetrical and
plctorkilly attractive. Tlu'y have In
vested over twelve thousand dollars in
scenery, costumes, properties, armors,
furnitures, Hapestrles, draplngs and
tlie thousand and one minor details
which almost escape observation yet
which are all essential to the perfec
tion of t'he stage pictures In which
will be enacted the different dramas
of Mr. James' repertory. This season
he will be presented to the public in a
manner befitting his high attributes
as an actor. His repertory will be a
varied one and will Include "Othello,"
"Vlrglnlus," "Hamlet," "Merchant of
Venice," "The 'Itobbers," "Macbeth"
and "Marmlon." Mr. James will be
seen at the Academy of Music this eve
ning In a production of "Othello."
"Lewis Morrison last night deepened
the impressions of his high capabilities
ns an nctor, which in past seasons,
Philadelphia pronounced profound nl
ready when he produced Ills dramatic
version of 'FUu'st.' The painstaking
care which characterizes the pictorial
ddtalls In this stage display of a part
of (Joethe's great poem was manifest
continually. The witches' carnival, on
the Hrocken, was especially uncanny
and effective." The Press, Philadel
phia. At the Academy of Music
Wednesday and Thursday.
Frank Daniels thinks that the dis
tribution of t'horiis characters In "The
Wizard of 'the Nile" affords the best op
portunity for effective costuming with
in the nu.mory of his stage experience.
Choruses are usually grouped anil
styled "citizens, retainers, pages, etc,"
and they nearly all look alike
and dress alike, but In "The
Wlaard of the Nile" the- male
chorus Is divided Into boatmen, roynl
guards, executioners, galley slaves,
nobles, etc., while 'the .girl chorus In
cludes mnids of honor, water carriers,
dancing girls nnd Amazons, surely a
more variegated tand versatile assort
ment than that found In the averagu
comic opera, and os the costumcrs are
from t'he first house In that line In the
country the effect should certainly be
attractive. "The Wizard" comes to the
Academy for the first time next Fri
day night.
When "The dtlsing Oeneratlon" was
produced last season It was conceded
that there was enough genuine, good
humor In It to keep Hip face of an
auditor spread with a grin for a week.
It wan effective In so great a meas
ure because the star character In It,
"Martin McHhane," was Impersonated
by that very amusing, natural Ilsh
comedian, William Harry. Consequent
ly In the return of the comedy to the
Academy nex't Saturday evening, lov
ers of quaint Celtic drollery may ex
pect an entertainment that will fairly
blaze with merriment.
List Prepared by tho City Controller Con
taining Their Account.
A llwt of delinquent tax collectors
was being prepared yesterday In the
city controller's department for prewen
ttillon to the city rollnltor. who will,
according to a resolution of councils,
take legal procedure for collection.
Rome of the accounts dnte from 1887
and all will aggregate several thousand
d illars. Heretofore councils have been
lenient witih the delinquents, but a pre
cedent will be es'tabllshed for future
accountings after reasonable periods of
Taylor's New Index Map uf .Scranton nnd
I Mm mora
For sale at Taylor's Directory office, 12
Tribune building, or given with an order
for the Bcranton Directory 1890.
Wall Paper
Styles and colorings are
very fine this season.
Let us fix you up a
sample 'room with nice
. Gilt Paper, $5.
Many Cases Continued Until the Next
Term fur Various Kcasons.
Oucstion of Where Aichbold la at Raised
in the Staplest Trespass Case- An
Ancient Mayor's Court tiuse Kc
iveJ - tjectrocnt Suit.
Sultry weather made the atmosphere
of the court rooms oppressive yester
day, and the sweating attorneys, vit
ncsses and Jurors were glad when the
Judges adjourned court in No. I and
No. 3 early in the afternoon. Judge
Kdwnrds, bronzed and healthy looking
ufter his Kuroiean trip, wus on the
bench in the main court room, and
Judge Thomas Morrison, of -MeKean
county, was asked to trial cases In No.
2. Judge ('.mister will try cases In No.
3 during the week.
After th' list of cases was read In
the morning the following were con
tinued: Margaret Suedden against
VnrlHindnl Traction company, tres
pass; Thomas Morrison against Cnr
bondale Traction company, trespass;
Frank Wells against t'arbondale Trac
tion company, trespass: l.lverlght,
Ureenwall Sc Co. against T. F. MeDer
niott nnd K. A. Parber. assumpsit: fin
clnnutl Safe company against M. M. De
Wltt, assumpsit; F. A. lteamlsh against
lvlaware, Lackawanna and Western
Railroad company, ejectment.
The caes of Jacob Surovltz against
John Jermyn. trespass; and Patrick tlil
galloii against Thomas Foy, appeal,
were discontinued. The appeal of W.
John against Lawlcr t'onway was
referred to Attorney John P. Kelly lor
Who Is fccsp riHe for Accident?
Before Judge Kdwards the trespass
suit of William Staples against the bor
ough of Arehbald was called for trial in
the morning. Attorneys llulslaniler :
Vosburg appeared for the plaintiff and
City Solicitor Torrey and Attorney ilus
liattenburg for the borough. The plain
till' sues to recover the value of a horse
that was killed on Feb. 2. lHSil. on what
he alleges is one of the streets of the
borough of Arehbald. At the time of
the accident which resulted in the death
of his horse a bobsled, to which thu
horse was attached, was wrecked. N
tin the day of the accident Staples'
son was driving a team attached to a
bobsled from Scott to Jermyn. On the
sleigh he hud a load of cord wood
which he wus taking to the Jermyn
Powder mill. At a point along the road,
which Staples nlb-ges Is In Arehbald
borough, a runner of the sleigh struck
a stone which projected up through the
snow, cuuslng the sleigh to veer around
and break the tongue. This frightened
the horses and they ran away, with the
result that one of them was killed.
The sleigh was reduced to a wreck.
Pliilntirr Plead Surprise.
The action was brought to recover
damages from the borough of Arch
bald, which. It is alleged, was responsi
ble for the accident In falling to keep
the street In proper condition. The de
fense to the action is that it did not
occur in the borough of Arehbald.
There Is a dispute as to the line be
tween the boroughs of Jermyn and
Arehbald. and It Is contended that the
stone which caused the trouble was In
Jermyn and not In Arehbald borough.
Upon learning this the plaintiff plead
surprise and asked for an adjournment
pntll today to secure the testimony of
Civil Knglneer dOdmund dlartl, who has
made a survey of the line In question.
Judge Kdwards consented to adjourn
court until today that the necessary
testimony may be secured to establish
the correct location of the line.
In court room No. 3 the ancient case
of Edwin Ferris & Co. against A. J.
Morrill and C. S. Johnson was heard
before Judge Ounster. The action Is
for the pOTiose of recovering on a
Judgment obtained In t'he old mayor'a
court of this city on -Sept. 23, 1S73.
Say the Judgment Was Paid
It Is alleged by the defendants that
the Judgment was rat lulled, the testi
mony of the defendant itendlng to show
thnt nome "time after the Judgment was
obtained the defendant sent a Check to
Attorney A. A. Chase, .who represented
the plaint iff, in payment of the Judg
ment. The check has since been lost
and could not be produced yesterday.
'At 4.30 the case went 'to the Jury.
The ejectment case of William Von
Storch nga'lnst Oorrfngton Von Storch
was put on trial before Judge Thomas
Morrison In No. 2. Attorneys Warren
& Knapn, of -this city, and Attorney
Farnham, of Wllkcs-iHarre, are coun
sel for the plaintiff and ex-Judge'W. H.
Jt rsup, of Scranton, ami Attorney Ulm
stead for the defense. The la.nd In dis
pute consists of 64-1DO of on acre. Im
proved with a house which fronts on
North -Main avenue, Providence. The
plaintiff proved the title of William
Von Stoirclt to the property by nn un
broken chain of record testimony from
the commonwealth down and then
What lcfcnso Proposes to Prove.
Attorney ITlnvstead opened for the
dt'fetfse and said 't'hey would prove itha-t
the 'title to the land In question was
vested In William Von Storch In trust
for the b"tiefit of the heirs of his
brother, Ferdinand Von Storch.
After the opening remarks to the Jury
ex-Judge Jos sup (-ild that an important
witness was 111 and asked that court be
adjourned until itoday to give them
an opportunity to have her deposition
New Goods
We Are Receiving Daily tbe New Styles in
Dress Goods
Also an Immense Stock of
Kid Gloves,
Hosiery, Underwear,
Blankets, Comforts, Etc.
Which We Are Harking at Yery Low Prices.
Expressman Y.cllale Arrested for Being a
Patrolman "Walsh nt th? Instance of
the street commissioner arrested an ex
pressman named McHale yesterday
morning for refusing to move his wagon
when ordered to do so from the passage
way leading from Lacka wanna avenue
to the Delaware, Lackawanna and
West. rn depot. The string of baggage
wagons at this place has siiown to the
dimensions of a large slr.ed nuisance
and Mr. Kinsley is determined to
abate it.
He ordered M ell ale to move along.
Mcllale refused and the policeman was
called upon to arrest him. At the police
station the street commissioner told
Mcllale that be had violated the law
In blocking up a public passage with
his wagon. He gave the expressman
strict orders to keep out of the way in
future and discharged him.
Given an Kntliusinstic Ucccption Last
Mght in irilkcs-lliirre.
Louis James produced 'Othello" at
the lira lid Opera house In Wilkes-liarre
last night and was given a most en
Ihuslustlc reception.
Telephone advices from Wllkes-ltarre
last night were to the effect that
"Othello" never before received such a
line presentation In that city. The act
ing was splei'ili'd and the stage settings
disarmed criticism.
EVKIlYWHKItR wo go wc find some one
who has been cured by Hood's farsapd
rllla. It Is the greatest curative agent. It
Is the one great blood purilicr and nerve
HOOD'S PILLS for the liver and bowels,
harmless, effeetive, do not pa In or gripe.
flirt wanted, 118 Milllln avenue.
That Washington, D. C, Stock.
Selling. . . .
We say wonderful, and so
it is, to see such crowds ot
btryers these rainy days.
Closed up our Washing
ton, D. C, store to confine
our efforts entirely to Scran
ton; and the goods a car
load of Fine Jewelry, Sil
verware and Pictures are
here. More help to wait
on you, so we cau better
serve you today.
Ladies' Solid Silver Watch,
with new heart chatelaine
to hang it on, $3.50; old
price, $6.00. Gentlemen's
Elgin, iu a warranted case,
$5.00. A hundred higher
grade Watches, solid gold
and filled, at just such
amazing prices.
Two stocks in oue, and we
shall sell at some price,
Can't enumerate here, but
glad to show and tell you
Selling over a hundred a
day. This morning go on
sale 100 real Taber Arto-
types in solid oak frames,
22 cents.
Several dozen Cabinet
frames for photographs;
lots of kinds; take 'em for
Sc; 1SX30 fac-simile Pastel,
panel shape, white and gold
frames; $2 not too much.
We say 7 sc.
Will look for you aud do
our best.
213 Lackawanna Avenue.
"Will you never quit open
ing new goods?" is a question
asked us every daj No! Not
as long as the people keep
buying. They seem to know
where to go for the latest
novelties for
and best assortments of
By being persistent in giv
ing best goods only at lowest
prices is what tells the story.
We may have something you
want. Walk in aud look
around. Ours is not merel'
a China Store; it is an Art
Collection as well.
China Hall
We've got the newest Fall
Shoe for men on sale finest
toe a little rounder than it
has beeu
We have the best line of
School Shoes
ever shown in the city, in all
styles and all prices.
410 Spruce Street.
II. 1). SWAltTZ & CO.
Are the Loading Wbuleule Agenti In
Smokeless Powder,
L. C. Smith's and Remington
Guns, (lay Pigeons and
Pigeon Traps.
Tclcphon 2723. Open Etenlags.
313H Spruce Btrcct, between Penn and Wyo
ming Avenue
Cooling drinks ro norrasury. They aro tho
universal antidote for oxcomIvo warmth.
Nothing In ao popular with the fair eex in
Bcranton aa our aotla aurved in nil the various
Havora and wltn cream fur only a nickel a
glaaa. To hare their attentions well received,
young men should treat thotr sweethearts
coolly, aim by Inviting them to en joy our anda,
which is really the coolest and most delightful
summer drink in tho city, wholesome, health
ful nnd invigorating. Soda hands tho list of
summer beveragos, aud the foaming stream
from our fountaiu heads tho list ot all sodas.
D-ilSy V J5C0LD
The Philadelphia, Specialist, and his asso
ciated star? of EngllHh and German
physicians, are now permanently
located at
Old Postoffice Building, Corner Pna
Avenue and Spruce Street,
The doctor la a graduue of thu Unlver.
tty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
trator of physiology and aurgury at the
Medico-Chtrnrgical college of Phllartel.
phta. Ilia specialties nra Chronic, Ner
vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and lllood di
The symptoms of which are dizalnes.s.laclc
of confidence, sexual weakness In men
and women, bail rising in throat, spot
floating before the eyes, loss of memory,
unnble to concentrate thn mind on one
subject, easily stnrtled when suddenly)
spoken to, and dull distressed mlnd.whlcn
unfits them for performing tho actuitl ilu
ties of life, making hapuinesa Impossible,
distressing the action ut the heart, caus
ing flush of heut, depression of spirits, evil
lon-noaingn, cowiiruic, tear, areams, mel
ancholy, tire eutiy of company, feeling aa
tired in the morntr.g as when rvtirlng.
lack of energy, orvousnens, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, constipa
tion, weakness or the limbs, etc. Those so
affected should consult us immediately
ard be restored to perfect health.
Lost Maaihood Restored.'
Weaknew of Young Men Cured.
If you hav been given up by your phy
sician call upon the doctor and bo exam.
td. lie cures the worst cases of Ner
ou Lwblllty, Bcrofulu, Old Sores, Ca
tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness. Affec
tions of ibe Kyo, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Asthma, .leufnexs. Tumors, Cancers an J
Cripples every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacred
and confident Office hours daily frans
I a.m. to t p.ri. Sunday, I to t.
Enclose five t-cent stnmps for symtpont
blanks and m. book called "New Life "
I will pay one thousand dollars in gold!
to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
Old Post Office Building, corner Penal
avenue and Spruce street, '
Specialty Adapted for Reading and Seilofr
Consumes three (S) feet of g&s per
hour and gives an efficiency uf sixty
(60) candles.
Having at least 33 per cent, oyer tbe
ordinary Tip Burners.
Call und See It.
rianufacturerV Agents.
Ofllos: 320 Washington Aventie.
Works! NayAug, Pa. E. W. V. R.B.
General Sales Agent, Scranton, P
Late of Pittsburg,
First-Class Livery in Connectloi
aaafactared at the Wapwal lepra Milk, Lt
terne county, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware,
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, P
Third National Bank Building.
Aaasmss !
JOHN B. HM1TH HON, Prjrnooth, Pa,
E. W. MULLIGAN. Wllkea Barra, Pa.
Agents for the Kepanno Chemical Osnsi
gaars uign MpiusiTes,
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELM EN.
DORF, Elmlra, N. Y., and for sal
by tbe trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa.
and yeur . oyos ' will
take oare of yon. If
m mm ,... vou aro troubled with
jl 1 pr mi
GSS ondVeu
IF ttiitoL
Uh YUUK tTtS ueadarhe or nervous
..If.. W uea go to DR. Sill M
MRU'S and have your eyes examined free..
We hsro reduced prices anil are the lowest In
the eity. Nickel spectacles from II to 11; gold
from tt to N.
303 8pruoe Strict 8ojrptona,R "