The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 24, 1895, Image 1
EIGHT rAGES 5tt COLUMNS. 5SCIIAXTOX, PA., TUESDAY MOllNIXU, SElTEMlJEli 24, 189.. TWO CENTS A COVY. OUR OPENING Fall Display OF PARIS, LONDON AND NEW YORK I UUncry TAKES FLACE OX ..THURSDAY and FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK. WHEN A CALL FROM OVK MANY PATRONS AND ALL WHO CARE TO AVAIL THEM SELVES OF THE OPPORTUNITY. WILL BE ESTEEMED A FAVOR. la Carriage Hats WaEking Mats Parisian Bracts styiis: Tail O'Staters AND EVERY OTHER VARIETY OF CORRECT HEADGEAR, THE DISPLAY WILL BE FOUND TO BE THE MOST COMPLETE AND INTERESTING THAT WE HAVE EVER MADE. WHILE THE BRIGHT, NEW IDEAS EXPRESSED IN WEAVES. SHADING AND TRIMS. ADD ADDITIONAL ZEST THIS SEASON TO AN EVENT THAT IS ALWAYS OF INTEREST TO WELL DRESSED WOMEN. IN ADDITION TO OUR TRIMMED MILLINERY, WE WILL SHOW ALL THE LATEST CREA TIONS IN SHAPES, STRAWS, CHE NILLE3, VELVETS, LACES, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, JETS, ORNAMENTS IN CUT STEEL, AND THE COUNTLESS OTHER THINOS THAT GO TO MAKE UP A Ttarsto . eL'OBE Ceiplete Miliiery Exilttoi and mm U SHE l SIMMS! Democratic Convention Will Ik Lur idly Lively. IT KILL BE VERY INTERESTING Strife Between Tammany and the State Democracy Will lie t taught with Ked l ire Features-Koswcll I lower Will lllossum as Chairman. Syracuse. Sept. 23. The great unter rltled, the Democracy of the Empire mate, is here with brass hands and a hurrah, of till recent convention), the one which will meet tomorrow promises to be the most Interesting. It will be a convention run by the delegates. There Is no slate with an invincible iiiuelilne behind It. and no cut and dried programme, platform and candidates and the contests will be fought out on the floor of the convention. There will be strife between Tammany and the state Democracy, and strife thnt will be more lurid than the glare of red fire in front of the tiger's lair to night. Sentiment all over the state seems to favor liberal treatment of con testants, and at least partial recogni tion for the Grace-Falrchlld people of New York city, but Tammany says: "No," and to all entreaties and appeals Tammany again says, "No." Senator Hill Is for admitting the Oraee men. Senator Murphy Is for shutting them out. Boss Croker Is not here, but his Influence Is felt, and It Is all against letting In the men who helped defeat Tammany last year, and shared the victors' spoils with Repub licans. Upon the admission of the state Democracy depends In a large measure the action to the German-Americans, as liberal treatment of the Orace-Fair-child men will mean the gain of many German votes. Another great ques tion to be settled which will affect the German vote is that of excise and Sun day opening. From all that can be learned the Democrats will not dodge the Issue, but will makeithe most radi cal utterance that has found Its way Into a party platform In some tlmp. Ex-Governor Flower will be perman ent chairman. Platform Will lie Sllppcrv. The preliminary draft of the platform has been made. Some of the planks are being smoothed down so that no one need trip up over them, but the ma terial Is In place. The platform will be one of the tersest that has been presented to any Dem ocratic state convention since 1S74. It will cover more ground than any plat form In the past twenty years anil the great variety of subjects treated will be concisely disposed of. It will declare for honest public officials and against legislative bribery. Economy In public expenditures will be dwelt upon at length, as one of the foundation stones of the Democratic party. Home rule for municipalities ami eiiual taxation will be upheld In sparate planks. Un der the head of "personnl liberty of the individual" the Democratic party will declare for home rule and local option as regards the Sunday laws. This plank will. In effect, place the party in favor of a general law with a provision that local option may be possible In a mu nicipality or community by a majority vote, so that the people may be able to determine themselves what access they shall have to the necessities and con veniences of life on the Sabbath day. The financial plunk will, it Is confi dently expected. m.Jet with the approba tion of all concerned. It will demand an agreement among foreign powers for the common use of gold and silver and at the same time declare against the unlimited coinage of silver until such an agreement can be brought about. The national administration will be endorsed as well as the opera tions of the Wilson tariff law. United States Senator David B. Hill attended the meeting of the Demo cratic state convention tonight for the first time In ten years. The committee named Hon.' Perry Belmont, of New York, as temporary chairman of the convention, which Is to convene at noon tomorrow. GARRETT SNVl)ER ARRESTED. The Assassin Is Finally Captured After n Long Chase. Stroudsbnrg, Pa., Sept. 23. After elud ing the police for nearly five, years. !ar rett W. Snyder was cleverly captured at KunkMown today. He shot Bush Miller. :t Is alleged, during the Christmas holi days of 1ix. The crime was the d rert outcome of Jealousy. Bush Miller succeeded In winning the hand of Miss Static Miller, the daughter of John Miller, a resident of Marshall's Creek. Stiyder had nlso fallen In love with the girl, but she showed her prefer ence for Hush ly marrying him. The young hushnnd was shot down In the road while wak'.0f with his bride the next night. I'ESN FAMILY CLAIMS. Descendants of the Man Who Was Hood to "l.o" 'ow Want the F.arth. Philadelphia, Sept. 23. Upon a question as to jurisdiction the now famous claim of a descendant of the family of William Penn to the title to old court house square In Easton. Pa., came before Justice Hhiras and Judges Acheson and Butler, In the United States circuit court of appeals In this city today, on argument, and de cision was reserved. It was the suit of William Dugald Stu art, of London, England, William Penn's descendant, againt the city of Easton and county of Northampton, to recover ground on which the former court house In Easton was situated. NEW SUB.MARINE CABLE. Line to Be Submerged from Coney Island to llavtl. New York, Sept. 23.-The United States and Haytl Cable company has chartered the cable steamer Mackay-Bennett, owned by the Commercial Cable company, for the purpose of laying the first section ofn sub marine cable to connect New York direct with Haytl, West Indies. The Mnckay Bennett arrived here on Friday and today submerged the heavy or shore end type of cable, a length of about ten knots. The cable terminates near the landing place of the Commero'al company's cables at Coney Intend, and will be completed as soon as possible to Haytl. - . CALL FOR TALMAC.E. Washington Congregation Extends a Formal Invitation. Washington, Sept. 23. The formal call of the congregation of the First Preshvte- rlan church (known as the president's church) to Rev. T. DeWltt Talmase. cf Brooklyn, to be associate pastor of the church wns mailed to Mr. Tn.lmage this evening. The quesit'on of sahiry Is prac tically left to Dr. Tolmaee to decide. He will probably accept at once and It Is expected he will be here In time to preach his initial sermon next Tuesday, Pnll Time nt Sttsqnohanna. Susquehanna. Pa.. Sent. 23. The exten slve locomotive shops of the New York and Lake Erie road were today ulaced on full time Instead of twenty-four hours per week as heretofore. For Orphans' Court Jndce. Pottsvllle, Pa., Sept. 21. The Democratic county convention in session here today nominated, p. M. uunn. oi Jiinersvme,, for fr"-u" "-L J"'"'t V"1" I,,, mi n LIVED WITHOUT WORK. lie knew Nearly tvery Man in Three Counties. Oxford, Pa., Sept. iX The remains of a rather remarkable man were burled here yesterday. The Individual was John lowry, who had lived SI years, and had never done a day's work In his life. When II years of age he left his home, at Oxford, one morn ing, disappearing through a comlleld surrounding the house, lie never re turned home, tind for several years he tramped from farm to farm, the In nuMes of the houses giving 'him his meals. Itwry became known to the majority of c-ltlsena of Southern Ches ter of and Lancaster counties, and northern Cecil county. Md. He was a familiar llgure at public meetings, and his excellent memory enabled him to address ulmort every man by his right name. He was oposed to work, and whenever a farmer asked him to do a little Job I.owry quit the place at once and remained away for months. In 1S4 he walked to Washington a few days prior 4o James K. Polk's In auguration, and claimed relationship. Polk presented a handsome silver headed cane to him, which 'he carried for years. I.owry died within a stom-'s throw of the soot where he was born, and was burled from the home of his sister, Mrs. Kliiabeth Fleming. T1IK (Oil) WAYK OX DKCK. Hig ttliuurd Prevails Throughout the Stnte of Colorado-A Change, of Forty Ik'grccs Denver. Colo., Sept. 23. Reports from all over Colorado show, that a bllitaarj prevailed throughout the state early yesterday afternoon. Snow from two to ten Inches deep has fallen, which Is unprecedented In September. Today the weather Is bright but cool. A Chance of Forty lcgrec. Fort Wayne. Ind., Sept. 23. There was a change In the weather of about 40 degrees between 6 o'clock last night and 6 o'clock this morning. The Wave Refreshes Buffalo. Buffalo. N. Y.. Sept. 23. There was a rapid and decided change in the tem perature here today, the thermometer dropping to 71 at noon, as compared with SO to sr. for the past few days. The weather Is hazy, with Indications of a still further drop In the tempera ture. A .Vluhignn Tornado. Menominee. Mich., Sept. 23. A tor nado swept over this city last night, blowing several million feet of lumber Into the lake and river. Shade trees were uprooted, dwellings unroofed, store fronts broken and wires prostrat ed. The loss Is $l(W,itO. HAS CONFESSED HIS CK1ME. Ihictor Arrested at Hot Springs for Hob ting n Woman. Hot Springs. Ark.. Sept. 23. Quite a sensutlon was created today by the arrest of Dr. II. S. Town, of Pan An tonio. Texas, on the charge of having drugged and robbed Mrs. Kate Nettles, a prominent lady of Oak Kldge, La., at t'he United States hotel Friday night. It appears that Dr. Town and his wife InvMed 'Mrs. Nettles to Join them In a glass of wine In their room at the hotel. She was taken very ill after drinking the wine, when the doctor gave her ! hypodermic Injection, which rendered j V. 1 UW.. aa lK..n T-..1 ,1... ,1 ' lier tun ' mii, I, ,nn. -.,- ' ,, , ' of her gold watch and In cash. When nrrested 'today by Detective M. F. Klrkpntrlck. Dr. Town confessed the robbery and was placed in Jail. TO STEAL HER HUSHAND. Kansas Woman Prosecuting a. Widow and Her Daughter. Fort Scott, Kan.. Sept. 23. The suit for $10,000 damages brought by Klisia Perman. a pretty young senool tcicher, agnlnst :Mrs. Mary Dalton. a widow,- and her daughter. Irene, own ers or one or tne lurgest ranrnes in this cotiirty, for the Aliened alienation of her husbands affections, was on trial In this city today and attracted crowds of men and women to the court liouye. The features of the case are peculiarly sensational, and public in terest In the trial Is unbounded. The young wife alleges a systematic conspiracy on the part of Mi. Dalton and her pretty daughter to estrange her husband from her and win his affec-, tions. IN DL'RANT'S FAVOR. Pawnbroker Kenles 'Hint Ho Was Offered Mis In mom's Kings. 8,m Francisco. Sept. 23. Pawnbroker Oppenhelm again took the stand th.s morning In t lie Durant trial. He vun questioned closely by the attorneys for the defense about Durant and his alleieil offer of lilanche Lament's rings for sale. The witness remembered that on April 3. the day of the girl's disappearance, he had only two customers, one or whom was a farmer who offered a watch for sale and the other was a woman who wished to dispose of her wedding ring. From the wny the questions were nsked It was apparent that the defense would endeavor to show that Durant was some where else on the mornings between the 4th and 101 h of April. CILKESON'S VICTORY. F.x-State Chairman Carries the Hacks County Convention. Doylestown. Pa., Sept. 23. The Repub licans of Mucks, county held their conven tion here today. There was a bitter con test for the nominations, but they went through without much opposition. It was a victory for ex-Stale Chairman P. F. Ullkcgon throughout. The ticket as nominated Is: For treas urer, Arron A. Stover, of Quakertown; reg'ster of w'lls. C S. Oullek. of H!lln town; coroner. Dr. W. H. Kunsman. of Tlnicum; director of the poor, Howard Y. Rich, of Plumstead; surveyor, Kdwin H. Kirk, of Buckingham. HE IS A HUM BIC The Reason Obcrlin Cnllego Will Not Get 'a .V2IMI.OIMI F.ndowmcnt. Oberlin, O., Sept. 23 Olierlln college's ex pected endowment of $MUifl has vunlshed, as President ltallaitlne announces that '.. Swift Holbrook, the promise donor, Is a humbug, after having Investigated his cn rter. About two yrars ago Holbrook managed to get In with the college peo ple here by representing himself as a millionaire Interested In sociological lines. A short t'me ago he Intimated to the trustees of the college thnt should he be made profesror of sociology he would ee the chair was endowed for UMin.iMm. The college trustees are greatly disappointed. Collieries on Full Time. Mt U tl U.,.., On Tka In. Bnenuiiuumi, .. . w.- llerleff at this place on the Philadelphia and IteBOing vwl hiih irwn i-imiirnny wrrr put on full time today, but several of them were obliged to suspend at 4 o'clock th's afternoon owing to a scarcity cf water caused by the drought. The col lieries have been working three-quarter time. F.ntcn by Cannibals nriiiMele'Sent. 23. News has Just been re: vl here that Lieutenant Cassards. of the Bgian army, who captured the murderertut r.min i-asna, nas neen eaien by eannlblls in a remote part of the Congo CUBAN PATRIOTS CHEERED Their Acquittal of Filibustering Pre cipitates a Hit) Demonstration. OIK FLAG ALONGSIDE tllJAS The Good People of Wllmiueton Take Op portune Occasion to show Whero Their Sympathies I lo-An Ova tion for Helpers of I. Ibcrtv. Wllmlntfon. Dl.. Sept. 23. The al lied Cuban tilibusteieis. who have bt-en on trial here since Wednesday last, wore culttcd by the Jury "this morning. The widivt la t'he most popu lar one ever given in this city. The men will prolvahly remain here until tomorrow, a?..ii a demonstration is jkis sible. Smn after tlhe verdict became known many men congregated on Market stri ct, liearithe hotel where the Cubans have been living. The proprietor there at once hung out a number of lings, uimI from other build Inurs fl.vjs were thrown out. Seme cnthusinata sent up' cheers on the Ktreot. and every ono seems to be delighted wilih the verdict. T'he Hug on the city hall na.i run up. Cuban colors and the American Hag are to be seen In many bult.ton'hilcs.. City Tivnsuier Adanw Hew a Cuban flag under the Start's and Stripes on the fljg tole on his slnre. It was greeted with cheers. When the Hug on 'the city hall was hoisted the Cubans g'a.lilieivj on the balcony of tl'aelr h -U-l opposite, tr.ik oft their bats, and tiheered "The American Hail." IVminal baggage and papers of the Cubans wi'l be leturned to their oun sil. The three or more tens of arms and amunttlon will be held for 'the pres ent to await order.? from Washington. COMEDY OF KliliOliS. Trouble Caused hy n Heavy Weight Juror Who KcsemMcd Rotund Senator Maker of Media. Media, Pa., Sept. 23. Senator Jesse M. Maker was called before the court today to make answer to n charge of unprofessional conduct as an attorney. It was all due to the remarkable re semblance one of the Jurors bears to the senator. Senator Raker was coun sel for Charles Dixon, charged with disturbing a religious meeting. The grand Jury Ignored the bill find put the costs on the prosecutors, Daniel Stew art and Thomas Foreman. They were surprised at the Jury's finding, and said that Senator Maker was the cause of It. They made an attldavlt, stating that Maker had gone Into th" grand Jury room and cross-examined the witnesses for the commonwealth. The senator, when called before the court, made a very hot denial of the charge. Church Trustee Foreman said that Mr. Maker was not telling the truth, nnd Jnmes W. Uray, the foreman of the Jury was sent for. He said Mr. Maker hud not examined the witnesses in tile Dixon case and was not In the Jury room. This still did not Ratlsfy the men who had the costs put on them, and the entire panel of grand Jurors were brought Into court. They all sustained Senator Maker In his statement, and Juror Deal, of Fernwood. who resembles the rotund senator, said he was the per son who had questioned the witnesses. The prosecutors then saw that they had blundered. - HE LATCHED TOO HEARTILY. Twleo tho Old Fellow Dislocated III .Ian, Wilmington. Del., Sept. 23. Samuel Henry, a colored man of this city, while indulging In a heorty lit of laughter over n story tnldiby a friend, dislocated his Jaw. At the police station Surgeon Hughes straightened the old man's Jnws, and he felt so good over the re lief that he Indulged In another lit of hearty laughter, with the result that his jaws were again dislocated. Surgeon Hughes flxed him tin again. and dismissed him with an admonition to refrain from uproarious laughter hereafter. TOOK THEM FOR BANDITS. Wedding Pnrty Creates n Panic on a Kan sas Train, arnell. Kan.. Sent. 23. Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Speck, of St. Joseph, who were marrleii yesterday anil had started on a trip to Chicago, were the Innocent cause of fr'ghti-nlng the passengers nhoanl the cast-bound Sar.ta Fe trnin last night. A party of friends had escorted He- couple to the depot ami were llriug guns In cele biat'on of the event. When Ihe train hove In sight It was flngged and the passutgers Immediately hid rhe'r valuables and concealed them selves as best they could In anticipation of a "huld-uo." A shower of rice that came through the windows a moment later, however, allayed all fear. - NEARLY A FATAL SPIDER. A Partly Paralysed Immediately Af ter the Sting. Olassboro. N. J., Sept. 23. Fourteen-year-old James Wright, residing at Dover, Just below here, was bitten by a black sp'iler on Thursday. He exnerlenced ter rible pains 'n the back, and lo".t Ihe use of his lower limbs 'mmed alely after being b'lten. He was taken to the oltlee of Dr. Kdwards, of W'lllmms'own. nnd after three hours' hard work and the Use of hypodermic Injections, the bov revived nnd was able to be taken to his home. The spider was a very Inrge one, nnd had medical aid been delayed n little while longer the case would have proven fatal. SHE'LL KEEP HIM IN LINE. Threo Hnndrcd-Poiind flirl dopes With n Fcnihcr Wclcht Ho v. Uniontown, Pn Sent. 23. An elopement Is reuorted from Whnrton township, In the mountain district of this county. In which M'ss Klink and Levi II.ill are Ihe principals. The br'de Is only II yenrs of age and wo'iths 300 poiuuls. wTille the groom Is 11 and weighs less than 101) pounds. Hall borrowed a neighbor's horse and bugey and drove over the national pike to Cumberland, where thty were married. INJURED II Y A WHALE. The Sloamcr Snnohl Meets With a strange Aeeidcn. Han Francisco, Sept. 23. The steamer Rlinohl. which left Inst nlgnt for Orecnn lvorlB. returned today for repnlrs. After leaving port sho collided with a sixty- foot whale. The levlnlhan's ta'l got tangled tin with the propeller, breaking the blades, leav ing the vessel In an almost disabled con dition. Oliver Is Isolated. Auburn, N. Y., flept. 23.-Ollver Curtis Perry 's still confined In one of the Iso lated cells of the new huMd'ng nnd has the d'ftinction of being the first ocrupnnt of these cells, tie :s now to sun m't to trentment for Ms -punctured eyes without tne use or ciniorotorm. nun it :s tihought that the sight (has not been per manetly destroyed, Found Dead In Ills Room. Gettysburg, Pa.. Sept. 23. William 8, McCiearv. for over thirty years the assist' ant ioslmaster of (letlysburg. was found (lead! in his room last mgni irom nenior rha FORTUNE IN AN OLD VIOLIN. Oncer lleqiicst to n Kansas Man hy Ills Incle. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 2?.. Hugh Mc Oulre, of Coodland, was notified a few days ago of an express package In the Cioodlaud office. It contained a fiddle sent to Vciliilre from u friend in Wash ington. D. C it was reported that this musical Instrument was nil which his deed uncle had left him In his will when he died two years ago. and Meduire be came indicuant nnd decided not to re move It from the express olliee. Mi' (iulre was the only In-lr, ami hi- antici pated a email fnruuic. Later advices bore out MoUuirc'M fears, for when the will wan opened It was ascertained that his uncU had left him only the old violin. One night this week Mcflulre dreamed the fiddle was full of money, lie told his wife about It. and as she believes in dreams, decided to appropriate T from her own pin money and pay the charges. She went to the express ollloe and load ed the box into the waron and took it home, nnd when opened the llddle was found to contain Sl.Sint In money and a deed to 1G' acres of fine tobacco land near Richmond, Va. FATK OF TKAVKUXti MAS. M. K. Stlnson and Wife Arc Found Head in a lied at the Ashcr Rouse In Oskn loosn. (iskal iosa. la., Sept. 23. M. K Stln son, a traveling man. and 'his wile wero found dead from bullet wounds In bed t'-gi t'acr at ilhe A?her House yesterday. The double crime was committed by flinson. The woman, who was 20 years old, was recognized ns Miss Art:i 'Moore, whose wealthy parents live at l':uioivi. n few miles from IVs Moines. She was a number of Ihe senior class at nilnnell college .and It was not known 'that she was married. The dis covery was made today, however, that he was secntlv nriiTlcd to Ptlnpon ix t. 11. li. by Key. H. D. Crawford, the record being complete. The murderer's home was In Fairfield, la., where !hls fait her was formerly Koek Island railroad agent. He came here Friday and visited frlemrs while his wife got permission from the col lege president 'to visit here. Stlnson nu t her a't the depot an 1 he registered ns hiKlund and wife. The phots were heard by the police, who rushed to 'the but b",;h were dead, lie hail dhot her and himself while they lay side by side. SUES HER FAITHLESS LOVER. Michigan Girl Seeks to Recover Her l oaned Property. Owopso, Mich., Sept. 23. Mary ITorl gan, a nrejy lass not yet 20 years of age. and Albert Jebb. a cabinet-maker, were sweethearts. Such Implicit con fidence did Mnrv place In Albert's words that she alleges she trusted him with a. umbrella, an Sis ring nnd J4 in cold cash that he had laid bv. At lust when Mary realized, so she rays, that Jebb had made a dupe of her she made a proposition to settle, staling that If her former sweetheart would but return the property and bor rowed cash she would make no men tion of the affection fhe had loaned him. Jebb spurned even so generous an offer, nnd Mary has begun suit for a settlement. HAD PRESENCE OF MIND. .Mrs. Streit, of Adrian. Saves Her Life hy Her Coolness. Adrian. iMich.. Sept. 23.-IMns. A Vim Streit. an ngrd di rmnn woman who trundles a wheelbarrow tibnnt town, had a narrow escape today. While cut ting grass on the river Hats she felt something entwine Itself around her bare ankle. A stinging pain followed, nnd she saw a snake on her font. Mrs. Streit struck nt the snake with the sickle nnd not only cut off the serpent's nenil. but made a big slash In her nn kle, .severlr-?; two veins. Khe promptly sewed up the wound and walked home. Although she was slightly poisoned she Is now ns well ns, ever. - - METEOR FALLS IN MINNESOTA. Farmers Find tho Peculiar Stone, Yet Warm From Its Flight., Minn., Sept. 23.-Rarlv loot evening there was a bright Hash in the rales, directly over the farm of ll-iwi ll Ayer, living near Jancsvllle, a few miles from here. As the light disappeared there was loud report and many people declare that Miere was a strong smell of Hiilphur In the n r. Today Mr. Ayer found In one corner of h's farm what Is supposed in v ,t he re mains of the flashlight, a large meteoric stone, composed of ninny small stones of various kinds, nil lirnilv Imbedded In a hard substance. It was found In a freshly made hole nnd was still warm. STABS HIS ROOMMATE. Ounrrcl Over Possession of a lied He alths in Tragedy. Pittsburg. Sept. 23. As a result of a fluht for a fair share of the bed, Thomas llylond 's dying from the effects of severe stalls Inflicted by Itobert J. McKnight. his roommate. The men hoarded at ) Said street, Allegheny. When liyland returned from work he found McKnIMit still in bed and told hlin to make room. McKnight got n pncketknlfe and slabbed liyland, fatally wounding him. McKnight was arrested. . k SEVENTEEN HOUSES HURNED. Tho Serious linimige Is Wrought Hy n Water Famine. Shamokln, Pn., Sept. 23. Fire broke nut nt Michael Kellagher's hotel, at Locust Ciiip. this afternoon. Owing to the water famine seventeen houses were consumed before the lire was under control. Tho heav'est losers am Michael Kelhigher and M'chnel McCarthy. The total loss Is about )ni),XH, partially Insured. IN IRELAND'S HE HALF. To-Hay's Convention nt Chicago Promises to Ha a Success. Chicago, Sept. 23. llelegates to the great national convention of Irish socle ties, whic h will be aliened In this city to morrow morning, ure arriving upon near ly every train. The convention will last three days. Its general object Is the organization of a so ciety for tho furtherance of the Irish cause. - BURNED TO A CRISP. Children Push n Little Playmnto Into tho Hcndly Flames. Pethlehcm. Pa.. Sept. 23. Joseph, tho 2-year-old son of Michael llegan, was fatally burned this nfternoon. Some chil dren started a fire with old paper and It Is said pushed little Joseph Into tho flames.. He was burned to a crisp. Took Him for a Knll lllrd. Chester, Pa., Sept. 23.-ennlor Jesse M. Tinker, while gunning on Chester Island, was peppered In the back by another sportsman, who fired at some rail birds at close range. Mr. linker enme to Ches ter, where the shots were picked out by a physician. .. Fourth-Clnss Postmasters Named, Washington, - Sept. 23. Tho following fourth-class postmasters were today ap pointed for Pennsylvania: O. N. Frenr, Knuckle, Laixerue; Samuel P. Hoone, Turtibach, l.uzerno; F. L. Packard, Wind fall, Bradford. . IN BEFENSEGFJfER HONOR Mrs. Ccncdv Fatally Shoots illisim Moshcr. JlsiiriAULB HOMICIDE CASE Four Itrnnko. .(altinns Invnao the Home of a Sick Man and Ono of tho Oh noxious Visitors Is Carrie Out with Above Hcsult. Wellsboro. Pa., S(v-t. 2t. The port bor uu.'ii or Tlonn In llil (Tingnl county had unnKicr sei:s-ailonal murder last Saturday iii'Jiht. The facts In the oasj were lu-omtlit out .-nt the coroner's ln-iins-t, which was held l:w.-t evening. From these It appeaiis 4ha.t four young men. (Slant Sheliman, Daniel (lee, Pe ter flee and William iMo-sher, became lntiixicalcil on Saturday veiling and terrorized t'n town. Just before midnight they drove out to 'I'he country heme of M irdrex Cen edy. They caroused about the house, drinking and Intlnildn'ting 'Mr. (Vnedy, who was slek and unable to cope with them. Finally they entered the bed room of (Mrs. 't'enedy. who was almost III In bed. and made Indecent proposals to her. iShc ninn-.iiged to reach a bureau mid. securing a revolver, ordered the lintrudeis iiway. Three of them left tho room, but 'Moshcr, In his drunken frenzy, grap pled with the thoroughly frightened woman and was shot through the body, the bullet entering his breast and sev ering the spinal cord. His compan ions rushed Into the room, nfter i ho shut had been fired and found Mosher lying on the floor meaning. "She has shot me through." They removed him to Dr. Mrown's olflce at Tioga, where he died In less than twenty minutes after his arrival there. Mrs. Cenedy testified before the cor oner's Jury last evening that the pistol was accidentally discharged in the struggle. After hearing all the evi dence the Jury returned a verdict that It was a case of justifiable homicide, and that Moshcr enme to his death by the shet from a pistol In the hands of Mrs. Cenedy, while she was defending her ife, her honor nnd her home. WHITE SQI ADUOX SAILS. I'nclc Sum's Warships Leave for Hamp ton Roads to Drill-Crowds Watch tho Departure of Admiral llancc's Com mnnd. St. rie nrge, S. T.. Sept. 23. The white squadron weighed anchor ait 1 o'clock this afternoon and left for Hamilton U.'iils. The siiips were the New York. Minneapolis, Columbia. Kalelgh nnd Montgomery. The llasshlp New York, with Admiral lSunoe mi lard, was the llrst t.i leave, and the '.Minneapolis, and Columbia followed quickly. Then title Montgomery and Italelh got under way. There was a larre crowd of people on the i 'iiore of Ptaitcn and they w. i foiled the ships disappear. The !;qi:adien Is to go south ,to take part in some dei p sea water drills. When the licet reaches Hampton lioad. It will he Joined by Hie -nlt:tlc?h!'hp Texas and the moivii,r lAnr) ihMtvte. The fleet will drill until October, when the rruber J.MuInc will join the Hint and take p.n't In t'he drills. The ships had been lying o(T Toiiipkinsville, St. C.eerge and Staph 'ton for the pnsit week, and have attracted large crowds of peo ple daily. WAITE'S WRATH. Tho Craniiy Ux-tiovcrnor Scores the Preachers. Canton, ().. Sept. 23. When It was an nounced thai (lovernor WuMo would de liver a Populist speivh here this after noon some members of t he .Methodist con ference offered a resolution of censure. Walte abandoned his set speech until Monday nidht and delivered a mock ser mon directed against the conference. He took for his text, "Ilender unto Cuesar lilie things that are Caesar's and unto Uod the tln'ngs that are Hod's." He cited all the grievances of which the 1'opullsts cemplailn In this county and In others. For nearly every evil hi- had a Scriptural parallel and then told how Christ treated It. lie scored the preachers for departing from the wavs of Christ and sa d they per mitted the money powers to hang about the church like millstones. Speaking of the railroads, lie raid preachers traveled to this conference and elsewhere on hiilf fare tickets and accepted that reduction as a nr he to Keep silent ntiout the atroci ties of the monopolies. MAXWELL'S REPORT. Thirteen Thousand Fourth-Class Post- masters Appointed. Washington. Sept. 23. Fourth Assistant Postmaster Ceneral Maxwell's report for the fiscal year ended June 3 Indicates 13. im ne A- appointments of fourth-class post masters, made within the year, only Tist of them having been occasioned by dealh. This is exaolly the same number as last year. TIIOUCHT HER A IU RCLAR. Young Charles Cooper, I'nder This De lusion, kills Ills Mother. Hnzlcton, Pa., Sept. 23. Charles Cooper, nued III years, shot and instlintly killed h:s mother last night, In their home at ILirwood. The mother entered the room to put down a window, fearlnu rain. The boy took her for a buiular and be fore discovering his mlsttake, tired, killing her Instantly. THE TRIAL IS A FIZZLE. Suspected Pittsburg Policemen Seem Likely to He Acquitted. Pittsburg, Sept. 23. Nothing whntever enme of today's hearing In the case of the prdioe otllcials now resting under the oft-repeuted and olllelully published charges of bribery, corruption and black niu'l. No evidence was presented. Tho hear ing will be continued tomorrow. . Pottsvllle Hemocrots. Pottsvllle, Pn.. Sept. 23. The following nominations were maileat the llemoerntic counly convenl'on held here todny: For orphans' court Judge, P. M. IHinn, .Mlners vllle; district attorney, Mdgar W. Hech 4el, Pottsvllle: controller. Milton II. Mas ter. Sllienanilooh; coroner. Hr. l. S. Marshall. Ashland; director of-the poor, William V. Keegan. Mahnnoy City; coun ty surveyor, W, J. Downey, Potttsvllle. Southern tioldcn licit. Colon, Colombia, Sept. 23. Advices from Trinidad, Weed Indies, states that there ha been an immense Inltiix of miners nnd prospectors at the gold mines at Cur revenne and on the island of Cayenne. I.nrge quantities of gold have been found and the Indications are that there Is a golden belt extending; from Venesuiota lo llrazll. llr. Pale's Patronage. Harrlsbttrg, Sept. 23. The governoi this nfternoon announced the appointment of W'lHiim I Humes, of York, to lie messenger in the department of agriculture, and Jeremiah Starry, of Carroll townr.hlp, Vork county, to be messenger In tho ad jutant general's deportment. The ap po'iitnirnts are credited to lr. ltole, the administration leader In Yorl county. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, generally fair and decidedly cooler. The tempera ture Will fall about 20 degrees. ILEO BLACK Xever claimed the same attention as they do today. Realising thli .fact our orders were placed with the Knglish, French nnd flermnn Manufacturers early enough to pe cure not only tho most desirable styles of Staple Cioods and Novel ties, but at a great saving on pres. ent prices. It is well known that All Mir !cs Are ilz Correct Tim FAT TMs Ssasa Few, perhaps, are aware thaf to day Manufacturers have advanced the price of most Mohairs nearly one hundred per cent, higher than Wka We wm Our prices will hear out this a sertlon when you examine our lines, which we can safely assure you are unexcelled In Styles, Quality, and variety. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE E A. UKGSMEY, Agent -for Charles A. Schieren & Co.'s Leather The Very Best. 313 Spruce St., Scranton. SCHOOL SHOES We nre busy selling good School Shoes for good chil dren. Lewis, Rely k Bavies, '14 AND HO WYOMING AYE. Elegant Spec J mens Suit able for Wedding Pres ents, Birthday Presents, Etc. i Eye Glasses, Opera Glasses and Spectacles a Specialty. W. J. Weichel JEWELER, 403 Bpruce St., Near Dim Bank. OR GOODS ml Fall Iwelties 1 FINE JEWELRY.