The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 21, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Will Buy at Nartoas
24 Sheets Gosd Note Paper
Aad 24 Earelopes ia a Box,
A Good Paper Ctver Book
By Standard aad Popular Writer,
Publisher's Price, 23 Cents,
About 2oo Titles in Selectioa.
One of the "Little Classics, "
la Fancy Cloth Covers,
, Some of the Best Subjects Printed,
Publisher's List Price. 35 Cents.
A Pocket or Desk Blank Book,
With Stilt Pasteboard Covers.
A Fine Tablet of Wril'ng Paper,
A Good Hard Wood Pencil Box,
A Large Pocket Dictionary in Cloth.
These Bargains Can Be Seen
In Our Large Window
Tor a Few Days' Time. ,
NORTON'S, 322 Lidanai An.
A Fob to Dyspepsia I
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Go.
Mission at St. John' Church Will Close
.Tomorrow Mlt -Organ Kccital st the
M. E. Church - Ilrlcf licmsof News.
Today will practically lie the last one
of the mission that opened two weeks
040 In St. Luke's church in charge of
Fathers Burke. Cullen and O'Calhthan.
three J'uulist missionaries from New
York. It has been' a season of deep
. religious fervor and of Inestimable
value to the congregation. As onv of
the fathers said, it Is only until the last
day that the ocean of mercy and grace
that Uod pours forth upon the people,
oati be seen in tts complete abundance.
fThe first week was devoted to the
spiritual needs of the women and girl.,
this, week has 'been for men and boys.
The attendance at all the services
throughout, beginning with the 5 o'clock
mass In the morning was remarkable.
The fathers will leave for Fall Hlver,
Mass., to begin a mission there. The
men's mission will close with a sermon
tomorrow night.
Organ Kscitnl at the M. F.. Church. r
Xn organ recital will be given at th
Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal
church on Tuesday evening, Sept. 24.
tVfessra H. tM. Bchman and Hector A.
James, of the School of iMusIc and Elo
cution, Spruce street, have been -specially
engaged. V. K. Clearwater will
be chairman. The following pro
gramme will be given: Zwick March.
Professor Eckman: hymn, . choir;
prayer. Rev. J. C. Race; organ offer
tolre de St. Cella; march milltalre, Pro
fessor Eckman; vocal solo, H. T. James:
ant htm. choir; organ. "The Enchanted
Hells." Professor Eckman; vocal solo,
H. H. James; violin solo, Jrihn Burk
hauser; vocal duet. Miss Nellie Sulli
van and Mrs. M. Clearwater; trio. Miss
Nellie Sullivan. Jacob Burkhauser,
Mrs. M. Clearwater: anthem, choir. No
admission will be charged. An offering
will be taken up at the door.
Short Parasranh of Now.
In the report of the death of- Made
line, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and
airs. S. S. Spruks. It was Inadvertent
ly stated that burial would be made In
Plttston '.Avenue cemetery. It Is In
tiunmore cemetery that interment will
be made.
.The contest among the St. Aloyslus,
Ancient Order of Hibernians and Young
Men's Institute societies of St. John's
parish for a silk flag for the benefit of
the church fund will be closed Wednes
day evening. Home one of the Paulist
fathers, possibly Father O'Callahan,
will remain over and deliver a lecture
that evening. There will also be a mu
sical and literary entertainment.
Mrs. Frank Klelnschrodt, of Moun
tain Lake. Is dangerously III. The doc
tors are doubtful as to her recovery.
The funeral of 'Michael 'Leonard, late
of Hemlock street, was held yesterday
morning. High mass of requiem was
celebrated at the cathedral, and Inter
ment was made In Hyde Park cemetery.
noktTi TiSb. .
Mrs. L. W. Morss, of North .Main ave
'ftue. drftve to Ledgedale yesterday.
The funeral of the late Anthony
Weary, of Mary street, took place yes
terday afternoon and was largely at
tended. '
(Mrs. D. F. (Morss and iMIss Marlon
Morss, of Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting
iMrs. L. W. Jrforss, on North Main ave
nue. Rev. George K. Guild gave 'an ad
dress last evening . in the Archbald
church. ,
Isaac Jones Is excavating on Robert
avenue for the .purpose of erecting a
house. . '
The Ladles' Home and Foreign Mis
sionary society of the Providence Pres
tyterlan church win serve an oyster
supper on Oct. 4.
4 'There was a large attendance at the
Royal Family dancing class last even
ing at ' Professor Hudson's dancing
academy, on East (Market street.
Kev. iMr. Guild' will preach tomorrow
morning on "The Right Use of Life
With a Biblical Illustration," and In the
evening will preach on "A Phase of
Christ's Temptation." The Sunday
school will convene at 12 o'clock."
Orton Jackson, who has been spend
ing a few days with his parents. (Mr.
ahd IMr. E. J. Jackson, has returned
to New York city, to report for duty
on the United States steamer (Mont
gomery. . ,
Jn the North iMaln Avenue Baptist
hureh Rev. Mr. Watklns will preach
tomorrow morning on the subject. "The
incentive to Christian work." . And In
iS eJrnln!f '"'I" preach on "If a "Man
IMe. Shall He Live Again V The ques
tion of the hereafter Is one of Impor
tance to all. This will e a candid dis
cussion from reason and from Scrlp
ctpre. ..; .
.1" n'I n."ed twVboxes of Hood's Pills
Ih my family, and like them the best of
any that I hare ever used. Their action
it without griping pains and they are ex
cellent for cotds." Mrs. James IL Lan
caster, Box 12S,. peck vllle. Pa.
''Hood's PUls cure biliousness.
accut tee j:;;it sesso
Coiscils Mist Pit tie Date oa ik.
It Kill Be Held.
That Is What IU Said Yesterday aad Ills
Opialoa Is Backed l p by That of
the City Solicitor-Kesoislioas
Signed by the Mayor.
"With reference to the Joint session of
counrlls for the election of a board of
revision and appeal. Mayor Connell
stated yesterday that the act of as
sembly creating this bureau does not
contain any specification of power to
entitle him to issue a call for the
Joint session.
The city solicitor la of the same opin
ion, although he has not been nsked of
ficially to give an opinion on the mat
ter. There are so many, and especially
counellmen. who are under the Impres
sion that the mayor Is the proper au
thority to announce the date of elec
tion of the board, that It will be a sur
prise to them.
If any notion prevailed to any extent
that the councils would have to tlx
the date by resolution, that resolution
would have been Introduced long before
A prominent member of the councils
was heard to express the wish yester
day 'that the mayor would not Issue
the call for the Joint session until nfter
he came back from a trip of n week
or so that he was about to start on
Just then.
The councilman, nut the mayor, Is
the one who was going aw.iv, and who
wanted the date far enough ahead to
enable him to go away and be back in
time to vote In the election of five mem
bers of the board.
Tt'oxe Cement SMcnnlkv.
There Is a movement- a font In the
councils to kill the ordinance now
peuding that provides for the prohibit
ing of laying v-ment sidewalks here
after. The ordinance has been hnng
Ing Are for a long time. It was Intro
duced In the upper branch of council
bv Mr. Chittenden and In due course of
time passed third and final reading.
Then it went over to the common
branch, where It laid dormant un
til Thursd.iv right, when It was taken
out. dusted and referred to the commit
tee on pavement with Instructions to
report forthwith. In the order of busi
ness treatlne of ordinances on first and
second reading, the anti-cement side
walk measure went through sailing.
It might have never been resurrect
ed from the pigeon hole but for the
queries that have freouently been made
as to what right I'nole Sam had to lay
a granolithic sidewalk around the
Federal building, when an. ordinance
prohibiting the use of cement has
passed. The ouestloners were misin
formed: the ordinance Is not a law, and
from all accounts will be killed when
taken up for final consideration In com
mon council. It provides that the lay
ing of any sidewalk with a surface of
hydraulic cement Is prohibited within
the city limits, and that the street com
missioner Is Instructed to refuse per
mits for such sidewalks In future and
If any are laid without a permit It
shall be deemed a misdemeanor and If
not removed after thirty days' notice
fmm the street commissioner, he shall
cause It to be torn up and collect the
expense from the property owner.
Hcsol'ttlons Signed llv Vnvor.
Mayor Connell yesterday signed the
following resolutions: Authorizing the
chief engineer of the fire department to
attend the convention of commission
ers and fire chiefs in Augusta, (la., on
Oct. 7. and that the expense of the trip
be defrayed by the city, hut the amount
must not exceed $50: for the erection
of a fire hydrant at the corner of Whee
ler avenue and Mulberry street; for the
placing of street signs at all Intersec
tions on Fellows and Luserne streets
wherever there are none at present;
that the city solicitor and the judiciary
committee be requested to ascertain If
a settlement satisfactory to the city
can be made with Jacob Pfelffer for
damages awarded him for grading Ox
ford street: awarding the contract for
the building of the approaches to the
Linden street bridge to King Cleary,
of Shenandoah, for the sum of tlN.0H.54;
the awarding of the contract for re
moving the Piatt building from the
line of the bridge approach to Peter
Ktipp for the material of which the
building Is composed.
As an Instance, of the necessity of some
such legislation as Is proposed In the
J'ator-on pooling bill, It was staled at the
hoard of trade meeting last Monday nluhl
that one of the rensons why a prominent
and wealthy manufacturing eoneern
would not consent to transfer Its plant
from Cleveland. O., to this c'ty was that
sulphur, a commodity suppKed from New
York and of which they line an Immense
amount, ran be delivered to them cheaper
In Cleveland than here. Rcranton Is only
lt5 m'.les from New York, while Cleve
land Is about Siio miles distant.
The plan of the presidents of the south
western roads to have rates to Texas ad
vanced as soon as practVable has already
met with a set-back. "As soon as prac
ticable" was understood to menu at once,
and all but one of the interested lines at
once gave notice of a restoration !n rates,
to take effect on Sent. Zt. In order to have
the advance effective, the notice should
have beep given to the Interstate Com
merce commission on the Kith, that be'ng
the last day on which a ten-dnv notice as
required by law would be effective.
The Delaware and Hudson is mak'ng ex
tensive arrangements In develop and onen
up a large territory of their cotil In Oly
phant. A survey lias been completed,
and all possible haste Is being made M
put down two drill holes on the Miles
tract, tiear the tmtarVi and Western
depot. Th'-te Is about two hundred feet
of cover at this point, and soon as the
holes are down wn engine and hollers w II
tie placed in position on the surface and
in readiness to hoist coal up a slope by.
a rope to he operated through one of the
bore holes, Hteam will lie conveyed from
this point down the other hole to a pump
In the m'nes which will force the water
tip out f another hole which Is to be nut
down on the lower side of this tract. Th'i
coal will bo conveyed underground anil
prepared In E'ldy Creek. The work of
sinking a slope for a second opeping to the
rock vein hm been begun at the foot of
the hill on the flntV.Optos'.te the Velph
Kaptlst church. This also will give an.
cess to a Inrgp quantity of coal for F.dily
Creek, At the opening, there, will he no
engine or steam used.' Contractor Mulr.
heart Is daily emected on the .ground to
do the boring. The work of opening this
coal has been long looked for and is very
good news, which all are glad to know.
The programme at the meeting of the
Loyal Legion tonight will be of a vefy
Interesting nature.
G. W. Frost, of Drinker street. Is
spending a few days visiting friends In
South Canaan-, Wayne county.
iMlss Eva Hess, of Ilmnk street.' has
accepted a position as clerk in Law
rence Brink's grocery store.1'
Miss iMaud Savage, of Green Ridge
street, has returned from' an extended
visit with relatives at Whltncys Point,
N. Y.
' .Miss Lottie 'Moose? and her brother,
George,- who have 'been the guests Of
Mr. andiMri. Alberf'Mowery. of .'North
Blakely street, have returned to their
home at Pleasant Mount. ; '
Quarterly services will be held In the
Methodist Episcopal church this even
ing, and communion services will be ob
served . tomorrow morning.. ' Regular
preaching services In the evening,
The. Rainbow club, a society for the
promotion of sociability,', among Its
members, met at the home of Mlsa
Edith Schoonover, on Cherry- street,
last evening am) had a very enjoyable
meeting. '
Ground has been broken on Third
street for two new residences,
Presetting services In the Presby
terian church tomorrow at 10.30 and
7.30; Sunday school at IS m.r Junior
Endeavor at 4 p. m.; Senior at 6.30 p. m.
Mrs. Silas belles and ; children, of
South Blakely street, have been spend.
Ing the past fewt days with her parents.
In Wayne county.
Dr. fl. C. 'Hopkins has returned from
a week's visit with friends and rela
tives In Delaware.
Miss Annie Young, of Church street.
Is visiting friends in Plttston.
Arthur Smith has accepted a . posi
tion at the Scranton Cash store.
Miss Jessie Williams, of Elmhurst, Is
the guest of 'Miss Eva Osterhout, of
South Blakely street.
Detective Koche t'nable to Find Miss
llonnctt st Corhtindale.
Detective David Roche, of this city,
was In Curbondale yesterday looking
for a young woman named Itennett,
whose home Is on the West Side, of this
city. It Is futd that she Is pursuing a
wayward career In the Pioneer City,
along with a womun named Ross, also
of this city, and her relatives are en
dcavoilng to ascertain her whereabouts
that efforts may be m;uje to bring her
back to her home.
iDctcctlve Koche made a search of the
few places of questionable character
In and nlsiM Carbondnle, but was un
able to tlnd Miss Itennett. It Is sup
posed that news of the contemplated
search reached the parties who har
bored her and that they spirited her
away. '
Kl.-etricliy Will Toko His Place In the
Hullevue Mine.
The 'Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company la equipping Its
Itellevue mines with a miniature trolley
plant, and If electricity proves a good
and practical substitute for the mule
and his driver the other mini's of the
company will 'be similarly equipped.
In tin .Wllkes-'Harre region several
mines are furnished with either the
electric current or the storage battery
system as a motive power, but elec
tricity Is used in this vicinity only at
Jerniyn and Avoea, and the Bellevue
mines are the first to be so equipped In
the city proper.
The work Is being done by the Edi
son tleneral Electric company under
the direction of It resident manager,
Mr. Walsh. Each gangway will he
provided with a Juvenile trolley road.
The whole equipment will cause an out
lay of considerable money, and It Is
not probable that the work will be com
pleted until Nov. 1.
Fred Nelgor, of Danville, Ind.. Is
visiting his brother, August, on Grove
Lust evening the lecture given by
Colonel E. H. Ripple, of Scranton, at
the Methodist Episcopal church was
well attended by an attentive and ap
preciative audience. Colonel Ripple's
subject was "His Last Days In Ander
sonvllle Prison." He gave a vivid and
Interesting account of the thrilling ex
periences of men confined In that
prison, which was listened to with rapt
attention. At the close of the lecture
a social was given by the Willing Work
ers' society, at which Ice cream and
cake were served.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Cum
mings occurred yesterday morning
from her late home on Union street
and was largely attended. Mrs. Cum
mings died on Wednesday last from a
lingering Illness of cancer. A short
time ago an operation was performed
on her but to no avail, and on Wednes
day last she succumbed to the Inevit
able. Interment was made in the Ml
nooka Catholic cemetery.
On Thursday evening a test was
made of a fire alarm system at Bur
gess Griffith's office. A large number
of citizens were present and nearly all
the members of council wee In at
tendance. There were two companies
represented with their1 apparatus, the
Universal Fire Alarm company, of
Philadelphia, represented by Mr. Hans
bury, and the Gainesville Fire Alarm
company, of New York, by C. J.
Snover. Both gentlemen gave a de
tailed account of their respective sys
tems, both of which were apparently
satisfactory to those present. It Is not
known1 as yet what system will yet be
decided upon. A resolution, however.
Is now awaiting the decision of the
council to have a system placed In the
borough. Some of the council fathers
are opposed to making this additional
expense. Others have not as yet ex
pressed their opinions. Should the
resolution pass council. It will require
at least six boxes to supply the bor
ough. The Austin Heights and Jermyn No.
1 and No. 2 mines will all resume work
on Monday next after an Idleness of
some time. The first named mine has
been Idle all summer.
Michael Conway, a driver boy In Jer
myn No. 2. was kicked bv a mule In the
arm yesterday and had that member
Miss Sallle Troutman, of Centralla, Is
visiting at iMorrls Lewis', on Union
Miss Maria Robinson, of Drlfton, Is
visiting Miss Sallle Williams.
Special bargains In silverware and
clocks today and all next week to make
room for our fall stock. Call earlv and
get yoiir choice. Turmiuert, 2it Wash
ington avenue.
In Loving kememhranco of Knv II. Aco,
Since death's hand Is laid heavy upon us,
There's naught that will comfort savo
To Uod, In whose mercy and goodness
Our loved one Is taken away,
Ray, dearest, although thou hast left us
Though we'll meet thee on earth no
mure; ,
Yet seme day we hope we shall greet thee,
Far away on the bright other fnure.
He has gone to rest forever
In that world that's free from pain;
ThoiiKh we miss him, sadly miss him.
Yet our loss Is his great gain.
"Thy will be done" we try to say.
Though our hearts with grief are riven;
For though we've one less treasure here,
We have one now In heaven,
Are Yon Nervous?
Take llorsford's Acid Phosphate
Dr. .11. B. Itrusslar, Blnlsboro, Pa.,
says; "I have used it In nervous troubles
for years, and always with good results."
Rogers Bros" "1SI7" knives and forks
only ll.'JH for A today and next week,
at Turnquest's, iiOii Washington uve.
Taylor'u New Index .Mop of Seranton nnd
For sale ot Taylor's Directory office, 13
Tribune building, or given w'th an order
for the Scranton Directory 18K0.
Our leader for today and next week.
1 silver butter knife and 1 sugar shell' fur
ttc, for both at Turnquvst's, 2ui Washing
tun avenue.
The Nickel Plate Road Is the shortest
lino between Iluffulo and Chicugo.
During today and next week 1 pepper
and 1 salt shaker only 75c. for both at
Tiirnqiiest's, an Wash, ave.
Wall Paper
Styles and colorings ate
very fine this-season.
( Let us fix you up a
sample room with nit?
Gilt Paper, $5.
PRATTS s" Lackawanna Ilinsf
c:;ly c:; was jried
Verdicts Merc . Taken, JHbwcvcrV ia
' Several Other Actions.
Allowed That Amount for Uamags I kmc
to Ills Property-Airs. Ana u'Grady's
Entire , Claim Allowed by the
Jury-other Verdluis Taken.
There was only one case tried in
common pleas court yesterday, that of
the elcranton Stove works against the
Lackawanna Lubricating company to
recover a debt of 'II was heard 'be
fore Judge lliiuster In the main court and consumed the greater part of
the duy. .Attorney Charles H. Welles
lookeJ after the Interests of the stove
works, and 'Major Kverett Warren ap
pealed for the lubricating company.
A contract was entered Into by the
parties to the suit In 1X91, by the terms
of which the stove works was to cast
for the lubricating company Iron grease
cups and cylinder' lubricators. These
were furnished, but It was alleged that
tin y were not of the kind of iron speci
fied and therefore of no use to the de
fendant company, as they could not be
put In a lathe and turned ami finished.
It was alleged that on account of the
failure of the plaintiff to furnish the
right kind of Iron cups the defendant
was compelled to fill a large order, for
which they were Intended, with 'brans
cups that were much more expensive
and a large sum of money was lost In
consequence, A great deal of testi
mony pro and con was heard, and at
2.311 the case was given to the Jury on
Judge (lunster's charge. A verdict had
not been agreed uisiti at 4.30 p. m.
After the case went to the Jury court
adjourned for the day.
Allowed Ono Hollar Itiiraugcs.
Before Judge iSearle, ill court room
No. 2, the trial of the suit of Thomas
'Monuhan against the borough of Blake
ly was resumed. The testimony of the
defense was to the effect that the land
owned by iMonahan lies In the course
of an old mountain stream and that
water gathered on It and covered It
long before the culvert was built, which
iMonahan contends made his land
valueless to him. 'Kx -Judge Ward made
the closing address to the Jury for the
defendant, and Attorney T. V. Powder
ly for the plaintiff. At 11 o'clock the
Jury retired and at 2.il0 filed Into court
wtth a verdict a warding. Monahan nom
Inal damages In the sum of $1. One of
the Jurors was opposed to giving the
plaintiff anything, and other wanted
to fix the amount at 6 cents.
It Is said that IMr. iMonuhan Is not
displeased with the verdict, as It set
tles, as well as a verdict 1,000 times
larger would, the principle that the
borough of Blakely damaged his prop
erty by the construction of the culvert
In question. It Is said that he will soon
bring suit to recover damages from the
time of the bringing of the suit just
tried to, date. A number of other prop
erty owners of Blakely who assert, as
iMosohan did, that the building of the
water way Injured their properties, will
also bring actions against the borough 1
of Blakely.
The Jury In the case of H. A. Dcpuy
against Jesse A. 'Brady returned a ver
dict, after court opened yesterday
morning, In favor of Depuy for the
sum of 139. In the case of Peter Con
roy and I. T. Keene, the Jury returned
a verdict In favor of the defendant.
It did not take the Jury long to agree
In the case of IMrs. Ann O'Grady, of the
West Side, against the Prudential In
surance company. In less than an hour
It had framed a verdict for $285.95 for
Mrs. O'tlrady, the full amount of her
Second Week of the Term.
The second week of the term of com
mon pleas court will begin Monday
and Judge. Thomas (Morrison, of Smeth
port, McKean county, will be here to
assist the local Judges. The first case
on the list Is the big action In eject
ment of Wllllnm Von Storch against
That Washington, 0. C, Stock.
Selling. ...
We say wonderful, and so
it is, to see such crowds of
buyers these rainy days.
Closed up our Washing
ton, D. C, store to confine
our efforts entirely to Scran
ton; and the goods a car
load of Fine Jewelry, Sil
verware and Pictures are
here. More help to wait
on you, so we can better
serve you today.
. Ladies' Solid Silver Watch,
with new heart chatelaine
to haug it on, $3.50; old
price, $6.00. ' Gentlemen's
Klgin, in a warranted case,
. $5.00. A hundred higher
grade Watches, solid gold
and ' .filled, at just such
au)azing prices.
Two stocks in one, and we
shall sell at some price.
Can't enumerate here, but
glad to show and tell you.
Selling oyer a hundred a
day. ' " This morning go on
sale 100 reat Taber Allo
types in solid oak frames,
22 cents.
Several dozen Cabinet
frames for photographs;
. lots af.kinds; take 'em for
8c; .18x30 fac-simile Pastel,
panel shape, white and gold
frames; $2 not too much.
; , We say 75c. " ;
i Will look for you and do
! our best. . . ; '
213 Lackawanna Avenua.
Corrlngtoq' Von.. Storch. , .
'There are aim a large number Of In
tel est ins- trespass cases on the list for
ti'iui.' " -.- -r. ..- ' '""
Mr. Bnnfleld. of Jermyn, has moved
Into William Tlnklepaugh's house.
At a meeting of the congregation ot
the Crick church on Thursday evening
the following trustees were elected:
Charles Marty, II. ftdsall, Andrew
Ahien, S. Ilrodhead, Jr., Jacob Hreimler,
J. K. Wilson and K. J. Wlldrlck.
Mr. and iMrs. William iluce. of Cata
sauqua, were visiting friends this week.
Mrs. (Dace's father was one of the
pioneers of the 'Wyoming valley.
Mr. and iMrs.ljohn Willis were visit
ors to rt rantun on Friday.
The Hrlck church Sunday school will
hold a picnic on the church lawn today.
Miss Alay Williams Is visiting In
North .Mahoopnny.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of T. IM. Wilson. M. D.. to Miss
Stella lingers, of 1.MIH City.
.Mrs. K. Drake and daughter, Jennie,
are visiting at ltke .Side,
There will lie a ball at Columbia hall
0e -Wont :;4.
Mrs. iMary Ontea has returned from
a two weeks' visit In Susquehanna
There is no change of cars of any class
between New York and Chicago via West
Shore ami N'r-kd Plate I tea. Is.
The Nickel Plate Itoaa In the line for
the. masses.
"Will you never quit open
ing new goods?" is a question
asked us every day. No! Not
as long as ' the people keep
buying. They seem to know
where to go for the latest
novelties for
and best assortments of
By being persistent in giv
ing best goods only at lowest
prices is what tells the story.
We may have something you
want. Walk in and look
around. Ours is not merely
a China Store; it is an Art
Collection as well.
China Hall
We've got the newest Fall
Shoe for men on sale finest
toe a little rounder than it
has been
We have the best line of
School Shoes
ever shown in the city, in all
styles and all prices. .
410 Spruce Street.
Iatlonal Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL 250,000
SUKHiUS, $10,000
AMTJEL HTNE3, President.
W. W. WATSON, VIco-l roBiUent
B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Rsmuel Hlnee, James M. Rverhort, Irv
ing A. Finch. Pierce U. Flnloy, Joseph J.
Jermyn. M. 8. Kemcrer, Clmrles P. Mat
Umws. John T. Porter. W. W. Watson.
rat i. ni. ami
Tilts nsnk Invites the pntrnnact of bU3
tesss mn and Urns rcneraiy.
Late of Pittsburg,
First-Class : Llverj in Connection.
Great Sale Of
-Saturday Morning,
Must Be Sold in Thirty Days.
Wyoming Avenue.
Ar tho Leading Wholeaall A cent. In
Smokeless Powder,
L ('. Smith's and Remington
(inns day Pigeons and
Pigeon Traps.
Telephone 2723. Open Evenings.
313tt Spruce (Street, between P.nn and Wyo
ming Avenues.
Cooling drinks are neresaary. They are ths
nulvoraal antidoto for excessive warmth,
Nbthing is so popular with the fair sex in
Scranton as our soda nerved la all the various
flavors and wittt cream for only a nickel a
glass. To have their attentions well received,
young men should treat their sweethearts
conlly, ana lijr Inviting thtrmtoanjoyoursoda,
which is really the coolest anil moat delightful
summer drink in tua city, wholesome, health.
ful and Invigorating. Soda heads the list of
rammer beverages, and tho foaming stream
from our fountain beads the list of all sodas.
Speciallf Adapted for Reading and Sewing.
U! Li
Consumes three (3) foot of gas per
hour stid Rives an efficiency of sixty
(60) candles.
Having st least 33 per cent. OTsr Mm
ordinary Tip Burners.
Cull und Sec It.
rtanufacturers Agents.
The Finest In the Cltj.
The latest ImproTcd furnish
lng and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
' 223 Wyoming Ave
M.sona, P. (X S. ot A., O. A. ft., S. of ..
O U. A. M., in fact all lodge and soefetias
Intending to rnn excursions ran haro the
Imtt priiitins in the eitv ut loweat prims
by ealliUB TBS TaUSUM Job D.parU
sent, . ' . ,
an4 your eyes will
take cart of ymu IC
spuitim vwp'e. you r troubled with
Mf flllllt tltJ heartache or iierrnu.
wi ivvii aia.w new, no to KH. SHIM
HI KE'S and bav your eyea examined free.
We have redncmi prices and are tli lowmt in
the city. Nickel apectacles from 1 to Ui S"li
from S4 to H
305 Sprues Street, Scranton, Pa.
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his ush
elated staff of English and derma
physicians, are aow psrmaocatljr I
locatad at
Old Pesioffle Building, Corner Pssj
Avenue and Spruce Street.
Th. doctor is a graduae ef the Unfver
Blty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
strator of physiology and surgery st tba
Medico-f'hlrurgical college of PhllsdeU
phla. His specialties are Chronic, Ner
vous. Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood die
Tha symptoms of which are disxlne.s.laclc
ef confidence, sexual weakness In men
and women, ball rixlng In throat, spots
floating bafore the eyes, loss of memory,
unabla to concentrate the mind on on
subject, easily startled when suddenly;
spoken to, and dull distressed mlnd.whloFi
unfits them for performing tho actual du
ties of life, making hapwiness impossible,
distressing the action ot the heart, caus
ing flush of heat, depression of spirits. evil
forebodings, cowardice, fear, drenma. mel
ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as
tired in the morntr.g as when retiring,
lark of .nercy. nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, constipa
tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those se
affected should consult us immediately
ard be restored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you hav been given up by your phy
sician call upon the doctor and bo exam
d. He cures the worst caaes of fser
ras lyhllity, Scrofula. Old Sores. Ca
tarrh, files. Female Weakness, Affec
tions of tbe Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat.
Asthma, .teafness. Tumors, Cancers ana
Cripples every description.
Consult Kt Ions free and strictly sarrea
and confldenIC Office hours daily trm
I a.m. to I p.m. Sunday, to S.
Enclose five S-cent stamps for symtpont
blanks and m.r book railed "New Life."
I will pay one thousand dollars In troll
to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
Old Post Offlcs Building, corner Fasti
avenue sad Spruce street,
Atlantic Refining Co
Manaf aotarars sad Dealers xx
Linseed OH, Napthss and Oas
linos of all grades. Axle Grease.
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com.
pound; also a large line of Ps4
afflne Wax Candles.
We also handle the Famous CROWN
ACME OIL, the only family safety .
burning oil in the market.
Win. Mason, Manager,
Office: Cosl Enrhacno. Wyoming Are, '
Works at Pine Urook. -
Maaafactnred at the Wapwallopen Mills, La
tome ennnty, Pa., and st Wil
mington, Delaware,
' General Agent for tho Wyoming Dlstrlet.
t18 WYOMING AVE Scranton, Pa,
Third National Bank Bail ding.
TH08. FORD, Plttston. Ps. . , '
JOHN B. HM1TI! HON, Plymouth. P
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilken Berre, Pa.
A (Mte for the Bnpanne Chemical Ooaa
(aasya lilgh Explosives. ,
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELMEN
DORF, Llmira, N. Y., and for aaia
by the trade generally.
: Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa .