TITE FCKANTON TRIBUNE-Til UKSD AY MOKNTNT. SEPTEMBER 19. 1895, W0kesBarre. The Tribune has opened a branch of fice, at No. 2S. Lanlng building. Public Square. Wllkes-Barre. It la the purpone of the publisher to Issue a newspaper as Valuable to the general publlo a the mel- ruimlttan .lalllaa an.l liver It tO tlie peo ple throuahuut northeasten Pennsylvania from three to live hour earlier than the Philadelphia ana New York papers can reach them. THE JURY OUT. ahram tcWert s Fata Now Kest with llicm. At the opening of court y?sterday oiurnlnK there was u Ids crowd In the court ruum to hear the- chisln anru nients In the Kcki-rt murder vase. Mr. Thornton opened for the defense anil he explained at letiKth the diMlnltkiti of murder and he distliii'thm between, the various decrees of murder. K. F. 'McUovern then closed for the defense. -He went over the testimony f ully and for the material he hud at his command, he made an eloquent mid forcible plea fur the defendant. The fact of the accident to Kckert and fol lowing the cause of defense, his tem Iorury Insanity, ulso that Kckert was afraid .HlttenJbender wit a Koine to harm him by kicking him and usklnir clem ency for the prisoner on behalf of his family, and his anvvtoua ffod charac ter, all were brought out and submitted to the Jury. District -Attorney fell. In his arsu ment. went Into every detail that would bear against the prisoner. lie com mented on the fact that iMrs. Kckert did not take the stand to corroborate her husband's defense as to his (Its of in sanity. iMr. Thornton nnd Mr. Ie wart both Jumped up and objected to Mr. iKell's eumment on IMrs. Kckert Hot taking the stand. IMr. Jevait said It was persecution, not prosecution, and thought (Mr. Fell showed very bad taste In acting as he did. There was a warm argument after which the court decided that there wot nothing before It and .Mr. Fell continued, concluding his argument with the. noon adjourn ment. After dinner Judgp 'Woodward made a very able charge to the Jury, lie said that there was no doubt that Kit ten bender was nhot and that Kckert did the shooting. The Judge defined murder In the first degree und In the second degree. 'vMur der in the first degree must have the Intent, while second degree is all other kinds of murder. It Is your duty n find whether the murder was commit ted arid to tlx the degree, nnd you must be guided by the law ll.xlng the differ ent degrees of murder. (Murder In the first degree must be with Intent, delib eration and premeditation. "It being established that a murder has been committed, that a resident of our county has been shot in broad day light by the prisoner within the limits of this county, you are to establish the degree. "It Is contended by the common wealth that they have shown a deliber ate and premeditated Intent to com mit murder, and the prisoner should be convicted of murder In the tlrst degree. "On the other hand, the defense claims that the deed was done during temporary aberratlonof mind, and that the defendant was not responsible for his action. The prisoner Is the only witness for the defense, ami while a prisoner may be a witness In his own behalf, you must take It together with the Interest that he has In the case. There has been no expert testimony as to Insanity In this case, and no evi dence to show that he was liable to such attacks, or that under the Influ ence of these attacks Kckert was In capacitated from doing his ordinary work. I have not Instructed In the ma'tter of manslaughter and do not consider It necessary under the evi dence. You must either find him guilty of murder and tlx the degree, or acquit him." The Jury then left the court room, and were still out last night. MISSIONARY MEETING. Officers Elected for the Turning Year and Interesting Papers Keud. There was a large attendance from both Wllkes-Barre and iScranton at the annual meeting of the Woman's For eign Missionary society of the Wy oming district at the Nantleoke Meth odist Ejlscopal church yesterday morn ing. The devotional exercises were con ducted ty Mrs. J. B. Sumner, of i.N'anti coke, and the meetim? was presided over ty Mrs. T. OL f'urey, of Askam. Mr, tiumner gave a cordial welcome to the delegates present, which was re sponded to by I.Mrs. M. J. .Straw, of W'llkes-BarTe. Tteorts were then read by the recording secretary treasurer, band secretary and district secretary, followed by a paper on "Italy." by Miss II. B. Laclar, of Wilkes-'Barre. Mrs. Franc Vail, of .Scranton, read an Interesting paper on the fife of Dr. Jennie Taylor, and after the appoint ment of committees on resolutions and officers for the coming year, the noun adjournment was taken. Owing to the absence of Mrs. Hard, the president of the organization, Mrs. Furey presided In the afternoon as well. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs f3. T. .Price, of Scranton, and a talk of the geography of the missionary countries was given fcy Mrs. O. K. 'Powell, fit Wllkes-Barre. Rev. Mr. Sumner, a member of the Wy oming trio, Bang a solo by request, and Mm. A. .K. DeWolf, of "Wyoming, npoke on the Toklo Home. Mrs. A. W. Noble, a returned missionary, gave a talk on Korea, and there the. report of the committees were heard. The resolutions regretted the un avoidable absence of , Mrs. Hard and ex tended thanks to the officers Who had served and thanks to those who had made the addresses and read the pa pers. They also thanked the church of Nantfcoke for the cordial welcome extended. The committee selected to name officers reported as follows, the whole ticket reported being elected: President, (Mrs. (Manly 8. Hard, of Kingston; vice-president. Mrs. O. T. Price; recording secretary, Mrs. Dr. Melxell. of 'Wllkes-Barre; treasurer, Mrs. W. W. Loomls. of Wilkes-Uarre. By request of the church at that place Wyoming was chosen as the place at which the next, semi-annual meotlng will toe held. In Favor of Ncshltt. Several weeks ago, It will be remem bered, ex-Policeman Ncshltt brought action against the clly to recover $.10 Which had been held out of his pay for fine. The point at Issue was whether or not the city has a right to deduct lines from the pay of ofllcers. On ac- DISFIGURING HUMOURS PrennW when all Else i Fails CtrriCORA'SoA DurifiH and beautifies the skin, scalp, and hair by restoring to healthy activity the Clogged, Inflamed, Imitated, Sluggish, or Overworked Pores. If air- Mm foe a caaa, fcarTteto rntMnm, l. i. A. iyi..iX?rvBf J count of the Importance of the case 'Squire Donohue withheld his decision until yesterday, when he gave his Judg ment In favor of Nesbltt. The clly will appeal the case, us the precedent, whichever way It is established, will be very important. If the higher courts decide In favor of Nesbltt there will probably be a swnrm of similar suits to recover tines indicted by council. THE WATER SUI'I'LY. The Wilkes llorro Company Will Help the Crystal Spring Company. At the meeting of the directors of the Wllkus-dinrre Water company yester day it was decided to lend all ussist u'uee possible to the Crystal .Spring company, to help it through the pres Hcnt emergency. The tire engine tit-gun pumping again yesterday morning, un der orders from 'Mayor Nichols, nnd will keep it up until the crisis Is over. The' Wilkes-Burro Water company Is now feeding Into the mains of the Crystal (Spring company, through live connections, but many of the hitter's patrons art- not supplied, owing to the height at which they live. A pump Is now drawing water from the river and forcing It into a reservoir on ljinivl Kun. near Mill Creek, the capacity of which Is about 3U.UU0.ihm gallons. This pump has a capacity of 5.000.000 gallons a day. This Is to be conveyed by the Crystal Spring com pany to a reservoir near the 'Black Diamond colliery and from there to the company's mains. Several car loads of pipe are on their way to the city from Kmaus and Enston, and It was thought they would reach here so that the work of laying them and then connect ing the reservoirs would begin todav. The water In the river above Mill Creek is said to be of fairly good quality, though those who use It should take no risks, 'but boil It. Notwith standing the 'heavy drain that Is being made on the lluntsvllle dam there Is a good supply. It Is said that In ad dition to pumping 11,000.000 gallons a day to thelrown consumers the Wllkes Kartv Water company Is also turning into the mains of 'the Crystal Spring company more than 5.000,000 gallons a day. There ares till many people on Lin coln. Welles, Sherman and Loo ml si streets without water, and at the .Mal lilkrodt convent there has been no water for a week, except what has beeu hauled. MILLER DISCHARGED. No Evidence Secured on Which to Hold Hun. Charles Miller, who was arrested re cently on a charge of having been Im plicated In the Mooslc postottice rob bery, had a hearing before I'lilted States Commissioner llahn yesterday morning, nnd was discharged. (Sillier told the story of his trip with Harry Howe and Al Phillips on the day and night of the robbery and clearly proved that he was not there at the time. The only evidence offered by the prosecution was that the three men had been In Mooslc that day. This was not suttlcient, and -Mr. Jlulm discharged Miller. A HEAVY SENTENCE. Charles Iilaek ticts the Full Penalty of the Law. Yesterday morning Charles Black, of Stetler alley, who committed a crimi nal assault on his ll-year-old step sister when taking her for a carriage ride, pleaded guilty of the offense be fore Judge Lynch and was sentenced to the full penalty of the law. Judge Lynch, In Imposing sentence, administered a scathing rebuke to Black, and then sentenced him to pay a flue of S'llio. the costs of prosecution and be Imprisoned In the eastern peni tentiary at hard labor for fifteen years. . l eft for His Pay. William Hughes, a miner residing at 33 (Hillside street, left home last Sat urday to draw his pay at the Pettebone shaft, and his family has not seen him since. A Polander, who works for him as a laborer in the mines, says he saw Hughes on Sunday night on the river bank and all his money was gone. Mrs. Hughes Is In poor circumstances and has two small children to support. - - Hurt in the .Mines. , Frank Wlmpol and John Lagranch, two miners at the Alden colliery, were badly burned about the hands and face last night by an explosion of gas. They were taken to the hospital. Patrick Hennessey, a car runner at the J)or- rance shaft, had his elbow fractured and his arm crushed yesterday at the shaft. Ille was also taken to the city hospital. Suit for Damages. flwln Kushnlskl yesterday brought gul for 10,000 against the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western liailroad company through Attorneys John T. Lenahan and Frit. The plaintiff says he. was employed by said company In timbering a shaft, when by the com pany's neglect a car fell, tearing off an arm and otherwise seriously injur ing him. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney nnd Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New South American Klilney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise on ncount of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In tho bladder, kidneys, back, nnd every pm t of the urinary passages. In mule or fe male. It relieves retention of writer and pain In pnssing It almost Immediately. Jf you want qn!ik relief nnd cure this s your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris. Drug gist, 125 I'enn avenue, Scranton, Pa. BRIEF NOTES. The new annex to the Kxchange hotel was opened ysterdny. la contains twenty-six 'handsome rooms. A sweepstake pigeon match will be held at Wert Side park next Wednes day and tho crack shots of live coun ties will be present. C. K. Douglass gnvo nn Interesting exhibition of ventriloquism and Illu sions last pvenlnu at '.Memorial church. Befreshments were served after the en tertainment. A climbing club hnB been Inaugurated at Kingston and excursions will be taken to Mount Lookout, Prospect Hock and other looul points of Interest on the mountains. There will he an orchestra of ten pieces under the leadership (if Will iam Kleg at the Concordia smoker next Tuesday night. A handsome block of stores will be erected on East Market street by J. W. Hollenback, extending from the Kress Stationery company's store to the Lehigh Vslley tracks. Handy Orlllln refuses to allow a game of ball to be played for his benefit, die says he does not need the money, but heartily appreciates the good feeling that led to the offer, ' Work will be begun Immediately ex tending the United States Pipe Line from Parsons to the seaboard. The Historical society has secured two handsome engravings of John Wilkes and Colonel Barre. the Eng lish statesmen after whom this city was named. A number of Wllkes-Barre horses are entered for the Tunkhannock races to day and tomorrow. T. W. O'Brien, superintendent of the Electric liight company, was married on Tuesday last to Mrs. Lillian Mnyder, at the letter's home, In Phllllpsburg. The Joraey Central railroad has been compelled to put on a water train be tween tiolomon'a Onp and Ashley. The election of officers of the board of trade has been postponed until Tues day, Oct. 1.. A habeas corpus hearing will be given Attorneys Watson and Zimmerman by Judge Bennett next Monday at 10 o'clock. All stores of the Hebrew merchants will be closed until 0 o'clock this even ing on account of the Jewish new year celebration. Aaron ijlrogan, of Dorrance, caught a carp in the river yesterday morning, whose weight was ten pounds and a lialf. DEMAND WALLER'S RELEASE. .Secretary Olney Houides to Take Prompt Action in the i'ane. Washington. Sept. 18. France must make reparation for the Imprisonment of Waller, our former consul In Mada gascar. Demand for Wuller's release ami for an Indemnity for Ills family will soon be forwarded to Ambassador Kustls. The Waller case waB the 111. it business taken up by Secretary Olney on his return to Washington. .'He had before him today the deposi tion of Waller, und after careful study thereof the secretary reuched the con clusion that Wuller's arrest und im prisonment were unjustifiable. It Is believed the demand upon the French government for his release and for In demnity will be cabled In u few days. TOWN FULL OF SNAILS. Health of the People of I'lqua Said to He Threatened. Columbus, Ohio. Wept. IS. Health of ficer Jiuukefer, of Plqua, appealed to the state 'board of health today for n Id In ubutlng a peculiar nuisance which threaten the health of the peo ple of that part uf tho state. Snails are Innumerable and get into the houses, wells und cisterns. it the house they leave a trail on tho walls unit floors that cannot be re moved. They full In wells and cisterns In great numbers, nnd, dying, render the water unlit for use, WYOMIN CS. The King's Daughters of the Presby terian church will given nn entertain ment ut Music hall Sept. LM. .Mrs. It. U. iLcase Is visiting in Wana mle. .David, the 13-months-old son of Na thaniel Chestnut, died 'Wednesday. i.Mrs. William Stocker. of Kingston, was the guest of lier mother Wednes day. i.Mrs. .Michael Baltysh, who has been visiting friends in 'New York, returned yesterday. A surprise party was given Miss Ma mie Switzer lust evening In honor of her tweuly-tlrst birthday. Those pres ent were Miss Mamie Chesworth, Kml lle Jlarsch, (lertrude Shoemaker, Thomas 'Khoads, Minnie Dymond, Licla Mc'KHl, i.Mumle Oreenfleld, iMr. and rMrs. Thomas Chesworth, Thomas Illnker, Vein 'DeWolf, Clinton Shoe maker, John ltoblnson, William Da vies, Kmest iDymond, Kobert Stiff and Albert Harnett. - - PECKVILUE. A corn social will be held at the home of Miss Orace 'Barber on Tuesday eve ning, Sept. t, under auspices of the Young People's society of the Pres byterian church. A fine programme lias been arranged consisting of vocal and instrumental music and recita tions. Befreshments will be served. I'ltiston lliisiness lilrectnrv FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING) CALL on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also serond-hand household goods, bought or sold. 1 lie I at rayed. STHAYBD TO MY PREMISES-BLACK boriM; owner ran have ssme by calling at my bira and payloir expenws. w. B. II WARDb'LIVIBY, Raymond Court iry Oir Ce firi Alets. Be ransci At pici lespises T A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHKN PAID FOB. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADF., NO CH AUUK WILL HE LES3 THAN 28 CKNTS. .THIS BULK AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, KX CKI'T SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED KKK1& JJepJMtedj-lljL w rANTKII - WKLL KNOWN MAN I.M evtry town to Milteit Mock nubteriD- tion; n iiiinnHjy; big numey lor aueniA; nu capiial required. KDWAUD C. KISI1 CO., Itonleii llloek, I'hieuifO. III. JAI .KH M k N Hl'.H IDKNT H A T. KS MKN k ' wanted, aiKjualnted with thi local mid nmrby ilrnir uml vrocery tradti. to hriudle nur hue of high gruit eignrii. Address, trlvlnir referencs, J. KDWAKU UOWLKS & Cu. HJ ChaialierH MtreM, N. V. Hclo Wanted Females. Uv "Tant kuI iai kThat" kly wiT lis k ft getio KutestvoiiMMi to repres-nt us. tlunrauteeil $tiauy without iiit.Tferiug with othr duties. Healthful oeiMipntloti. Writo for particulars, iurloiiug Hfuiup. Mnugn ('hem Irttl Vnipnny. No. 7'J .lohn str.Md. New Vork. Agents Wanted. A HUNTS WANTEU-TO SKLL 'IOAHSs S.5 per mouth naliiry and oxpcnsfs puld. AddrtMi, with two. out stamp, t IUAKO Cl UAIt CO.. 'li ieiujo. A OKNTS- TO HELI." O 0 B PRACTICAL i V geld, silver, niekid mid conier rlrctro platers: irn o from f.i npnard; milnry and ex lieiiHMH puid; outfit tree. Addi'ma, with stamp, 41 It'll IUAN II KH CO., Chimin". A CJKMTH TO SELL URIAHS TO DEALERS; $--" weekly sml exiMUises; eximrii'tira un nm-cwuiry. CONSOLIDATED MKU. CO., S Vail Huron ut., Clnvaito. SALESMAN TO l.'AKRY SIDE LINK; !Ti per cent, cnmmixiion; samplu book malli'il f riw. Address L. N. CO., fttutluu I, New York. T ONCE AGENTS Af'l'OlNTED TO V anil new ltitlitniiui selling tnblo rlotli.mos- quiti) anil house Hy liquid nr. Ml conts and '-'5 rants it bottle. S.iini.l.i fr3. UOLOIANO M F'll Co., Rultlniuro, Mil. OENTS- lilNDE'S PATENT ""UNIVKlT si Hair Curlers nnd Waver disod with out hunt), and "Fyr lvintod"Halr Plus. Lib eral commissions. Fnn sumiilo and full par tiruUra. Aildrms P. (i. Ilux 4M. Now York. lTANTVn ACTIVE SALESMEN TO v ? handle mir line, no peddling. Salarr. $7.1 iir month and expenses paid to all. Uomls entirely new. Apply uuii-ily. 1'. O. Box, WlM, lliistnn, U isi. Wanted. "WAN I'EI) -A PLATFORM WAOON To enrrv 1.2IHI pounds. Address GUERN SEY HHoa. 2J4 Wyoming avetm-. Salesmen Wanted. tJALKSMAN TO HELL DENTAL MEDl (j elm's to tba profession In Scrnnton and surrounding towns. DENTAL JIEDICINE CO, l-'.tt Filbert street. I'lulud. Ipliiu. WASTED SALESMEN ENERGETIC men to sell goods by sample nt home, or travel; easy seller; staple yoods; liberal salary or good eummkiiou. Address P. O. Box Bin, New York City. For Rent. I.iOR RENT-STEVENSON FRUIT FARM, Clark's Oroeti. for a trm of years. Ap ply to GEOKOE B. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 512 Spruce street. XR RENT-FUR IHHED ROOM. WITH or without bonrd. suitable, for two tier- sons. 1 3-' Adams avu. 'OURENT-A LARGE, 4 STORY RUILD ing t LCI Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesalo busintss. CARSON He DA VIES, Herantun. V'Oli RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lai'kawanna avituuo. Addross THOMAS E, EVANS, aear II S Lnxerne, Hyde Hark. oh KENT- Nl( ELY FURN1SHF.I HALL J Bultnblo for luigo ruoma. JOHN J Mi ll YN, lit) Wyoming itvonun. For Sale. 1XK SALK-NEW (1 ROOM HOUSE: ALL 1 latiist iniprnvcnientti; corner Madison and Delaware atreet; easy terms. Inuuiro of Harry lees. V6k SALK-AT REASON ABLE FRIUREST 1 a lot of Hoe & C'o.'s iron pipe composi tion frames, siiigln and double; also a lot of Booker cukoh. In pairs, some extra depth. All only Mliglitly ns.-d and good as new. Address Inquiry to BUSINESS .MANAGER, Tho Trio uue. K. i iinton, l'a. Money to Loan. t t'-tio, tm, h.ok), 3,cou To ' loan on mal eMtata soenritv. D. B. REl'LOULE, Attornoy, 4W Sprues St Soeclal Notices. ATOTIt'E-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I ii wl 1 iniike a monthly tour of tho follow ing places givinB fr. op -n nlr advertlsliig ox lul.lt join with the stercoptlenn: Tnvlorvillii, Bydo I'ark, Providem-e, Dickson I'lynhioit. P.'ckville, Archlia'd. Jcrinyn. F.xlnlutions given in WisliKsdtiy and Friday of each week during the month, tho tati-a for ndver tls'ng sru $ii per month. Address K. II. Call, Tribune nflicf, city. "'I1B SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." I Von want this relic, tvntnins all of Frank llle's famous old War Pictures, hov Ing tlie foreos in actnid tiattlo, skiiteiied on tho spot. Two volumes, 2,nuu pli'turns, Sold on easy monthly payment-'. Delivered by x t.ress comnh tp. nil eluirxns prepaid. Address P.O. MooUY, O-'J Adnms Ave.. Scranlon, Pa. IJ1.ANIC I'OOKS, PAMPIILrTS, SIAA- - - . .... ... .-in,ool l.l inn TninUNS otlit-e. Quick work. Rcusonnblu prices. tnnual Meeting. JOTICK THE ANNUAL MKKTIKG OF Assnciatioii, Limit d. will I e held at tho oMc ui i ii ii-oruiiioo, iii , ii ii i-iivoi niTniinin, on U'-Jnn..li. ,l.. l lb.,. - .!.. I U .. ... , ...in I.;, ... ,. , niAO.KM-n . in., mi ll... ..I..,l n r..- . 1. . ! v.. ... i.ii.ii.iu.ti n Mir mi- .-iimi ni year and fur the transaction of sin li other l.iismcsi s niMjr in oii.-i ly i-oini. ueiore toe morutlg. 1 li II li j, 11 V a, ,M Fcrnnton, Ia , Sepl. , IMHi. Charter Application. TVJOTK'K IS HKUEliY GIVEN THAT AN x npiuieaiion win nn mun i to tun governor of the statu of Pennsylvania, ou Tliiirmlnr. the Hi rd day of I ctol.cr. A. D. IMt., by Or lando M. .loin s in. Kilwnrd B. sturges, Arthur II. Christy, Jost-ph B. hicks n and .lesan I.. Eddy, under tlio Act of Asembly of the t'oininoiiwenlth nt Peunsylvnniii, en tlllml "An Act to provide for the Incorporation mnl rcgulntln i f certain ror tMirutio is." nnnrovol Am II 'Jll. IST4. nml tlm siipplemeuts thereto, for a rlntrtcr of an Intended corporation to be railed The John on I 'on I Coinpnuy, tho rharnctcr and object whereof is tho Hindu tf, p paring, lending, shipping mid selling of nntni aciie coal in nil tu- various nraiicnei tiireof, w.tn such bust mes as may be nroessjirilv iiDiiurtenaiit tliore. to, nnd for tleiw pun nsos to have, possess an I enjoy all the rights, laments nnd privi leges in wie eiiin cr in Asscnioiy ami its sup plBiiicnU WARREN ft K N A PP. Hollcltora. Scaled Proposals. CEAI.ED PROPOSALS WILL HE KF. O ceived nt the office of the Jerinyn and Rush brook Water Co., In Jcrinyn. Pa., until Kept ito, IHtln, fur driving a tunnel I.UHI feet li nu throuuli hard Dan. to tnkn water from Chapman a I'ike. Plans and specification can lie aeon at in' siooaio loivqcr Co. s oineo In Scranton; J. D. Stocker ft Co. 's store In Ji-r-myn: Hillside Cost and Iron Co s ofti.e In Unvfli'ld. Theo'innanr reserve thermhtln rejectany and ad bids na, n. nu i i;m aub, oecrotary. Jermyn, Pa., f-'ept, It), lift).'.. . Situations Wanted. WANTKD A POSITION BY A BOY IT years of aire In drnv store to learn the trade. Address II. D. BILLS. General Dollv- ery, city. SI1UATION WANTKD -NURSE; TflOR oughly nndrratands her busiuasa; beat Mraonal reference, Address N. S. W.. Trib une office. SITUATION WANTKD SY A 'BOY Is veara of a vein oflloa or' store. Addraaa H. J. P., TrlbunS efflae, , ONE OoonoIIjf Dress Goods Department As a season or novel conceptions in Fabrics (be present one easily bears the palm. Uf course, with every turn of fashiou's wheel we expect improve ments, but this season we appear to have more than the usual proportion; we have been furnished with uiore than we could rightfully demand or ex pect We placed our orders early, before the advance in prices took place, and are, consequently, able to oiler a wealth ol the best things in Dress Goods and Silks at prices which tell their own story of careful and early buying. Black Goods Mostly Priestly 's Goods, and worthier weaves never found room on a retailer's counter. They are se lectcd with an eye to quality, to style, to generous width and extra value. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAPT, PORCKLAIN. HrldKo and Pruwn work. Otlice, US Washington avenue. C. C. LA I'll A'l I, HU Ilf 1 KON1JBNTI8T7 No. 1U Wyoming avenue. R. M. ST RATTON. OKt'lCB COAL IsiT chuiiKe. 1'liysicians und Kuru'onH. bR7a. EDOAR DKAN HAS RKMOVED to 616 Spruce si rent, Scranton. l'a. (Just opposite Court liuiine ttijuare.) VH. KAY, 2fW PKNN AVK. ; 1 to S P. m"; cull 'MVl. Ills, uf wonit-n, obslrctrlcs and and all dla. of chll. ifl. A." J. rONNELI OFFICE 101 Washlneton avenun, cur. Sprih-e street, over Fram.-ke's druit stroe. KeHfdence, Til Vine St. Office hours: 10.3U to 11 a. m. nnd 2 to 4. and 6.40 to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DU. W. E. ALELN, K12 North Washington avenue. LiR. O. L. FREYrr-RACTIt'E LIMITED diseases of the Eve, Eur, Nose and Th runt; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi lience, C2if Vine street. DR. L. M. OATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Otlli-e hours, I la I a. in., 1. 3d to 3 and 7 lo p. ill. ItesiUeuce Ml Madi son uvenue. tTt. J. C. RATF.SON, RELIABLE SKIN. Tumor nml 'unc -r Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, ut W Linden street, Of II. i hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran lon, t'u. iES.SIirs HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth OUll-Jlut;, Washington avenue. W. II. JESHUP, HORACE K. If AND, W. H. JESSOP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOP.. neys and Counsellors at Luw; otllces 4 and 8 Library IihIWIhk , Scranton, Pa. ROHWELL 11. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND7 Attorneys nnd Counsellors, Common. wealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. F R A N K T. 61v E LL A TTOR N E YAT Law. Room 0, Coal Exchange, Scran, ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY. at-Lnw, rooms 03, 64 and Iii, Comniou wunlih bulldinK-. 8 A M I'EI. W. EDO A R. ATTORNEY-A'N Law. Office, '317 Spruce at., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lnckawuna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWN8END. ATTORNEY AT Law, Id mo Hank Buildlnir. Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at S per cent. C. It. PITCHER, law. Commonwealth ton, Pn. ATTORNEY-AT bulldliiK, Scrun. C. COMEOY8. S2t SPRtTCE STREET. ft' n. P.EI'LOOI.E, ATTORNEY-LOANS npKntiated on real estuta security. 401 Spruce street. It. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY"aT-LAW7 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'K, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WTOlflMl) AVBL Architects, EDWARD II. DAVIS, Rooms 24, 25 nnd 2l, ARCHITECT. Conunonwealtb buildlni?, Scrnnton. E. U W A LT E It, A RC H I T EOT! OF F1CB rear of tun! Wnshlnitton avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 436 Spruce st cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, 12ii Washington avenue, Hrrnnlon. I .oiins. THE rtEPtmLIC " 8A VINOS AND lxian Assoclullon will loan you money on easier terms ami p:iy you hotter on Investment than any other association. Call nn S. N. Cullender, Dime Uailli bill 1.1 1 dir. SdltMll.S. SCHOOf. OF THE LACKAWANNA. 8-rnnlon. Pa., prepares hoys and girls for collu" or buHiiiess; thoroushly trains ynunir children. Cntalogue at re quest. Opens September f. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER II. HI' ELI Jl ISA WORCIIBTER'S KINDERO A RTEN and School, 412 Adums avenue, open Sept. 9. Kindergarten $10 per term. Clairvoyant. I M P( 1RTANT ARRIVAL OF" Til EO I PS Y Queen; reveals hidden secrets of the prcnent and future, will Rive sltt!ni;s for a few days nt W3 Spruce street. All Who have been unlucky In love, business or klndrcil subjects, cull on the Madam nnd consult her. Misses treatments. This Is the )nt week to consult tin Olpsy Queen on nil subject. Wire Screens. JOS. KIIETTEL, REAR Ml LACKA wanna avenue, Pcranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store Mil Washington ave nue; Kreen house, 13S0 North Main ave nue; store telephoe 7H2. MIsccllnneouH. BAUER'S ORCiIESTRA-MtrSIO FOR ball, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address K. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Ilulbert'a music store. JMEO A RU E H 13 ROT H E R8, PRLNTlWs7 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twin. Warehouse, 130 Wuhlngton ave., Soran ton. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN CO., WHOLE ale dealeni In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna are. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms It and M, . William Building, oppoatt poatomc. Agent lor taa Bax lira fcUUngulahar. & SILKS TRY US. 602-604 LICKL AVE , COR. ADAMS. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Hotels and Kchtauriuits. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEULEK. Proprietor. SCRANTON MOUSE. NEAR D., li. & W. passenKer depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KuCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan. K. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. Mi Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York city. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior room and excellent outline service. The Standard Hotel for giving; MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 58th and 69th sts Plaza Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at 69th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drtnkltiff water and ice used li vaporized and frozen on the premises, and tertlDed as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New. Jersey. (LhiKU und .-usqiiuuHiiiia Di vision i Anthracito coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleauuueaa and comfort. iiAIW TAlu.b. 1A EM-fc-CT JUNE 2, S3. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, W likes-liarre, etc., at .). 116, ll.au a.m., l.'is. 2.UU, J. m. i'.uu. i.to p. m. Sundays, y.uO a. in.. 1.00. 2. 15. 7.10 p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, S.iu (express) u. m.. I.ttl (express Willi Hut fet parlor car), 1.06 (express) p.m. Sun day, J.h p. m. Train leaving 1.3 p. in. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term Inn I. 6.21 p. m. and New York 0 45 p. m. For Maurh Chunk, Allentown, Rethle hem, Kaxtou and Philadelphia, 8. SO a.m., l.M. 3.115, r..cm (except Philadelphia) p. in. Bunday, 2.16 p.m. For Long- firunch. Ocean Qrove, eta. at S.i a. in.. 1.23 p. m. For Readimr, Lebanon and Harrlaburi, via Alleiilown. 5.20 a. m., 1.23, 6.00 p, in. Sunday, 2.1S p.m. For i'oIisviIIh, 8.20 n. m.. 1.?3 p. n. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North river, at .10 (express) a.m., 1.10. 1.30, 4.30 (express with Duffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, t oo a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday 127 a.m. Through ticket to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Puss. Agent. . H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Bupt Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24. 1836. Trains leave Scranton as follow: Ex- rreas for New York and all points East. 40. 2.60, 6.16, 8.00 and 1.66 a.m.; 12.66 and 3.34 p.m. Express for Enston, Trenton, Phlladel phia and tho south, 6.16, 1.00 and (.66 a.m.. 12.65 and 3.34 p.m. Washington and way stations, 3.E5 p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra. Cornlnir, Hath, Pnnsvlllo. Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10. 2.35 a.m., and 1.21 p.m., milking close connections at Buf falo to all points In the WcBt , Northwest and Southwest. Path accommodation, a.m. Htn-h.imton nnd way station, 1137 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6.10 p. m.. Iflnghamton and Elmlra Express, (.Of p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweira Utica and Richfield Springs, 1.36 a. in, and 1.M p.m. Ithaca, 2.3S and Rath I a.m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttaton, Wllkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloom-burg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlshurg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, COO. (.66 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate itattona. I OS and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 1.62 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coache oa all express trains For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, ?.2S Lackawanna aveuue, or depot ticket office. DELAWARE) AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, WWK-m. day, July 30, all train M.m M MlW wlilarrlve at new Lauk m m m awanna avenue atatlon 9W r aH follow: izr Train will leave Scran ton station for termedlate points at 2.20, 6.45, 7.00, J.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 3.30. 166, C16, 6.15, 7.26, (.10 and 11.20 p.m. .... j . ... . . ... 1 Yt,A.nt .ml Tli.n .lal at 7.00, ,26 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20 and 6.15 For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 6.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. .- Xtrilt. .u Dime.- ami I ntur-Ytiurl I al fa points at 7.46, ft. 46. 9.38 and 10.46 a.m., 1105, I.ZII, iB.dn, 1.IW. e.iw, v.w, -..u .tin .w 1" . Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carhondale and intermedlale points ia u A a ai A 1 ft Ah K en 11 AA 19 4 l 1 Bl f.W. O.W, V.tTrl VIIU IV-IV at,. III. i.W( .tu 1.40, 4 &4, R.6T( 7.45. Ml and 11. M p.m. From Honetdale. Waymart and Far . . . . . . n n. . . m in BP view at u.iii., u.w, 1.11, e.iv, e.ue .wi 7.46 p.m. From Montreal. Saratoga, Albany, U., at 4.54 and 11.3B p.m. From Wllkes-BaiTS and Intermediate points at lib. t.04, 10.05 and 11.65 a.m., 1.16. 114, M, (lo, .0, 7.20, t.M and 1L1 p.m. Wallace Novelty Dross Goods We have a remarkable collection of both foreign and domestic novelties. We won't tire yoa rat with a long string of French names that wouldn't make you any wiser after you had read them, as they must be seen to be appreciated. If you are ao admirer of beauty In a fatrfc yon can't afford to miss our Silk Department W won't go into arguments or explanations, but come and see the goods. All are welcome, whether U look or buy. 82&r UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Glean Carpets, Renovate Featbers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs. Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May 12. 1895. Train leave Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. &.- H. R. R. at 7.45 a, m., 12.06, 1.20, 2.38 and U.3S p.-ITL, via D., L. at W. R. R,, too, 8.08, 1L20 a. m., and L3t p. m. I-eave Scranton for Pittston and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.03, U.26 a. m., 3.60, 6.07. 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Ha milton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. & V. V. R. R.. 6.40 a.m.. via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. u.iJG. 1.20. 2.38, 4 03 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R, 6.00. 8.08, 1120 a. m., 1.30, 8.50 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. East on, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points via D. & H. R. R . 7.46 a.m., 12.05, 1.20, 2 SS. 4.(0, 11.38 p. m., via D., UtW.R, R.. 6 uu. 8 08. 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wauda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. & H. R. R., 8.4( a.m., 12 and 11.36 p.m., via D., L. 4k W. R. R.. 8.US, 9.65 a.m., 1.3.) p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and all points west via l. & H. R. R., 8.46 a.m., 12.05. .15. 11.38 p.m., via D., L. W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, 8.08, f55 a.m., 1.0, 1.60 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 3 41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R.. 8.45 a.m., 12.05. 6.06 p.m., via V., L. A W. R. R., 8.03, .66 a.m., L80. and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. (hair cars on all trains between L. & B. junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspenaloa Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt, CHAS.S.I.EE,Gen. Pass. Agt, Phlla., Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Cea. Faaa. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Eric and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for Kw Torli and Intermediate point on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Honesdalo, Hawlcy and local point at 7.to, 9.40 a. m. and 8.24 p. m. All the above are through train to and from Honerdule. Train for Lake Ariel 6.10 p. m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barr at IB) a ni. and 2.45 p. m. arRAiTI-4 IIIVIIOH. la Kreet, nay 19tb, 18DS. Marl I. Mnuad. a-sntb Bannd, 80S 203 201 . I . 202 04 foe SWtlnas S S c.3 f 5 -3 5 I I d K r tB 2 & I (Train. Pally. Kx-S S S'J v. j-1 I cent aunday.) B ig p3 A rrl ve Leave N. Y. Franklin St. . West 4ind street , W'eehawken Arrive Leave a 7 4il JIB 114 y m Uauccck J u action, Siu Hancock CO 6 18 625 tut tu 123 2 31 4I 150 M 8r aw a it IN Starllitht pruitou park I'omo Poyntelle llcliuout riessant Mt. Unlundale Korsct city Carbondaie While nndge May field Jermyn Archibald Wlnlcn Peckvillo Olrphant Ptckson Throop Providence Park Place scranton i .... 1 43,' .... I.V? ..... 1 AS' 4SH40 6 t4 suti ir.' . 4111 49 16(18 7 tor m 7 84 li ft 4l;!1 Sll . ... nisi oisf U7 flits ma IJSJ ....Willi 8 Mil 23 Hill 8 Mil I l HS7 84ltfll1.M 8M f7 lf I WillS 43 f:n 46 149 I 01 T4KH18 51 7 43 IS Ml 8 4:111 1 1 ! I, M 74H19At I At 8S811 117 (144 8 0V "41 7f 1 04 404 4 0T 410 7 64 I OA 758 1 10J la siii o:l! M 8 80111 IH! 8. Hi 8 00 1 14 414 fl ifflf I057i 138 8 0811 lf417 35 10 36 ' gil'l 805) ltoUSO i Mir mv m rvi at Mare Arrive All trains run dally except Sunday, f. suolilci that trains stop on tltrnal for paa tenifprs. recurs rates vu Ontario Western before Em'chailnir tickets and save money. Day and Ihg-t K press to the West.. J. C. Andorson, Gen. Past. Aft. T. FUtcroft, Dlv. rasa, Agt. acraatoo, fa. REVIVO REST0HCS VITAUn. Made a Well Man MDSfi UtaiDey, of Me. TNI Q It CAT BOtb ituaWmfMalUlaMtin. It act bowertuU tad quickly. Cie wkaaeU other (all. Yoaag aua will nwsla their lost IMleod, aa4 eld aita wtu lecmr their ronttfiu vuor f aslag ltBTITtX II qalekly and urlyretorM . was, Lett TlUlltr. Impoleaejr. MlcMly atalasleaa, Loat Pent, raillaa MeBorr, Waettaa tXmm. aad all ateet of Mlf-etaM or aaeeesaad IndiiorHlaa, wklea It one for ttg.ty, aertnm or arrlate. It aotealr earn by tUrtlng al the seal ot dleaaw. bat Uti nerve toale aad blood bnllder, brlag lag eeek tbe pink glow to pato eheek aa4 ia eteriag th flre ( youth. It wards off faaaalty and OaanmpUoa. laalet oa btrlat KBVITO. aa other. It eaa be earned la veal aovket. By Basil, 1.00rpekae,or.x tec )I.OO, with a peel' Ma wrlttea gaaraatae) t rare a Nraaa tti aeaaeyi ONulwtree. aattivai MTAL MCDICIMI CO., It Blear H, OHNMN, ILL law tat T Matthew Bra. BfMa r m' a 10 M 7 851 .... 1"40' 7 til .... 1011 7 0 .... r MP M' isij 1 1. .... 5 Ji t oil ... 6 10 law .... 6 oris .... twisiii .... 4 5 vwr4 .. 4 4? IS 14 .... Ik & Day.