The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 17, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Mora FHtl About Last Week's Shooting
It will be remembered that last wvek
Jt Jammro, of 'Electric alley, was ar
rested for attempting to shoot Mary
Tomalne. a pretty Italian woman who
la married. (More facta about the affair
have been learned and It now develops
into a pretty romance. .
Rosario Januaro, the man who did
the shooting, la a hamlsome young
man. For many years he has loved
Mary Tomalne, who returned his affec
tion. But iMary has a couple of sisters
and a brother who wanted her to marry
Mother man. This person was To
malne. and the influence that was
brought against Olary resulted In her
marriage to Tomalne.
Still she loved Rosarlo and her hus
band had no place In her heart. Things
went on as before the marriage, Janu
aro itill making love to .Mary: When
separated they kept up a correspond
ence, and when In the same place often
lived In the same house. During sev
eral years Tomalne knew nothing of
what was going on. He did not Bee
ttiat he had no place In his wife's affec
tions and made no protest. Plans for
eloptment were made more than once,
but were never carried out.
This thing could not go on forever,
though, and Tomalne began to get Ink
lings of the affair. He saw he could
not Ptop it and, accordingly, determined
to go with his wife to Italy, where Jan
uaro would not appear to bother him.
It was on the day of their departure
that the shooting occurred, when Janu
aro asked for bis photograph which
Mary ,had and who refused to give it up.
The shots were then tired and in all
lirobablllty were only meant to frighten
her, as Januaro says. He could easily
have hit her, as fhe was very near
him at the time ami he Is a good marks
man. Most of the persons who saw
the affair now corroborate this state
ment and say It would have been Im
possible for him to have missed had he
shot to kill. Mary now says she will
not prooeed against Januaro, and so
he will prolaly soon be at liberty. He
may meet with some rough handling
from his countrymen, though, should
he return, for they are very bitter
Against Mm and It was all the officers
In charge could do to keep them from
lynching him on the day of the shoot
Three Days of Sport Will llcRln at
Anthracite Pnrk.
Beginning today and continuing for
two days more Carbondale people will
be given a chance to witness some good
sport In the way of horse racing at
Anthracite park. The affair prom
ises to be a great success from the out
look at present, and everything to
make the time enjoyable to those at
tending Is being done by the manage
ment. The base ball season Is now ended,
and this will be the only chance for the
people to have any amusement for
some time.
The entries have been Increasing
fast, and several from Bingham ton
have had to be refused on account of
the number which have already en
tered. There will be both running and trot
ting races, and each event promises to
be of unusual interest. Quite a num
ber of local horsemen . have entered
their stock, and will endeavor to carry
off honors. , -
William Cliff's I nonviable Position Be
hind a Team.
William Clift, of this city, head brake
man on Conductor Hubbard's train,
had an experience Sunday morning
which was indeed unenviable.
OIr. Clift had made arrangements to
ipend .Sunday In the country, and had
asked a friend to accompany him. Ev
erything was ready for the Journey and
both were anticipating a good time.
However, while turning the horse
around, in some manner the animal
backed the carriage over a stone wall
In the rear of the Phillips property.
The position was not one which a per
son would be anxious to repeat, for the
wall was about eight feet high.
. The horse, which was the property
of Frank Walsh, was a gentle one, or
It, too. In Its efforts to get free,' might
have gone over and severely injured
Itself. , Several people near by, who
saw Mr. Cliffs predicament, at once
wet.'. '.ohls assistance and the horse was
loosened from the carriage. The car
riage was soon fixed and the hrtrse once
more hitched up, Mr. Clift resumed
his Journey, which had been Interrupt
ed. He did not receive a bruise, and
the wagon was also uninjured.
Mr. and iMrs. Edward Ryan have re
turned from their wedding tour, and
Hip Disease
Results from t scrofulous and lmpnre
condition of tnt blood, and It Is cured by
Hood's Sarsapartlla
the great blood pn
riUcr. The father
of a Philadelphia
girl writes this:
- "We gave Hood's
Sarsaparllla to our
little girl, who had
symptoms of hip
disease. She could
not put her foot
down on tho floor
when we com-
menced giving her the medicine, but in a
short time the was able to get off the
eouoh and to reach her playthings. Since
then the hat steadily improved, thanks to
Hood's Sarsaparllla, and her general
health Is all that could be desired.
When any of the other children are not
well we give them
Hood's Sarsapartlla
and we earnestly recommend it to others."
E. Bxbbt, 203 Richmond St., Philadelphia.
Hood's puis ;rr
All the latest Fall Styles.
We handle all kinds aud styles.
In endless variety from 25c. to
$10.00. . .
i Oil Ctoths.Linoleums, Window
Shades, Wall Papers, Carpet
Sweepers and Fancy Chairs.
J. ScotTlnglis
If, Low Prices our motto.
have started housekeeping at once in
their newly famished home on Park
street. Their trip included New York
and Philadelphia.
Mrs. Kalph Abbey and son. Morgan,
of Salem, Wayne county, ient Sun
day with Air. and .Mrs. M. O. Abbey.
John Kase, of Wayne street, who has
been quite ill with typhoid fever, is bet
ter. Charles Byles, of Clinton). Wayne
county, spent .Sunday with friends In
this city.
(Miss (Mary dlaggerty, of Scranton, Is
the guest of 'Miss iMary 'McAndrew, of
Spring street.
Thomas F. White and family, of
Church street, will leave tomorrow for
Wllkes-Barre, where they will take up
their residence.
Mrs. E. M. Oliver, of arte avenue,
and daughter. Mildred, are visiting
'Mrs. Oliver's parents at Ariel. Pa.
.Miss Florence Nichols and young
lady friend, from Wilkes-Uarre. are
visiting Mr. and iMrs. Frederick Frank,
of Wyoming street.
John U'Connell. a student at Niagara
university, who has been spending his
vacation In this city; resumed his
studies yesterday.
H. A. Purple, of Salem avenue, spent
yesterday In Forest City.
(Mrs. ISennett. of Lewisburg, Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Walter K.
Frlok. of Wyoming street.
Charles Waterbury, a former resi
dent of- this city, was In town yester
day. He Is now publishing a French
Journal in iNew York city.
John 'Merrick, of llerrlek Center,
spent yesterday In this city.
Attorney Cornelius Comegys, of
Scranton. made a business trip to this
city yesterday.
Miss May Poland, of Washington
street, spent Sunday with friends in
Miss Hattle Berry, of Canaan street,
who has been spending several days
with her brother Frank, In Wllkes
Harre, returned yesterday.
Mrs. Bert Krownell of Spring street,
Is 111.
The employes of 'No. 1. No. 3 and
Powderly mines received their pay yes
terday. (Mrs. John S. Pluck, of Albany, N. Y..
Is visiting her sister-in-law, .Mrs. An
drew Wyllle, of iltelmont street.
W. R Urltman is spending several
days in Buffalo and Niagara. He will
return Wednesday.
'Miss Allda Nealon has returned to
her duties at the postolllce after a two
weeks' visit with friends at Atlantic
City and -Philadelphia.
John ill. 'Shannon, who has been con
fined to his cottage at Crystal Lake by
sickness, is able to be around again.
O. W. Gilbert and wife will leave
for a week's visit with friends in
Hrlrigevllle. N. J.
Miss Annie L. iMcLoughlin, of Mount
Vernon. N. Y., Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Ellsha MoOnwdy, of Laurel street.
Mrs. K. 'P. Webb, of Dundaff Villa,
has been secured by Proprietor Will
lams, of Hotel American, as house
keeper, and will take up her duties at
Dr. S. S. Shields and Dr. Burns, of
Scranton, held a consultation yester
day In regard to the condition of Ethel
Price, of Cemetery street. The child
Is troubled with a disease of the hip,
and it may be necessary to perform an
The ladles of the Congregational
church will hold an ice cream social In
the church tomorrow evening to which
they will be glad to welcome you.
The coroner etone of the Primitive
Methodist church was laid yesterday
with appropriate exercises. This con
gregation Is working manfully to se
cure a house In which to worship, and
will appreciate any assistance that
may be given.
Announcement Is made of the ap
proaching marriage of Alfred Mat
thews and Mary Johnson, both of this
place. ,
W. S. Hutchings, of Mooslc, and K.
M. Sperig, of Lansing, Mich i were
Jermyn visitors yesterday.
The funeral of John Coughlln, which
took place yesterday afternoon, was
largely attended.
Robert Blakeslee. Cool Olen, Jeffer
son county ,1s visiting relatives here.
Burgess Nicholson yeKerday placed
two of the borough police on the disput
ed territory, on which Nathaniel Depew
Is laying a walk, with Instructions to
allow no work to be done by any one.
Depew left for Scranton to secure an
Injunction restraining the borough
from Interfering with his work.
A child of F.,K. Waters, of the On
tario and Western, fell from the porch
and broke his right arm.
A basket social and ball will bp held
tomorrow evening In Enterprise hall of
the Junior Order United American Me
chanics society.
The school directors are considering
the advisability of employing an extra
teacher. This is sadly needed as the
rooms are overcrowded, and the teach
ers cannot do justice to the large num
bers they are obliged to care for.
Tho funeral of the child of Frank
'Muldoon, which died Sunday, took
pluce yesterday afternoon.
The regular monthly sociable of the
Ladies' Missionary society of the Lang
cllffe church will be held this evening
at the home ofMiss Kenncman. An
Interesting programme has been ar
ranged. Refreshments will be served.
All are Invited.
Miss Kate Osborne, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with 'Mrs. C. Osborne, of
the West Side. .
Miss Jennie 1 leaky, of Grove street,
Is convalescing.
Messrs. ..Murphy.. Cadden and
Oreevey, of Scranton, and Glynn, of
Dunmoro, spent Sunday evening with
friends In town.
(Miss Elizabeth Kelly, of Scranton,
is the guewt of Miss Mary Gllroy, of
West Avoca.
James Ryder, of. the West Side, Is
around again after a few days' Illness.
P. J. Flood, representing the Smead
Wells ventilating system, was a visitor
In town Saturday.
An entertainment will be held In the
Methodist Kphtcopal church this eve
ning under the auspices of the Duryca
division. Sons of Temperance.
The Shamrocks, of Avoca, challenge
the Taylor Reds to a game of ball on
the former's grounds, on Wednesday
afternoon. Answer through The Trib
une. .........
Mrs. Willlnm Ofetter and children,
who Have been spending the past few
months with, her mother, .Mrs. E. J.
Webb, returned 'to her home In Homer,
N. Y., on Saturday. ''
tMIss Maine Walsh, of Parsons, will
conduct a class In elocution during the
coming season. -Miss Walsh Is a gifted
elocutionist, and comes In our midst
highly recommended. It Is to be hoped
that her efforts will meet with success.
M. H. Collins Is spending a few days
with friends In Jermyn.
Thomas Dunn and E. 3. Hoban have
opened a new hardware store In Pitts
ton. Miss Mame Walsh, of Spring street.
Is spending a week .with Scranton
friends. . ,
Michael Whaler) Is having a small
building erected adjoining his present
one, In which his son, Joseph, will con
duct a butcher shop. .
"How to Cure All Skin I)lsts,"
Simply apply "Bwayne's Ointment."
No Internal medioln required. Cures tet
ter, ecsema, lfrh, all eruptions on the face,
hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great healing and
curative powers are possessed by no other
remedy. Ask your druggist for Bwayne's
Ointment. . . j.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The heavy freese of Saturday and
Sunday nights laid out everything In
the way of green truck that was ex
posed. Such u cold snap eo early In the
season gets ahead of even the oldest in
habitant. A soaking rain, storting in about 2.30
yesterday afternoon, was a welcome
break to the long and tedious drouth
that has prevailed.
Kev. G. C. Lyman, of .Plttston, who
has Just returned from a visit to Iowa,
was in town briefly yesterday.
The proposed railroad to connect with
the Lehigh Valley at Mehixipany and
run back into Sullivan county, pasalng
through Forkstown. seems -to be in a
languishing condition. The coal, oil,
gas, graphite, and oyster mining busi
ness is till to. wVs a source of news items
that country la proline, but as a re
gion of dividend paying Industries it
pans out very poorly, laying aside
farming, huckleberry picking and a few
minor occupations of iflie sort.
The Democratic county convention
yesterday afternoon failed to arouse
any contest worthy of note, and every
thing w'oiked as smoothly as though
running on ball bearings. The meet
ing was called to order by County
Chairman F. H. Piatt, and J. Wood
Piatt was chosen to preside. M. D.
Miller and C. L. Walker were elected
secretaries and Editor Day, of the
Democrat, readlngclerk. The customary
endorsement of the national adminis
tration and condemning of the state
administration was embodied In the
resolutions, and they were disposed of
In the usual manner. Only three candi
dates for the office of county treasurer
were proposed: F. W. DeWitt, of
Tunkhannock borough: James Swarts,
of Overtleld.and J. D. Inman, of Tunk
hannock township. DeiWltt received
twenty-nine volt the first ballot and
that settled the hopes of the other fel
lows. F. F. Drake and C. O. Der
shelmer were pitted against each other
for district attorney, but Drake car
ried off thirty-one of the dolegates and
that fixed that matter. F. V. Sickler
was nominated for county surveyor by
Acclamation, and C. S. Knapp and J. B.
Lee were selected to go to the next
state convention. That being the ex
tent of the business, the convention
About twenty people Joined the New
York excursion at 'this point yesterday,
several of them coming down from
(Montrose. The train was composed of
mine coaches, including a chair car, and
the majority of them were comfortably
Tho merry-go-round has been trans
ferred from Bedford Park to the fair
The funeral of IMrs. Otis N. Stark will
occur at East Lemon today.
Letters received from the girls who
went to the Atlanta exposition indi
cate that they Arrived at their deslna
tlon In prime condition.
(Mr. an'.l' Mrs. Cole Frantz. of Wllkes
Barre, were guests of the latter's sis
ter. (Mrs. O. .M. Osterhotlt, over Sunday.
Mrs. and the children will re
main for several days.
Marriage licenses were granted yes
terday to Kev. Herbert SI. Pease,
of Eatonville, and Blanche Shelley, of
Lake Wlnola; Daniel O. Collins and
Miss Eliza A. Hope, both of North
Branch township.
Miss Eva Sickler, of Blnghamton, In
a guest of her sister, Airs. R, E. Bil
lings. .
Edwart Ifloward died on Saturday at
his home on Dunmore street. The fu
neral will take place this morning at
10 o'clock. A solemn high mass of
requiem will be celebrated In St. Pat
rick's church. Interment will be made
In the Catholic cemetery.
Dr. A. F. Craus has returned after a
week's sojourn in the country.
iMrs. J. J. Cummlngs Is in New York
Mrs. William Lloyd, of Providence,
was the guest of her mother-in-law,
Mrs. John Lloyd, yesterday.
Mrs. Louise Price, who has been vis
iting her parents on Lackawanna
street, returned to her home in N anti
coke yesterday.
Miss Jennie Langan gave a most en
joyable party at the -West End hall last
evening In honor of her guest. Miss
Feely, of Indiana. After the friends
had arrived an elaborate collation was
served, which was followed by dancing,
A largo number from out of town were
The Republican primaries were held
here Saturday between the hours of 4
and 7 p. m. The following delegates
were elected to attend the county con
vention to be held at Music hall. Scran
ton: First ward, John dickering and
Thomas O. Davis; Second ward, T. IP.
Jones and D. W. Patten.
Rev. Peter 'Roberts, who has been
pastor at the Congregational church In
this town for the past four years, has
resigned to accept a Bull In Colorado,
where he and Mrs. Roberts, have been
for the past month. "--.v
The Ladies' Temperance society--of
the Catholic church will hold an enter
tainment and reception In the Father
iMathew hall on 'Wednesday evening.
The election of delegates passed off
quietly here last Saturday. W. J.
Bohner and 'Phlletus Snedlcor were
elected delegates from the First ward,
W. H. Walker and P. G. .Harding, vigil
ance committee.
(Harry Simpson and Richard James
were elected delegates In the Third
ward, Richard Reese and Frank Mer
chant vigilance committee.
(Regular communication of Orlential
Star lodge, Free and Accepted Masons,
will be held this evening.
The residents of Winton have been
greatly annoyed of late by thieves who
make visits every few nights to their
henneries and help themselves to their
chickens. One resident ' lost several
ducks, and last Friday night they
helped 'themselves to twenty-five of
Mr. Sneers' fancy chickens.
Edwin iE. Belts, of Scranton, the son
of Proprietor Betts, of the Hotel Wil
son here, has accepted a position In
the Morgan store.
George Tiffany has moved his family
here from Jermyn.
Miss Annie Burrows, of New. York,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. J. Hollls
The past few weeks has witnessed a
hot contest in Wayne county for the
nomination of county treasurer on the
Republican ticket. The convention
met in session yesterday and nominat
ed Joseph Boyd, of Damascus, for
treasurer, and Dr. C. E. Foster, of
(Honesda)e, for coroner. .
Cards are out announcing the. mar
riage of Miss Mary iHhaw Mason, of
Scranton, toDr. C. iE. Foster, of Hones
dale, at the Green Ridge Presbyterian
church," Wednesday, Oct, 2.
A novel and Interesting sight to
"Honesdallans will be the lantern pa
rade - of the iMaple City Wheelmen
Thursday night, Sept. 19. The parade
will be led by the Honesdale band In a
brilliantly lighted and decorated con
veyance, and will be formed of all I ho
Honesdale cyclists with gaily' decked
wheels. . .
Rev. .Mr. Ttrasee, of QIaueh Chunk,
preached In Grace church Sunday even
Happenings of Interest to the Staple
Trades and Particularly to the Trade .
in Iron, Steel and Anthracite Coal.
The Chickles Iron company's furnace.
No. 2, ut Chk'kle-s, which has been Idle
since 11)3. has started up and made
Us tlrnt ejat S-pt. 1.
Moses D. Evans, of the Kingston Coal
company, hna 'been appointed superin
tendent of the Hillside Cooi and Iron
company of Forest City.
The extensive plant ut Thurlow for
merly opeta-tcd by -the Welliiiau Iron
and fteel company is expected to be
blurted up before ' the close of Kiis
The production of wire and wire rods
at the 'plan-l of the Pittsburg? Wire
works, ut Hi jil.loek, during August
was .Hie lnrgett in any one month in the
history of the company.
The new furnace of the Spearman
Iron company, of Shaipsvllle, wai
blown In on Sept. 5. It has an Annual
capacity of 70.(100 gross tons of Bes
semer arid foundry pig Iron.
The Durham furnace of Cooikt &
Hewiitt, at Rlegi-lsvllle. Is being relined,
and will soon bo blown In. K-mploy-men-t
will be given to 200 men. The fur
nace has been Idle a Ions time'.
The Pittfburg Steel Casting com
pany.of Pl-:.tsburg, Is erecting a new 20
ton open-hearth steel furnace, which Is
expected -to produce forty tons a day.
about double the present output.
The 23-lneh and blooming mills of
the Pottsville Iron and Ste-el company,
of Potitsvllle, resumed operations Sept.
2 -after a long Idle-ness. The resump
tion gave employment to 200 hands
Work on the new plant of the Frank
lin Steel Carting company, at Franklin,
Is progressing rapidly, and the projec
tors expect to -have t he. works in opera
tion gave employment to 200 hands.
One of the two Keystone furnaces of
the It fading Iron company, at Read
ing, went In'to blast (Aug. 31. Forge
and mill pig Iron will be produced.
Annual ca.paclty. 18,000 gross tons.
The new plant of the Hyd-j Park
(Pa.) Iron and Steel company Btarted
up Sept. 5 wlt;h two sheet mills and a
bar mill. The entire plant will be put
In operation this week. A large num
ber of men will be given employment
when the lan-t begins running full.
The Standard Horse Nail company of
New Brighton, manufacturers of hot
forged horse nails, is erecting an addi
tion to lta plant. The company has
greatly Increased Its capacity recently
for the manufacture of hot forged horse
nal'ls, but, mtiwfthtanding this. It la
shipping lta product as fast as made.
Llewellyn Price, who recently put up
such a plucky light for recorder of Lu
terne county, has been appointed to
the foremanshlp of the Henry colliery
of the Irfihlgh Valley Coal company at
Port Bowkley. (Mr. Price has been in
the employ of the Lehigh Valley for the
past nineteen years, and for the past
ten years has ibeen fire boss.
The Lehigh Valley employes who
have their headquarters at Coxton yard
are now "on the rack." All of the
trainmen re being examined In the
new rules, which .the company issued
some time ago. The engine house has
(been fitted up with desks and benches
for the use of the men undergoing ex
amination, a dozen or two being ac
commodate at one time.
Wllkes-Barre Record: The old
Spring Brook colliery at Mooslc, for
merly operated by Messrs. Colburn &
Co., has been recently leased by the
Fkrence Coal company (Messrs. WhM
ney, Kemmerer & Co.). They have
opened up the mine and cleaned the old
working, ami have opened a new vein
four feet and six Inches In thickness.
They are completely renovating the
whole plant and are -taking down the
old breaker and wUI build new founda
tion for the new breaker, which will
be of larger dimensions.
If the liaby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething
with Perfect Success. It Soothes the
Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain
Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every
part of the world. Be sure and ask for
"Mrs. Winslow's 8oothlng Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
When Baby was tick, we gave her Castor!,
When nhe was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
when tho became Bliss, she cluug to Castoria,
When she bad Children, she awfe Uwu Castoria
Do You Appreciate It?
If so, consult the most eminent physi
clans available, Dr. F. B. Smith and staff,
at 505 Linden street, opposite the court
house. Dr. Smith Is and has been for the
past six months curing some of the worst
and most complicated diseases known to
humanity. Many a poor man and woman
who have been terrible sufferers for years
HEALTH through the skill of these emi
nent physicians, and have returned to ex
press their heartfelt thanks and grati
tude. Comparing those that have been
cured by us to those that are now ailing
but have been reluctant or deterred from
visiting us, we find thorn nnly a few.
Don't let Ignorance nor the cry of
"quack" prevail over good Judgment, but
see for yourself. We Invite investigation.
Consultation absolutely free from 9 u. m.
to 6 p. m. dally. Tuesdays and Fridays
until v p. m.
Tbe stork we pnrctmsod at the F kerift'a Sale
at Haxluton, I'u. Our Hilv ulnro i.wnniic.
proved more t-it:tHctoi y than wo thmicht.
Tli n crowd on MonrtsT wan enormously large,
nnd carried swar the Bantam, and the stx-k
which la left wo'll dixpuxo ot at your own
iirle-ee, Hale nil wvck ut the rollowlnii price.:
1 case Drug Ulnuliuui, (truss price, 7 cents,
Our Prloe, 3tv Cents
1 case of UnbleaehiMl brown Cotton, 4 4,
heavy, for shotting only, rtom price. V
cunti, -. .. Our Price, 44 Cents
1 enn Checked CrasB, all linen, eroispiie-u.
10 cents, Our Price, 5 Cents
1 esse Bleached ToWot". by the puny.
ftlugeil, gross nrico, tf cents,
1 ... -r ; 'Our Price, 10 Cents
1 rase 04 Bleached klohKWk Mualin, grua
price, ss oents, Our Price, 121 Cents
A great sale for tho mo of every honseboliL
1 cast of Turkey Rod Covers. fis.'B 8xi aud,
10x4, gross price, 1 Slid II M.
Our Prlee, SOo. and 69c.
Font Turkey Ked.
ME If CO., CID sm m GUT price store.
.'wID LKunSniuiJi.
Sacemon to Dr. Beeve at his old staa U
No. 412 Sprues St, Scranton, Pa.,
Cntiaue to Dr. Reevoa' old pa-ti-snts
and all others who may cIL Call
and a them. Tbey treat yoa reoiua
nbly and with great ui-c.s Blood
Poison, Rheumatism ud mil furus
of scuto cUrouiu and mtrvoos Uiscasoe
of men. women nnd children, aud se
cret dfsea-ie. Tumora, Cancers
and Goitres removed without the
- use of knife or pain.
11 M P.M.
Bundsys from 10 A. M. V 4 P. M.
230 Lackawanna An, Scrantoi
We are the Selling Agents
for Scranton of the $3
a stylish, hand-made,' first
class Derby, guaranteed to
be as good as any $5 hat in
the market.
Three Dollars' worth ot
honest quality is all that can
be, squeezed into a Derby.
You don't pay any more than
$3, do you?
Our window is full of the
in black and brown, small,
medium and large shapes.
230 Lackawanna Ave,
Monal Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL 250,000
SUKFLUS, $40,000
BAMUEI, HTNR9, President.
"W. W. WATflON. Vice-President
A. B. WILLIAMS. Cashier.
Bamuel Hlnee, James M. Everhart tnr
te A. Finch, Pierce B. Ktnley, Joseph J.
Jermyn. M. 8. Kemerer. Charles P. Mat
thews, Jonn T. Porter. W. W. Watson.
rata tank Invites the patronage ef hue
sms men and firms Roneraly.
'i cases of Summer Balltrimran Sinn's Un
derwear. In ail qualities, graeu prica, 2jo.,
8ja and GUc., our
Price to Close Out Entire Lot 20s
6V dozen Men's Wliito L'nlnundriod Hliirts.
pnro linen bcnQin, double trout and back,
trees price, Ui ojuts,
Our Price, 29 Cents
900 dozen of Ontlng MiirK iu all quslltlo),
irt-css prlco.lVc.Uilo., Me., oc. aud 7.ic.
We will make a sw-cnp 011 tho entire lot
aud let her go at 25 Cents Your Choice
HOSI ERY-1 hu'o prices will hold irood
lor all thll wook. 6. lir Ainu's Bncks
at Sc., grufui prico, 1UV-. : 01 p:iiri Ladles'
Kiihi l nek Hone, gross pri e, 10 rents.
Our Price, 5c. I I" dozon ot French
llalbrlggiiu Half Hose, nnd Fast Black
Hose, grow price, 'ilt ceutx.
Our Price, 12M Cents
Ladies' Vesta at one half lvss thun elaowhere.
Be careful aud call.
Gotham Hat
Gotham Hat
1 Aira
ifejp J mm )
TO our patrons:
Wushburn-CroHby Co. wish to assure their many pat
rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
la fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc
of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will taka
no risks, and will allow the new wheut fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Wnshburn-Crosby Co. 'a flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lace Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
1 II Hll III tllll!
Pertaining to tbe Carpet and Curtain Trade.
406408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store in the Watt BuilcU
ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
SCRANTON AND WILKES-8ARRE, PA., Manufacturers of
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
YOlir Store
AAA Square Feet of Exclusive Show
ZO.UUU RoolTlf and This Is In It :
JIave helped to make this Mam
moth Emporium grow the knowing
of the qualities imparted to pur
chasers by trusty salesmen has
eneouraRed your dealings here more
and more. The littler price has also
had Its power. We have added this
season an exclusive line of beautiful
Moquettes with an extensive as
sortment ofpother three quarter
Roods, and Ingraihs In all Rrades.
Our Carpet .Manager suggests a
beautiful line ot
Wilton Velvets at 87e. a yard. Our
knowledge tells us they're worth
13c. more.
Let's have your opinion.
Second floor front.
Jt sems we sell more than all the
others together It's with your as
sistance you've always appreci
ated our endeavors from the tlrst
whatever it is you want In furni
ture we have It that Three Itnom
Outfit for $9.(W FURNIS'IiKD
COMiP'I.KrrB. Is the present great
attraction here.
100-Piece Dinner Set FREE
to every purchaser of above outfit.
Three floors. .
Select what you want and pay as
it's convenient. Come In, and talk
over your needs, -',
1 -mnJ
Occupies Over
AVe never say much about them
but you know they are here. As to
the kind we sell THEY ARE THE
:HfcjST Othelli Home Sunshine
Penn Acorn they're the Ranges
and guaranteed bakers of the first
order our -Heaters, are of the same
character as our Ranges THS
Basement, near stairs. '
Without any hurrah or beating of
drums this department is doing ths
business of any upholstery house
your saving is about 25 per cent, by
dealing here assortment comprises
everything shown in popular goods.
A lace curtain worth t'SM a pate
will be sold until gone at $1.95. .
Seiond floor, left aisle, front.
This department occupies over 2.000
square feet we meant to make It
us bis as any, and we have that
Cutaway Sack Suit In blue, black
and brown, is Just right for now
the Tightest thing for a good while,
"' too.
The price Is r0.0O-412.0O would bs
more In keeping with the quality.
Y. M. C. A. Building-opposite.
another "Economy" Idea pur
' hases made in any department de
' llvered free everywhere. ..
) nunib iunmgni.iH
1. ECl BulldlDtV iBstl
!25-m Wyomlil iu.iSklei.
ll' v