T17E fiCBANTON TRIBUNETUESDAY MOltNTlTtK SEPTEMBER 17, 1895. WiIkesBarre. (The Tribune has opened a branch of- l . M . , 1 ..Mil.... !,, V.l 1 rt nee ai no. a. leaning uuuum;, Square. Wllkes-Barre. It Is the purpose of the publishers to Issue a newspaper us valuable to the general public as the met ropolitan dailies, and deliver It to the, peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from three to Ave hours earlier than the Philadelphia and New York paper can reach them. CASE OF BARRATRY. Watson and Zimmerman Held for Court on a Serious Charge. Yestfrday morning O. M. Watson and It A. Zimmerman, two well-known members of the fcYranton tar, and law partners, were Riven a hearing before Alderman Thomas, of the Ninth ward of this city. The charge was that or extortion and barratry, and was pre ferred by Theodore S. Hurber. an em ploye of the Wllkes-Harre and Wy oming Valley Traetlon oomiwiny. From the evidence given before the alderman tt appeals that Messrs. "Wat son and Zimmerman conceived the Idea of compelling the Tract Ion companies here end In Lackawanna, county both to pay large sum of money to the prop erty owners along their right of way as damages. They entered Into an agreement vHJi a man named IVrrigo. H to alleged. accord ing to which the latter was to make a canvas of the property owners and go around among the people who were thus affected and procure the names of all those who were willing to begin suits against the Traotlon com pany and Watson and Zimmerman were to prosecute the cases. This scheme reached the otllce of the Wllkes-Harre Traction company in pome way, and General Manager Gra ham at once employed the Barring and ftlcSweeney Detective agency to take the case. Theodore Jones and a detec tive named Clifford were put to work on the case, and secured the necessary evidence. Clifford took Junes to 'Mr. Watson and 'Introduced film as Mr. Chamberlain, of Altoona. at the same time assuring the attorney that "every thing that Mr. Chamberlain said went." The detective told Watson that he had purchased 1'errlgo's Interest, paying him $25 down and agreeing to pay the remaining $375 In the future. Jones, or Chamberlain, us he was known, was given . letter of intro duction to ex-IMayor Loftus. of Mooslc, with the assurance that the ex-mayor wouM provide tilm with the names of all property owners willing to begin ult. He was also given an agreement, drawn tip in typewriting, to present to iM. J. Tijfhe. of Port Oritllth, by means of which signatures would be obtained from property holders In Jenkins town Ship, Luzerne county. Chamberlain went to IMr. Tighe and presented' the agreement, but 'Mr. Tighe refused to sign It. A number of other witnesses were ex amined, but their testimony did not materially chance the feat tires of the case. John T. Lenalmn appeared for the prosecution, and Hon. H. W. Palmer and O. L. Halsey ap peared for the defense. After the wit nesses for the prosecution had been ex amined. General Palmer asked the al derman to discharge the defendants, as no evidence against them had been of fered. Mr. Lennhan protested vigor ously against such a course, and 'Snuire Thomas held them In $1,000 bail for their appearance at court. WOMAN AND UKOO.M. They Prove Too Mueh for tho Doughty Constables. Yesterday morning Constables Rich ard Edwards and John L. Kvans went to Hancock street with the Intention of serving two executions against Frank Washlck. sr., and Frank Was hlck, Jr. The sale was billed for 10 o'clock, but was prevented by circum stances over which the constable had no control. The plaintiff was Abraham Masheln. and he accompanied the con stables to the house of their Intended victim, although he repented going all the rest of the day. When the trio arrived they encountered Mrs. Wus hlck. who wanted to know their busi ness. They told her and Mrs. Washlck ordered them away. The party natural ly refused to go, and Mrs. Washlck took a broom and proceeded to enforce her arguments. The physical condi tions became ho -unpleasant for the constables that they fled. Masheln tried to flee also, but several timely whacks with the broom disabled him partially, and Impaired his sprinting qualities, and 'Mrs. Washlck lammed him unmercifully with the broom. He finally got away and says he will have that execution served If every citizen of Wllkes-Barre has to be made a constable to serve It. DROPPED DEAD. Jacob Morgnnstclo, of Kingston, Falls Dead In a Saloon. About 12.30 yesterday, Jacob Morgan Uternt of Kingston, dropped dead from heart disease In Nlemeyer's saloon, at the corner of (Public Square and West Market street. He had entered the sa Joon a few moments before and called for a glass of "beer and a tunch, which he had Just finished eating when tihe fatal attack came. Some men in the place aw him drop the ppoon, place one 'hand over .his heart and fall to the floor. Mr. Nlemeyer and his assistant ran to Mm eJai and carried film to the back yard, but he was dead before they reached the door, 'having passed away wltihout saying a word. Dr. Barney was called and worked for some time, thinking something might have lodged Jn Ms throat, causing strangulation. He soon saw that the man had died of heart disease, and notified Coroner Perklna, who will hold an Inquest to day. Deceased: was a resident of Kingston and had knpt a shoe shop on Page street for many years. He was mar ried, but ihad separated from bis wife. He leaves one eon, Jacob, aged 27, and one daughter. AMURDER TRIAL. Abram Eckert to lie Tried for Killing Fred lilttenbendor. Yesterday afternoon the trial of Abram Kckert, the ex-Janitor of the Nanticoke school, was called. Kckert Is the man who shot and killed Fred erick Ulttenbender, one of Nantienke's most prominent citizens, about three months ago. Wben the case was called Attorney iMcflovern asked for a con tinuance of the case, stating that the defendant's attorney, Lewis Dewart, of Sun bury, was not present. Judge FOR BABY'S SKIN Scalp, and Hair USB The most effective skin purifying- and beau tifying soap in the work), as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. For distressing facial eruptions, pimples, blackheads, irritations of the scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, red, rough .hands, dialings, and simple rashes and blemishes of childhood.it is absolutely incomparable. asMtarmtlMetth wwM. WHIWi ermti T. Niw- KIT (, I. KW tVTi-L. iMdM, POTTW Woodward, who was presiding, said he could not continue a homicide case on account of the mere absence of counsel. Mr. McGovern said he was not Inter ested In the case except to state the absence of Mr. Dewart,, and then left the court room. The judge then called for IMr. Mc Govern, but he being absent he asked Attorney John Shea to take the case. He could not and Attorney Tom Shea was asked, and he also gave reasons for declining. The prisoner sat help lessly at the defendant's table as the various attorneys refused to take charge of his seemingly hopeless case. Judge Woodward then appointed At torneys J. F. O'Neill and P. K. Thorn ton to take the case, which they were obliged to do. They applied for a con tinuance, but tt was refused and the work of choosing a Jury was com menced. I'p to the time of adjournment these Jurors had been drawn on the case: Morgan lloyle, brakeman. Wllkes Barre: Charles A. Croop, powdermak er. Conyngham township: James Han ahan. tracklayer, Jenkins township; William Waters, teacher, Fairmount township. BRIEF NOTES. The Concordia will open their hall for the winter with a Fmoker on Thursday. Sept. 24. The eighth annual reunion of the Fifty-second regiment. Pennsylvania volunteers, will take place tomorrow In Eagle IFire company's hall In Plttston. Hev. Dr. Joseph's congregation will tender him a reception before he leaves for his new charge In Alabama. Valant 'Hushok, of Plttston. who was thrown from a car on the Valley road and badly hurt, died at the hospital yesterday morning. A tight occurred last Sunday night at Btrobel's hotel in "Georgetown, and August iHensavnge was badly used up. He had his assailants arrested and held for court. It has been suggested that a benefit game of base ball be played for Sandy Grlltin, who was so badly hurt in Satur day's game. The players are willing to give their services. 1). I ,Hart. who Is In .New York re hearsing the play he handwritten for Stuart Robson. spent Sunday at his home In this city. lluck Freeman, Toronto's right field er, who resides In this city, will play center field In place of Grltlln In the Scranton and Ila.l.'ton series. A two weeks' mission opened on Sun day at St. (Nicholas' church under charge of Hev. Father De 'Haza, of Huflalo. Center Fielder Grltlln. of the Wilkes Ilarre Base 'Hall team. Is considerably Improved, although he still suffers much pain. He will be unable to play again this year. The West Side teachers held their first Institute Inst Saturday in the arm ory, at 'Plymouth. William Carrigan. of Kdwardsvllle. lost two children last Sunday night by diphtheria. The little ones died nt the same moment. The annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Meth odist Kplscopal church will be held In the (Nanticoke church of that denomi nation tomorrow. An all day session will be held. CLARK'S GREEN. Mrs. B. E. Wheeler and Dora Robin son and Mrs. J. 'D. Alyesworth and Mr. O. li. Jones attended the Baptist as sociation held in Scranton last week. Mrs. W. V. Good returned from Phil adelphia on Thursday from an ex tended visit to friends there. 'Mrs. Louise Cramer, of Passaic, N. J., visited her brother, W. I. Frace, last week, returning home on Satur day. William Courtrlght left today for the Military school In Bordentown, N. J. Misses 'Lizzie Frace, Gene Akerly and Emma Coon are attending school at the Kingston seminary. W. S. Frace left yesterday for a business trip to New York. Messrs. Crowell and lirady will give one of their Inimitable concerts in the Methodist church tonight. iMIss Llda Grlnnell, of Brooklyn, Susquehanna county. Is visiting at E. J. Chapman's. 'Mr. and 'Mrsl Ebenezer Williams, of West Side, palled at the Phillips cottage on Sunday. Mrs. Francis La Mont, of West Side, has moved into Sun Flower cottage, recently vacated by II. N. Patrick. MOSCOW. Mrs. John Sayer, Mrs. Milton Rhodes, Mrs. O. K. Vaughn, Mrs. F. B. Oardner, Mrs. Charles iMlllard and Mrs. William Decker attended the AVomen's Chris tian Temperance union at Pcckvllle last week. W. A. Runyon, of Long Island City, spent Thursdny at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cannon. Edward Sayer and 'Miss Millie Davis, both of Moscow, were quietly married at the home of the bride by Rev. S. C. Simpklns. of Peckvllle, last Thursday. The happy pair are at present enjoy ing a trip through New Jersey. IMIss Nellie Orlflln, of Scranton. spent last week with Mrs. ). E. Vaughn. Mrs. N. C. Brodhead. of Instanter, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. La Touche. Miss Sophie Simpklns, of Peckvllle, Is the guest of Miss Sara Decker. Miss Joza Mack, of Tobyhanna, spent Saturday with Mrs. H. L. tialge. Fred Simpson, of Philadelphia, Is a guest at E. W. Barber's. Kim hurst was represented at the operetta Friday evening by a large delegation. 'Mrs. Grove, of Philadelphia, is visit ing friends In town. GLENBURN .Tnhn iTTnrtman cunt c n .1 n . ,M - - ........ ' , v. i . . uunua; jii Scranton. Bible meeting was held at the resi dence Of IMIss .Vfflrlo -Tnrlu'ln Cctiir.lav - - - II. 'U,U, V,UJ evening. William Atherton nnd James Moore had a SUCCeSSflll flflhlno' IHr, in T n ln Winola last week. Calmer Jadwln, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is Visiting relatives here. jonn Northup's new elder mill is nearlng completion. Tho nlMnhlirn hntA1 t.. -l .1 . ... nan i:nuilKfU hands, the new proprietor being iNa- puitriiu iiiriimeHer, or scranton. John Northup has been elected dele gate to the Republican county conven tion. Huffalo Stoci. Buffalo, Sept. 1(1. Cattle Receipts, 4.4W head; on mile, 3,800 head; market closed about steady: extra prime steers, tfrla 5.B5;; choice, S!ia5.M; good. t4.75n4.KO: light. He 4.65; coarse fnt $4.2.14.fiO; fresh cows and springers stronger, good to extra, ltra (bit rnmmnn tn fulr tlbn'U. ,.nw h-. . i good to cholce. 36.7ua7.W; extra, 37.75a8.2Ti; iikiii iu mir, uuu.iju. nogs tteceipts, 12. 32V head; on sale, 1G.000 head; market closed Arm; Yorkers (early), $4.fiOa4.S; (loter), $4.70; pigs, $4.43a4.5!, closing at $4.60 a4.70; mixed puckers, t4.fiua4.70; good me diums, t4.70fl4.75; good to choice heavy, $4.7a4.7f: roughs, 33.50a8.80: stags, $Sa3.50. Sheep and I,aml Receipts, is.ono head: on Bale, 22.000 head: market closed steady far rnnrl BrulM iit .tiill on.l .nau ... - common; choice to prime lambs, $4!60a4.W; iut in noon, nauni; ugni to ralr, t3.ri0a 1.86; culls and common, $2.50a3.25; Canada lambs, t4.70a4.90; good to extra mixed sheep, $.1.15a.1.50; common to good, 12.25a 3; culls, $1.2582; export sheep, $3.76a4. Philadelphia Tallow Market. 'Philadelphia, Sept. 16. Tallow was tn moderate, request at unchanged prices. We quote: City, prime, in hht-s, 4&44c-i country, prime, in bbla, 4"4o4i4c.; do. dark, In bbla, 3a4c.; cakes, 4Hc.; grease, IS 4. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AX1) BONUS. New York, Sept It The stock market was feverish and excited! throughout the uuy, Dut comparing the cloaiuv ngures w.ih those of Saturday It is found thut the prominent issue made gams of l per cent, Kumor of a bond Usue were ax plentiful as ever, but those who gen erally manage theae important matters disclaimed any knowledge that the gov ernment intended to increase its indent ed ness. The market left oft linn. Total sales of stock were 44!i,7 shares. Includ ing 5S.0U) Bugar, &8.U00 ti. Paul, St.ooo Bur lington and Vfulncy, 31,500 Distilling, and 27,700 Heading. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stock of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by U. du 11. Dim mick, manager for William Linn, Allen Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, tferanlon. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inn. Am. Tobacco Co 16 St!1 W'4 W4 Am. Cot. Oil Si".! Zl- 2m 22 Am. Sugar Ke'g Co.lWt'.a Ittefc MP 15T4 Atch., To. 4fc a. f-e... iu is1 is- is?! Can. South W 54 53 53'i Chen. Ohio lit'i Chicago Gas 6lt K!V3 1 Chic, ec N. W 101' VC- lUl1 Chic, li. y 3 S WV MTs C. C C. A Si. L 4il 44' 48 44 Chic. Mil. A St. P... 73H 74'fc 724 744 Chic. R. I. A P 7(i(, 77"Si 75 77i Delaware & Hud 1!W 1:U 12 !.. L. W 14 104 1H4 104 Dist. & C. K 1M4 1SK4 17 IS Oen. Electric 304 37 36 ' 37 Lake Shore 148 14 118 149 Louis. Nash 81 '4 24 Wi -"4 M. K. i Texas 17 17S 17 1 Manhattan me 110 110 lo7'i lon1 Mo. Pac'.tlc 34 35 Xi 34 Nat. Cordage 74 74 it 7 Nat. Lead 32V4 32Vt 31 N. J. Central lost, loa Vi7 108'i N. Y. Central 101i 102 10164 102 N. Y., L. K. ft W 8i 8'4 8H 8'4 N. Y.. 8. A W 12H 1L 12 12 N. Y., S. A W., Tr... 33 33 31 31 Nor. rucllle 5 5 5 5 Nor. PaeMle. Pr 1Si 18'i 18 1S Out. & West 17 17:Hi 17 V l'aclflc Mall 3o',i 32'i 30 31?i Phil. A Read 19 lli IS'J !' Southern H. K 12 U' 12'4 12 Tenn.. C. & 1 4o' 41'i, 3S 41 Tex. Pacltie 11 11 II 11 Cnlon I'acillc ll4 14 144 14 Wabash 9 ', It Wabash, Pr 22'4 22'4 21 2I"4 West. Cnlon 924 93'i 92 3'4 W. L 15'i, 15'4 14,i 15 t S. leather 15'4 10 15 10 V. S. leather. Pr.... 81 84 83H 84 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADR PRICES. Open- High- Ixiw- Cloi- WHRAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. December 57Ji B84 fifi'4 5S May Gl 62 1 (12 OATS. Octolier 18 18 18 14 May 20 20 20 20 CORN. October 30 30 30'i S0 December . May L'i- 28 28' 27' j 2S4 2314 28 29 LARD. October 6.77 580 5.77 5.77 J ii n miry 5.75 5.75 5.70 5.72 October' 8.12 8.12 8.10 8.10 January 940 9.40 9.30 9.32 Scranton Board of Trade F.xchnngo tntions-AII Quotations Uascd on of 100. STOCKS. Bia. Dime Dep & Dis. Bank 125 Greon Ridge Lumber Co First National Bank GOO Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Scranton Savings Bank 200 Scranton Lace Curtain Co Third National Bank 350 Thuron Coal Land Co S.'ranton Axle Works Scranton Olass Co National Boring & Drilling Co .... Scrnnton Jar A Stopper Co Lacka. A Montrose R. R Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Lacka. Trust A Safe Dep. Co Allegheny Lumber Co Scranton Packing Co , BONDS. Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam Heat & Power Co Scranton Olass Co Rushbrook Coal Co., t Olio Par Ask. "iio 60 "m 80 G5 90 25 100 90 100 160 105 115 95 100 100 1W) Scrnnton Pass. Railway first mortgage 's, due 1920 People's Ht. Railway, first mortgage 6's, due 1918 People's St. Railway, second.. Scrnnton A Plttston Traction Co. 6s Lacka. Valley Trao. Co., first mortgage 6s, due 1925 110 110 110 94 100 Scranton Wholesale Fruits and Produce. Dried apples, per lb., 5u6e.; evaporated apples, 7Vja8c; Cali fornia prunes, 6'ja8c. ; Kngllsh currants, 2Vja3c; layer raisins, tl.6oul.70: muscatels, 4urc per lb.; tlal.25 per box; new Valen clus, r,uGi,o. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, t2a2.20 per bushel; mediums, $1.7 ia 1.80. Peas Green, $1.10 per bushel; split, $2.5ou2.liO; lentels, 5a8c. per lb. Pota toes 40c per bushel. Onions 60a65c. per bushel. Butter Hia20c. per lb. Cheese a 9c. per lb. Kggi 16al6Vic per dos. Meats Hams, lOc; small hams, 11c; skinned hams, lie; California hums, 8c; shoulders, 7'-jC. ; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10'ic Smoked Beef Outsldes, 12c; sets, 13ic; Insldes and knuckles, 15c: Acme sliced smoked beef, l:-lb. cans, 12 10 per dos. Pork Mess. $14.50; short clear, $16. Lard Iuf, In tierces, 7c; In tubs, 8c; 10-lb. palls, 8c. per lb.; 5-lb. palls, 8c. per lb.; 8-lb. pulls, 8c. per lb.; compound lard, tierces, 6c; tubs, 6c; 10-lb. palls, 6MiC. per lb.; 5-lb. pails, 6c. per lb.; 3-lb. palls, 6c. per lb. Flour Minnesota pat ent, per barrol, $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3.50; Graham. $3.50; rye flour. $.'1.50. Feed Mixed, per cwt., 95e. Grain Corn, 5oc ; oats, S0a40n. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $!3alti. Hay $15al7. New York Produce Market. New York, Sept. 16. Flour Dull, weak; winter wheat, low grades, $2.25n2.50: do. fair to fancy, 12.0Oa3.i".; do. patents, $3.:ia 3.50: Minnesota clear. $2.5oa2.!)0: do. straights, $3a3.25; do. patents, $3.15,1 1; city mills, $3.75a4; do. patents, $3.9t)al.l5. Wheat Firmer, more active; No. 2 red store and elevator, 61c; nfloat, 61Tiali2c; f. o. b., 62a2c; No. 1 northern, ulc: options closed tirm: September, 61c; Oc tolier, 61c; December. 63c; May, 67c Corn Iai wer; No. 2, 87c elevator; 3Hc. slloat; options closed steady; September, 37'4c; October, 37c: December, 35c; May, .ITi'mc Oats Dull, firm; options dull, easier; September, 23c. ; October, 25'.; Di-cember, 24V4c; May, 25c.: spot prices, No. 2, 21c.; No. 2 white, 28'c; No. 2 Chi cago, 2l'jc; No. 3. 234c.; No. 3 white, 27c; mixed western, 25a27c; white state ani western. 26a33c. Beef Quiet, firm; fam ily, $9ul2; extra mess, $7.50a8. lteef Hams Knsy, quiet; $15. Tlerced Beef Strong; city extra India mess. $IC.50a17. Cut Meats Dull, easy; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, CHc; do. shoulders, 5'4c. ; do. hams, SHntK. Lard Quiet, easy: western steam; $T.1.: city. $t: Octolier. $0.15, nominal; January, Sl'i.W; refined, quiet; continent. $6.60; Souih America. $6.95; compound, 4a5c Pork Kasy, quiet; mess, $IOal0.25. Butter Firm, fair demand: state dairy, I2a19c; lo, crenmery, 20'n2lc; western dairy, 9',ia 13c; do. crenmery, I.1a21c. ; do. factory, 8a 12'4c; Elglns, 21c; Imitation creamery, 11 n!5c. Cheese Dull, held steady; sin to large, !Pfcn7c; do. fancy, 7u7c; do. small, 6a8c; part skims, 2'4a6c; full skims, 1a2c. Eggs Knlr demand, ohol.-o firm; state and Pennsylvania, l(ial7c. ydo. fresh, 15al6c; do. per case, $2.50a4.30. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., Sept 16. Wheat Receipts, 38.568 bushels; shipments, 11,000 bushels; market firmer; No. 2 red, eash, and Sep tember, 63c; December, 64c. ; May, 67c; No. t red, cash, G9c Corn Receipts, 22, 975 bushels: shipments, 18,500 bushels; mar ket quiet; No. 3 yellow, cash, 33t4c; No. t mixed, 33c. Oats Receipts, $.800 bushels; shipments, 22,000 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed, cash, 20'ic. Clover Seed Re ceipts, 700 bags; shipments, 58 bags; mar ket steady; prime, cash, and October, $4.40; December, $4.47'i; March, $4.57; prime timothy, cash. $2.05. Relief In Sis Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New Booth American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy la a great surprise on acount of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages, In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost Immediately. If you want quick-relief and cure this Is your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, 125 Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa. Pittaton Daslnese Dire story. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLDMBINO CALL on Wright A Co., 17 South Main street A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold, . , . 00ECE0T A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LEBB THAN CENTS. THIS RULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Mala. KUU Cl.EBK WANTED. BOX S. Hoaesdale, Pa. WANTED- WELL-KNOWN MAN IN TV every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for aaenu; no capital required. EDWAUD C. FUM CO, Borden Block, Chioago. Ill S" ALEBMEN HE8IDENT SALESMEN wanted, acquainted with the local and nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our line of high grado cigars, Address, giving rererencn, J. EDWAUD COWLES CO, 143 Chambers street, N. Y. Hclo Wanted Female. AfTlIATLYTWo'EEIV getio saleswomen to repree-nt us. Guaranteed $0 a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango C'hem-li-al Company. No. 73 John street. New York. Agent Wanted. A0KNT8 WANTED TO SELL CIUARH; $75 per month salary and expenses paid. AddruNt. with two-cent stamp, K1UAKO CI UAIt CO., Chicago. AGEVT8-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, sliver, nickel and copper electro plttora: price from $3 upward; salary and ox- KinidB paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp. It'll IOAN MFU CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIU ARS TODEALEItH; $23 weekly and extK'Usos; exiwrlence un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MKti. CO., 48 Van Ituren St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY BIDE LINE; 25 per rent, commission; saniplo book mallL'd free. Addrcaa L N. CU, Station L, New York. AT ONCE AOENTS APPOINTED TO J V sell new lightning wiling table cloth.mos qulto and lionao fly liquid at 10 cents and 25 cents a bo' tie. Sample, fros. BOLGIANO M'F'U Co., Baltimore, Md. GENTS IIINDE'8 PATENT UNIVER al Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "PyrPointnd"Halr Pins. Lib eral eommiiwion. Free sample and fnll par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 460, New York. . ANTh D -XCTIVE "SALESMEN TO handle onr line, no peddling. Salarr, 175 per month and exfienses paid to all. Uouds entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, 6308, Boston, Has Salesmen Wanted. SALESMAN TO HELL DENTAL MEDI 1' cines to tbo profession iu Scrnnton and snrronndint towns. DENTAL MEDICINE CO , 18 Filbert street rhiladolplila. CALKSMAN WANTED A SALESMAN TO sell eroccrlcs to tho trade; mnat bo a good talker; trnvoling nxpenso.4 and salary; inclose a Ktamped envelopa for reply. Address tiUr' FALO VALLEY MERCHANDISE CO., Rand, Pa. Wanted. rAN TED SECOND-HAND BUOK CASE v) nr (helving Address Eook Case, Trib une ofllce. For Rent V or without board, suitable for two per sons. 132 Adams ave. TOR KENT-A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD- I lnpatl:tl Frauklin avenue; suitable for wholeaale business. CAKSON & DAVIEH, Si rnnton. yOR RENT- SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST I Lackawanna avunuo. Addrosi THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 1133 Lusonie, Hyde Parity F"'OB RENT NICELY FUKNISHED HALL suitable fur lodgo rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. For Sal. FmHALTEYREA0lSA a Iut of Hoe & Co's iron pipe composi tion r ramus, singlo and double: also a lot of Hooker cases. In pairs, some extra depth. All only sligbtly nxd and good as new. Address inquiry to BUSINESS MANAGER, The Trlb tine, Scranton, Pa. Real Estate. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE MODER ate prices. Call and got our circular be fore purchasing. W. OIBSON JONES, 811 Spruce street Money to loan. inn m- Nuu' -',m :i'cuu T i? I JJi loan nn real estate security. D. B. REI'LOtlLE, Attorney. 408 Spruce Ht Special Notices. f! IU ClTsI fiuyoniUiCKSTO UMIYICLHIlU shoot and fish, read ths vente rpoitnmon's lllnttrated maKiizine. GAMELAND. It reveals virgin woods and waters; (1 per year: 3 trial numbers, 2.) cents; no frou copies. No. 108 Fulton street New York, N. Y. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I will mnko a monthly tour of tho follow ing places giving free up m air advertising ex hibitions wiih ike stereoptlcnn: Taylorville, Hydo Park, Providence. Dickson Olynhimt, Piokville, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each weok during tho mouth, the rates for adver tising are 111) per month. Address E. H. Cnll, Tribune office, city. "THE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." J Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's fnmnnsold War Plctures.show ing the foroes In actual battle, sketcaed on ths spot Two volumes, 2,(J pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complete, all charses prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. 022 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA slnes, etc.. bound or rebound at Tils Thidi'nb olHce. gulck work. Reasonable prices. annuel Meeting. 1'HB ANNUAL MEETINW OK THE MEM bers of the Pennsylvania Oral School for the Doaf will be held at the office of the sec retary. No. 118 Wyoming avenue, on HVtilnv afiorniMin, Sept 27, at 8 o'clock, for the elec tion of four directors for throe years, and such other business as may properly be brought before such meeting. The lioard of Directors win raoei mimeflim ir after lor organ xation. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Secretary. NOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the members of the Lackawanna Store Association. I.lmhvd. will la held Mt tli nin of lbs ssHO.-lntlon, in the city of Scranton, on niiunsinay, uct. irwi, eiiiso'RionK p. m., ror the election of manavera for th, nnau j v...- and for the transaction of snrh other buslnoss as may propuriy come netoru tne meeting. 1. P. H1GGINSON. Becretary. fioranton. Pa., Bept. 7. 1896. IxecutrU's Notice. f. STATE OF ROBERT CARTER, LATE OF Vj the borough of Jermyn, omnty of Iioka watina and state of Pennsylvania. Letters teatainentary on tho above named estate have Ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sous having claims or demands aminat aald estate will present them for payment snd those Indebted thereto will please make Im mediate payment to HANNAH CARTER, B. PRICE, J.rm,n.P Attorney for Estate, Scranton, Pa. "WWWW Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED -NURSE; THOR onehlv understands her lmslnam, ko.t personal referenoe. Address N. 8. W.. Trib une otBee. ANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG s1 ear IS A tat aanvlneeai 4n uhms.. - ui hM Md fxperltnc In otto work. Addrcns F. E. a. car Trlbuti. . CITUATION WANTED BY A BOY It t? Ty7r?r0,rlnomo " Address H. J. P., Trlbane oOoe, ... Oil Market. on the Wttebui and Oil City exchanges Inilau easaaas I'M vua. T MSJs c ooraollli Dress Goods Departmonf As a season of novel conceptions In Fabrics the present one easily bears the palm. Of course, with every turn of fashion's wheel we expect improve mcnta, but this season we appear to have more than the usual proportion; we have been furnished with more than we could rightfully demand or ex pect Wc placed our orders early, before the advance in prices took place, and are, consequently, able to offer a wealth ot the best things in Dress Goods and Silks at prices which tell their own story of careful and early buying. Black Goods Mostly Priestly's Goods, and worthier weaves never found room on a retailer's counter. They are se lected with an eye to quality, to style, to geaerous width and extra value. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. Dlt. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Otllce, 2S Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBAChT 8URaEONDjENTI8T. No. llu Wyoming avenue. K. M. STKATTON. OFFICE! COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. 5r. o. edoar dean"ha8 "removed to $16 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) UK. KAY, ENNTAVE.rfto V p7m!7 call 2U62. Dis. of women, obstretrios and and aUdls. ot chll. DR. A. 3, CONNELLY OFFICE! 201 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine St. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and C.30 to 7.30 p. m. Bun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. E. ALELN, E12 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office. 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 629 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Ofllce hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 tn 3 and 7 to i p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATKSON, RELIABLE SKIN, Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at 50T Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN A KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Bcran. ton. Pa. JES8UP8 & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth oulldlng, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSirP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX. ATTOP neys and Counsellors at Law; offices ( and I Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL 11. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT. Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran, ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms S3, 64 and 66, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGARATTORNEY-A'P. Law. Office, 817 Spruce st., Scranton, Pa. Ij. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at t per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building. Scran ton. Pa. C. JIOMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate aecurlty. 406 Spruce street. FrkiLLAMTTfORNEY-ATwT 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAB. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. U.C. HANCK. 136 WTOlaUia A VS. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFF1CB rear of 608 Washington avenue. LEWISANCOCK, JRARCHITECT. 433 Sprucet., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any othor association. Call on a N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. HUELL MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Kindergarten $10 per term. Clairvoyant IMPORTANT ARRIVAL OF THEOIPSY (Jiieen; reveals hidden secrets of the present nnd future, will give sittings for a few days at 103 Spruce street. All who have been unlucky In love, business or kindred subjects, call on the Madam and consult her. Misses treatments. This is the best week to consult the Gipsy Queen on nil subjects. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR (11 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave cue; store telephoe 762. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished, ror terms address R. J. Bauer, eonduetor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberr muslo store. MBOARQEB BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN 4k COu WHOLE ale dealers in Woodware, Cordage ana Oil Cloth. TM West Lackawanna ave. THOMAB AUBREY. EXPERT AOl countant and auditor. Rooms II sad lin nuiianis sunning, opposite postonlfle. Aaeal for the Bex Fira Extlnulahr'' it postotn sUaguishar? SILKS TRY US. 602-604 LACKJL AVE., COR. ADAMS. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 12G and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Rates reasonable. V. ZIEOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cur. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 13.60 per day and upwards. (Amerl can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. Mi Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York city. Noted for Its superb loca tion. auDerlor rooms ani excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 68th and 69th sts., Plata Square and Fifth avenue; reached, by any uptown cars, and the orosstown cars at 69th at., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station Ith ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drinking water and Ice used Is vaporised and frosen on the premises, and eertlfled as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and .-iuaenanna Division) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. i'lAlK l Atil'J l.N EKr-'fcX'T JUNE 2, 1S33. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkea-Barre, etc. at S.S0. 3.16, 11.30 am., 1.23, S.Ou, iiki, &.uu, 7.1U p. in. ttundays, n.uo a. m., 1.00, 2.16, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.2V (express) a. in.. 1.23 (express with Hut- b.mi express; a. in., i.&s (express Willi r fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p.m. 8 day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.23 p. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Tei Sun- m. 'arm- Inn). 6.21 P. m. and New York 8.46 n. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a.m.a 1.3, 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday. 1.16 p.m. For Long Branch, Ooaan Qrove, eta, at 8.20 a. m.. 1.23 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.23, 6.00 p. in. Sunday, 116 p.m. For Pottsvtlle, 8.20 n. m 1.23 p. rr. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North river, at 8.10 (express) a.m., 1.10, 1.30. 130 (express with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 1.00 a.m., too and 4.30 p.m. Sunday 8.27 a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Sunt Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 34, 1396. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex frees for New York and all points East, 40. 2.60, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.66 a.m.; 12.65 and 3.34 p.m. Express for Easton. Trenton, Phlladel phla and the south, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m., 12 56 and 3.34 p.m. Washington and way station!, 1.66 p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p.m. Express for Binghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dsnsvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 3.36 a.m.. and 1.31 ?.m., making close connections at But alo to all points in the West , Northwest and Southwest. Rath accommodation, f a.m. ninghamton and way stations, 1137 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6.10 p. m.. Binghamton and Elmlra Express, 3.01 p.m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswega Utlca and RlchUeld Springe, 2.16 a.m. and Itnaca. 136 and Bath a.m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Wilkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North utnberland for Wllltamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.66 a.m, and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m. Nanticoke and Intermediate itetlone, 10 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.63 p.m. Pullman parlor and aleeplng coaones oa all express trains ' . .. For detailed Information, pooket tint tables, etc, apply to M. L. Smith, elty ticket office, 321 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL , ROAD. Commencing Monday, B-M AfJC wlllarrlve atnew Lack f f m m awanna avenue atatlon JlF ' as follows: Jt Mr fti.M. will Uaifa firvtxan. f - 4 ruing wis ? v w uvibh- ton station for Carbondale and In termediate points at j wi, e. i.vv, 10.10 a.m., lf.00, 3.30, 3.6. t.16, ., 1.10 For Fafvlew. Waymart and, Honesdale at 7 M, 75 and 10.10 a.m.,18.00, 110 and 6.16 For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack points at 7.46. 8.46. J8 and 10.46 ia.ni., 13.01. 1.30, 1.33, 4.00. 6.10, 06. 1.16 and 11.3 p.m. Tralno will arrive at Soranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate Mints at f.4 1,40. 8.34 and 10.40 a.m.. 13.00. U7.X.34. 40, 4.64, S.56, 7.46. t.ll and 11,33 p.hl. From Honeeaaw, yvaymari. "" view at 1.34 a.m U.oo, 3.17, .tw, a.u ana lrom Montreal, taratoga, Albany, ate., "AAL" SE ..a Im! 1. points at 1.15, 8.04, 10.03 and 11.H a.m., 1.1. in ata (A I no It tan At M mmmA 11 11 n a Wallace Novelty Dross Goods We have a remarkable collection of both foreign and domestic novelties. We won't tire job out ' with a long string of French names that wouldn't make yon any wiser after yon had read them, aa they must be seen to be appreciated. If you are an admirer of beauty in a fabric yon can't afford to miss our Silk Department W won't go into arguments or explanations, but come and see the goods. All are welcome, whether tt look or buy. 206DSoirue' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Glean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs. Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. May If, UtC Train leaves Scranton ror Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7 45 a, m 12.06. 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D., L. W. R. R., 100, 8.08. 1L20 a. ra., and l.N p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes Barre. via D L. A W. R. R ., 8.08, U.2 a. m., 3.60, 6.07, 8.63 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha lleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. R., 40 a.m., via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 12.06, 1.20, 2.38, 4.00 p. nk. Via D.. L W. R. It 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m, 1.30. 1.50 tt. m. I Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton. Reading. Harrlsburr and all Intermediate points via D. A H. R. R 7.46 a.m.. 12.03. 1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. A W. R. R . 6.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. A H. R. R.. 8 4 a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L, eV W. R. R., 8. OH. .S6 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and all f'olnts west via D. a- H. R. R 8.45 a.m., 2.05, 9.15. 11.38 p.m., via D . L. A W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.08. 8.55 a.m., 1.30, 3.60 p.m., via E. W. V. R. R., 8.41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, Via D. & H. R. R., 8.45 a.m., 12.05, 6.05 p.m.. Via V., L. A W. R. R., 1.08, 9.65 a.m.. 1.30. and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between LAB. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Buspensloa Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHAS. S.LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gea, Paaa. Act.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Tor and intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Honesdale, Hawlcy and local points a6 7.00, 9.40 a. m. and 8.24 p. m. All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. Train for Lake Ariel 6.10 p. m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 131 a m. and 3.46 p. m. CRAT6TON MTIAIOW. la Effect, Rlaf 19th, 1895. North Bound. Mum Bauaa. SOS 303 201 803 O4 O0 Station (Trains Dally, Kx rapt aunoay.) r MP Arrive teavel l at 10 Ui 7 25 N. Y. Franklin Mt. 7 40 7 55 (10 in 40, 7 m , West 4Vnd street 10 3.1 7 00 weenawken ee P MP Ml Arrive Leave' A Hi r u Uancoclc JuaoUoui TS5T uancncg starlight Preston Park . Oomo Poyntelle Belmont Pleasant Mt. Unlondale Forset city carbondale White Brldgo Mayneld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton ,' Peckvllle . UlvphanC Dickson Throop Provldeoce park Place Raraatoa 606 618 635 6 31 6 41 6 43 mi tn 89 8 31 9 41 tte 15 SO 80 81 884 M KM 7 10 r m 9 oi ten 7e?.fisa7ira as If! f 1431148 7 81 II 40 IV T401(I 851 f43l1&4 354 7 48159 IH 7 6 10 4 (4 754 107 407 75 1 10 41 8 00 1 14 4 14 60,fl 11417 soul i ari am Leave Arrivel Ia nJr !r All trains run dally except Sunday, t slgnldes that Ualu stop on al(nal tor pa engers, pecure rate via Ontario a Western before Rui-chasing tickets and save money. Day and tngt Kipreae tothe West- J.O. Andorson, Gen. Paaa, Agt. T. Flltcroft, Dir. Pass, agt. Soranton, ra. "snrREVIVO RESTMEI VITAUn. Made Well Man of Me. Both bay. be xuvnBT3nxys Nrlaee tho above restate MM srs. a.t pmrraUrsasUklr. amwaeaaUoUenfelL TeaameawiUieala their lost anhooe4oll asea will reuevar ar romuw view ww -w- KKTIYO. It aeteklr sad sorsb restores Mervooe aess. Lest VltaUlr. tapoteaey. His Mir Kral-aloea, Lost Power. ImlUa ateatent, Wasdna Dlumi, sad all eaVM of salf-absse or ataeieand ladlsentlea, aleh salts oae for stady, oeslasai or Barrlage. II aotealr eares by sts-tln at the seat ef elasaee, wHtteta aeaiaatee to oara I6TU MCOrSINI C.i II Meet ft, CKIOafJO. HX jf Matthew Bea BltNttW 5i; i m .... 5 SO 1 OH .... 51012 56 .... 601 1)140 .... 4 5.- 18 40 .... 4 5 l 3i ... 4 4719 14 .... 4. KMC 03 .... f4 8fK.9 .... 4 83 ,11 40 ,A M 4 0011 81 915 . ... nisoj li fas ....1(0 01 5&l I 3 908 8 51 11 leV 8 57 3 4611115 8 54 8111 11 8 50 8 SH II OT 844 3 35 II OJ) 8 41 f8 83 II Oil 8 S 8 80 II (M 8 36 fS 7 (1057 8 88 5 id 10 M1 11 SO p m'a m'amI UtfeDay. THS eHIAT laagreat " eai ano umu ""T lag taeh the aaak glow to Bate ehtjettf aa4 re. torlae the Or of yoatk. U wards oglaesaltr ulCiiiirt 1 Insist ea turrlag lUtTlTO, as ether. I eaa be earned la vael saekei. 3r raau, 1 0 per peakaae, at sU tor MM with s mm wHtteta aeaiaatee to mis ea twraad 3,1 9,9Wt 9t I.eWi m.m Maw m.i af.aaaa v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers