The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 16, 1895, Page 7, Image 7
f - TOE SCRANTON TRIBUNE---MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1C. 183. S LI M LEAGUES Btu-Aaala Loses by Only. One - . ' EASTERN LEAGUE SEASOX ENDS Clnba rials la Potttloa Tfcey Have Oe ' eapled fbr Weaka-Tsvo Wccka . Mora of Ploylnc in tho National League. Yesterday closed the Eastern leapue pennant race which witnesses all the clubs- In positions they have occupied lor several weeks. . Although no more league champion ship names ore to bo played, cup series will be fouffht between Seranton and "WilkesHarre and' between' SprlnptloM and '.Providence. In the former case each club has been strengthened and local rooters may have the pleasure of seeing victory perched upon Scranton's banner in the khnu gutmes. aunouKn ue femt following defeat was the rule in the letiKiie season: all all events -the s-ames will te well worth seelns. Somnton loot ajrain by one run In the last Innlnsr. thus continuing a record of frames lost by a single tolly not equalled by any club in the league. Ituffalo also lost by a single run to the Canadians, and Syracuse and Rochester broke even. In tho IXatlonal league there Is two weeks of playing before UaKimore Is sure of the pennunt. That club will probably be the winner, but it Is by no means assured that Cleveland will be second. Chicago yesterday beat Ixuls- vllle two games and pulled Itself up to a tie with Ilrooklyn and iHlttsburg In fourth place. Boston Is only four points behind them and New York trails along nine points behind Boston, nnd all live clubs will make a decided ly lively and uncertain scramble for a place In the first division. Cleveland yesterday improved its hold on second place by taking two games from St. Louis. EASTERN LEAGl'E. ,. Yesterday's Kesiilts. .Providence 9 Seranton Syracuse 3 Koclicstcr Uoclicst.-r 1 Syracuse Toronto 8 lliiffulo Saturday's Results. Providence 'JO Seranton Springfield It Hllkcs Barre .. lliiffulo 9 Toronto Syracuse 9 Rochester. Standing of Eastern League Clubs. p. v. I., r.c. Pprinsrflpld Ill " 37 Providence US 74 41 .K!7 WIlkes-Burre Ill 62 49 .r..V Syracuse 117 lit M Buffalo IS! til a .' Seranton US 44 71 .5M Koch-ester :W 4 S! .: Toronto 118 43 75 BAR.ME'S NEW ROLE. He Vmpircs tho Providcnce-Scranton Uome-Scrnnton Beaten by One Hun In the Last Inning-JackUluston pitched. Providence. R. I.. Sept. 1.1. .Provi dence won the last game of the East ern league season against the Scran tons at Crescent park today. Hasstitt was not in tho game and Rogers was played at third 'base, .Mur ray on first and Hudson in right field. Tf-am work was weakened by tho break and the Grays had to hustle to win out in the ninth Innlnjr. The Sorantons gained a lead In the sixth by a muff of Hodson, and they hi Id 't most of the. time. A three-l ag gf r by Rogers, with tr.ree men nn bases, p-aw the home team the victory In the last Inning. Manager Bairnle, of the Scrantons, acted as umpire in the absence of the regular official. Score: PROVIDENCE. A.B. R. H. O. A. K. Lynns, cf 5 112 0 0 liixon, c B 2 2 1 0 Knight. If .1 2 1 0 0 0 ROKf-rs, Jb 5 1 2 2 B 2 Cooney, ss 4 1 1 1 .1 0 Strieker. 2b B 0 1 3 .1 2 Murray, lb 3 0 1 15 0 1 Hasan, p 4 110 2 0 Hodson, rf 2 1 1 1 o 1 Totals 38 9 11 27 IS C SCRANTON. A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Fa?an. If 5 0 1 5 0 3 B 1 2 5 3 3 4 2 2 6 1 1 Varcl, ib 5 Meaney, rf B Schrlver, 3b 5 Hmith, o, 4 fit'earn.i, lb 6 Huston, p 4 Sweeney, ss 5 Urodie, ef .. 4 0 2 1 1 0 0 Totals 42 8 1 4 27 11 2 Providence 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 39 Seranton 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 28 Earned runs Providence, 5; Smntnn. 2. Two-base hlts-I.yons, Engan, Hehrlver, Smith. Three-base hits Rogers. Hteurns. Sacrifice hit Cooney. First on balls Off Kagan, 2: off Huston, B. Stolen bales M.xon 2, Knight. Murray. Double plays Rogers to Strieker to Murray. Struck out Hy Ragan, 3; bv Huston, 3. Passed bulls Smith. Hit by pitched ball-Huston. Time 1.50. I'mpire llarnie. Toronto Defeats liuffnlo. Buffalo, N. Y.. Sept. 1.1. Buffalo rtosMfttie .Kastern league season here today, by being defeated by Toronto. It was a clean and snappy game throughout and the visitors won In the second and third Innings when they hit Wadsworth for seven. Mts for a total of ten bases. These, with wild throws by IXawse wnd Field, gave the Toronto seven runs. I.ampe replaced Wads worth In the fifth and, save a lucky homer by J. Smith, the vlrltors could do nothing; with him. Attendance, 1,800. Score: Tluffalo 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 2 0- 7 10 2 Toronto 0 i 2 0 1 0 0 0 8 II 1 Batteries Vai1swor(h, Lamps and Ur quhart; Gray and Casey.' i Rochester a.nd Syracuse llrcnk F.ven. Rochester, N. Y.'. Sept. 13. The East ern league . season closed In this city today with two well played games. The home team was-victorious In the first, but Syracuse captured the second, which was only of six Innings dura tion. Umpire deer, did not put In an appearance on th diamond, and he was succeeded by local talent. Attend ance, 3,000. Score: First game n H.E Rochester 0(3 2 00 1 0011 17 1 Syracuse ..-..-.0 9 0 0 1 1 1 0 0- 3 S J Batteries Harper and Berger; Harnett and Hess. Second game R. H.E. Rochester 0 01001 2 7 4 Syracuse ....00 1 00 23 S 0 Batteries Crane and 'White; Gannon and Rafter. .. - -j . SATURDAY GAMES. Cold Weather Affects the Seranton and Providence Players. Providence, Sept. 14. The cold . Weather of today was conductive to er I'rbra and pool1 pitching', the Seranton players suffering the most. iBoth pitch ers were wild. Meaney'a good work In tight field was a feature. The score: R HE Providence 7 1 2 0 0 0 5 3 0-20 Seranton 1 2000011 l- Earned runs Providence, 4: Seranton, 4. Two-base hits Bassett, Knight, Rogers, Dixon, Sweeney. Home runs Dixon, I.ov , ett, Sweeney. Stolen bases Murray, Dixon. Double plays Cooney to Strieker to Rogers 2, Rogers to Strieker. First base on balls Off Lovett, 11; off Brodle, t. Struck out Huston. Passed balls Dixon. Hit by pitched ball Bassett, Schrlver. Time 1.40. Umpire-Gaffney. ,r y, Serjoas Aecldent In Wilkes-Barre. Wilkes-Rarre, Sept. 14. The final ' game on the local grounds of the East ern league seaton resulted In an easy ctorjr for Springfield. In the second inning Lynch made a scratch single and Schelller followed with another, Coakley filled the bases by hitting Gil bert, end 'McDonald was retired; gave G ruber four balls, forcing In a run; Coughlln-was an easy out for Bonner, and Shannon hit a short fly to right center.. Griffin and Homier both start ed for the ball, which was an rasy out for either;, nnd while running at full speed came together.' - The collision knocked them both senseless. C.rlflin having his right wrist fractured, his knee cap bruised and back wrenched, while lionner had a leg sprained. The accident let In four runs and rattled Coakli-y and the rest of the team. I.ytle's score In the sixth saved Wilkes Ilarre a shut nut. Coughlin was Invin cible. Attendance, Score: Wtlkes-ltiirre 0 00 0 01000 1 1 Sprlngllelil 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 1 11 13 1 llatterles Coakley, Wonte and Dlgglns; Coughlin and Leahy, Rochester at Syracuse. 15. H K. Syracuse 00000300 2 6 7 7 Rochester .. 1 0200000 1 4 9 1 llatterles Ivlancy and Hess; Hewitt, Harper und White. Toronto nt liuffnlo. R M.K. Buffalo 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 4 9 12 4 Toronto 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 7 li 4 llatterles Herndon iiml 1 rqiihurt ; Casey and Lake. NATIONAL LEACl'E. Standing of National l.cnsuo Clubs. P. W. L. PC Baltimore lit! 77 :w M Cleveland 122 77 4.1 .ti'il Philadelphia Ill) 7:1 47 .'i"i Brooklyn US t'.t R4 .MJ Pittsburg 1'.i C r .r.U I'hieaito 12ii til r5 ,.H2 Boston 117 Kl 54 .r.:s New York It li:I M .rcl Clnolmiatl lit! f M Mi Washington 114 37 77 .if". St. Louis 11M J S2 .in. Louisville 120 30 W ,2J Yesterduy's Games. M Chicago First game R. Chicago 13 10 2 2 10 111 Louisville 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 llatterles Friend and Donahue; nlngham and Spies. Umpire Jevne. H.E. 17 2 11 7 Om Second game Chicago Louisville it, ii.k. 0 1 0 1 3 ft 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 5 3 and Klttriilge: Me- Batteries Purker Fnrland omi Spies. Umpire Jevne. Called on account of darkness. At St. Louis First game R. H.E. St Louis 1 0 o S 0 0 3 0 0 9 IS (1 Cleveland 2 2 2 3 9 0 0 0 110 21 3 Batteries Klsinger and Otten; Wullace and O'Connor. Umpire O'Day. Second game R. H.E. St. Louis 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 S 12 3 Cleveland 10 10 3 128 13 2 Batteries MeDougall und Otten; Knell, Young and Zimmer. Umpire o'Day. Saturday's Results. Boston, 12; New York, S. Baltimore, 14; Brooklyn. B. Philadelphia, 21; Wushlnirton. 9 (first game). Philadelphia, 7: Washington, 0 (second game). Chicaco, 14; Louisville. 5. C'neinniiti, 7; Pittsburg. 0. Cleveland. 6; St. Lou'.Si 6 (darkness). The Jersey Central t'lerks Defeated. The Jersey Central Clerks' Base Ball club suffered defeat .it the hands of the Wholesalers on t'he James Hoys' grounds Saturday. The features of the. game were the batting of the Whole salers, the battery work by Gibbs nnd Payton and the great running catches by George Isadore. The Wholesalers say they are ready to meet the Central boys again for love or money. WHOLESALERS. R. H. F. H. Howard, lb 2 3 N. W. Howard, rf 1 2 Cawley, Sb 1 2 Benjamin, 2b 1 2 Oilmartin. cf 3 3 Ruddy, ss 3 3 O. A. E. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 15 8 3 O. A. E. 4 0 2 7 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 ! 0 0 U j (lilibi--. p Sproiile, If... Payton, c... Liadore, sc.. CENTRALS. II. H. Brucher, c Sweet, lb liunan, 89 Clark, p itartf-r, Kehih, If Paly, sc Hurth. cf Hurley, ,1b Gould, rf Totals Wholesalers Jersey Centrals ...r. 1 4 s o-is ...2 0 0 1 03 Struck out By Glbba, 8; by Clark, 3. Umpire Conrad. STATE LEAGUE CHAMPIONS. I Reading and llajtleton Will Play Off the first and Second Scries. Philadelphia. Sept. ir. The cham- rdonshln of the .Pennsylvania State league ended yest erday. Hazleton won the second seasons pennant wun a record of 44 games won, 27 lost and a percentage of .C20. Carbondale finished second. Lancaster third and Reading fourth. The first season g pennant was won by Allentown, with a record of IS games won, 11 lost and a percentage of .633. Since then the Allentown club has been transferred to Reading and the final series to decide the championship will therefore be played between Read ing and Hazleton. The firsd two games of this series are to be played nt Phila delphia Ball park tomorrow and Tues day. Manager Sharslg, of Hazleton, lias given Reading permission to strengthen Its team, ami It is likely that Teddy Larkln may play first base for Reading. Amateur nail Notes. Th Sunset base ball club challenge the Shamrocks to a game of ball to be played at tho Hollow groumls Sept. 21 lit 3 o'clock shJirn. Answer through The Trlb unp. T. Hetler, captain. The Mooslc Popular chollengo tho Hnr monlns or 'Jreen. Ridge Senators for Karnes on Wednesday or Thursday this week. First come first served. Answer through The Tribune. Thomas Mulr, manager M. P. II. 14. club. PRACTICING DAILY. Candidates for Scranton's Foot nail Klcvcn Arc Hard at Work. As soon ei the exhibition base ball games are ended In Seranton, the foot hall eleven of the Seranton IMcycle cluh will have lieen selected, and until snow flips the ndmrpens of the game In this city will be treated to a series of games on a scale heretofore unnttcmpted out ride the colleges and large titties. The players for'the Scranbm eleven are be ing selected from the "best material In this region. A score, or more of candidates for po sitions on fine eleven are now practicing daily-under the guidance of Ooachers Kingsbury, of Pennsylvania university; Leonard, of Georgetown; Brooks, of Princeton, and Moffatt, of I.awrence vllle. Although .no formal selection of a captain has been made, the most like ly man for the ofllce will be John Walsh, captain nt last year's SMnmokln eleven. Among the prospective plnyera are the Walsh end Gelbert 'brothers. Allen, Zang, Connery, Cleveland, Rockwell, Thayer, Ilyndman, Owens, Decker and Noake. Among the visiting elevens will be those of Lehigh university, Princeton.. Lafayette, 'Syracuse. Sha mokln. HhenondoBlh, Wllkes-Ilairre, Cor nell, University of 'Pennsylvania. - Prol In Not lit tho Race. Paris, Sept. IS. At the Velodrome Du Seine today the American bicyclist. Hanker; had a ride over for the mile championship of the world. The Belgian Cyclist union forbade Protln to take part in the race. Banker was second to Morln In an International scratch rare at two kilometres. BLANK BOOKS . Of all kinds, manufactured at short otic at Tbe Tribune Office. Pains in your Back, your Mus cles, your Joints, your Head, aud all diaemses of Impure Blood, are caused by sick kidneys. Sick kidneys can be cured, strengthened, re vitalized by parai pills They relieve the pains, purify the blood, cure alt diseases of which sick kid neys are the cause. At all druggists, for Sue. per box, or mailed postpaid ou re ceipt of price. Write for pamphlet. HOBU'S MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. WILL BE ABATTLE ROYAL Kilhcs-IJarrc and Seranton Players Hound to Win the Trophy. SERIES BEGINS HEKE TODAY Whichever Club Wins, Spectators Are Sure to See Sharp and Hurdd'ought liumcs Intense Kivulry Among the Players. The make-up of the team that will represent Seranton In the trophy cup series with Wilkes-Harre warrants the ! prediction that the club from down the valley will have to do Its prettiest to win. Harper, the Rochester pitcher, could not be secured, but In his stead i.Mat Kilroy will come here with tho I other Syracuse players and with Har nett and iScranton's popular Pat .Mea- ney will make up a pitching trio hard to beat. The -first game In the series will be played in this city today. Play will be called nt 3.4A o'clock, and whatever the result may be the contest promises to be sharp and hard fought. Ned swart wood, who. with Onffnoy. was the only Eastern league umpire to officiate con tinuously during the season, will um pire the series. Scranton's Hattins Order. Following will be today's butting or der of the Scrantons: W. Rugan, second baas. ' Meaney, center field. " P. Kagan, left Held. Mlnnahan, third base, ' 1 Power, first base. Sehriver, catcher. Smith, right Meld. Moss, shortstop. Rarnett, pitcher. . . In view of the well-known rivalry between the Syracuse and Wilkes Barre players, and because of the cer tainty that the regular Seranton play ers will do their utmost to win back the'laurels lost during the season, the games will probably cause a new in terest and will attract large crowds. A prominent base ball crank said last night: "I fell safe In predicting that Seranton will get the' trophy. The new players will be enthusiastic and will work hard to win, .At all events we will see a much better article of ball than has been given during the sea son." That Is the thing In a nutshell; whichever club wins, it will have to battle hard for Its victory, and this con dition should cause close and exciting games,' such as the cranks like to see. One commendable feature of th! games Is that SO per cent, of the gros3 receipts will bo equally divided be tween the two clubs. The players will thus bo worklnjr In their own Interest as well as for the base ball honor of the J.wo cities, and for these reasons also there wll proba'bly be seen games more tenaciously ought than at any previous time this year. The Syracuse players will reach here today nt 12.40 p. m., and 'the Seranton club will return frcm Providence on the 1.10 Lackawanna train. Trophy Here Wednesday. The New York firm that Is making th.- trophy cup has promised to deliver it In Scrantoh on Wednesday, when it will be placed on exhibition. On the following dny the cup will be exhibited In Wilkes-llarre, and thereafter It will be displayed In Jhe two cities on the al ternate days on which games are played. Following Is the schedule: .MONDAY. SF.PT. 10. In Seranton. Tt'K.SDA Y. SEPT. 17. In Wllkes-Rarre. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. IS, In Seranton. THl'RSDAY, SEPT. 19. In Willtes-llarra. WEDNESDAY. iSKPT. Si. In Seranton. Tllt'RSDAY, SEPT. 2l. In Wllkes-Rarre. FRIDAY, SEPT. 27. In Scrnnton. Tt Is possible that Pitcher Delaney, an old Seranton player, and a fnvorlte, will be seen In the box for Wllkes Rurre. Howard Karl, the Wllkes-Harre first baseman, to whom has been re legated the management of his club during the series, nn Saturday said lie wanted either Delaney or Ned Crane, the exJN'cw York giant, to strengthen the Wllkes-Rp.rre pitching department. Should Delaney pitch today for Wllkes liarre against his old club and former city, this nlono will attract many extra hundreds to the "park. The prospect of the coming hnttle and the trophy cup hn& Intensified the rivalry, which Is already great, be tween the two sets of players. Such men as llenney, Hilly nnd Pete Engan, Power and Moss always play well, but there Is their own pecuniary benefit and honor at stake In the present series and they, with the others, will prob ably put tip that kind of a gamo which the enthusiast dearly loves to see. Dcst In the Eastern l.cngno. Billy Kagan Is, without doubt, the best second bnscman In the Tlastern league, and 'Shortstop Moss Is by many considered as fast as Cooney, of Provi dence, or Shannon, of the champion Sprlngflelds. Power Is what Is called a "fighting player," not because he Is physically pugnacious, but on account of his earnestness and tenacity up to the Inst of the last Inning. He wns the captain of the 'Syracuse team, and will probably be chosen captain of the new .Seranton club. Mlnnahan In ad dition to being a fnst fielding third baseman. 1s a terrHlc hitter. His home run, trlplo and single were features of Friday's game with Rochester In Syra cuse. Of the hitting and fielding; abil ities of iMeaney and .Pete Ragan, every Seranton bojr In knickerbockers knows without being told, and these, with Alex Smith, Hill Schrlver and Pitchers Harnett and Kilroy, should make a team which will keep the trophy cup In this city. The action of the Wllkes-Rarre play ers on Friday shows that they are leav ing no stone unturned that may give them victory. . Each signed a paper binding himself to keep In good condi tion during the series or forfeit his share of the rectfpts. It was reported In base ball circles here fast night that a purse Is being subscribed to In Wllkes-Barro to be (riven to that city's players In case'they win the series, i MASON ill 11 50c. Per Dozen AT Luce Bros. Seranton and Taylor. ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANKEL Sonic Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. THE RESIGNATION ACCEPTED liev. T. J. Collins Will Itctlre from the Po sltlon of Pastor of the Scruatoa Street Baptist Church-Two Accidents in the Alines. The West Sldo Interests of The Tribune have been placed In tho hands of Emer son Owen, to whom all news announce ments and complaints may be addressed. The Seranton Street iRnptlst church met Inst i-venlinn after he regular sea- lion and took action on the resignation i-.r T! t. J. Collins, tendered lust Sunday evening. 'Dr. :R. "Heddoo urciidcd. On motion tne resignation wan accepted) and a committee appoint ed to prepare appropriate resolutions on the departure of Mr. Collins and the love w'Mh whkh he Is held by his peo ple. About two yrat3 ago Mr. Collins reigned, 'but pressure was Drougnt m bfar and he remu.lneu. 'i-ast evening, owing to the decisive .tone of Mr. Col lins' Ut ter, it wtn considered best to ac cept the same, with the acknowledge meat of his splendid work Ihere. The committee on resolutions were: Charles CoiMks, Charles Hush and J Floyd. The tex.t of the resolutions will not be irmdp public until next Monday evening, when a farewell meeting will be held. Injured In the Mines. Two mine arcl.:l;r.t3 occurred Satur day on tills sid. IA snn of Thomas J. lavLs. of :il'3 Xnrth Rebecca avenue, was terribly Injured while at work as driver Jn the Diamond mine. He was seated on a mine car, which was being pulled by a mule. The stretcher came in contact with his body and painful Injury resulted. Tin? most severe hurt B about the grain, but no danger is apprehended. David F'hlllips, of Landls street, was Injured In the Hellevue mine. He is en gaged as a miner and was witting top coal. A large chunk fell and struck one end of a mine rail. The stick flew and struck Mr. Phillips on the breast. He was knocked unconscious, but ha3 panlially recovered from tho blow. An Established Hotel. ' Falrchild's hotel front has been beau tified by a new porch anil a 'bay-windowed on trance. Thp bar room will bo made a secondary feature In tho hotel management and tho proprietor, Cleorse Failrchild, will ende'avor to give Word Sldets a good hotel. This has boon wamted for yemrs. There are ra loons galore, but not one hotel, linr ber John Reynolds will refurnish his tonsotial apartment ind with the ad ded icom. owing to the Improvements, experts to better .accommodate his trade. . ' ' Addressed tho Philosophical Society. Rev. K. 'R. Iewls addressed the Welsh Philosophical society at the opening meeting hold Saturday evening nt the library room. Tho talk was in English and contained many valuable Ideas. The evening was made very entertnln ing by subsequent events. The society meets every Saturday evening and the public is Invited to a.ttend at all times. Little News Notes. AT.ra K41inrlna Tmlmr n n1 .4 tier Via Lillian, have returned from a two weeks' stay at Delaware Water flap. The fiinrl nf the intu wmiatn Yin- Andrew took place from his late resi dence, on Norlih Sumner avenue, Satur day. A large number attended. Inter ment was made in tho Catholic ceme tery. .Miss .T.inn T-eu-ta tt l..n re turned 'home 'Saturday, offer a 'vlolt with friend'' here. iMm. Vf. Mulr nf North tlnhuu.. nue, left yesterday for Hazleton, to visit friends. Will DnVtS. f ,De1lnvllo at,o,.l yesterday for ..Nan.t4mke. employed. ' Tonight will hp tine retrnlot. rtrii night of the Hyde Pmrk Literary and Debuting roolctv. The an excellent one. After Mie usual "ques- i.nui inn h. ueoaie on me character of Napoleon will he the fenliiro nn.. lie Is always 'Invited ' to attend the meeting's and young men are especial ly encouraged to Joiln. The meetings are held .In .the library room, on South jiuiii nv. nue. rear ncranton street West Side Tnilmna t.i-lLo ,. i '.. attended the Columbian exposition are requested to meet this evening at 7 30 o'clock at Tho Tribune business office. West Side Ittiedness Director. RICYCLK8 repaired, scissors ground. miarprneci, sawn niea, Keys fltti-tl machines repnlred by W. L. Hteenback. dealer In Oiinn, Fishing Tackle, under West Side Bank. PH OTOf R APR E R Cabinet Photos. .40 uuarn. i uoy Bra JIIFl IOVCIV. Con- vlnco yourrelf by calling at Starner's Photo Parlors, 101 end 10J South Main avmuo. BARRER, Hair cutting and shaving done in a iirsi-eiass manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchild's Hotel. GBCM?Eres Revere Btnndnrd Java v.oueo in unexcelled. Tho leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son A Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH lor anyining you have to sell. Furnl. ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and neo the stock ef J. C. King, 1024 and 1024 Jackson street. WALL PAPER-Oo to Fred Reynolds, zoo North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper. Paints and Window Shades. Just opened wltb new stock. PLUMBINQ-Wllllam D. arlfnths, 113 North Main avenue, doeh flrst-claas Plumbing, Steam Heat and (3 as Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. PCfcMietfw' Eeelbh Maaeae ItraaX. ENNYROYAL PILLS DrwM k niMalart JftuMa AU dMrwti Ift U4 mm! eaM MttoiV iboin. (riled wild Miw rtbtoa. Take XW starts KtfiiM dmnftrwtu nkMUw IM..IIM1. Ml UIWII,WIIMU MINI IM I I NEWS OF THE S01TII SIDE. Close of tho Women's .Mission and Open Ing of the Mission for Men-short Paragraphs of News. The men's mission opened at St John's church last evening at 7.30. The women a mission closed at 3 o'clock In the afternoon with a sermon on perse verance by Father Cullen and the Im parting of the papal benediction, to which thera is a plenary Indulgence. This week will be for the men ex clusively, and tho masses and services will be at the same hours as last week, namely, u and 8 o'clock masses, and at 7.:I0 doctrinal Instruction, the rosary, a sermon and benediction of the most l.l'Hseil sacrament. There will be a children's mission, each morning this week at 8 o'clock. Father llurke preached nt the 10.30 mass, which was celebrated by Rev. J. A. 'Mollltt. Sle directed his words toward parents, and with telling emphasis pointed out the necessity of educating the children In the principles nf religion, showing them a good example and bringing them up to know, love and serve lod. At 7.30 In the evening Father Burko preached again. His serniuti wa on salvation. Ills impressive voice and clear cut enunciation are admirably blended, aud he has u power of sway ing his hearers. l.Many a man, said the speaker, goes to the portals of eternity without re pentance, expecting on Ills death bed to ninke pence with Almighty Ood. .Man should tremble nnd shudder at tli" prospect of going without a moment's warning before the judgment sent of (Joil to answer for every action or lire, and no one can escape that position. Every man In life will one day bear the Irrevocable sentence of the Judge, and it will be either the Invitation to be come citizens of heaven or the leeroe to be everlastingly tenants of hell. What, said he in conclusion, will It profit a man to gain tho whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul? Shorter Paragraphs. The; funeral of William 'Lavclle will be held this morning .t 10 o'clock with a high mass of requiem at St. John's church. Interment will be made in Dunmore Catholic cemetery. The funeral of Jits. Elizabeth Stall kneclit, late of Plttstoii avenue and Rlrch street, was held yerterday after noon and was atttvnded by a. large num ber of people. Services were conduct ed nt St. Mary's Uerman Catholic d'nurch and Interment was made In the Twentieth ward German cemetery. MLss Annie FItzhenry. of 'Mlnooka, Is vory dangerously ill of peritonitis. Henry Shorten and Miss Anna. Sul livan, both of Mdnooka, will be married soon. R. J. Callery, of Rlrney avenue, ts In New York on business. It was announced by Rev. John Loughran, of IMinooka, yesterday that the .recent excursion to Farvlew of ft. Joseph's pnrlfih netted $C12.44. The day was one of the most disagreeable tihat could have dawned. It having rained from 4 o'clock In the morning un.tll the following morning. .Father Loug.hran's popularity is attested In 'the success of the excursion notwithstanding the weather. HONESDALE. After a several weeks' visit with her brother. In Honesdale, 'Miss L. Lioulse Hiardenbergh has returned to Scran ton. She will at once organize her classes in music. .Mrs. John P. James and Mrs. Fred James are spending a few days In Pike county. Ray Hardenbergh leaves for school at Chester, (Pa., today. Perry 'La Barr left for IBrooklyn to day. On Wednesday 'he will be mar ried to Miss Elvira Southwell, of that city. Mir. and, Mrs. Ja Barr will live on East street. Mr. and Mrs. Addoms and Miss Ad doms, nf Brooklyn, N. Y., are the guests or .luilge Punly and wife. F. B. Crossley returns to Harvard today to resume? his studies. Russell Dimmlck Is now located In Seranton, with offices t SOS Spruce street. i.Tr. Dimmlck will practice law at both the )Lackawanna and Wayne county bars. The Republican primaries In Wayne county were held Saturday. The Re publican convention will he held in T-Ionesdnle .Monday. A hot fight is be ing mode for tho treasurership. There are nearly as many candidates In the field ns there are delegates to the con vention. Thomas Crostsley and family will move to llonrsdale from Richmondale this week. Mr. Crossley will enter the employ or w. IB. Holmes. PIlNbury's flour mills have a capacity of 17.S00 barrels a day. . That Insists upon keeping-a stock of advay's Beatfy Mi In the house f Why, tlia wise mother. Because, when taken internally it cures In a few minutes, Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Colic, Flatulency and all internal pains. DOSE Half a tcaspoonful in half a tumbler of water. Used externally, It will cure Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Mosquito Eites, Stines of Insects. Sunburns, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cough. Colds and all throat troubles. Radway's Ready Relief, aided by Rail way's Tills, will cure Fever and Ague; Ma larious, Bilious and other Fevers. Fifty Cents a Bottle. Sola y DrarfflsU KAOWAY fc CO., New Tork. RADWAY'S Pnrely vegetable, mild and reliable. Canar perf-rt diiretinn, ronir-late aumniiHtlon sad healthful refnlaritr. I'nre consiipatlnn anil its long llctoiunp'ioisiintavmptaroa and rnju enate the yitem. i!3 cents a. box. All drug gisu. French Injection Compound fares praillTerjr, qnlrklr, (not marptf rheris.1 Uuuraiitoed or umiihij raluwtal. Avoid 4aoru miaettka. PrtreSemmaiiKr buttle. Nla Hemes (will cure errrwt raw) wnt prepaid, Mnif from etwjrTatlon, wltb only icieniiHcalljr made iyrintA to any aUdnw (or fl. uo. THE 8CRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK.-' TILE UKUFICTURIHG CO., MAKIB or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Oflleai 830 Washington Avenne. Werkai Nay-Asa, Pa K. W. V. B. B. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Seranton, Pa WHO I'S -a AMUSEMENTS. THE- FROTfllNGHflfi, Wagner liein, Lessees and Managers.. MONDAY WD TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 MD 24, Extraordinary Engagement at ''iv MASUC- PvT"4 GP&RA CO. UNUElt DIRECTION OP t MR. CHAS. H. PRATT, Including the followiu Celobratod Artists: Mmu. Tnvary, M ma, Tliia Dorrs. MM,.. I.trhter, Min. TomlhiH, Alma. Uouiaiii, Mum Hyun, 11 mu. T. n undo, ;Cuv. A. U Hnillr. I Mr. Payne Clarke, :Henor F. Mii'lielnus. I -is. A. Alirauiuff, !Mr. Max Euuoiie, Mr. Villiam ht'liuiiter, I Mr. Vi'ui. Stephana, Grand Chora, and Otohentra. Carl Mart nu, Director. THE REPERTOIRE) MONDAY Faust TL'KHDAY Ciirmen TUEhDAY BIAT1NKE Bohemian Girl Sale of soati opons Tuesday, Sept. 17. f r'"Tu!H organization du-i not play any cities in 1'onnHylvRiil. Imt Pfall.d.lplila, Pitts burg and l-cranton. Ordors by mail or tele, grapb promptly fill filled. DAVIS' THEATRE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept 16, 17, 18, AFTERNOON AND EVFNING. THE BLAZINU SUN OP THE FAKCE COMEDY SKY, The Prodigal Father Tbe Most FxiMmtive Knrce-Conudy Organ izntiun ovur n6en ou tuur. It Is Fresh. It Is Snappy. It Is Strong. It Is Varied. It Is Brilliant. It Is Fetching. PRICES AS USCAL-10c, 20c. and 30c WHY SUFFER When vou can have yonr eyes fleotiflcslly Tested Free by tho new method. are hundreds of popple if they knew this, would go miles to hay tnelr examined. DONT WAIT. PryWhen yon gt lenses, or R'asne, ns many people call them. Get the Best, as they won't cost you any more ttian poorer ones. Do not trust your valuable sight to ped dlera. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the viaion and atop all pain In the hood. Placed In I lie Finest Solid Gold FracHS for $3 Thrse Lenses are sold only by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Opposite Seranton House, 303 Lackawanna Ave., SCR ANTON, PA. Hot'Bs DAH.V: to 11 am., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. SPECIAL CLOSING OUT SALE OF EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S FINE SHOES. We hum decided to rlma out this entire slock of Pino rihoes and Slippers at actual cost. These Shoes aro all in perfect condition no old styles or shelf worn goods. This is a rare opportunity fit obtaining the highest grade Footwear at tlia prices usually paid (or ordi nary Shoes. Call and examine them while the stock is complete re nssoci! I LIMITED. CORNER LICK1 AND JEFFERSON IVES. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert In Horseshoeing and Dentistry, is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. ESTABLISHED 18701 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Otrrlsges. Business Wsgeaja, Renal ring Berts Shoeing, Palntingaad Upholstering. Moe. lUk tO, &, Hsventa stress, eraatoa. Fa. This And Show Is Has Now Won Right Its On Way Top AMUSEMENTS. A CADEMY. OF MUSIC, Monday and Tncsilny, Sept. 10 and IT WALTER SAN FORD'S ' , Superb I'roduntinn o( the Ureat Scenic Melodrama, The Struggle of Life Battery Park In Winter Rutejera Slip in a Snow Storm Exterior of St. Patrick's Cathedral Typical Dance Hall in Water St Death Trap In a Deaertod Cellar aln of seats opens Saturday, i-opt. 14, st 9 o'cl' ck. KeL'ular ricen. ACADEMY OK MUSIC, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. ia A merira'a Favnrite Comodienno, JOLLY NELLIE McHENRY, Presenting tho Latest Musionl Fareo i'nza THE BICYCLE GIRL PRETTY GIRLS, NEW MUSIC, CATCHY DANCES, JWBORATt COSTUMES Rale of seats opens Monday morning, Sept. 1U, at!) o'cluck. CADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday, Sept 19. THE CBEATOH OF SWEDISH DIALECT COMEDY. GUS HEEGE, In Ills Kow l'lsy. IY FIRST TIME IN SCRANTOH. Bale nf seats opens Tuosday, Sept 17, st t o'clock. Kegular pries. NEW East Stroudsburg, Pa. The TALL TERM of this popular Inptitution opens 2iIonduy. Si'ptcmbee 2, WJo. Om location is one uf tbe most beau, tiful nnd lictiirestjttc mitutuer resort teulo:ino. the stat. Buildings are Dew iml comfortably fumnhed. Onpo Loahdisci ti rerogjlzed feature of th School. D.'partnien'.g: In addition to all other departments in the Normal .Sehoolii we lia e included in our Man ual Training Depari.irnt, tbe Art of i'laiii and Ormtiuuutul Sowing, Dress uiukitig, Cutting nnd ;'ittng, free to all lady pupils. Kuud for otir new il Uatratsd catalogue. Address GEO. ?. BIBLE, A. Prii rii Edst stronflsbag, Fa. nmra snos co., ine-p. capiui, .? ' 1UE8Y St. SO KUOi: IN THE WOM.B. -A dollar larr-iii a dollar tanuH." t Thtatdl-' 8nlil Krcnih DoacotaKtd Bt- 1 dallTarM Imo inywbnra in the u on raciMpt otuaan, uoaey uracrv or i'usui nots ror uu. lvqmli every way Un boots sold la sll retail rton tor ti.60. Wa maks Ibla Wool onreelrsa, tbtntera wa fumf aud it any on is lot saUanra wo win reiana in mowy or Mno mother pair, open or i:ooimoD Dense widths C, li, E, k En sizes 1 to I and Ban ilzes. Etndvovr Jtssr ic mill JU IUusi ustralow Cats. Ion FRCX Bextea Shoe Co., 13 FEDERAL ST.. SOSTUN. ILAJIl. . Special Imi to Dialer. CALL UP 8682. ill. OIL 11 iHlMlHS CO. OILS, t VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. Ml TO isi MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'hT. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY and FORTY-FIRST ST., NEW YORK CITY. A Modern fireproof lintel containing 300 rooms, J DO with hath and toilet attuched. EUROPEAN PLAN. Good Rooms, I.srirs Kooms. $2, and With private bath I'i .Vlsnd npwanl per day. RESTAURANT. CUISINE AND SERVICE UNEXCELLED. In close proximity to tho principal theatres .ami the shopping district. FiTO niiuntas from Grand Central and wt shore Depots. LOUIS L TODD, J. H. FIFE, Ownor. . JlanajiT. HE HAS FOUND IT-SO CAN YOU. l ffi SPRUCE STREET. the best place In the city to ret Dshlns; tackle and sportsmen's supplies. That STERLING WHEKL of hi U a beauty, and aa for quality well, the others are not In It Open evening Boat iBJflBAkfa. S7T V EM lUfv fjm KJ 1 63 K'saSV tva main c7niw i n ti Bay yon Bon Throat, Ptppiea, OoppprOolored Boots, Aebes, Old Bona. Ulosrs In Month, Hair falllna? Write eek Bessmly Cm SOT Ms SMleTesajtlerhleam JIMor proofs of cures. Ctl wtioopom. PaUentscnred ilHrMn sgjsTSOBwehsndweJtOOsw