i THE fiCBANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING-, SEPTEMBER 14, 1895. WiIkesBarre. tThe Tribuno bus opened a branch of fice at No. 29. Lanlng bulldine. Publ.c Square, Wilkes-Earre. It Is the purpose of the publishers to Issue a ncwauuin-r u valuable to the reneral public! as the met ropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from three to five hours enrllcr ihan.tho l'iiiludelphla and New York papera can reach them. t TIIAT SCR ANTON SLKIES. Tho MnnoRomcnt Won't llovo Anythlug to Do with It. The mnnnsniMit of the local base ball club yesterday gave the following no tice: Xottee to the public On Saturday evening. Sept. 14. the chntnplimHhip season of the Eastern leiiKtie will have closed, ut which time the Wilkes-Unrre Hall club will disband. Only two sanies with the SpVinRtleld club of this series cm be played for the reason that the third jrame falls on 'Sept. 13, which is Sunday. The laws of Pennsylvania do not allow ball playing on Sunday and the third frame will have to s by de fault. Were the AVtlkes-Uarre pitchers and the nine generally in pood condi tion, two games misht have been played Saturday afternoon. JUit owing to the crippled condition of the players, and especially rletts. who is BUItrrlnK from a felon on his left hand. It Is not deemed advisable to double up. Ot this time the Wllkes-liarre manasement Rives notice to the public that any Raines ar ranged for after Saturday, Sept. I I. will be under the charge of the players themselves, and all games played will be by the Wllke-s-Uarre Ball Players' organization, ami not the Wilkes-Marre Hull club. 'Further, the AVilkes-Harre Jiall club VIII not be responsible for the nnvment of any bills contracted for any series of pantos In which the players may participate after Sept. 14 and will claim no credit for games won tir be responsible for defeats. K. V. Hogert. president; W. Tammany, Vice-president; M. H. UurKunder. Alex nick. Managing directors. Attest. Leo W. Long, secretary. Notwithstanding this dictum of the niogute of the local club, the games will be played. First Tiaseman Karl having completed arrangements on be lirtlf of the WllkppJUarve team with 3!r. Barnle, of the Scrantons.. !Mr. Earl 1s trying to. get Gray, of Providence: Tielaney. of Syracuse, and Crane, of Rochester, to strengthen the Wilkes. Ttarro team. Jack Keetian received word yesterday that his mother Is very sick, and unless news of her Improved condition comes today, Keenan will leave for home sifter the game. Betts Is still laid up with a felon on his finger, nnd Coakley Is called to Pittsburg after today's game on Important business, Th schedules of the Scranton games will be ararnged so as not to conflict with the Hazleton series. A CHINESE CASE. A Mixed, Vp Affolr in Which tho Whito Wife of a Chlnutnan Figures. Tesetrday morning Sirs. i?oo Hoo I.ee, nee Staeey Barrett, formerly a well known woman of the town, appeared before Jlayor Nichols and charged her husband with a serious offense. On Wednesday last, she was walking on the Square and was arrested by a man, who claimed he was an ollicer. but could not show proof. The arrest was made at the Instance of Soo Hen Yen, Oeorge Lee and Gen Sing, three Chinese who were arrested and given a hearing before Mayor Xichols the early part of .the week, charged with keeping a gambling house on North ampton street. The case was decided aerainst them and they were required to pay a fine of $10 and costs, from which they took an appeal, and later had Stacey arrested and taken before Al derman Ford on the charge of per jury, who discharged her. In the mean time her husband beat her shamefully and on Tuesday, she says, tried to kill her with a knife, but she got away with a gash about two Inches In length In the riglrt arm. For this she had him arrested and he was held in $1,000 bail for court. After his arrest, Stacey was arrested again, and taken before Alderman IMoyles, of Laurel Run. The alderman, she says, was In Harrlsburg, and the hearing was conducted by his brother, who sent hor to Jail -without a hearing. Yesterday morning Ste phen Teller, of Kingston, appeared, and went bail for the girl and she was Teleased ami came before the mayor with her story. The mayor told her to ro to a lawyer ami she placed the case in the hands of 'Attorney Shea. "Squire Moyles denies his part of the yarn, and says it is a tissue of false hoods throughout. The warrant was not served by a psuedo constable, but fry Constable 'Merrick, of this city. Then, again, the 'squire says that she was not sent to Jail without a hear ing.. Stacey had a hearing before the alderman himseif.and not his brother, and was regularly committed to Jail In default of ball. KILLED AT PARSONS. A Hungarian Laborer Caught f.'ndcr Six Tons of Clay. Andrew Deock, a Hungarian laborer, was Instantly killed at Iarsons yester day by being burled under a mass of clay at the brickyard operated there by George T. Dlckover. His body was re moved to his boarding house, and the boarding mistress did not care to he come responsible for the care of the body. It was taken to the undertaking establishment of Kinney Bros, and will be burled at the expense of iMr. Dick over. Deock leaves a widow and two children, who are in the old country. Foreman Andrew Burns says the ac cident was flue to Deock's carelessness. Burns had placed a man at each cor ner and two on top tl loosen it. Deock Instead of going on top, as he was or dered, remained under the clay and was caught when It fell. BEFORE SQUIRE FORD. Goorgo Wontcr I'.ndcavors to Recover His Sis'. Year-Old Boy. An Interesting case came up before Alderman Ford Inst evening. George "Wopter, of Olen Lyon, had his wife, Mena Woster, who now resides at Kingston, arraigned for bigamy, and to recover a boy who was born to them six years ago. Tho couple waa mar ried in Luzerne eight years ago bv Squire McKay. They parted about one year ago, the husband going to Glen Lyon. Three weeks ago Mrs. Woster, without securing a divorce, married lwls iStrawnlck, of Kingston. At the Beauty and Purity Found Cuticura ' tM OinMlmt th mM. XrMfak iifsti T- Kitr. Mf aum, I. kise S4WM41. Lmim. Nnu ! CUM. Com., sita frf UniiaTl. I. A. hearing she agreed to give up the child If Woster would pay her for keeping the boy for the year. This the hus band agreed to do but when he went to take the child It clung to Its mother and refused to go. Since It was sat isfactory to both parents hat the father should have the child, the 'Square Rave his consent. The case ot bigamy was turned over to court. E. A. Lynch, esq., represents the plaintiff". Joseph Herald was held for court at his hearing last evening on a charge of felonious wounding, preferred by Jacob Gelslaeh'ter. UEFORi: Tin: mayor. Tho Caso of Jennlo Smtiwlcy Kecelvcs Attention-Others Disposed Of. iMayor Nichols had a number of cases before him yesterday morning, the first of which was Jennie iSmawley, who is charged with keeping a disorderly house qn Jlaale street. She was lined $:'5 and compelled to give $M0 bail for her appearance at the next term of court. Benjamin Hums, who was arrested Thursday night for Indecency, left his watdh as security that he would show up yesterday morning, but failed to do so. James IMcIIale. a hot-frankfurter man, John Jones and John Watson were charged with stealing money from a young man on Kast Market street, but were Teleased as there was no evidence against them. Tho Missionary Unity. A large crowd attended the mission ary rally at the Young iMen's Christian association last evening nnd heard a splendid programme. The singing of the Memorial Church quartette was very good, and this was followed by a splendid address by A. B. Williams, Jr., of Scranton. Miss Ivdith (Martin sang a solo in excellent style and Harry A. Luce, of Scranton. made nu excellent address. After singing by the Young Men's Christian association choir from Kingston. W. ill. Seiple. of Ashley, spoke, and shortly after the programme closed. Refreshments were served in the dining room by a corps of young lady waiters in costumes of various countries. Several trolley parties from surrounding towns brought large crowds to tho meeting. A Water Scarcity. The mines on the Hill, In Wllkes Barre township and Ashley, are seri ously inconvenienced by the scarcity of water. The boilers at No. 1 slope of the Jersey mine of the Lehigh nnd Wilkes-Harre Coal company were closed last night on account of no wat er, and all but two boilers have been ordered closed at the new Maxwell, No. 20. The men were nil ordered out and the fans stopped. This will soon be remedied, as the company has arranged to have water hauled from the river to the different collieries in oil tnnks. It is feared that the Ashley planes will have to shut down, which, on account of the extremely scanty water supply, would close the mines and throw many men out of work. linn Over by n Train. John Boyle, the 7-year-old son of Cornelius Boyle, of 211 Scott street, was run over by a coal train near the New ton bridge yesterday and had his left arm cut off. Drs. Hughes and James, of Ashley, were called In and treated the- Injury. The boy was visiting his aunt when the accident happened. . A Phvsiclnn Hurt. Dr. Brooks, the well-known Hazleton physician, was running to ea'tch tho 1.05 Lehigh Valley train at the depot yesterday when he stumbled and fell heavily on his face. A long gash was cut In his forehead, and he was badly shaken up, but was not seriously hurt. BRIEF NOTES. The St. Aloyslussoeiety of Ashley will run their annual excursion to Farvlew today. The first "smoker" of tho Concordia will be held at their hall on Tuesday evening, Sept. 24. It will be the first of their series of social events of the sea son. The second quarterly conference of the Larksvllle Methodist Episcopal church will ibe held in the church building tomorrow. Itev. J. G. Eck man, presiding elder. The eleventh annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union of Luzerne county will be held today at the 'Methodist church of Avoca, A temporary Injunction has been granted against the new electric road tolNantlcoke on application of property owners of 'Newport township. (Mrs. Robert Thomas had her purse, containing $33, and some valuable pa pers stolen on Firemen's day In the crowd. John R. iShaw yesterday registered as a practicing physician in Wllkes-Harre. (He is a graduate it the University of Pennsylvania. Charles ,M. Garrlck has been held for court by 'Squire Boone in $300 ball on a charge of gambling at the circus on Wednesday. James Reynolds went bail and Garrlck was released. The ladles of ZIon African Methodist Episcopal church are preparing to hold a bazaar, opening next Tuesday night, to last four days. The city council has granted tho Wllkes-Barre Water company permis sion to supply the Crystal .Spring com pany temporarily, suspending for the time the ordinance compelling the lat ter to furnishfiltered water. The GranfWeet school will bo dedi cated at 3 o'clock this afternoon with appropriate exercises. Selgfrled Itohrer. of Drlfton, has be gun suit against his wife for a divorce on n charge of desertion. The meetings to be conducted by Evnngelist iMIIIs nt (Memorial church will begin on Sept. 24. The funeral of George M. ErneRt, the well-known cigar manufacturer! took place from St. Nicholas' church yesterday morning. Interment was made In .the Darling street cemetery. Frank A. Phelps In about to erect a handsome new building on Wejrt 'Mar ket street, adjoining the Music hall block. Word was received here yesterday of the sudden dea,th of ,Mrs. B. V. Haivey of .this city, while visiting at Nesque homing. The iSteam Heat company will get up steam .today, and heat their pipes, pre paratory to sending It out regularly on the 15th. HOW TIIF.Y PARTED. From the Chicago Tlmcs-IIernld. ' The soft moonlight was shimmering over the sea as they sat on the beach and looked Into ench other's eyes. It wns such a night as Is made for lovers. Tho sur roundings were romantic, and even tho soft wind seemed to whisper of love. "Were you ever engaged?" he asked ahruptly. "No," fine answered, somewhat startled. Ho seemed busy with his thoughts for a few moments, and then he said, as he looked pleadingly into ,ncr jace; "Don't you think "Yes," she said expectantly. "That It would he nice " "Oh, yes, very nice." "To get some le cream V Jt"No," she exclaimed, angrily; "I hate And no they parted. ' Monetary. From the Detroit Tribune. . He was as pale as dea th. -"No," the beautiful American was fal tering: "I will not marry you." The scion of a noble race staggered from the room. "Capital," he hissed, as with the Instinct of a gentleman he clutched the best um brella In the hat rack, "Is atlll timid, I aee." TAYLOR. A grand shooting match will be held on the Riverside park grounds by the William Tell -Kifle club, of Taylor, on Tuesdav. Sept. 17. The statement made In these columns a few days ago about the decamping of Albert Zennbach and John Evans, two young men of this place, was er roneous. They were merely on a visit, and returned home last evening. Key. Noble, a missionary from Corea. will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow morning. The regular yearly missionary collec tion will be had. William (Stone will leave on Tuesday mxt for the iMt. Airy College for Deaf Mutes, at Philadelphia, where he will resume his studies. iVIIss katle'Navln. of Plttnton, is vis iting IMisa (Mary A. Murray, on Wash ington street. The council met In regular session last evening in their chambers. PlTTSTON. fTho nttston oIHcb of tho Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, agent, at No. S Williams street, where con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should bs addressed nnd regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subscription rates cheerfully submitted. The Christian Endeavor local union held a meeting Thursday evening at Young 'Men's Christian association par lors. Arrangements were made for holding a missionary rally In the Meth odist 'Protestant church next 'Monday evening at 7 o'clock. 'II. A. Luce and A. B. AVllliams, of Scranton, will be the speakers. Mr. Luce expects to go to China as a missionary the last of the month. Mr. Williams Is also In college preparing for missionary work. The meeting Is held In the Interest of the student volunteer movemvnt. Bethel Baptist Christian Endeavor Boclety was admitted to the local union. George Lynington has in course of construction In Slocum a large build ing, to be used for store, dwelling house and large hall; also two neat cot tages. Patrick O'llloyle. who has heretofore lived near Lambert street, but who was so fearfully burned by a powder explo sion one week ago last Tuesday, and who lingered In agony for a whole week at the hospital, was burled yesterday (Friday) afternoon. A day or two previous to the explosion a little son fell nnd broke his elbow bone, and so the widowed mother, ,.lrs. O'Boyle, has a heart full of grief. The West (Side sewer Is now complet ed with tho exception of one manhole. Street Commissioner Warner is super vising the making of connections. Mr. and !Mrs. Kosencranz and daugh ter, of Florida. Orange county, N. Y., are guests In the home of Professor G. 11. Smith, on Delaware avenue. Mrs. 'Sharkey, of Delaware avenue. Is reported quite ill. Mrs. E. C Darte and son, of Kansas City, are the guests of .Mrs. J. H. M ul kcy. Louis Slckel returned Thursdny even ing from a visit to his old home In Ger many. His health Is much Improved. (Miss 'Belle Fonn was tendered a fare well reception at the home of Miss Jes sie Saxe, Wyoming avenue, on Thurs day evening by the Young People's Mission band of the Presbyterian church. Miss Fenn has accepted a po sition as teacher in a ladies' school In New Jersey, and leaves town next week. The best wishes of her many friends will go with her to her new home. Yardmaster F. IH. Brown and wlfo have gone to New York for a week. There was a Joint meeting of the councils Thursday evening. George Buss, chairman. Considerable business was transacted. The contract for con structing srwer outlets was awarded to Lindsay Sr Co; the city printing to the Item Publishing company. I'lttston lliislncos IHrcctorv. FOR FIItST-TLASS PI.IJMBTNO CALL on Wright & Co., W South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. BACK FROM THE DEAD. A Woman's Agony and a 1 at .Man's Mis take. The car stopped. A shrill feminine voice Was heard outside: "Good-bye," it said, "good-bye. Take care of Oh! where is he where Is 'he? He Is under the car!" This last was delivered with such a walling tihriek that the passengers all rushed to 'the platform or leaned out of the windows and the motorman vaulted over the railing Involuntarily. There, In helpless horror, stood a middle-aged woman who had been decidedly pretty once and was almost the same now. She was drlnglng her hands and moan ing, "Lost, lost." A fat man first broke the intense silence with a.J horrified voice which he vainly tried to com mand and make grant le. He thought he hud guessed the truth, "A'h, madam, I hope not; I hope not," he said, as he stepped from the plat form, followed by the conductor whose face was grave. They looked under the car; nofhlng was tihere. A crowd had collocted by this time. They looked In sorrow upon the woman. "He Is not there," said the fat man gravely. "He must have " "No! Oh, no!" she wailed, and the crowd sighed In sympathy ito see her agony. The passengers were horrified. The nrotorman was pale. He saw trials for manslaughter, at the very least (load ing around in the air. But where was the corpse? "How old was er it er she?" asked the fat man. "He," with a sobbing accent on the "he," "was 5 years old." "Was he ah your son, madam?" "Sir, I am unmarried, I would have you understand," she flashed back In dignantly with a chocking sob, "and" sob "he" sol "was" sob "my pet pug dog!" The fat man's lower Jaw dropped ns far as his double chin would let It. He breathed twice heavily and then delib erately climbed back into the car. The passengers looked at each other In si lence. The conductor (swore melodious ly to himself and the motorman looked relieved. Then a short, sharp bark wns heard and a- fat, wheezy, ugly pug dog wad dled out from n front yard and was seized hysterically In the arms of the middle-aged lady, who frantically kissed him with murmured terms of en dearment and affection. The car started. She did not take it, he waa still hugging the dog. advice cosci:rxio jewels. Tom Hnll, in Trulh. Do not wear your diamond collar button when you are trying to borrow two dol lars. When wearing diamond) you should touch for ten at least. Ion't use snpphlro In a tiara be sen sible and put them on tho coal scuttle. At Christmas time remrmlier that a rhlncKlonn in a case branded "Tiffany,"' in mure Kcrpiaoie man a gem or purest ray serene. In a box marked "Smith." iNever decline a gift of an opal for fear of the Ill-luck it will bring. Accept and sell the opal, and rejoice nt having fooled fate once in your life at any rate. A Summer Girl's Surprise. "They only met last summer, and no body knew that they were engaged, so I suppose that her announcement that she will be marled soon will surprise every body, don't youT" "Yes, I know It will be a real shock to her fiance." Truth. Mien Baby wan sick, we pare her Caatorta, When sho tru a Child, the crlod for Costorla. VTheo she tvi&ne Mlia, abe clung to Costorla, Waeaahe bad CbfidNa,cbe(aatlMW Costorla- Do You Realize That the great trouble of the American nation is Kid ney Disease ? Very few men and fewer women have perfect kidneys. Did you know this ? And did you also know that there is but one remedy known to science for this great trou ble: Warner's Safe Cure. If 3'ou have peculiar pains in the back, or anywhere else in the body, they probably come from disordered kidneys. If you are weak, sickly and do not know the cause the chances arc it is kidney trouble. When the great and only cure fortius is so easily obtain ed, are you, perhaps, not wast ing time and running a great risk if you do not secure it? PAPER TYIKVR I TER RIBBONS. As Evaporation Is Uctardod Its l.lfo Is Strengthened. Tim neatly made, sclvaged edged type-writer ribbon woven from silk or other line textile 11b re, may be sup planted to some extent by a new sort of a paper pulp ribbon which absorbs Ink In such a manner, mnd lias such un tlllnlty for the same, that evaporation does nJt occur, as in the caso of the aforesMkl kind. In (the case of the or dinary rlb'ixin the 'inky ingredients are applied externally and the fibres of the threads are only co.i'ti d, and drying oc curs. In the pull) ribbons the ink nnd the pulp are combined; hence, evapora tion is retarded. Good ribbons, of (;he kind In regular use, will not dry out for about two years with ordinary use, bu't will socmen if operated as steadily as Is required in some business houses. Surroundings, such as dry air, hoated apartments, ere., alter the length of the life of a ribbon. Calculating on the basis ot (tests made with the paper pulp ribbons, the life of sjme will be considerably longer than two years, as the evajjuraK lng f culture is 'almost entirely overcome. Itcliof in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Mladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise- on acount of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of tho urinary passages, in mnle or fe male. It relieves retention of water and puln In passing It almost Immediately, If yon want (pilck relief nnd cure this !s your remedy. Sold by ( M. Harris, Drug gist, 15 l'enn avenue, Scranton, I'a. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MITCH, WHKN PAID TOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOVNT IS MADE, NO rilAROB WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS KULE AP PLIK9 TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AKU INSERTED FREE. HelpJVanted Male. AOENTS-OUB MEN ARE MAKINO $'!' to 81.(1 per week. Send forproofs F.HBt est solli-r in existence. LYONS F. 8. & II It. CO., Omlicli. bid. TV ANTEi BAKTElsniKU IMMEDIATE 'V y. Address C, Tilbune ollice, before 3 o'clock. f ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN i every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for suents; no capital required. KDV AitD C. KIS1I A CO., llord'.-u Block, C'hlougo. 111. SALESMEN -"RKSIDENT SALESMEN O wanted, acquainted with thi locnl and nearby drug and urocory trade, to bundle our linn of htcli irradt cigars, Addreas, uiviiig references, J. EDWARD COWLEii CU, 113 Chambers xtroot, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. EVfUf "iTfi ESSMAK TnU ACaTfmyT i.' Ladles' 1'rrncli tailoring; ahnolutoly no refitting; yon work on your own matorinl while learning. 417 Lackawanna avenue, ANTE D HTM EI ) I A TlKLTWOE NEl? getic saleswomen to represent us. diiArantned fiiariny withont interfering with other duties, lb altbf id occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp, Mimi-n Chem ical 'nmpany. Nft 7'! John Mrent. New York, Salesmen Wanted. J ANTED-SALESMAN; SALARY FliOM V stnrt: permanent plnce. IIKOWN BROS., Nnrnnrynioii, Rochester, N. Y. C ALESM AN - EXPERIENCED," TOELL ki as side ln or cxelmivtdy, aniiiaemnnt enmcato joldmra nnd dealers. Address, wi'h reference,, HAMILTON & MYERS. Jliddlo to .in, Pa. WANTF.T)"-SUCCESSFUL 'SALESMEN and canvassers in the lurgor town for well paving line of goods: flrHt-cliics rcfer encea required. . A. OOBTIC'II ft CO., Roch ester. N. Y. WANTED SALESMAN ENERGETIC men to sell rihnU by sample at home, rr travel; casr teller: et.iplti toods; lihural salary or good commission. Address 1', O. Ikix 1103, Now York City. For Rent. o NE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM TO ront. 41!) Vine street. f' 'OR RENT-FUR ISHED Roil.M, WITH or without lionrd, suitable for two pur sons. l;U Adams ave, ToRiaiNT-a la roeTVs'K)Ry""iiuil1T J infrotl-t Franklin avenue: suitable for wholcaalo Uusinous. ( 'Ail HON A DAVIES, Scranton, I TOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna nvenin Addrnaa THOMAS E, F.VANS, aenr ll: Lucerne, Hyde I'ui'K. VOlt RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL J' ftult.ihln for Iwlgo rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 1 11 Wyoming uvenuo. For Sate. VOIl SALE - A NEW IlimuY, VERY J' cheap. Inquire JJ ACKRETU'S.alion, lixtf Washburn at. VOll "BALK -AT ' KEAHONABLK FIOURES," I a lot of Hoe & Ox's Iron pipe composi tion frames, single and douliln; alo-a lot of Hooker casoa, In pairs, some extra d pth. Ml only allglitlr nnd nnd good na now. Address Inquiry to HUSINKU8 MANAGER, The TrlO nne. Hcrnnton, I'a. Notice. NOT1CE-I WILL OFFER AT PRIVATE sale from Hoot. 20' h to on. 1 um t minor 2 miles from Elkins, W. Va and HiO acrf a tr ll from Beverly, W. Va. Tlinlmr ronil'ta of Poplar, Rod Oak. Whito Onk. Ash, li'icswood. th Hunt. tc Will alsn offer for alo or rent ftO nrn of land I miles from El bina, and the luu acre tract 6 miles from Uer erly. Terms and prion to suit bard times. Any ntraon Broking linmea or wanting tlm rer eaa dm better here, considering prices, terms, eta, than any whore ii W. Va. Address H. D, B WARTS, P. O. Box fiiM, PcTsritoB, Pa., or B. F. VKJUENSKY, Llklas, W, Vile Money to Loan. sfiinn w"0, .(l0(, w V vvj loan na real estate aeetiHty, i D. & K&U'LOOLE, Attorney, Bprooe at. CEUT Connolly '& Wallace Dress Goods Department As a season of novel conceptions in Fabrics the present one easily bears the palm. Of course, with every ttirji of fashion's wheel we expect improve ments, but this season we appear to have more than the usual proportion; wc have been furnished with more than we could rightfully demand or ex pect Wc placed our orders early, before the advance in prices took place, and arc, consequently, able to oiler a wealth ot the best things in Dress Goods and Silks at prices which tell their own story of careful and early buying. Black Goods Mostly Pricstly's Goods, and worthier weaves never found room on a retailer's counter. They arc se lected with an eye to quality, to style, to generous width and extra value. CONNOLLY & Agents Wanted. VV'E DON'T WANT ROYS OR LOAFERS ' but raon of ahility; $;m to J.'iUO a month to hustlers; stute and Konoral agent; salary and coniiiiiBsion. Chemical Fire Extinguisher t'o., Racine, la. f ' ENERAL AOENTK WANTED-SELL-vl Iiik now aitlclea to dealers; exclnaive ter rltory, no competition, no capital required; HJO to JUKI nor ent. irollt. Columbia Chemical Co., 811 Dearborn st., Chicuifo, 111. AUGNTB WANTED EVERYWHERE - Latest craze; wiles heat "P'KS in clover"; dlco wutnu charm; live d;c.e. jest ennuRh for qulot Kumn; proas sold dallv: also .W other novelties; catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOV KL'IY CO., 3ii Uroadway. Now York. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIOARS; $73 per month wilnry and expenses paid, Addresa, with two-cent stump, FltiARO CI GAR CO., Chicago. AGENTS- TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel nnd copper electro platers: prico from f.'l upward; alnry and ax notiaea paid: out fit free. Audrusa, with stump, MICI1IOAN MEG CO., Chlciuro. A GENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; JY Si woekly nnd expcnseM; experience, un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MF(1. CO., 48 Van Buren St., Chiuuco. CALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 23 O per ceut. commission; sample, book, mailed froa. Address L, K. CO., station L, New York. AT ONCE AOENTS APPOINTED TO soil new lightning soiling tnblo cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at 1U cents nnd '25 co ds a bortlo. Sample fro. BOLG1ANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, 3dd. GENTS-HINDE'S PATENT" UNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavers fus.'d with ont hoat), and "l'yr I'oiuted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commission. Freo samplo and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 15U. Now York. A T ANTT D -T ACTIVE S A LEKM EN TO V r handle, our lino, no peddling. Salary, 75 per month and exponaes paiil to all- Goods ntirely now. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, M0S, en boston, Mass. Socclal Notices. "VTOT l7'E-f) NA ND FT'EliMAVrXI 1 1 wid make a monthly tour of tho follow ing places giviug freo op -n air advertising; ox hibitiona wi:h tho stereoptlcon: Tavlorvillo, Hydo Pork, Providence. D'ckson 'Olynlmnt, Peckville, Arelibald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday nnd Friday of each week during tho month, the rates for adver tlsng Are Sin per mouth. Address U. II. Call, Tribuno office, city. "rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X You want thia relic. Vi ntains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictureg.ahow Ing the forces In actual liattle, sketcncd on tho spot. Two volumes, 2,0(10 pictures, hold on ensy monthly pavmont-". Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P.O. MOODY. (Hi Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. IILANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA I) zincs, etc.. bound or rebound at THE Tut hums oIKce. Quick work, ltcuonablo prices. Real Estate. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE MODER ate prices. Call and get our circular b foro purchasing;. W. GIBSON JONES, illl Sprues street. Annual Meeting. VyOTIOK THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 1 tho members of the Lackawanna Stnro Association, Limit d, will l ehehl nt the oflico of the association, in tho rityof Scranton, on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1MIS, at 2 o'clock p. in., for the election of managers for the ensirn t year and for the transaction of such other biisiuesj as may properly come before tho meeting. .7. P. H10G1NSON. Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Sept. 7, ls9.". Dissolution of Partnership. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting between J. M. Rhodes, C. W, Illiodos' and Louis D. Aquino, doing business as the Good Snnviritan Salvo Co., has this day boon dissolvod liv the. retirement of J, Si. Rhodes from snid firm. All claims ngnlnst said fund should bo presented toC.W. Rhodes, Elmhtvst, l'n- THE GOOD SAMARITAN SALVE CO. September 11, W Business Opportunities. (LnnlsiMJPoN OUR ADVICK, ijlvU Inst March amounted to several thousand dollars last week; very llttlo risk. This can tie dunn now. This fall will bo better tha i ever for largo profits. S-nk for our book and proofs of this, showing how to do it. froo. Rank reforoncea F. J. WAKEJl & CO., 08 Reoror at.. New York. Personal, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND FACIAL blomlshos destroyed ly electric ncedlo; no pain, scar or injnrv; book and consultation froi; sittings ?l. A. Y. ELECTROLYSIS CO., 61 E. at.. New York. Stockholders' Meeting A SPECIAL MELTING OF STOOKHOLD ers of tho Scranton Glass Co. will be hold nt III Lackuwsnna avo. on Monday, S--pt. Ill, IS;!.',, at 8 p. m , totako Into consideration tho question of re timing oporations. E. C. Sl'AULDlNG, Secretary. Situations Wanted. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG l lady who is anxious to snenroa position; has lind experience in otlioo work. Addreas F. E. S., caro Tribune. WANTED A SITUATION BY A GOOD hurscshoer and general blacksmith. Ad drosi 1IW Franklin avenue,. (SITUATION WANTED AS CASHIER OR O assistant bonkkeiper; thoroughly under stand iKxikkeopIng; anxious to secure pr sition; moderate taliny to begin. Address BOOK KEEPER, VMl Lackiiwi-nnn are. SITUATION WANTED BY A DOY 1(1 years of ago in oflico or store. Address if. J. P.. Tribnne olflce. Medical. LA ni RSI Chichester's English Pennyroyal PHIs (M.md r.i), nro the Beat. ",: Vkj no (-r. S...J 4, Mniie J- '";" "'IT te U.H"." n nma.tr Return Mall.,,' ""; tUclicswr t'tiomlaifCo.. TlillaiU., i'a. BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at short notice, at Tho Tribune CClcel SILKS WALLACE, I TRY US. 692-604 LUCKS. AVE., COR. ADAMS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. Drt. WILLIAM"X TAKTrToRCELAlNT Bridge and Crown work. Ollice, h'li Washington avenue. C C. LAUBACH. SUHGEODiSNTIStT No. 115 Wyoming avenue. It. M. STHATTUN, OKFlCki COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DRTa. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street. Scranton, I'a. (Just opposite Court House. Square.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. M. ; call 2061 Dls. of women, obtstrctrice and und ull din. of chll. DR. A. J. CONNELU OFFICE 501 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce atreet, over Frnncke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine. st. Ofllce hours: 10.30 to 12 n. m. nnd 2 to 4. and CISC to 7.30 p. in. Sun day, - to 3 p. m. DR. W. E. AI-EI.N. C12 North Washington avenue. DH. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of tho Eye, Knr, Nose nnd Throat; oflico. 122 Wyoming ave. P.esl dence. S2D Vine street. ' DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., l.ao to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madl- DH. J. C. UATKSON, RELIABLE SKIN, Tumor nnd Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays nnd Fridays, nt 505 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. ni. Lawyers. WARREN A KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Inw, Commonwealth ouilding, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSlir. HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices i and 8 Llbrnry building , Scranton, I'a. R08WELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common wenlth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. frankt6kell7ttorney-at. Law. Room C, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pn. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGArTaTTORNEY-Xt-Law. Office, 317 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEYAT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at 5 per cent. C. " R. PITCHER? ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building, ' Scran ton. Pn. C. COMEUYS. 321 SPRUCE BTREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street. ST F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWr 120 Wyoming avo., ScrantonPa JA8. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. Til. C. RANCK. 136 WYOIIIMI AVO. Architects. ETIWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT? Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. LTW ALTER! ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 600 Washington avenue. Lewis Hancock, jr.7architect, 435 Spruce at., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THB RRpTtBUC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan yott money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callonder, Dime Danit building. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boye nnd girls for collge or business; thoroughly trulna young children. Catalogue at re Quest. Opens September 9. KEV. THOMAS M. CANN. , WALTER H. 13UELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 413 Adams avenue, opens Sept. ' Kindergarten $10 per torm. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Iluuor. conductor, 117 Wyoming avonuo, over Hulbert'f music store. MEGARQEE BROTHERS," PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bugs, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. : f FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE sale dealers In WooUware. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, c-ountant and auditor, EXPERT AC Rooms II anil to, Williams Hulldina. ooaoaita poetotueA I Agent lor tho Hex Fir EiUngulshnr. Novelty Dress Goods We have a remarkable collection of both foreign and domestic novelties. We won't tire you out with a long string of French names that wontdn't make you any wiser after you had read them, aa they must be seen to be appreciated. If you arc an admirer of beauty In a fabric yon can't afford to miss our Silk Department W won't go into arguments or explanations, but come and see the goods. All arc welcome, whether to look or buy. 2osHoUrrs- UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA. wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. G. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 110 Washington ave nue; green houe, 1350 North Main ave nue; store tfilcuhoo 7s2. Clairvoyant. IMPORTANT ARRIVAL OF THEOIP3V yueen; n-venlj hidden secrets of the present and future, will give Fittings for a few days at lu3 Spruce street. All who have been unlucky In love, business or kindred subjects, call on the Madam and consult her. Misses treatments. This !f the best week to consult the Gipsy Queen on all subjects. Hotels and Kcstaurunts. THE ELK CAFE, 1:5 and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L &w7 passenger depot. Conducted on th European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMWSTEUHOfELT ' Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Amerl can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. jf7 Pioneer of the ho tMA??A ter ln New Vor Tl I i I B 8 Noted for Its supe f tyWfe J tion, superior roo Pioneer of the hotel cen rk city. superb loca rooms nnd excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE! VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any tlrst-class hotel in the world. Facing Central Park, 5Sth and 59th sis.. Plaza Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at 59th St., which latter in tersect all surface nnd elevated roads; terminal station 6th nve. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drinkin.T water nnd Ice used Is vaporized and frozen on the promises, nnd certified as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. ill ill Bfl OF SCRANTON. Mil Special Attention Given to Business and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Stocks, Bonds, and Grain, Bought and sold on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Tradf, either for cosh or oa margin. 0. duB. DIMHICK, 41a Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS I SPECIILTT. Telephone SOOa. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RY are located the finest Ashing and hunting Brounda in the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Mnritimo Provinces, Mlnuaapolis, Ht. Paul. Canadian and United States North wests, Vancouver, Heattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., ban Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through train. Tourist oara fully fitted with bedding-, curtains and an tally adapted to wants of families may be had with soeond-claas tickets. Bates always lea than via other, linos. For fall Information, time tables, etc., on applicatioa to E.V.5lMNERl O. E. A. . 3E3 BROADWAY. REW YORK.