eft TWELVE rAGES 84 COLUMNS. SSCKAXTOX, PA., SAT V U DA V MOUSING, SEPTEMI'.Ell It, 1833. TWO CENTS A COPY. ' SUMMER 11 MO" ICS. Are all hitt over row Phil most sensible l.eoplo are preparing for cir looking for ward tn th' comfort itiiil plc.i.nire of ln)ini outing ine long winter months tlint .lie nln n 1 o;' us. Year liy year the manufacturers of Curtains mitl 1 r:nn'r:fj are making wonderful progress .11 designs ami tir l ,-t e effect that hnrmoniau excellent ly with Kit tho surround. lies et Imme. Pu matter wheth-r It be tin- ensile of i My Lord Duke or tho collate of the at'tiznii or prusam. I.! tile money' buy's a lot of prettlness in Curtains .in'l Draperies this Kali. nil more money but adds to the rich ness and lineness. Ni manor how your aai'jlt'on or purse muy run, we can suit you. 0 TP 11 dill hnve Just come to hand. The rnnrra embraces all that is des.rnble and fash ionable and the var.ety of new pat terns In Irlsli Kti -.rat--lt ' for Dinlntr Itooms or Bed Rooms are much In demand. Imported fish nets, Go-Inch Notting ham nets, with tacked edges and double borders, sash nets,. In all sorts of ways. etc.. are among the new tilings shown, nnd you are Invited to i iook me siocK over. are bright, new and pretty and not at. till expensive. II gh colorings In nil dhnilfs, tinsel effects, etc., give a hint at styled. In Satin Derby. Chenilles etc., come in many new ways. Klgures are new, too, and a llttlo lower than last season. there, we have a full line of Curtnln . I'oles, Fixtures, Rods, Chains, Hooks, etc., and In these odds and ends we'ro money savers. ..'. ' ::,-WMEI0USE: ' ';: New dill ! Nets prapencs Pirtiers Besides IflAJOD WflRHHI ELECTED He .Is A(iiin Chosen President t f Kcniiblicnn State Lcapc. PROCEEDINGS OP YESTERDAY Stirring Speeches by lion. Chnnnccy I". l;iuck Hit J A, ilsim Norris. tihecis for Senator Unity Governor Hustings. York. Pa.. Sept. l:l. The largest con vention In the history of the Republican P. ague of the state of Pennsylvania, was called to order In the Opera, House lure ly President Everett Warren Jit lii.-li o'clock this morn I us. The roll rail showed that IS) clubs were represented in the convent Ion. Tin- tirst .uttbrenk of enthusiasm or. ourrod when tin- club named In honor of l'.onjumlu Haywood, the candidate i for state treasurer, was called. Lotnl I applause iiii'l cheering followed the j calling i '' Hi c-ltih name. When tin- M. S. i.'utiy club f "liiladolphla was oall'd nnoi her shout wi nt up from the ussoiu- I Med delegates. When the roll call was i t'n.ished ohioers of the convention were i nominated ami Hubert Hair, of York, b llvercd an address of welco.mc to the ii' eKa:" on behalf of the Republicans and citizens of York. President Warren, In reapers?, said: A few years ami mich a reception ns thin to a KeMilKcan orviin'zat1 o-i l Yok eiitinly would have been striiiiKO Indi'cd. There wei ha'ily enough Uepuhlicana in this county to form a n-spectatile eoiu tn:t tee. - Thing,) nre d ITe'ent now. York is swinirini; away from h--r 1 lenioer.ille moorinirs, thneks, to the eflorls mid hard work of the Kcntletucn busy til.y mak Hi' comfortable and happy, mid In I ho near future we rxptvt to see York county where she heltttii;s. In the front ranks of tlie Ib publcaii count s of the common wealth. ! President 'Warren then delivered the j annual opetilnK nddrcss. When Major Warren pnld tribute to M. rt. ijuay a mighty shout went up. Klaus and uir.brella.i were waved aloft, and cheer after clu er tilled th house. The enthusiasm did not subnlde for several iiioments. r:x-I.leutennnt 1ov ernnr I'.LleU, president of the Stat? leasue of Demof ratio clubs, was dis co; end In the audience and was escort ed to the platform by John M. lbibin Foii amid ib afiplii' chcrs. Letiers of r'jrret were read from Rob ert T Lincoln. William M;-Kitiley, Adjutant 'Vneiril Stewart, Tli.iMns li. llo-il nnd M. S. ijttay. Ki le was chosen as the next place of meetitiK without opposition. ' ' A Kb ess hv Chiiiinccv I'. ll!nck. I There l.elns loud calls for "Hlapk." I Major Warren Introduced '.Hon. I'haitu- ! cey F. lilaek. tli 1 leiaoi'ratic club':! j I'l'.Tich. in, who pr.e viaitied tile conven- . t.o'.i witin liis reasons for lvintf a l)em- ! oci.it. '.io i aid a hi.ifh tribute to i ht , I'., pu'-'i'e'an clubs for their eliicieut or- ' KUnization, and predicted that comln j campaisiiH would be contU of clubs, ' puppltrneiited by newspapers. ilu j i tioiiKiy tir-pid the orKatil.itliit of i litical i.U'.bs in bolU. parties to lhn.iiil lVa.TSTrtotnt't'rnr1rttnrfi.-.r.( In fun Ameritiirs. H. paid a tribute to lienjaniln hai riy.in as a true Atneri- can and ij rover f'l-veland us a greater A tuer loan, anil ivtiicd amid tremend ous applause. The elee i,,n of ofllpers being in order, A. Wilt-on Norrls presented the name of iMajor War re a fir president. Wilson Norrls, in nomlnat Inir iMajor Kvuvu VVarrea for president, said: Th" vuti"'3 of the stale have a diiiy l i perr.irui th s fall. . .y tli- day befo-e ! ste-day Ihe pn liin.iiar:es of anol.ier tuneiai wei.e an tng.-d at W.'lllfiin.-port. i n tin r.ih day of November next we will bury all that ,s left of poor l, mocrucy ill I Viii.s: ivun a. .M iy th. y neeivo nn n y fi:' ti:.. i" miin foid s' ns and wlckcdni .'. II !::. r, at tils tim" we are but sk.v me li rig fur po- tion. The battle conns i.i lv"l. le t there b no .mfe in Ihe par.y. I,et every member of the Itcpulilictu leaaue In th s suite, wjether he h it s .ded with one faei'an or another, stand liy th'i chairman of the state eommitli for can ho not wi ll rely upon Ihe pol.t lc sig:-:c',y and eonsiimrmite ah'bty ( .Miilthi w iVii'"1; y rjuay? We want a pr--Ident of our league who will aid the regu lar party organ zntinn in is light aga.nd Democracy. We want leader who wll nmnoth the dlffercrnis In our ranks nnd point to tlie c immiri fnn ns the (Pri-rllou f,)r our coiubpied foreet !ird (!ii( rg.'-s. fientlcmcn of the ennve''irn. I take pleas- lire in nominal' rig Major KvcretU W.i -ren. Major llvcrctt Wnrrcn Hc-lllcetcd. The nomlna.tlons wire closed nnd Major Kverett Warren re-elected presi dent of the league by acclarimtlon. J'r. Warren declined to make another Hpccoh. but thanked the convention for the honor conferred upon him. Seven vice nresJdcnts were nominated by ac clanrmMon as follows: A. Wilson Norrls, Iiatiphln; H. If. Shltididj York; W. Siroul, tHiesb r; I.'udore C-'abel. Krle; .1. TI. Moore, Phila delphia: 3. II. C.lbson. Philadelphia; John "M. 'l,'irk. Vlttsbiirg. K. N. Hnn did h. Pittsburg;, was tdected recordlntf secretary; Mnylon D. Young, of Phila delphia, was re-elected treasurer. At 12.111 it he convention adjourned until o'clock. When the convent km re-nssembled after the noon recess the committees on resolutions and national, delegates were ctJIc'l on for their reports. As tiny were not ready 4o report iM. .1, Dowllng. secrrtnry of the National league, wns Introduced, nnd made an address. In which he made suggestions how to Improve the efficiency of club work, and particularly called attention lo and endorsed the Iowa system of league work. I lie Pint form KeporteU. The coinml'ttce on resolutions then re ported the following platform: The Itepiibrcati League of Pennsylvania In their e ghth miiiual conviiition asien bled in this beautiful mid liop't:ihe city of Yoik, congratulate the people of the commonwf altli on the ntttrnniu of the elee tlnns last fall, in the selection of uble and Clllclent olllcers for the Hlute govnrnme. t. nnd.by the tilectlon of twunty-elglu out of the thirty congressmi n from Pcniinvl. vnnia to the Kifty-fourth eongrer, ly sut'h unparalleled mnjorltles ns to assure us, toik'nir Into aeeoimt the results In our s'.strr Htali'M, a glorious '.Vflt oiuil victory In IWiii. We realilrm our steadfast ndhereneo to the principles of the IKpuhllcnn party ns detlned by the rmliomil platform of KM, and tho state platform of 1NIT., ch'ef among which flre; A protective tariff, reciprocity, fa r elections, honest mom y, the perrrKinent betterment of tho h'gh wnys of the slnt", ro free trnde, no dc Btructlon of Induslrles, no falhiro in reve nue to support the national ifovernment, no tllsercdil'ng tho flag, no betrayal of Ihu Interests of the Union sold ers. We lindorso the ftopubrcan state ticket nominated last month In tho person of Hon. II. J. Haywood, the present ef!lcl"pt ensliler of the treasury, ns state treasurer; the six Keptrbllcan namlnoesi for the Su perior court, Charles H. R'ce, John J. Wlckhnm, H. N. W'.llnrd, George 11.' 0 -Indy, Jnmrs A. Ttrnver and Howard ,1, Renler, O'll men of the highest personal if tegrlty, eminently well lilted to discharge the duties of Ihe l.nch Impnrtlnlly and W 'th due regard to the rights of all clasaes of the people.- In pursunneo of the nbjeets for wh'ch tho Republican league, wns founded, nnmely. the advocacy, support nnd mn'n- tenonce of Repuhllcnn princlrrfet lindcrM the lentjersti't) or tne rctrtnar party orgnn Isatlon, we hereby pledg the suppor of united Republican party, the leal, spirit and enthus'asm of the clubs, and the :ir .ml.valual work of their niember fliil tt'Wail parly .Huee-s, the esiuulistt no'tit uf the pr ueipleA cun'ta nel in the stale platform, nnd the bet mi ot- "ir camHilafes, with n coiilldiiil belief that tor tin ted a.'iieil w II ivsull 'u u triuiii pliant e tory at the poll. Whereas, youtiu men. In every county are raily and an oils to take an uel.vn Inienst .n CepnblU an parly nn'airs, this leni;iie cordially n commends, the oik.iii' tat.oli of younn Iteiuibl.eanH h.lherto un oriiaiiixed ii'd n-nnesls th.' party leaders to K.ve all imssble iMiomi'iixcnvnl to iiHivemeiitM In that ihrectlnn. Mr. Norrls' Ainciidincnt Mr. IMttr. tlie chairman of the com mittee n resolutions, inovetl that th report be adopted. At this point A. Wilson Norrls moved that the resolu tions bo amended by the Insertion of the followlns: "We Indorse the action of the late stitte convention In selecting that Kallaii't leailer. Senator M. S. gtiny, for chalrniau of the state committee." Tbr te.'idinir of the anieii.l.neiit pro voked n bold outburst of enthusiasm, followed by cheers for tjuny. A (spirited debate fidlownl. factional f 'cnnus beliiK illstdayed with much em p'uisb. A motion to adopt the resolu tions and amendment was carried una I'innntsly. nnd wns received with Kreat eiiei-rlnu'. Ml. Moore, of I'hiladebdila, olTel-ed the followlnff as an umetulment to the resolnt loan: HeonlvtMl, That we h-ar!'ly imliose Hie ialot e ii'lmin'sii al ion of laiilii II. Ilasiiir.'s, KoVellior of the sl-lte of I'elill sylvan a. a d nlllim our eonil.li'iii e in Ills ubiety to conduct the responsible duties of his o'llee. After A warm debate the amendment wns adoote.l unanimously nmld loud cheerlnK f'ir ijuiiy and llastliips. A reKolotloti drawn up nt a caucus of the eoloted clubs of the league was .resented for incoriKiratlon In the plat form, nnd cl Idled a sharp debate. The resolution demanded that a color-. 1 man be appointed as a delegate to the National league convention, tin mo tion the-resolilllon was accepted by the convention ami ordered to bo Incor- oornte I n tie- otnoiai report ot in proceedings. This concluded tin wol I; I of the convention. The doors were thrown open to the public nnd a.m.'i"S mrctlnir was held. Addresses were made by Hon. (tulusha A. lrnw, Woodn-nnsee. president of the league and CotiRressman Oalzi 11 I). I. Ohio PATUI0T1C SYMHCATi:. Will Keep I'p the .fluid Ucscrvc. Tlionp.h Not Obliged To -Mistake In Rcpiirtini! tiold ContrllMited. New York, ifept. 13. J. d'lerporit Mor pan said this afternoon: "The obliga tions of the bond syndicate to the rov-e-nment w re discharged when the f!niil luiynie'it of the bonds was made on June 110 last. Nevertheless It Is the Intention of the syudi.-ate to Continue, to do all In lis power to maintain the gold reserve. Tlie date Oct. 1, up to whieh time the syndics has an option on any new Issue of bonds, will not mark the limit of efforts to keen the reserve any more thru the date of the final p.ijment for the b oi lt did. The syndic:. te Is anxious to if e the finances of the covM muor t Vc;it in rood oruo" ; 'iri- ii: v, ts-Hii a.if.. in repwrtln.i the gold contriluited to the government I by the banks today. The n rount put In Ihe suh-trcasury Una Jlinii.nuu nnd I not $.'.4i)O.0in). A contribution of Sl.Mn. Uofl credited to the Park bank wns in reality made on Wednesday nnd wns included in the lump sum of Jil.ftiln.anu. which wns announced at the time ns having been received from the syndi cate." 15AM. IM.AYI'KS lXJUKKI). tlnhle Cnr (lol'itles with tho linsttm CI tin's 'It us. l!:il;imore, ftept. 1". The 'bus In which Hie Huston ball players were re turning 'to their hotel from the ball paik after 'today's came, was run In'o by a cable oar at the corner of Kutaw street and IMadison avenue. Several players were thrown to thy ground. Harrington received bruises fibout the head and less. Michael Hnvln, the driver, had a wrist broken. The cithers were considerably sliak'-n up, but not seriously Inlured. Iliirring toti'r Injuries will probably keep hint out of the game during tlie remainder of the season. ICLF.CTKICIAX'S ACCIDENT. Jesse Shank Terribly burned nv n l.lvo W Ire. Lancaster. Pa., Kept. 1H. While Jessr Rlwink, foreman of the Hdison Klectrlc! lllumlnntlng comtiany, was repairing; witvs on a pole thirty feet In height this evening, he lost his footing, nnd, graspltiK for mtpporl, his right hand sdized a wire which was charged with 2,201) volts. In his agony Shank pulled the will- toward him, and the current burned IhPrtigh his clothlnt; nnd Into his Mesh. He dtopped unconscious to 'the sidewalk, and when aid reached him he gave no nlgns of life. In this condition he was tnlien home, but after two hours' work physicians succeeded In restoring the man to pnr ll.tl consciousness, liy the fall from Ihe pole Shank received serious Intern al Injuries ami had n leg broken. lie was terribly burned by the current. 'I'll INK III. IS A HANK KOI!l;l'!J Philadelphia Detectives I ninnsk n Lehigh County Prisoner. Allentown, Pa., Sept. 111. Two Phila delphia detectives came here today and saw Jatiii s 10. I.Moore In jail nnd possi tivily Identilled liliu a one u' it ho. men wiio robbed a 'bank In lotva some mouths ago nnd shot a deputy niter I If. An Iowa ollleer Is now on Ills way east to complete the Identification. Itrnwl linds In Murder, rhlladelphlii. Kept. ID. During a drunk en brawl nt Wayne, suburb of Mi's r'.ly, last, nlt'.ht. John McCarthy v.n, stabbed ijy either John Kelley of M.'chnel Tra nor, ir d" then thrown over a tlfty-fuo' cm-, b.'iiikiiiciit into a stone ipmrry, MeCartliy was fniind this morn ng iind' it Is bel evoil he will tile. I toth Kelley and Trniririr, who had attacked the man, vero nrreoted. Heading Tears l p Track OHtysbtirg, Pa.. Sept. is. The Krnd'mr ra bond early this niorn'ng lore up tl'Ml fict of the Inirk oft. Hound Ton branch, wh'(1t had beer li asrd to the electric rail way nnd used by It for two years ns a portion of IM clrcn'l on the battlefield. The work was done before daylight. No explanation Is given. Talked About Need Plrds. W'lm'ngton, Did.. Sept. W Chnrles Theodore Russell Hates, aged 21 years, shot nnd killed 'h'msolf this morning. It Is supposed with suicidal intent. H" had been taJklng Just before with a cousin about shooting reed birds. More (1,ecln Vlctlmsi, Calumet, Mich., Sept. 13. Two morn bodies were recovered from the Osceola, mine th's morm'ng. They wrro discovered at tho n'neternth level. Th leaves three bodies yet o be recovered. The fituernla of some of the victims were beld today, : Honolulu an Infected Port. . ' (5n.'-n Krnnc'sco, Sept. IX Tho board f.f heallih this morning declared Honolulu nn Infected vort nnd ordered that a rigid quarantine be observed. , . VEIEBiSJTJBOISmiE EncnmniiK'nt T.ntls with tliu Most ISrilliiint Hall dlvcn in the South. RIGHT THOI SWD TAKK I'AKT Itiislncss of the Sessions- Kcport of 'im mince on Pciislonsi - I'isciissioii-Ovcr the Memorial luiy Itesulnliun. ItciiarJi"- Sue of Yctcraux, Ivouisville. Ky.. ?ept. la. At 10 o'clock tonight when tlie bugle was sounded for the grand march or one of the most brilliant balls ever Kiv-n Hie south, tile (ilv.nd Aliliy eiii'iiinp nieiil of '!. passed nun bislory. Klfiht liiotLsand ot toe Lading til i;aus ot J .ouis tile and vl.'.loi s I l oin abroatl pat lleipuled 111 toe luiielion. Coioael i.uwier uiul '.Wis. John A. l.oau and t n-i iovei nor Simon l.uekiicr and .Mis. 'Wallace, ot 'hnao, nave u reception to tlie cue anionic nt oiiiciuls anil tbie- : Kti'S while the tcsilvit lea were in lrtig ; less. The exodud ot vlsituis wua on in ' eatuesi nil day, I lit lens of thousands whom: laces are turned tow, irds Ubatta i iioiij,a and t'lili Kaioauua will remuiii ! over until iSatiuoay and .Sunday, in every rcipcd the ncaMpiiieiil has boeii all ut'et u neliinng success. W In n the delegates I'e-assemhlcd to day several hui.ilud failed to respond to tlie rod tall, and I lie absentees were roundiy scored by Ctdont I Haw let, tvln objected to tlie drudgery of the week being left for a few. t Ktpoit of Pensions (aunmit tec. The report of the coinmllti-e on pen sions, voiiipuct'd ot oii'j rcpicsentaiivo from eucii Mlatt: and territory, wad listened to wild profound attention. In pat t il was us follows; Jiieliiaud Ainu oi the itcpulillo, .u na tiollUl i in .iii.vaK .o liilllr.liil, .-oeuk.n lul :1H Woila, ueidy and suneinig coat- ii'iii rf, wnu in ti,e days to Lni,r oiito inUc to llie.r d. stressed couMiy ab tioit luey had and all l.'uit they heul near in o. i.er mat Hie i n.on m.ym Ke pr. verve I iiuael, apiieai.ng to liie whoie jicopie for just.ee, suii'iiimy proo s;s uku.iisi a j'ooi y wiiich would uuioive, u.m.uibh ur .uipa.r tlie iihi . ul pro ins loade .lining un. past tli.rty years lor tue man who hud ooriie the badic, and for Ills w.dow and orpuiins i:i rt-i'ogn l on ot the saered trii:-t impose! upon Uei.i liy tne iminorial l. u coiil. .-e allil l.la iul colislruel.on bad Jeia lt:il in aeeol'ili in e Willi leeugnied e-gal prim-pliM, appl able to ri-med.al leg. slat. on, so Dial the remedy sough; to tie provided should be furnished, mi l ih" ti lis; so Imposed and recognized, fully ued faithfully carried out, lull us the years hae parsed, the Smoke of battle blown away and the war itself Income a memory and pulsed into h story; Lie old soldier has come to he looked upon "omewh.it .n the light of a burden iiisu iol of a gi'-at and pa:rii tie priv.lrgc. ns lie clioiild rHd iple.ir when viiwei! in his true character. Deferring to Hi s v:i w eon.-aruetioiis havo bi e:i given to laws and iiii.I-t whii-h btir tli'tis aral restritious have tietu imposeil upon thiso II uhif lo stand up under thein, mid tlm Just luovinnns auihoriced have lain iirudg'iii'.ly doled u it as though laws uisseil In the !nU'iv':i uf tae iM'iisinner lis u Just recuitntt o.i of th" obl gation of the coimtiv w.n- dim nail laws to be the coimtiy wele ci'lm nail laws to ahei'eoi' t.'.e'.. vh'' e!,"(Ti.e:i, . tr jiaia- r It-', seck.ni; unjust admission to tho treasury of I be t'nited S-iatfs. No nut'.on Unit is iinm'uilful of Its duties to its defenders can expect that hear y, ir:'grudKlng loyally wh' h Is Ihe pride mid glorv of the American sold it; mid we demand for our coinr.i li s th at Just Jreatni' nt that the country heartily con elded. lieeeil'ng from no position heretofore taken ivninrnong all our previous decla rations on Ihe subject, we specially d" rnond n liberal and Just constructing of the laws passed for Hie benefit of the pen sioner, to the end that h's dn lining years lnnv not be harn(d w'".h debts born of dls! rust, or the dilliculties thrown around h'm by a rigorot's and restr'eled eonstruc t'on of laws passed i l the effort to relieve his necessities; Mcnioifal Day Resolution. A resolution on Memorial Day which Was an Indirect reference to the dedica tion of tlie Con federate monument nt Chicago Inst May, caused considerable discussion. Tlie n miIih ion was Intend ed to condemn the desecration nf what was termed the most acred day of the year to Cr.-iml Army of the liepublie inen. and this excited most unfavorable expression "f opinion. One delegate I pointed to what Mr. .Watlcrson paid i yeeterday Hull both the ConfeoVr- nto and federal ile.i'l were coinrauos on the "other side of the dark river" now and Insisted that it was not a perfect encampment to notice the Chi cago Incident. Ultimately the resolu tion was withdrawn. The matter of admitting to the flirt ml Army of tho Republic the members of i'lins of Veterans was reported favor ably by the committee. The discussion of the resolution showed so tutieli op position to it that In order not to kill it entirely Its supMirter.s .succeeded In having II referred to the committee on rules nnd regulations, to bo reported upon at lite thirtieth national en campment, nt St. Paul. An iidver.-e report wns rendered on the proposition to st :ildl::l perma nent hendnunrlers f ir the organization, but In favor of accepting nn offer to store ,'irrblves In Indepeiidt nee Hull, Philadelphia. flfflccrt lllcctcd. Tito lls.t of olllcers for file ensitlnrj year wns completed by the nelection of .1. II. Whiting, of Wisconsin, as Fiir geon general and T. C. Cliff, of Utah, as rlinplriln. Ills associates were Installed with the usunl exercises, and at 2.I1D o'clock the encampment adjourned sine die. Petitisyl va nln Is represented on the new council of administration by Charh a W. !erwlg. New Jersey Is rep rest, n ted by .1. .1. Ketits. The Hist meeting of the new council of ndmlnlslrnl.Ion was held thin even ing at. the Halt House. Commander In d'.ilef Walker prertded nnd announced the appointment of fiener il Irvln Hoh blns, of Indianapolis, as adjutant gen eral. In the chancery court today Judge Lovoy dissolved the Inunction Issued yesterday restraining the otllcers of the Women's Relief corns from excluding Mrs. Clark, of Canlon. )., from Its convention. The court took the rrrounil that no property rlghlsj were Involved. At this nfternoon's session national nf flccra were elected ns follows; Presi dent, Kllnnbeth Turner, P.oston; senior vice-president, Mary A. Nlneklrk. I.onlsvIHe; Junior vice-president, 'Mary iPlelnstnen, St. Houls; treasurer, Isabel T. Daglcy, Zanosvlllc, O. fjeneral Walker Issued general order No. .1 tonight announclntr that he hail assumed command, anil that headquar ters an; established at Indianapolis. vi;ilanti:s FOUND CUIIrY'. I Acquitted of Murder, but (lonvleted of Arson nod Assault. ' Fort iSm'lth, Ark., Sept. 13, OeorRO iMeKlroy, Henry Hook, Charlea Hook, Ir. John JlioHland and Thomas Stuf flobeam, prominent And representative citizens of the (Ireek Indian nation, have been convhited In tthn TTnlterl StatOB court on four charsres of deadly assault nnd mrson. Their cases ktow out of the attack fcy vigilantes upon the homes of Jlrune ami Kugene Miller, hnrborers of outlaws, near Jennings, O. T April in, IH'JI. . III the ilfht "Dutch John" was kUlod and Mrs. KlUabeth Miller, aged TO; Herman Miller, used X were wounded, and both of the Millers' houses burned. Tlie defendants were tried and acquit ted of the murder of-"Dutch John" l.o-t cpi'litx. They have Ins n very coii spl. one in their warfare upon tin; bord er bandits. isoY iiANCi.it ijy it is iii:ai. Could Not i:tricntc It from a Stove pipe Hole. P.tlstol, Pa., Sept. li!. A peculiar ac cident, in which a lad nearly lost his bead, net lined nt pine Run. Mr. Det wi Her was in tlie habit of hoisting his sou up to tlie ceiling In play. The lad on tun asion seized hold of the floor nbove tliroui'li a stovepipe hold nnd drew his head through. Immediately he discovered tlia.1 he could not ex tricate his head. Thorn wns gn at al arm for aw hile. It was necessary to break the crock ery In the stovepipe hole In order to set the boy free. ESTIMATES OF Till CROW. Dun biiJ Company (.mention the Keliuhil Ity of the liovcritment Hefiorts-The Cotton Crop. Now York, Sept. n. It. (1. Dun nnd company in their weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will soy: A slight set-back which may menu much or nothing, according to the final outcome nf tlie crops, Is not unexpec ted at ll:.ls season. If the government crop reports were correct, the situation would not be encouraging, lint not much contlth'iiee is placed In the re duced estni.iale of corn: none at ail In the estimate of wheat, and even the most enthusiastic bulls do not think 11 worth while to nuote the government report as to cotton. The fact Is that we are beginning to market not far from 2.llou,niM,ooo bushels of corn, though only about iiOO.UOil.OOit bushels w.ill be moved from the counties, wheru It Is grown; about 4."iO,UiJh,0"i) bushels of win at of which tlie farmers are unwisely holding back a large propor tion; and ubuut ",i!0n.Oilu bales of cot ton, If the bitter indications are not eriotieous, as .they very easily may be, to udd to the stock carried over. The wheat crop Is evidently larger than the depart men t has estimated, though nobody knows how much larg er, and Is coming forward with more encouraging rapidity, no less than H, 77:!,17i! bushels having been received tit western ports against fi.t -Id, ;'.") bushels for the same week last year, from a much larger crop. Th.' price declined sharply, about 2 ceiils per bushel, with little Indication of recovery. The price of corn bus also yielded with a strong prospi ot of the laigert crop ever grown, and at lis cents at New York a lar.ge proportion of the crop will be of Httle profit to farmers. It we are to have a large crop of gmln nnd a small crop of cotton It is natural to Infer that manufacturers may find large transactions at the west, but not at the south. There is. In fact, n very late di rnand for goods at the west and west-bound shipments are uusuully large, although the cist-bound ship ments from Chicago for four weeks of .August amount to only 2I0.H1S tons against 2:2.111- for ihe same week in lVii. v. The larsest ovrfput of pig Iron ever known, IH-MC'I) tons. Is apparently sup ported by n reduction of 6l.mil tons in stocks of pig iron unsold, hut the fact that the great steel companies have tn'ien largo (iiiantlties, which are not Included in the oflicial statement, ren ders t!v account of stocks less valuable. The failures during Ihe week were iv" In the I'nitrJ Stal.'S a.'ralnst 2t! last year, nnd IM In Canada against 44 hut yar. St UK FFLL I2,0!H IT.ET. Horrihlo Pcnth of nn Aeronaut's Assist ant, Who (In in; lit In the Ropes. P.irkershurg. W. Va.. Sept. 111. "Wil liam Davis, alias Kline, of lllooindale, ., while assisting Professor Rlrch, of Clncinnai'.l to mak- it ballon ascension at the Pt nnshnro fnir, became entang led In the ropes, unknown to Rlrch and was carried up Km) feet, when Hlrch cut loose, the parachute coming down safely, leaving Davis ascending. The balloon shot up 2,(i(io feet and caught fire. Davis fell to the ground, making an Indentation the shape of a man six Inches dit p, tho body jump ing ten feet lu the air after striking, rpwards of 0,000 people witnessed the accident. :i.i:vi:lam) m is hack. A Deputy Internal Revenue Collector Dis missed for Criticising. Lynn, Mass., Sept. l:i. John L. Park er, deputy Internal revenue collector for the district nf Marblehead, was noti fied yesterday of his dismissal from that position. It Is alleged that the reason for his removal was given us "offensive partisanship." Mr. Parker is Ihe proprietor of a I.ynn dully paper In which lias ap peared recently many, articles severely criticising the present federal admin istration. - snaki: in iif.r iji:i. Sleeping Companion That rtadly I'right ened Mrs. Williams. Hrlstol, Pa., Sept. 1.1. A most dis agreeable bed companion nearly fright ened Mrs. John Williams out of her senses. She resides near I.Morrlsville am) yesterday round a snake about two feet long colled lip In the middle of her bed beneath Ihe cover. The woman's screams brought her daughter upstairs In n hurry, nnd the two dispatched tho Intruder with llat Irons. konsted Mint Alive. ban lrani'!seo, Sept. I .'I. A loon I paper it j..-. siiiion.il siory stal ng that euoTiieo mis amen lo. i lie K.m si, i,.. dru'ean refugee who was surrendered to the aulhorluies ill Ha Libertad by the cap. tain of tho Clly of Sydney, who was seized ny ii li.uertail, was saltiraled with coal oil and roa.'iled nHve. Tile statement is made in (lie same paper that llnsla mento was sinri'iulered upun the order of iueiiciiii consular agent at Ixi nibeelad, I nlled American Mechanics. Philadelphia Sept. 1.T-A continuous af ternoon lino cven.vg session enabled the national council of the order or United American Meehnnics to conclude Its dollh eratinns ton'ght and llnally adlourned. The most '.miiouln it matter discussed nt the nrteraoon session was a resolution di recting the boa til of. olllcers to report lo inu next milium meeting Ihe advisability oi roimil'nis a homo for aged and Infirm meui'iicrs, John II. Lemon Dying. HollhlnyRhurg, I'll., Sept. 13.-Ex-Aud. tor lieneral John R. Union and tho tires. cnt statu senator from tho Hlirtr-Canibrla district, Is reported lo bo. dying at his home In this- city. Senntor human was one of the lending (juay workers at the late slnto' eonve-.llon. While there ho eoitmeted a heavy cold, which llnully Ue. yeloped into plfuro-piiHUinonla. v . t , Took a .lolirnnlist'H Wenlth. London, Bcpt. 13. The Chronicle will to morrow publish a tllspntch from Paris stsitlng thmt two Knglitih thieves by a eon tldence trick, rtvblied a Kentlemnn nnnted Williams, doser.blng himself as a journal 1st mid novel'st of Phllodelnhln. of a nork ethook containing 1S.0IW and checks of the value ot w.uuu rranes. - thumb lioth Uuniiivcn ;iik1 Isclin Refuse to flay Any Mure. AITAIK BECOMES tikesome (icneral Taylor's bind Offer Itcjcctcd with I linnks-'l lio Valkyrie Hay llccti Dismantled W bat Mr. Katscy Says. New York, Sept. 13. There Is no. pos sibility of any more races between Valkyrie III and Defender or any other yai lit in tub; country, ns II. iMaitiuiid Kersey, hold Dunr.iven's representa tive, here, mid today that lord Hun raven had positively decided ntit to race aeain. Mr. Iselin also said that De fender would not race again, ut least for some time. The regatta committee of the New York Yacht club, which hud charge of the sailing of the cup taoos, will make Its report to the America's cup committee in a day or two, urid the latter committee will then send Its report to the club. That will be the linal action in the races, and the episode will be ended. Huston, Sept. PI. The following tele gram was received liy General Charles II. Taylor this afternoon from C Oli ver Isclin, who represents the syndi cate that owns the yacht Defender: Rrooklyn. Sept. 13. Charles H. Taylor, Kd itor Globe, Boston: .Many thr.nks for generous offer. I must (lei'Mrio nt present to sail Valkyrie. (rVgned) C. Oliver Isclin. The Globe's yachting representative In New York telegraphed the following tlnis afternoon: General Charles H. Taylor: Mr. Kersey has t!euhon d me that the Valkyrie Is he.ng dismantled and that hold Dur.'Tavcn has made no fonnaj reply to your .proposition of yesterday. The work of dismantling the Val kyrie continued all day. Tlie men in Valkyrie's crew seem grtdtly disappointed at the fizzle. None of thorn would talk, however. Mr. Jtatsey, who declined to talk this morn ing was more communicative after din ner. "I'm very sorry," he said, "at tho unfortunate outcome. The excursion steamers are tho cause of it all. The management did not take the proper means to have a ch-ar course. The races should be at some place where the excursion boats cannot, or will not (jo, and the dates on which the races will be sailed should be kept sec cnt. I came over for sport. 1 have had some, but 1 go back with a great deal of regret." Herarding the time Valkyrie would probably leave on her ocean voyage, he said he did not believe she would he ready for n week, as there is a great deal to be done. I'OTTSVILLM'S NF.W CL'KSE. Hungarians llavo Orgonlcd for tho Pur pose of Intimidating l.ororcrs. Hottsvllle, Pa., f.ept. 1:!. A Hun garian named .Mike olaskj', who Is imprisoned In the county Jail, hasfdven liiformajon to the authorities charging How countrymen of his with being banded together for the purpose of forcing woikmeti of other nationalities from employment at the collieries. He has made an aiTidavIt implicating two others with inciting hint to attack 'Stiulre -Henseman because he, ns com mitting magistrate, had refused to set tle a case heard before him in which the defendant was sent to prison for aiding two other "Huns" In beating a workman named Kills on his way from the York Kami colliery. This attack, he stays, was made in accordance with a preconcerted plan to intimidate work men ns did the "Mollie Maguires" dur ing their existence, when they terror ized the region. i i'Ai Kir.i.i: Tiui'i.i: .murder. W ife, Child and l ather llutclicrcd by the Indians. Sail Diego, Cal., Sept. 13. Advices of a Irlpte murder mar has l-'lores, an isolated hamlet fifty miles up the coast from this city, have been received here. A family from rallbrook were In camp at what Is known ns the Mussel Beds, on the beach near has Klores. Tho family consisted of J. J. Horden, hU daughter and son-in-law named Stiles ami Hiclr child. The constable at Ocean iSlde received a message from Stiles to the effect that his wife, child and father-in-law had been murdered. The message was very brief, but-it Is saitl that upon returning from a hunting trip he found the bodies of his murdered family In camp. It is surmised to be the work of Indians. HIS ACCOUNTS ALL RIGHT. And Yet Cashier Charles l(. Atthouso Is Missing. New York, Sept. 13. The police have been nsked to search for Charles R. Althotise, cashier of the National bank nt Sellersvllle, I lucks county, l'a., who has been missing since Sept. 9. O that day he went to Philadelphia to do some business for Hie bank. lie wrote homo to his wife that he was worrying over her private accounts and the bank's accounts and could not stand it any longer. As nothing has been found wrong with his accounts, it Is believed that he has lost his reason nnd wandered olT without knowing where be went. He Is r7 years of age. STATE (iLL'AMMM. II cost. last month 11 1- cents n dny to Teed Schuylkill county jail prisoners. A big tlose of landiuitiin which she said she was Inking for a 'toothache killed Miss h'.7.!8i(! Ilelsternt Reading. While tear.ing down a furnace stack nt New CaHtle Stephen G'ssnrd was killed nnd John Dewlskl dangerously Injured. Throw ing n stono at some boys, Frank llir.zard. of Conshohocken, hit aged George McGotilgle, k'nuckiiiK out one eye. Rev. Dr. Samuel Wakefield, the veternn Methodist minister, died yesterday morn .ng at the rcsldcnco of ,1. II. Hrown, of We-t Newton. Dr. Wakefield wan IW yours, ti mouths nnd X days of age. TELEGRAPH IC TICKS. In trying to shoot his wife, Melvln Will iams, a drunken Clneinnoli barber, fatally wounded his 3-yitir-old boy, Vor k'W'ng Mrs. Rhea, of near Osceola, Ark., tor her money, Will Caldwell, col ored, wns hutigcd nrd shot by a mob. liy tho ' burning of J. II. Lavender's rnneh-honse, near Simkane, Wash, Jacob, nn 18-year-old son, nnd u 7-year-old daugh ter, were burnitl to death. Station Agent V. T. Thompson, of hoi Angeles, Cat, and O. T. Morton who drunk front a supposed bat tin of wine, are dond, lis the bottle contained strych nine. TheColumblnn Liberty Ttell, now at Chl enwo, hnvlnf? been gotten out of the hands of an unpatriotic constable, who "Seized It for JTii debt for 'ts keep, Will be started on a tour of the .world. WEATHER REPORT. 'For eastern Pennsylvania, fair tlnued cool; northeasterly wind. . con- HfllEf BLACK DRESS Never claimed the same attentioa as they do today. Realigns this fact our orders were placed with; tho Kngllsh, French and German Manufacturers early enough to se cure not only the most deslrahla styles of Staple floods and Novel ties, but at a Kreat saving on pres t-nt prices. It Id well kniwn that Hit rrt ft n Of a ftolr Merc Are fee Direct Thkg Fer TMs Ssase. , . Few, perhaps, are aware that to day Manufacturers have advanced the price of most Mohairs nearly one hundred per cent, higher thaa Wrren We ImM Our .rices will lear out this as iirtlon when you examine our lines, which we can safely assure you ar; unexcelled In Styles, Quality; and variety. ' 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE E A. EIRGSBURY, Agent for Charles A. Schieren & Co.'s Leather iihw The Very Best. 323 Spruce St., Scranton. CHOOL HOES tvv We are busy selling good School Shoes for good chil dren. Lewis, Eeilly k MYles, 114 AND 118 WYOMING AVE. a ElegantS'peclmemsS'iiit able for, Wedd5mg Pres ents, Birthday .Presents, Etc. ; . Eye Glasses, ' Opera Glasses and Spectacles a 5peclalty. .,' W. X- Weichel :;' JEWELER, 408 6pruc at., ''- ' Hear Dime Bnk. GOODS Novelties IN FINE JEWKI1Y. 1 , ', ' ' :VV rK ;iv'Ji ,('
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