The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Carbondal? Neute.
Jam Corrigan Charged with Selling
Liquor on Sunday.
A suit ha been brought atralnst
Jamvs Corrigan, who keeps a saloon
in Fall 'Brook, by .Mrs. Jennie Iloran,
who charge him with selling liquor
to minora and on Sunday.
The hearing wan held before Alder
man Baker, Attorney Stuart repre
senting the coinplainment, and Attor
ney Butler the defendant.
As quite a bit of evidence was brought
fegnlnnt him .Mr. Corrigan was put
under $500 ball to appear at court.
(Mr. Sainton, of the same street, has
also brought charges against -Mr. Cor
rigan, which are substantially the
came. The hearing in this case will
be held this afternoon liefore Alder
man Bunnell.
It Is said that Mr. Scanlon desired
money enough from Corrigan to have
nome pension papers signed and left
a saw as security for the money.
Trouble about this arose and the
chances against Corrigan were brought
about. Several parlies are trying to
get Mr. Seanlon to withdraw the
charges, and, In all probability, he will
do so.
His tlondamun Hives llim l'p to Officers
of the Law.
. Salvator Hevarnua. a young man of
about 20 years of ace, who was ar
rested for being suspected of being
concerned In the blowing up of Pug
lonios' place, on PumlutT street, was
surrendered by his bomlsman Wednes
day, and spent the night In Jail. Yes
terday he was brought before Alder
man Jones and was asked If he could
furnish another bondsman, but as he
Tld not think he could, he was tnUen
to the county Jail yesterday by Chief
lieracqua seems to be an intelligent
young man. and often acted as Inter
preter In cases before the alderman.
It Is -thought that the bondsman de
cided to turn him over to the author
ities because Sealuo has skipped, and
feared that Bevacqua might do the
name. Sealzo will be hunted up In
time for the trial.
The Kescrvoir Will Not Hold Water -The
Company Have I Icon to Much Expense.
Wuter was again let Into the reservoir
after the repairs which have been made
were completed. The attempt to stop
the leuk proved unsuccessful, however,
as the water still leaks out faster than
It comes In. The water now furnished
comes nearly directly from No. 4. going
Into the pipes at No. 3.
The leak has proved a very hard one
to fix. t'he water having been turned on
several times and each time It was
found that the repairs were Insufficient.
The company have been put to a great
expense and as the leak Is not yet reme
died nill have to do more work upon it.
It has been talked of cementing the
entire basin. This will probably be
done eventually, as It ts the only way
In which the leaks can be stopped. The
cost will be very great, several thou
sand dollars being needed to do It.
It Was Only Stunned, However, and
Walked Aa.
The Delaware and Hudson train
which leaves this city at a few minutes
past 7 struck a cow at the Lookout.
Engineer Unj ley felt a Jar In his en
gine and knew he 'had struck some
thing. The air brakes were at once ap
plied and the conductor went back,
thinking he had struck a person.
They did not find a persons, however,
and were considerably relieved when It
was found to be a cow, which lay on
the north-bound track, apparently
dead. When the cow came to be re
moved It got up and walked away, only
being dazed by the blow.
rank Uclls Wants Damages from W ater
Hunning Into Ills Cellar.
. The council were Informed by Solici
tor Stuart at the last .meeting of the
suit which was brought against the
city by Frank Wells and which will
come off shortly. Mr. Stuart asked
that a committee be appointed to confer
with him and to assist him In gathering
Mr. Wells claims that It was duo to
negligence on the part of the city offl
clals that water entered his basement
and damaged property belonging to him
to a large sum. The damages were
caused some time ago during a heavy
Itenth of .Mrs. Peter McDonald.
Yesterday Mrs. Peter McDonald, wife
of ex-Street Superintendent 'McDonald,
died at her home, on Kallbrook street.
Mrs. McDonald was born In County
Mayo, Ireland, in 1S41. While yet a
young child she came to this country.
Hhe married In Hif6 and six children
blessed the union, one of which died
some time ago. Those who mourn her
are her husband, Mrs. Krtward Demp
sey, Mrs. P.Walsh and Bridget, and two
sons, Patrick and Francis. The fu-ti'-rai
will be held Saturday afternoon
at .1.30 o'clock at St. Bose church and
the remains Interred In St. Hose ceme
tery. To Play Again.
The operators who went to Mill Creek
last Saturday, and who met defeat In
the hands of Skip 'Sniffer's aggrega
tion, will make an effort to recover
their lost glory, and will proceed to
wipe the earth with the same players
at whose hands they met defeat. The
game will probably be played at
Alumni park, and a small admission
charged to defray expenses.
A Sheave Broken.
Yesterday a small accident occurred
on plane 28, In this city. A train of
cars were being pulled up the plane
at the time, when the rim and one arm
of the sheave broke. A large force
of men were at once summoned and the
work of repairing went rapidly on, and
was finished In the afternoon.
Patrick .Mulono Head.
The many frlenm of Patrick Malofle
Will be pained to hear of the death of
that gentleman, which occurred yes
terday morning at his home, on Eighth
venue. The deceased had nearly
! All the latest Fall Styles.
We handle all kinds and styles.
In endless variety from 25c. to
.. Oil ClothH.Linoleums, Window
; Shades, Wall Papers Carpet
, . .Sweepers and Fancy Chairs. '
J. Scott Inglis
' . Kl-toPrlees our motto.
reached the age of 73 years. Mr. Ma
lone was a native of Ireland, being
born In that country. In Queens county.
About fifty-one years ago. In company
with a brother, he came to this coun
try and took up his residence in Car
bondale. Carbondale at that time was
but a wilderness. Mr. IMalone is sur
vived by his wife and six children, four
girls and two boys, namely, Mary, Klla.
Mrs. Martin Ilrennan. of Hancock, and
Sister Leo. who Is In a convent In
WllllamsHrt. The sons are John and
James, the latter a student In Niagara
university. The funeral will lie held
Saturday morning nt 9 o'clock. High
mass of requiem will be celebrated at
Rev. T. P. Coffey and Interment will
be made in St. Kose cemetery.
Michael and Thomas Kellv, of the
South Side, are at Poyntelie. where
they will spend several days.
Harry Timtnons, who has been-ery
sick. Is a little better today.
Dr. Burnett, of Scrnrrtorta was In
consultation with Dr. T. C. Fitzslm
nions yesterday.
Airs. L. L. Koveland, who has been
very 111. Is able to be out again. Mr.
Lovrfaml Is Improving.
I.Mrs. Hcinford, wife of Inspector Han
ford. of the Prudential Insurance com
pany, is ill ,.f .typhoid fever at h-r
boarding place.
Conductor F.dward Hubbard, of the
Oravlty. is spending his vacation at
Atlantic City. He will be gone about
two weeks. During his absence W. It.
Cleft will do his work.
Dr. Kdward Kase. of Philadelphia. Is
visiting in this city.
Wednesday a number of young people
surprised .Miss Lizzie Newton at her
home on Canaan street. Cinmes and
other atuusenien'ts were Indulged in and
me party broke up at a late hour. Those
present Were Nina Il.mch. Ollia
.Moon, i.race Kvans, Maggie Dunstan.
J race 'Hall. Bertha Wolcott and Kd
ward Oarr. Charles Ttogers. Willie Fits
Patrick. 1'oyd Fowler, Kay Clifford.
Maurice Clifford and James Plmock.
The Young 'Ladies' Cooking club
spent Wednesday at Crystal Lake.
ltev. Abram Jones, of the Congrega
tional church, left last evening for Chi
cago, where he will go on business. He
expects to be absent a month.
Miss Annie It. I.ynott, of the West
Side, Is seriously 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, of Park
street, have Issued Invitations for an
at home, which will be given this even
ing In honor of their guest, iMIss Ar
mlnta 'Schock.
W. J. Woodman, the head clerk In
Hitel Anthracite, who left on his vaca
tion several days ago, will not return
to this city, having secured a good posi
tion In the 'Niagara hotel, at Buffalo.
Mesdames P. O. and W. 'H.Olver.W".
R.IMoon, Misses Lillian Uobinson. Ruth
Rlvenburg and I.yilla Wood spent yes
terday at Farvlew.
Arthur Lewsley, clerk In Plmock's
shoe store, who has been 111 for some
time with erysipelas. Is much Improved,
and will soon be able to be back to
'Miss Roso Roland, of Leadvllle. Col.,
who has been visiting Mr. and iMrs.
John Roland, of Dundaff street, for the
past month, leaves today for Rochester.
N. Y.. where she will enter the Nazar
eth academy at that place. She is
wished success by the large number of
friends whom she has made during her
stay here.
Wednesday night Miss Martha Sing
er, of South Main street, entertained a
number of friends at her home, the oc
casion being (Miss 'Sineer's birthday.
Those present were: Misses Isatvlle
Watt, (Ir.iee IV iinn, 'Nellie Onllaghy.
Helen Shields, Kdith Bailey and Louise
Invitations have h'-en Issued for the
wedding of Miss Katie ivicNeal. of Park
street, and .lames Corrigan, which will
take place Thursday, Sept. 17.
James lM?Uarry. of Boston. Is the
guest of Timothy IMnTiarry, of Terrace
Miss Annie Murrln. of Honosdale, Is
visiting friends In this city.
'Miss Mairpl" Collins has accepted a
position In the steana dye works.
Frank iStoutenger. who resigned his
position ' as master mechanic on the
Ontario and Western recently, will re-n-aln
In this city until spring. Yester
day, with his w ife and daughter, he left
for Syracuse, where IMrs. Stoutenger
and daughter will remain for a couple
of weeks, which will be spent by Mr.
Stoutenger in Buffalo.
.1. P. A. Tlngley has returned from a
two weeks' vacation spent In the 'New
Kneland states.
iMIss 'Margaret Murphy, of Susque
hanna. Is the guest of iMrs. J. J. IJiSoJio,
of River Street.
Miss Marie Daley, of Salem avenue.
Is visiting In Wilkes-Bai re.
Emmons L. Peck has left for Buck
nell university, where h will take a
course of study preparatory to entering
the medical prof'-ssion.
Mrs. 'Hftjry Watts, of Pcranton. Is
visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. L. A. 'Roberts, on South Church
street. ,
Miss Alice 'Meigs, of Orange. N. J., b
visiting her aunt.lMrs. J. K. Burr.
Miss K.lith Norton, who has been
spending severs! weeks with iMiss Liz
zie .Scurrv. of Wyoming street: has re
rnu,l 'r hf.r home in iHokcndaU'liia.
Rert Colwell. of Jersey Cily. who has
been visiting relatives In this city, has
returned homo.
The kindergarten establish! here
und-r the patronage of Mrs. C. H.
Hackley, of Tarrytown, N. Y.. was
opened yesterday in the basement or
the Herman church. The attendance
was fully as large as had been antici
pated for the opening day, and there
ar? many Indications that In that re
spect the school will he a success.
More than thlrly little ones, all neatly
dressed, were present, nnd boMi chil
dren and teachers were mutually de
lighted with their first day's acquaint
ance. It Is gratifying to note that all
classes and denominations were rep
resented In the. gathering, and It Is
evident that the people appreciate the
liberal spirit shown by the generous
donor. The school has been Inspected
by Miss Clark, of the- Scranton train
ing school, and she Is perfectly satis
fied with the outlook for the continued
success of the school. The tenchers In
charge, "Miss Hitchcock and Miss Fow
ler, were also pleased with the appear
ance and conduct of "the children on the
opening day. . ..
The liveliest council meeting held In
many mont'hs was that of Tuesday eve
ning, when a fierce war of words en
sued between Councllmen Iane and
Gllmartln. The cause of the trouble
was the cross-walk contract, which has
caused a great deal of discussion both
In and out of the council during the
past two months. Hume time ago a
resolution was passed providing for
the payment of half the contract price
when half the cross-walks are laid. All
along Mr. Lane objected to the man
ner In Which the contract had been
awarded, and he Intimated that when
a motion to pay the bill was offered to
the council he would not entertain It.
Mr. Ollmartln charged Mr.' Lane with
being; unfair, and made a personal al
lusion to 'his conduct with reference
to the street commissioner's time,
which aroused his Ire. Words felt fast
and furious for a few minutes, and
Mr. Wagner, fearing the discussion
would come to blows, pacified the war
ring members. Mr. iManley moved that
the bill be" paid, and Mr. Wagner sec
onded his motion True to his threat
the president refused' to entertain the
motion, and, after another discussion,
relief was sought In adjournment. The
bills approved at this meeting" were one
of the Crescent Light company for SIRS;
Justus Bishop, W.5o; William Doug her,
$5; and .street commissioner's time,
fc.tSH.7e. .
fThe Plttston office of the 8rranton
Tribune has been oKned by It. W. Crusur,
Kent, at No. & Williams street, where con
tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery,
usilers for Job work of all descrip
tions, .should b addressed and regulur
subscription received. Advertising aud
subscript tin rates cheerfully submitted.)
There will be n game of ball on the
Kingston grounds Tuesday, Sept. 17,
In which the Iittston base ball club, of
the Trl-County league, and the Kd
wardsvllle club will be competitors,
the stakes being $50 a side.
The reunion of the Fifty-second reg
iment will take place here next
Wednesday. Sept. I.S. -Headquarters
will be at Fagle Hose hall. Receiving
and registering will occuoy the morn
ing. Dinner will be served by the Wo
man's 'Relief corps. The annual busi
ness meeting will be held at t o'clock.
For the first time In five years Mrs.
Wendle, of Franklin street. Is enjoying
a visit from her sons, Ed. Wendle, of
Liberty. N. Y.. and Alfred Wendle, of
Indian Territory.
Our fire laddies went to Wilkes-Barre
yesterday morning to. take part In the
minu-al firemen's parade In that city.
Those who attended were the Kagle
F.nsllie company. Mechanics' Hose com
pany nud Black Diamond Hook anil
Ladder company. The Eagles' truck
was shipped by the Lehigh Yallev.
The truck, apparatus, etc., of the Park
town Klre brigade was conveyed to the
county scat by a span of large, gamy
mules. i.Many friends of the companies
went with them, nnd a message from
Wilkes-ltarre reported that the litts
ton boys were attracting a grent deal
of attention all along the line of march.
Thomas Chicken, of .114 Montgomery
street, received an Injury to his foot
at the Stevens breaker yesterday
morning by n heavy plank falling upon
it. He was taken to his home, where
his injuries were attended to.
Mr. and Mis. W. K. Belcher, of St.
Paul, '.Minn., and IMrs Sidney Monk,
of Harmony. Indiana, are visiting their
mother. i.Mrs,Mary Hinshall. and other
relatives on Delaware avenue.
The Eric and Wyoming Vallev Rail
road company will pay their employes
Katie Flynn, of Oregon, was bitten
by n dog yesterday and taken to the
hospital for treatment.
The Leek Cornet band will take an
excursion to CJIen Onoko on Saturday.
Sept. 21. the only one to that place
from here this season.
The "Whatsoever circle." of King's
Daughters, will meet this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. A. E. Case, at 4
o clock.
Plttxton rtimlness 01 roe tor v. '
on Wr.ght & Co.. 7 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange: also
wond-hand housi hold goods, bought or
Misses IMaggle and Anna Burns left
yesterday mornlngfor Philadelphia nnd
Atlantic City, where they will spend a
few weeks.
Ellhu Day will be a candidate for
delegate from the Fourth ward for the
convention of the national delegate
ship. An Important meeting of the Price
Library association will be held tonight.
All members are requested to be pres
ent, as matters pertaining to the com
ing fair will be discussed.
Three of the Scranton Traction com
pany's trolley party cars were filled by
the Taylor Silver Cornet band's Invited
guests and Journeyed to Olyphant on
Wednesday night. The band contributed
largely in making the evening glide
along pleasantly by discoursing music
which was both Inspiring aud melodi
ous. When Olyphant was reached the
trolley pleasure seekers repaired to the
hotel of iMr. Owens. At this place
dancing was the principal pastime, and
many indulged In it. The party left on
the return journey about 11.15, and ar
rived home shortly after midnight.
Through some misunderstanding
among the passengers and the origina
tors of the affair the cars, which were
announced to leave at 11.30, went fifteen
minutes earlier, and as a result about a
dozen or more were left In Olyphant.
The oars were In charge of Conductors
McOlll, Reynolds nnd ilawley and were
propelled by iMotormen Kvans, Zcnlke
and Townsend.
There will be a village -camp meeting
at TTaylor Methodist Episcopal church,
commencing 'Sept. 22. 1X15. The follow
ing preachers will preach the following
dates, viz.: Rev. V. A. Dony. pastor,
Sept. 22; iRev. J. R. Wagner, of Avoca,
Sept. 2H; 'Rev. F. P. Doty, of Scranton,
Sept. 24; Rev. K. L. 'Santee, of Lacka
wanna. 'Sept. 25; Rev. J. F. Williams,
of Luzerne, Sept. 2; Rev. W. H. HI Her.
of Parsons. 'Sept. !!!: Ttev. S. Howiand,
of New York city. Sept. 2; 'Rev. J. C.
Leacock. of Dunmore, Sept. 3; Rev. J.
N. Leo. of Plains. Oct. l;!Hev. .1. O. Eck
man, of Scranton, Oct. 2: Rev. J. L.
Race, of iSoranton, Oct. n nnd 4; Rev. F.
A. King, morning, and 'Rev. J. fl. Eck
man. evening, third quarterly meeting,
Oct. 6; Rev. John 'Davy, of Scranton,
Oct 7- Rev. H.C iMclVrmott, of Kings
ton, Oct. 8: Rev. W. R. Cochran, of
Rendham. Oct. 9; Rev. W. H. IVarce.
D. P., of Scranton. Oct. 10: Rev. A. K
Chaffee, of ScraTrtnn. Oct. 11. 0
Mrs. Robert Anderson, of West
Avoca. gave a birthday party Wednes
day evening In honor of her daughter,
(iertrude. Refreshments were served
and the evening was pleasantly spent.
Songs, recitations and games formed
features of the entertainment. The fol
lowing were present: Misses Anna
Dommermuth, Etta Decide. Mary Oil
rov, Blanche Heebie, Ida Miller, Bessie
Morton, Bridget Ullroy, Jennie Keitn,
Etta Whales, Emma Deeble, Allle Webb,
and Masters Joe Llewlyn. William itos-
ser, Matthew Buglehal, Thomas Deeble
and William Williams.
J. J. Curtis, representing the Ameri
can Book company, was a visitor In
town yesterday.
Dr. Herge and John J. Dougherty, a
medical student of the Baltimore unl
versify, spent yesterday with friends In
John M. Langan, proprietor of the
Emmett House, visited his parents. In
Olyphant, yesterday.
John fMoKenzle Is a visitor amonft
friends nt 'Berwick, Pa. .
The county convention of the Wo
men's Christian Temperance union will
convene today nt the 'Methodist Epis
copal church. Mrs. Lucy II. Wash
ington, a speaker of national repute,
will give a Bible reading at 3 n. m.
and a lecture In the evening. Special
trains will be run over the Ichigh Vnl-
ley rn'llrond. Refreshments will be
served. All are welcome.
The Base Ball 'Dramatic company
of Mooslc will reproduce. In O'Malley's
Opera House, the drama entitled "The
Confidential Clerk." on Wept. 20.
A Junior rally will be held In Lang
rllffe church this evening. An Interest
ing programme has been arranged A
large audience should greet the little
Merton Dexbury, of Providence. R. I.,
who Is trying to break the record be
tween San Francisco nd New York
city on a bicycle, stopped at the Mitch
ell house In this place on Thursday for
dinner. Scarle, the bicycle rider who Is
trying to break the record between Chi
cago and 'New York city, passed
through this place on Thursday even
ing. Each hope to reach New York
city (Friday evening. -.
Kdward O'Brien Is visiting; Scranton
Postmaster John A. Mlllane Is en
joying a vacation at the seashore.
James Hitching has . moved . his
stock of boots and shoes In the Banner
Mrs. John iNoonan, of Elmlra, Is visit
ing friends In town. -
A meeting will be held Monday even
ing for the purpose of organising a his
torical society.
The corner stone of the 'Methodist
church was laid with appropriate ser
vices on Wednesday.
Oeorge Barnes Is 111.
The Postal Telegraph company are
loading poles at this point.
.Mrs. F. D. Lamb Is visiting her par
ents In Royal, Pa.
The funeral of the Infant child of IMr.
nnd Mrs. Anthony Olllesple occurred
yesterday afternoon ut 3 o'clock. The
remains were laid to rest In St. Pat
rick's Catholic cemetery.
Miss MameCummlngs. who has been
the guest of iMIss Alice Kelly, returned
to her home in lllyde Park yesterday.
IMrs. 'Ralph Brown and daughter, of
Norwich, are visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. li.
11. Mathcwson, on the West Side,
A trolley party consisting of three
carlouds of young people from Hyde
Park stopiied nt the Cnlon Hotel
Wednesday evening. Dancing was in
dulged In, after which a delicious repast
was served. The party returneu nome
ubout midnight.
The Initial performance at mo ratner
M.i I hew Onera house. "Outcasts of a
Great City." was well received by a fair
sized audience last evening.
O. iM. 'Hathaway was In the Electric
City yesterday.
The Republican primaries will ue
held at this place Saturday.
The 5-weeks-old child of IMr. and Mrs.
John Fadden, Jr.. of Dunmore street,
died Wednesday night of cholera Infan
tum. The funeral will take place mis
nfternoon at 3 o'clock.
Owing to a 'break In one of the main
wires there was no light In the town
last evening.
Joseph iSulllvan, In "Maloney s .Mis
haps," will uppear here on Sept. 19.
Mrs. Fred James, of Lanesboro, Is
visiting relatives here.
Miss Mary Russell, or mngnnmion.
N. Y., was called to Honesdale this
week by the Illness of her aunt, Miss
Charles Freethy.of Hawley, was In
town yesterday. He expects soon to
enter the employ of a Carbondale phur
niacy. Fred Dlttrlch has received a new
Syracuse racer, which he will ride In
the races here Aug. 20.
John Hettieh left for Colorado yes
terday afternoon, where he expects to
make his future home.
II. T. Menner and L. O. Rose are
spending a few days at Elk lake.
William Bannon and wife are enjoy
ing a week's outing at New York city
and the sea coast.
White Swelling
Came on my leg after typhoid (ever, and
pieces of the bone cameout. Rheumatism
joined the scrofula to put me in mltorv.
Hood's Bsrsanarilla proved Just the medi
cine: relieved me of pain, give me
good appetite and I laid aside my crutch
nd cane. Having taken 10 bottles
Hood's Sarsaparllla
my limb ts entirely healed and now I am
perfectly well."-. Gp.orob W. ClONWRU,
Mt. Pleasant, Maryland, fl; six for6.
Hood's PHU yobuy,euytotake,
I1UUU a JT111S easy u effect, jm.
Do You Appreciate It?
If so, consult the most eminent nhvsl
clans available, Dr. F. H. Smith and staff,
at (105 Linden street. odiiosIIh the enint
house. Dr. Smith Is and has been for the
past six months curing some of the worst
and most complicated diseases known to
liunuui.ty. Many a poor man and woman
who have been terrible sufferers for years
HEALTH through the skill of these emi
nent physicians, and have returned to ex
press their heartfelt thanks and grati
tude. Comparing those that have been
cured by us to those hat are now ailing
nut nave Deen reluctant or deterred Trom
visiting us. we find them nnlv a few.
Don't let Ignorance nor the cry of
"quack" prevail over good Judgment, but
see lor yourseir. we Invite investigation.
Consultation absolutely free from a. in.
to 5 p. m. dally, Tuesdays and Fridays
mini v p. m. , -
Oflleei 320 Washington Avenue.
Works: Nay-Aim. . V. R. ft.
m. hTdale,
General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa
Tito stock we pnrrhsseil t tbn FlicriiT'i Sulo
at llazleti'Di i'. Our Hale's sluco iipetitiiK;
provml more satisfactory than wo thought.
The crowil on Momlny wa enormously Isrife,
ml ciurktl ewMC the Hnrsln, nnd the itix k
whli li is left we ll dispone of st your inu
I'ric-e. Hale ell wmIi at the lollowlnii prices:
I case Dress lling-hsui. irruHs price, 1 cents,
Our Price, 3W Cents
I ease of Unbleached Urown Cotton, 4 4. .
heavy, for sheeting only, itroei price.
nt". Our Priee, 4M Cents
I raee Checked Crash, oil linen, prom price,
10 cents, Our Price, B Cents
1 raso Bleached Towola. by the pair,
fringed, icroas price, 91 cents.
Our Price, 10 Cents
I rase t 4 Bleached Mohawk lluslin, sron
prim, ta cents. Our Price, 12M Cents
A groat sale for the me of every botuebold.
1 ess of Turkey Red Covers. Maes 1x4 ahd
Mlxt, (roes price, ll.uo and $1.60.
- Our Pries, 80c ens! 69o.
Fast Turkey Hed.
51t teZzzat?.
' Suco on to Dr. Reeve i, at bis old itanl.
No. 412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.,
" ntinne tn treat Dr. Hesvos' old ps
tijuts and ill others who mav c ill. Call
aud sm tim. Tlicy treat you reason
ably and with great suroma Blood
Poison, Rheumattsmand all forms
of ncute chronic uud nervous disessel
of men. cm:i nnd children, and se
cret dixeasoj. Tumors, Cancer
and Goitres removed without the
use of knife or pain.
SH 911 109 P.M.
Sunday from 11) A. M. f 4 P. M.
230 Lackawanna Ava., Scranton
We are the Selling Agents
for Scranton of the $3
a stylish, hand-made, first
class Derby, guaranteed to
be as good as any $5 hat in
the market.
Three Dollars' worth ot
honest quality is all that can
be squeezed into a Derby.
You don't pay any more than
$3, do you?
Our window is full of the
in black and brown, small,
medium and large shapes.
230 Lackawanna Am
Cost of the best quality for domestlt
kse, and of all slses, delivered in ans
(art of the city at lowest price.
Orders left nt my Office
Rear room, tlrst floor. Third National
Bank, er sent by mall or telephone to the
Ulna, will receive prompt attention.
peelal contracts lll be made for tke
lale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
i HUr
Cunt-ant red 4'ure tmr
KideVlI attendlnjr ailment
rth of young and iuklllr
aral mm aud winn. The
wMi fToctaof Y HTHKIL
Rmilu of trmttnrat. KKHOiis, producing wtk
mm, Nroiia lability, Nlfhtly EmlwIonM'onmmptUtU,
Iiiwuilty , fcshftuntlnr dntinnand lumof power of the Uen-raUveOrinuiaunnulnfi-one
for-tuily, tmntriM uid mar
Hs4reiqtiuklycurrUt.ylr. lttlrlsmiHMiaUli ftrv
Ural. They n4 only cure by tatting at (tin mat of l(t
MMj but ftrtj afrrat KfcMVK TONIC a4 ItMMlD
III IIJlKHa brTiifrtnff back the pink Uw t pal
paifent. Iiymall,l.otiwrboior4) for ifrwlthwrtu
pn ffwarantr ta ear mr rrtaad tbi mkmj, Book
irvu BfaHWflirvraiRif uustvvifltw avra
For sale by JOHN II. I'll 101,1 'H, Uiu
Blst, WyomliiB ave. and Rpiuve street.
2 cases of Hummer BalhrlRgan Hen's Un
derwear, In all qualities, gi ms price, 25c.,
3jc. and SUc our
Price to Close Out Entire Lot 20o
G dozen lien's White (Tnlnundried Hhlrts,
pure linen bnwm, double front and back,
dross price, Ui c Jnts,
Our Price, 29 Cents
tn dozen of Outing Shirts, in all qualities,
. irross price, 2Uc, ,HJc Mic., to. and 7.1c.
We will make a sweep on the entire lot
and let her go at 25 Cents Your Choice
HOSI ER Y-Theae prices will bold ood
, for nil this week. Ml pair Men's Socks
at Sc., gross price, lUc, : 04 pairs Ladies'
. Fast Black Hose, gross prlie. 10 cents,
Our Price, Bet ' dozen of Kronen
Balbriggau Halt Hues, and Fast Black
Hose, e-roa iirloe. 25 cent.
, ; . . Our Price, 12X Cents
' Ladles' Vesta at one-half lets than elsewhere.
Be careful aad call.
Gotham Ha
Gotham Hat
Washburn-Crosby Co, wish to assure their many psts
rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and)
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are)
of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will taka
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three)
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail ot milling haa
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lace Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
.. .IS
Pertaining to the Carpet and Curtain Trade,
406-408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store iu the Watt Build
ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA,, Manufacturers of '
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qcneral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
"Say, you, Mr. Tront Fisherman,
do tell me the secret of Fish
Catching, will. yon?"
"There's no secret to it little Tenderfoot. It's
just getting the right kind of tackle, correct bait
then going where the fish are. All else needed is
'gumption.' " Catching sales is like catching trout.
First of all is get the right kind of Tackle that is
Stock; get the choicest, the newest, the best. Put
it in a well-lighted store get salespeople with
Neither laf and Dumb gracloatu, nor Parrot: jnst aantlbla people
who know ttaa stuff, who know wuen to apeak ana whan
to keep silent, aud there yon are; the good, are sold.
We would never have started the Clothing depart
ment with auy other set of rules, and now we want
to thauk; j'ou for the solid indorsement j'ou gave us
on Monday last your pleased faces expressed more
than words. And the manager of this department
(who is a stranger here) likes j'ou and Scranton al
ready, aud he shows it this way, in offering a neat
Cutaway Sack Suit in blue or black Cheviot at
Yes l for winter wear. Pay us as you can a lit
tle cash a little a mouth
HOME FURNISHERS, aig.M7 Wyoming Ave,
1 1
and there you are.
M.C. A. Building
Bote Sides. ,